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gliartigianisulweb · 1 month ago
basi in legno a foglia oro Basi in legno, teche e scarabattole con lavorazione barocca per presepi, pastori, natività, statue, vasi, modellismo, manufatti, ostensorio, processioni, realizzabili con qualsiasi fregio e misura, realizzate a mano in legno con fregi in pasta di legno e decorate con foglia oro o argento da maestri decoratori. Lavorazioni artigianali come vuole l’antica tradizione napoletana tramandata dai maestri della scuola partenopea. Personalizziamo misure e decori. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKUrq6dhTAM
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rosekasa · 7 months ago
please someone validate me and tell me im not insane. ive been getting so into writing what happens in london and getting my head into ladybug's pov that when im vibing in my day to day life i keep forgetting that i am not the one in a relationship, ladybug is
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dandyleyen · 1 month ago
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Twitter post | Finally got around to drawing Sol and Anya interacting. The girls <3
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blastzachilles · 14 days ago
tashi x mechanic!reader …. self indulgent af but would anyone be interested .
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literalite · 1 year ago
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oc questionnaire!! tagged by @mattodore 💞🥰
name: kristopher volkov nickname: everyone calls him kris :D he and greg use their last names for each other though ("volkov" "lunvik"). very boy gender: trans male he/him star sign: pisces sun (help him) cancer moon (HELP HIM) taurus rising (HELP HIM.....) height: 5’6 sexual orientation: gay nationality/ethnicity: he's vietnamese (tho he doesn't actually know this) but he's lived in america all his life. hasn't ever actually left oregon actually probably never will fav fruit: greg no sorry uhh god plums probably fav season: (american voice) fall! fav flower: had to go googling for this but penstemon specifically the red ones fav scent: is it too vague if i say like. tea steeping? coffee, tea or hot choc? tea ftw avg hours of sleep: hes nineteen years old dude i would say like either 4 hours or 8 no inbetween dogs or cats: looks directly at the camera. WOLVES. altho by extension thats dogs yeah dream trip: honestly i do not think he dreams of going like. anywhere he's completely content with staying put right where he is number of blankets: just the one he runs hot as most wolves tend to do. its super comfy cosy though greg's mum made it for him when they were like 7 so hes had it forever random fact: he has a really nice singing voice i think but unlike me hes rlly shy about it so hardly anyone ever had heard him sing
IM SO LATEEEEE AAAAAA okay tagging @itsmariejanel @tricoufamily @goldenwaves @orphyd @sashima yayyyy yayyyy
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shizunitis · 6 months ago
“what do you want to be when you grow up?” sitting across from shizun at dusk, listening to him speak and paying such close attention to the movement of his mouth, the wind’s gentle jostling of his hair, and the almost-imperceptible shifting of his weight every so often, while i stare adoringly and with open affection at him. between us, food and drink, and shizun’s fan discarded so that he can use both hands to gesture as he continues to regale me with stories and anecdotes and lessons i’ve already heard but never tire of. behind us no history, before us no future, only the comforting weight of the moment. i forget myself and drink too much, and he lets me rest my head on his lap. he doesn’t stop speaking, knowing i’ll sulk if he does, but instead lowers his voice, trying to trick me into resting. i allow myself to fall asleep not because i’m tired but because it’s the only thing i can think to do with shizun’s hand warm against my forehead and his scent so close.
or maybe a doctor i don’t fucking know. what are you a cop
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I’m finding myself finally understanding robo vore/endo but in very niche situations.
Like imagine a daycare worker or an attendant of some kind to this entertainment animatronic. They work with kids so they’re always exhausted lol. The animatronic is like twice the size of them and sentient. They get along fine, though it’s not really understood how sentient the animatronic is.
The animatronic is nice to the worker and vice versa bc it’s in their nature but it’s really just assumed that the animatronic is following programming to keep kids content and all that jazz. the worker finds it uplifting none the less.
And like, for some reason or another, the attendant ends up in their stomach/chest hatch. Maybe for a safety lockdown, maybe to fix something, maybe because the kids were finally too damn much and they couldn’t take it that day, they were prone to falling asleep standing and the animatronic took charge.
And this was supposed to be a normal, albeit uncommon thing. It’s professional. It’s a safety procedure even.
But the worker finds themselves closed into the robot that has been kind to them, that is literally programmed to be charming, likeable. And they find themselves tuning into the whirrs and clicks of machinery, And they find it….. comforting??? Pleasant?? It might be freaky being at the mercy of machines but it was pleasant being so close. This was their co-worker… their friend? The more time they spend in there the more they realize that yes, these interactions are real and alive. Maybe the animatronic and worker are chatting while this is all going down, and that conversation really hammers it in. They’re inside a kind caring and strong robot who thinks highly of them. They’re the closest they can be.
