#shifting meditation
iri1zzz · 3 months
How me and the shifting community feel knowing that all of us will shift:
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blairshifts222 · 1 month
Just take a moment.
Think about your DR. Or your desired life. Feel the emotions that come with it. Think about how you "aren't there yet".
Now think of the moment you realize you have it. Maybe you wake up in your new bed. Maybe you see your S/o.
All of the hours you've spent scripting, meditating, whatever have worked. You have achieved your desires. Right now.
Now bring your focus back to your current reality.
Guess what? What you just imagined is real. Your mind just showed you a picture of the reality you're meant to be in.
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penelope-joy · 2 months
methods; 5 senses method;
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Many shifting methods focus primarily on intense concentration, visualization, and simply believing you are in your Desired Reality (DR). However, they often fall short by telling you to believe without explaining how to actually cultivate that belief—much like mentioning a strange fact without providing the science behind it. Let me break down the method for you, step by step, and explain why it makes more sense than traditional methods
||*. Step 1: small meditations throughout the day
During the day, take a few moments for brief meditations, which can be as short or long as you like. I usually do mine in a quiet place where I won’t be distracted, and they typically last around 2 minutes. Find a comfortable position—whether sitting, standing, or lying down—and begin by focusing on your surroundings.
Observe what you see: What textures do the objects around you have? What colors are they? Is there anything unique about them?
You can ask yourself any questions you find helpful; I usually use these. After observing, turn your attention to your other four senses. Focus on each one and remember the details. Here are some questions to guide your reflection:
||*. Smell
What do you smell? Is the smell nostalgic? Do you know this smell? Can you describe it? Do you like it?
||*. Touch
What are you touching? How does your body feel? What's the surface of the things your touchibg like? Is the surface warm, hot or neutral? Taste (I usually skip this one since I'm not eating anything) What does it taste like? Does it taste good? Do you often taste this?
||*. Hearing
What do you hear? Are there any background noises? Does the soun disturb you? Is it something you hear often? Do you like the sound? Is it relaxing? Are there any people talking? Once you are done, you can move and go on with your day. I will explain more later of why we had to do this, but it helps you realize the difference between your cr and dr, and helps you know when you're surroundings are changing whilst shifting.
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Play a subliminal that matches your DR. When you’re ready to shift, lie on your back, then adjust to the position you would likely wake up in your DR, while remaining on your back. It may seem tricky, but essentially, you want to replicate the position you’d be in if you were already in your DR, just while lying on your back. Begin counting until you experience significant shifting symptoms—this could be up to 50, 100, 300, or any number you choose. Intermingle detaching and identity affirmations with your counting; while regular affirmations can be used, these two are particularly effective for this method. Stay completely still. The subliminal will assist with affirmations and visualization. Lying on your back can enhance vividness in dreams, which is why it’s recommended for shifting. Counting helps you enter the "mind awake, body asleep" state necessary for shifting. Using detaching and identity affirmations will aid in separating from your current reality and embodying your DR self.
||*. Step 3: 5 senses
Now that you’ve finished counting and are experiencing many symptoms, repeat the process from Step One, but focus on elements of your Desired Reality. For example, if your DR is the sandy beaches of Pabu, imagine yourself waking up there.
I see the white sand glistens under the sun, the clear turquoise water teems with colorful fish, and palm trees sway in the breeze, making it look like a scene straight out of a dream. I can smell (what you scripted you would smell in your dr) I can hear the sound of waves gently crashing on the shore mixes with the soft rustle of palm leaves swaying in the breeze, creating a soothing backdrop of natural harmony. I can feel the sand, warm and soft underfoot, like a fine, comforting blanket, while the cool, clear water gently brushes against my skin,.
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After completing these steps, you should begin to notice more shifting symptoms and feel your surroundings start to change. Begin using affirmations like "I have shifted" or "I am on the planet of Pabu," and continue repeating these while vividly visualizing your new location. Then, either let yourself drift off to sleep or open your eyes to see if you’ve successfully shifted.
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amythetraveler · 3 months
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luluminity · 3 months
Does anyone know any shifting exercises to feel more connected and motivated to shift to my DR?
