#is there a ship name for the four of them?
in1-nutshell · 2 days
Hi! Can you do TF 'what if…' request? What if Ophelia and Ironhold live in TFA Silver Aid universe or having TFA versions of Ophelia & Ironhold?
Where Ophelia and Ironhold (and with Steve & Rumble who are in their Pre-relationships with the Buddies), are transport to TFA universe, and also Join the Decepticon. Years later, Silver became techno-organic & joins Decepticon, and she became friends (and later mother figure) with Ophelia and Ironhold
You can also add Ophelia's & Ironhold's (future) conjuxes
I did the intro to the Ophelia and Ironhold with Silver Aid.
Hope you enjoy!
TFA Version of Ophelia and Ironhold Featuring Silver Aid
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted Romance, Cybertronian reader/ techno organic reader
Megatron met the two as sparklings.
It was a couple of months into the war’s ending when Megatron had helped Shockwave sneak into the city.
He wasn’t going to leave his only spy at the gates, the warlord went in and made sure the disguise worked.
Once Shockwave left, Megatron started his way back to the ship when he heard rustling over by some nearby crates.
He went towards the crates and peaked inside.
Inside were two sparklings.
The smaller one had place herself in front of the larger one, attempting to shield them from his gaze.
It was clear as day that the smaller one was trembling in front of his optics, but she refused to move.
The bigger sparkling was also shaking but held a glare on their face.
Megatron looked down at the crate and found something written on it with a city seal.
It left a bad taste in his mouth seeing the sparklings titled as ‘defective’.
He didn’t see anything wrong with them.
Who was given the right to already name these bots as ‘defective’?
Megatron returns to the ship with two crates in his servos.
Lugnut is by his side in an instant.
Lugnut: “Lord Megatron! You have returned!”
Megatron: “Hush. I finally got them to stop making so much noise.”
Blitzwing and Starscream come to his side.
Blitzwing grabs one of the crates filled to the brim with energon.
Starscream spots something moving in the other crate.
Starscream: “What in the name of Cybertron—”
The Seeker pauses when he sees 2 pairs of optics stare right at him.
Starscream: “Are-are those sparklings?!”
His screeching caused the bigger sparkling to start shaking.
The smaller one started frantically patting their servo.
Megatron: “Starscream keep your voice low!”
The smaller sparkling then started chirping rapidly as the bigger sparkling started shaking even worse.
The mechs tried to cover their audials when they both started shrieking.
Blitzwing: “This is worse than Starscream stubbing his pede!”
Starscream: “Shut them up!”
Lugnut: “Do not speak to the sparklings with that language!”
Megatron: “…”
It wasn’t everyday you’d see the great leader of the Decepticon armada trying to shush a trembling sparkling, while another one was hanging on for dear life on his helm plating.
Megatron insisted that the sparklings were only going to stay temporarily on the ship until they came to a more suitable place to leave them.
But one night turned into two, then three, then four, then five…
Blitzwing’s Random was playing with the smaller sparkling, making silly faces and smile widening more with the sounds of the sparklings laugh.
The bigger sparkling was sitting on the ground listening to Lugnut tell another victorious battle Megatron had led them.
Megatron was watching over them from afar.
Starscream huffed by his side.
Starscream: “I think Quaker would be a good name.”
Megatron looks at his Second in Command.
Megatron: “What?”
Starscream: “For the bigger sparkling, I mean. I was thinking Rattler for the little one.”
Megatron: “What are you blundering about?”
Starscream: “They need names Megatron, calling them ‘the bigger sparkling’ and ‘smaller one’ are not proper names.”
Megatron: “To give them names is to get attached. We are still dropping them off at the nearest—”
Starscream laughs humorlessly.
Starscream: “We have passed several places for the sparklings to be taken in. Each one you have made the same excuse of it not being good enough for them. So, my question Megatron, is who are you trying to fool?”
Megatron: “I am not fooling anyone Starscream and choose your next words wisely.”
Starscream: “You’ve become attached to them just like the rest of us. So, drop the act and admit it—”
The bigger sparkling squealed in delight at Lugnut’s theatrics.
Then the bigger sparkling turned to look at Megatron with the biggest grin on their face.
Bigger sparkling: “Megatron!”
All the adult Cons: “…”
It was safe to say that he was going to keep them, no one argued otherwise.
Shortly after that, Megatron arranged a naming ceremony for the sparklings.
Officially putting the pair into the Decepticon record as part of the cause.
The big sparkling was named Ironhold.
The smaller sparkling was named Ophelia.
There were many calls from other Decepticon’s wanting to see the new recruits.
Many of them were surprised to see the recruits being sparklings, but nonetheless, they were pleased to see the little ones.
As time went on the sparklings changed as well.
Ophelia was the first to start growing, stopping around the Con’s knees.
The Con’s figured that she was a minibot after a couple more days without any sign of growth.