And the robot, Who now currently has the only adult human that treats them like a person, is stunned. They’ve had other maintenance workers in there from time to time, and it didn’t really matter at all. Not good or bad. Now, this human, who they genuinely care about, is quite literally protected by the robot’s thick layers of metal and machine. The human is protected by something way way way more durable. it can feel it’s power have to work just a little harder to compensate for that weight, their joints moving just a bit slower. And the robot feels a sense of pride. The robot finds something that drives it outside of its programming. The worker.
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passwordispassword · 1 year ago
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happy valentines day or whateva
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seriousbrat · 6 days ago
I thought this might be interesting haha, here are my notes/reference sheet for the different POV characters and what I try to keep in mind when writing their voice!
edit- I should probably add that this is for my band AU, so the characters are all in their 30s and famous, so some of these are slightly different than what I might use for canon.
Questions, uptalk—‘isn’t it’ etc
Positive tone, exclamation points!
A bit rambly
Mainly informal, but polite
A bit cheeky, can get a bit swept up in things
Kind when she speaks of others
Eloquent, formal
Well thought-out/articulated phrases
Slightly ironic, darker tone
Veers into poetic at times
Self-deprecating but also condescending
Often insulting but in a subtle way
Says ‘anyway’ a lot
Frequent ellipses…
Self-aggrandisement, frequently lies or bends the truth in his favour, exaggerates own role in events
Questionable memory; forgets or misuses words
Informal tone, gets distracted
Lack of self-awareness—sometimes offensive
Some bitterness, overall nostalgic tone
Informal tone but articulate
Says ‘right’ a lot, and ‘know what I mean?’
Easy sense of humour
Insightful; some sadness/regret
Occasionally offers political opinion (more than the others)
Incisive commentary, frequent reflections on the nature of things
Eloquent, well-spoken
Frequent swearing/crude language (more than the others)
Ironic, cutting—darker tone but often sarcastic, often insulting
Direct, doesn’t filter himself
Calm, unbothered-- doesn't really get emotional
Tries to be formal, sometimes slips
Self-deprecating, frequently apologises for what he's saying
Frequently backtracks/corrects himself
Restrained; holds things back, lies through omission
Struggle between wanting to be honest and not wanting to admit things
‘Please understand’ and ‘Well’
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viperwhispered · 5 months ago
Alright since I've been enabled... (ty @bibi-cha and @scint1llat3)
Meet Emi Lind
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(made with this here picrew, could do with some adjustments with her hair and stuff, but y’all get the idea)
This is soon after her first arriving to NRC and being admitted along with Grim. The uniform’s a bit baggy and ill-fitted (good luck getting clothes from an all boys school to fit on a plus sized girl / woman).
There’s a few alternative looks in my head as time goes on and I kinda touch on them in the post but maybe I’ll detail those another time. But there’s a bit of a symbolic journey to be had here, from out of place and uncomfortable to being unapologetically herself.
Like the comfortable in her skin version would be much more of a metalhead or even a bit of a goth (as much as the school dress code allows, I suppose. I'm still not used to school uniforms being a thing). Probably a long skirt (or dress) as well, or those pants with chains on them. Might even wear a corset on occasion. Definitely like a choker-style necklace and things, perhaps some dragon earrings and things (unless she feels awkward about it because a certain heir apparent).
General information
She definitely struggles, a lot, after finding herself in Twisted Wonderland. (Honestly I really need to think of how she’d make it through some the story beats, because I’m not sure how exactly I could see some of the canonical events suiting her.)
It doesn’t help that she’s frankly terrible at asking for help, and keeps on thinking she needs to handle everything herself.
To add insult to injury, she’s kinda used to cruising academically. Suddenly, she doesn’t have the background knowledge and basic information that everyone else has. She’s definitely cried in class (and is absolutely mortified about it) just because she’s not used to struggling so much.
Plus, like, add in the whole stress to adjusting to everything that’s going on, only having guys as her peers, and basically living by herself all of a sudden - and looking after Grim, too.
In general, she’s very much a planner and an (over)thinker and not exactly spontaneous. She’s also somewhat shy, and the new environment definitely has her withdrawing at first. On the other hand, she’s pretty trusting and idealistic - she’s not totally naive, but she does want to believe the best in people unless proven otherwise, and has generally been quite sheltered in that regard so far.
Despite seeming pretty meek at first, she can be pretty stubborn and set on things she’s decided. She’s also pretty protective and very much ready to defend those close to her. One of the easiest ways to make her angry (which, generally, is pretty rare) is to be unjust to someone she cares about. (Yes she absolutely wishes she could throw hands with some folks in Jamil's life later on.)
She does also love some good banter with people she’s familiar with, and ribbing is definitely a thing with her and adeuce once they get more comfortable with each other.
