#inky's fanfic updates
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inky-quilled-dragon · 1 month ago
Greetings Ladies, Gentlefolk, and Domesticated Cryptids!
Welcome to my weird little corner of the internet, dedicated to my various and varied ramblings, fandom lizard brain, and updates on the sheer chaos that is my AO3.
My old pinned post was almost three years old (and rather outdated) so I decided to make a new one!
Basic Information:
--I'm Inky (she/her). I'm a disaster sapphic, in posession of the Autism, Canadian AF, and over 18--but this blog isn't age restricted.
--Yes, this is the Tumblr blog of Inky_Quilled_Dragon on AO3! If you're here from there, welcome! Preemptive apologies for the delay in fic updates lmao.
--Reblogs, comments, likes, etc are all very welcome!
--My ask box is open! I LOVE getting questions about any of my fics or whatever--i'll try to respond to all of them! Just,,, please be nice. Likewise with DMs! (Anons are welcome)
--I don't intend to ever hurt anyone on this blog. To that end, If I ever make any mistakes or say something unknowingly stupid--please please let me know if you're comfortable doing do.
--DNI: Bigots can go fuck themselves. I'd write a comprehensive list but I'm sure I'd miss some example of inhumanity, so I'm just going to be pretty general. If you believe in denying basic human rights--including but not limited to life, love, and self-expression--or compassion to any person whatsoever, then leave right now. (that being said, "A truly tolerant society must be intolerant of intolerance." I believe in punching bigots.)
My policy is that people can do whatever the fuck they want as long as it doesn't mentally, emotionally, or physically hurt anyone else. If you're a decent person then welcome! :D
TL;DR: don't be a bloody dick. I can and will use the block button. Don't test me.
What you can expect from this blog:
--Updates on my various fanfics
--Unhinged ramblings
--Musings on any of my various interests, including but by no means limited to:
Ace Attorney (my beloved Narumitsu <3)
DC (i've never read the comics (aside from WFA) but i love it anyway)
Genshin Impact (aka GAYshit impact amiright?
HTTYD (don't mention the third movie unless you want a rant)
Minceraft (i was playing back in when Minecraft Lite was out. I've been playing since horses were introduced. I'm old hat by now.)
Miraculous Ladybug (it's trash but idk lovesquare gives me life)
Ninjago (i was an OLD fan, then fell out of the fandom but returned in 2020, then fell out again and now here we are (insert backstreet boys))
Umbrella Academy (don't talk to me about s4)
Voltron (look i got into it in 2020 ok?)
Warrior Cats (I'm a bloody VETRAN tbh. Like since 2010ish sorta veteran.)
Zelda/Linked Universe (I am in DEEP.)
911 (I'm buddie trash but bucktommy stans are not my enemy :))
+ a lot of other interests as well! I contain multitudes.
Hayley Kiyoko
Dua Lipa
'old people music' (my parents raised me well)
a hell of a lot more (I've got wide taste)
Fandom history
Gay stuff in general
Autistic/neurodivergent stuff in general
Some useful tags to know!
#inky's fanfic updates (for anything related to my fanfics)
#original content (for anything that's, you know, original)
#running around teyvat with a pack of wild lesbians (for genshin musings lmao. Fun Fact: it's also my in-game signature!)
More to come. I'm probably gonna have meme-esque tags for most of my fandoms eventually, but the Genshin one is the only one at present. Watch this space lmao.
So yeah, that's the blog! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy whatever weirdness drew you here.
~Inky <3
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ashes-writing-corner · 2 months ago
Well I was not expecting to update this early but here we are! ^^ the soundtrack did wonders yall! Please enjoy, cause I worked really hard on this one ^^
Taglist: @exactlyelegantwizard, @xenoanamorph, @hoeia-strigoi, @arwenkenobi48, @xanth420, @serpentdeath, @landlockedmermaid77, @uncensored-aj, @mypackpride, @whisperingwillowe, @sasksdemorg, and @emimuart
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, please let me know via comment or dm ^^ without further ado!
Exile: A Nosferatu Fanfic
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Chapter 6
I can see you staring, honey, like he's just your understudy. Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me…
Never before had Ellen felt so cold. She didn’t think It was possible to be this cold. Furie sat faithfully by her, his senses all on high alert. They were surrounded by darkness, the trees towering above them menacingly, blocking the view of the already darkened sky. Not a star, or the moon, could be seen. Ellen looked around, feeling something was watching, following, waiting…
“It’s okay…we’ll find somewhere safe” she pet Furie’s head in an attempt to calm herself. But it was proving…difficult to say the least.
Ellen had no way of knowing where she was. There was no telling what lay in waiting in the inky blackness. Furie stopped, his ears perking and moving around like tiny satellites. He growled, making Ellen take pause.
“Furie? What is it?” she asked, but she could sense something was out there, and it wasn’t him. It wasn’t the Count.
No, the presence was one Ellen didn’t know. Had never felt or seen. Her heart slammed against her ribcage like a furious bird fighting for its freedom.. She looked out in the same direction as the wolfhound, who now stood on stiff leg with his neck fur raised on end. His head lowered and Furie snarled, showing off his glistening white fangs.
“Who’s out there?” Ellen demanded, “Show yourself…”.
A pause…
A heartbeat…two…three…
“Ellen? Sweetheart?”.
It couldn’t be…could it? It sounded like…Like Thomas? It sounded like him, felt like him. But he couldn’t possibly be…
Ellen stopped staying by Furie, who peered into the darkness with rapt attention. His fangs were still bared, and a deep low growl came from his throat as he heard the voice. Ellen stepped forward, just a single step.
“Ellen? My love are you there?”
“Thomas?!” she called for him and took another step.
Furie nipped at her dress, as if trying to keep her from going too far. She looked at the hound, her eyes soft and relieved.
“It’s okay. It’s him. He’s here! He’s here for me!” Ellen told him.
The hound didn’t let go. He wouldn’t…
“Thomas! Come to me! Please…please I need-” she started but was cut off by Furie barking.
Out of the trees indeed did come what looked like an apparition. It looked like a shadow, the shadow of her Thomas. Ellen couldn’t see his features, it was too dark. But she knew his form, his shape.
“Thomas?” Ellen whimpered his name softly.
Slowly, other shadows began to appear. Shadows of people she knew. Thomas, Anna, Friedrich, their girls…her father…everyone…their voices all cut through the darkness, telling her to come, telling her it was safe, but she needed to come. They all resonated so loudly in her ears. They kept getting louder, and louder. Furie barked and snarled, snapping his jaws at the shadows that slowly drew in. Ellen covered her ears, her eyes burning with hot, frightened tears. One shade was easy to resist, to repel. But soon there were at least ten surrounding her, emerging from the darkness between the menacing trees.
Ellen shook her head. “No…No I won’t go! I won’t!” she yelled her hands burning despite the cold around her.
The heat seemed to spread from her hands, up her arms, and slowly to the rest of her. It was like a blast of sunlight after a long winter night. She screamed, the warmth intense as a silvery light shone through her and into the ground around her. Furie jumped away, barking in alarm as the light shone. The shadows dissipated for all of a moment, the forest around her turning bright for all of a second. Like a lighthouse beacon she shined, the light protecting her from the now multiplying shadows.
But darkness did what darkness did best: It snuffed out the light. The more shadows emerged, the dimmer the light she controlled became. Ellen had her power, she knew, but she didn’t know how to use it, or for how long she could use it without overdoing it. Even spirits had their limitations.
Ellen had no choice. The shadows, the Shades, threatened to swallow her and Furie whole. She needed him…
Her eyes clouded over, her mind slid against the Count’s, finding him again in that oh so familiar crossroads realm.
“Come to me…come…Come to Me…Distorted Angel…Groom of Night…Come to Me…”
Like the Shades, he too seemed to form from the shadows behind her, tall and as imposing as the forest around them. His moonlight eyes were hungry and angry. The two other hounds and a black horse emerged behind him. Ellen was left breathless, as never in that moment did he ever look so beautiful to her, bathed in the shadows he lorded himself over.
He hissed out a spell in Dacian, while his wolfhounds chased away the spirits. Their eyes and fangs glistened in the dark. Orlok’s long claws grew out and he ran, no, teleported in the shadows fearlessly. He was staglike in his speed, bringing the Shades to heal, snarling like the beast he was. Ellen never thought shadows could be fought, especially not by beings of shadow, but she had underestimated Orlok and his power.
He ruled these Shades.
The Shadows belonged to him…
“Apropoați-vă din nou de ea…luați din nou formele celor pe cari îi iubeste…si vă voi alunga pe toți în cele mai întunecate adâncimi!” She heard him roar in the darkness.
Ellen was left breathless again. Never had he looked so powerful. So…beautiful. Distorted angel indeed…
He roared as the Shades retreated, peering darkly at the pair. No easy meal was to be gotten this night. If given the chance, they would try again. Her light was easily snuffed out…too easily…
And Orlok knew this. The vampire breathed deeply, his breath sounding pained again. His throat burned, and he could feel that once familiar need. He thought he escaped it in death, but magic always came at a cost. Even magic as ancient as his…
He turned his moonlit eyes to Ellen, his expression a bit vague and hard to read. His breathing was labored, and he looked again like that loathesome beast she knew in life. His price for his power, at least in this instance, was the thirst. The horribly familiar need for blood…
Ellen felt like a cornered deer facing down a ravenous wolf. Her heart drummed with fear, her instinct screaming for her to run. But where in the world would she go? The shades were out there still, and they would not be denied a meal again. Orlok growled, his throat burning. Her blood sang to him, like a softly playing melody only he could hear from the depths of her heart. He took a step towards her, shaking, his eyes darkening.
His senses flooded. His vision blackened. His nose was overridden with the smell of her blood. Her heartbeat pounded in his ears, overriding anything else. The cold around him was numbing, as numbing as death. Overwhelmed, he fell to the snow covered ground, his throat burning still.
Ellen blinked at the count’s sudden fall, uncertain of what to make of it. She could leave him there. She had every right to leave him. He was a monster, a beast who only sought to destroy in life and in death. Where would he wind up though? In this strange afterlife, this Other World, what would he be doomed to? Would he become a Shade, or something far worse given his misdeeds?
The wolfhounds surrounded their fallen master, the black horse coming to her side as if to give her a choice to flee on his back. The dogs looked at her pleadingly, as if begging her not to leave him. She turned to the horse, but…she could not bring herself to mount the splendid ebony furred beast. Ellen closed her eyes tightly.
“Heaven help me…” she thought aloud.
