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Hello! Here's a bit of angst. Part 2 for happy ending??
Trigger warning: Angst, break up, crying. Reader is a teacher cause is the profession that came first skdjs
The Chaos Theory

The butterfly effect, or the chaos theory states that one simple event can lead to bigger events, and change the course of things, the way an action can affect directly another one.
Maybe, going to that convenience store wss your butterfly effect. Maybe, you shouldn't have gone.
However, it wasn't crazy or weird to see your boyfriend in tv, or heard people talking about him since he was a popular, yet, no one had a single clue he was dating you. For the world he was single, until that night.
You were waiting in line to get your things payed, until one of the two girls in front you of let out a tiny scream, making you furrow your eyebrows in confussion.
"What is it?" asked her friend. "Your boyfriend again?"
"Well, not my boyfriend, my husband. There's a twitter account saying Bangchan might be dating! Oh my god, do you think is true?"
Even though you tried to avoid reading those comments or being involved in the media scandal, you couldn't help but pay attention. Was it a leaked picture of you? Do I need to run? You thought to yourself. But you didn't.
"Apparently he's dating this female idol from the latest JYP group. They were seen together a few days ago, look!" The girl showed her friend her phone "They don't look that bad, do they?"
"Nope, not at all. They look great, actually. Would be a pretty couple, I ship them!"
You knew, you absolutely knew. You knew her, you knew he was going to be a guest in their new music video, you knew everything, but you couldn'y say anything. You knew Chan wouldn't even think of cheating on you, you knew Christopher. However, those thoughts were definitely not helping your rising anxiety.
It was something that had been haunting you for months, you met him when he was already popular, and you were beyond proud of everything he accomplished and keep accomplishing. You could deal with the distance whenever he went away on tour, or the nights where he'd arrive late. But you couldn't seem to deal with your own thoughts and how they were tearing you apart.
You moved back home, thinking about how different your lifestyles were, and the dark clouds were adding drama to that moment.
When night came, you couldn't control it anymore, your eyes were already teary and puffy, and you thanked god your roomate wasn't there so you didn't have to give any explanations. You put on a jacket, grabbed the keys to her car, and headed to Chan's dorm. You knew the kids were not going to be there, so it seemed the perfect timing.
"Baby? Hey! What are you—" Chan said welcoming you, but interrupting himself when his smile fade away, noticing your tired, teary eyes. "What happened, y/n?
He was about to pull you in his arms, but instead of jumping to him, you moved aside and let yourself inside the building, making Chan look at you in confussion and concern. He turned around, searching for you eyes.
"Chan we... We need to talk, can we?"
"Yeah, we need. And you're scaring me, like... a lot" he chuckled a bit, keeping his smile. But out of being nervous.
"I–..." you cut yourself, feeling your throat getting tight. "I've been thinking a lot and... Maybe..." after taking a deep breath, you looked back at him "maybe this isn't right?"
"This? What is this? Could you explain it better, yeah?" His soft eyes and patience broke you even more.
"Us, Chan." You saw Chris's eyes getting filled with pain, horror, sadness. "This is not easy to say, but... I've been thinking and... Maybe it's better if we take different roads."
"Y/n—ah... I'm not– I'm not getting anything. Why are you bringing this up? I know I don't rest that much or I'm always doing things but—" this time, you interreputed him.
"Exactly. But it is not that I'm mad about it"
"I don't want to drag you down, Channie..." you felt your eyes getting wet, and you bit your lower lip trying to stop your chin from trembling. "You are always trying to move your agenda, getting more time, and... Last time you already got scoled for cancelling an interview and spend the weekend with me. I–... We are from different worlds, Chan. And at some point is gonna... Is not gonna be manageable anymore. I don't want to block you from working hard and your dreams"
You said looking down, while Chan was completely frozen in his spot, his eyebrows furrowed, his adam apple moving when he swallowed hard to keep his tears.
"I'm a grown man, y/n. I do what I want, and I want to be with you, yeah? I know it's hard but-" you interrupted him.
"Chan this is not... there's a lot more behind it" you said as you felt the tears going down your cheeks.
"You read comments again, didn't you? Baby those are not true, and you know that."
