elfinaldelcamino · 7 months
Projecte I Repte 1: Llavor - Conceptualització
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Corol·les de clavells moros seques documentades a l'Inventari Interior... I carregades de llavors!
Plantejament i competències
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El primer repte de l’assignatura Projecte I porta per títol Llavor - Conceptualització del projecte i requereix un 15% de la dedicació total a l’assignatura (unes 45 hores). Disposo per treballar-hi des del 9 al 27 de març, data límit d’entrega del treball.
Competències i resultats d’aprenentatge
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El Repte 1 treballa diverses competències relacionades amb la pràctica professional en un context de producció creativa:
Flexibilitat i adaptabilitat: Capacitat per ajustar-se a diferents situacions i desenvolupar processos d'autoaprenentatge i autoavaluació.
Exploració i selecció de mitjans d'expressió: Habilitat per triar els mitjans més adequats per a cada pràctica artística i integrar diverses tècniques en els treballs.
Comunicació escrita i oral: Capacitat per expressar-se i comunicar-se de manera efectiva tant per escrit com oralment.
Els resultats d’aprenentatge principals del repte són:
Coneixement i experimentació amb diversos mètodes i tècniques per generar idees.
Ús coherent de recursos d'aprenentatge i recerca per a la creació de projectes artístics.
Desenvolupament de la capacitat per definir, conceptualitzar i justificar l'inici d'un projecte artístic personal.
Enunciat del repte 1
En aquesta primera activitat avaluable de l'assignatura posaré l'atenció en la idea o inici del projecte artístic. A partir d'una consideració d'allò proper, l'objectiu de l'activitat és ajudar-me a prendre consciència de quins són els temes, conceptes, materials, etc. que més significació tenen per a mi i que poden servir de llavor del meu projecte artístic.
Paraules clau: idea, llavor, començament, inici, treballar amb allò proper, inventari.
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[Imatge: Marta Sureda, 'Hic et nunc', (2017)]
Abans de res, l’enunciat de l’assignatura adverteix que al repte es permet l'ús limitat d'eines d'intel·ligència artificial per  “generar i esbossar idees, contextualitzar conceptes, plantejar prototips o combinar elements de manera innovadora o alternativa”. Cal citar-ne l'ús en cada apartat, indicant objectius, prompts, respostes i el procés de revisió. No s'ha de proporcionar informació personal ni confidencial. L'ús inadequat pot ser considerat una conducta irregular, i cal consultar la guia de citació d'IA i el professorat en cas de dubte.
En la conceptualització d'un projecte artístic, s'ha de considerar com començar sense caure en el bloqueig creatiu. Mirar a l'entorn immediat pot proporcionar una font d'inspiració. L'exemple de Bruce Nauman il·lustra aquesta idea; les seves accions simples i absurdes en el seu estudi van néixer de la necessitat de treballar amb el que tenia a mà, evitant la cerca d'idees "originals". Aquest enfocament destaca la importància de relacionar-se amb el que és proper i familiar, convertint la quotidianitat en font de creativitat. Nauman, a més del vídeo, també ha explorat altres mitjans com l'escultura i el dibuix en el seu procés artístic.
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Imatge: Bruce Nauman, 'Dance or Walk on the Perimeter of a Square' (1967), fotograma de vídeo
Perec, amb el seu llibre 'Lo infraordinario', ens convida a prestar atenció al que és quotidià i comú, enlloc de centrar-nos només en els esdeveniments extraordinaris. Aquesta idea ha influït en projectes de producció cultural, com l'exposició 'Espècie d'espais' al MACBA de Barcelona, que explora els significats dels espais quotidians. Perec ens recorda que allò trivial i habitual també és significatiu i pot ser font d'inspiració.