She’s very much a fiddler and pretty nimble with her hands. She’ll be doodling in class, playing with her pen, or just in general fidgeting with her fingers. At some point, she gets her hands on a skein of yarn and just finger crochets it over and over while studying etc., before getting some more proper tools and things later.
Relationships with some of the cast
She tends to get frustrated with Ace and but heads with him, but once they’re more familiar with each other, it’s very much a bantering kinda relationship.
Has a pretty positive view on Deuce, even if she does think he’s exactly not the sharpest.
Her relationship with Grim can be a bit strained and rocky at times. He’s very chaotic compared to how she likes to do things, and sometimes it gets exasperating almost like another NRC duo we know. It does take her some time to really warm up to him and for them to start understanding each other.
She appreciates Malleus seemingly being someone chill if a little eccentric. However, she has quite the crisis when she realizes who he is. In general, she very much does not know how to deal with royalty or rich people or anything like that, and feels very much like a country bumpkin (for as much as she can remember of her life before Twisted Wonderland). It doesn't help that she's used to being pretty casual with people, and suddenly she has hierarchies and polite forms of address to consider (somehow, it doesn't seem like the teachers here would appreciate being addressed by first name).
She’s wary of Riddle’s temper and tries to keep to the rules while at Heartslabyul. Gets along with the rest of the Heartslabyul gang pretty well tho, and does warm up to Riddle eventually. (There may be a small part of her hoping to get to show him up in something academic one day, even if that's a bit of a pipe dream. She's smart, but not that invested.)
In general, she tends to be unsettled by the more abrasive or loud members of the cast, especially when she’s freshly arrived and still settling in. (See Floyd, Sebek, but also for example Leona and Vil.)
There's definitely the potential for some country bumpkin bonding with Epel. (Also like, with the Finnish elements in the Harveston event, I do wonder if Epel talking of things from his hometown would nudge some things in Emi's memory or just be comfortingly familiar. The way she'd ascend getting some good rye bread and gravlax. Plus they could totally make oven pancakes together.
Jamil doesn't immediately catch her eye, it’s more of a gradual thing (with, uhhh, sure some bumps on the way, more on that in a bit).
Once someone is in her “bad graces”, she'll keep her distance if possible. Basically, if you don’t pass the vibe check, she’ll remember it.
Some story beats
Did I already mention that she struggles to adjust? Because she sure struggles to adjust.
Riddle’s overblot? A lot of shouting, not great, but at least she wasn’t too directly involved.
Leona? Yikes.
Azul, though. He personally came after her & hers, and she sure remembers that. (Octoboy has his work cut out for him if he’d rather stop getting the side eye.)
Before book 4 and the Christmas break, the mood is very much “I swear, if we get yet another crisis, I’ll wring whoever’s responsible”. She’s kinda just desperate for a break. In some ways she’s doing a little better - she actually has adeuce and some other people she actually knows and has gotten more comfortable with, yet in other ways she’s kinda hanging on by a thread with all these crises and things coming her way.
(Visually, as well, I’m thinking that her hair is dyed red. So at this point, it’s been a few months, her roots are definitely showing, but boy has she had other things to worry about than her hair. At least she’s acquired a few nice jewelry pieces / accessories to feel a bit more like herself despite everything. Still, things are not great.)
And then comes book 4 🙃 She gets to know Jamil a bit more, and feels like they’re getting along. Like, a sensible, reliable person in this mess of a school? At least there’s a hint of a silver lining with the whole kidnapping enforced stay.
And then the truth comes to light. Which… doesn’t exactly sit too well with her, for obvious reasons.
Like, I’ve got this vague idea in my head of her being all welp, she thought Azul was bad, suddenly someone else has taken the bottom (top?) spot of folks she’s distasteful of.
Like, not to say she’s wholly unsympathetic, but she sure ain’t chill about the whole thing either.
So, after book 4, she isn’t exactly in the best state.
Jamil, however, does want to fix his reputation, and Emi’s part of that.
So yeah, like I said, very much scattered thoughts at this point. (I mean, I’ve got a few more bits and bobs on like her personality and habits but this is probably plenty enough for one post.) A cookie to anyone who reads this whole thing tho.
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gliartigianisulweb · 1 month ago
Lavabo in pietra lavica Lavabi in pietra lavica: un'opera d'arte per i tuoi ambienti. Ogni lavabo è un pezzo unico, realizzato a mano dai nostri maestri artigiani. La pietra lavica, lavorata con cura e decorata con motivi esclusivi, dona al tuo bagno un tocco di eleganza e originalità. Scegli il tuo modello preferito e rendi il tuo spazio ancora più speciale. #artigianato #pietralavica #ceramica #decori #lavabo #lavabos #lavabosdecorados #lavabodecorado via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKa2jMi_XSE
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thewalkingjez · 3 months ago
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ummmmm . uhm haha uhhhhh 🧟‍♀️
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mikaru-shiran · 9 months ago
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Guess I have an Angelsona now??? Anyways his name is Elias and his fluffy head neither respects the comb nor the law of gravity!!!
