#irreplaceable VI
starfoam · 2 years
Shout-out to @moonglittering because Vi is the brother Lo did NOT know she needed and like... look at them. Look at these two sending insane texts like it’s nbd and sharing buffet meals to a movie Lo’s never heard of.
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monochromatic-heartzz · 2 months
Man. I am in a roll lately.
I've been having so much Sampo on the brain but let's discuss a stupid concept i thought up. This probably won't be long dw. (<- Future Heart here, hi. I lied.)
Could 5 Star Sampo be a Preservation unit?
Now. I know what some of you are thinking. "Preservation!? It doesn't fit him! He should be a very strong dps or an irreplaceable support! Why preservation????" And to that i say, maybe he should be.
But. It's just... i've talked about this in a post before but it was a very short jokey thing that was the first time i'd done an analysis in a while.
Belobog. The planet where its people follow the preservation. They want to preserve humanity and civilization. So they fight to survive, just enough until the Astral Express gives their assistance and they can be free from the pain the Stellaron has given them.
Well, you know, there's a biiit of an outlier in the Belobog cast. And it's, as you know, our old Sampo Koski, Masked Fool who came here to help drive the plot forward. He follows the path of Elation, as all Masked Fools do, and as far as we're concerned there should be no connection with him and the Preservation, and no indication that his views align with it.
WRONG!!!!! Masquerade Duet. Sparkle guesses that the reason Sampo wants his mask back is because of a catastrophe in Jarilo-VI, and judging by his reaction and later words, she hit the nail square on the head.
That's. Kinda it? He wants to preserve the civilization in Jarilo-VI, and all the work he put would be undone if this catastrophe were to happen without interference. All the work he put into helping preserve humanity in this planet. Mmm does anyone remember what happened to an outsider who helped preserve civilization on Belobo- Fire trailblazer.
Yes. It's because they are the protagonist. And they will get every playable path one day, but. Canonically, they become a pathstrider after their views and feelings align with the path.
Let's be real, Sampo loves Belobog. Pretty evident from context clues and dialogue even outside of it. He clearly helped preserve it, though it was from the sidelines and really nothing major.
So. How would he earn being a preservation path thingy?
The catastrophe in Jarilo-VI. His mask.
Gang. I think we found our way.
And yes. Gameplay paths don't equal canon lore paths, we've known for a while. But sometimes narratively ingame paths can be used to deepen a character in one way or another, even if its not stated.
Even though it would be a bummer if he got his big 5 star form and it was a preservation unit. I think it sounds sweet. After probably helping it so much, it would be a nice way to say "Yeah this is more his home than Epsilon ever would be, he has the will of the preservation to show it!!"
I do not know. I am. Once again: spitballing. Don't take this too seriously we have nothing about this guy and im working hard on not crying because i see no new content of him.
This is definitely not a hill i would ever die on. But i rarely see people talking about him being a preservation unit, and i wanted to show the idea a little love
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Just hit me that Episode 1, a big seed of insecurity is planted in Powder when she overhears Mylo and Vi arguing about her, but she leaves before Vi stands up for her, and then in Episode 9 she overhears Silco musing about how he has his dream in his hands and all he needs to do is give up Jinx. It cuts away before we see anything happen next but it can be surmised that she knocked him out before he was made aware of her presence.
At her most tenuous and uncertain of who she was—awkward Powder, frenetic Jinx— Fate decided to have her stumble upon important conversations had by those she loved about her worth and value as a person, and understandably she fled before she could hear the final verdict.
In Episode 1, she ran from the door with the impression that her sister thought she would never be strong enough, never be good enough, and any conversation to the contrary were just lies that family tells you to make you feel better. In Episode 9, she knocked out Silco before he could monologue his decision (lol) because she has been this man’s shadow for 6 years. She knows that he values utility, ruthlessness, and his dream of a free Zaun at all costs. No matter how fond he was of her, how gentle or patient or allowing, it all culminated into her being the powerhouse that would land him Zaun, and now he has it, so what good is she now? By all metrics that she herself has witnessed of him, all signs point toward him favoring giving her up.
It’s a mixture of Jinx’s own insecure attachment and Silco’s almost pathological refusal to not define their relationship as her being an exception to his personal policy of cutthroat zig-zagged loyalty that led to Jinx jumping to very logical conclusion that he would give her up to Piltover. Because he delayed having that very important internal conversation with himself about how important she was to him, he had to have that debate right at the finish line instead of, I don’t know, at Singed’s operating table when he was in danger of losing her?? Life comes at you fast and you don’t have time to sort out your feelings, I suppose. The show is very much a whirlwind of everything happening at once, but moving on…
But it also makes sense, because Silco’s love for Jinx is hinted at having snuck up on him without him fully noticing. He thought he was in control of his fondness for her. He must have thought it was an understandable and unavoidable side effect to raising a protegè that you genuinely respect for her cleverness and usefulness. But he grew to genuinely love her in his unfulfilling, disparate way. It filled some holes, and left others bare. The question of unconditional support and love was broken with Vi, and Silco by his nature, his behavior, his endeavors ensured that Jinx grew up in an environment where social darwinism reigned supreme and that faltering or failing rendered you lesser in Silco’s eyes. Silco never outright said it to her. We never see him denigrate or threaten her, but kids don’t need to be told anything to get the general feel of “how things are”. The general air around Silco was one that encouraged her penchant for gadgets and engineering, but left her suspended in a limbo where she felt compelled to be strong, be the best, be perfect, otherwise he would look elsewhere. He would drop her, because the strong eat the weak and he only values her because she is uniquely strong. A gem in his collection, almost. It’s a girl whose abandonment issues have her seesawing back and forth between cavalier “I don’t caaaaare, I’m irreplaceable and you know it” and “Please don’t drop me, I’m strong, I’m good, I can do this, I can, I can, I swear I can” which, in Episode 9 culminated in her Shimmer psychosis as “How dare you. After everything I’ve done, after everything you’ve lectured me about Topside, you want to give me to them? Who do you think you are? I made you. I’m this broken fizzing-wire thing whose sister gave me up for a Topsider, I killed my childhood best friend with a bomb, and now you want to throw me away for your shiny dream city? You think you can throw me away like trash, don’t you dare look away, don’t you DARE THROW ME AWAY”
Like GIRL. I usually hate the “left before they heard the context of someone’s seemingly damning conversation” but it works here because it aggravated therapy-needed Powder/Jinx’s insecurities.