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Imatge: Notes manuscrites de Georges Perec. Font: Arxiu Perec, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, França
Perec, a 'Lo infraordinario', fa un inventari del seu escriptori i de les postals que té, mostrant la riquesa del quotidià. Aquesta tàctica d'explorar el proper i el visible és comuna en l'art actual. Tacita Dean, per exemple, va fotografiar els graffitis del Monestir de Silos com a inventari de la vida quotidiana. Aquesta obra segueix el seu projecte anterior, on va capturar la rutina de Giorgio Morandi a l'estudi. Aquests exemples destaquen com l'art troba inspiració en el mundà i el comú, transformant el trivial en obra d'art.
Llegint sobre la inspiració de Nauman, Perec i Dean, aquesta activitat t'encoratja a fer un inventari creatiu de coses properes. Ajudarà a identificar idees clau per al teu projecte artístic.
Fase 1: Realitzar un inventari d'allò que és pròxim
Agafa un moment per fer un inventari del que tens al teu voltant mentre treballes o fas una passejada. Observa els llibres, objectes, imatges, i textures que et rodegen. Pots escriure sobre el que veus i escoltes des de la finestra o mentre camines. Això t'ajudarà a identificar elements significatius pel teu projecte artístic. No cal que sigui una volta llarga; un passeig curt serà suficient. Aquesta pràctica, descrita al Mòdul didàctic, pot obrir portes a noves idees mentre estàs immers en el teu entorn quotidià.
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Superilla on visc i treballo, dins Piferrer, Ciutat de Mallorca, Estudiant i Casas i Amigó
Per a l'inventari, tria el sistema d'escriptura o registre que prefereixis: pot ser una llista de paraules o un dibuix/fotos dels objectes. No cal que tot tingui sentit junts. El teu inventari ha de ser complet i explicarà com l'has fet.
Fase 2: Observar en detall una sola imatge
Després de fer l'inventari, reflexiona sobre quins elements són més importants per a tu i per què. Quines connexions hi ha entre ells? A partir d'aquí, escriu un text explicatiu de 500 a 1000 paraules sobre quin element destaca i per què. Aquest exercici implica mirar tant l'exterior com l'interior, com la imatge "Món interior, món exterior" de Marta Sureda Costa. Per preparar-te, pots observar detalladament les postals d'aquesta sèrie. Així com Perec es va inspirar en postals, potser alguna d'aquestes imatges et motivi.
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Marta Sureda, 'Món interior, món exterior', (2017)
Per lliurar aquesta tasca, he de preparar tres documents i comprimir-los en una carpeta Zip. El primer és un PDF amb l'inventari que hagi fet, explicat amb un comentari de 200 a 250 paraules justificant el mètode utilitzat. El segon és un text de 500 a 1000 paraules que expliqui quin element destaca per a mi i per què. També necessitaré un document d'autoavaluació, omplert i nomenat segons les instruccions. Cal assegurar-me de nomenar els arxius adequadament i comprimir-los tots en una carpeta amb el teu nom.
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Formulari d´autoavaluació
L'autoavaluació del Repte 1 se centra en definir la proposta conceptual del projecte artístic. Reflexionaré sobre els mètodes apresos, els recursos consultats i la definició de la idea. Identificaré els mètodes més útils, l'ús dels recursos de l'aula i les dificultats superades. Finalment, concretaré la idea del projecte i la tècnica utilitzada.
Les preguntes clau són:
Quins mètodes m'han semblat més útils?
He utilitzat nous mètodes?
Com he integrat els recursos de l'aula?
Què he après d'aquest procés?
Quins passos he seguit per definir la idea?
Quina tècnica he utilitzat i si és nova per a mi?
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massimoognibene · 9 months
I sogni nei cassetti, qualche piccolo scheletro nell'armadio, alcuni fantasmi che appaiono di tanto in tanto, tutto in ordine insomma.
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gabbyp09 · 3 months
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feisaru · 15 days
So would Jedidiah be considered a Faust kin or...?
