reality shifter
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shimmershifts · 12 days ago
Hi! So I’ve been watching TWD lately and have just fallen in love with the characters and the story.
I want to shift there, I’ve gotten really attached to it, but I know it’s very scary and traumatic.
I’m worried about that, and even if I do decide to shift there, the fear of loosing people or being traumatized will keep me from shifting to it in the first place.
I have thought about just scripting out a lot of stuff but that also means the characters and situations won’t be the same and I don’t want key moments that shape characters to not happen?
What should I do?
i haven't talked about my TWD dr a lot on here but i do think it's a great example for certain things to consider when you're deciding where you want to shift. firstly, why do you want to shift there? consider to yourself what desire is actually driving you, and what you want to shift your awareness to experience.
if you've seen the show, consider if the "canon plot" is something you want to live through do you want to experience the apocalypse? really consider what it would be like for society and civilization to fall. if it happened here, would you want to live through it? consider the walkers. do you want to experience a world where that happens to people? do you want to see one? do you want to experience losing people the way it happens in the show (ie, traumatically, violently, suddenly, irrevocably, and often.) do you want the situations to be the same? do you want to experience yourself and the people you love going through that and being shaped by it?
if the genuine answer is no, then don't script for those things to happen. if the thing you're attached to is the people, the places, etc, you can change as much as you need to make it a world you actually, genuinely want to experience. maybe it's still a "post-apocalypse" world, but the apocalypse happened long before you were born. maybe there's no walkers left, or there never were any and it was a different apocalypse. maybe there never was an apocalypse and you're just living life with all those people you're attached to in a normal suburban city named alexandria. if you script the people there go through all the same stuff as the characters in canon, do keep in mind it's different to know and have relationships with real people who have that level of trauma vs knowing a character in a show who did. you could script they have the same personality but didn't go through that stuff, or were shaped by other less traumatic events. idk, my point is you do not have to shift to the "canon" plot if that's not what you really want.
i know a lot of people say you can "script out trauma" or "just script that you can handle it" or "script it won't affect you here when you shift back" and... okay, maybe those things work. but maybe they don't. the thing is with reality shifting, we do not have evidence, or proof. we don't have replicable research studies, systematically analyzed data or double-blind experiments. we only have the individual anecdotes (meaning hearsay, a story an individual tells you) and our personal experience to go off of. while you can get excellent advice or guidance from the anecdotes of those you trust, i do encourage everyone to really, seriously consider what is right for themself before shifting to a reality like TWD. is it worth the risk of traumatizing yourself? do you have the necessary support networks, coping skills, and resources in this reality to process and handle the fallout if it is traumatic to you here? do you want to do something that makes you afraid? do you actually want to experience it? if some part of you is holding you back from shifting there, it might be for a reason.
to be clear, i'm not saying "never shift to canon TWD it's too traumatic. 😠" personally, my TWD isn't exactly like canon, of course, but it is similar in a lot of ways. i chose to script that i lived through the apocalypse, there are walkers, and i have experienced losing loved ones. but i didn't make the decision lightly, and if i didn't genuinely want to experience that world in that way, i wouldn't have shifted there. i did script out a lot of stuff for safety, and for what i wanted to actually experience, but there is still some heavy, scary, emotionally costly stuff there. contrast that to my hogwarts reality, where i scripted out death eaters, voldemort, and basically any bad or scary stuff because i self reflected and considered and understood about myself that i do not want to experience anything scary or traumatic in that world, and leaving that stuff in my script was going against the original innate desire of what i wanted to experience there in the first place (for me, i currently shift to hogwarts mainly for childhood healing. sooooo why would voldemort be there 😭) anyways, you hopefully get my point.
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shimmershifts · 17 days ago
I discovered your blog literally 30 minutes ago and it truly made me feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulder 😅 Mainly bc I have been trying to understand/apply LOA and getting anxious and deeply frustrated. Your point of view makes me want to explore and actually excited to shift.
Anyway! Could you explain a little bit about what exactly is Awareness???
Thank you, in any case! 🐦🐦
so what is awareness, anyways?
in the shifting community, the words awareness, consciousness, self, you, subconscious, perception, etc etc, are often used different ways by different people, or sometimes even conflated to mean the same thing. i think this is part of the reason there is so much confusions surrounding the idea of "clones" and your other selves in other realities, because if our shared definition of "awareness" is so murky, then what does it really mean when someone says you can shift your awareness to another reality?
so what is awareness? and when we shift, do we leave something behind?
the dictionary defines awareness as "knowledge or perception of a situation or fact," and i think this is a very apt name for what we're really trying to refer to when we speak of our awareness. our awareness is our knowledge or perception of reality. not our brain, or the physical "meat" that makes us, not our nerves, and not really our consciousness. awareness cannot be entirely conflated with consciousness (the experience of this world, including thoughts, feelings, and memories) because people who reality shift do not leave behind an unconscious husk with no thoughts, feelings, or memories. there is no "clone" because your consciousness of this reality stays in this reality, whether you shift your awareness or not. when we reality shift, it must be that all we are doing is aligning with the knowledge and perception of another reality, and integrating that with our current one.