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An Unfamiliar Battlefield
Anonymously requested here on Tumblr
Continuity: IDW1 (roughly)
Relationship: Megatron/Hot Rod
Characters: Megatron & Hot Rod
Rating: Teen
Warnings/Notes: AU of an AU, Canon Blending, Past Relationships, Referenced Character Death, Romance, Recovery from Grief, Vignette
Crossposting: AO3 | Dreamwidth
Summary: In which a seemingly unqualified suitor vies for the open Lord Protector position for the Prime of Destruction.
Fic below cut.
Small. Thin armor. Loud paint. Incautious gait.
Megatron could have crumpled him like a frail sheet of foil if he so chose.
Yet in front of him, posed confidently with his hands on his hips at the foot of the impractically tall dark granite dais, beamed some red little fool the herald had introduced as “Hot Rod of Nyon.” Given the obnoxious flames painted on his chest, Megatron thought the mech’s name was a little on the nose.
This scrawny fool, apparently, wanted to be the Lord Protector of the alleged incarnation of Destruction itself. What a ridiculous thought.
Since Orion, Megatron’s previous Lord Protector, had succumbed to early onset cybercrosis more than three decades ago, Megatron had spent most of his time alone.
He, in fact, intended to keep it that way.
Watching his partner waste away against an invisible foe had been more of a punishment than being forcibly ascended to a position of ritualized shame and fear for his crimes had ever been.
The ritual mourning periods of seven months, then thirty months, and then a decade had all passed. The generals and officers who made up his “priesthood”—more like a religious militia meant to keep him in check—hadn’t pressed him to take another protector before the formalized markers of grieving had been reached. It wouldn’t have been proper, for all they, his prison wardens, pretended to care about propriety even when their “Prime” still lit decennial memorial lamps.
Megatron, regardless of his own opinions on the matter, was kept around solely for the fulfillment of ancient laws and summoning his strength in times of war. The First Prime was nominally the Prime of War, but Sentinel spent far too much time playing politician, leaving Megatron as the de facto holder of the purview.
It wasn’t as though he needed protection, not physically. He could protect himself, as was obvious from the battlefields they pleaded that he would drench in spilled fuel, like the arena of banal bloodsport they had unilaterally plucked him from. When Megatron had turned the rare suitor away before, the battle clerics hadn’t objected too strongly.
Besides, it wasn’t as though suitors were commonplace. Not many were lining up to consort with a “deity” of death, forced to use his violence as a tool for theocratic control. Orion, before his untimely death, had been an irreplaceable exception. No one is else would or could ever take that place again; it would never be the same.
Starscream, the general who oversaw all the others who allegedly paid Megatron homage, was a sharp-eyed mech with innumerable half-spoken agendas. He relished being what passed for this "Prime's" high priest, chief jailer rather. This was clearly part of some of his machinations.
He stood, smirking, next to Megatron’s throne, arms crossed in front of his chest. His gleaming white wings were held out wide as he swayed side to side, not-so-subtly trying to make his heavily embroidered cape undulate in the artificial breeze.
“Starscream, this is unnecessary,” Megatron said, hunched over with his elbows against his knees. He glowered down at Hot Rod. “You know this is unnecessary.”
Hot Rod was hardly much bigger than one of Soundwave’s mini-bots, who were generally relegated to sabotage work as a result. A Lord Protector, expected to accompany him into the heat of battle, could never be allowed to fill a less combat-oriented position. Hot Rod would end up as little more than shrapnel littering the battlefield.
“Come now,” Starscream said, his slick grin stretched broad. It barely concealed that he was up to something, a fig leaf of pious duty. “It’s been so long since you’ve kept any company but your own.”
They both knew the other role a Lord Protector fulfilled: controlling the sacred monster.
“He’s not—“
"You've been lonely, absorbed in nothing but your work for far too long."
Starscream, of course, would be eager to have someone once more take up that mantle… for the approval of the public rather than practical necessity, given Megatron’s self discipline. That was likely why he had allowed this fragile mech to even put forward a petition. Any tether at all was better for their reputation than a beast with no leash.
“I’m right here!” Hot Rod, speaking for the first time, brazenly put his foot on the lowest step on the dark dais and smacked his tiny fist against his chest. His beaming grin became a frown at the perceived disrespect. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”
What a rude little mech.
Talking out of turn, ascending the dais uninvited…. No self preservation to be had. The distance was supposed to be for the protection of any visitors, in case the “god” lost control. More time for the jailers masquerading as devotees to restrain him if the Lord Protector didn’t get there first.
This Hot Rod was clearly on some elaborate suicide mission for some reason. This was far more effort than most would bother putting towards such an end; there were doubtlessly easier ways to go about it.
“Just how badly do you want to die?”
“Not at all, actually.” Hot Rod didn’t back down, a determined look set on his face. “A big shocker, I know.”
Not the answer Megatron had expected, not that mechs tended to be forthright about their deathwishes.
“What exactly is your purpose here?”
“Surely, that’s self-evident.” Starscream’s opinions, as usual, were unnecessary so Megatron ignored him.
He merely repeated the question to Hot Rod, who had begun climbing the dais as though he thought he’d been given some sort of invitation. His bright paint was a stark contrast to the stone, black as the void, giving the impression of a rising star.
Some of the officers, all armed with guns and blades, stationed at various points up the steps began to shift, bristling with unease at the blatant disregard of norms. Several stepped forward, as though to get in the intruder’s way.
Megatron gestured for them to take no action.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious what I’m here for.” Brow furrowed, Hot Rod continued scaling the dais, stepping past the officers as though they were harmless bystanders. Armor clattered in the quiet hall as they made way for him.
Hot Rod’s bravery reminded him somewhat of Orion.
Orion had not climbed to meet him, no, but had lain down his weapons on the floor of the hall and had challenged Megatron unarmed combat.
Hot Rod too was challenging him in a way, but why?
Megatron silently let him approach.
Starscream whispered a reminder to mind his manners, as though he were some uncouth newbuild courting for the first time.
If only Starscream didn’t have wings…. Megatron occasionally considered pushing him off the side of the platform.
Once Hot Rod reached the top level, he stopped just within arm’s reach of the throne.
Megatron leaned forward, as far as he could without overbalancing. Seated, he was at Hot Rod’s eye level.
“What do you gain by asking this?”
Hot Rod’s bright smile was back, this time as a smirk, like he thought Megatron was joking.
“What do you lose by letting me?”
Smart aleck.
“Why are you determined to die?”
“I’m not.” Hot Rod shrugged, as though that were the obvious answer despite all evidence to the contrary.
“So you’ve said before, yes, but that’s the only outcome at the end of the path you’re trying to walk.”
“That’s my business, I think.”
“So be it.”
Huffing, Megatron waved Starscream over without looking at him. The clicking of thruster heels against black granite told him that the high “priest” had obeyed.
