#instagram model use fake weights
madameaug · 11 months
3D || JJK x Black OC
Pairing: Celebrity Jungkook x Non-Celebrity Jennette
Feature: Jack Harlow
WC: 900 ish
Context: Things are going smoothly on the second day of filming for Jungkook's solo '3D' with Kentucky rapper Jack Harlow. But tempers rise when Jack takes a flirtatious approach to Jungkook's girl.
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Jungkook naturally had a positive attitude. He got a full nights rest and he had a tasty American breakfast. He was on set for the second and final day of filming for his single '3D'. It would be his second solo song with the new direction and image he was launching.
Seven was just a tiny drop in the pond for the full extent he wanted. He was tired of the 'baby' and 'maknae' cape he wore for the many years he was a part of BTS. Of course, he couldn't deny the fact that he was the youngest member of the group, but he was twenty-six. He was a grown man and he was entitled to his sexuality. He wanted to express how raunchy and nasty he could be is. I mean he was in a long term relationship with his girlfriend, fans couldnt' have thought that he was just holding hands with her. They would be delusional.
Currently, Jungkook was sitting in his trailer rubbing the soft fabric of the neon pink romper Jennette was wearing. She laid down on her stomach, scrolling through her phone. Her legs were across his lap, giving unrestricted access to her plump behind. What she it lacked in size, it overcompensated in weight. Any time she walked there was a jiggle that caught Jungkook's attention.
"Bug look at this." Jennette turned showing Jungkook a video of Jack Harlow's story. "He's here." The Kentucky rapper had tagged the singer in a Instagram story showing that he had arrived on set. The diamond crusted shape of Kentucky reflecting off the sunlight.
A sequential knock on the trailer could be heard. A slight groan Jennette moved off of Jungkook allowing him to stand up fully. Opening the door Jack Harlow had a big smile on his face. He dapped Jungkook.
"What's poppin."
Jungkook returned the same enthusiasm. Using the English that he knew. He was now at a conversational level thanks to Jennette and could better articulate himself. Jennette just look at the two men conversing with each other. Unaware at the secret glances to she was receiving from Jack.
Jack immediately noticed the feminine fragrance in the trailer. The scent couldn't belong to no one other than the beauty sitting on Jungkook's leather couch. Her legs were crossed over one another, and he could see the pure white color she sported on her toes. Two gold hoop piercings hanging on each nostril, elevated her look. Baby hairs were laid, with lips dewey and glossy. Her hair was shaped like a cloud, and not in its usual protective style.
Jungkook wasn't an idiot and watched the glances Jack made behind him. He was probably just curious about who Jennette was. Thinking nothing of it, Jungkook formally introduced the pair.
"Jeanie come meet Jack. Jack this is 'Jennette', Jeanie this is Jack."
Jennette smiled with simple wave.
"Had I known there were going to be gorgeous models like her I would have gotten here earlier so I could get to know her." Jack lifted Jennette's hand bringing it to his lips.
"Oh that's not necessary." Jennette dryly laughed, pulling her hand away. Once it was behind her back, she discreetly wiped any trace of his lips on her back.
"Jeanie was it?"
"ACTUALLY it's Jennette." Jungkook stepped in the middle of the two.
Thinking fast, Jennette bawled up her face appearing to sneeze. She turned behind her before letting out the fake sneeze.
"My allergies must be acting up. Let me go blow my nose." Jennette excused herself, before leaving the trailer. Before closing the door behind her. In another moment of disrespect Jack turned his head to watch Jennette leave the trailer. He bit his lip, before tucking his hands in his pocket. He rocked on his toes, before whispering a 'damn' to himself.
Jungkook found himself outside of his body. He saw himself wrapping his hands around Jack's neck. Shaking common sense into his thick skull. How dare he make a clear pass at his girlfriend, in front of his presence. His eye twitched at the lingering thought.
It took alot for Jungkook to get out of character. Having fame at such a young age taught him how to grow thick skin and how to let some things roll of his back. He was good at picking which battles were worth fighting over. And his relationship with Jennette was always one worth fighting for.
Jennette was one of the best things to ever happen to him. He trusted her and developed a deep love for her. One day when he will be courageous enough to get down on one knee and ask her to spend the rest of her life with him. He could see the day happening any time soon. A future with Jennette was his endgame.
And collaboration be damned, Jungkook wasn't going to let Jack get away with that.
"Don't disrespect me or my girl like that." Jungkook's tone was sharp and cold. His eyes narrowing in on Jack's face. He was watching every thought cross his mind. His eyebrows furrowed, at the drastic demeanor change.
"Your girl? I was just being polite-"
"Polite? Yeah right, you were clearly flirting with her in front of me."
"I didn't know she was your girl, my bad bro."
"Damn right. Don't try that again."
Jack noted putting both of his hands up backing away slowly. Sheesh
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canirove · 3 months
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 24
Author’s note: Just two more chapters after this one before we say goodbye to Mason and Adele... 😔
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“Where are my two favourite supermodels?”
“Oh, stop it Edward” Elizabeth laughed, hugging him. “You say that to everyone.”
“I do not.”
“You do” Toni chuckled, also hugging him.
“Ok, fine. I do, it's part of my job. But when I say it to you, I actually mean it. I am your daughter's godfather for a reason, am I not?” 
“You are, yes” Elizabeth smiled.
“Where is she, by the way?” Edward asked.
“Here” she said from behind her mother and Toni.
“Nah… My Adele was a shy teenager glued to a camera, and you are a gorgeous woman!” 
“She's always been gorgeous” Mason said.
“You all are gonna make me blush” Adele said, already feeling her cheeks get warm.
“Ok, ok. I'll stop” Edward laughed. “Come give me a hug. I've missed you, kid.”
“I've missed you too” Adele said, hugging him back.
“And oh, Mason. Come here, my boy” he said, opening one of his arms to hug him and Adele at the same time. “Can't believe my two babies are now two adults who have fallen in love. Who could have thought?”
“Everyone” Mason chuckled. “Thank you for coming, Edward. It means a lot.”
“Anything for my two favourite supermodels and their families” he smiled. “Should we begin? Are you ready, Mason?”
“Yes” he nodded.
“Then we better leave you alone. I love you” Toni said, kissing Mason's cheek.
“Love you too, mum” he replied.
“You can do this” Elizabeth told him, squeezing his shoulder before leaving the room.
“You've got this, Mase” Adele said with an encouraging smile. 
“Wait, are you leaving too?”
“I… Yes?”
“Stay with me, Addie.”
“Can she?” Mason asked Edward.
“Of course. If she wants to, she can stay.”
“Then please stay with me, Addie. If you are by my side I know I can do this.”
“Ok” she said, taking his hand on hers and sitting down with him.
“So” Edward said, also sitting down and getting everything ready. “Where should we begin? Real or fake interview?”
“Fake” Mason said. “It'll help me relax.”
“Perfect” Edward smiled. 
A real and a fake interview. That had been Adele's big plan.
Mason needed to tell his truth, to tell the world what was going on, expose his agency. And even though just an Instagram post could have been enough, it would never have the same weight and repercussion as giving an interview to one of the most important magazines in the world and having the support of one of the most important people in the fashion industry: Edward, Adele's godfather and British Vogue editor-in-chief.
But his agency couldn't know about it. They had to believe he was going to give the usual interview that comes with a big cover, one where he talked about his career and his relationship with Adele. So she had come up with the idea of giving a fake interview that would be the one his agency would get to see, and a real one that would be the one getting published and printed and that everyone around the world would get to read.
When she first had told Mason and their families about it, they had had their doubts, but Edward had been on board since the moment Toni and Elizabeth had told him about it. He, like basically everyone in the business, knew that Mason's agency didn't have the best reputation and that no one had been brave enough to fully go against them. Until now. 
Because besides the interview, and all thanks to Rianne’s help, they had the testimony of many other models who had worked or worked with Mason's agency and who had been mistreated by them. According to Adele's dad, those testimonies would also be very useful in case they tried to sue them. 
“Before we start…” Edward said. “Any news from your agency?”
“Erin has been calling me daily since the holidays ended, but I've managed to avoid meeting with them and talk about a new contract” Mason said with a cheeky smile. 
First the excuse of the snow had worked, the bad weather being on their side. For the new year they had left New York and moved to a resort close to the mountains, and the snow had made it impossible to leave for at least a week. Jourdan was supposed to meet them there too, and she had not been able to fly due to all the storms and bad conditions. 
After that, Mason used the excuse of Adele being sick and not being able to travel. And once they were able to fly back to London, he had actually gotten sick, so he hadn't been able to meet either or even celebrate his birthday. 
Now it was the end of January, and the magazine was ready to be printed. Only his interview was missing, and he had convinced them to focus on that and leave the talks for later. 
“Good. You must try to keep it going for at least a couple of weeks. I'm planning on releasing the cover after Valentine's Day so you guys can enjoy the day before the chaos starts, though your agency will believe it won't be out until late February so people get more excited about who could be on the cover. You better than anyone know how much they love the social media game.”
“Yeah” Mason sighed.
“Thank you very much for everything you are doing, Edward” Adele said.
“Anything for you” he smiled. “Now, let's get into business. Since I have you both here, why don't we start talking about your relationship? We can add some happy bits to our real interview too.”
“Sure” Mason said while looking at Adele, their hands still clasped together. “What do you want to know?”
“I think we should start from the beginning. When and how did you fall in love?” 
“I think it all started in Italy” Mason said as he squeezed Adele's hand, something she would then find herself doing throughout both interviews. Sometimes it was an encouraging squeeze, one to let him know that he could do it, to give him strength. Others, it was a squeeze meant to hurt him a little, to scold him for telling Edward something he shouldn't, like details that were too personal. 
But overall, she did it to let him know that he could count on her, through good and bad times, and that she would always be by his side. Always. 
“This issue is gonna be iconic” Adele said as she flicked through the pages of the magazine in her hands. Edward had sent her and Mason a copy, asking them to check everything and tell him if there was anything that needed to be changed before giving it the final green light. “Like, I can see it becoming a collector's edition.”
“You think so?” Mason asked her.
“Definitely. Every single bit of content is perfect, from all the ads to the articles, to of course the cover and the main editorial.”
“Yeah… I've heard they got an amazing photographer to shoot it” he smirked.
“And they say the model is one of the best of his generation. Some even call him a supermodel” she replied with a matching smile.
“Supermodel?” Mason laughed. “C'mon, Addie.”
“The internet words, not mine” she shrugged. “But even if they said you suck, you would still be a supermodel to me.”
“Bullshit” he laughed again. “You would be the first to tell me to stop making a fool of myself and to find another job. Just look at the way you criticise some of my outfits. You would be my first hater.”
“Meh meh meh” she said, hitting him with the magazine.
“This is gonna work out, isn't it, Addie?”
“Your plan. Is it gonna work out?” Mason said, the smile he had had while he and Adele had been teasing each other completely gone. 
“It is” she said, moving on the sofa where they were sitting to properly look at him. “Do you think someone as important as Edward would involve himself in something like this, basically putting his career at risk, if he believed it wasn't gonna work out?”
“I guess…”
“Mason… Mase” Adele said, caressing his cheek. “It will work out. You will finally be free.”
“But what if… What if they find a way to sue me or… I don't know, Addie. They still have the video. And the photos.”
“If they release them as some kind of revenge, you know my dad already has everything ready to sue their asses. And knowing your fans, they will definitely do anything in their power so nothing gets shared and it ends up buried in the darkest corner of the internet.”
“I wish I could be as optimistic as you are” he sighed. “The closer we get to the release date, the more insecure and worried I get.”
“Oh, I know. I've had to deal with all your fidgeting in bed” she chuckled. “If I didn't love you the way I do, I would have already kicked you out again and sent you here to sleep on the sofa.”
“Lucky me” he smiled. Though it was one of those sad smiles Adele hated, the ones he used to give her before telling her everything that was going on with his agency. 
“Mase, I…”
“It's ok. I'll be ok” he said, giving her a peck and leaving the sofa. 
As she watched him leave the room, she could only think of one thing. Well, actually two. His sad smile, and that she needed to do something to make him stop worrying until the interview was out. But what? What could keep his mind busy until then?
“Urgh” Adele grunted, reaching for the magazine once again and opening it on a random page, looking for some inspiration, a sign. And then… “Yes!”
“Addie, did you say anything?” Mason asked from the kitchen.
“Nothing, just talking to myself!” she replied, her eyes focused on the photo in front of her. It was a reprint from an old editorial inspired by Romeo and Juliet shot by Annie Leibovitz, one of Adele's favourites growing up. And it had reminded her of an old conversation she and Mason had had during fashion month.
"On one of the nights I think we should dress as a prince and princess and have an over the top dinner. What do you think?"
"That would be amazing! Can I wear a crown too?"
"Whatever the lady wishes."
“I can't believe you managed to pull this off, Addie” Mason chuckled.
“You're welcome” she said, kissing his cheek. “Shall we?”
“After you, my lady” he said, gesturing towards the building in front of them. 
They had gone back to the château, the one outside Paris where they had had their picnic, and the one where they should have spent a couple of weeks once fashion month was over, enjoying each other's company and ignoring everything that was going on in the outside world. That was what Adele had planned, to turn that place into their own bubble, one where there were no paparazzis, a horrible agency blackmailing them, or a Vogue issue about to be published and hopefully shake the fashion world. It was just going to be them enjoying each other, and nothing was going to stop them. Not even Mason's agency calling him to ask him to meet and sign his new contract. 
“It's Valentine's Day, Erin” he had told them over the phone. “Can't I spend some days alone enjoying the company of my girlfriend before I have to start with all the promo for the cover?”
“Yes, of course” she had said, finally giving up. “Just remember to post something on Instagram. You need the engagement, and it will be a perfect preview for the cover and the interview. You guys made me wish I was in love just by reading you” she had chuckled. 
“I will, don't worry” Mason had replied, rolling his eyes so dramatically that Adele had feared they would get stuck at the back of his head. 
“Addie, if I end up hitting something and breaking a toe…”
“You won't.”
“You've said it yourself, I'm a really bad patient. And if I break a toe, you'll basically have to do everything for me because I won't be able to walk.”
“My patience is what is being tested right now” she sighed. “Can you please move a bit faster?”
“I'm sorry, Addie. But I don't like being blindfolded. At least not while walking.”
“Urgh” she groaned. 
It was the day after Valentine's Day, and in just a couple more, Edward would release the cover and the interview. But before that, there was something Adele needed to do so Mason could properly be free.
“Ok, this is it.”
“Can I take this off now?”
“Yes, you can, Mason.”
“Thank God” he sighed. “Addie, what… What are we doing in this room?”
“Well, according to the history of the château, the lord who first lived here built this room for his favourite lover.”
“She apparently was treated by all the servants as royalty, almost like a queen.”
“And you've brought me here because…”
“Because I think a room dedicated to a lover, is perfect for what we are about to do.”
“Which is?” Mason asked, still looking visibly confused.
“Celebrate Valentine's Day, but not like we did yesterday with all the romantic stuff. Today, is time to get naughty” she smirked. “Today, I'm gonna make you forget about something that has been bothering that pretty head of yours for way too long.”
“Addie, what…”
“Today…” she said, picking up her camera from one of the bedside tables. “We are going to film our own sex tape.”
“We what?” Mason said, his eyes going wide.
“That video that bitch took of you without your consent has been hurting you for too long, so it's time we erase that memory by creating a new one. One you truly like and enjoy. One you want.”
“Adele, are you serious about this? Like… what if we get hacked?”
“We won't. We are filming it with my camera on a memory card just for it.”
“But what if we lose it? Or if someone steals your camera? Or…”
“Mason… Mase” Adele said, putting a finger on his lips so he would stop talking. “I have it all under control.”
“Do you trust me?”
“With my life, Addie.”
“Then start getting undressed while I make myself a bit more comfortable. Unless you don't want to do it.”
“Of course I want to do it, Adele. I may or may have not been thinking about filming something with you or taking some spicy photos since you told me about what you used to do with your ex” he smirked.
“Then c'mon. Let's not waste our time” she said before walking into the room's en suite.
“Addie? Addie, what is taking you so long?” 
“One sec, I'm almost done!”
“One sec, she says. One sec…” Mason murmured. “Addie, you… Bloody hell, Adele” he gasped when she saw her walking out.
“Liking what you see?” she asked him, slowly turning around so he could see every detail. 
Before flying to France she and Jourdan had gone shopping together, and they had found probably the sexiest and most beautiful set of lingerie Adele had ever seen, one that she knew would make Mason go completely crazy.
“I bloody love it, Addie” he said, his eyes scanning every inch of her body. 
“I can tell” she chuckled, looking down at his boxers. “Go sit down at the end of the bed.”
“Stop checking me out and do as I've said, Mason.”
“I can't. You just… Bloody hell, Addie.”
“You already said that” she giggled. “Sit down” she said again, trying to sound serious despite feeling her whole body on fire, from her cheeks to the tip of her toes.
“Yes, ma'am” Mason said, finally doing as she had asked him. “Now what?”
“Now you wait while I set the camera and make sure it is focused.”
“Wait, you are using a tripod?”
“I thought we were going to film each other.”
“I am going to film you. I don't trust you with my camera.”