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aroaceofthesea · 3 months
Els petards q fan fiuuuu i no peten son un dels pitjors invents d la humanitat🙄🙄
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the-ecom-guru · 5 months
Mastering E-commerce Inventory Management: A Comprehensive Guide
In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, effective inventory management is essential for success. Whether you're a small boutique or a large online retailer, optimizing your inventory processes can lead to improved efficiency, increased sales, and satisfied customers. In this guide, we'll explore the key aspects of e-commerce inventory management and provide actionable tips for streamlining your operations.
1. Accurate Tracking:
The foundation of effective inventory management lies in accurate tracking of stock levels. Utilize inventory management software or e-commerce platforms with built-in inventory tracking features to monitor your inventory in real-time. Regularly update your inventory records to reflect sales, returns, and new stock arrivals. This ensures that you have a clear picture of your inventory levels and can make informed purchasing decisions.
2. Demand Forecasting:
Anticipating customer demand is crucial for maintaining optimal inventory levels and avoiding stockouts or overstock situations. Analyze historical sales data, seasonal trends, and market insights to forecast demand for your products. Utilize forecasting tools and algorithms to predict future sales volumes accurately. By understanding your customers' buying patterns, you can optimize your inventory levels and minimize the risk of excess inventory or stock shortages.
3. Just-in-Time Inventory:
Implement a just-in-time (JIT) inventory strategy to minimize holding costs and improve cash flow. With JIT inventory management, you only order products from suppliers when they are needed, reducing the need for excess inventory storage. This approach helps to minimize the risk of inventory obsolescence and frees up capital for other business initiatives. However, it requires close collaboration with suppliers and reliable logistics to ensure timely delivery of products.
4. Supplier Relationships:
Forge strong relationships with your suppliers to ensure timely delivery of high-quality products. Communicate regularly with suppliers to keep them informed of your inventory needs and upcoming promotions. Negotiate favorable terms such as volume discounts, flexible payment terms, and priority shipping to optimize your supply chain. By building trust and collaboration with your suppliers, you can mitigate supply chain risks and improve inventory management efficiency.
5. Inventory Optimization:
Regularly assess your inventory performance and identify opportunities for optimization. Analyze slow-moving or obsolete inventory and implement strategies to liquidate or discount these items. Optimize product listings and pricing to increase visibility and sales velocity for high-demand products. Utilize cross-selling and upselling techniques to maximize the value of each customer transaction. By continuously refining your inventory management strategies, you can improve profitability and customer satisfaction.
6. Multichannel Integration:
If you sell across multiple e-commerce channels, integrate your inventory management systems to streamline operations and prevent overselling. Utilize multichannel inventory management software or e-commerce platforms that offer centralized inventory control. Sync inventory levels across all sales channels in real-time to ensure consistency and accuracy. This prevents stockouts and reduces the risk of overselling, leading to improved customer satisfaction and sales performance.
In conclusion, mastering e-commerce inventory management is essential for maximizing efficiency, minimizing costs, and delighting customers. By implementing accurate tracking, demand forecasting, JIT inventory strategies, fostering supplier relationships, optimizing inventory, and integrating multichannel operations, you can streamline your inventory processes and drive success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. With proactive management and strategic planning, you can effectively manage your inventory and propel your e-commerce business to new heights.
