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vestaignis · 3 months ago
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Как исполнить желание в Велесову ночь.
Для многих ночь с 31 октября на 1 ноября ассоциируется с Хэллоуином или Самайном, западными праздниками в канун Дня всех Святых. Но в славянской традиции на эту дату приходится свой праздник – Велесова ночь.
Велесова Ночь – магическая, наступит с 31 октября на 1 ноября , когда Белобог окончательно передаёт Коло Года Чернобогу, а Врата Нави (астрального плана бытия) до первых петухов (либо до самого рассвета) широко распахнуты в Явь.
Праздник этот для наших предков имел особое значение, ведь именно в этот день происходило непосредственное «общение» с Духами умерших. В Велесову ночь духи предков возвращаются к своим потомкам, чтобы преподнести им уроки и благословить весь Род. Ночью c 31 октября на 1 ноября ��а улицу ставят тарелку с угощением для душ умерших.Зажигались праздничные свечи, защищающие от злых духов, на порог и подоконники клали рябиновые ветви, а во дворе до самого утра горел костер. На Алтарь праздника кладутся яблоки, тыквы, кабачки, осенние цветы. Вспоминают ушедших близких, друзей, родственников, но без сожаления.
Перед сном в Велесову ночь можно загадать желание. Для его исполнения положите под подушку яблоко, а утром съешьте. Кстати, при очищении яблока от кожуры следите за тем, какой длинны получается стружка – чем она длиннее, тем дольше вы проживете.
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How to make a wish come true on Veles night.
For many, the night from October 31 to November 1 is associated with Halloween or Samhain, Western holidays on the eve of All Saints' Day. But in the Slavic tradition, this date has its own holiday - Veles night.
Veles night is magical, it comes from October 31 to November 1, when Belobog finally hands over the Kolo of the Year to Chernobog, and the Gates of Navi (the astral plane of existence) are wide open to Yav until the first roosters (or until dawn).
This holiday had a special meaning for our ancestors, because it was on this day that direct "communication" with the Spirits of the dead took place. On Veles night, the spirits of the ancestors return to their descendants to teach them lessons and bless the entire Family. On the night from October 31 to November 1, a plate with treats for the souls of the dead is placed outside. Festive candles were lit to protect against evil spirits, rowan branches were placed on the threshold and windowsills, and a fire burned in the yard until the morning. Apples, pumpkins, squash, autumn flowers are placed on the Altar of the holiday. They remember their departed loved ones, friends, relatives, but without regret.
Before going to bed on Veles' night, you can make a wish. To make it come true, put an apple under your pillow and eat it in the morning. By the way, when peeling an apple, watch how long the shavings are - the longer they are, the longer you will live.
Источник:/www.kp.ru/family/prazdniki/velesova-noch/, ://ks-yanao.ru/narrative/obschestvo/velesova-noch-kak-prazdnujut-slavjanskij-hellouin-obychai-obrjady-misticheskoj-daty, //lenta.ru /articles/2023/10/26/velesova-noch-v-2023-godu/.
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diana-andraste · 2 months ago
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White Fox Totem, John Hargrave, 1928
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lefteagleblizzard · 1 month ago
Until Dawn Remake all totems
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Ranking all the characters from Until Dawn based on how many unique totems each of them can find along with also all the visions they provide.
1) ℳ𝒾𝓀ℯ 𝓂𝓊𝓃𝓇ℴℯ
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We can find while playing as him a total of 12 totems. Earning him the first place. He can find:
Danger 1: a herd of deer.
Fortune 1: an injured Jessica waking up on a collapsed elevator shaft.
Loss 2: Jessica falling down the elevator shaft with her jaw ripped off.
Hunger 1: Hannah weakly crawling towards a makeshift grave in the mines.
Fortune 3: Matt recovering in the mines with a flare gun shell near him.
Guidance 3: Mike and Sam climbing up out of water.
Hunger 2: Hannah wandering in the mines, then collapsing in pain as her vision shifts from human to a Wendigo's.
Danger 2: Sam entering the lodge basement as an unknown man follows her.
Guidance 5: Chris holding a gun to his own head and about to shoot.
Loss 4: a wendigo smashing Matt’s face in.
Hunger 4: Hannah, now transformed into a Wendigo, chasing a deer before pouncing on it.
Death 3: Mike reluctantly striking his lighter, starting the explosion and sacrificing himself.