“Afraid I may break it?” he laughed.
“I actually fear you may drop it in my head while I'm between your legs.”
“Ok” he laughed again.
“Besides, this video is gonna be about you, Mase. About your pleasure and what you like. I want to be able to watch it again and get to see the way your body reacts to me and everything I can do to you. To hear the way you moan my name, your face when you make it to the end. This is about you.”
“What if what I like is to do something to you?” he asked, licking his lips and trying really hard not to smile.
“I'll still be in charge of the camera.”
“You may drop it too. You know I am that good.”
“We'll see” Adele said, finishing to set the camera. “Ready?”
“I've been ready since I first saw you wearing that, Addie.”
“Good” she said, walking towards him and kneeling in front of him. “Happy Valentine's Day to you, Mase.”
“Happy Valentine's Day to me” he smirked, his eyes glued on Adele. 
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tyler Posey- Insecurities
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Being in the public eye has its positives and it’s negatives. Unfortunately some days the negatives seems to out way the positives. When I was asked to come back to film for the Teen Wolf movie I was more than excited to. I couldn’t wait to see my best friends, some who I’ve not seen for a while now and working with my boyfriend,Tyler, again I just couldn’t wait. But I know since we finished the final season I have put on weight which the media have picked up on. Tyler and I have been dating since season 4 of Teen Wolf and tonight is date night. We have both been busy today filming but knowing that it was only a day shoot for all of us we decided that today would be perfect. Weirdly Tyler has told me to get ready in my trailer.
So here I am trying on dress options I had brought with me. Trying to get ready for my date but I just can't find the right one. I'm looking at myself in my full length mirror. Sighing I sit on my couch and look at Instagram for ideas, maybe I can text Holland or Shelly to run to mine and Tyler’s hotel room and get me some more clothes. However instead I end up seeing different Instagram models. Stupidly I begin to compare myself to them. The extra skin on my stomach, my thighs, my arms. I sit there not realising that I'm crying until my trailer door opens
“Tyler wants to know if your nearly ready because…. oh my god YN what’s wrong?” In runs Holland, shutting the door behind her “Are you hurt? Feel sick? Has something happened between you and Tyler?”
“No” I shake my head
“Then what’s wrong?”
“Just in my head”
“About what?” Holland is now by my side pulling me into her
“Why does he love me?”
"What do you mean? YN Tyler loves the hell out of you, do you not realise how much he talks to the boys about you? God he doesn't shut up about you YN he loves you. What’s brought this on? You know he loves you”
“I know he loves me, but why. He could have anyone. A model for Christ sake, but he chose me” Holland then looks over at my phone and sees that I’m on Instagram
“You really need to get off social media if it’s hurting you so much. These bodies are fake, you are real and that what Tyler loves about you. So let’s get you dressed and redo your makeup because Tyler is waiting”
"I'm not in the mood to go out now. Can you tell Tyler I’m not feeling well”
“Not gonna happen because either way you have to see Tyler, you live together remember. And anyway he has something planned so come on we have got 30 minutes before the love of your life will knock on that door with a bunch of flower"
Just as Holland had said 30 minutes later, Tyler knocks on the door with a bunch of peonies, my favourite flowers.
Tyler takes us for a picnic on the lacrosse field, this is where we had our first on screen kiss together, but also where we had our first off screen kiss. Where we both fell in love
"Babe are you ok? You've been really quite"
"I don't want to ruin our date"
"Talk to me. We can have more dates but I can't help you if you don't talk to me and tell me what's wrong"
"It's just..." I sigh placing my head on his shoulder "I see these girls on Instagram and then there's me. I'm nothing special and I just don't understand how you could love me when I look like this. I know you love me, but you could have anyone, the media tell me enough that I’ve started to believe them”
"Hey, look at me” I lift up my head and look into Tyler’s eyes “you know what I see. A beautiful, caring, sexy woman who puts other people before herself. I love you YN YLN"
"Even though I'm not stick thin with huge boobs and perfect flowing hair"
"You are perfect to me. Everything about you, I'm not with those Instagram models for a reason. I will do anything to show you that it's you I want. I never what you to feel like I don't want you so that why I'm going to do this" I look at him confused then shocked as I watch him shift and keel on one knee and pull out a box "I have loved you from the moment I set eyes on you. I don't care that you don't look like those Instagram models, your beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So YN YLN will you marry me?" I begin to cry
"Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you" Tyler puts the ring on my finger and then there's loads of cheers, I look around to see all our friends running to us
"I told you he had something planned" Holland tackles me to the ground in a hug me
“Carful don’t break my fiancé”
“Ahhh your a fiancé!” Shelly squeals with Crystal. I get up and hug Tyler, gently placing a kiss on his lips
"I love you YN"
"I love you too Ty”
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mserinmitchell · 3 months
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Full Name: Erin R. Reagan Mitchell.
Pronunciation: If you value your life you will say it without the middle name.
Nickname(s): None. No, seriously don't try it.
Age: Forty-eight.
Sexuality: Straight.
Height: 5 feet and 4 inches (163 cm).
Weight/Build: Slim.
Scars/Birthmarks/Distinguishing Markings: Erin's upper lip has a distiguishable mole.
Personality & Morals
introvert / extrovert / ambivert risk-taker / cautious organized / disorganized (organized in her work life, disorganized in her personal life). close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in-between (tends to be more agreeable when with close friends). patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / un-empathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in-between hard-working / lazy
Moral alignment (chaotic good, lawful neutral, etc): Chaotic Evil
Guilty Pleasure(s): Erin enjoys playing Call of Duty, sneaking into the White House kitchen for desserts, following her ex-fiancé on Instagram as a fake 'model,' reading her horoscope weekly and occasionally calling the Psychic Hotline (of course it's all bullshit), and has used her NSC card to assert authority over her sister.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths/Skills (Mental/Physical): Highly intelligent and strategic thinker, Fluent in multiple languages, including Arabic, Kurdish, and Spanish, Excellent negotiation skills, Strong public speaking abilities, Physically fit, with a rigorous exercise routine to maintain stamina and resilience (though also medicated), Exceptional problem-solving skills and adaptability in high-pressure situations, Deep knowledge of international relations and political science, Strong leadership and team management abilities.
Weaknesses (Mental/Physical): Tendency to overwork, leading to physical and mental exhaustion, Difficulty balancing personal life with professional responsibilities, Can be overly critical of others and sometimes herself, Struggles with delegating tasks, often taking on too much herself, Vulnerable to emotional manipulation, especially in personal relationships, Occasionally lets personal biases affect her professional judgment.
Biggest Advantage: She once had a personal relationship with the President when he was running for senator. Although they eventually broke things off, they have remained close friends since.
Biggest Vulnerability: Her secret drug habit.
Mental Ailments: She has an undocumented case of PTSD stemming from her time in Iraq, where her Humvee was blown up by an IED, and she was pulled into a firefight where she nearly lost her life.
Physical Ailments: N/A
Addictions/Bad Habits: Stress smoker.
Phobias: Nyctophobia (Due to the anxiety and trauma from her past near-death experience).
Birthplace: Arlington, Texas. (USA).
Current Residence: Washington D.C. (USA).
Education: University of Michigan (Political Science Major).
Religion: Baptized as a Baptist but now non-practicing and an atheist.
Job: White House Deputy Chief of Staff
Hobbies: Running, Paintball, and Classic Car Restoration.
Status (Single/Dating…/Married to…): Single. After returning from Iraq, her fiancé couldn't cope with her dramatic change in behavior and personality and called off their upcoming wedding. Since then, she hasn't been in a serious relationship, instead pouring all her effort and attention into her job.
Family: Erin comes from a close-knit family. Her father, James Mitchell, is a retired army officer who instilled in her a sense of duty and discipline from a young age. Her mother, Sarah Mitchell, is a dedicated high school teacher known for her strong-willed nature. Erin and her younger sister, Kate, don't get along and often find themselves in conflict. Adding to their strained relationship, Kate ended up marrying Erin's former fiancé Luke.
Friends: Erin shares a close friendship with the White House Chief of Staff, David. Over time, David has taken on the role of a father figure for her, offering guidance and support. Kate was always very close to her own father, and with the physical distance separating them, she deeply misses him. David's presence fills that void, providing her with the mentorship and paternal care she values so much.
Enemies: Probably more than she can keep track of.
Other notable relationships (If any): She has a stray cat she feeds on occasion.
Erin Mitchell was born and raised in Arlington, Texas. Her father, James Mitchell, an army officer, instilled in her a profound sense of duty, discipline, and patriotism. Growing up in this structured environment, Erin was taught the values of responsibility, resilience, and service from a young age.
Erin's relationship with her younger sister, Kate, was often tumultuous. The two had starkly different personalities—Erin being disciplined and driven, while Kate was more carefree and rebellious. Their sibling rivalry was a constant in their household, characterized by frequent arguments and competitions.
Her childhood was marked by a blend of rigorous discipline and the warmth of Texas hospitality. She excelled in academics and was actively involved in various extracurricular activities, from debate club to volunteering at local community centers. Frequent relocations due to her father's military background helped Erin develop adaptability and a broad perspective on life.
Always preferring the cold weather she once experienced after her father was briefly stationed in Poland, she decided to attend college in Michigan. Choosing her major was an easy decision, as politics had always been her passion. While at college, Erin met Luke, a fellow student in her Political Science class. They quickly hit it off, bonding over their shared passion for politics and similar upbringing in military families. Their relationship blossomed, and they became inseparable throughout their college years. However, their paths diverged after graduation. Luke decided to join the Air Force, driven by a sense of duty and adventure. Erin, on the other hand, chose to stay in Michigan to support their Poli Sci professor's bid for the Senate. The demands of their new lives and the long-distance strain proved too much, leading to their eventual breakup. Despite the heartache, Erin threw herself into the campaign, gaining valuable experience and solidifying her commitment to public service.
While most of her time working with Daniel was strictly professional, they had a brief affair after getting drunk at a caucus after-party. They eventually broke things off, with Daniel wanting to mend things with his wife and young daughter, but they remained close friends. Daniel offered Erin a spot on his team, but after witnessing the horrors of 9/11, Erin decided to enlist in the Army, following in her father's footsteps.
Erin quickly bonded with her comrades, despite being the only woman in her division. They respected her for getting the job done without complaints and treated her like a younger sister. While posted to Fort Riley, Kansas, she reconnected with Luke during a joint training mission. They rekindled their relationship, moved in together, and Luke eventually proposed. However, Erin's back-to-back tours in Iraq started to strain their relationship.
Her time in Iraq ended when her Humvee was totaled by an IED, and she barely survived. Upon returning home, despite not having physical injuries that wouldn't heal, life was not the same, and her relationship with Luke became shaky. They eventually broke up. A year later, Erin discovered that Luke and her sister Kate had connected and were now about to get married, walking down the aisle that Luke and Erin had once planned to walk down.
Seeking a fresh start, Erin finished her Army contract, packed her bags, and moved to Washington, D.C., in search of employment. However, her rough appearance and even rougher attitude made finding a job difficult. Just a day before she planned to call the Army back and take up a desk job, she ran into Daniel again. He offered her an opportunity to work on his team during his race to the White House, promising a position as Deputy Chief of Staff if he won.
The rest is history.
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Jennifer Garners Favourite Stila Blush Is Right down to $21 on Amazon
If you buy an independently reviewed services or products by way of a hyperlink on our web site, STYLECASTER might obtain an affiliate fee. Everybody’s speaking about newlyweds Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, however it’s about d*mn time we hand over the highlight to Jennifer Garner. She’s everybody’s favourite actress, co-founder, mother, model ambassador and Instagram chef—she’s a real Renaissance girl! One other factor we will’t overlook to spotlight is her make-up. How does she look so gorgeous and pure across the clock? The right reply: Stila’s Convertible Coloration Twin Lip and Cheek Cream. She beforehand instructed TODAY, “I’ve used the Stila cream blushes for about ever, particularly in Peony,” which might clarify how her cheeks all the time look gently flushed, giving her that shiny, cheery search for which she’s recognized for. This creamy method is blush perfection as a result of it’s not greasy, creates a sheer tint, blends simply and doubles as a lip shade. Two of the shades, Peony and Lillium, are 15 % off on Amazon forward of the Prime Early Entry Sale. That is the bottom value it’s been at up to now 30 days, so what are you ready for?! To use, merely faucet the product onto your cheeks or press it onto your lips. It requires minimal effort and time, so in case you’re in a rush, go for this tremendous easy-to-use cream that blends out in seconds. It is best to preserve this multitasking method in your make-up cupboard and even your purse for on-the-go touch-ups. Blush is the one magnificence product that may actually enliven your look and provides your cheeks some dimension. It’s additionally tremendous on-trend proper now, with loads of celebs, influencers and make-up gurus following the “fake sunburn” look, which may simply be achieved with the usage of this versatile method. With a 4.6-star general ranking on Amazon, loads of buyers are backing Jen’s high blush decide. “Love this product as a result of it leaves pores and skin mushy and dewy trying. As a substitute of the dry caked-on powder blush. Coloration can also be spot on to the images on-line,” one wrote. With critiques like that, it’s no surprise why the Convertible Coloration Twin Lip and Cheek Cream has change into considered one of Stila’s cult classics. Store it for $21 on Amazon and get tapping! RELATED: Everybody on TikTok Is Low Key Utilizing the Identical Below-$20 Blush Stick & I Want It Picture: Stila. Many are turning to cream blushes over powder formulation as a result of they provide you a extra natural-looking, sun-kissed glow. They’re additionally light-weight moderately than cakey, and straightforward to regulate and construct, particularly in case you’re after a extra intense blush look. This Stila blush is created from a soothing and nourishing wax base that’s nice for making use of earlier than or after your base make-up. You’ll have dewy, rosy cheeks in a snap. “I’m over 70 with dry pores and skin. This product is great,” wrote one shopper. “It goes on like silk and may be very pure trying. I want I had discovered it years in the past.” Apart from Jen’s fave shade, Peony, there are six different shades which can be equally as fairly on the cheeks and lips. Store Gerbera for a rosy peachy pink, Camellia for a peachy brown or Lillium for a nude pink.  “Love the colour, goes on easy, seems nice and pure. Will [definitely] purchase once more, my new favourite blush!” wrote one other five-star reviewer. This cream blush is about to present your present powder blush a run for its cash. Since Jen appears to all the time know greatest, take it from her and get your Convertible Coloration Twin Lip and Cheek Cream on Amazon. Extra Early Prime Day 2022 Offers to Store:  Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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itsnirmal888 · 4 years
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People Use Fake Weights on Social Media || Gym Idiots 2020 People Use Fake Weights on Social Media || Gym Idiots 2020 Fake Weights Information LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ... source
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chamerionwrites · 4 years
Not to be all Kids These Days but I increasingly notice a culture clash about privacy between people who grew up on the old internet and people who grew up on the young internet. A lot of people have attributed it to the dire safety warnings about guarding your identity online that so many of us got when the internet was new, but I don’t think it’s only that. 
Prior to social media - or at least, prior to the Facebook/Twitter/Instagram model of social media, where accounts are increasingly tied to your offline identity and used for branding and marketing - most communication on the internet was anonymous, and with anonymity comes a certain kind of freedom. There are obvious downsides to this! I think we all understand that some of the toxicity of internet comments sections stems from a sense of impunity, or from the ease with which people switch off their empathy when they’re saying mean things to a faceless internet avatar. But there are upsides too. At least from my perspective as a 90s kid, a lot of what was initially fascinating and freeing about the internet was that people had to engage with what you were saying, rather than with who you were. And if you were marginalized or stigmatized in some way IRL - or even just if you were a kid who was used to being dismissed and patronized due to your age - this was exhilarating. The internet was a place where people had to respond to your thoughts in their own right, rather than filtering them through the assumptions that they made about you based on how you looked or dressed or sounded. They might still make wild assumptions based on what you said, and/or their own biases about what you said. But they had to engage with what you said first, because that was the only information available to them. 
Like - I’m cis, but the first time I heard the concept of gender euphoria I immediately found it relatable in at least some small way, because I remember being a young teen and feeling delighted when someone referred to me as “him” online. In my case it wasn’t about being perceived as a man. It was about being unperceivable. It was about the thrill of getting one over on someone in a harmless (and completely unintentional!) way, of passing unnoticed undercover; it was about being a person with an opinion rather than a 14-year-old girl, weighted down with all the associated assumptions that most people make about age and gender. 
So while I understand why it might make people feel more comfortable to see pronouns in someone’s bio, and I think there are circumstances where that’s the appropriate thing to do, in a more-or-less anonymous internet space like Tumblr I’m probably never going to list them - not because it’s some big secret that I’m trying to hide, but because I don’t want that to be the FIRST thing people know about me. As long as there’s a place where people can’t immediately sort me into categories before they know anything else about me, I’m not going to give up that freedom by sorting myself into categories for them. 
