#and now i bless u with this. i think this scenario would fix all of us
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shizunitis · 7 months ago
“what do you want to be when you grow up?” sitting across from shizun at dusk, listening to him speak and paying such close attention to the movement of his mouth, the wind’s gentle jostling of his hair, and the almost-imperceptible shifting of his weight every so often, while i stare adoringly and with open affection at him. between us, food and drink, and shizun’s fan discarded so that he can use both hands to gesture as he continues to regale me with stories and anecdotes and lessons i’ve already heard but never tire of. behind us no history, before us no future, only the comforting weight of the moment. i forget myself and drink too much, and he lets me rest my head on his lap. he doesn’t stop speaking, knowing i’ll sulk if he does, but instead lowers his voice, trying to trick me into resting. i allow myself to fall asleep not because i’m tired but because it’s the only thing i can think to do with shizun’s hand warm against my forehead and his scent so close.
or maybe a doctor i don’t fucking know. what are you a cop
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primofate · 4 years ago
Genshin x fem!reader [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] He introduces S/O to the team
Before you read this, might be a good idea to read the introduction first. To give you the whole low-down of the team and their dynamicsssss.
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Scenario: You and him have been dating for a while now. Why does the team not know and what’s their reaction in finding out/when he introduces you?
Warnings: AU if that’s not your thing then don’t read, not proofread...as usual.
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
You’ve been dating for nearly 5 months at this point. Beforehand the two of you were close friends. So the team kind of already knew you guys were close, but you’d never met the team properly.
It’s not that he was HIDING your relationship, its that he didn’t want to pressure you into meeting his team. They could really be an overwhelming bunch of high schoolers sometimes.
As it happens he walks to the gym hand in hand with you one day, his other hand on his duffel sports bag, thinking that he’d be the earliest one there as always. 
But when he slides the gym doors open his WHOLE TEAM greets him “CAPTAIN!” and then there’s an awkward silence that descends as they all catch him with his hand intertwined with yours.
KAEYA AND TARTAGLIA LOSES IT. “C-Captain, you had a girlfriend and didn’t tell us?!” “You finally made a move on her?!” “S’about time!”
Needless to say they both get knocked on the head by Zhongli’s fist. 
Zhongli sighs and turns to you apologetically but you say that you don’t mind meeting them. He perks up and claps his hands to ask his team to line up.
They do so diligently. Kaeya, Tartaglia and Thoma are giddy while looking at you. Xiao and Kazuha have their mouth slightly agape as if you’re some kind of rare species. Diluc and Albedo stare you down. 
You introduce yourself as Zhongli’s gilrfriend and as you do so Tartaglia’s eyes dart towards Zhongli who has a slightly shy expression on his face. 
“Oh, oh question time!” Thoma raises his hand “Does the captain secretly eat sweets behind our back?” You haven’t even answered when Kaeya asks “Does the captain ever glare at you (he mimics Zhongli’s face) and say 10 Push ups NOW!” Surprisingly Diluc raises his hand too “...Is the captain strict with you too?”
Zhongli gets irked the more questions are asked and he finally steps in with an ominous presence. “10 laps around the gym...NOW!” 
He apologizes to you again but you reassure him it’s totally fine and they all seem like such fun. 
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
The vice captain is a very secretive guy.
Not even his brother knew.
It’s not that he was ashamed of you, he just liked his privacy and you already knew that. 
But there was this one time where he forgot his textbooks under his desk and you had to go and give it to him while he was at practice.
Shyly looking into the door the first one that spots you is Albedo.
“...Do you need something?” you tense up at Albedo’s question and shakily hand him the textbooks.
“U-Uhm... D-Diluc’s...”
Albedo tilts his head and turns to shout at the team. “Someone’s looking for the vice captain,”
Everyone stops what they’re doing and snaps there head towards you.
Diluc jogs over, sweat still fresh on his forehead. Without thinking he takes the books from you, small smile on his face and thanks you.
The rest of his team freezes up all thinking: “Hold on, is he...SMILING?”
You’re oblivious to them staring and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. When Diluc turns back his team is glaring daggers at him, he stares back at them. Doesn’t say anything, and continues practice.
No one is brave enough to ask him about it.
Tartaglia whispers to Kaeya “You didn’t know about it either huh?”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
This MF would talk about you whenever he had the chance.
Y/N this, Y/N that, Y/N is so cute. 
Frankly the team is kinda tired of it. 
But when you finally visit one of their practices the team levels their gaze at you and think “Oh shit, he wasn’t lying, she is actually cute,”
Sees his teammates expression and brags even more. “I know what y’all are thinking. You’re thinking, OH! She’s actually really cute! Hm?”
Slings an arm around you shamelessly with a grin. “Back off boys, I’ll block all your attempts,”
Diluc is the one that walks up to you and you blink at him. Kaeya blinks at him, confused as well.
Diluc suddenly bows, “I feel sorry for you but please take care of him,”
The rest of the team either bursts out laughing or snickers behind their hand.
Their vice captain is low key savage
#4 Albedo (Setter)
The team finds out about you cause when they finish practice they find you waiting outside the gym.
Kazuha asks politely while the others look on “Are you lost?”
You straighten up and stutter a little, “Ah, uh, no, I’m...” You’re at a loss for words. 
Then Albedo suddenly appears from the gym doors and sees you. “Ah, were you waiting long? Sorry,”
Thoma tilts his head in question. “Albedo...Your sister?”
Albedo at this point was standing next to you already. “...No, my girlfriend,” like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Everyone is stunned into statues.
“H-How did you get one before me?” Tartaglia looks as if his soul had been sucked out of his body.
“Next time you can just come inside and wait inside the gym, it’s dark out here,” their responsible captain suggests and you’re amazed at his kindness and bow at him with a thank you.
Albedo doesn’t see what’s the big deal and just grabs your hand and starts walking away.
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The team already knew since the first date. It’s because he.would.not.shut.up.about.it
That particular day at practice his spikes were a tad bit stronger than usual.
“Oi... you’re getting too excited...” Xiao mumbles at him. Tartaglia just grins and scratches the back of his head. “Aaaahhhh... I can’t help it, I’m so nervous for my date with Y/N!”
A few more dates later he starts showing off his phone wallpaper to the others. It’s a picture of you and him.
Kaeya tries to piss him off by saying, “Huh, we’ve never actually seen her in person. Maybe it’s photoshopped,” The others snicker.
Is so pissed, asks you to come immediately.
You thought it was an emergency so you come into the gym with a worried look on your face only to be hugged tight into his chest. “See? See? She’s totally real and totally cute!”
Albedo crosses his arms and blinks, then looks at Kaeya “...You totally baited him, he’s such a simpleton.”
Kaeya responds with a smirk “Right?”
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The most formal out of all of them and even tells them seriously that he had an announcement to make.
Next day he comes into practice with you in tow.
Properly introduces you as his girlfriend. 
Everyone is wide-eyed at how official it feels. Then you suddenly take out a big container of fruits and tell everyone it’s for them (The captain doesn’t allow sweets, he thinks it’ll fatten them up or some crap.)
EVERYONE IS BLESSED BY YOUR PRESENCE and Kazuha is just enjoying you getting along with them.
Kaeya and Tartaglia try to whisper and bribe you into making cookies for them. 
Albedo and Xiao stares at Kazuha thinking ‘If someone like you can get a girlfriend, we can get one too, right?’
You offer to come back next time with more fruits and some secret cookies.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Tried to keep it a secret because he knows his team will make a fuss about it.
The team finds out when his phone suddenly starts ringing in the middle of practice and he asks for a timeout to pick it up.
“Mm... Yeah... I’ll pick you up when I finish,” Everyone starts nudging each other when they hear him talk to you in an unusually calm and soft tone. So different from when he plays volleyball and gets angry at them.
By this point everyone tries to keep quiet and enlarge their ears to eavesdrop.
“Idiot... I won’t be late. I promised to take you out didn’t I?” 
Hearing their tsundere libero say something so sweet makes everyone combust.
When he turns back everyone is staring at him with smirks on their faces. “Hey, why not just ask her to come here?” Kaeya sneakily suggests.
Xiao blushes “A-As if I’d let her near you bumbling fools!”
He was worried it would scare you away, actually.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Literally no one is surprised he has a girlfriend.
It would be MORE of a surprise if he DIDN’T have one.
But they find out cause he left his phone out on the bench one day and there’d been a text message while Xiao was conveniently sitting on the bench.
“...Tohma, someone me--” Xiao looks at the screen where the message ‘I love you!’ is clearly written.
Xiao is so curious but is not gunna admit it so he nudges Kaeya or Tartaglia who might be sitting next to him and secretly motions over to the phone.
They read it and ask in a real loud voice “Oi Tohma! Who’s Y/N? They said I love you!” 
Tohma laughs nervously and since it’s already out he might as well introduce you. 
“This is my princess,” he says when you enter the gym to walk home with him that afternoon. You bow and introduce yourself and everyone looks at you thinking... “Ah, they look like the perfect domestic couple,”
Low-key everyone is jealous of how you dote on him.
Hello Hello! Technically this could be counted as fluff, but I understand that not everyone is fond of AUs, so, if you don’t mind being tagged to something like this, please fill in the survey again (I’ve added AU as an option, just click that one if you’ve signed up for the others before!)
Please do consider supporting me at my ko-fi! I’ve fixed the payment link so I think you can love me more now <3 (haha jk, it’s optional, but it would greatly help and make me happy!)
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years ago
Hiii!! I've been following your work since the beginning and i just wanted to give u a big squeeze of a hug for blessing us with all of your fics 'cause i feel like we don't deserve u for blessing us with all these wonderful feysand content that u are sharing.
I hope all is well with ur life and in ur studies, and if it's not too much to ask, would you consider writing a feysand au where Feyre & Rhys aren't mates, but are happily in love and in a relationship--when all of a sudden, one of them meets their mate (preferably Rhys..?) or something like that 😚. Won't lie to u that im dying to know what events would play out and how Feyre would react if this scenario happened. Really no pressure to write this or anything just wanted to try my luck with this idea :DD. Thank u!
Bestie, ooof. What are you trying to do to me? Can you imagine how heartbreaking that would be for Feysand to be happy and in love, waiting patiently for the mating bond to snap only to find out they were star-crossed lovers all along? Well you don’t have to imagine it, because I already have. And if I’m going to be in torment over Feysand angst, I’m (affectionately) dragging you all down with me.
P.s. thank you for the submission lovely, I hope you enjoy <3
The Chains That Bind Us
Word count: 1,956
Feyre and Rhysand were happily married. For 300 years, they had basked in what seemed like an infinite stretch of rapture, working alongside and complimenting each other with a grace and chemistry that had always felt predestined. They had always been certain they were mates, but time had flowed on and neither had felt the inkling of that special, magic bond.
They have resigned that perhaps the mating bond will never snap, perhaps that’s simply not what they were to one another, but that was okay. It was enough to be husband and wife, to be High Lord and Lady, to be happy and in love. They didn’t need a mating bond to reaffirm what they felt for one another. Things were already perfect as they were.
Until they weren’t. Until they had journeyed together to Illyria to oversee the announcement of the first all-female battalion. It had been a long term goal of Rhysand and his brothers to finally battle back the long ingrained sexism of Illyrian culture, and the visit was meant to be a celebration. A liberating ceremony, in honor of their mothers and all the females who had been victims of prejudice.
But when the leader of the battalion stepped forward to be acknowledged for her accomplishments, Rhysand had gone rigid at Feyre’s side, his breathing suddenly ragged. His pupils were blown wide, eyes fixed, riveted to the female.
Feyre felt her whole world had imploded in that moment. Especially when that female’s eyes had met her High Lord’s and had frozen just the same, the two bearing matched expressions of awe and disbelief.
She was certain she was going to be sick. Such a thing would be far from befitting of a High Lady, so Feyre had immediately winnowed back to their River House, back into their bathroom where she was instantly emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.
Rhysand was there not too long after, holding back Feyre’s hair. They said nothing to each other, not until Feyre had recovered enough to turn and face her husband.
She was entirely unprepared for the way her heart shattered to meet his face, to meet those lovely eyes she had loved for centuries. Eyes that had only moments before been staring at another female with so much blind devotion it had torn her open.
“Feyre—” he started.
“I suppose we should have assumed that something like this could happen,” she interrupted, because she couldn’t bear to hear him apologize. Not for something like this, something that was entirely out of either of their control.
“It doesn’t change anything,” he insisted, but there was a strain to his voice that had never been present before. A bite that Feyre was convinced was the result of Rhysand battling against his instincts to return to Illyria, to that female.
“It changes everything, Rhys.”
She was already weeping as she choked the words out, because speaking them made them true. Those few centuries of bliss between them, they were a bubble, a perfectly crafted delusion that had finally popped.
“I love you,” Rhys seethed, as though arguing with himself. “I don’t even know that females name—”
“It doesn’t matter, Rhys. She’s your—”
“Don’t say it,” he begged, his voice a broken rasp. “Please, don’t say it.”
Somehow, that made it impossibly worse. That Rhys had been gifted this incredible, Cauldron-blessed thing, but was scorning it for her sake. Most Fae dreamed of the moment their mating bond would snap, and here was her husband acting as if it was his worst nightmare.
But Feyre knew what it was like for males. She knew he was clawing against every instinct in his mind, screaming at him to go to his mate, to know her name, to claim her. Feyre stifled another sob. Rejected mating bonds could drive a male mad. How could she ever think to do that to him? How could she deny him this piece of himself?
What broke her heart more than anything is that Feyre knew he would. Rhysand would reject his bond, would let that intrinsic part of his soul be torn away, for her sake. If Feyre asked, he would stay. He would stay and be miserable.
“I can’t do this to you, Rhys. I can’t force you to stay with me out of duty. I will not be your jailor.”
“You are my wife,” Rhys choked, reaching for her hand. He drew her palms to his face, allowing her to caress his cheeks. He shut his eyes as he nuzzled into her touch, causing his unshed tears to fall, racing down to collect at her hands. “You are my High Lady. You are the only one I want to be with.”
That wrecked another sob through Feyre’s body, which came out as a harsh exhale as she tried to restrain it. “You’d be a broken male without her, Rhys. The Cauldron—” she sucked in a strangled breath. Some truths were just too difficult to confront— “The Cauldron didn’t intend for us to be together.”
“Damn the Cauldron,” he growled, reaching for her with newfound conviction. “No one and nothing can decide who I love. No one can tell me that you are not who I belong with—who I belong to.”
Feyre allowed him to bundle her in his arms, to press her fiercely against his chest. She knew moments like this were fleeting, where they could hold each other as husband and wife. Already, their love was tarnished. Tainted. Blood spilled onto white snow. How long would it take for this mating bond to seep, to spill into the cracks, to spread until it consumed them? She couldn’t see an outcome where they could stay together unblemished, where they wouldn’t come to resent one another.
“Rhysand, listen to me love,” Feyre said, and found that her voice was steadier than she anticipated. “I care more about you being happy than I care about that happiness being found with me. Do you understand?”
“I would not be happier without you, Feyre.” His voice was ripe with earnesty. When she turned those eyes to meet his, those violet depths were burning, the silver constellations completely eclipsed by molten amethyst. He swallowed thickly. “Do I… want that female? Yes.” Feyre cringed to hear her husband admit it outloud. “But, that is just my instincts. I will be able to manage them with time. This bond is nascent. My love for you? It’s endured for centuries. The cauldron is not faultless; my parents were mates and they were miserable together. I could never imagine someone so perfect to walk beside me as you, Feyre. I do not seek another, no matter what fate has to say for it.”
Feyre allowed the comfort of his words to wash over her. She rested her head against Rhysand’s shoulder, inhaling his familiar scent, letting herself lavish in the rhythm of him, the beat of his heart steady in his chest.
“I will understand if you change your mind,” she whispered. “I do not hold you to your vows. If you become unhappy, if one day you cannot resist the pull you feel towards her… I will not hold it against you. I give you permission to… to leave me.”
Rhys let out a small, rueful laugh before he pressed a tender kiss to her temple. “How could I desert a love that is so selfless? The least I could do in the wake of such a declaration is promise to never see that female again.”
Feyre shook her head emphatically. “Don’t promise me that, Rhys. Just—just promise me that we’ll always be honest with each other. That we’ll always be a team, whether it be as rulers, or as lovers, or… or just as friends.”
“I promise,” he swore. “I vowed on my court and crown that I will love you for eternity. And I still know that to be true, even now. My soul… it might belong to someone else. But my heart, Feyre, it will always belong to you.”
There was something irreparably changed between them. They both knew it, could sense the way it lingered between them. The first crack, and possibly not the last. What they had was fragile now, but they had a gift for being delicate with one another.
The silence hung between them, a wretched, discomfiting presence that had never been there before. Both not quite sure what to say, not quite sure where this put them. She watched Rhysand’s lower lip quiver, understood that it was from the strain of not burdening her with his own turmoil over the situation.
Feyre tutted as she threw her arms around him, recognizing the signs of his crumbling. Rhys bowed his head in shame, burying his face into her chest.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped against her, releasing a sob of his own. “I’m sorry it couldn’t have been you. I wanted it to be you. I’m a failure of a husband, for putting you through this.”
“You are an excellent husband,” Feyre protested, threading her fingers through his hair soothingly. Her voice was still raw. “I don’t blame you for this, Rhys. I love you just the same.”
He lifted his head so their tear-stained faces were level. His eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, still glistening in silver. “What do we do now?”
They clung to each other so tightly, as if they pressed hard enough they could redirect fate, could mold their souls together and correct the misdeed of the Cauldron.
“I don’t know,” Feyre answered, burying her face in his shoulder as if it would hide her from the truth of the world. “I suppose we have no choice but to keep going. We’ll find our footing again. Together. And if we don’t… well, maybe we can wish on the stars.”
There was a huff of air at her ear. A laugh, she guessed, or something like it, something wry and humorless. Rhys moved underneath her, and Feyre pulled away to watch in confusion as her husband rose to his feet.
He extended his hand towards her. Curious, Feyre accepted, allowing him to pull her to her feet. In a blink, they were on the rooftop, beneath the stars. She hadn’t even realized the sun had set until she was staring up at the impossibly bright cosmos.
“Where better to find our footing than under those very stars?”
She turned to him, and Rhys was staring at her the way he had on starfall, all those centuries ago. Staring at her as if she were the brightest star in the sky, as though he looked to Feyre to cast his wishes.
“Will you dance with me, wife?”
Not convinced she was capable of speech, Feyre nodded. Using the hand he still held, Rhys twirled her into his arms. And though no music played, they found their own rhythm, lost in the cadence of each other, spinning endlessly under the stars.
As they swayed under the endless expanse of sky and starlight, Feyre mused how even the brightest of stars eventually burned out, but that didn’t make them any less worth wishing on. That didn’t mean they weren’t worth fighting for.
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kojinnie · 4 years ago
congrats again on two hundred kojin, this event idea is super creative !! i really love the way u write reiner and he’s my absolute favorite so,,, i’d like to request hours 8, 20, and 21 for him (* ´∀`)♪
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[RE:] Kojinnie’s Milestone Celebration :: 24/7 Writing Event
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MOONIE BABY! Thank you for the request, and just to be clear the feeling’s mutual since your Reiner pieces have always been my top ones. I love you 😿🖤 So please, kindly enjoy this one!
08.00: The things they wish they could change about themselves 20.00: How do they sleep at night with you 21.00: Things that turn them on [Minor DNI]
A/N: Grammar errors everywhere, at this point I don’t even know which verb I should use, as long as you understand right? Hehe ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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08.00 The things that Reiner wanted to change from himself varied throughout his life. This was a man who had a deep resentment toward himself, and even when he felt like he had “fixed” one thing he hated about himself, he’d always point-out other reason to hate his own. Growing up, he always wished that he could be stronger, slimmer, and faster – he’d look at young Bertholdt and thought, “I wish I could be as tenacious as he is,” and then to Marcel he’d wish, “I wish I could be a strong leader like him.” – it’s a vicious cycle of constantly comparing himself to other people.
It was canon that after Marcel died, all he wished for was to be stronger, in every aspect – physically and especially mentally, for him to be able to fend on inside the walls. He wanted to be like Annie, who had a clear motive and not fell into the snare of growing sympathies that he started to feel for their fellow cadets. Reiner wished he could change the thing that made him humane, which was his empathy, his caring for other people, his gentleness and kindness. He thought it would be easier if he meant all the killings he had done, he wished he truly believed the propaganda set by the Marleyan government, he wished he had truly hated all the times and friends he had in Paradis. He wished he could change the fact that he was a good person conditioned to do bad things for survival.