does this mean our awareness leaves this reality, and our CR is left without an awareness at all? well.... no, not exactly. some of what i'm about to say may be controversial in the shifting community, so remember it's just my personal understanding. i believe that all of time, all of space, and all of reality exists simultaneously. you already are your DR self, and you'll always be your CR self too. your entire past, present, and future all exists at once, and you've already lived all of it. when? right now. our "awareness" then, simply refers to our own personal, linear integration of our experiences. our 3D bodies in each reality take in sensory data, the consciousness/sentience produced by our 3D brains processes and perceives reality, and our awareness... well, it is aware.
our awarenesses, for whatever reason, are only capable of comprehending reality in a linear fashion. your current awareness (knowledge or perception of reality) likely started when you were born into this one, or a similar one. you likely understand your experience of this reality is a linear process. at some point, you found out about shifting. (good news!) we are capable of "shifting," aka integrating an experience of a different 3D reality with our current awareness, so that our perception of time and space looks like this: CR we were born into -> DR we shifted to. so... would that mean we actually left our old stinky CR and we're not there anymore? no! you've already lived your entire CR life, and you've already died here. the same way you're already in your DR, you'll be here while you're there too. the only thing that shifts is the order in which your "awareness" is perceiving the sensory experiences your physical meat brains are interpreting. you (CR self, consciousness, body, brain, etc) never leave this reality, your atoms, energy, etc are here.
this is why it is sometimes sad to see posts where shifters talk about how badly they want to leave their CR, or how they are permashifting and never coming back to this reality, or how they don't belong here etc etc. because, yes... your "awareness" can shift to perceive and know another reality. which is amazing, and a wonderful thing. but you (CR self), aka the one who typed that out and hit post... you'll always be conscious of the fact that you posted that. 5 years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, you (CR self, brain and meat and consciousness and sentience) will still be here. even if your awareness shifts. you (CR self, aka the being reading this post) will live here your whole life. there are no sentience-free zombie husks wandering reality, there are no "clones." there is just you, in every reality, always, and your CR self cannot leave your CR anymore than your DR self can leave your DR.
i always hear in shifting communities "everyone is capable of shifting!" which i agree, is very true. what i rarely hear is the consequential fact of the matter which is that, because that is true, that means everyone is aware. even the people who shift. even the people with "permashifting" in their bio. there is no one in any reality who cannot shift their awareness, therefor there must always be an awareness there.
but shimmer! are you saying my awareness has to come back here when i die in my DR? will i be forced to shift back? what happens to my awareness?!?! i don't know. my awareness isn't any more capable of figuring out that secret of the universe than yours. maybe it means every time we shift, we're creating a new branch of linear awareness, one where our awareness stayed in that CR and one where it linearly progressed to the DR (we do know that our 3D reality is constantly expanding, so maybe it makes sense that 4D+ reality is constantly expanding in that same way?) or maybe it means we are cursed to live out the awareness of this 3D reality eventually. maybe it means "permashifting" as a concept is impossible, but i highly doubt that simply because of how many people (including myself) have permashifted to alt CRs and haven't shifted back to the old CR. maybe we will someday, i don't know. but i do know that there is never going to be an awareness-free person in this reality. you (CR self) will always be aware, because we're all always capable of shifting our awareness, so we all must always have awareness.
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shimmershifts · 17 days ago
Hi Shimmer! Last week I had a lucid dream and when I realised I decided to shift from there, I screamed that I wanted to go to my dr and then everything started changing, I don’t know how to explain it but there were so many colors and I felt like I was inside a washing machine lmao 😭, after that I felt myself laying on a bed, softer than my cr’s bed and I was in a kind of starfish position?? Which is a position I never sleep in, Im such a side sleeper, do you think it was a small shift?
maybe! it could have been you entering another dream, or hypnogogic symptoms if you partially woke yourself up. the only person who will know if you shifted or not is you.
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shimmershifts · 18 days ago
Shimmer youre a genius my god❤❤💗 You have helped so much over the past week its insane how oblivious I was when looking back and you are just singlehandedly making me shift😭💗 I am so grateful for you. BUUUT I have been encountering some issues when shifting, i wanna start this off by saying - I have tried letting go and relaxing, and I know my senses are shifting last but it feels like mu reality is slipping out of my hands and I can't grasp it. I have shifted to an alternate reality before but it wasn't on purpose and was kinda stressfull because there was a random exams there but life moves on
Yesterday I swear there was 24 euros in my bank and now suddenly there's 30 so I know I AM capable of shifting I just can't get to my dr, I don't know what's wrong with me because ive cleared every doubt I have (this is before the one im having popped up) and I tried, and I visualised and I told my self symptoms dont determine anything but nothing was sticking and I just couldnt wake up in my dr or anything! 😕 ive tried 8d subliminals for my adhd but they just ground my in my CR more and idk what to do anymore because I have done every step I can, ive read every blog and just can't get there... Here's how an avarege shifting attempt goes for me: "Okay uh time to shift *just thinking about my dr and starts smelling vanilla* oh my god im so close! *surroundings change* okay lets wait for the imput from my cr to stop and than im finally home *loud crash* ok my awareness shifted but my 3d didnt catch up😭" its either that or i stop getting input and my memories are just flooding back but when i open my eyes im just in my bed again. Im seriously either broken or need a siberian witch to extract my subcobsious and throw it to my dr. I can't thank you enough, seriously though🫶
hii! please don't worry, you are not broken, and you don't need the incredible hulk to punt you into your DR. you're already there! next time you shift to your DR, stop waiting for your CR input to stop. your CR body and brain will never stop getting input from your CR, because they're staying here. don't try to shift your CR self to your DR, you're not teleporting. there is no final push. your awareness was already in your DR, it sounds like. so just be your DR self, and stay in your DR.
