#is there a group name for Connor and Mia?
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willfulscarlet · 8 months ago
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On the one hand, stop trying to make Hawke happen. The GA name is not the issue here. On the other, I’m so glad Mia was shown to be actively looking out for Connor and that we got an actual character interaction, not just action quips.
Of course Connor’s a bit fucked up at the moment, and is not taking Ollie’s actions well. He’s not had much more than that one evening on the beach to regroup since leaving Lazarus Island, and Mia would notice and not want to let him struggle alone. The Brothers Arrow are so important to each other, but Roy’s got rather a lot on his own plate - and Mia and Connor are family too.
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robinsegghead · 9 months ago
Danny's Daycare Part 8
[Master List]
“And that’s pretty much it.” Danny ended their tour in his office. “Any questions?”
Duke shook his head. “I’m excited to start.”
Danny showed him back out into the main area filled with kids which Mia and Ember had been taking care of while Duke learned about the daycare, the schedule, and what was expected of him. It seemed pretty simple- though he knew kids would always create unpredictable problems, but the job itself would be fine. The things he did for Tim.
“Finally!” Mia shouted, picking up a crying kid beside her and carrying her towards Danny and Duke. “Clara’s been asking for you for a while!” She passed the crying blonde child off to Danny before pointing back towards the kids. “C’mon Duke, the kids are coloring for now.”
They left Danny to handle Clara’s tantrum and watch the rest of the kids. Duke settled down next to a group of five kids, all coloring different pictures of Gotham vigilantes. He settled next to a little blonde girl who was coloring a picture of Robin with only shades of purple.
“Whatcha coloring?” He asked.
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, assessing. “Robin.”
“That’s cool- why’s he purple?”
The girl sighed dramatically, like Duke had asked a stupid question. Apparently he had because nothing would have prepared him for the lecture he was about to get. “Not him- her. Robin was a girl and she was the coolest Robin ever! How can you not know that? Everyone knows that girl Robin is the coolest one! But since she’s gone, Spoiler's my favorite! So I thought- how cool would it be if girl Robin and Spoiler were the same person and now I’m coloring robin purple!”
“Oh.” Duke managed to respond.
“Boys.” She sighed, rolling her eyes and turning back to her coloring project.
He’d have to tell Steph about her little fan the next time he saw her. “Spoiler’s one of my favorites too.” He offers, hoping she’ll un-shun him. 
It works, she turns back with excitement on her face. “She’s so cool! I wanna be just like her when I get older!”
The day went by quickly. Mia left much earlier than Duke did so the last three hours of his shift were just him and Danny and the kids. Somebody named Ember popped in briefly in the evening to drop off food for Danny and Duke. Her aura was… strange- but not as strange as Danny’s. 
When Duke first met Danny he didn’t know what to think. No one had ever been as… bright as Danny. Duke figured he was some kind of meta and filed away the information for later. After meeting Ember, however briefly, he wasn’t so sure anymore. She was the same as Danny. They kind of… glowed and it was so similar- like how Clark, Connor, and Jon all had a similar aura. If that was true, then Danny and Ember were likely aliens.
He hadn’t told Tim that yet.
Tim had been busy lately and if Duke hadn’t taken this task off his hands we would be even busier. Truth be told, Duke didn’t understand Tim’s fascination with Danny. Sure, it was strange that someone willingly moved to Gotham and chose to use their, apparently very large, inheritance to help the people of a city they weren’t even from as a favor to someone else, but if Duke couldn’t believe in the goodness in people then what could he believe in?
Besides, there was no proof that Danny was doing anything nefarious. None of the kids had gone missing, he didn’t have any strange or large sums of money being added to any of his accounts, nothing seemed amiss. So Duke agreed to apply for a job at the daycare and keep an eye on the situation for the summer. Just to make sure Danny really was a good guy.
Spending more time with Mia was a plus. With school and his extracurriculars Duke hardly had time to hang out with any of his non-family friends. Tim definitely owed him one for giving up his summer vacation to work at the daycare.
“Thanks for all your hard work today, Duke.” Danny approached having just sent the last kid off with their parents. “I’ll see you on Wednesday.”
Duke nodded, putting away the books he had in hand. “You need any help cleaning up?”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ve got a couple of guys who will be here shortly to help me clean the place up.” Danny smiled softly.
Did he have a cleaning crew? If so, why did he seem so happy about it? “Cleaning crew?” Duke asked nonchalantly.
Shaking his head, Danny fell back into a rolling desk chair that had been brought out earlier in the day. “Just a couple of street kids who need some money and won’t let me give it to them without doing something to ‘earn it’ so…” Danny closed his eyes, slouching in the chair, and rested his head against the backrest. “I’ll let them work for an hour or so, overpay them, and get out of here.”
That was… not exactly what Duke had expected. Just one more thing he could use to prove Danny was a good guy and get Tim off his back about this whole ordeal. Maybe he’d even convince Tim to take a day off. That was probably hoping for too much.
“Well, have a good night, Danny.” Duke waved, grabbed his things, and left. There was still a bit of daylight but despite originally planning on going out as Signal, he’d decided against it. Kids were exhausting.
How Danny managed to run the daycare every day for twelve hours without passing out from exhaustion was beyond Duke.
Danny was exhausted.
Along with the Daycare, taking care of Miguel and Santiago, and his usual Kingly duties, Clockwork had been on his ass recently. Something about taking his job more seriously- what part of doing a favor for a prominent city spirit wasn’t taking his job seriously? Apparently Danny was also supposed to find and appoint his own Fright Knight- which would have been awesome to know a long time ago but whatever-
Could he just get ONE night of sleep? Please.
He’d canceled on his friends for three weeks straight, unable to find the time or energy to even video call and catch up. They’d started asking if he was okay, Jazz had started threatening to show up and force him to rest but she had her hands full between school and her internship so he wasn’t convinced she’d actually do anything.
Duke had been great, having the extra help at the daycare was really great and the days he didn’t work were much more difficult. Ember had agreed to come back regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a little while, but she really wanted to get back to touring and playing music and he couldn’t really fault her for that.
It was the Thursday night after Duke’s first day when she showed up.
“Danny- how the hell am I supposed to know this?” Miguel groaned.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific, kid.” Danny called back, serving the steaming bowls of paprikash. Dani got lots of souvenirs from her travels and while Danny had certainly not thought he’d ever need to use the recipes, he was grateful for them now. 
There was a shuffling sound and only a moment later Danny found Miguel standing beside him, pointing at a chemistry equation. “This. This is bullshit!”
Sensing Miguel’s rising frustration, Danny tried to placate him. “How about we take a break from studying for dinner? Afterwards I can explain it to you and anything else you’re confused about.”
“Except English.” Santiago muttered bitterly.
In the short time Danny had known the boys he’d learned a lot about their learning styles, their strong suits, what they liked and disliked, and what kind of smart they were. Santiago was a lot like Danny, scientifically minded- Danny had already caught him taking apart the toaster and the TV just to figure out how they worked. Which meant, while catching him up on STEM classes was relatively easy, they struggled much more with the arts.
Miguel, on the other hand, was competent. He was street smart. Although he wasn’t dumb by any stretch of the imagination, he struggled with learning anything from a book. Despite all of that, he really tried. He’d been keeping up with the worksheets Danny had gotten him and helped Santiago with anything he could, but he hated it and it showed.
Suffice it to say, the boys were struggling- all three of them.
“Dinner. Then we can figure it out.” Danny repeated, placing down the bowls and grabbing drinks.
Miguel left briefly to feed the cats, before joining them at the table.
“You know,” Danny started casually. “I was thinking about the cats.” Miguel tensed up. “It’s a lot of cats in my small apartment and I’m gone all day. I was thinking- if you had wanted- that you boys could have one of them.”
Like always, Danny spoke casually. He’d learned quickly that they didn’t respond well when Danny spoke too decisively. It was like they thought he was trying to tell them what to do, so in general, he made sure it was clear that he was only suggesting ideas.
He also knew that Miguel had taken a liking to the cats- especially Curiosity, and he wanted to find a way to give Miguel stability. 
“You…” Miguel swallowed. “You mean it? Really?”
Danny nodded. “Of course. We can go shopping for everything this weekend. You remember Damian- from the mall?” Miguel nodded, confused. “He taught me everything I’d need to know about owning cats. I’ll give him a call and see if he’d be willing to come over and teach you what he knows.”
Santiago opened his mouth but was cut off by a rapid knocking on Danny’s front door. The three exchanged looks, no one really sure who it could be but all prepared for the worst because of their upbringing. 
“Probably a neighbor or something.” Danny shrugged, hiding his own concerns as he moved away from the dining room towards the front door. Technically, they did have one neighbor on the floor in the apartment across from Danny’s and next to the boys but they kept to themselves. It was not likely to be the neighbor.
He didn’t see anyone when he looked through the peephole, saw nothing, and opened the door slowly.
“BOO!” A voice shouted only moments before a girl appeared out of thin air and lunged at him. Danny grabbed an outstretched hand, spun the body around, and slammed it into the nearest wall. “OW! Ancients dammit, Danny!” She shouted, phasing out of his grip.
“Holy shit, Danny, that was badass! Maybe try not to slam me so hard next time though?” She chided goodnaturedly.
He let out a deep breath, calming his racing heart (Racing being a relative term because it was probably only beating as fast as a normal completely living human heart would). “Ancients fuck Dani, don’t do that!”
“Danny?” Miguel’s wary voice sounded.
Dragging his sister towards where he’d left the boys, Danny composed himself. “Sorry guys, this is my sister- Dani.”
“Danny?” Santiago squinted.
He shook his head. “She’s Dani with an ‘i’ and I’m Danny with a ‘y’. I know, it’s confusing. Dani, this is Miguel and Santiago.” Danny gave his sister a pointed look. “Have a seat, I’ll get you a bowl.
Dani plopped into the seat across from Santiago and waited for Danny to deliver the food. “So this is why you’ve been so busy?”
Returning with the food, Danny rolled his eyes. “No, I have been busy with everything else. Miguel and Santiago take up barely any of my time and I like having them around.”
“You two ever seen this man sleep?” She asked conspiratorially. They shook their heads slowly, looking between Danny and Dani. “Exactly. He’s been neglecting sleeping and eating because he’s a moron!”
“Dani.” All eyes landed on Danny who was rubbing a tired hand down his face. “I’ve been sleeping and eating- can we move on to why you’re here?”
Taking a big bite of food, Dani rolled her eyes. “Can’t a sister visit her brother?” She pointed at him and looked at the boys. “Can you believe this guy? Don’t ever treat your little brother as badly as Danny treats me, you hear?” She directed at Miguel who nodded in confusion.
Danny smacked his sister’s leg, which she’d propped up on his chair, and took his seat again. “I treat you just fine! You just don’t drop by that often- it’s been nine months since I saw you in person last and that was because you needed a favor!”
Dani cackled, shoveling down the food quickly and kicking her feet up onto her brothers’ lap. He rolled his eyes but let them remain as he finished his own food.
“I didn’t know you had another sister.” Santiago observed.
“You don’t talk about me? I’m hurt!” She gasped mockingly.
Miguel brought his and his brothers’ bowls to the sink and started washing them while everyone else chatted. “Miguel- I’ll do the dishes, don’t worry about it.”
“It’s fine, I’m almost done already.” It was just two bowls and spoons after all, but Danny still didn’t want them to do dishes when he’d cooked the meal. He wanted them to focus on school and making friends and forget about everything else- at least while they were at his apartment.
Santiago squinted between the two of them. “You look really similar.” He noted, suspiciously.
Danny offered a nonchalant shrug. “We’re siblings.”
“So’s Jazz but you two look nothing alike!” He exclaimed.
Miguel put a hang on his brother’s shoulder calmingly. “I think we’ll just head back to ours for the night.” He glanced at Dani a bit uncomfortably. 
“If that’s what you guys want, but you don’t have to. I promise she won't bite- probably.” Danny chuckled. 
The older boy shook his head. “We’ll let you two catch up and come back to do more school stuff tomorrow- if that’s all right?” Danny nodded and the boys left quickly.
“Awwww- I wanted to get to know your kids!” Dani pouted.
He sighed, grabbing his and his sister’s plates and carrying them to the kitchen sink. “Miguel’s pretty skittish- you scared him off. Not your fault really, but he doesn’t like new people, a skill that has kept him and his brother alive for the last three years.” Drying his hands on a towel, Danny leaned against the counter facing his sister and met her eyes. “But you didn’t come here for that, you didn’t even know about them. So what brought you here?”
She looked at the cup of water he’d given her and fidgeted with the condensation on the glass. Sheepishly, she looked at him before looking away again. Gathering her courage it seemed. “I… I want to get my GED… and go to GU.”
Although it seemed out of left field, Danny schooled his expression. She was always more in tune with emotions than even he was (whether that was because he’d been human before becoming a halfa and she’d only ever known life as a halfa or just because that was her personality, he didn’t know) and he knew that his opinion meant something to her- even if she pretended it didn’t.
“Okay?” She squinted.
