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~Chapter 3: Haunted, Hunted, & Other Fun Hobbies~
[Ao3 link below the read more, at the end.]
It begins the day after Maul makes his return to Dathomir. 
The sith is elbows deep in datapads trying to gain background knowledge on the Crimson Dawn's next venture: an escargot farm, of all things, for a particular breed of shellfish. One that acts as a nearly universal aphrodisiac when eaten. Vos had declared the market for it 'an untapped niche' with projected gains in the 'I could buy a moon every other year' category. 
He already has a planet. Dathomir is more or less his, but Maul thinks he might like a moon or two. Besides, one never knew when they might need a spare astral body in his line of work. Perhaps for trade, perhaps for crashing into things. He is flexible. 
One minute he is reviewing zoology documents made by a mon calamari, and then gently, like a cloud over the sun, he is being watched.
His spine straightens and the sith pulls his sense of self tight to his skin, guarding himself while attempting to observe the observer. The presence slips through his fingers, but he too slips through theirs. They go round and round like two predators in the night, stalking each other through the flow of the force. 
Eventually the feeling fades, and Maul is left alone in his office space, perturbed. He waits an hour or more, patient and wary, but the sensation of being sought does not return.
He exhales heavily through his nose and returns to reading about aquarium keeping, stopping only to make snacks, refresh the tea pot, and stretch his back.
Dathomir's red star sinks below the horizon. Domir takes with it the light that had been coming in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, leaving the spectacular view of the sunrise canyon in deepening purple hues. Maul takes this as his cue to end the day.
The sith stalks out of his simplistic office, and heads to the end of the hallway. The decor transitions from plasteel to roughly carved redstone at the doorway, from the soft orange glow of sodium-vapor bulbs to flickering oil lanterns and magelight. He had appointed the bedroom den at the end of the hall with far more dathomirian aesthetics than the modern office space. 
Some furniture he had been able to scavenge from the temple, mostly of carved stone, though there were a few precious wooden pieces left unburnt by the droid army among them. A small table, a few mismatched chairs, and a hefty trunk. The rest of his furnishings Maul had collected from offworld. 
The result is… functional. Quiet and dark. The bed space is large and comfortable, partially carved back into the wall for extra protection. Nowhere is too open. Everything he wishes to be reminded of has a place to sit, somewhere he can see. 
Dim candles light all the cracks and corners without hurting his eyes. There are books and scrolls to read, an orb recovered from his mother’s temple, projects to tinker with in idle moments. It is… good, he thinks. Though he might reorganize his memory items again. Later. 
For now, he plans to undress, bathe, and-
                      r                                                      ?
                                     y       o       u           ?
Maul whips around, expecting a physical presence, but there is no one and nothing there. He coats himself in a basic spell of obfuscating mist and draws his force presence close to his hearts, under his skin. 
The observer tries to catch him up with a searching pattern that feels like smokey claws and gossamer hairs, winding ribbons and closing jaws. Threads, deceptive in their affectionate creeping. 
"One?" he rasps in the empty hallway, "No… more. Several." 
There are so many aspects of force trying to locate him that surely it must be a ritual, fueled by multiple people. Four or five, at bare minimum. He would guess it was his former master's doing, but surely Sidious would not need to look for him so much as come for him if he decided to spare the effort. 
So who? Who?
But to look with that part of him which can See is to open himself, and Maul is not certain of the wisdom in letting this coven of force users near him just for the chance to find them.
Sweat beads on his scalp, dripping down and sliding off his chin. The effort to remain untouchable, hidden from these hunters, is intensely taxing, but the force vibrates in warning whenever he starts to slip.
Then, suddenly, he is alone again. 
He waits, just as before, shoulders high and breathing hard as he remains watchful. The air remains still, lacking that dark innervation. Maul falls back against the wall, and presses the heel of a palm to his forehead. The effort has earned him a headache and shaking fingers. 
The sith returns to moving down the hall, but changes destination. His den, while comfortable, is not the most secure location available here. That title goes to his mother's sanctum, riddled with runes and steeped in ichor fueled protections. He has not yet deciphered the nature of even half of the witch-made wards from the books and murals that remain of her teachings. 
Maul slips into the sanctum, touching his chest where once her spirit had anchored itself. 
"Mother," he begins, searching for an acceptable explanation for intruding. "I seek… shelter, in your sanctum. I am hunted by a power unknown, and the force warns me to avoid its touch." 
