#intuitive magic
sierrawitch · 4 months
Intuitive Magick: Healing Doll
by autumn sierra
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My sister had been very ill at the start of this year. First, she suffered terrible menstrual symptoms while also catching a respiratory infection. Following the infection, we realized she had a gastrointestinal bug which kept her weak and in bed, unable to eat or drink much without vomiting. She did not eat for about 4 days and drank very little.
On the 4th or 5th night, she was crying in pain and frustration after vomiting every few hours. I knew I had to try something else that the mundane alone just could not seem to substitute. I got to work gathering supplies for making a healing doll. I sewed the fabric and added my herbs—oak leaf for protection, salt for cleansing, bay for intention, pine for healing, maple leaf for longevity—invoking each of them for their specific properties. I drew her initials, star sign, and some Ogham—Tinne and Ceirt—representative of my intention. When I was finished, I swayed for a while and chanted “For all that is ill, healing and peace. As I will, so mote it be”.
I finished the spell and went to her room to comfort her and help her drink. I ended up also massaging castor oil on her abdomen and focusing my energy there to help with any blockages or illness.
The next day she was feeling a bit better, and was able to eat some yam without vomiting, but was still depressed about her situation. So, the following day, I helped her tidy up the tissues in her space, and pick up the clutter that had been building. We talked about her emotional and physical struggles, I opened the door and window to let out stuffy air (and unbeknownst to her, any negative energy), and helped her remove things around her room that reminded her of negative things before replacing them with things she truly loved.
The day to follow, she was up and moving, rosy cheeked, eating normally yet cautiously, and any illness and blockages had been slowly clearing. The suffering that plagued her for nearly 2 weeks had been cleared up in just a couple days. I had doubted myself, my magick, and my holistic medicinal knowledge, but this experience was the perfect way to prove that I am capable of much more than I give myself credit for.
(An interesting aside: since this instance, my sister seemed to experience something of an existential crisis which completely altered her previous behavior and depressive tendencies. She’s been eating more healthily, better maintaining her personal environment, and cutting off toxic people and things from her life. She seems to have a different mindset toward many things.)
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meruladelux · 2 years
I felt called this morning by the bottle filled with jasmine oil on my vanity. I dropped six drops on my palm and then smeared it on my neck and wrists. I sniffed the aroma which is fruity and floral, but certainly not too sweet, rather voluptuous and animalistic at the same time.
Then I imagined golden white luminous smog from the sky embracing and charging me - Jasmine, the Queen of the Night, is deeply associated with the Moon - It relieves my anxienty and depressive feelings, it help me to connect with my sensualiIy.
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princealberich · 6 months
the "empath" shit really did a disservice to autistic & adhd people who suffer from hyper-empathy
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euphorictruths · 4 months
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psychics4unet · 28 days
The Secrets of the Void: Entering the Ultimate Psychic State
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Introduction: The Void is a profound state of consciousness where the mind transcends ordinary reality, offering deep psychic insights and spiritual experiences. Tapping into the Void can amplify your intuitive abilities and connect you with higher realms.
How to Enter the Void:
Prepare your space by choosing a quiet, comfortable location where you won’t be disturbed. Start by meditating deeply, focusing on your breath, and slowly clearing your mind of all thoughts. Visualize yourself floating in a vast, dark space, where nothing exists but you. Surrender fully to the emptiness, letting go of all expectations and concerns.
Practice deep, slow breathing to calm your nervous system and help you enter a state of deep relaxation. Light candles or incense to create a serene atmosphere, enhancing your focus on entering the Void. Use calming music or binaural beats designed to help reach altered states of consciousness. Try grounding yourself first by imagining roots growing from your body into the Earth, anchoring you in the present moment.
Adopt a comfortable posture, either sitting or lying down, that allows you to remain still for an extended period. Keep your eyes closed to reduce external stimuli and enhance your inward focus. Set a clear intention before you begin, asking for guidance or clarity during your journey into the Void. Practice mindfulness, bringing your awareness fully into the present moment, letting go of past and future thoughts.
Repeat a mantra or affirmation that helps you detach from your everyday thoughts and enter a deeper state. Focus on the space between your thoughts, allowing the silence to expand. Imagine yourself dissolving into the darkness, becoming one with the Void. Let go of the need to control your experience, allowing whatever arises to do so naturally.
