#is this too morbid
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johnboyegbert · 2 years ago
Hello, random billionaire. I want to play a game. In front of you is an unsealed, poorly built submarine. You do not have to go in the submarine. If you do, i will seal you inside and drop you so deep in the ocean that no one will ever find your body. Entering the submarine will cost you $250,000. Just to reiterate, you absolutely do not have to go in the submarine. There is no benefit to going in the submarine. You have 96 hours. Make your choice.
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tawnysoup · 10 months ago
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when his face telegraphs the pun before it happens
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sleepyslag · 4 months ago
Oh my god they have had the What If One Of Us Dies conversation. And Dan almost had to live it. Do you think he was sitting in that relative's room in the hospital going oh god I might have to find a way to get this bitch cryogenically frozen.
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sleepy-steve · 3 months ago
pt 2 of steve "dies but doesn't stay dead" harrington and eddie "ferryman of the river styx" munson // 1.9k // pt 1 ♡
november 1984
Eddie checks. Of course he checks. Asks around, eventually to his superiors to make sure he wasn’t going to get in trouble for not collecting Steve. It’s uncommon, they tell him, rare, even. But not unheard of. People die briefly and come back to life. Usually only the one time. The answer should be good enough. Should be. Isn’t though. It frustrates Eddie to no end. Months of wondering and ruminating with the firm belief that he won’t get to see Harrington again anytime soon to ask.
He doesn’t have to wait long.
This time Eddie is on the boat. Leaning over the edge, a hand dangling low to the black water, staring at the same patch of grass he first saw Steve sitting. In fairness, all souls appeared in that general area. But Eddie is fixated on the exact spot Steve had shown off his deep chest wounds. It’s for this reason that Eddie jumps three feet into the air when Steve materialises in the same spot again less than a year later.
Sitting up with a rattling gasp and a look of fury on his bashed-in face—again?! Eddie briefly thinks—Steve yells, “Fucking Hargrove!”
“Christ, Harrington!” Eddie shouts, hand over his chest despite the distinct lack of heartbeat. “Could give a guy a bit of warning.”
Steve looks around, eyes surrounded by more dark bruising taking a second to focus on Eddie, chest heaving as he calms down. “Shit, sorry, man.”
They just look at each other for a few long moments, Eddie standing like a frightened cat on his still wobbling boat. He clears his throat to break the silence. “Who, uh. Who’s Hargrove?”
Scoffing, Steve drags a hand down the side of his face, then winces as it passes over bruising. “Douchebag new guy.” He sighs, settling his forearms on his knees. “His sister is friends with some kids I know. Was coming after them, so I…” Trailing off, Steve gestures to his face.
“What? Offered yourself up as a human punching bag and got yourself killed? Again?” Eddie says, trying not to sound too judgemental.
“Yeah, well,” Steve sighs. “I wasn’t just gonna let him beat up a kid. They’ve been through enough without some dickhead coming in and kicking the shit out of them.”
Eddie feels his brows pull together slightly as he sits back down on the bench of the boat, arms crossed over the edge. It’s not like Harrington was the big bully of Hawkins High, but defender of local kids is… new. “Sounds like a grade-A asshole.”
Steve snorts. “He is.”
“Kids were lucky to have you around as their… babysitter?” Eddie offers, cracking a grin.
Steve rolls his eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Something like that. Probably didn’t need me at all. Stuck around long enough to see her drug him, so they should be fine.”
Humming appreciatively, a thought moves across Eddie’s mind, and he can’t help himself. “…No monsters this time?”
“Ha, ha,” Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I know you don’t believe me, but the monsters did actually come back, which is why I was with those little shits in the first place.” He sounds annoyed, but there’s a fond look behind those bruised eyes. One that gives Eddie a little spark in his chest. “But no, this death was just a regular guy.”
It’s Eddie’s turn to snort. “This death. So casual.”
A full grin breaks out on Steve’s face, contrasting heavily with the bruises and the blood under his nose. “Well, when it’s happened this many times, kinda hard not to view it as like. Just this thing that happens, y’know?”
Eddie doesn’t really know. Of everything he’s learnt about death—through his own and through everyone he’s met since—this thing Steve goes through is beyond him. Incomprehensible. He nods anyway.
“How many times have you died, Harrington?”
“Hmm…” Steve looks up as he thinks for a moment. “This would be… five? Or six?” He shrugs. “I’m not sure if it happened when I was a baby.”
He says it so casually, so matter-of-fact, Eddie almost wants to double-take. It sounds so truthful, he struggles to not believe him. Even though Eddie knows he’s not losing much by believing him, a small part of him still has doubts. And worries for his job. “You gonna get in the boat this time?”