That is an understatement. The force buzzes with indistinct warning, a vibrating drone so deep and ubiquitous it feels physical. Bumblebees underwater, crawling anxiety like marching ants. 
No reply comes. He counts that as permission.
The sith goes to sit on the stone floor at the center of grooved patterns and runes. He will meditate now and gather his strength, assuming that eventually-
It returns! So quickly the threads descend again.
Vitriolic green light bursts to his left, then forward, then above him. Sharp eyes survey the room as sections of sigils light and dim along the walls, like fireworks. The grooves in the floor begin to fill with-
"Ichor," he murmurs, watching the luminous waters fill in the circling patterns. He cannot identify the source of where it flows from. 
This… is not magick Maul has witnessed before. Savage had, reluctantly, described his own rituals, and the healing the Nightmother had done for Maul after Lotho Minor, but this is… different. Carved into Dathomir’s living stone, commanding the planet’s power even in the absence of a witch to direct it. It is wonderous.
The feeling of being looked for slides away from him with so much more ease, and he sighs in relief.
Maul ends up sleeping there, curled in on himself on the stone floor. Every few hours the cloying tendrils return again, and he wakes to watch the wards and push away the hooks that stretch for him.
It is only after a week of being chased back to his mother's room, day and night, that he realizes he is trapped on Dathomir until the hunt is ended. Until he ends it. To do that, he will have to learn to hide all on his own. Without becoming an unhinged, sleepless mess incapable of hunting these new enemies.
Maul faces this reality with easy acceptance. He has survived harsher challenges before, and will again. Mustafar, Lotho Minor, Hypori- the dark sustained him every time. 
This will end no differently.
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||...sweet petal...||
Duty Bound
"Due respect, Commander? I was there when the Hive found us on Earth. I was there when we stopped them on Titan. And I'll be there when we wipe them out." —Sloane
Taeko-3 was smirking again. Sloane liked a lot of things about her. The smirk wasn't one of them.
"Sure. A weird Hive ritual. Nothing we haven't seen before, right?"
Sloane gripped the railing. "Everything under those waves is something we haven't seen before." The Hunter behind Taeko rolled his eyes. The railing crunched under Sloane's hand.
"You worry too much, boss! We've dropped a thousand Hive with our Sparrows. When the three of us"—the Hunter flourished a blade, and the other Warlock cocked a shotgun; did they practice this?—"are working together, we're unstoppable."
Sloane walked forward and put her hands on Taeko's shoulders. The smirk disappeared. The Hunter's blade dropped, but he caught it out of the air.
"Taeko. They're not always going to have your back. What are you going to do when you're the last one standing?"
The smirk came back. "Easy. Embrace the Praxic Fire."
<<Seek the whispers—they are faint, but they are calling.>>
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The Black Needle
||...needle driven in flush with skin so that desperate fingers cannot pull it out...||
My head is throbbing, but I press on. This place I have found—it promotes pain. The Hive are fond of the anguish they bring. They will not deter me. It’s been months since I left the Tower. What do I have to show for my journey? Dead ends. Whispers. Nothing.
Whatever the Hive are plotting eludes me. Each location I survey holds the promise of answers, yet each has let me down.
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||...a self-questioning answer...||
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||...the thing which is unlike your beloved but arbitrarily recalls your beloved to agonizing effect...||
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||...gray regret at the end of a fruitless day...||
Let this be the one.
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I feel myself drawing near as the tunnels turn from rock and filth to tiles and pomp. Something… is off. I have yet to encounter even a single Thrall. I would count myself lucky, but I know better.
Stick to the shadows. Use the columns and pillars. Caution isn’t cautious enough.
I see ancient scrolls. Tablets. Something here must prove useful.
Incomprehensible babble. Could I have been wrong all along? Are they as lost as we are?
A light breeze scatters the scrolls. A breeze? Underground?
A voice carried on the wind. Sai? It can’t be.
A laugh from down the corridor. Eriana’s. “Come back to us, Eris.” Vell…
They’re dead. This can’t be real. I won’t fall prey to tricks of the Hive.
The gust picks up, bringing with it the dust and soot from the tunnels. It sucks the air from the room. I can barely stand.
“Did you believe it would be so easy?” Toland this time. The voice echoes all around me.
