#interesting duo methinks
celestriix · 3 months
i had a vision...
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aangarchy · 11 months
The more i think about it the more i would love to see a friendship dynamic between Aang and Ty Lee. They'd be such cute besties! Doing stretching exercises together, Ty Lee teaching Aang how to braid so he can surprise Katara with it later, Aang giving Ty Lee joyrides on Appa, Ty Lee showing an interest in air nomad culture and Aang happily teaching her everything. Idk it would be a great duo methinks
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son1c · 4 months
Ask so long I had to write it in a Google Doc… 422 words btw. If you were wondering.
All of your designs are so interesting, Lovelyn, but I’ve picked out a few!
First of all... the kitty. Chimera Sonic ilysm <3 I want to hug him but he'd bite my face off. So creature. The mere concept is so interesting because Sonic's whole thing is being a hero, and now he's a monster. Who kills people. Which is exactly what Sonic does not want to do. Ughhh many thoughts (I'm going to watch that anime I swear)
And then there's Gale!! Wings :D Just love him so much. Overpowered little thang with an awesome hat, who then loses power at the end and can’t ever really be whole again ever. Compared with Bermuda (also on the list)?? They're even more opposites than canon Sonic and Shadow are, and it's already an interesting dynamic with them. It's like if you stretched them to the most extreme sides of the spectrum, and yet... also many thoughts
Bonus Bermuda mention again! Tragic fishy (I love sirens). I like his wings, they're really cool and very functional too. I can just imagine him opening them up to look bigger/more menacing. And the color palette rocks!!
And Teddy!! Ignoring the “typical” Sonic character body shape? Hell yeah!! I love it when OCs are just a normal guy. With paws. Shadow and Teddy are the cutest methinks. My comfort ship fr. Because I can’t hug Chimera Sonic I will hug Teddy instead <3
I can’t forget Jack, either. Ultimate girl boyfriend. The bestest rival. I love when people break “typical” Sonic character rules. I also love her fluff. If I were her I’d have as much ego too. She deserves it.
And last but definitely not least, the Falling Stars duo. I love all three of Sonic’s designs, especially the robot one (although he wouldn’t be as enthusiastic as I am about it), and Shadow is an epic guy with identity issues. Honestly, one of my favorite things to think about is Sonic with amnesia, and with Shadow is a bonus. I love your take on it.
I love all of your designs and I would yap more (about Three and Fibula and Bullet too), but this is bordering on essay length and I don’t know if making it any longer is a good idea. Your brain is so big!! And your art style is so beautiful!! I definitely made the best choice following you <3 
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barrenclan · 1 year
OH MY GOD?!?!?!?
that issue. just. holy sht. that issue. that was crazy
DUSTFEATHER IS CANONLY DEAD?!?! BUT WHERE’S RAINHAZE?? I feel like he’d probably be nearby if he was dead too, but he ain’t.. what killed her?! or who, technically? maybe it was the ranger+hacksaw duo, as they said “the corpse is still rotting” GRRR THIS IS SO GOOD
saturn :(( i immediately grew attached i’m so sad. i loved the symbolism of both of them reaching to eachother’s young kin: if saturn stayed alive, she’d be reaching at the life of the kits. if pinepaw killed her, he’d be reaching at the life of the chicks. it’s so sad but such a great depiction of the struggles of hunting that aren’t really explored in wc content, and a great way of using the way that they can communicate. also it ever so slightly shows eachother’s culture, as while friendly friendly is universal, prey sees predators as bloodthirsty beasts, which.. they have a right to, heartbreakingly enough. they kill and seek blood, but to protect themselves and others from hunger. just.. the circle of life.
i love saturn sm and i miss her already. great birdie who deserved so much more methinks. I LOVE THIS ISSUE SO MUCH IM EATING IT THANK YOU
HEHEH that is the exact reaction I was hoping to get from this issue so I'm glad. :]
Yes this is the first time Deepdark has fully appeared in the comic! The other time it's been by implication, or a shot of his side, something like that. I wanted him to have his bad bitch moment in this issue.
I'm so sorry to everyone who got attached to Saturn only for me to kill her off... my bad. That is what I was representing with the panel of them reaching toward each other, though, so I'm happy it came across. It also aligns with Saturn's line before that; "we all need to eat". The funny thing is that burrowing owls are also predators, just that they eat things like insects and small rodents. Which is why she specifically calls him a "tooth-hunter". Since this story expands outside of just cats like canon Warriors, I think it's very interesting to explore predator-prey dynamics in many different directions. Cause to coyotes, for example, a cat is a prey animal. To a cat, a burrowing owl is prey, but to a mouse, it's a predator.
And as well, despite Pinepaw and Saturn having a truce, they both know fully well that if they had access to the other's young, they'd kill them without question. Which just compounds on the sadness, because we can see that Pinepaw and Saturn get along well and in another circumstance, could be friends. Sorry that got a bit rambly, but it's a neat subject to me.
