#inspiration: Harry Potter incorrect quotes
a-great-tragedy · 2 months
Marauders powerpoint night
Mary: Marriage material? Or to the streets? Featuring James, Sirius, Marlene, Barty, and me.
Regulus: Who would survive the hunger games, who would die, and why (Spoiler: I win)
Sirius: How I would escape prison
Peter: How I would get away with murder
Lily: Keeping up with the valkyries (My friends as the Kardashians)
Pandora: My summoning spirts routine <3
James: Regulus hasn’t done anything wrong and I love him
Evan: Why you should donate your bodies for me to dissect
Remus: Rating public places I have cried at
Marlene: Things I would do for an electric guitar but it gets worse
Dorcas: Our celebrity scandals
Barty: Birds aren’t real, an essay
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*Y/n and Draco on a date, sitting on a park bench*
Draco: It's very nice date. Me and you Y/n...
Draco: Theo
Draco:… and your best friend between us.
Theo (eating ice cream): You want some?
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roselookingatthemoon · 2 months
Lily and Regulus are learning together in the Great Hall and Remus excitingly runs up to them:
Remus: Guess what?
Lily: You can finally ride a broom properly?
Remus: No.
Regulus: You got the potions homework right for once?
Remus: ...no.
Lily: Do we get a hint?
Remus: Something I talked about recently.
Lily: Did something happen with Professor Ferox?
Remus: Lily!
Regulus: You made a move on my brother?
Remus: Guys, who do you think I am?
Lily: A hormonal teenager who falls for every other guy.
Remus: ...
Regulus: So what is it?
Remus *puts a book down*: My new book arrived...
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ron: on a scale from one to ten, how bad of an idea do you think it would be if we got married?
harry: off the charts. lets do it.
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daddiesdrarryy · 8 months
Hermione, to Ginny: I was thinking maybe I could have, like a breast reduction surgery
Pansy *in the distance*: NOOOOO!
Hermione: It’s a boob reduction, Pansy, just accept it
Pansy: Acceptance is stage five. I’m grieving, Hermione, there are five stages of grief. Stage one was denial
Pansy: This is not happening
Hermione: Yes it is
Pansy: This is not happening
Hermione: Yes it is
Pansy: You’re not getting a boob reduction
Hermione: Yes I am
*end of flashback*
Pansy: Stage two was anger
Pansy: Your breasts belong to all of us! Who are you to decide?
*end of flashback*
Pansy: Next will be stage four, depression. And then stage five, acceptance. But now, I’m firmly planted in stage three, bargaining
Pansy: Dear Salazar, if you stop Hermione’s breast reduction, I will circumcise Ron
Hermione: …
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fangirlingismygame · 27 days
Sirius (at 3am probably): Hey, why aren't koalas considered bears?
Remus (trying to sleep) : Because they're marsupials
Sirius: BecAUsE TheY're mArSUPIals, No! It's cause they don't have the right koalifications
Remus: 😑
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nixster627 · 2 years
Jin Ling: My dad didn't strut, and neither do I.
Wei Wuxian: We called him peacock for a reason.
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riverxsong-ao3 · 9 months
Harry: Look, Tom, I found us this spooky Muggle movie to watch! It's called "The Ring." Tom: *looking it up* It's about... a cursed video that kills you a week after you watch it. And they show the cursed video in the movie?! Harry, shrugging: And? Tom: Harry, I am going to say this as nicely as I can. Throw that blasted movie straight into the fire.
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a-great-tragedy · 2 months
Barty: *Walks past Evan with a knife*
Evan: Is that for your father?
Barty: ….yes
Evan: *takes Barty’s knife away from him* I don’t think so
Evan: *hands Barty a machete* There, much better
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redadidassneakers · 2 years
James: I’m uno
Sirius: I’m dos
Remus: and I’m cuatro
Random guy: what happened to très?
James: we do not speak of très
Random guy: oh
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crackishincorrecthp · 2 years
*Harry, Hermione & Ron are just having a bit of fun together* Random Hogwarts student: Shouldn't you be doing something to stop You-Know-Who instead of having fun, Potter? Ron: Hermione: Harry: Hermione: And...3...2...1. Harry: Are you fucking insane?!Do you think I'm not fucking trying?! When I was 11 I killed our DADA Professor 'cause he had Voldy in the back of his head; I've fought and killed a fucking basilisk and also a younger version of Voldy as well when I was 12; when I was 14 I fought Voldy and saw as he killed a friend right infront of me and when I was fucking 15 I was called crazy, insane, attention seeker, unhinged and many other things by everyone just because you all refused to see the truth. Everyone decided I was pure evil just because of a fucking language I can speak, but then I saved the school so that was okay and I never got any apology for the insults and the bullying...You have some nerve coming here and treating me like some kind of emotionless weapon when I'm a fucking human being and I'm only fucking 16. So get the fuck out here and never talk to me or my friends again. Random Hogwarts student: Ron: You heard him! Don't just stand there! Go away! Hermione: Usually I would be nicer, but you really overstepped. So, go away!
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ron: that's not funny
harry: i thought it was
hermione: you don't count. you started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on facebook
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Ron: Are you a witch or not?
Hermione: Not really! I've only known magic existed for a year
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lolli-says-stuff · 4 months
Voldemort: That’s it you’re on time out, get on the fucking stone!
Harry: this house is a fucking nightmare!
Inspired by this fanfic :)
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wolfstarluver · 2 years
i am a firm believer that james potter was a bob dylan stan
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motherfvckingmoony · 1 year
Sad James/Remus Friendship
*Remus helping James with his homework*
James: I love you, Moony.
Remus: it’ll pass.
*James after Remus gave him relationship advice for Lily*
Remus: it’ll pass.
*After James and Remus have a heart-to-heart*
James: y’know we all love you Remus. I love you.
Remus: it’ll pass.
*Remus standing by James’ grave after he died*
Remus, whispering: I love you too, Prongs.
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