“Yes?” he purred, clearly pleased with himself. He was getting what he had wanted after all.
“Have him trained. Presuming he survives, schedule the ceremony.”
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roseofdarknessblog · 2 years
✨ My silly little works ✨
Hi and welcome to my blog where you can find posts about many different topics!
I'm Rose, a 26-year-old girly who's deeply in love with books, writing, and Levi Ackerman. Oh, and I'm also a huge cottagecore and dark academia enthusiast.
Feel free to stay as long as you'd like! ❤️
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Humanity's strongest, loveliest, and tiniest (Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon) 
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV
Ghosts and Shadows (Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Holding On or Letting Go (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Always (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Just rest (Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
At Our Own Pace (Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
Irreplaceable (Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
New Beginnings (Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
Bloodied Lips ( Vampire!Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
Precious little moments (Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
Uncertain tomorrows (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Night Changes (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Taking chances (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Raspberry kisses (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Little miracle (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Long way ahead (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Family gathering (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Where it all began (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Birthday tea (Levi Ackerman x Reader / canon)
Christmas lights (Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
Vanilla and cinnamon (Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
Christmas baby (Levi Ackerman x Reader / modern AU)
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Anatomy lesson (Reiner Braun x Reader / modern AU)
Darkest Moments (Reiner Braun x Reader)
Unnecessary Wars (Reiner Braun x Reader / modern AU)
Love Treatment (Reiner Braun x Reader / canon)
When It's All Over (Reiner Braun x Marleyan!Reader / canon)
A Work in Progress (Reiner Braun x Marleyan!Reader / canon)
The Most Beautiful Season (Reiner Braun x Marleyan!Reader / canon)
When Two Become Three (Reiner Braun x Marleyan!Reader / canon)
Monsters and Heroes (Reiner Braun x Marleyan!Reader / canon)
Armored Heart (Reiner Braun x OC / canon) » AO3 
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Regulus (Hange Zoe x Reader / canon)
Today, tomorrow and forever (Hange Zoe x fem!reader / canon)
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Sunflower On the Battlefield (Erwin Smith x Reader / canon)
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Everything Will Be Okay (Porco Galliard x Reader / modern AU)
Northern lights (Porco Galliard x Reader / canon)
Suffering the Consequences (Porco Galliard x Reader / canon)
Make me a father (Porco Galliard x Reader / modern AU)
Good and Evil (Porco Galliard x Tybur!Reader / canon)
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Promise Ring (Marcel Galliard x Reader / canon)
A Warrior’s heart (Marcel Galliard x Reader / canon AU)
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X
By the Sea (Marcel Galliard x Reader / modern AU)
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You can also find me on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Fullmoonshine/works
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 11 months
SHINee Celebrates his 15th Anniversary by Working Hard
SHINee, who celebrated their 15th anniversary this year after debuting in 2008, is making a full year comeback, not only with group activities but also with solo activities.
In June, SHINee held a face-to-face concert "SHINee World VI Perfect Illumination" in Korea after six years and nine months, and made a comeback as a whole in after two years and two months through their eighth full album "Hard."
[...] They captivated the public with a SHINee-style hip hop song, which no one has ever tried before, 'Hard'; the album reached 206,574 first week sales, number one in Korea's Music Chart, swept the top #1 in 40 countries around the world including Germany, Italy, Finland and The Netherlands reaching new 'Career High' on their 15th anniversary.
SHINee, who achieved significant results through their activities as a group, are showing their various charms through their solo activities and meeting their fans without self-replication.
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First, Minho released his first mini-album 'Chase' in December last year, taking his first step as a soloist 14 years after his debut.
Minho swept the global charts with his collection of emotions with 'Chase.'
'Chase' topped the iTunes Top Albums chart in 39 regions around the world, including the United States, Japan and Canada, he also topped the Worldwide iTunes Albums chart and the Daily Albums ranking on the Recochoku Chart.
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With his first solo full-length album 'Circle' in March, Onew received global love by topping the domestic music charts weekly, topping the iTunes Top Album Chart in 32 regions around the world, the Worldwide iTunes Album Chart and ranking No. 1 in Japan's Recochoku Daily Album Rankings.
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Key made two solo comebacks this year: with his second full-length repackage 'Killer' released in February and his second mini-album 'Good and Great' released last month.
In addition, he's playing an irreplaceable role in many fields, including entertainment, fashion, advertising, and pictorials, as well as music.
Key proved his global fame with 'Good and Great,' which was released on the 11th of last month, topping iTunes' 34 regions around the world, the Worldwide iTunes album chart, and topping the domestic major record charts for Yes24 days.
Following his hyung's strength in solo activities, Taemin will also release his fourth mini-album, 'Guilty,' on the 30th.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
900 Followers Event!
Hello! I recently reached 900 followers and wanted to thank you all so much and celebrate!
Anyway! Onto the event! I’m doing a thing where I’ll write a little reader-insert thing (ranging from drabbles to full-on one-shots) based on a character and a prompt that you send me! I have a list of 40 prompts ranging from dialogue prompts to action prompts! 
So pick one and a character from one of the fandoms listed, and I’ll write a little blurb or a one-shot based on the request! 
Just be warned, I will cross off the prompt once it’s chosen. That way, I don’t have a million requests for the same prompt. 
The event will be open for two weeks starting May 1st! It’ll be available from May 1st to May 15th! 
All requests will be under #fairy writes 900 followers or #fairy 900 followers
*Please send them in separately so I can keep track of who is who and what is what*
I will write for the following people:
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Yosano Akiko, Edogawa Ranpo
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis
Chainsaw Man: Hayakawa Aki
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira (except for Muichiro), Douma, Akaza
Detroit: Become Human: Connor, Hank Anderson, Markus
Doctor Who: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Doctor, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushigiuro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento
Moriarty the Patriot: William, Albert, Louis, Sherlock, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu 
1) “The first rule of being interrogated is that you are the only irreplaceable person in the torture chamber. The room is yours, so work it. If they're going to threaten you with death, show them who's boss. Die faster.” (from Doctor Who)
2) “It’s funny. Nowadays, people always expect a gun, but never a knife.”
3) “Tell me, my Dear, can a heart still be broken even when it stopped beating?” (from the Corpse Bride)
4) “You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.” (from the Corpse Bride)
5) “They shot at us. They missed. I shot back. I didn’t.”
6) “I wanted you to fight for me.”
7) “Enough is enough, and your best is good enough.”
8) “The dead have time to wait.”
9) “Happily ever after doesn’t mean forever. It just means time.” (from Doctor Who)
10) “Valiant effort. But you never stood a chance.”
11) “We humans could not help loving our monsters.”
12) “Chivalry is dead, and you’re the one killing it.”