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Press F to pay respects to Saturn. :[
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goofbell · 4 months
ok idk if you wanna answer this because you posed it on your priv but I'm DYING to know your rationale on your oso/mysme matchmaking post. how did you reach those conclusions 🎤🎤🎤
OMG HI yes i would love to explain my rationale for this i will never deny an opportunity to yap . technically this was a collaborative effort between me and my roommate so I cant take all the credit for the list
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ok so:
osomatsu and yoosung: to be honest we mainly picked these 2 because i cant reasonably see any of the other mysme characters tolerating osomatsu LOL. the comedic potential of worlds biggest shit disturber and Worlds most gullible guy is unmatched also. theres a wild and obsessive side to yoosung too that i think would actually throw oso off under the right circumstances. tldr itd be funny
karamatsu and saeran: this one was interesting because originally i was team kara zen but they are too similar in style to come out of it unscathed. i think saeran deserves a loser boyfriend and who else could fit the bill. i also think karamatsu is one of the only brothers who is emotionally available enough to be able to have any sort of camaraderie with saeran without bringing him down - i think his willingness to just put himself out there would make saeran feel comfortable. plus i think they both have....eclectic taste
choromatsu and zen: classic nerd x prep dynamic. choromatsus interest in idols is similar enough to the nature of zens career so him growing to appreciate zens work is not too huge of a leap to me (if im being generous to this guy). i just think itd be so enemies to lovers like they would argue so hard
ichimatsu and seven: i think this was the first one we decided? beyond the love for cats I just think they could influence eachother in interesting ways - sevens energy might force ichimatsu out of his shell and ichimatsu can relate to seven's facade and could make him feel comfortable dropping it sometimes. i just think they have a lot in common
jyushimatsu and jaehee: no one else deserved jaehee. Also i just think that jaehee deserves some whimsy and joy in her life and who better than jyushimatsu to bring it . methinks its hard for jyushimatsu not to like someone but i think he would be endeared by how earnest jaehee is and would be full of glee when he gets her to loosen up a bit
todomatsu and jumin: can you just imagine them interacting. we picked this duo because the potential here was too great. Todomatsu is such a little ass kisser and would try to manipulate the hell out of jumin to get what he wants. something something they both end up learning how to Be Real idk how to explain it. just feel it
bonus osomatsu and V: i think V just needs to be put in a room with someone who would not be afraid to tell him he has problems
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canonically47 · 7 months
thoughts on every ridonculous race duo including don at the beginning because i just finished watching it for the first time. continued in reblogs
don is such a fun host! he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, and doesn't push anything 'for the ratings'. and even so, he manages to have a lot of funny, witty moments. of course, chris is still my favorite host, but don definitely cuts it close!... especially because, let's be real, we all forgot anyone else in the universe. (don't come for me blaineley fans she's fine I SAID DON'T COME FOR ME STAY BACK PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY)
the LARPers. definitely some... interesting characters. they're the prime example of total drama's flat and boring personalities, most of which were distributed in pahkitew island. i'm kinda mad that, of all those horribly mid and boring characters, we got the most mid and boring one back. hell i'd have preferred dave there, he'd had given us some substance to the story. i don't even remember the girl's name and i don't wanna google it. forgettable, but definitely annoying for as long as they were on screen.
the tennis rivals. good, but overhyped i think. at least, i've seen a lot of people talk about them and ship them, especially since their cameo in the reboot. i for sure thought they'd last longer because of that. i really liked their banter but they don't come close to my favorites. i will not be calling any of their agents. sorry :(
the geniuses. yeah they definitely existed! i mean their characters were fine and i really don't have anything against them, plus their concept is kinda fun. but i absolutely despise courtney's character and hearing her voice come out of another contestant's mouth made me hate her immediately. I STILL KINDA LIKE HER... like, her character design is fun... i just don't care for them that much
the vegans. they look sooo pretty and.. that is the sole reason i put them down as 'i vibe with'. i really don't care for them. i don't even know their names lmfao
the fashion bloggers. sooo fun whenever they were on-screen. unfortunately this show is so predictable and i can tell when a character's arc comes to an end and they're going home. i don't wish they stayed longer tbh? i like them but i think they've had their time. the wlw/mlm solidarity ever next to the ice dancers but we're getting to them. anyways, solid duo!
mom and daughter. ugh. fuck you
the adversity twins. i don't want to sound like a copypasta so i'll keep it short but GODDD THEY WERE SOOO ANNOYING. does NOBODY else feel this way?? i swear before i watched RR i only saw good things about them. HOW? LITERALLY HOW??? they are so fucking annoying and all they do when they're on screen is whine. "ooh mickey is allergic to breathing :((" "actually jay has a water allergy :((" AND THEN THEY HAVE THIS OP SUPERPOWER WHAT THE FUCK IS TEMPERATURE DYSLEXIA THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST ahem. excuse me. getting too worked up over thE WORST DUO. SHUT THE FUCK UP let's move on sorry i'll control myself
the step-brothers. idk about you guys but they are really close to being my favorite duo. just... their entire gimmick is so good. the build-up to finding out they're so similar... ough the bros ever. i was so sad when they got eliminated :( they were so funny AND fun. lorenzo is higher than chet because i like his character design more. tbh they're kinda the same person to me? but this is a mistake i made before watching RR, thinking every duo is the same person. which they're not, i quickly learned. at least not most of them. but yeah these two were very fun, they bounced off each other very well. i really liked them. they should've gone further methinks.