20.00 I headcanon that Reiner had this solid distinction he made in his mind between “having sex” and “sleeping together”, in which he held a grandeur perception towards the latter. I know, it’s odd, but he’s just a hopeless romantic at heart. This is because he’d feel most vulnerable when he’s asleep, it’s the only time he’d ever be at peace with the wars in his mind, and he wanted to sleep next to a person he could truly trust. I don’t think he would truly fall into deep slumber with someone who just engages in casual sex with him, he’d probably linger around in bed post-sex, and when his partner fell asleep, he’d probably sleep in the other room or just lay around on the couch until morning comes.
So, it’s quite a big deal for Reiner to sleep with someone who’s in a relationship with him. He’d make sure that his bed was well-plopped, his dirty sheets changed, and the blanket big enough for the two of you.  As you drifted to slumber, he’d have his big hands on the small of your back, keeping your chest latched on his body all night long – all the light touches on your skin, how he’d tangle his fingers with yours and admire the size difference. His mind would race to all the beautiful scenarios with you he’d created in his mind, and before you were fully unconscious, he’d do strange yet heartwarming gesture like making an ‘o’ sign with his fingers, and slid it down your fourth finger, mindlessly ‘measuring’ the girth that would be of the ring he’d give to you someday. After you’d fallen deeply into your slumber, he’d just savor the hours passing by staring at your face now resting soundlessly on his chest or stomach. He’d be giddy inside, couldn’t seem to believe that a guy as wretched as he thought he was would ever be blessed with such loving intimacy he had been craving for his whole life. He’d be stroking your hair all night, putting aside the hairs that fell on your face, so you could get an unobstructed view of your sleeping expression. When you moved your head from his chest to the pillow, he’d guide you while your gaze still hazy with drowsiness. He’d make sure that you slept facing towards him, and he’d kiss the bridge on your nose even if you found it annoying, he’d kiss it again until you softly chuckled and told him to go back to sleep, not knowing that he’d love to stay up all night just to worship the embodiment of his love.
21.00 Physically there is one part of human anatomy that Reiner just couldn’t get enough of and it would be your neck. He’d be so fascinated with everything about it, the way your veins appear whenever you turn your head towards him, or the way your jawline appear as you tilt your head to look upwards to him towering over you. Something about the look of it would be so invigorating for Reiner that he wouldn’t be able to hold the hots for you all night. Whenever you’re out to have dinner with him, he’d try to disguise his obvious fascination towards your neck by looking at your eyes and then pretended to fiddle with whatever was on the table just so he could take a prolonged gaze at how your neck stretch and how your skin protruded on your collarbone. There would be one thing on his mind as the night fell darker and deeper: it would be to ravish that skin and leave as many love mark as he could once the two of you get back home.
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bunni-bino · 4 years ago
Yay requests r open!!! (Darling i really hope you don't overwork yourself so take as much time as u need to answer!) So,, can i request hc's for law n corazon (separately) with a really clumsy s/o? Like corazon's level of clumsy, they trip over nothing and absolutely forbidden from the kitchen after a few incidents,,,(cora and his s/o would be a disaster couple lolol also ab law,, ig it would be a lil angsty cuz his s/o n cora r really similar but i know that u can make a good ending out of it! Hehe)
Fem!s/o pls and i hope it's not to bothersome 👉👈
Thanks for blessing us with ur awesome content!!!💞💖💕
Law + Corazon With A Clumsy! Fem! S/O
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a/n : no troubles at all, this isn’t bothersome. Thank you so much for requesting, im sorry they were closed for so long ;-; but I’m glad to see you came in :)) I hope you like it!! ;D
note : I made these small scenarios instead—
Summary : How Law and Cora would react to their extremely clumsy, female significant others.
Trafalgar Law
That is all Law can say when he sees you coming in to his office to get a re-wrap on your bandages and some new wraps for fresh cuts you somehow managed to get yourself.
He’d deadpan at the trail of blood your body is leaving as you enter the door, somehow having cut your whole forearm from just reading a book.
“I.. I gave myself a papercut...”
He sweatdrops at your answers, irritation slowly building at your answer when asked what had happened in the first place.
“..you got a papercut... on your forearm.. from reading?..” he repeats slowly, almost as if he’s trying to process and confirm it with both himself and you.
You nod sheepishly, bringing your free hand up to your neck and rub it shyly. “I don’t know how.” You respond before he could question you further.
Exhaling from his nose, you could sense the stress and annoyance it brought him, but you couldn’t see the small hint of pain hidden behind his eyes.
You and your kind personality already reminded him so much of a special someone, but added with your clumsiness, most might have thought you were a practical reincarnation of Corazon.
Law pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts of any passed loved ones he had and clears his throat.
“Alright.. just go sit on the bed and I’ll get you fixed up..” he mutters, just deciding to deal with the situation instead of trying to process the fact how clumsy you were.
Seeing how stressed and distraught he was with you, you frown softly before forcing a small smile onto your lips.
“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble, Law.. I really don’t mean to..” You trail off quietly, feeling bad for making him so overworked already, having to deal with you and your clumsiness.
Law can sense your tone and softens his expression in the slightest, pursing his lips.
Grabbing his medic kit with his supplies, he made his way over and sat on a chair, getting out what he needed and poured rubbing alcohol onto a wipe before cleaning your arm.
He didn’t mean to make you feel so upset, you just reminded him of someone special and it was bringing bad memories.
“...it’s fine, don’t worry about it..” he mutters, beginning to wrap up your arm with the bandage, after making sure your cut was disinfected.
“I’m not mad.” He says, just to assure you, which works, seeing you smile a bit more.
“Even if you get hurt every second of the day, at least I’ll be here to take care of you.”
Cheeks warming, you smile softly at him and hum. “Thank you. But still.. If I can make it up to you, let me know.” You say, watching him secure the bandage tightly before taping it down.
Law thinks silently before a small smirk dances on his lips. “Anything to make it up to me?” He questions, keeping his head down as he examines your cut further.
You quickly nod, eager and a bright smile forming on your face. “Anything.”
Law’s smirk only widens, him cocking his head to the side, almost amused before he looks up at you, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“I’d be more careful with your words, [Name]-ya... but if you really mean that, I might take you up on your offer.”
Tripping over nothing once more, made Cora sweat drop at you as he went over and knelt by your side. “[Name], are you alright?!”
Wincing, you slowly sat up and looked around blankly, before feeling a slow warm liquid running down your face.
Cora widens his eyes and jumped, startled at the sight of your blood while he panics for a brief moment.
“Y-You’re bleeding! Hold on, I’ll get the first aid kit!”
However, unfortunately, as soon as Cora stood up to run, he immediately face-planted onto the ground next to you, and this time, it was your turn to panic.
You crawled over quickly and reach to pull him up, but he got up just fine, albeit it was slow.
“I’m fine, [Name]. Let’s go get you fixed up..” He gives a sheepish smile, despite there being scratches and red marks on his face and you smile lightly.
And so you helped him up and let him head off to get the medkit, but however...
There were a few mishaps.
First off, Cora ended up tripping over his two feet, much like you, and just barely avoided a concussion but did cause quite the ruckus when he fell.
So you, panicking and worrying over the blonde male, you ran over towards him..
Just to bump into a random inconveniently placed chair and tripped, right onto Cora, causing him to grunt out.
All the commotion brought the attention of passing marines outside the room you two were in, and seconds later, Sengoku made an appearance.
“What is the meaning of this?!”
Both you and Cora could only bow and lower your heads as Sengoku strictly lectured you both whilst tending to your injuries, constant yelling and scoldings heard from the room.
Cora gave a swift apology to Sengoku while you stood to the side with an awkward smile, quickly closing the door once Cora finished his apology.
Sighing, you went over to the window and leaned against the pane, rubbing your head where Sengoku had tightly bandaged it.
“He’s so angry..”
“He has every reason to be..” Cora points out softly as he walks over by you. “But he cares.”
You simply pout and turn to Cora. “Rosi, can you re-do this? He made it too tight and now it’s giving me a headache..”
Cora blinks before smiling and nodding, reaching over and undid the bandage. Leaning into him, you frown slightly.
“I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. You’re already clumsy enough and with me around, it’s just double the havoc mess.”
Feeling an imaginary arrow pierce his heart at your words, he only chuckles lightly.
Carefully, he loosened the tightness before securing it back with the tape. Then, leaning close and giving a gentle kiss on your temple, he smiles softly and held your hand.
“It’s okay, [Name]. You make me happy, and at least this way, we can both work to take care of each other.” He says gently, bringing your hand to his lips and kissed lightly.
You smile softly at him, feeling your cheeks warm at his words.
You moved so you could snuggle yourself into his arms, him wrapping them around you and pulled you closer to him.
“I love you, [Name]. And I’ll always be here, being clumsy with you.”
a/n ; not my best work either :( I’m sorry it’s short and Cora’s is much shorter too, but I wanted to get one request out quickly after posting my own fic.
Cora’s a little rushed, because I had so many ideas but I kept doing little by little each day and eventually forgot where I was going with it ;-; so it’s all over the place.
I hope you enjoyed this regardless, and if you’d like a re-do, please send me a message!
not edited.
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caxsthetic · 5 years ago
Fluffy Comfort
Kozume Kenma x F!Reader
Sometimes, the best way to comfort someone is just to be near them.
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Afternoon around 5 pm, you would always barge through the door without warning. Your poor boyfriend usually jolted when he heard the door slammed to the wall, but he would relax immediately because he knew it's just you.
It was like a routine for the two of you. Everyday, he always tries to finish the game that he just got, and you will just lay there in his embrace, trying to absorb his body heat as much as you can.
When you first started dating, it took two whole months for you to change his mind about physical contact. But step by step, you gave comfort every time you touched him, and by now, he was already addicted to it.
He was so used to hearing the door slammed open as you would follow suit and kissed the crown of his head before plopping down on his figure.
So he knew something was up when you opened the door like a normal person.
He even put his console down when he saw you, arms immediately stretched to the side as he let your body fall to his warm embrace. Your head snuggled to the crook of his neck without warning.
The setter was ticklish, but he didn't really mind if it's you that made contact with his skin.
If someone said that the pudding-head boy was an affectionate person, they wouldn't believe it and just laugh. But here you were right now, falling to your safe haven that you found in someone named Kozume Kenma.
He knew something was up by just the changed action that you put today, and one look at your face was enough to convince him that something happened.
Kenma rarely asked about your day, because he knew you would ramble about it when you were already comfortable. So right now, there’s nothing he could do except warm you in his embrace.
“I barely passed my exam today,” Your voice was so low that it almost sounded like a whisper, “I went home and showed my parents about the score,” Somehow, he knew the scenario that happened, “I just… Want some reassurance, Kenma. But they-”
You sobbed as you blurted out the words. He knew too well how your parents think about school grades and such, and so he could predict what actually happened when you informed your parents about the exam score.
He’s not good with words, he couldn’t quite grasp the idea of comforting someone with words. So the only thing that he could do was just being there for you, accompanying you as you cry your heart out.
His finger would slowly crept to your hair, stroking it gently without so much force that it became a comforting motion. You just stay there for minutes, silently begging your boyfriend to be the one who reassures you.
The two of you didn’t even realise that the sky was dark already, not until he heard how your stomach grumbled all of a sudden.
Dark blush immediately appeared on your face, and you tightened your hug around him, hiding your face as you felt so embarrassed in front of your boyfriend.
“That’s… Really anticlimactic,” You mumbled, and Kenma just let out a small laugh that you almost couldn’t hear, “But yeah, I am hungry…” He smiled at your bluntness,
Slowly, he entangled himself from the embrace, standing up first before extending his hand to help you up. You blinked at this, confused about his sudden movement.
But knowing your boyfriend, he must have something up to his sleeve. He walked to his closet, grabbing two jackets before wearing one of them. You just stood there, waiting for him to say anything.
Then he walked up to you with the jacket in hand, “Raise your arm a little,” His face was vacant as he said it, but his voice sounded so calm. You comply with his request, and he helped you slide the sleeve on your arms.
It was just this tiny gesture that could make your heart fluttered. He may be a boy without many words, but then, action sometimes speaks louder than words.
“Where are you going to take me, Kenma?” He looked up into your face for a split second as he tidy up the scrunched fabric on the jacket that you wore.
“Dinner,” He said it plainly before walking up the door. You only smiled at this and followed him outside.
You greeted his parents before heading out for dinner. They always seem to have a soft spot for you, since they once said, “You made Kenma to be more alive.”
Though if you had to admit it, Kenma was the one who made you more alive. You were just a normal person, living your day like everything is normal.
They just didn’t know what happened behind closed doors, and Kenma was the first person to know. Until now, you were grateful to have him in your life.
He brought you to a fast food restaurant. Even though he didn’t particularly like the crowd and how rowdy it was, he chose the place because junk food is the best comfort food, based on Taketora’s opinion.
He flinched every time someone stood two feets away from him, and he looked so stressed when some kids were screaming at the restaurant. But it was all paid off when he saw you eat like a child just got a free ticket to Disneyland.
But of course, it felt like a blessing when you finally finished with your food. You couldn’t help but laugh at how happy he looked once he stepped outside from the hellish place.
The walk home was silent, you slowly hooked your pinky fingers on his. But unlike any other day, he immediately grabbed your hand, grasping it gently to remind you that he would always be there for you.
You were so focused with the warmth that your boyfriend radiate, didn’t even look where you were going until he suddenly stopped walking. You looked around, trying to figure it out where you were right now.
“Let’s go there,” His forefinger pointed at a bright place across the street where the two of you stood right now. You widened your eyes when you saw the sign outside of the place.
Fuwafuwa Animal Shelter
“K-Kenma, you…” Instead of responding to your surprised behaviour, he tugged you gently to follow him inside the place.
You once told him that you really want to go to an animal shelter. Imagining yourself surrounded by all of those loveable animals could really boost your mood. You told him this when he’s playing a game, so you thought he wouldn’t remember it.
That’s when you’re wrong.
There’s a bell on the front door to signify visitors as you walk in. An old lady walked towards the two of you with a gentle smile plastered on her face. She asked you to put your stuff in the locker so you could take care of the animals without hassle.
“Where did you find this place?” You asked your boyfriend when the lady put your stuff away, “Isn’t it hard to make an appointment?”
“Not really,” He just shrugged, “My mom knows her, so it’s easy.” You hummed at the acknowledgement.
Once the two of you were ready, the lady led you to the place where you could play with the animals. There’s a long hallway, and you finally stood in front of the white door with Doggo written on the wooden plank.
You look fidgety, thinking about the wholesome emotion that may hit your heart. Kenma suddenly caressed the back of your hand with his thumb, making you calmed down with just a tiny gesture.
When the door opened, your heart skyrocketed with how cute the whole place room is. There’s a lot of dogs playing around. Some of them were sleeping, some of them were cleaning themself.
You couldn’t help but let out a loud squeal at this, Kenma just stood near the door as you already ran around and hugged as much dog as you can.
“She’s adorable,” Kenma jolted when he heard someone say beside him. But he relaxed when it’s just the old lady, “She’s a bundle of sunshine.”
A faint smile appeared at his face as his eyes darted at you who was now playing around with a bunch of dogs. The twinkle in your eyes made everything that he did today feel worth it.
You were drowning with the fluffiness right now. There’s so much dog in this room that you were so overwhelmed with it. But it’s a good kind of overwhelmed.
After playing around for a whole fifteen minutes, you were now able to relax with a puppy in your lap. Your hands gently stroke their fur, wanting them to relax in their sleep.
That’s when you realised Kenma wasn’t around. You frantically searched for your boyfriend, and you immediately calmed down when you saw him leaned himself on the wall, looking at you with a faint smile on his face.
As much as you love the dog, you gently hoist them up and tuck him on one of the little beds. You washed your hands on the sink before walking towards your boyfriend.
“Why didn't you play around too?” You cooed at him, pouting a little because you realised he’s not comfortable enough, “You shouldn’t have brought me here you know, I want you to enjoy this too.”
“You deserve it,” He said with his usual small voice, “You have done so well at school, you deserve it.” If there’s no one else around you except him, you would be already a crying mess right now.
“U-Uhm,” You try to fix your composure as you call out to the old lady, “Can we… Play with cats or kittens too?”
“Of course, follow me.” She smiled at you before leading you to another room. You grabbed Kenma’s hand to make sure he followed you, you didn’t want to be too far from him.
If your heart skyrockets when you play with the dogs, you don’t know anymore what’s the feeling that is currently twirling on your heart right now.
The cats were different from the dogs. While the dogs engulfed you immediately, the cats were mostly just eyeing you. You looked around, dragging Kenma to find the perfect cat to be played with.
Your eyes finally fall to a cat none older than three months. They look so small compared to the others,
“We found him near the arcade a month ago.” You widened your eyes when the lady told you about it. Someone literally just put a kitten on the street and it made your heart boil, “He still didn’t like to be touched, so be careful.”
Rather than backing down, you decided to approach the kitten instead. He opened up his eyes when he felt you drawing closer towards him. His eyes still look scared, but you extended your hand gently, trying to tell him that you meant no harm.
He sniffed at your finger, licking it slowly. Seconds after that, the kitten leaned to your touch. And right now, it felt like the biggest achievement that you ever got.
Kenma watched the scene unfold in front of him in awe, it’s like a miracle to see you like this. Even the kitten knows that your presence could bring comfort.
When you felt that the kitten was comfortable enough with you, you picked him up and brought his tiny figure on your embrace. He purred as you stroke his neck,
“Look at him, Kenma.” You showed him to your boyfriend, “Look how adorable he is!” Kenma looked at the kitten who couldn’t stop purring, “He reminded me of you!”
“What?” Your boyfriend got a little bit taken aback by your outburst, “I am nothing like him.” But as he stared at the kitten, somehow, he could picture the kitten as him.
He was hard to approach, and no one actually tried to befriend him. But then you come, approaching him and give him enough space to actually feel comfortable around you.
And just like that, he already wrapped around your fingers, just like the kitten that was now staying in your embrace.
After playing around for a while with the other cats, you decided to go home since it was 8 pm already. Kenma noticed the changed behaviour with how you couldn’t even stop smiling.
You were so happy, and overall spending time with your boyfriend and your favourite animal really boosted your day. Your hand was now circled around his arm, and just for you, he didn’t mind at all.
Just being beside him could make your heart flutter. It was like he became the place that you want to come home to. And for him, you were like a place that he never knew existed, the place where he would never have to feel anxious with.
You didn’t even realise that you were already standing in front of your house. Your hand still linger on his arm, still didn’t want to end the day yet. He could sense this, and so, he gave you a little peck on the forehead.
It was surprising, he was rarely the one who initiated physical contact, moreover a kiss. Even though it’s just a quick kiss, you knew he tried, and you really appreciated everything that he has done to you.
“See you tomorrow, Kenma.” You pulled yourself away from him and walked towards your front door. As you turned your head around to see your boyfriend, he only stood there with a little pout on his face,
You decided to run back at him, tackling him to the ground as you kissed him with a little bit force,
“You thought I am going to say goodbye without a kiss?” His face flushed red, didn’t expect you to tackle him like that, “You know you are the best boyfriend ever, right?”
“I am not,” He turnded his head to the left, avoiding your eyes, “But you are the best g-girlfriend.” You widen your eyes at his outburst,
“Not fair,” You chuckled and put your head at the crook of his neck, “Thank you,” He slowly put his hand on your waist, “For always be there for me.”
A faint smile emerged on his face, really subtle that if anyone looked at him right now they couldn’t even see it,
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Afternoon around 5 pm, you would always barge through the door without warning. Your poor boyfriend usually jolted when he heard the door slammed to the wall, but he would relax immediately because he knew it's just you.
But today, you were surprised to see a familiar kitten in the arms of your boyfriend as you barge inside his room,
“W-What is he doing here?!” You squealed, immediately ran and sat beside your boyfriend who was now sitting on the bed, “Kenma, seriously, you adopted him?”
“Yes,” He lifted the kitten and put it on your lap, “You seem to like him the most, so…” You were now tearing up a little, he didn’t have to finish his words, you could understand the reason behind his action.
He knew too well your family didn’t allow any pet at your home, and he just loved how you smiled around the kitten. When his parents said it was alright to bring home one cat, he didn’t think twice about it.