Ophelia didn’t mind being small.
It meant her uncles and father could still carry her around without any strain.
Plus! She could get into places the others couldn’t get into.
Megatron looking around.
Lugnut with Ironhold in his servo.
Lugnut: “Lord Megatron, are you looking for something?”
Megatron: “Ophelia needs some repairs done but absolutely refuses to come out of hiding.”
Lugnut: “My Lord—”
Megatron: “We will talk about Ironhold’s repairs later. Ophelia! You can run but you can’t hide!”
Starscream and Blitzwing walk to Lugnut’s side.
They watch Megatron walking out of the room with Ophelia holding onto some of his back plating with a mischief smile on her face.
Ironhold looks at Starscream: “Why can’t I tell him?”
Starscream: “Because little one.”
Ironhold: “Because what?”
Starscream: “…If I give you a rust stick will you keep it quiet for a couple more minutes?”
Ironhold: “Deal!”
The others assumed that Ironhold was also going to be a minibot seeing as they had grown an inch.
They were even smaller than Ophelia!
Something the bot hated.
Mainly because Ophelia could run faster and farther than they could.
Even carry them farther!
That, however, changed when they did start growing.
And growing fast.
For the Cons, one day Ironhold was the same size as Ophelia, the next they had skyrocketed and now was about the same height as Megatron.
The Con’s are 99.99% sure that Ironhold came from Decepticon origin.
Ironhold: “Hey Lugnut watch this!”
Lugnut: “Ironhold what are you doing? Why are—BY LORD MEGATRON’S NAME!”
Blitzwing comes running with Ophelia dangling from his wing.
Both Con’s looked in slight disbelief at Ironhold proudly holding Lugnut above their helm with no sign of shaking.
Ophelia: “That’s amazing!”
Ironhold: “I know right!”
Blitzwing: “Ironhold put Lugnut down!”
Ironhold: “But I’m not even tired.”
Blitzwing: “Yes, but Lugnut looks like he is going to show you his energon he drank earlier.”
Lugnut: “I’m… fine…”
Ophelia didn’t care too much that her sibling grew over night.
She was still the older one of the two.
Ophelia was now often spotted perched on Ironhold’s shoulder or somewhere near Megatron.
Then came Silver Aid.
Ophelia was the first to greet the recruit with wide smiles.
The former Autobot was a bit put off by the sudden welcome but was happy at the same time.
Ironhold was a bit cautious around the new con, but seeing as Ophelia had taken such a quick liking to her, they decided to try and get to know the techno organic.
When the pair heard about what happened to Silver Aid, it was one of the rare times were Ironhold expressed rage outward to someone.
Ophelia offered all the help she could.
Soon Ophelia and Ironhold were given official positions.
Well, as ‘official’ as they could be with their numbers.
Ophelia ended up becoming Silver Aid’s assistant while Ironhold saw more field work.
Megatron wanted to keep them both in the base, but Ironhold quickly proved to be extremely useful on supply runs.
It was also around this time when the pair noticed Silver Aid and Megatron’s looks.
Megatron had certain looks that he gave to his fellow Cons.
The softer ones were always reserved for them.
But now he was giving a different kind of soft look at the new medical officer.
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Ophelia perched on his shoulder.
They were both waiting for Ironhold to get out of the medbay after landing a sizable dent on their side.
Ophelia: “Silver Aid is nice.”
Megatron hums in agreement.
Ophelia: "She’s kind, compassionate, arguably the smart one…”
Megatron mumbles: “A pretty one.”
Ophelia looks at him: “A pretty what?”
Megatron has a slight moment of panic.
Megatron: “A pretty good medic. One of the best I have seen in a while.”
Ophelia: “Since when do you use the word ‘pretty’ like that?”
Megatron grumbles a bit.
Ophelia chuckles a bit patting his helm affectionately.
Ophelia: “… Just so you know, Ironhold and I are betting when you two get together.”
Megatron with wide and embarrassed optics: “Ophelia!”
Ophelia just laughs while hugging his helm.
Megatron grumbles a bit, while adjusting his daughter on his shoulder so she wouldn’t fall off.
Ironhold looks at Silver Aid.
Ironhold: “How long is it going to take for you to confess that you love Megatron?”
Silver Aid: “Ironhold!”
Ironhold: “I just want to know. I’m betting with Ophelia, and I want that can of wax.”
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Based on an idea @thediktatortot and I workshopped in the tags of this post. Enjoy Tommy, Steve, Eddie and Billy being trapped in a room together!
Part 2! Part 3! Part 4! AO3 link!
The world was hell bent on making Steve Harrington suffer. He was sure of it, dead-set, knew it in his soul.
Why else would he have gotten trapped in the high school teacher’s lounge with Eddie Munson, Tommy Hagan, and Billy Hargrove of all people?
