#is the best darn pet in this game
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It’s a holiday today here so I’ve been doing a whole lot of this and a whole lot of not much else
Adalina the huntress, Magina the plainstrider and Crystal the sprite darter, wotlk EU
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I See You, Darling (3)
[Astarion x reader] As I mentioned in a previous post, this came along surprisingly easier than the last one. The same can’t be said about the quality though maybe– sorry for that. :,DDD|Word count: 2.6k.|
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, one sex joke (lol), the normal warnings that you’d associate with the game
Part 2 here!!
Next Part here!!
As an outsider to most of everyone’s problems, you find your place by helping in whatever way you can. Even if that may be at the expense of your own comfort, but at least it’s been fun so far.
Alternatively: Reader can't catch a break from anything, can they?
Being resident camp caretaker was surprising, for lack of a better term. You were away from the stresses of technology, corporate assholes, and disappointing family with your choice to pursue unpractical careers. Instead living the “cottagecore lifestyle” of foraging for food and cooking with a cauldron that those from the digital world claimed to be the best. What they failed to mention were the incessant pests coming in to nibble through rucksacks if you were not careful, and the occasional swarms of ants or flies coming in to nip at your flesh.
The experience was a mixed bag, so it would seem. But the tired smiles that the group would give you when you greet them with a warm and filling meal was always a comfort that you would have.
And it would seem they needed it now more especially than ever.
Your band of misfits planned to venture out and defeat the goblins at their camp in order to aid the tieflings’ journey to Baulder’s Gate. Per your instruction, you convinced the more solipsistic members of the benefits of eradicating the sect. Namely, they wouldn’t hinder you as much in the future if they were taken care of. Hence your plan to slightly increase the amount of portions for supper tonight.
By twilight, you had a good broth steeping in your cauldron. The camp having returned just a few moments prior from an earlier excursion. You were making a pottage that the others have expressed their enjoyment for. A stew of sorts that you had made when you had quite the number of items that would have spoiled before consumption had you not done anything about it. A mixture of fruits and meat, stewed in a consomme of a pig’s head and various mushroom caps.
This time around, you’ll be using fresher ingredients to hopefully lift their spirits.
As you’re chopping up fruits, you think about all that’s happened to you and possible explanations for why your character suddenly ceased to exist in order to make room for you. What’s more is that no matter how many nights pass, you never end up waking from your dream. Which you fear is lasting longer than your usual ones.
Your working theory is that whatever force, be it magic or fate, tethering you to this world is also responsible for removing Tav. Astarion claimed that he couldn’t remember the finer details when you had confronted him. And so you settled with that hypothesis. That like how a thread that unravels opens a seam in a garment, a new thread must be used to darn the cloth together again.
You laugh at the disgustingly poetic analogy you created in your head. You fear that you’re becoming more and more deranged as—
“My, aren’t you busy?” The intrusive voice causes the knife to slip out of your hand a bit, thankfully only cutting off a portion of your index finger’s nail. Your shoulders, that were raised in alarm, release their tension after feeling the sudden chill leave your body.
“Astarion,” Exasperated, you put the knife down on the cutting board to catch your breath for a while.
“I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped sneaking up on me when I’m doing something dangerous.”
The high-elf offers a mischievous smile in response. “Very sorry, pet. But it’s hardly my fault when you’ve barely been paying attention to me.” There’s regret in his words, but not in his tone.
Because while perhaps it’s an odd interest, he enjoys hearing the quickened pace of your heart. The pulse getting louder, as it stays that way for longer.
“I’d feel sorry for doing so if you were too, but you’re not.”
You laugh out, breath still shaky but steadying slowly, as you pick up your knife again.
“I heard you’re part of the encampment that’s finishing off the goblins by midmorn.” Chopping the rest of the fruits, you feel his presence move from behind you to off to your side so you can see him from your peripherals.
“Hm? Yes. Although I would have preferred if we didn’t do this at all. It’s too much work, and the goblins could be entertaining! Killing useful spoils seems like an awful waste.”
This must be the reason why he approached you, to persuade you to call off the hunt. And his unfading smile supports that thought. When you voice said thought, it earns you a playful scoff.
“Don’t you have anything else on your mind other than the parasite lounging in it?”
The mood is light as you say this, the banter welcomed by you both.
And as you continue to converse, a few eyes begin to follow the two of you. They’ve never really seen Astarion interact with you for this long, at least not away from your private spaces. And even less without hushed voices. The interlocution is definitely a welcome spectacle to them.
“On my honor, the only thing on my mind is depraved, carnal lust.” He says, proudly. Gesturing to himself with one hand, and the other held high like he was swearing an oath.
Your closed mouth drops into frown, eyes wide, and your eyebrows skew upwards. A very undignified, but small, squeak coming from the back of your throat. You swore you heard someone groan in disappointment from far away too.
You know full well that the look of shock that you were sporting was by no means attractive, but the flagrant revelation, though not at all out of character, was shocking to have directed towards you. You’ve been trying to romance the elven vampire with your character, only to end up nowhere. Therefore you are completely unsure if the dialogue he was spewing was completely a figment of your imagination, or is, indeed, canon.
The elf in question has seen this expression of yours before. Quite often, too. And while he doesn’t think it a, “pleasant sight,” it is rather… charming to him.
Whether it be on purpose or not, people have the tendency to be on guard around him, preserving any twitch and sound that could give them away to themselves. Not that much had ever evaded him before with his naturally cunning behavior. But this clearly unscripted response, with the blatant confusion swimming in your eyes, is a rather refreshing sight to see.
“I see–” you clear your throat to lower your voice back to its normal octave. “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to uh, bring those thoughts into fruition! Uh–,” You slide the rest of the cut fruits off of your cutting board and into the stew.
“Is there anything else you wanted to tell me? Something I should know?” You turn to face him. He laughs at first, but then his brows furrow in question, as if he did have something to say and forgot about it or thinks it is no longer an appropriate time to ask. He shakes his head and says something along the lines of, “letting you do all the hard work” and returns to his tent.
But you are not left alone for long as another member of your little ragtag team joins you to ask about dinner. To which you ask them for which meat would be better to toss into it.
After dinner, your little rapport concerning the plan and new findings with everyone is adjourned. Some thanked you before they left, and others simply walked away. From what you have learned from them, the Archdruid that was taken prisoner by the goblins was named, “Halsin.” He was a topic of interest as they said he might be able to aid you in your search for moonrise and understanding the Mindflayer worms.
Wyll had also approached you alone after dinner and offhandedly mentioned a dead boar being on the road. He had planned to return to camp with it if it could have been useful, but he had claimed that the animal had been unnervingly light. As if half of its weight was no longer there despite seemingly just keeling over for no reason.
You take note of that in one of your many journals, including additional information about the Archdruid and their kind in general. The book appearing more and more like the game’s quest booklet, with the exception of a few crossouts and colored ink to emphasize each quest’s urgency and relevance to finding a cure. When you successfully rescue the druid of the grove, it seems you will have to move out quite soon after, so you fixed up your pack just a bit to make it easier later on.
You look around, everyone seems to be in their respective areas. Doing whatever it is they usually do with the exception of Astarion. Though he has been known to either sneak off or hide away from time to time in his tent, so you think nothing of it.
You return to the communal chest, tallying up the remaining supplies and inspecting the wares. You sort the tradeable objects in one rucksack and appraise its worth. The chest also has pieces of gold, some that others have placed, and others you picked up and added. You prefer to let the others keep what they think is valuable to them, and only place what they want to share in the vessel.
If the party’s gold ever runs out, you think that the rucksack is worth a few nights of food when you travel out again. Assured by this knowledge, you placed your writing materials back in, closed the chest, and turned in for the night.
Maybe this time, you’ll wake up. But you also don’t really want to. Not just yet.
As you slept, you wondered about the longevity of your knowledge of the media. You hadn’t finished the game, and although you’ve accomplished a fair bit of it, you worry about how you will face the events to come. One of the only reasons why you haven’t flinched so much at the terrors that occurred was because you had anticipated them. Braced yourself for the dangers ahead.
You fear what might happen when you no longer have that power at your disposal.
Perhaps it's the worry, perhaps it's the stiff, compact ground that you have yet to be accustomed to sleep on despite the bedroll, or perhaps it's the presence of something suddenly cool that stirs you awake.
But what you did not expect was Astarion’s face hovering over yours to be the reason. Fangs bared, and ready to bite. Your eyes go wide and you let out a small gasp, hands moving up in a gesture akin to clawing at yourself.
The elf realizes that you’re awake now and he curses. Moving away as you scramble upright just like you did all those nights ago. The look of genuine fear at the prospect of being bitten is apparent on your face, and he feels almost guilty to be greeted with it.
“Please, I wasn’t going to hurt you— I just needed, well, blood.” He says it in a panic. Worried that you might run off, losing his only sure chance, and possibly enraging the rest of the camp.
In this moment, you realized the error in your ways. Astarion had been hunting nearly every other night in the same area. And if you were progressing through the events like how the game did, he couldn’t have had the time nor energy to venture too far after feeding from most of the creatures in the vicinity.
‘The exsanguinated boar…’ You remember.
“You’ve been feeding on animals for the past few nights, haven’t you?”
“It seems like word got around then.” Although unknowingly, he’s referencing what Wyll delivered to you earlier in the night.
“I’m not some monster, I feed on boars, deer, kobolds– whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now. And with the damned excursion,” He stops himself, complaining is only doing worse for his condition.
“It’s not enough. I feel so…weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better.” You’re conflicted. You had no problem offering yourself as your character for him to feed on, but even witnessing that through a disconnected screen was enough to make you feel uncomfortable imagining it. You care about him, want to give him what he deserves, but this…
What’s more is that you know what he’s saying is necessary, not at all overstating how dire his need to satiate his hunger is, making it all the more difficult.
He needs to convince you, if he wants to continue on, that is. Without the presence of the illithid, he resorts to more practical means of doing so. Similar to what he did to many.
Noticing the slight tremor of your hands, he takes the chance to slowly kneel down on your bedroll. Closing the distance between you. He takes your hand, now rougher from the work you do, and meets your shaken gaze with his dark eyes.
“Please. I only need a taste, I swear.” He had meant to tell you before dinner, had he not felt the eyes of the others on the two of you. This discovery is not lost on you. He needs you specifically. And you realize it's out of convenience because you’re an expendable resource. If you pass, the group can venture on, but he also still needs you alive for whatever reason. He can’t have the others finding out, not until they trust him.
He needs you to trust him. And this is the only way you can help him in this moment.
With that, you strengthen your resolve.
“I…I trust you, Astarion. But no more than what you need.” A dangerous bet, but you hope it would be worth it.
“Really? I–”
“Can I trust you on that?” The shock on his face fades, and he agrees.
“Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?” You lay down, preparing yourself to faint during the process and allowing your blood to flow throughout your body. He observes the rapid movement of your eyes as he drapes himself above you. Your sight flitting from anywhere but him and then returning all the same. No doubt that you fear being at his mercy.
He feels almost sorry that you have to do this for him.
So he graces you with what mercy he can give.
The bite is quick. You would have felt the flesh of your neck parting for him, had he not done so. You feel tears prick at your eyes and start to feel the area from your neck and upwards go cold.
A momentary, sharp pain, that lulls to a chilling numbness in what seems like a matter of seconds.
You feel his body start to grow warmer at your expense and you feel satisfied knowing that you could help him.
When he doesn't stop, you start to worry.
Your breath catches in staccato beats, pulse quickening in tandem. You try to stop him, hands coming up to push or tug, but the heavy sensation that washes over you only permits them to find purchase on his form.
You try to speak, but it seems as if the common tongue does not reach him.
Your mind goes into overdrive, all of a sudden it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore and genuine fear courses through your veins.