The shades would be back. If he was still fallen by the time they did, Ellen knew she wouldn’t have enough power to fight them all off. Her hands clenched into fists as she made her choice…
Ellen turned back to the wolfhounds and the count. Kneeling in the snow, she knew she couldn’t lift him on to the horse, she’d need to find some way to get him up and get him on to ride back to the castle. But how?
She looked at her hand, her wrist, and an idea came to her. Oh this was going to hurt…but pain was something familiar when it came to him. Ellen moved Orlok’s head into her lap as she looked at the hounds.
“I’m hoping somehow he can smell me. I need to get him on the horse so we can get him home but I can't carry him” Ellen shuddered slightly as she put her wrist in front of the Count’s face, “Please…please let this work…”.
She knew what he needed, but could he take it like this was the question. Would he, given what happened the last time he fed from her? Ellen caressed his cheek softly with her free hand, tender and gentle. He looked oddly peaceful like this, head in her lap, his eyes closed as if merely asleep.
“I know you’re far away right now, but I need you to come back. Please come back…if for a moment. Please…”.
No answer, no movement from Orlok. Not even a sign there was something in that mind-
Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt fangs at her wrist. His eyes opened as he fed ravenously. Orlok tasted the warm, sweet blood of her, slightly different from when she was alive. There was something in it now, more energizing. More…powerful. Addicting. He fed, the burning in his throat soothed. But still he kept her wrist to his mouth, still he craved more.
Ellen hissed and whimpered in pain, catching his attention as his eyes peered up at her pained face. The sight of her large eyes, a mix of hurt and concern in them, compelled him to slow down. His mind was returning and he realized he was hurting her. Orlok slowed his feeding, lapping at the wound gently to soothe her pain, and only taking what he needed. Ellen looked down at him, her free hand still caressing his face tenderly as he fed from her. Their eyes met and it was again like meeting at the crossroads.
Slowly he let go, giving the wound one last lick to heal it, leaving only a minor scar. Their breaths mingled and Ellen lowered her head to his, their foreheads touching. Their heartbeats seemed to synchronize for all of a moment as the night began to give way around them…
Her vision blackened and Ellen felt herself fall. From there she knew nothing more…
If you guys enjoyed please consider liking, reblogging, and commenting! If you wanna see more please give me a follow! This is gonna be a long story so I hope you'll stick around for the long haul ^^ your support means the world to me! Don't forget to be awesome ^-^ <3
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wenwenbittercake · 27 days ago
Chapter 2: In the lion’s den (Sukuna x reader x Uraume) 🦌🔥🦌🔥🦌🔥🦌
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(Sorry for late update and oh boy this one is a lot. I hope you guys enjoy. A little bit of Uraume x reader there so beware 🤭🤭
chapter 1 : The hunter's Prey
Warning: blood, killing, cannibalism, public embarrassment. Also, in this fanfic i use he/him to call Uraume since before his reincarnation he was male. If it is an issue please tell me. Art by : woshihedawei on twt )
“My lord, I greet you well from your ga-“  words of the followers were cut short from the sight.
There, on lord Sukuna’s right shoulder is a woman, no a doe? Her lower half is of a doe’s and her upper body is of a woman. Her face was concealed by her long black hair. Sukuna holds her like a sack of grains with little to no care. He grins in triumph as he held the woman on his shoulder. On of his large arm, holds her by his waist so she wouldn’t slip off. A part of him wonders if she’s dead. Her body weight almost feels as if she’s dead however, occasional muscle spasms of the doe woman assure him that she’s much alive but unconscious. As he walks into the mansion, passing by cult followers, they all awe at the sight, most of the servants stopping on their tracks to do so. Sukuna scoffs at their reaction. As if their lord isn’t a 4 eyed beast with a mouth on his stomach. Not to mention the extra limbs he possesses. He walks through maze like wooden corridors of the mansion. His looming shadow stretched across the wooden paper sliding doors, shifting and bending with each step along the corridor. Making his way to the person he wants to meet the most.
  Uraume as usual, preparing recipes with the help of ten other servants in the kitchen area of the mansion for Sukuna when he brought in his recent prey. Without even turning around, his ears picked up on the familiar sound of heavy footsteps on wood and-
Uraume, with a sigh, stop their task in hand. Turning their attention to Sukuna with his head low.
“It seems my lord had a splendid hunt from your tone my lo-“ “THUD” Uraume eyes widen to the object that dropped on to the butcher block.
Everyone in the kitchen stop what they’re doing, turning their attention to the matter that drop on to the butcher block. Just a breath away from gasp. Uraume stop them with a stern glare, making every servant in the kitchen scurry out. Only after the last servant leave and the sound of the sliding door shutting is heard, Uraume grope the skin of it, examining it like a slab of meat. After all, in Uraume’s eyes, man or animal, both are just a slab of meat for them.
“My lord, would you prefer grilled deer meat or human sashimi for your feast?”
Sukuna’s roaring laugh filled the kitchen, threatening to shake the very roof of the kitchen down as he grabs his jaw and stomach to control his laughs.
“You are a great jest Uraume, truly. However, this doe is not for eating.” With an odd gentleness, Sukuna carefully tucks the inky strands of hair that covers Y/N’s face with his fingernails, making sure his sharp nails don’t graze on her pale milky skin.  Revealing her unconscious beauty. Even with doe like features on her facial features, her beauty still radiates from wild grace and human elegance. “Take her to the courtesans' quarters. See that she is made presentable. I wish to see her dance at tonight’s feast.” Sukuna claw like fingers, drift from playing with Y/N’s soft doe ears to her soft cheeks, squeezing them, making her unconscious self-pout. This causes the forever tormenting, lord Sukuna to slip an amused smile. Oh how easy it is for you to amuse him.
  “Splash!” Y/N gasp awake to the sudden feeling of cold water being splash over her head. Making her gasp for air and cough on water. She hurriedly pushes her hair out of her face to assist the surroundings. You are in a pool of water. No, you are in a tub. A wooden one and the water is cold. You hug your knees in your chest, almost in a defensive effort. The action causes you to let out a pained whimper, realizing the blood that is oozing out of your wound making the once clear water, slightly red.
“Don’t strain yourself.” A cold voice appears behind you, making you sit upright in alarm. The man emerges from behind you.
He walks to the end of the tub with a bucket in hand which he drops it to the corner of the room. You take in your surround to realize you are in a dimly lit, four walled room. The walls made of sliding bamboo paper door, and you can make out the sounds of shifting feet right outside the doors. The man seems to notice your attention as he mutters,
“Ignore them, their miniscule brains cannot comprehend your existence.” His words cold and unempathetic. Almost in a condescending tone.
You realize not only his words are cold when his pale hand reach into the water, pulling out the leg that is injured out of the water in a rough manner, causing you to let out a yelp. You try to straggle out of his icy fingers, but his fingers tighten on your ankle the more you struggle.
“Halt! I wish to not repeat my words.” His tone sharp and clear, making you stop on your tracks.
You can only shiver as your body is awkwardly out of the water with his freezing grip tight around your ankle. You can see the man fiddle out something from his pouch around his waist. He retrieves a needle out with a thread connecting it. You almost pull away but the man just gives you a sharp glare, making you stop from you notion.
“Hold still, your wound needs to be closed.” With that the man carefully starts to stitch your open wound on your thigh.
  You grip on the edge of the wooden tub from the pain and to hold yourself steady from being in an awkward position in the tub. Thankfully, the man has no sadistic tendencies as he treats your wound as fast as possible with more care than you would ever put to yourself. You feel conflicted by his hash treatment earlier, opposing the tenderness he has shown when he treats your wound. He gently places your leg back in the water after he’s done with sewing your wound. He wordless baths you with a washcloth. Not a single emotion exposed from the man as you watch curiously at him washing your body. As he scrubs your arms, you can’t help but noticed how masculine and feminine he looks. His white hair and lashes somewhat resemble snow. Soft snow you use to roll around on the forest clearing with your friends. You can remember how soft and cold it felt, you can almost feel it.
Uraume flinch at the feeling of the woman’s soft fingers threading through his air. It was so light, but he felt it. He flinches; a shade of vulnerability crosses his face. His eyes wide, mirroring of the woman’s.
“Please refrain from touching me.”
You kept your head low as the man now you know as Uraume instructed you to. The heavy material of the kimono stuck to your fur and the length of it tangles with your hooves. It hot and uncomfortable, making you internally groan in frustration. Your hooves clatter as you walk down the dark wooden corridor lead by Uraume. The corridors only lit faintly by the yellow candles lights illuminating from the rooms on the other side of the paper sliding doors. You can hear the distance booming laughter of men and instruments playing. The music and the laughter all mix in a concoction of chaos. The closer you get to the source of the noises, the harder it gets for you to breathe, the tighter the kimono starts to get. Your labored breath starts to quicken. Beads of sweat starts to form on your peach fuzz temple as you stand in front of the door, where you assume lord Sukuna would be. The lord Uraume said you must entertain. Wait why must you entertain him?
“Do as he command you to. Don’t question, don’t resist if you value your life.” The thought left you when you feel the cold touch of Uraume’s hand over your shoulder.
A part of him feels bad for this woman, seeing how she’s already trembling even before seeing his lord. However, the twisted part of him want to see if he can make her tremble more. His icy fingers drift from the tight hold of her shoulder to slowly drifting down to feel the smooth texture of her kimono sleeves with just the tip of his fingers. Not feeling her skin until just for a brief moment. Just for a few seconds. Uraume holds the back of your heated hand in a feather light touch.
So brief that you thought you imagine it. Before you could think more of the matter. Uraume sharply make his presence known.
“My lord…The doe has arrived.”
The voices and the music inside silence as if they never existed.
“Come in.” The familiar voice make you froze in your place. Your eyes widen. You’ve heard of this voice before. Before you can question more, the sliding doors open and your horrors greet you.
Sukuna’s eyes lighten with delight at the sight of his doe. Her beautiful fur hidden under all those fabrics, much to his disappointment. However, soft patches of fur peeks out of her nape and the doe like features of on her facial features are enough to please Sukuna for now.
“Come my dear, do not be afraid.” Sukuna said with a knowing grin.
Y/N hasn’t registered the jest which edge the sadistic part of Sukuna further. The room full of follower’s eyes follow to lord Sukuna before traveling to Y/N’s face before back to Sukuna. Only when he slips a smirk does everyone in the room start to laugh maniacally to the point where it looks like an act. Y/N grimace at the sight. She doesn’t dare to step into what looks to be a big hall, lit with bright candle lights and suffocating incense, but in actuality, a lion’s den that she might not be able to crawl out of. Y/N took a step back, wanting to run back down to hall and jump out any window she could find but her efforts were stopped by Uraume’s firm hand against her back pushing her in. She looks back to him with betrayed eyes only for Uraume to slide the door shut on her face.