Chan took a step closer and denied with his head, he wanted to hug you, kiss you, but the step you took back stopped him from doing so.
"They are, Chris." Hearing his name in that moment was even more painful "I mean, just look at you...And look at me." You sniffed, lifting your arms pointing at him but letting it fall once again "you are an idol, your world is... Unmatchable for me. I'm just a regular teacher, with a reg-" this time, he was the one to interrupt you.
"You're not just a teacher, you have a masters degree, your students love you, you make them feel better, you do much more than I do."
"But it still isn't enough, Chan. You deserve someone at your level... And... Maybe I'm not the one."
And that was the breaking point. Your words grew smaller and weaker syllable by syllable, finally closing your eyes wjth strenght as your tears fell down, uncontrolably, matching Chan's heartbeat that was going crazy, crazy not to shatter into a million pieces.
He took another step closer, finally caging you in his arms, the smell of his perfume giving you instant peace. His hand landed at the back of your head, gently pushing you against his chest.
"You are speaking non-sense...I love you, you make me wanna keep going, and... And we can carry this, yeah?" His voice was soft, yet, you could hear the sadness.
"I love you too, Chris. Way too much... That is why I have to let you go."
You lifted your head and your palm rested on his cheek, thumb caressing his cheekbone. Chan's hand grabbed yours without taking it away from his face, he couldn't.
"Don't say that, come on" at this point, his eyes were red with tears, and both of you were broken of seeing the latter fall down your faces.
"You're the best man I have ever meet, Channie. And... I just hope someone good..." You sniffed hard, being completely unable to finish that sentence. You didn't want him to be with anyone else, but at the same time you felt you were not the one. "Take care, yeah?"
You left a quick and painful kiss on his cheek, before going out as fast as possible, hiding your sobs. Chan stood there, not moving an inch in the middle of the room, only his chin trembling, and tears staining the floor.
Meanwhile, outside, seven boys were happily getting off the van, trying to cover themselves from the rain.
"Ah, Chan-hyung is going to be so happy" Felix said with a smile
"Totally, this new world tour is gonna hype him up so much" I.N added, "Oh, yn-ah is here" he said again with a happy smile when he recognized your car, making the rest of the kids smile as well.
However, you didn't even see them. Or didn't want to. The door closed behind you as you ran past the seven of them, their faces looking at you in confussion when you didn't say hi, but especially, cause they noticed the sobbing and the tears in your face. They look at each other, not understanding anything.
"Lee Know"
Changbin told him, and just by his name he understood. From a time there, you and Lee Know had a very close relation, he became pretty much some sort of big brother, and he was the one who ran after you, calling your name.
"Yn-ah!" He grabbed you by your shoulder, stopping you right before you entered the car.
"Not now, Minho" you said, a sob escaping your lips "please"
"God, I can't let you get go in that state, much less with this rain. What the hell is-" He stopped right in his tracks when you hugged him.
"Take me home, please"
You begged in a whisper, him nodding. He raised his head to look at Han, slightly lifting his shoulders to make him understand he didn't know what was happening either. But they were far from dumb, they knew something between you and Chan must have happened.
When Han turned around, the kids were already walking inside the place. When he got in, he saw Hyunjin sitting next to Chan, his head on his shoulder, and his arm around his torso. On Chan's left was Felix, patiently looking at him. Kneeling in front was I.N together with Changbin, and Seungmin was coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water. Han took a step closer to the group, and with no words he understood why their leader was sobbing hard, looking down while holding his head with his hands and covering his face as his elbows were on his thighs.
Did it really end? Was the only thought for everyone, inside and outisde the building.
Part 2?
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If you miss my writing, this is my latest work, if you like Stray Kids this is your fic, if you like past lives, angst, and fluff, give this a try 😎
Hello there! I'm back to post the first chapter of my fic. Chan appears in this episode, and maybe some other kids, so give this story a try ��� comments always appreciated!
''That thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star'' Francis Thompson.
Everything in the universe as we know it, is somehow connected. One way or another, things are meant to happen. After finishing a regular work day, a somewhat small event drifts you away from your routine, making you meet a man that ignites the fire of doubt in you.