He glanced at you, happy to see how joyful you look right now. Even if that means he would have to take care of the cat, but if it means he could see you like this everyday, and by all means he would do it without hesitation.
Even if he didn’t really talk much and was usually embarrassed with just a small physical contact, you would never ask for another boyfriend. He was always thoughtful when it comes to you, and it was the kind of comfort that you love from your boyfriend.
The two of you knew that this relationship you two have made will last forever. He will always be there for you no matter what, and the same goes to him as you would always be there on every step that he took in his life.
No one could actually predict the future, but you believe in him, and he believes in you. Just as simple as that.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
This fanfiction is dedicated for @letmeshouyou I hope you could smile from this! I love you, baby🥰🥰🥰
Tagged Lovelies:
@allywritesimagines @benewol @letmeshouyou @nitricflame @vventure @heccingdead @muffins-puffins @miyulovestowrite @nanashinanashi @vlovers-world @proplayer-kenma @kashika @cuddlyasahi @blacckdiamondposts @muffngw @baby-boy-taichi @of-heroes-and-dreams @for-ests @giyuwu-san @oli-imagines @lordeofthunder
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winghero-writing · 5 years ago
hey I just found your blog and.. WHY DIDN'T I SEE U B4 UR SO GREAT I LOVE U FOR THE 30 MIN I READ THRU EVERYTHING!!! and I was wondering since u did a Keigo x Todoroki!reader and the reader told the smaller fam about her bf I want to know how Endeavor reacts :p U don't have to do it but I'm a fucking cat and curiosity finna kill me.
Hey! In sorry in taking too long to answer the asks but in going to get them out, I promise! Also, thank you so much for the support! I hope I did justice to what you wanted!
It had been a few weeks since Y/N introduced Keigo to her siblings. She was happy with the outcome and so was Hawks. But right now, is when the real challenge starts.
She knew that her siblings would like Hawks, and even if they didn't like him that much she could use her privilege as an older sibling and get them to stay out of her love life. It was really reliving when they told her they were happy for her.
Now, her dad was something unpredictable, she can't even imagine the way he would react.
Now, her days consist of her head full of scenarios of how to break the news to her dad and how he would react.
She knows he is changing for the better. He took to heart the advice she told him and began to show interest in his children without giving up, even when Natsuo pushed him away or Shoto ignored him.
She was pulling a lot of scenarios in her head at the moment that she didn't hear the door from the apartment. She gave Hawks a spare key since she always got scared when he used the window to get in.
"Dove?" Hawks made his way from the front door to the kitchen where he found his girlfriend lost in thought.
"What are you thinking about, little birdie." He moved a chair and took a seat, he saw her jump a little, getting out of thought. He laughed a little at her reaction.
"Keigo! I didn't hear you. I'm so sorry!" She stood from her chair a little and give him a kiss. It didn't last too long but he was satisfied with it.
"So, what do you have in your head that you forgot about me?" He rested his chin on his hand, giving her his full attention.
Y/N played with her fingers a little in deep thoughts before answering him.
"It's just..." She let out a long sigh. "I already introduce you to my siblings and my mother. I have to introduce you to my father too." She looked at him and found a smug expression in his face. She knew that he would think that all this would be easy but it wouldn't be.
"Not as the Winged Hero, Hawks. As Takami Keigo, his daughter's boyfriend." She put extra emphasis on the word 'daughter'.
She would have laughed at how his expression changed and his face showed realization about how he would have to meet Enji Todoroki, not Endeavor, but the topic at hand didn't a low her to laugh.
"I..." His whole body position change after her statement, now sitting upright and tense in the kitchen chair.
"I didn't think about it in that way..."
She smiled a little, if he got this worked up about meeting her family at least it showed that he was serious.
"We'll find a way for him not to blow up." She rested her hand on top of his own, offering comfort to her now troubled boyfriend.
A few days later, the two of them agree that Y/N would call her siblings and father to have a family dinner where she would take her boyfriend. She told her siblings that Hawks would go but hid that information to her father.
Again, her head was pulling all kinds of scenarios of the possible outcome of this dinner. Sensing her distress, Hawks took her face in his hands and looked straight in her eyes
"Hey, it's not like I'll die, you know!" He laughed, trying to make the tension lighter.
She smiled at his attempts to relaxed her. She knew that he was a lot more nervous than he showed.
The two were wearing casual clothes since it wasn't anything formal. Just dinner.
They arrived a little early for Y/N to help her younger sister for dinner. Hawks helped too, Natsuo and Shoto arrived not long after the couple. The only one missing was Enji.
He had sent a message to Y/N telling her that he was on his way, also apologizing for being a little late.
"Okay, dad is on his way." Y/N save her phone in her pocket and turned to look at her two little brothers.
"Please, don't cause a fight." She took their hands, Natsuo and Shoto saw their sister pleading eyes, it made them realize how important this was for her (and Hawks) so they agree.
Smiling at the two and giving them a kiss on the cheek, she turned to Hawks next. He smiled at her.
'Looks like he is not that nervous anymore, huh.' She returned the smiled.
"Euh, get a room you two." Natsuo made a gagging noise and turned around not wanting to see the lovey-dovey interaction that the couple had. Shoto just stared at them, not finding the problem.
Hawks laugh out loud and put his arm around Y/N.
"Well, maybe after this, we will go to the room?" He asked seductively. Y/N hit his chest and got out of his one arm hug.
"Pervert." She went to talk to Shoto about the girl she helped him with but not before sending a smile at her boyfriend.
"Y/N-nee! Dad is here!" She heard Fuyumi from the door. Y/N stood up immediately and looked at Hawks.
He made his way to the door before she could stop him.
"Yo! Endeavor, how have you been?" Hawks greet the man in a simple way. He tried to make this lighter.
"What are you doing in my house bit brain?" Endeavor didn't expect to see the Number Two in his house. His mood was starting to get down (in an angry way!) seeing the blond hero in his house.
"Dad! How have you been!" Y/N stood in front of Hawks, trying to shield him. Enji's face softened a bit at seeing his older daughter greeting him but he tried not to show it. Still, Hawks notice this change in his expression.
"Good. Now, could someone tell me why is Hawks here?" He looked at everyone in the room. Natsuo and Shoto were just watching from the sidelines but their faces showed amusement at the situation. Fuyumi just watched and couldn't help but feel a little bad about her older sister.
"You see dad, I broug..."
"I didn't come here as Hawks, Endeavor." Hawks interrupted Y/N and put his arm around her waist.
"I came here as Keigo, Y/N's boyfriend."
The house was silent for a long while. The tension could be cut with a knife. Nobody dared to move either.
Endeavor glared at Hawks while the blond was smiling at him (smirking would be more accurate).
Y/N let out a sigh, at least the news was out. She got out of Hawks hold and stood in front of her dad. She smiled at him.
"We have been together for a few months now. He is a good guy. I hope you accept him soon."
And so, she went to the table to start serving the plates, her sibling followed her to help in anything they could (also, to get out of the tension between the two heroes).
"So, I have your blessing...?" Hawks was the first one to talk, he wasn't as nervous as before but seeing how Endeavor was glaring at him would scare anyone.
"You're dead bird brain." He took Hawks from his shirt and put him at his same eye level. The blond male just gave him his carefree smile.
"Wow, wow, calm down Endeavor! I really love her you know!" He looked at him in the eyes. "And I really hope that you don't mind me being with her. I promise to protect her from anything."
"She can protect herself, she is strong." Endeavor let out in a gruff tone.
Hawks laugh at this. "Yeah, I know!"
Endeavor let go of Hawks, letting him fall from his hands. The blond male was unaffected by it and started to fix his clothes.
"I can't control her." Endeavor let out after a while. "I don't have the right, but if you hurt her you're dead." And so, Endeavor made his way to were his children where waiting.
Hawks was left there stunned. That was a blessing, right? Did he approve?
He followed the same path and took a seat beside Y/N who just looked at him with a smile. She had heard them talking and for her, it was a win. At least her dad didn't kill him.
The dinner was then filled with Fuyumi attempts to make her brothers talk without success. Y/N laughed at it, thanking her brothers for staying quiet, she knew that if they talk they would start to throw insults at their father.
At the end of the night, it was a successful mission for the couple. Even when Endeavor threatened Hawks that he would beat him up the next time. Y/N just laugh and enjoy her time in family.
- Bonus -
Hawks was patrolling. He hates patrolling at night since he enjoys sleeping in Y/N's bed, cuddling her. It was a fairly peaceful night but he didn't fail to see the blue fire from an alley not too far where he was.
He made his way to the alley and was met face to face with the infamous villain, Dabi.
"Fancy seeing you here, Number two." The villain said to him. "I'm not here to fight." Dabi put his arms up in form of surrender.      "More especially, I came here to talk to you."
"What do you want Dabi." Hawks was getting pissed, he didn't want to deal with this now and fighting at this time it's a pain in the ass for him.
"I know that you associate me with the League..." Dabi hid his hands in his pockets and began walking away from him. "But you know... This is more on a personal note..." He turned a little to watch him in the eyes before going away. "You hurt her and you are dead." Dabi glared at him. It was the first time that Hawks feel scared of a villain. What did he mean by her? Before he could ask, Dabi was already out of sign.
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goldentsum · 5 years ago
hello,, is it ok if you write a scenario with fem s/o feeling empty and sad with bokuto 👉🏻👈🏻 its ok if your uncomfy or if u cant do it dou !
━ it’s okay not to be okay
CHARACTER: bokuto koutarou
GENRE: angst, fluff
AUTHOR’S NORE: this made me so soft and i can’t--... now i just want kou by my side.. 🥺🥺 
you don’t really know why you feel like this today. the sun was shining outside, birds were chirping, it was a wonderful day today but you just felt so empty and sad and you don’t know why. 
you curled up even more in your shared bed, feeling the tears pricking up on your eyes. you hastily wiped it away, the rough movement made your nose and eyes pinkish. 
hearing the front door of your shared apartment with koutarou open made you try to wipe away any evidence of crying in your face. the loud footstep of your boyfriend echoed through the quiet hall. 
“Babe? You up yet? I got you your favorite from that store downtown!” his cheerful and bright voice was heard from the kitchen. you made no effort to answer, closing your eyes as you don’t really wanna let your boyfriend see you like this. 
“(Y/n)? Baby?” you heard his voice getting closer and your bedroom door opened gently. your back facing him and you facing the window. bokuto smiled at you, thinking you were sleeping, and walked towards you. he sat on the bed, kissing your cheek but then he felt the wetness of your skin making him lean away to look at you properly. 
“(Y/n), what’s wrong? Are you okay? Is anything hurting?” his unusual soft voice reached your ears and that really triggered your emotions. you looked at bokuto with quivering lips, eyes red from the tears you’re trying to suppress.
“kou...” your voice was raspy and small. bokuto coo-ed softly at you, wrapping his arms around you instantly. he hugged you into his chest, rubbing your back gently with his warm hand. 
“what’s wrong?” 
“i don’t know...” 
bokuto smiled sadly and kissed the top of your head, softly. he fixed your position in his lap as he leaned against the headboard of the bed. bokuto drew circles on your thigh, kissing your forehead this time. 
“it’s okay, baby. we all have those days and i’m here for you” he whispered and he started humming a small tune. you exhaled a shaky breath, tears welling up again, and you leaned against bokuto’s chest, tucking your head under his chin. you felt the soft vibration and you closed your eyes. 
“you know, tsumu got all wonky when he got his wisdom tooth out. he told hinata how he’s gonna steal him from kageyama--” bokuto started telling you all these weird random stories making you smile a bit. 
his voice calms you and makes you forget about the sad thoughts for a moment. you’re so thankful for bokuto, without him with you, you would probably sulk for the rest of the day. he always knew how to cheer you up. he always understood. 
your mother told you when you were younger about how you would meet someone one day and everything would feel better with them, that the world would stop and all the moments you shared together was a blessing. the world would turn a little more colorful than before and that things would be fine as long as they were beside you.
your mother was right. you would meet someone that made you believe in soulmates.  
when those bright golden eyes gleaming down at you, you knew right there and then that you would do anything just to stay in his arms. nothing could ever change the way you feel about him, you were sure of it.
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cialbi · 5 years ago
Summertime Happy Daze - Chapter Two
Summary: Working in a small, local grocery store down by the shore has its perks; good pay, free food and seven handsome coworkers. Your first day back after two years abroad your happy summer days have just begun. 
Genre: Slice of Life, Friendship, Romance (fluff), Hurt and Comfort, AU
Pairings: BTS ot7 x Reader
Warnings: Language, Panic Attack, Flashbacks 
Word Count: 7730
Based on TRUE Daily Events
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What was only minutes felt like hours as the cold began to slice through your skin. An air of panic had built as you and Yoongi stared, bug-eyed, at each other. The broken handle seemed to mock you as it laid on the ground, it's frozen metal face like a bad joke, and no one was laughing.
"Oh shit, Yoongi. What do we do?" You asked, breath shaky.
Yoongi swallowed, wetting his lips with his tongue. He thought for a moment before bending down to pick up the handle and then attempted to reattach it to the gaping hole from where it was once fixed. The handle gave a little cry of resistance and then fell back down to the ground with a 'clunk.' Well, so much for that.
"Fuck. Hold on." He said and picked the handle back up. When his second attempt failed, Yoongi inspected the face bore and cursed. "Dammit. I think a piece is missing."
"Shit, seriously?" Your eyes blew wide.
Yoongi nodded. "I think so... It should be around here somewhere."
Instantly, the two of you were on your hands and knees, searching for a piece that would belong to a door, though what that looked like neither of you knew. Your kneecaps ached against the freezing floor and a knot in your throat formed when you were coming up short-handed. You looked behind boxes, stretched hands beneath shelves and overturned every crate you could see, but there was no sign of the missing piece anywhere.
"Did you find anything?" You turned to look at Yoongi who had just finished setting a bucket of raw chicken thighs down.
"No." He shook his head in defeat.
You scraped a hand through your hair and shivered. Cold pricked against your skin and almost every hair on your body was erect as your nose began to drip. The temperature seemed to drop by the second, the gravity of the situation lodging like a pit in your stomach. What do we do? Shit. What do we do? It's getting so cold I can barely feel my hands. Shit. Fuck. Shit.
Yoongi, picking up on your struggle, placed a hand on your shoulder in reassurance. "Let's stay calm ok? We'll call out to Namjoon and Tae and get some help from the other side."
You nodded with a quaking lip.
The two of you pounded on the door and yelled in hopes of catching the attention of your two other coworkers, praying to God that they were nearby and not in the midst of helping customers.
"Namjoon! Taehyung!"
You heard a curious murmur that progressively grew louder as the two boys approached. You could practically see Namjoon's scrunched brow, wondering what could possibly be going on from inside the walk-in. There was a jostling sound from the other side, then a few moments of silence passed followed by a rap on the door.
"Are you guys ok?" It was Taehyung who answered first.
"What happened?" Namjoon's voice followed.
Yoongi let out a breath of relief, little cotton puffs haloing his lips from the cold air. "The door handle fell off and we're trapped inside."
"Shit." Namjoon groaned. "I thought I told you guys to be careful!" His voice was scolding, but there was a clear underlying tone of worry laced in his words.
Yoongi's shoulders flattened. "Now's not the time for a lecture, Joon."
You heard the butcher sigh heavily, knowing he was trying his best to think logically amidst this bad circumstance. "Ok, ok, you're right. I'll go get Jin."
"Hyung, I'll stay here with them!" Taehyung said after him.
"Hurry! It's cold as fuck in here!"
As you heard Namjoon's retreating footsteps, you shifted your attention to Yoongi, a clear look of fear swimming in your eyes. Yoongi smiled meekly and grabbed your arms, rubbing them with the best encouragement he could offer.
"Hey, don't worry. Namjoon and Jin will figure out what to do."
You sniffed, looking around the giant fridge.
The walk-in wasn't tiny, but it was also not very big. The door was the type that sealed shut without a crack as to maintain the temperature, keeping the chilled air from escaping out into the deli. Fluorescent lights beamed off the icy white walls and made you feel like you were surrounded by flashing paparazzi cameras. You gulped, dizzy.
You didn't bode well in enclosed spaces, especially enclosed spaces below thirty degrees, and you could feel your claustrophobia creep up your nerves. The walls felt like they were inching closer with every breath you took and your vision became narrowed as the worst case scenarios flooded your mind. You were starting to get that lightheaded, too-warm feeling that meant you were either going to hurl or fall down soon.
What if they can't figure out what to do? What if we're trapped in here for hours? What if Namjoon and Jin don't make it here in time? Shit, we're gonna freeze.
Not being able to stand any longer, you sank down to the floor and pulled your legs into yourself for comfort. Oh no. It's happening. You thought, the familiar sensation of a panic attack draped around you like a wet blanket.
Yoongi crouched down beside you with the barest of touch on the small of your back. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
"I uh... sorry, I just..." You trailed, not knowing how to put it in words.
Your heart pounded against your ribs as you inhaled a breath. The rise and fall of your chest stung with every constriction of your lungs and pools of moisture trilled down your back. Yoongi frowned.
"What is it?"
You shook your head. The panic only intensified as your leg began to convulse with jittery thrusts and you swallowed thickly. Your breathing shallowed.
"It's nothing. T-this happens sometimes... I get nervous... " You bit back your words feeling extremely embarrassed for this to be happening in front of Yoongi of all people. Hurling definitely felt like the possible outcome.
"What happens? Tell me what's going on."
"Really.. it's nothing." You started, your body hot and freezing at the same time.
"It doesn't look like nothing to me." Yoongi eyed you with concern.
You'd be damned if you were going to admit you were having a panic attack, so you shook your head again and shoved your head between your knees. You wished Yoongi would just back off and let anxious dogs lie, but that smart-ass, god-bless-his-soul of a man refused to relent.
"Does your tummy hurt?" He asked.
Fuck yes your tummy fucking hurt. And your heart, and your brain, and goddammit it's cold. Why does Jin keep the walk-in so motherfucking cold? Part of you wanted to tell him to stop asking questions and let you be, but words just weren't finding you.
As if your silence was an answer, it finally occurred to Yoongi what was happening. He pulled back a little bit.
"Oh..." His eyes widened. "Oh." Yoongi's expression mixed with emotions, contemplating what to do. "Hey Y/N. Is it ok if I touch you now?"
Excuse me, what?  Not knowing how to answer, you remained quiet.
"Ok." Yoongi said carefully. "I'm going to touch you now."
After a moment, you felt yourself being pulled forward as he cradled you against his chest. You could hear the gentle drum of his heartbeat and his body felt warm, though he was clearly as cold as you were by the way he shivered.
"Shh. It's gonna be ok Y/N." He whispered, his breath feverish against the shell of your ear.
"Hyung, what's happening?" Taehyung's voice called from the deli.
Yoongi's lips dipped, eyebrows furrowed in consideration. "I think..." He paused, thinking about his words. "Y/N's tummy hurts." He said, rubbing circles on your back. Something told you he knew exactly what was happening by how he'd asked permission to touch you, and you were more than grateful that he had respected your confidentiality.
"Is she ok?" Taehyung paused. "Sorry. Stupid question. Y/N it's going to be fine, I promise. We're going to figure this out."
From the other side, the raven-haired boy was seated on the ground, his face smushed against the metal door as he tried to hear what was proceeding. Worried was an understatement.
"Dammit. Where are they?" Taehyung bit his lip and looked back towards the front of the deli.
Inside the walk-in, Yoongi patted your back, using a soothing tempo that he hoped would calm you. Running a hand through your hair, he sighed. He understood that there was very little he could say to comfort you, so he decided to walk you through the anxiety instead.
"Hey. Y/N. Let's talk about something." He tried.
You sniffed. "A-about what?"
Yoongi shrugged. "I don't know, what do you want to talk about?"
"U-um..." You had trouble thinking of a topic, so you said "The s-store seems like it's g-going well." Great conversation starter. You sneezed.
Yoongi laughed. "Does it?" He rested his chin on your head. "I'm not sure. The store's been lonely without you."
"W-what?" You stuttered, wondering if you had heard correctly. You hadn't realized they were clenched shut until your eyes snapped open at his confession.
Yoongi's voice was gentle as he looked over to an assembly of chicken barrels, cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment. "Everyone's missed you so much, you know? Jin, Jimin and the others. Not me, obviously." You laughed a little at that, making Yoongi smirk. "It's uh... not the same without you. Quiet." Yoongi wanted to walk off a cliff at how cheesy he sounded. "Hey. Remember that time when Hoseok got so sunburned that he could barely move? He whined about using sunblock like a baby and we all thought he was crazy. He looked like a walking hotdog by the end of the day--well deserved might I add--but you made sure he applied plenty of aloe."