You need him to stop, and you try to think of more efficient ways of doing so.
But your mind starts slowing as well. The pain has certainly faded, but the presence of the vampire at your throat reminds you in case you’ve forgotten.
As a last ditch effort, you try to use whatever might appeal to him, to break him out of the trance that he was in from finally replenishing himself.
It was one of the few Elvish words you recalled.
The effort thankfully makes him pull back in shock, stopping him. Your eyes finally close, thankful for the reprieve you're finally granted. You hear a distant, “thank you,” and a more distant “shit” before rest takes over.
You worry about waking up tomorrow.
But for now, you’re thankful that Astarion will be able to fight well.
For himself and for everyone else’s sake.
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, and @auszimbo for asking to be tagged!!
#astarion ancunin#astarion x reader#astarion x you#astarion ancunin x reader#baldur's gate 3 x reader#aware!astarion#bg3 x reader isekai(?)#bg3 x reader
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Jealousy -Aizawa Shota x Reader
A/n: last one for the night. If I write another one I'll post tomorrow <33
General info:
Genre: fluff, crack, slight angst // wc: 705
Summary: Shota gets jealous over his cats stealing all of your attention.
"Oh Mew, you're too cute!" You coo, causing Shota to smile. In the beginning of your relationship you and Mew didn't get along well, so it made him happy that the fluffy white cat liked you.
As you erupted into giggles Shota couldn't help but grin, he loved your laugh, it was so unique. He always found laughter annoying and did his best to avoid it, but ever since the first time he heard you laugh he fell- and he fell hard.
And now his life mission is to make you laugh every day.
"Kitty it's dinner ti-"
"I love you so much Mew, you're so gorgeous!" You chirp, causing Shota's grin to lower into a slight smile.
"Y/n love, it's time for dinn-"
He was once again interrupted as you howled in laughter, hurrying to detach Mew from Haru, the cat you and Shota had picked out from the shelter when you started dating.
"Mew, be nice to Haru!" You giggle, gently scolding the two cats with a grin plastered on your face.
Again, he went ignored, causing him to frown.
As Shota watched you play with all three of the cats jealousy settled itself in the pit of his stomach.
Why were you paying so much attention to those darned cats instead of him?! He didn't get those hairballs for you to replace him, so why were you?!
Even though Shota knew that his jealousy was silly he couldn't help but huff, placing your plate on the table as he sat down to eat, glaring at you as you continued to play, cuddle, and coo at the cats.
After finishing dinner he huffily stood up and walked past you, catching your attention.
"Oh Shota, is dinner ready yet?" You ask, causing him to huff, a pout stuck on his lips.
"..Sho? What's the matter?" As Shota walked away you frowned, stepping into the kitchen to check up on dinner. The food was finished and put away, his plates were in the sink, and your plate was on the table. Sighing in confusion you sit down and eat, smiling as the cats play amongst themselves.
After eating you make sure the cats' food and water bowls are filled and give each cat a pet before heading towards your shared bedroom, worried about your Shota.
Stepping in, your frown deepens as you see Shota as far away from your side of the bed as possible.
Sho, what's wrong? It's not even seven yet, weren't we gonna watch a movie or play a board game?" You ask, walking over to rub his shoulder comfortingly.
"You seem content on spending time with the cats, you should just get back to that."
"What are you talking ab-"
As his words sunk in you couldn't help but giggle.
"A-are you jealous of the cats?!" You ask, causing Shota's pout to deepen.
"Are you sure~?"
Smiling, you pull Shota off of the bed- much to his complaint.
"C'mon ya big baby! Let's go cuddle on the couch." You chirp, causing him to pout a little less than before.
After dragging Shota to the couch you shoo off Haru before sitting down, pulling Shota with you before moving him so his head rests in your lap.
Petting his head gently you gaze down at him, causing him to slightly blush.
"Shhh it's okay baby. Those silly kitties aren't anything compared to you" You whisper, grabbing Shota's hand to leave a kiss to his palm.
"I know that! You just.. ignored me." Shota huffed, burying his pink face into your thigh.
"Aww I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, honest." You reply, moing Shota's face to lean down and leave a kiss to his lips.
"C'mon baby, I'm sorry! What if I cuddle you all night? Then will you stop being so pouty?"
As Shota shook his head no you titted yours, thoughts taking over your focus.
"What if I give you lots and lots of kisses?" You ask, eyes sparkling as you grin down at him.
"Hmm you can try, but I'm gonna need a lot of kisses.
Giggling, you lean down to pepper his face in kisses, knowing for a fact that he was just milking it now.
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John Doe (Joker) x reader
I would have never written this if my friend doesn't show me the game. I've been avoiding it cuz of the ship but now i fell for yet another ver of joker. The bruce x selina in the game is so darn cute tho^^ ty friend
Sitting at a restaurant with John in front of you. He had a wide smile on his face, just happy to be here, with you.
He has been having issues with expressing his love towards Harley. If he'd asked you you'd say shes no good for him. But you didn't wanted to break the poor guys heart.
He had asked you many questions including dating.
"Why should i answer that? Im not Harley"
"Just, just try please, i know you're good with impressions!"
Sighting but you gave in. He gave out a chuckle.
"If i brough you a flower would you like it? Would a poem be too much? What should i even say? What should i start the conversation with?"
You tried your best answering them. He usually gave you a nod or asked you to explain further.
After too many questions you stopped him.
"You know i think you should just be yourself..."
"But how? If i don't even know who i am.."
"If you keep pretending to be something you're not, you're gonna get tired of it. It won't feel natural ya know? If you be yourself, it'll have this comfortable feeling to it. Like you don't have to try too hard to be something ur not. You wouldn't want someone to fall in love with just a pretend. I think ur sweet and caring John. You deserve love"
He stared at you, almost surprised?
"Im sure you'll find yourself. Who you ment to be"
"W-wow, if i could blush i would!"
You just smiled at him
"Thanks a lot really! You always know what to say, im so happy. I want to be as wise as you one day!"
He got up and went over to hug you. You just petted his shoulders. Poor guy, he deserves better than anyone in that rotten Pack. Even if you were part of it.
He made you feel kind of warm inside..He did take pictures of you and hanged them around his room.
He sure isn't shy to be loud about his love. But is it really just friendship he wants?
He stared at you often. He is always so happy to see you, waving and yelling hi at you.
He could yap for hours. What he loved so much about you is that you would always listen.
When a mission was on he'd already made the decision that hes going with you. He would think it was natural.
He loves spending activities with you. He'll remember all your interests.
The guy sometimes follows you around like a lost puppy.
Your smile made him feel all warm and fuzzy. He loves to stay in your presence
He loved to see you fight, it get his adrenalin pumping.
He wanted to impress you so bad. With his jokes, with his 'strength'. With his colourful sense of style..
He did feel uneasy whenever someone got a bit too close to you. You're his best friend not theirs! He just couldn't figure out that what he felt was jealousy.
He wouldn't deny the fact that you're quite handsome/pretty.
Oh could it be? He slowly placed the puzzles together in his head. Maybe, maybe he did wanted to be more than friends. But would you return his love? Is he good enough for you?
Thats it, he gotta make the perfect plan so you'll fall in love with him for sure! Oh he can't wait, to hold,kiss and hug you.
#the joker#joker#joker x reader#the joker x reader#the joker x gn reader#joker x gn reader#animated joker#batman telltale#telltale#telltale joker#telltale john doe#telltale john doe x reader#john doe#john doe x reader#john doe telltale
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1 and 2 for our girl ginny?
For the Character Ask Game!
Why do you like and dislike this character? And my favorite canon thing about this character.
Ginny Weasley, the queen she is!!
There’s so much to love, but I think it’s her understated (in canon anyway) character arc throughout the series that draws me to her. How she is portrayed as vulnerable in the first books to the powerhouse of a WOMAN she becomes by the end is character development if I’ve ever seen it. That’s why my story TIBs has such a Ginny emphasis - her story deserves all the telling and retellings that fandom can hold.
She has this wonderful balance of softness and fierceness that I appreciate so much. I think she’s a wonderful example of how femininity and bravery and leadership and nurturing kindness can all exist in one person.
I’m hard pressed to find a dislike about Ginny! Right now, the only thing I can think of is her jokes at Ron’s expense - but even that is reflective of a typical teenage sibling relationship and the jokes aren’t necessarily unfounded or undeserved 😂
My biggest pet peeve is her being depicted as heartless in the fandom or that her anger and feistiness is what takes over in every situation. It feels one dimensional to me. It’s just not what we see in canon - for the people and situations that matter most, she has a soft heart. Her protection of Luna from social taunting, her taking Harry’s hand after Dumbledore’s death, the WHOLE break up scene 💔. For a long time I imagined what their reunion scene would be after DH, and searched fic after fic to find a (in my opinion) true depiction would look like. But I’ll tell you what - it’s not ranting and punching and throwing plates and slapping Harry and storming off. That’s a big deal breaker for me in post war stories.
She’s been such a fun character to write in TIBs, I love to disappear and pretend to be as brave and funny and badass as she is.
I think @fizzyginfizz has one of the best characterizations of Ginny in fandom! I always tell her how I am nervous for her to beta read my Ginny chapters because GinFizz is the Ginny POV Queen. She captures her voice and character development so darn well - so go read Quidditch is for Losers by GinFizz!
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Screw it
Welcome Home Age Regression HCs
Wally 🍎
Usually from 1-3, can regress older
Can be voluntary or involuntary
Can be a bit of a brat sometimes? Especially if you seem to break his routine, that makes him pretty upset
Otherwise he’s just a super sweet baby
Autistic age regression let’s gooooo
He’s always seen with his childhood blankie, you can’t pull them apart
Like seriously
Don’t even attempt to break them apart, he’ll just throw a fit and start crying
He also LOVES apple slices and apples in general, it’s his same food
The best kinda baby for a playdate!! He’ll play house with ya, princess dressup, he’ll read books with you, he’s just a playful lil guy
Pretty much anyone can be his cg, but they’re usually either Barnaby, Julie, Howdy, or Poppy
He called Barnaby “pubby” once and it drove the dog to tears, he can never recover
I also hc him to be a cat regressor? He’s got those eyes and likes to bat things off of counters and stays up to ungodly hours
Lil weird ass meow meow
Barnaby 🐾
Primarily a pet regressor, it’s way too easy to figure out
Unusually easy to slip as well
Wally starts playing with him and he’s just immediately into puppyspace
Was kinda scared of people finding out bc he thought they would be confused, but they’re super supportive!!
Frank: “It was obvious, you’re a dog of all things.”
His favorite toy to chew on is either Wally’s slippers or his stuffed mouse
When he’s not in puppy regression, he can also (rarely) age regress to 5-10 yrs
The best big brother!!
If Wally and Barnaby regress together, he’s usually the one taking the reins and playing the “parent”
Occasionally he’ll snap out of regression if someone else is regressing while he is, just so he can help take care of them
He’s got older brother cg vibes, I swear
Julie 🌸
Surprisingly quiet when it comes to regression, but does it religiously
Usually down to toddler age, around 2-5 yrs
Has a MOUNTAIN of plushies, she practically sleeps in a big pile of them
There’s at least 7 separate hello kitty ones
She’s a big fan of cats in general, she’ll pretend that she has a pet kitty and use one of her plushies
Their name is Violet Twinkletoes :>>
Loves to do lil playdates with Frank and Wally, regressed or not
Tea parties ALL the time, it’s required
Loves to play big sister when others are regressed
Similarly to Barnaby, she’ll break out of regression if she notices others starting to go small, just so she can take care of them
She loves giving and getting lullabies
Pretty hard to get to sleep, she’ll probably just start jumping up and down on her bed before she tires herself out
Sally ☀️
Terrible twos, 2-4 yrs old
Princess regressor to a capital T
Super bossy, loud, loves to wear pretty dresses, just an all-around theater baby
Loves watching musical recordings, her favorite is Cats
Surprisingly easy to get to bed, she knows she needs the energy tomorrow for games so she just clocks out
Just don’t take away her tv, she can’t live without it
Her favorite show would definitely be My Little Pony, she loves the colors and the characters and how pretty everything is
She has a bunch of My Little Pony figurines in her drawers and on the floor
Very messy toddler too, but she’s willing to clean up when she needs to
It takes her a bit to notice if someone is feeling bad, but when she does she’s their BIGGEST support
Frank 🦋
The smartest baby, but also the grumpiest
Only regresses to deal with stress and anxiety, rarely regresses out of happiness
0-2 yrs, he’s so darn tiny!!
