#isaac x danny
silent-snake7 · 8 months
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Isaac Lahey x Danny Mahealani
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bisexualbuckleyy · 5 months
teen wolf memes part 28: i have problems
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branching out slightly with the ships on this one is everyone proud of me
shout out once again to my bestie @burnthatbridgewhenwecometoit
teen wolf memes part 28
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fanficwritinggirl · 9 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter Fanfic)
Chapter 1
“Mom,” a desperate, tiny cry of a voice wailed as she sprinted towards the body. Turning her over onto her side she put her frail hands over the now scarlet top, trying to stop the bleeding. But there was no hope of saving her, she had been gone long before she had been able to get there. An adult has approximately 10 pints of blood pumping throughout their body. You never really realize how much blood that is, until it’s pooled on the floor, painting it a dark crimson color. The bloody handprints smeared on the door, creeping closer and closer to the door handle, never quite reaching it besides one lone maroon fingerprint. Dark chocolate waves of hair lay in the pool, covering her cold, white face, hiding the cuts and bruises on her face. “Mom, please wake up,” she cried again, shaking her. Her hands were covered in crimson blood. “Wake up.” 
“Josie!” a voice said loudly in her ear. Startled, her body shoots up, head turning quickly with her eyes wide, tears threatening to fall. “Hey, it's okay, it's just a nightmare, it's okay.” A warm hand sets itself upon her forearm causing her to turn her head and look at the brunette haired woman sitting on her bed, eyebrows pinched together and the corner of her lips pulled down ever so slightly. 
“You're okay Josie, you're not there anymore, he’s not here,” assurance was present in her voice as she ran her hand up and down the panicked girl's arm, offering comfort. Her fingers comed through her hair as she pulled the few parts out of her face and brought it together on one side of her shoulder.
“Same dream?” the brunette woman asked her as she removed her hand from Josie's arm and grabbed the glass of water that was sitting on the white bedside table. Trembling hands take the glass and bring it to her lips taking a sip. 
“It was the blood, it was everywhere. On her, on me. It's just…” she falters. “It was just everywhere Aunt Hat,” she cried, bringing her shaking hands down into her laps cradling the glass between them. 
“I know honey. But we have to remember that it was a long time ago, no one is going to come and hurt you, okay.” All she could do was nod, barely listening to her aunt and keeping herself focused on the glass.
“How long until school starts,” she asked, changing the subject.
“An hour, but I'm going to call Miss Jacobs and ask her if you can spend some time in her room this morning, just until you are ready to go back into class. That's okay?” Josie nods and lifts her head to give her aunt a small smile. Her aunt sighs, offering her the same expression before leaning forward and giving her a kiss on her forehead. 
“I love you Josie.” 
“I love you too Aunt Hat.” 
Tapping on the keyboard was all that could be heard in the room as Miss Jacobs typed her emails and Josie sat on the couch, a book in hand, losing herself in another world. Sitting in Miss Jacob's room was a normal occurance for her, she was in here most mornings of the week after the nightmares happened. Miss Jacobs never forced her to talk about anything she didn't want to. If she just wanted to sit and read a book then Miss Jacobs was happy to give her the space to do that, as long as she caught up with the classes that she missed, which was never a problem.
“Josie, how are you finding your classes at the minute?” Miss Jacobs asks from her desk. Josie lifts her head up and looks at the woman, her eyebrows coming together in the middle.
“Um fine… i think. I mean I am passing everything at the moment. I'm not making A's or anything but I don't think that's a bad thing.” The counselor laughs, shaking her head, standing up and walking towards her and taking a seat in front of her.
“No, I know that. Your grades are great, but are you having a hard time keeping those grades?Have the nightmares been affecting you in this aspect?” Josie leans back in her seat, crossing her arms and pursing her lips a little.
“I mean not really. Sometimes Chem can be a little hard to keep up with but nothing major, usually I can push through by finding some extra time to study,” her voice was filled with certainty and confusion.
“And the nightmares, do they affect any of this?” Miss Jacobs eyes travel around the young girl's face, taking in the bags under her eyes. Josie shrugs.
“Not really. I’m used to them by now. I just have learned to get along with them. That’s all I can do,” her voice was firm. Miss Jacobs gives a small smile and nods.
“Well that's good. Now if you ever have problems with chem just let me know and i can get some help for you.” Josie offers her a polite smile and nod before grabbing her book and returning to her page. Miss Jacobs, seeing that the conversation is over, stands up and returns to her desk continuing with her emails, hoping that one of these days Josie will open up to her.