And without even knowing, you are lucky he has the same need to find you.

Chapter 1
Goryeo Period, 1298
Hours felt never ending, and so did the crops. Undoubtedly, working under the almost ever lasting sun felt draining, however, being next to friends and family made the burden feel much easier. Soft yet tired laughs filled the air, one or two jokes, maybe even a deep thought that would come out randomly in the middle of that working session made the day reach its end faster than the usual. There was some sort of pride in being a serf, despite not having the commodities the elite had, she decided to take her life with a different approach, a stronger and more prideful look. Who else were going to feed not only the royalty, but the entire village if not the serfs? After having packed her tools and washed her hands with the last remains of clean water just to get rid of the dirt, you stood up.
—Ah, another day done. I would love to stay here for a bit more, but I promised I would help Haneul with… I can’t even recall. I just know she asked for my help— you said letting out a small giggle.
—Don’t you want me to walk you home? It’s getting late, what if there’s an attack or something similar?
Jae-Sung raised his eyebrows at you full of concern, then taking quick looks around his perimeter as if the enemy troops were right behind the two of you. It was no secret for anyone in the village that the young man had profound feelings for you since you both were kids, however, despite his never-ending attempts to win your heart were no more than just another reason to consider him your best friend. Another laugh escaped your lips as you tilted your head to the side giving him a kind look, the one that made him weak to his knees.
—I’ll be fine. One, the village is not that far away. Two, the sun is still up. Three, we haven’t had any attacks in the last few years, I don’t think my luck is so bad as for one of them happens now, right?
He let out a sight accepting his defeat, using his right hand to scratch his nape in an attempt of showing not much interest in not walk you back home, however, you knew he was a bit disappointed.
—Alright, go. But I will still stop by later just to check if you arrived safe, deal?
—Deal, sir.
—And straight home. Don’t take the long route, I know you.
—Are you my father or something, Jae-Sung?
Arching an eyebrow, you pushed him in a playful and innocent way before giving him a short hug. He denied with his head, still not getting over that stubbornness.
Don’t take the long route, he said. Yet you did, of course. The long way home was by far prettier, the mix of trees with the tone of the sun gave a completely different vibe. Besides, by taking the long route there was the chance to walk nearby the king’s lands, and if you were lucky enough, you could see the horses walking freely on their terrains.
Even if you took that route at least twice a week and knew the path almost by heart, there was something that felt off. Not in a negative way, but there was a new and unknown feeling that didn’t allow you to enjoy the way back home as you used to. You reached to that point where the path got divided, your mother’s words echoed in your head remembering you not to go that way, same your father and grandparents had warned you several times. During your entire life, you follow those instructions carefully and that path even looked a bit scary.
Your thoughts were consuming you, and you didn’t hear the galloping horses until it was too late, as you looked back, at least fifteen horses were approaching to your direction, soldiers on top looking brave and confident, not even noticing your presence. However, and in order not to get hurt you started walking backwards, still mesmerized by the strength the soldier’s king could show just by galloping by. The steps of the horses started to fade out slowly, you fell right back into your present, noticing a different shade of green; a darker one, realizing that there were scenarios around you that were not known. Furrowing your eyebrows, you finally understood, the amount of soldiers passing by you made you take distance, not knowing how or when you ended up in the path you were always warned off.
It was far from looking dangerous, though. That darker green reminded you of the summer, there where some flowers you had never seen before, and you could even tell the air felt different, too. Too focused on those new and beautiful surroundings, you kept your footsteps straight, noticing a different detail by each meter walked. However, despite that lovely scenery, that odd feeling was still there. If you could describe it, was if as you were looking for something, or someone.
You didn’t know for how long you’ve been walking, but after a while it was possible to notice that the straight path was opening at the end, what the distance allowed you to notice, was a wider piece of land looking like a circle, with two more paths parting on the opposite extreme, and you immediately recognized that one of those was the one that you were supposed to take in the first place. Suddenly, the image became less interesting for you could hear some giggles and footsteps and the end of the road you were walking on.