Anyways, some tidbits about Elias:
1. His sweater is an extension of his body. Please do not remove. Yes he wears them even if it's hot out.
2. Closeted fudanshi with shelves full of BL, occassional josei and shoujo... And keeps the real kinky stash under his bed, next to his toys.
3. May or may not have jacked off to said stash.
4. Very close to Violet and Moth. Joins Violet in MMO raids sometimes, even.
5. About 164-ish cm (5'3")
6. Sees Haruko as kind of "He's just like me frfr" and also "2D Fictional Crush"
7. Needy Virgin. Very much wants Ren/Redacted but too shy to be forward so he goes a very roundabout way. Makes him easy to tease.
8. Sees Teo as that difficult uni friend that you can't quite break off from lest it destroys the whole group's dynamic. So he just bears with it.
14 Days With You (c) cutiesai at itch.io
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lore-gore · 1 year ago
I don't have a problem with people changing hazbin hotel characters sexualities to ship characters so long as they don't erase their identity entirely. You want to ship Angel with Vaggie? Make them both bi or pan or mspec/fspec! You want to ship Alastor? Sure! Just keep him on the aroace spectrum. You could make him demi or grey or just make the relationship queer platonic! As long as you don't get rid of their queerness altogether.
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drops-of-moonlights · 1 year ago
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I was listening to Brave Heart covers and this appeared in my files (feat. my fandigimon bosalmon)
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maybeamiles · 3 months ago
Okay Per My Last Post (aka the poll about getting isekaied into a random Universe) here is how I would win getting Isekaied into the Mushroom Kingdom:
Step 1: Get a design that's suspiciously parallel to Rosalina's. It is ESSENTIAL that I become a counterpart to a member of the main recurring cast, and my best chance of lasting as long as possible comes from being the male counterpart to our one remaining princess. Other options include being adopted by Bowser as the 6th Koopaling, or becoming Wapeach, but I would like to remain a human male.
Also on the design notes: While I have to be a parallel to Rosalina, it is also essential that I keep the "just a guy-ness" the Mario bros have. It is essential to the dynamic.
*more under the cut*
Step 2: Show up in the next Mario DLC as a secret character that you unlock by clearing some stupidly difficult endgame challenge and beating a secret boss. Have a bunch of guides made about how to unlock me and become a beloved fan favorite. Theories abound about who I am and my role in the next Mario game. Because I am another guy in the roster, people start shipping me with Rosalina as a crack ship.
Step 2.5: Reprise my role as a secret character in another Mario game or a spinoff like Princess Peach Showtime. It is essential that a pattern be established of rescuing me from a secret boss. Nintendo must be committed to having me be in every game, even if I have to keep breaking the rules of the world to do it. I HAVE to keep being in the mainline games. Otherwise, Nintendo WILL forget about me. It's not me against the Mushroom Kingdom and its dangers. It's me against Nintendo.
Step 3: Show up in the next Mario Galaxy game as a playable character, again unlocked by beating some stupidly hard level and boss. THIS TIME THOUGH: Rosalina actually asks Mario to rescue me, further feeding the shipping fuel.
HOWEVER, there is a TWIST. After you unlock me, I will reveal a secret endgame set of levels that lets you unlock my backstory, where it is revealed that I am NOT Rosalina's lover, but instead the heir to her throne, and I get a magical girl transformation to distinguish myself from the bros. How does this work? Is she my mother? An adopted parent? A sibling? It is never explained, but all the shippers explode in horror. It is the greatest scandal to hit the Mario fandom since Chris Pratt in the Mario Movie. If I'm ever not in a game fans will riot.
(Alternatively, the entire game could be my proper introduction and lore like Galaxy 1 was for Rosie. I'm not picky, as long as I'm unique enough that I'm worth adding to DLC)
Step 4: Get added to the Mario Kart 9 DLC with Pauline because fans love me so much. At this point, I'm basically immortal because no matter what I do I will continue to show up for games. However, my magical girl transformation is a one-off fluke, and the fact I'm secretly a prince is never acknowledged again.
Step 5: Continue to be added to party game DLC until the release of Oddesy 2, where i have my own space kingdom with rosalina, similar to pauline and her kingdom. Mario can buy my magical girl outfit and he looks stunning.
Step 6: Profit.
Step 7: Accidentally do the gay hand thing (you know the one) in a promotional artwork, causing Nintendo America to apologize for promoting Gay Stereotypes on Twitter and take down the promo art. It remains up in Japan. Multiple news publications call me "Mario's first gay character" with varying inflections of 😡 or 🥰. Fail to get into smash for at least 5 games.
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