“--you didn’t skip gym every fuckin’ year then maybe you could have kept up, freak.” Tommy hissed at Eddie, his teeth gritted as he leaned against the door a demodog was currently trying to knock down.
“Oh yeah cause tackle fucking football really prepares you for the goddamn apocalypse!” Eddie snarled back, marring the effect a little by tripping over his feet as he brought over a chair to prop against the door.
“Shut the fuck up!” Billy growled at them both, “‘M tryin’ to fuckin’ focus!”
He had his back pressed against the door, and was probably the real reason that it hadn’t been caved in yet. Ever since he’d survived his face off with the mindflayer last summer, Billy had been different. Not just in such that he didn’t try to take a bite out of anyone who got too close to him half as often, but in that he could bench his fucking car. Steve knew, because he’d seen him do it one of the days he’d picked Max up for whatever dumb thing the kids were up to. 
“Oh sorry Lou, don’t let us get in the way of your ‘roid rage.” Tommy snitted back, unable to keep his mouth shut for love of life or limb.
“Tommy, for fucks sake shut your mouth for ten goddamn minutes and help me move this vending machine.” Steve cut Billy off before he could escalate what was quickly devolving into a miniaturized Lord of the Flies reenactment.
Tommy aimed an ugly look his way while Eddie snickered.
“King’s callin’ Hagan, be a good little pawn and attend him.” 
“Munson, get your ass over here, you’re helping too.” Steve turned his disapproving glare on Eddie too.
Tommy bowed dramatically, “Ladies first.”
“Age before beauty.” Eddie bowed back.
“Hurry. The. Fuck. UP!” Billy was losing ground by inches. 
Tommy and Eddie took their places on either side of Steve and the three of them started to push the vending machine, inch by screeching inch, across the floor and in front of the door. It filled almost the entire door frame. While it wouldn’t keep a pack of demodogs out for long, it would give them long enough to get their shit together again.
“Okay, so plan?” Steve looked between the three men he now found himself stuck with, “Anybody got a plan?”
“Munson’s the ‘Dungeon Master’, isn’t coming up with plans to beat monsters kind of your thing?” Tommy poked again, securing his place on the mental list Steve knew Eddie kept of people he would eat first in a crisis.
“What the fuck is your problem, douchebag?” Eddie turned his full attention on him, “We’re in the middle of some supernatural life or death bullshit, and your go-to is still ‘Shit on the Freak’? My fuckin’ plan is to trip you while we’re running so they slow down to eat your stupid jock ass.” 
Steve pressed his fists into his eyes, trying to force himself to breathe through the headache he could feel forming at the base of his skull. Of all the combinations of people…
“I was trying to be nice!” Tommy shouted back, and even with his eyes closed, Steve could see the way his hands were gesturing, “That stupid game you play with your weirdo friends has a lot to do with making shit up as you go along! That’s a skill!”
“....did you just admit to knowing what DND is about?” Eddie sounded more confused than angry, like all the fire just burnt right out of him.
“I-! No- I just…”
“Table that,” Billy cut in, “I’m not getting torn apart by another one of those fucking things because you two can’t focus for shit.”
“Who died and made you boss, Hargrove?” Tommy snapped reflexively.
“Your fucking Dad, Hagan. It’s why I’m fucking your mom now too.”
“ENOUGH!” Steve shouted in a voice that sounded so much like Richard Harrington he hated himself a little bit for it, “None of us like each other, we all know that, it’s whatever, old news! But I’m pretty sure none of us want to die, either. You two know better than anyone that this shit is not a game.” 
Steve pointed a finger at Billy and Eddie each in turn before turning his attention on Tommy. 
He was scared, of course he was. Tommy had always used his sharp tongue to cover up his weaknesses, and right now he had to have been feeling about two feet tall and made of tissue paper. Steve had stopped flinching about bodies years ago, but Tommy hadn’t been by his side for that change either. 
So he tried to make himself sound calm, familiar, like they were just talking like they used to when they were dumb little boys sharing secrets during the secret hours of the night where nothing had to mean more than it meant. 
“I know it’s scary as hell, but we’re not going to let you die, Tommy. No one here is dying, not tonight. We’re all on the same team here, and that means we’re going to look out for each other. Okay?”
He held Tommy’s eyes for a moment more, before letting his attention move to Billy, then Eddie in turn.
Eddie was the first to respond, because of course he was.
“Alright, fine. For one night only, coming to an amphitheater near you, the freakiest Friday you’ve ever fucking seen, Off Brand Motley Crue!” Eddie imitated the distant cheering of a crowd and to Steve’s surprise Billy fucking snorted.
He shoved Eddie’s shoulder almost affectionately, muttering “You’re a fuckin’ idiot, Munson.” 
Tommy was still staring at Steve when he looked back at him. There was so much going on in the valley between his eyebrows, Steve could practically hear him thinking.
“Spit it out, Tommy.” Steve sighed while Eddie and Billy wandered off to see if they could scavenge anything of use.