I haven’t felt motivated because I feel as if I’m not doing much but going to bed, rolling over and sleeping with my intentions and while I know this is enough It’s something o struggle with
Can anyone recommend anything!
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maiii2809 · 22 days
Yall got shifting/quantum jumping guided meditation recommendations on ytb? Been trying to find some good ones but I feel like most of them r the same 😭
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gl4ssw1ngp1xy · 1 month
I’m sure I’ve written about it before, but I remember listening to this one shifting method, it was created by a man and he talked you through visualising your whole morning routine and I found it so helpful. I’ve never been able to find it again and it annoys me so much! I don’t even know what method that would be to find something similar.
I want to try focusing on my dr self instead of my dr environment when shifting, I’ve read some good things about it and I think this meditation would help great with that BUT I CAN’T FIND IT!!!! UGH
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shifterglitter · 5 months
The Stitching Method
Disclaimer: If there is a method similar to this that I am unaware of I apologize. I am sure someone has thought of this before me some were.
I was laying in my bed listening to affirmations the other day when I intuitively started this visualization and I thought I'd share it with all of you because I feel I got close to shifting with it.
If you like affirmations to play for you you can put them on before you start. If not, you can just say the affirmations you want in your head later and put on whatever subliminal, white noise, or music you want if silence distracts you.
Begin by getting into a comfortable position and doing some square breathing until you feel your body go calm.
Visualize yourself standing in complete darkness.
At your feet lays a glowing metallic roll of fabric. Push or kick the roll so it ravels out in front of you and then step on to the edge of it.
Watch as the tapestry of your life starts to move under you, taking you through your life events.
When you get to the end of your experiences the tapestry will stop moving but continued to stretch out before you. This blank weave of natural fibers represents your future.
Imagine a giant rotary cutter (or pendulum blade like I did) coming down from the void.
In time with each affirmation the sharp edge passes over the tapestry, severing the fibers little by little.
Once the rug is fully severed let the blank end dissolve back into the void around you.
I want you to then reach your hand above your head, it will disappear into the blackness too. Believe that your hand is currently in a higher plan, and from it, you will pull the tapestry of your DR down to your level.
Once you have it hold on to if for a minute and think of the exact spot you want to start your DR life in. Once you have it whip that baby out in front of you and lay it at the end of your OR tapestry.
Remember what you did with the rotary cutter? Do that again, but this time it's a large needle and thick glowing metallic thread.
Tune back in to your affirmations and start stitching. Affirmation. Stitch. Affirmation. Stitch. And so on, until the two are fused perfectly. Once done the edges of your DR rug will glow the same metallic as your OR rug.
Take one more deep breath, affirm you live in your DR however you like, and leap over the stitching into your new timeline.
You can now end the visualization if you like or continue watching the DR life play out before you until you fall asleep.
Should you want to edit events of your OR past I'm sure you could stop the flow of the tapestry at any time to take out or add whatever events you want too. Using this for manifestation of things in your OR seems like a good possibility too.
Any way. Good luck, remember that you don't need methods to shift, and if anyone actually tries this let me know how it went please.
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themanirealityshifter · 6 months
just did a little meditation. feel a bit more clear-minded now. :] can’t wait to shift tonight.
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I just had a really good shifting attempt! I’ve been falling asleep during a lot of my attempts recently so I thought, why not switch it up and try shifting fully awake during the day.
I used shiftingwithReya’s guided meditation and I was actually awake enough to focus. And for the first time ever I actually heard my CR fade away! (Her voice started to fade away) Ahhhhh
Anyway I didn’t shift obviously but I’m so happy about the progress!! I’m gonna start her “reprogramming your mind” thing today as well. Will update on any progress with that.
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our-magical-world · 10 months
I've been using this meditation in the last few weeks.
I didn't shift or enter the void state, but I've had four lucid dreams so far, and really intense symptoms to the point I got scared and had to stop once (I'm used to the common symptoms and rarely have them anymore, but they were different than usual). It's the most progress I've had in months, so... just leaving it here, in case anyone wants to try it. I'll definitely keep using it.