when you shifted to alt CRs, you probably didn't wait for your "old" CR input to stop. your awareness just shifted, and you started being in the "new" CR.
tip for relaxing into your DR, instead of trying to get out of your CR and into your DR like this:
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try this instead, just sinking into your DR and allowing yourself to step in and start being there:
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shimmershifts · 18 days ago
Hello! I'm not sure if you talked about this before but if I may ask, everytime I try to shift with any kind of method, sometimes I get this feeling of being pulled and my vision gets this lighting thingy, I take deep breaths and affirm but I always end up failing in the end and open my eyes only to still be here, idk if that's really the pure awareness state or "the void" but the thing is I don't understand why that happens, am I too attached to this OR? Or not relaxed enough? Or maybe overthinking? I honestly don't know and I hope you can answer, Thanks so much.
that's not pure awareness or the void, in my opinion. those sound like hypnogogic symptoms to me, which don't necessarily = shifting. some shifting methods use the hypnogogic state, but not all do, and lots of people experience hypnogogia without ever shifting (ie, meditation, sleep paralysis, lucid dreamers, etc.) if the method you're using isn't working for you, i'd just try a different one!
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shimmershifts · 18 days ago
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how to shift:
method 3: lack of awareness
sleep method gang, rise up. i'm serious. these methods involves reducing your awareness of this reality (or any other) to zero, or as close to zero as possible. This is a potentially prime state to trigger a shift. and by sleep method, i don't mean lucid dreams or SATS, or other partially aware states. i mean having a period of complete unawareness, like totally dreamless sleep, and then waking up in your DR.
this is completely different from the state of pure awareness by the way, because in the state of pure awareness you are aware. like, in pure awareness you have a full train of thought and total control. the absence of awareness is the opposite. it feels sort of like a "blip" where reality, time, and space passed you by and you were not aware of it. this absence of awareness during sleep is (in my experience) the most common cause of accidental or unintentional shifts, but you might be one of those who can trigger a shift to desired realities with this too.
sleeping is not the only way to get to the state of the lack of awareness. i'll cover a sleep method below, and a few other methods with tips and tools for how you might be able to use the state of lack of awareness to trigger a shift.
method 3(a):
sleep method
now, there are lots of sleep methods out there, some with complex routines and rituals, and some as simple as "go to sleep and hope to wake up in your DR." the sleep method here will be shimmer's sleep method, ie, if i want to use sleep as a shifting method, this is what i do! feel free to tweak or adjust the steps to suit yourself. i think of my method a lot like setting up dominoes, and then knocking the first one down right before i fall asleep. if all goes well, the dominoes will fall just so to trigger a shift to my DR while im totally asleep, and i'll simply wake up there.
step one: repetition
throughout the day, i want you to think about two things, a dozen times. 1) shifting, and 2) your DR. now, you probably already do this. you're a shifter, you're on shiftblr, you probably already think about shifting and your DR daily, so maybe try to change up the way you do it to increase the chances your brain is triggered to process that in your sleep. this step is also not necessarily about imagining shifting or daydreaming about your DR, though you can do that if you want to. it's about deliberately thinking about shifting, and your DR, at regular intervals. you don't need to do it constantly, but i'd recommend around a dozen times. this number is often recommended to those hoping to trigger a lucid dream, and the concept is the same: the more regularly you think about something while awake, the more likely you'll think about it while asleep too, as your brain processes those memories and thoughts while you sleep.
step two: saturation
do your usual bedtime routine, whatever it is. now, before you go to sleep, i want you to saturate your awareness (which is currently in your CR) with your DR. do this however you want, i do it in different ways each time, it's really best to pick something that feels natural to you. if it feels like homework or boring or stress, you're naturally averse to that, so pick a way you like. scroll your pinterest board, review your script, rewatch your show, imagine your DR, etc etc. the goal here is just to get your CR brain, and your awareness, to soak up thoughts and visuals and words about your DR.
step three: visualize
now you're laying in bed, about to go to sleep. i want you to create a short visualization sequence (remember, visualization does not just mean actually seeing images with your mind. think about it, pick other senses to visualize, monologue it in your mind, tell yourself about it, imagine it.) so, anyway, visualize yourself falling asleep in your CR, and then waking up in your DR. it should be a fairly short sequence, like you're visualizing about 10-30 seconds of time passing. think about how it feels to fall sleep here, and then how it feels to wake up there. pick one or two things about each moment to focus on. once you have this short sequence, repeat it about a dozen times. repeating this single, short sequence is key.
step four: domino
you decide what your domino is. as you're going to sleep, do something to trigger that "domino effect", and remember your goal is to fall asleep in your CR. so don't pick something that keeps you up. maybe get into a light meditative state (that's my preference,) maybe you like to repeat a mantra, maybe you want to get into hypnogogia for awhile, maybe you're a sleep paralysis enjoyer (i fear you, tbh). maybe you just roll over and fall asleep. whatever it is, remember your goal is to fall asleep, not to shift from that state, so don't stress yourself out or keep yourself up. everything you've done so far has been to prime your brain to trigger a shift during sleep, while you're not aware, so don't lay there waiting for the shift to happen or for signs of a shift. don't strain or agitate. the point is to not be aware of the shift when it happens!