Use visualization techniques to see the Void as a gateway to deeper understanding and insight. Imagine a doorway or portal in your mind’s eye that leads directly into the Void. Focus on your third eye, the center of your forehead, as a way to enhance your psychic awareness. Release all tension in your body, letting it melt away as you sink deeper into relaxation.
Practice yoga or gentle stretching beforehand to prepare your body for stillness. Keep a journal nearby to record any insights or experiences that come to you after your session. Set a timer to avoid checking the time, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Consider fasting or eating lightly before your session to enhance mental clarity.
Focus on your breath, counting each inhale and exhale to help quiet the mind. Use crystals like amethyst or clear quartz to enhance your connection to the Void. Practice regularly, as entering the Void becomes easier with time and experience. Start with short sessions, gradually increasing the time spent in meditation.
Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective light, ensuring your journey into the Void is safe. Allow yourself to drift off if you feel sleepy; sometimes, the Void can be accessed in the space between wakefulness and sleep. Use essential oils like lavender or sandalwood to help calm the mind and body. Focus on the feeling of weightlessness, as if you’re floating in the vastness of space.
Clear your mind of all distractions, both internal and external, before you begin. Listen to your intuition, following any guidance or impressions you receive during your journey. Stay patient and persistent, as entering the Void can take practice and dedication. Consider using a guided meditation specifically designed to help you reach the Void.
Trust the process, even if your experience is subtle or different from what you expected. Be open to whatever messages or insights come to you, even if they seem unrelated at first. Allow yourself to feel the vastness and silence of the Void, embracing the stillness. Reflect on your experience afterward, noting any shifts in your awareness or understanding.
Practice detachment, letting go of any need for a specific outcome or experience. Keep your mind open, allowing the Void to reveal itself to you in its own time. Approach each session with a sense of curiosity and wonder, exploring the unknown depths of your consciousness.
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thatfrailsoul · 4 months
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Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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You have still so much to experience and live through, so many moments to create and feel... And yet what you got through until now left you already with so many scars and so much knowledge about how to heal and take care of ones tired heart and soul.
It's not an easy awareness to have within you. It makes your own feelings be overwhelming, so clear and much stronger then many people could bare and feel. It makes you unable to look away when others feel something, when they are the ones to feel turn apart and filled with pain. It makes you feel responsible, for you, for others, for this world... Even if you are not at all the one who causes this pain and despair around you. And it makes you hate this part of you, this gentleness and care that makes you so easy for others to use...
But while so many might have turned their back on you after using your strength and support to live through a moment, leaving you hurt and drained, sad of how often it happens again and again... Your readiness and willingness to feel so much, to understand so well and to find that one thing that could help others, is not at all something bad, a curse on your soul. It's an incredible gift, a natural call that you feel each time and can't resist. Something that so few in this world can do and really handle. Something that you should be proud of, regardless of the way others thank you or decide to take it for granted and to ignore. Because even if they are not with you, even if they might not understand or appreciate what you did for them, perhaps even misunderstanding it and feeling somehow hurt... They still live. They still overcame that storm. Healed that wound. They are still able to make further steps in this world. All thanks to you and to your gift of knowledge and feelings, and your courage to share it with others. To help through such powerful love and gentleness, that not anyone has the strength to embody and carry in this world.
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You just can sense it. You can feel it under your skin... The moment something shifts and hides a danger, a truth that for anyone but you is hidden in plane sight.
So often you try to shake it off, perhaps thanks to so many advices and kind and helpful" opinions of others that convince you that its simply all your mind... But it never goes away does it? Even when you try so hard to not listen, your heart continues to whisper and warn you, guide you, past many situations and people that don't have at all your best in mind.
Some call it overthinking, trauma, deep fear and negative expectations about the way this world can treat you. Ohters call it intuition, inner knowledge, angels guarding you behind your back... But the truth is much deeper and sweeter. Hidden in everything you overcame all on your own, the battles you won not against the others, but against your own mind that was so mean to your poor heart. You protected it your protected your self every single time, no matter how hard it was to be able to see the truth and work on the subtle ways others and even your own self tried to manipulate you and hurt you. And now... Tha part of you knows and remembers it. Giving you back that love and care, that protection that you had the courage to give yourself, by guiding you thanks to an incredible power. The power that you on your own created and gifted to yourself.