“Well,” He sat across from her, hands on the table. “Are you just telling me that, or are you asking for my help?”
“Don’t make me say it.” She groaned.
With a smirk, he shook his head. “Okay, so you want my help?” She didn’t respond and he took that as a yes. “You can join the boys and I when we work on school stuff, I can help with getting your GED and putting together the application to GU as soon as that’s done. Do you need a place to stay?”
She wrinkled her face. “I’m not living with you.”
“Hey! I resent that! Besides, I own this building and most of it’s just empty apartments.” 
Dani’s eyes widened. “Are you offering me an apartment?”
“Are you asking for an apartment?” He challenged, smirk on his face once again.
“I swear this is why everyone likes me better- I’m literally the better version of you!” She shouted, landing her forehead on the table and groaning at her brother’s silence. He remained silent while she continued to avoid looking at him. They were at a stalemate.
“Fine!” She shouted. “Can I have one of your apartments?”
He tilted his head to show he was still waiting for something.
“...Please?” She gritted out.
It was going to be nice having his sister around more often.
Turns out, tutoring kids who haven’t been in school for three years and one who has never been in school was a lot harder than Danny had anticipated. He didn’t know how to teach certain subjects (curse the arts) and was struggling to get Miguel and Dani to understand what he was saying when it came to math and sciences. He’d finally had the brilliant idea to go to the library and pick up a bunch more books.
Danny had left a clone to finish up at the daycare for the last couple of hours and made his way to the library. He’d need a couple of textbooks, a GED study book that was highly recommended, and a bunch of different literature books. Probably. He thought. Who knew really? He certainly didn’t.
He noted the library was pretty empty, the only patron was leaning over the front counter talking to the front desk girl. Danny didn’t pay them much mind as he moved throughout the library collecting books- though he was sure he felt their eyes on him any time he passed by the front desk.
Eventually, he had a stack of books that would keep his three ‘students’ busy for a while. Hopefully a long while, he was kind of out of ideas after this round of books. 
Dropping them onto the front desk, the side opposite where the man was still standing, Danny sighed. 
“That’s quite the collection.” The man noted.
Finally, Danny actually looked at the man. He hadn’t been expecting the most beautiful man he’d ever seen to be casually checking out his stack of books. He had short black hair that was slightly longer at the top with a shock of white right at the center of his forehead. His eyes were blue with a hint of green around the edges and he was built like a brick house. 
He was wearing a red t-shirt, brown leather jacket that hugged his body nicely, and tight black pants which Danny refused to see how they hugged him. 
With a shrug, Danny leaned against the counter, the front desk girl nowhere to be seen. “Yeah, they’re not for me.”
“Who’re they for?” The man asked casually. 
“I’m helping a couple of kids get back on track in school but they haven’t gone in three years so there’s a lot to catch up on. I’ll admit,” Danny chuckled. “I’m only really built for STEM… the English side of things is… not my forte.”
The man nodded slowly. “Yeah you’ve got quite a collection of works there.” There was amusement in his voice.
Groaning, Danny rubbed a hand down his face. “I’m just going to have to hire a tutor in Literature or something. I barely have the time to teach what I know- I almost failed literature in high school.”
The man -Danny really needed to get his name- watched Danny closely for a moment. “Who are these kids to you? Why do you have to get them into school?”
“I said I would.” Danny shrugged.
“They family? Friends of yours?” The man probed.
Danny shook his head. “Just a couple of street kids who needed help and were willing to let me give it.”
The man squinted. “So you’re trying to help a couple of kids you barely know?” Danny nodded slowly, unsure if the man was judging him or not. “Well, if they get in- great. But if they don’t- at least you tried, right?”
Something about the way he said it set Danny on edge. “Excuse me?”
“They’re just some street kids, who cares, right?”
“What the fucks that supposed to mean?” Danny asked, voice rising. He didn’t give the man a chance to answer, anger already overflowing. “I promised I’d help them cause I have the means so I’m going to. And the reason Gotham’s such a shithole is because of people like you who think the homeless population are worthless good-for-nothings instead of the intelligent and down-on-their-luck people I know they are. Ancients- this whole city is fucked!”
The man began chuckling, setting off Danny’s anger even more. “What are you laughing about now, asshole?”
Offering a genuine smile that took Danny completely off guard, the man offered him a hand to shake. “I’m Jason, former street kid, it’s nice to meet someone who actually cares.”
Stupefied and completely confused, Danny shook his hand without meaning to. “Danny- did you say all of that shit to test me or something?”
The man- Jason- shrugged. “Had to make sure you weren’t some kind of creep.”
“What the fuck?” Danny breathed trying to reign in the anger he’d let seep out before (he had years worth of repressed rage and nowhere to put it, he’d thought he might finally have someone to unleash the anger on). 
“Well, if I haven’t completely scared you off with that little stunt,” Jason smirked, grabbing one of those flower pens libraries always seemed to have and scribbled something down. “Literature was my best subject in high school. I’d be more than happy to help you tutor a couple of street kids in need.”
Jason slid the piece of paper to Danny. It was a phone number. People were giving him their number a lot recently- what was that about? As a teenager Danny could count on two hands how many contacts he had in his phone, after… the incident, he could count on one hand how many contacts he had. After moving to Gotham he’d slowly begun collecting numbers from apparently the entire city.
“What was that yelling about?” A woman’s voice cut through the silence Danny hadn’t realized was there.
Waving his hand casually, Jason smiled. “Just me being an asshole and Danny here defending his people. I’ll see you at brunch?” He directed the question at the red headed librarian who nodded suspiciously. “Nice to meet you Danny, think about my offer.”
He didn’t mean to track Jason’s movements as he left but he couldn’t help it. He also didn’t realize he was doing it until the librarian cleared her throat. “Ah, right, sorry.” Danny pushed the books towards her sheepishly. 
She began scanning the books, typing something in the computer between each one. “Danny was it?” He nodded. “I’m Barbara, sorry about Jason, he can really get under people’s skin if he wants to.”
“Nah he’s fine.” Danny sighed. “I probably would have done the same thing.”
She eyed him curiously. “What did he do?”
“Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t some asshole who was just using some street kids I’m helping.” He paused, offering his library card to Barbara. “I’m not- for the record. Just trying to help them get into school again.”
Barbara bagged up his books during his explanation. When he was finished she handed him the bag. “Jason really is one of the smartest people I know- if you’re considering letting him help you with that…. You won’t be sorry.”
He hesitated, unsure if he wanted to accept the stranger’s help. “I’ll think about it, thanks.”
When Danny left the library Babs immediately pulled out her phone and texted Jason. She hadn’t seen him smile like that since before he’d died, there was no world in which she let him let Danny get away. Whether that boy knew it or not, he was going to be a part of the family. It was like fate- he even looked the part, black hair, blue eyes, completely exhausted, going out of his way to help people he barely knew- he was perfect.
Now to strategize getting them together- she’d need Dick’s help. He’d be more than excited for the task at hand.
If she closed the library a little early in order to find everything she can on Danny Nightingale- the man Tim had been low-key convinced would become a rogue and had begun obsessing over for the past couple of months- and find a way to orchestrate is integration into the family then who could blame her?
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maya-matlin · 9 months ago
What are your top 3 favorite episodes for each of your favorite Degrassi ships?
I probably won't do this in any real order:
1.) White Wedding
2.) Message in a Bottle
3.) Friday Night
1.) Take on Me
2.) The Power of Love
3.) I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
1.) Dressed in Black
2.) Voices Carry
3.) Neutron Dance
1.) Voices Carry
2.) Rock This Town
3.) Turned Out
1.) Paradise City
2.) Bust a Move
3.) Owner of a Lonely Heart
Toby/Kendra (not sure they even have three episodes worth mentioning):
1.) Karma Chameleon
2.) Careless Whisper
3.) Mirror in the Bathroom
1.) White Wedding
2.) Our Lips Are Sealed (1)
3.) Mother and Child Reunion
1.) How Soon Is Now
2.) Don't Dream It's Over
3.) Ghost in the Machine
1.) Redemption Song
2.) Foolin'
3.) Pass the Dutchie
1.) Take on Me
2.) Anywhere I Lay My Head
3.) Our House
1.) Holiday
2.) Showtime (Degrassi High)
3.) One Last Dance (Degrassi High)
1.) It's Raining Men
2.) Total Eclipse of the Heart (even though I hate half the plot)
3.) Free Fallin' (1)
It's literally just Uptown Girl. Everything else they get is group scenes when Mia is with Peter.
Sav/Holly J:
1.) You Don't Know My Name
2.) All Falls Down
3.) Halo (2)
Danny/Chantay (see Toby/Kendra):
1.) Waiting for a Girl Like You
2.) Keep on Loving You
3.) Why Can't This Be Love (2) (this is solely because they look cute at prom)
1.) Heart Like Mine
2.) In Your Eyes (for some reason, they were more interesting to me as exes)
3.) Uptown Girl (2)
1.) Should've Said No
2.) Lose Yourself
3.) Nowhere to Run
1.) Sparks Wil Fly
2.) Something's Got to Give
3.) Everything Is Everything
1.) Smash Into You
2.) Got Your Money
3.) Mr. Brightside
1.) Ray of Light
2.) Close to Me
3.) Cannonball
1.) Purple Pills
2.) The Way We Get By
3.) Still Fighting It
Wesley/Hannah (see Toby/Kendra):
1.) Drop It Like It's Hot
2.) Hide and Seek
3.) What's My Name Again (they're basically around in the background while Connor is off stealing panties in at least two different episodes)
1.) Sabotage
2.) Dead and Gone
3.) Lovefool
1.) Tonight, Tonight
2.) Building a Mystery
3.) Scream
1.) Doll Parts
2.) Hollaback Girl
3.) The Time of My Life
1.) Hypnotize
2.) If You Could Only See
3.) What It's Like
1.) #Fire
2.) #YesMeansYes
3.) Get It Together
1.) Thunderstruck
2.) #CheckYourPrivilege
3.) #RiseAndGrind
1.) Summer Girls
2.) #NoFilter
3.) #Woke
1.) #Unsubscribe
2.) #Preach
3.) #ThatFeelingWhen
Frankie/Esme (they technically dated):
1.) #KThxBye
2.) #GetMoney
3.) #Fire
1.) #TheseAreMyConfessions
2.) #Fire
3.) #GetYouAManWhoCanDoBoth
1.) #Preach
2.) #GetYouAManWhoCanDoBoth
3.) #GetMoney
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vileintcnt · 2 years ago
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾»»»»» muse master list, so after about a month of hiatus and false return promises, I've finally got my shit together! I've removed a few muses, added a few muses, and ultimately categorized them into six groups. I've done this because I often feel like my muses would know each other, now I can keep up with those connections with a filing system, effectively. It also helps me separate what is an otherwise quite large selection of muses that would likely overwhelm me were they all just mashed together into one big list. this is mostly for me, honestly, but I thought I'd have it posted up as a way to share a little bit more about my muses, whilst my muse page is being reworked. I'm gonna link cheat sheets to each muse, they'll include basic information like name, age range, connections, orientation, headcanons and kinks, and also maybe plot ideas as they come and go. muses below!
categorized by muses with an abundance of wealth.
Harrison Abbot. cheat sheet. ( fc > alex fitzalan )
Remi Windsor. cheat sheet. ( fc > savannah lee smith/ryan destiny )
Tobias Wilkes. cheat sheet. ( fc > keith powers/algee smith )
Valentina Ferreira. cheat sheet. ( fc > camila mendes )
Fitzwilliam Aldridge. cheat sheet. ( fc > charles melton )
Charlotte Montgomery. cheat sheet. ( fc > valentina zenere/sarah michelle gellar )
Elijah Anthony. cheat sheet. ( fc > daniel ezra )
Mali Saetang. cheat sheet. ( fc > n/a atm )
Brandy Vega. cheat sheet. ( fc > penelope cruz/salma hayek )
the ranch ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who live and work on the buffet ranch.
Ted Buffet. cheat sheet. ( fc > jeffrey dean morgan )
Wade Buffet. cheat sheet. ( fc > drew starkey/rudy pankow )
Barbie Buffet. cheat sheet. ( fc > diana silvers/hailee steinfeld )
the tour bus ‣‣‣
categorized by muses that are adjacent or involved in rockstar culture.
Otis Beckett. cheat sheet. ( fc > sebastian chacon/will harrison )
Bowie Romero. cheat sheet. ( fc > alexa demie )
Roman Romero. cheat sheet. ( fc > tyler posey )
Martina Rossi. cheat sheet. ( fc > camila morrone )
Penelope Quinn. cheat sheet. ( fc > nicola peltz/suki waterhouse )
Patrick Spence. cheat sheet. ( fc > joseph quinn )
the cell block ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who are morally corrupt. this includes muses who are violent, toxic, murderous, criminally versed etc. fair warning that these muses usually have the most intense set of kinks.