He loves being held, it’s usually his first request when he goes small
He also LIVES for bedtime stories, he always asks for one before bed
Sometimes he’ll sit on your lap and just start spouting facts about insects and butterflies, all with a slight lisp and everything
Knows a bunch of big boy words, but has trouble pronouncing it so he needs your help
Eddie it’s obv his main cg, but he’s also got Julie, Howdy, and Poppy
And Barnaby if he’s tiny enough
Doesn’t have many plushies but he does have a stuffed beetle named Skipper, he’s his best friend
Arguably the most talkative out of all the regressors, he’s always chatting
Eddie 💌
The most prominent flip of the neighborhood
He can go from baby to dad in an instant, he’s that quick to go big again
Has a pretty wide range of age when it comes to regressing, but usually stays in 1-4 yrs
Completely mute when he’s small, he’s either suckin on his paci or his thumb the entire time
Follows his cg like a baby duckling while little, sometimes holding their hand
It’s actually pretty easy to tell when he needs to go small; not talking as much, constantly following someone, probably fumbling with his hands, a lot more shy too
Frank takes care of him ofc, he’s the best dad
Frank would fuss over him a LOT, constantly checking for bruises and stuff, making sure he’s not sick
And he’s just sitting there like 👶
Eddie’s scared of the dark :((
It’s really easy to forget tho; he’ll say just about nothing the whole day, then you tuck him into bed and when you’re leaving you just hear him start crying and being all “hellpppp, don’t goooooo”
He’s stacked with night lights tho
He likes to put a plushy in front of the door, the closet, and underneath his bed so no monsters get him
I like to think that Frank is surprisingly strong for how lanky he is so he can carry is baby husband with little to no struggle
Eddie loves it
Howdy 🐛
Primarily a caregiver!!
Honestly would be such a good dad figure, he’s got four arms to carry four kids!
Would give silly lil nicknames for all the kiddos on the block; buddy, lil man, lil miss, sweetie, pumpkin, etc.
May not be the brightest caregiver but boy is he the sweetest
Would probably accidentally leave one of the kiddos on his back bc he’s got his hands full with the others, so they’re just hanging out behind him
The absolute best at pretend, he’s got stories and character roles all up his sleeves
Frank like to pretend that Howdy is turning into a butterfly, so he pretends he stays in a lil blanket cocoon and then emerges with these plastic butterfly wings on his back
It sends Frank into a frenzy every single time
If someone accidentally goes small at his Bugdega, he’ll drop everything and take them into the nearest bathroom so they can calm down and go small properly
He’ll also sneak a free treat in their pocket if they’re good, only if you’re good
Punishments are hard to give bc he’s pretty easily swayed, so he’ll probably just give you a slap on the wrist and scold you before sending you on your way
He loves his kids and he wants the best for them, he can’t stand to see them upset
Poppy 🐔
This one is the hardest to figure out bc there isn’t much to know about her, but I’ll do my best
Also a default caregiver like Howdy, they are the ultimate parent duo
Always fussing over her kiddos, she’s got bandaids and Pepto Bismol in every corner of her house
She can be a bit stern when it comes to punishment, but she isn’t downright strict or mean
All she wants is for you to be careful
Her drawers are STACKED with toys, blankets, pacis, outfits, nappys, etc.
She always prepared when something is needed
She is the absolute best baker too; you’ll come to her house and it smells like freshly baked cookies
You can come into her kitchen to find a light snack, she’ll notice and make a whole meal
She’s also a lovely singer, so she’s perfect for lullabies
I like to imagine that if the kids are staying over at her house, they like to cuddle with her bc she’s a big ol bird
She’s got soft feathers!! She can’t help it!!
#I’m so hyperfixated on these silly lil puppets#gimme this ok?#gum headcanons#welcome home puppet show#welcome home arg#welcome home#wally darling#barnaby b beagle#julie joyful#sally starlet#frank frankly#eddie dear#howdy pillar#poppy partridge#agere positivity#agere headcanons#age regression#welcome home agere#gummunity posts
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♡Our World♡ (Pt. 6)
Killer x Reader
One piece Killer x you :D
Killer is in our world and he meets you!!
In this one you make cake together :]
pt 5
Play fighting
NSFW mildly?? Idk, they make out and it's pretty detailed
The next day I'm wondering around the house looking for something to do while Killer’s reading a book. “Hey. Hey Killer.” I walk over to him and start poking his shoulder. He looks over at me a bit confused at my rather energetic behaviour and puts down his book, “yes..?” he asks almost nervous to know what I want. “let's do something!” I rather excitedly suggest. He hums, thinking about what we could do…it seems he has no ideas either. I start getting impatient so I start walking around the small den area as I wait for him to suggest something. Killer sighs, seemingly not being able to come up with any suggestions for me, “do you have any idea what you want to do?” he finally concedes, asking me as he has no idea what to do with my excess energy. “anything! Wait…you obviously can't come up with something….uhhhhhhh” my groan gets progressively louder as I try to think of something. I then stop and nod to myself, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Killer. It hits him in the face and he catches it as it falls, giving me a look as I give him a conniving smile.
“let's fight.” I say in a way that makes me sound a little crazy. Killer at this point is used to me being argumentative, having heard me playing video games and seen my interactions with people, he knows I find joy in doing things like this. He agrees to have a pillow fight with me, signalling so with a determined nod. I smack him with my pillow with no hesitation, he hits me back, I notice it's far lighter than he could hit but that's fine, this is more fun when no one actually gets hurt.
After a while of this I drop my pillow and get on my knees on the couch and grab his pillow throwing it to the floor along side mine. I grab his hands and try to push him over, deciding to play fight with the strong man. Killer plays along, not having to try hard to push me back off him as I laugh loudly, enjoying myself greatly. Killer is definitely going easy on me, there's no way in hell I should be having this easy of a time pushing back again this guy. This however doesn't matter much to me in the moment, just having fun being able to be violent with someone in a way that won't get either of us hurt.
He soon starts to laugh along with me, enjoying letting loose a little even if he still has to be careful about it. We continue to play fight for a while until I feel myself getting tired. Killer seems to notice quickly and completely stops pushing against me, letting me fall against him. He holds me gently against him, letting me wiggle around to get comfortable in his lap. My body is sweaty and I'm tired but I'm so darn happy, still giggle in his arms and holding onto him joyously, “we should do that again sometime!” I say to him, my voice cheerful yet breathy. He nods at me, “okay.” he says shortly, now petting my head a bit to help me come down from this high I'm on.
After a while my body lays limply in his arms, my arms wrapped around him like wet noodles as I hold him loosely and he holds me tightly ensuring I won't fall. I look up at him with a tired smile on my face, “you're the best..” I tell him, sounding like I'm about to pass out. He giggles a little petting my head some more, “I am?” he questions, prompting me to nod, “yes sir!” I say with all the enthusiasm and energy I can muster in the moment to prove it to him. I see his smile shift again, looking softer how it often does when I say something he likes.
He notices how sweaty and hot I am as he puts a hand on my arm. “you gonna be okay?” he asks with slight worry that I'd hurt myself. I let out a breathy laugh, “yeah…just…warm…hot even…I bet you think I'm hot.” I say almost thoughtlessly. I see his face turn red and I follow up my words with a joke, “seems like you're hot too!” I try to reach up and poke his nose put I'm too tired, my arm swiftly walling back into a laying position as I try to get it up. I groan at this and opt for sticking my tongue out at him instead. Killer rolls his eyes and yet again follows my lead, sticking his tongue out at me too. I smile and cuddle into his soft hold a bit more, “thanks for asking though…” I mumble against him. He gives a confused sound before processing I'm thanking him for asking if I'll be okay. He then let's out a hum of acknowledgment, now rubbing my sweaty back a little.
I ended up falling asleep on him, having a nap in his arms. This has become normal for us now after sharing a bed for a few days. I always wake up being held securely in his arms, it's nice to not be alone for a change. The plushies are nice and I have plenty of them, but it's just not the same as the warmth of a person who wants to be there with you. Killer had also fallen asleep holding me, adjusting us to a laying position on the couch and laying his head back against the arm rest, me laying on his chest. He felt safe and he felt that I was safe, he quickly fell asleep.
We stayed like this for a few hours, his toned arms preventing me from falling off the couch as I squirmed in my sleep as per usual. He'd pointed it out to me a few days ago how much I move in my sleep. He said it's as if I'm fighting someone and worried it might be him upsetting me. I figured immediately after he'd told me that that must have been why my plushies, pillows and blankets were always on the floor when I woke up, quickly reassuring him that it's not his fault. He didn't seem entirely sure at first until he saw me napping alone on the couch in the living room and saw me throw a pillow in my sleep. He thought it was funny, however he also found it worrying that some part of my subconscious thought I was in danger even in my sleep.
Killer started paying more attention to small details in my behaviour to try and figure out I'd this is just some weird sleep quirk or if I'm actually just constantly on edge. He soon noticed I seem stressed, almost paranoid about some things. The first time he noticed this was after I'd made stir fry on the stove, I'd checked a few times over the next few hours to make sure the stove was actually on and wouldn't even belive him when he tried to reassure me. He assumed I probably have some anxiety or paranoia issue, but why is the lingering question on his mind. He tried to coax some more information out of me about my past but I wasn't very receptive. He'd noticed that too, sometimes it was easy to get information out of me that seems private but other things it was impossible to get me to talk. It seemed like what I deemed personal and not personal was very different from what most would think is.
Everything I did seemed a little off but nothing made me a bad person, just a bit unpredictable. Killer was okay with it from the get go but sometimes my behaviour would have him stressed, much like how his captain’s erratic and aggressive behaviour worries him. He finds my behaviour significantly less extreme in comparison to Kid’s but still gets worried I might take something too far. He finds it a bit comforting that my behaviour is something he's familiar with yet still unique, I'm my own person but I'm familiar enough he can easily be comfortable with me.
He did eventually manage to pry some small peace of information out of me that gave him some semblance of an idea of why I seem like I'm always in danger. I told him of how my father exhibited many of these behaviours and its probably some genetic mental issue. He found this satisfactory at the time but now he wants to know what it is. He'd spent time reading through some of my mother’s old medical books I'd kept to sell later on. He was trying find anything that would give him a clue of what specifically is going on but it wasn't going well, the books were too outdated and he knew it. Books from the 1980’s would mean little in the year 2024.
As he woke up from his nap, me still in his arms he brushes some of my hair out of my face, giving me a worried look, he mumbles to himself, “what is going on with you…” before sighing and holding me a little tighter as if something bad would happen if he didn't. He stays like this for a while as he waits for me to wake up. He reminicess on the past week or so he'd spent with me, it's been nice, far more peaceful than what he's used to on the Victoria Punk with Kid and the crew. Of course he misses them, they're his friends, his family, but he's happy to be here, he's happy to have this opertunity to relax and meet someone like Y/N. Y/N can be a bit of a chaos monster for lactose of a better description but they usually mean well and they seem to have a good understanding of themself and others. Killer hopes he can get to know them as well as they know him.