Between all of this, Guidance 5 is the best one. Top 2 best totem in the game hands down as this one will help you save Chris from one of his most common deaths.
Loss 2 is another helpful one since it helps the player figure out that Jessica is in deep trouble and they need to act fast while playing as Mike.
Fortune 1 is also helpful since it will tell you that Jessica is alive despite the elevator collapsing with her on top.
Fortune 3 can also be somewhat useful since, if you pay close attention, you will see the flare gun right next to Matt. There is, however, another totem much better at helping the player save Matt.
Finally, death totem 3 can also be helpful for Mike since it will tell the player that he is willing to sacrifice himself so they will act more wisely in the decisions they make.
2) ℰ𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝒟𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈
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Despite not having a lot of playtime as her, she can find 6 totems in total. All of hers are unique and not shared with any other character. In particular, she can find:
Danger 3: Jessica painfully falling next to Matt in the mines.
Loss 3: the stranger gets killed as Chris watches in the distance.
Loss 5: Mike burning to death in an explosion.
Death 5: Emily getting shot in the eye.
Fortune 4: Mike about to shoot someone, but ultimately refuses.
Danger 6: Emily squeezing into the gap with the flare.
A decent amount of options for her. Definitely inferior to Mike but she still has some good ones.
Danger 3 will make the player tense in the segment with Matt and Jessica.
Death 5 will definitely help the player understand that the gun will kill Emily and it won’t be like it happened with Chris.
Fortune 4 can be helpful at making the right decision and helping the player understand that not shooting Emily is the right thing to do.
3) 𝒮𝒶𝓂 𝒢𝒾𝒹𝒹𝒾𝓃𝔤𝔰
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She can find a total of 6 totems as well, but three are shared with other characters so I’ll put her in third place. In particular she can find:
Guidance 1: a bird landing on a stump. (Shared with Chris).
Guidance 2: Sam running up to the elevator shaft. (Shared with chris)
Death 6: Sam grabbed by a Wendigo as she is impaled through the stomach.
Hunger 5 : Hannah, now transformed into a Wendigo, dragging Jessica through the snow as she tries to escape.
Danger 5: a Wendigo leaping inside the lodge and chasing the survivors. (Shared with Josh)
Hunger 6: Hannah, now transformed into a Wendigo, grabbing and lifting Josh by the neck as he resists.
Honestly, hers aren’t very good unfortunately. The only somewhat useful one is death 6 but it’s very clear to figure out that failing any of the “don’t move” segments will result in her death.
The hunger totems are really cool and they show the player Hannah’s story after falling down the mines but, gameplay wise, they don’t offer any help.
Guidance 1 is a tutorial totem and even the game tells you the right thing to do.
Guidance 2 is helpful at not getting Sam caught but it’s not a big deal at the end.
Danger 5 is one of the worst totems since it’s misleading. If you close the door it will take more time for the wendigos to come upstairs and the first “don’t move” will be longer, putting Mike’s life in danger for more time.
4) 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈 ℋ𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓁ℯ𝓎
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In total, he can find 6 totems but, despite all the moments we get to play as him, he only has 2 unique totems in total. All the totems he can find being:
Guidance 1: a bird landing on a stump. (Shared with Sam).
Guidance 2: Sam running up to the elevator shaft. (Shared with Sam).
Loss 1: Emily screaming as she burns to death in an explosion.
Guidance 4: Mike petting a wolf. (shared with Ashley)
Death 4: Chris getting grabbed and killed from the ceiling in the mines.
Fortune 2: Matt outside the mine, cautiously looking back at the banging door. (Shared with Ashley).
His options are really weak.
Guidance 1 is a tutorial totem and even the game tells you the right thing to do.
Guidance 2 is helpful at not getting Sam caught but it’s not a big deal at the end.
Guidance 4 will help you understand that Wolfie isn’t a threat.
His death totem is too hard to understand and figure out where he is. If it hadn’t been classified as a death totem (which shows the death of the character who finds it), I wouldn’t have even understood who was shown in the vision.
Fortune 2 kinda breaks the rules because it’s something that can happen only if Jessica is dead or has been abandoned by Matt.
5) ℳ𝒶𝓉𝓉 𝒯𝒶𝓎𝓁ℴ𝓇
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Matt can find 4 totems in total, one of which is shared with another character. He can find:
Death 2: Matt falling to his death off a cliff.