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imsosocold · 1 year
Ace Attorney ships I find personally amusing
"I, an aro spec person, have little to no interest in ships" once said a foolish fool.
Dhurke and Manfred:
Genuinely they're such cool contrasts, Manfred is the embodiment of the status quo while Dhurke is the face of rebellion and is all about expression while Manfred is incredibly closed off and ridden with paranoia while Dhurke trusts in others so strongly and the fact they both take in someone else's kid to raise as their own out of their own senses of duty -
Dhurke should've gotten to radicalize that old man and also kiss him methinks.
Matt and Kristoph:
Do you know the quote " he's so stupid, I have to fuck him?" Yeah, that's the dynamic, even though Matt's quite cunning ( which Kristoph and most of the AA fandom don't want to admit). Both petty and paranoia ridden and identityless, thinking they're above everyone else yet being so self harming and sabotaging, completely consumed by the systems they worked in only to get tossed aside by them once their depravity becomes too visible. If you've seen my previous AA posts you know I love the idea of Klavier looking up to Matt and wanting to model themself after him. To Kristoph, however, Matt is the embodiment of the lifestyle that he fears will consume his brother. So even before the whole Farewell Turnabout reveal, there's resentment already there. Poor Klavier is naturally crushed when the truth comes out ( better get used that soon buddy) and admist the rage for Klavier's sake in Kristoph there's also the satisfaction of being right. I wouldn't be surprised if Kristoph visits Matt in prison just to gloat and try to fuel his paranoia but Matt, ever the actor, just bats his eyes and treats Kristoph like he's another fan. Naturally this gets under Kristoph's skin and makes him want to break Matt even more and the duo end up in this perpetual cat and mouse game that's more amusing to them than any other rivalries they've had, even with Juan and Phoenix.
Klavier, watching his brother stamp a pile of letters to Matt Engarde: I think you're more upset about what he did than I am Bruder.
Kristoph : Shut up Klavier, your boyfriend has a dildo on his head.
Kristoph naturally shares all this with Beanix in an attempt to bond with him over their shared hatred, but it has the opposite effect on someone who's dealt with someone also having " unnecessary feelings" almost his whole life. It is 100% what confirms his suspicions of Kristoph and you know once he defeats him he throws in the line "lmao have fun with your boyfriend in prison." ( Which makes poor Klavier even more distraught.) Matt swears the reason he's happy to see Kristoph in prison is purely out of the satisfaction in seeing an enemy of his fall. Anyway, their antagonism in person is even more extreme but with how they're forced to spend time together in prison, genuine time together, things get more complicated and it looks like Phoenix and Klavier were right all along. WELL FUCK-
Geiru and Dahlia:
Girlies who solve their problems with murder and frame those they're supposed to be close to ♡ Dahlia sees this girl getting crushed by the legacy of her family and won't allow history to repeat again.
They wouldn't have to put personas on for once and could just exist without expectation and judgement.
Also the contrast of graceful Dahlia with literal clown girl amuses me <3
Godot and Simon Blackquill:
Manipulative, mysterious hot prosecutors who are up their own asses? Yeah, they need to make out/j
In all seriousness both of them are so fucking tragic, trying so hard to protect the ones they care about and being willing to do fucked up shit to do so regardless of what happens to them. At the same time toxically assuming what's best for other people without their input ( especially regarding female characters) and harshly project their own feelings onto other people. They're sickly similar and I hope they realize this and heal together.
Bikini and Gant:
They're unhinged in opposite directions <3 So interesting that Bikini is similarly part of a corrupt system but hasn't been tainted by it like Gant was, probably because she hadn't gotten to see and experience the extent of it like Gant did. Both so easily could've become the other if their positions had shifted. Any so, Bikini would bring out Gant's more heartfelt traits and they'd definitely joke around together and be annoyances to everyone around them and just enjoy the little things in life. But primarily I'm interested in this duo because the idea of Gant leaving behind his work to join the temple life amuses me XD
Angel Starr and Dee Vazquez:
Fucked up, violent, revenge driven women who are willing to do anything in order to get what they want? Automatic click. Either they'll take over and rule the world together or they'll retire to a seaside town and grow old together. 50/50 chance with these veteran queers.
Larry and Sorin:
I’m a sucker for STEM and artist duos, romantic or otherwise. Their differing interests and personalities would bounce well off each other, making them a comedic yet chemistry filled paring that balances each other out. Also, flanderization aside, Larry is an understanding and caring guy and would support Sorin throughout his recovery and beyond.
Larry and Shelly De Killer:
The idea of cheerful guy who constantly gets accused of murder dating one of the most prolific killers ( also a cheerful guy) sends me, along with the concept of either of them taking the other’s last name. I think Shelly would be interested in Larry’s genuine love for life and continued nativity while Larry is absolutely smitten by how suave and cool Shelly is. 50/50 chance Larry knows who Shelly really is. Justifiably Maya and Phoenix flip out.