This cruelty…
“No, Witch. I thought it… would prove more difficult… to find you.”
A wailing scream assaults me. It’s a scream etched deeply in my mind. Poor Omar…
I won’t let Her shake me.
“Tell me, Archentrope, now that you have me… what will you do with me?”
Eriana appears before me, a construct of rock and sand. How dare She—
“Do? Child of the Hive, can’t you see? We are one. Do you hate it?”
I cringe with displeasure. Child of the Hive? Am I? Is this why I am still alive? I refuse.
“You are no more my family than a parasite is to a host. You will die, like your brother before you.”
She cackles. My stomach turns.
“If only you had gazed upon the dark majesty that slumbered beneath you…”
||...architrave of the no-window...||
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Beneath me? Her words are twisted half-truths. Do not succumb.
The dirt and debris in the air spin wildly, colliding into me. I’m trapped in a whirlwind. My chest grows tight. Breath short. I can’t see. It’s all around me.
“To be so near, only to scratch the surface, must tear at the filament of your mind.”
The storm begins to die down; I hack up the grime, regaining my sight.
“Open your eyes, Eris…”
The color dissipates from the world around me.
As the dust settles, I realize I am not where I was. A green-black sun hangs in the sky and a glowing orb floats in the distance.
Darkness is all around me and I am alone. Again.
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<<The cutting word is a doorway—the first syllable of hated salvation.>>
A Light In The Darkness
The days have become indecipherable. This harsh plane of existence bears only Darkness and cold—two things I’ve become reacquainted with since my banishment to this hellscape. No matter where I run, the glowing orb follows. It stalks me.
I’ve taken to quietly humming a tune to stave off the madness. I don’t enjoy it, but it helps. It’s worked before, when I was trapped beneath the Moon’s surface. Taken and Hive run rampant here. Around every corner. I’m in no shape to defend myself. My mind fights to stay alert. I just need to rest. Just a little…
A bright light awakens me. That glowing orb? Its radiance calls out to me.
No. Stop it. I’m losing my grip again. Hum the song.
You’re making it up. Or worse. It’s the Witch again.
The orb approaches. Could it be?
I stand to meet the light. And I collapse into darkness.
I am awake, I believe—though this feels like a dream.
“You encountered the Witch-Queen and survived.”
I am not sure if this conversation with Toland is real or a figment of my imagination.
“I’m no closer to discovering their machinations.”
“Tell me, what did she say?”
“It was riddles… taunts. She used you, all of you, perverting your voices… I was close to something. Beneath the surface. Slumbering.”
Either way, I am in need of an exit. I must continue, no matter the pain.
“Where do you think you’re going? You’re in no shape to move.”
“I have to. I need to.”
“Are you telling yourself this to motivate, or are you blinded by your obsession?”
Now I am sure he is real.
“Aren’t you curious what was slumbering down there? I know I am.”
He piques my interest. I’ll allow this momentary reprieve.
“Go on.”
“Our time in the Hellmouth… requires further examination. I’ve often thought back to our glorious failure. Something has never sat right with me.”
“I imagine dying would leave one unsettled.”
“True, but this lies beyond that void. Our fireteam was comprised of some of the best to ever wield the Light, and yet we were eviscerated with ease.”
“They had weapons… we were not prepared.”
“While true, does the circumstance not bother you?”
“It haunts me to this day. I hesitate to believe anything She would say.”
“But why would She say anything at all?”
Why indeed.
“…She means to guide me, Toland.”
“Do not play into Her hand.”
“You lend credence to Her riddles. We must know the truth, no matter the cost.”
“Tread lightly, Eris. Or you may end up like me yet. Or worse!”
“My charge is the same, as always.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“There must—”
A flash of light, and once again I cannot see. I hear Toland call out to me, but I am pulled from him, from there.
It’s warm now. And bright. So bright.
I can feel their guns on me.
I’m surrounded.
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<<Cleanse thyself of your decay, then will the mind be free to understand the value of transgression.>>
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I think a world of balance would fight the Darkness, because Darkness unchecked is Darkness thriving. I think that a world of balance would never mistake the excitement of transgression or the grim necessity of trespass for a genuinely righteous act. We must remember the value of unshakable, irrational hope. The choice to act as if we lived in a better world can create a place for that better world to exist.