“Is this why you stopped talking to me?” He asked with no preamble.
Fifteen different responses flashed through Steve’s head, all in varying degrees of bitchiness. His patience was more like a roulette wheel than a chord close to snapping at this point. There was every chance he’d say something stupid by sheer chance.
“Kind of?” He shrugged, relieved he’d started off neutral at least, “Some of it, I guess.”
“But not the big part.” Tommy laughs humorlessly, filling in the gaps between what Steve means and what he says as effortlessly as he ever did, “Well shit. Here I was telling myself my best friend ditched me to save me from some crazy horrible death or some shit.”
He laughed again, but the sound was as cruel as it was watery.
“That’s not-- you know that’s not fucking fair Tommy!” Steve could feel his expression folding in on itself.
“Not fair? So you’re saying you didn’t completely bail on me instead of being like ‘Huh we’re kinda assholes and I don’t really like that maybe we should work on that’ like a normal fucking friend would?” Tommy snapped. 
“If you’d said you just wanted to yell at him yourself, I would have ceded the floor to you without a fight, Harrington.” Eddie weighed in from across the room.
“Shut up!” Steve and Tommy chorused together, causing Eddie to raise his hands in surrender with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
He turned back to Billy, the blonde rolling his eyes as he tore through a drawer full of seasoning packets.
“I’m not fucking stupid, Steve.” Tommy said firmly, his expression looking far more present and alert than Steve was used to, like he’d come out of whatever place he sent himself when there were other people around, “I know you hated what we were like. You’re a nice guy, you always have been. Even though you’re also a total bitch sometimes.”
Steve almost laughed, but the noise caught in his throat instead.
“Yeah well maybe I didn’t think about it. Maybe I was too caught up in needing to change that I told myself I had to get rid of everything to do it.” Steve clenched his jaw, remembering how hard everything had been back then, how alone he’d felt in the canyon between who he was and who he wanted to be.
“I would have changed with you.” Tommy said to his shoes instead of to Steve, “You know. It’s never been about-- about popularity. It’s always been about making you happy.”
The admission caught him like a blow to the stomach. He felt his eyes tearing up and pressed his thumb and forefinger into the bridge of his nose.
“I think near-death experiences with monsters from other dimensions are pretty good catalysts for second chances.” Steve said, when he felt like he could without his voice breaking on him.
“Catalysts?” Tommy raised an eyebrow, “You spend a couple years around a group of nerds and suddenly you start using the big words?”
It’s an insult but it’s good natured, it’s barbed, but like one of those foam prop spiked bats they sell for Halloween. It’s familiar, and it’s easy, and God has Steve missed bantering with someone who knows how to tease him without actually hurting his feelings.
“Pretty face isn’t gonna get me by my whole life.” Steve replied, a smile sneaking onto his lips as a matching smile spans Tommy’s.
Tommy claps him on the shoulder, “Damn straight, once you hit forty that hair is gonna move onto your back and then you’re screwed.”
Steve laughed, feeling relieved by the resolution of something he hadn’t been aware was still bothering him.
“Yeah, yeah, you can’t say that like your skin isn’t gonna melt like your uncle Fred’s did when you hit thirty.”
“Don’t you dare bring Uncle Fred into this!”
To Steve surprise, the demodogs didn’t come crashing through the vending machine door. After about an hour, they stopped trying to get through entirely. 
They thought for a moment that they’d left, but when Billy started pushing the vending machine aside to check, the growling started back up and he quickly moved it back.
“They’re keeping us pinned down.” Eddie muttered around his thumb where he was nervously biting at the skin, “Out of the way.”
“Yeah.” Steve agreed, trying not to let himself think through all the reasons that could be, “Split the party, classic.”
“So you do listen when I talk to you about DND.” Eddie beamed, “Knew it. Closet nerd.”
Billy muttered something that vaguely sounded like ‘closet something’ but he was standing on Steve’s bad side and he couldn’t really be sure. 
Steve rolled his eyes, “You try having six kids and a really hyper metalhead talking your ear off about the same thing all the time. See how much you remember.”
“Jock to nerd pipeline not withstanding, you know why splitting the party is a problem, right?” Eddie continued stubbornly on.
“We’re most of their muscle.” Billy answered instead, “Take us out or pin us down, the rest of them are easier to take out.”
“Ten XP to California.” Eddie clapped.
“So you think they’re trying to keep us out of something?” Tommy asked, surprisingly mindful of his tone.
Eddie nodded, gnawing at his nail again, “We need another way out.”
“Not a lot of options.” Steve glanced around quickly, his leg starting to bounce.
“Pretty much just the front door.” Billy agreed.
“So we need a battle plan.” Tommy summarized, “Okay, right. Munson, what are you good at?”
Eddie frowned and Tommy threw his hands into the air.