And if not knowing someone’s age or gender or sexuality or race or medical history or whatever makes you uncomfortable, then you’re absolutely entitled to avoid interacting with them. But I don’t think you’re entitled to treat the revelation of that info as an obligation, or to claim that the only reason someone might have for guarding their privacy is malicious intent. And especially when people can and do lie their heads off about their identity all the time; when people who aren’t lying can and do get accused of race-faking over issues as stupid as liking the wrong fandom ship; when anyone with malicious intentions will cheerfully ignore a DNI, and bullies see so much of what people put in their bios as nothing more than a list of vulnerabilities to exploit; when doxxing and stalking are very real and serious issues; and most importantly, when people with similar identities can and do disagree because issues are nuanced and people are complicated and you can’t essentialize them...maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but it seems to me that most people stand to lose much more than they gain by putting everything but their credit card info on an about page.
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lixiehugs · 3 years
taehee profile
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tw : brief mention of jonghyun, eating disorders
stage name : taehee (hangul : 태희) / T.H (hangul : 티에이치) birth name : lee tae-hee (hangul : 이태희) nicknames : bts’/bighit’s/hybe’s princess, golden maknae #2, archery master, taetae, hee/hui
birth date : august 13th, 1998 zodiac : leo birthplace : seoul, south korea hometown : seoul, south korea
ethnicity : korean nationality : south korean languages : korean (100% — native), japanese (90% — fluent), english (70% — proficient + learning)
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height : 157 cm or 5′2 weight : 43 kg or 95 lbs blood type : a
eye color : dark brown/black natural hair : black, straight
body modifications : 18 piercings (and counting!) & two tattoos face claim : ex-iz*one eunbi vocal claim : n/a rap claim : yezi dance claim : n/a
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agencies : hybe labels (2012 - present) training period(s) : 2012 - 2013 groups : bts, meraki subunits : n/a positions :
bts : main rapper, main dancer, sub vocalist, producer, maknae
meraki : leader, main rapper, lead dancer
individual fandom : heemangdeul (hope) representative emoji : 🦇 (because she has poor eyesight and that she often is up all night and sleeps all day) bt21 character : a grey and purple bat named taengtaeng (hangul : 탱탱) social media : @/lm_____lth on instagram (her brother taemin’s @ but with lth instead of ltm), @/bts_twt on twitter
best known for : being the female member of bts. being the younger sister of shinee’s taemin. her songwriting + producing skills. being an allrounder/ace. her duality. being the ideal type of other idols. her acting and modeling. being a meme. interacting with the fans. cursing a lot. giving an interviewer shit if necessary. her mental health representation.
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mbti : infp-a (prev. enfp-t)
positive traits : happy (or tries to be) ! brings light into a room. sarcastic. badass. someone that you want to be around. loyal. independent. intimidating + scary. friendly and nice (has a lot of friends). outgoing.
negative traits : insecure and has major self-confidence issues. feels like a burden to bts (is getting better though). fakes having confidence as a defense mechanism. self-critical. has severe depression and anxiety. had anorexia during debut (and had relapses throughout career) (the members still think she has tendencies). bottles everything up. overworking.
habits : cracking her knuckles. picking at her nails. playing with her hair. pacing. talking to herself (only when alone). man-spreading.
hobbies : listening to music. writing + producing songs. gaming. working out. sleeping. drawing + painting + any other type of art. shopping. motorcycle riding. archery.
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lee taehee was born on august 13th, 1998 to a korean mother and a korean father. her mother, lee kyungsoon (born 1964) was a chef who is currently retired. her father, lee sungho (born 1963) was a history professor who is currently retired. 
taehee was born in seoul, south korea as the youngest of her family. she has two older brothers, taesun (born 1990) and taemin (born 1993). taehee used to not be close to her older brothers but she is very close with them now. her brother, taemin, is the youngest member of shinee. he is the reason why taehee became an idol but she was jealous of him for a long time because of his early success. 
when taehee was seven years old, she started taking archery classes. she was excellent at the sport, winning many competitions in her youth. she was so good at it, in fact, that she was on the track of going to the olympics. while taehee was doing archery, she was also in a dance club but it wasn’t competitive. taehee’s father first put her on a motorcycle when she was six years old (with her dad, of course). she enjoyed it very much which caused her father to teach her how to ride one when she was a teenager. her father is the reason why she owns a motorcycle now.
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taehee attended chungdam high school in seoul until she was accepted into school of performing arts, seoul (sopa) in 2014. taehee started at sopa with jungkook in their tenth grade year and they graduated together in 2017. taehee majored in practical music. 
taehee auditioned for SM entertainment in 2011, but she was rejected. 
she was scouted by bighit entertainment in 2012 while she was walking home from school. she debated not joining because of archery but she ultimately became a trainee in march. 
taehee is a roman catholic. her catholic name is catalina. 
taehee has severe anxiety and depression. she was first diagnosed in 2008 when she was ten years old. she has medication for both disorders.
taehee had appendicits in 2017. 
taehee began seeing a therapist regularly in 2016 and hasn’t stopped since. 
taehee originally only went by T.H as her stage name because she somewhat resented being associated with her older brother, taemin. she was jealous of him for a long time because he got into SM and she didn’t and also she was upset with how she was affected by his fame. in late 2015, it was announced that she would also go by taehee as her stage name because she had grown to appreciate her name and her legendary brother.
her role model is her older brother, taemin.
her favorite color is black.
she is a cat person.
her biggest fear is failure.
her favorite season is fall.
taehee is very musical and can play the ukulele, piano, guitar, bass, and violin. she is learning how to play the drums (but she’s already really good).
her favorite singers are halsey, shinee, bruno mars, and exo.
taehee is in a groupchat with the 98 liners of kpop. some of the members include lee know of stray kids, dahyun of twice, juyeon, kevin, new, and q of the boyz, seungkwan, haruko, and vernon of seventeen, jungwoo of nct, seonghwa and hongjoong of ateez, and soyeon of (g)i-dle.
the people that taehee go to for advice are jungkook, yoongi, hoseok, namjoon, and taemin (past : jonghyun).
taehee released her first solo mixtape on april 23rd, 2018 titled conflated.
she released her second solo mixtape on july 6th, 2020 called pyrrhic.
taehee is arguably one of the best (female) rappers in kpop.
she is a light sleeper.
according to the members, taehee twitches in her sleep. 
taehee is really clumsy.
taehee is quite tidy but she refuses to clean up after the other members.
she has her own room in the dorm. 
she hates to wear dresses and skirts. 
taehee only has two tattoos so far, but she wants more. 
she has a small “8″ behind her right ear. it signifies the eight members of bts.
she has the numbers “4234557″ on the underside of her left wrist. it is the birth years of all of the members, not including herself.
in 2019 (boy with luv), jungkook and taehee had seen that vmin were dying their hair like cotton candy. junghee were jealous and decided to copy them. taehee went blue and jungkook went pink. this developed the cotton candy line (maknae line in disguise), the cotton team (the blue ones (2taeh)) and the candy team (pink ones (jikook)).
when bts goes to isac, taehee is allowed to compete with the boys. only because she had to sign a contract that she was okay with being scored to the same criteria as the boys when in group events. for solo events like 100m sprint, she goes against women and is scored as such.
taehee as txt songs would be eternally and can’t you see me?.
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dabiboy · 4 years
Here is part 2! Tbh I want to see more about Natsu's and Rei's reaction, and of course what is going to happen with Dabi, so enjoy the cliffhanger 👀 let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
Part 1
Rencounter [Part 2/?]
Two weeks ago
"Dabi?'' You said in surprise as you opened the door and he stepped into your apartment, ''I thought you were not coming until next week''
''We need to talk, y/n'' He said, not even looking at you. You walked towards him once the door was closed.
''Is everything all right?'' When you were facing him, you lifted a hand to caress his cheek but he abruptly pulled away.
''Stop that, for fuck's sake. Stop that.'' Your jaw dropped slightly, he was usually rough but that rough?
''Stop what?'' You asked in disbelief, moving your hand to its previous position.
''All of this, us'' You noticed how he clenched his jaw and then his blue eyes were right over yours ''This needs to be over, y'hear me?''
''What?'' You asked with a smile, a smile that was there because you thought he was joking, but when he didn't laugh you knew he was not faking it ''You're kidding, right?''
''I'm not kidding. This? You and I? Can't keep happening anymore. And thank me I came all the way here and not just fucking disappear from your life from one day to another.''
''I can't believe this, Dabi. Why? Yesterday you texted me, things were fine and I-'' He cut you off, not even paying attention to the tears in your eyes, or the confusion and pain in your voice.
''I was not made for this, I can't just be here and play the happy little couple with you. So fuck all of this.'' He turned over and started walking to the door again ''Sorry for making you waste your time'' And right then, getting out of the frozen state you grabbed his wrist, making him look at you over his shoulder.
''You're not leaving until you give me a reason,'' Holding back the tears, you spoke ''What the hell? Yesterday you sent me a text telling me that you loved me, that you cared about me and now this?''
''Can't you fucking see it, then?'' He scoffed, turning around again ''I care about you more than I should, y/n. And the only thing I'm doing is dragging you down with me, it is better if I leave.''
''We... We had this type of conversation before, and I already told you that-''
''Told me what? That you'll stay with me until the end? My end is near, and if I don't go to jail I'll die and drag everyone down with me.'' He raised his voice. ''Get away from me, move on. Get a fucking life, one that's better than the shit I give you''
''You don't give me shit, Dabi. I love you, everything about you and how you are when you're with me'' It was impossible to hold back the tears that were escaping from your eyes at that point.
''You think I haven't noticed? How you look at couples in the street? Or the way you smile at the screen when you see your friends sharing their damn life, getting engaged, having kids, moving together. I can't even take you out for a fucking coffee'' He snapped.
''I never asked you any of that! I smile because I'm happy for them, not because I want their lives!'' You snapped to. Why was it so hard for him to understand? ''I'm not planning getting married, either having kids. I don't want the world to know, I give a fuck about posting pictures and stories on Instagram, I just want to enjoy my time with you!''
''You're not enjoying it! You are worried all the fucking time, let me go! Forget about me, get you someone who gives you what you deserve!'' If he could cry, tears would be running down his cheeks as well. ''I'm broken, I'm cursed. I look like a fucking zombie, y/n. Get the fuck away from me before we both go down.'' Dabi said in between his teeth as he hit the table with his fist.
''Listen, I know you. I know you're not a role model, I know you've killed people and done even worse. I'm not romanticizing those actions, they're wrong as fuck but guess what, this society is wrong too. All that Enji did to you? How some actions are done by heroes are hidden? All the pain you went through? All of this is fucked up. But guess what, I fell for you, for the one I knew under all of that pain'' You almost yelled, feeling your eyes burning because of the tears and your heart racing.
''Oh you do? Sorry to break it up to you, but I'm nothing but a monster, a villain who doesn't regret his actions, and will not regret them.''
''The monster that tells me how much he loves me when he thinks I fell asleep? Or the one that plays with my hair when I'm sad?'' Dabi was silent ''Is that the monster you're talking about?''
''Y/n...'' Dabi denied ''You're not getting this. I might hurt you, and I don't want that.''
''You won't. I'm a grown woman, I know where I am standing, and I want to keep standing by your side. ''And I also know you might die soon, so please, don't push me away. Not now'' This time your voice was low, your chin trembling. You felt how his hand pulled you from your nape, making your forehead rest against his. It was his gesture, the one he used to do when he wanted to say he loved you but he couldn't, the one when thanked you for anything, or the one when he wanted just to be close to you but was too ashamed to ask.
''Are you sure about this?'' He whispered ''Are you sure you want to burn with me?'' Dabi's eyes were closed, clenching his teeth as he resisted the urge to kiss you and hold you in his arms.
''Today, tomorrow, and always'' You whispered back, caressing his cheek with your thumb as you sobbed.
Present time
Crickets and the sound of leaves against branches were the only sound filling the room, that and two lovers' breathing. You used one finger to trace Dabi's chest, drawing imaginary figures on his chest. The side of your body was holding your weight as you kept looking at him under the blueish light. Once you got tired, you pressed a soft kiss on his shoulder and lay down by his side, one hand on his abdomen and your face nuzzled against his neck.
''So you were really willing to burn with me'' He said suddenly, a raspy and tired voice.
''I told you I was'' You said, and then lifted your eyes at him ''How are you feeling?''
''Like shit'' He said, and then looked at the door ''y/n,'' he said in a low voice, still looking at the door ''Are they here?''
''Yes, they are.'' You said softly, having no idea how to approach that topic.
''What a lovely family meeting'' He chuckled and then coughed. ''This is so fucked up'' Dabi said again, moving his head to the side so it could rest on your temple.
''How can you still be an idiot even in this state?'' you said a little amused
''It is just who I am, doll. Can't help it y'know'' you felt a bit coldness in the hand that was on his abdomen, and it were the staples he had on his hand when he grabbed yours and squeezed it tightly.
Meanwhile, outside the room was someone watching every move. Her eyes were filled with tears, should she run over the man laying there or should she just wait? Rei thought that the second option suited best. His first son, the one who was wounded as much as physically and mentally looked in peace while laying next to the woman he loved. She had waited over years, a few hours more were fine. But what was Rei supposed to say to him? Was he going to hate her? Hate Natsu? Dabi was unpredictable, and his reaction had her worried. Maybe she was better at the hospital, isolated from all of that, but she already left her son on his own once, and now she had the chance to at least say sorry.
An hour passed, and you could tell Dabi was asleep again because of the rhythm of his chest, rising and falling slowly. His mouth was slightly open and his traits looked more relaxed. You left a kiss on his cheek before getting up, making your way towards the kitchen. Rei was standing in front of the window with a blanket over her shoulders, but she looked at you when your footsteps were louder.
''Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt'' You said with a small smile.
''You didn't'' She replied, looking calmer than you expected ''Is Tou-''She cut herself ''Is he okay?''  
''Yes, he's sleeping right now. But tomorrow he'll be better, I think'' You smiled at her. It was hard to find the words, but just when you were about to say something, a male voice interrupted.
''Mother?'' Natsu asked, rubbing his eye with the side of his hand. ''Is everything ok?''
''Yeah, we were just speaking'' Rei said.
''Oh, I'm y/n by the way.'' You said looking at the two of them ''It is not the best way to meet but, here we are'' you shrugged your shoulders. ''I... I need to go to the village tomorrow to get some things, so... You can stay with him in the morning and, you know. I don't want to interrupt you'' you knew his story, and they had a lot to talk about.
''Maybe it is better if you're here. I haven't seen much but you're important to him, so probably he'll feel better if you're here''
The truth behind his words and Rei's agreement on Natsu's statement was that they were not sure what to do or how to act with him on their own.  When Dabi was having hallucinations earlier, he recognized you. Rei saw you and him laying together, and she heard that tiny piece of conversation that told her you were important to him, someone he cared about. After saying that you were going to try and arrive earlier tomorrow so you can be there once Dabi's was awake, you gave them a smile so you could return to the room you were sharing with Dabi.
You lay back down, and you could felt how he moved and held you by the waist, pressing his chest against your torso, forehead against forehead as his hand was on your nape, using his thumb to caress the zone.
''Dabi! You're hurt, lay how you were'' You said worried, not even moving.
''I've been worse. Now shut up and just stay here'' Dabi mumbled, his scent and breathing close so close to you making you feel at home.
''Fine, you whining kid'' you laughed and heard him let out a low chuckle ''Do you need anything before I fall asleep?'' You asked, moving your fingers on his chest.
''A can of beer, maybe. Or you going down on me. Maybe you going down on my as I drink beer, that shit would be nice'' He said with a smile, making you laugh again.
''I'm serious, Dabi. Water? something for the pain?'' You asked again.
''I'm fine, dollface. Just keep your ass here by my side and don't go''
''Guess I could do that''
''You better''
You knew it. The way he held you, his snarky comments to avoid an answer, his hand on your nape, and silence. He was not Ok, he needed you there because he didn't know how to handle things at that point. His mother and brother were there, he saw them for brief seconds but it felt weird. His hate was against Endeavor, even against Shoto, but his mom? She was just another victim, and Natsu? He was there to hear him, to be a kind of support for him, how could he give them the same treatment as Endeavor? Those questions were screaming inside his head, and as they were becoming louder, the tighter he was holding you against his body.
Time kept moving, and before any of you could notice,
Morning came.
Tag list: @mikasackrmann @babayaga67 @sociallyanxiousmouse @peculiarinsomniac @makeusfreefromthisfandom
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starkeristheendgame · 4 years
Hi! Are you still taking prompts? If yes, can you do a Starker one, where Tony is oblivious, and Peter doesn't know what to do, and ask for help to a close friend of Tony and they try to make him jealous by pretending to date and Tony is like of course he is with him he's everything i'm not and having a total breakdown and peter realize that they hurt tony instead and ask for forgivenes and end up together, pleasee? Thank you! If you aren't please just ignore this!
Against my better judgement, my prompts are never closed! Thank you so much for this super sweet/angsty prompt, Nonnie! I realised after finishing this that I never directly included Peter asking for forgiveness, but I hope this feeds you just the same! ❤
TW: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Self-worth issues | Jealousy | Alcohol mention
Harley Keener is two years Peter’s senior and nicer than Peter could have ever imagined. When Tony had first started to talk about the ‘the first one he pseudo-adopted’ and how Harley had grown into more of a ‘mini me’ than he could’ve imagined, Peter had felt an uncomfortable twist in his gut. 
What if Harley was better than him?
What if Tony liked Harley more?
What if, with Harley around, Tony didn’t want Peter around anymore?