A Friend In Need
There’s a heat behind my eyes. I’d forgotten warmth, what it felt like. All I can make out are the weapons pointed at my face. If this is my fate, I will end with the fury of a tempest.
“Lower your guns!”
“Eris Morn. Apologies for the welcome. Never know what will come out of there.”
The Dreaming City. I did not think I ever would set foot here.
“This place… it’s miraculous .”
“Don’t get used to it. We won’t be staying long.”
“Where are we going?”
“To see the Queen.”
“The Witch aims to bait me. I require your guidance, my Queen .”
“She is calculated, meticulous. Proceed cautiously. Her intent is obscured.”
My Queen is wise.
“Where do we begin?”
“Eris… there is understandable urgency in this matter…”
Not you too. Please do not think lesser of me.
“You were on the brink of death. That is not a loss I’m willing to bear.”
“The shadow of death cannot hinder me.”
She takes a concerned pause at my words. Did I misspeak?
“You walk a thin line between duty and obsession. Take it from one with experience.”
“I am driven, but only due to what is at stake.”
“And what is that to you?”
“My Queen … everything. Human and Awoken alike will wash up on the shores of death if we do not act.”
“No. What is it to you?”
I watch as she deliberates the validity of my claims. To be dismissed as mad now would be my end.
“A noble cause.”
The same desire runs through my Queen’s veins.
“Savathûn’s cunning has its limits... We retrieved a log dating back to the Golden Age that may aid in deciphering Her riddles. It is one of many. The rest are scattered across the stars.”
“I must seek them all out.”
“You will not have to do it alone.”
My queen.
The months working alongside my Queen were exhilarating and treacherous. I’ve traversed more of the known universe than I ever thought I would see. Through all the vile creatures vanquished and treasures discovered lurks a new sensation… A place in this story.
We’ve collected several of the logs we seek. Each offers a new perspective on the threat we all face. The Golden Age understanding of the concepts of Light and Darkness were primitive, nascent. I wonder if in the millennia that will come to pass, our comprehension will be viewed similarly. It matters not, if we are unable to avoid our looming calamity.
We have come so far, and now I feel our journey coming to a close.
It’s here, in these ruins. I can sense it.
I push the refuse off an ancient chest.
Inside—what we’ve been searching for.
I read. My worst fears confirmed.
“My Queen … it’s been there all along.”
To think I must return to those twisted tunnels where the screams of my fireteam will undoubtedly reverberate throughout my mind…
My fate is eternally bound to that place.
There is no escape.
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<<When imagined, your potential will infect, and spread.>>
It’s been a long while since I’ve been to the Tower. Much has changed. I pray my departure hasn’t created an irreparable fracture.
Ikora… you must forgive me.
I’ll tell her what I’ve uncovered—where I’ve been. She’ll see the meaning behind my actions.
“When I heard your ship was approaching, I didn’t believe it. Yet here you stand. It’s good to see you.”
“Ikora, my absence was necessary. What I have learned, discovered... Danger lurks closer than you realize. You must trust me. We’ve stood too long ignorant of the cataclysm brewing before us. If we do not act, we face yet another Collapse. We must attend to that which the Hive have unearthed down below the lunar surface—”
“Eris. Breathe.”
Her words bring a fleeting rush of relief.
“We know about the Hive, as well as their recently erected Keep .”
A Keep ? They mobilize. It’s far worse than I knew.
“Then you will come with me, Ikora.”
“Eris, you’ve barely had a moment to rest.”
“You must let me show you the truth. Then you will understand.”
“I have responsibilities here. A lot has transpired in your absence. We’re still recovering from our… losses.”
What lies behind pales in comparison to what we face ahead.
But I won’t fight with her. Not again.
“Then I will go alone.”
“On this I cannot negotiate.”
I can see Ikora measure her options. She does not seek an argument either.
“At least allow me to help you mount an adequate response to a threat that, mind you, we don’t fully understand. Let the Vanguard support you.”
That will take time. Always time. The one element we don’t have the luxury of.
“But you’ll be gone before they can mobilize, won’t you?”
“We all do what we must.”
“Promise you’ll stay in communication with me. I don’t want this to be like last time.”
I nod to Ikora. Always the beacon of benevolence.
She deserves more than I can offer. My calling is not here. There is still work to be done. One last stop.
“I have to go.”
Her concern is palpable. It reassures me, oddly. The wound between us can heal. If we live long enough.