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Indonesia Jalin Kerja Sama Dengan Perusahaan Kaca Tiongkok Untuk Hilirisasi Industri Kaca
REKONFUNEWS.COM, CHENGDU || Presiden Joko Widodo saksikan penandatanganan sejumlah dokumen kerja sama dalam membangun ekosistem hilirisasi industri kaca dan panel surya di Indonesia yang dilaksanakan di Hotel Shangri-La, Chengdu, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT), pada Jumat, 28 Juli 2023. Kita hari ini melakukan penandatanganan MoU sekaligus perjanjian kerja sama dalam rangka membangun ekosistem…
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Accounting for school is a time consuming complex task With an accounting management system in Education ERP software, streamline your school accounts
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bmwccikediri · 2 years
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AG024. Ibu Bendahara kami. Kepada beliaunyalah kami setor #duit dan minta #uang . Tapi #bendahara bukan cuman urusan duit. Bendahara adalah urusan #inventaris Lucunya, bahasa kerennya bukan sekedar #inventory / #inventories Lebih dari itu: #treasury Semua duit & aset klub ada di bawah kekuasaan beliau. #penganggaran / #budgeting - #belanja & #pemasukan ada di bawah kendali bendahara. . Bendahara memang rnggak tampil di depan. Bendahara itu laksana ibu rumah tangga di dapur, namun paling paham urusan teras hingga halaman belakang. . Bendahara memang anak buahnya Lurah. Tapi bendahara lebih berkuasa ketimbang Lurah: salah buka dompet, klub bisa macet aktivitasnya. . Foto pada suatu ketika. #3series #e21 #e30 #SEW1NDU #bmwccikediri #bmwccikedirichapter #teambledhugkelud #joyishere #joyisalwayshere #4ever (at Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCKDaGJg8A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crownfortheking · 5 months
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Julian with full inventary.
Because Julian is a field medic... and wizard, his equipment is somehow different. Everything should be at hand, because every second of delay could cause someone to die.
But where is the rest of the inventory, you ask? And in Leomund's chest! A copy of his chest is right here.
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elfinaldelcamino · 2 months
Inventario Ultraexterior
Camino en bici desde lo alto hasta lo bajo de mi ciudad: de Sant Gervasi a Porta.
A mi sí me importa Porta.
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
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Dovecot tower for messenger pigeons in the village of Alins (High Pyrenees, Catalonia).
Alins is located in the Vall Ferrera valley, which been one of the most important locations in the Pyrenees mountains for extraction of iron since the Early Middle Ages. In fact, the valley's name in the Catalan language means "Iron Valley".
To communicate the "Iron Valley" with other points of Catalonia who bought their iron, they used messenger pigeons. The dovecot in the photos was originally built in the Middle Ages and reformed in the 17th and 18th centuries. It's known that messenger pigeons were used to communicate the valley with Tarragona (city in the south of Catalonia that used iron from this valley to build its harbour), which is 220 km away. This tower has also been used as a conjuratory (a kind of tower, common in the Pyrenees, from which priests performed rituals to ward off storms).
There is also a second, older, dovecot tower in the village, called Colomer de les Bruixes (which in Catalan means "Witches' dovecot"), thought to have been built before the 13th century.
Photos by medievalismes on Instagram (also on TikTok). Information source: Inventari del Patrimoni Arquitectònic de Catalunya.
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yeli-renrong · 5 months
The inventary vocalic at seven vowels is rich in comparison at the other languages otomangues who have an majority five vowels, with a contrast at three nivels of fermiture and three nivels of anteriority, the position central beingn't occupied that per an vowel central-overt.
It exists also dix-nine contrasts consonantics, from where three appearisen't with which the emprunts spanishes. The amuzgo has as contrasts at five lels of articulations, and five manners of articulations, without distinction of voicement. The segments entering parentheses are rares or existn't that in emprunts. These who are entering crochets are as allophones. As segments complexes are admitted from within our inventary for the considerations phonotactics and phonetics.
With an squelette syllabic also strict and an number of restrictions under the possible clusters in attack, the amuzgo trouves its structural allures. With its languages sisters, it's for the others strategies which that language augments its inventaries. As systems of phonation of voice souffle et laryngalized, of nasality, of ballisticity under the syllable (analyzed behold here in the mode of the soufflement in fin of mot, but which exprime themselves in party for the modulation tonal at the nivel of the syllable), and not minus the eleven valors tonals (6 tons lies at the syllable non-ballistic, and 5 lies at the syllable ballistic), forment an eventuality of diverse possibilities structurals, give an grain final of oppositions and of contrasts. To in thus, the inventory vocalic could be gonfled of September at 48 valors if we count the number of vowels, multiplied for the four valors of voice (souffle, cracked, ballistic and modal) that gives 48 valors vocalics.