"He's so s-stupid sometimes." You grinned against your arm.
"Stupid. But means well." He paused. "I think."  
"And Namjoon b-burned all the barbecue." You muttered.
"That's right." He chuckled lowly. "And then you spent hours showing him how to grill the food correctly."
"HE STILL BURNED EVERYTHING THOUGH!" Taehyung yelled from behind the door.
Another smile tugged at your lips as you could recall that afternoon very clearly. You could smell the salt of the ocean and how the warmth of the sticky sun greased your bare skin. The horizon had been an intoxicating shade of pink that day and the sounds of seagulls a pleasant melody amongst the cloudless sky. You could see the boys in their swimming trunks, splashing around in the water like puppies and the whoops of joy they had expressed as they ran down the shoreline in a flurry of sand and seashells. The taste of Namjoon's poor cooking ghosted your tongue as you brought up the image of everyone scraping charred pieces of meat and veggies with their fingers. The way Hoseok looked like a lobster after refusing to properly administer sunscreen played through your mind and you thought of later that evening when you had all packed up to go home.
"Aish. How did this happen?" Hoseok had whined, poking at his seared skin gingerly.
"We told you to reapply after swimming hyung." Jungkook had noted as he folded up the beach umbrella.
"But the bottle said waterproof!"
A little laugh escaped your lips. "So stupid..."
You felt Yoongi shift as he smiled against your hair. "Yeah. We really are. Stupid."
You felt your heart rate slow to a soft pitter-pat, and your clammy hands loosened their grasp from around Yoongi's hoodie, tangled nerves beginning to unravel. The nauseousness dispersed from your stomach, your jelly-like limbs regaining their strength. It took a minute for your mind to clear. Then abruptly, you pulled away in sheer mortification. Only one day back and you're already sobbing into a man's sweatshirt. What the actual fuck.
Fucking get yourself together you psycho! "I'm sorry." You mumbled.
Yoongi leant back slightly and smiled, unbothered. "Don't be."
Minutes flew by as you sat together in silence. Yoongi remained crouched by your side on the ground, watching you closely but you refused to meet his gaze. Blood rushed to your face as you realized you must have seemed incredibly insane just moments ago. Any confidence you had regained this morning shattered, and you felt your pride fly out the window and sail away into the distance.
You opened and closed your mouth, wanting to say something, anything, but words were lost to you.
From outside, a murmur of voices had clustered around the door. It sounded like Taehyung was talking to someone by the way his husky voice shifted in intervals. Your ears perked as the new voices of Jimin and Hoseok became apparent and you could hear Namjoon saying something in response, his tone flat but serious. Finally, Jin spoke.
"I don't care what it is, do whatever it takes to get them out. Stat."
Your shoulders slumped in relief at the sound of your boss's fierce, silky voice.
Yoongi touched your face with his fingers, the cool silver of his rings steamed against your blushing cheeks. "You see?" He said. "They're gonna do everything they can to make sure we get outta here."
You shivered and then sneezed. Shuddering, you hugged yourself tighter. Yoongi clucked his tongue and took off his hoodie then forced it over your head, helping your trembling arms through the respective sockets. Your own clothes had been baggy to begin with, but his sweatshirt was far bigger and encompassed you in a toasty blanket of heat that thawed your frozen bones. Your blush deepened, though you gripped the sleeves with sunken nails and steeped in the warmth and smell of mint. You noticed underneath he only had on a white, skin-hugging t-shirt that accentuated his lean muscles–a sight you would have normally found delicious if it weren't for your concern about his well-being.
"Aren't you gonna freeze?" You asked.
Yoongi just shrugged. "Don't worry about it."
You began to protest, but he silenced you with a finger as if to say 'don't start with me' so you nodded and pulled your knees to your chest.
"Thank you."
As time ticked by with quiet, you found yourself wondering. Coming down off your anxiety-ridden high, you realized how flawlessly Yoongi had executed his actions and you began to wonder to yourself how he'd known exactly what to do instead of flying off to a corner of ignorance and aversion. Physical contact, consoling, grounding. The three steps of aiding a person rooted in an episode of panic. The three steps Yoongi had demonstrated with ease and precision.
"Hey Yoongi." You piped up, fiddling with your nail beds as you stared at your feet. "I have a question."
You picked at a hangnail, thinking how to phrase your question. "Um... how did you know what to do?"
Yoongi fixed you with a perplexed look. "Know how to do what?"
You shrugged smalley, shrinking back into yourself, a twinge of shame poked at your gut. "You know... how to calm me down?"
"Oh." He considered his response for a second. You lifted your head when he didn't say anything and your eyes were met with an intense stare as he replied earnestly. "I have some experience."
You blinked at him. That was an answer you didn't expect.
What does he mean by 'experience?' You briefly speculated. Then it hit you, and suddenly you didn't need him to explain. Oh.
"Yoongi, I-"
'VROOOOOOOOOO–' A loud noise blasted from outside the door, the deafening blare of an electric bolt-screw interrupting your sentence. You and Yoongi exchanged looks of confusion as it hummed boisterously from the other side of the walk-in door. You covered your ears. It went on for a good five minutes before subsiding into stillness and you eyed the door skeptically as nothing happened. Then suddenly, the metal fortress jerked back with a thump and the glare of sunshine poured through the open void in a stream of whites and golds.
Simultaneously, you both stood up, your bodies stiff from the frosty air and muscles cracking under the pressure of sitting for so long on the glacial floor. You stepped out towards the light and blinked, adjusting your vision. Without warning, a ball of blonde hair catapulted into your arms and hugged you tightly as if you were a lost lover, finally reunited. The smell of flowers and soap wafted through your nose and baby-pink cashmere cloaked you like a curtain. It was Jimin.
"I was so worried! Are you ok? Oh my gosh you're so cold!" The boy pulled out from his embrace and rubbed his hands up and down your shoulders in attempts to warm you.
A wide smile spread across your lips. You'd never been so happy to see his pretty face.
"Hey Jiminnie. I'm ok." You said, pinching his cheeks. You breathed deeply, soaking up the new found heat of the deli.
Jimin let his arms fall, his eyes held yours with a worried expression. "You're blue."
You laughed softly. "Am I? Well it is cold in there. I don't recommend getting trapped inside, it's not fun."
Jimin made a face. "I'm just glad you're alright. If it weren't for Jungkook and Namjoon hyung, well... I don't want to imagine what could have happened."
You noticed off to the side, Jungkook and Namjoon busy heaving the giant door away from the walk-in, having unbolted its hinges in order to set you free. Their muscles flexed like gods as they moved it with incredible power, placing it to rest against the wooden counter of the sandwich block. You shot them a grateful look, which they returned with relieved smiles.
"Oh you poor thing!" Hoseok swooped through the room with a red fleece blanket that he then draped around your shoulders. His deep brown eyes twinkled with fret and his lips were pulled into a frown of concern. "Here you go, sweetheart. Do you want some tea?"
You shook your head. To be honest, tea sounded nice, but you didn't want him to go through the trouble. Just the sight of his face was enough to toast your wintry insides. "No, thank you."
"Do you need anything else? Some food? A heating pad? I can get you some aspirin if you'd like. I know I have some here somewhere..." The gardener fussed, reminding you of a clucking mother.
"No. I'm ok. I promise."
"Are you sure?"
"You'd tell me if you weren't sure, right?"
"Yes Hobi!" You laughed, touched by his maternal affection.
Hoseok squinted, not quite believing you. "Alright..."
Then suddenly, two sets of arms wrapped around you from each side as Taehyung and Jungkook gathered you up in a double hug. The strength of their biceps squeezing your waist had you gasping for air and you squirmed for release, but neither of them let up as they buried their noses in your frigid hair.
"Guys. Can't. Breathe." You squeaked.
"Sorry Y/N." Jungkook said, clearly not sorry.
"We've captured you, and we're not letting go!" Taehyung cheered.
"Seriously guys, air!"
"Yah! Don't crowed her!" The squawking voice of Jin cut through the room.
You craned your neck to see the shopkeeper, his perfect hair messy and his cheeks painted pink as your eyes met. He was standing behind the others with his arms folded firmly over his aproned chest. You could tell he was trying to look calm, but there was the distinct hint of worry slapped across his features.
"You know, I was in there too." Yoongi rolled his onyx eyes as he brushed past the flock of bodies to lean against the butcher's block. He palmed his arms to create circulation and sniffed his cherry nose to keep it from running.
Jimin dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "Your heart is already frozen solid, hyung."
"You didn't do anything to her in there did you?" Jungkook raised a brow, lip turned up in jest.
Hoseok gasped. "The quiet ones are always the ones to look out for!"
Even Namjoon stiffened, throwing daggers at Yoongi's sea-green head.
Yoongi groaned, rubbing at his oncoming headache.
You smiled to yourself. If only they knew.
Taehyung looked down at you, a sudden serious expression fresh on his face. "Are you really ok?"
You sighed. Yoongi may have said your tummy hurt, but Taehyung wasn't stupid. Not that stupid at least. "I'm fine Tae. I promise." You said, ignoring the curious glances that shifted between you and Taehyung.
He furrowed his brows and made a face that said he wanted to say more, but, acknowledging your resistance, he backed off with a nod.
"Is everything ok?"
"What's going on, I can't see."
"I think someone got trapped inside the freezer."
"Oh no. That's terrible."
An ocean of hushed whispers pricked your ears and you turned to look up front at a small hub of customers who had gathered to witness the whole incident. Looks of concern mixed with intrigue at the promise of drama had you avert your gaze to the tiled floor of the deli. You felt watched. With all those wandering eyes and the boys fussing over you like a lost puppy, you suddenly felt very self-conscious and very embarrassed that you had been the cause of such a scene. Because leave it to you to walk straight into a cheesy twenty-first century drama.
Jin cleared his throat. Taehyung and Jungkook released you from their strongholds as the shopkeeper approached you with a gentle smile. He touched your arm softly and you shivered, though you were no longer cold. With eyes that could melt buckets of ice, he brushed a stray lock away from your face.
"Hey there." He said.
You smiled weakly. "Hi."
"Some first day back, eh?"
You laughed, faltering. "You're telling me."
The moon was barely a sphere in the sky, peering from behind the clouds like a game of peek-a-boo as the sun took its final call for the day. The streets bathed in amber, glowed amidst the black of the paved road and lent a dazzling ray of evening light. It was quiet, save for the churn of automobile tires as they sped down the road in a glide of red taillights. The weather had shifted considerably, the greasy summer heat lessened to a sizzle and cool sails of air blew by reliably.
The streets were massive, like a highway, only less traffic, and the sidewalks merged so that the only barrier of protection they offered were painted white lines that stretched along the ground and out into the distance. You were strolling down the flat streets of the main boulevard, hands tucked into the pouch of Yoongi's hoodie, clocked out and work finished for the evening.
After recovering from the events back at Kim's Market, the day had pretty much returned to normal. Well, as normal as a day at Kim's could get. There had been no trouble reattaching the door to the walk-in, though there was still the matter of the broken handle, so Jin had decided that until everything was completely safe, the fridge was off limits. It was a relief that the walk-in itself still worked, otherwise the perishables inside would spoil. However, no one wanted to risk a repeat of what had happened so the shopkeeper had roped it off with some yellow caution tape and instructed Jungkook to fix the handle in the morning.
From beside you, Yoongi stretched, his muscles a ripple of pent up knots and a little sliver of stomach exposed itself from underneath his white t-shirt. The seafoam-green of his hair glittered a bright lime color against the setting sun and his handsome features lulled in a peaceful trance as he looked straight ahead. A curtain of awkward tension drifted between you two as you walked together in silence.
When you had gathered up your belongings from your locker, Yoongi had approached you with an offer to walk you home, an offer you had hesitated to take. You had told him your parent's house was only about ten minutes away by foot and that there was really no need, but he had insisted. And you, not wanting to be rude, accepted. So here you were, walking side by side and not a word exchanged as the hum of cars raced by.
Minutes dragged along painfully. You fiddled with your keys, tracing the outline of your cat-shaped key-fob to soothe your nerves. The weight of the anxiety attack hung on your neck and you found yourself without a word to say. You didn't know what to say, really. Shame was always something you had trouble vocalizing and 'sorry' seemed like much too much of an understatement by this point.
You glanced at Yoongi. Not seeming to mind the quiet, the man's eyes were fixed to the ground, the length of his lashes casted shadows beautifully amongst his sculpted cheekbones and his poreless skin glistened gold resembling the scales of a koi fish. Your lips parted in awe. He looked serene, like a portrait from a mid-centuries painting.
Having registered your stare, Yoongi lifted his head and turned to meet your eyes, their onyx shade of black pooled in reflected light.
"What?" He raised a brow.
You blushed, quickly throwing your gaze back in front of you. "N-nothing."
At 11th Street and Beachfront, you gestured for Yoongi to follow you around the corner. The road was open; rows of pretty, decorated beach houses lined the sides with cars parked out front of their porches or tucked away safely in driveways. The first house on the corner was huge, buried in wildlife and lawn chairs and an old tire swing hung from the tree branch of a large oak, its worn yellow twine caked with sap. A group of young children were gathered around it, crying in delight as they took turns pushing and swinging. One of the kids, a small mousy girl in a pink tank top, waved at you with a toothy grin. You smiled and waved back.
Here, the sun came slantwise through the trees across the road and made long gold stripes of light along the pavement. You walked along one of the gold stripes, watching your incredibly tall shadow walking before you. You heard Yoongi snort and you blushed, realizing you must have looked childish, like one of those kids playing back at the tire swing.
Your own house resided towards the end of the road, just by the narrow, sandy pathway that led out to the beach. Three houses down to be exact. It had been a long time since any of the boys had been to your parent's house and Yoongi's presence brought up the memory of your birthday when you had invited them over to celebrate. You remembered playing man hunt that night–a game you loved to play down at the shore, since the neighborhood was relatively safe and it offered many great hiding places amongst the bushes and trees. And since it had been your birthday, you had been tasked with tracking down your coworkers whilst guarding a lone pepsi can that sat in the middle of your driveway. Your eyes darted across your surroundings, recalling almost all their hiding spots with ease. Because on top of being an amazing sandwich maker, you were also a master at manhunt.
Jin had been the first to be found. The shopkeeper had been hiding behind a hoard of garbage bins, head tucked into his knees and hands folded over his head in a crouching fetal-position.
"Jin! I see you!" You had called and then raced after him as he attempted to flee.
"Seeing isn't enough! You gotta catch me first!" He had called back, speeding down the street in a blur of white. And you did. Catch him, that is.
Jungkook and Taehyung had been found next. The youngest boys thought they'd been smart by posing as friends on someone else's porch, but they had been too still and too quiet for a couple of teenagers on a Saturday night.
"Taehyung! Jungkook!"
"Oh shit!" Taehyung had faltered as you placed a hand on his shoulder and tagged him out.
"I told you we shoulda hid in the garden." Jungkook mumbled, pouting.
Jimin had been squatting in the thick of a bush, shielded by dark leaves and twisting prongs. You had had difficulty finding him amidst their shaded protection, but the glint of his corn colored hair had been a dead giveaway under the moon's radiant glare.
"Jimin!" You had yelled out, then paused, noticing he had been having trouble untangling himself. "You ok?"
"Yeah... just... gotta...shit, I can't move. Ok. You got me." He frowned in defeat.
You had laughed as you helped pull the poor boy out from the tumble of gnarly branches.
Namjoon and Yoongi had been the last to be found. The two older males had sought cover from beneath your patio, chests pressed tightly into the dirt. You may have never discovered them if it weren't for Namjoon who had freaked when a garden snake slithered over his burly hands. He had howled so loud you almost thought he'd been seriously wounded or something.
"Shut up! She's gonna find us!" Yoongi had knocked him over the head and shushed him but it had been too late. Once their hiding spot had been revealed, the two boys had dashed in opposite directions in attempts to throw you off, but Namjoon had tripped over his own feet and Yoongi--once again, god-bless him--had stopped running in order to help him up.
"Can you not be a total klutz for two seconds?" The older had muttered, eyeing Namjoon with contempt.
You had looked at them with a triumphant smirk, pride oozing from your eyes as you had gazed upon your captured prey.
Now all that had been left was...
"I did it!" Hoseok had whooped joys of victory as he kicked the can on your driveway and sent it flying into the trees.
The satisfaction on your face wavered as the gardener gathered you up in his arms and twirled you around in a fit of giggles. You'd let your guard down for seconds, not realizing it was just long enough for Hoseok to emerge from his hiding spot and sprint through the night time breeze like a fucking gazelle. Damn those long legs.
"Where were you hiding?" You had moped, lip jutting cutely in his arms.
His eyes had twinkled with stars as he placed your feet back to earth. "It's a secret."
The faintest smile ghosted your lips as you were pulled back to the present. He never did tell you where his hiding spot had been.
The blare of your porch light signaled your arrival so you stopped and turned toward Yoongi who was looking at your house as if he too were recounting a good memory. You hugged your arms sheepishly and rocked on the balls of your feet, not knowing whether you should say something or wait for him to speak first. Feeling your gaze, he turned his head and fixed his eyes with yours.
"Here we are." Yoongi said.
"Here we are..." You repeated. "Um... thanks–for walking me home I mean."
He grinned. "Sure. Don't mention it.".
Your throat felt swollen as you swallowed. "Right. So... see you tomorrow?"
Yoongi nodded thoughtfully. No more words were forming in your brain, so you turned on your heel with a wave and began to ascend the staircase.
Then you remembered.
"Yoongi, wait! Your hoodie!" You called, lifting the hem over your stomach.
Yoongi looked over his shoulder and smiled wide, the largest one you had ever seen him wear. "Keep it. It looks better on you."
You stood there, dumbfounded as he once again commenced his retreat and disappeared down the road. You stayed planted in your spot even well after he was out of view, twirling your hair like a ring around your fingers. You grimaced, suddenly annoyed with yourself. What were you, a lovesick school girl?
With a second glance at the empty street, you turned and walked up the stairs to your door. You paused in front of it, staring at your reflection in the crystalline glass–you did look cute, in an elfish-sort of way– and smiled stupidly before shoving your keys into the lock. The door gave a subtle 'creak' as you pushed against it and let yourself in. Right as you stepped inside, you were met with another set of wooden stairs that led to the kitchen and your parent's room while on the ground floor was your own bedroom and a bathroom. The air smelled like palm and floor cleaner with a hint of honey, a comforting and homely scent that reminded you of your mother. She liked things clean and tidy. You sighed, feeling the weight of your day leap off your shoulders and disappear into the dark of your home.
Flicking on the lights, you tossed your neck to the side and generated a ripple of cracks that rolled through your spine. God, you were drained. Some alone-time was long overdue. You sniffed your clothes and shuddered, the smell of meat and cheese invading your nose. I guess let's start with a shower... and a change of clothes.
Red lights flashed through your eyes. Broken bottles littered the ground, their shards of glass glinting angrily and the whir of a ceiling fan pierced through the room. The sounds of sirens blared aggressively in your ears like someone was screaming bloody murder. You felt dizzy, the taste of alcohol rose from your throat and a horrible smell like rotting garbage filled your nose. There was a knock on your door and then a streak of light filled the dark, the sound of footsteps echoing in its wake.
Suddenly you felt yourself moving, waving side to side, your brain rattling in your skull as you were lifted in the air. Everything hurt, your body heavy as it sunk into a hard, padded surface. The slow beat of your heart pounded in your head and your breathing had faded into a shallow hum amidst your ribs. You squinted. Although your vision was blurry, you could make out a huddle of faces peering down at you, their features cloudy and smeared.
'What is happening?' You wanted to shout at them, though nothing came out. You had the need to turn over and vomit, but your stomach was empty and your muscles were limp so you let out a strangled groan of pain instead.
Someone shook you, their hands careful not to hurt you, however, strong enough to send a jolt through your listless frame.
"L/N-san!" From somewhere your name was called.
Who's that? Who are you? What's going on?
Your mind started to blank and the world spun, turning white; a hot white that struck your nerves with searing agony.
Make it stop. Please.