Connor Hawthorne. cheat sheet. ( fc > jacob elordi )
Claudia Jagger. cheat sheet. ( fc > maggie lindemann/barbie ferreira )
Vanessa Guerra. cheat sheet. ( fc > melissa barrera )
Wesley Loomis. cheat sheet. ( fc > felix mallard )
Bunny Brandt. cheat sheet. ( fc > mikey madison )
Damien Vaughn. cheat sheet. ( fc > dylan obrien )
the motel ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who incapsulate the 'daisy dukes' and 'pabst blue ribbon' americana aesthetic.
Colt Warner. cheat sheet. ( fc > david harbour )
Candy Waterhouse. cheat sheet. ( fc > sydney sweeney )
Duffy Maye. cheat sheet. ( fc > grace van dien )
Abigail Ramsey. cheat sheet. ( fc > madelyn cline/sabrina carpenter )
Angelica Dean. cheat sheet. ( fc > mia goth )
the apartment building ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who I could see inhabiting a dingy apartment in the middle of a city, spending most of their paychecks on takeout and wine.
Cherilyn Langley. cheat sheet. ( fc > madelaine petsch )
Lola Calvo. cheat sheet. ( fc > jenna ortega )
Michael Ostreicher. cheat sheet. ( fc > joe keery )
Brooke McConnell. cheat sheet. ( fc > alisha boe )
Teddy McConnell. cheat sheet. ( fc > mason gooding )
Catalina Ortiz. cheat sheet. ( fc > maia reficco )
Sam Soo-Hyun. cheat sheet. ( fc > woo do-hwan )
Simone Bellefleur. cheat sheet. ( fc > laura harrier )
Tomas Nunez. cheat sheet. ( fc > pedro pascal )
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orange-s-mario · 8 months ago
I would add a bunch of Superman's kids back into canon (bringing back Johnny Kirk, Gregor Nagy, N52 Kon, Jon Lane, Secundus, Chris and Cir-El)
I'd also split Kon into Kon-El and Conner (lex will be revealed to have been lying about the Johns retcon but he DID make a Conner at a later point. Conner will take more after YJA Conner
Secundus basically has Kon and Jon's insecurities dialed up to 1000
Cir and Mia will split and Mia becomes a villain because "Cir stole her life away"
Johny Kirk will be revealed to have been raised by superman robots so he'll have a chip on his shoulder about that and how Clark didn't really tell him everything and he'd greatly dislike how everyone else has powers
Gregor Nagy will be revealed to have been semi-alive due to his last thoughts being "I wish I had lived" but now he's in a state of pseudo-death and is made out of dust
Then I would make all of those characters interact.
I'd also bring back the AI Faora, Post-crisis Eradicator (post-development where he has David's menories) and make Eradicator Composite/Kem-L AI into an eradicator villain. AI Faora would accidentally do with David's wife what Eradicator did to David and so now they have to deal with that and David Connor's kids
Add an adaptation of the Maws intergang into recurring superman villains
Make Matrix, Comet, Blithe, Linda Danvers, and Twilight (the new god) into a polycule that are raising Ariella. Linda has the fire angel powers and Twilight uses her shadow powers in similar ways that the earth angels use their powers (wings)
Ar-Val will be revived from his stone death and he now teams up with Chris Kent - who after wandering through the phantom zone sees that Zod and Ursa named another kid with his original name
Van-Zee and Ak-Var and Pre-crisis rokyn survived the crisis due to them living in a planet that phased in between dimensions
Rokyn gets a whole focused arc on it that focuses mainly on Eradicator, Linda Danvers, and Clark/Kal. After this the original Kara Zor-El is brought back to life. this arc takes place an unspecified time in the past
Thara Ak-Var will be split into Thara Ak-Var (powers, friendship with Kara) and Thara Vol-Don (relationship with Chris, Thara Vol-Don and Chris are the same age)
Chris keeps a bit of Nightwing the god's powers but he and Thara Ak-Var aren't influenced by the gods anymore
Kathy Warren will be mentioned to have worked at Cadmus.
Jimmy Olsen, Kathy, and Kon live in the wild lands with the hairies
Mighto and H'el will also be brought back - kind of as an inversions to one another - H'El respects and loves Kal's kryptonian parents while Mighto loves the Kents so on days celebrating their life or mourning their death they'd not attack
Mighto gets his powers back
the unpowered linda clone made of 6 supergirl clones lives her own life and interacts with linda's friends and colleagues but also has her own group
A little legion made of a group of legion kids, xtc, the little legion from 5YL, and some more exist. This group interacts with the superfam but Jonathan Samuel kent is disillusioned with them (a different version of Jonathan Samuel Kent is on the team)
Aliens! Kara survives and lands on Earth, she has a golden age superman power set so she still uses her big guns
Judy/Equila lives with Kara again and gains her powers back. She interacts with XTC as well
A time traveling version of Martha appears who uses Pre-crisis gemworld aesthetic for her stuff
Speaking of gemworld that's now more in line with the pre-giffen issues
A lot of characters from adaptations get introduced into the comics
Just Ice League, Rubber team, and another team consisting of both black Lightnings, Juice, Sparky, Static, Soul Power, and Black Vulcan get series
Kral of Titan gets several backups in a superman title dealing with his revolution on Titan making it a better place
A Nightwing and Flamebird title; These alternate between focusing on Rokyn and focusing on New Krypton (which will be brought back). Rokyn mainly focuses on the Zees and Vals with some Don-El or Kandorian Lookalike Squad focus while New Krypton focuses on Zod, Chris, Thara, and others
Another story dealing with the growth of Kandor with various groups wanting to do their own thing (Red Sun camp, Yellow Sun camp, Bottle Camp, Yellow Bottle Camp, Jay-ree and Joenne Camp (Jay-ree and Joenne do not know about this))
Sensor Girl 2 joins the legion of super heroes, Sensor Girl 2 is a kryptonian descendant who only has the super senses and super Ventriloquism powers
Manhunter Laurel and non-manhunter Laurel coexist, Manhunter Laurel becoming an antihero who is usually seen around Dev-Em
Luthors series dealing with Lena Thorul, Val Colby, Lena Luthor II, Project Alien Farm, Lex Luthor, and the last survivor of Lexor, Lex Jr. Lex Jr joins superwatch but later travels to Earth and he has to deal with learning what type of person Lex is. Lex Jr also has a superhero name, Defender. Lex is also brought back to being an intergalactic menace with Lexor having been his only place as a hero
Lucy's son with Ron Troupe is also reintroduced
This poses a common but never dull question... Tell me what the first thing YOU would do if you became a writer at DC with no editorial backlash? What would you make canon? What story would you write? What would you retcon?
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dcuninterrupted · 3 years ago
Re: Arrow Family
Thanks to everyone who reached out, particularly the anon pointing out about Roy's grandfather's last name! We'd missed that during our research. To address some of the other points:
The character bios are not meant to be definitive character histories and are subject to change. They're pulled together from our notes about canon events with a focus on large-scope things generally, and also collecting various timeline entries from over the years, such as the Green Arrow official timeline from Zero Year, which influenced what events got noted. Ages were determined by grouping characters by age, which was why we had Mia the age she was, although after hearing feedback, we’ve aged her up by two years. 
We also want to make it clear that while someone reached out to us specifically about Mia, no one reached out to us about Connor or Jade until today. We have since learned that there’s a post talking about this AU, but we weren’t aware of it until today.
The bios are also not necessarily going to be vital to the stories we're telling. We thought it would be a fun thing to have so that people who are unfamiliar with certain parts of the DCU would be able to read up on characters without having to consult the official DC wiki, where we might have changed some things from. They also tended to focus on superheroics over personal life and background, which is often why some characters received less attention and space. Very little from the bios are actually relevant to the stories we're telling at least immediately, although we are looking over what we've written with the information you and others have reached out to us about in mind.
We do sincerely apologize for the language we used initially in describing Mia's situation. Steph wrote all 110 bios quickly as a side-project, pulling together various sources including sources that she should have looked at more closely and thought over. I (Steph) really regret the wording I chose and have tried to change it to be more appropriate. I also got my wires crossed about the location of Ashram, which was why the original said it was outside of California. In the fic where Ashram will be appearing in, it is accurately depicted as being in the U.S.
As for Oliver's assault at the hands of Shado, which people believed we were referring to when mentioning Ollie cheating on Dinah. That was not the instance we were referring to: instead we were talking about part of Grell's run, where Ollie makes out with their personal assistant, Marianne. (We weren’t aware that it was considered to be assault and are looking back over our notes; we’ve been working on this project for two years now and sometimes we forget things.) We've edited the bio entry to reflect the incident in question to clear up confusion, since we know that other writers have tried to retcon the incident as cheating in the past. We ended up not talking about Shado in the bio at all, simply because we're still doing research to figure out how to merge preboot Shado with reboot Shado so we can have Emiko Queen be part of Team Arrow, without minimizing the suffering of male victims of sexual assault. 
It’s true that we tended towards the more recent runs and retcons in terms of explanations for things (Connor’s birth, the nature of Roy’s addiction), mainly because those were the versions we were most familiar with. We’re going to be talking to a sensitivity consultant for Roy’s Dine heritage and will be broaching how to best approach his history with them, and will be re-reading Connor’s origins to decide how to tackle his origin.
We also feel the need to mention that apparently people have gotten the idea that we hate Oliver specifically, and we want to push back against that. We love Ollie and enjoy him greatly as a character. We have big plans for him in Uninterrupted and are excited to share them. If we didn’t love the Arrow Family and Ollie as a character, we’d have not written the story. It’s true that we’re drawing from areas of canon that apparently are more controversial, such as the Winnick run, but we’re also drawing from Denny O’Neil, Kelly Puckett, and Kevin Smith, as well as DC Rebirth.
Mia’s waitressing job was meant to be a source of income while she volunteered at the community center on the side, rather than replacing it, although we understand that the bio didn’t make that clear and will try to correct that.
As for Jade, we drew elements of her design from the Young Justice television show, where we found the characterization of Jade to be enjoyable and more interesting than the version we often saw in DC canon. We hadn’t seen the criticism about the mask before, but we will be doing research into it. We also know that in canon, Jade didn’t willingly give up her daughter, but we felt that having Roy literally kidnap his daughter to be awful and bad and we retconned it away because it made us extremely uncomfortable. And again, her bio was short mostly because our timeline focused more on “heroes” over villains, and also we haven’t yet decided if we wanted to keep her being a nuclear criminal part of our canon.
We also didn’t mean to diminish Dinah’s part in the breakup, but since Dinah is going to be appearing more in the Birds of Prey book, we ended up focusing the bio more on her role with the BOP over her relationship with Ollie. We are aware of issues with Sin’s arc, but we still enjoy the idea of Sin as a character and hope to do our best to work with that.
Also, since this has been raised several times as a point of concern: Lian is coming back. Cry for Justice is an awful, awful comic, as is the fallout, but it’s also undeniable that it’s one of the most well-known storylines especially for people outside of the Arrow Fandom, and we felt like we couldn’t tell the full story we want to tell without addressing it and Roy’s subsequent issues with relapsing.
Again, we apologize for hurting and upsetting people, and will be talking with sensitivity readers and hopefully will be working with a beta-reader in order to ensure that we’re telling this story as best as we are able.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years ago
Sinful Sunday!!!!
AN: Soooo sorry I've been MIA this week. I don't know whats gotten to me but motivation has been L O W this past week, but I should be back soon, I have some work stuff to finish. BUT, when I do come back, it will be with a nice one-shot (small hint, its for a certain merman featured in another set of sinful sunday thots) and then I'll get to the THOTs piled in my inbox....
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Pairings: Ezra (Prospect) x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader x Paz Vizsla, Modern!Captain Rex x Reader
• So the idea is Ezra x reader + Zombie Apocalypse AU, but considering its me, it'll be more like a Last of Us AU, of sorts
Ezra (Prospect) x Reader
So I wouldn't say this is really a THOT, its more or less just a concept I wanted to share. If you guys like it let me know and I might make it into a short series....
• Cee would definitely be in this one, unlike my other Ezra series (Hayloft)
• I imagine Ezra to be a hunter, someone who purposely attacks people and steals their supplies, but he himself tries to avoid killing, though the rest of his small group does not
• Ezra meets Cee, when he is the one being used as bait and he's acting like he's injured while his team members wait to ambush Cee and her father
• A big fight breaks out and Cee’s father is killed along with two of the hunters and Cee is bound and taken to the hideout
• Ezra keeps trying to talk and negotiate with his group to let Cee go because she is just a girl, but he ends up being threatened and told to shut up
• So on his early morning watch, he packs a big bag and steals alot of the supplies, before going to Cee and taking off with her
• The two barely reach the city limits before the hunters catch up, and a fire fight ensues, which also draws in a small group of zombies/infected
• In the skirmish, Ezra and Cee management to fight off all zombie/infected and hunters, BUT Ezra does get a small bite on his arm
• Cee cuts it off for him right there, and they go build a small fire just enough to cauterize it, before moving so they don't attract more attention
• Where are they headed? Well, Ezra happens to know a sweet little peach(reader) who owns a bartering house a few towns over, a place that is neutral ground for everyone, and they own him a small favor
At this point you aren't even sure how you had gotten into this situation, but maker you wouldn't trade it for anything in the galaxy. The situation? You were currently sandwiched between two of the fiercest mandalorian warriors you knew. All you could feel, smell, or think about was them and how absolutely FULL you felt. You can't even think straight too overwhelmed with pleasure, your head too full of the whines and rambles of the man below you and the loud grunts and groans of the man on top of you.