Three knocks chimed on the door of Miss Jacobs office before opening, revealing the one and only Danny Walter. Danny though was not the most popular Walter boy was still liked around the school and many of the girls still had a crush on him, which Josie could understand. Danny has been her best friend since she moved here when she was nine and since the day that they got put together for a project, they had been attached at the hip, though over the past few years they do spend a little more time apart, she still loved him very much. Many have assumed over the years that the two are more than friends but that couldn't be further from the truth. Danny was her platonic soulmate, he understood her better than anyone and told him practically everything, she loved him, just not like that. He was the brother that she never had. 
“Oh Danny, lovely to see you again. I can guess why you are here,” Miss Jacob teases and Danny laughs. 
“Lovely to see you too Miss. I am here for Miss Whitlock,” he turns and gives her a goofy grin and she snickers. He struts towards her with one hand behind his back, stopping in front of her and extending his hand to her. “Miss Whitlock, would you do the honor of coming with me to lunch,” to say that his posh accent was terrible would be an understatement. Josie puts her book down and shuffles to the edge, straightening her back and posing her face. 
“I do not know, kind sir. For I find that I actually have some much needed work that must be done and must therefore, with greatest regret, must decline your offer,” with that she leans back into the couch and bites down on her tongue to stop herself from laughing. Miss Jacobs sits in the corner watching the entire interaction with a smirk on her face, chuckling while eating her salad. 
“Oh my fair lady, how you have hurt me so,” Danny gets down on his knees and takes her hands in his. “Please dine with me or I shall die of a broken heart,” his hand touches his heart and Josie cannot do anything but laugh. 
“You are ridiculous,” she tells him before grabbing her bag and putting her book in. “Well i am only ridiculous for my bestest friend in the world, which just so happens to be you, Josie Whitlock,” Danny moves back as Josie stands up and turns to Miss Jacobs. 
“What would you say, Miss. Was our performance to your liking,” Miss Jacobs laughs. “I must say it exceeds it. I hope that it shall be a while until I see your next performance so that you have more time to prepare,” Danny’s face drops a little bit, understanding what she's saying but decides to ignore. “Understood Miss. I will make sure that the next time I see you I will give you that most amazing performance of your life,” Miss Jacob nods, shaking her head with a smile. Josie puts her hand on Danny’s shoulder and turns him. 
“Enough with the dramatics. Let's go, now that you are talking about lunch I want some,” Danny smirks at her and waves his hand towards Miss Jacobs as he walks out of the door. 
“Bye Miss Jacobs,” Josie says as they leave. Miss Jacob smiles to herself as she eats her salad, feeling the weight lifted ever so slightly, knowing that at least for now, everything was fine again for Josie. 
“So are you coming over tonight, we are having lasagna for dinner” Danny asks as he and Josie stroll towards the cafeteria. Josie smirks looking at him. 
“Danny, do you even have to ask? There is no point in me heading home because no doubt my aunt and your mom are going to end up on a job till late so what is the point of being home on my own.” Danny shrugs at her. 
“Well I don't know. Maybe you could have some friends over… A guy,” Josie turns and hits him on the arm. 
“Danny Walter, how dare you suggest that I would have a guy over. We all know what happens when others are given the opportunity. Trust me I have had to listen to many of our classmates' hookup stories,” she states as they walk into the cafeteria and walk towards the line. 
“Oh trust me, you do not have to have the house to yourself for people to take liberties about inviting ‘guests’ over for… that,” Danny informs her with slight discomfort which Josie can’t help but laugh at. 
“Let me guess Cole has had a ‘guest’ over recently,” grabbing a tray starts putting food on her tray. 
“Oh no, not for a while actually, which i'm confused about. Maybe he has decided to take a break for a while after Jackie sees Olivia sneaking out. Probably just goes to their house now,” Josie lifts her tray and pinches her eyebrows together and shrugs. 
“I don’t know, maybe. I mean it must be hard for Jackie being in a house full of people, not being able to get much privacy and then having to see someone sneaking out, knowing that they have done that, would be pretty awkward,” Josie trudges towards one of the table with Danny behind her with his own filled tray. 
“Oh yeah. And on top of that after the whole hair thing. Maybe he is feeling bad and deciding to stop being such an ass,” Danny concludes, tucking into his sandwich. Josie’s head falls to one side looking at her food and she plays with it with her fork, she shrugs.