Danger 4: Emily trying unsuccessfully to reach for Matt's hand.
Guidance 6: Mike barricading the door with a locker.
Fortune 6: a Wendigo inching closer to Sam as she stays still. (Shared with Jessica).
His totems are honestly some of the best options between all characters.
Danger 4 is the best totem in the game as it will help you save Matt from his most common death.
Guidance 6 will help you save Wolfie while controlling Mike.
Fortune 6, if you pay really close attention, you can see Mike in the back. This can help the player understand that choosing the option of saving Mike will not result in Sam sacrificing herself.
So yeah, the last two aren’t really easy to understand but just for the danger totem alone, i’ll say that Matt has some of the best options totem wise.
6) 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓁ℯ𝓎 ℬ𝓇ℴ𝓌𝓃
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Ashley can also find in total 4 totems but two of those are shared with Chris, so she also has two unique totems. This being:
Guidance 4: Mike petting a wolf. (Shared with Chris)
Hunger 3: Hannah, now transformed into a Wendigo, heading toward the mine exit.
Fortune 2: Matt outside the mine, cautiously looking back at the banging door. (Shared with Chris)
loss 6: Josh's head about to be crushed by a Wendigo.
I think hers are the worst ones.
The only useful being guidance 4 since it will help you understand that Wolfie isn’t a threat.
Fortune 2 kinda breaks the rules because it’s something that can happen only if Jessica is dead or has been abandoned by Matt.
Loss 6 doesn’t help you in any way at saving Joss.
7) 𝒥ℴ𝓈𝒽 𝒲𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝔤𝔱𝔬𝔫
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Josh can only find 2 totem in chapter 10 when we get control of him for the first and only time. One of this is also shared with another character.
Fortune 5: the survivors looking back at the burning lodge.
Danger 5: a Wendigo leaping inside the lodge and chasing the survivors. (Shared with Sam)
Danger 5 is one of the worst totems since it’s misleading. If you close the door it will take more time for the wendigos to come upstairs and the first “don’t move” will be longer, putting Mike’s life in danger for more time.
Fortune 5 doesn’t help the player in any way, unfortunately.
8) 𝒥ℯ𝓈𝓈 ℛ𝒾𝓁ℯ𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 ℬℯ𝓉𝒽 𝒲𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓉ℴ𝓃
𝒥ℯ𝓈𝓈 ℛ𝒾𝓁ℯ𝓎
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Jess unfortunately can only find 1 totem and that can only happen if Matt died in chapter 6. In this way we can play as her in chapter 10 and collect the totem as her.
Fortune 6: a Wendigo inching closer to Sam as she stays still. (Shared with Matt)
Just like how i said for Matt, if you pay really close attention, you can see Mike in the back. This can help the player understand that choosing the option of saving Mike will not result in Sam sacrificing herself.
At least hers can be helpful.
ℬℯ𝓉𝒽 𝒲𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓉ℴ𝓃
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Just like her brother, Beth can only find 1 totem and it can be found in the prologue where we play as her.
Death 1: Beth and Hannah falling to their deaths.
Another one that breaks the rules since Beth will always die, no matter what choice the player makes. So yeah, it’s probably the worst one.
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low-cool · 1 year ago
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nikki-tine · 9 months ago
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Totem animal art I don't think I've posted here!
I have Co-Chief totems, but I haven't drawn the other one (a Panther) in a while - I'll post her whenever I get to that. C:
Until then, have Nicolai (Co-chief Totem #1, Fennec Kitsune), Celeste (Eastern Dragon), My Tiger totems (they're a fused pair - their colors shift back and forth, hence the appearance) and Esfir/Essie (Lynx)!
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kdmatheson · 2 years ago
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“ BAKU”  kd matheson  2023
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norrawhite · 4 months ago
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YouTube▶️ || Boosty☕
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thesubtlepenguin · 2 years ago
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© richard b potter 2023
........ ......................
...... ...... onlookers of the silent tower.....
........(the sentinels of may)...
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quornesha · 1 month ago
Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly Prophecy And Symbolism
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that the migration into your promised land has commenced. No one can hijack a ride into what’s yours. Ending Kairos and entering into Jubilee and divine justice. Ending warfare and entering into rest. Celebrate. I heard no more robbing peter to pay Paul. No more apparition against you. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. Wealth transfer. Dynamic eagle. This new season will be dynamite for you and your family. You will join a new family. No one can replace you. Make a bucket list. God will surely lengthen that list over time. There have been a lot of jezebel spirits trying to hate on you.