A pair of hands lifted your shirt, their fingers like ice against your burning flesh and from somewhere else another pair of hands smacked your face. Your eyes rolled, unable to focus. A foreign voice barked orders you couldn't understand, their tone frantic and demanding. A slew of other unfamiliar voices answered followed by a repetitive beeping that made your head ache. Then there was a pressure of some kind of object on your chest, it was smooth and cold like metal. It rested on your skin like pools of solid water and you shuddered under its icy touch. All of a sudden, electricity surged through you, snapping your back off of the padded surface, fingers curling in convulsion. You gasped out a scream, an explosion of colored dots clouding your vision.
Stop! No more...
You begged for relief, tears streaming down your cheeks as the world was consumed by shadows.
"L/N-san! L/N-san!"
"Fuck!" You jolted upright in your bed.
With shaky hands, you clutched the fabric of your floral white comforter, sweat pouring down your back as you gulped buckets of air. Mouth dry and head pounding, you sighed heavily, rubbing your temples to ease the throbbing pain.
Great. Another dream.
You wiped the sleep from your eyes and stared vacantly around your room, wondering what time it was. By the way the sun glowed weakly, it couldn't have been past 8:00. After stretching your arms you rolled back on your side and combed the covers and pillows for your phone, finding it buried deep beneath the sheets by your feet. You must have thrashed in your slumbers, otherwise you had no idea how it could have possibly ended up there. Tapping your finger against the screen you squinted in discomfort as the light shone brightly in your face.
6:20 am.
A little moan escaped your lips as you fell back into the poofy embrace of your mattress. For a few minutes, you allowed yourself the luxury of lying on the bed, remembering your dream with vividity. Work didn't start until 11:00 and knowing you'd never be able to get back to sleep, you suddenly found a lot of time on your hands.
Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter! Chapters 1-2 were written this summer, so the writing may change from here on out. Just an FYI. Sorry for the wordiness, I'm trying to tone it down.
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breathings-of-the-heart · 5 years ago
To Love Another
Levi Ackerman x Reader
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A/N: Hey guys!! Back after a long hiatus, sorry hehe. I know y’all must hear this a lot and be sick of it, but there was a lot going on in my personal life that I needed to deal with. (I.E. an parent custody issues and succession of court cases) But everything has been settled in my favor so I’m back and excited!! 
Anyway, this is a part two I promised like years ago which can stand by itself kinda so u don’t have to go back and read part one lol. I wrote so much that I’m dividing it in two; part three will be out most likely by tomorrow. If you want to read part one, link for it is here: Imagine Relating to Mikasa about Loving someone in the Military
(requested by @a-single-uwo @dracq and @little-diva-gurl and to you three specifically, so sorry for the wait! But I didn’t forget :3)
“He loves you, more than he’s ever loved anyone. Surely you know that,” Hange tried to plead, taking (Y/N)’s small hands into her own.
With an inability to overlook the throbbing in her chest, the girl simply met her gaze with a sorrowful smile. Her friend’s expression was sympathetic, conveying her sentiment with a sense of urgency and conviction; such a gesture was appreciated, but considering the events of today leading the broken girl thus far, easy to brush off. Levi’s own harsh words and hard-set countenance were forever etched into (Y/N)’s memory-- speaking louder than any other subconscious that told her he didn’t mean the things he’d spoken. All she could see now was the Captain’s anger trumping all the blinding endearment she thought the two of them to shared. There was no room in her brain for two such vastly different images… the young woman viewed herself an idiot.
(Y/N) was barely able to speak, a thousand words at once caught in behind her pursed lips as she shook her head, wishing Hange’s statement was true.
“With all do respect, Section Commander…” weak voice trailing off, the petite beauty cleared her throat and willed herself not to cry. “I don’t believe you. I was a fool to think of myself as more than my true worth to Levi.”
Said man of the conversation stood on the other side of the door, a whole world away, fist lifted mid-knock. He stilled, gray orbs downcast as he heard the girl’s reply echoing in his ears. 
The documents in his hand fell from his fingertips as his body slacked, the pages fluttering in the air and settling with the ambiance. He hadn’t realized he dropped them, and when he did, Levi could not bring himself to care. His eyelids squeezed shut painfully and the stoic male turned heel, footsteps rhythmically sounding off the lacquer floor as he shuffled away in defeat and heartache.
And only when the stoic man reached the privacy of his room did he realize his fingernails were dug so tightly into his palms that crescent moon scars would indent the skin for life.
A cruel, constant reminder. A testimony to his greatest pain--- your heartbreak.
Commander Erwin sat at the head of the office table of one of the many meeting rooms littered along the castle, a serious expression cast on his defined face. There was a tired yet determined look fixed on his shadowed face; deceptively aged with worry lines creased across his forehead: a tell to the stress and conflicting passion his position required. Untold horrors must have crossed the man’s mind on the daily, yet, the disciplined, solemn facade did well to suggest otherwise.
Even in another dim scenario such as this one, he remained the epitome of strength.
As Erwin studied a long paper in front of him, there was a flicker of deep thought that passed just as quickly as it came. The thought grew smaller in his eyes, and the put-together authority figure stroked his freshly kempt chin.
Having not seen the Scouts since their rescue mission to save Eren, you were shocked at the change in the head of the regiment. With an arm lost and the deceptively young-looking appearance faded, it was only then when you realized his hair told stories as well-- speckled with select gray strands, the stress-revealers hid amongst a thicket of slicked away blondes.
Things seem to have shifted. From what I’ve read in the reports… Eren controlled the Titans with his scream without knowing how. It feels like we’re moving forwards and backwards at the same time.
You touched the bandaging around your torso, wincing a tad as you pressed too hard.
If I’d been more careful last mission I would’ve seen it all for myself.
A map was spread out across the wooden surface of the ancient worktable, the parchment’s top ends brushing against your fingertips. It gave off a beige hue with ink blended in a thoughtful, delicately beautiful layout of Wall Maria’s charted territory. Sunlight filtered through the window shades and illuminated the figurines representing another formation of the Commander’s. Clusters creating an almost horseshoe shape laid out in front of the spectators in the room, squads labeled accordingly. The symbols representing the Special Operations Squad were located on the innermost circle, standing out in bright yellow.
You took a moment to gaze up and break away from the lull of the deafening silence.
You were painfully aware of Captain Levi’s presence next to you. Eren sat on your other side, with another squad leader directly across. Hange was at Erwin’s left side, and Moblit peered past Mikasa’s shoulder in order to see properly as the head of the Survey Corps spoke, finally leaving the separate worlds of his own mind. Armin and stood behind the blonde man, absorbing each of his words carefully.
“There’s many obstacles to be dealt with, naturally” Erwin intoned, officially beginning the meeting. “For starters, we cannot risk any casualties on the journey to Shiganshina. Knowing the enemy, they will be prepared for our arrival and not a single soldier can be spared until we get to the battle field.”
Erwin brought up a lingering, troubling issue that already started to make your head hurt. As a key strategist and extension of the Brain Trust, however, your mind was your strongest weapon. There had to be a way to work around it all.
“Traveling at night is yet another risk,” you relayed, resting your weight on your forearms. “Considering the events experienced the night of the Beast Titan’s appearance.”
The light of the full moon must have been bright enough to give the titans energy.
“How are we supposed to work our way around that?” Eren groaned in exasperation.
You wracked your brain, biting your lip in frustration as all came up blank. All motion came to a halt, though, as you felt a hand grip your knee firmly. Electricity shot through your body as you met the penetrating gaze.
“Calm down, brat. Tapping incessantly will only piss me off.”
You hadn’t even known you’d been doing it, but the second the Captain touched you, you were frozen.
Your eyes met his, fully, for the first time in months. And from that instant on, they were trapped in the blue-gray you had drowned in so many times before. You couldn’t help but absorb the sight and engrave it to memory, the art of Levi himself a blessing you had nearly forgotten. But he was different from last time. Maybe it was the illusion fading, or your distant memory. Of him, never.
He looked tired, like you, the fire in those orbs dulled into dying embers. Was that the mission’s doing? The loss of nearly half the regiment?
Or was it something else entirely?
Then your focus shifted to his hand, which dared to travel the smallest bit upwards. Levi kept it there, as if stuck in his own trance. A minute, hour, day could have passed and still, in that moment, you wouldn’t have noticed.
Until reality hit and you remembered everything anew.  
As if he had been burned, Levi retracted his hand as quickly as you looked away. The illusion faded once more, just as tragic as last time.
Breath, (Y/N). This is bigger than you.
“I suspect,” you sighed, regaining yourself, “the indirect source of sunlight the moon reflects, is enough to generate energy for these new titans. The solution is simple.”
“We can initiate the expedition next new moon!” Armin exclaimed, pointing at you excitedly.
“Mhmm, that is our most promising option. But I doubt it will be safe doing it on horseback. We need to be quiet, stealthy, and aware of our surroundings considering the dangers of the dark. Our vision will be limited,” Hange pointed out. “We’ll need to walk them and our supplies, and find a better source of light.”
Erwin nodded, looking slightly impressed.
And as your nonchalant front solidified, you realized it was becoming easier to smile than to remember the hurt. It seemed that way for Levi too, who took an elegant sip of tea as if nothing fazed him at all.
There are more important things, clearly.
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marshmallowprotection · 5 years ago
zen with an mc who can't have kids (but really wishes she could) due to a genetic disease ? thank u! feel free to decline if it's uncomfortable to write ^^
TW: Infertility. She/Her Pronouns since it was specificed. 
First of all, Zen loves his MC no matter who they are as a person, what they do, or what they deal with within their life, be it personal things or things out of their control. If his MC has a chronic illness or something that affects their life in more ways then one, he’s the first person to throw his hat into the ring to be there for them. 
His power is his compassion and dedication to other people, most of all his MC. 
Sincerely, it’s a lot of support from his ring and some people may get overwhelmed with just how on top of everything he is. He wants to be there for everything and he wants to make sure that you don’t feel as bad as you can. He just wants you to be happy and comfortable, and no matter what he has to do: 
Zen will do whatever you ask and need of him without even needing to prompt him. 
It’s increasingly obvious as you speak with Zen, that he is the kind of man that would want a family and children one day, so, of course, his partner would be somebody who also wants to have kids. You’ve always wanted to be a parent, and it’s so easy to speak with him about these idyllic hypotheticals every now and again. 
But, you know that if you have kids in the future, you won’t be able to have them yourself, despite how much you want to have one. It’s something that you’ve known for a very long time but struggle to bring up to others because that’s often a deal-breaker on many dates before you get too far into a relationship. It makes you feel like less of a person sometimes because it’s not like you don’t want to have them, you sincerely do want a child, but you can’t control what your body can and cannot do. 
Adoption or surrogacy would be the only scenario that would even be viable. You’re fine with that, but it doesn’t change those lingering thoughts of poor self-worth. 
When you meet Zen, it’s like a whirlwind romance. 
Everything just perfectly clicks and you find yourself becoming closer and closer to him. There’s nothing about him that you don’t like, and you enjoy spending time with him. It seems that he feels the same way because he’s always trying to flirt with you and vie for your attention. You’ve never felt so wanted and appreciated in your life. 
At the time, it almost feels too good to be true. 
But, by the time that party’s over, you’re for sure smitten with him and there’s no looking back from that. Zen loves you, he’s sure of that, and you love him. You two settle into a great romance that doesn’t even past the first couple of months. He’s always excited and never loses the twinkle in his eyes when he awakes every morning and sees you next to him. 
There becomes a new normal in your lives for quite some time; You focus on helping Zen manage his acting career and Zen starts to get more and more offers for work. His hard work really starts to pay off for him and after two years of really putting it to the grindstone, he feels like you’re both at a good place to start building your life to the next level. 
You had always been really somewhat dodgy when it came to the topic of children and you had once told him that you wanted kids but it wasn’t exactly something that you could do, it was in passing and you seemed to want to avoid the topic. You would always leave it at that when he brought it up and 
He never pressed you for more information since it seemed sensitive and his work was still 100% his focus at that time, so it was alright to let the topic go down. 
It wasn’t until he seriously sat down with you and coaxed the information out that you broke down and admitted your infertility directly. How you couldn’t have children due to a condition, and there wasn’t anything you could do about it. It wasn’t one of those things that could be easily fixed with this or that. It was one of those things where no matter what you did, it just wouldn’t happen. 
Your nerves. 
Your fears. 
Your trepidation. 
All of it, spilling out all at once in such a way that by the time you’re done speaking, you’re crying and trembling from the honesty. You had never been quite so forward with that information, not even with yourself, not since you had learned about it. 
“I hope this doesn’t change how you feel about me, Hyun,” you mumble at the end, holding your arms around yourself. “But, I’ll understand if this changes everything… and if you don’t want to be with me anymore because of it.” 
Zen shakes his head, incredulous. It hurts him to think that you must have been feeling this way because he had been bringing it up more lately. He knew that this could be a touchy subject for a lot of people who wanted kids, and it was even harder on you because you couldn’t have them yourself as you wanted. 
He wraps his arms around you tightly in a hug. “This doesn’t change anything, Y/N. Your ability to have kids or to not have them doesn’t make me love you any less. I don’t love you for that. I love you for you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my- of our lives. Sure, I want to have a beautiful family with you but that doesn’t mean that this makes that dream impossible. You must have been dealing with this for a long time on the inside. I’m sorry if I pressured you in any way.” 
You aren’t sure what you’ve done to deserve somebody as sweet as he is. Every other relationship you’ve ever had always ended when they learned about your problems. Rubbing away some of the stray tears, you held onto him for support. 
“You haven’t, Zen. This is something that I want too… I just… I don’t want you to get your hopes up about me,“ you bit your lip, and chew at it. “I’ve always wanted to be a Mom… I just… I can’t do that the way that any other people can.“
“And you be a great Mom, jagiya,” his voice is gentle and soft. “No matter what happens or how it works out, I know you’ll be a great Mom without even breaking a sweat. You’re so caring and passionate about everything. You always look out for others and make sure they’re alright. Any kid would be lucky to have a lovely parent like you. Of course, they’d already be blessed to have such a handsome and caring Dad like me too but, our kid would wind up loving you way more. I wouldn’t blame them, you’re the most special person in the universe.”
If you had thought your tears were done, you were wrong. Zen was always so great about making you feel better and you stayed like that for the rest of the day with him. He comforted you and you both talked about this and that so that your perspectives could more align. 
He’ll take whichever route that you want to follow, be it adoption or surrogacy, or both for that matter. Zen is more understanding, and he wants you to have the first say in things no matter how little or how silly they seem. One thing is for certain, you got really lucky having a man in your life like him. 
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lovehotelreservation · 6 years ago
I Fancy You - Mayday, This Will Be Very Serious
Summary: At the end of a long, hot and grueling work day, Doppo especially of all people needed to unwind.Perhaps he should have thought twice than to touch himself while nuzzling his face against the seat of your chair though.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Doppo
**Warning: this fic alludes to themes of obsession, creepy perversion, etc. Please take discretion while reading!**
Absolute filth.
This was no way to behave during after hours.
Hell, any hour.
It was typical for Doppo to stay in the office well after the work day was over.
However, instead of staring at yet another spreadsheet on his computer screen with strained, dreary eyes while he prepared a quarter review report, he was working himself to a frenzy in a different part of the office.
Not within the familiar confines of his cubicle.
But at the comfy desk chair of his superior who he respected and revered immensely.
For when Jakurai's counseling wasn't immediately available, if there was anything keeping his peace of mind in tact from the long grueling work days under the burdensome watch of his boss and the pressures of society, it was you.
His sweet, inspirational senpai.
Infatuation, love--the line between those contrasting feelings was muddled to say the least. However, what he was most certain of was that all he craved was you.
You weren't too much older than him, so relating with you never came off as awkward or strained. No matter how demanding or difficult a task was, you always seemed so eager to work, committed to seeing your job through to completion. Even then, for as busy as you may be as his superior, you always offered him a listening ear, welcoming him to be open about whatever was stressing him out to you while encouraging him during his low points.
And it was for this reason that he felt so disgusted with himself to be acting so selfishly depraved upon your personal work space.
Here, kneeling on the floor right in front of your desk chair, Doppo had his face planted upon the seat, nuzzling into the leather material while he stroked his cock with hurried, desperate strokes.
While the fingers of one hand curled around his cock, the others gripped onto the soft fabric of your handkerchief.
The tiny fabric itself was the catalyst for his deplorable shamelessness.
Japan was in the midst of summer, the intensity of its humidity inescapable.
Given that the office was under some renovations, staff had to be shuffled around, especially since air conditioning in certain rooms had to be disabled. Though Doppo had to be shifted over to a desk space much smaller than his cubicle, he had no complaints whatsoever.
Because he was now situated in your side of the office once again--the last time being when he was a new recruit and was shadowing you for training.
With the scorching weather at its most brutal this afternoon, you--being his ever benevolent superior--decided to surprise him with a refreshing iced coffee from the cafe just down the block. Grateful as he was to receive this simple treat, the calm tranquility that he was enjoyed while working so close to you again soon shattered into a chaotic storm of lasciviousness.
Right when you handed over his iced coffee--looking so radiant and heavenly while he gazed up towards you--he was so enthralled yet so stunned by your generosity that he barely registered what happened next.
As you stood right by his desk, your arm extended to hand over his drink, you were balancing a considerable stack of folders, along with a loosely closed box of paper clips that you picked up from the supply room. Right when you adjusted your hold on the items, it was then that the box began to slide away from you.
And crashed right onto Doppo's lap.
Given the flimsy structure of their containing box, the paper clips were all over his thighs and seat in an instant.
Doppo was surprised to suddenly have a rain of paper clips fall upon him. And though it wasn't his fault whatsoever, an alarmed yelp of "So-- Sorry about that, senpai--!" still flew out from his lips.
However, shocked as he was, there was absolutely nothing in the world that could have prepared him for what you did next.
While you sweetly reassured him that he had no reason to apologize and that the fault was yours, you quickly set your things down on his desk.
And proceeded to pick up the dropped paper clips .
In your haste, with your fingers picking off the paperclips from his seat, the brush of your knuckles against his thighs was a call for immediate willpower. The ghost of your touch knocked at his sensibility, cracks forming in his good conscience, which only worsened as the absolute filth in his mind dared to rush out.
Trying to keep his feelings at bay, Doppo instead focused on helping you pick up the fallen pieces of paper clips.
While his heart rejoiced at hearing your thanks upon reclaiming all the lost paper clips, his loins ached from the faint but blessed physical contact shared with you. As you turned to leave, he immediately rolled his chair further into his desk to hide the bulge that was quickly forming in his work pants.
There was the idea to slip away to the restroom to relieve himself, but he scolded himself for even thinking up such a deplorable solution. It was already one thing to be thinking of you in such a way, but to act upon those feelings at work was down a path where there was no turning back.
Thankfully, with the stack of sales forms and contracts that needed to be taken care of by the end of day, he was able to guide his mind away from personal matters to professional.
While he usually was so at ease whenever you were around, he was relieved when he noticed that you were about to take off early for a meeting with some clients, as he came to realize when he noticed some movement from your desk. Your purse was set upon the table surface while you were busy fixing your make-up.
He was quite taken by the sight of you pressing your handkerchief over your lips to remove excess lipstick.
As much as Doppo always hated to have to say goodbye, he was finally able to release the tension in his shoulders once you stepped out of the office.
Even though his cock began to stir once again while his gaze lingered on the outline of your backside, made even more prominent by your form-hugging skirt.
While he scolded himself for his loose control over his own libido, Doppo continued to finish his tasks, working well into the late evening until completion.
With his quarter report completed at last, all that was left was to leave a newly organized binder on your desk before he could finally take off.
But once Doppo approached your work space, it was then that he noticed something that caught his eye.
Hanging off of your office seat was your blazer, while on your desk was your handkerchief, your lipstick print from earlier still displayed prominently on the fabric.
You must have forgotten the two when you were about to head out. Professional or not, it was much too hot to attempt going outside with a blazer.
Even without you there, a sense of guilty exhilaration began to take hold of Doppo once placed the binder on your desk.
Only to reach for your blazer and bring it to his face for a deep, indulgent inhale.
Your natural scent paired with your favorite perfume made his head spin with bliss. For the times he would get to be close to you, whether you were hovering over his shoulder while going over a sales chart in his cubicle or standing beside him in the elevator, he wished to be able to enjoy your scent fully.
While he probably wouldn't get to inhale your scent off of your neck while offering it sweet nips and bites, getting to nuzzle his face against your blazer was the closest opportunity to do so, and he definitely didn't want to miss out on the chance present before him.
But if he was to truly and fully indulge...