“I mean… I don't know. I think after everything that happened with his leg and not being able to play football… really got to him. Ya know,” Danny nods, placing his sandwich down while finishing chewing. 
“I mean, I know he feels guilty after how much money mom and dad spent on his treatment. Sending him away for the summer just for it to come to nothing but he can’t just use that as an excuse,” Danny's voice was serious and Josie couldn't help but sigh. 
“I know. But maybe he is just a bit lost. Wouldn't you be if the one thing that you were good at was taken away from you. I mean what if you were never able to watch all of your movies, or study plays or whatever,” Josie puts a bit of her chicken in her mouth and looks at Danny as he sighs and leans back in his chair. 
“Fair point. It is just when you are dealing with his mood swings all the time you can forget. And I just don't like the way he treats people sometimes. Especially what he's like with girls,” Josie laughs and nods. 
“Trust me i agree but like you said it seems that maybe he is turning over a new leaf,” Danny raises an eyebrow and nods his head towards her. 
“We’ll see,” he concludes and Josie snickers at him. Nathan walks up to them with a tray in his hand and sits down next to them.
“Hey guys,” he greets as he sits, smiling at the pair. 
“Nathan, to what do we owe the pleasure,” Danny asks sarcastically. 
“Ha ha ha,” Nathan counters, causing Josie to snicker at the pair. “So are you coming over tonight Josie, we are having lasagna,” Nathan asks and Danny rolls his eyes. 
“I have already been asked, and as always I would be honored” Josie smiles at him and Nathan shakes his head with a smile on his face. “I don't know why we even bother asking you anymore,” Nathan states and Josie and Danny look at each other and look at each other with a knowing look. 
“Well if you are coming over tonight can you teach me that one song that you do on the guitar that i like. I have been trying to figure out the chords but i can't get it,” Nathan shoves some food in his mouth and Josie nods her head at him. 
“I would love to, but I am going to have to stop at my house on the way to get my guitar,” she tells them and Danny nods his head. 
“I’ll make sure that Cole stops off,” Danny tells her and she nods back at him. Lifting her head up she sees Cole walking in with his hands in his pockets, hair messily laying on top of his head, covering his forehead. Cole looks over towards her direction and sends a small smirk towards her and Josie can't help turning her attention to the food on her tray, a maroon colour decorating her freckled cheeks. When it came to the Cole effect, to say the least she wasn't immune to it, if anything she was very much impacted by it. 
Authors Note- Read on Wattpad to get a playlist and cast list.
Wattpad - Fanfic_writing_girl
Taglist- @lol6sposts
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shipping-world1994 · 3 months
"You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."
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eddiesshovel · 2 months
Zack x Danny is so fucking funny to me and I believe it should be canon yes draw the 2 men who hate each other and tried killing each other kissing!!!
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They want each other sooo bad
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wolfboy88 · 4 months
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I want to paint your body
Moodboard: Danny x Ethan x Isaac
For @teenwolfrarepairevents character of the month
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g1rld1ary · 3 months
revealing my embarrassing guilty pleasure watch here but would anyone read my life with the walter boys fics???
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sleeplessislandmisfit · 8 months
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My personal headcanon: Alex Walter not only plays DnD, he is the creator, president, and Dungeon Master of the school’s club.
He once tried to get his brothers/cousins to play with him, but Cole said he wasn’t playing some lame board game, Isaac called him a nerd, and Lee and Jordan couldn’t be bothered to pay attention. Nathan and Danny both tried to play, but Nathan’s ADHD kicked in after a while and Danny…well…you really can’t play with only one person.
Alex still made them all character sheets and still has them and the figurines he made for them tucked away in his closet.
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fawningflattery · 1 year
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bakugokemkatsuki · 10 months
Zack (Isaac) Foster X Reader
**Warning(s): mentions of night terrors and bad pasts
**Reader GN/F/M
**Genre: Comfort/Fluff
The manic laughter echoed through your head. The look of insanity on his face the emotionless look in his eyes. He’s running toward you scythe out ready to cut you. You jolted up right in your bed. Sweat beading down your face. Your heart was beating what felt like a million miles a second. The light on the nightstand turned on as your boyfriend sat up in bed. He pulled you in close and held you. “Another night terror? It’s okay. We’re out of that place now and I’m here. I love you. You’re safe.” You and your boyfriend had escaped from that place but not without a lot of trials. One included watching your boyfriend almost ascend into madness, the madness you’d worked to overcome together. You knew he loved you, you knew the man you saw that day wasn’t your boyfriend but the nightmares still remained. After a few minutes more of him holding you whispering sweet nothing to you, you both curled up and went back to sleep.