Wishing they were in your place. But neither of them can take what's yours. Divine will put them in the same trouble you had to go through to get where you've achieved. Their tongues will experience plagues. Your dreams are manifesting. And you'll see more dreams. Prophetic. Your face will be on/in magazines. There’s no competitive or petty people in the promised land but a coming together and abundantly overflowing energy. It’s blissful. A heaven on earth. The Cloudless Sulphur is a prophecy for you to get ready for business(es) to thrive and employ many people and usher in divine justice that has been long overdue. No more elite groups. An end has come and a new order has taken place. A righteouse dvine order. Where prosperity is easy and wealth obtainable. You’ll never have to worry about homelessnes, poverty, fatal sickness, threat/harm/danger, no evil can come near you.
The Enemy wants you to quit, but turn to them and tell them, take shelter, I am coming in like a storm. You know divine/God personally and your enemies are his enemies. Mother God/Divine supports you. You are not darkness you have authority over it. There’s a difference. The Cloudless Sulphur is a prophecy that the storm is over for the chosen ones. The times in the Kairo season is over and the Divine both he and she are proud of you. They want you to know, that the end has come for every enemy. They don’t have to take your name off of their altars, nor keep their name out of your mouth. Your aura glows differently and the enemy can never be you. So God is destroying every home, altar, temple, closet, fasting prayer group that has come against you. They will come out naked, confused, and dismantled as nature has been issued the approval to attack and undermine the enmies plans. The divine says he’s thinking of sending in a huge hurricane. This one, unprecedented. This one, will set the enemy back a decade. It’s not so fun now, attacking a chosen one .
You’re under heavy protection now. You’re surrounded by the fiery wall of protection. There’s still work to do in the promised land. People need stimulation constantly and the divine is sending them to you. Your heart is pure. Your soul leads the way for people. And you’re about to become very rich, successful, married, elevated and approved all at once. The Divine is covering you on every side. Your enemies are setting themselves up to be located by the wrath of the divine with your name in their mouths. And the energy syphoning, the same demons that you overcame are on your side and will contend with them and the tests you overcame will overtake the enemy and destruction will be on every side until they loose you and even if they don’t they’re digging their own grave.
You’re walking on the shoulders of 10,000 ancestors and angels and counting. You have nothing to fear. You have a lot of work to do in this lifetime, so, thus said the Divine, NOTHING, NO ONE, NO ENTITY, can ever take you out prematurely. You are deaths’ companion, and attacks against you places the enemies’ names on deaths’ list. They dug one ditch for you, but two are being dug for them. It’s not so fun now, coming up against you. Now they have to pick up the pieces. The key of the bone yard are gifted to you. Power over the heavens, given to you. Power over the hospitals and death beds, given to you. Power in the spirit given to you. You’ll rebuke demons and they will flee from you and those you help. Keep going servant God is well pleased with you. Don’t give up on you. Don’t give in, carry on. Wherever you’ve been chained up in this lifetime, you’re being loosed right now. Your clarity in the spirit is needed before kings, and you will be seated amongst and known, as Royalty yourself. The Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly is a promise that a new day dawns and symbolizes the promises of God/Divine performing in your life. Greater horizons are coming in, and you cannot be stopped. The sword of humility is with you.
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 
The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not.  Image Credit
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fallensapphires · 1 year ago
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Cultures: Totem Poles of the Northwestern Native American and Canadian First Nations
The phrase "low man on the totem pole" was coined by a White man in the 1940s to mean a person with no respect, status, or power. He clearly did not consult the Natives who carve the poles. They honor the figures they represent by immortalizing them in precious old-grown red cedar. Each member of the totem pole is significant, but the one on the bottom is often given the most reverence. They are the one who holds up everyone else; they are the one who starts the story.
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iloveistanbul · 10 months ago
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eopederson2 · 11 months ago
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Totems, Pioneer Square, Seattle, 2009.
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jazmatazzzzzz · 6 months ago
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keilinkzone · 7 months ago
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Commission for Kirimin [FA]
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s0urce--flow · 8 months ago
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Lakeside Oracles 🌟💫
Artwork by @quantum-light
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nikki-tine · 11 months ago
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A couple Totem Animal sketches between commissions and other things.
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