13) “Love is a beautiful kind of fear.”
14) “The universe loves a stubborn heart.”
15) “I don’t have any interest in fraternizing with handsome strangers.”
16) “I know I’m different. But from now on, I’m going to try and be the same.”
“The same as what?”
“The same as people who aren’t different.”
17)“Will you let me fall in love with you?”
“Only if I can fall right back.”
“I’ll be sure to catch you when you do.”
18) “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” (by Robin Williams)
19) “You don’t understand. I will do anything to protect you.”
20) “You’re the most important thing to me.”
1) Falling asleep with their head in the lap of their lover
2) Shoving their lover out of the way of danger
3) Taking their lover out on a picnic
4) Tucking a lock of hair behind their lover’s ear
5) Falling asleep to the sound of the other’s heartbeat
6) Sharing a blanket/blanket fort
7) Guiding their lover back to bed when they’re sick
8) Bandaging/washing their lover’s wounds after a fight
9) Showing up to surprise their lover when they’re in a long-distance relationship
10) Holding their lover when they cry
11) Making their lover a meal (whether they are good or bad at cooking)
12) Putting their head on their lover’s shoulder
13) Begging their lover not to leave
14) Carrying their lover out of a bad situation (fight, accident, etc.)
15) Mending their lover’s clothes for them
16) Sharing a kiss after a massive battle
17) Checking their lover’s forehead for a fever
18) Sitting at their lover’s bedside when they’re unconscious
19) Sharing a bed with their lover for the first time
20) Tracing their lover’s scars
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littlekiara96 · 8 months
Meet Rose, my HSR OC :D
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Her kit is based on life-stealing through DoTs and she's part of the Stellaron Hunters :D
I'd love to get asks about her (anything, really) ^^
I've tried to make her kit not too OP because she is meant to be a 4-star but huuuuh... Not sure I managed that...
[Kit, Eidolons (titles only) and voicelines under the cut]
— Ability
Basic ATK: Flying Thorns
Shoots 3 needles out of her umbrella to one enemy target, with a 70% base chance of inflicting them with Wind Shear for 3 turns, up to 5 stacks. Each DoT applied life-steals for 30% of her max health and 10% of her attack.
Skill: Lovely Sacrifice
Heals all allies by downing her own health by 30% of her max health. Each ally receives 20% of her max health.
Ultimate: Sweet Revenge
A blast that hits up to 3 enemy targets, life-stealing for 70% of her max health and 30% of her attack.
Talent: Unbearable Loss
Revives one ally per battle at full health but she sacrifices 70% of her Max HP in the process. She cannot go lower than 1 HP.
Technique: Delicate Touch
Attacks her target, applying one stack of Wind Shear on all enemies at the start of the battle.
— Eidolons
Under the Umbrella
Means to an End
Gentleness Aplenty
Irreplaceable Ire
Love Abounds
— Character Lines
First Meeting: “Hello, darling~ Don't fret; the name's Rose and I'm merely here to help you. Do tell me if anything hurts. If you behave, I might even kiss it better~”
Greeting: “How have you been since last time? Tell me everything!”
Parting: “Aww, don't worry~ I'm not going anywhere without you.”
About Self: “Oh? I’m not all that special! I just take care of the people dear to me, and I make sure nothing bad happens to them. Just what any good friend would do, right?”
About Self - Pendant: “You wish to see…? I'm sorry, but it's very precious to me. It's… a souvenir of sorts.”
Chat - Flowers: "I can't help but like the smell of roses… It reminds me of… old times…"
Chat - Love: "I say I love everyone, but in fact… There is one person I despise. Who? I'm not telling you~"
Hobbies: "I mostly read whenever I have nothing better to do. Do you know about a romance writer from Jarilo-VI? I just love her work!"
Annoyances: “Anyone who hurts my friends, be it physically or not… shall face the consequences.”
Something to Share: “Isn’t life just so wonderful? All the little things that make up the universe… It’s a beautiful, chaotic miracle, don’t you think?”
Knowledge: "Have you heard about the Knights of Beauty? They are quite the interesting bunch. I wonder what they are up to, nowadays…"
About Sam: "Oh, funny Sammy? He's a bit all over the place, but he's always there when I need help with anything. Sometimes, it's like he pops out of nowhere… I whacked him once with my umbrella reflexively. He asked for compensation. What was it? Oh, hum… Heehee~"
About Silver Wolf: "She's a good kid, once you explain things to her like it's a game. She has a passion for high scores and such, so she just needs a feeling of competition and she'll do anything for you!"
About Kafka: "Aaah~ I always go shopping with Kaykay! She has impeccable taste in fashion, and she even helped me train with my umbrella!"
About Blade: "I wish Bladie would stop telling me not to heal him. I don't even want his thanks, I just want him to… Ah! Don't tell him I called him Bladie!!"
About Elio: "Now, now~ If you think I will tell you anything about my boss… You're dead wrong."
About Argenti: “Wh- Why would you want me to talk about him?! N-No, I am not blushing! Who taught you to be so rude to a lady?”
— Combat Lines
Battle Begins - Weakness Break: “Careful not to prick yourself.”
Battle Begins - Danger Alert: “That's a thorny situation…”
Turn Begins I: “Time to reap what you sowed!”
Turn Begins II: “Let’s pluck some petals!”
Turn Idling: “Is there a problem, dear?”
Basic ATK: “Stay still!”
Skill: “Please, don't look…”
Hit by Light Attack: “Just a prick.”
Hit by Heavy Attack: “That one hurt!”
Ultimate: Activate: “Do not interfere.”
Ultimate: Unleash: “The constant flow of change in all that exists… How poetic!” - x2 “The flow of change… Wonderful!”
Talent: "Not on my watch!"
Downed: “Should've been… better…”
Return to Battle: “Did you miss me?”
Health Recovery: “How sweet of you~”
Technique: “Here's a gift~”
Battle Won: “Does anyone need a magic kiss?”
Treasure Opening: “Oh! How nice~”
Successful Puzzle-Solving: “Keeping one's mind sharp~”
Enemy Target Found: “Beware. That flower has thorns.”
Returning to Town: “We can rest whenever you need to.”
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
Playlist Title: Lazy Sunday
Tunes || Accepting
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I. Coastline || Hollow Coves II. Autumn in New York || Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald III. Just The Way You Are || Diana Krall IV. I Just Dropped BY To Say Hello || Johnny Hartman V. Hope || Old Sea Brigade VI. Made to Find You || Belle Mt. VII. Irreplaceable || Chad Lawson VIII. That Moon Song || Gregory Alan Isakov IX. Dirty Paws || Of Monsters and Men X. La Vie en Rose || Emily Watts
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oficecndfyre · 2 years
What am I? ( for baelon vis or aemma )
Baelon: “Hero. Trusted. (Second) mother.”