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phuezo · 5 months
Been playing Signalis a lot... it was mostly bc nostalgia of the story and the cute Replika designs and stories
Im proud to show that Idk how but managed to finish the Survival one too (with Classic Inventary)
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And Im now so obsessed with the shipping art between Replikas and ofc Ariane and Elster
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pollyna · 2 years
All of these prompts sound fascinating! Being super into Ice, I'd be really interested in 4, 15, 22 and 31, but any writing of yours is a gift.
It wans't in any of my plans to actually write on of that prompts AHAHAH but anyway i can't say no, but it's gonna be an extension of the prompt more than a ff? I'm probably going to go back on them at some point when the fucking inventary will stop killing me. So thank you so much for your kind words and i'm really sorry if it's not what you were expecting.
-#04: Can't pass out
"We had a pact, Admiral" a voice says, from the door.
"No. You, my husband, and my kid decided on something. I, for my part, didn't agree with anything. So no, no pact of any kind, Admiral Kerner."
"Ronald, what can I do for you today?"
"Cancer won't win because work will kill you first."
"I'm going to die anyway. At least you should let me choose how, what do you think?"
Ron knows that snapping back won't help, that Tom is just as concerned and scared as they all are. And he's tired. He was more tired than he let people see, but Ron had been around since Tom was nineteen, and he saw it all, so he knew.
"Come on, old man, let me take you home; we can eat takeout and watch stupid soap operas, and I won't tell anybody you fell asleep ten minutes into the night's most interesting movie," Ron says, and he knows he's won when Tom snorts back at him.
"Okay, okay. But only if you can get the chicken from that southern place on the Sixth." 
Ron doesn't say it but he would go to Georgia to take a single piece of chicken tender if that would help in taking Ice home.
Tom goes from standing up to almost face down on the maquette in half a second, the time Ron has to imagine himself flying to Georgia and back in time for dinner and thinking about how many laws he could break or not. Tom's body hits the ground but not with his face because Ron still has some reflex and grabs him before the worst can happen.
"I'm too young for this shit, Ronnie" Tom whispers, against his chest, a lifetime of silence after.
"I know Tommy, I know. But you have to stay awake and not pass out. Then we will go home and eat all the fried chicken you want" he answers, whispering too because he's sure that if he tries to talk out loud he will start crying and he can't, not right now.
-#15: New scars. This one it's gonna be a little more consistent but that's bc it's a fic I'm trying to write since forver and i'm constantly changing parameters on what i should or shouldn't do. But it's not the interesting part of it, sorry lol.
"I can try to do that." Tom nods as if he's trying to convince himself, and Ron has to count from five to zero before moving a single muscle.
5 old scars someone put on his body and he tells the story to Maverick + the 5 Maverick was around to see heal.
He got the first one when he's five and running around with a plastic plane his dad took home after his n. mission he can't talk about but makes him angry and snappy with his mom but soft with his son, expecially when he passes his big, big, hands in his hair. He's running around the garden and then he's falling on his little plane, his mom is running towards him, his dad is screaming he's an idiot and toy is broke in two pieces and Tom doesn't know what he makes him cry the most: the blood he's loosing from his knee or he precious new toy that now lies between the grass without a wing.
His dad put the plane in the bin and doesn't listen reason when his mom tries to tell him that it can be easily fix and Tom gets a scar, a small and insignificant one that he will soon forget.
(Mav kisses it, during one of nights they have free and have no hurry be anywhere if not in bed. He makes funny faces evertime Tom tells the story on how he got it and Iceman laugh along because you're cute when you make that face Pete.)
The second one Pete notices, this time they're making out on 'Wood terrible couch because everybody else is outside for a barbecue and it's too hot to stay inside but kissing Pete is worth even that, is just a little as the first one, mostly covered by his hairs and when Pete's finger trace it he almost jump because he forgot he was there and it still so sensitive. Pete notices but doesn't have the time to say anything because Tom is kissing him again and Ron is calling because dinner is read and if they don't move their going to have to eat grass!