“Feast your eyes upon my finest prize as of late. She may wear the skin of a woman, but beneath all that cloth, she is naught but a deer. Tell me, do you find it so hard to believe?" Sukuna’s deep voice crackle the air into silence. The followers stop their laughter in an instant like puppets on a string.
"My lord, how could such a thing be? Do you mean to test our wit with this riddle?" “Oh you will see, such thing could be possible.” Sukuna’s eyes darken with malicious intent. He grins from these lips and from the mouth of his stomach, exposing those familiar beastly sharp teeth. All Y/N could do is shiver in her sport, not daring to move an inch. "Come forth, stand before me. Let me take in the whole of you." Sukuna’s eyes follow as you move forward.
Your hooves clatter on the tatami mats as you step forward into the middle of the room. You gaze on the floor, not daring to look up.  How room feels almost hotter now. The hot candles and the obnoxious smell of incense intensify as you approach lord Sukuna. It’s making you lightheaded. You did lose a lot of blood earlier, making you weaker than you actually are, and all of this is making you feel like you are trapped in hell fire of sorts.
The word snaps you out of your daze notions. You look confuse, almost not understanding why you must take off these fabrics when Uraume had carefully put on me with great efforts.
"Remove your kimono. I would have our guest witness the deer that lies beneath your guise."
At that moment, you don’t feel uncomfortable. The shame of nudity is something unfamiliar to you. You live in the wild with nothing. So, as every living creature you’ve met. So, when you slip off the kimono, you felt nothing of shame just fear from not knowing what is going on. Finally, when all the confining fabrics of the kimono drop to the floor. You almost felt free as the cool air touched your bare skin. Freedom that’s short lived as soon as the eyes of the followers’ stare at you. Their inappropriate eyes stare at you like an object, not a living being that can feel their stares. Only then, you experience the shame of nudity for the first time. The discomfort starts to seep into your skin.  Your arms cradle your chest, your hands gripping your shoulders tight to bring in some comfort. Your legs threaten to buckle and fall. Your eyes widen in confusion and fear at this foreign feeling.
"Gaze upon her, isn’t she exotic?" Sukuna could barely contain his excitement as he watches his doe squirm on her hooves. She’s trembling and he can see it, yet he makes no attempt to consol her. “Your grace, you have done exceedingly well in your hunt. Truly, you possess an unmatched eye for discovering treasures even in the most untamed of places." One of the follows said in awe. Sukuna just scoffs. He rather not hears the praise of his cult following right now. Now his interest is held to this poor doe. "Come now, I know creatures like you are fond of jumping around, aren’t you? Go on, hop.” Sukuna purposely lowers his tone as if to tease a child but in the context of the situation. It only sound of ridicule over Y/N.
 Y/N through teary eyes, not knowing what is going on, she does as what Uraume told her to do. Listen to lord Sukuna if she wants to live. She hops. A small leap to her side. When her hooves land on the mat. Sukuna starts to laugh in triumph.
“More, go on, hop around more.” Sukuna rumbles out through his cackling laugh. Every follower around him starts to laugh along with him. Making a fool out of y/n.
Tears start to fall down your cheek. You don’t know what’s going on nor know why they are making you do this. All of this is strange, odd and unnaturally cruel. With shaky legs, you hop, with every hop, more laughter from the crowd comes out, the louder Sukuna gets.
“Go on, hop like a little fool you are.” The last jib causes you to fall on the tatami mat with a thud. You last hop makes your legs unable to hold yourself up under the sheer pressure of embarrassment and shame.
You huddle on the floor, holding you knee and you face in your lap, closing your eyes, you wish to disappear. This is not real. This is not real. I am not here I am not here I don’t exist This is not real A glimpse of concern morphs onto Sukuna’s face when his doe falls. He slights get up from his lean back sitting position. Something that the followers fail to notice since they are too entrance in the doe.
“Lord her fur, can we touch it?” “Yes lord can we?”
The followers are not even looking at Sukuna when making such request as they are too entrance in the doe. Sukuna face morph into disgust at the sight of perversions shown on the followers’ behaviour. Some of them even started to crawl closer to his doe from where they sat on the floor. Sukuna felt immense disgust at the sight. Roaches…Disgusting roaches that he could squash in less than a second.
“I hereby forbid any human in the 100-meter radius from moving until say the word now.”
Y/N eyes finally open when she heard those words. First, she realizes the silence, that unnatural silence. Did those men leave? She timidly looks up, slowly from her position. The sight causes her to let out a gasp. There, in front her, men just a few inches from her, in a position of trying to reach to her. However something is freezing them in place, she doesn’t know what but it’s unnatural. Their face quivering in fear, eyes wide open. Her gaze quickly shifts to Sukuna when he got up from where he sat. He stretches and yawn, his muscles rippling, seen from how he wears only one sleeve of the kimono and the other arm off, showing off his two powerful right arms and the slit along his stomach. Markings tatters his expose body with ink. He strides towards her, much to her horror, he steps on to the frozen followers of his, crushing them under his feet, literally. Blood splatters across the floor with every steps. It oozes along the tatami mat until it reaches your fingers that you planted on the mat. It stains your pale soft hands that never do no harm. With Sukuna’s final steps, the splatter of blood reaches your face. You felt the warm liquid on your cheek and jaw, but you don’t dare to look down. Your eyes strain on lord Sukuna’s face. Much to his delight. He gets down on one knee, to see you eye to eye.  His piercing gaze meet your eye before it travels down to your lips. His calloused thumb reaches up, swiping the droplets of blood that landed on your lips, causing a rouge smear along your lower lips.
Sukuna smirk at that sight, oh how he wishes to paint you red in that moment. Instead, he holds a firm grip on your jaw with his thick hand. He leans real close to you, enough that you could feel his warm breath against your face and his 4 eyes staring down at you. Your lips just mere inches from his. Then...
(Thank you for your support from my Chapter 1 post. It really means a lot to me. Thank you everyone.  Again, I apologize for any grammatical error as English isn’t my first language. If you are confused why I use ‘you’ and ‘she/her’ to acknowledge reader sometimes is because when I use ‘you’, it is meant to be personal and to show the perspective of reader however when I use ‘she/her’ this is to show reader in the perspective of others. That’s all I hope you guys enjoyed and stay tune for the next ones) @paradisestarfishh
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brainyrot · 11 months ago
Chews on your screen. Any new fanfic updates? (No rush no rush)
Sorry if it's kinda short! I got lost in playing poker and blackjack on the speakeasy!
"bendy! Ugh- cussing stardust. Where the hell is he?!"
"did you even had to say that in front of him?! Now who knows what he could've doing! Or happening to him! Last time he went crazy! He almost killed all of us because he thought Boris was dead!"
"Sorry it slipped from my mouth okay?! stop with the blaming game because it ain't working toots! You're only making things worse."
"And where are we even going? This place is a maze! We'll never find him!"
"There's an elevator! Should we use it?" Suddenly mugman pointed out in the middle of the argument, racing along with the others to who knows where.
"And how are we gonna use it mugs? We don't even know where the hell bendy is!" The cup shouted, stressed and nervous for everyone's well-being. His chest already hurting, his body begging him to stop and breathe.
"I don't know! The only options are going down by the stairs or by the elevator, and to not waste any energy or encounter any threats I say we go with the elevator."
"He's got a point Cuphead.."
"Fine! Fine we'll use the elevator, which floor?"
"Just, pick one who cares." and so he did. Random floor.
tense. So much tense. Panting, nervous sighing, worried faces. All for a small demon that disappeared.
"It should be easy to find him, last time he was as big as a whole ship!" That's also true.
"let's hope he ain't too mad,," he mumbled to himself, the wheezing cup.
"oh bendy.." the feline watched as the floors went by, until it stopped to one.
A desert. nothing but ink, not even furniture.
Just some wooden planks and ink, and some..sense of danger. But it's always been like this since they've been stuck here.
But something doesn't feel right.
"Stay behind me." He said. "I'll quickly check." He said.
But once one foot was outside of the elevator, an inky hand grabbed him right arm, the one he uses to shoot. "ACK—UGH- WHAT THE C-" a giant smirk, melting face, and a faint, growling laugh.
"..I..am the ink...demon..." He whispered, loudly enough to be heard from the walls. "and you.. must be those..pets..that have been screaming around all..day." he examined the hand, gripping it so hard it felt like it was gonna break.
another finger gun appeared, trying to be scary. Funny.
The girl was shaking, the cat was too, but knew how to hide it.
"Ugh..-i-..be-..let- go-" it felt like black hat was holding his hand, a sea of memories coming back to him.
"Wh- who are you?!" Mugman asked, out of panic, I don't think he hard him talk before.
"I..am who you know..as..bendy." he laugh at his own name, at their faces. At how dumb their were.
"And this hand is coming..with me."
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thursdaymoonrise11 · 1 year ago
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist💫
Current fic In Pursuit of Evocation (in progress) SebastianxF!MC:
AO3 link
Inky Blue Flames (long fic - complete - prequel to^^) SebastianxF!MC:
AO3 link
(Both are Mature/Explicit)
Both stories are a re-telling and expanded story of Hogwarts Legacy from the perspective of a muggleborn Ravenclaw MC, Phoebe Honeyball, as she becomes entangled with both Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt.
The MC - Phoebe Honeyball:
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~ fics are a work in progress and is being updated almost monthly ~
Links can be found here to the fic's Spotify playlist and list of characters.
I started this as a bit of fun when the game came out last year, and it's grown into a full blown fanfic. Hope you enjoy 💗
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Phoebe's childhood
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13-nothing · 8 months ago
Bruuuh, so like my last 3 things have been about Miraculous BUT Inky Mystery by ThisAnimatedPhantom fights for its time in my brain soooo here's me being the fangirl I am and singing its praises because it has to be one of the best fanfics I have EVER read!
BUT before I get ahead of myself let me explain a few things to those who aren't familiar. Inky Mystery is a glorious fanfiction on AO3 that is based on a fan comic that brings the cartoon worlds of BATIM, Cuphead, Felix, older Disney Cartoons, Villainous, etc. together on a thrilling quest filled with Drama, Mystery, and Adventure. The story follows Bendy, Boris, and friends as they try to uncover the cure to the mysterious ink illness that has begun to plague toons around the world.
One of the best parts is that even if ur not familiar with all of the fandoms u can enjoy it tho I would suggest being familiar with BATIM at least cause it is mostly centered around Bendy and Boris and knowing about it helps with theories and spotting the subtle references sprinkled throughout.