Sebastian and Hugh O Connor:
Parallels! Cocky people who believe they’re highly skilled only to realize their parents were pulling strings and while absolutely crushed, they strive to do better and are incredibly loyal to those they care about. They should go “ samesies!” and imprint on each other.
Simon Keyes and Nahyuta:
Love these two cause they’re so similar but complete opposites. They’re both self declared fighters of corrupt systems who are willing to sacrifice anything and everything ( including themselves) to complete their goals. Not to mention having an intense loyalty to their fathers and father figures. But while Nahyuta believed in fighting within the system despite knowing its corruption , Simon, refusing to sink to the level of those he hated, made sure to fight the system from the outside. I hope they bite each other <3.
Richard and Daryan:
Flamboyant queers with weird hair who are both based in their crimes and actually not appreciated enough. They should kiss and do more crimes.
Nahyuta and Matt:
The contrast. I want Nahyuta to look at Matt and see him as someone who was similarly raised into fitting a certain role and was unable to escape it and in turn swearing to save Matt’s soul. Matt is honestly confused but, amused and ever the opportunist, agrees to Nahyuta’s demands. Phoenix on the other hand is pushing Apollo to get his brother to stop, with Apollo explaining he literally can’t change his brother’s mind.
Luke & Ron & Desiree:
Okay, Ron and Desiree are a package deal. Anyway, I imagine Luke believes that having a rival means your relationship with them is naturally homoerotic ( I mean he’s not wrong) leaving poor Ron even more flustered and confused than usual . Desiree would just find it all funny to be honest and probably encourage the antics but if she wanted she could probably roast Luke out of committing anymore crimes and gain another partner in the process. Should’ve left the whole De Masque business to her to be honest.
Nahyuta and Kristoph:
“ You screwed over my brother.”
“ You screwed over your own brother.”
Both being forced to sacrifice so much for their sibling who doesn’t understand the extent of their sacrifices. Both committing horrible acts order survive, believing they alone know what’s best and are the only one who can carry such extreme actions out. But Nahyuta was the only one who got to grow beyond these viewpoints and tendencies while Kristoph only double down. Both of them hate each other but can understand each other and hate the fact that they can, they hate feeling anything for each other. Nahyuta wouldn't ever fall for Kristoph’s shit and Kristoph would hate being so powerless and exposed to him and even more so that Nahyuta doesn’t tear him apart from the inside. Nahyuta should become Kristoph’s architect and rebuild him in his image.
Uendo and Matt:
Matt learns Uendo genuinely enjoys giving performances and needs to know how. I think despite their drastically different experiences and ideals , they could form a genuine connection centered around having to suppress parts of themselves for the sake of their work. Since Matt work centered around entertaining kids and making them happy I think he could also get along with Owen well. I think Matt would have the best relationship with Patches out of all of them with Kisegawa and him having the most antagonistic relationship (but still caring). Honestly while one of the most simplistic parings it’s one of my favorites.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed as I spent too much time on this and I’d like to hear your own blursed ideas.
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 pt. 2 thoughts ! (3) 】
i got through a good chunk of the story methinks, and it's probably bc there were more battles in the chapters i hit just now ^^
[ spoilers for 6-55 till 6-65 under the cut ! ]
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[ about : VIL UM SPELL !! ]
"I lose naught, and fear naught. This shining crown was made for me. Fairest One of All." RRAHHHH his unique magic is so good, he's so good, i love vil, and his big beautiful brain.
[ about : guy in the room at the end of the hall ]
grim...? would explain why leona found his magic familiar, but holy hell how did he absolutely desTROY the door ??? he blew it off its hinges quite literally hhh
[ about : uniforms and magic pens ]
it's interesting how much lore book 6 is giving us about nrc as well as simple things like dorm uniforms. we never would've known that dorm uniforms have magical defenses on them, or that they're all able to summon their magic pens from afar if we didn't have book 6.
CRYING I WISH I HAD THIS TEAM.... i wanna have the dorm leona n vil duo, and the scarabia dorm duo too :'))))
[ about : overblot gang fight !! ]
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[ about : THE SERUM ]
I SEE. i knew there was something suspicious about the serum, but i didn't think that rook could cast arrow afar on inanimate objects too !!!! arghhh and vil noticing the fact that rook's UM was on the bottle from the first time he saw it, and him taking it along so rook knows where to find him,,,,,,, why are they both so intelligent wtf, rook hunt i want your brain rn !!!!
(also the way rook was able to open the emergency door release in one pull vs idia almost breaking his back to open it,,,,,,,rook hunt why are you so perfect wtf)
[ about : mirror ?? ]
WE'RE HAVING A DREAM SEQUENCE N O W ???? w h a t ??? did yuu get knocked out from the magic blast that was thrown at them ?
also it's funny how hercules and idia have similar dreams to each other. like how they both want to be like everybody else, but in different ways. whilst hercules was revered for his strength, idia and the shrouds are shunned by those that remember them, and others don't know them at all. and it's all because they were given a blessing/curse. i remember how idia said before that a blessing or a curse is dictated by a person's will, so every blessing can become a curse and vice versa if a person wills it to be.