He needn’t have worried, though. Harley wasn’t as ‘outwardly’ nerdy as he was, but he was more than happy to gush over the latest Star Wars LEGO offerings, and Tony snarked them both in equal measure. It was surprisingly like having another Ned around, and it took less than a week for Peter to feel stupid for having worried about his place besides the two of them. 
Tony even joked that Harley was the ‘prototype’ and Peter was the ‘updated model’, to which Harley had just rolled his eyes, knocked Tony’s spanner off the table like a cat and gone straight back to talking to Peter about ComicCon.
They became fast friends, and Peter supposed that was somewhat why he tended to forget there was a second person in the lab with them here and there, starkly (heh) reminded of it when Harley flopped down next to him on the penthouse couch one evening and said; “so how long have you been in love with Tony?” 
He could have cried. The Avengers he was around almost every other day for the past two years brushed off his doting as a hero complex and ‘mentor crush’ and it had taken Harley Keener less than three weeks to call him out on its true nature. 
Naturally and mortifyingly it ended up with Peter sniffling against Harley’s shoulder, wailing about how Tony was out of his league, how every single possible thing that could was against them, and how worst of all; Tony wasn’t interested. 
“He’s interested,” Harley had shrugged, gingerly plucking a tissue from the box and holding it out to him. He’d been somewhat cryptic about the basis of his statement, but had enthusiastically proposed a manner of ways in which it could be proven. And Peter…
Peter agreed to one. 
He didn’t know why. He wasn’t exactly a glutton for punishment and he certainly didn’t get his kicks out of being humiliatingly, crushingly rejected, but...But Harley had said so make jealous. Tony always wants everything, and when he thinks he can’t have something he just tries harder to get it and Peter had inexplicably said yes. 
Unfortunately (or fortunately, Peter didn’t quite know which) the only real, viable option was...Harley himself. None of the other Avengers would work; since they were all taken, straight and/or highly unlikely to be receptive to fake-dating a teen half (or more) their age. 
Neither Ned or MJ had access to the Tower or could really be around any SHIELD, Stark or Avengers activity, and that left quite literally no-one else but Harley. 
“I mean, in a way, its perfect. I’m the grandmaster of the plan anyway, and you don’t have to wordy about hurting my feelings or me falling for you. We can collaborate flawlessly to get you some Grand-Daddy dick,” Harley hummed around the stick candy in his mouth, and Peter wasn’t quite sure what part of that sentence offended him the most. 
“Does literally nobody want me?” he pouted, bottom lip pushed out dramatically as he kicked Harley’s leg out of the way and picked up the PS5 controller. 
“Hey, chin up, munchkin. You’re prettier than half the girls I know. I’m just not wired that way.”
“You’re straight?”
“I’m not anything. It’s like asexuality and aromantic, but both,” Harley pulled a face, clearly trying to remember the term, then shrugged. “Ah, I can never remember it. Anyway, point is, I’m not interested in anyone. You’re a little cherub, for sure, but you’re cute like a cat, not suck-my-dick cute.”
And, well. Cute like a cat? He considered that a high compliment. 
Thus, Operation Get That Grand-Daddy Dick (Peter did not name it) was underway. They both agreed to keep it natural and subtle, since Tony walking in on them half-naked or all over each other was just likely to spook him off. They’d edge into it; hint that they were spending more time together, act a little cosier, maybe get caught holding hands after a week or two. 
In truth, it wasn’t all that different to how they had been before, except that Harley made his smiles even softer, a little more secretive and let his gaze linger when he was sure Tony would notice. They sat and stood closer together than before, and here and there Harley would press a lingering hand to his back or arm. 
They made sure when one or both left they secreted away just out of sight and took a little too long, standing close together by the elevator and making sure to hug ‘longingly’ (whatever that meant in context) should Tony happen to peek. 
And yet for all his smarts, Tony didn’t seem to particularly notice anything amiss until the first time that he spotted them ‘romantically hugging’. Harley was actually a very good hugger, and they stood in front of the elevator together, with Peter facing it and Harley facing the lab. Harley had his chin over Peter’s shoulder and his hands low and tight on his waist, holding him close. 
“Spotted,” Harley whispered quietly, and moments later Tony spoke up. 
“Well that looks cosy.”
Tony’s voice was carefully level, no betrayal of emotion as Peter shyly disentangled himself from Harley, taking a step away as though caught doing something he shouldn’t. He didn’t have to fake the heat in his cheeks when he glanced up at where Tony stood, arms folded, and he fumbled with the strap of his backpack, glancing across at Harley before he gave Tony a meek smile. 
“Um, I’ll-- I’ll see you Friday, Mr. Stark!” he chirped, shuffling around Harley and into the elevator. Tony was still staring at him as the doors began to close, and Harley turned, casting him a wink and a finger-waggling wave. Peter waved back sheepishly and the moment the doors were shut, he whipped out his phone. 
[To: Thing 1] Did he look mad? It looked like he looked mad. Omg. U gotta tell me anything he says :// [19:31]
Harley did in fact text him back two hours later, though there wasn’t much to report. Tony had made a few flippant remarks that could either be parental interest or slight jealousy, and had dropped the subject after a short while in order to focus on his latest project.
Peter slumped. There was snails who had a faster moving love life than he did. With a groan, he stuffed the last of his anxiety snacks in his mouth and flopped back against his pillow to discuss the next step with Harley. 
Social media was their next plan of attack. Tony followed Peter on Instagram and Twitter, and had his Snapchat even if the older man rarely used the platform, so they were going to up the pressure by hanging out outside of the lab (which they did anyway) and posting it to social media. 
It was too soon to cancel plans with Tony to hang out with Harley (and frankly, Peter didn’t want to anyway) so they simply both made themselves unavailable on certain other days, or hung out together without mentioning it to Tony beforehand. 
They got ice cream at the park, went to the art museum downtown, visited several different cultural/ethnic based stores and went to the arcade to kick ass at air hockey over the course of a few weeks, all while keeping up the poorly secretive touching and closeness at the lab. 
And he’d still have more luck getting blood from a stone.
Tony seemed...Either completely oblivious, or just completely unphased. Whilst Peter caught him watching them here and there with an unreadable expression, Tony never directly asked them or overtly commented on what was happening. There was the odd, “enjoy the park yesterday, kid?” or “saw your post the other day, you should try this place next,” but never anything along the lines of what Peter hoped for. 
Even Harley was starting to doubt his original statement that Tony was definitely interested. 
Especially when Tony was the one who started cancelling plans, telling them both to ‘go enjoy themselves’ and ‘live the lives of young people’. He didn’t do it all the time, but here and there they’d both receive a text telling them not to come today. The lingering looks got longer and more weighted, but even so, Tony made no move in either aspect. 
“I think I’m just gonna have to give it up,” Peter admitted to Harley one night over the phone, hanging upside down in his bedroom with the phone dangling on a web besides him. 
“Maybe he’s just not ready for anything right now?” Harley suggested on the other end, between the frantic sounds of tapping buttons. 
“Maybe-- Oh, hang on. I’ve got an inbound from JARVIS. It might be Avengers stuff,” Peter hummed, quickly twisting to tap on the screen to accept the incoming call from JARVIS. 
“Hey, J. What’s up?” He greeted the AI, blinking at the call screen. 
“Apologies for the disturbance, Mr. Parker, but protocol deems that when Mr. Stark is in distress I establish contact with someone on his emergency list in order to inform them.” The AI’s voice was as smooth and unhurried as ever, but Peter frowned at the screen. 
“Yes, Mr. Parker. Sir’s heart-rate is elevated and he is displaying significant symptoms of sadness, including light drinking, darkened lighting and angered viewing of your social media.”
“Angered viewing of my social media?” Peter echoed, fear ratcheting up as he dropped from the ceiling and moved to tug on a pair of shoes. Fuck, had he let something sip? Was there something in the background of his photos? Had someone figured out who he was? He was hopping towards the door on one foot when JARVIS spoke again, and he had to hop back to pull his phone down from the web. 
“Why is he sad over that? Did I do something wrong?”
JARVIS was silent for a short while, as though the AI was debating on how best to respond. 
“I... Believe Sir may be feeling lonely. Or unworthy of company. There have been a multitude of such instances over the past several years,” JARVIS replied after a pause, as Peter locked the web shooters around his wrist and tugged the Spiderman mask over his head to avoid any cameras, crawling out of his window and leaping out into the brisk air. 
It didn’t take long to swing to the Tower, especially not when panic and concern had him pushing it, testing his muscles and leaving him slightly out of breath by the time he slipped onto the top landing console. 
JARVIS directed him through to the penthouse and up the set of 12 steps that lead to the ‘upper level’ of it, to an open doorway that revealed Tony Stark sprawled out on his bed, staring blankly at his phone with a neglected, half-open bottle of whiskey loose in one arm, like a newborn babe. 
“Mr. Stark?” he asked softly, and Tony’s gaze flit up to him, clearing immediately. His mentor cursed and jerked upright, almost sloshing the whole bottle over his bedding. 
“Shit! Kid! Wh’r you doin’ here?” Tony’s voice was just hinting on slurred, the same easiness and lack of concentration that came when you’d had a shot too many. Or five. Peter’s heart cinched as he stared at Tony gingerly putting the bottle on the bedside table, at the redness of his eyes and the messiness of his hair where he’d been running a hand through it, over and over. 
“JARVIS called me. He said you were sad,” Peter managed after a moment, hands wringing the mask between his fingers nervously. He’d never seen Tony like this, this...uncomposed. He looked haggard, tired and sad, and it made Peter feel empty and adrift, unsure of how to approach this new version of the man he loved. 
“Fucking snitch,” the older man grumbled half-heartedly, and rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Shit. Don’t-- Ignore me, kid. Adults my age are entitled to a night like this once in a while. Go back home, I’m fine. Fuck, you didn’t leave Harley for this, did you?”
“Harley?” Peter parroted, brows furrowing as Tony waved a hand. 
“Go on, kid. Get. Make the most of being young and pretty with someone young and pretty.” Tony reached for the bottle again and Peter found himself striding across the room, placing himself in the way of Tony’s outstretched hand and the whiskey. Tony’s fingertips brushed his stomach and recoiled like he’d been burnt by the contact.
“Mr. Stark, do you think I don’t want to hang out with you anymore?” he asked after a moment, voice fragile. God, he’d hoped to maybe make Tony a little jealous, but nothing like this. He hadn’t wanted to hurt him. And he clearly had. There was nothing but rawness in Tony’s eyes when the older man looked up at him. 
“I’m not taking it personally,” his mentor attempted to joke, but it came out bitter and too flat to land lightly. Peter’s heart cinched in his chest and he shuffled to sit on the edge of the large bed, teeth on his lower lip as Tony turned away from his gaze. 
“Mr. Stark, I’ve never...I’ve never not wanted to hang out with you. Even if I have other friends, too,” he pointed out tentatively, and Tony scoffed lightly. 
“You’re too good for a world like this, shortstack. For someone like me. You should be trailing after someone like Captain Uptight,” Tony muttered lowly, and Peter scowled.
“You’re not less better than he is. Both of you are good people. Both of you make mistakes. Both of you save the world.”
Tony’s brows pinched, and he breathed out something that just barely sounded like then why aren’t I good enough?
Making an executive decision, Peter toed off his sneakers and crawled further up onto the bed, picking up Tony’s arm and settling down against his side, curling up under his arm and wrapping his own around Tony’s waist. 
He could feel Tony’s heart thumping wildly in his chest, could feel his breath hitch and the hesitant way that Tony let his arm settle over Peter, fingers curling in his hoodie. 
“You are,” he offered simply, squeezing gently. “This is my fault. I was acting like a dumb kid, and I thought... I should’ve known that it was just gonna end badly.”
“Is being my mini-me really that bad?” Tony choked out, and Peter pushed himself upright, alarmed. 
“What? No! Mr. Stark, being around you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t ever ever regret being around you! I just... I have to…” He trailed off for a moment, frustrated, then prayed to Harley for forgiveness and sucked in a deep breath. 
“I’m not actually dating Harley. At all. He doesn’t like people that way. Any people. We’re not boyfriends and I don’t want to stop spending time with you to spend time with him. I like spending time with you and you’re still my hero. Tony Stark or Iron Man,” he stated firmly. 
Tony looked at him for a moment, then looked away. 
“You should be with Harley, kid. Or someone like him. Not someone like me. Not someone with my history. I’m a shit person, kid. All this Iron Man stuff hasn’t even wiped half my scoreboard clean. Someone like Harley... He’s the better parts of me. Like you. He’s worth your love”.
Tony seemed almost startled at saying that word, twitching a little before he attempted to turn away from Peter again, gaze finding the far end of the room like he wished he was anywhere but here. 
Peter fidgeted, then sucked in a deep breath. “Please don’t hate me after this,” he fumbled out quickly, then rolled half on top of the older man, hands fisting in the front of his shirt as he leaned forwards. 
The kiss was awkward and clumsy and couldn’t have lasted for than two seconds before Tony pulled away, eyes wide and voice rough. 
“Kid, what-- You can’t--”
“If you say you’re not interested, I’ll respect that,” Peter interrupted. “Or if you say I’m too young or whatever. But if you say anything along the lines you of not being enough, or not being worthy, or-- or-- Or whatever it is you feel you aren’t... You’re wrong. The reason me and Harley were acting like that is because I was trying to make you jealous.”
“And I know its dumb! I don’t it was childish and I never thought it would hurt you like this. But I’ve lo-- I’ve really liked you. For years. And I know you’re a lot older and we might never be able to be...To be...Normal. I guess. But I want whatever I can get with you, because you’re worth it,” Peter barrelled on, desperate to at least be heard before Tony kicked him out. Except when he trailed off Tony was just... Staring at him.
“It’s just... Hero worship. You still think I’m some magical superhero and you--”
“No offence, Mr. Stark, but you don’t know what I think. Not when it comes to you, clearly,” Peter cut in, cheeks heating at being so brash. Prior to this he wouldn’t have ever dreamed about being so direct and forceful against Tony. 
Well. Not in any PG-rated sense, anyway. 
“Just... We don’t have to talk about it now, okay?” eh offered, sliding off Tony just a little so he was back up against his side, wriggling around until he could grab the faux fur throw on the bottom of the bed, pulling it up over both of them. Tony remained quiet at his side, just watching as he got them both settled. 
“Just... I’m gonna stay, alright? Right here. With you. Because this is where I want to be, and its where I’m gonna stay until... Until you tell me to leave.” His lower lip threatened to wobble with mounting emotion as he lay his head on Tony’s chest, feeling the thick ridges of his scars beneath his shirt. 
A moment later, Tony’s hand settled lightly over his head, fingers sliding tentatively into his hair. 
“And if I never tell you to leave? If I’m selfish and never want to let you go?” the other man whispered. 
“Then I guess that makes us both selfish, because that would make me happy,” Peter mumbled into his chest, wrapping his arm tighter around Tony’s waist. The room went silent for a while, save for their breathing and Tony’s heart thumping beneath his ear. 
“Okay,” Tony rasped after a moment, and Peter smiled. 
“Okay, Hazel Grace.”
“Nevermind. You’re too old for that reference.”
“You’re a little shit.”
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moimoixxx · 3 years
before I started writing this I asked a few of my Muslim sisters how they think social media affect them and I just wanted to include different women to show whoever reads this that you’re not the only one thinking going through or thinking how you think it’s more sisters who feel like this. Here are the sister's responses:
It makes me feel ungrateful and fixated on "oh I wish I..." Also, it makes me feel insignificant because I am not getting much attention as those influencers May Allah help us~ Miso
I think it affects my mental health because It tends to suck me in for hours on the day and can prevent me from actually putting my day to use. This ends up affecting my mental health as I feel lazy and sometimes staring at my phone screen for so long can make me feel sick for a day. I too also agree that it makes me wish I had something someone else does. We forget that people only show the good part of their lives and not the bad. ~Cara
social media doesn't impact my body image. I feel that I'm enough, regardless of my weight, height, fat-muscle ratio, etc. Of that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop eating and working out, but yk I don't stress over it. At one point though, I did borderline suffer from anorexia(Eating disorder).~ Ruhma
As the days go by I come to see how this Dunya is changing for the worst And in my opinion, the main reason for that is social media. A lot of us don’t pay attention to this because our noses are way too deep into social media but believe it or not social media has some power over us that contributes to our outlook on the way we view ourselves, and even the way we view others. Social media contribute to our anxiety and even our depression. let’s start by talking about how social media affect our mental health and the way we view ourselves. social media contributes to our mental health because it leads us to compare ourselves to others and that’s a very harmful thing to do to ourselves because comparison causes Self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. We have to realize that majority of things we see on social media are fake, these people that we so desperately want to be like also have their insecurities, so many of these people who we look up to don’t have their priorities straight. believe it or not, what people post on social media is an edited version of their reality things aren’t the way it seems, and we only know what we see, and trust me they only show the good to make it seem like they are “living the life“. These apps are here to make us think we’re not good enough to be accepted and we have to change ourselves to be accepted because we aren’t rocking the designer purses, revealing clothing and we aren’t walking around in the newest fashion or looking like these celebrities or Instagram models and I also was a victim to that until I realized that it doesn’t have to be like that and no human should dictate how I choose to live my life. I realized that self-love is the best love, I realized that likes don’t determine beauty, I realized that followers don’t matter. I’m telling you it’s ok to be different, it’s ok to not get 100+ likes on your post, it’s ok to not have mad followers, it’s ok to be different stop giving yourself unnecessary depression and anxiety, you are exactly where Allah wants you to be. Social media makes you think you are behind and that’s not true. Move at your own pace, have صبر, have تَوَ كُّل and let’s try to make Jannah the main place that we are striving for not this Dunya. Habibti Allah created you and that alone should tell you that you are beautiful and worthy because you weren’t created by fulan.Be you, be great, love yourself, for yourself and only yourself and remember to have تَوَ كُّل calm down because what’s yours will not pass by you. Don’t compare yourself to anybody, and focus on being the best you you can be. You don’t have to wear designer to look beautiful, you don’t have to be upset because you’re not set at a certain age, or because you are not married at a certain age, don’t be upset at others achievement’s because your time will come and Allah has greatness written for you if not in this life then the Akhira. Please we are the future generation of mothers And fathers let’s break this cycle of submitting to these unrealistic beauty standards so our baby’s don’t have to suffer from this disease also. lastly, I would like to say Finding self-love is not easy, it takes time, you’ll have your days where you just don’t feel beautiful and that’s ok because we all have days like those and anybody that tell you otherwise is lying!! When you have days like that don’t compare yourself to others, don’t look down on yourself because that’s not fair to your brain and not fair to your heart. The brain is like a sponge whatever you feed it is what it absorb so speak positively! Words are soooo powerful I don’t think we actually deep how powerful words can be if you speak positivity that’s what starts you start to believe. The self-love journey is never-ending so be kind to yourself during this journey, be patient with yourself. You are worthy, you are deserving, you are beautiful, you deserve to radiate confidence, you are important, you deserve to love yourself, you are unique, you are yours so be the best you can be for you, and your best will always be enough.
