#intj characters
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blueopinions49 · 2 years ago
Understanding Type 5
An intro to enneagram 5
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Beth Harmon (Queens Gambit) INTJ 5w4 so/sp 
Core Desire (Exploration of the Mind)- They crave knowledge and understanding of the world around them. 
Vice (Avarice)-They will cling to things (Not necessarily material) and keep them guarded in order to feel a sense of comfort. 
Fixation (Miser)- Will hide away their knowledge and general understanding of things due to feeling like it doesn't give as much result as it takes to share it. 
5w4 (The Philosopher)- With the w4 they become more interested in metaphysical constructs and imaginative processes. Interested in the aesthetic and symbolic representation of things. Might be more introverted possibly a bit more on the intense side. Emotionally inaccessible while maintaining a level of intesity. But due to being a withdrawn type and a rejection type all of this emotional intensity is purely internal. 
5w6 (The Troubleshooter)- While the 5w4 will focus on metaphysical constructs and the understanding of the metaphysics on knowledge the 5w6 will be more interested in the  categorization of this knowledge. Will be more practical than then 5w4. More likely to be interested in the applicability of this knowledge in the outer world. Due to their interest in practicality they are gonna be more interested in methodical processes than imaginative ones. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
they have a tendencies to withhold all of their emotions to avoid all form of emotional attachment. 
Harmonic Triad- Competency (1-3-5)
Focuses on the gain of information and performs action in an “objective” manner withholding their emotions from getting in the way. 
Hornevian Triad- Withdrawn (4-5-9)
Detach themselves of reality to preserve their selves due to their being avarice they will withhold allot of themselves around others. 
Object Relations- Rejections (2-5-8)
They will reject any form of emotional attachment that comes their way. will withhold from any form of emotional attachment. 
Social (so)- The social 5 focuses on sharing their knowledge to others they want to expand on information. This subtype will use the knowledge and sharing it in order to keep themselves from feeling. They are more on the social side due to them wanting to share the knowledge they have gained in their life. They are extremely driven, social and competitive. Due to this qualities they can look like 3s and 7s. 
Ex- Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) INTJ 5w4 so/sp, Reed Richards (MARVEL COMICS) INTP 5w6 so/sp and Lara Croft ISFP 5w6 so/sp
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Sexual (sx)- As the counter type of 5 this subtype will focus on gaining the perfect relationship. They will start the relationship slowly by putting you via certain trails if you will. This subtype is only interested in connecting with someone who they can share their inner world with another who understands them. They can be more sensitive than the other 5s and due to this they'll look like 4s while still being a 5 at their core.
Ex-Joe Goldberg (You) INFJ 5w4 sx/sp, Mister Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)  INTJ 5w4 sx/sp and Mother Miranda (RE Village) INTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Self-Preservation (sp) the self-preservation type 5 will hide themselves from others by maintaining themselves away from others by creating physical and metaphysical walls between themselves and others. However they minimize themselves in order to have a safe space for themselves in comfort. They can be more social however it's a social battery that can run out. They can look like 6s sometimes. 
Ex-Alice Liddle (Alice in Wonderland) INTP 5w6 sp/sx, Raven INTJ 5w4 (Teen Titans)  sp/sx and L (Death Note) INTP 5w4 sp/so
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 8
Positive- They become In tune with themselves and uses their anger to pursuit their goals more. They become assertive in their wants
Negative-They become more withdrawn and uses their anger punitively to push others away more.
Moves to 7
Positive- They become in tune with the enviorement less paranoid and fearful. Becomes more interested in the outer world and experiences they can find in it. 
Negative- Overindulges and becomes distracted easily. 
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darkreeds · 2 years ago
“he’s so kaz-coded.” no, he’s just an intj. we are brooding and hot and here to win. you love us.
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dumpster-fire-deluxe · 2 years ago
Things about Sheev that are very INTJ ("Mastermind")
Introverted, prefers to work alone
Self-confident and hard-working
Focus on the big picture
Likes control and order
Plans things in advance
Sees little value in social rituals
High expectations
Likes to think about the future and explore possibilities
I mean... A lot of these double as his autistic traits lmao
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boatsthatflyy · 2 years ago
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Favorite INTJs in fiction
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animadiicristallo · 2 years ago
ho fatto il test delle 16 personalità è risulta che sono INTJ corrisponde solo il 2% della popolazione di sto pianeta
che strano far parte solo del 2%
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saku-chann · 1 year ago
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MBTI x Pali 🍉 Part 1 ❤️ Feel free to use them as pfp ! Which one are you ? Which one do you like most ? 👀
(I made these stickers for charity and I'm still trying to find a way to make them useful and accessible ! If you wanna use them to collect funds for charity send me a message ! )
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ricomola · 8 months ago
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A handful of Ichijou Seiya being a neurotic mess. He needs some milk.