It wasn’t a duo, much less a group. The giggles had the same tone, footsteps the same rhythm. Jae-Sung’s voice appeared in your head, telling you that it might be a trap, an enemy, perhaps. But it made no sense at all, it sounded innocent, maybe even somewhat childish. The curiosity made you keep walking, and the image you witnessed made you open your eyes in surprise.
It was a he, a man who didn’t look older than twenty-five, he had no scars, so you assumed for some reason he had not participated in any battles, his clothing looked perfectly clean, not a speck of dust in them. The man was standing over a tree stem, using one foot to keep balance, then using the opposite one. There were the giggles again, as if they were a sign of victory for taking another step using just his equilibrium. He intrigued you, so far, the only things you could see where the ones previously described, plus his dark and kind of curly hair. Your body stiffened when his left foot slipped off the stem, making his body fall on the ground. He let out a frustrated growl, and you couldn’t help but walk fast towards him. Maybe it was a trap, maybe it was a thief, maybe it was going to be the lass face you’d see. Maybe, it was none of that.
—Oh lord, are you ok? It looked like an ugly fall, are you hurt?
You said with honest concern, using your arms as to try to lift him a bit. Your body stopped reacting when your eyes met his, dark brown, a something that looked like a mole right under one of his eyebrows was. You were right when you were seeing him from his back, his jaw was well defined, and when he gave you a shy and ashamed look, you noticed his eyes getting tinier, and those dimples made you forget about the entire world just for a small fraction of second.
The village wasn’t huge, you knew pretty much everyone who lived there, but that man was someone you had never seen before, because you would have absolutely remembered all those facial traits. But they were new to your eyes.
—I’m ok, I’m ok. Ugh, were you watching? Did you see me fall? Oh my god, so embarrassing.
He giggled again, this time covering his eyes, his ears turning slightly red. When he uncovered his eyes, both of you looked at each other with curiosity, as if both had something to say that have been keeping for so long, however, no words left your mouth, or his. Time felt solid during those small seconds, and drifting out of your thoughts you offered him a hand to help him stand back up again.
—I saw you, yes. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.
—Ah, thank you. Is it a promise?
—You have my absolute word.
You smiled at him and vowed slightly as a gesture of respect towards your new promise, putting your index finger on top of your lips showing your words were absolutely sealed. The man smiled back at you, using both hands to get rid of some dust that was now on his clean clothes.
—I’m curious, though. What were you even doing there?
—I just… I don’t know. I wanted to see how long I could last keeping my balance. Oh, and there is a flower over here, somewhere… That I haven’t been able to find.
—Sounded like a very interesting competition with yourself—You said in between giggles—A flower? What kind of flower?
—It was indeed very interesting until I fell—the man laughed together with you, and at your second question he looked around, as if he was looking what he mentioned— It’s a purple flower, one of my friends needed the pigment to… To make paint, I guess? But I couldn’t find it. And, I have to admit I really love this place. I wanted some time alone just to clear my head.
—I see, well… I saw some flowers while I was walking, but none of them was purple—you furrowed your lips in disappointment— Oh, so did I interrupt you?
—Not at all! I like seeing new people, I don’t get to see new faces quite often. Which makes me wonder, have we met before?
You were about to answer, when once again you could distinguish the sound of the horses and the soldiers. The only difference was that this time you could hear them louder and louder and turning your head to black haired man you saw him sigh in defeat. In no time, horses were now entering that so peaceful space that was only his and yours for some minutes. This time, two soldiers stood next to you and held you by the arms, and the young man just gave them a look to let you go, and they did.
—How many times have we told you, you can’t disappear just like that!
—It’s my life, you know? I can do what I want.
—Yes, but there are regulations and a protocol to follow. We’re leaving, now.
You had absolutely no time to say goodbye, nor ask his name. The soldiers moved away from you as you saw them getting up their horses once again, and the man you just met imitating their actions. Just before they started galloping away from you, he turned his head to you, furrowing his eyebrows down, uttering a ‘sorry’ with his lips. You just nod your head in sign of comprehension, yet you were absolutely confused. Who was that man, and why were the king’s soldiers after him with such concern?
Finally, when night arrived, you were home. And as he had promised, Jae-Sung was sitting next to your father talking about the next job for upcoming days. Your mind was still stuck on those earlier events, feeling way too curious about him. His face was imprinted in your mind, and you could still remember each facial feature, the way he laughed, or how he looked at you.