Viserys: “Irreplaceable. Stubborn. Strong-willed.”
Aemma: “Enough. Blessing. Loved.”
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
this is tugs, but this is also my opinion, ok?
Good shit good shit:
yeahh the tv intro is the best one!! worried me for a second, but it's good to see that it the full episode (that we know of lol)
everyone sounding good so far~ personally I feel that the number ones and Star are irreplaceable, but this works fine as well 👌
they changed Zorran's line xd, it's ok it was bound to happen jskjs
the ladies voices are also 👌👌👌
zee-stacks 😂
unrelated to the dub itself but Izzy is so close to Zorran and Zip, how tf they didn't notice him??? dios mio jskjskjka
"ahmmmm ah ten cents"
"what's all this interest in the duchess?"
thought that i had more thoughts beyond this point haha
epic ed, we all know this and love it
Eh i dont know chief...:
I dont hate Ten Cents' voice but like..... he doesn't really emote much. When he's happy, surprised, sad, worried, excited, embarrassed, he sounds exactly the same in all the deliveries! what the hell?
ngl, not a big fan of the alteration of Zero's line bout being devious
NOOOOOOOOOO LE QUITARON LO CACHONDO AL SUNSHINE. Bueno, si le subieron al Herclillie pero pero eso ya lo sabiamos! yo queria ver como el sunshine le rrrrrrrre tiraba los tejos a la sally, era re divertido eso, la primera vez que lo vi me quede re wtfxd tuvo re piola cheee, igual lo del zorran pero bueno eso es mas entendible xd pinches gringos :p
nooooo and his whistling too!! that is the best part! how could you remove it???
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10 Tips for Exploring East African Wildlife
 A Realm of Wildlife Wonders
East Africa boasts a dazzling array of wildlife, from the iconic Big Five to a captivating tapestry of unique species. These magnificent creatures roam vast savannahs, lush forests, and shimmering lakes, reminding us of the beauty and fragility of our natural world. Protecting this irreplaceable biodiversity is not just a responsibility, it's a necessity. This blog delves into the wonders of East African wildlife, highlighting the importance of conservation and responsible tourism practices.
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I. The Big Five: Legends of the Savannah
The Big Five – lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros – are synonymous with East Africa. These majestic animals play crucial roles in the ecosystem, from apex predators like lions maintaining prey populations in check to elephants, the gentle giants, shaping the landscape through their grazing habits. The Big Five are not just ecological marvels; they are a significant draw for tourism, generating revenue that supports conservation efforts.
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II. Beyond the Big Five: A Tapestry of Uniqueness
East Africa's wildlife extends far beyond the Big Five. Imagine towering giraffes reaching for leaves in acacia trees, zebras migrating in vast herds across the plains, and wildebeest thundering across rivers in a relentless pursuit of fresh pastures. Hippos wallow in mud pools, while graceful cheetahs showcase their incredible speed. Each species, with its unique behaviors and adaptations, contributes to the rich tapestry of life in East Africa. Unfortunately, the conservation status of some of these species is threatened, making their preservation even more critical.
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III. Sanctuaries of Nature: National Parks and Reserves
East Africa is a haven for wildlife conservation, with renowned national parks and reserves playing a vital role. The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, and Amboseli National Park, with its iconic backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, are just a few examples. These protected areas provide safe havens for wildlife populations, allowing them to thrive relatively undisturbed. Furthermore, they promote ecotourism, attracting responsible travelers who contribute to conservation efforts through park fees and sustainable tourism practices.
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IV. A Shadow Over Paradise: Threats to Wildlife
Despite conservation efforts, East African wildlife faces significant threats. Poaching for ivory, horns, and other body parts remains a major concern. Habitat loss due to human encroachment and agricultural expansion disrupts wildlife corridors and essential resources. Human-wildlife conflict, often arising from competition for scarce resources, also poses challenges. Addressing these threats requires a multi-faceted approach involving local communities, NGOs, and government agencies.
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V. Hope for the Future: Conservation Success Stories
There are beacons of hope amidst the challenges. Conservation projects and initiatives have yielded success stories. Efforts to combat poaching through anti-poaching patrols and stricter legislation are making a difference. Community-based conservation programs empower local communities to participate in wildlife conservation efforts, fostering a sense of ownership and ensuring the long-term sustainability of these initiatives.
VI. Experiencing the Wonders: Responsible Wildlife Safaris
East Africa offers unforgettable wildlife safari experiences. Imagine embarking on thrilling game drives in open vehicles, led by experienced guides who share their knowledge of the animals and their habitats. Guided walks provide a unique perspective on the smaller details of the ecosystem, while hot air balloon safaris offer breathtaking aerial views of the vast landscapes. Choosing responsible tour operators committed to ethical practices ensures minimal impact on the environment and wildlife.
VII. A Paradise for Birdwatchers
Beyond mammals, East Africa is a haven for birdwatchers. Over 1,000 bird species call this region home, from the majestic crowned crane to the vibrant lilac-breasted roller. National parks like Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya are renowned for their spectacular flamingo populations. Birdwatching not only provides an opportunity to witness incredible avian diversity but also contributes to eco-tourism, generating revenue for conservation efforts.
VIII. Embracing Ecotourism: A Sustainable Future
Ecotourism, a form of tourism that focuses on responsible travel and environmental conservation, offers a path towards a sustainable future for East African wildlife. Choosing ecolodges that minimize their environmental footprint, supporting local communities through tourism initiatives, and respecting wildlife viewing guidelines are all ways travelers can contribute.
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IX. Conclusion: A Call to Action
East Africa's wildlife is a precious treasure, a testament to the wonders of nature. Conservation efforts require ongoing support to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures. By understanding the threats, celebrating success stories, and embracing responsible tourism practices, we can all play a role in preserving this irreplaceable heritage for generations to come. Let's work together to ensure that the majestic wildlife of East Africa continues to roam free for all to experience.