His gaze shifted to your the small square cloth on your desk.
Carefully returning your blazer back to your seat, Doppo quickly plucked at your handkerchief, pressing his lips over the lipstick kiss mark your mouth left earlier.
An indirect kiss.
With you.
His senpai.
Doppo's eyes slowly shut.
He took in another careful breath.
It was that rare time he was so happy to have stayed in late for work.
And it was then that he immediately reached up to loosen his tie before nearly ripping off his belt and yanking down at his zipper.
Doppo's knees plummeted to the carpeted floor before he near slammed his face down against the seat of your chair while he proceeded to soothe the longing ache of his cock with the stroke of his hand.
How long had he fantasized about kneeling before you while you sat at your desk, his lips parted and eager to feast between your thighs, his tongue hungry for your taste?
You worked so diligently, spending hours seated at this very chair.
The jealousy he had towards your work space had an intensity that could rival the summer heat.
This long-running fantasy of his, where your legs were parted, those pretty stockings of yours torn at the crotch by his hands because he couldn't wait to plant his mouth all over your dripping core. Your voice, so shaky with delighted pleasure, praising him, encouraging him--perhaps even begging him if he so dared to imagine.
His imagination fell into a more depraved pit than this particular one, but it was this scenario that seemed so attainable.
Still, knowing that there was no way that you would even look at him twice for a relationship, if this was the closest to his fantasy that he could experience, then he would indulge himself to the fullest.
Until someone yanked and dragged him all the way back to reality with a single, stuttered word.
"Do-- Doppo?"
The voice was familiar.
Too familiar.
One that had his head snapping upwards to the side in surprise, his breath becoming still as his hand immediately drew away from his cock.
Standing right to his side, a dropped purse fallen to the floor, still dressed in the very same work attire from earlier, expression frozen in absolute shock was you.
Doppo felt hollow as his eyes grew wide upon feeling the gravity of this situation crash right onto his shoulders.
"I-I...I don't know what to-- Doppo--" You were at an absolute loss for words, confusion so present on your features as you struggled for something to say.
He could feel his cock throb even more. Here you were, his dependable superior, looking so adorably flustered with surprise. The expression on your face made him want to ravish you on the spot.
While everything in his conscience was yelling at him to say something, to apologize, all Doppo could get himself to focus on was how lovely the view of you was from his place on the floor.
Though you mentioned that you weren't going to be back in the office, he assumed that you probably forgot something of importance.
Like the blazer he was indulging in your scent from.
You were still dressed in your business attire. Though it was summer, you still wore sheer stockings beneath your pencil skirt. Paired with the short-sleeved blouse that hugged your curves and the pretty pair of heels adorning your feet, you looked like the deity he revered you to be.
Doppo's shoulders tensed.
Then if you were his goddess, surely it was on him to confess to his sins now that you caught him, no?
While you were still struggling with something to say, Doppo found it in himself to rise up to his feet, immediately catching your attention as he did so.
Without bothering to cover his perversely sloven appearance, his shadowed green eyes were cast to the floor as he mumbled out your name, making sure to emphasize your honorific.
Though you seemed unsure of how to process the situation, you still responded with a gentle, "...Yes, Doppo?"
The hand that was still holding onto your handkerchief reached forward to take hold of your wrist, right as he lifted his head so his eyes could gaze into yours. "Senpai, you always say to not bottle up my feelings right? ...I ended up not following your advice and look where that's gotten me..." He panted out, proceeding to guide your hand over to his stiff, aching cock. When your palm was close enough, he immediately nudged his hips against your fingers, doing his best to hide back his rejoiced yell from both the blessed physical contact and how you didn't immediately snatch your hand back in response.
His hold on your wrist tightening, a quiet but building passion rose within his voice as he then confessed. "I have so many feelings pent up for you--I'm gonna go crazy if I don't release it all right now...!" He took a step forward, daring to bring his face right up to yours as he pleaded with a needy gasp, "Will you help me? Your disgusting, perverted kouhai?"
While it was evident that you were still reeling in from literally stepping into this situation, Doppo was glad to have not heard a firm, immediate "No." He watched as your eyes remained trained on his blushing face before slowly gazing down towards his cock as he continued to rub it against your palm. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth, your demeanor teetering on that fragile balance of hesitation.
And then, after some thought, you answered.
"I-I...I suppose it wouldn't be right to leave you this distressed, Doppo."
So gentle, so shy, so genuine.
Your handkerchief fell to the floor as soon as he released it and your wrist.
Because he quickly cupped your cheek as smothered your mouth with a needy kiss, yanking you over to him with his other hand.
As much of a dream as this moment felt, Doppo couldn't have been more elated that this was all reality.
Joy truly seized hold of his heart as he loomed above you, a saccharine smile on his features--his typical gloominess nowhere in sight. beneath him, lying sprawled over your desk was you, with a cute, flushed complexion, your blouse undone, bra unhooked and gorgeous breasts freed, and careful anticipation in your eyes. He couldn't resist from stealing another kiss from you, just before he mumbled against your lips, his words melding together in a pleasured slur.
"Doesn't it feel uncomfortable wearing something so form-fitting all day, senpai? Why don't I help--" Trailing off, his hands reached for your thighs, spreading them wide apart for him to soon fill the space. for your stockings. As his fingers touched over the flimsy sheer material, he couldn't wait a moment longer to start tearing at the material.
The sound of your stockings ripping drummed up the same ferociousness that took over him during Hypnosis Microphone battles.
Noticing the adorably shy look that formed on your face along with the sight of your now exposed panties, Doppo shuddered before you as he quickly bent down to press his face and nudge his nose against your clothed center. Your heady scent wafted forward, causing his cock to ache with painful need. Tugging your undergarments to the side, his tongue reared itself as he began to indulge in the feast he longed and craved for so long.
Hungrily sucking on your clit, lashing his tongue up and down the slit of your core in long and indulgent strokes, even nuzzling his face right onto your sopping center, Doppo sloppily licked away and left you squirming and thrashing beneath him in pleasure.
His hands gripped onto your thighs, keeping your legs spread wide and open for him as he ate--all the way up until he had you bucking your hips against his face before you mewled and gasped out his name in pleasure.
A sound that resonated deep within him once he drew his mouth away, licking his lips longingly as he cleaned off your taste.
While you thought to catch your breath, Doppo was only filled with a surge of energy that he couldn't wait to fully exert out through you as he quickly pushed down at his pants and boxer-briefs.
You felt Doppo's hand on your hip first and then the blunt, wet tip of his cock against your core second.
While expected, you were still surprised with how eager your subordinate was.
He didn't give you a moment more to think about this contrast in personality however.Not when he was fully sheathing the full length of his cock inside you. To be stretched out like so you had moaning, to which Doppo responded with an awed noise.
The sweet sound of your pleasure ringing in his ears, Doppo began to move.
Hunched over you, with his face nuzzling over your breasts, Doppo kept you tucked close to his body in a tight embrace while he hammered his cock inside your core. If this all turned out to be some fantasy he lost himself in during the work day, then there was no way he could allow for you to leave.
But as he felt you writhe beneath him and your hips actually raise to meet the ravaging tempo of his thrusts, he was glad that this was very much the present.
"You work the hardest out of anyone I know, senpai!" He declared just before indulging himself with the taste of your nipples, his mouth planting over your breasts with noisy sucks and tender kisses. His voice was muffled as he spoke with a mouthful, but still he spoke, "You deserve to feel good and you can trust me to make sure of that!"
You gasped out something, of which had little coherence with how much pleasure you were currently lost within the depths of. Your response--or lack thereof--caught his attention as he lifted his head, his expression yearning and sweet.
"Does my cock feel good, senpai?" Hugging around you tighter, he groaned, feeling even more compelled to slam into you, his balls slapping over your ass with each thrust. "I need to know...!"
"I feel--" You began, eyes clenching shut in pleasure as you felt the tip of his cock hit over a particularly sensitive spot within you, causing your lips to squeal out, "I feel so good, Doppo-kun! I feel good because of you!"
The rate of his thrusts began to slow while his eyes continued to bore into yours.
The flustered look on your face intensified as you caught on to what he was asking of you. "--because of your cock too!"
His tempo was back to its merciless rhythm, now with the rising build of your climaxes finally approaching its peak.
"That-- Ahh that makes me the happiest! I'll continue to make you feel good then...! From now until forever!" Doppo declared with an earnestness you had yet to ever witness.
His lips found yours again, the connection messy as it was passionate. Driving into you over and over until the both of you were damn near clinging onto one another, he--a long last--confessed in a burst of the emotions he had been bottling up for so long, soon pouring it all into you upon his release. "I love you, senpai! I love you! I love you!"
"Doppo, I--!" What you had to express as well was cut short as your release soon claimed you. However, by the way your hands cupped his cheeks, keeping his face still as you kissed him with a hunger that matched his, you already expressed everything he wanted to hear and more.
And thus on this night, rather than bear the stressful loneliness of overtime, Doppo instead spent the evening as he had been working so diligently to achieve: In the tenderly affection embrace of you, his senpai.
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princeoftennis-imagines · 6 years ago
Can I request a scenario (My friend did before as anon but she requested too much oof) of like their daughter wearing their clothes and imtating them (like saying their catchphrases) abd while that occurs s/o just laughing and hugging them on how similar both father and daughter are i wanna request just Ryoma, Fuji S., Atobe, Shiraishi, Mizuki and Yukimura
i saw your additional comment too, don’t worry! your old request said that they secretly see her and surprise her, so i will add that to some of them and make the others different . (^u^)
not really proud of this, but i hope you enjoy!
- - - - - - - - - *
Ryoma was tired from his match, and wanted to come home to his family he had been thinking about the whole day. He expected to cuddle up with his daughter and wife and sleep the night away, but what he didn’t expect was to find his daughter in his Seigaku uniform, imitating him. You laughed silently at your daughter while Ryoma just smirked in entertainment. “Mada mada dane.” She said, pointing the racket at the mirror and trying her best to keep a straight face. She jumped up when you two came in, blushing furiously.
“Someone’s obviously a daddys girl.” Ryoma only let out a low chuckle, taking his cap from his nightstand, “I never said you could touch my clothes.” She only shyly fidgeted and looked elsewhere. “Sorry daddy...” He walked up to her and kneeled down, putting the cap on her head, ruffling her hair. “I didn’t say you needed to apologize. You look cute in it anyway.” She smiled and hugged Ryoma tight. Laughing, you looked at Ryoma and your daughter. “You look exactly like daddy, except maybe drink more milk since you’re as short as him.” Ryoma only rolled his eyes, and murmured into his daughters hair. “Whatever..”
Fuji S.:
Fuji was entertained by the sight in front of him. He called his other half over to watch his daughter who was standing on the bed, talking loudly to herself as she wore his shirt from middle school. It was way too big for her, but it looked absolutely adorable. “Saa.. I never lose to the same opponent twice!” She waved her racket in the air like a mad man, and jumped on the bed harshly. Fuji had a huge smile on his face as he watched the whole thing go down. “You’re so cute, (D/N).” She whirled around, and let out a small shriek of surprise.
“Hey, go away!” He let out a small laugh and watched how his other half engulfed their daughter in their arms. “Saa, why would I go away if you look so cute?” You kissed your daughters cheek. “You really are picking up your dads attitude, and you look like him too in that uniform.” Her eyes lit up in happiness as she looked at Fuji. “Really, daddy?!” He let out a melodic laugh as he put a strand of hair behind her ear. “Of course. You look even better than I do.” She cheered as she punched the air in excitement. You only whispered to Fuji as she distracted herself. “Now let’s hope she’s not as sadistic as you are.” He only let out a suspicious smile.
Atobe let out a wide smirk as he peeked through the crack of the door, observing the scene right in front him. His heart swelled up in pride as he watched his daughter imitate him in his old tennis clothes. “Ahn~, you cannot beat the king.” He watched as his daughter raised her hand and snapped just like he use to do. You hugged your daughter and laughed as she tried her best to copy Atobe. “You’re gonna be exactly like your dad one day, I swear. You already have the attitude and everything.”
She jumped up and huffed proudly. “Of course! No one is as cool as daddy is! Not even the coolest person on earth!” You agreed with her, ruffling her hair lightly. “Show me more, (D/N).” Atobe pulled out his phone and recorded the whole sight, his heart swelling with pride and joy. “Be awed at the sight of my prow...ess?” She said confusingly, trying to figure out the last word. You clapped your hands and laughed at your daughters little show. “I’m sure your daddy would be awed by it. Now let’s get you to bed before it gets too late.” Atobe stopped recording and reminded himself to tease his daughter later, but also give her a big hug and kiss. He also reminded himself to order a smaller version of his old uniform for her to wear. It was just too cute.
Shiraishi was beyond bored at work, silently hoping that the time would go by faster so he could see his daughter and other half waiting at home. He only had a two more hours left, but he wasn’t patient enough to wait anymore. After a while of thinking, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket violently. He turned on his phone and saw that it was a video from you, opening it almost immediately. He watched as his daughter began imitating him in his old uniform, and it made his heart burst in delight.
“Look at me!” She had tilted her head back, almost falling over. “Ahhhh.. ecstasy.” He had to hold back a laugh, covering his mouth too quickly. His daughter was so adorable in his tennis clothes, he was even thinking of making her keep it as pajamas. He saw how she was also wearing bandages on her arm, adoring the fact that she paid so much attention to him. You walked up to her, leaving the camera on the dressser and hugged her, saying how similar she was to him. “I can’t even tell the difference between you two sometimes.” Your daughter only laughed cutely, and Shiraishi was reminded on how thankful he was that he was blessed with this life.
Mizuki was going to go out to have a cup of tea in his own patio, but caught a glimpse of his other half and daughter playing outside in his old tennis uniform. He secretly watched them from afar, and twirled his hair unconsciously, smiling at the scene before him. You were playing tennis with your daughter, going easy on her considering she was a beginner. She pointed at you when she scored a point. “I can see all your weak spots!” Mizuki’s ears perked up in hearing his daughter say something familiar to him. You laughed and put the racket down, hugging her tightly. “Just like your dad, huh?” You heard her hum in agreement and looked at her with a big smile.
“Let me guess.. are you gonna start collecting data too?” She gave you a thumbs up, a boyish grin on her face. “Yes! I already researched online how to do it!” He felt so happy that his daughter decided to follow his footsteps, but felt a little dejected that she didn’t ask him. He took it lightly since she was probably embarrassed to do so. Walking over to both of you, he continued to twirl his hair. “Why don’t you ask me instead? It might be better to get tips from your own father.” She lightly squeaked and accidentally threw the racket to the side. “Daddy! I-I-!” Mizuki smiled and patted her head, speaking in a gentle voice. “I can’t get mad at you when you look so cute. Now let’s get started on learning.”
Yukimura was sick in bed all day due to a fever he caught from the rain. He wasn’t able to work, nor spend the day with his family, much to his disappointment. Even if he wanted to, his s/o scolded him that he needed to rest whether he liked it or not and he had no choice but to oblige. Yukimura woke up to the sound of voices in his room and opened one eye to see his daughter and s/o rummaging through the boxes in the closet only to pull out his old tennis clothes. His daughter slipped on his shirt and put both her hands on her hips proudly. “Now I’m the child of god!”
He wanted to chuckle and tease her endlessly, but kept pretending to sleep, not wanting to ruin the moment. She crossed her arms seriously, her blue, wavy hair bouncing. God, she was so much like him and he loved it. You enveloped your daughter in a hug, and pulled back to fix the uniform she wore so it wasn’t as loose. “Yes, yes you are. Bet you’re even as scary as daddy is.” She let out a small, “mhm” and began twirling in his shirt. “Daddy’s so cool when he plays tennis. I want to learn from him! Even uncle Sanada said I should!” He smiled at that little bit and made a mental note to do so the minute he gets better. Yukimura only smiled and continued to sleep, wanting to get well as soon as possible.
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luvknow · 6 years ago
easily | kim woojin
genre: convenient store clerk!woojin x fem!reader | fluffy ; light angst ; woojin loves kids a lot summary: when the owner of the convenient store below your apartment loves your little sister as much as you do, you realize falling for him was just too easy. wc: 6.1k a/n: a re-write of this short fic from a couple of months ago. i really wanted to expand on the theme of woojin and kids! ; ~ ;
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By the time you were fifteen, you were blessed to skip your adolescent years and jump right into adulthood. You got to skip past the awkward teenage phase, miss out on all the parties, and throw away the whole dating concept all together because really, who has the time when you’re a fifteen year-old adult taking care of you baby sister? So while all the cool kids were out drinking cheap beer they bought off of some college bum, or making out in the back seat of their cars, you were stuck changing diapers and trying to keep your home together in hopes that one day, your life would turn for the better.
But things never worked out the way you wanted them to. Of course they didn’t, right? Why would they? Why in the world did you think that by the time college came around, your parents would have, too? You shouldn’t have expected much from them in the first place.
Your parents brought you into this world and raised you in this broken home. They say stuff like this really builds up character, you know? A real backbone, was what the pathetically sympathetic school counselors nicknamed it. And sure, you turned out just fine - other than being sensitive to loud voices, absolutely no interest in having kids of your own, and having zero faith in your family and the concept of it, you thought your present-self ended up just fine!
But every night when you held your baby sister in your arms so she could sleep, you thought about how you couldn’t have her grow up in such a broken place like this.
You refused to have her end up like you.
So at eighteen, right out of high school, you got a full time job. From there, you grew a credit score, got great benefits at the place you were at, were able to put down your baby sis as a dependent, and got a used car. Then, at twenty-two, you saved up enough to move out to a small place far away from your parents and took your not-so baby sister along with you, where her school lined up with your work hours perfectly.
You remember the day you moved in - the happiest day of your life.
“Wow! We’re going to live here!?”
Sunny pointed eagerly to the convenient store that sat quietly below your apartment. She was old enough to know that’s not where you two would actually be staying, but convenient stores were her favorite place on Earth because of the wide variety of snacks she got to choose from. It’s like Christmas, as she’d describe it.
“No, goofball,” you teased while taking a box out of your car. “We live upstairs.”
“But we can still go to the store, right?”
“Tell you what - after we unload the car, we can pick out a well-deserved snack.”
“If you help me carry the small boxes, we’ll get done quicker.”
Within a short amount of time, thanks to Sunny’s sudden burst of energy, the car was unloaded at a quicker time than you expected, which meant more time spent at the store putting back 90% of the snacks she would pile up in her arms.
“Don’t run down the stairs so quickly!” you scolded while chasing Sunny into the store.
A satisfying ding notified the store that you entered. You mindlessly greeted back the clerk who had acknowledged your entrance, too busy trying to chase down a little girl who probably had six chocolate bars in her hand right now.
“I want this one, and this one, and this one, and -”
“Whoa there!” You trapped the little munchkin in your arms so you could easily pluck out five out of the six chocolate bars she pulled. “Only one.”
“But I want more than one ~!”
“It’s one or nothing. Your choice.”
Pouty and grumpy, little Sunshine followed you to the register. She was giving you the silent treatment, which always happened whenever you didn’t give her what she wanted, and sometimes you thought to yourself that maybe you babied her too much, but then you remembered she was only eight. You were probably way worse at her age.
“Hello. Did you find everything ok?”
For the first time, you got a good look at the clerk. He was young - couldn’t have been much older or younger than you - with handsome features and a kind smile. Sunny seemed to notice he was handsome, too, though she expressed it more explicitly than you did. Her eyes were wide as she shyly hid behind you.
“U-Uh, yes! We did. Just this, please.”
“Is this for you or for her?” the boy teased.
“It’s for her, but I’ll sneak in a piece or two for me when she’s not looking. But sh, don’t tell her.”
“My lips are sealed.”
“Hey, I heard that!” she whined. “All of it is mine!”
“Oh, yeah? Well in that case, do you wanna know something?” The clerk leaned down and urged your sister to come closer. Eagerly, she leaned in. “This is the best chocolate in the world. It’s my absolute favorite. Protect it well, and don’t let big sis steal any, ok? Eat all of it for me.”
“Oh poop, now you have this nice man helping you protect your chocolate? I guess I won’t have any tonight,” you sighed. “Sorry, how much is it?”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“What? No, that’s not fair. How much is it?”
“I mean it. I saw you both carrying boxes earlier. I figured you could use a pick me up.”
“That’s so nice of you, thank you so much. Sunny, what do you say?”
“Thank you, Mr. Store Man!”