step five: wake up in your DR.
if it didn't work, try again, or try a different method!
method 3(b):
meditation: "blipping out"
now, most of the time i see people talking about "blips" or "blinking out" or losing awareness or time when meditating, they see this as a mistake or mishap because it's happening while they are trying to get into a different meditative state, like pure awareness or focus 10 or something else. this method is ideal for anyone who this happens to, and it's a way you can use it instead of trying to work against it.
step one: visualize
before you meditate, i want you to create a short visualization sequence (remember, visualization does not just mean actually seeing images with your mind. think about it, pick other senses to visualize, monologue it in your mind, tell yourself about it, imagine it.) so, anyway, visualize yourself "blipping out" while meditating. how does it usually feel to come back to awareness? visualize that "coming back" moment happening as your DR self in your DR, instead of here. visualize "blipping out" here, and coming to awareness there. it should be a fairly short sequence, like you're visualizing about 10-30 seconds of time passing. pick one or two things about each moment to focus on. once you have this short sequence, repeat it about a dozen times. repeating this single, short sequence is key.
step two: blip out
whatever meditation or method you've used in the past that cause you to experience a "blip" in awareness, use that again. if it's never happened, try a few different ones until you find one that works for you. the last step was about priming your awareness to come "back" to your DR, so hopefully you do!
method 3(c):
severance method
the name is tongue-in-cheek, this could just as easily be called the adhd method, the trigger method, etc etc. this method doesn't require any meditation, or reaching a different state of awareness. the goal of this method is to hopefully catch your CR brain unawares, and trigger you (awareness) to shift when you (CR self) has forgotten to resist. if this method works for you, then you will shift while totally awake, and doing something entirely mundane in your CR, and potentially when you've forgotten entirely that it was even supposed to make you shift.
i think the severance show is a good way to humorously exemplify the goal of this method: to set a specific "trigger" (place, action, etc) to signal your awareness to shift. if you haven't seen it, in the show the characters awareness is triggered to switch to another identity when they descend or ascend the elevator into work. you can pick anything as your trigger, but personally i recommend picking something you do several times a day, up to a dozen times per day. you could pink something you do all the time, like blinking, but i think that could be strenuous to commit to or you'd end up forgetting to actually do the method each time.
step one: pick your "trigger"
this could be anything, but i'll list a few recommendations: every time you plug your phone in to charge, ever time you open the bathroom door, every time you sit down, every time you go up a set of stairs, every time you turn a light off, etc, etc. pick one that works for you.
step two: repetitive visualization
now, pick a time period. it could be a day, i'd recommend several days or a week. every single time you're about to do your trigger (ie, before you sit down, before you flip the light switch, etc) visualize yourself doing the trigger, and then becoming aware in your DR. create a short visualization sequence (remember, visualization does not just mean actually seeing images with your mind. think about it, pick other senses to visualize, monologue it in your mind, tell yourself about it, imagine it.) like you're visualizing about 10-30 seconds of time passing. pick one or two things about each moment to focus on. repeat it right before every time you do your trigger action.
step three: stop
now, hypothetically there's the chance you get triggered to shift just from step 2, but you don't necessarily go into it expecting that. as this is a lack of awareness method, the goal is to prime your brain and awareness, and then stop. after you pass your time window you set before (a day, a week, whatever) you don't have to visualize every time before you do your trigger action. hopefully, when you're not thinking about it, your awareness will be triggered to shift out of habit. if after a few days, a week, or whatever time period feels right to you you're never triggered to shift, then either try again, or try a different method!
similar methods: as you'll likely notice, the above methods have a lot of similarities. honestly, most shifting methods are very similar, and they are often quite similar to lucid dream methods, which are often quite similar to study methods, which are often quite similar to- you get the picture. the point is, the things we can do to trigger our brains to remember and do something we're not consciously fully aware of are often quite similar.
not working? try adding some of your own tweaks, mix up a few methods, or add some other tools. check out this post on what triggers a shift for ideas for what to add, and how.
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shimmershifts · 21 days ago
hey shimmer i lovee your page it really made me understand shifting on a deeper level even if ive been trying for the past like 3/4 years 😭. I wanted to ask your opinion on something. So ive been havin a LOT of dreams where i have a moment “omg im in a dream” or “omg i shifted” but im aware only for that split moment. After that i cant control my body and the dream continues normally. Like today i had maybe 3 of those where i was like “i shifted”. In one of them i was in a DR i didnt even script nor think of. And i was even wondering “how did i shift again?” Or “omg its actually so real” but i still couldn’t control my body or the dream. I just dont know what it means and though that an opinion from someone else might help😅
i have dreams like that sometimes too! it's okay, those are just dreams. maintaining lucidity in dreams is a skill people build, if you're interested in having lucid dreams you can look into that!
CR dreams are just your CR brain's way of processing things. you probably are thinking about shifting constantly and consuming lots of shifting content, so it's showing up in your dreams because of that. very similar to how lucid dreamers try to trigger lucid dreams by doing reality checks so often in their waking life that they start doing it in their dreams too and hopefully triggering them to become lucid. it seems you may be lucid for a moment, but lack stability so quickly lose control of the dream.