“I’m not trying to start shit, I’m asking so we can figure out where the fuck to put you. Hargrove is a one man demolition team, Steve has that bat and he’s really good at taking a punch, I’m good at defence and I can lift a lot more than those things, so what’s your deal?”
Eddie thought for a second, and Steve honestly couldn’t tell if he was considering his answer or if he was pausing for dramatic effect.
“Well,” He started eventually, “I’m good with a shield, and I’m pretty strong too. Don’t look like it, but I can manhandle Stevie here pretty easily.”
Tommy shot him a look that he pointedly ignored. There was no way he was explaining any of that right now, or ever if he had the choice. 
“Steve is easy to manhandle. Barely even fights it.” Billy replied, “That’s not a good gauge of strength.”
“You could rip an airplane in half, you’re not a good gauge of strength.” Eddie gesticulated in Billy’s general direction.
“I fought him way before that.”
“He’s right though.” Tommy shrugged, “Steve never fights being manhandled.”
Eddie scoffed and Steve was pretty sure he was going to choke to death on embarrassment long before the demodogs ever got him.
“Anyway, back on track, guys. You thinking Billy as the spearhead, you and Eddie flanking and me taking up the rear?” Steve tried to guide the conversation back to safer ground before they did something stupid like bond over having all manhandled him at some point.
“Yeah.” Tommy nodded, “Exactly.”
“That’s what I would have said.” Billy shrugged.
“Jock mindmeld.” Eddie shuddered, “Normally, a sign that conformity is alive and well, but right now? Might just save a life. I hate to say it boys, but sportsball might just save the day this time.”
“I’m telling everyone you said that.” Tommy grinned.
“That tripping you plan can still be enacted.” 
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randyzorra · 7 months
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just dudes bein pals
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justa-moth · 2 months
dead boy detectives textposts pt 6 :D
pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3 - pt 4 - pt 5 - pt 6
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virgoscringe · 3 months
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certified loverboy christopher chow 🥰 largely dedicated to @atlasthemayor bc every time atlas shows up on my dash i think of polyfrogs hehe
my comms are opennnn <3
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ghostatrandom · 2 years
I don't think I have to "read more" this drawings, they are not really spoilers about the story, I will tag it tho
This game has some of my favorite gimmicks ever: optional character interaction.
Like I never expected the teachers to be some of my favorite characters??? But they are amazing??? I love them and their struggles of their everyday life???
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The great fandom council says the old men ship is EPHEMERALARTSHIPPING which I love <3
But it hasn't decided on a Drenda and Miriam name so I suggest HEALTHYSANDWICHSHIPPING because it's a sandwich that when its well done doesn’t kill people yaay
consider supporting me on my KO FI
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Starcrossed
Here we go! the next Drabble :D @spotaus
As the poll ended it gave me two options and I wanted to write a Cross POV. So. Starcrossed :D
First: here Prev: here Next: here
We are about... a Month and like three weeks in. So a month of Nightmare being alone. Three weeks of him being with the gang. about a small week after Killer soul-adopting Nightmare (with Dust adopting Nightmare in the first week as the madlad he is).
Okay? We good timeline wise? okay.
As always, unedited and unbeta'ed. This is not ever going to change unless i one day decide to make a full story of these drabbles and add extra stuff and change the chapters up.
Cross rubs his face as he continues to walk "Dust."
Dust just hums to let him know he heard.
Cross shoots him a look "He has legs. he can walk." with he, Cross obviously means Nightmare.
Dust doesn't even look at Cross or look in anyway surprised by that sentence. Instead he just keeps walking as he holds Nightmare in his arms "I know."
Cross stares at him but Dust doesn't continue to speak.
He groans "So why isn't he walking?!"
Dust shrugs and instead bounces Nightmare up a bit to enable Dust to have a more secure and stable hold on Nightmare.
Nightmare for his part does not look bothered as he just relaxes against Dust as he looks back over Dust's shoulder and watches other people go about their day.
Cross rubs his face "honestly what is the deal with you and carrying him?"
Dust shoots him an amused look "I want to."
Cross throws his arms and hands out "That can't be the only reason!"
Dust shrugs "Don't need more reasons."
Cross glares at the ground as they continue walking. He looks up and points at a store "This one?"
Dust looks at it and shakes his skull.
Cross groans loudly "What is wrong wit this one?!"
Dust raises a brow "Wrong style."
Cross crosses, heh, his arms as he glances at Dust "You know. this whole clothes shopping thing would be a lot easier if you actually picked a store to enter."
Dust shrugs again "Not good enough." and he gently bonks his skull against Nightmare's.
Cross can't believe this is the same Dust that got his own clothes by walking into the frist store he saw and grabbing the first set of clothes he saw. before calling it a day. Dust's wardrobe was hardly ever actually his size.
Now? The first store was too low quality; then not the right colours; then wrong materials; then too bland; then too sexy, with this one Cross had agreed and questioned why they would need a shirt for a six year old with the words 'lady killer' on them; then to tight and restrictive; and now just 'not good enough'.