Steve snorts. “Not this time, buddy.” Something jolts in Eddie’s chest at the familiarity. “Maybe next time though.”
“Next time,” Eddie mutters under his breath, shaking his head. “You anticipate dying again?”
“Well, no,” Steve chuckles. “But based on how things have been… and apparently I’m not too careful.” He gestures at his bruised up face, eyes bright with humour between the blues and purples and reds.
“The monsters?” Eddie supplies, just teetering on the edge of sarcasm.
“Monsters, douchebag guys, car wrecks… you just never know.”
The casual tone in which Steve talks about his deaths still has Eddie reeling. It’s been well over a year and Eddie is surrounded by death constantly, and he still struggles to think about his own. Tells himself he’d rather not dwell, which is true, but it also hurts. He shakes it off, shifting his focus to the bruised and beaten boy in front of him.
“Or… you could save yourself the trouble, and get in the boat now?” Eddie gestures down at his boat with a little hand flair. He’s joking. Mostly. If Steve did have the chance to go back to the land of the living, Eddie didn’t want to take that away from him. Not that he thought Steve was getting that chance. Not completely, anyway.
“Wish I could, but I don’t make the rules.” Steve grins at him, like they’re sharing a secret. And they kind of were. Eddie wasn’t sure how many people knew about Steve’s semi-regular dances with death.
“And since when have you ever been one to stick to the rules?” Eddie asks, propping his arm up and resting his chin on his palm. Looking at the boy on the grass. His hair is longer this time.
Steve laughs, head tilted back. “Fair point. But if you want me on that boat, you’re gonna have to come over here and drag me onto it.” He raises a brow at Eddie in challenge.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Wish I could, but I don’t make the rules.” He repeats Steve’s words back at him, mocking him.
“Well, well, well,” Steve says, tone playful. “Look who’s being a stickler for rules now.”
“I know,” Eddie drags it out, struggling to hold back his smile. “Crazy, huh? Divine punishment for being born the son of a criminal, I guess.” Eddie’s gaze drops down to the black water beneath him.
Steve scoffs at him. “Like you never smoked pot or broke speeding laws in that van of yours.” 
Eyes widening before he can stop them, Eddie’s shocked Steve even knows about the van. Shocked that Steve knows anything about him at all. What world is he in where the king of Hawkins High knows about Eddie and his beat up old van? Even being in the grade below him, Steve had a popularity pull that was noticed by those in Eddie’s grade. Confusion and surprise subsiding, Eddie finds himself leaning forward even further.
“Coming from you?” Eddie challenges back. “We all know about the famous Harrington ragers, Mister Keg King.”
The title makes Steve roll his eyes. “Never saw you at one.”
It was true. Eddie hadn’t attended any of the parties, for fear of his reputation making him a target. He drops his gaze again. “Didn’t think I’d be welcome there.”
Steve doesn’t respond, and the silence grows between them. They haven’t moved, but Eddie feels further away from him. Like the weird little familiarity they’d developed was being forcefully shoved apart. Eddie doesn’t look up to see Steve’s reaction. Doesn’t want the pity.
“So, you really can’t get out of the boat?” Steve breaks the silence with a complete topic change.
“Nope,” Eddie responds, popping the P. “She’s my new baby, now that I don’t have my van.” He pats the side of the boat with his free hand.
Steve shifts forward until he’s sitting as close as he can to the water’s edge without getting wet. Close enough for Eddie to see the broken capillaries under his skin and the little green flecks in his eyes. He takes in the cuts on Steve’s jaw and forehead, the two black eyes, the blood under his nose. The way his knuckles are bruised and bloodied to match. Something in Eddie feels oddly… protective. Like he wants to jump in front of anything that might hurt this guy he doesn’t even really know that well.
“Change your mind about getting in the boat?” Eddie asks, voice low, now that Steve is so close.
“No,” Steve huffs a laugh. “But you can’t move, so I figured I should.”
“Just that desperate to be close to me, are you?” It slips out of Eddie’s mouth before he can think about it. And Eddie wants to punch himself in the face over it.
But to his surprise, Steve doesn’t recoil away or yell at him. Instead, he laughs softly, cheeks faintly pink beneath the bruising. “What can I say? The allure of your… baby…” He says it with a smirk. “Very tempting.”
Taken aback by Steve’s… flirting is the only word to describe it, but that can’t be right, Eddie immediately switches to joke mode. He won’t entertain the idea that Steve Harrington was honest-to-god flirting with him. He won’t.
“I’ll get you into this boat one day, Harrington. Mark my words.” 
He knocks on the edge of the boat twice before smoothing his hand over the wood. Watches as Steve’s eyes follow his hand, seemingly fixated on it. Eddie briefly wonders what would happen if he touched Steve. Would that commit Steve to being stuck here? Commit him to moving on? Would Eddie even be able to feel him?