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justziamorwhatever · 4 years
Ok but let's talk about this freaking babygate 3.0.
Let's start by saying that this was well planned, and for sure the news didn't got leak as an accident. It's well planned for 2 main reasons:
1. The most obvious one, the news got leaked in the same week as the appearance on Fallon, and after a day ^that the news got leaked^ they also said the sex of the baby like, for real?
2. Look at her bday party, if she didn't want to let everybody know she have could. But she WANTED so I'm not surprised about the brooch or all that PINK.
And also, I don't know if she's really pregnant or no, but for sure it isn't Zayn's daughter.
But here comes why people think she isn't pregnant:
1. She has been horse riding that is actually not recommended for pregnant women
2. People say that she has a small bump, but about that I have to say something. For people in the beauty industry is pretty normal to try to have a small bump because they have to keep their image and make it easier to lose the weight gotten with the pregnancy. In Italy we had a similar case with Chiara Ferragni.
This is Chiara 6 months pregnant, but she isn't a model, she just works in the beauty industry. So I don't know, it could be or not. But, in my honest opinion, Gigi doesn't look pregnant at all, just look at the birthday photo where you can see how she's dressed, not even a small bump. I don't know, complicated. I also wanted to say that in her last post she didn't include her belly in the photo so we can't actually see if there's a bump or not.
3. She went grocery shopping during the lockdown (I can't find the source sorry). That's what makes me say that maybe she is unconscious of what she does, because during a global pandemic the last thing a pregnant woman should do is going out of your home.
4. She has been drinking lots of coffee, that is actually not recommended during pregnancy.
5. ZAYN IS NOT WITH HER. He just isn't, I don't care if you believe in Ziam, Zarry, Zigi or whatever the fuck, he is not with her. We haven't got a single photo of them two together, the ones during her birthday were fake, not even on Jimmy Fallon he appeared. I mean, she's talking about the pregnancy and you are so happy and shit but you still don't say anything and don't even make an appearance just so people can say "at least he is with her during this hard moment". If he is as overwhelmed as she says, why he isn't with you? C'mon, nobody is believing this shit anymore. Zayn is in London, stop it.
For sure Zayn doesn't give a damn.
Some hours before the news got leaked, The Weeknd posted this on his Instagram story
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I don't know how he knew and I don't think it's just a coincidence.
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The same day after the news blow up
And a pair of days after
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So actually nobody, not even Maliks, liked that.
What I personally think is that Zayn doesn't want anything to do with that. Nobody has ever said that he is the future dad, Gigi used the "we", Yolanda the "they", nobody ever pronounced Zayn's name. So I think Zayn is actually trying to get out of this uncomfortable situation, and if she is really pregnant then it will come out that she isn't Zayn's daughter but someone elses and they are going to not make it look like Gigi cheated on him. I think that they also didn't mention him so it can be easier to say that this isn't Zayn's children, because they never told that clearly. They confirmed the pregnancy, but never confirmed the baby was Zayn's.
Let me tell you something: she looks more excited talking about the cake than the baby. Like, look how excited she is. I also wanted to point out that when Jimmy says "Zayn" Gigi didn't say anything.
So, a lot of people has been bringing out the theory of faking a miscarriage.
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Of course, if she really is pregnant, I wish her the best, literally. But if she isn't and she fakes a miscarriyng she is gonna lose the dignity she had. I'm not against abortion, but women that want a baby and then they lose it aren't happy at all. It's a very sad moment of everybody's life and the woman feels bad with herself. And if she really fakes it, than she'll be looking like she is joking about losing a baby accidentally. And, of course I repeat, if she really is pregnant I wish her the best, for real.
Recently Dua Lipa, a singer but also Gigi's brother's girlfriend, released her album. Before this happened it got leaked and Dua was really sad about it, she cried during a live. Everybody felt so sad for her of course. But now that her album came out, she is doing some interviews.
I mean, make up your own opinions. She was there to talk about her album and they started off with the pregnancy. Obviously I'm not blaming Gigi for this, but you can actually hear how Dua is pissed off. And she says that she didn't know that from a long time. Also in this interview too, when the interviewer says "Zayn" Dua didn't say anything.
I think that's all. If I forgot something or I made a mistake please let me know, I'd love that.
Also tell me what you think about this and your theory. Obviously, I'm still a Ziam, duh.
Have a nice day/night,
Giorgia xx
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taofarren · 3 years
Tina The Cortina
It was December in Cape Town and the South African president decided to surprise us with the gift of additional lockdown restrictions. Alcohol was banned, and spending time on the beach or sea in any capacity was suddenly highly illegal.
With our surf plans turned on their head, my girlfriend, Renske, and I decided to head in the opposite direction of the forbidden ocean, and celebrate New Years Eve in the Cape wine lands. It had been a debate in my mind between taking my mom’s plastic, yet reliable car, and returning before she got home from holiday the next week, or taking Tina, my 1969 canary yellow Ford Cortina, and having the freedom of cruising home when we wanted to. We chose risk, pleasure and freedom!
Renske had always accepted my car without too many questions, but during this particular trip she teased me each time we drove up the smallest hill. “Babe, are you sure we can make it up this one?”.
Of course I defended Tina the Cortina loyally.  For a 52 year old lady, she had taken me on many successful adventures, and could surely handle a slow cruise to the wine lands. I was almost offended that Renske was teasing her. It didn’t cross my mind that it came from a place of real concern.
Half way through the journey I realised this was my longest trip Tina and I had taken in the three glorious years we had spent together.
My previous car had packed out after surviving me through the madness of my late teens. There were only terrible replacement options available within my very limited budget at the time. A ridiculously bright yellow car constantly popped up within the Gumtree search results, and I browsed the pictures as a joke. Yellow was my least favourite colour, and I wouldn’t dream of having a car that obnoxiously bright. Curiosity, and lack of a better option lead me to a test drive with the owner in Grassy Park. Despite my terrible driving and constant stalling of the old clutch, I instantly fell in love.
Just the feeling of sitting in the car felt so right. There is instantly a connection when driving a machine that old. The low seat, the thin steering wheel, having to throw my entire body weight into each turn of the power steering-less wheel. This was a real car. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew I had to have her.
We agreed on a straight swap. His keys for mine at the traffic department. As happy as I was, I was too scared to tell my parents. In our initial chats about potential new cars, they shot down any idea of something classic and dangerous. I knew she was exactly the match that they were dreading, and I hid her from them until it had truly sunk in, and there was no turning back for me. They had to meet and accept her whether they liked her or not.
Even though she caused my mothers head to shake in disappointment, everywhere else she went, people would whip their heads around and smile. Whether a passenger or an observer, it instantly made you happier.
From the beginning, this car was surrounded by an invisible force-field of love. This came in handy, as rather stupidly, I think I only wore the stiff seatbelt a handful of times.
1969 must have been a time of minimal accidents, as this particular model had no headrests, and there was no such thing as an emergency stop. Stopping would require you to jump on the brake about 30 metres in advance. Surprisingly (most probably due to the colour), I never had a single accident other than driving very slowly into a few walls.
Contrary to popular belief, owning a classic car is not about self-image, and in this case, most definitely not a “chick magnet”. To most women it was just an old yellow car. Once they had their photo for Instagram, the reality of the journey would set in, and it would be a true test of their level of “maintenance”.
It was in fact more of an old man magnet. Or rather every man. From the day I got her, old men asked me complicated questions about her regularly. I learnt about her anatomy by rushing home to Google what on earth they had asked me.
Almost every day I had offers to buy her. Even though these  were mostly from car guards, petrol attendants, and a few times from a persistent garbage truck driver, I would obligingly take down their numbers, knowing I would never sell her. I knew that Tina enjoyed the attention and got the ego boost she deserved.
I wasn’t the only one to feel an emotional pull. It seemed to be the car that many people’s parents had, and seeing it triggered fond memories of their youth.
I was once approached timidly approached by an elderly lady who I mistook for a Jehovah’s witness:
“Excuse me!”.
“Good morning?” I enquired, squinting up at her, while flashing my most realistic, fake smile. She stooped in closer - Her wide eyes magnified by thick glasses,  grey hair exploding out from underneath a Christian hat.
“Did you know that my mother had this car when I was younger?”
She blinked at me expectantly.
I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to have known that, but I decided to humour her.
“Uh…. Good memories?”
She leaned in closer with a crooked grin;
“Yes… especially on the back seat!”
She giggled and walked off with a vacant smile
A few days later, the memory of that lady’s grin still fresh in my mind, a beggar at a traffic light told me that his father had the car when he was younger. Cheerfully, I responded along the same lines, saying that he must have been a great man, to which he responded:
“No, he was a horrible man”, and walked away sadly.
Despite constantly threatening to overheat in traffic, she dominated the city roads. To get across a busy intersection, I would slowly drive into the middle of the road, and people would smile and let me in, just to stare at her beautiful square bum with glassy eyes.
She had a knack with roadblocks too. On a particular incident, with the car filled with mates drinking beers after sundowners on the beach, I was pulled over with a lit joint in hand. I panicked and stalled diagonally across the road.
“Fuck fuck fuck”
I tried to casually stamp the joint out with sandy feet as the policeman walked over with a serious look on his face. Smoke hung in the sweaty interior and the beer bottles on the floor clinked to a halt as he leant down to the window.
“Excuse me sir… what year model is this?”
“Uhm,1969” I replied nervously
“Yoh, look after her hey!” He smiled as he waved us through.
One of the main reasons I had rationalised the choice of a classic car, was that I would learn about how cars actually worked, feeling so detached from my previous modern car. Over the years I learnt intimately what was possible to break in a car, as everything slowly fell apart.
Electrical faults, numerous flat tyres, the radiator exploding in the middle of a petrol station, ball joints seizing, the floor rusting through to the road, using torches as flashlights to get home at night. I got really good at putting my ego aside and asking people for help.
For summer there was definitely no air con. The beautiful black pleather seats became stove plates against your skin, and the only fan was created by the draught rushing through the holes in the bodywork.
This cooling system, so useful in summer, became a freezer in winter. Long johns, extra hoodies, a beanie and gloves were always packed in the trunk. To this day, the usually comforting sound of rain outside the window shocks me awake. I would lie in bed as it poured down, dreading the inevitable puddles filling up the car floor through these holes and the aged window seals.  
Strangely enough, the lack of headrests and questionable seatbelts made me feel more alive. The constant struggle to keep the loose steering wheel in a straight line, while listening to every sound in case of a problem, forced me into complete presence.
I saw so much more while travelling slowly. It felt like a leisurely stroll while on holiday, compared to a frantic run. Even if I was late it was literally impossible to drive faster. I learnt that at this point, it wouldn’t help to stress. Pushing the car further than its current 90 km/h top speed would most probably result in something breaking or flying off. I was forced to relax and enjoy myself in every situation.
Every ride, no matter how short, felt like an adventure, a real road trip. Each time I arrived at my destination, I was overcome with gratitude for having accomplished a magnificent feat.
On the streets I was instantly respected. I would pull up to traffic lights next to the latest luxury cars in elite places like Bantry Bay, and have the driver wind down his window to tell me how much he loved my car. When I’d ask them to swap, they would chuckle and zoom off while I tried not to stall.
We also received major street “cred” within the more alternative communities. This came in most useful when working on a documentary with the Ocean View Spinners, a community who passionately (and illegally) spun their cars until their tyres burst. I eventually realised it was safe to park inside the actual spinning parking lot,  and upon seeing Tina for the first time, their perception of me shifted. Even though I refused their offers to spin her, I became one of them.
I was invited to an event in a township in Paarl to shoot one of their sessions. When we met at sunrise, their car was too full to take me, as it was a big family affair. The young pit crew boys fought over who would join me in my car for the journey, and eventually all piled in. Their excitement and pride of just being a passenger in Tina filled me with an ovewhelming sense of gratitude as we cruised past the grannies of Fish Hoek main road. A white boy driving while they hung out the window, hooting and hollering to their rap music blaring from a portable speaker.
At the Lavender Hill traffic lights, a notorious crime hotspot, the fun spluttered out along with the engine. Dead. In the worst place possible. Literally a bright yellow sitting duck with doors that couldn’t lock, and a boot full of camera gear. Even though they were the pit crew for the spin car, they were youngsters, and didn’t have any tools or the right knowledge. Internal panic kicked in as I ran through unrealistic solutions in my head. My internal spinning was interrupted by someone pulling in behind us. Sweating, I reached for the locking mechanism that didn’t exist on this model. Hijacking clearly wasn’t a problem in 1969 either It was a member of the Ocean View spinners convoy and most importantly, a mechanic.
They all crowded into the bonnet and fiddled until she begrudgingly returned to life. A few hundred metres of relief, before another cut out. Another stressed session of heads crammed together and hundreds of theories thrown around before we were back on our way.
During the event in Paarl, I was so overwhelmed by the deafening sound and smell of the cars being whipped around the “pitch”, that I completely forgot about my own car troubles. As the sun began to dip, it was advised that we leave the township and start the long drive home. Tina was towed out in amongst the traffic jam of exhausted spin cars and we started the painful process of resuscitation. The Spinners were just as tired as the cars, but they kept their patience with the old lady. An eventual tow-start and I was instructed to not let her cut out, whatever I do. No stops allowed on the hour long journey home.
Night shortly fell, and as we rattled along the road, one of the headlight fuses bumped out of place. The two headlights in their full glory hardly lit Tina’s path, now we were reduced to a single headlight. I couldn’t risk stopping to re-adjust it as I was sure she would cut out wherever she rested. I tuned out the passengers as they animately debated the events of the day, and zoned into the sound of her unhappy engine. We had lost the rest of the convoy on the highway, and this time I didn’t even want to contemplate what would happen if we broke down in the middle of nowhere in the dark. I stressed us the whole way back to Ocean View, and as soon as we turned into the road and Tina saw our destination, she cut out.
This time she was done for the day, and nothing would bring her back to life. After everything she had been through that day, she had to spend the night in Ocean View. I got a lift home from the spinning crew, and arriving without a car, and a black face full of tyre particles, I wasn’t quite sure how to explain the day to my family. “Good, thanks” had to do.
After a few weeks of rehabilitation, Tina was returned by a mechanic in Ocean View but still wouldn’t run properly. For more than a month she sat in the winter rain, while I desperately tried to figure out what parts she needed, and from where I could source them. Because she was so old, it was difficult to find someone that understood her.
She sat there limp and lifeless. My only form of freedom in those lockdown months, dead without much hope.
I eventually found the part that would get her moving and to Uncle Wasief, the world’s most reliable mechanic. He delivered the news that it had finally come to the crucial moment we had both been expecting: Very soon, I had to either let her go, or give her a complete makeover.
He fixed her up as best as he could until then, and we were temporarily back in action.
That day, I made a promise to her to give her the love she needed. I wouldn’t just take from her, but would listen to her requests.
I had all the windows and seats fixed, all the little odds and ends that I had previously dismissed as “character” and saved the quoted amount for a full restoration. She would be booked in at the end of January.
Over the howl of the wind though the holes, the disappointing sound of the portable speaker’s battery dying, brought me back to Renske, and our current journey to the wine lands As we arrived in Franschhoek, I think we both let out a secret sigh of relief, happy that we had made the right choice after all.