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shimmershifts · 21 days ago
Hey shimmer!!! Firstly i wanna say that your blog has helped me SO MUCH😭I even got my first shift! but, I keep getting really close but i can't manage to fully disconnect from this reality. I feel like I've litterally tried every method under the sun but nothings sticking... :( I've minishifted there by just feeling the surroundings around my and visualising its my Dr room but I still couldn't fully disconnect 🥲 Im honestly thinking my brain is broken at this point...
hii, that's so exciting! don't worry, your CR brain can't hold you back from shifting, it's not coming with you anyways. i hope this makes sense to you in some way, but you might be holding yourself back by trying and pushing and forcing some final "full disconnect" from this reality. your CR self, including brain, will not disconnect from this reality. your CR self and brain are staying riiiight here. the only thing that shifts is your awareness. if you're straining your CR brain and CR senses trying to force those to "disconnect" from this reality, you might just be inadvertently holding on to this reality with an iron grip. let go.
if you've minishifted, congrats, you shifted! next time it happens, instead of straining and pushing and gripping your CR senses and brain to make them "disconnect," let go instead. relax. there is no final push, you (awareness) are already there. let yourself shift there the way you let yourself wake up from sleep. you probably don't think of it as "disconnecting" from sleep and pushing to get closer and closer to awake, you just let yourself wake up.
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shimmershifts · 21 days ago
So I was wondering, if multiple people shifted to the same TV show would their perception of the show affect their DR’s? Or would the DR be the same for all of them regardless of their beliefs? I’m asking because I want my DR to be as accurate to canon as possible but I’m scared the way I view the show I’m shifting to might change how it actually is in my DR. Thank you in advance!
hi there, yes, the way you view the show will affect your DR, as will the ways you don't view the show. think of all the people who have shifted to a hogwarts reality, and how different it was for all of them. the building itself, the people, and the entire world around hogwarts... there are infinite realities, we can't expect them all to be the same. i don't know what show you're shifting to, but if this makes sense, you're not shifting into the tv show, you're shifting to a reality. your DR is just one out of infinity, specifically its one where certain places and people are real, and you're there too. and even just your presence there will affect things, as you are not canon to that show in this reality. so of course it'll be different.
i'd try not to worry about your being "canon." it's not supposed to be canon. let go of the fear by letting go of the need for your DR or your script to be canon. the "canon" here is a fiction, created by writers and actors and directors and editors. your DR is not fiction, nor was it created by those people. "canon" may have plot holes or writing inconsistencies or bad actors, etc etc. canon is not real. it's costumes and pretending and entertainment. your DR will inherently be different from canon, because canon is a TV show, and your DR is real.
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shimmershifts · 22 days ago
If it’s okay to ask, in your opinion what do you think happens to us/our awareness if we die in this reality? I’ve heard some people say you shift to another one but I wanted your perspective too.
nobody in this reality really knows for sure what happens to us after we die in this reality, because anyone who's ever died in this reality obviously didn't live to tell us the tale here, since they're, ya know, dead.
there's also the fact that i believe all of space (3D) and all of time (4D) and all realities (5D) exist simultaneously, so technically speaking, there is no "after" your CR self dies, because the linear perception of time is the result of limited 3D perception. you're already dead, and you're not born yet. so what's it like, what happened? nothing, probably. however, our "awarenesses" does seem to perceive time as linear through our 3D bodies, and experiences and integrates life as such. so, in terms of the reality as a whole, nothing happens "after" a person dies, as it's already happened. in terms of your personal linear experience and perception of reality... perhaps that's where it "ends", but the beginning, middle and end all actually exist simultaneously, like a book. remember what it was like "before" you were born? i think that's probably what it's like "after" you die. you simply don't have a vessel/3D body to perceive the portions of this reality "before" or "after" your CR 3D body exists and functions.
as for whether we shift to a different reality when we die, my opinion of this depends what you mean by it, exactly. i don't think when we die here we'll be born into different realities as babies who remember this life. i hope not, at least. were you born here remembering a life "before" this one? probably not, so why would you expect to be "born" into a different one remembering this one? that's also a bit CR centric, in my opinion, and almost assumes that time does pass linearly, and that all your selves in all realities are just living one after the other in a row. but some people think that either at, or right before, the moment of death in this CR, you will shift to an alt CR where you lived. i don't think that's always the case, but i can see how it could potentially happen sometimes, especially for a sudden or unexpected death. i've personally had near death experiences where i think i should have died, but i didn't. maybe i shifted to an alt CR, or maybe i was just already in the reality where i miraculously lived, by random chance.
in any case, i don't think it really matters (to me), and we all find out once our linear experience gets that far.
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shimmershifts · 22 days ago
Hey shimmer! I have a question. I don’t really know where to shift to so I’m planning on going to a WR first. I scripted that in my WR I have a script for a perfect DR tailored to all my preferences so I don’t have to stress about figuring that stuff out myself. But recently you said that you can’t consciously script things that you don’t know and since I don’t know what my perfect DR looks like, would that be possible? If not, is there any workaround?
i feel like it would be more helpful to try letting go of the idea of "the perfect script" or "the perfect DR" or "the perfect first shift." in my opinion, there isn't one. and also, if theres anything you don't like about the reality you shift to, just shift again. but first, just shift.
you don't need a perfect script or a perfect DR. you don't need a script at all, actually. but if you don't know where you want to go, then do you really want to shift? i ask that genuinely, because if there's nowhere you want to shift to, consider why you're even trying to. do you want to go to a WR?
what if you let go of the idea of needing it to be perfect. is there anywhere you want to go then?