Gaze shifting back to Eddie’s face, a smile grows on Steve’s face. “Maybe. One day.” He shrugs, like his eventual death is a fun, whimsical topic.
Eddie is about to comment on Steve’s tone, but before he can, Steve’s head whips to the side, hearing something Eddie can’t. Just like last time.
Unlike last time, Steve doesn’t get up right away. “Looks like my time’s up.”
“How do you know?” Eddie is so curious, he can’t help but ask.
“I can hear—” Steve waves vaguely around his ear. “—stuff. From where I am. The kids are yelling. Hope they’re not too freaked out.”
“Guess you better get back then,” Eddie says, trying to hide his disappointment.
“Yep.” Steve pulls himself up into a standing position, now suddenly looking down at Eddie, who leans back on instinct, shifting back on the boat bench. “But I’ll see you next time.”
“I’ll be here.” Eddie gestures at the boat, palm up. Like he has anywhere else to go. “See ya, Harrington. Stay away from monsters.”
“I’ll try,” Steve laughs, walking backwards on the grass. Keeping his eyes on Eddie as he retreats.
“Try not to get that pretty face bashed in again,” Eddie calls after Steve’s already fading form, grinning wide.
Steve just laughs, the sound of it echoing even after his body disappears from Eddie’s sight.
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bluelicorfino · 7 months ago
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Jettwins lore, right?
Based on this:
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This is every Robin to ever hold the title
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cybersixed · 5 months ago
You wouldn't last a DAY in the streets I grew up in
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keepthedelta · 9 months ago
do you think keke rosberg who raced against his best friend and lost and raced against him and won and tried to save him but couldn't and had to leave the track that day knowing that elio was gone when that morning he had been alive and laughing ever looks at nico and lewis and is grateful for their divorce?
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gotstabbedbyapen · 6 months ago
I drank too much coffe in the evening and now I'm struggling to get some sleep. So have my 1 AM Hyapollo Half-Dead AU (or Zombie AU, which ever you prefer)
Basically Hyacinthus was ressurected from the dead through dark magic or a one-in-a-lifetime glitch in the life-death cycle. He is a bit off and doozy from the sudden shift but still obtains most of his personality. However, due to being a disrespectful defiant to the natural order (I imagine Persephone often call him as such), Hyacinthus cannot eat human food like before or feast on ambrosia like the gods.
So to keep his lover alive and not hungry while not endangering others, Apollo lets Hyacinthus drink his ichor and eat some of his flesh. Yeah, allowing your lover to sustain on your own godly blood if their love language, don't judge.
Apollo is a full god so ichor loss isn't a problem to him. It might hurt when he got bitten, but Apollo is willing to do anything for his defiant-to-the-natural-order Hyacinthus. Anything to keep him well fed and happy.
Edit: I'm gonna re-name this to Theophagy AU. The new one sounds fancier :>
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unicornpopcorn14 · 10 months ago
Random ass hc of Dazai gifting Chuuya smth on the first valentine since Chuuya joined, and Chuuya going "??? tf? Have you lost your mind?" in which Dazai counters with, "It's a celebration of us not being together, stupid! You think I'll gift you anything if we were together?!"
And Chuuya going, "Oh yeah that makes sense... Wait- I didn't give you anything... does that mean-"
"Care to explain anything, Chuuya~?"
They did it every year. Each one they plan a week ahead for the best gift because giving a weak gift, to them, is like being upset that they are not dating. Sort of in a 'I'm celebrating this shit harder than you, see?' way.
And so Dazai strategizes, and Chuuya plans, with every valentine being a mantra of "Aha! But I brought this, that's how much I don't stand you!" "Funny, because I bought this!" "Aha, bet you didn't think I'd buy another one, though!!" "Two steps ahead, I bought FOUR!"
Half of the PM thinks they're already together, while the other half (aka Koyou, the flags, Oda, Ango, and anyone unfortunate enough to know the two well) are just so freaking tired.
At 22, they do stop gifting each other on Valentine's...