When Cross agreed to help Dust get Nightmare new clothes instead of breaking and entering a place wiht Killer he had hoped it would be the less stressful option.
Cross rubs his face "Wiht you being this picky he is never going to get clothes that fit him."
Dust shrugs again and seems fully unbothered. Which may just be because Nightmare primarily still wears his stuff.
Cross doesn't get it. well he kinda does. Babybones are cute nad he also notices the need to take care of him but. It is Nightmare! It is a matter of time before he is an adult again and then none of this will have mattered! Or maybe they will have and then what? How would he recover from this?!
It is best to remind himself that this may be Nightmare and he may be six but Nightmare will one day become that powerful and formidable monster again and so to keep treating him with the respect he deserves!
They walk silently through the twon for a moment and Cross can see that Nightmare is dozing in Dust's hold. completely content and trusting.
Cross shoots a look at Dust. "I just don't get it...."
Dust blinks nad looks over "What?"
Cross feels himself grow warm with embarrassment. He hadn't meant to say it out loud and he says as much.
Dust rolls his eye lights and waits with a raised brow.
Cross grumbles but tries to explain "How can you... treat him like a babybones that easily?"
Dust tilts his skull and glances down at Nightmare before looking back at Cross "Because he is one." the way Dust says it implies it is the obvious answer.
Cross groans as he tries to explain more "But he used to be big and an adult. Or at least look like one? How can you jsut... switch to seeing him as a babybones?"
Dust tilts his skull adn snorts "easy. people change. people you watched grow up or grow older, do you still treat them like kids even though they are adults. because you knew them as kids?"
Cross blinks nad speaks "This is different?"
Dust shakes his skull "I don't agree. it is the same concept. just slightly different. he used to be a child. magic gave him the body and brain of an adult. but his soul was sitll a child and once the magic was gone he is a child again. So you treat him as a child."
Cross frowns as looks to the side "What if he becomes on adult again?"
Dust starts to grin "I mean. that is usually how growing up works."
Cross knows he is blushing again and glares "You know what i meant."
Dust chuckles and shrugs "The same still implies. We will just be lucky we managed to skip the teenage years with him."
Cross wasn't sure what he expected as answer but maybe he should have seen something like this coming. Dust was after all all for this parentship thing they have going on right now... and Dust is a very smart and logical person. Of course he managed to find comparisons to normal day life and managed to accept it more easily. Hell Dust probably has even more examples ready to use if Cross asks for it.
It is still just... difficult to accept for him. Cross will need more time. Luckily none of them seem to mind him lagging behind in this case. Killer had also taken longer than Dust to accept the situation fully, but Killer managed to work it out.
Horror is much chiller about what is going on. He didn't seem surprised at Dust's reaction and even less at Killer joining the 'parent-camp' with Dust.
Maybe there is just something wrong with him... it wouldn't be the first time...
Cross sighs as they stop by the plaza and manage to just see the house that Horror and Killer should be robbing. "well, either way we are soon out of time and will have been unsuccessful" great. the one thing they had to do was get Nightmare a spare outfit. They didn't even need to try shoes and-
Dust freezes "fuck."
Cross turns "what is wrong?" as he says it he sees Dust eye the plaza around them, all while he ducks further and further behind the fountain as Nightmare shakes.
Dust looks around the plaza "Stars. All three." he glares "empty... can't make a break for it using the crowd as cover..."
and a teleport would be too loud and will clue them in on them being here. Fuck indeed.
Cross sneaks a look and sees the three skeletons talk and converse casually. the rattling from Nightmare is a sign of pure fear and Cross feels himself grow worried even as he texts Horror and Killer about their emergency.
How... how would they react to Nightmare being a child? Dream had already made it clear that he thought Nightmare was corrupted and none of his brother had remained. What would he do if he saw Nightmare?
Best case scenerio would be him kidnaping Nightmare and locking him away... Worst case just... dusting him. Make sure Nightmare never becomes the powerful being he can be.
Cross notices that they have been seen as Dream looks shocked while Blue waves and starts to shout "Hey! DUst and Cross!" Cross acts as if he didn't hear or noticed them.
Cross stares at Dust "What do we do-"
and Dust just, undoes his own hoody. he pulls it over his head and even ignores the red scarf that falls to the ground next to Nightmare- wait when did Dust put Nightmare down.
Dust puts the hoody on Nightmare with one smooth motion and pulls the hoody up, he next uses the strings to make it tight and tests to make sure it doesn't come off easily.
Dust stares at Nightmare as he quickly puts on the scarf again "You just keep your face and skull against my shoulder and neck okay? Don't glance, don't react. Just act shy or asleep. Nothing will get you." and Dust picks him up again. Nightmare, without a single word, pushes his face into the soft scarf and together with the large hoody there is nothing visible that could be used to indentify him.