Eventually I wake up, happy to see Killer still here with me, “hey…” I smile at him softly. He looks down at me, his eyes looking softly into my own, “good afternoon.” he rubs my head a bit before sitting up, me now on his lap. He looks down at me and I look up at him with a cheeky smile. He returns my smile with a confused smile, “what's that look mean?” he inquires. “means I just remembered something!” I say with new found excitement. “I bought cake mix! Let's go make some premade cake!” “what?” “yup!” “explain??” “observe!!”
I quickly get off his lap, standing up with a bit too much enthusiasm and making myself dizzy. I stand there for a few minutes as my vision gets spotty, waiting for it to go away. Killer gives me a worried look and wraps a hand around my upper arm so he can catch me if I collapse. I stand up straight once again and shake my head a little, putting a hand on my forehead as I collect myself, “I'm good, give me a sec..” I tell him as I get myself together and brighten up again. “let's make this cake!!” I bring back all my past energy and pull my arm away from Killer, quickly walking off to the kitchen. Killer follows me, still a little concerned but knowing he can't stop me once I start doing something.
I grab the cake mix from the cupboard and grab a bowl and a whisk and some measuring tools. “Killer?” “Hm?” “You're closer to the fridge, get me some eggs and the milk carton.” He grabs three eggs, being able to hold them all in one hand, causing me to give a shocked look before looking away and pretending what I saw was completely normal. He grabs the milk in his other hand and uses his hip to push the fridge door closed. I giggle a little at this, seeing such a muscular man push a door closed with his hips is cute…maybe it's just Killer that's cute but the specifics aren't that important…right?
Killer walks over and sets the milk down then gently sets the eggs down beside it, “what's next boss?” He asks me, coming up behind me and putting one of his large hands on my hip and kissing the back of my neck…must be his favorite spot to kiss. He then rubs my hip a bit with his thumb before moving to lean against the counter, now awaiting my instructions. I know this man knows how to make a cake but I suppose premade cake mix might be a bit odd to a ‘make it from scratch’ guy.
“Uh…preheat the oven…” I say as I point at the oven. He walks over, “what temperature?” He asks. I look at him like the dumbass I am…I'd already thrown out the box and put the mix in a bowl, “um…the normal one for a cake?” I giggle nervously. He side eyes me but puts the oven on the temperature he thinks it should be. “You're lucky I can bake.” He tells me while giving me a slightly disappointed look. I pout a bit but sigh, knowing he's right, I nod a little before turning to the dry mix. “I think…um…hm…” I make it increasingly clear that I have no idea what I'm doing. He snickers under his breath before picking up an egg and handing it to me, “how've you survived this long on your own? You gotta put the eggs in.” He finds this situation funny, however he really has no idea how I'm still alive. “Uh…how do you uh…haha…so…um…” “can't crack an egg?” “Nooo….yes…maybe…?” “Want me to do it?” “Nuh uh…I wanna try.” “Alright…you've got this.” “Do I?” “Yes, Y/N.”
I deeply appreciate him having faith in me. Every time I'd try to learn something as a child no one trusted me to just try to do it so I never actually learned anything…right now though? With him? I feel like I'm allowed to screw up, I'm allowed to try and I'm allowed to be wrong…it's nice. I smile to myself softly before getting a bit more confident, “I've got this.” I say with some conviction. Killer nods at me then nods his head toward the bowl, ready to watch me do this.
I hit the egg on the side of the bowl…it doesn't crack, I hit it too lightly. I prepare myself to be berated but it never comes. Killer stays quiet and continues to watch me. I look up at him a bit nervously and he encourages me yet again, “try again. You've got this.” I feel the confidence burn in me again as I look at the bowl nervously. I nod and hit the egg a little harder. It cracks this time, it's just a small crack put it did crack. I look up at Killer and give him and excited smile, he gives me a warm look in returns and eyes the egg, redirecting me to it so I can continue. I debate hitting the egg again to get a bigger crack or just trying to pull it open like this. I nervously look at Killer again, he quietly says, “Do what feels right, if it doesn't work, that's okay.” I feel my face warm up a bit and my eyes get watery…no one's ever told me things would just be okay if I was wrong. I shake my head and decide to just pull the egg open. It works, I pull it open and the insides of the egg pour into the bowl.
“I did it!!” I say enthusiastically, still holding the two halves of the egg shell. Killer nods at me, “you did it. Wanna do it again?” He hands me the next eggs and throws out the egg shells, then rests his arms on the counter and watches me. I nod at him and crack the next egg even better than the last. He then holds out the third egg to me and wants for me to take it. I happily take it from him and crack it into the bowl just like the previous two. Killer seems happy with me and I feel happy with myself.
“Do you know what's next?” He asks me, already knowing it'll be the milk but seeing if I'd remembered I even told him to get it out for me. I give him a bit of a look then I see the milk behind him, “milk!” He looks where I'm looking and giggle a little, “yup. Milk.” He grabs the carton and hands it to me, “how much do you need?” “Oh.” “Oh?” “How much do you think we need?” He laughs a bit louder this time, “two cups, sweetheart..” he grabs the measuring cup and sets it down on the counter near me, giggling a little at how I hold the carton with two hands, “heavy?” “Nuh uh!” “Alright…fafa” I roll my eyes and set the carton down on the counter to screw the lid off, knowing I can't hold it in one hand. I then stand there for a second, lid in one hand, carton on the counter with my other hand on it, “...did you call me ‘sweetheart’?” I ask Killer, a bit bashful. “Prefer a different name?” He asks. “Nah..call me whatever you'd like, Kil.” I say, my smile being heard in my voice. He hums in response, a light dusting of blush on his face as I call him ‘Kil’ again.
I then pick up the carton with both hands and start pouring it into the measuring cup, causing Killer to laugh again, “see, you need both hands for that.” I give him a glare and set the milk down at the one cup mark, “show me how you do it then?” I say with aditude. We then switch places and he picks up the milk carton with one hand and holds the measuring cup in his other hand so he can get a better look at where the milk is at. He then easily pours it in and I glare at him the entire time. When he finishes I clap sarcastically and he giggles at me. “You were right, okay?” I say annoyed. He nods and pours the milk into the bowl, putting the measuring cup in the sink and the milk carton back in the fridge.
I give Killer a smirk and start speaking, “hey…Killer…” I get close to him and put a hand on his arm and run my fingers along the groves of his muscles, “since you're so big and strong how about you mix the batter..?” I say sweetly, giving him a slightly menacing look knowing I can easily push off the duty of mixing to him. The red on his face darkens and he puts a hand on my hip, “for a kiss I will..” he says to me, returning my energy. I smile at him, “deal.” I give him a less sloppy kiss than last time, it lasts a little longer, still only a few seconds and it's a bit softer, less nervous. He has his hands on my hips and I have one hand on his chest and the other on his hip, trying to push myself up to reach his stupid handsome face. Why do one piece men always gotta be tall? He's even on the more normal side of them!!
I end the kiss and look up at him, blowing him a quick kiss before going to sit down in the dining room to watch him mix the batter. I watch as his muscles flex and his arms move smoothly…the expression on his handsome face. I love watching this man, everything he does, he's amazing. He notices my loving gaze and this time initiates the playful tongue sticking out. He sticks his tongue out at me, his tongue piercing reflecting the sun coming through the window and making me giggling, soon sticking my tongue out too. He then returns to mixing and I return to admiring him and his entire existence.
After a few minutes he finishes up, putting the batter into a cake pan and putting it in the oven, setting the timer on the oven. He then walks over to me, “20 minutes. What do you wanna do?” I smile at him, “kiss you.” he turns bright red and I smirk at him, feeling my entire body heat up as I realize what I'd said. I then decide to go with it, obviously I want to this, even if I normally wouldn't have said it. “yes. That's what I want. Kiss me, handsome!” I say, clearly embarrassed but not backing down. He chuckles and puts his index and middle fingers under my chin, making me look up into his eyes. He's checking to be sure I mean it and showing me he wants this too. “you sure?” he asks, not just taking the look in my eyes as a yes. “yeah, I wanna kiss you until I can't anymore..” I say, no longer filtering my thoughts. He nods, “I want that too.”
He leans down and kisses me gently, using his free hand to hold himself up with the table. I kiss back, a little nervous, not expecting this to actually happen but being excited. He moves his hand from under my chin to my hip as I relax into the kiss, getting more used to the feeling. He pulls away a bit to breathe some and allowing me to breathe a bit. He then quickly moves his lips back to mine, still kissing me sweetly, not wanting to scare me off. I want more though and I want him to know I'm comfortable with that. I grab his hair and pull it a bit. He pulls away from me, “want me to stop?” “nuh uh…just uh…do what you want…I'll let you know if I don't like it.” “okay.” I'm happy he trusts me to tell him if I'm not happy with what's going on. I trust him to listen.
He starts getting tired of having to lean over to kiss me so he kneels on the floor in from of me and looks up at me as I'm now above him. He grabs one of my hands and kisses the palm before reaching up with both his hands and pulling my face down, his lips connecting with my own. I'm unsure what to do with my hands so I just put them over his, holding them tightly as Killer pushes his tongue into my mouth. He feels me squeeze his hands tightly and gets a little worried I'm unhappy. I feel him start to pull away so I bite his tongue a little. He seems shocked at this, opening his eyes. I'd already opened mine when I felt him pull away so we made eye contact in that moment. I glare at him, silently telling him to keep going. He smiles with his eyes before closing them and kissing me with more confidence. I close my eyes too and enjoy the feeling of his soft tongue in my mouth, the metal ball an interesting and fun contrast.
I decide to have some fun with this, wanting to take control a little. I push his tongue with my own and he pushes back. He soon finds where all my strength is as I easily overpower his tongue making him pull away from me for a second and letting out heavy hot breaths, me joining him. I giggle a little, “can I..?” I ask. He nods. I glare, “words, babe.” he looks away, blushing a bit when I call him ‘babe’. “Yeah.” he then gently grabs my face again. I don't spare him the same gentleness though, instead just grabbing his face and smashing my lips into his. He seems surprised but doesn't pull away. I shove my tongue in his mouth, dragging my tongue against the roof of his mouth, feeling the smooth texture. Look at that, he's not dehydrated.
I run my tongue over the ball of his piercing, causing him to shiver and making me giggle into the kiss a little. After a few seconds he pulls away to breathe again, this time not letting go of me and giving me a determined look. I give him the same look back, passion and determination, not letting go of his face either. He does something I don't expect, he puts a thumb in my mouth. “That's what that is..” “what?” I mumble out around his thumb. “something sharp was touching my tongue earlier…it's your teeth…why are your canines so sharp?” “why wouldn't they be? Aren't they sharp for everyone?” “If I hadn't seen you in the sun already I'd think you're a vampire.” “Oh…does that make you not want to kiss me?” “No…makes it more fun.” “Can you take your thumb back now?” “Okay.” he giggles a bit, pulling his thumb out of my mouth, my saliva on it, the string from my mouth snapping as he puts his thumb on my cheek.
“My face is wet now..” “it's your own saliva.” “Get it off.” “Alright.” he takes his hand off my cheek and licks my saliva off his thumb. My whole body heats up and my mouth hangs open in shock. He snickers, moving closer to my face and licking the saliva off my cheek, getting his own all over it. If I weren't so stunned I'd glare at him for this but I can't even say anything. He looks at me, a bit worried he took it too far, “too much?” I shake my head, “I liked it…just…shocked..” I say quietly. He nods, “wanna continue? Or no?” I look at him a little nervously, “after we finish the cake…I think it's almost done.” He nods, “no problem.” He then stands up and goes to the sink to wash his hands. When he's done he walks over to me with a damp wash cloth and starts cleaning his saliva off my cheek.