After a peaceful week of unnaturally green grass and  far too much bootlegged wine, it was time to return to the city, reality, and the new year. As usual we were running late. This time for the last available Covid test appointment before Renske flew to Kenya for a job. If Tina travelled at full speed with no stops, we could just make it to the appointment on time.
The impressively spacious boot, as well as every other surface of the back seat, was crammed to full capacity We had both of our lives packed into the car: Camera gear, laptops, and weeks worth of clothing.
Driving down the first hill and taking in the beauty of the passing vineyards one last time, Renske abruptly turned to me: “Hey man, I think your car is smoking”.
This wasn’t completely unusual, and I attempted to sniff a few times with my hay fever impaired nose. A few metres later the engine cut out completely. She’d done many strange things, but this was certainly out of character for the old gal. We sat in silence, and heard the usually soothing sound of crackling flames, confusingly out of place on a sweaty 30 degree day.
The smell of smoke quickly formed a grey cloud as I ran around to the bonnet, lifting it to reveal a healthy fire. Right in the middle of my engine bay.
Renske hopped out as my brain struggled to compute the next step.
The only knowledge I have of burning cars is from action movies, where they quickly explode in a ball of fire. The passengers are generally running away, or flying through the air in slow motion. Sometimes both. Not interested in the flying option, we started to grab all our bags, and run them up the hill.
During each frantic trip, we tried to figure out which bags were the most important, as we took them higher and higher. If we can only grab a few bags before it explodes, what do we take? My beach umbrella rolled down the hill and my toothbrush flew through the air as unzipped bags vomited our lives out.
“Tao, your laundry!”
Your mind gets a bit muddled under that life or death pressure, and you start to ask yourself important questions about attachment. I was aware that Renske kept running back for random things that seemed unnecessary, yet I couldn’t help worrying about Sunny, the dashboard Hula girl.
After the toothbrush was successfully rescued, Renske remembered that her laptop was right in the front near the flames. Without a second thought, I sprinted to the car and grabbed it. As a video editor, my fear of losing saved work will always be far, far greater than potential death of any form.
We eventually sweated our hundreds of bags to the top of the hill and we stood to truly take it all in. It really was a beautiful sight that I will never forget. There was not a breath of wind on the perfect summer day. Plumes of smoke billowed out of the bright yellow car, framed by lines of vineyards and a perfectly still lake. Not a single part of me could feel sad while taking in such a surreal scene. The sight of this paradoxical beauty was enhanced by the anticipation of it exploding, and lighting up the nearby crops. Realising that this was not the ideal way to thank the farm owner for the lovely stay, I quickly called her up.
“Hi Ginny, quite a strange one, but my car is on fire. Ya… my car…. We were driving and it lit up…… Ya….. I was wondering if there was any chance you could please call the fire department?”
A few moments later, Francois the farm manager roared past. He barely parked before sprinting towards the burning car, wielding a fire extinguisher in each hand. In the shock, I had forgotten that I was a photographer, and I quickly grabbed my camera, and ran to join him. I was now filled with a different sense of urgency: to capture the tragedy.
A few photos, yet still no explosion as Francois and the fire extinguishers quickly snuffed out the flames. The dodgy wiring in the bonnet had reacted to some leaked oil, and everything in the engine bay was toast. The interior, which was the only part of her that hadn’t fallen apart in our love affair, was completely untouched. During her last dashboard hula dance, Sunny’s dress had been partly undone, yet not entirely removed by the flames. Her dignity was proudly intact as she obliviously continued to play her ukulele in amongst the smoke.
Once the curious farm workers cleared off, and the insurance company was notified, I found myself sitting alone with Tina’s burnt carcass in the shade of the vineyard.
Strangely enough, the only thing that came to my muddled mind was regret that we didn’t ever have sex in her extremely comfortable back seat.
Nothing could have prepared me for the many life lessons learnt by owning a classic car as my daily runner.
It’s amazing how adaptable we are as humans, and what we can overcome for love. Broken window? No problem, open the other one. It’s just how it was.
Their age allows you to understand and accept their imperfections, and this understanding leads to love and compassion.
As we all struggle to come to terms with our own constantly changing and ageing bodies, would it be possible to treat ourselves with the same level of compassion?
I was snapped out of my reverie by the tattooed tow truck drivers from Bellville arriving. A quick elbow bump and signature, and they winched her onto a flatbed truck.
I watched as she was towed away on her last ever journey; a burnt chunk of bright yellow metal to everyone she passed.
If only they knew.
Dear old Tina the Cortina . My friend, saviour, teacher and true love.
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep Calm and Go to London Chapter 23
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Synopsis: This is the story of (y/n), a successful actress,   musician, musical producer and songwriter. After battling depression and  breaking up a long relationship, she seeks for a change of air,   escaping LA for a while going to visit some friends in London and there   she meets Henry. -Disclaimer: some chapters are mostly smut.
Previous Chapters in the masterlist
Triggers: talking about anxiety; quarantine; cursing.
Tag list:  Here’s the incredible people who showed me support (thank  you    so  much for that) and people who asked  me to tag them too  ☺️   (I    think  I will write a few chapters of  this story, if you want me to  tag     you, tell me ☺️   ) @cavillanche @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo   constip8merm8      penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming     alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25 @thethirstyarchive @agniavateira   @honeyloverogers @hell1129-blog   @lunedelorient​  @michelle-1185​  @madbaddic7ed​     @summersong69​
When you accepted to go with Henry to the gym, you planned to sit and watch his beautiful ass workout, but your boyfriend had other plans. While he worked on his legs, he made you lift some weights and later practice some boxing. He made you punching in his palms as hard as you could, but he was so strong that your hand almost broke when it collided with his. Dammit! His hands were like rocks. He wanted to help you train better for your role because you needed to gain some strength to be successful in the stunts. After a hard workout session, you decided to go back to the house walking to catch some air. It felt odd. It's been a few months since the quarantine started that now it was strange to go outside. It truly felt like if it was another world. You felt a little anxious, even if both of you were wearing masks because they're more effective in terms of preventing you for spreading a virus if you have it than to catch it; but, in the same time, it felt marvellous to be outside. You took a few deep breaths, allowing your lungs to feel the oxygen that entered your body. Henry was grabbing Kal's leash with one hand, and yours with the other. The little bear has always been his emotional support for his anxiety and your boyfriend was yours. You felt how he stroke your hand with his thumb. You pressed your head against his arm and then give him a big smile. Even though both of you were wearing masks, you knew that he noticed your smile and that he smiled back at you. The world might have gone crazy and thing could never be like they used to, but one thing was undeniable and that was that your life was a thousand times better since you met Henry. You were beyond in love with him and since the beginning, your cold and dark mind was full of light and warmness. And he was the main reason why you felt that way. Therapy was great, but also having someone that praise you and made you feel loved and try hard to help you see how wonderful you were was incredible. After a nice shower, you prepare tea for you and a coffee for Henry and went into his office to give it to him. Before you entered the room, you heard him talk over the phone. "Oh, great!" You heard him said; "Yes, I cannot wait to get back to work. But, I really need to ask for a favour. If they decide to change the date and start earlier, it's ok, but I need to be free by the 28th and 29th of July. The 28th is my girlfriend's birthday and I want to be with her that day," he pleaded and then thanked the person on the other side of the line. You felt tingles and butterflies in your stomach. The fact that he'd beg no to work on your birthday to be able to be with you melted your heart. You waited until he finished the call and then knock on the door. You entered the room and he announced that production was set to restart in August. You pretended not to hear the conversation and acted excited - you weren't faking, though. After all, The Witcher was one of your favourite shows. You spent the rest of the day laughing with him while he played videogames. Later he decided to go prepare something for dinner and you used his laptop to check your social media and listen to some music. To your surprise, you saw your name in second place of worldwide trends. "The fuck happened now," you thought. And then you saw that Henry's name was also trending as well as your ex-boyfriend's. You clicked on yours and saw that a site dedicated to gossip Daily Mail, posted pictures of you and Henry while you exit the gym and walking with Kal with your hands together. The headline said "New hot couple alert: Y/N and Henry Cavill". The article said "The famous actress, musician and producer y/n (age) is seen leaving a gym with British actor and heartthrob Henry Cavill (37), famous for his roles as Superman and Geralt of Rivia in Netflix's The Witcher. (...) The star ended a relationship with actor and musician Jared Leto -who recently was seen walking in the streets of Hollywood with Russian model Valery Kauffman-. The couple walked together grabbing hands while walking his dogs, an American Akita named Kal. (...) Not so long ago were rumours of a possible reconciliation between y/n and Leto, given the fact that she continued to share love song in her Instagram stories, but now it could be assumed that those songs were actually dedicated to Mr Cavill. (...) We tried to contact their agents to get a confirmation of their romance, but there are not comments at the moment. (...)" "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" you repeated in your head. You took a deep breath and went back to Twitter to look at the comments. To your surprise, there were mostly supportive. There were some jealous and aggressive ones, from both sides - your fans and his fans- but were mostly supportive. You then realized why Jared's name was also trending. A lot of people, especially comics and dc fans, were uploading memes about Superman stealing Joker's girlfriend. Some of your fans posted some new selfies from your Instagram account saying "this is a woman who left a toxic relationship for a better man. Be like her"; some fanboys were saying things like "Henry Cavill is the only man allowed to steal my wife," "I don't know who I envy more," and a lot of memes with pictures of Henry and Jared from the Comic-Con mocking Jared because Henry "stole" his girl.
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You had to admit that most memes were really funny. After having a good laugh, you were stressed again. How was going to react Henry to the news? You panicked. You felt guilty like you should have stayed in the house and the secret would be protected. You went into the kitchen and delivered the news to Henry. He sighed in a sign of defeat and you apologized again. He looked at you and you felt a lump in your throat; he seemed angry. You knew it, he was mad at you. - Stop it! - he ordered.- Stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong! - he exclaimed and you looked at him confused. - Are you mad at me for going with you? It was my fault, I should have stayed here.- you prompted - No, it's not your fault. It isn't anybody's fault because it's not a bad thing. So, people know now, so what? They were going to find out sooner or later. We cannot spend the rest of our lives behind these walls to protect a secret. I don't care that people know that I'm happily in love with a wonderful woman. And, by the way, it was my idea to get out, not yours. - he reminded you. He came closer to you and cupped your face with his hands - The only thing I'm angry about is the fact that you keep blaming yourself for everything and that you'd think that I could be mad at you for that. You should know me better by now. I'm not him. I don't want us to live a secret for the rest of our lives, like if it was something bad. On the contrary, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm more than proud that people know that I'm awesome enough to get a woman like you. Like I just gained hundreds of cool points.- he smiled at you and kissed you.
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You’re the One My Heart Wants- Chapter 12
Word Count: 6,481
Warnings: Mentions of bad past relationships. If for some reason this is triggering, please don’t read this chapter & Swearing
Author: Me
A/N: Anddd part of this chapter is for @christenohara​, you’re welcome dude lol
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Alex POV
I wake up to the warmth and weight of Y/N sleeping on top of me. She had her head resting on my chest and her arms wrapped around me, her breaths low and quiet. It was adorable seeing her this soft, considering how she acts on the pitch. She’s been known to intimidate opposing players just from her resting bitch face, well and her dominating footwork. She’s just a big teddy bear with a hard past and family life. A past that she hasn’t really spoken to me about, especially the stuff Ali brought up last night before dinner. I hate the thought of anyone hurting her: past relationships, old girlfriend’s families, and even her own family. She’s the most caring and sweetest person I’ve ever known, so why would anyone treat her so badly for being her? She can be pretty stubborn though, but I’ll just blame that on Kelley. It’s not my place to force her, if she wants to tell me about her past then she will. While I’m lost in my thoughts, I’m stroking my girlfriend’s hair which causes her grip around me to tighten slightly and her to snuggle her face into my chest. I smiled softly at the sight of her, knowing that I would be completely and fully happy waking up next to her for the rest of my life. That’s something I’ll keep to myself though… 
After a few more moments, I hear her mumble something while she moves slightly. Her eyes open slowly before she squints them in response to the sunlight coming through our window. She rolls over to her back and groans as she covers her eyes with her hands when the alarm goes off. “Well, good morning to you too,” I said with a small laugh while I shut off the alarm. She peeks her eyes out from between her fingers to look at me, a smile forming on her face. “Good morning, babe,” she says with a yawn, “I hate mornings, I swear. Well, besides getting to wake up next to you.” She gives me a goofy smile and a wink after her statement, which causes me to hit her shoulder with a laugh. “Yeah, yeah,” I say while rolling my eyes, “Trying to be cute while you’re grumpy isn’t a good combo. Now, if you want breakfast you’re going to have to get up now because we have to leave for training soon.” That causes her to groan loudly before getting out of bed. She stops at the end of the bed and stretches, allowing me to catch a glimpse of her abs. “Hey now,” Y/N says when she catches me staring, “I may be a tease but keep it in your pants, you goof.” I laugh as I get up from the bed and head over to my suitcase, “Can you blame me? You’re hot. Just stating facts.” As I got dressed she yelled from the bathroom, “Oh yeah, says the swimsuit model!” I rolled my eyes while I grabbed my phone and my bag as I walked towards the bathroom, “I’m heading downstairs, I’ll see you at breakfast. This fake argument isn’t over either.” She gave me a soft smile, which I returned, and nodded her head before giving me a quick kiss.
When I get down to breakfast, Kelley and Allie call me over to go sit with them while I grab something quick to eat. “Hey, Al,” they both say as I sit down. “Hey, guys,” I answer as Kelley gives me a look, “Something wrong, Kel? You’ve got a weird look on your face.” She let out a small laugh as she looked over at Allie then back at me, “I guess you’re in a better mood today, compared to last night.” “What do you mean?” I asked with a confused look. She let out a low sigh as she said, “Last night you were a little on edge, especially when it came to Y/N. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a little jealous of her friends being clingy and Lindsey sitting on h--” “I wasn’t jealous,” I say quickly, interrupting her. She looked over at Allie before they both started laughing, “Okay, yeah. Sure, Al. Jealous or not, you were in a weird mood the whole night. Am I wrong?” I looked at both of them for a few moments, trying to read their expressions. Which, of course, all I see is knowing looks. I let out a loud sigh as I ran my hand over my face before saying, “As much as I hate to admit it, you’re not wrong. I wasn’t jealous. I just had a lot on my mind and it put me in a weird mood. I’m sorry if that put you guys in a weird situation.” Right after I said that I see Y/N walk in the room. She smiled when she saw me and headed towards our table after talking to JJ and Crystal. “It’s fine, Alex,” Allie says, drawing my attention back to them, “We just wanted to make sure you were okay.” “I’m okay, guys. I promise,” I answer with a smile as my girlfriend took the seat next to me. “What are we talking about?” Y/N asked with a confused look. “Just about last night,” Kelley answered while glancing over at me, “Dinner, and everyone’s Instagram stories mostly.” “Oh, yeah,” Y/N said while she pulled out her phone, “I haven’t even looked at them yet.” She set her phone down on the table while she ate so she could watch what was going on. She laughed every now and then while she watched each video pass through her screen. I watched her as she smiled at the chaos of Lindsey’s story and the jokes on Sonnett’s, and it made me smile for a moment. The moment is short-lived whenever she clicks on Ash’s story, and the first thing that pops up is the video of her and her friends. My smile fades while I watch the videos go on with Lindsey on her lap, and try my best to hide my discomfort. 
Y/N groans as she watched the rest of the videos she and her friends were in and Kelley laughs at her reaction. “What are you laughing at, Smalls?” Y/N asks with a fake glare. “Oh, nothing, Biggie Smalls,” Kelley said through her laughs, “But it looks like we need to leave you and Janice alone to talk.” All three of them look at me to see the discomfort clear across my face. Allie and Kelley get up and walk over to Tobin and Christen’s table a few moments later, leaving Y/N the only one staring at me. “Alex?” she asked quietly, “Is there something wrong that you want to tell me?” I sighed before looking at her, seeing her light blue eyes full of confusion. “It’s just the same stuff we talked about last night,” I say reluctantly, “The videos just brought it all up again. I’m sorry, nothing’s wrong. I promise.” She gave me a sad look before nodding her head. “Okay,” she said while taking my hand in hers, “If you say so, babe…” “I do say so,” I answer, “I promise I’m fine, we’re fine.” Y/N’s sad expression has faded as she gives me a soft smile, which I return. After a moment of getting stuck in a trance caused by the changing colors of Y/N’s eyes, I pull her in for a quick kiss. “Alright, break it up,” we hear Ash say as we pull away from the kiss a few seconds later, “There are children present. Save that for your room.” She motioned to Mal and Tierna sitting at the next table as she and Ali sat down across from us. I gave them a smirk as Y/N rolled her eyes at them while saying, “Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the tip, mom.” Ash laughs while Ali asks about how things went with my family last night. We talk for a few more minutes before we head out of the hotel to the vans for training.