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oiblackestsheep · 5 months ago
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I made another silly thing bc it made me laugh
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playsthetics · 2 years ago
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MBTI: My Favourite Characters
INTJ (1/16)
Effy Stonem (SKINS)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
Chishiya (Alice in Borderland)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Beth Harmon (The Queen’s Gambit)
Vegas (KinnPorsche)
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Sana Bakkoush (SKAM)
Kat Stratford (10 Things I Hate About You)
Gregory House (House)
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glassedice · 2 years ago
There is an overgeneralization of how often a tert Fi user will display their emotions to others, and how they will express their underlying feelings in a way they feel themselves comfortable with. More so, in where their feelings take place among their view of life that's done by relying in their intuition mixed with hard data and facts; Like I said in another post, the use of emotions from an INTJ will be seen as weaker compared to actual Feeling types, but their Fi significantly aids their Ni-Te in how they wish to operate, and its underlying motivations to be as they are.
It's a different topic, but when it comes to Enneagram, you have different breeds of INTJ depending of the triad, but every of them has their unique use of emotions without interfering the line between the Thinking and Feeling type (only forbidding the 2, 4, 7, and 8 combo).
The most feeling you will get out of an INTJ is one with a type 1 wing, since their Fi is often stronger than your average Ni-Te user, in the sense it's significantly influencing their sense of purpose and the actions they'll take in synchronization with the situation that led them to believe what they do, right and wrong. You have popular figures like Bruce Wayne as Batman, Dream from The Sandman, Elrond from Lord of the Rings, and even Martin Luther with his Ten Commandments. Under these traits, an INTJ E1 is one of, if not the most interesting type to analyze because of their sheer complexity as a character and personality. Another character to bring up is Severus Snape in Harry Potter, although debated between being INTJ or ISTJ, but both share that same tertiary Fi source of self-repression when it turns unhealthy (and in the end, he turns out to be another IXTJ anti-hero more than worth analyzing over).
What people often believe from the INTJ non-emotional stereotype is rather closer to inferior Feeling types like EXTJ or IXTP than what tertiary Fi is supposed to be; An inf Fi like EXTJ will often fail to weigh the moral or interpersonal effects of their Te-led view of life, and it doesn't mean they are heartless monsters incapable of human feeling, but rather less concerned about emotional output inside the framework they offer, either by repressing themselves hard or simply no interest into involving emotional setbacks, and that itself is unhealthy inferior Fi that is incorrectly attributed to INTJ because of the overwhelmingly mistaken super duper non emotional sigma gigachad popular surface-level misconception sold by people that hardly knows about MBTI beyond the four-letter type, which rubs the wrong idea on the most susceptible heads trying to dive into this concept.
In a more personal note: Last week I had three random chat interactions with some people, all them turning into conversations that lasted more than two hours. I had a good time, spanning interests and good laughs that caught me off guard at the moment. Every conversation was different, but they shared the same ending pattern: They hardly believed my type was INTJ, confusing me with INFJ at first, all because I sounded 'more empathetic' and polite compared to what they saw INTJ as a non-expressive emotionally isolated passive-aggressive ∞IQ smartass with ASD. It felt strange on me, but I quickly understood the situation. What rubs me off is the unawareness of people to consider kindness and respect to be a basic human virtue that isn't limited to Fe users like an unspoken rule. Even the coldest sounding introvert can show signs of affection, in their own way of being.
After all, they don't call INTJ the most emotional intuitive-thinking type for no reason. There is truth in that, and it needs to be cleared up more often, and in a way that won't contradict nor shift the focus of its personality or it'll give the wrong idea.
a short analysis of INTJ characters and their trauma
thinkin' bout INTJ anti-heroes and villians and how they always seem to have underlying trauma from their childhoods.