Once he finishes up the oven timer goes off and he quickly goes to take the cake out. He grabs some oven mitts, the ones I bought when I first moved out, they have a nice design on them. He pulls the cake out and sticks a butter knife in it to make sure it's baked the whole way through. Once he's sure it is he turns the oven off and leaves the cake to cool for a bit. He takes the oven mitts off and walks back over to me, “after the cake is finished, right?” “Yeah..so..icing and sprinkles first.” He nods, “Alright.”
After about 15 minutes the cake has cooked enough we can ice it. Killer wants to do some fancy designs on it so I let him. I just watch as he decorated the cake. It turns out really well. “Good job, hon!” I smile at him. He nods and walks over to me, “what should I do with the cake?” “Put it in the fridge…unless you want a piece?” “Nah…I want you right now.” “Alright~” he then puts the cake in the fridge and I start walking to the bedroom, “wanna continue in the bedroom?” “Yeah, be there in a second.” He gives me a soft look as I walk off down the hall. He soon follows after me, ready for whatever I've got in mind.
#one piece#op killer#massacre soldier killer#one piece killer#killer one piece#killer x reader#one piece x reader
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Mobverse where Terry and John are enemy bosses of their respective mobs, and their ultimate prize is Daniel. So they keep kidnapping him back and forth between them, fucking his brains out and treating him like their sweetest kept little pet—until he’s kidnapped again. Meanwhile Daniel thrives on the attention and love and sex (and violence), but the back n forth thing is kinda tiresome, so he plots to have them merge into one faction so they can be a happy throuple. “Love conquers all!” According to Daniel. Lol. Maybe Omegaverse too while we’re at it hehe.
Mob princeling Daniel who is spoiled silly but also very sweet. He is a gigantic brat who has a good heart. But he won't settle for anything less than quality, and that includes his lovers.
idk how this happened but have this fic type thing.
Who kidnaps him first?
Terry and John used to be best buddies, as thick as thieves, working for the same underground corporation: the Cobras. But that was before Turner decided it would be a good idea to set alight some friendly competition, after all, only one of them could take his place.
So, Daniel is the Italian mob, Terry the Irish, and what is Kreese? Russian? Google says the surname has Slovenian and German roots.
John and Terry can't stand each other at all, but they make do because otherwise Daniel gets very upset with them, and when Daniel LaRusso wants to be a nightmare he can be.
At first, John decides to kidnap Daniel because mercy is for the weak, and that kid is making Terry soft, he's trying to help Terry, really. He was trying to make a point, there was no space for sweethearts in their business.
Then when Kreese got Daniel back to one of his safe houses, put a few of his guys on him, locked the two of them in a room, and asked Daniel point blank
"What is your intention with Terry?"
"Why are you so worried about him? He's a big boy he can take care of himself."
And doesn't John know it. Once Twig started putting on some muscle the kid had become a brick wall, but for as strong as he was physically, he was still a tender heart.
"I tell you what Kreese, I've had worse dates. I appreciate a man who shows initiative. I'll tell Terry you send your love. Maybe next time you'll send it yourself?"
Then Daniel beats him at a bunch of card games, and they split a six-pack. Eventually, Daniel starts complaining about how if all the big strong manly men wanted to make believe that he was their fair princess hidden away in some tower they could at least spring for cable because he's missing the hockey game! What sort of operation were they running?
It turns out Daniel, as much as he's a brat, actually has a decent head on his shoulders.
He's also capable of wrapping big tough men around his pinky and John is starting to become begrudgingly fond of the kid. Whether he wants to admit it or not he can understand why Terry is so gone for him.
He's as spunky as he is slight, he's got decent taste in sports teams, and he's really darn pretty. He can actually hold a conversation, unlike a lot of the pretty faces John saw pass through their ranks on the arms of their men. His face is all pouty pink lips and deep brown eyes. He's got the sort of face you'd see in old Italian paintings of martyrs and angels.
"So has Twig got you claimed yet?"
"No one has claimed me because I'm not something you can trade for enough tickets at ringtoss."
Daniel lounges on his hands, putting them behind him on the bed as he studies John's face. It's like he thinks he can see right through his skull. John doesn't like it.
"You know what'll really make him jealous? What if you, his best buddies, showed up to see him next time with a big ole love bite on ya? Show him what he's missing out on."
And John is shocked sideways. Where does this kid get off making assumptions? John starts to see another reason why the kid is good for Terry- they're both too smart for their own good. Or at least they thought they were. And they were smug as shit.
"Don't talk about what you don't understand baby boy."
Daniel chews his lip. The picture of false innocence.
"I wasn't talking about anything Johnny. I think you misunderstood."
A few hours later Terry comes storming in. Their groups aren't officially at odds yet out of respect for their shared past so none of his guys are dead, but he knows a few are going to need the hospital.
"What did you do with him John?!"
When Terry gets to the special saferoom of John's warehouse Daniel is nowhere to be seen.
"Relax, I haven't hurt a hair on his precious head. I just needed him out of the way. He's a very convenient bargaining chip. "
"You absolute psychopath, I know you're hurting from Betsy but you can't do things like this Johnny! Daniel's an innocent."
John smirks.
"Oh, he's far from innocent."
Terry ignores him.
"He's not made for the front lines. He's as smart as a whip but he was born into this. He's not one for violence. He's got nothing to do with our problems, Johnny. That's you. You decided to start this. "
Daniel breaks up the argument by appearing magically, out of the camouflaged built-in door that the room had to hide a bathroom. IF Terry were a bit calmer, if he hadn't come at John immediately, he would've noticed the near-invisible seam in the wall.
He's wearing only one large T-shirt, clearly borrowed. His legs are bare underneath and immediately Terry assumes the worst.
"Did he hurt you?" He asks frantically, running his hands gently up and down the body of his petite boyfriend, thankfully, seemingly unscathed.
"I'm fine Terry."
Once his heart rate has slowed down Terry looks between the to of them. It's one of John's shirts. He's wearing only his white undershirt. Suddenly he's torn. his soul is shattering into pieces all around him and it's reflecting the two most important people in his life. he never would've expected this. Not Danny.
Terry is just about to turn and actually, literally strangle John to death when Daniel steps in his way.
"It's not what it looks like Terry! Don't worry. I love you, you're mine and you know that. And I'm yours." Daniel stands up on his very tiptoes to pull Terry into a slow kiss. "I just wanted to run a few ideas by you. I even convinced Johnny."
John harrumphs from his seat in the chair. He can't remember actually agreeing to anything. All he knew was that one moment John was a level-headed man, and the next he had a lithe, leggy boy crawling all over him. Things just sort of happened after that. The drinks had gotten spilled in the excitement.
Daniel sees Terry's mind freeze in place, and well-
Three months later Daniel's got two boyfriends.
Terry and John would never work. They weren't made to fit the way other people did. They were both too loud, too brash, too --
If it were the two of them, they would be starting fires left and right.
But Daniel was the stabilizing agent the two of them needed, the buffer to smooth their rough edges and keep them from sparking off one another.
Daniel was a lot of work. He had standards. He wanted to be treated right. Nice. He wanted filthy, toe-curling sex, and he wanted it on his terms. He wanted some muscle at his side for his own safekeeping.
He wanted his boyfriends to get along. Preferably with this Pa as well. And Daniel had a tendency to get what he wanted.
Set in an abo scenario Daniel would probably be expected to give each alpha an equal number of pups which means my boy is gonna be BUSY. rest in peace. they'd probably have to come up with some sort of contract. i don't envy daniel in that situation.
#i was like 'i'll open some drafts and answer something'#now i'm here#while i'm struggling to put out ongoing fic and it's because I KNOW it's performance anxiety and imposter syndrome anyways here's some stuf#silverusso#lakreese#krilverusso#cobra husbands#a nonny mouse
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Noir x Miles would be the most wholesome proship for ITSV & ATSV because I do not see Noir at all being cruel to Miles or even any sprouts in the world. He would help every single person he could even if he has a harsh exterior that he maintains for his enemies. He has to have his foes closer in order to protect his loved ones.
I see Miles feeling so delighted whenever his man Noir is around with so much love and charismatic game, he’s Noir’s number 1 fan. Noir even if he does not try very hard at it, he’s a hard cushion for Miles to stand on. Especially if Miles feels insecure about their relationship.
Sometimes Miles thinks too much whenever he feels he’s not providing much into the relationship, that he’s just being an admirer or riding on his cool as hell coattails. Noir would offer his lap to pet his lil kitten, maybe even allow his hat to be worn to show that his love for Miles is an offer that he does not want to take back.
“Hey kid… Are ya, feelin under the water?”
“Mmm.. Yeah, everything’s cool”
“No kidding, you’re laying on bed here without a blanket”
“Sorry man, I just have to go… refresh myself you know?”
“Hmm, Miles sonny, you’re doing it again”
“D-Doing what?”
“Being pouty”
“H-Hey I’m not pouty!”
“See my cheeks are smiling!”
“And your cheeks must weigh 12 tons the way I see you today”
“Hey hey doll… my lil kitten. What’s the matter…?” Noir says more gently “…If you want to just relax, that’s alright too kid…”
“Tch, … Ahh… I don’t really know….” Miles hugs a nearby pillow. “Sometimes I… I don’t feel like I really do enough for you… A-And I know that you deserve so much, I know that I have a lot on my plate, but I-I still like you, you are my…”
Miles blushes but struggles to say the last important word
“Husband. You are my husband Miles”
“….W-WAIT A MINUTE! W-What are you talking about?! Uh-Uhh-ummm oh lord…! Did I miss the or”
“Hahaha! No silly. You want us to be like a married couple right? Sorry for the heart attack there”
“No- I mean yes! I mean…! I love you so much alright?! I-I admire you so much.. The way the wind blows everywhere you go. Your cool awesome clothes making you look like a Spider-Man that gets down to business, of protecting people. From kids, adults, parents, employees, friends, family, uh and… loved ones~ y-yeah!”
Miles faces down twiddling his hands on his warm pillow. Noir puts a hand on Miles’s shoulder, gesturing him to lay on his lap. His hands moves around to pet Miles’s hair
“I know sweetheart~ And… sorry that I’m not really one of the the most… reciprocatory guys in the world” Noir takes off his mask and leaves a small smooch on Miles’s head, “You deserve a much better lover boy than me kid”
“No no please don’t say that. I deserve you alright? Because…..?”
Noir grumbles knowing that Miles is egging his ego on. But looking at Miles’s hopeful plea for his husbands self worth sparks a glee within Noir’s gray beating heart.
“Heheh stop smiling like that kid…It’s becauseeeee… my sweetheart deserves the best, alright you rascal!” Noir growls playfully as he messes with Miles’s hair
“Hahaha! Come on stop that dude!”
Noir then removes his hat and promptly plops it onto his lovers head.
“Alright dudee,” he remarks slightly mockingly as Noir takes off his trench coat “Just make sure to always treat yourself. It was raining today for darns sake!”
“I got it, ..love you Peter~”
“I love you too Miles” he wraps his trench coat & himself over Miles, snuggling the whole night away looking towards each other like a star that made each other’s wishes come true.