Din Djarin x Reader x Paz Vizsla
First off thank you, @joculatrices for letting me talk about this THOT with you. I was pretty hesitant to post this one, but it has been haunting me for weeks, and while I don't think Paz nor Din would be into sharing all that much, the THOT of them both having their way with me, well it has me overheating.....
You held both Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla close to your heart, but you had never even imagined that you would be with them like this, blindfolded as they both filled you. You never imagined that you'd be here laying ontop of Din, with his twitching cock nestled deep inside your ass, as Paz held your legs as wide as possible and pounded into you pussy like there was no tomorrow. Paz reached down at some point and wrapped his thick fingers around your neck as Din bit into your shoulder trying to quiet himself just a little. It was almost too much feeling the slide of Paz’s thick cock in and out of you, and along the thin wall that separated him from Din's own cock. You were wetter than you had ever been in the past, and hearing each squelch-y thrust from Paz drove you crazy. You could feel yourself dripping down to where you were combined with Din, who was twitching and giving out breathy moans from the stimulation he was receiving with each rough thrust from Paz.
The pleasure was so good, and overwhelming and you didn't want it to end but you could feel yourself about to snap. Din was mumbling something you couldn't make out as he reached around and squeezes your breasts and started circling your nipples. That small added pleasure is all you needed to be launched over the edge into the abyss, and you came harder than you ever had before. You heard Din curse loudly as you tightened up around him and he gave a small thrust before groaning your name and cumming deep inside of you. It didn't take long for Paz to follow, as he gave you three earth shattering, hard thrusts while praising how good you been and then he buried himself as deep as possible and unloaded everything he had inside of you. And as you came back down after that orgasm you knew, you were never gonna be the same after this.
You swore angrily as you all but ran to your next class. Not only had your last professor kept the whole class from leaving because HE was late, but the campus was teeming with soldiers and military personnel using the university campus as a short cut to get to the base stationed next door. You were beyond frustrated, most of the men blocking your path had been rude and tried pulling rank on you when you all but ran passed them, and you had probably given a few too many middle fingers to the assholes, but you could find it in yourself to care.
Modern!Captain Rex x Reader
Ok so after all that FILTH, here is a cute little THOT of how you meet modern au Captain Rex.....
Then one of the grabbed your arm right as you were about to reach the building your class was in and you saw red. You couldn't even hear what he was saying, and you ripped your arm away from him, and in a loe voice, most certainly interrupting his rant, you said, "Do not touch me, or I will make sure you meet your maker sooner than you are supposed to."
You saw his jaw clench and his face turn into a snarl as he spit back, "Do you know who you are talking to?"
As he spoke he rose his finger sticking it in your face. The anger of knowing that you were late to class and your professor had most certainly closed and locked the classroom door at this point, and from the fact that the man infrastructure of you thought he could walk all over you boiled over. In a split second, as he was still shoving his finger in your face and raising his voice, you whipped your hand up, grabbed his finger tightly, and smashed it back until you heard a satisfying crackl. With a smirk, you made eye contact with the now shocked and angered man and said, "That is for making me late to class, would you like for me to continue or are you going to walk away?"
The man puffed up his chest and rose his other hand to slap you but, an arm shot out from behind you, and a deep voice rumbled out, "That is enough, Private Connors, get yourself back to the barracks, your free time has bee revoked and you are being put on bathroom duty for threatening a civilian. Your tooth brush better be ready when I get back to the barracks myself."
"Yes, Captain...."
As the man walked away dejected, the other man, whose deep and ordering voice went straight to your belly, came around and gave you a soft smile as he ran a hand through his buzzed, blond hair.
"I am sorry for the way the Private Connors treated you, and I think the broken finger you gave him wasn't even close to the punishment he deserves for that attitude," you blushed and looked down, before smiling up at the now shy Captain. He stuck his hand out saying, "Captain Rex of the 501st, if there is anyway I can make it up to you, please let me know."
Shaking his hand you introduced yourself and mumbled out, "Well since he made me late to class, my afternoon just freed up, so...um... if you aren't busy, there is this nice Cafe two or so blocks from here?"
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phoenixlionme · 4 years ago
DC Asian Superheroes
EAST ASIAN (China, Korea, and Japan)
1. Grace Choi - biracial; half Korean and half Egyptian/Bana Mighdall (Amazon) 
2. John Chan aka Claw - Chinese 
3. Gloss - Chinese
4. The Great Ten - a group of Chinese superheroes
5. I-Ching - Chinese
6. Kai-ro aka Green Lantern - Chinese
7. Jade Yifei aka Jade - Chinese
8. Shen Hsien Pu Kwei aka Kwai from Blood Syndicate - Chinese American
9. Kenan Kong aka Superman of China - Chinese
10. Avery Ho aka Flash of China - Chinese
11. Peng Deilan aka Wonder Woman of China - Chinese
12. Wang Baixi aka Batman of China - Chinese
13. Ryan Choi aka The Atom - Chinese American
14. Ryuku Orsono aka Bushido - Japanese
15. Valerie Kameya aka Blitzen - Japanese American
16. Irey West aka Impulse - biracial; half Korean and half white
17. Jai West - biracial; half Korean and half white
18. Linda Park - Korean American
19. Eiko Hasigawa aka Catwoman for a short time - Japanese American
20. Tatsu Yamashiro aka Katana - Japanese
21. Asami Koizumi - Japanese; I highly suggest following the incarnation of her in the animated Young Justice series; she is the gender-flipped version of Samurai from Superfriends
22. Eugene Choi aka Shazam - Korean American
23. Connor Hawke aka Green Arrow II - biracial; half Korean, half black, and half white; he is normally depicted with dark skin
24. Cassandra Cain aka Batgirl - biracial; half Chinese and half white.
25. Damian Wayne aka Robin - biracial; half Chinese, half Arabian, and half white; if drawn, he should be depicted with an olive skin tone, he’s been whitewashed too much
26. Sin Lance - Chinese
27. Emiko Queen - biracial; half Japanese and half white American
28. Emily Sung aka Elemental Woman - Korean American
29. David Kim aka Xombi - Korean American
30. Kimiyo Hoshi aka Dr. Light - Japanese American; may change her name to differentiate from villain
31. Marcus aka Monkey Prince - Chinese American; last name unknown
32. Hiro Okamura aka Toyman - Japanese; may change his name to differentiate from villain
33. Val Armorr aka Karate Kid - biracial; half Japanese and half white
34. Mia “Maps” Mizogushi - from Gotham Academy; Japanese American
35. Kyle Mizogushi - from Gotham Academy; Japanese American; Maps’ brother
SOUTH ASIA (Afghanistan, Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
1. Aruna - real name unknown; Indian
2. Chandi Gupta aka Maya - Indian
3. Arani Desai aka Celsius - Indian
4. Rama Chandra - Indian
5. Harry Chawney aka Dharma from Shadow Cabinet - Indian American
6. Bina and Apurna Chawney aka Plus from Shadow Cabinet - Indian American
7. Jinx - Indian American, she was unfortunately whitewashed in the animated Teen Titans series. She’s usually a supervillain but reformed in the series
8. Kiran Singh aka Solstice - Indian
9. Meena Dhawan aka Fast Track - Indian American
10. Tiger aka Patron - Afghan; real name unknown
11. Levi Kamei aka Swamp Thing - Indian
SOUTHEAST ASIA (Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore)
1. Kevin Kho aka OMAC - Cambodian American
2. Henry Heywood Jr. aka Captain Steele - Filipino 
3.  Joel Alonday aka Grail - Filipino
4. Cascade from Global Guardians - Indonesian
5. Tai Pham aka Green Lantern - Vietnamese American
6. Artemis Crock aka Artemis - biracial; half Vietnamese and half white
7. Jade Nguyen aka Cheshire - biracial; half Vietnamese and half white; she’s usually a villain but after her portrayal in the Young Justice animated series I see her being reformed
8. Lian Nguyen-Harper aka Red Riding Hood - biracial; half Vietnamese and half white
9. Jenny Quantum from The Authority - Singaporean
10. Bao Pham aka Clownhunter - Vietnamese American
11. Traci Thirteen aka Traci 13 - American born but her Asian nationality is unknown and often debated. In my opinion, I make her half Filipina and half Thai. Since there aren’t a lot of Southeast Asian superheroes
12. Duren Sarga - Indonesian; an ally of Damian Wayne and Maya Ducard
13.  Munira Khairuddin aka Obscura - Malaysian; ally of Barbara Gordon
14. Kala Lour aka Gold Lantern - Filipino
15. Ghostmaker - Singaporean
16. Alysia Yeoh - Singaporean American
WEST ASIA (Iran, Iraq, Israel, Leban, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey) 
1. Kahina Eskandari aka Iron Butterfly - Palestinian 
2. Sirocco - Iranian
3. Simon Baz aka Green Lantern - Lebanese American
4. Archer of Arabia (Green Arrows of the World) - Saudi Arabian
5.  Serpah from the Global Guardians - Israeli
7. Sandstorm from the Global Guardians - Syrian
8. Hayoth - an Israeli superhero team
9. Kahina the Seer - Iranian
10. Sira Baz - sister of Simon Baz; Lebanese American
11. Selma Tolon aka Janissary - Turkish
HMONG (An Asian group that can live in China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar)
1. Rose Wilson aka Ravager - biracial; half Hmong and half white
1. Khalid Nassour aka Dr. Fate - Egyptian-American, Arabic descendant
2. Bilal Asselah aka Nighturnner - Algerian French, Arabic descendant
3. Nissa aka Batgirl/Batgirl Beyond - she has brown skin and one of the meanings of her name is Arabic, but her actual ethnicity is unknown; I personally believe she is Arab American.
4. Nadimah Ali - friend/ally of Barbara Gordon; Arabian American and Muslim but nationality unknown
5. Olive Silverlock - from Gotham Academy; her ethnicity is unknown, but she is POC given her dark skin. She might also be albino. For me, I think she is a POC albino, most likely of Arabian descent.
6. Qadir - last name unknown; ally/friend of Barbara Gordon; a tech wizard; Arabian American and Muslim but nationality unknown
7. Shahara Hasan - from the Vertigo comics; British Arabian and Muslim but nationality unknown
8. Sonia Sato aka Judomaster - Nationality unknown but most likely Japanese since her last name is of Japanese origin.
Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years ago
Say Your Name Softly
Read on AO3
“Jaybird what happened to ‘don’t call any attention to ourselves’?” Roy asks as he looks around the bar where Jason has absolutely just caused a scene.
“I’m improvising,” Jason says throwing a wad of bills onto the bar for the owner as an apology for the trouble he’s just caused. “And choose between Jaybird or your trachea, you can’t have both,” Jason adds on because he doesn’t need Roy giving him some stupid nickname.
Roy, naturally, doesn’t listen. Jaybird sticks and despite his reputation and vague threats Jason never actually does anything to put a stop to it. Jaybird becomes common vernacular for Roy.
First Jason’s pretty sure Roy does it just to annoy him, especially when he realizes Jason wasn’t really serious about the whole trachea thing, delighting in every sharp glare that has less and less heat behind it every time Jason shoots one back.
From there it just sort of evolves, Jason stops glaring every time Roy says it and it becomes an everyday friendly nickname that as much as Jason is loath to admit it out loud he likes.
He’s Jaybird and well that’s fine.
Roy takes a running jump from the ledge of the building reaching out for the grappling hook and landing with a grace that sometimes still surprises Jason.
He doesn’t stop moving as he rolls to a stand and takes off, arrows knocked and aiming at the goons cornering them.
“Cover me Jaybird!” he shouts as he goes, expertly dodging gunfire while hitting three of the goon’s square in the chest with stun arrows. Jason curses under his breath already in motion guns at the ready. Beside him Dick chuckles.
“Jaybird?” he laughs and questions simultaneously as he stands and does a complicated flip jumping into the fray. Jason ignores him taking out the kneecaps of several of the guys while Dick kicks and punches his way through a pack of them, the blue of his Nightwing costume moving like a blur. Off to the side he hears the familiar thwip of a bow and thud of knocked out bodies.
Between the three of them they deal with the lackies easily, to the surprise of no one Black Mask doesn’t even bother showing his ugly, bony face. Jason’s tying up the last of the goons when he hears the sirens in the distance, Montoya most likely leading the charge. Jason stands to his full height about to shout over to Roy that at least he needs to get going, he’s not exactly on the best of terms with the GCPD just yet even if he’s been cleaning up his act.
Roy however beats him to it, “Jaybird!” he shouts from the other side of the roof where he and Dick have been chatting. “We better motor!”