INTJ anti-heroes are some of the most complex, incredible characters, especially when written correctly
oftentimes, many of them have something major that happened while they were younger (ex. abusive parents or bullying) and it seems to manifest in them in an interesting way. us INTJs prefer to ignore and repress our emotions, but obviously, trauma doesn't listen to that.
a lot of INTJ characters become numb to emotion because of the trauma they experienced. they become dissociated and eager to forget their pasts. but part of trauma is confronting and moving on from what happened in the past by gaining closure, not denying, ignoring and pushing it away entirely. so, no, INTJs are not emotionless creatures. we just typically deal with emotional issues in different (sometimes unhealthy) ways.
yet other characters (typically the INTJ villians we see in media) get stuck in an Ni-Fi loop. they bypass their rational decision making (Te aux) when making decisions. they wallow in their emotions and lose all touch with the outside world and reality. they're dissociated and eager to forget their pasts, but in a different way. they turn to violence and want revenge.
i see people argue that a very obvious INTJ character "has to be an INFJ (or INFP), because they cried about their trauma!" no, for one thing, that's not how MBTI works (see: cognitive functions and the Te/Fi axis vs. the Fe/Ti axis), and that's not how people work.
on another note, often, a main part of an INTJ character's arc is overcoming their trauma. it is such a recurring theme that i just bet on it happening sometime in the book/movie whenever i find an INTJ character.
and, of course, the way characters act in media tend to reflect the way people act in real life.
INTJs are often ridiculed and bullied in their school years because we are different from others. our brains work differently and we don't fit in. people undermine how much trauma bullying and childhood abuse can create, and how we're often not taught the correct ways to deal with it, so we just get stuck carrying it our life.
tl;dr - my two points:
INTJ anti-heroes and villians are some of the most complex and interesting characters to unpack, as they often have some sort of trauma that must be overcame for their arc to be complete
just because an INTJ character shows emotion, it doesn't automatically make them an INFJ
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classic-entp · 2 years ago
Classic-ENTP #40
INTJ: I don't like you
ENTP: lol that's funny
INTJ: ...
ENTP: wait... actually?
INTJ: yeah, actually
ENTP: you genuinely don't like me?
INTJ: yep
ENTP: how???
INTJ: what do you mean, "how"? You are very easy to dislike. You're loud, annoying, have the memory of a goldfish, and never take anything seriously
ENTP: ...
ENTP: but those are my best qualities
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blueopinions49 · 2 years ago
Mistyping on MBTI
The purpose of this post is to understand what are mistyping and how they happen. I’ll explain some of the patterns ive noticed when it comes to some of the mistypings as well as some of examples ive I personally disagree with. Please dont take any of this as a personal insult if any of these examples I give are things you've done in the past or the typings I disagree with are your own. 
Case #1Misunderstanding Functions 
-What I refer to by the misunderstanding of functions I mean it's the general purpose of the function and how does this function work and perceive reality. I understand that functions can be complicated and Carl Jung’s definition of Ni can be convoluted and confusing (sometimes just plain vague) however I do think that typing people/characters  needs at least allot of backing up with your knowledge of functions. Usually the misunderstanding I see with each functions comes out in these ways.
Si- Memories/Any form of previously obtained knowledge 
Se-Impulsiveness and Aggression
Fi-Sensitivy and Emotionality 
Ti- Thinking in any capacity 
Ne- Quirks and Quips 
Ni- just knowing stuff
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Ex-Sasuke Uchiha (ISFP)- Sasuke is often typed as an INTJ due to his preference for Ni-Fi HOWEVER when it comes to how he perceives reality and his way to deal with conflict its pretty clear he is an Fi dom. There is this misconception of Fi=Sensitivity and Emotionality. However this couldn't  be farther from the truth. Fi is simply preferring your Core Values and desire over the other. His goal was always Fi related NOT Ni related.   
Case#3 Simplification of Functions
Following the last case this is usually the more common one I see when it comes to mistyping usually people will flatten functions or just straight up default to god awful stereotypes of each type when it comes to typing them. You'll often see people “Trope Type” certain charcaters. Most of their arguments revolve around the aesthetic of the character and then their functions. Which is why those peoples typing will usually look like this.
ESXJ-Mean Girl and stuck up
ISXJ-Boring ones
ESXP-Immature,Dumb or straight up substance abuse 
XNTP-Quips and Quirks but always the smartest 
XNFJ-Kind Humanitarian
XNFP-Sentimental mess
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Ex-Naruto Uzumaki (EXFP)I know I previously typed him as an ENFP however I've been thinking of the relation of his Se-Ni throughout the show and I might change my typing. However thus far every single Se dom argument I read for Naruto reads like this “ Well he is immature” “he is impulsive and reckless” “ can't be an Ne dom because Intuitive=smart and Sensor=Dumb” sometimes they don't say this word for word but their arguments boil down to this. And I find it quite frustrating cuz those same people look at you straight in the eye and say that you're intuitive bias, even tho they are the ones defaulting to stereotypes. 