Saying that I’m glad to be able to train again would be a fucking understatement. I’ve missed everything about training: the drills, scrimmaging, and even the running (if you can believe that). Being stuck on the sidelines for two whole weeks has been brutal, only because I wanted to be out there playing with everyone else. So yeah, I’m excited about how things are going at training, for once. “Way to go Y/N!” Jill yelled from the sideline after I scored another goal in our 2v2 scrimmages, “I’m glad to see that you didn’t let those two weeks put you behind everyone else. Keep up the hard work. Next goal wins!” I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up while I walked back into position. “You’re doing really good, Y/N,” Alex says from beside me, “I mean, you have a great partner so that definitely helps how good you’re doing.” I rolled my eyes at her with a smile as I hit her arm, “Alright, alright. My partner is pretty good, definitely helping us kick ass. Let’s win this one so we can get training over with.” She gave me a mischievous grin and a wink as she passed me the ball, “I love you, you goof.” “I know you do!” I yell as I head down the pitch, getting past Sonny with ease thanks to my quick footwork and speed. “How are you so fucking fastttt?!” Sonny yells as she tries to keep up with me, causing me to laugh while I passed the ball to Alex. As Sonny and I moved up the pitch towards the goal, I watched Alex go 1v1 against Kelley. Kelley was trash talking as Alex tried everything to get past her, it was pretty funny if I’m being honest. Alex had a smile plastered across her face as she listened to Kelley, and it only grew when she managed to get past her after Kelley tripped over her own feet. Alex sees me open near the goal as Kelley starts catching up with her, and quickly sends a long ball towards the goal. I moved on goal as Sonny stayed right on my ass, and stretched my leg out in time for my foot to meet the ball just before it hit the pitch. I did a small turn with the ball at my feet as I stepped back, causing Sonny to overrun me just enough to give me space to shoot my shot on goal. “Fuck, you,” Sonny groaned when the ball hit the back of the net, “I just want to beat you once, just fucking once! Kelley, next time you’re on Y/N. Her footwork is fucking impossible to keep up with, but at least you can keep up with her and her long ass legs.” I laughed and patted Sonny on the shoulder as Jill called the end of training. 
Alex jumped on my back while we walked back towards our stuff, “You really kicked some ass out there, Y/N. It was like these past two weeks never happened. I’m proud of you, baby.” I smiled as she kissed my cheek while I continued to carry her to the sidelines, “Thanks, babe. I was just happy to be back on the pitch. I’m really glad you were my partner today though, it was a nice change for once. Normally I’m stuck with Sonny or Lindsey and that always ends in an argument or uncontrollable laughter.” She laughed in agreement to my statement since we all know how Lindsey and Sonny can get. When we got to our bags, I set her down on the ground and sat down on the bench. “Are you okay?” I asked quietly as she sat down next to me, “I know we didn’t really talk through what happened at breakfast, and you just seemed a little distracted…” She sighed as she untied her cleats and tossed her shin guards into her bag. We sat there in awkward silence for a moment before she turned to face me. “I’m okay,” she said quietly, “The stuff that happened last night and this morning, isn’t important. I’m not upset anymore, I’m fine. If for some reason I need to talk to you about what’s going on in my head, I will. I won’t put you through the same thing I did last night where you were confused and I was being possessive. I promise, baby.” I wasn’t fully convinced by what she said, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt since I love her more than words can describe. Also because I didn’t want to start an argument over something this stupid. I nodded my head and gave her a soft smile while she said, “Come on, let's go back to the hotel and change. I want to spend the rest of the day with you in Paris before we’re too busy to enjoy it.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the vans with a bright smile plastered across her face, causing me to laugh with a goofy ass grin.
After we got to the hotel, we both showered and put on some comfortable clothes to walk around in. While I finished putting my hair up and looked at my outfit in the mirror, a tie-dye t-shirt with jean shorts and my favorite pair of Vans, I notice that Alex is digging through my suitcase. “And what exactly do you think you’re doing?” I asked with a small smile while crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. Alex jumped when she realized she wasn’t being as sneaky as she thought. “I’m looking for a shirt to wear,” she said with a sheepish smile, “I like how soft yours are…” I let out a small laugh because surprisingly she wasn’t the first person to say that to me. All four of my idiot best friends have all said that at least once or twice whenever they borrow my clothes, but they aren’t who I’m reminded of whenever Alex said that. That’s for another time, hopefully something I never have to address… “Y/N?” I hear Alex ask, pulling me out of the thoughts from my past, “Are you okay, baby?” I realize that she’s staring at me with a concerned look while she held two of my shirts. I moved off of the wall, stood up straight and gave her a smile as I nodded my head, “Yeah, babe. I’m fine. I was just remembering something from a long time ago…” She took a step towards me and placed her hands on my cheeks, causing me to tense up slightly. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked softly, not taking her eyes off me. I closed my eyes and shook my head as my body relaxed. “No, Alex. We don’t need to talk about it right now, okay?” I say as I wrap my arms around her waist, “It’s just a lot to unload on you. We’ll talk about it at some point, just not now.” She sighed slightly before caressing my cheek, “Okay, Y/N. I’m always here if you need someone to talk to. I just want to help you whenever something’s bothering you. You know that, right?” I smiled down at my girlfriend while I tightened my grip around her slightly, “I know, babe. Thank you for that, seriously. I promise I’ll talk to you about it at some point.” She gave me a smirk as she nodded her head before pulling me in for a quick kiss. “I love you so much, Y/N,” she said whenever we pulled away. “I love you so much more, Al,” I say with a small grin, “And I always will, no matter what.” She leaned up and kissed my nose before giving me a smile as she pulled me towards the bed. “Okay,” she says, “Now, help me pick a shirt to wear so we can meet Kelley and Allie downstairs.” She held up two different shirts, one is a pastel purple and the other is for my favorite band. “So, we’re still sharing my clothes,” I said with a laugh as she blushed slightly, “We’ve moved on from pajamas to the rest of my wardrobe, I see. Where did you even find that one? I didn’t know I packed it.” I was pointing to the band shirt as she just smiled at me before saying, “I like your clothes. Like I said, they’re soft. Now, help meeee.” I groaned softly before picking the pastel purple, “That one will look good on you, and I won’t mind if you end up stealing it. The other one is for my favorite band and I don’t want it to end up in your suitcase.” She smiled brightly while she kissed my cheek and headed into the bathroom to finish getting ready.
After we left the hotel, we just walked around the stores nearby for an hour or so. Alex was mostly with Allie since they both enjoyed shopping way more than me and Kelley. When we found yet another store that they wanted to go in, Kelley and I opted out and said we would wait on a bench for them. Alex whined and pouted for me to go in the store with her for a few moments before she finally gave up. Since she couldn’t kiss me, like she looked like she wanted to, so she just settled with a smile and a wink before stepping in the store with Allie. “You two are pretty cute,” Kelley said after a few minutes of sitting on the bench together, “Totally and completely in love. You know, she really needed someone like you to come along and make her life fucking great. She talks about you a lot whenever you’re not around. You’ve got her whipped for sure.” “Thanks, Smalls,” I say with a soft smile and a laugh, “We make each other really happy. I really do love her, like it’s scary sometimes. But you know all about that, don’t you?” Kelley gave me a soft smile and a nod since she knew what I was referring to, as I continued, “Do you miss Casey whenever we’re at tournaments like this? I know you told us that she can’t be here for a while because of work…” Kelley’s smile faded a little as she sighed loudly. She ran her hands over her face before saying, “Yeah, Biggie Smalls. I really do… But I know she’ll be here as soon as she can. We Facetime every day before she goes to work and she calls me right before I go to bed whenever she gets off work. So, I mean that helps a little while we’re away. But, it’s not like what you and Alex have…” I looked at her with a confused look before asking, “What do you mean?” She looked around us to make sure we were still alone before turning back to me, “You get to be with her every day here, and when we go back home you’ll still see her every day. Even if you aren’t sharing a room anymore. Casey lives in D.C. while I live in Utah and Atlanta. I don’t know, it’s just hard I guess. I love her so much, Biggie Smalls…” She had a small upset look after she finished, which caused me to place my hand on her shoulder to give her a little comfort. “Kel,” I say quietly, “If you love her as much as I know you do then, hear me out here, why don’t you move to D.C. to be with her just during the off-season? I mean, if it were me, I’d move anywhere in the world just to be with Alex.” The upset look on her face was replaced with a bright smile as she pulled me in for a hug. “Thank you, Y/N,” she said when we pulled away, “I hadn’t really thought of that. I’ll have to talk to her about it, but I think that’s what I’m going to do.” I smiled at her as she continued talking excitedly, like a child, about moving to be with her girlfriend. 
“You know what’s kinda funny?” She asked after a few moments. “What?” I answered, a little worried about what she could possibly say. “You and I, Biggie Smalls and Smalls,” she said while motioning between us, “Both have secret girlfriends. What a time to be alive!” She was laughing loudly, which caused me to laugh even louder as I hit her shoulder. “You’re such an idiot,” I say through my laughter. “You still love me though,” she says with a wink and a goofy grin. “This is true,” I say as I rolled my eyes, still laughing along with her. “What’s going on over here?” we hear Alex ask over our laughter a few seconds later. We continued laughing as we both turned to look at the two starting at us with multiple bags in their hands. Kelley’s eyes got wide as she kept laughing, “Oh, nothing. Just talking about our love lives, nothing special.” I hit her arm to get her to keep it down while Alex looked over at me. “Oh, really?” she asked with a small smirk as she raised an eyebrow at me, “Those love lives must be pretty funny based on how you two are acting. God help the people you two are dating.” Allie laughed along with Alex as they started walking down the street with me and Kelley following close behind. “I mean, they’re pretty great actually,” Kelley said with a grin, causing Alex and Allie to turn around, “Anyone would be lucky to date Smalls or Biggie Smalls of the United States Women’s National Team. And as far as we know, they both know how lucky they are.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Alex while I blushed at the shit she just said with my hand covering my mouth. “Don’t fall for it, Al,” Allie said with a small laugh, “She’s just trying to get under your skin.” Alex stood there and stared at Kelley for what felt like forever before a smile formed on her face, “I’m not going to argue about this with you in the middle of Paris, Kel. But if you really wanted an answer, they do know how lucky they are. Extremely lucky, in fact.” Alex glanced over at me whenever she said that last part with the smile still present on her face. Kelley hit my shoulder with a laugh as I smiled and nodded towards Alex. “Come onnn,” Allie whined a few seconds later, “I’m hungryyy.” Kelley took that as her opportunity to jump on Allie’s back while we walked towards a nearby restaurant.
Alex POV
After we ate, we were back to walking up and down the streets of Paris that weren’t too far from the hotel. Kelley was with Allie now, making videos for each other’s Instagram story, and I was hanging back with Y/N. We were walking as close to each other as we could since we can’t hold hands like we’d like to because of the public, also because she had all of my bags in her hands. Chivalry isn’t dead, just FYI. Y/N looked like she was lost in her thoughts for a moment before I nudged her shoulder, “You okay?” She looked over at me to see the same concerned look that I gave her in our room earlier. I knew something was bothering her and I wanted to help. I just don’t know how much I can help though. “I’m fine,” she said with a small smile, “Just a lot on my mind right now.” I stopped walking and grabbed her wrist. “Kelley, Allie we’ll catch up with you guys in a minute,” I said to the two in front of us, who nodded while they kept walking. Y/N watched them keep walking down the street before she turned to look at me, “What’s wrong?” I pulled her over to a nearby bench and looked into her eyes as I said, “Nothing’s wrong, at least not with me. Talk to me, Y/N. I know something’s wrong because you’re acting a little weird. Weirder than usual, actually.” She just stared at me for a moment, seeing how worried I am. Whatever was bothering her must be pretty serious since she hasn’t spoken yet. She sighed a few minutes later before saying, “It’s just that stuff I didn’t really want to talk about back in our room earlier.” “Does it have something to do with what Ali told me last night?” I asked quietly. I could see her body physically tense up and her jaw clench at my question. She took a few long, deep breaths before she looked at me again. Her eyes were stone-cold and she was giving me an Ashlyn Harris look. I must’ve set something off in her without realizing it. “What did Ali tell you?” Y/N asked quietly through gritted teeth.
I shifted in my seat as a reaction to the way she was looking at me since she’s never looked at me like this before. “All she said was that she and Ash were worried about you meeting my family,” I answered quietly, “Because you’ve had issues in the past with meeting your girlfriend’s family…” Y/N’s face didn’t change much, still stone-cold but her eyes softened a little. She took another long breath before saying, “She shouldn’t have told you that. But in any case…in the past I have had issues with my girlfriend’s family. Mostly because they didn’t want their daughter to be gay or believe that she was. One time they took it out on me instead of her, calling me names and yelling at me while she just stood there and watched…” She paused so she could compose herself, probably remembering everything that’s happened to her, and it took everything in me to not hold her hand to give her some comfort. “It’s okay, Y/N,” I said, causing her to look up at me with tears forming in her eyes, “We don’t have to keep talking about this. I’m not going to force you into talking about something that hurt you in the past that obviously upsets you.” She shook her head before saying, “No, I want to talk to you about this. You should at least know something about it… What’s been bothering me for a good part of the day is something you said in the room. It triggered a memory from my last relationship and not a good memory at that. She was great at the beginning, then I don’t know something changed. Her family didn’t approve of us dating and made that pretty clear throughout our relationship. Then near the end of our relationship, things got...messy. She would get mad about how much time I spent at training and with the team. She started being hateful towards me and said that her family was right about me. She hurt me in every way possible, mentally and emotionally. I finally had it after a few months and broke up with her. It never got physical, but it could’ve if I didn’t end it when I did. There’s more that happened after the breakup but it’s something I don’t talk about, even with Ali and Ash. I tell Kelley everything, and she doesn’t even know...” She paused again to wipe her tears away, deep in thought, while I looked at her with tears forming in my eyes. 
She turned to face me and placed her hands on my shoulders, “I don’t want you to think that I don’t love your family, because I truly do. They’ve treated me so great from the moment they met me. It’s something I wasn’t used to, but it’s honestly the best thing I could ever ask for. I love them all, almost as much as I love you. I don’t want any of this to scare you away... I just have a messy past that I don’t like talking about. I’m not shutting you out when I don’t tell you these things, they’re just not important to me anymore. They don’t make me happy to think about, let alone talk about with anyone. My happiness is more important to me and you’re a source of my happiness, Alex. Please don’t leave me…” She had tears falling to her cheeks and if I’m being honest here, I was a crying mess. She looked so broken and fragile, not like the Y/N I knew. It was breaking my heart. She was right when she said this was a lot to unload, but I was mostly crying because she’s afraid I’ll leave her. I’d never do that in a million years. “I would never leave you, Y/N,” I said through my sniffling, “I fucking hate that all of that happened to you. You didn’t deserve any of that. I would never fucking hurt you the way she did, you’re perfect just the way you are. My family absolutely loves you, probably more than they love me. They would never treat you the way those other people did. If my mom knew about this, she would do everything in her power to protect you from hateful people like that. I love you more than anything. Nothing you say to me will scare me away and there’s nothing that would cause me to leave you. I’m in this for the long haul, I promise.” She smiled when I finished while she wiped my tears away and pulled me in for a quick hug. “I love you more, babe,” she whispered in my ear. “Not possible,” I whispered back as we pulled away from our hug. After a few minutes, I get a call from Kelley, “Hey, where are you guys? The team is getting ready for team bonding and dinner so… Come on, lovebirds!” I laugh while letting her know we were on our way as Y/N and I stood up from the bench and headed towards the hotel, our smiles never fading.
The Next Day- Thailand Match
“Alex, wake up,” I hear my girlfriend say as I cuddled more into her, not wanting to wake up just yet, “Come on, babe. We have to get up and go downstairs before they send a search party for us. It’s game day, and you’re not going to make us late.” I groaned as I opened my eyes to see a pretty annoyed face coming from Y/N. “Well, aren’t we happy this morning?” I said, causing her to give me a small smile as she rolled her eyes, “Good morning, baby.” She leaned down and kissed my forehead before saying, “Good morning, sleepy head. And I am happy, by the way. Who gets to wake up next to Alex Morgan every day? That would be me, and that’s definitely something to be happy about. Oh, and it’s game day and I actually get to play today.” She was smiling brightly as she talked, it was adorable. I couldn’t help but let the smile on my face grow as she talked. “Now, as I was saying earlier,” she said as she flipped me over on my back and hovered over me, “It’s time to get up and go down to breakfast so we can go to the stadium.” I rolled my eyes as I said, “Okay, fine. I’m awake.” She grinned at me as I went to pull her down for a kiss. “Nope,” she said as she pulled away and hopped off the bed, leaving me with an upset look, “No kisses till you get up and get dressed so we aren’t late. No, no. Don’t pout at me, we should’ve been downstairs already.” I groaned at the fact that my pouting didn’t work this time as I got up from the bed. “You’re no fair,” I whined as I walked past her, causing her to laugh. “You still love me though,” she said quickly as I stepped into the bathroom. “Mhm, sure,” I say as I peered my head out to look at her with a smirk and a wink.