But onwards!!
Soo I kinda made a Theory board of sorts that started back towards the beginning of the labyrinth stuff and I haven't updated it in a while. It's just a bunch of excerpts from the chpts that I thought were important at the time. It mostly has to do with the BATIM Easter eggs I mentioned earlier but there are also some theories that I have had floating around in my head. I wouldn't suggest looking at them if you haven't made it to like Chpt 294ish, but here they are.
(It's weirdly color coded but the outlines correspond to different questions /theories I've had)
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The bottom one isn't even coded at all ooops. (As an add on I want u to think about how Boris is kinda Joey at times while Bendy is simultaneously himself and Henry)
Anyway, sry that this post is a bit ah, chaotic (hehehe) but I will add one more thing if anyone wants to read it:
1. it can be a little slow at times BUT the other parts make up for it, 2. it can be weirdly dramatic (which is more from the remnants of the fan comic than TAP but still), and 3. it does cover some more mature topics on occasion BUT the chpts have warnings for them when they come up.
Thanks for reading and I say farewell to thee my fellow existences!
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mareastrorum · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday: The Fool and the Soldier, Ch. 7 (Forward)
The Fool and the Soldier is now up on AO3, updated every other Friday. This is an off-week, so here is a snippet from next week’s chapter! Commentary on Chapter 6 will go up on Friday.
Fanfic Summary: Mollymauk Tealeaf survived the Mighty Nein's encounter with the Iron Shepherds on Glory Run Road, but a short time later, a spirit began hunting him, claiming that he stole his body. This Campaign 2 AU begins with Episode 26 and continues on from there.
It was an unfairly gorgeous day. The sun shone as though nothing had gone wrong the night prior, with only a few puffy clouds swiftly traveling in from the south.
The Nein had escaped with their lives and a ship, but none of that had gone according to plan. They had only intended to question Marius LePual about what he knew of Avantika and the ball she had hired the Jagentoths to find. They would up killed nearly the entire crew—which turned out to be pirates, so it wasn’t like it was bad—and taking their ship. She had almost killed another crewman, Gallen Westman, but she managed to bring him back, and he was going to help repair the ship and stay on the crew. He wasn’t even mad or anything.
But other than her, Caleb, Molly, and Nott, the rest seemed sullen over how it had gone. Fjord and Beau talked each other up a little, and Yasha was fine one Molly sat with her for a while.
Caduceus had sat with his knees to his chest as he spoke. “I… had a mission, a holy purpose, a thing that defined me, and I thought that I was honoring it, and now—what if I was wrong? This is not what I thought it was going to be.”
“What was your mission?” Jester had asked.
“My home is dying and… I thought this was what I was supposed to do. I waited for a sign and I thought you were the sign, and now maybe there wasn’t any sign. Maybe I just left, and I’m on a ship in an ocean that doesn’t want me here. It’s been so quiet, and— what if I made a mistake?”
“Well,” Jester replied before a pause. “A lot of times I think that maybe the Traveler has left me and I think maybe things are going poorly and he doesn't like me anymore, but sometimes he'll just show up after a while and tell me that I was on the right path all along, and he just made it fun for me to find it again.”
“And one day will be the last time; what then?”
“You’re not afraid of death, are you?”
Caduceus had shaken his head. “No. Although dying was— I’ve been hurt before and I’ve— almost drowning was a lot.” He seemed to be looking far away when he said that, as if it was something other than what had happened that day, then he laughed nervously. “That was a lot, and the ocean is a lot, and this is a lot.”
Jester patted his back. “Breathe.” The firbolg took a deep breath in and out. “The world is a lot bigger than your cemetery. There are a lot of things for you to see, and you have to break out of your comfort zone in order to find the path that you are looking for.”
“I think I needed to hear that,” Caduceus said as he nodded. “Thanks.”
Caduceus was always so confident and calm until then that Jester had not thought to worry about him. He was a healer, he looked out for the Nein. But he needed someone to look out for him, too. Jester and Molly had cheered him up by cooking with him and showing him the spice pouch Yasha got, so the firbolg seemed calmer by the time he slept. They’d try to do more stuff like that for him to help as they went.
In the meantime, the Nein had made plans to travel out to the Inky Claw Reef in search of Avantika’s ship, the Squalleater. To tie off some loose ends, Jester and Nott had swiftly made their way into the Opal Archways toward the Lavish Chateau. The rest had stayed on their new ship, The Mistake, or gone to the harbor to recruit a crew and spread rumors to cover up what had happened.
Jester was dressed in a disguise courtesy of Molly and Beau: a brunette wig over her hair and horns, makeup to give her a lighter complexion, arm length gloves, and Beau’s light blue coat. Nott had used her new hat of disguise to take the form of a cute halfling: a plump, dark-skinned young woman in simple gray clothes with a round, pleasing face and pretty brown eyes. She walked through town as if they had only just arrived, with confidence Jester had not seen before. It was enough that none of the zhelezo bothered either of them.
While they had a brief reunion, and Jester had nearly decided not to leave, seeing her mother and Bluud one more time was worth it. She assured them that whatever rumors they heard about a blue tiefling dying were made up. They were working on a case! And hit a major lead! And going out to sea! Marion would take care of Nugget and the peacock, since they would not do well on a ship, and even keep the cart for them until they returned.
“Be safe, my little šašek,” Marion said as she smiled and kissed Jester on the forehead. She also put a small pouch in Jester’s hands. “And a token for you, too.”
“Thank you, Mama!” Jester said as she hugged her one more time. “I love you. I’ll be back soon, and I’ll have a lot of stories.”
Marion patted her before pulling back, “I love you, too, Jester. Go! And I will see you soon.”
Jester almost clung to her again, but she nodded and walked out with Nott, tossing one more look back. Marion smiled knowingly and waved once before going to her vanity. Jester took a breath before walking down to bid Bluud and the others farewell, and she was shortly outside once more with Nott.
“You really missed home, didn’t you, Jester?” Nott suddenly asked.
“What? Of course! It was my first time out of the city,” Jester explained as they began walking. “There’s so much I didn’t get to show you! Oh, you know, maybe we’ll be back for the New Dawn parties for the new year. It’s so much fun. There’s stuff all along the beaches from dawn to sunset, and there’s food and fireworks and…” She continued going on about the parties, remembering the times she would sneak out with the Traveler to explore and play some pranks at the snootier galas. The Ruby was usually invited to all of them, but she attended only one in the mornings and then had to recover back at the Chateau. It was so hard for her to leave; she was scared of the outside, only leaving once or twice a year.
“Jester, ah—” Nott trailed off.
“You can’t eat Sprinkle, Nott,” Jester pre-empted, petting the weasel in her hood. He squeaked at her and nuzzled.
Nott balked. “No! I mean, it would be delicious, I’m sure, but that’s not what I was going to suggest.” Jester pouted. “Do— do you want to stay here with your mother?”
Jester shook her head. “I can’t, it’s too dangerous.”
“You could take this hat,” Nott replied, fighting a frown as she patted her hair. “It’s magic, so you could pretend to be one of your mother’s servants or something. You missed, her didn’t you? It’s not right to separate a mother and her child like this.”
Jester felt a pang in her chest, and she looked over her shoulder at the Chateau, still visible over the rooftops a few blocks away. Visiting the Ruby had whipped up so much nostalgia for home, and it hurt to see how lonely her Mama had been. It would be a lie to say she didn’t want to stay.
Yet, when Jester met Nott’s gaze, her face was equally distraught. It was obvious how much it meant to her that she didn’t look like a goblin. She had spoken many times of how much she disliked goblins, but she’d never mentioned that she also wanted to be something else that badly. And what about the Nein? Caduceus had nearly drowned when they fought Algar, and without her, no one would have been able to revive him. Caleb nearly died in that confrontation, too. Without her spells, would the Nein have escaped the zhelezo the night before? No, they needed her.
An image of the Ruby came back to her, a memory of months earlier when her mother hand her a pouch of gold before she fled from Lord Sharpe.
“See the world. As much of it as you can. Find people to love, and people who love you, and send it all back to me.”
There was so much more out there.
“Thank you, Nott, but I can’t,” Jester answered. “I missed my Mama, I did. But you all need me, and I want to go. And Mama wanted me to, too, so I could bring it back to her in stories.” She looked out at the bay, the sun sparkling brilliantly on the water like a jewel. “I’m not done yet. Mama has Nugget to keep her company, and I can send her messages, and we’ll come visit. It’ll be okay.”
Nott inspected her for a moment, then grinned brightly. “Alright. Then we’ll keep an eye out for souvenirs for her! Oh, maybe post cards, or…”
Once more, Jester felt a pull to get one final glimpse of the Chateau. Just one more time. But she resisted it and kept walking forward, keeping a smile on her face as she chatted with Nott about what to bring back to her Mama.
Jester would miss something if she kept looking back.
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salty-and-spiraling · 6 months ago
Well, looks like I'm doing this!
Thanks to all who voted! I can guarantee that I'm just as excited for this as everyone else, if not more! Here's a sample of the first chapter!
"A Big Mistake"
There's been a big mistake.
Like a really big mistake.
To be fair, they weren't even really at fault, it all happened so fast. They were in the High Mage's office, trying to figure out what to do with the Pearl when Callum got this idea.
Send it back in time.
It was supposed to be a flawless plan. A simple solution. Hide the Pearl in the past and forget about it! Done and done!
…Alright so it wasn't a very thought out plan, but it would've at least bought them some time to come up with a permanent solution.
Everything was set up for the spell. All Callum needed to do was say the trigger words, "Revertere In Tempore", but in that moment something had gone wrong. Everyone could feel it as the room went cold. Callum felt it first, his hands instinctively going to clutch his throat before his eyes filled with an inky darkness and he went limp. After a few seconds he rose like a person in a trance, his eyes now a shimmery white color--- similar to that of the pearl. His face held an arrogant smirk as he spoke, a sickeningly smooth voice coming from it, a voice that didn't fit Callum's own.
"You all must be getting desperate if you're trying a spell like this."
At the sound of his voice everyone tensed up. It was Rayla who spoke first, clutching her Butterfly Blades with a grimace. "Let go of him you monster! Callum, I know you're in there! Fight him! Please!" Her words were dripping with desperation, clear as the obvious pain on her face.
Callum merely turned his back on her, Rayla's pleas falling on dead ears. Ezran walked up to Callum with Soren tailing him, already in a fighting stance, poised to protect his king. Despite the gravity of the situation Ezran appeared composed, voice steady and serious as he spoke.