“Eris… This thing you’re willing to risk everything for… What is it?”
“I warned of a storm.
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Can’t you hear the thunder?”
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Caliban enters the pit and makes their way through tunnels of the Hive colony towards the summoning ritual in the Chasm of Screams.
Taeko-3: You're right. There is a way out of this.
Ghost: What is it?
Taeko-3: Embrace the Praxic Fire.
||...the provably improvable.||
Fill up your mouths.
We fill them with dust.
Let us remember the great feats of our King.
In dust they are spoken, in dust of our skin.
One day, as the green eye stars set behind the far-away spines left by the machines’ failed injections, a Knight of Oryx met a Knight of Xivu Arath as they passed across a bridge in the Sea of Screams. To their north lay a strata of ossified corpses, tangled bones left by newborn beings who had hatched into this overworld from the weeping blistered souls of living worlds at the end of their sanity, only to become unanchored from the universe of matter and confuse their shapes with each other, until they became one screaming interchange of bodies and died. To their other north was an atoll of scriptures adrift on a sea of interpretations, gnawed at by heresies like white eels. To another north was one end of the bridge, and to the last north, the other end. All directions were north, but it was not at once obvious what lay at the northernmost place.
“North is toward Oryx my King,” said the first Knight.
“No,” said the second Knight, “Xivu Arath is victorious in all wars; north is toward my Queen.”
Thus announced, they drew their blades and struggled. At first, the Knight of Xivu Arath, She Whose Victory Is Idempotent, had the upper claw. Through inexorable campaigns and the absolute mastery of operontological warfare, which is the method of war which converts mere strategy into an attack on the enemy’s very fundamental modes of being and knowing, Xivu Arath had claimed great swathes of Oryx’s territories. But then the Knight of Oryx, First Navigator of Phase Spaces, Primogenitor of Possibilities, gained the poise and the momentum. For Oryx was ever exploring and opening new spaces, and all that He discovered weighed more on His existence than all He had ever known and left behind.
At last, battered like primordial worlds, their shields broken and their thick slabs of health eroded, they toppled in exhaustion. But each had one more way to fight: by the claim of truth.
“Xivu Arath is more powerful,” Her Knight claimed, “for She held a territory in Oryx’s mind even after She died.”
“Oryx is more powerful,” His Knight retorted, “for He has gone into the Deep, alone of all the Hive; He has spoken to that which is caustic to existence, and returned with some loan of its power. He has even relaxed in its presence, for He is friend to that which cannot befriend.”
Perhaps the Knight’s weapon had cut through the thin membranes of reality and drawn a tear of prophecy from the eye of time, which fell into the Knight’s panting mouth. For the Knight then said, “And my King is so mighty in His weight of causality that all which succeeds Him is in some way caused by Him. Even His enemies, in reacting to Him, ultimately obey the shape of His will, as a bandage must obey the shape of a wounded limb. So it is that the one who most hates and fears my King will also be the one to find what He seeks. It is this way only because it must be this way. Aiat!”
Now the other Knight knew the sound of holy writ, but could not surrender the fight. “Yes, Oryx was first to know the Deep,” the Knight of Xivu Arath said. “But first blood is not last blood; first to meet the Shape of Shapes is not last to touch that secret face. Easy it may be to dismiss my Queen for Her blunt strength and simplicity. But She causes exhaustion and ennui in Her enemies, which, in a cosmos where existence may be maintained by will alone, are the surest of killers. And as for your prophecy, I need not disprove it, for until it is true it is only a boast.”
Now neither Knight had died, and so they knew they had fought to an impasse: so they cast themselves from the bridge into the Sea of Screams below, to see where the currents would bear them.
For this reason a certain quantity of tribute did not reach one of Crota’s champions at the necessary time, and that champion lost a duel with a sergeant of Xivu Arath, causing the loss of a great number of temples and tributaries, so that Crota, upon slaughtering many liars with His sword, judged it best to sleep and recover His debts, with His soul proxied in a material cask so that He could use it as a piton to return swiftly to the Real. All afterwards proceeded as it must have proceeded. Aiat.
The Inundation of Hashladûn
Scream of me, o Thralls! Let the Knights beat their weapons on their knees and tear at their plates, let the Wizards shout my name in the speech that sunders, let my name come out of you like an itch comes out of skin!