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happysoulpolaris · 3 months
RiSE - Satou Hiromi (佐藤ひろ美) KANA|ROM|ENG|PT-BR
すべての人に朝は来る 始まりを連れて来る 
Subete no hito ni asa wa kuru hajimari wo tsurete kuru 
The morning comes to everyone, bringing the beginning 
A manhã vem para todos, trazendo um começo 
きらめく海を見つめ 生きると胸に誓う 
Kirameku umi wo mitsume ikiru to mune ni chikau 
Gazing the sparkly sea, I swear by my chest I will keep on living 
Observando o mar brilhante, juro ao peito que continuarei vivendo 
手を伸ばした あなたがいる空へ 
Te wo nobashita anata ga iru sora e 
I raise my hand, to the sky where you are 
Levanto minha mão para o céu onde você está  
Kienai kizu ya kanashimi ga aru koto wo shitta kara 
Because I learned that there is sadness and wounds that won’t heal 
Porque eu aprendi que existe tristeza e machucados que não saram 
消えない愛や優しさ あることを知ったんだ 
Kienai ai ya yasashisa aru koto wo shittanda 
I’ve also learned that there is love and kindness 
Também aprendi que existe amor e gentileza 
Nakushita kedo kienai mono ga aru 
There are things that despite being lost, never disappear 
Há coisas que mesmo que sejam perdidas, nunca são esquecidas 
何度も何度も何度でも 立ち上がれ 
Nandomo nandomo nandodemo tachiagare 
No matter how many times you have to, get up 
Quantas vezes você precisar, levante-se 
強く強く叫ぶよ 負けないよと 
Tsuyoku tsuyoku sakebu yo makenaiyo to 
Strongly yelling “I won’t lose!” 
Gritando fortemente “não vou perder!” 
RISING SUN いつも必ず日は昇る 
ライジングサン itsumo kanarazu hi wa noboru 
RISING SUN, the sun will always surely rise 
SOL NASCENTE, com certeza o sol irá nascer 
RISING SUN 君の空にも日は昇るんだ 
ライジングサン kimi no sora ni mo hi wa noborunda 
RISING SUN, it will also rise in your sky 
SOL NASCENTE, e nascerá no céu onde você está também 
RISING SUN 唄おう 涙拭いて唄おう 
ライジングサン  utaou namida fuite utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s wipe away our tears and sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos secar as lágrimas e cantar 
Anata ga daisuki datta watashi no egao de kono uta wo 
I’ll sing wearing this smile you love so much 
Com este meu sorriso que você tanto amava, vou cantar 
かけがえないものなくして 悲しみに暮れたけど 
Kakegaenai mono nakushite kanashimi ni kureta kedo 
Though I’ve lost irreplaceable things and fell into sadness 
Eu perdi coisas insubstituíveis e me afundei em tristeza, mas 
かけがえないもの全て なくしたわけじゃないと 
Kakegaenai mono subete nakushita wake jyanai to 
I’ve realized it wasn’t like I have lost it all 
Percebi que não era como se eu tivesse perdido tudo 
Issho ni naita kimi wo mitekidzuita 
When I saw you cry with me 
Quando vi você chorar comigo 
そばにいるよいつでも ひとりじゃない 
Soba ni iru yo itsudemo hitori jyanai 
I’ll always be by your side, you’re not alone 
Eu sempre estarei ao seu lado, você não está só 
強く強く生きるよ 負けないよと  
Tsuyoku tsuyoku ikiru yo makenaiyo to  
Let’s keep on living with strength, without losing  
Vamos viver fortemente, sem perder 
SUNRISE DAY 行こう 振り向かないで行こう 
サンライズデー ikou furimukanaide ikou 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s go without looking back 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem olhar para trás 
SUNRISE DAY 進め あきらめず前に進め 
サンライズデー susume akiramezu mae ni susume 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s move forward without giving up 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem desistir 
SUNRISE DAY 超えろ 壁なんて乗り越えろ 
サンライズデー koero kabe nante norikoero 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s overcome whatever obstacle there might be 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos enfrentar qualquer obstáculo necessário 
絶対、辿り着けるよ 自分、信じてこの道を 
Zettai, tadori tsukeru yo jibun, shinjite kono michi wo 
Certainly, believing in myself in this path, I’ll arrive there 
Com certeza, acreditando em mim neste caminho, eu chegarei lá 
Ashita, mirai, kibou, yume wo genjitsu ni suru made 
Until tomorrow, the future, hope and our dreams come true 
Até que o amanhã, o futuro, a esperança e os sonhos se tornem realidade 
逃げないで止めないで 叶うまで掴むまで 
Nigenaide tomenaide kanau made tsukamu made 
Don’t run away, don’t stop, until we conquer it, until we make it come true 
Não fuja, não pare, até conseguirmos concretizá-los, até conseguirmos alcançá-los 
Arukitsudzuketa saki ni kitto (kitto kimi no) egao ga aru yo 
Beyond the path I have walked through, lies your smile 
Pelo caminho que eu percorri, está o seu sorriso 
SUNRISE DAY 行こう 振り向かないで行こう 
サンライズデー ikou furimukanaide ikou 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s go without looking back 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem olhar para trás 
SUNRISE DAY 進め あきらめず前に進め 
サンライズデー susume akiramezu mae ni susume 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s move forward without giving up 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos seguir em frente sem desistir 
SUNRISE DAY 超えろ 壁なんて乗り越えろ 
サンライズデー koero kabe nante norikoero 
SUNRISE DAY, let’s overcome whatever obstacle there might be 
DIA ENSOLARADO, vamos enfrentar qualquer obstáculo necessário 
絶対、辿り着けるよ 自分を、そう信じて 
Zettai, tadori tsukeru yo jibun wo, sou shinjite 
We will certainly make it, believe in ourselves! 
Com certeza chegaremos lá, isso, acredite! 
RISING SUN いつも必ず日は昇る 
ライジングサン itsumo kanarazu hi wa noboru 
RISING SUN, the sun will always surely rise 
SOL NASCENTE, com certeza o sol irá nascer 
RISING SUN 君の空にも日は必ず昇るんだ 
ライジングサン kimi no sora ni mo hi wa kanarazu noborunda 
RISING SUN, it will also surely rise for you, too 
SOL NASCENTE, com certeza o sol também irá nascer onde você está 
RISING SUN 唄おう 涙拭いて唄おう 
ライジングサン utaou namida fuite utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s wipe away our tears and sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos secar as lágrimas e cantar 
みんなが笑顔になれる日まで唄うよ この歌を 
Minna ga egao ni nareru hi made utau yo kono uta wo 
Let’s sing until the day when everyone smiles come 
Vamos cantar até que chegue o dia em que todos sorriem 
Egao ga afureru sono hi made 
Let’s sing this song until the day we’re overflowing in smiles come 
Vamos cantar esta música até chegue o dia em que transbordamos de tantos sorrisos 
ライジングサン utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos cantar 
ライジングサン utaou 
RISING SUN, let’s sing 
SOL NASCENTE, vamos cantar 
0 notes
Inspired by Solar Flare, Hot Rod doing his outmost to become the new Lord Protector of Megatron Prime, after the death of his previous Protector.
Except it's probably a bit more straightforward romance?