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shimmershifts · 22 days ago
HI SHIMMERRR! you have helped me so much on my shifting journey, i cant even put into words how thankful I am🥹🩷. But I feel like I am running into a brick wall...
Idk why but ive been trying to shift alot and every time i tried, i felt huge symptoms (i know that they’re not necessary but it just makes me more confident). But then, even when i feel like i shifted, when i open my eyes, im still in my CR, but i fell really different, like i feel like my consciousness is detached of my body, and i don’t know if it’s a good thing or not.😓
Is it because I expect my cr to be there? I've heard all the advice about "You are already there" "you just need to ground yourself" "loa!!!! " And all things simmiliar but I just can't manage to do it no matter how confident I am😭!!! I have shifted before (alt version of my reality) and I came really close to shifting to my dr (I got alot of memories rushing back to me) but I just couldn't fully ground myself or fall asleep... Please help🥹😢
well, the "symptoms" are not symptoms of you shifting, they're symptoms of the hypnogogic state. so feeling them doesn't necessarily mean you're close to shifting, they just mean you have hypnogogia. some people can use the symptoms of hypnogogia to help them trigger a shift, some people can't. from your ask, it sounds like all the experience is doing is making you feel really out of it and groggy when you open your eyes, which can happen with meditation or hypnogogia... if it's affecting you negatively i'd recommend not doing it.
personally i'd say to work on things like letting go, and maybe trying some completely different methods or really changing things up. if hypnogogia, confidence, believing you're there or trying to ground yourself in DR aren't helping you shift, let go of these things and try something else. trying to push and push and push on something that's not serving you can mean you're just getting in your own way.
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shimmershifts · 23 days ago
hello shimmer! just recently found your page and i am OBSESSED!! love your blog so much, thanks for what you do!
i'd like to know if you have any tips to stay awake when trying to shift?
i personally have tried the 'destabilized awareness' methods that you've mentioned and i honestly didn't like them (super trippy and it's hard for me to get into that half aware half asleep state). i've always either completely fallen asleep, or just got a really bad headache lol. i've been meaning to try asleep methods but i may or may not have control issues and i struggle with letting go (i'd really appreciate if you could do a blog on this topic actually). so i think awake methods will work best for me (except for the falling asleep during the method part). and yes, i know that methods aren't a must for shifting, but i believe that it'll really help me (cause again, its hard for me to just 'surrender my shifting journey')
thank you!
this ask was a similar question and that might help with the not falling asleep part. on the one hand, it's very common for people to struggle with accidentally falling sleep because the process of the method is so similar to how you normally go to sleep. it may take multiple tries, or conscientious practice. however, if you're trying over and over something that's making you feel bad or negatively affecting you or it's just not working, it's best not to fight against yourself, in my opinion.
my post about destabilized awareness methods also has a distraction method, i think 2(c) which doesn't require any amount of being half awake and half asleep, your CR self should remain fully awake for that. you could make similar methods as well of your own, or maybe try out sleep methods by altering them in a way that feels right for you (ie, you don't have to "surrender your shifting journey" just because it's a sleep method.) i'm eventually going to make a post on absence of awareness methods (including sleep methods!) which may have some pointers
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shimmershifts · 23 days ago
Hii! I feel really close to my dr and finally shifting but I stumbled upon a few shifters online who claim that when they shift back here from their drs, they end up having these weird scratches and marks and that honestly creeps me out a little and makes me wonder why that would be (if that's true). Have you heard of that before and what's your opinion on it as an experienced shifter?
i've heard people say this, and i can say that in my experience shifting itself does not harm your 3D body in this reality at all. there's no reason within my understanding as to why your awareness shifting would cause scratches or marks on your body here. and if people are saying things that are creeping you out or that don't align with your beliefs or ideas, you don't have to accept what they're saying. it's okay to not believe someone, as long as you are not unduly attacking them, or being hateful or harmful to them... you don't have to believe their story.
and that doesn't necessarily mean that every person saying this happened to them is intentionally lying. while i'm sure some of them are making these stories up intentionally (ie, they decided to fake it and fabricated the story,) others may genuinely believe what they're saying, and there are a lot of reasons why that could be, none worth arguing with them over or trying to prove they're wrong. there are also a multitude of other explanations for the marks. it could be correlation and not causation (have you ever noticed a scratch or bruise later that you didn't notice when it happened?) maybe they flail or scratch in their sleep. maybe they shifted to a reality where they have a scratch or mark instead of their old CR. maybe they've always had that mark and they're only now noticing it because they are looking for it and interpreting what they're finding as evidence of what they already believe. etc, etc, etc. there is the phenomenon of confirmation bias, or the tendency to search for, interpret, favor and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. so if you already believe something is true, you will interpret more and more stuff to be in favor of that belief. everyone is guilty of this sometimes, it's human nature.
just because someone else believes something, doesn't mean you have to. because there is currently no way to scientifically prove anything about shifting, all we have are personal experiences, or the anecdotes and opinions of others. any piece of information about shifting that you hear from anyone, (including from me,) or even from your own personal experience, i encourage you to question, to evaluate, and to consider for yourself and decide if or how to integrate that into your personal understanding or belief system.