"What do you want Aaravos? You can't win. We've got your prison and any attempts Claudia could make to get it back would be futile. You've lost. You can't hurt anyone ever again."
Ezran's words didn't seem to phase him, for Aaravos didn't falter, only smirking through Callum as he replied confidently.
"You are wise beyond your years, king of Katolis, though not wise enough. You should never underestimate your adversary. Stratum Caligo!" The room began to fill with fog.
I hope y'all liked this! Please bear in mind that this is my first fanfic so there will be mistakes and I won't be able to set scheduled updates or anything like that. I'm kinda nervous but still really hyped for this!
Calling All TDP Mutuals!
I'm thinking about writing a tdp time travel fic on AO3 where Team Zym gets stuck in the past before Leola's execution and Aaravos's imprisonment.
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inky-quilled-dragon · 1 month ago
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Gotta be honest it just flabbergasts me that i posted that thing three and a half years ago and it's STILL getting views
In unrelated news Happy Belated International Fanworks Day, everyone. Y'all--writers, artists, gif-ers, theorycrafters, cosplayers, and anyone else who contributes to fandom--are bloody amazing.
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tswaney17 · 3 years ago
I Do Bad Things with You - Part 34
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Happy @azrielshadowsingerweek! We're going to once again celebrate Romance Day with an update to this little fic. Grab yourself a snack and a drink, and maybe a little me time. We've finally reached our major milestone. 😉 Hope the wait was worth it. 💜💚💙
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: violence (minor), sexual assault (minor mention), language, NSFW
Word Count: 10,241
Azriel was sitting at his desk regretting every decision to leave the penthouse that morning. Not when he left Elain’s half-nude form asleep in their bed as he dragged himself to work. And fuck, did he wish he played hooky today. Especially after last night. Because last night, it was clear she was ready to take that final step in their physical relationship and have sex.
He had no idea where the confidence came from—gods he wasn’t questioning it—but he was simply curious since it was only a few days before when she had shaved him and told him she was still not ready. But last night, fuck, they were so goddamn close.
They were cuddled up on the couch watching some show or movie, he truly didn’t even remember what it was now when some raunchy scene came on.
The guy had the woman splayed on the table as he ate her out. It was completely explicit for a movie, but Elain had shifted subtly against him and he realized that it had turned her on a bit. Az would’ve made a snarky comment about her watching porn had he not noticed how her breathing had changed, mouth parted. The hand he had placed on the inside of her thigh began lightly stroking her skin.
He let his other fingers trail casually over the skin of her arm, under the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing—one of his. It had become a staple of hers when she got home from work; long enough that she didn’t have to wear leggings underneath it. And usually paired with a set of thigh-high socks. It tormented him to no end, that evening outfit.
Elain sighed, head tipping sideways and inviting him to access her neck, one he took full advantage of.
His lips descended upon the soft skin she exposed, kissing and sucking lightly until she shivered. He brushed his mouth up so it ghosted over the shell of her ear and whispered, “Did you get turned on by that scene, baby?”
She whimpered, arching into him.
“Would you like me to splay you out on our table and feast on you?” Another whine left her as Azriel’s large hand wrapped around her torso, moving to cup her full breast. Gods, she had such perfect tits. He rolled her nipple between his index and thumb on one hand and let the other hand travel further up her thigh, still gently stroking her.
Elain was like putty in his hands, heavy breathing, becoming loose and moldable to his liking. She twisted her head to capture his mouth in a hungry, desperate kiss, moaning into it. When she pulled back, he saw it��that determination that hadn’t been there before during their previous sexual explorations.
His heart thumped wildly in his chest. He could feel this time was different. The dynamic was different. She was in control, especially when she hooked a leg over his hips and swung herself onto his lap. He gripped her waist, settling herself on him as she flipped her hair to one side in a seductive move that had his cock twitching in his grey sweatpants.
Her lips crashed back onto his, chest pressing into him.
Stunned slightly, Az settled into a more submissive role, letting Elain take the reins and guide him where she wanted him. It was out of his normal element, but he wanted her to have control over how this went.
Elain’s fingers threaded through his hair, tugging on the inky strands until he was groaning, then guided his head to her delicate collarbone. He sucked on the jutted-out bone, used his teeth to nip at the sensitive skin, and soothed the hurt with the flat of his tongue. Pulling back, she looked at him, chest heaving. Her gorgeous brown eyes were blown wide with lust.
Releasing her waist with one hand, he went to reach between her legs to cup her and add some pressure where he knew she needed it, but she gripped his wrist, halting him. Elain pinned him with a look and returned his hand to her hip. Latching onto his shoulders, she kept her eyes on him as she slowly sank onto his lap until they were firmly pressed together, his aching cock slotted into the warm lips of her pussy.
“Fuck,” he groaned, dropping his face into the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He could feel himself growing harder as she began to rock her hips, getting adjusted to the sensation.
Elain was whimpering, eyes fluttering shut as she struggled to find a rhythm through his sweats.
Azriel pulled her shirt up to hold it up at her waist so he could watch her move on him. Grabbing her hips, he helped her find a motion that him sliding right between her legs. The movie played forgotten in the background as they regained momentum. “That’s it, baby girl. Just like that.”
Wrapping an arm around his neck, she clutched at him, holding him close as she rolled on him, their mouths brushing with how near they were. Her pants teased his lips and fuck did he want to get her naked and feel her sliding over him, skin to skin, but he didn’t dare take that step until she asked him to.
He knew she was close when she bit down on her bottom lip and he couldn’t stop himself from surging forward to take it between his teeth. Azriel sucked her lip deep into his mouth, plumping up the tender flesh and pulling another heady moan from the back of her throat.
Kissing her, his tongue slipped between her lips to stroke hers. Releasing one hand from her waist, he gripped her jaw and tilted her head just slightly to angle how he could penetrate her, to really tongue-fuck her mouth.
Her body quivered from the pleasure she received between her legs—he could feel how wet she was, having soaked through her underwear and dampened his sweats. His cock pulsed at the delicious friction and heat her pussy provided him, even thru the clothes they wore. “Gods, baby. You feel divine. Are you going to come for me like a good girl?”
Elain let out a sound that was a cross between a sultry whine and a moan. “Yea—”
The ringing of her phone startled her out of her trance.
They both glanced at the device vibrating on the couch and fuck, did he want to tell her to let it go to voicemail, but he knew she was on call and couldn’t.
She took a few steadying breaths, resting her brow against his before she reached over and plucked the phone off the cushion. Her face deflated. “It’s work.”
He fell back against the couch as she settled on his lap, running a hand through her damp hair and putting the phone to her ear. “Hello, this is Doctor Archeron.”
It took every ounce of self-restraint to not groan out loud at that. Jesus Christ did he have a kink. Elain liked being called a doctor and he fucking loved calling her it.
“Yes,” she said to whoever was on the other line. Her eyes found his and softened. “Yes, I’ll be right in.”
Az sighed. So, fucking close. So, fucking close to being able to give Elain what she truly deserved. What he knew she hadn’t experienced ever. What they had in high school wouldn’t compare to what he could do now. And he knew her ex was piss-poor in that regard. Yes, he’d given her plenty of orgasms with his mouth and fingers, but it would be different with his cock.
He throbbed uncomfortably in his pants, but he ignored it as she hung up and tossed the phone aside.
“I have to go in. There was a five-car pile-up on the highway and they need all hands on deck.” Her entire body seemed to deflate.
When she started to climb off his lap, he gripped her wrist to stop her. “Finish.”
The authoritative tone seemed to unlock some needy thing in her because she wiggled on his lap. “I have to go get ready,” she panted.
“You can’t go to work like this,” he gently explained. “You’ll be miserable. Like you were the last time.” She blushed at the reminder. His eyes bore into hers. “Are you still aching?”
A nod, unable to answer him.
“Then finish. A minute isn’t going to make difference.” When she still hesitated, he decided on a different approach. “Finish, Elain,” he ordered, letting some of the dominant voice that he had withheld from her so far.
It worked. Her eyes flared at the command, not in challenge but submission. It surprised him if he was being honest. He would’ve thought Elain, given everything she had been through, would’ve preferred to hold some control sexually. But that was desire in her irises. Desire to please, to submit to his will. It would be something they discussed down the road. When she was fully submerged and comfortable with sex again.
Breathing deeply, Elain sank back down onto his cock, rocking her hips until he was situated correctly, and began dragging her soaked, covered pussy over him.
It didn’t take long until she was groaning again, finding that rhythm easily on her own this time.
Knowing they were limited on time, he worked on her neck, going straight for the sensitive spot that typically had her melting with a few nips or a swipe of his tongue. One of Elain’s hands went back to his hair, squeezing and tugging until he growled into her skin. The other planted firmly on the armrest of the couch to provide leverage.
When her breaths turned shallow, body shaking, he brought his mouth to her cheek and breathed, “Come for me, baby girl. You’ve done so well. Let go.”
Her entire face scrunched as her orgasm took over and she cried out, clinging to him as if her life depended on it.
Azriel crashed their mouths together swallowing her moans while he took over moving her body on his, helping her ride out her high. His body demanded its own release, but he ignored it, focusing on helping her.
However, what he didn’t expect was for her to continue rubbing herself on him. To continue spreading that delicious slickness over his achingly, hard dick. “Elain,” he muttered like a fucking prayer.
She pushed herself up off his chest, never stopping her movements, looked him dead in the eye with that same determination that he saw earlier, and said, “You finish too.” And then she attached her mouth to his neck, licking and sucking at the strong column, likely tasting the saltiness from his sweat caused by the exertion from their activities and the fire he had going in the mantle.
Their soaked clothes made obscene sounds as she humped him, hard enough that his sweats had started to come down slightly.
Elain balled his shirt into a fist, pulling the collar away to give her more access to his shoulder. She smiled into his skin, breathing, “Your turn, baby.” And then she bit down onto the muscle there.
Azriel’s release barreled through him like a tidal wave. Pinned beneath Elain’s still moving hips and her teeth, he could do nothing but let it wash over him as he came on his washboard abs. He groaned out a litany of praises and her name.
Only when his breathing had slowed, did she finally release him and lean back, panting herself. Her eyes darted down to the mess on his stomach. His cheeks flushed and he went for a kiss, but she had other things in mind as she slinked off his lap until she was almost kneeling between his legs.
If he hadn’t just come a moment ago, he would’ve from the sight alone. “Elain, what are you—” the words died in his throat as she braced herself on his thighs and ran her tongue up his abdomen, right through his cum, cleaning the mess up. “Jesus, fuck,” he groaned, hands collecting her hair in a grip.