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**Might make a horror version of this as well.** sorry for errors I wrote this at midnight. NOT proofread**
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The Badger and The Snake: 1
Note: All the first years are fourteen and graduate Hogwarts at twenty in this, Derek is sixteen while Stiles is fourteen
Tagging: @axelwolf8109 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynsrosegarden @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @thebejeweledwatercat
Board by the talented af @ravenclaw-seeker
Eventually pairings: Stiles x Derek, Allison x Lydia, Issac x Scott, Ethan x Jackson, Aiden x Cora.
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"Let me look over you" Noah Stilinski fretted over his son, Stiles was slightly uncomfortable but kept it in. To be fair, neither of them knew Stiles was a wizard until about two months ago.
"You write letters to me whenever you can okay?" Noah held his son's shoulder. "Of course dad" Stiles got surprisingly choked up. Noah hugged him close and let go after a minute.
"Give them hell kid" Stiles laughed and boarded the train.
He walked to the first compartment he saw. "Can I sit here?" "Sure" A tan skinned kid smiled politely, his companion rolling his eyes but not saying.
"I'm Stiles" "I'm Danny" Danny turned to his friend. "Jackson" The other kid rolled his eyes again. Another boy ran in, hiding in a corner. "What did you do this time McCall?" Jackson grinned.
"Might've angered the Steiner twins" He squeaked. "I told them Slytherin and Ravenclaw are for smart people and they aren't smart"
"One of this days you're gonna get punched" Danny laughed.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Scott by the way" He held out his hand to Stiles who shook it. "I hope I'm in Slytherin" Jackson said. "Ravenclaw" Danny said.
"Gryffindor" Scott sighed. "I don't really have one I want" Stiles shrugged. "That's smart, you won't be disappointed then"
Stiles giggled and even Jackson cracked a smile. "Hey Jackson" A young girl with long black hair walked in. "Hey cus" He teased.
"Stiles, Scott, Danny" He introduced quickly. "This is my cousin Cora" "Hi" She waved politely. "So Derek and Laura are definitely trying out for Quidditch this year"
"After they flew into our house twice?" Cora laughed. "I still can't believe my dad's gonna be the potions teacher" Jackson hid his face.
"Peter Hale?" Scott tilted his head. "Uh yeah" "Damn dude"
"Am I supposed to know this? I'm technically muggle born" Stiles muttered. "The rest of our family died in a house fire when we were babies, my dad and cousins survived, it was rumored that a rival wizarding family did it" Jackson said bitterly.
"What if I don't get sorted" Scott whined nervously. "Maybe they'll keep you because of pity" Danny joked. "Ha ha"
Stiles couldn't hear anything, not the headmaster who Jackson was glaring at, not the fricking hat singing.
"Allison Argent!" A teacher called out. Jackson looked like he was about to throw something, Cora glared. Two teens from the Slytherin table looked away like she was beneath them, a teacher clenched his jaw but manages to look unbothered.
"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out. "That was awkward" Scott said.
"Cora Hale!" Cora took a deep breath. "Slytherin!" She whooped and ran to her brother and sister, who Stiles deduced were Derek and Laura.
"Isaac Lahley!" A young boy with curly blonde hair but too pale skin walked up shaking. "Gryffindor!"
"Lydia Martin!" A girl with strawberry blond hair skipped forward with confidence. "Slytherin!"
"Danny Māhealani" Danny patted Jackson on the back. "Slytherin!" "Aw man"
"Scott McCall!" Scott squeezed Stiles' arm, Stiles squeezed back
"Gryffindor!" Scott almost ran to the table with the Sorting hat on, the Slytherin teen boy that Stiles saw earlier, Derek, covered his mouth to keep from laughing.
"Aiden Steiner!" Aiden shoved past Stiles. "Ravenclaw!" "Wait what?" Aiden's twin said scandalized. "That's what happens when you act like a fool" Jackson whispered to Stiles who laughed.