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shimmershifts · 23 days ago
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admission... i don't believe we shift every second.
i know, i know! this may be controversial, it seems almost everybody else in the shifting community does believe that. my goal with this post is not to change peoples minds, so if you do believe that and you don't want to hear any other theory, no need to read further. but if you're interested in a different perspective, you can find one below!
to be clear, i will not be directly arguing against the idea that we shift every second (meaning, i won't be listing out other peoples beliefs and then explaining why i think they're wrong, because that's just rude and unnecessary, i respect anyone who believes differently than me.) i'll just be explaining what i do believe. without further ado:
Dimension Theory
(aka, just more of shimmer's thoughts and ideas)
what is the dimension theory?
i've already made a post with more details about the dimensions themselves, so i won't repeat too much. the basic idea is that all of 3D (space,) 4D (time,) and 5D (reality) exist simultaneously, and our limited ability to perceive them from the bodies we inhabit is what limits our understanding and ability to traverse them. reality shifting, then, is the method by which we "move" in a fifth dimensional direction (although "movement" is more of a 3D thing, the word works for this abstract understanding. just saying to be clear, you're not actually moving in the 3D sense when you shift.)
so do we shift every second? are we traveling to a different 5D reality with every choice we make? personally, i don't think so, and the following is what i do think!
we perceive one reality at a time
due to the limitations of the 3D bodies we inhabit, we are only aware of perceiving one point of the 5D at a time, meaning, one "reality" at a time. you're currently perceiving "this reality" which is a concept i'll shorten to "CR" sometimes just for ease of writing this. while our limited perception of 4D (time) means we perceive time passing by in this reality linearly... it actually doesn't. all of this reality, and all of time, already exists. every decision and every action has already happened. the breakfast you (CR self) are going to eat 3 weeks from now? it's already happened, because all of time and reality already exists, and if you (awareness) don't happen to shift to a different reality "between now and then" (in the linear sense of time,) that's what you (awareness) be having. if you (awareness) do shift away, you (CR self) will still have that breakfast.
we can shift between realities
we shifters believe it is possible to shift from one point of the 5D (reality) to another. for example, i can shift from this reality (CR) to a hogwarts reality (DR). a key note here, is that it is only your awareness (perception, point of view, or integrated linear experience) that shifts across realities. your CR self stays here, and continues to live and experience this reality, because it's already happened, all of this "timeline" already exists.
now, there is a separation between your awareness, and all your selves. you (awareness) and you (CR self) and you (DR self) are different. intertwined, of course, but not the same.
so what if you (CR self) make a choice? does that mean you (awareness) shifted to a new reality where you (DR self) made that choice, or were you simply already aware of the reality where you (CR self) make that choice?
for example, what if i (CR self) decide to buy a littlest pet shop, and then i do. did i shift to an alt CR where i do that, or was i simply already in the reality where i (CR self) buy a littlest pet shop? personally, i think its more often the latter, in most cases.
but what if i (CR self) saw something i wanted at the store, went home, and then wished id bought it. well, i could stay within this reality (CR), go back tomorrow and buy it. OR i could shift realities, to a different reality (DR) where i already did buy it. and what about "future" things? if everything has already happened because all of 4D exists at once, can we shift to a reality where our future is different than the one here? sure! in this reality, it's impossible for me to get a letter to hogwarts and hop the train and head to school at the start of term. for one, i'm not 11, i'm not british, it's not september, and unfortunately hogwarts doesn't exist here. but i could hypothetically decide to shift realities right to one where none of those things are problems. i could shift to a reality where any age can go to hogwarts, there's a hogwarts in every country, school terms start in march, and also hogwarts is real. or i could shift to a reality where a secret agent will come to my house tomorrow and deliver a free lamborghini and my winnings for the lottery tickets i didn't buy in this reality. obviously, those things wouldn't be in this reality (CR) but a different one.
but shimmer! does that mean some people never shift?
maybe! i doubt it, though. i suppose there is a chance there's someone out there who was born into their CR and literally never shifted. but i think occasionally, people accidentally shift to an alt CR, and maybe never notice it, and some do notice! i doubt it's happening all that frequently, but i do think that people who are intentionally trying to shift might accidentally do this more frequently. if we're focusing on shifting, i definitely can see how that would increase the chances of shifting away from your CR, even if it's to an alt CR and not the DR you were trying for.
have you ever tried to shift to your DR, and afterwords something seemingly random was just off about your CR? like your walls are a different color (and everyone else says it's always been that shade,) furniture is missing (and everyone else says you never had it,) your appearance changed (and everyone else says it's always been that way?) my theory is that you successfully "loosened" your awareness from your old CR, but simply failed to direct it to the DR you wanted, effectively shifting to a slightly different reality, or for shorthand, an alt CR. but it may also happen when we're not trying. during a big life moment, or even a little tiny one, have you ever felt the course of "fate" changed? something just felt different, and nothing was the same as it would've been? it's interesting to think about things like déjà vu, jamais vu, psuedomemories, or similar experiences and wonder if these could be signs someone accidentally shifted. (but these things can also be explained by other phenomena, so it's likely not always the case.)
but shimmer! are you saying i can't shift at any second?
nope! just because i think we're usually living through time linearly in a single point of reality doesn't mean we don't have the capacity to shift to a different one at any time. you could shift to a different reality at any time, because time isn't actually linear or preventing you from shifting in any way. every time exists all at once, so "any time" is kind of an odd concept resulting from our linear perception of it anyways. it's every time, always.
i just think that because we (3D bodies) are not actually moving linearly through time or space.... and yet our awarenesses perception and understanding of reality and time is that of a linear experience, it makes sense to suggest that we (awarenesses) are integrating the experience of one reality in a linear fashion. for whatever reason, that's how our awareness understands, perceives, and integrates experiences of realities, likely due to the limitations of the 3D bodies it "views" reality through. the actions or movements of our 3D bodies don't make us shift, not our CR or any DR selves. we (CR selves) are already in this reality (CR), all of time and space here already exists. and we (awarenesses) shift by integrating the linear experience of another reality with the one we have of this own. i hope that makes any sense, but i'll also be making another post soon(ish) about "what awareness is, anyways." (i'll try to link it here when it's up.)