She licked him clean and dropped a kiss on his Adonis belt. Glancing up at him through her lashes, she offered Az a shy, sexy, little smile that had him gripping her under her arms and hauling her back onto his lap.
He fused their mouths together, tasting himself on her tongue, and fucking hell, he really didn’t want her to leave the penthouse right now. “Are you sure you have to go?” he asked, a whine echoing from the back of his throat.
A beautiful laugh bubbled from her lips. “Unfortunately, yes.”
“Well, be prepared for me to return the favor of what you just did when you get home. Because that was sexy as fuck.”
She smiled sheepishly. “It’s going to be a while before I’m home. And frankly, I’ll probably be exhausted.”
“Well, then whenever you’re ready. Because I owe you a reward for that.” Her eyes twinkled. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up so we can get you to work before they think you’ve bailed on them.” He helped her stand, rising behind her, but before she could walk away, Az twisted her to face him and dropped to a kneel in front of her.
“What are you do—” she started but was cut off when he gripped her sodden underwear.
“Just a taste?” he asked, waiting for permission from her.
Her eyes widened, but she nodded.
Azriel tugged the fabric down her legs until she could step out of them, and spread her thighs so he could swipe his tongue between her folds. She was still soaked from her release, but fuck did she taste so damn sweet.
She moaned, body bowing to grab his shoulder. “So much for not going to work horny,” she muttered.
He chuckled, grinning up at her. “Just something to look forward to when we finally get back to it.” Az winked, standing back up with her underwear in his hand. “So wet,” he teased.
Elain’s blush was too adorable not to kiss.
A knock on his office door brought him out of the memory and back to the incredibly hard present. A glance down at his puckered pants had him sliding his chair further under his desk. “Come in.” Fuck, his voice was way too hoarse.
Nuala strolled in carrying a manilla envelope. The look on her face was like an ice bucket dousing his erection.
“What is it?”
Her heels clicked across his marble floors. “We’re getting sued.”
He blinked, blind-sighted by the information. “What?”
“One of the panels malfunctioned when a woman was entering her home,” she began, dropping the envelope on his desk, “and was unable to use the panic code. She was attacked.”
His body went cold at her words as he slid the envelope over to himself, flipped up the golden tabs, and dumped the contents onto his desk. Nuala perched herself on one of his leather chairs as he looked over the lawsuit. It wasn’t a lot. A hundred and fifty thousand for damages and replacement of a few valuables. Along with attorney fees and therapist fees. But the word attacked kept bouncing around in his head. Made his stomach roll like a raging storm on the sea. Az dropped the documents on his desk. “Was she…” he swallowed, “raped?” His gut twisted with shame and disgust. If she was because of a faulty system—if what almost happened to Elain happened to her because of him…
“Not that I’m aware of, but I don’t believe so.” Nuala’s head cocked to the side, sleek black ponytail sliding off the shoulder of her tailored, white pants suit. She wasn’t aware of the specifics of what had happened to Elain, but he assumed she knew something did. “If she had, I would imagine that lawsuit amount would’ve been much higher.”
It was a relief albeit only a small one. There was still a malfunctioning panel that led to a woman being attacked. “Do we know what caused the malfunction?”
Nuala snorted. “It’s Hewn. You know how they respond to things like this. They claim it’s a one-time off, brush it under the rug, and install the same thing.”
“And what if it’s not a one-time thing?” he demanded. “What if this happens again and somebody is killed from a home invasion? How can we brand ourselves as the safest security system on the market when we have panels that malfunction?” No, this would not go unrequited. He had been looking for a reason to completely pull out of Hewn’s grasp. Well, here it was. “I want to terminate every system we have with Hewn panels and replace them with Tarquin’s Summer System.” He leaned back in his seat and looked at Nuala.
She sat there wide-eyed. “That will cost us $1.5 million in out-of-pocket fees to Hewn and replacement costs for unnecessary updates to systems. Not to mention labor for scheduling with those customers to replace their panels. And any updates they’ll need if their system doesn’t work with the Summer System.”
“I don’t care. We’ll pay them. But we’re breaking all ties from Hewn. They won’t get one more cent from us after this. No long-term service contracts. No maintenance fees. Nothing. We end it now. I don’t want this happening again.”
One thing he liked about Nuala was her ability to push back on his bad ideas. If she thought whatever he came up with would damage his reputation, his company, or would cost too much for the revenue it could bring in, she’d go head-to-head with him and tell him. There had been many times when they went hours back and forth on potential products, mergers, and the likes until they reached a mutually beneficial decision. It was one reason he had offered both her and Cerridwen a partnership in this company when he originally established it.
He would always be grateful for her. Because he trusted and valued everything she said. Knew when to push and when to stay silent. But as she sat there and looked at him now, Azriel was aware that Nuala knew this was one decision he would not budge on.
“Very well,” she finally said, rising from her chair. “I’ll notify the executive team and schedule a meeting for you to discuss because I can guarantee you’ll be hearing from them.” She gave him a curt look before making her way out of his office.
Four hours.
He had been in a meeting for four hours. Four hours of non-stop bitching, in particular from his Vice President of Finance who was having a field day with the costs, and Azriel was about three words away from firing him.
Aelin was uncharacteristically quiet during the whole ordeal until he finally called on her for her opinion.
“Frankly, Azriel, it sounds like you’ve made up your mind. So, this meeting isn’t about decisions, it’s how we want to handle the aftermath.” Smart girl. “I don’t think completely stepping away from Hewn is all that awful. We’ve had issues with their panels in the past and most of our low reviews come not from bad service delivered by our technicians, but from issues as a result of their panels.
“Marketing can spin this in a positive light. We’re essentially upgrading those customers who have Hewn panels to something better for free. Most customers should be a relatively easy switch and there are benefits to them for upgrading. More digitized, better security options, et cetera. This could be to our benefit.”
And that was why Galathynius was his VP of Marketing and Operations, and on track to be the CMO.
He leaned back in his seat. “Finally, somebody gets it.”
Those turquoise and gold eyes sparkled at him through his monitor.
“As Aelin has so politely put it, I wasn’t using this meeting to ask for permission but to give you notice. A woman was attacked because of a malfunctioning panel. That in itself should be enough of a reason for us to break any remaining ties to Hewn.” The collection of executives quieted on his screen. “I’ve already sent notice to Elias and Tarquin. The ball is rolling. Get on board or find a new one.”
Without another word, he ended the call.
Rubbing his eyes, he groaned. Gods, it had been a long day already, and he still had a few hours to go. Clicking through his emails, Az opened one from Tarquin, letting him know he had a shipment of his panels sitting in their warehouse that could be sent out by the end of the week if he needed them that early. He also confirmed their face-to-face meeting at the tail end of next week. Az still hadn’t gone down to check out the company and warehouse and needed to do so. Nothing from Elias—though he wasn’t surprised.
What did surprise him, however, was his office door bursting open an hour later and none other than Elias himself storming in, Nuala hot on his heels.
“Elias, you can’t barge into his office!” she shouted.
But he ignored her as he snarled, “You motherfucker! You’re buying out the rest of my systems?”
Azriel raised an unimpressed brow at the display in front of him. Elias was fuming, the vein in his neck practically throbbing.
For fucks sake.
His eyes slid to his assistant behind the agitated man at his desk. “It’s fine, Nuala. I’ll take care of it.”
She gave him a look that said she had security on standby, though he truly didn’t need it, before she took her leave, shutting the door behind her.
He leaned back in his chair, fingers steepling. “Your system malfunctioned and resulted in a woman being attacked.”
“One panel,” Elias snapped. “One panel lost its connection—”
“Was it one panel, Elias?” Az interrupted. “Because from the reviews, from the technicians’ reports, from the cost analysis done on fixing or replacing your panels due to issues, I can guarantee it’s not just one panel.” He laughed humorlessly, shaking his head. “Sit the fuck down and let me tell you exactly how this is going to go.”
For once, the other CEO listened and did as he was told.
“Take the money you’re going to get out of this. Dissolve Hewn Technologies. Keep your head down and live a peaceful life with the rest of the funds I give you and your family’s name. It’ll be enough to keep you comfortable.”
“Oh, fuck you, Azriel. Don’t talk down to me. You have ruined me and my company. You and that bitch.” Az’s eyes flared at the insult, but Elias didn’t seem to notice or care. “I hope she’s fucking worth it in the sack for the damage you’ve inflicted and the war you’ve created between us and our organizations.”
Without thinking, Azriel grabbed the golden letter opener he had lying on his desk, and threw it, end-over-end, until it embedded into the leather chair by Elias’s ear. The other man’s eyes went wide in surprise, especially when he got up, buttoning his suit jacket as he made his way around his desk and perched on the edge.
Azriel cocked his head in a threatening manner, black hair sliding across his brow. “If you ever speak of her, if you so much as think of her again, I will bury this,” he reached forward and yanked the letter opener out of the chair, gripped Elias by the shoulder, and pressed the sharp blade into his stomach hard enough to cut his linen shirt, “so far into your gut, that not even Elain will be able to surgically remove it.” His voice had gone deadly soft.
Elias swallowed. He may have been arrogant. A bit presumptuous and a sexist asshole, but even he knew when to pick his battles. And this one was not one he would win.
“Get the fuck out of my office,” he said, releasing him.
But, like everything else that day, the man surprised him. Because at the door, he turned to look at one of the most powerful males in Velaris and said, “You’ll regret this,” then slipped out before Azriel could impale him with the golden dagger in his fist.
He sighed, shoulders slumping. “What a fucking day,” he groaned to himself, sliding off the desk. Gods, he’d give anything to have just stayed in bed with Elain that morning. Returning to his chair, he finished his day from hell, trying to make the best of it.
Elain was at the stove making rustic penne pasta for dinner when she heard the elevator doors ping open, announcing the arrival of her boyfriend into their home. Azriel had called her earlier, telling her that he was running a bit late so that she could time dinner accordingly. He seemed exhausted, frustrated, and many other emotions he typically never let show. It worried her to hear him sound so uneasy.
She jumped in surprise when his arms circled her waist and he brushed a kiss on her cheek. “Hello,” she murmured, setting the wooden spoon down and twisting in his embrace to face him.
Good lord. Even his face was drawn.
“Hi, love.” His voice sounded worse, more strung out than before.
Elain placed her palm on his cheek, letting her thumb swoop soothingly over his skin. Her heart melted when he leaned into her touch. “Bad day?”
He nodded and buried his face into her neck, inhaling her scent. “Awful,” he whispered onto her skin.