"Ethan Steiner!" Ethan looked absolutely miserable. "Slytherin!" "They can separate twins?" "I guess"
"Stiles Stilinski!" Stiles was happy that it apparently didn't show his full name. 'Hmm, you're definitely loyal and smart, let us see' The hat said in Stiles' head. "Better be, Hufflepuff!" Stiles went to the table that was clapping for him.
Scott gave him a thumbs up and a grin. "Jackson Whittemore!" "Slytherin!" Peter Hale smiled genuinely and clapped for his son.
"I'm Kira!" The prefect sitting by Stiles shook his hand. "This is...wow" He grinned at all the food. "The head of house is my mom"
"That's so cool!" Stiles grinned.
Allison Argent was laughing with a few other Ravenclaws, Scott was arm wrestling with another Gryffindor, and Jackson and Danny were flirting with a couple of Slytherins.
"Boys dorm is here, you'll have to room with Boyd and Liam" Kira said. Stiles was looking around the Hufflepuff common room in awe. "I love plants" He grinned. Kira smiled fondly.
"Yo" Boyd waved from his bed, Liam looked at Stiles with a small glare. "Hi" Stiles waved.
"We're second years, you're our only first year so..." Liam mumbled. "He's just cranky because he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend from Gryffindor. I still says Theo is crazy enough to be a snake!"
"Shut your face" Stiles laughed and sat on his bed, taping a picture of his dad onto the headboard.
Day one of Hogwarts had done well, hopefully the next months did too.
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seraphscrypt · 9 months
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budgiesunset · 8 months
I am now writing for:
Cole Walter
Alex Walter
Isaac Garcia
Lee Garcia
Danny Walter
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shipping-world1994 · 20 days
Teen Wolf couples costumes:
Sterek: Captain Hook and Emma Swan
Petopher: Luke and Mando
Jaeden: Rumbelle
Allydia: Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy
Danny and Isaac: Malec
Scott and Avery: Will and Jack Sparrow
Michael and Martha May: Evil Queen and Robin Hood
Jackson and Ethan: BatCat
Cora and Aiden: Ariel and Eric
Malia and Kira: Alice and The Mad Hatter
Jordan and Laura: Johnny and Baby
Talia and James: Han Solo and Leia
Noah and Kali: Snow White and Prince Charming
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fanficwritinggirl · 8 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter Fanfic)
Chapter 5 - Cocoa
"Wait she puts what in her hot cocoa," Josie places the mugs on the wooden table as she sits down next to Cole. Taking the mug in his hand, Cole chuckles as he looks at Josie's wide eyes.
"She puts in chili," he tells her and Josie can't help but lean back in her chair and shake her head.
"No i am sorry, i like Jackie and all but that is criminal. I'm sorry but hot cocoa should only ever have whipped cream and marshmallows if you are going to add anything at all, everything else is a no no," Cole smirks and nods his head.
"You know Danny tried it, and liked it," Josie gasps dramatically, mouth hanging open. Cole can't help but burst out into laughter.
"Oh me and him are going to be having words," Cole shakes his head and slumps back in his chair, arms crossed, laughing. Josie can't help but laugh along with him. It had been so long since she had seen Cole this happy, carefree. Their eyes meet and they both fall into silence; they look at each other for what seems like forever, it was comfortable and Josie felt like she could look into his eyes forever.
Cole clears his throat and grabs his mug, taking a sip of his cocoa. Josie looks away and puts her hands around her mug, keeping her eyes on the drink in front of her. "It's good cocoa, definitely no chili," Cole comments and Josie's mouth lifts up at the sides. She bites her tongue trying to stop herself from smiling. Cole looks at her from the corner of his eye and lets himself exhale a breath he didn't know he was holding, feeling his body relax as he does.
Sitting in silence, they finish their hot cocoa, just enjoying the company. Josie stands up taking her cup with her as she walks towards the sink, she pushes the button on the radio, bringing it to life. She turns on the tap, she lets it run for a minute as the cold water slowly turns warm. Her eyes and attention is so fixated on the water that she doesn't even notice Cole come and stand beside her, his own mug nestled in his large hands. Cole leans forward and runs his fingers through the water to check the temperature causing Josie to jump a little, turning and looking at him. Cole looks at her and smirks.
"Sorry, thought you heard me. Got something on your mind?" he asks her, taking the mug from her hand and placing them in the sink, letting the warm water fill them. Josie licks her lips and shrugs.