#noirflower#spiderman noir#spideymiles#spider-man#miles morales#across the spiderverse#proship#comship#proshipping#comshipping#spider noir#ficlet#fanfic#miles morales x peter parker#peter parker x miles morales
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google doc ・ connections ・ pinterest ・ playlist
full name: amar hastings
nickname(s): am (only by a selected few, most people call him hastings or amar)
age/date of birth: 33 / october 6th, 1990
zodiac sign: libra ☼ capricorn ☾ taurus ↑
gender identity: cis male (he/him)
face claim: dev patel
place of birth: oxford, england
current location: fairford, wa
neighborhood: mountainside
sexual orientation: pansexual
relationship status: single
occupation: businessman
education level: mba in business
fears: heights
hobbies: driving, gardening, reading, crafting
languages spoken: english, hindi, french, punjabi, italian and spanish
height: 6'2
instruments played: piano, french horn, violin
tattoos: none (yet)
piercings: none
labels: the soiled dove, the benefactor
positive traits: earnest, reliable, dedicated, meticulous, articulate
negative traits: secretive, unyielding, workaholic, resentful, argumentative
favorite color: depends (for clothing is neutral colors, for decorations a wam orange/brown pallet— he tends to graviatate towards that pallet more when it comes to most things)
favorite food: italian food
allergies: none
right or left-handed?: right-handed
parents: aadhira bhatt (oncologist), thomas hastings (ceo), amber hastings (step mother/real estate mogul)
sibling(s): tba hastings
pet(s): a 5 year old golden retriever that used to belong to his late fianceé
tw: death mention
was born in london to a single mother who tried her darn best to raise him to be a good man while also continuing her higher education to become an oncologist, dad didn't knew about him until he was 3 but once he did, he took care of him. comes from a rich family (on his dad's side), is expected to inherit the family's company and he pretty much handles half of it since it moved to america under his care. had a fiance, richard, who was a fairford local who tragically passed away a few years ago.
his family means SO much to him, he'd do anything for them, esp his mom (who now lives in california)
has a proper english accent that he absolutely claims not to have
he's not shy per se, he loves meeting people and making friends, but he has a hard time actually letting people in/learning to trust
he's a charmer by nature, though he claims he isn't. and claims to have no game— he does.
business was never something he wanted to do himself, instead something that was chosen for him. had it been his decision, amar would be either a historian or a psychiatrist (something he may do in the future, who knows? 👀)
loves art: music, painting, litrature... all of it, big advocate. sucks at each and every one of them but he is drawn to those who excell at them
okay he is still mourning so he hasn't done much of it in a while but man knows how to party. he is very reserved and proper most of the time but when there's an opportunity to party he. turns. up. and he can DANCE
hopeless romantic through and through
technologically challenged (he TRIES though, technology is just against him half of the time)
sibling(s) (wc on main soon)
family of his late fianceé
maybe family of his own?
friends he met when his fianceé was still alive
family friends
best friend(s)
possible love interest (?)
(future) fwb?
business rivals/friends
maybe future business partners?
literally anything, the sky is the limit and he is very easy going i promise!
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Chapter 6 is here, finally featuring a particularly conniving canine!
Second half
Chapter 6: Well, I'll Be Doggoned!
The woods were quiet today. No storms, no delinquents, no spontaneous snowman wars that almost end with a snow boulder crashing into town. It's a perfect place to take out a newspaper and start reading the funny pages.
At least, that's what Sans intended to do.
The young skeleton really enjoyed the quiet, calm atmosphere the woods provided. It's much better than the overwhelming stimuli of the town. He finds it odd, really. Snowdin is nowhere near as overwhelming as... his old home. But he still gets overstimulated anyway. Maybe it's him?
"we're spooky scary sending shivers down your spine..." Sans sang lowly to himself. He never liked to sing in front of others. Not without his brother, in any sense. But alone? It helps him keep his mind engaged, at least. So it won't wander off into some... dangerous territory.
"you best prepare for a hila-"
What was that?
Sans heard something. From the bushes.
And it's still rustling.
Sans knew he shouldn't go over to strange rustly bushes, but his curiosity was too overpowering for him to resist. Tentatively, he creeped towards the bush.
"uh, hello?" The small skeleton peeked inside, only to find two tiny glistening orbs staring at him back. Yup, that was to be expected. Still, Sans leaned in.
"hey, it's cool. i don't bite. unless, uh, you do?" He winked.
Stupid, stupid.
Slowly, but surely, the rustling started up again, only got a tiny white snout with a black nose to stick out.
Wait, that's a-!
"eep!" Before Sans could finish that thought, the creature leaped out of the bush and tackled him to the ground. A white, small, furry, friendly creature indeed!
"Yip! Yip!"
The reaction was instantaneous. Sans' pupils dilated, overwhelmed by the puppy cuteness.
"d'aww! what are you doin' in the woods, little guy? were you playing hide and seek? were you? were you, furry baby?" Sans knew he probably shouldn't pet random dogs you find in the woods, but he couldn't stop himself! It's a puppy! A silly fluffy puppy!
He checked the dog for a collar. None.
"aww, you all alone, little guy? that's unfortunate."
The dog decided it had taken a liking to Sans. It lies on his chest and relentlessly started licking the underside of his mandible.
"pfft-ehehehehehe! yohohou silly pup! nahahahat there! hehehehehehehehe!"
As he laughed from the puppy's ticklish tongue, Sans could only think of two things - how playful this pup is, and that he's definitely taking him home until someone else claims him. He can't in good conscience leave this pupper out all alone, without food and water. What kind of person would Sans be if he did that?
Using both of his hugging arms, Sans cradled the dog and hoisted him up the best he could. It had proven to be quite a task, due to Sans' lack of physical strength and the dog's relentless wiggling, but he managed.
"ooh, boy. you're a heavy little guy, aren't ya? i guess you're carryin' more than just fluff, huh?"
The puppy yipped and started licking the skeleton's chin once more, making him giggle.
"ahalright, alrihihight! sheesh. come on, puppers. you're not gonna survive out here for too long. let's go."
And with that, Sans and his new best friend set out on a course for Snowdin Town.
Papyrus wiped off a bead of sweat from his forehead. Finally, after two hours of removing that DARNED relish stain from the carpet, the house was spotless.
"I SHOULD COMPLIMENT MYSELF ON A JOB WELL DONE!!!" The proud monster patted himself on the back by removing his arm and reaching around with it. "PAP PAT. WHAT NOW? HMM... WELL, I SUPPOSE I SHOULD CHECK MY SOCIAL MEDIAS! I'M ONLY 13 AWAY FROM A DOUBLE DIGIT FOLLOWER COUNT, AFTER ALL!! NYEH! NYEH HEH HEH!!!"
Papyrus spun on the spot and was prepared to march upstairs, when he heard the door unlock. Sounds like Sans is home! And he didn't forget his keys this time! Progress!
As soon as the door opened, a speedy little white blur rocketed around the living room. And what's worse? It was getting mud all over the freshly cleaned carpet!!! What a conundrum- No. NO, NOT THE SOFA! NOT THE STAIRS, NOT THE KITCHEN, NOT THE TABLE!! WHAT WAS IT EVEN DOING?!
Papyrus felt like crying. "SANS?!?!?!"
"whoops. i got it." With a snap of his fingers, Sans froze the blur in its tracks. Literally. It was surrounded by its own trail of destruction! How is Papyrus supposed to rectify this?! How is ANYONE supposed to rectify this!?!?
Papyrus' despair contorts into rage. Well, not exactly rage. More like an extreme frustration directed towards his brother. And Papyrus wasn't one to hide his emotions at all, so Sans definitely knew from his googly-eyed glare that he was definitely to blame for this.
"...so i found a stray-"
"sorry, bro."
Sans put his hands up in defence. "look, i'm sorry, okay? it j-just... the dog needed a place to stay, alright? it didn't have a collar, and it... it..."
"hey, no need to keep BARKING at me, alright? let's just calm down."
Papyrus suppressed a snicker. Gosh darn it, Sans. Darn Sans. And darn Sans again for catching onto his concealed amusement.
"hey, i heard that. come on. you can't stay mad at me for long, can ya?"
The mischievous prankster gazed at Papyrus with the most delighted smile ever. No matter what he said or did, Papyrus knew he couldn't stay mad at that face.
"OH, ALRIGHT! I'M WILLING TO OVERLOOK THIS INCIDENT, BUT YOU ARE HELPING ME CLEAN UP!!! AND WE ARE NOT KEEPING THIS ANIMAL!!!" Papyrus instructed, in a stern tone as he straightened his posture and pointed firmly at the obliviously cheerful whirlwind of chaos that is the dog.
The dog figured Papyrus' hand looked like a nice meal.
About a few minutes later, Papyrus could be seen giving the dog the hardest death glare he could direct towards a starving animal. The dog itself remained oblivious, happily chomping on the leftover roast chicken and lapping up the water Sans left out for it. Sans himself was wrapping Papyrus' poor hand in bandages. The dog clearly had just as much bite as it did bark.
That dog. That. Annoying. Dog.
He didn't know how or when, but Papyrus had decided that dog was going to be the bane of his existence, now and forevermore.
"okay. all set." The smaller twin had finally finished. Papyrus sat back to admire Sans' handiwork. It wasn't enough to make up for the ruined living room, and the bite, and the DOG, but he knew Sans' heart was in the right place. It always is.
Sans snorted and snickered, to which Papyrus smiled.
"yeah. who knew such a cutie wootie could do something like that, huh?"
Papyrus' smile momentarily dropped. He can't be serious, right?
"but, bro! he's just a little guy, look at him!" Sans couldn't help but dissolve into a pile of mush while watching this pup eat. "he's just a little man. a little man dog."
"just a hunch."
"ARGH!!!" Papyrus never did get Sans' adoration of animals. Especially animals that barge in and trash your house on a whim. With his affection for animals and bugs, Papyrus was confident that Sans could even find a CENTIPEDE cute in some way.
"hey, by the way, do you mind if i borrow your computer?"
Papyrus snapped out of his thoughts. "MY COMPUTER, WHY?"
"just wanted to make something, that's all."
"no, no, it's not. eh, well, maybe..." He paused to think. Before Papyrus could chastise him, he held a hand up. "nah, i won't. i was just gonna create some flyers, y'know, some posters. i was thinking about what you said. we might as well see if somebody's lookin' for 'im."
"thanks, bro." After a couple of brotherly shoulder pats, the small skeletwin got up to start his poster duties. "say, do you mind taking care of the pupper for a bit?"
"sorry, couldn't resist. the hook and line were there, i just had to bite it." A wink and a shrug. Perfect!
"alright, alright." The little comedian chuckled, casually strolling towards the hungry dog. He pet it just behind the ears. "okay, boy. i'm just gonna go for a bit, alright? gonna find your true owner."
The puppy peered up at Sans with a goofy smile. It's like it's trying to mess with him, because not even a moment after Sans spoke, it stuck out its tongue.
Sans almost dissolved into a baby-talking puddle of cuteness overload right there. No! He must resist!
"hnnnnhhh- gosh, why'dya have to be so adorable?" He pet it again, a little more aggressively this time.
Meanwhile, Papyrus remained sitting on Sans' stepping stool, pouring. He could never understand Sans' love for animals, especially after it just BIT HIS HAND! What? No, he's not jealous!! He's just frustrated that Sans would dissolve into a puddle of goo over a dog after the mess it made!!! (Also, he wanted to be pet too.)
Soon enough, Sans left. Left Papyrus alone with the dog. Well, then. Time to confront it and show it who's boss!
Papyrus cleared his throat and stood up, his stance and voice full of authority.
The dog just tried to jump up at him! What did it want?! His scarf?! No, sir! Not today!
"GET OFF OF ME!!!" Papyrus tries gesturing for the dog to sit. "SIT!!! SIT!!! STOP THAT, YOU ANNOYING LITTLE-"
CHOMP! Well, there goes Papyrus' arm.
Of course it had to be now! Sans is coming downstairs! Luckily the bite wasn't as strong as the first, but it still hurt!
And Sans didn't even look...
"hey, bro, i'm gonna head out to see if i can print off the posters at the library. or should i say 'librarBY?'"
"THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT AND YOU KNOW IT SANS!!!" Papyrus huffed, trying to prevent the dog from biting him again.
"suuuurrrrre it was." Sans flashed Papyrus a smug grin. "you think you can handle the doggo?"
One heavy jacket later, and Sans was out the door, but not before cooing over the pup one last time.
"bye, little puppers. be a good boy, alright?"
Great. Now Papyrus was all alone with the fluffball of chaos he called a dog. A dog. AKA, the bane of his existence, and a skeleton's natural enemy. Natural to Papyrus anyway.
The furry whirlwind of destruction tilted its head and whimpered. Nope. That trick wasn't going to fool Papyrus! He's above that!
"NO. YOU ARE GOING TO SIT AND STAY HERE WHILE I CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!!" On his own. Papyrus sighed, didn't Sans say he'll help?! At least he's working on something. All this dog was working on was being a hinderance in Papyrus' life.
At least the dog obeyed... For now.
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7, 8, and 11 for the system ask game!
7- Which headmates have the most unique music taste?
Hm. That one gets a bit hard with only two of us, haha, but (said with zero bias whatsoever, of course /s) I think I probably have a more 'unique' music taste than S. Our tastes overlap a lot (in that if one of us likes a song, the other one almost always at least thinks it's fine), but he's over there with all his angsty alt rock teen music and edgy pop, whereas I tend to gravitate more towards various kinds of EDM, electroswing, game/movie soundtracks, and some folk genres.
8- Which headmate has the most specific role?
Expanding this to "most specific pulls-you-towards-front triggers": S tends to get pulled forward by driving, social situations where he can interact openly as himself, and source mentions; he gets pushed away from front by depression episodes--not because he's less prone to depression, but because he's actually a lot more prone to it, whereas my mood setpoint tends to be higher even when we're Going Through It(TM). I tend to get pulled forward by silly things, depictions of flight, books/movies in general, and situations where we want to or feel compelled to fit into a more fem social role; I get pushed away from front by overstimulation/overwhelm and "emotional lockdown".
11- Pet peeves about other headmates? This is a hard one, honestly. I gave it a shot over here on this answer already, so I'll try to pick some new ones; to be super cards-on-the-table about it, I (L) personally tend to deal with a lot of subconscious internalized self-negativity, so I tend to be annoyed/frustrated with myself even more frequently and intensely, I think, than S usually is--I'm working on it as best I can, ofc, but it's A Process like all this stuff is (/sigh). Anyways--this is less of a "pet peeve" and more of a "darn, this is unfortunate", but I wish (we both wish) it was easier to find stuff to make S more comfortable/be identity-validating for him. So far, it seems like most of the typical things that it seems like other nonhuman folks and other introjects tend to enjoy--therian/otherkin gear like ears or tails, fanart and source interactions, etc--are just as likely to make him more uncomfortable/dysphoric as opposed to less. He gets, as he puts it, "uncanny valley-ed" by a lot of fanart; gear-wise, the key thing he misses about his ears is that they're part of his expressions, so having immovable ones would, in his mind, feel even worse; direct engagement in source can sometimes be really fun for him, but also has a 10-20% chance of going very wrong and giving him exotrauma flashbacks, if he's not purposefully mentally disengaging from it preemptively. Thanks for the questions! :D -L
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My Boyfriend.
My Boyfriend.
I think about my boyfriend a lot because my boyfriend is often on my mind and I like to have him there. There’s something really fun about focusing on my boyfriend I won’t allow myself to feel shame about it. My best friend Cornelia said it’s okay for me to do this so I think it’s okay too. When I imagine my boyfriend he is looking over at me with just the most beautiful look of love. Sometimes he looks over at me with lust and that’s when things get extra exciting. My favorite way to think about my boyfriend is to do it when I’m alone. It’s sweet of him to give me my space. I would never dare to become a codependent lover again and he very much agrees.
I met my boyfriend in a great way. He was walking down one side of the street I was on the other we both crossed the street and knocked right into each other! If I were a stronger girl I would’ve been upset with him like watch where you’re going. Instead I said nothing, I felt dizzy. My boyfriend makes me dizzy. While I was standing there holding my dizzy head he picked up all the stuff I dropped, how considerate. Crouched down holding my things he kept apologizing. My boyfriend on his knees, looking up at me with worried brown eyes. That’s the way I love to see my boyfriend. At night when he gets off work, I walk around our beautiful apartment pushing things off the counter so he can pick them back up for me. One of our many silly little games…
Or actually, now that I’m thinking about it, I met my boyfriend at the pet food store. I don’t have a pet and neither does he, we were both in there buying gifts for friends. Isn’t that darn stinking cute? A talking parrot had garnered my attention when he came up next to me. “Fucked up about its leg, huh?” he asked, referring to the parrot’s fucked up leg. I said something back along the lines of “yeah, so fucked up,” then smiled my biggest smile at him because I like to smile for sexy boys. With all the animal pheromones bouncing around I felt the urge to shove my nose into his armpits and lap up his smell. So I did. I love my boyfriend’s smell. We stood in that pet food store, in front of the talking parrot and its fucked up leg, licking and sniffing each other until they kicked us out to close.
These days I spend a lot of time carrying my boyfriend from the couch to the bed. What I haven’t told you is he has one of those sicknesses where you just slowly waste away, and I have this one where you keep on growing bigger. It sucks that my boyfriend is sick but if he wasn’t I wouldn’t have met him. He looked so sad sitting there all alone in the waiting room, I simply had to beckon him to my arms and squeeze his face against my getting-bigger chest. When he feels well enough, we take long walks. We speak to each other sweetly. Sensitive like me, it only takes the brush of my fingers for his sigh of contentment: “the feminine touch…”
He knows, and I know, how lucky we are to have met. He makes me tell the story over and over again. I love my boyfriend’s bad memory — he loves that I still remember.
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Ditch the cord, Conquer the dirt: My Eureka RapidClean Pro NEC180 Cordless Floor Vacuum Cleaner love affairs

Hey everyone, Let's dive into the world of hassle-free cleaning with the Eureka RapidClean Pro NEC180 Cordless Floor Vacuum Cleaner! I'm here to shout the praises of my new cleaning Best Friend Forever, The Eureka RapidClean Pro NEC180 cordless vacuum. This little powerhouse has changed the game when it comes to keeping my floors spotless, and let me tell you, it's not just hype.
Here's why I'm head over heels of Eureka RapidClean Pro NEC180 Cordless Floors Vacuum Cleaner:
Cordless freedom: No more tripping over that pesky cable! This bad boy zooms around like a dust-busting superhero, making cleaning a breeze (literally).
Lightweight wonder: Say goodbye to arm fatigue! The RapidClean Pro is so light, I can whip it around for ages without feeling like I'm lifting weights.

2-in-1 magic: Stick vacuum for the floor, handheld for tight spaces and furniture – it's like having two vacuums in one! Cleaning crevices has never been so satisfying.
Suction that slays: Don't let the sleek design fool you, this thing packs a punch! Pet hair, crumbs and cereal explosions – it disappears in a satisfying whoosh.
Battery life that lasts: 40 minutes of runtime means I can tackle my whole apartment without needing a recharge. Plus, the LED lights let me see exactly where those sneaky dust bunnies are hiding.

Easy-empty dustbin: No messier bag changes! The bin pops out with a click and empties like a dream. Plus, the filters are washable, so it's eco-friendly too.
Bonus points: It looks pretty darn sleek, too. My apartment is officially the cleanest and most stylish it's ever been.
So, if you're tired of tangled cords, weak suction, and aching arms, do yourself a favor and check out the Eureka RapidClean Pro. It's not just a vacuum, it's a cleaning revolution!
Fore More Information visit our site- review-expert
Buy From Amazon- Click Here
P.S: - Anyone else obsessed with this vacuum? Share your cleaning tips and tricks in the comments! Let's keep the dust bunnies at bay together!
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🐶Unleash the Adventure with Halo Collar 3!🐶 Ever dreamed of a world where your dog can frolic freely, chase butterflies, and embrace their doggy dreams without taking an unscheduled dip? Say hello to the Halo Collar 3 - the gateway to tail-wagging adventures and water-free whimsies!
🐶Quick Setup, Endless Fun!🐶 A tap on the Halo app, and voilà! Create up to 20 personalized playpens for your furry friend. From the backyard to the dockside, this beacon is your dog's trusty sidekick, ensuring they and waterfowl coexist in harmony.
🐶Learn from the Dog Whisperer!🐶 The in-app training program? Oh, just some tips and tricks from the legendary Cesar Millan. Training and safety? That's a double-whammy from Halo!
🐶AI-Powered Precision GPS™: The Future is Here!🐶 Imagine a collar that listens, learns, and leads. From bustling city streets to serene countryside, stay connected with your dog's every twist, turn, and trot. And guess what? This isn't sci-fi – it's just Halo's groundbreaking 2023 tech!
🐶Everywhere & Anytime!🐶 Wherever your escapades take you, Halo Collar 3's got your back! Auto-connect to the best cell networks globally - sans those sneaky extra costs. Plus, its active antenna is like a GPS superhero, rescuing even the weakest of signals.
🐶Built Tough, Lasts Long!🐶 Stronger contact tips? Check. Water and dirt-resistant magnetic charging? Double-check. Who knew safety could look (and feel) so good?
🐶Budget-Friendly Brilliance!🐶 Wave goodbye to pricey underground wire fences! The future is wireless, hassle-free, and, dare we say, pretty darn cool.
🐶Connect Beyond the Norm!🐶 Where others falter, Halo soars. Be it weak Wi-Fi at home or janky cellphone signals, Halo's state-of-the-art (GNSS) Global Navigation Satellite System keeps your dog on the map. And the accuracy? Think top-tier self-driving cars and drones, then amp it up a notch!
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26 Bobo Bits Ni B
Meowttthhh, that’s right! B it meeeeee, mhie.

Because this Taurus szn is really very, very curious, let’s curate my booboos in line with the 26th of April. Wala lang. Maiba lang. Latag natin red flags ko and check if a year or so from now, ano ba ang specific progress ko or the lack of thereof. R U G? Side note: This is E. O ‘di ba? Very June baby girl talaga. Gemini gaming and we vibin’.
1 Laughing at kids when they do darn, darn things. As in, tuwang-tuwa ako ‘pag naalanganin pero safe ang mga kids. Their fearlessness is magical and electromagnetic. Tingin ko rin the past decade sa mga kids, mga dogs. LOL. Not to shade but, seryoso ‘yan. What I mean is kids are like Tamagochi characters. When people ask me why I don’t have kids, one of my answers is nawalaan na ako ng pake kaka-look after sa mga ibang bata. Pota. Hassle. Too much shit going down tapos paglaki, suwail din. Hahahaha.
I don’t don’t like kids. I avoid kids. Ganern. Mga kids, budol ‘yan. Dogs, walang stress or at stake na life and pagkatao. But, like kids, dogs are your companions na loyal talaga. ‘Di suwail and may specific life span. Wala masyadong gulatan ang pag-expire.
2 Not being able to unfold B. Anything that requires technical skills na not well laid out and may push-pull; left-right; straight lines, etc., matic olats na ako diyan.
3 Manglaspag ng mga favorite things ko. I think I got this from mother dragon at tito. Basta may favorite thing sila, ‘yun lang talaga gagamitin nila hanggang masira. At wala silang pake.
4 Too many favorites, ergo too little time --food, films, spots, and yes, even people. Dito naman kami ‘di parehas ng Taurus Twin Towers ko. I have a curation of any category that catches my eye. I easily get bored kasi. Bothered ako ‘pag may something new or weird or interesting. Not to be confused with trendjacking a. I just have a diverse yet small circle kaya may ganito akong dimension.