I am Hashladûn, spawn of Crota. From the day I spilled from the egg, I possessed great strength; I was huge of crest and thick of arm, I was a Thrall who contended with Knights. I was large, as the storm is large upon the fundament, as grief is large among the grieving.
Seeing this, my father said “Let this one be inundated in the old way of floods; let her greatness be reduced to only what is greatest, for she has an excess, and excess is the capacity to be stringently purified.”
But I would not be taken to the floodplain; I was afraid; I contended with a hundred Thralls and ten Knights and was not beaten; I contended with an Ogre and I was exhausted; only then did my father, who is Eater of Hope, who burned with the secondhand melamu, who trampled the netherworld as hooves trample hands, come down from His throne, saying, “Do you love Me so hugely as to defy My edict, and so test the verity of My will? In this capacity you are also great.”
Then He brought me in His embrace down to the deep place between worlds, where I was impaled in six places to the floodplain. And the waters rose over me, and I was inundated.
Five times I was flooded. The first inundation is of bloodied hydrogen, which is like unto acid. The second inundation is of fire. The third inundation is of light, which is like unto the light of cloven atom. The fourth inundation is secret and rattles the bones. The fifth inundation is of words, and it aches at the joining-place between flesh and worm.
I was scoured, I was burnt; I was burnt again by the slow fire, I was tested on the rack of time. My flesh dissolved, it cracked and parted, it turned to black ash which peeled away. All the pain I had ever felt before would fit in one eyelash of that pain.
Then I was left to die.
But I broke the six impalements, and I crawled alone up the way to the outer world, gaunt, wounded, missing eight in ten parts of what I had been. And I killed the first thing that I found and ate it all.
Seeing the reduction of me appear before His throne, my father said, “You are great now, and you cannot love Me. For the parts of you that were Mine have been taken from you; the parts that were His remain.”
I saw the melamu upon Him, which is the light of god, and I assented, for I knew whence that light had come, I knew it for the light of Oryx Edge-and-Point.
And Crota cried out in joy and grief, and cut the sky, and sent me forth, lost to Him in triumph, never to enter His court again.
Oryx is dead! To deny this is to drink strong poison.
Oryx is dead and His throne waits empty!
[There must... be a strongest one. It is the architecture of these spaces.]
To accept this is to accept blasphemy into our hearts.
Our progenitor and forefather is vanquished. His court is scattered, His temples ransacked. The Knights like hot stone are dead. The beasts like scarred bone are gone from His side. And His killers have not assumed the mantle of the Taken King.
How can our mighty King, the spear that pierced a hundred million lying lungs,
-Deep, evenly spaced "throats" converged on a central cavity perhaps intended to serve as lung and stomach.
be killed by those who would deny the all-edged truth? Is this the end of progress towards the True and Final Shape? Is this the Entaoxuanna, the fate worse than extinction—the triumph of the oldest doubt, and the end of our way? Is it the incomprehensible fate which the Needle-Fingered One calls the Fraying of the Cord?
No. We are the people of the Real. We know the rod which separates the true from the dead. We know that whatever happens is so because it must be so. We accept that this has happened.
Let me tell you what has happened: Our King of Shapes has triumphed.
The one who murdered Him, who wielded His killers as a knife: she was once a liar drenched in the Sky. But she came among us, the children of Oryx, and we cleaned the lies from her, we scoured the confusion and fear from her, and we gave her the clarity of our sight: and she devoted herself to the task of comprehending Oryx, learning and foreseeing Him, thinking as He would think, knowing what He would know, becoming His one worthy enemy and so becoming like Him.
How could she do anything but challenge Him? And how, in challenging Him, in seeking a way between His pits and riddles, could she walk any path but the path He made for her? The mark of Him is upon her! She will always fear Him, she will feel the wound of Him in her mind as we feel His absence, she will seek out all that He valued, she will find all that He would want found—and lo! What has she found? What has she found?
The liars will come in their thousands and hundreds of thousands and slaughter us in our millions and tens of millions, and we will go rejoicing to our ends, for they are the blade He has appointed to whittle us into our shape, and she is the avatar He has chosen to mantle Him, and even now we sail the course He plotted! For she has awakened the truth which answers the lies. And His will has delivered the liars to us as His final test. And He is still and now and forever our King.
We will ask Him to return to us. And when we have pleased Him, He will answer!
||...call me Sri-cleans-his-brother's-stomach...||
"Am I to cast a Shadow?"