"Nothing really, just zoned out," Cole nods at her, accepting her answer. His eyes taking her in from beneath the stray bit of hair and smirks as an idea comes to mind. Lifting his fingers through the stream of water, he moves his hands, flicking it onto Josie causing her to gasp.
"Cole!" her voice is loud, her mouth is hanging open, slight chuckles coming from her mouth. Josie grabs one of the mugs and chucks the water at him. Cole steps back, his mouth now hanging open larger than hers. Josie stands laughing at his reaction, her hands coming to rest on her stomach as she doubles over as she laughs. Cole closes his mouth and shakes his head, a smirk on his face.
"Oh you are on," he tells her, grabbing the other mug and splashing it over her. Josie gasps in shock, her eyes meeting Coles and she closes her mouth, recovering quickly, before putting her hand in the sink and swiping water towards him. It was now a full fledged battle. Water was flying everywhere, both of them were quickly becoming more and more soaked, laughter filling the house. Josie has a mug full of water in her hand as she goes for Cole, who grabs her wrists, pulling them down as much as he can, they both have wide smiles on their faces as they fight. Her arms weaken for a second giving Cole the chance to take a hold of her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulls her closer to him, his hands fighting for the mug. Slipping it out of her hand, he takes it and pours the content out onto her head, which causes her to gasp and laugh at the same time.
"Cole" she says which comes out as a slight moan, causing Cole to freeze. They both stand still, Cole's arms still wrapped around her waist, her head leaning back onto his shoulder, hands laying gently on his forearms. Cole lets out a sigh, trying to keep his mind from going to other places, places that he knew he should never go to. Josie is the first to move away from the hold, letting her hands fall and she pulls against Cole, causing him to let his arms drop to his side. She takes a step away from him, putting her hands on the counter and letting her breathing even out. There was quiet once again, nothing but the quiet play of the song on the radio playing.
If the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
This town - Niall Horan
"Come here," Cole says, Josie turns and looks at him, eyebrows lifted ever so slightly, coming together causing a crease between them.
"What?" the question comes out of her mouth and all Cole does is put his hand out, to her. Her delicate hand meets his rougher hand, he pulls her towards him. Their eyes meet and Cole directs her hands onto his shoulders and he lets his hands hover over her waist.
"Is this okay?" he asks her and all she can do is nod. They sway together, listening to the music, allowing their heads to lean against each other. The dance was slow, like the song.
And i want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And i remember everything
From when we were the children, playing in their fairground
Wish i was there with you now
Cole lifts his finger to sit under her chin, lifting it so that she is looking at him, their eyes meet again, a knowing look of understanding was shared between them. Cole leans forward and Josie closes her eyes.
"Cole, what are we doing?" she asks him, causing him to shake his head.
"I don't know," he responds honestly, and she sighs.
"Then why are we doing this?" She goes to pull back but he tightens his hold on her slightly.
"Because I care for you... and maybe I ..." he is cut off by the front door opening.
"Josie, I'm back honey. Catherine said that i could come and have some lunch with you, i was thinking we could go to the Lark and get some sand..." Aunt Hat walks into the kitchen, looking at the pair. They had sprung apart when they heard the door open, there was now a large distance between the two. Hattie stands taking in the scene in front of her before speaking.
"Hi Cole, wasn't expecting to see you here," she tells him and Cole gives her one of his smiles and nods.
"Nice to see you. Sorry about the mess, but I just remembered that I have some things to do, so I gotta go," he tells her as he walks towards the front door, opening it and leaving without saying another word. Hattie turns and looks at her niece who is staring at the ground.
"What was that about?" Hattie asks, her arms held up a little. Josie shakes her head and whips her eye, a small sniffle leaves her lips.
"I'm going to get some towels. I'm sorry about the mess," Josie walks past her aunt quickly and runs up the stairs. A slam of the door causes Hattie to lift her shoulders up to her ears and groan.
"Ohh, I don't miss these days," she mutters to herself before heading to grab some towels from the closest.
You still make me nervous when you walk in the room
Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
Everything comes back to you
Hattie cleans the kitchen and waits half an hour before venturing upstairs. "Josie?" She knocks gently on the door. "You okay?" concern was present in her voice.
"Go away," a quiet voice says from the other side of the door. Hattie sighs.
"Do you want to go for lunch and talk about it?" Hattie leans against the door and crosses her arms.
"No, I'm fine. I just want to be alone right now," Hattie groans softly, with her hands now on her face.