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shimmershifts · 24 days ago
Hey, love your blog! I think you mentioned in one of your posts that instead of expecting your 3D surroundings to change you should focus on aligning your thoughts with your DR because awareness shifts first. But how exactly do you do that? How do you think as your DR self when you've never actually experienced being them before? I feel like it's even harder to embody your DR self when you're shifting to a waiting room because not much is going on there. Any advice?
i (cr self) do not think as my dr self.
i feel like there is a distinction to be made with the phrase "embodying your DR self" as that can be took to mean pretending to be them, which in my opinion and experience, you don't have to do. some people like to embody their DR self, some people like to pretend or act like their DR self, that's cool and i support them and whatever method that works for them. if it's not working or making sense to you, here's a different perspective:
your goal (probably) isn't to be your CR self pretending to be your DR self, or pretending that you're in your DR. your goal is for your awareness to shift from this reality, to your desired reality, and you naturally are your DR self there. you do not have to pretend to be your DR self. your CR self will never be your DR self, your CR self (brain, thoughts, and body) is staying here, in CR. your DR self is already in your DR (brain, thoughts, body) and has no need to pretend to be there, because they are there. i know i'm using the third person there for understandability, but that's you. anyways, you just have to shift your awareness (ie your perspective?) from here to there.
obviously this is just me personally, but when i shift i do not have to pretend to be my DR self at any stage of the process. my CR self does not embody my DR self, nor does my CR self think as my DR self. the process (for me) goes like this:
i am in my CR, and i want to shift. i get into whatever environment or pose i want my CR body in when i shift away (because ill shift back to that moment and i have preferences for that, but you do you!)
i get into a state i am comfortable shifting from, one which heightens the ability to trigger a shift. this used to be a long process and almost always involved pure awareness, but now im comfortable shifting from destabilized awareness, or relaxed meditation.
while in the state, i (my CR self) start thinking about my DR, and visualizing my DR. i'm not pretending to be my DR self, i'm just thinking about it. at this stage, i'm not thinking as my DR self, i'm thinking about my DR self.
at some point, i am triggered to shift. my awareness shifts first, and my thoughts naturally transition from CR self thoughts, to DR self thoughts, and i usually don't notice at all until looking back on it.
now, here's the bit everybody is waiting for, then i notice the 3D changes. think of the way humans wake up, your brain "onlines" your awareness and then your awareness starts perceiving the 3D as fully as it can from the data sent to your brain by your nerves and all that. for me, sometimes it's a quick succession from my awareness shifting to being fully 3D, with no other hoopla. sometimes it feels like a slight "pulling inwards" sensation, sometimes it doesn't. sometimes i feel there's a stretch, where i'm partially aware of CR and DR, sometimes there isn't. maybe it will feel different for you.
(clarifications on this post about how i shift)
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shimmershifts · 24 days ago
hi shimmer!! firstly, i just wanted to say how much i adore this account?? 🥹 you explain things soo beautifully in a way that just resonates with me (and i'm sure many others). i will be trying your tips and tricks on my next shift!
i know you've made a really long blog about this (loved it by the way!), but i wanted to ask, what does being pure awareness or as people say 'in the void' feel like for you? because i've seen plenty of people who say it's like a state of pure nothingness, while others say it's pure bliss (overwhelming peace/relief, perfect 'temperature', etc.) is it different from person to person? and if so, how do we focus on the 'waking up in our dr' part of the process instead of reaching a certain state/chasing that 'void state feeling'? because i've seen several posts regarding this as well; where focusing on the shift/reaching the void instead of putting the energy in becoming aware of our dr becomes a 'blockage'.
thank you! 💗
hi, thank you for the message! one thing to note is that pure awareness and "the void" especially are terms that have been used many different ways by different people, and that's part of why there is so much contradiction. people are talking about completely different things, just all using the word "void."
the way i use the term, the state of pure awareness is just you. it is not a place you go, but a state of being. the way i define pure awareness is how it sounds, when you are in a state of just your own awareness, not perceiving or experiencing any 3D reality or sensation. if you feel emotions like peace, boredom, relaxation, relief, etc, that's just you, they're your feelings, because the state of pure awareness is just you being aware of you and nothing else. so yeah, different people might feel different emotions. this state is simply one tool that may help you shift, as some people struggle to shift while they are aware of the 3D here. so using the state of pure awareness as a shifting method means you'll be aware here -> get into the state of pure awareness -> then shift from the state of awareness -> to your DR. pure awareness isn't necessary to shift, and can also be enjoyed or experienced without the goal of shifting, they're different things. so you don't have to use that tool for shifting if it doesn't serve you. i do have this post for some shifting methods that don't use the state of pure awareness!
also, i don't believe in shifting blockages! there's nothing stopping you from shifting, besides i suppose not finding what works for you yet.
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