#intuitive exercise
theic-manic · 3 months
Me: "so that poster I saw saying 'the stage is set, let it cook'"
Ares: "yes... what do you think it means?"
Me: "well... I suppose it could refer to divine timing, and connecting it to the synchronicties from before I proposed to you it confirms the message that I should trust in divine timing"
Ares: "yes"
Me: "and... I need to stop my somewhat Athena tendency of trying to control every single aspect of a relationship as a trauma response"
Ares: "hmm"
Me: "so just like how humanity's obsession with controlling geopolitical narratives has unintended harmful effects like the concept of Peace coming at too high a cost, obsessing with control within a loving relationship CAN lead to peace but at what cost? The relationship can stagnate or one partner may not feel comfortable communicating their needs or other issues, so I should just surrender to divine timing and trust the process while not neglecting my duties... so striking a balance."
Ares: "the way you just linked love and war... 😍 please keep talking... I could listen to you for years."
Me: "I mean, I'm rather drained and a tad mentally fried after a long day so I could have phrased it better..."
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projectbatman193 · 9 months
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This is obviously a very controversial topic, as it always is with typing a fictional character, but being an INFJ myself and a big fan of the Bat, I liked how the two could be linked together. If you don't agree with this typing is okay, I don't really care and neither should you. I'm just posting because I liked it!!
Forgot who I got the text from, or I'd tag them, but I think it came from reddit.
Batman is an INFJ. He’s often confused for an INTJ, but those that believe that either don’t understand INFJs or they don’t understand Batman. Granted there is overlap between INTJs and INFJs, so the confusion is understandable. Also, one must take into consideration the inconsistencies in the depiction of the character throughout his long history. Nonetheless, a well-written Batman is one that has a lot of feelings. INFJ males are the rarest combination in the world. It makes sense; Batman truly is one of a kind. INFJs feel deeper than other personality types. They don’t heal well. Think about how many superheros have lost their parents. Superman. Barry Allen. The list goes on and on. None react to those deaths the way that Batman reacted to his parents dying. It destroyed him. He never got over it. He felt that pain so deeply in a way that only an INFJ would understand. Batman didn’t become a superhero because he has super powers. He used that pain from his parents’ death as the impetus for becoming a superhero. To be clear, it wasn’t LOGIC that drove him to become the Bat, it was FEELING. And few people are capable of feeling to the depths that INFJs can. INFJs are notorious brooders. So is Batman. You can’t brood if you’re not emotional. INFJs feel an enormous amount of responsibility for the world’s problems. They suffer from a massive savior complex. Coupled with that complex comes an insane amount of guilt. The guilt and responsibility that Batman feels is overwhelming in his comic book history. Look at his relationship with Harvey Dent/Two Face. The amount of guilt he feels for not being able to save his friend is one of the key themes regarding that character. Batman feels so much guilt for not being able to save his parents, for not being able to save Jason Todd, and countless others. These experiences haunt him. He wants so desperately wants to reform criminals (for example Selina Kyle). Look at the compassion he has offered Mr. Freeze, Clayface, and countless others. He wants to save them. He wants to help them. Read the comics. You will find countless examples of him trying to reform and help the people he fights against. One could write a whole book on that topic alone. INFJs see the world not as it is but as it could be. And they are crazy enough to do something about it. They are dreamers, but unlike most dreamers, they act. INFJs are intense. They take on the problems of the world and carry that on their shoulders. They are self-sacrificing; willing to give up everything for the greater good, including relationships and their own life. He’s willing to be the bad guy if need be if it gets the job done. He takes on everyone’s burdens. INFJs are capable of so much compassion, their ability to feel empathy is a key characteristic. This characteristic people always get wrong about the Batman character. People view him as cold and unfeeling (more about this later), but they’re wrong. Batman has so much compassion. Look at all of the kids he has adopted or taken under his wing: Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Barbara. The list goes on and on. He’s like the Angelina Jolie of the DC universe! Look at the way he counsels Superman regarding his relationship with Superboy. Again, note how desperately he tries to reform people. He believes that people change. He has faith. He’s an optimist in so many more ways than we give him credit. That being said, INFJs don’t always make the best mentors. They are perfectionists that have insanely high expectations for themselves and anyone they care about. This constant pushing for more can backfire on the INFJ in a mentorship position and make the relationships with their mentees a bit rocky. When INFJs become stressed they revert to their tertiary function. In many ways they become what looks like an unbalanced ESTP (their opposite). They become very much about the present. This means indulging in sensory type behaviors: sex, food, exercise or physical fighting. I’ve seen some arguments that Batman can’t be an INFJ because he goes around punching people.