Gahlran knelt before his Emperor in a chamber of gold.
Every surface reflected a resplendent sheen that blinded him.
“What is this place?” he asked.
“Many things,” Calus replied, lounging with his cheek in his palm. “This chamber once held an Arkborn. The only one of her kind to leave the interstellar conduits of her people. It is the place where Valus Nohr earned her shield in trial by combat. Shadows were cast here. History made.”
“Am I to cast a Shadow?”
“Yes. You were bred to be a sorrow-bearer. I seek a Hive commander, but those are not so readily available. So I made you.”
“The Council says the Hive cannot be contained. They worry.”
Calus raised an eyebrow. “Who among them?”
“Councilors Rahl and Verloren.”
The Emperor shook the golden chamber with his guffaw. “Only a few hours old, and already your words have killed two.”
Gahlran pondered what his Emperor could mean.
“I will enjoy you,” Calus said, and keyed a hidden control on the armrest of his divan.
The ceiling shrieked as it opened like an eye. Gahlran craned his neck to stare as two hovering Councilors descended with a massive, plated helm from the vast iris above.
He could hear a litany of voices shouting down at him from inside the thing as it slowly descended. He thought they sounded like warnings, but there were no discernible words in the speech.
“What is that?” he asked his Emperor.
Calus finished the Royal nectar in his chalice before belching, “Your crown.”
Gahlran thought he could glimpse a faint violet glow on the inside of the helm as it drew nearer.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Calus asked, as the voices echoing from the helm grew louder.
“No,” Gahlran replied.
He thought he should run. He tried to stand, but he found that he could not, rooted to the floor before the Emperor’s throne by the will of the Councilors.
“I do not like this,” Gahlran said.
“This,” said Calus, as the Councilors crowned Gahlran, “is why you were born.”
The violet interior filled Gahlran’s vision.
“What does it feel like?” asked the Emperor.
“Fear,” Gahlran said.
Calus must have responded, but Gahlran couldn’t hear him over the cacophony of voices.
He suddenly found that he could see.
Through a hundred billion eyes.
And that he could eat.
With teeth enough to consume entire systems.
He felt beautiful.
||... a purposeful mob none of whose members know its purpose...||
They call themselves Hunters. Scouts. Survivors scavenging from races older and nobler—so that their people might rebuild what they’ve lost.
They call themselves Titans. Soldiers. Killers—slaying the enemies of humanity so that their City might live one more day.
They call themselves Warlocks. Martial philosophers. Harbingers of Light. Scholars searching for meaning when all is already lost. Their machine god abandoned them long ago.
They don’t understand yet, but they are, all of them, so much more.
It falls to you, my Loyalists, to show them the way. You’ve met them. You know their conviction.
So I unleash you.
Hinder them. Topple them. Teach them pain.
They will only ask for more. And they will grow stronger for it.
When they are ready, we will open the Menagerie to them. Even the strongest Lights have yet to explore that ancient deck.
I want them to see where our journey out of exile began. Ghaul and his conspirators meant for the Menagerie—for the Leviathan itself!—to be our tomb. But Ghaul could not predict what we would find at the black edge.
He could not foresee that we would grow fat from strength.
I call on that strength, now, one last time, before the black edge claims us.
Make no mistake. They will take your lives.
I know you give them gladly.
Your sacrifice shall spark the Shadows of Earth.
Shadows, showing truth by their casting.
IV: Whispers
Seek the whispers—they are faint, but they are calling.
Not all bone carries the sound of secret truth. Most are fragile, hollow things meant only to carry the weight of wasted lives.
In the feted remnants of yearning marrow, find love, find life, and in their lies you will discover the narrow road to all you never dreamed to be.
However, whispers are but sound, as is the breeze. Not all who listen can share its purpose.
Know thyself, listen well, and do not fear when the whispers carve their welcome. Rejoice.
The agony of the cutting word is a boon to those who embrace its severed logic.
The cutting word is a doorway—the first syllable of hated salvation.
"On the path of the hushed tones, the cutting word will guide your unmaking."
—4th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow
The Guardian approaches the Emissary of the Nine at Titan
Drifter: Hey. Three Eyes. Shaxx says you sang him a lil' ditty.
Eris Morn: What?
Drifter: Shaxx. Chunky Titan. One horn. Did you sing him a song on the Moon?