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yardsards · 10 months ago
i needed to express a sentiment in the creative stylings of @dunmeshiminimumwage
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#eliot posts#dunme#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi#sorry to put toshiro in the roll of shitty job interviewer lmao#but he was the best fit for ''guy that wants me to read their mind''#laios being my internal monologue here#i was on my THIRD interview of the day i was Dying#tho since the prev two interviews i had were for similar positions and told me their salaries outright at least i could use that number#(though tbh my work persona is more of a kabru. my customer service voice is unparalleled)#(at my first job even my coworkers thought i was sooo cheerful til i got too comfy and casually made a joke abt wanting to asphyxiate on a#plastic shopping bag like a sea turtle. in front of my sweet elderly coworker. oops!)#(also this job was during quarantine and after weeks of working together i took my mask off in front of one coworker for the first time#and she called like half the department over from their registers to look at how pretty i was??? prettyboy powers unmatched ig)#(also my first interview today went SO well i charmed that interviewer so good despite my lack of qualifications)#(she even complimented my social skills and said i seemed like the type who could get along well and make good conversation with anyone!)#(which is important bc i was interviewing for an elder care position. also old people especially tend to think i am a Delightful Young Lad)#(unless i accidentally make a morbid joke around them ig lmaooo. or. well. some of them like those too. but not that one coworker lol)#(if only that skill transferred over to actually making friends irl. my autistic ass has so few close irl connections)#(i hope my exceedingly short list of character references does not prevent me from getting hired)#AND ALSO my first job asked the same wage question and i said twelve dollars#and they were like all our new employees start at 7.75#the union insists that we pay all new employees a whopping 50 cents above min wage. (we'd pay less if we could)#like dawg why did you ask that then??? if my answer did not matter at all???
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mallowvivid · 24 days ago
So I got inspired by @skystarslut with their Starscream cardigan idea and I kinda drew a few things (mine aren’t very discreet 😔)
link to their post^^^^^ (I hope this works)
I know the wings might look a little silly buttoned on (which isn’t my original idea, I do not claim credit!!), but I really wanted to draw some wings! :D
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My og sketches are probably my favorite tho:
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(Also if you, the og artist, sees this and wants me to take this post down: I will, with no questions asked! I’m not too familiar with how to interact with others on here and might over step boundaries by accident. I cannot make any of these irl I just like drawing and was inspired :D 👍)
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mikeluciraphgabe · 8 months ago
The sins committed on ao3 STAY on ao3 - whatever god or non god or whatever you believe or don’t believe in, understand this
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vim-flam · 4 days ago
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j-partneringrime · 20 days ago
It’s so interesting how with tr!aimsey’s new lease on life they are both willing to do anything, sacrifice anyone to further their research but is also connecting with people more because of it, before they died they weren’t even really getting that close to their own faction members, it was really only cal and ros that they were genuinely connecting with but now that she is getting a lot closer to more people in this new life, she is also completely fine and ready to kill them if it means the research can progress. It’s just so interesting how this new life and new will to live is making them so much connected and invested in stuff, they’ve become so much more attached to everything, both people and ideas and it’s fascinating how those things will eventually come to a head, the new connection with people and the willingness to kill those people to get what they need to continue on. They’ve always had a problem with their morbid curiosity, in their previous life with death and necromancy, which didn’t end well, but now in this new life, he’s being shown a mysterious corruption, a missing keeper, new eye creatures watching them, and now these dragon egg shards, of course they can’t ignore all that, they have to investigate, have to learn more. So all that dangerous morbid curiosity is right there again, but this time it haven’t worn him down, she hasn’t had years and years of punishment from it, they’re coming into this completely fresh, both mentally and physically so she’s ready to do whatever to takes to learn more, to get these shards, to discover their meaning. Their morbid curiosity has taken over once more, but is it really that morbid if you know and admit you’re willing to sacrifice yourself and others for it? …Yes, yes it most definitely still is. But that’s not stopping them now. His new view on life is so intriguing because she knows full well that this morbid curiosity is almost definitely going to end badly, but she still won’t stop. They after so long want to actually live and stay alive but is still completely willing to get closer to death and risk their life to continue this research, this curiosity is killing them, again, and they know it but still refuse to let this go, they need to get these shards, they need to figure this out, no matter how much they have to die or kill to get it, which isn’t something they want to do, of course not, but they will… easily, if it’s what needs to happen to mean they get what they need to further this morbid curiosity.
I’m finally starting to get back into my analysis groove, and ofc it’s tr!aimsey again, they’re just such an interesting character and this new version of them is such a cool concept and so intriguing to delve into and learn more about how they differentiate from the old aimsey, despite being mostly the same person.
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years ago
I am so passed April fools cause life hard and busy but I hope we're still in a silly mood ;;v;;
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(very belated) April Black Butler Animo Black Arts Magazine- Ciel Dies.
I really needed to participate in this months mag for 2 reasons, 1) because I missed doing last months mag even though the prompt that I had pitched since day 1 of me joining (wild west) was finally selected... and I didn't even get to participate. so I'm bummed. and 2) because I actually also am mostly responsible for conceiving this prompt and I am proud of myself(as well as everyone else who participated hahaaa) for having an idea. so yes.
I also got to do the cover this time.
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