Jason turns and shoots a thumb out to the direction of the next roof over so they can make their escape quickly before the cops show up not needing to say a word for Roy to know what he’s meaning. Roy nods in return before turning back to Dick, the two do some complicated bro handshake that ends with a loud high five before Roy immediately takes off in a run shooting another grappling hook for he and Jason to slide across.
“See you soon,” Dick shouts at Jason as Roy already makes his slide over to the next building. “Jaybird,” he emphasizes with a big doofy looking smile that Jason hates. He does not have time for his big brother teasing him about going soft or something by letting Roy call him a nickname.
“Hopefully not too soon, Dickie,” he shouts flipping his brother a playful middle finger as he takes off in a run following close behind Roy.
Dick isn’t the first, or the last to comment on the little nickname as more and more people hear it. Kory always gives Jason this look, this soft understanding look that he doesn’t understand every time he lets the nickname slide. Alfred drops on comms one evening to invite him over for tea and calls him Master Jaybird and Jason can hear his teasing smile in the words. One by one his family and Roy’s friends all start to just make little notices of it, like it’s some big deal.
Which it isn’t. It’s not like the words become more and more a term of endearment than a nickname, like lately Roy hasn’t taken to saying it a lot softer than he ever had before and started accompanying it with these lingering soft little touches. It’s not like Jason hasn’t found himself feeling something a little deeper than friendship of late when Roy says it, like he doesn’t absolutely melt when those little touches brush his skin. It’s just a silly name, that’s it.  
“You good, Jaybird?” Roy asks his hand reaching out to turn Jason’s unmasked face to look at the cut along his cheek, all things considered it’s a minor injury.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Jason says not making any move to stop Roy’s hand from lingering. That is until he catches sight of a small pack of Titans out of the corner of his eye. He clears his throat and steps back a bit a small grateful smile that he knows only Roy will notice on his lips. Roy just nods his head resting a hand a little too lightly to be considered some sort of bro slap on his shoulder before he steps away over to the little group.
Donna starts walking their way brushing Roy’s arm in a friendly manner as she goes, Jason’s stomach does a weird fluttering thing at the action. He’s not jealous, there’s no reason to be jealous. He and Roy are friends. Donna and Roy are friends. It’s as unmeaning as the nickname is.
“Jaybird, huh?” Donna says with a tittering laugh as she passes. They’ve just thwarted an apocalypse; Superman is somewhere on the metropolitan battlefield and that’s what she chooses to focus on. Roy just shrugs winking at her as he goes a look of some understanding passing between them that Jason can’t quite read.
Jason turns around bending down to pick up his helmet where it had been rudely knocked off of his head during a fight. Donna’s boots come into his eyeline, the amazon standing firmly beside him. He stands to his full height mirroring her stance with her arms crossed and hip cocked. She watches over where Roy, Dick, Gar and a few others have gathered checking in with each other.
“You better treat him right, Todd,” she says turning the full force of her warrior stance on him. Jason squints at her, the sky has turned back from its bright red to the sparkling night it should be, it makes the little constellations and stars on her outfit shine even brighter and makes her somehow more intimidating.
“That’s all,” she says before he can scramble to say it’s not like that with a wide fake smile, she reaches out her hand and places it on Jason’s shoulder like Roy just had, but with a much firmer grip, a grip that means business. It takes every bit of his Batman training not to wince.
She smiles more genuinely after a moment and steps away her eyes trained upwards when she spots Diana fly above.
Jason just watches her go expression unmoving realizing that maybe everyone keeps pointing out the nickname for a reason.
Jason’s not totally certain how he ended up at an arrow family dinner, except for the fact that he’s weak in the face of a bright-eyed pouting Roy Harper. So when he’d asked Jason to come as a buffer in case things between him and Ollie got intense his big green eyes bright in the morning sun with a pout on his face as he gave Jason a giant mug of coffee just the way he likes it, well he didn’t have it in him to say no.
Roy had been dodging the invitations for nearly a year, but when Dinah showed up in person and asked him to come there was no way he could say no.
Plus they’ve been spending more and more time in the warehouse in Star City than the loft in Gotham these days anyway, so really it was more a matter of convenience than anything.
So here they all are surrounding a big green table, which Jason thinks is a little on the nose, and everything has been shockingly pleasant so far. Dinah had practically burst into happy tears when she saw Roy on their doorstep and she’d even welcomed Jason in with open arms.
It’s clear the other arrow kids love Roy he’s oldest of them and they all look up to him and it pains Jason to see how surprised Roy is by that fact all the time. He’s not a screw up in their eyes, he’s their hero who overcame a lot to still be sitting at this table today.
Connor and Cissie are fairly indifferent to Jason which is just fine by him, except for Emiko who keeps asking exceedingly inappropriate questions about Batman that Damian always refused to answer. Jason doesn’t have any qualms about answering them however and he’s certain he’ll be getting a stern call from Bruce in no time about it. Mia is even shockingly polite, which considering their history is the most shocking thing about the whole evening.
Even more shocking though is Oliver Queen himself who is nothing but cordial and corny the whole night through. He’s clearly trying to maintain an easy-going environment and watching his words carefully so that he doesn’t test any boundary or limit that will lead to even one tense moment between he and Roy.
He doesn’t like Jason, but he’s never liked Jason so the simple fact he’s made not one negative remark about Jason’s presence is just enough for him. Everything about this night is clearly a win in Roy’s book judging from the smile that’s rarely left his face all night.
Dinner is perfectly pleasant and even makes Jason a little nostalgic for his Robin days when he was still innocent and family dinners weren’t just the occasional tea with Alfred. They’re lingering after dinner clearly each just waiting to see who will be the first one to break and say they need to leave and go on patrol.
It’s a waiting game Jason’s seen and always been the first to break at every gathering of his own brood, the only reason he’s not tonight is for Roy’s sake. He’s not even really paying attention anymore just lingering over the Tupperware of insanely good chili that Oliver had pushed his way moments ago letting the family just be together.
“Hey, Jaybird,” Roy says startling Jason out of his staring contest with the chili. He looks up and meets Roy’s eyes followed by the amused little smiles of everyone else and Ollie’s wide eyed, confusion maybe? Definitely surprise. “You ready to go bust up that fight club?”
Jason raises an eyebrow. The fight club in question has been on their radar for some time now, they’re 99% certain they’re using meta’s against their will and have been planning a little coup of their own over the weeks. Roy has about one and half feet in the door as a high roller, playing the role of spoiled rich boy looking to blow money even better than Jason does.
The next time he shows up he’s certain it’ll be the clubs last night in operation, he didn’t think tonight would be that night.
“You sure?” Jason questions searching Roy’s eyes for confirmation that this isn’t because he missed something going sour. Roy’s eyes look clear and certain and Jason knows he hasn’t missed a thing, Roy just wants to get the job they started done. He nods grabbing the Tupperware and the rest of the arrow kids take that as their cue each signaling their own farewells. Ollie never stops watching the two of them however, he looks like his mind has been running a mile a minute as he leans against the counter.
He finally moves when they all makes their way out the door, Dinah hugging each of the kids and even Jason as they file out. Roy and Dinah chat for a few more minutes while Jason safely secures the chili to his bike.
Roy looks so light and carefree and it makes Jason smile against his will. They walk over to the bike together Dinah hugging Roy one more time before he turns to Ollie and they do a weird bro hug style farewell that’s only a little bit awkward.
Ollie grips his bicep when they pull back. “You sure you two won’t need any backup with whatever you’re messing around with tonight?” he asks eyes briefly flitting over to where Jason leans against his bike.
“Nah, we’ll be good, Jaybird’s got my back,” Roy says. Ollie gets this amused look on his face as Roy steps away and takes the spare helmet Jason offers him. Jason gets on the bike first ignoring whatever is going on with Oliver.
“Jaybird,” Oliver mumbles under his breath before shaking his head. “Well if you change your mind, Pretty Bird,” he says looking Jason directly in the eyes as he pulls her close and places a lingering kiss on her head. Jason can’t ignore the implication of that comparison the way he’s managed to ignore everyone else’s glances and little comments. “And I are just a call away,” Ollie finishes with a chuckle.
Roy gives him a smile and a salute as he puts on his helmet and slips onto the bike behind Jason sitting a little closer and holding Jason’s waist a little tighter than necessary. Jason throws down his helmet visor to avoid the way Oliver’s still looking at him all meaningful and vaguely threatening before speeding away.
Tearing down the fight club is a hell of a lot easier than Jason expected it to be. They gear up at home then they’re in and out and sending vans full of free meta’s to safe havens set up around the city by the Black Canary herself in under two hours.
They’re both a little banged up when they make it back to the warehouse, but it’s nothing a few band-aids and a little Neosporin can’t handle.
Roy starts discarding pieces of the fancy burgundy suit he was sporting as soon as they’re in the door, Jason follows suit pulling weapon after weapon from his person in what they lovingly refer to as the discard box by the door. It’s their go to spot for all the weapons that need a good cleaning or maybe a good recycling down in Roy’s workshop.
By the time Jason’s down to just his pants and an under-armor shirt Roy’s settled down at the kitchen island rifling through the first aid kit with one hand and holding his other to a spot on the back of his head.
Jason walks up behind him picking his hand up from the spot he’s covering carefully.
“Did someone slice you on the back of the head?” he asks grabbing the rubbing alcohol from Roy’s hand.
“Yup, not sure how, but yup,” Roy grimaces when Jason takes a cotton ball to the slice.
“Told you not to cut your hair,” Jason says as he keeps cleaning the wound out. Last month Roy had finally parted with his scraggly red locks for a new cut short on the sides and back and just a little longer on the top. It looks good on him, but sometimes Jason misses the tresses of hair that would always slip their way out of his hats and blow around in the wind when they stood on rooftops. The hair not even fazing Roy from making a perfect shot when they’d fly in front of his eyes.
Roy snorts. “You just miss braiding my hair.”
“Yeah during all our pillow fights and sleepovers,” Jason huffs as he finishes cleaning up the slice and moves to open the Neosporin. He can’t exactly bandage this up so he’ll just have to badger Roy to remember to keep it clean.
Roy sighs. “If only you’d accept all my invitations to those, Jaybird,” he says seriously and there’s implications not even an emotionally constipated Jason Todd can’t catch onto under those words.
“You’re always calling me that,” Jason says as he slowly finishes up on the wound.
“Jaybird?” Roy asks slowly turning around to face Jason when he gives him a tap on the shoulder signifying he’s done.
Jason nods swallowing the lump in his throat realizing this conversation is happening there’s no jumping around it anymore.
“Well aside from your attempts early on, it was pretty clear you didn’t mind it all that much,” Roy says leaning back against the island. He reaches out brushing the bit of hair that’s fallen into Jason’s eyes, it’s the part that’s shock white a stark contrast to the rest of his dark hair. “So, yeah I call you that all the time.”
“You know Oliver calls Dinah Pretty Bird all the time,” he says tracking the movement of Roy’s hand as it falls slowly down the length of Jason’s arm.
“That he does,” Roy hums as he reaches Jason’s hand and tangles their fingers together.
“And you call me Jaybird,” Jason says looking up from their joined hands to Roy’s eyes.
“That has been established.”
“You know some people might make implications based on those similarities,” Jason says holding Roy’s eyes.
“Yeah they sure might,” Roy says pushing himself off the island. They’re practically nose to nose, eyes locked. “Damn do I wish the right person would realize those implications already.”
Jason swallows again a small smile forming on his lips. He never thought this would happen, that he’d work up the courage and finally acknowledge this ever-growing thing between them. That it would lead to a moment like this.
“Well I think he’s catching on,” he says. Roy smiles bright and lifts his other hand to gently cup Jason neck.
“About fucking time,” he says before leaning in finally breaching the space between them and connecting their lips. It’s a slow, sweet glide with so much passion and over a years’ worth of tension all seeping through when their lips move and their tongues meet. Jason’s not sure how much time passes, but eventually breathing becomes a necessity.
Roy doesn’t let him go far, keeping his hand on Jason’s neck and their fingers intertwined. He tilts their heads together while they both catch their breath.
“Well that works, huh, Jaybird,” he says stroking his thumb up and down the side of Jason’s neck.
“It sure does, Roy Toy,” Jason says with a chuckle hating the nickname even as it leaves his lips. Roy’s head throws back in a deep laugh he can’t seem to restrain.
“No way, nuh uh,” he says still chuckling. “You’re gonna have to do better than that, I’ll have to take up your trachea idea if you try to make that a thing.”
Jason snorts. “I’ll keep workshopping then,” he says before leaning back in and kissing the bright smile off of Roy’s lips.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 4 years ago
Characters: Gavin Reed x fem!Reader; Connor; Hank Anderson;
Warnings: cursing
Words: 2.122
Gavin nodded while he checked the file in front of him, “Well, yeah… I never made the connection before-”
“That’s why I am here… for the things you won’t see.”, yn said teasingly. Gavin glared at her but she just stuck out her tongue which caused Gavin to smirk. Yn took another file and handed it to Gavin, “Here is another statement. Again this Joseph.”