5 Talking too much and talking too little. Wala akong sakto lang status ‘pag usapan, in general. Beyond work forda bills and in the name of wonderful collabs, I have really, really short patience and pake ‘pag walang kwenta kausap. Waste of time. Sobrang bad trip ako ‘pag ‘yung kausap ko superficial. ‘Di kailangan matalino, mayaman, may status or reputation, deep or philosophical ng kausap ko, but I crave lived and felt realities. ‘Di mo rin kailangang maging introvert or extrovert, kasi kung may kwenta kwento mo, ako magaadjust sa tone, voice and totality mo. I live for stories that pulsate. Period. My most loved kwentuhan is with a taho vendor sa Kalaw or UN. In between paghalo ng arnibal at lagay more sago, kwento siya ng 1986 EDSA ganaps niya. Nagtitinda na raw siya ng taho noon. Naubos raw paninda niya agad. May tip pa. Tanong ko ano ng nangyari from then until 200X. He smiled and said na may pamilya na siya and makakapagtapos na anak niyang bunso. See? Sublime. Steady. Super packed.
6 Mood swings that are kind of like the phases the moon. Mom always tells me na kaya may sapak ako, bilog na naman ang buwan. Lekat. She totally believes that since my ruling planet (pero satellite lang naman talaga ‘yung, ‘di ba?????) is the moon, as a true blue Cancer, ganun daw ako. LOL.
7 Anger management issues. I really appreciate that my work space is super sedated kaya I really try my best to blend in. Yes, po. Eto na ‘yung kalmadong ako. Ayoko ng pabebe, pasuyo, pahard-to-get pero ‘di naman, feeling alpha, feeling alta, atbp. Kidding aside, ‘pag na-hit ‘yung core values ko, arya levels 100000 talaga ako. I will fight you to death ‘pag ganyan and tbt, ang dami kong times na makikipagsapakan levels na ako lalo ‘pag involved ang egos na wala sa hulog. Pet peeve ko: mapanglamang sa kapwa at walang kaibuturan... walang moral compass.
8 I have personas that are diverse. Eto naman is because I really have to keep an extrovert shit on dahil sa nature ng work and personal connections ko. UGH. So, pati handwriting, wardrobe, manners and euphemisms ko, mhie, sobrang iba. LOL. ‘Yung comment na, shet ‘di kita nakilala is very common na sa akin kasi nga, I easily get bored even with the reflection I see in the mirror. The last count, mga 4 sila. LOLOLLLOLL. Will I share about them soon? Kakanood kasi ng content about having selves inside yourself e pero naka-help ng malaki with how I am. ‘Wag lang mag-escalate sa matindeng level. ‘Yung chill lang talaga.
9 I prefer being alone at least 4x a month. Hassle neto kasi nga, kahit na gusto ko naman talagang mag-aya sa trips ko, iba pa rin pag-solo. As in pure bliss, baby. ‘Yung gusto ko me, myself, and I lang talaga even with my deepest connections. Hence, I am choosing to do solo trips. But, good friends always wiggle a semi-solo trip with me. LOL. Kahit may specific space and dates ako mag-isa tapos kahit ibang accoms, go lang daw. Deep inside, ayoko talaga. As in kasi solo trips are my recalibrators on steroids. Choice lang talaga. Sarap ng walang kahit sino o anong inaasikaso.
10 I forget to reply. Eto naman, siguro nga dahil may dyslexia ako, ‘yung akala ko naka-reply na ako with feelings, ‘di pa pala. Olats na olats ako to the point na ‘pag may important ang urgent items. Kaya sa work, nakikipasuyo ako na paki remind ako if nakalimutan ko mag-reply. Sa personal life, akala cold ako. HAHAHAHAHA. So nagre-remind na rin akong i-remind sarili ko. Peace out.
11 Sending wrong messages or screenshots. Guilty AF. See number 10, too. Minsan naman, akala ko iba na kausap ko since marami po tayong open windows sa life and forda bills. Not an excuse kaya I really need to work my ass off for this to catapult to something neutral or positive.
12 I can stay in my Manila house for 99% of the time. I hate Manila and the city. It’s not about the neighborhood because even when I live in the Bronx, this spot is generally very communal. Not much hassle except for the really long address and nakakaligaw talaga siya; kaya ayokong nagpapahatid unless Grab or alam mo na... LOL.
13 I chug too much water and pee a lot. That explains the water weight. More importantly, mom pees a lot talaga so, medyo worry ko ‘to na baka may bad genes ako ng GBS. Fudge. LOL.
14 I find it difficult to address nail biting or kutkot in general. I used to bite my nails a lot and to pivot, I learned how to give myself a decent manicure. To up the ante, I’ve had my fair share of basic nail art ages ago. Hassle ‘yung nails na may paint, so when you see my painted nails, chances are, I’m undergoing something anxiety-loaded or mood swing lang siya.
15 I am extremely impatient and super initin ng ulo ko. Gigil mode ako most of the time when I’m not in any form of work space or project playground. Even my 3 kiddoggos are collateral damage sa init ng ulo ko. Sila na naga-adjust. LOL.
16 I am either too warm or too cold. Eto na naman tayo as an ambivert na rooted on introversion. Since ginusto ko mundo ng marketing, e wala namang ibang paraan kung ‘di human interaction gaming.
17 I am soooo fucked up with my dyslexia. When I need to read and write which pretty much takes up a lot of my waking hours, I am usually on my toes. Even with Grammarly, may trust issues ako kahit above average score ko on most days. Funny how, all my papers and presentations are really much like, cutting a knife through me. Ganerrrnn. Given the chance, I’m super OK with building frameworks and behind the scenes. I love seeing the frameworks come to larger than life. LOL. Just had a ganap recently where I needed to read some lines live via satellite and I’m super anxious kasi I might miss a line or misread something. Hence, talking points ang puhunan ko. I asked specific individuals during that ganap kung halata ba ‘yung dyslexia ko. Hindi raw. Sana true. Hahahaha. Trusted ko sila pero mas trusted ko trust issues ko.
18 I hate Excel even when it’s super straight up and useful. Connected ‘to with my dyslexia. LOL. Next time ko na siguro ito i-deep dive since umo-okay na rin kami.
19 I really go all out on being hard on myself. Akala usually I have RBF and I’m intimidating. ‘Di po ‘yan fact. Opinion po ‘yan. ‘Yung self-awareness ko matic sagad na self-critique session ko ‘yan. Pero, mhie, swear, sobrang grabe talaga ako sa pag-assess ng progress ko or the lack of thereof. LOL. Been moving beyond this na rin lalo last year H2. :) May self-worth and self-care mindset na ako. Slow growth is also my tribe now. Opak. Hahaha. Sana ‘wag mahinto or mapivot na naman kasi ‘di biro.
20 I am a recovering workaholic +++. My drug of choice is work. Alcohol and smoking, hindi ubra. Stratching lang ng surface kaya ‘di ako alcoholic and chain smoker. LOL. I keep reminding myself that work is not my end-all, be-all game. Super tough especially this Taurus until Cancer szn which is usually my spiral season, too. I really hope that I’d be able to move beyond my fucked up ways to cope because of mom’s expiration date, Mother’s Day which usually coincides with her birthday or election season, her birthday, her death day and my friggin’ birthday. Need to paki usap sa mga new peeps na ‘wag na ‘wag i-touch ‘yung birthday ko kasi it may trigger me na naman. :D Hahahaha. Sana pagbigyan ako kasi parang petty pero to me, sobrang lala talaga ng Taurus x Cancer szn. Sana, this 2023, maiba na ang takbo ng kwento.
21 I am addicted to mother dragon’s very rare badge of approval. Actually, my piercings and tats started as my journey to break away from her clutches. HAHAHAHA. Petty na naman; but tbt, mom dislikes anything out of the norm. Yes, she pushes me to express myself, paint my nails and lips in crazy colors; but anything unbiblical, she abhors. When she told me that she’s expiring soon and that she’d need me to help her get there, I got my first piercing and backed it up with a tat. Wala siyang naggawa. I still remember her comment: Buhay mo ‘yan. Malaki ka na. Bahala ka. I just looked at her and looked away. Wala akong comeback. Even until today, I feel her clutches; only this time, mas matinde talaga. Mas hyper real ‘yung mga pangaral, galit, whacks in the head and syempre, solid na solid love niya for me. ‘Di niya ako iniwan ng kakalog ako. Whenever I’m cooking, I still go back to my mom’s basic recipes pero lagi ko talagang ginagawaan ng twist na if she were alive, I’d like her RBF to break into a tiny smile and her sarcastic remarks pero impressed siya. Such an addiction talaga. LOL. Kaya ‘pag may ginagawa akong OK or OK na OK, wala akong pake sa sasabihin ng iba pati na rin sa ‘di nila sasabihin. Nanay ko benchmark ko mga gagi. Kaya olats pa rin kahit OK naman or OK na rin. Ganern. Sad life. LOL.
22 I trust my trust issues and mix it with my intuition. I am really trying my best to trust more and more kasi naniniwala naman ako sa humanity and the greater good. ‘Di siya about being judgmental but me second-guessing myself. In the past decade and until now, I’m learning na trust can be given freely naman talaga. And that trust is a two-way thing. Ang hirap lang talaga kasi feeling ko, ending ako lagi talo. Iiwan din ako like mom did. Ganun siya. Total nuts; but there you go. Unfiltered truth bomb.
23 I don’t know really know where the left and right is. :D Mom corrected ages ago because she didn’t like me being left-handed. LOL. Roots of dyslexia which I mentioned before.
24 I don’t really like to fix myself. Tamad ako maligo, mag-ayos and the works ‘pag nasa bahay or safe space ako. Mood swing lang talaga siya. Ganun lang. But because I have to, sige lang. I’m actually at my happiest when I have no kilay, in ratty pambahay, eating sardinas or daing na bangus plus sabaw and my condiments of choice for that day.
25 I overthink overthinking. Mhie, shemayyyy. Sobrang daming scenarios ng mga bagay sa head ko. As in. Akala mo may umaatikabong episode na ilang seasons na minsan. E madalas ang minsan, kaya sige, overthink pa. Glad to have people na looking after me from a safe distance unless mandated to come closer. LOLLOLLOLL. Space is sacred sa akin talaga. Territorial ako sa space ko. Feeling ko onting move lang, invaded space ko. LOL. E dahil na rin sa collabs na ‘di naman puwedeng wala. So, learning hat mode tayo diyan ever since.
26 Lampa ako and lone wolf talaga. As in. LOL. I am not an open book. Imagine, nung tinanong ako ng mga tao about my lola’s burial, default answer ko, bottomline is: OK ako but not quite. Sobrang UGH. ‘Yung pagiging lampa sa emotional and physical side ‘yan. I really am into group works the past decade BUT, deep inside, meron akong kaya ko namang gawin ‘to ng ako lang mentality. Pride. Trust issues. Ego. Insecurities. Ganern. Luh but true. Thankful din talaga ko that my connections are aligning na, finally. Sana rin, ‘di ma-jinx. Overthinking, vanquish paki usap! Baka dahil kay MatchME, ma-address ko ito though since nga I don’t like space invaders, I really, really dig biking alone. :D Daming biglang group invites and rides. LOL. Nanahimik ako dito mga mhie. Alis. Alis. Choopiiiii! Hahahahaha. Pero since, I will bring my bike to work for night rides once the dust settles, here’s another one biking the dusk. Interactions na naman. Plus, ‘di ko ma-gets bakit kailangang competitive pati biking ngayon? Okay lang kung training ka for a marathon and gusto mo talaga. Pero, me? Nope. I want my bike rides to be about the journey and not the destination. Maiba naman. Mas forgiving ako sa sarili ko when I’m biking. It’s my free world.f
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