Holy shit that is so smart-
"Hey you two! We didn't expect to see you just hanging- what... is that?!" Blue looks beyond excited as he stares at the tiny bundle that is Nightmare. Cross feels his anxiety and panic turn hotter into a raging fire. Dont. get. near. him.
Dust just shoots Blue a look and speaks in a quiet voice "sh. quiet."
Blue gives a sheepish look and speaks much softer "oh. I am sorry. The kiddo is tired?" Dust just nods.
Cross sees his change and nods as well "We were taking a quick break but were going to leave again." he can see Killer and Horror look through the window of the house they are robbing and sees them see their situation.
Blue looks sad but nods "Yeah. I get that-"
Ink interrupts him "How did you two get a child?!"
Dream looks suspicious but doesn't say anything.
Fuck, he can probably feel Nightmare's fear doesn't he? and he wouldn't know it is fear directed at the Stars... Oh no.
Dust raises a brow and doesn't even bother to answer as he starts to take a few steps back, away from the Stars. Cross cna see that Horror is climbing down the side of the house as Killer glares at the Stars.
Ink gasps "I knew it! You two kidnaped a child!" he holds out his hands "Hand the child back and we will find their parents!"
Dust growls as he steps further back.
Cross panics and answers without thinking "We didn't steal him! He is Dust's you idiots!"
dead. silence.
The three Stars look shocked at Cross and Cross can actually see both Horror and Killer also stare at him in shock.
Ink snorts "Really? and who is the other parent?"
Cross huffs "First off, you don't nessesarily need two parents to make a child, learn basic monster biology first before making claims. second, obviously it is" think think think think think just say something! "me." NO NOT THAT!
The silence of before is NOTHING compared to the silence now. Cross is actually sure he can hear a pin drop in one of the stores around them at the moment.
No one moves and it doesn't help that Cross can see both Dust and Nightmare shoot him incredulously glances.
Oh please someone shoot him because Horror even pauses his own climb to shoot him a raised eye brow while Killer is ACTUALLY wiggling his eye brows at him.
Just end him. Please his mind did not work with him. He had just been thinking so much about how everyone had been treating Ngihtmare and how he saw the situation.
Dream is the one who coughs and looks to the side awkwardly "oh. wow. euh... congrats? I didn't realise you two were... you know... an item." please please please please shut up. "and a babybones as well! Wow! That is... unbelieveable!"
Blue nods "Yeah! No one knew!"
Cross still can't find the words and is actually afraid of what he will say next. Dust however shrugs and has managed to pull his face back in his normal bored look "prefer privacy. it is no ones business." and he raises a brow at them.
Blue smiles brightly "of course! We won't tell others. stars knows everyone wants a quiet moment nowadays..."
Dream nods before quickly changing the subject "right! We were just curious what you two were doing out and-" he looks horrifed "Oh stars... you two are on a date! A fmaily date! and we crushed it and interrupted it and we are so sorry!"
Cross suddenly understands why Chara and Gaster would use the reset and overwrite power. please just let him change this moment to have been anything else. please.
Dust hums and shrugs. Not really answering any question.
Dream still looks embarrassed "anyway! we... euh... well... were wondering what you were doing. Now we know that that is great! euh... So... my brother just... doesn't mind this?"
Any embarrassement disappears. Hot rage in his body. Cross glares as his crosses his arms.
Dream sputters but continues "you know... be is so against positivity... and this... this is a beautiful and wonderful thing! Doesn't he...isn't he..." he smiles sheepish.
Cross glares "no. He doesn't. In matter of fact. He is very fine with the situation at hand. very willing to help in a way he can." Cross isn't even lying. While Nightmare doesn't like having been changed back he isn't diffficult anymore and more than happy to stick with Dust, and them all, now. Nightmare is also not fussy when out and about on missions and aside from being grumpy he is a perfect good babybones.
Dust nods "you should stop talking about people you know nothing about." he looks at Cross "lets go. he is tired."
Cross nods and sees Horror sign at Killer to get down as well. Killer shrugs and just lets himself fall from the third floor right into Horror's arms. The two disappear into some side street.
Cross nods and looks at Dust "you first." Cross will just walk behind Dust and make sure the Stars don't get any glimbs near the end.
Dust nods and turns easily as he walks away, Cross can see how Dust changes the hand mid turn and Nightmare sinks a little lower. Making it that his skull doesn't even peak over Dust's shoulder.
They walk away in silence and take many turns to get some distance. As soon as Cross is sure the Stars can't hear or see them he says so. Which causes Dust to nod before sprinting, Cross is quick to follow.
They reach the edge of town in record time and Cross glances back "okay. we are good. we are fine... we got out."
Dsut nods before looking at him very amused "we made a babybones?"
Cross feels himself grow warm for so many reasons as he sputters "I panicked! I am sorry I implied we were- that we did!" he hides his face.