"Okay, well we are going to have to talk about it at some point," she treads carefully with what she is saying. Her hands slide down her sides and rest on her lower back, her finger touches the corner of her phone in her back pocket and her eyebrows raise as an idea comes to her head. She takes her phone out of her pocket and taps it in between her fingers.
"Honey, Catherine just messaged me saying she needs me back at the clinic. So you take the afternoon, think this through and we can talk about it later, okay," Hattie moves away from the door slightly.
"Okay," Josie replies and Hattie lets out a sigh in relief.
"Well, i'll see you later," Hattie says before she is walking swiftly out the house.
Hattie has never walked so fast into work before in her entire working life. Not that she hated her work or anything but god she needed to talk to Catherine. Jay, the receptionist looks at her with a confused look as she enters.
"Have a nice lunch?" he asks, causing her to groan and shake her head.
"Is Catherine available?"
"She's in her office," he tells her and she is down the hall like a bullet. Knocking the door, she opens in and sees Catherine sitting at her desk as she looks over some files on her computer. Turning, Catherine takes in her appearance raising her eyebrows.
"You okay?" Hattie slumps down on the chair in the corner and sighs.
"Can you please tell me why your son was at my house," Katherine scrunches her eyebrows together and moves her head a little.
"Cole was at your house, what was he doing?" Hattie chuckles, shaking her head.
"There was water all over the floor, they were both drenched and they were standing very, very close together," Katherine leaned back in her chair, eyes wide, mouth gaping.
"Do you think that anything happened between the two of them?" Catherine asks, causing Hattie to shake her head.
"No, no. I think I got there in time but god, them two infuriate me," Hattie says and Katherine laughs.
"The fact that these two have the biggest crushes on each other but just wont say anything, yeah i know," Hattie rolls her eyes.
"Oh my god, yes. I mean we weren't that bad when we were kids, were we? Because I don't think that I was," Katherine sighs and shakes her head.
"No we didn't but i don't think we experienced something that intense when we were that age. These two have had a connection since the first time they met," Katherine reminisces and Hattie smirks.
"An invisible string."
"Wow, you just had to make a Taylor Swift reference didn't you," Katherine says, raising an eyebrow and Hattie can't help but laugh.
"Hey, when you have a teenage girl, playing Taylor Swift the entire time you try not to."
"Imagine Parker being like that," the pair laugh.
"God, we need to do something," Hattie comments, causing Katherine to raise an eyebrow.
"Do something?" she asks and Hattie nods leaning forward.
"Hell yeah, I mean come on you can't tell me you haven't thought about taking it into our hands and giving them that push," Katherine shakes her head.
"No, we have to leave them to figure it out for themselves. I know what Cole is like, you push him, he is going to push back. And like i said, this is something intense that they are feeling for each other, we need to give them the time to sort it themselves," Hattie leans her head back on the chair and sighs.
"Well they better figure it out soon," Katherine laughs at her.
"And what are we going to do about the whole thing, being at my house, with no one else there?" Katherine shrugs at that.
"I mean, Cole is already sexually active, even though he thinks i don't know, i'm not stupid but Josie..." Hattie nods understanding.
"She hasn't. Not to my knowledge anyway." The room falls silent for a minute, neither not knowing what to say.
"I trust them both. And we both know that even if we say that they are not allowed to be around each other's house if an adult isn't there, they are going to start sneaking around," Katherine says.
"So you think that we should just let them do as they want?" Hattie asks, shocked. Katherine sighs.
"I mean, there isn't anything going on between them right now, so we should address it as..." Katherine's mouth gaps a little trying to figure out what to say.
"We should tell them that we would prefer for them to not be doing them things but if they are going to be, to be careful, use protection," Hattie puts her hands to her head.
"God this is so complicated."
"I know."
"If it wasn't early afternoon and i wasn't at work, i would open a bottle of wine," Hattie states, causing both of the women to burst out laughing. Inside though, they were hoping that how they were choosing to deal with this, was the right way of doing it.
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spaghettixdemon · 2 months
Nice to meet you...!
Hi Hi this is my new Tumblr acc. :) I created it to try to publish some fanfics collecting dust. Below are some fanbases I'm apart of - besides that, I write both SFW and NSFW so feel free to comment/send requests for anything!
-Till next post xo
Mythic Quest
Little Miss Sunshine (only sfw!)
The Batman
Moon Knight
Criminal Minds
Tokio Hotel
Beta Squad
School Spirits
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