(He tells Pete, a couple of hours and beers later, that high school hasn't been as kind as he likes to remember. And he talked too many, two, languages people didn't understand and Easter Europe heritage made him a commie every day of the week. He got in a fight more against a desk than the boy but they both got suspended but nobody ever tried to mess with him, after that day.)
-#22: Caughing out blood.
The next one has a funny story that makes Slider a little wild when he gets around talking about it because he has the same one in the same place! Young, dumb and a day away from deployment they drunk too much shitty alcohol they find in the mess kitchen and tried to jump over the wall on the Academy. They both failed so bad they end up with both of their forearms bleeding a little and the instructor was soooo pissed, do you remember Tommy? He talked for hours and we had the mother of all headaches but Ice cold no mistake found the way out of that situation just looking at the guy. I could have kissed you right there for that.
He washed it three times, and there's still blood on it. The blood is on his shirt, on his hands, on his skin, and uncl-his dad is lying on a hospital bed, with too many machines connected to his body and an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth. Deployment sucked this time around; the squadron was full of navy brats who wanted to know more about everybody. At least Phoenix was there.
They were eating outside, at some place on the ocean Mav found while riding his bike at three in the morning when Ice wasn't there, and that he promised made the best risotto seafood he ever tasted. They were laughing, drinking white wine, and his arm was around Ice's shoulders in support of Mav's last disaster when the older man started to cough. Once, twice, and then a third time, until Bradley felt his own blood running cold because there was blood. Blood on the tissue and then on his shirt because Ice wasn't fast enough to cover his mouth again.
And then Mav's hands were touching Ice and looking at him like he was trying to find an answer to a question Bradley didn't even know existed.
"Breath love breath. Bradley is going to drive us to the hospital, but I need you to continue to breath like the doctor showed you." He said, "Yeah, yeah, like that. C'mon Ice, I know you can do it." 
"Baby Goose, eyes here. I need you to start the car. We will be right behind you. Then you will drive to the hospital, and I'm going to explain everything, but I need to make sure Ice is okay before that. Do you understand Brad?"
"Ye-yes, pops. Car, hospital, and then you're going to explain it to me. Okay. "
Ice's eyes were glossy and concentrated on Maverick and Maverick alone.
"It's going to be okay, Baby Goose." Ice murmured, his voice low and cracked. 
-#31: You can rest now.
The idea comes to Rooster while on a little too much of a drug after they had to set his shoulder twice because the first time it didn't set right.
Once I'm out of here, we should all go and spend the night in the den. Nothing is as warm and comfy as the den. I miss the den. Can we go to the den, pops?" he asked, almost on the point of tears.
"Yeah, Baby Goose, we can go to the den." He answers, laughing a little.
"Okay pops, thank you" he answers before snuggling a little more into his pillow, with Natasha and Jake's fingers patting his hair.
The den is warm and, oh, how Bradley missed this place.
"So this is the den?" a voice behind him asks, and someone whistles.
"Yeah, yeah this is the den." Bradley answers before slumping in his favourite spot, the cat already stretching her belly to let him pat her.
"It's nice." Jake says, sitting beside him.
"Yeah, every house should have one!" Fritz adds "and a cat! Who's this beautiful creature? Bradley, why are you trying to hide all the beautiful people in your life from me?"
Everybody's laughing and it's like Bradley's eight again when Carole used the den to organise him birthday parties he wasn't supposed to know anything about.
But now he's thirty-eight and his mom is dead more years than she was alive and the people around him are his family in the way his uncles are and-and Bradley wants to lie in the sun and let himself feel something that's not anger for once.
And apparently everybody has the same idea because he can finish the thought that eleven other bodies cuddle around him and he loses the count of hands that are touching, patting, and massaging him, but it feels so good that he doesn't want to be anywhere else. Lady Carole curls on his stomach, the door opens, and soft steps are followed by the smell of warm cider and biscuits. Before falling asleep, he hears Mav and Ice on the sofa, softly conversing with Halo.
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