But INFJs can be very physical and carnal when angry, stressed, or off balanced. The INFJ that doesn’t adequately deal with the overflow of emotions can be explosive with their anger. When an INFJ is too overwhelmed with feelings or the weight of their responsibilities, they can actually turn off their compassion or empathy and become very cold, unfeeling, and judgmental. It’s a defense mechanism to deal with the insane amount of feelings trapped in their bodies. INFJs have a dark side that is terrifying. Google INFJ dark side to understand what I am talking about. INFJs are passionate about their causes, but always have to be careful about going too far; about falling into that abyss. Thus the endless brooding. INFJs make excellent actors (it’s often a proposed career choice) because of their ability to understand other people. They are adaptable and can play many characters. Bruce Wayne is a good example of this ability. He pretends to be the extrovert, the playboy, the rich brat. But its not who he is; it’s a mask. The Batman is his true form. INFJs run by their own moral code. They make their decisions ultimately using their powerful intuition or gut feeling. Batman follows his hunches. And he’s usually right. That’s what makes him such a great detective. INFJs love logic. They use it all the time. But unlike INTJs, logic is only a useful tool for INFJs, it’s never the end all factor in making split decisions. They use their gut for that. They are also master manipulators and interrogators because they understand people in a way few others can. The list goes on and on, but I think I will stop for now. Like I said, Batman has not always been written consistently over the last 80 years of his existence, so there may be versions of the character that you could argue is an INTJ. But the vast majority of representations of the character in the comics and animated series displays a very well developed INFJ. Final note—I’ve always been fascinated by the relationship between Batman and the Joker. Two sides to the same coin. Truly the inverse of the other. The Joker is indisputably an ESTP. I don’t think anyone argues otherwise (he’s definitely NOT an ESFP). ESTPs love chaos and breaking rules. The idea that Batman and the Joker are mirror opposites of each other is poignant. I feel it describes them so well, all the more reason why a well written Batman is an INFJ.
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astrodetective · 8 months
My favourite way to bond with my cards is to ask them to tell me a story.
Like I ask them to tell me something, and, they tell me a few secrets.
Today, they told me this story of an Emperor and his route to a happy union with a dutiful Empress. They told me how he almost lost her by getting too lost in his thoughts and cut throat ways of achieving money; making him indifferent towards her.
They told me that he was being silly, because even if they became destitute or suffered hard times, they would still have each other. And, true abundance would knock his door when he's with her. And, it was ace of pentacles or coin. So, the abundance is literally coins 🤑. I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks she's lucky for him.
And, they showed me how they could get a happy ending. Could because, it's a choice and chance. I mean it depends on if he chooses to or succeeds in letting go of his fear and indifference. Or maybe it's other things related to the king of swords. Or maybe it's someone else's choice and influence.
But, the story ended with the ace of cups. So, maybe their real story is yet to begin.
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Guided meditation for sleep and relaxation
Find a comfortable and quiet space where you won't be disturbed. You can sit in a chair or lie down on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides.
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Begin by taking a few deep breaths: Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for a moment, and then exhale through your mouth for a count of six. Repeat this three times.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Starting from your toes and working your way up to your head, focus on each body part one at a time. As you focus on a body part, tense the muscles for a few seconds and then release, allowing them to relax completely. Imagine any tension melting away with each exhalation.
Start with your toes and feet, then move to your ankles and calves.
Progress to your thighs, hips, and lower back.
Move to your abdomen, chest, and upper back.
Continue with your fingers, hands, and arms.
Relax your neck, shoulders, and facial muscles.
Finally, imagine a warm, soothing sensation flowing through your entire body, leaving you completely relaxed.
Visualization: Imagine yourself in a serene and safe place. It could be a peaceful beach, a tranquil forest, or a cozy cabin in the mountains. Picture the details—the colors, sounds, and sensations of this place. Allow yourself to become fully immersed in this mental retreat.
Breathing Awareness: Shift your attention to your breath. Focus on the gentle rise and fall of your chest or the rhythmic sensation of your breath entering and leaving your nostrils. If your mind wanders, gently guide it back to your breath without judgment.