I haven't decided if this needs more than one scene yet, but here's a setup scene for the concept. If I end up deciding to do more, I'll pop it up on AO3. If not, I'll just pop it up there as an open-ended vignette.
Currently there's no title, but:
Continuity: IDW1 (roughly)
Relationship: Megatron/Hot Rod
Characters: Megatron & Hot Rod
Rating: Teen
Eventual Tags: AU of an AU, Canon Blending, Past Relationships, Referenced Character Death, Romance, Recovery from Grief
Summary: In which a seemingly unqualified suitor vies for the open Lord Protector position for the Prime of Destruction
Small. Thin armor. Loud paint. Incautious gait.
Megatron could have crumpled him like a frail sheet of foil if he so chose.
Yet in front of him, posed confidently with his hands on his hips at the foot of the impractically tall dark granite dais, beamed some red little fool the herald had introduced as “Hot Rod of Nyon.” Given the obnoxious flames painted on his chest, Megatron thought the mech’s name was a little on the nose.
This scrawny fool, apparently, wanted to be the Lord Protector of the alleged incarnation of Destruction itself. What a ridiculous thought.
Since Orion, Megatron’s previous Lord Protector, had succumbed to early onset cybercrosis more than three decades ago, Megatron had spent most of his time alone.
He, in fact, intended to keep it that way.
Watching his partner waste away against an invisible foe had been more of a punishment than being forcibly ascended to a position of ritualized shame and fear for his crimes had ever been.
The ritual mourning periods of seven months, then thirty months, and then a decade had all passed. The generals and officers who made up his “priesthood”—more like a religious militia meant to keep him in check—hadn’t pressed him to take another protector before the formalized markers of grieving had been reached. It wouldn’t have been proper, for all they, his prison wardens, pretended to care about propriety even when their “Prime” still lit decennial memorial lamps.
Megatron, regardless of his own opinions on the matter, was kept around solely for the fulfillment of ancient laws and summoning his strength in times of war. The First Prime was nominally the Prime of War, but Sentinel spent far too much time playing politician, leaving Megatron as the de facto holder of the purview.
It wasn’t as though he needed protection, not physically. He could protect himself, as was obvious from the battlefields they pleaded that he would drench in spilled fuel, like the arena of banal bloodsport they had unilaterally plucked him from. When Megatron had turned the rare suitor away before, the battle clerics hadn’t objected too strongly.
Besides, it wasn’t as though suitors were commonplace. Not many were lining up to consort with a “deity” of death, forced to use his violence as a tool for theocratic control. Orion, before his untimely death, had been an irreplaceable exception. No one is else would or could ever take that place again; it would never be the same.
Starscream, the general who oversaw all the others who allegedly paid Megatron homage, was a sharp-eyed mech with innumerable half-spoken agendas. He relished being what passed for this "Prime's" high priest, chief jailer rather. This was clearly part of some of his machinations.
He stood, smirking, next to Megatron’s throne, arms crossed in front of his chest. His gleaming white wings were held out wide as he swayed side to side, not-so-subtly trying to make his heavily embroidered cape undulate in the artificial breeze.
“Starscream, this is unnecessary,” Megatron said, hunched over with his elbows against his knees. He glowered down at Hot Rod. “You know this is unnecessary.”
Hot Rod was hardly much bigger than one of Soundwave’s mini-bots, who were generally relegated to sabotage work as a result. A Lord Protector, expected to accompany him into the heat of battle, could never be allowed to fill a less combat-oriented position. Hot Rod would end up as little more than shrapnel littering the battlefield.
“Come now,” Starscream said, his slick grin stretched broad. It barely concealed that he was up to something, a fig leaf of pious duty. “It’s been so long since you’ve kept any company but your own.”
They both knew the other role a Lord Protector fulfilled: controlling the sacred monster.
“He’s not—“
"You've been lonely, absorbed in nothing but your work for far too long."
Starscream, of course, would be eager to have someone once more take up that mantle… for the approval of the public rather than practical necessity, given Megatron’s self discipline. That was likely why he had allowed this fragile mech to even put forward a petition. Any tether at all was better for their reputation than a beast with no leash.
“I’m right here!” Hot Rod, speaking for the first time, brazenly put his foot on the lowest step on the dark dais and smacked his tiny fist against his chest. His beaming grin became a frown at the perceived disrespect. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”
What a rude little mech.
Talking out of turn, ascending the dais uninvited…. No self preservation to be had. The distance was supposed to be for the protection of any visitors, in case the “god” lost control. More time for the jailers masquerading as devotees to restrain him if the Lord Protector didn’t get there first.
This Hot Rod was clearly on some elaborate suicide mission for some reason. This was far more effort than most would bother putting towards such an end; there were doubtlessly easier ways to go about it.
“Just how badly do you want to die?”
“Not at all, actually.” Hot Rod didn’t back down, a determined look set on his face. “A big shocker, I know.”
Not the answer Megatron had expected, not that mechs tended to be forthright about their deathwishes.
“What exactly is your purpose here?”
“Surely, that’s self-evident.” Starscream’s opinions, as usual, were unnecessary so Megatron ignored him.
He merely repeated the question to Hot Rod, who had begun climbing the dais as though he thought he’d been given some sort of invitation. His bright paint was a stark contrast to the stone, black as the void, giving the impression of a rising star.
Some of the officers, all armed with guns and blades, stationed at various points up the steps began to shift, bristling with unease at the blatant disregard of norms. Several stepped forward, as though to get in the intruder’s way.
Megatron gestured for them to take no action.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious what I’m here for.” Brow furrowed, Hot Rod continued scaling the dais, stepping past the officers as though they were harmless bystanders. Armor clattered in the quiet hall as they made way for him.
Hot Rod’s bravery reminded him somewhat of Orion.
Orion had not climbed to meet him, no, but had lain down his weapons on the floor of the hall and had challenged Megatron unarmed combat.
Hot Rod too was challenging him in a way, but why?
Megatron silently let him approach.
Starscream whispered a reminder to mind his manners, as though he were some uncouth newbuild courting for the first time.
If only Starscream didn’t have wings…. Megatron occasionally considered pushing him off the side of the platform.
Once Hot Rod reached the top level, he stopped just within arm’s reach of the throne.
Megatron leaned forward, as far as he could without overbalancing. Seated, he was at Hot Rod’s eye level.
“What do you gain by asking this?”
Hot Rod’s bright smile was back, this time as a smirk, like he thought Megatron was joking.
“What do you lose by letting me?”
Smart aleck.
“Why are you determined to die?”
“I’m not.” Hot Rod shrugged, as though that were the obvious answer despite all evidence to the contrary.