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It is not at all easy to deal with one's tired, confused, sometimes angry and furious mind. It's not at all easy to face it, try to calm it, looking for something positive, something that is worth to keep going, each time your mind screams how it's all useless and wrong. It's not easy to speak it's language, to be courageous enough to look each time deeper and be willing to understand where all that hate comes from... But you did it, again and again. Standing up for yourself, fighting, even when your worst and strongest enemy was your own insecure and vulnerable mind. You found, you find, again and again the motivation, reasons, to go further. To continue this life, these journeys, even if it means doing it one slow and challenging step at a time. You face it all and you overcome it.
Demonstrating each day to your mind how there is no need to be so scared and loud about it. That you can, indeed, have faith in yourself and be proud of each day that you live through moving forward. It is not easy. But you are able to do it again and again, despite it all. You are able to tap into the incredible power of your heart, of hope and faith, of the courage, and use it to help yourself. And to remind your mind and others that nothing is impossible. And that even the scariest and darkest nights can be faced with the light of our soul and the love for our own selves, that deserve to come out of it and experience all that this world and life has in store.
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differentwitchflower · 5 months
I want to say something about spell jars
Why do we put our manifestations, goals, or desired outcome in a jar that we then seal and forget? Won't that just seal the idea away...?
This is no hate or judgement, I have been an avid jar user cause fuck I love a good but after reflecting and mediating with my self love jar I made back in October when I was first assessed for mental health treatment.
I knew what I needed was self love and acceptance but I didn't want to actually get better but I could make a cool looking jar with the intention of self love anyways.
So I made a jar, actually in a beautiful crystal sweets bowl and I vowed to never opened it till I loved myself.
I opened it last week, it still smells and looks beautiful, I changed the note, I cleansed it and changed or added a few more things and now keep the lid half off.
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So this experience has changed my mind on spell jars.
I only seal something I want to keep or already have/feel and want to keep it around or vice versa, a spell jar to hex a mental illness perhaps...
I have more exploring of this idea but I wanted to share so I remember to write it in BOS :)
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ivemanifest · 10 months
Creating absolute fucking bliss, Claim it.
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ofpearlsandstars · 3 months
Free Tarot & Oracle Readings to Celebrate My New Blog!
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Good morning, Stardrops!~🌊🌟
I'm excited to announce that for the next 3 days (until Monday, 6 AM PDT), I'll be offering FREE one-card tarot/oracle readings to celebrate the thrilling milestone of starting this brand-new blog. I will be hosting these giveaways occasionally, so be sure to follow along if you want dibs. 😊🌸
How to get a reading:
⭐️ Follow me
⭐️ Like/reblog this post
⭐️ Send an ask with your question and initials + the initials of those involved in your question, preferably off anon.
⭐️ Feedback or a review would be lovely, but not required.
Example Reading Questions:
I can answer questions about love, career, spirituality, or life generally for the past, present, or future. Some basic questions include...
⭐️ What advice do I need to know right now (regarding x topic)?
⭐️ What will happen in the near future (regarding x topic)?
⭐️ What advice do I need to hear right now to heal? (Using a specialty oracle deck based on healing)
Disclaimer: These readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for medical professional help! NO questions on topics related to medical health, legal issues, pregnancy, celebrities, politics, etc.
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For more in-depth insight, check out my paid readings on Ko-fi!
Looking forward to scrying the celestial waters for you lovelies! 💙
Mira 🌊🌟
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seedsense · 4 months
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The flame of awareness.
I am aware of my desire
I am aware of my need to feel safe and loved
I am aware my desire to feel a special someone.
I remind myself I am here to love me.
What is my refuge in moments of desperation?
Just feel it, my love.
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graceetarot · 3 months
Tarot readings are a form of divination using Tarot cards to get insights into different areas of your life, past, present, or future, love, career or custom questions.
Cards in tarot decks represent different archetypes, symbols, and meanings.
Cards are interpreted based on their positions and interactions and placements to provide guidance, reflections, and potential outcomes to those who are getting a reading done.
Why do people get readings done?
Tarot readings are often used for self-discovery, personal growth, making choices, to get more insight on a situation, help with healing, and spiritual exploration.
You can ask tarot cards many questions related to yourself, decisions, emotions, life and future, you could ask about love, career, personal growth, or any specific situation you want insight on. The cards are a tool for reflection and guidance.
Focus on questions that empower you to make informed decisions and understand the underlying factors influencing your situation.
Examples of what you can ask;
What do I need to know about my current situation with __?
What is the potential outcome if I take a certain path ?
How can I overcome challenges I'm facing right now?