Eris Morn: What a senseless question.
Drifter: Yeah. I didn't think so.
Eris Morn: Stay off this channel. Should I need you, I'll call — wait.
Drifter: Uh, I didn't hang up.
Eris Morn: Does that oaf still keep that skull with him?
Drifter: In the Tower? Yeah. Hangs it over his spot. I wouldn't have tangoed with that thing.
Eris Morn: Desperate times. This… 'lil ditty. Did it go… ? [hums]
Drifter: That would be the one. Heh. What is it?
Eris Morn: Savathûn's Song. It's a viral chant. It can never be unheard. Now that Savathûn has announced herself, relics of the Dark across the system have begun to awaken… Tell Shaxx to remove that Skull immediately.
Drifter: Sister, I already tried.
Eris Morn: What did that oaf say?
Drifter: No.
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fixquotes · 1 month
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"A little and a little, collected together, becomes a great deal; the heap in the barn consists of single grains, and drop and drop make the inundation"
- Saadi
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beatsandskies · 2 months
Theme Deck Review Compendium: Judgment “Inundation”
Inundation A good old fashioned White Weenie deck. Official product information webpage (archived) Screenshot of page, circa 2007 Cheap white creatures and more cheap white creatures have always been a winning combination, and the “Inundation” deck is no exception to the rule. You should play your creatures as quickly as possible and attack early and often. With this deck, you have to play…
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aytonai · 2 months
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The Great Flood
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schlorian · 1 year
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
A cataclysm occurred with inundations and earthquakes.
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" - Jules Verne
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Nobody gives a fuck about Biden very ambiguously “negotiating” with Israel, all while he continues funding the weapons it’s using to genocide Palestinians. Yesterday the IOF abducted 16 people during dawn prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and there are still no reports of aid being allowed through the “opened” Beit Hanoun crossing. I say opened in quotation marks because no aid trucks entered Gaza despite Israel’s claims that they would permit “temporary aid.” It’s all smoke and mirrors—and it’s pure evil.
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celebrimborium · 23 days
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rings of power + central relationships*
*by gesture and touch
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coulsons-band · 1 year
pedro pascal doesn’t owe you shit.
it is absolutely fine to be disappointed by his absence at cannes. i am too. but he does not have to be there.
for whatever reason he’s pulling away from the attention. the esquire article talked about how guarded he is and his socials have really slowed down. maybe he’s unprepared or overwhelmed by all the tlou hype. i mean his follower count went up by the tens of thousands the day after the premiere. that’s insane.
but some of you have lost the plot. the ones wearing d*ddy’s little girl shirts in fucking public and yelling d*ddy at him at events and trying to convince everyone whether he’s queer or not and complaining there isn’t an explicit scene of him fucking in the strange way of life. it’s not a gay porn made for your fetish. ‘oh but narcos!!’ that’s called characterization. read literally any article from almodovar and understand why sex isn’t the point.
interacting with paparazzi content and making cute little edits - jfc. that’s creating demand and supply and paparazzi know no fucking boundaries. man’s got anxiety and no doubt the paps and fans watching his every move are probably making that worse.
let him make movies and rotate through his four shirts in peace. pedro pascal doesn’t owe anyone shit.
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Brisbane’s lord mayor, Adrian Schrinner, said the report showed the emergency alert system operated by the state government “epically failed” during the flood.
“I am really concerned that little has been done to improve the National Emergency Alert system operated by state governments,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.
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scootkiddo · 2 years
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thinking about how joel was wringing his hands here. the amount of visible discomfort he felt when maria was offering hot showers, warm clothes, houses to stay in- something he was supposed to be able to offer to ellie
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he was dwelling in such denial over his fear of being an insufficient caretaker and guardian to the point of feeling physical stiffness in his body and over his face. to the point of claiming that they had been “doing just fine” because his mind couldn’t comprehend the antithesis of such. jackson was the physical embodiment of what he longed to give ellie- real comfort and security- and he struggled with this reality hammering into his head of just how self-sufficient this community was as opposed to him. he was responsible for ellie. he was meant to provide the best for her. and here was someone else who had procured and provided the necessities joel hadn’t come close to replicating
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canisalbus · 8 months
I have a feeling that sooner or later you are going to silly-post your way into giving them a canon child on the modern au. Just watch
*gestures vaguely*
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