[ about : EPEL UM !!! ]
OMG HIS UNIQUE MAGICCCCC !!! it's so fitting !!!! the fact that he's the "poisoned apple" and the fact that his UM can put others into cases of glass, just like the one snow white was put into after she was "put to sleep" by the poisoned apple. wahhh that's so cool !!!
and it's pretty versitle too, bc you can use it to encase enemies, aka make them fall asleep and stop attacking. but you can also use it to encase your allies, in order to protect them from attacks, just like what epel did earlier. and it fits epel !! like he does pick fights with others sometimes, but his strongest urge is to protect others from harm, and to be a shield, so the spell fits perfectly <33
also the spell itself,,, "your eyes will close, your breath will still, crimson slumber" aghhhhh !! i think it's 10x a better name than sleep kiss, bc the thing that woke snow white was a kiss, and the thing that put her to sleep was the apple hence "crimson slumber" ^^ well played on the localization team's part >:D
[ about : poor staff... ]
[ about : og ortho... ]
mans is out here fighting for his life meanwhile leona and azul are like "let's save him, rob him, and make him show us the way >:D" jSKJFKSDJF and vil's like "smh,,,,,but also yes let's do that" HAJFHDJSF they really ARE all dirtbags this is so hilarious
[ about : jamiazu and their never ending beef ]
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your honor, i just find them funny sbdhdhfj like guys yall are about to get killed by automated robot armor, why are you fighting each other :')))
it gives me the creeps how og ortho always uses "we" as a personal pronoun. it's actually terrifying. bc no matter what is left behind of og ortho, he's already become a part of whatever creature exists in the underworld rn.
[ about : overblot gang's rejection ]
vil... the way he takes their side and sees it from their perspective first and foremost. like he commends ortho for changing his thinking, and trying to take a chance for himself and idia. but he also knows when to be strict, bc he doesn't want to give up on his own dreams.
and leona ^^ obviously he has a lot of grievances with the current world, but the reset that ortho's planning has too many uncertain variables, and not enough certainty that the world will be remade in a way that would favor him, so ofc he would refuse.
jamil, obviously he doesn't like being ordered around. if he was going to remake the world, it would be by his own hand, and not because someone more powerful is trying to get him to do it out of fear.
azul of course is thinking about the economy, he can't do business in a world that's overrun with phantoms,,,,he would lose his 10-year-business plan if all phantoms start invading the world.
and riddle, as always, talks about rules. it makes sense, bc ortho's trying to make new rules for the whole entire world that would only benefit two people, and riddle being the guy who lives by rules to help protect and guide people wouldn't accept that.
[ about : POME REUNIONNN ]
AAAAAA THE WAY EPEL RAN ALL THE WAY TO VIL AND VIL WAS LIKE "EPEL" LIKE AHHHHH DAD SON MOMENTTT !!! they're so cute i love pome sm sm sniffsss the way rook runs as well and vil taking into stock that everyone's okay !!!! so happy !!!!! (also the other dormleaders being stock still bc what. why are there here.)
[ about : grim's power ]
i fucken knew ittttt— last book 6 thoughts i pointed out how maybe grim's "full potential" was being hindered by his curse. maybe his curse is activated in the presence of blot density. bc he only went berserk after eating 5 blot stones, and then he went berserk again in STYX because the halls started filling up with strong blot fumes. so the curse might lift when he's surrounded by blot and he can access the normal magic reserves that direbeasts usually have.
OR grim can naturally digest blot...? maybe he can use blot like a mage can utilize their magic pool when he's berserk, which explains why he hasn't overblotted yet after eating 5 blot stones. and it lines up with them being unable to figure out his blot accumulation rate.
[ about : leona's wager ]
HELP ??? i mean. deserved. BUT ALSO HELPPPP— time to grab a bag of popcorn before they start beating idia up sjfkdsjfk
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[ about : rook hunt :")))) ]
NOT ROOK WANTING TO DO A HUDDLE I'M CRYING JSKFDJSKF the way that every single person hates it other than epel ToT this is so funny i love rook so much
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not them huddling and then...standing in silence ??? i'm about to start crying real tears bc of these clowns sjdfksfks
[ about : FUCK ]
THE JUMPSCARE I GOT FROM ORTHO'S VOICE HOLY SHIEETTT,,,, idia's voice as well, are they getting corrupted by the blot...?
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lowkey kinda nervous about the fights but wish me luck y'all hhhhh
never have i been more terrified by ortho before iN MY LIFE.
[ about : the elusive 6-66 ]
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ok i'm gonna keep playing, but i'll leave off here and make a separate post for 6-66 and 6-67 bc i know those two chapters will be long asffff
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legendarybelmont · 1 year
Trevor/Grant, Nathan/Hugh and Juste/Maxim?