What can I do to improve my personal growth?
is ____ a good person to keep in your life?
what can I do to better my well-being and happiness?
What lesson can I learn from a recent situation or relationship?
What's next for you ?
What do you need to release in order to move forward?
Remember, the tarot cards are a tool for self-reflection, so when asking questions be specific and sincere to get the best insight you may receive.
Remember, the tarot cards are a tool for self-reflection, so when asking questions be specific and sincere to get the best insight you may receive.
What is the process of a tarot reading?
First reader will set the intention of the person seeking the reading, the person will focus on a specific question or situation they want insights into. This sets the intention for the reading.
the reader will shuffle the deck, to mix the cards while focusing on the question / topic asked about / the seekers energy
The reader then lays out how many cards is needed, some times readers pick the cards, sometimes they let them fly out, I always let mine fly out and pick themselves & lay them out positioned in the form they come out in, the cards are around each card also play a big part in interpretation.
The reader starts interpreting each card with their own unique symbolism and meaning. The reader interprets the cards based on their traditional meanings, their position in the spread, their interactions with other cards and their own intuition and if they get any extra messages
After the cards have been interpreted and through that process the tarot reader provides insights, guidance, and potential outcomes related to the seeker's question or situation.
Readers can also rely on their intuition and empathetic abilities to connect with the seeker and offer personalized insights beyond the basic card meanings.
Tarot readings are not to predict the future with certainty but to help give guidance, self-reflection, and a broader perspective on the your life journey and questions.
Tarot decks have 78 cards, The major arcana 22 cards and the minor arcana 56 cards The major arcana deal with big life events and spiritual lessons and the minor arcana deal everyday situations and experiences.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Sooooo this post by @lover-of-mine got my brain going brrrrrr over the Mitchell Mitchell Charlie Charlie ambulance of it all
Because there are also two Freddie’s tied up in this as well but it’s more than that - it’s the living/dying danger/no danger (technically) of it all.
Bear with me - I need to set it out for my brain because there’s something about the Mitchell’s dying and the Charlie’s putting Buck and Eddie in the line of fire (by this I mean both of them at the same time and not one or the other being in danger)
We have Charlie 1, who puts the both of them in danger (unintentionally) with the grenade in his leg. Up to this point Buck and Eddie have been at odds but this bonds them and we get the ‘we might end up real close’ line. This is essentially the foundation stone/ moment of their relationship.
Then, 7 episodes later we have Mitchell 1, who gets crushed by a car and dies. Neither Buck or Eddie are in any danger during this call. And we have the establishing of Bucks method statement - ‘you don’t find it you make it. (Which imo is the first time we see buck misunderstanding the assignment)
Then we have Charlie 2, again Buck and Eddie are both put into (again unintentional) danger when the come under gun fire. This time Eddie does get hurt but it plays into the might end up real close concept as ultimately we see the bond getting even tighter through the will.
Then guess what 7 episodes later (you can’t tell me this isn’t intentional at this point) we meet Mitchell 2, who like Mitchell 1 dies. Whilst Buck and Eddie can be seen to be in danger throughout this episode, in reality neither of them are truly in danger - killing them wont get Mitchell what he wants, so even though we are held in suspense through the episode, the reality is that they’re ‘safe’.
There is something about how a Charlie binding them ever closer together while Mitchell’s are a omen - they foreshadow events later in their respective seasons.
Mitchell 1 gets crushed by his car, foreshadowing Bucks crush injury at end of season (and the hand holding parallel is not lost on me either - Thomas holding Mitchell’s hand and Eddie being the one holding Bucks).
Mitchell 2 is Eddie’s foreshadowing - he blows out his brains to protect his heart so it can be transplanted into his son. This is foreshadowing Eddie’s mental health breakdown - he neglects brain in trying to protect his son - his heart - Mitchell’s heart is a literal one and a metaphorical one while Eddie’s is more just metaphorical.
Then there are the two Freddie’s - Freddie Costas sets of bomb that crushes buck and Freddie Vaughn is the guard who is lax with Mitchell and ends up injured at the initiation of the prison riot.
And now we have two Thomas/Tommys - both who seem to be there to direct Buck to the correct path in some way - Thomas set buck on the path of you make it and it feels to me a bit like Tommy is going to play a part in either reenforcing that concept for Buck (correcting his path) or building onto the idea of making something.