“You’re very welcome,” he grinned warmly. Your sister became shy again and went back to her hiding spot while clinging onto your legs. “So did you move in upstairs?”
“We did. We got lucky and signed the lease this morning, right?” you asked, trying to nudge Sunny forward, but she didn’t budge.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, neighbor.”
“You live upstairs, too? No way, what a coincidence! How convenient for you to live above where you work, huh?”
“Since my parents own the property, I figured this would be the easiest for me to get out of the house and pay rent."
“Oh, so you’re their handsome and charming son,” you teased. “They told me I should report all my problems and pay my rent through you.”
“Ah, that’s me...”
When the boy became shy and looked away, this moment reminded you of the short story-like scenarios that only happened in the movies. You know, the one where the girl walks in just for a quick snack, gets caught up in conversation with the cute clerk, and then leaves, only to never come back. Just something in passing. It was kind of like that, only except happening in passing, you lived next door to him instead.
“I guess we’ll see each other quite often. I’m sorry, I never got your name...?”
“My name is Woojin.”
“I’m _____, and this is...?” you urged your sister to come forward and when she wouldn’t, you gave her a hard pinch on her arm. “Be nice and introduce yourself, please.”
“M-My name is Sunny.”
“You and your sister have very pretty names, Sunny,” Woojin grinned cutely.
You knew he only included your name to be polite, but somehow you were still affected, with cheeks flushing an embarrassingly dark rose.
“Thank you again for the chocolate. We’ll pay you back next time, we promise. Ready to go back, Sun?” Your little sister nodded silently. “What do you say to our new friend?”
“Goodnight, Mr. Woojin!”
“Goodnight ~” he sang in return. He quickly returned his gaze back to you, but you were too busy looking at your little sister crushing over him to notice.
“Have a good night,” you said, leading your sister out of the store and back up the stairs. Woojin watched you the whole time, awestruck and unaware of how obvious he was at staring. He simply couldn’t help himself.
“Why were you so shy tonight!?” you teased Sunny right after exiting the store. “Do you like Mr. Woojin?”
“Do you think he’s cute ~?”
“Do you think he’s handsome ~?”
“Big sis!!” she whined.
“Ok ok, I’ll stop! I won’t tell Mr. Woojin you have a crush on him!”
“I don’t have a crush on him!”
“Whatever you say ~”
That was the first day you met Woojin and from then on, your encounters went about in the same fashion with the exception of seeing him in the morning when he left his place to open up the store. Apparently, your schedules matched up perfectly - when it was time for you to go take Sunny to school and go to work, Woojin was half asleep and crawling down the stairs to the store. You’d miss him on weekends, though, when both you and Sunny took advantage of some extra sleep.
During the first few months of living there, you’d see Woojin only once a day for the five working weekdays. Usually, when you and Sunny came home, you were so tired from the day that you never thought twice about walking into the store to say hi to the cute clerk. But on one special Friday, when you got paid early and Sunny got a gold star on her spelling test, you decided to treat her to some chocolate.
“No running!” you scolded while entering the store.
“Miss _____ and Miss Sunny, what a pleasant surprise,” Woojin smiled brightly from behind the counter. “Getting your chocolate fix tonight?”
“You are correct, but also Sunny did excellent on her spelling test today, right?”
“I got a gold star!” she beamed, carrying both of your chocolate bars in her tiny hands.
“Is that so!?”
You often wondered if Woojin had a younger sibling. He was always so good to Sunny and the other kids that came into the store and it was rare to see people your age genuinely enjoy kids. It takes a special type of patience to deal with them. As if you already weren’t attractive to him, this was definitely a plus.
“Yeah, a gold star sticker! So I said she could have a whole chocolate bar to herself.”
“What’s the other one for?”
“You know, the smirk on your face is telling me you already know it’s mine.”
“I’m not implying anything! It could have been for your boyfriend, or something.”
“You’re hilarious,” you scoffed.
“She doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Sunny blurted out. “You can be her boyfriend if you want -”
“HAHA, ok! Time to let Mr. Woojin work now!” you interrupted loudly while smothering Sunny. You can’t count on both of your hands how many times she’s tried to hook you up with the cute waiter, the cute med student, and now the newly-added cute convenient store clerk with her adorably innocent charms. You put $5 on the counter and led Sunny out of the store before a curious Woojin could ask anymore questions.
Do you think three months of living upstairs meant it was too late to cancel the lease?
“Goodnight, you two,” he waved.
He couldn’t stop grinning for the rest of his shift.
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The great thing about having your landlord as your neighbor was that he was available whenever you needed him, just as his parents had promised. On an unfortunate Saturday morning, when Sunny was feeling sick and had the chills, you dryer had stopped working. Sunny slept best when her blankets were fresh out of the dryer and after the second dry cycle when her favorite blanket still wasn’t warm enough, you took immediate action. The last thing you wanted to do was to walk next door and bother your landlord on his day off wearing nothing but some pajama bottoms and an over sized t-shirt with cats on it, but if embarrassing yourself in front of Woojin meant Sunny would feel better, then so be it.
Needless to say, Woojin was very surprised to see you at his door without Sunny and wearing your extremely cute pajamas at this ungodly hour. Only in his dreams could he witness something like this.
“Good morning,” he greeted groggily. “The store doesn’t open for a couple more hours and I don’t have any chocolate.”
“You’re very funny. That’s not what I’m here for - I need your landlord-y help. Do you know how to fix a dryer?”
“Depends. What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s... not drying...?”
“You don’t say?” he teased, a light chuckle escaping his lips. “Give me a second. You can come in if you want.”
This was the first time you’d be walking into his place. Actually, this would be the first time you’d be walking into another man’s place in general. You felt like you were sixteen again, when all of your high school friends would talk about spending time with their crush alone in his house. This was probably the closest you’d ever get to that in a long time.
Looking around, you noticed it was decorated simply and practically - each piece of furniture and thing that you saw had an obvious purpose and made his home look clean and quite boyish. By the lack of shoes at the door, you assumed he lived alone and for that, you were thankful because if someone were to walk in and saw you, it would not look good.
A couple of minutes later, Woojin came back out carrying a toolbox. “Let’s take a look, shall we?”
A man stepping into your home was another box you could check off of your bucket list. It felt strangely vulnerable, like he was stepping into your home to learn everything about you. Which was what your apartment essentially was, right? Like a material representation of yourself and Sunny. From the finger paintings on the refrigerator, your books scattered on the coffee table, all the chocolate wrappers you forgot to throw away, all of it was out in the open for Woojin to see.
His eyes scanned the room right when he came in. "You’re home is so...”
“Messy?” you interrupted. “I know, I’m sorry, it’s been quite a stressful couple of months after the move in, but I think we’ve settled in now and I’m actually not busy today so -!”
“I was going to say inviting,” he reassured you. “It’s warm and welcoming here. I don’t think it’s messy at all. In fact, I’m surprised it isn’t messier with Sunny around.”
“Usually all of her toys and paints are scattered around everywhere that I can barely walk around, but she’s been sick for a couple of days now and she’s been getting tons of rest.”
“Is she ok?”
“The doctor said she just has a fever and chills, which doesn’t sound so bad, but for an eight year-old, it’s enough to have her stay in bed watching cartoons all day.” Woojin watched your brows furrow worriedly. “I just hope she gets better soon...”
“I might be overstepping my boundaries here, but would it be ok if I said hi?”
“You want to say hello to Sunny?” The boy nodded shyly, scratching the back of his head like he shouldn’t have asked such a silly question in the first place. “Of course you can. She’ll be so happy to see you. C’mon, I’ll show you her room.”
Woojin followed closely behind you, taking a quick look at all the things that made this your’s and Sunny’s palace. He learned a lot about you two just by walking from the door to Sunny’s room. With all the scattered mugs on all the tables and the scent of freshly ground coffee, he figured that was your morning drink of choice. Paints and glitter accompanied the mugs, to which he assumed were Sunny’s arts and crafts supplies. On a different table sat your laptop and papers you needed for work with a notepad that had a doodle of your own. Everything was so cute and childlike, but his favorite part of your home was the tiny succulent that sat next to a bigger one on the windowsill.
This place held a lot of love, and Woojin couldn’t have been happier to witness it.
You knocked on Sunny’s door softly. “Little One, are you awake?” She whined as a response, to which Woojin chuckled behind you. “Someone’s here to say hi before he fixes our dryer ~”
“Hi, Little Coconut ~” Woojin cooed softly, kneeling next her bed. You absolutely adored the new nickname he gave her.
“Mr. Woojin!” she grinned widely.
“How are you feeling?”
“I don’t feel good... Touch my forehead, Big sis said I feel hot.”
When he touched her forehead, he faked the burning pain and hissed loudly, to which you stifled a giggle behind him. “Ouch! You’re scorching hot!”
“Really? Is that bad!? But I feel so cold because the dryer broke!”
“You’re cold because the dryer broke...?”
“She likes to put her blankets in the dryer so they come out warm and soft,” you explained.
“If that isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. I’ll be sure to have the dryer fixed in no time.”
“Promise?” Sunny pouted.
“I pinky promise.” Woojin laced his giant pinky with Sunny’s little one. You wish you had your phone to capture this moment. “I’ll be right back, ok?”
“Ok ~”
You led Woojin out of Sunny’s room and closed the door so she could peacefully get back to her cartoons. Raising a curious brow at the confused boy, you asked the question you’ve been dying to know since the day you met.
“Do you have a little sibling, Woojin?”
He shook his head shyly.  “No, I’m actually the youngest. Why do you ask?”
“You’re so good with Sunny I just figured you’ve done this before.”
“I just really love kids. I’ve always wanted a little sibling.”
“You’ll be a great father some day.”
“You think so?”
“Of course. I don’t doubt it at all.”
There’s an unfamiliar flip-flop in Woojin’s chest that he tried to ignore while he stuck his head inside your dryer. While he was busy fixing the problem, you muffled something about making him coffee and for that, he was thankful. He forgot how early it was when you woke him up and if he was going to function and run the store the whole day, a large cup of coffee was definitely needed.
“Did you fix it?” you asked, setting his cup on top of the machine.
Your savior held out what was left of a stuffed toy whose seams and buttons were torn off violently. “I think this guy’s your culprit.”
“Oh no, not Mr. Pluto! That’s her favorite one...”
“Mr. Pluto...?”
“Since her name is Sunny, she likes to name all of her stuffed toys after planets and outer spacey things.”
“She’s so smart.”
“Yeah, she loves space and everything about it. Total nerd, it’s the cutest thing. She even painted this mug with stars on it.”
When you handed Woojin his mug, he inspected all of the little spots and speckles Sunny dotted with care. He made a mental note of her love for space for future reference.
You loaded up the dryer with her favorite blankets. “Would you like breakfast? Or do you have to open the store?”
“The store can wait.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Of course, I own it after all. Besides, I’d love to get to know you more.”
For the first time, he doesn’t mention both you and Sunny together. He simply meant you only and he so desperately wanted to dive into who you were as a person and what ungodly act of fate brought someone like you into his life.
He offered to help chop some of the vegetables for an omelette.
“So you know what I do for a living. How about you? What job requires you to wear such business casual clothing everyday?” he asked.
You shrugged, not taking much pride into your job. Who would in your position? “I just have an office job at some company. I sit at a cubicle and everything.”
“That sounds like fun,” he said dryly.
“Not when I do so much overtime. Sometimes I barely make it to pick up Sunny.”
Woojin stays silent for a few moments so he can put the chopped peppers into the bowl with your chopped onions. “Is that what you want to do for the rest of your life?”
“God, no!” you scoffed. “I would never wish that job upon anyone. Not even my own worst enemy, who spread a rumor that I kidnapped Sunny to put her through idol training...”
“Wow, you must really hate your job. You’re always welcome downstairs if you ever decide to leave ~” Woojin nudged you playfully, though you swear you heard some sincerity in his tone.
“Does being a clerk come with medical benefits for a girl and her clumsy sister?”
“The owner doesn’t even get dental.”
“Then I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on your generous offer, Mr. Woojin.”
“What a shame. I would have promoted you to senior manager right away.”
Woojin offered to make the omelettes after seeing you crack the eggs right into the pan before you whisked them in a bowl first (“The point of an omelette is to whisk the eggs together!” “Sorry! Sunny likes her eggs sunny side up...”). Not that you didn’t know how to make an omelette, but somehow the convenient store clerk was able to make the best omelette you’ve ever tasted in your entire life.
“If you could choose any job in the world, regardless of pay, what would you do?” Woojin asked.
“I would own a coffee shop,” you stated without hesitation. “A coffee shop where I can hang and care for as many plants as I want and Sunny’s paintings are framed and hung in every corner. I’d brew and sell only local brands, serve them in mugs that Sunny painted, play that chill lo-fi stuff the cool kids like - I’d be the coolest cafe on the block.”
“Wow, you’ve thought about this, huh?”
“Yeah... I have big dreams.”
“Dreams are never too big. Besides, I think it suits you very well.”
“I think so, too. How about you? What’s your dream job?”
“I want to be a teacher.”
“Really?" Woojin nodded shyly, as if he revealed to you too much too quickly. “It suits you.”
“Convenient store clerk is close enough, hm?”
“Convenient store owner,” you corrected.
Your entire morning was spent sitting at your glitter-covered table with Woojin, sharing multiple cups of coffee in distinctly different decorated mugs, painted by your Little Sunshine. Time seemed to lose track of itself when you two were together, as Woojin was already over an hour late to opening the store.
“Before my parents bite my head off, I should get going,” he muttered, completely losing interest in the rest of his day now that he had to leave you. If only he could spend the entire day talking to you and Sunny.
“Yeah, of course. I’m so sorry I took up so much of your time.”
“Anything for my favorite tenant.”
“You mean your only tenant,” you corrected. “Thank you for fixing our dryer. I’ll be sure to pick up my daily dose of chocolate later.”
“Promise?” he begged playfully.
You held up your pinky to the handsome man at your door. “I pinky promise.”
He laced his with yours, sealing a promise that seemed to be just a joke. Though even if it was, Woojin would take any opportunity you gave him if it meant he could almost hold your hand.
He turned to make his way down the stairs, but then hesitated to rewind and face you once more. His lips pursed into a straight line.
“If you’re ever stuck at work late and need someone to pick Sunny up, or if you need a sitter for her, or if you’re bored... If you need anything, call me, ok?”
He assumed the dark blush on your cheeks was a sign of affirmation. “I couldn’t ask that of you.”
“I know you think of me as your landlord, but my offer still stands. Even for landlord-y things, just shoot me a text. That way you won’t have to go outside in your kitten pajamas,” he smirked, eyeing your childish over sized shirt. “I left my phone number on your table.”
In Sunny’s pink glitter gel pen, written boyishly and sloppily, was Woojin’s number surrounded by oblonged hearts like a middle school girl giving her number to her crush.
“What a dork...” you muttered to no one. You were thankful Sunny wasn’t up to see your growing grin.
Sometime around lunch, just as Woojin was getting hungry, his phone vibrated on the counter.
you [12:37 pm]: I’m bored. Would you like to grab lunch?
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Today was the worst day at work you’ve had in a very long time. Never before had you made so many mistakes on official documents and never before had you spent all of your time fixing those mistakes. You even skipped lunch just to catch up on everything. But no matter how horrible the day, no matter how much you hated yourself, seeing Sunny and her ray of sunshine smiles right after your shift fixed your entire day.
Just as you were about to clock out, one of your supervisors stopped by your cubicle with a handful more of documentation.
“_____, I’m going to need you to correct these, as well.”
Your heart dropped. “Can I do them tomorrow? Or take them home with me and turn them in first thing tomorrow?”
“I can’t let you do that. These are due by 9:00 pm tonight, so I need you to submit them ASAP. Is that clear?”
“But my little sister -”
“I said is that clear?”
“... Yes, sir.” Your supervisor walked away without another word.
On the verge of tears, you decided to cash in your favor your landlord offered a couple of months ago.
“Hey! Missed ya at lunch. What’s up?” Woojin’s voice on the other end calmed you only slightly.
“Hey. Um, I know you’re at work, and feel free to say no, but I’m going to be stuck at the office for a while. Would you be able to pick up Sunny from school?”
“Of course I would,” he said immediately. “I’ll head over there right now -”
“O-Oh, she won’t be finished for another hour, so no rush!”
“Sorry, I guess I got too excited,” he chuckled.
“You’re cute. Thank you so much, I promise I’ll pay you back.”
“No need. I’d do anything for either of you.”
It was crazy how a simple phone call with Woojin made your workday infinitely better. These past couple of months, you spent a lot of time with the store clerk from downstairs. On weekdays, you’d share your lunch break together, and on weekends, you’d go out to eat. You found that no matter how horrible your day was, spending time with Woojin always made it better, and when you missed lunch with him today, you knew you wouldn’t be able to pick yourself up until you saw him tonight.
After calling the school to let them know he’d be picking Sunny up, you were motivated to finish the additional documentation edits as fast as you could so you could come home to Sunny and Woojin.
At every half hour, your savior would shoot you a text and update you so you didn’t have to worry about either of them.
woojin [3:43 pm]: I’m at the elementary school. There’s so many cute kids here! You think I can land a job here one day?
woojin [4:14 pm]: Sunny’s with me now! She told me she didn’t eat her carrots at lunch today and threw them out, and I said I wouldn’t tell you, but I just thought you should know so you’re not surprised when she needs glasses one day.
woojin [4:15 pm]: Also, please don’t tell her I told you.
woojin [4:47 pm]: We’re home! You should get a better hiding spot for your spare key...
woojin [5:30 pm]: We got hungry, so we ordered pizza. Hope that’s ok. We saved you a couple of slices.
woojin [6:23 pm]: I’m stealing the mug with the bears on it cuz Sunny said I could have it. WoojinsMug.jpg
woojin [8:52 pm]: Getting ready for bed now. Sunny’s all washed up. She said she misses you and to make sure you wake her up so she knows you’re home. I thought that was the cutest thing! You know, I might kidnap her one day.
woojin [8:54 pm]: Also, if I don’t answer, it’s because I fell asleep on your couch.
woojin [8:57 pm]: Also, I miss you, too.
You finished all of the edits just before the deadline and you were ready to burst into tears. A fourteen hour work day wasn’t unheard of, but today was just tougher than most. From all the texts Woojin sent you, you were so jealous of the time they spent together. If only you were there with them.
Your home was quiet when you entered. A snoring Woojin was wrapped in a blanket on your couch and you smiled, excited that you too would be sleeping in just a little bit.
Crouching down by the couch, you brushed away the long strands of hair that tickled his face. Just from your touch, as if already knowing it was you, his eyes immediately fluttered open.
“You’re home,” he stated happily. “Long day, huh?”
“Very long day... I’m exhausted.”
He could tell by the way your eyes drooped and your lips frowned that you did not have a good day. “C’mon, maybe seeing Sunny will cheer you up.”
Woojin hopped off the couch and pulled you up with him while holding your hands. He guided you to your sleeping beauty, and when you both kneel in front of her, you really didn’t want to wake her up, but Woojin did you the courtesy and did so anyways.
“Hey, Coconut,” he cooed. “Look who’s home ~”
“Mm...” she mumbled. When her eyes opened, she jumped right into your arms. “Big sis!”
“Hi, Sunshine. Did you have fun with Mr. Woojin today?”
“Yes! He helped me with my homework, we ate pizza, and we drew you something! Look!”
From under her pillow, Sunny whipped out a drawing of you and Woojin with her in the middle while you two held her hands in a meadow of flowers. As adorable as the picture was, you felt so embarrassed! You haven’t known Woojin for very long, so the fact that Sunny was drawing dangerously intimate and family-like portraits with him in them made you think she was going to scare him off, and that terrified you.
You were speechless for a moment until Woojin clasped his hands over your shoulders.
“She’s speechless,” he teased you. “It’s because you drew me so handsomely.”
“Y-Yeah, it’s just so... It’s beautiful, Sunny. I’ll hang it up on the refrigerator.”
“Ok, Little One, go back to sleep. What do you say to Mr. Woojin for taking care of you tonight?”
“Thank you! I’ll miss you!”
Woojin gave her a loving and adoring smile that could comfort any child. “Anytime, my love. Goodnight.”
You kissed the top of Sunny’s head before tucking her in once more. The air in the living room where you and Woojin stood was still. You were feeling a lot of things at the moment, and he figured you needed some time to process everything. From your horrible day, to seeing Woojin and Sunny, to seeing her painting of what a family would look like with him in, you were on a roller coaster with endless loops and turns and life was just not in your favor tonight.