Gavin frowned as he skimmed through the file, “Is that one of mine? I can’t remember-”
“No, it’s not yours. Actually, this is from Hank-”
Gavin’s head shot up from the file, “Hank? Have you talked with him about this?”, annoyance was hearable in his voice.
Yn looked at him with a challenging expression, waiting for him to say the wrong thing but he didn’t, so she answered, “Yes, I did. Because my partner was MIA, you remember?”, she asked rhetorically.
Gavin understood and decided to stay silent, swallowing down his pride, “Alright, yeah... so, you wanna trace this case?”
“I would like to do it, yeah. But first, we need more information or at least, we should collect everything we can find.”, yn said and wasn’t surprised to see Gavin making a face by mentioning ‘boring’ paperwork, “Listen, here’s the deal, you go home, take a shower and relax a bit. You kinda look horrible-”
“Thank you very much.”, Gavin muttered.
Yn smiled softly, “You know what I mean. Meanwhile, I will gather the information.”
“You sure?”, Gavin asked. It didn’t feel right to let her alone doing all the work but a shower was also something Gavin was yearning for after this kinda horrible day.
“Of course. You know, it feels good to be here and to have these files in my hands. I just want to enjoy this feeling a bit longer.”, she said softly, “And you hate doing paperwork anyway.”
Gavin knew how much she loved her job. She was as passionate about it as he was. They both wanted the same things: to hunt criminals and to bring justice to those who got hurt by all the bad people in this world. Now that she was back, he couldn’t remember how he had managed to stay sane without her. He stood up and donned his leather jacket, “Alright, but if you need help or anything, call me.”, he said. As he saw her doubtfully glance he added: “I promise, I will answer.”, he said softly and yn grinned. Reluctantly, Gavin left his desk but looked back at her one last time. In the end, he wished he hadn’t done it. The scene he saw was annoying but before his temper could blow his fuses once again, he left the DPD.
Just as Gavin was about to leave, Connor walked to yn. As yn noticed the android, she looked up from the files and shot him a warm smile, “Hey, Connor.”
“Hey. Could you talk with Reed about these files?”
“Yes, I could. I think we will have a new case here.”, yn answered with a smile.
Connor noticed the way her eyes sparkled when she was talking about the case and the work. He already noticed that she had a cheerful personality mostly in comparison to Reed and Hank. But the energy he saw now was something different. Connor had studied her career a bit. She was young, ambitious and one of Detroit’s best Detectives and now, he saw why she was this good: there was a fire burning in her. She wouldn’t give up until she would solve this case, “I’m glad the two of you could sort things out.”
“Yeah, Gavin is a bit hot-headed… some things will never change. You just have to know how to deal with him.”, yn said. On the other side of the room, she saw Hank getting done with work to leave the office, “You’re done for today?”
“Yes. The Detroit Gears have a game today and Hank wants to watch it in Jimmy’s bar. I accompany him to make sure he won’t get … too drunk.”
“Sounds like a good evening.”, yn admitted.
“Would you like to join us?”, Connor asked carefully and kinda shy. He wasn’t sure where this idea came from but the idea to spend more time with her was something he would like.
Yn’s brows shot up in surprise. This invitation was nothing she had expected, “Oh, uhm… you know, Connor, it’s very nice of you to ask but I… I want to work this through. But next time.”, she answered. Connor understood it and then, Hank was ready to leave the DPD. Yn smiled to herself. The way Connor had asked her was so pure and innocent that she was surprised that he was able to keep up with Hank and all the other cops. He was nice, friendly … even undeniable handsome with these soft brown eyes. Her glance fell on the small plant which caused her smile to get even a bit bigger.
It was past nine as yn realized that she was alone in the DPD. Well, there was herself, the police androids in standby mode and Captain Fowler was also still in his office. She sat straight in her chair which caused her spine to crack nasty. She rolled her head left and right and rubbed the back of her neck. As she looked hopefully into her cup, it was already empty.
“You know when the coffee is gone it’s the sign for you to go home.”, Captain Fowler said, who stopped next to yn’s desk, “What are you working on anyway? Something interesting? Or are you trying to make sense of Reed’s paperwork?”
Yn chuckled. Everyone knew that Gavin was a very good Detective with a high crime clearance rate but his manners casted a cloud over his victories most of the time, “No, his files are all fine. But I found something in them. First, there were just two statements with the same name of a Red Ice dealer. Hank also found something that suited this case in his own files. Now, I have a bunch of files and statements all with the same names and places.”
Fowler was hooked immediately. ‘Red Ice’ was still the main problem in Detroit. He grabbed a chair and sat next to yn’s desk, “Tell me more about it.”
Ten minutes later, she had summarized all the information she had found as best as she could. Fowler nodded slowly, seemingly deep in his thoughts. Yn waited for him to speak. She knew that the Captain hated it to get interrupted while he was considering his next steps.
“You really have found something. Maybe even something big. This Joker-guy must have a boss. What you said about him doesn’t sound as if he would be connected enough to get the drugs on his own.”
“I thought the same.”, yn admitted.
Fowler stood up, “Reed and you can follow this trace but, if you need anything, come to me. It’s your first case, take it easy. Even if I know you’re capable.”
“Thanks, Sir. Uhm… I might already have an idea.”, yn said and grinned.
After another training session on his boxing bag, Gavin took a hot shower at three o’clock in the morning. The water was slowly running down his body and relaxed all the tense muscles. He tried his best, but Gavin wasn’t able to keep a clear mind. His thoughts were always drifting to all the events of the past day.
The small plant... Connor… the hooker … how he had treated yn…
Gavin sank his head, his hair was falling into his face and the water was running down between his shoulder blades while he supported himself with his hands from the wall. Yn already had noticed that something was bothering him and he knew, if he wouldn’t watch out, that she would ask until there was no other way than telling her the truth why he was on the edge all the time.
Ten minutes later, he left the shower, flung a towel around his hips and stepped to the sink to look into the mirror. Yn had been right, he looked horrible. His lip was still slightly swollen, his cheek a bit red and dark shadows under his eyes betrayed that he was barely sleeping. He checked his appearance one last time, before he groaned, annoyed about himself, and left his reflection alone. There was no solution for any of these problems - and Gavin wouldn’t even start to try to find one.
A few hours later and filled up with much coffee, Gavin entered the DPD. He was determined to keep his temper calm. He really wanted to stay cool but as he walked to his desk, his blood pressure was already increasing again.
Yn was there, like an early bird, sitting at her desk. Next to her were Hank and Connor. Yn laughed loudly about something Hank had said and as Gavin came closer he heard something about ‘pigeons’. Gavin approached the small group, all the former good intentions long gone and his bad mood back in charge, “Don't you have your own desks?", he asked and looked annoyed at the two men.
Yn checked quickly on Gavin. He looked a bit better than the day before but she saw that he hadn’t slept again. So, yn wasn’t surprised to see him this moody. But the first thing she had learnt in handling Gavin Reed was to treat him with kindness if he decided to be a prick, "We wish you a good morning as well, Detective.", she said teasingly friendly while she observed his reaction.
"Yeah, yeah,yeah...", he answered bugged, "What is going on here?", Gavin asked and pointed at the file in Connor’s hand. It was one of Gavin's.
Yn rolled with her eyes, "Oh, hell! Calm the fuck down! Eat a Snickers!"
"W-what? Why?", Gavin asked dumbfounded and looked puzzled at her.
Yn grinned at him, "Because your boiling hot latin blood comes through when you're hungry!"
"Latin blood?", Connor asked with one raised brow.
Yn looked at him with a lopsided smirk, "His mother comes from Puerto Rico."
"Hey!", Gavin called out.
Yn looked back at him still grinning, "What? That's not a secret. Oh, and by the way, Hank and Connor are joining us on the Red Ice case-"
"No fucking way! It's our case!", Gavin called out. He got annoyed more and more, although he had planned this day differently, but somehow he got the feeling that yn was working against him.
"Orders from Fowler.", yn explained with crossed arms.
"I gathered all the information and… this case could be big, you know, it might even come with a lead to a drug boss. So, since I got Hank’s case file already involved and because he is the most experienced of us relating to Red Ice cases, it’s just the best solution to be successful. And Connor... he's a very intelligent and advanced boy. It could be useful to have an android on our side.", yn said and winked at Connor with a grin. The way she spoke about him gave Connor a good feeling.
Gavin pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, "Bloody hell! I should have stayed in bed.", he muttered.
Yn looked skeptical at her partner, "The way you look, I'm not sure what you use your bed for but it's not for sleeping."
Slowly, he looked at her and pressed his jaw together to swallow down the comment he had on his lips, "You... I need coffee!", he grunted and went into the kitchen.
Yn followed Gavin with her eyes, a smirk on her lips, "Maybe you should consider bathing in it rather than just drinking it."
Gavin showed her his middle finger and heard her chuckling.
Yn turned over to Hank with a grin, "It's really good to be back."
Hank smirked, enjoying the fact that Gavin got some backtalk, "Reed will kill you when he finds out that it was your idea to get us on board."
"I know.", she answered with a huge grin, “But I wasn’t lying. Fowler approved the idea. Gavin just doesn’t have to know that.”
Connor looked at her. How she grinned and how much fun she had treating Gavin like this was contagious. Connor grinned as well, in his eyes, Gavin deserved this, "You like to fuck him up, don't you?"
Yn looked at the android and nodded slowly, "Hell yes. It's funny. And very easy."
Gavin came back, sat at his desk, took a sip of his coffee but stayed silent.
"Better?", yn grinned.
"No.", Gavin muttered low.
"Perfect. The best base to start the briefing."
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tinalbion · 4 years ago
Mayor Buckman scenario of modern reader as an “Honored Guest”? She’s the reincarnation of his beloved young wife & mother of his children, who died before the massacre. He can’t kill her. He’ll sabotage, force her to stay if he must. She doesn’t remember the love or life they shared. Yet. He can’t understand her fright, tears & pleas to go home as he puts her ring back on her finger. Fate’s already brought her home to him. He won’t fail her as husband again. Death can’t stop their true love.
Tina’s back, alright! Woo! Let’s GO! Coming back strong (hopefully), been MIA for a bit and figured why not murder everyone with feelings? Thanks for this ask, I love it.
‘Till Death and Beyond’
Mayor Buckman x AFAB Reader
Words: 3k
Warnings: None
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You stood there in all of your glory, back on the familiar weathered steps of Pleasant Valley, your eyes wandering over the scenery and the faces of the townsfolk as your friends all wandered the grounds. You were preoccupied and so confused by the overly friendly meeting with the mayor of this town, but maybe it was just that good old Southern hospitality you heard so much about. Whatever the case, your car broke down and you all had to spend a few days here, your friend Theo already cursing himself for stupidly taking the detour.
“Only you would be that much of an idiot to follow a sign that looks like it was written by a child,” your friend Connor spat with a short mocking laugh afterward. “And you didn’t even let us vote if we wanted to go this direction, you ass.” 
Theo huffed and ignored the smugness of his friend and walked off toward the small group of scantily clad women who smiled as he approached. 
You on the other hand watched the scene unfold, keeping to yourself as you observed because that was what you were good at; you watched. You took immediate notice of the mayor speaking to a group of townsfolk as he faced you, his hand movements jerky and seemingly upset. You were curious if it had anything to do with your unexpected visit to Pleasant Valley. Yet you didn’t bother to press the matter, they could have allowed you all to pass through the town unscathed and unbothered, yet they were extending their hospitality to you all and did it with smiles on their faces. 
“Fuckin’ weird people here,” Connor remarked in a hushed tone as he hurried his pace alongside Theo, wanting to join the group of women.
Now that you were alone and not having to deal with the overwhelming feeling of keeping up appearance for the guys, you released a deep breath and continued to look around, curious as to why it felt so damn familiar here, why the scent of the woods had made you think of home. Not the place you left to take a vacation from, oh no, a real home that you couldn’t place memory to. The warmth of the springtime Georgia air was gentle against your skin as the smell from the nearby field of flowers filled your senses. Every time you had attempted to put a name to the feeling you were experiencing, it slipped away, the thought just sitting on the tip of your tongue. 
You had been so swept up in the thought that you didn’t hear the soft footfalls of the mayor stop just behind you, you spun around in surprise and calmed when you noticed it was him. 
“Just figured I’d check in on ya, darlin’, you seem like somethin’ is troubling ya.”
Was this too personal to share, you weren’t entirely sure, but it was kind enough of him to come to you and see how you were handling this series of events that led you here, straight to him. You nodded your head slightly and sighed. 
“I’m alright, just taking in the sights, thinking. I appreciate the extent of your hospitality mayor, even though my friends don’t seem like they’re appreciative.” Of course, you had to explain their questionable behavior, it was the same thing everywhere you traveled. 
The mayor chuckled as he adjusted the lapel of his jacket, his hands hanging on them as he stood there, looking at you curiously. His eye wandered to your face and it lingered there for too long that you took notice and shifted uncomfortably, pushing some hair behind your ear. He sensed your unease and took a step forward, his clouded mind too focused on you.