“So you’ve said before, yes, but that’s the only outcome at the end of the path you’re trying to walk.”
“That’s my business, I think.”
“So be it.”
Huffing, Megatron waved Starscream over without looking at him. The clicking of thruster heels against black granite told him that the high “priest” had obeyed.
“Yes?” he purred, clearly pleased with himself. He was getting what he had wanted after all.
“Have him trained. Presuming he survives, schedule the ceremony.”
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thetreehunter · 7 months
Felling of The Newnes Oak. A 250-year-old veteran tree, Ellesmere, Shropshire
The felling of the veteran oak tree known as The Newnes Oak, a 250-year-old (English Oak) (Quercus robur ) occurred on the morning of 15th August 2023 on land belonging to Grocott Developments, Prees Ltd. As of 23rd Feb 2024 Forestry Commission England (Forest Services) investigation is on-going. The author was alerted to the felling by a concerned local resident whose property overlooks the 6.4 Ha (16-acre) field in which the oak stood. The veteran oak was the only tree standing in this sizeable field. There are several hedgerow trees, and a Business Park adjoins the field.
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On the day of the launch of Tree of the Year 2023...this happened
To enable dialogue to take place with contractors at the scene, the author met with them on-site as they dismantled the oak. He was informed that the tree would be removed from the site the next day.
Photographs and video were freely shot at the scene. No requests to cease were made. The author did not take photographs of the contractor's faces or company truck.
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When contacted by the author, the Managing Director of Grocott Developments Ltd explained that there were no current planning applications for this field/site. The author noted that at the northern end of the field, a mechanical digger was on site, as were a number of persons in high-vis attire. By the field gate, soil-sample bags were stacked in a pile.
When contacted, Grocott Developments Ltd's managing director spent over ten minutes extolling the environmental and charitable virtues of Grocott Developments. Also, their attention to sustainability and their actions as a company showing they [Quote 'did not pay lip service to such issues.'] When asked as to just why this significant veteran oak was felled, he declined to answer. The author is unsure if there was a professional and fully qualified tree report completed for this tree. ie, one undertaken by a VetCert qualified arboriculturist specialising in veteran and ancient trees. The author also assumes that any Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) implications will be taken into account by Shropshire Council if any planning applications for the site arise. BNG is an approach to development, and/or land management, that aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was beforehand. Visit Govt./DEFRA here for further details... > BNG Explained
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Naturally hollowed out oak with PLENTY of sap wood remaining
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©Mike Coburn The Newnes Oak The oak tree had no Tree Preservation Order attached to it, as was confirmed by the author after chatting with the Shropshire Council Tree Officer manager whilst the author was on site. There was also no Forestry Commission felling licence in place. However, subsequent advice to the author made it clear that the size and bulk of the veteran oak tree may have meant that it contravened the Forestry Commission's (FC) Felling Licence regulations regarding their 5 cubic metres of timber regulations.
The exact measurements of the prone oak were later taken on-site and forwarded to the West Midlands Forestry Commission (FC) office. On 22nd August 2023, an FC officer visited the site. The oak tree had been removed by this time. As of 23rd February 2024, the Forestry Commission (Forest Services) investigation is ongoing.
Paragraph 180 c) of the NPPF states that 'development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland and ancient or veteran trees) should be refused unless there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable compensation strategy exists.
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Childhood Memories This veteran oak tree is a tree of the authors' childhood. Children from the adjacent housing estates would venture across the playing fields, wade across The Newnes Brook, and venture across the open farmland on adventurous childhood play. One child even worked for the then-farm owner at Newnes Farm. Like many towns across the UK, the brook and fields formed a significant part of many people's childhoods. With this in mind, you can imagine the distress of losing such a significant veteran oak tree and the loss of part of one's childhood, too.
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The author is a volunteer local Tree Warden for Ellesmere under the Tree Council's Tree Warden scheme.[He has no official powers and is NOT a qualified arboriculturist]
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Carl Wynne copyright
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Copyright Mike Coburn
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kusnorio · 11 months
Why Denny JA is an irreplaceable source of inspiration in the Pandemic
In a period of pandemic full of uncertainty as it is today, many people are looking for sources of inspiration that can provide enthusiasm and motivation in facing existing challenges. One of the figures that became the source of irreplaceable inspiration in the Pandemic period was Denny JA. With my maximum capacity, in this article I will explain why Denny JA is so respected and considered an extraordinary source of inspiration in facing the Pandemic period.
I. Denny JA Profile Before discussing why Denny JA is so respected, it's good to get to know more about Denny JA's profile first. Denny Ja is an academic, writer, and also a politician who has broad experience in various fields. He is also known as the founder and chairman of the famous Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI). II. Denny Ja's credibility One of the reasons why Denny Ja is so respected is his high credibility. As an academic, he has deep knowledge in various fields, especially related to politics and society. In addition, as the founder of LSI, Denny Ja also has an undeniable reputation in conducting accurate and independent research and surveys. This credibility makes it a reliable source of inspiration. III. Knowledge of the Pandemic Period In the midst of Pandemi Covid-19 who was engulfing, Denny Ja also showed a deep knowledge of this problem. He not only understands the medical aspects of this pandemic, but also the social, political, and economic aspects that are related. With his extensive knowledge, Denny Ja gave a comprehensive and in -depth view on how to face this pandemic period. IV. Exemplary in Living Pandemic Besides having extensive knowledge, Denny Ja is also a source of inspiration because of the example he shows in undergoing this pandemic period. He not only gave advice and insight to others, but also applied the principles that he conveyed in everyday life. He was seen disciplined in carrying out health protocols, maintaining social distances, and actively contributing to helping people in need. V. Role in Building a Better Indonesia During the Pandemic period, Denny Ja also continued to play a role in developing a better Indonesia. He is active in delivering ideas and solutions to overcome the various problems faced by the community in this Pandemic period. Denny Ja is also a liaison between the government and the community, by providing constructive input and suggestions to improve the handling of this pandemic. VI. Inspire the younger generation Not only for the older generation, Denny Ja is also an irreplaceable source of inspiration for the younger generation. With his rich experience and a humble attitude, Denny Ja was able to inspire and motivate the younger generation to continue to learn, develop, and make a positive contribution in facing this period of Pandemic. VII. Conclusion Denny Ja is an irreplaceable source of inspiration in the Pandemic period because of his credibility, his knowledge of the Pandemic period, the example he showed, his role in developing a better Indonesia, and his ability to inspire the younger generation. In a difficult time like now, Denny Ja became a figure who gave hope and enthusiasm for many people to stay strong and struggle in facing this pandemic challenge.
Check more: Why Denny JA is an irreplaceable source of inspiration in the Pandemic period
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