—Did you hear the news? —your mother said.
—What news? Oh, the soldiers being here today? Yes, yes. I saw them and I was hoping they were here for me. I know one day he is going to propose— Ji-Hon, your younger sister stated.
—He doesn’t even know you.
—He will. And he will love me, hug me in those big arms of his, and we will have three children.
—Can someone tell her to stop daydreaming and tell me what happened today?
You said laughing at your younger’s sister delusion, ever since she saw that soldier she had been in love. Your attention went back to Jae-Sung, who apparently was the only one interested in telling you the news.
—The king’s soldiers were here today; they said the heir got away from the palace again. One witness said they saw him near the village, and they came looking for him. But of course, he wasn’t here, and they just left, didn’t even say thank you. I heard that he was near the tree that fell last winter, apparently he was looking for a flower.
—Are you really going to believe that old lady? She’s the gossip queen, she can’t be trusted. — your sister added in return.
—Yeah, but… She looks wise. Sometimes.
Right before your sister started speaking, your attention went away again. They found him where the tree stem was? Looking for a flower? The heir? If you were curious before, you were even more curious now. Certainly, you were not a fan of the elite, so you had no idea who were the ones that composed the palace, just the king. That very same night, when your body laid to rest, it did all the opposite. Your mind was still running in circles, maybe, him being such an important person would explain the soldier’s concern.
The night at the palace was bright, full of light and in the center the table was full of freshly made food. The heir had already been scolded by almost everyone, but he was finally able to sit down and relax his meal, even though it was a bit hard due the different voices around him, much more because his mind was still thinking about that girl whose name remained unknown.
—Hey, you still here with us, Chan? — one of the young men moved his hand across the black-haired man. —
—Apparently, he isn’t. Jisung, if he isn’t here give me the peaches he is clearly neglecting.
—Hey, no! I’m here, I’m here. Just tired. — He said giving a tiny slap to the hand that was approaching to his fruit, the man just let himself fall on the ground accepting defeat, stretching his body and letting out a throaty noise, he looked pretty much like a cat.
—You don’t look just tired. We know you don’t sleep, but now you look… off. Your mind is definitely somewhere else.
—I agree with Yongbok, your mind is not with us—the youngest of them said.
—Is just…I want to be outside; I don’t want to be hiding here forever, there’s a lot I want to do. And… I might need your help.
—No—the man with cat attitude said, but sitting immediately, paying attention to the leader’s words.
—Don’t even think about it.
Chan just chuckled at those reactions, he knew them very well, and he knew that they were just being annoying as usual. He looked down for a second, fidgeting with his fingers. Other than go out and enjoy every single day as a regular human being, he felt curious about you. There was something that was calling him, something telling him to go and find you. And the only people who could help them, where the four men in the room, plus the other three who at the moment, were fulfilling other duties.
—I need you to help me sneak out tomorrow. —Chan said, absolutely determined.
#bang chan#bang chan scenarios#stray kids scenarios#bang chan imagines#ao3#books#bang chan stray kids#chan imagines#stray kids#bang chris#chan#christopher bang#bang chan scenario
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Long time no see, people!
It has been a while since I last posted here, and this post is a goodbye. I'm forever thankful for all of you and your support 🫰🏻.
I will be directing my writing towards other fandoms, such as SKZ this time. If you wanna read some of my new works there or stop by the ask box, you can find me here @thndrs-wrtr
I'll be more than happy to see you in my new house❤️🩹
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Seriously thinking about turning this blog into a SKZ blog cause I have imperative need to talk about them and maybe even write, idk what should I do SKDJSJ
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Hellooo I'm so happy ur taking requests again and the only thing I request is to continue bby kaji serie plz he's so cuuuute😭😭😭
Baby Kaji has a really special place in my heart (not cause I've developed a lot of him hfsdkj) but really, thank you for not forgot about him and wanting me to continue writing about that boy 😭😭 currently, I don't have any request about him so if you have one or an idea feel free to let me know!!