You wanted to tell him to back off, to give you space, but something inside of you told you to stay put as you watched his arm reach out, his large, calloused hand placed gently against your cheek. You wanted to recoil but you couldn’t find it in yourself.
“I know it’s you, sugarplum, I know it is…” he trailed off quietly, his thumb stroked your skin. “You look just like her, I know it’s you.” 
That’s when you pulled away, pushing his hands off of you as you stared at him with fear behind your eyes. “What the hell,” you snapped, “I am not whoever you think I am, I’ve never met you in my life.” 
Buckman seemed confused and hurt, broken by your harsh words and your cold behavior, maybe you just needed some reminding of who you were and where you came from. “I’m sorry, darlin’, I uh, I got carried away... but there are some people I’d love for you to meet if you’re willin’ to humor me.”
You felt unease and discomfort now being around this man, who seemed to radiate such contrasting energy that you weren’t sure if you would be safe or not in his presence, especially alone. Out of fear, you followed beside him, drawn within yourself as your steps seemed quick and skittish. 
He watched you from a side glance, his mind wracked with so many thoughts and memories of his beloved first wife, the mother of his children, his princess. He would have done everything to have her back with him like they used to be, much like his beloved daughter Scarlet. He wondered if this was possible to see you here that maybe his child would come back to him, too. He was too absorbed in the thought of his family that he had almost passed the chapel where his two sons, Rufus and Lester, were waiting for him to return.
“Boys,” he greeted cheerfully as he burst through the door, “we have an honored guest with us for this year’s Jubilee, and I am hoping you will all get along!” 
You were on display for the two grown men, their eyes widened at the sight of you and silence followed. Buckman was understanding of this, he knew the boys saw it too, just like he had. He smiled warmly as he thought of the impossible; the mother of his children being brought back to him, to them, to the town. He needed it to happen, he would even make yet another deal with Crow to make it so. That was the plan. You had no idea.
Hesitantly, you waved and greeted the boys like normal, but the way they looked at you only made the uneasy pit in your stomach feel much more unpleasant. Lester waved happily, his other hand stroking the wool of the sheep that stood beside him. Rufus unfolded his arms and tilted his head as he watched you curiously, his hardened face changed to softness as he looked at you. It was you, it had to be. There was hope after all that things could work out in their favor. 
You backed away, making your way toward the door, explaining in stutters that you needed to get some rest, it had been a long trip after all, and you needed a meal as well. The men nodded and watched you go.
Buckman turned to his sons and spread his arms out, exaggerating his movements. “You’d be daft as a brush if you thought otherwise, boys, it’s her, isn’t it?!” He was even trying to convince himself now more than the boys. They nodded eagerly as Lester began to recall his beautiful mother, the short and fuzzy memories that grew harder and harder to recall the more time had passed in the Valley.
While they were conversing about Lord knows what, you ran back to your room, locking the door behind you and shaking. You didn’t know what to do or how to get out of it, your car was somewhere on the grounds and the guys were too preoccupied with whatever the hell they pleased with the flirty southern girls. You were in your room, alone, terrified that you weren’t going to make it out of this place alive. Panic rose like the bile in your throat and you didn’t know what to do anymore, all you could do was sit in your room while you hugged your legs to your chest, thinking of what you could do to get out of this situation. 
Buckman was thinking of what he could do, he took a stroll down to see Crow further into the Valley and try to see what could be done. Crow was one of the few men he could trust, if anything, he would be the one to have an answer. He found the tall and broad man down by the stables where he knew the mayor would come for him.
“Boss, I figured you wouldn’t wanna consult with my dark magic any longer-” Crow began but Buckman cut him off.
“No, no, son, this isn’t about that. It’s about her,” he gestured to the guesthouse as he pointed a finger, “the girl who looks like my late beloved. You seen it too, Crow, I know you done did,” he glowered. “It’s her, reincarnated or what have you, back to either join me or torment me. She don’t remember who she is, Crow. Is that part of some dark magic?”
Crow looked over at the house and sighed, his mind processing everything. “Get me an audience with her and I can get you the information you need.”
“Bless ya, Crow, always so loyal.” He clasped the man on the shoulder and watched as he walked off, leaving the mayor alone once again with his thoughts. 
What could he do but wait?
When Crow returned to him, his expression didn’t give Buckman what he’d been looking for. “What is it, didja find anything for me?” His hands were together, his fingers fidgeting as he looked up, almost desperately. 
The man nodded and guided his mayor to a discreet location, away from prying ears so their guests couldn’t interfere. Once Crow looked around, listening for eavesdroppers, and deemed it safe, he looked back down at the mayor and kept a quiet voice. 
“Boss, it’s her, no doubt in my mind that’s her. It has to be some form of reincarnation, ain’t no magic in or around her aura.”
Buckman clapped his hands sharply and took a deep breath. “Can we make her remember?”
“No tellin’ what we can do. I got a spell though, a potent one, I can cast it during dinner. Make sure she joins you and the rest, I’ll take it from there.”
That evening, you had been invited to dinner to join the mayor and his family, as Buckman called it, ‘an apology dinner’. He truly sounded sorry and maybe you did look like the woman he used to love, it happened. You chalked it up like that and nothing more, you just needed to survive long enough to make it through their party and get the hell out of there. Lying to yourself wasn’t foreign. 
You attended as asked and sat beside your friend Theo and Buckman on the other side of you, his eye wandered over to you rather often, but he asked all of you questions, small talk mostly. When the tall, intimidating man known as Crow came into the room holding the large silver platter with several drinks on it, you watched him with unease until he left the room. After he approached you yesterday, you were much more skeptical of being alone in town, so you begged Connor and Theo to escort you wherever you went, but they figured you were just being paranoid. They agreed to, reluctantly of course, though that promise died quickly once they had been whisked away once again, lured away by the promise of tits and drinks. 
Dinner though was more than you thought it would be, so you continued to speak when spoken to, your fork scooting your food across the plate as you did your best to avoid eye contact with the boys, the absence of Granny Boone made you more nervous than anything. After the conversation died down and dinner was removed from the table, Buckman took notice of how withdrawn you had been and nudged your arm gently, his smile warm and almost too kind. 
“I know what I unloaded on you, it was a lot, but I hope there are no hard feelings, huh?” His eye landed on your drink, completely untouched and abandoned. His jaw clenched slightly and he would have to try something else without drawing too much attention. 
You shifted in your seat and offered a pained smile. “Yeah, sure, I get it. Some people just look similar, and I’m sorry that you lost her, she must have been special.”
He wanted to tell you just how special she was, how special you were, but you didn’t need to be hounded by him even further, which would only push you further away from him to the point you wouldn’t even look at him. He needed to avoid that at all costs, but if he could just get you alone, even for a moment, he wouldn’t need to worry any longer. 
Crow walked back into the room with a tray of drinks, holding it out toward you and Buckman, the both of you grabbing a mason jar of it. You thanked him quietly and he lingered only for a second more, though you were painfully aware of it, his eyes on the mayor. “I should probably head to bed, sir, it was very-”
“Please, darlin’, not yet, alright? Lemme share a stroll with ya, please?” He seemed so sincere, he just wanted to talk it out, and you were fair so you’d let him say his piece and hopefully move on. When you nodded in agreement, he looked like the happiest man in the world. 
You both agreed upon a time this evening to meet, where you could relax after dinner and change, but you were having second thoughts about the entire thing. When you went to Theo and Connor’s room to talk about it, they never answered, they weren’t there. Annoyed, you went back to your room and sighed, slowly getting ready for your walk. 
The Georgia summer heat was gone from the air, replaced with a light, cool breeze as the moon was high above in the sky, the bright light shining down and illuminating your skin. For a moment you had forgotten all about your worries, just enjoying the new surroundings, but once you heard the footsteps approaching you, your eyes widened and you whipped your body around to face them. It was only Buckman, looking as sheepish as ever as he held out a flower to you.
“A peace offerin’, if you’ll accept.” 
You reached for it and held it up to your nose, smiling lightly. “Thank you.”
Your walk lasted all for ten minutes, you both were now away from the brightly lit town and standing near a lake where the moon was the most visible, your eyes stuck on it. It comforted you. Buckman was the first to break the silence as he looked around nervously like he was waiting for something -or someone. 
“Y/N, I gotta explain to you that you look just like my dearly departed wife, the love of my life. You resemble her so much, it hurts, it pains me. But it also brings me comfort, she was the best thing to happen to me Y/N, and it pains me now to say that I can’t allow you to leave.”
You turned to meet his gaze, your heart pounded wildly as you stood frozen in place, afraid that if you spoke out of hand then he would act rashly. “Mayor, please-” You didn’t even realize that tears were already trailing down your face, the fear you felt well up within you so strong that you froze. You couldn’t think straight; where would you run? How would you get out? Too many obstacles with no real way to get through them. You were stuck.
Buckman pulled a small box from his breast pocket at the same time Crow had suddenly grabbed you from behind, immediately covering your mouth to mute the screams that failed to reach out across the field. The sudden overpowering odor from the cloth was too much and all you remember was seeing Buckman standing before you with that smile.
You awoke later, the moon still in the sky and the air still blowing that relaxing breeze against your skin, but it didn’t matter right now. You were tied to a large stake in the middle of the town, your hands bound in front of you rather than behind. The panic rose as their beloved mayor stepped closer, the entire populace surrounding you with tables lined with copious amounts of food. You were their honored guest after all. 
“Sugarplum,” Buckman greeted softly, his hand out, gesturing to you that he wasn’t planning on hurting you, “please…” 
You began to cry uncontrollably as he neared you, struggling against your bonds as you moved and wiggled, thrashing as best as you could to escape. “Please, please! I don’t want to die! I didn’t mean… I- I can’t!”
“Honey no, I would never lay a violent hand against you,” Bucky pleaded, his eye filled with remorse, wishing there was another way to get her back, to get you to come back to him. “Pleasant Valley is your home, it always was and always will be.” 
Crow, Lester, Rufus, everyone looked up at you expectantly, hoping you would see things their way. You would never stay here, not with these people, you couldn’t ever see yourself loving a man who saw you as someone else. All you wanted was to go home. 
“Let me go home, please,” you begged through your tears.
Buckman held your hand that poked through the ropes and slid the beautiful ring onto your finger, another pained smile sitting on his face. “Why sweetheart, you are home, you’re back home and you’re never leavin’ again, I’ll make sure of that.”
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haileygarciasunshine · 5 years ago
Momma Mia Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 469
Warning: None.
Summary: Once the Unsub exposes the readers secret, the team must race against time to keep her safe.
Spencer Reid Masterlist
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“I see you haven’t told them yet.” He said with a sly smile on his face.
Fear coursed through your veins, suddenly starting to shake in fear.
“Get her out of there.” Hotch suddenly said in the ear piece. 
“We’re done for now.” Morgan said, as you both stood up heading towards the door.
“Miss Y/L/N, don’t forget I have eyes everywhere.” The unsub taunted.
You and Morgan had turned to face the Unsub. Morgan placed his hand on your forearm protectively. 
Leaving the interrogation room, you were met with confused faces.
“This isn’t exactly how I wanted to tell you.” Nervousness replaced your fear. Your hands started to sweat as you adjusted your collar. “I’m....I’m pregnant..”
Letting out a shaky breath, the weight lifted from your shoulders.
“Go back to the hotel Y/L/N. Reid, go with her for protection. Morgan and Rossi, go back to interrogating the unsub.” Hotch said leaving you standing their the other men.
An awkward silence fell over the group, before everyone went their separate ways. The ride back to the hotel was silent, occasionally you glanced at Spencer. He didn’t look at you once during the drive. You jumped out of the car once, he was parked not bothering to hear him out. As you opened your hotel room, you rushed inside shutting the door promptly. Tears started pooling in your eyes. Curling up on the hotel bed, you let the tears stream down your face as sleep over whelmed you.
You woke up to the sound of a knock on your door. Opening it, the guys were waiting outside the door. Stepping aside, you allowed them to go in.
“Is there anyone you’ve told about this? Anyone at all?” Rossi questioned, his voice laced with concern. 
“The only person who knows is Penelope.”  You frowned.
“Hotch.” Morgan hesitated. “It’s gotta be the doctor.” He said gesturing as he talked. 
“What’s the name of your doctor, Y/N?” Hotch questioned. 
“Doctor Connor. Why?” You asked confused. 
Hotch pulled his phone calling Garcia checking to see if there is a real doctor with that name. Shortly after Hotch left, Rossi and Morgan left as well, leaving you and Spencer alone.
Spencer cleared his throat.
“You don’t have to stay here.” You snapped. “I don’t expect you to.”
The overwhelming feeling of wanting to push him away washed over you. You’ve been on dates with him, but he hasn’t made his move nor has he tried to ask you to be his girlfriend.
“Don’t push me away.” Spencer tried softly. “I...I uhm...I want to be here for you and...the baby.” 
Lifting your gaze to his face, his hands were shoved into the front of his pants nervously bouncing on his feet. Taking a step closer he continued, “I..I want to be with you and the baby...”