1. best friends to lovers, it's very soft. i love angst as much as the next *checks notes* Curse of Darkness fan but sometimes what if just happy relationship
2. imagine you meet the legendary trevor belmont, you form this image of him in your head, and then you find out his type of man is apparently scruffy thieves who have horrible back problems and disturbing acrobatic skills
3. grant could be where trevor got all those fucking knives in cod like jeez he throws three at a time and he has the serpent thingy where tf is he getting all those
1. good colour contrast methinks, + short white hair and long black hair, etc etc
2. enemies to lovers is a popular dynamic for a reason, even tho for those two its more like "rivals (onesided) to lovers (requited)"
3. theyd be a PAIN IN THE ASS to fight as a team, holy shit, theyd curbstomp everything in their path
1. THEYRE SO INTERESTING guy who only wanted to relieve his boy best friend of his percieved cursed fate and said boy best friend who got distracted collecting furniture and left the castle standing for like a week
2. practically canon, i mean cmon. matching 'friendship bracelets' they never take off, lydie doesnt have one rip lydie, you have to wear both to save maxim ("that bracelet... you wore it for me" gay ass line???) ...also those bracelets have like the same colour schemes as the rings from sotn which i assume were meant to be drac and lisas wedding rings so thats funny
3. red and green are complimentary colours! i love all the red/green duos i think theyre neat
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wren-kitchens · 2 years
okay I came up with this at 12am last night but I had no service or wifi so i’m saying it now 
SO we know how the end of 3rd life for scott and jimmy was them being ‘home’ (”it’s home?” “home.”) and the end of double life for tango was him telling someone to “go home. go.”
so what if he was telling jimmy to go back to his home with scott 
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redskysailor · 3 years
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! put your music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
tagged by @homeworkforpigeons! hi bailor thank you for distracting me from a very very painful tummyache i rly appreciate it <33
All I Need - Jacob Collier
Brothers on a Hotel Bed - Death Cab for Cutie
Hideaway - Jacob Collier
Cabinet Man - Lemon Demon
Superball - The Barbaras
Alpenglow - Nightwish
Prom - Vulfpeck
Little Bird - The Weepies
You - Tally Hall
Sweet Bod - Lemon Demon
@just-a-fungi @nosiidam @sodabutch @peitalo @surskip @barbieyaga @legodisease @el-hermoso @jaybirrrd @3frogs and anyone else who wants to do it! especially mutuals my beloved mutuals <3
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Pocket, my beloved, tell us your BNHA movie ideas that aren't "Izuku and X fights an OP villain with interesting backstory but we will never hear about them again and the events of the movie will never be mentioned in canon", please.
Darling, my penny-worth thoughts:
- a fantasy au based on the popularity poll/ending/light novel chapter. Magic! Dragons! Big One For All sword! They're fighting demons and trying to break the curse that turned All Might into a doll! Who in this fandom wouldn't pay to see that movie? None, methinks
- a steampunk au based on the other popularity poll. I'm dying to see more of that. You could literally just make the plot of any movie steampunk. Izuku an X fight a new villain with any backstory that doesn't matter, because it's an obvious au. This one comes with the option of quirkless (or magical/steampunk equivalent) izuku fighting with tech!
- RockLock and Manual buddy hero movie. The case they work keeps escalating. On occasion, izuku wreaks havoc in the background, but this is never addressed
- Nana backstory movie! Nana! Prime Torino! Perhaps even Mister Shimura and baby Kotaro?? And of course at the end: baby Toshi. This needs no explanation. We all want it
- First and AfO backstory! I wanna see more tiny Yoichi reading his little comic! I want to see more about that era since bones cowardly cut so much from the animated flashback! Duo holders?? Trio holders??
- failing either of those options, a movie about the OfA line from First to Nana. It wouldn't spend as much time on either of them, but it would look at all the holders and provide such amazing material to use or ignore in fics at our leasure
- movie about the rooftop trio that didn't get adapted. Fun times with Shirakumo before he dies and has his corpse desecrated into a secretarial robot. And a kitty! And wait no midnights costume... Ugh oh well I like young kayama's personality better than as an adult anyway
- movie about Ryukyuu agency with the girls getting their fights and action that didn't get fully fleshed out in the anime either. Man we could have so much "bones catches up and coughs up what we actually wanted to see in the anime" movies
- Natsuo Todoroki movie. That family's timeline is already screwed up enough in canon with retcons that it doesn't matter what they do with the movie. As long as they make Natsuo quirkless :)
- buddy cop movie about those two ua heros who we keep seeing but know nothing about. C'mon, I got a plot for Plasmix and Phantom ready, just hire mem it won't be as good as the Manual and RockLock one but there's more opportunity for background shenanigans by izuku and Toshi
- Snipe movie. What's his name. What's his actual quirk bc we know the interview explanation was a lie, just like every time a hero voluntarily gives info to non heroes about their quirks. And what was he doing during the war arc when he was the only one of two teachers not out there????