“Is everything ok?” he asked cautiously.
“Yeah, it’s just... A bad day,” you half-lied. “Just had a bad day...”
Woojin stepped closer. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Sure...” Soon, the tears began to well. “Woojin... It’s hard.”
“I know.”
“It’s really really hard.”
“I know.”
“I can’t do it. I can’t raise her properly, I can’t work a simple fucking job, hell I can’t even pick her up from school, for Christ’s sake! I’m barely into my twenties and I am in shambles, all thanks to my parents who abandoned us! How the fuck am I supposed to do this!?”
“Hey, come here.” Woojin cupped your tear-streaked face in his big, loving hands and wiped away the ones that dared to fall. He looked at you with such intensity that you could feel it in your bones and you wanted to collapse in his arms.
“You’re doing just fine,” he reassured. “No one could ever raise Sunny better than you are right now. You’ve raised a strong, smart, and kind little girl - almost as strong, smart, and kind as you. So you’ll be just fine on your own, right?”
“I can’t...!”
“Yes you can. And you will. And when some days are tougher than others, you know I’ll always be a phone call away if you need help, right?”
“I pinky promise.”
Silently, you slip past his hands and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his shoulder. He returned the gesture by holding you close for as long as you needed it, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. Tonight was the best night Woojin had in a very long time, and this was the perfect way to end it.
He broke away when he felt your breathing steady, afraid that you were falling asleep on his shoulder.
“Get some rest,” he said.
You nod tiredly. “You, too.”
Woojin pressed a loving kiss on your forehead too quickly for you to take in. When he walked towards your door, you were left feeling cold and empty, only wanting to be held by him just a bit longer.
“Goodnight, _____.”
“Goodnight, Woojin.”
With Sunny in her room fast asleep, the living room felt empty. The kitchen felt empty. The bathroom felt empty. Your bedroom was where it felt the least empty, but even then you don’t think you could fall asleep. Tossing and turning in bed for what seemed like an hour didn’t help, either, especially when Woojin was all you could think about.
Whenever you closed your eyes, Sunny’s painting of the three of you would pop up in your mind. At first, you were embarrassed to look at it, especially when Woojin was right behind you. I mean, you barely knew him and your little sister was already drawing him in like you two were dating! You thought any chance you had with him was throw out the window the second he saw it, thinking Sunny had scared the poor boy off.
But when he looked at Sunny like he could not adore her any more than he already did, you thought maybe he’s thought about a life like that with you two longer than you had.
At 10:47 pm, you called his phone.
“Hey,” he answered tiredly. “Everything ok?”
“Hey,” you cursed yourself for your shaky voice. “Can I ask you one more favor?”
“Can you stay with me tonight?”
“I’ll be over in two minutes.”
Woojin didn’t waste any time as he nearly sprinted from his bed to your front door. He gently knocked on the door so he doesn’t wake the Little Sleeping Beauty. You don’t waste any time, either, pulling him into your home and heading straight for your room.
It didn’t take long for you two to settle under the covers. Your head found solace on his chest and his hands spend time mindlessly running through your hair. You two would whisper stories about your lives for the next couple of hours until your eyes could no longer stay open. Every few minutes, you’d feel little kisses pepper the top of your head and each passing minute had more kisses than the last. He couldn’t get enough of you. He’d kiss you for hours if he wanted to.
You traced hearts of all shapes and sizes on his chest. “I like you,” you whispered, writing that out on his chest, too.
“I like you, too,” he drew on your back.
“How much do you like me?”
“More,” he wrote.
“I like you more. Always more. More than you could ever know,” he mumbled.
“Pink promise.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Mm, why did you wait so long to ask?” he teased, rolling over on top. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the day you walked into the store.”
400 notes · View notes
killjoy-loveit · 6 years ago
Request(ed by @akutagawahakuryuunosuke​): Hello can i request a scenario for Jinhwan please? The plot is what if he was a doctor who shes have one night stand & leave him in the morning, but suddenly they met again when her cousin is sick, need see a doctor. At first he act profesional but he give her a subtle touch to remind her that night, after that , she's getting a private check up at his apartment after that is up to you hehehe thank you very much hope my plot doesnt confuse u, add smut please if you like hehehe thank you
A/N: I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. I deviated a bit from the request but I hope you still like it :)
Word Count: 1,620
Genre: Fluff, Smut-ish (?)
*******Warning! Slight Mature Content is within this piece, closer to the end.
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    Warmth encompassed you as you slowly woke up, eyes fluttering blearily at your surroundings. Confusion tickled at your brain, it was never this warm in your room. At this point you had woken up enough to catch on to the fact that you were not at your apartment. Arms were wrapped around you, holding on tightly. Cheeks heating up, memories from last night flickered to the surface of your mind; going home with a guy and the amazing aftermath of that decision. Cautiously, you removed his arms from around you and slipped from the bed. The sun was peeking into the room just as you finished pulling on your clothes, softly lighting up his sleeping face. You felt a little bad about leaving before he woke up, but you managed to assuage some of this guilt by leaving a small note on his nightstand.
    Honestly, you thought you’d never see Jinhwan again. After all, you hadn’t left your number and you definitely did not plan on showing up at his apartment randomly. It came as a shock to you when you saw him at the hospital, in a doctor’s coat and walking into the room where you sat with your cousin. Lia, bless her heart, was an adventurous being and sometimes didn’t understand that certain things could be dangerous- which is what led to you bringing her to the ER with a broken arm.
    “The X-Rays show a clear break, so the next thing we need to do is set it properly and get you into a cast.” Jinhwan stated, eyes firmly on her chart until he finished speaking.
    “Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. This isn’t my first time at the rodeo.” Lia muttered.
    He chuckled lightly and nodded. “Alright, then let’s get this done.” Finally his eyes flickered to you and then back to Lia. “Who’s this with you?”
    “Oh, she’s my cousin, who so kindly drove me here after I called her.”
    Jinhwan hummed, a soft smile lighting up his face. “She seems like a good cousin.”
    Lia continued to chatter about this and that while he set her arm. You sat there quietly, watching the gentle movements he made when handling her broken arm. Every so often you would catch his gaze and your cheeks would heat up accordingly at the look in his eyes. Despite the fact the glances were brief, they managed to fluster you to the point you avoided looking over at him completely. After Lia’s arm had been set, Jinhwan made it clear someone would be in soon to take her to the department that handles casts but that he’d be back to check in before you left.
    The second he was out of the door, Lia rounded on you. “Oh my god, he was totally checking you out!”
    “You’d have to have been oblivious to the fact that he was making total heart eyes at you.” Lia said with a grin, hitting you lightly with her good arm.
    “He wasn’t making heart eyes, Lia.”
    “Oh? Well if those weren’t heart eyes then what were they?”
    “I don’t know…” You responded, glancing away.
    “Do you know him or something? Maybe he recognized you from somewhere?”
    You felt your face go red at Lia’s words. “H-how would I know him?”
    “You totally know him, that’s why you’re turning red. So, what happened? Did you accidentally bump into him and make a fool of yourself somewhere? Or maybe you met him at a club? Ooh! Maybe you guys slept together!” True to Lia’s naturally nosy and observant behaviour, she was paying attention for the slightest reaction you might make. Which is how she saw your eyes widen when she claimed you had slept with him. “No. Freaking. Way. My cousin got laid! And with a handsome doctor no less!”
    “Lia, lower your voice! The door is open.” You cried in an attempt to hush her.
    Lia’s smile was wide as she stared at you, curiosity shining in her eyes. “If you two slept together why did you act like you didn’t know each other?”
    Shifting uncomfortably in your seat, a sigh left your lips. “It was a one night thing… And I left before he woke up.”
    Lia’s jaw dropped. “Why would you do that?”
    “Because-” You were abruptly cut off by a nurse walking in and announcing she was going to take Lia to a different department to get her cast.
    Lia waved farewell as she trailed after the nurse, leaving you to your own devices. A few moments passed as you thought on your conversation with Lia. Why did you leave that morning? While it was odd to wake up in a room that wasn’t your own, nothing bad had happened. Actually, it was quite the opposite. Jinhwan was probably the most considerate person you’d gone home with; He was kind, witty, smart, and he never talked down to you. And it didn’t hurt that he was very attractive. Sighing to yourself, you were slow to stand and exit the room. As you reached the door, the man currently plaguing your thoughts appeared.
    “Hey, I’m on break right now and I was wondering if we could talk?”
    You nodded hesitantly, moving to follow him as he moved down the hallway. He led you past all the chaos of the ER, to a room many twists and turns from where you’d been with Lia. The room itself seemed to be a staff room of sorts. There were two bunk beds shoved in the far corners of the room, while two tables sat off center in the mid-front of the room. Counters lined the walls on either side of the tables, furnished with a microwave, coffee machine, and various dry goods. A small refrigerator was squeezed between the counter on the left and one of the bunk beds. Quietly Jinhwan motioned for you to sit at one of the tables, which you did- albeit tentatively.
    “Do you want some coffee?”
    “Oh, um, sure. Coffee would be nice, thank you.” You murmured in response, fidgeting with your fingers.
    Mere minutes later two cups of coffee sat on the table and he sat across from you, eyes firmly fixed on the steam rising from his mug.
    Biting nervously at your lip, you mustered up the courage to speak. “So… What did you want to talk about?”
    “Oh, well…” Jinhwan trailed off, not meeting your eyes and instead opting to reach out and grasp the coffee sat in front of him.
    You tilted your head, daring to catch his gaze. “Well?”
    He shuffled in his seat, an inner conflict playing out in his head as he muttered something to himself. Finally he met your eyes, determination shining adamantly within. “I was wondering why you just left before I woke up. I mean, if you had work I understand- but you didn’t leave your number or any way to contact you. It’s just… Well, I thought we had a connection? Was I wrong?”
    It took a moment for his words to sink in. Time felt slowed down while your mind raced. He looked earnest in what he was saying; everything from his posture to his facial expressions read honesty. It just felt a bit difficult to believe. Sure, you had felt like he was easy to converse with and be around; almost like you’d known him for years. But you thought you were alone in that feeling.
    Words tumbled from your mouth, only a slight stutter present. “N-no, you weren’t wrong.”
    “Then why?”
    “I- I didn’t know you felt the same way… I thought it was just me.”
    Jinhwan shook his head. “No, it wasn’t just you. I thought I made it pretty clear I was interested in more than one night. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.”
    “I am pretty bad at picking up on signals for the most part.”
    “Well then, I guess I should make it more clear. Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?”
    A tiny grin broke onto your face. “Yeah, I think… I think I’d like that.”
    “Great. It’s a date.”
    “I do feel I should apologize for something though.” Your eyes flickered to his momentarily.
    His brows furrowed in confusion. “Apologize? For what?”
    “I’m sorry you had to wake up alone.”
    “I- Well, it was a tad disappointing. I wanted to get to know you more, and maybe… Potentially have a repeat of the night’s activities.” Jinhwan spoke quietly, but the look in his eyes was anything but. Heat flared between the two of you, somewhat akin to that very first night. Tensions were high, causing you to raise from your seat just as he did the same. One second there was ample space between you and the next he was in front of you, edging closer until your lips met.
    It was quick and frantic, barely able to make it to one of the beds. A jumbled mess of clothes strewn haplessly on the floor. His hands gripping your hips as yours threaded through his hair, eyes locked together. Only brief whispers into each others ears in the midst of passion. Two bodies melding together in a haze of lust. Moans straying from mouths, echoing in a beautiful harmony around the room. Lips parting, eyes rolled back as the pleasure escalated, bringing you to your release. Followed shortly thereafter by a final thrust, his hips jerking lightly as he joined you in ecstasy.
    “Now can I have your number?” Jinhwan panted, moving to collapse beside you on the small bed.
    You laugh breathlessly, turning your head to face him. “Sure. If you promise we can do this again.”
    “Promise.” He murmured, a smile lighting his face.
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SV ch.55
Okay I’m nervous. 
Looking at the style of murals to the sides of the corridor, there was a strong yin ambiance, and it was clear to see this was Luo Binghe’s headquarters in the Demon Realm.
But I am totally not panicking.
The two both had nothing to say, not giving each other a sideways glance. One in front and one behind, their footsteps made no breath of sound. The atmosphere was stiff and cold.
This is the definition of PAIN. I need some bingqiu communication right now
Pushing open the door and entering, the furnishings and arrangement of the room were quite familiar-looking. In fact, it was quite similar to the bamboo house on Qing Jing Peak.
Omg. OMG. So let me get this straight. Lbh spent years mourning his Shizun, keeping the wounds he had left him, keeping sqq's broken sword, keeping his freaking corpse and (now we find out) making a room similar to the one in the bamboo house-
This is borderline obsession and yet my heart aches for lbh so much i just... PLS Shizun. PLS.
Now acting like a miserable child and throwing tantrums, making his heart overflow with sympathy. Now again hitting his face and telling him it was all an act. Real or fake, his eyes weren’t sharp enough to clearly see autumn feathers and see through Luo Binghe’s heart to understand what he was really thinking, some parts truth and some parts hypocrisy.
(Guys, sqq is angry because lbh put on a facade in the dreamscape. He is angry and disappointed and wary of lbh possibly using the same "trick" on him again and again just to move sqq's heart. I honestly thought Shizun had understood by now.
Like, okay, lbh tricked him the second time to see if that was really Shizun or just a figment of his imagination, but can you blame him?? You have been dead for years, sqq!! He probably went insane with pain, has always been in love with you when in his eyes you betrayed him by pushing him into the abyss, come on! If you two would just fucking talk-)
While he was still brooding over these thoughts, Luo Binghe walked a step closer to him.
(A n X i E t Y)
EDIT 4: here is an exemplar of Shizun using a series of excuses to keep himself rooted in place and not back down in front of an advancing lbh. Still, he is a mess inside.
But he was still inevitably tense, his heart stretched taut as a bowstring, his eyelids jumping and fingertips curled.
How was Luo Binghe so perceptive? He advanced another step.
“Shizun, what do you think I’m going to do to you?”
(o m g. Omg o can't feel my legs-)  
Shen Qingqiu said sincerely, “I cannot guess.”
Luo Binghe reached out his right hand. Shen Qingqiu didn’t make a sound or movement, but his gaze couldn’t help but stick to his fingertips, following them as they reached out.
That hand was neat and slender. It didn’t look like the hand of a Demon Race young master who had already taken countless lives, but rather one which was born to pluck strings, a hand to burn incense and bathe in snow. It slid shyly over his cheek, faintly brushing his skin.
LBH IS ToUcHiNg Shizun's cheek-)
And then it landed on his throat.
Lbh no- *whispers*
EDIT 6: I died, like, for 5 minutes before gathering the courage to go on. And BLESS GOD I DID BECAUSE
Luo Binghe retracted his hand. The next time he opened his mouth, it was impossible to tell if he was happy, angry, sorrowful, or joyful. “My blood, it’s not responding to my beckoning.”
Luo Binghe said, “It looks like in these short few days, Shizun has had another fortuitous meeting.” 
Shen Qingqiu said, “Well, what can you do about it? Make me drink it again?” 
Luo Binghe said, “You’ll run if you drink it, you’ll run if you don’t, both options are the same. I had better not make Shizun add another layer of loathing for me in his heart.”
(OKAY NO. N O. I'm not good with tension. I can't bear it. So pls stop and no one will get hurt, okay?)
Luo Binghe fixed his gaze on him for a time, then said, “Is there anything you desire?”
Shen Qingqiu said, “Anything is acceptable?”
Luo Binghe nodded. A sudden malicious sentiment arising from his gut, Shen Qingqiu bluntly said, “I want to see you as little as possible. Best if I never see you at all.”
okay it's a joke, right? Ah ah ah ah funny, now stop this. When I said I desperately wanted these two to meet, i meant to pray for FLUFF. NOT THIS. THIS. WHATEVER THE HELL IT IS.
Luo Binghe looked like he never expected Shen Qingqiu to make this sort of request, his face paling.
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EDIT 8: thank you, system, your presence always makes my anger cool off. I love reading Shizun talk to it, it reminds me this novel is too good to be true, an yet it exists. Bless.
With a ringing notification sound, the System quietly began to download the upgrade package. Shen Qingqiu had a sudden thought and asked, “Right, what is the name of this feature upgrade?”
The System: 【Small Scenario Pusher Luxury Edition.】
Let's go bring down those heartbreak points now
With many official duties to attend to, perhaps unable to extricate himself, all along he had not shown his face.
…or maybe that day, his glass heart had been shattered by Shen Qingqiu’s harsh words, and he didn’t dare to appear. 
Shen Qingqiu tore his thoughts away from that latter path with great difficulty.
IS THAT REGRET, SHIZUN? IS IT? I S I T? System, pls summon me and let me go hug lbh or else I'll cry
EDIT 10:
Furthermore, Luo Binghe didn’t act like the characters in the books his younger sister liked to read in his previous life and shackle him with chains, blindfolded and gagged, stripped and beaten. He might as well be content with whatever he has and make himself at home wherever he is.
For Shen Qingqiu to attempt to comfort himself with these words, there must be sh*t in his brains! He wasn’t some sort of Stockholm syndrome patient, feeling deep gratitude for being fattened in captivity. Don’t you understand, you need to bring about a fortunate lifestyle yourself, not by relying on others’ charity?!
(You're right, Shizun, of course. That's why there is a pretty simple solution- TALK TO LBH WITHOUT ACCUSING HIM, TRY TO UNDERSTAND. WOULD YOU?)
EDIT 12: sqh is here!
OH. SO HE SOLD SHIZUN OUT. OH, okay. I don't know if I should hate him or congratulate him, I never know if I should consider the events from the point of view of a reader or a writer, me being both (I mean, like, I occasionally write, so I know sometimes one makes characters do strange, despicable things, not like I am a super pro write didn't want to sound pretentious, eh eh), so I'm like "what the fucking hell sqh, what about friendship?" and "omg good job mxtx, this character is so interesting, what even is moral ptf!"
And now
Gave Xiu Ya sword back to Shizun. Let's add this to the increasingly long list of "things that show how much lbh cares for Shizun and make my heart crack"
EDIT 13:
On the other side, Shang Qinghua laughed nervously and rubbed his hands, clicking his tongue and saying, “Aiyah, I really, really never thought… the storyline would bend so far out of shape. Remarkable, really remarkable.”
Shen Qingqiu: “The stallion novel protagonist you wrote turned into a cut-sleeve, shouldn’t you be angry?”
Shang Qinghua said sincerely, “It doesn’t matter. Either way, the one he fell for wasn’t me.”
(there, see? I love him.)
Shen Qingqiu gave him a cordial middle finger, lowering his head to polish his sword. Shang Qinghua gave him a thumbs-up. “Really, you don’t need to be so pessimistic. You have good prospects for the future, quite good prospects. These golden thighs, they’re strong, reliable!”
Shen Qingqiu said, “Take your ****ing golden thighs. If I have to hug those thighs, where do you think they’ll take me? Between the legs!”
Shang Qinghua: “Between the legs is even better, ah. Between the legs is a man’s most important place.”
(OMG OMG THIS turning out too good I'm having too much fun!!
Sqh surely is a man of wisdom. BLESS HIM.)
EDIT 14: okay plot, PLOT.
“…” At long last Shen Qingqiu knew the true origin of all those plot holes. “So you just went to write the harem plotline, and might as well leave the more serious Bing-ge’s dad plotline full of holes?”
But I am honestly scared, 'cause this means whatever sqh's previous plan for the novel were, they may still happen. That means everyone is potentially in danger, if the danger is not lbh.)
Lbh comes.
Like, I love you baby, but-
Luo Binghe’s eyelashes drooped. After standing for a bit, it seemed he had come to a major decision. He said stiffly, “Even though those earlier events happened in a dream realm, I took advantage of Shizun. But the feelings I revealed to you then, those were not false.”
(GOOD BABY. G O O D. Let it sink, let Shizun understand how much you care.l
EDIT 16: lbh is trying to finally, finally let Shizun understand how he felt and why he did what he did and I'm so glad he is trying. I get why these two would need to learn how to trust one another all over again, that is totally okay, it's fine if they need to guard their feelings for a while before settling this problem, so reading about them talking, about lbh trying to reach Shizun fills me with hope.
His face gradually settled into a gloomy expression from his sneer. Drawing closer the distance between the two, he said, “But what if I said, that towards Shizun, I only remember, not hate, most likely I wouldn’t be believed.”
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