Basically we need to be on the look out for Charlie’s Mitchell’s Freddie’s
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848ellie · 25 days
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I ride the dolphin, guided by the ocean's rhythm. As I move through the water, I feel my connection to the sea. The waves are my intuition and the sun is my awakening. 🐬🌊🌞
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motherlymagick · 10 months
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I’m going to do random free tarot readings this weekend. Make sure you like & reblog and follow my socials that are linked in my bio! ✨🌙 I’ll DM you if I choose you 💖
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katherinakaina · 25 days
People think Artemy is a druid. But he's actually a sorcerer.
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psychics4unet · 2 months
✨ How to Shift Realities: A Beginner's Guide ✨
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So, you’ve heard about reality shifting and want to give it a shot? Maybe you’ve seen it all over TikTok or stumbled upon a Reddit thread and thought, "Can I actually do this?" The answer is yes, you can! Shifting is all about moving your consciousness from this current reality (CR) to a desired reality (DR). Whether you want to visit Hogwarts, join your favorite anime, or live your dream life, shifting is your ticket there. Here’s how to get started!
1. Understand What Shifting Is 🧠 Shifting isn’t just lucid dreaming or daydreaming; it’s about experiencing an entirely different reality as vividly as you experience this one. It’s like living in a parallel universe, but with more control. You’re essentially moving your awareness to a new world where the rules and circumstances are different, and you’re the main character.
2. Set Your Intention 📝 Before you even start the process, be clear on where you want to go. What does your DR look like? What role do you play there? Write down all the details—your appearance, surroundings, relationships, abilities, etc. The more specific, the better! Some people even script out entire scenes to help visualize their DR. But remember, scripting is optional. It’s all about what works best for you.
3. Choose a Shifting Method 🚀 There are a ton of methods out there, so find one that vibes with you. Here are a few popular ones:
The Raven Method 🖤: Lie down in a starfish position, close your eyes, and start counting to 100 while repeating affirmations like "I am shifting" or "I am in my DR." You might feel tingles or vibrations—don’t freak out, it’s totally normal.
The Pillow Method 🛏️: Write your DR script or affirmations on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, focus on your DR and imagine yourself there. Visualize everything until you drift off.
The Alice in Wonderland Method 🐇: Imagine yourself running after someone (like the White Rabbit) through a tunnel or hallway. As you reach a door at the end, open it, and step into your DR. Keep focusing on the details of your new world.
4. Stay Calm and Trust the Process 🌙 Shifting can take time, so don’t stress if it doesn’t happen right away. The key is to stay relaxed and trust that you’ll get there when you’re ready. Anxiety or frustration can block the process, so take it easy. Try meditating or listening to subliminals if you’re feeling too antsy.
5. Look Out for Symptoms 👀 When you’re close to shifting, you might experience some symptoms like tingling, floating, or feeling disconnected from your body. These are all good signs! It means you’re on the right track. Some people even hear sounds from their DR or see flashes of it before fully shifting.
6. Affirmations Are Your BFF 🔮 Affirmations can help reprogram your mind to believe that shifting is possible. Repeat things like "I am in control of my reality," "I shift easily and effortlessly," or "I am in my DR now." Say them out loud, write them down, or play them on loop as you fall asleep.
7. Don’t Compare Your Journey 🛤️ Everyone���s shifting experience is different, so don’t get discouraged if yours isn’t the same as someone else’s. Some people shift on their first try; others take weeks or even months. It’s all about persistence and finding what works for you.
8. Enjoy the Ride 🎢 Once you’ve shifted, enjoy your DR to the fullest! Interact with the people there, explore your surroundings, and live out your wildest dreams. You can stay as long as you like, and when you’re ready to come back to your CR, just set the intention to wake up here.
9. Practice Self-Care 💖 Shifting can be intense, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself in your CR too. Get enough rest, eat well, and don’t neglect your responsibilities here. Remember, your CR is important too, even if it’s not as exciting as your DR.
So, that’s the gist of it! Shifting is an incredible way to explore new realities and experience things you’ve only dreamed of. Be patient with yourself, keep practicing, and have fun with it. Who knows, you might wake up tomorrow in your DR!
Happy shifting! 🌟✨
Follow me, like & reblog for more info! 💫
If you’re curious to explore more and get insights customized just for you, my paid psychic readings might be perfect for you. They offer detailed spiritual guidance and personal support. Feel free to check out my Tumblr blog for more info and to book a session – I’d love to help you on your spiritual journey! 🌈🔮💖
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