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heybeyby · 2 years
Top 5 favorite character groups? Like duos, trios, teams, etc :3
oooh character groups they are all very beloved <3
5. Nile/Demure. like they make sense right? these two have spent more time together canonically (after kyoya flat out abandoned them after the world championships like come on dude. listen i love kyoya but he needs to work on his attitude) and i just think they'd have a better relationship. i have a lot of headcanons abt them ill probably post another time hehe
4. Wang Hu Zhong of course. their characters separately are so fun to think about but as a group? found family moment moment! the relationship between daxiang and chi-yun is not talked abt enough despite having a whole episode dedicated to it. those two are definitely the closest in the team, having been friends for the longest time. i like to think abt the disparity between daxiang and chi-yun (raised in a temple in the mountains for most of their lives) and zhouxing and mei-mei who seem to be ones that visit the city the most. the first two have totally gotten lost in a mall more than once lmao
3. jack and damian (romantic or platonic). idk i always had the feeling that jack was probably the only one that actually cared enough to visit damian post-masters. that boy has so much baggage he needs a proper support system OKAY. jack helps damian integrate into society and they both go to therapy together :heart:
2. team excalibur oooooo these guys. some white people are okay methinks. you know how i feel abt Julian fucking Konzern he's my nemesis. he's my pathetic little meow meow. my silly little rabbit <3. a lot of my love for them comes from headcanon BUT i adore them in canon nonetheless. one thing i find interesting is that sophie wales and julian are like. a set. they have history. but with klaus it introduces a more... diverse dynamic??? if that's the right word. He respects his teammates obviously but you can see he has different perspectives on beyblade and ultimately different motivations. he's an outside perspective that i think the other three really need. okay i could examine klaus and his dynamic with excalibur all day but i need to move on.
1.DSS trio YIPPEE *throws confetti*. yeah im predictable. frankly idek what possessed me to be obsessed with these three. from their dark nebula days to their limited appearances post-fusion i just love thinking abt them so much JKADHFAKJFASKJFDAS. the best part abt being obsessed with minor characters is that you just get to make shit up. the only one with a smidgen of a backstory is tetsuya and even then i just love expanding upon a joke character huh. JUST. they are absolutely inseparable but none of them would admit it yk? i love that kind of dynamic in a group they're all stubborn and flawed and honestly not the best people individually but that's what makes them great! Also feel like i should mention teru my beloved he's like an honorary member in my mind :swirling_heart:
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industriangel · 3 years
[The urge to send you Zote... Okay that's optional but also; Tiso >:3c ]
First Impression- when I first saw his sprite i was under the foolish allusion he was just a grouchy old man.
Impression Now- I was wrong.... hes so much more.. my second impression was that hes genuinely the most funny character ever. And then the more I get into his dialogue and actions and behaviour I just get more?? Sad for him? DONT GET ME WRONG hes still hilarious, but the fact hes deluded himself so deeply.. I wish for this lil man to get a therapist stat! What a genuinely deep and well written character????
He reminds me somewhat of Porky from Earthbound in the way that he never grew up or moved on because no one was there to teach him how. Like he still fights with his own wooden sword he built when he was a kid??? Sir??
Favourite Moment- i still crack up at 'now the true predator arrives...' from his dream nail dialogue in Deepnest.
Idea for a story- Literally a story from Zotes POV would be wonderful. I always imagine things animated, as a comic or as a movie but I'd kill for a story where Zote recounts his adventure and its for the most part funny and silly because its very clear a lot of it is fabricated or hammed up- but there's bits where it wanes slightly and you see more to it. And start picking up on hints about WHY he's fabricating bits and WHY he's lying. Nd then later on picking up that he genuinely believes himself. I think that would be a perfect blend of tragedy and comedy methinks!
Unpopular opinion- why does everyone hate zote i think loving zote and believing he's actually pretty tragic is unpopular so ill go with that one! :3
Favourite relationship - Him and bretta for sure! I love love love your interpretation of them as besties. I've just taken that as my own personal canon tbh!
Favourite headcanon- I like that folks intetpret him as ace/aro! He has no time for that hes got IMPORTANT bisnis.
First impression- I cant really say too much here aside that I LOVED his design. And still do!!
Impression now- TISSOOOO MY BELOVED. Hes so interesting and has so much potential for interesting relationship dynamics and interactions with things I kinda wish we saw him more around Hollownest! And I know I say this for every single character I like but hes funny KDJSKX
Favourite moment- i think its hilarious when you dream nail him and his first thought is ' I should kill this thing' (Didn't zote have a similar thought too??? Or am I mixing it up. Did both of these emotionally repressed bugs think of killing Ghost immediately or-)
Idea for a story- tiso quirrel adventure. Brains and brawn. Sword and shield. Honestly just a perfect duo and dynamic. ALTERNATIVELY. Hornet and Tiso adventure. Hornet would get so frustrated at his weird... uppity personality.