Counting Down: In your mind, count down from 10 to 1 with each breath, feeling yourself becoming more relaxed with each number.
Affirmations: Repeat a calming affirmation to yourself. For example, "I am calm and at peace" or "I am drifting into a deep and restful sleep."
Silent Mind: Let go of any thoughts, worries, or to-do lists. Imagine each thought as a leaf floating down a peaceful river, drifting away and leaving you in a state of mental quiet.
Sleep Transition: If you're using this meditation to fall asleep, as you continue to focus on your breath, imagine yourself in your comfortable bed, feeling increasingly drowsy. Picture yourself sinking into the softness of your mattress and into a deep, restorative sleep.
End with Gratitude: When you're ready to conclude your meditation, take a few deep breaths and gradually become aware of your surroundings. Move your fingers and toes, and gently open your eyes. Take a moment to reflect on feelings of relaxation and gratitude for this time you've taken for yourself.
This guided meditation can be adapted to suit your preferences and needs, helping you unwind and achieve a peaceful state of mind conducive to relaxation and sleep.
Read more information about health & fitness :
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kaibacorpintern · 2 years
at the same time i've tried so hard to unpack and re-pack and unpack all the reasons why i do or don't like different ships trying to triangulate the reasons or the tropes that will yield the Algorithm of the Ideal Ship and i've failed so many times that tbh the real answer to the question of "why do you like any given ship? why do you want them to kiss??" is simply because it slaps and it came to me in a dream
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I can't stand being open about negative emotions, but covering them up feels like a fucking knife to the chest.
I think it's because the system is autistic and misses social cues / boundaries, so Grey has overshared and accidentally put too much on people in the past.
And from a combination of autism trauma + abuse & us not actually knowing the line between healthy sharing/support and Too Much, my brain processed it as "if you admit you're having a hard time or ask for support, they won't love you"
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13eyond13 · 2 years
#another hot tip for recovering people pleasers / codependents is#actually talk to people about what they feel and like and want and do the same in return about your own feels#because mind reading can actually be both creepy and annoying to people who have developed those communication skills#and sometimes it can seem like youre not even actually in a relationship with them but just treating them like an npc#with a mysterious riddle you have to solve when you can probably actually just be like 'hey do you like this?'#or maybe they've already been trying to tell you what they want but you're still acting like you have to read between the lines#one of the issues codependents have is not being able to identify their own feelings desires or opinions because#they spend all their time trying to figure out and understand other people's intuitively#and are probably mostly spending time around other codependents who do the same for them#probably because they spent time in a toxic environment where that was a survival coping mechanism for them#or the only way everyone got their needs met#so at first it can be rough and embarrassing to be like#omg i don't even know who i am when im not trying to please somebody else#but start with really basic things like#do i actually want to eat this for dinner?#and try to be true to what you feel#and the more that you practise that the easier it gets to quickly identify your own needs and feels#and eventually be able to identify and express very nuanced ones as well#it is like exercising a muscle you havent worked out in years it takes reptition and time#p
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sakhafa · 1 year
s/o to my friend who asked me to read her tarot. glad I got to flex that muscle again
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wellashell · 2 years
I was listening to a podcast yesterday about intuitive movement and the host said something to the effect of “if the work out wouldn’t change your body, would you still do it?” And I’m really taking that into account going foreword.
Because yes, I would absolutely do yoga and go for walks and hike and dance around my kitchen and do hand stands in the park. But would I lift weights? Would I walk on the treadmill? Would I spend my afternoons doing crunches and squats? Probably not, because I’m only doing those things to chase a more compact body.
And I can tell myself I go to the gym for lifelong independence and to get strong all I want, but if I’m honest, I’m there to shrink myself. To lose weight. To look different. How can I change my motivation when that nagging voice is always in the back of my head telling me I’m not good enough?
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sonyaromina · 9 days
10 Exercises to Enhance Creativity And Intuition
Ever felt a creative spark but weren't sure how to ignite it? These 10 exercises can help you tap into your intuition and awaken your artistic potential. Find your creative flow and let your imagination free.
The truth is, creativity is a dormant power. Everyone is creative. We just have less time to invest in our creativity and this is the reason we feel that at times we are not creative enough. There might even be shame in creating anything so we never introduce it into our lives. These exercises will help you to tap into your creativity and find the connection to intuitive creation. But you will…
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millibeau · 2 months
I feel like Mae and Bix would be the best of friends.