She frowned, wrapping her arms around him to hold him closer, letting her fingers slide into his hair, and rub up and down his back in comforting gestures. “I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it? Or can I do anything to help?”
Azriel shook his head, breathing deeply into her neck. His entire body relaxed against her, palms splayed across her spine. After another minute or so, he seemed to collect himself and pulled back far enough to look down at her face. “You just did help me. Thank you for that. And I really don’t have the energy to explain right now. Can we discuss it over dinner?”
Elain brushed her thumb over his jaw. “Of course.”
“Do I have time to take a shower before we eat? I want to wash the day off.”
Rising on her tiptoes, she kissed him softly. “Sure. We’ve got about twenty minutes before it’s ready, but it can simmer for a bit.”
He pecked her lips once more before pulling out from her arms and trudging up the stairs.
Elain’s frown deepened at the sight of his hunched shoulders—the way his head seemed to hang low. Whatever happened today, it obviously hit him hard, and she hated seeing how much it affected him. She turned back to the stove giving the contents in the pan another stir, but when the shower kicked on, a thought struck her.
Flipping everything off, Elain made her way up to their bedroom, stripping her clothes off and tossing them on the ground as she tiptoed into the bathroom.
Azriel was under the spray of the shower and didn’t hear her as she approached, jumping when her naked body pressed against his, her arms going around his trim waist.
“Shit,” he breathed, looking at her from over his shoulder. “You startled me.”
She kissed his back; felt the strong muscles contract. “Sorry. You just seemed really down and I wanted to help.” The warm water cascaded down both of them and Elain didn’t let herself think about anything but him as she slowly slid her palm down his abdomen.
But his hand caught hers before she could get past his navel. “Elain, please don’t feel like you have to do that,” he said, again looking down at her. “I’ll be fine.”
“I know I don’t,” she said honestly. “But you always make me feel better and I want to do that for you.” It had always been him taking care of her—that’s all it had been. She had let her fears control her, let them manipulate her ability to give back to him what she had been wanting to do for a while now. And she was tired of it. Tired of letting her anxiety overpower her.
She was done being afraid of being with him because deep down, she trusted every single thing about him. And knew that he would never force her into anything she wasn’t comfortable with. Azriel had proven this with all of their previous sexual encounters and Elain wanted to give this to him—had been thinking about how to give herself fully to him.
Azriel still held her hand in his grip, his thumb brushing over the back of her palm.
Water poured down their bodies. Her hair was soaked and stuck to her shoulders and back. Droplets clung to her eyelashes as she peered up at his face. “I want this, Az.” Let him see the absolute truth of her words.
When he finally assessed her enough to know she wanted to do this, that it was not out of obligation, he nodded and released her hand.
Elain kissed his back; felt those solid muscles tighten as she splayed her palm below his navel in the dusting of coarse hair from his happy trail. Her thumb stroked his Adonis belt a few times before she slowly began to slide further down. At the first touch of his cock, his arm shot out and pushed into the side of the shower. A hot, needy sound escaped him as she wrapped her hand around his cock and began to move.
Elain didn’t think she would ever get over hearing those sounds coming from him—knowing that she was the reason he was making them. It empowered her to know that she held this wildly powerful, dangerous male in her palm. That she was the only one who could get him to bend to her will.
Not that she would ever do that to him, to force him to choose between her and who he was. But it was such a stark realization of how much control they had over the other.
After her kidnapping, Elain had made a vow to herself to never let anyone come between them like that again. To be able to use or wield the other person as a weapon. The strength of their love for each other, their commitment to always holding the other person up when they needed it most—it made her love him all the more strongly.
He was hot and thick in her palm, barely able to close her fingers around his shaft, though they didn’t quite touch. Jesus Christ, he was much larger than he was in high school, she thought.
Her hand increased its pace, the other laying flat against his abdomen. She conveyed her truth, the meaning of her love to him in her movements, in the slight twist of her wrist. In how she peppered kisses on his back.
They never needed words to understand each other. She could read his facial expressions, his body language almost as well as if he had voiced every thought and feeling out loud. And she knew he could do the same for her.
Azriel finished, a curse tumbling from his lips as his entire body shuddered beneath her ministrations. His cock pulsed in her hand. Twisting in her arms, he cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply, his tongue sweeping in and claiming her mouth for himself.
The feeling of his love—the most prominent of his emotions he threw at her behind his lips, made her heart swell. Her body grew warm at the kiss; made heat grow low in her belly. From the stroke of his tongue to the way his teeth gently took her bottom lip into his mouth. She let out a keening sound from the back of her throat.
And then he was moving, pushing until her back hit the wall of the shower.
A yelp escaped her as the cool marble touched her overheated skin.
But he swallowed the sound like his life depended on it. His lips moved away from hers to her jaw, sucking in a way that had her body vibrating. He traveled down further to her neck into the junction of her shoulder.
It was one of her weak spots—one he knew very well.
His teeth nipped at her skin, hard enough to leave a mark. Azriel typically was very particular about where he marked her, careful not to do so on any skin that could be seen when she wore scrubs. But it seemed he did not care right now, and frankly, neither did she.
Elain wanted to wear his bites for the world to see that she was his, moaning as his mouth sucked on her sensitive skin. Her hands were in his hair, fingers threading through the soaked, dark strands. Gods she loved his hair.
He dropped to his knees in front of her, his mouth never leaving her skin.
“I thought I was supposed to make you feel better,” she breathed huskily. Elain never seemed to be able to get enough oxygen into her lungs when he worshipped her like this. Like she was the only being on the planet that he wanted to please.
To be fair—that was exactly what he wanted. Had made it clearly known many times over the last couple of months of being together.
Azriel’s hazel eyes peeked up at her, water droplets clung to his full, dark lashes. It was lust she saw there. Lust and desire and so much love, it could shatter her heart into millions of little pieces.
“You are,” he answered her. Slowly, with his gaze locked on hers, he pressed his lips to the center of her stomach above her navel. He sucked at the skin until it turned red and proceeded to make his way lower. His hands squeezed her hips, one sliding down her thigh. He threw her leg on his shoulder, hooking her by her fleshy thigh, and splayed his hand across her belly, securing her to him.
Elain’s hands tightened in his hair, steadying herself, but with Azriel’s strength, she felt locked in his embrace.
His breath ghosted over her drenched slit. She had felt herself grow wet from touching him, a slickness coating between her thighs even with water running down her body. “So wet already, love.” He licked the inside of one thigh. “Did you get turned on by touching my cock?” He peeked up at her through those thick lashes, and fuck her, was she a goner.
“Azriel,” she whined, tugging on the inky strands of his dark hair.
He didn’t make her beg, going straight for her clit and sucking it into his mouth. His teeth grazed over it, sending sparks shooting throughout her body, then took the flat of his tongue and lapped over her from her entrance to the top, soothing any hurt.
Elain’s head fell back against the shower wall as a groan left her throat. Azriel’s head was amazing alone, but when he added his wicked fingers like he was doing now, it was mind-blowing.
The male on his knees before her worshipped her like a goddess. Licking, sucking, biting, and everything in between until her legs shook and he supported practically all of her weight on his shoulder, his other arm wrapped around her still standing leg as he plunged two fingers in and out of her.
His hand splayed across her belly and kept her pressed firmly into the shower wall, pinning her there and holding on as her orgasm overtook her body.
Elain’s cries echoed in the marble and glass enclosure; her head dipping forward while her pleasure swept down her spine. Legs shaking, Azriel continued sucking on her clit, maintaining his steady rhythm pumping into her pulsating pussy to help ride out her high. Gods bless this male—he may one day kill her with the pleasure he gave her.
She tugged on his hair, forcing his mouth away from her swollen clit to look up at her. Elain needed to kiss him. Needed to show him how much she loved him.
No, that wasn’t it.
She needed him.
All of him.
Az lowered her leg back down with surprising gentleness, giving her thigh a quick squeeze to bring some blood flow before he stood to his full height.
Elain craned her head back to look up at him, and then she was reaching for him, bringing their mouths together for a hot, messy kiss. She clung to him, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck and pressing her naked body into his. His hard cock dug into her lower stomach, and fuck, did that just turn her on even more. “Bed, Azriel,” she breathed onto his lips. “I need you to take me to bed, now.”
He pulled back slightly to look at her, panting. Those gorgeous hazel eyes searched her face, searched for any hesitation, or resistance, to what she was saying. But he wouldn’t find it.
She was ready.
Azriel looked over Elain’s face for her typical signs of anxiety, reluctance, or anything else to tell him that she didn’t mean what she said.
And found…nothing. Nothing but that determination he saw the other night. He knew then that tonight was the night. No distractions. No interruptions. No stopping unless she told him to, but he had a good feeling she wouldn’t. His heart thumped wildly against his ribcage. Elain wanted the bed, then that’s where he’d take her.
Reaching out, Az shut the water off, slid his hands down her thighs, and hoisted her into his arms, her legs locking around his waist. He crashed their mouths back together, carrying her out of the shower, and grabbed one of their towels to half-dry them as he made their way into their bedroom.
Elain’s fingers were threading through his soaked hair—hips rubbing into his, searching for friction.
Azriel hissed, laying her on the mattress when she managed to roll his dick right through her wet heat. Fuck did she feel so goddamn good. “Elain,” he groaned. “Let me put on a condom before you start rubbing us together like that.”
He started to climb off her to reach for his nightstand, but she latched onto him and pulled him back on top of her. “I’m on the shot. We’re good.” She went to drag his head back down to kiss him, but he stopped her.
Cupping her cheek, Az forced her to look at him. “El, I’m okay with wearing a condom if you want added protection. I got tested after the last person I was with. I came back clean, but don’t feel like you don’t have to ask me to wear one just because it’s me.”
Her smile softened. “I know, Az. I trust you.” She twisted her neck to kiss his palm. “I’ve only been with you and Graysen, but after what he did, I doubted his faithfulness to me. I was tested back then.”
A hot, burning rage roiled in his gut, but he shoved it down in favor of sweeping his thumb over her temple.
“Thankfully, it came back clean. But I know that you’d never do anything to put me into a compromising position. I trust you and want to give myself over to you like this.”
Azriel had been with a lot of women in his life and not a single one had he ever forgone a condom. Even if they’d claim they were clean; showed him a test result, there was always the risk of getting pregnant.
But this was different. This wasn’t some random hookup. This was Elain—his Elain. And he had a future with her. Planned a future with her. One where she would be his wife and he, her husband; that may include a family at some point. But today, he just wanted to give her what she wanted; what she desired. So, he threw on a cocky smile, and asked, “Are you going to let me ride you raw, Elain?”