While I was in the bathroom, I hear a loud banging on the door. “Calm down, I’m coming,” Y/N says before she opened the door. “Why aren’t you at breakfast already?” I hear someone ask after the door was opened. I peered my head out of the bathroom to see Ali and Y/N bickering. “I was just about to come downstairs, I swear,” Y/N said before she realized I was listening to their conversation, “I had to make sure Alex got up since she insisted on oversleeping.” “Hey!” I said as she turned to look at me with a goofy grin, “I didn’t mean to oversleep. I’m up now and almost ready to go, but you can go down with Ali if you want to. I’ll meet you down there. Also, who almost made us late yesterday morning?” Y/N rubbed the back of her neck while she gave me an apologetic smile, knowing I had a point. Ali looked between the two of us before she started giggling. “Why are you giggling, Ali?” Y/N asked while she stood in between us with her arms crossed. Ali continued giggling as she said, “You two bicker more than me and Ash do. And you’ve only been dating for what, almost two months now? You’re like an old married couple.” Y/N groaned as she went to push Ali out of our room while I laughed. “Yeah, yeah whatever you say, mom,” she said once she finally managed to get Ali out in the hallway, “I’ll see you down there, babe. I love you.” “What? It’s cute, Y/N,” I hear Ali say from the hallway with laughter clear in her voice. I smiled at my struggling girlfriend as I said, “I’ll be down there in two minutes, I promise. I love you more, baby.” The last thing I saw before the door closed was her shining blue eyes and a beaming smile. Damn, I could get used to that. It definitely made me get ready a whole lot faster.
Breakfast was uneventful since we were all talking about today’s match and how we needed to show that our team is a force to be reckoned with. Alex ended up sitting with Allie, Kelley, JJ, Crystal, and Becky since I was already at a full table. I was sandwiched between my moms while we sat with Pinoe, Christen, Tobin, and Carli. We talked more and more game tactics before we needed to get on the bus, which only continued for the entire bus ride. “I think if we start off guns blazing we should be pretty good,” Ash said while making a lot of hand gestures. Typical Ash. “Guns blazing?” Ali asked with a skeptical look, “What are you twelve? Jesus, Ash. I love you, but say it in a more grown-up way.” “When has she ever been a grown-up?” I asked with a laugh. That caused our little group to bust out laughing while Ash punches my shoulder. “Hey now,” Ash says through her laughter, “Look who’s talking? What are you like ten-years-old?” After laughing at what Ash said, our conversation fell back into game tactics with more grown-up words. When the bus came to a stop maybe 30 minutes later, Jill stood up and gave out instructions, “Okay, ladies. I want you to change into your warm-up gear and meet me and the rest of the coaches out on the pitch in the next 20 minutes. We need to get in some more drills before it’s game time. Let’s go!” 
Everyone grabbed their things and rushed off the bus towards the locker room. While I’m walking next to Ash, I feel someone throw their arm around my shoulders. I pulled out my headphones and turned to see who could possibly be messing with me while I get my head in game mode. I should’ve known it was Sonny with her big ass grin. “What do you want, Emily?” I said with a smirk since I knew she didn’t like it when I called her by her first name. “First off, who is this Emily you speak of? Because last time I checked, my name is Sonny,” she said with a fake confused expression, “Second, I was just wishing you good luck. Since I’ll be watching my three very best friends kick ass today.” I smiled at her and thanked her before she ran off with Lindsey to bug Rose and Mal. After we all got changed and went out to the pitch, Jill separated us based on our positions. The warm-up only lasted maybe an hour before we were told to go back to our locker rooms to get dressed for the match. “You ready, kiddo?” Ali asked while I finished tying my cleats, “I know you’ve been out of it for the past two weeks, so it’s alright to be nervous.” I smiled up to her as I stood up, meeting her gaze. “I’m more than ready, mom,” I say with confidence, “I’m actually not nervous, for once. I feel like this match is going to be fucking amazing.” She laughed as she pulled me in for a hug. “Don’t smother the starter, babe,” Ash says as she walks up to us, “She’s got some ass to kick.” I laughed along with them as I gave Ash one of our bear hugs. “Hey, don’t smother me either!” Ash said while trying to get out of my grasp. I let go and gave her an apologetic smile as she patted the top of my head with one of her goofy grins. “Ladies,” Jill says from the doorway a moment later, “It’s time to get in the tunnel. Let’s go!” As I walked between my moms towards the door, I catch Alex’s eyes. She smiled at me, which I returned, and mouthed ‘I love you’ before she went to the front of our line. I didn’t have to answer her because she knew I loved her almost as much as she loves me. I’ll talk to her during halftime, we need to stay focused on the task at hand. While in the tunnel, all I hear is white noise while I drown out the sound of the crowd. 
Our first match of the tournament, here we go.
To Be Continued
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clubdolan · 5 years
Military Brat -- G.D.
idk it was an idea and i couldn’t think of an ending but i wanted to get it typed up
Grayson stretched his neck out and looked at his alarm clock; 3:23 a.m. 
And no one was sleeping next to him.
“Bub, come on.. back to bed, you’ll wake up if he calls..” He grabbed her hand, trying to pull her from the couch. She sat in her pajamas, his clothes, phone in hand, zoned out at the television in front of her.
“Els, c’mon..” He tugged, forgetting the whole reason he was awake was to go to the bathroom. 
“He said yesterday or today, at his lunch time... which is eleven to one which is two to four in the morning here.” She gripped harder onto her phone, checking the screen for the thousandth time that night. “Thirty minutes.”
Grayson sighed, letting go of her hand, “Give me a minute.”
A few minutes later he was back with a bottle of water and a blanket from his bed. “Come on, lay down.”
“I can’t fall asleep.” Elsa groaned, checking her phone again. He pulled her back to his chest and the blanket over her lap, “Gray, I can’t.”
“I’ll stay awake, I’ll hold your phone, you need to go to sleep.” He pulled her head onto his chest and tried to grab her phone but she wouldn’t budge. He didn’t fight it, he just wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her tighter.
Elsa sat up quick, looking at her phone. “I missed it, I probably--
“It’s been fifteen minutes.” He rubbed her back, “I will wake you up if anything pops up on your phone, I promise.”
She leaned forward, her face in her hands, “He’s not gunna call.”
“He’s going to call, he still has ten or fifteen minutes.” 
Elsa held in her sobs, trying to hide her tears from him but he already knew she was crying. Her dad was an Army Major stationed in Germany and she hadn’t spoke to him in two months and hadn’t seen him for almost a year. Her mother had passed away from cancer two years ago and she followed her dreams and moved to LA to continue dancing, which led her to him.
She was a back-up dancer in music videos, at concerts, awards shows and more. Her Instagram had gained a following which led to modeling and sponsorships and now she was considered an ‘influencer’.
She kept her family life off of the internet. All that anyone knew was that her mom had passed from cancer. Of course Grayson knew every detail, every story she told him good or bad, every memory she could remember with her dad and mom in Germany when she was younger, at their first US house in Virginia, their second US house in Texas. He felt like he knew her whole family but in reality, he had never met them.
He continued rubbing her back until she turned around and dug her face into the blanket in his lap, crying harder. “Els, c’mon bub.” He pushed her hair from her face, “I know this has been planned for weeks, he hasn’t forgot. Maybe a meeting has gone too long and he’s taking a late lunch?”
“I don’t know.. I just wish I could text him.. or email him. Or he would let me know somehow.. I just wait and wait--
She went silent as her phone vibrated, a little tune playing from it, DAD going across the screen.
“Oh my god, hi dad.” She cried out, now tears of happiness were flowing. 
“Hi Elsie-bug, sorry it’s so late, a meeting went a little long...” Grayson heard a muffled voice and left her on the couch, pushing the blanket around her shoulders. “Fill me in on everything, I’ve got a while.”
Grayson fell back asleep, hearing her little laugh every now and then & as he woke back up at six, he was still alone in bed. 
Elsa sat on the couch, sun peeking through the windows, smiling down at her phone as she typed away. “Morning, Gray!” She spoke up, giving him a smile. “My dad has an email I can send things to right now, so I’m pretty much blowing up his inbox while he’s working, I don’t know when it’ll be shut down.”
“Please.” She groaned, thinking of how empty her stomach was. With her head still down she followed Grayson into the kitchen, “Remember when we went to Universal and got stuck on The Mummy ride?” She laughed, attaching the picture to an email and typing a caption. “I just want to send him my whole camera roll.”
“Please don’t send him your whole camera roll or he will not let you date me.”
“He probably wouldn’t even let me have a phone.” They both laughed, “He doesn’t know if he will be able to come home in the next two months. It could be six months before he’s back.”
“That sucks, but at least you can email him now, keep in contact more often. Tell him how great I am before I eventually meet him someday.” He sat a bowl of oatmeal in front of her, “I will eventually meet him, right?”
“Of course.” She finally put her phone down and sat on the counter to eat breakfast. Grayson walked back and forth making a protein shake for him and a smoothie for her; both chocolate peanut butter.
“I’m going to go workout--
“I’m going to sleep.”
“You’re making me work out alone?” He groaned, “But.. fine.”
“Bring your sweaty, little body back to bed when you’re done.”
“I can’t believe you just called me little.” He walked towards her, standing between her legs. “My sweaty, little body.”
“Sweaty... little... body...” She poked at his chest, “The smallest I’ve ever seen. You say you drink protein? Do you even have leg day?” Grayson laughed as she pulled his shirt off of him, “You call that a six-pack?”
“It’s practically an eight pack” he leaned forward, pinning her between the coffee machine and himself. 
Elsa grabbed his arms, her nails scraping along the back, “Your arms are so small, do you work out or just sit on the floor in there? These are pitiful. I ca--”
“You can talk shit about my arms all you want but I know you can get off by just thinking about them, so I’d shut up if I were you.” He mumbled against her mouth, leaving a quick kiss before going to their gym.
Elsa kicked off her shorts and shirt, putting on the shirt she had just taken off Grayson as she buried herself in the sheets exactly where he had laid the night before.
@ElsaOwens: 6:45am = Perfect bed time.
---reply: No I wasn’t partying, I didn’t just get home, I finally got to talk to my dad after two months of waiting. #armybratproblems 
She didn’t even remember putting her phone down before she was woken up by a weight dropping down on her whole body. Without thinking she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the side of his head, “I’m still sleeping.”
“Do you want me to order you lunch with mine? Sushi.”
“My usual please.” She kissed the side of his head again before unwrapping her arms, expecting him to get up. 
“I’m tired.”
“Take a nap.” She tapped the top of his head, beginning to play with his hair.
“I want under the blanket.” He whined, standing up on his knees to push the whole blanket back before he dove back on top of her, shoving his head into her chest.
“You’re ... damp.”
“It’s my sweaty, little body.” He mimicked her, “Cardio and upper-body today.”
“Fuck-yeah upper body.” She rubbed her hands around on his stomach. 
“Ohh, fuck yeah upper body.” He made fun of her, pushing his shirt up her body, “Your naked.”
“I’m naked.” She giggled, watching him lay his head back down on her chest.
“I’m happy you got to talk to your dad today.” It was a cute moment, really it was. Elsa watched his eye lashes flutter close and she knew he really meant it. Her whole attitude had done a flip in the best way possible.
“You can’t get all touchy with me and then mention my dad.” Her finger trailed up and down his arm, leaving goosebumps along the way. “That’s like me teasing you and then mentioning Eth--
“Don’t fucking say his name.”
“---than.” She finished, pausing her finger. “Ruins it, doesn’t it?”
“I’ll still fuck the living day lights out of you. I don’t give a shit about my brother.” He mumbled into collar bone, “I hope he hears every second of it.”
“He left before you woke up. Surfing with Kyle or something?” She flinched as Gray bit into her skin, “Ugh, fuck, Gray.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grayson’s voice felt shaky and he wasn’t even talking. His phone screen was dark and he waited impatiently for it to light up, he didn’t have much time, Elsa would be home in almost an hour.
A foreign number popped up and with a shaky hand he slid the bar over and answered it, “Hello?”
“So you’re Grayson? The one my daughter won’t shut up about?” A man laughed on the other line, “It’s nice to... somewhat, meet you.”
“You too, sir.” Grayson had tried to prepare but he didn’t want Elsa to know her dad was calling him. He had snuck her phone, copied the address and sent a short email to him. Days later he was on the phone, soon talking to her dad like they were old friends.
“I’m exhausted.”
“You’ve been on the phone for thirty minutes, what’s that exhausting?” Ethan asked from the other couch, pulling his ear buds out.
“It was Elsa’s dad and I’m trying to plan a surprise for her to see him.” He sighed, “Well I think I just did plan a surprise for her to see him......” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
They came up with a fake video idea so them filming with Kyle didn’t seem suspicious. Elsa tagged along as they ran a few places just wasting time until her dad had landed.
“I’m not in this video, I’m not doing it...... what?” She asked, holding her own Target bag in hand walking to Ethan’s Jeep.
Grayson took the bag from her and put it in the car, “We just have to run and get Ricky at the airport, Kyle forget he said he’d pick him up.”
“Okay?” She looked at him funny, as if they needed her permission to go somewhere. “I’m literally just here to be here. I have no plans.”
Over an hour later they pulled into the airport parking lot and got out of the car, “Can’t he just walk--
“No we’re going in to get him, it’s a foreign flight and he’s got like three bags and we want to embarrass him with a sign.” He held his hand out and she grabbed onto it, pushing her sunglasses back to hold her messy ponytail in place. 
It took everything in him not to shake as they walked towards the airport. He knew Ethan and Kyle were behind them, filming, knowing exactly what was going on.
They all stood at the foreign arrivals gate, Ethan handed a rolled up poster to Elsa and had her hold it up to ‘see if it would fit in frame’. With a lousy smirk she held it up, watching him and Grayson keep backing up until it was all in frame. 
“Perfect! Now read the sign!” Grayson yelled, pointing down. 
Elsa was ready to read something dumb about Ricky, see an edited photo of him or some practical joke pulled on her but her eyes teared up as she read out loud, “I’ve waited a year to see my dad and I have no idea he’s right behind me.”
Her body froze and she dropped the sign and turned around. Her dad stood before her, Army fatigues and a bouquet of flowers.
The next few minutes was a whirl-wind. She hugged her dad for as long as possible, she cried the most she had in months, she didn’t even remember they were in airport or in public or that she was being filmed until her dad sat her down and said they could probably, “get going now.”
As she wiped her face off she saw Grayson standing next to her dad’s bags, holding her purse she had dropped on the floor with a little smirk on his face. “No way... no... you didn’t...”
“Nice to finally meet you, Grayson. In person.” Her dad stuck his hand out and Grayson shook it.
“In person.. so... wait, what?”
“I’ve talked to him a few times.. on the phone..” He acted cocky for keeping the secret. “Ethan and Kyle went to get the Jeep and your car is almost here. You’ve got dinner reservations with your dad.”
Elsa turned to look at her dad, back to Grayson then back to her dad, “All his idea.” Her dad said, looking at Grayson. 
“I can’t believe you.” She hugged him, starting to cry again. “I wanna be mad at you for not telling me but I can’t.”
He squeezed her tight, he felt her cry again, he felt her heart beating fast and could tell it meant everything to her. “He had a week off so we figured something out, you’ve got things all week to do with him.”
“With us, you’re coming with us, right Grayson?” Her dad spoke up.
Elsa nodded her head quickly, “Yes, he is. If he can. Can you?”
“I have a meeting one day but I can probably work the others out.” Elsa squeezed his arm and dug her head into his shoulder, “But dinner tonight is just you two. It’s already paid for. It’s your favorite place.”
They walked to the black SUV waiting outside and talked about the upcoming week, “It’s like two worlds colliding..” Elsa explained, “A good colliding.”
She kept her goodbye with Grayson short and sweet, her dad had never seen her with a boyfriend, let alone one she had been with for a while or one that went to this amount of planning to surprise her.
Grayson went to shake his hand but her dad hugged him, “Thank you, Grayson. For taking care of her.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At midnight Elsa came running into Ethan and Grayson’s house as if someone was chasing her. “Where’s--
“He’s working out.” Ethan mumbled through a bite of food. 
She dropped her bag, shoes and whatever she could before rounding the corner and bursting into their workout room. Music was blaring and Grayson was laying on the ground, eyes squinted close as she silently counted sit-ups.
He almost started throwing punches when a body was on top of him, grabbing his face and straddling his chest. “I can’t fucking believe you.”
“Holy shit, bub. I almost hit you.” He sighed in relief, relaxing his muscles as they fell to the floor. “I’m glad you were surprised, I thought you would have figured it out by now.”
“I had zero idea.”
“Good.” He laughed, “Why are you here so late? You have to be up early tomorrow to get--
“I couldn’t sleep.” 
“I didn’t want to sleep.”
“I just.”
“I wanted to come say thank you.” Her thumb brushed along his stubbly chin, “So, thank you.”
Grayson’s hands slid up her back and he pulled her down to meet him better, “You’re so very welcome.” 
Their lips pulled apart and she couldn’t stop looking at him. The love of her life, had taken his own time, his own money, to give her the best gift of all time. “I still can’t believe--
“Believe it.” He laughed, “None of this is fake.” 
Grayson groaned into her mouth as she kissed him again, sliding her body down his. “I know Ethan’s coming in here to run so please let’s go to my room or literally anywhere else but here.” He quickly said, sitting up with her on his lap. 
She didn’t answer, she kept kissing him and he kept kissing back. “You’re going to be mad....” He tried to talk, “If Ethan walks in here.”
“I don’t even care if my dad asks why I arrive to breakfast with you tomorrow or if I’m wearing your shirt as a dress, I’m staying here tonight.”
idk how to end this bye
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