Dust chuckles and pats his shoulder "It is fine."
Cross relaxes and smiles in thanks.
Dust raises a brow "Killer will never let you live this down."
Cross groans "just end me."
Dust hums "I don't know. I don't think killing the other parent of my child works in my favour." he grins so goddamnit amused.
Cross is never going to hear the end of this.
First: here Prev: here Next: here
Cross was so close to soul-adopting Nightmare but then the Stars interrupted and Cross panicked.
Also, important. Noticed how Cross only apologised for implying he and Dust made the babybones together? But not that he is a parent? Cross is getting there. It will just take him a while.
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spadeprincesss · 11 days
is Red x Blue a ship in your au? I'm always a sucker for sunshine x grumpy <3
also I feel like Blue would punch someone for being mean to red. he is so sunshine protector coded
Haha definitely! Blue x Red is a classic and I love them to bits! He’d definitely deck anyone that was mean to Red but I do wanna do a disclaimer that my dynamic for Red x Blue is a lil different than most people used to portray them as.
Like my Red x Blue is more of a “angry guy who’s super tough but loves his wife very much, and everyone thinks he’s in charge in the relationship but he’s not”. Instead of what I’ve seen other people do which is like “small guy who needs his partner to fight all his battles and is super shy and helpless”. Like Red isn’t helpless by any means, most of the time Red gets Blue out of trouble and Red is the only person who can get Blue to sulk and actually say sorry for the stupid things he does.
I made two memes to summarize how their relationship is to me:
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if you do like the latter version of their relationship that’s totally fine I can enjoy it here and there too but I just think Red would have Blue eating from the palm of his hand cuz Blue is a big softie that just needs to sort out his emotions first.
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multifairyus · 1 year
Anyway I love Black people and seeing this explosion of creative and cultural expression is healing something in me I think 🥺
Now to make some Black ATSV moots to bounce playlist ideas off of…
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embbu · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day 💚💙
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irl-dogboy · 9 months
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i realized recently ive been tagging things as softstar without mentioning what softstar even is. i think. maybe. so here i am burdening you all with another pokemon yume dump once more >:-)
shut-in wet cat anxiety-ridden alolan champion x emotionally stable but still a bit anxious moral support gamer scientist
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viscericorde · 2 months
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because everybody knows that home is where your teeth sink
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rocksanddeadflowers · 11 months
I have no excuse for my behavior making this post except I can't stop thinking about it
Raphaella: Hey do you guys wanna get some D-E-S-S-E-R-T
Ivy: Yeah dude I need me a T-R-E-A-T
Marius: Whatcha guys talkin about?
Lyfrassir: Yeah why did you guys just spell dess-
Lyfrassir: ......why?
Ivy: Oh god how do we tell you this
Raphaella: Marius...... Can't spell.
Lyfrassir: ................what.
Ivy: He can't spell, so when we talk about something he wants we spell it out loud so he doesn't get too excited.
Lyfrassir: He's a grown man, he can't handle hearing the word treat?
Marius: Treat? :)
Raphaella: No treat.
Marius: Treat? :)
Raphaella: No treat.
Marius: Treat? :)
Raphaella: No treat.
Marius: Aaawwww :(
Lyfrassir: Okay what the Hel is happening
Raphaella: We told you! He gets excited when he hears the word T-R-E-A-T
Marius: Whatcha talkin about?
Raphaella: Taxes.
Marius: Aw shucks.
Lyfrassir: What? So you guys just treat-
Marius: Treat? :)
Lyfrassir: -him like a toddler?
Ivy: No treat.
Marius: Treat? :)
Ivy: No treat.
Marius: Treat? :)
Ivy: No treat.
Marius: aaaaawwwwww :(
Ivy: Dude you gotta spell if you're talking about F-O-O-D.
Lyfrassir: Okay.... So are we getting an S-N-A-C-K?
Marius: Snack? :)
Ivy: Oh come on.
Raphaella: Dude really?
Lyfrassir: Oh come on! I spelled it!
Ivy: Well he knows how to spell snack!
Lyfrassir: So he can spell snack but not treat?
Marius: Treat? :)
Lyfrassir: No treat!
Marius: Treat? :)
Lyfrassir: No treat!
Marius: Treat? :)
Lyfrassir: No treat!
Marius: God damnit! >:(
Raphaella: Okay he's getting fussy... Time for an N-A-P.
Marius: Yeah :)
Lyfrassir: What does N-A-P spell?
Marius: Party! :)
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kb11rd · 6 months
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Ippo doodles and unfinished stuff
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squidthesquidd · 11 months
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i was possessed and blacked out and when i woke up my canvas was covered in Tengens wives 😔
im insane about the uzui family yall
its always a tits out day for them <3
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teabiscs · 6 months
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This was due for a redraw.
I stand by what I said a year ago, but also, in addition.
*slams fist on table* We need more femslash art.
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