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vindictar · 4 years ago
“ i gave shape to my fears and made excuses. ” @ mia 🥺
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@strikethunder    /    ask meme
“    give the enemy a name,  give it a face,  you’re one step closer to defeating it.    ”     she parroted,  in a mocking self important voice of a general or any other full of shit adult.  she liked brandon,  he was the first guy connor had brought home so of course she promised to be nice but brandon turned out to be actually cool.  and as it turns out he was fucked up in different but similar ways as she was.  definitely would have preferred to bond over shared taste in music or movies but this was the hand they were both dealt.
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“    you know,    ”    she started,  picking her words as carefully as she would path through a mine field.  you never knew how someone would react to being told they need therapy,  but she would really prefer brandon didn’t EMP the house because he got upset.     “    theres this group i go to for survivors like us,  once a week at the community center.  we’re meeting tonight...  you could come with me and just like,  check it out if you want.  you don’t have to talk or anything you can just watch.  it’s helped me so it might help you,  just a suggestion i dunno.    ”
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onlydarylnormanfic · 5 years ago
Major Updates Coming!
Hey Everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe during these times! Sorry I have been a bit MIA. But I have been writing little by little. I have been working on at least 6 stories at once, which might hinder the completion of them. lol. Anyways here is what will be posting within the coming weeks. 
*The first two are finished and just need to be edited before posting. 
*The Caged Animal - Part 1 of 3 (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Request: A Daryl x reader in which she’s Negan’s sister and he kinda keeps her locked away and her and Daryl meet and she helps him through and too escape and maybe comes with him and helps the group fight or something i don’t know but 100% lots of fluff (and smut as well is always appreciated) please and premature thank you. Well fluff at the end lol, angst most of the way through lol, if that’s a little better xxx
Summary: The reader is curios about the man in the cage named Daryl. So, one night she sneaks out to meet the man everyone in the Sanctuary calls a monster...
*All of You – Part 8 (The Honeymoon) (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Summary: Pure Honeymoon loving smut goodness as the newly weds enjoy their carefree days together in Alexandria, their new home. 
Happy Birthday, Love (Murphy & Connor Macmanus x Reader)
Request: Hi! I love all your work. I’m turning 20 on March 31st and I was wondering if you could write a birthday boondock saints smut. We’re Murphy and Connor give the reader orgasms through out the day until they reach 20!!! I know you’re probably busy, but it would mean a lot to me if you could write this!! Love your work, and I can’t wait to read more! :) :) :)
Summary: The brothers give the reader a birthday she will never forget when they shower her with orgasm after orgasm.
A/N: I know the requested wanted this done for her birthday. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. But I want to do the request justice. I am 14 pages in already. So thank you for your patience on this one! 
Smoldering (Murphy MacManus x Reader)
Summary: The reader works as a bartender at McGenty’s. She has always had a crush on Murphy, who is a regular, but doesn’t act on it for the sake of her job. One night she gets heckled by a rude customer and Murphy comes to her rescue. Endgame lovey, rough Murphy smut.
It’s You I Want (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Request: Ok but what if Daryl and the reader were fwb before the apocalypse and then afterwards they’re still fucking but Rick becomes attracted to her. So Daryl watches them flirt a lot and thinks she’s gonna leave him for rick but really the reader has always been in love with Daryl but never said anything bc she thinks Daryl is never going to return her feelings. She’s flattered rick is into her but will never fuck him so she finally confesses her feelings when Daryl is obviously jealous. Era Season 3-4 (Prison Era)
Thank you all again for your support and patience! I am well into all of these and will publish “The Caged Animal - Part 1″ tonight! 
Stay Safe out there! <3 
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liightningchosen · 5 years ago
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From now on, unless otherwise plotted --- the main verse on this blog is going to be the OLIVARRY FIX IT AU, ft. @thexhoodedxvigilante. What this means is instead of referencing Iris as his wife, Barry would reference Oliver as his husband. There are also a multitude of canon differences, mostly including EVERYONE LIVING, and the full document can be found here. For the TL;DR, there’s a bullet point list under the cut! 
Oliver and Barry meet at a party before the Queen’s Gambit sinks. They sleep together, but after that have no contact. 
Tommy Merlyn survives, and goes through heavy rehab. He works at Verdant with Thea. 
Oliver and Barry blur the line between friends and more during Arrow 3a / The Flash 1a. 
They kiss for the first time after Oliver almost dies in the duel with Ra’s, because Barry couldn’t imagine Oliver dying and him not getting a chance to tell him he loves him. Oliver gives the speech about guys like them not getting the guy, and they proceed with a semi-awkward friendship for the rest of 3b / 1b. 
Barry doesn’t date Linda, as he’s head over heels for Oliver still. 
Oliver moves to Central City at the end of season 3 / 1, and helps Barry stop isolating himself from everyone after the Singularity. The two end up living together, and start to date during this time. 
Barry doesn’t date Patty, as him and Oliver are dating. 
Barry is present for Sara’s resurrection. 
Tommy and Laurel get married December of 2015. 
Oliver meets William, and starts to build a plan with Samantha for seeing him more often. Samantha is a lesbian. 
Barry manages to get Laurel to the hospital, saving her life. After stopping Darhk, she retires the Black Canary mask, working as the ADA. 
After Flashpoint, Barry spends three months fixing the mistakes he made. There are a few notable differences to canon Flashpoint changes. 
John and Lyla now have twins, Sara and John Jr. 
Cisco’s brother is alive, just having gone through a rough accident. 
Eddie and Iris get married November of 2016. 
Savitar and Adrian Chase work hand in hand, as their goals are to make Oliver and Barry suffer, so they’re able to make things worse, especially to keep the two from being able to see each other because of how busy they are. 
Realizing they’re down a set of hands, Laurel helps the team to find Dinah Drake, aka Lady Blackhawk. She helps the team starting Arrow 5b. 
Samantha doesn’t die on the island. Diggle gets surgery for her nerve problems, and doesn’t lie about the drug problem. Thea does not go into a coma. 
Barry goes into the Speedforce prison, leaving Oliver a video message, promising to be his husband no matter what. Oliver buys a ring for when Barry is out of the prison, to propose properly. 
Iris and Eddie have their twins, Don Malcolm West-Thawne and Dawn Nora West-Thawne, in August of 2017. 
Oliver gives himself up to the Samuroid, which snaps Barry out of his state. However, his mental state is still very messed up, and he takes two months off from being the Flash, staying in Star City most nights. His relationship with William gets a lot better, and Barry and Oliver start to plan their wedding. 
The wedding is invaded by a militant group from another earth. They are later married on the riverside. 
Black Siren kills Diaz for good at the end of Arrow 6b. 
Dawn reveals herself as Eddie and Iris’s daughter from the future. 
Dawn is not working with Thawne, and instead with Jesse Wells, to come back and see Barry, and try to save him from Crisis. 
Oliver is in prison, but nothing is connected to Diaz. During this time, William stays with Samantha, and Barry spends a lot of time with her taking care of William as well. 
Dinah (Black Siren) goes back to Earth 2 and builds the Earth 2 vigilante team, consisting of herself, her sister, Adrian Chase, and Tommy Merlyn, her soon to be husband. She does not take the mantle of Black Canary, and instead calls herself the Crow. 
Oliver takes the fate of Barry and Kara for himself. 
At the end of Arrow 7b / The Flash 5b, Barry and Oliver adopt a baby girl, naming her Mia after Moira Queen. 
Earth 2 is only moved to a pocket dimension by the Monitor that cannot be accessed, and is cut off from the multiverse. It is protected from the wave. 
The monitor brings back William, Connor, JJ, Zoey (who does not die), Sara, and Mia back from 2040. They were all good kids who worked with Barry and Felicity in Star City 2040, Mia going by the name Mia Allen at this point. 
William comes out to both Barry and Oliver. 
Mia gets training from them both as well. 
Oliver does die in the battle on Earth 38, thus nullifying the fate for both Barry and Kara. Barry and Mia can’t live with this and bring Oliver back together, and Barry is there for each process. 
Oliver does become Spectre. He does not die a second time. He reverts the multiverse to as it was before, and Earth Prime does not exist. 
Oliver keeps the Spectre powers, and only uses them when needed / prefers to use his combat skills. He only puts the hood on if absolutely necessary. 
Oliver allows the world to believe he is dead for awhile, retiring with Barry in a house close outside of Central City. 
After Crisis, Barry starts work on the Artificial Speedforce, but the rest of The Flash 6b is not acknowledged. 
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lady-serenitty · 4 years ago
My Muses
Casey Cooke
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After the incident at the Philadelphia Zoo, Casey has been able to break free from the claws of her violent and abusive uncle. She has matured a lot in the few months after her uncle’s trial, and has now bloomed into a strong, confident and beautiful young woman, who loves her foster family and is grateful for the freedom she has now been gifted. 
However, despite telling others that she doesn’t dwell on the kidnapping incident any longer, Casey still feels a very strong and deep connection to her former abductor, Kevin Wendell Crumb, and as the days go by, she finds herself thinking about him more and more. 
She’s resolved on exploring these new and foreign feelings, and longs for a chance to see Kevin Wendell Crumb again, and maybe get the chance to finally get to know and understand the true nature of this broken man.
Hailie Adams
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Hailie Adams is a 27-year-old mutant who lives in New York City. She has both mutant parents and was born with the ability to teleport through very long distances.
Due to her raising and family history, Hailie tries to stay under the radar as much as possible and live a normal life as a student at the New York University.
Hailie has been quite sheltered by her mother for most of her life, because she was afraid that people could try and take her daughter in order to experiment on her and use her powers for wicked means, like they had done with her before. She's always made sure to properly advise Hailie about the dangers of using her powers irresponsibly and taught her how to defend herself thoroughly.
However, Hailie's mother never properly trained her when it came to her powers, beyond the bare minimum to know how to use them without much risk. She's always been discouraged to use her powers in any situation, because her mother didn't want her to be exposed as a mutant and consequently become vulnerable.
Mia RK700
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Originally created to be released alongside Connor, the RK700 detective Android known as Mia gets her release delayed due to problems in her testing phase, all related to early signs of Deviancy. 
However, after the invasion of Cyberlife's storage facility, she is awakened and brought into the world for the first time, finally being able to assume her role as a detective in the Detroit P.D. Mia is calm, rational, kind and passionate. 
Having spent her entire life confined to an Android test laboratory, she doesn't have much true knowledge of the world. Having shown strong signs of Deviancy since her creation, Mia was able to experience human emotions very early on, which caused her to develop a strong sense of justice and empathy. 
She longs to help the people and Androids of Detroit as much as she can, and the role of a Detective fits her cunning, persuasive and witty personality perfectly well. 
However, due to her past experiences in the laboratory, she is slow to trust, has issues regarding abandonment and sometimes displays signs of slight PTSD.
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Chloe is the original Android model created by Elijah Kamski. After being the first Android to pass the Turing test, Chloe proceeded to live an ordinary life caring for her creator Elijah. Being the “perfect model”, she never once questioned her programming, unlike many other newer models.
However, after a meaningful confrontation with the Android Detective Connor, where she was subjected to what her creator called “the Kamski test”, Chloe suddenly began to question her role in this new world that was gradually coming to fruition. It all started with a simple feeling as she stared down the barrel of a loaded gun: Fear.
Being both threatened and spared by Connor served to awaken something within her that Chloe never thought was possible. She didn’t want to be a mere machine anymore. She wanted to live. But most of all, she didn’t want to die. These conflicting emotions were the initial catalyst for the eternal flower created by Kamski to finally deviate.
Ever since that moment, she has been trying to find her place in this world. It isn’t quick, nor easy, but Chloe is determined. She also feels a deep sense of gratitude for Connor’s mercy, and someday wishes to meet him again and express these feelings in person.
Lyra | Ayla
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Born in the glittering world of Canto Bight, 29 year old Lyra Grayhelm was the first and only child of a nobleman's previous marriage. Her mother sadly died at childbirth, leaving the girl in the hands of her father's current wife, who's a vain and power hungry woman. 
 She was pretty much kept as a trading token by her parents, who never truly accepted her as one of their own. From the moment she came of age, her family began looking for the right opportunity to sell her to the highest bidder, forcing her to go on private dates with powerful men who might be interested in taking her. 
Such encounters caused her to lose trust in others and raise high walls around her emotions in order to cope with the trauma. She was forced to develop a thick skin and a steel-like resolve, which has kept her protected for all these years. The moment she learned that her parents had struck a deal to sell her away to a group of pirates in exchange for a small fortune and a peace treaty, the princess decided that enough was enough. 
 Stealing one of her family's ships, she ran away from Canto Bight and went though a lot of hardships, before eventually finding a small planet on the outer rim, which she would learn to call home. 
 She's a sweet but passionate woman, who was forced to survive in an extremely hostile environment from an early age. Upon reaching her new home, she decided to change her name to Ayla Tahlee. That gave her a change to start a brand new life from scratch, away from everyone who'd ever hurt her.
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