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Wow, what a bad-faith take on a conspicuously anti-diet culture nutritional philosophy. I wonder why the OP thinks -
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Oh, I think I understand why her body wants her to eat cheese and crackers all the time
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auschizm · 3 months
Like "go exercise, you'll feel so much better once you move your body" doesn't apply to a lot of physically disabled people. And "just force yourself to socialize, you will have fun once you're there" doesn't apply to a lot of autistic people. And "your intuition will always tell you the truth" doesn't apply to a lot of psychotic people. And so on. And I'm not saying that this means that you can't or shouldn't promote these things, but they aren't universal solutions for everyone
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healing-food · 5 months
Successfully exercised and when my leggings rolled under my belly I didn't immediately hate myself! Body neutrality for the win!!
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I went for a walk and then did some yoga. Then cleaned off the sweat. Now to recover and eat a nice meal :3
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optimalmastery · 1 year
Diverse Connections: Ancient Practices of Divination
Embracing Wisdom of the Past Welcome, dear seekers, to the enchanting world of Divination. We are thrilled to embark on this exploration of practices from around the world with you. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler on the path of spiritual discovery, or stepping into the realm of the mystical for the first time, you’ve found a warm and inviting cohort here with Optimal Mastery. Divination is…
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nianeyemystic · 3 months
Sextrology Observation 💦🤤😈
Where Saturn is placed in your chart, can show you what prevents you from being able to cum
- please keep in mind these are my OWN interpretations. they may or may not resonate with you, and that’s okay. I’m open to opinions & conversations however let’s keep it cute (rudeness is not acceptable in this safe space ) & learn from one another. Please do not copy of plagiarize , any reblogs & shares are greatly appreciated. This information may help somebody 🥰
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Saturn in 1H:
You can be in your head alot during sex, you have to learn to let go so your body can feel & relax. it’s sometimes hard for you to experience emoting freely in front of others. Also how you feel about yourself & the person
Saturn in 2H:
Your self esteem. Your confidence an what you value can be a huge factor here. You should do affirmations, listen to sensual music before or even have your partner engage in praise kinks & compliment you during.
Saturn in 3H
Inability to communicate what you need & desire during sex. Communication is key here for you, you can limit yourself to cumming just based on lack thereof. Your partner may not know how to please you unless you say it.
Saturn in 4H:
Your emotional needs, home life & even sense of security with your partner. A lack of stimulation surrounding the home environment you’re in during. Maybe try changing up the atmosphere.
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Saturn in 5H:
You place a lot of pressure on yourself during, there needs to be a balance of this is a devoted action & something fun & creative. Try new positions, have exploration in the bedroom & music / good vibes are needed.
Saturn in 6H:
You’re too focused on work maybe. Or your career is heavily on your mind during sex. Also if you’re not in good health mentally or physically this can hinder you as well in the bedroom. Try to meditate, do breathing exercises & completely change out of “work mode” before engaging
Saturn in 7H:
The need to feel secure in your relationship. Their needs to be reciprocal loyalty & commitment before you can release. Your relationships can deeply effect your sensuality so be careful who you’re getting into bed with
Saturn in 8H:
Your sexuality may have been something you’re ashamed of before. Maybe you’ve held onto view around sex as taboo, or have not gotten fully comfortable with exploring your sexuality. The right healing work & sexual expression will help you get there. Sacral chakra & Root Chakra yoga could help here
Saturn in 9H:
You may be too intense or focused on your intellectual pursuits. Sex has be to stimulating for your mind as well. So maybe conversations that lead to sec should involve topics like expansion, travel & self discovery. Or you could need to engage in more of those to feel sexually aroused
Saturn in 10H:
Reputation of the person your having sex with & maybe even their social status could effect you here. Maybe try finding partners who fit the ideal you’re attracted to in social world or simply forget about that & let go.
Saturn in 11H
The money & income of either yourself or your partner could effect your sexual stimulation. Even the social circles you hang in. If you’re attracted to a person but his/her friend group doesn’t align you maybe turned off. Also patience, you might be rushing the act to get there. Take your time
Saturn in 12H:
Your intuition will tell you everything. So if you’re not aligned spiritually, or have some sort of connection with a partner you could hav trouble cumming. Sex should be a sacred & devoted practice. Also your needs for solitude might be a huge indicator of not being able to cum
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