Unpopular opinion- hes alive hes alive hes alive😭😭 he never died he isn't dead in the game hes fine
Favourite relationship- ofc I enjoy a potential dynamic of him and Quirrel but I also think him and Zote have so much bravado in common it would be hilarious to have them interact and become grudging friends who keep trying to one up each other. Tiso tells the truth about his accomplishments and zote does not JDJSJX
Favourite headcanon- I like to think he's a fancy upper-class bug. And while my headcanons are give or take bc I like any and every interpretation; I like to entertain the idea hes so fancy schmancy he doesnt actually quite know what the hell hes doing and makes it up as he goes. Usually making things harder for himself for no reason.
Thank you sm for asking!! :D
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trenchcoatimpala · 3 years
Okay Creation Entertainment this post is for you. Below you will find a list of panel pairings that would be super cool and fun and would bring something new and fresh to conventions, because I’m sick of J2 panels, they’ve run stale, they’re dry, we get the same questions over and over again. J2 can have their gold panel but that’s really all they need methinks. So. 
Let me give you some options: 
Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins (because there SHOULD be a Jenmish panel we only get them at JIB and I think we need at least one for a  creation con. I’m not saying every con but at least one.)
Jensen Ackles and Alex Calvert (Dean and Jack’s relationship is so interesting. There is SO MUCH there that could be discussed. So many avenues to dive down and I would love the ability to have them both in a room to discuss things)
Jensen Ackles and Samantha Smith (there’s so much there. Dean losing his mom so young, her coming back, their strained relationship. I want to TALK ABOUT IT)
Misha Collins and Rob Benedict (Cas was Chuck’s son too. I want to talk about their not there relationship and how Chuck feels about his other rebellious son and if Cas actually wanted his Dad dead or if he wishes Chuck was just... his Dad)
Misha Collins and Mark Sheppard (CAS AND CROWLEY SPIN OFF NEEDED TO HAPPEN AND I MUST LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE TWO AND HOW THEY HATED AND LIKED ONE ANOTHER and how jealous Cas was of Crowley for being with Dean during his hot girl summer)
J*red P*dalecki and Samantha Smith (I could even MAYBE stomach a J2 plus Sam Smith because I think mother and sons would be a nice panel)
J*red P*dalecki and Alex Calvert (Sam loved Jack and I feel like he never really got to do things with him like Dean and Cas did, so it would be cool to talk about)
J*red P*dalecki and Richard Speight (Sam and Gabe were becoming friends and I think that it would make for an interesting panel)
THERE ARE SO MANY OPTIONS TO CHANGE THINGS UP A BIT SO FUCKING MANY. THESE ARE JUST A FEW (and I wouldn’t watch any J*red panels but for those that like panels with him I had to include options) And of course any of these people can be interchanged with each other or there could be joint panels for groups. But I just think it’s time for a change. The big J2 panels need to go. Maybe at one specific con they can have their big hour long panel, but I don’t think every con needs them, I really don’t. I want to pair up new people to talk about different relationships. 
Why must “side characters/ guest actors” be put in one panel. Why can’t we mix “main characters” and “side characters”. What’s with the discrimination huh?
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neonkoii · 3 years
@booville BOOK RECS ^_^
fair warning nearly all of these deal with death in many forms, and other triggering topics so keep yourself safe bestfriend! tbdate and aoas are dystopian so obviously there's gong to be some dark stuff there, and aggtm and oouil are mysteries so that's pretty dark as well. drama is a super light read though ^-^ (books under the cut!)
they both die at the end by adam silvera - fair warning. it's exactly how it sounds. the characters both die at the end and i cry every time, pretty thought-provoking and GOD i love the main characters, good queer literature methinks !
a good girl’s guide to murder trilogy by holly jackson - yep these books are mysteries and there's a lot of death involved. first pip investigates a murder and well let's just say it escalates from there.. i absolutely adore pip and ravi with my whole heart though
book 2: good girl, bad blood - probably my least favorite book in the trilogy, but it still had its moments!
book 3: as good as dead - maybe my favorite? very very dark and a super bittersweet ending, this one was genuinely hard to read but also hard to put down so. do with that information what you will
one of us is lying.. duo? (soon to be trilogy) by karen m. mcmanus - this one is very popular and for good reason methinks. i read it pretty soon after it came out iirc and i like how the characters start out as cliches and slowly develop to be. less cliche. also have a soft spot for the main characters including.. well two of them get together i won't spoil too much but i have a soft spot for them even though they aren't the greatest couple lol
book 2: one of us is next - not as good as the first one but honestly i think i just missed the 4 main characters. still interesting but the ending was less satisfying imo
arc of a scythe trilogy by neal shusterman
book 1: scythe - my favorite book, love the two main characters, uhhhh i'm trying not to spoil stuff but well they end up together and even though they have no chemistry i still love them <3 they do care about each other lots though
book 2: thunderhead - interesting but not my favorite?
book 3: the toll - i mean it's action packed and a fun read sometimes but it almost feels like the series jumped the shark a little bit. but that's just my opinion and it's not horrible by any means
drama by raina telgemeier - easy lighthearted graphic novel for elementary school kids!! but it was probably my first exposure to queer literature in general so it has a very special place in my heart <3 the characters are all awesome i love them
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