Case #4 Positioning of Functions 
Character development in MBTI is more complex than character development in Enneagram. Depending on the movie/tv show the character might either develop their inferior function or their tert function. Which is why understanding the position and model you are using for MBTI and be consistent using it. The position of function is important because they are what defined the person and how they approach data management. Also certain characters might have preference for their tert function rather than their aux functions. Some Characters just use their stack in a very balanced way. 
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Ex- Sokka (ESTJ)- He is often typed as an ENTP due to his exaggerated use of Ne in the later seasons. To me at least he is an ESTJ with a preference for TeNe. Sokka never really uses NeTi in the first book. His priority came in form of TeSi (Organizing the environment with a solid metric and detailed positioning of others). His development came in the form of his Ne not Fi. To the point he ends of sticking to it in Book 2 and Book 3. 
Case #4 Character Traits=/=Cognitive Preferences/Perception
Often people conflate how a character/person acts instead of how they think and proceed with conflict. MBTI isnt really a personality theory but rather and understanding of your cognitive process and preference. It's based on how you perceive reality and how you make decisions based on your dominant function. If anything enneagram would be closer to an actual personality test. 
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Ex- Amy March (ESFP)- I took such a long time to come to this typing because similarly to Naruto people only talked about how she was an annoying immature child. However her monologue points to her stresses and how she must stick to her SeTe rather than SeFi due to how the environment is working and suppressing women in that era. 
Case #5 Just making things up 
This is the most common one I see when people type characters, they usually just make things up. Sometimes there isn't any contextual evidence on what they are talking about and will mostly differ to broad and vague statements that hold no wait or aren't represented in the narrative. Sometimes they'll just take things out of context and will just go with them and end up convincing people even if their argument is 95% fabricated stuff and the 5% is misunderstanding on their part. 
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Ex-Ada Wong (IXTJ)  Ada Wong’s Ti is non existent and no one online has ever written an argument where I there is enough evidence on what they are saying. Ada isnt a person who is interested in analytical process and internal understanding. Even character development comes from XiFi not Fe. Sorry but liking Leon but not really isnt a good argument for low Fe. Her development isnt about understanding the emotional state of the other or in relation to the other but rather the self. Even OG Resident Evil its stated that she struggles with her own values and emotional state . It's almost as if their argument hinges on ISTP=Spy characters. 
Case #6 Misogyny (yeah...we are going there). 
Often in typology you'll notice a dichotomy between Female characters vs Male characters. You'll notice that female characters are twice as likely to get typed as Feelers even when they dont show much usage of any feeling function. Often the arguments I see its in reference to either showing the character struggling emotionally or reacting in some way to something bad happening in their life. But when male characters such as Homelander and Patrick Bateman who have multiple emotional outburst in their runs but most people type them as Te doms. While Female characters that have emotional outburst such as Asuka and Jennifer Harding (Both Te doms) both get typed as ESFP because=SeFi=angry and emotional. It often happens in cases such as Bakugo who gets typed as an ESTP but if a female character does the same thing she gets typed as an ESFP. Im not calling you a misygonist  if you typed any of this characters like this I just think that you should reconsider your typology process. 
Ex-There are allot of these so I just gonna point to a few 
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Alice Liddle (INTP) - Being typed as an INFP but very clear her struggle is between Ti-Si and understanding her Fe.
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Nancy Wheeler (ESTJ)- Being nice=/=Fe she has always preferred TeSi (organizing and structuring things in step by step processes) Over using Fe. 
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Madison Montgomery (ESTP)- Her character is pure SeTi and her struggle with her Fe is shown in both S3 and S8. 
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Yenneffer (INTJ)- NiFi reaching the ideal self is her goal also her Te is very on your face. 
Part 2 will focus on the enneagram 
Please dont take any of this as an attack its an analysis on things ive seen and read if you are gonna disagree please be civil. 
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ddorokking · 1 year ago
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yellowbluemoonshine · 10 months ago
INFJ/INTJ Villains are something else.
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Harin (Pyramid Game)
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Suji (Trash Belongs In The Trash Can)
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Johan Liebert (Monster)
Vs Vs.
Tragic villains - Well written character - Obsessive - Care about loved ones - Childhood trauma - Mastermind manipulation - Tragic backstory - Psychological horror - Redeemed villains - Star of their show - Believe or not, all they want is to be loved/exist.