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iri1zzz · 3 months
Me trying to distract my s/o from the fact that i am literally from a different reality:
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blairshifts222 · 23 days
saving these for myself
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penelope-joy · 2 months
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||*. what are shifting methods? Shifting methods are step-by-step techniques designed to help individuals shift realities. These methods can range from simple visualization exercises to comprehensive shifting routines. While methods are not required to shift, and it’s not necessary to strictly follow one, many people find them beneficial. Some create their own methods, while others don’t use any at all. Methods can provide advantages such as raising vibrations, enhancing visualization and meditation skills, and boosting motivation. These benefits can be crucial for getting into the right mindset for shifting.
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There are two main types of shifting methods: awake methods and asleep methods. In asleep methods, you fall asleep and wake up in your desired reality (DR). In awake methods, you remain awake and feel your surroundings change as you transition into your DR. Before attempting any method, it can be helpful to meditate, listen to subliminals, or re-read your script to prepare yourself mentally.
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norcotton · 4 months
The Chopra Method
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This is a Law of Attraction/Manifesting/Shifting method that I have used. It's mostly based on "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra. While this is the method that I tend to use, it is not an overnight method. It is a method that asks you to work on your spirit, in order to manifest.
1.) The Law of Pure Potentiality.
This is the idea that our basic state is one of pure consciousness. It is infinite Potential. The easiest way to align yourself with this is to meditate. To tune out the world and take time to be still, as the silent space between your thoughts is the state of pure awarness.
2.) The Law of Giving and Reciving.
So everything in the universe opperates through dynamic change. The act of giving and recieving, and things like hope, appreciation, and blessing are the best things that you can give. The act of gratitiude will help to keep the thoughts of the universe circulating in your life. As thought has the power to transform, it is a blessing to give and recieve.
3.) The Law of Karma.
If you want to create happiness in your life, you must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Everything you do is a choice, and by paying attention to the sensations of comfort or discomfort in your body, you will know the correct choice for you, as it will feel right, without any lingering doubts.
4.) The Law of Least Effort.
It is essentually "Do less, Acomplish more." Grass dosent try to grow, it just grows. Firstly you must accept things as they are, not as you wish they were. You can intend for things to be diffrent in the future, but in this moment accept them as they are. Because it took the entire universe to make this moment. Let your life flow with effortless ease, then you can release your intentions without attachment.
5.) The Law of Intention and Desire.
By introducing an intention to our consciousness we allow the universe the opportunity to fulfill the desire. Intention is the real power behind desire, because it is desire without attachment tothe outcome. When you combine intention with detachment, your intent is for the desire, while your attention is on your present awareness. This means holding your attention to the intended outcome with such unbending purpose that you refuse to allow obstacles to consume your attention or reduce the focused quailty of your attention.
6.) The Law of Detachment.
This is to say that the way to get anything is to relinquish your attachment to it. That dosn't mean that you givve up your intention or desire. It means that you give up your attachment to the outcome. Detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in your own power.
7.) The Law of Dharma.
The purpose of life. You have a purpose, a gift, a path. It implies a shift in conciousness that begins when you align yourself with your highest self, and become the manifestation of yourself.
To put this simply, it's a methof of self, of manifesting, of being, of shifting yourself.
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lavender--fairy · 2 months
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In imagination, nothing is hard or easy, everything just is. And so, learn to just be without littering it with fear, doubt, worry, urgency, impatience and what not. Ponder upon it, when you imagine, isn't everything already so? And is it not already so, now? Isn't that what you are yearning for? So why do you reject it? Because its 'not real'? Because 'it's just imagination'? Because 'It's not clothed in the 3d form yet'? Neville says you must yield to it, no questions asked and he says If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by them. All these doubts arise when you try to feel the wish fulfilled while still thinking in terms of the 3D, still not letting it go, still not letting it be. No, you must let go of it, fully. Its like you're hugging the 4D while your pinky is linked with the 3D behind your back. You must pick one. And it must be the inner world, if you truly wish to be fulfilled for it is the only place that truly fulfills you without conditions and qualifications. Remember, what you wish for is not too far fetched, not impossible, not improbable. In fact, what you seek for is seeking you. Imagination is all giving regardless of how big or small you think your desire is, regardless of how hard and easy you think it is because In imagination, nothing is hard or easy, everything just is.
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