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gongmunhums · 2 years ago
loose af Of Mice and Men/Great Depression au Noirflower/NoirPeni where Peter was asked by a young street sobber for head pats to feel better. Since Peter is kind and docile, he accepts the request to make them feel better. Not knowing he’s getting photographed for blackmail by the brat.
Peter at first finds it a critical lil inconvenience. Having a brat from the streets hang his and his families livelihood in their hand for being kind to someone younger than him. But, over time the little brat warms up to him. Peter starts to feel empathy for his lil blackmailer when he sees that the aging kid is just lonely and desperate. They talk about the usual, about how their family is barely coping with financial instability everyday and how they do not have anything or anyone worthwhile in their life to give them attention over.
A youngster begging and blackmailing a random goon from the streets. He would’ve laughed thinking about it, but it’s a good thing that he was not just a random goon. He knows about bastards that would take advantage of the youth. It felt more like his “loyalty” was being used. by the spunky stranger themselves. Anytime the lad/lass needed something, Peter has to obey or else. Peter knew that he’s just following orders when taking them out on a “normal date”, invitation to family dinners, or even indulge in their more… risqué fantasies in the same day.
But by the time his little brat from the streets silently gets spunk all over his sheets. Peter sees their energetic lover snoozing the night away with a delightful smile. Peter always pats their head at that sight before Noir comes to drop them off back home.
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gongmunhums · 2 years ago
Noir x Miles would be the most wholesome proship for ITSV & ATSV because I do not see Noir at all being cruel to Miles or even any sprouts in the world. He would help every single person he could even if he has a harsh exterior that he maintains for his enemies. He has to have his foes closer in order to protect his loved ones.
I see Miles feeling so delighted whenever his man Noir is around with so much love and charismatic game, he’s Noir’s number 1 fan. Noir even if he does not try very hard at it, he’s a hard cushion for Miles to stand on. Especially if Miles feels insecure about their relationship.
Sometimes Miles thinks too much whenever he feels he’s not providing much into the relationship, that he’s just being an admirer or riding on his cool as hell coattails. Noir would offer his lap to pet his lil kitten, maybe even allow his hat to be worn to show that his love for Miles is an offer that he does not want to take back.
“Hey kid… Are ya, feelin under the water?”
“Mmm.. Yeah, everything’s cool”
“No kidding, you’re laying on bed here without a blanket”
“Sorry man, I just have to go… refresh myself you know?”
“Hmm, Miles sonny, you’re doing it again”
“D-Doing what?”
“Being pouty”
“H-Hey I’m not pouty!”
“See my cheeks are smiling!”
“And your cheeks must weigh 12 tons the way I see you today”
“Hey hey doll… my lil kitten. What’s the matter…?” Noir says more gently “…If you want to just relax, that’s alright too kid…”
“Tch, … Ahh… I don’t really know….” Miles hugs a nearby pillow. “Sometimes I… I don’t feel like I really do enough for you… A-And I know that you deserve so much, I know that I have a lot on my plate, but I-I still like you, you are my…”
Miles blushes but struggles to say the last important word
“Husband. You are my husband Miles”
“….W-WAIT A MINUTE! W-What are you talking about?! Uh-Uhh-ummm oh lord…! Did I miss the or”
“Hahaha! No silly. You want us to be like a married couple right? Sorry for the heart attack there”
“No- I mean yes! I mean…! I love you so much alright?! I-I admire you so much.. The way the wind blows everywhere you go. Your cool awesome clothes making you look like a Spider-Man that gets down to business, of protecting people. From kids, adults, parents, employees, friends, family, uh and… loved ones~ y-yeah!”
Miles faces down twiddling his hands on his warm pillow. Noir puts a hand on Miles’s shoulder, gesturing him to lay on his lap. His hands moves around to pet Miles’s hair
“I know sweetheart~ And… sorry that I’m not really one of the the most… reciprocatory guys in the world” Noir takes off his mask and leaves a small smooch on Miles’s head, “You deserve a much better lover boy than me kid”
“No no please don’t say that. I deserve you alright? Because…..?”
Noir grumbles knowing that Miles is egging his ego on. But looking at Miles’s hopeful plea for his husbands self worth sparks a glee within Noir’s gray beating heart.
“Heheh stop smiling like that kid…It’s becauseeeee… my sweetheart deserves the best, alright you rascal!” Noir growls playfully as he messes with Miles’s hair
“Hahaha! Come on stop that dude!”
Noir then removes his hat and promptly plops it onto his lovers head.
“Alright dudee,” he remarks slightly mockingly as Noir takes off his trench coat “Just make sure to always treat yourself. It was raining today for darns sake!”
“I got it, ..love you Peter~”
“I love you too Miles” he wraps his trench coat & himself over Miles, snuggling the whole night away looking towards each other like a star that made each other’s wishes come true.
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