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syntaxfraud · 7 months ago
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They're definitely roomates
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akzgaj-writing · 7 months ago
How to write an INFP (Guide written by the INFP)
I decided share with my observations, toughts and opinions about an INFP. There's in internet a lot of memes/prompts/other things about this character but it's often stereopical. Sooo, I want to share something form me – hope that it would help for creating an INFP character well.
Contents by @akzgaj-writing
We are not a crybabies. For example: if a lot of people watch emotional movie (for example Titanic) and cry on this, the INFP often rolls the eyes and moan or think something like that: "Maybe I'm heartless? Or maybe they are pretending? Or maybe is something wrong with me? Or maybe this move is boring?" We will cry faster becouse of a trampled flower, a burnt meadow, a dewastated ancient building – or just becouse of seeing a rainbow in the sky or shining dew.
In the other hand, an broken or unhealthy INFP can cry often, but also can be rude and passive.
Honestly, the INFP have stoic and often emotionless face – you never will discover what real happen behind this mask. I often hear: "Why are you never smiling?" Or "Something happend?"
We overthinking. Too much. We are overhelmed by thoughts.
Ah, we love to think. INFP is not a mindless hippie. We have an analítical mind and we love to analyze everything and everyone – even out of boredom or curiosity.
INFP knows how to copy* other people's behavior, other people's point of view, and is able to get into someone else's shoes – we don't* do it for any evil purpose – just becouse out of curiosity and the desire to understand something. We are good actores and we are flexible but we are not fake – we don't pretend anything to everyone.
We have strong morals. We believe in one truth, and a healthy INFP believes (or want to belive – if is unhealthy or broken) in that, is the good and the evil in the world – there's not a gray zone. You are on one side – you are good, or you are evil – the good cannot do evil, and the evil cannot do good. This is example of thinking of an INFP.
Oh, and we not understand or rather – we despise people who change their values and views depending on the situation. Even if we disagree with someone's worldview, we understand that someone has reasons for having such a point of view. But when someone changes everything to please someone else or do it for money – an INFP despises this person but won't show this (or will show this in bad day).
INFP will defend their opinions and values to death (of themselves or someone :')
Adult INFP often or rather, always (but not always in everyone) will lost faith in humanity – but don't they say it – or like me, will show this for everyone ;) laughing is the best cure for broken heart.
We love to dream! INFP like to dream about a better world or want to escape from this world to their world – for various reasons: boredom, tiredness, a desire to escape from troubles and stress, or to rest. But most often is it becouse we quickly lose interest in the gray world and look for another one – one that will have our values.
INFP is cute and sweet type or dark and badass. Or can be both.
We are sensitive but we don't like to show it becouse we are afraid of being mocked. For this reason, we do not want to share our dreams and desires that we keep deep inside. If we're talking about it, we talk to someone that we trust very much.
Anyway, the INFP can sometimes, depending on emotions or situations, be cold and insensitive.
We are introvertics but if in the front of people who we likes, we turned into extravertics and talks and laughs a lot.
We want and we love to help for people who we love.
We want to show a warm feelings to people, and we envy other extroverts for thier social skills, but at the same time we are reserved and cold. Yet we are soft inside.
INFPs often blame themselves for simple things, falls and failures, accusing themselves of being too sensitive and moral. But we are also proud of having our own ideals and morality, at the same time.
INFP can be out going, playful and adaptable.
In the other hand, the INFP sometimes in bad times can be rude, stubborn (in this case some INFP can be proud of this), proud and ironic.
We love deep talks and we hate small talks – the INFP feels in this last one very awkward and want to disapear.
We isolate from others becouse we are tired and we need rest. We like quiet places.
INFP is very idealistic type – try be better version of themselves and want do good for the world. But often do small but big things for the family or the friends. We don't like big attentions (sometimes – we like to get praise but not very attentional, becouse feel awkward).
INFP is an artistic soul – draws, write, decores etc. – likes manual or intelectual work. We like people who like this too.
INFP often in their writing or drawing, show their values or opinions.
INFP often think that maybe is the INFJ or even the INTJ – becouse of their analitical mind and often cold nature, it's easy make mistake and be confuse.
We take everything too much personally.
INFP outside looks stubborn, cold, proud and passive.
INFP is loyal and wants the same from others.
INFP love and dream about old fashion romance. Often like dominant types (but healthy dominant – but it is subjective and everyone has their own taste).
I will write other post about love between INFP and the other's MBTI.
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