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Man I wanna start an Aki x Reader blog now 🥲

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hello hello! i've been doing well gnnhnfh dabi nation woke the fuck up after this i bet
ive been rotating this man like a rotisserie chicken, he's well seasoned by now
how've you been??
Yes! Dabi has been on every single one of my social media today and I'm happy him and the dabi nation are back ksdjsjdj
Like a rotisserie chiken omg😂😂 I get the feeling, been doing the same tbh sjsjsk
I've been doing good!! Working freelance and little time to write but I'm half back and enjoying this again!
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Maybe write about ragging on Dabi's cheap ass hair dye job fjdjdj
OMG HI! LONG TIME NO SEE, I REMEMBER YOU!!! How have you been?
I'll try with a drabble since I stopped writing for like a year... Hope it doesn't suck jsdkdk
"...Don't you think your hair dye color should... stick a little longer?"
"What do you mean?"
You smiled as Dabi turned around with furrowed eyebrows, as if he was offended.
"I mean... one single drop, and your whole vengance plance is going down the sink. If you wanna keep your identiy as a secret... its not kinda working" you added between giggles while watching dye his hair in... not the most professional way.
"Shut the fuck up. It's the best I can do"
"Try to get one that's... better quality, otherwhise you look like you don't shower and stink."
Dabi walked towards you, encolsing you between his body, and the cold bathroom wall just to whisper
"Do I really? That's not what you said"
You could feel his breath on you, the roughness of his exposed skin near your body. You would have kept your serious and flirty look if only, a drop of black dye wouldn't have fallen on the bridge of your nose.
"See what I meant?" You chuckled and walked away from his body prison. "Stay here. I'll go get you something better. I don't want to end up full of cheap hair dye."
"You're a pain in the fucking ass"
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This just hit 5 notes but... SEND IN REQUESTS JDJSJFJS.
Sorry, today's episode had me hyped up and I'm doing nothing... writing sounds interesting.
I feel like writing again. Would you all be interested in having requests open again? 👀👀👀👀

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Does Kaji’s mom have black hair? i love this series so much... dabi as a father is something i never knew i needed but now i’m addicted
Yes, dear anon. She has black hair!
That series became quite popular back in the date... I'm still amazed on how many people liked it, and honestly I love it. Dabi as a father is... very far from the canon, but mixing it with angst and fluff is simply one of my faves sjdjdjf.
If you all want, I can bring that series back cause I'm flooding ideas!!
#bnha dabi#dabi#mha dabi#bnha+dabi#dabi imagine#dabi my hero academia#aj answers#dabi x y/n#original chatacter#todoroki kaji
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Is ms. kaji mom black haired
Black haired! He got his dark hair from her. However, he has a bit of white at the back of his head, just like tiny Dabi.
Btw in case y'all don't remember... Kaji is my OC. Dabi's kiddo 😂
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Hi! I just want to know like how the reader and Dabi met. Since the reader ain't a villain like how they started their "romance".
Believe it or not... Even if I stopped writing and publishing, I have kept working on this tiny canon universe. Lots of characters together a friend, and different case-scenarios. The reader, which was even given a last name, has a tiny back ground story. Within it, there's also how she met Dabi.
In her 19 years old, she was going back home from her work when some guys randomly harrassed her. As the stubborn woman she is, she fought back but when it was four it became harder. When she was about to give him, she felt the heat. Two seconds later, men were... carbonized. She panicked but couldn't move cause of the shock.
"You looked way pathetic trying to fight for your life."
"I didn't need them to be murdered"
"Did you wanna get murder instead?"
"...thank you"
"Stop shaking."
Pretty much that was the first short exchange. She felt... curious about him. So she started doing the same walk back home in order to ran into him again. Which of course, happened.
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How many requests do you have right now?
148... I should try and do at leasg one 😂
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I feel like writing again. Would you all be interested in having requests open again? 👀👀👀👀

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Am I using my most reblogged post? Yes.
I feel like writing again. Would you all be interested in having requests open again? 👀👀👀👀
Dabi dances whenever he's excited🥺

#bnha dabi#dabi#mha dabi#bnha+dabi#dabi imagine#dabi x reader#boku no hero academia#dabi headcanons#dabi my hero academia
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