A bright, joyful laugh burst out of her. “How many women have you used that line on?”
His brows furrowed. “None. Just you, Elain. I’ve never gone without a condom on anyone else but you.”
Realization dawned on her then that he was serious; he could read it in her eyes. Her fingertips danced across his face, the crinkles at the corner of his mouth. “I love you, Azriel.”
“I love you, too, El.” He glanced down towards their hips. “Spread your legs for me, love.”
She did, making room for him to slot between her thighs.
Az used his knees to prop her legs up on his hips and rolled his aching cock through her heavenly, soaked slit, coating himself in her wetness. He made sure to drag himself over her clit, pulling a deep moan from her throat.
Elain’s fingers flexed on his shoulders, nails biting into his skin. “Please, Az,” she whined, leaning forward to nip at his neck.
Reaching between them, Azriel gripped his dick and lined it up with her entrance. “You’re sure, El?”
“Yes, gods, yes! Please, Azriel.”
His head dipped to kiss her, plunging his tongue into her mouth as he slowly rolled his hips into hers. She gasped into his mouth, but he was there to swallow the sound. He wanted to take his time on this initial joining, give her time to get reacclimated to sex.
Elain’s breath quickened, and he pulled back to check on her, but he found her face not scrunched in pain, but utter pleasure. So, Az kept going, slowly rolling his hips in, inch by fucking inch into her sweet pussy, pulling back and thrusting in until finally, he bottomed out.
He groaned, face dropping into the crevice of her neck. “Fuck, Elain,” he breathed into her skin. “You’re tighter than fucking sin.”
She clung to him—chests pressed together. Elain even went as far as to lock her feet around his waist, causing him to sink further into her. A garbled sound came out of her.
Attaching his mouth to her nipple, Azriel held still, letting her adjust to his size. He sucked on the bud, biting down until he pulled a whine from her, then lapped at the hurt with the flat of his tongue. Sliding his hand between their bodies, he circled her clit with the pads of his fingertips.
When she started to wiggle against him, he took that as his cue to move. Pulling nearly all the way out and gently rolling back in, Azriel set a slow, steady rhythm that would hit all her pleasure points with his cock. “Gods, you feel so good, baby.”
He reached back and grabbed her foot, unlocking them, and hooked it around the back of his ass to give him more control of her position. Az held it there as he thrust into her in slow, rolling motions. She was so damn soaked that the glide in and out was sublime. He’d been with many partners before but none compared to her. “Fucking hell, El,” he cursed leaning down to suck at her breasts, his thick hair flopping onto his forehead.
“Az,” Elain moaned out his name, and fuck, if that didn’t send pleasure down his spine. “Harder,” she breathed. “I need you to fuck me harder.”
His eyes widen in surprise, but he didn’t question it. Sitting back on his heels, he released her foot and tugged her hips up on his. He folded her one leg so it would be propped against him, the other, he kept cradled on his elbow as he leaned back over her. The angle with her legs split allowed him to slip deeper into her. He picked up his pace, snapping his hips into hers.
Elain cried out, hands scratching at his back as she approached her orgasm. She trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, one hand left his spine to grip the bedding.
Now that just wouldn’t do.
He tugged her hand from the sheets, lacing their fingers together, and brought their joined hands by her head. He slipped his extra arm between them again and flicked at her clit to help her tumble over the edge. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, Elain shattered.
It took every ounce of his restraint to fuck into her, feeling her deliciously fluttering pussy, and not go over that edge with her. But like hell was he only giving her one orgasm from his cock. Goddamn, though, Elain was doing everything in her power to take him with her. Especially when those nails of hers found purchase in the middle of his back and clawed at his skin, marking him with welts that would take days to heal.
Her leg slipped off his hip as she went limp, panting heavily. A faint sheen of sweat coated her chest and forehead, but a blissed-out smile crept on her face as he gently brought her leg back down and settled over her again.
He kissed her softly, letting her come down from her high.
Elain’s fingers traced over his forearms, up the swells of his biceps, his strong shoulders, and the column of his neck to his jawline. “That was, wow.”
Az smiled broadly, kissing her again.
“You didn’t finish though.”
He chuckled. “Oh, baby. If you think we’re finished after that, then you have another thing coming.” Without another word, he hooked an ankle over her, and flipped them, yanking her on top of him.
Elain yelped, catching herself on his chest. Her still-wet hair slapped along the side of her face, making him laugh.
Az reached up, brushing the damp strands out of the way, then settled his hands on her waist. He was still inside her, and fuck did she take him well. A blush dusted her cheeks; covering the swells of her breasts and her chest. “Fuck, you look so damn sexy, sitting there with my cock buried inside you.”
She whined, hips stuttering against his. “Az, I—” her face darkened in embarrassment.
His head cocked to the side as he assessed her. “Talk to me, Elain.”
“I don’t know how to ride,” she murmured, eyes downcast to the tattoos that ran across his chest. Her fingers stroked along the inked lines.
Azriel squeezed her hips, regaining her attention. “El, you’ve ridden me before.” In their explorations during high school, Elain climbed on top on a few occasions.
“That was over ten years ago. I don’t really remember much.”
“And Gr—your ex,” he couldn’t say his name. Especially not right now. “He never…”
She shook her head. “He preferred to keep me under him. Or doggy when he needed something quick. But he never let me have any say or control.”
That man had signed his death warrant long ago for what he did to her, but every little detail she provided to him just made him hate him even more than he thought he could. However, he kept those thoughts to himself. Because looking at the female sitting on his dick, that’s not what she needed to hear right now. “Elain, this is about you. With you on top, you’re in charge of your pleasure. Just take what you need from me.”
“I want to make sure I’m good for you too, though.”
Fuck, what did that guy do to her?
He swept his hands over her hips, up to her ribcage, and back down in a soothing gesture. “I can promise you that you doing whatever you want on me will be good for me. I’m barely holding myself together right now.”
She let out a slight laugh, but it felt forced, even to him.
What was interesting to him was that Elain seemed to have no issues the other night climbing on him when she had clothes on. But get her fully naked and her vulnerabilities snuck up on her. That would be something he would need to work on with her, which meant she would be riding a lot of dick to grow her confidence.
“Would you feel comfortable with a little direction from me?”
He could see the relief wash over her; in the sag of her shoulders, the release of a breath he wasn’t even aware she was holding. Interesting.
Elain nodded. “Please.”
Direction he’d give her then. Gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he said, “Suck,” and pressed the pad of this thumb to her plump, pink lips.
Without hesitating, Elain took his digit into her mouth and sucked. Her tongue lapped at the pad of his damaged flesh, soaking it in her saliva.
“Rock your hips until you find a movement you like.” Satisfied that his thumb was wet enough, he pulled it from her mouth with an audible pop and splayed his hand across her lower belly, using it to add pressure to her clit.
Whining, Elain rolled her hips in circular motions. Her fingers flexed on his chest, finding purchase in the muscle of his pectorals.
He let her go until she looked comfortable on him. Sliding his palm under her thigh and ass, Az lifted her off his hips. “Up, baby. Bounce.”
She did as told, guiding herself up his shaft, and back down.
“Good girl. Harder.”
Elain snapped her hips back down on the next stroke, moaning when his cock slid over that spot deep inside her. “Oh. Oh, shit.”
His lips curled up at her words. He knew this position would hit her differently. Aside from giving her control, it was more penetrative in comparison to underneath him. It was one reason he wanted to fuck her in it. That and the fact that it put her in charge, which he knew she needed to have for the first time around. And unless he was taking her from behind, another penetrative position which he wasn’t sure she’d be comfortable with yet—or ever—he’d start here and go from there.
He watched her grow confident in her movements, thrusting down onto him. Adding more pressure to her clit, he told her, “Ride me, Elain.”
She unleashed herself on him, leaning forward and giving him an unobstructed view of her tantalizing breasts, swaying with every dip of her hips onto his cock. Their bedroom filled with the sounds of their pants, skin slapping skin; the smell of sweat and sex hung heavy in the air.
Elain surged forward, capturing his mouth in a heated kiss full of teeth. She plunged her tongue in between his lips, desperately searching for his, her hands gripping his jaw. He stroked into her mouth; tangled his tongue with hers.
But the kiss slowed her movements. So, Az grabbed her by the ass and continued dragging her up and down his dick. He gathered moisture along the pad of his index finger and began to trace up to that tight ring of muscle of her backside.
A sob of pleasure tore out of her as circled her rosebud, working it open for his thick finger. He swallowed the sounds she made, dragging her body against his to get that friction in the front, and the pleasure radiating from her behind.
“Az, please. Gods, don’t stop,” Elain cried, her brow resting on his. Her eyes had shut, but her parted mouth and quick pants told him she was riding the climb of her next orgasm, teetering on that edge.
He tilted his hips and snapped up into her, picking up the pace. “Come on, baby. Are you close?” he asked, wanting to keep communication open with her.
A garbled response was his confirmation. Az would let that go tonight. He’d typically make his partner respond, but not her, and not tonight. Licking up the column of her throat and then sucking right behind her ear, he commanded, “Come, doctor.”
Elain’s body shuddered, pitching into his as she came. She buried her face into his neck, moaning his name and a slur of words, clinging to his form while her pleasure washed over every part of her. Elain orgasming from his cock, was single-handedly the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced in his life.
Enough so that he couldn’t last through her orgasm while her pussy quaked around him. “Where?” he grunted into her temple.
Thank the mother, Elain was still present enough in her mind to give him an answer. “Inside me,” she panted into his neck. “I want you inside me.” And then she latched onto his neck, holding herself there with her teeth.
Jesus fuck, this female would be the death of him. Two more thrusts had his balls tightening. The third and he was exploding, shouting out her name and a string of curses.
He knew Elain was exhausted, but somehow, she managed to find the strength in her shaking legs to slide up and down his cock, prolonging his orgasm and intensifying his pleasure. Az tightened his grip on her ass, still finger-fucking her back hole while his other hand threaded through her hair to cradle the back of her head.
Thoroughly spent, Elain let out a whimpering sound and collapsed on top of him completely. Her lips kissed the spot on his throat where she had bitten him, and then she buried her face further into his embrace, body shuddering.
They lay there in companionable silence until he felt his neck start to dampen.
“Elain?” he croaked, voice hoarse. He realized her body was not shaking from post-orgasmic bliss, but because she was crying.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
He fucked up. Panic crept in. “Elain, love. Look at me.” He tried to push her up off his chest to get a better view of her face, but she clung to him.
The word clanged through him. Had he missed something? She hadn’t told him to stop, but had he missed a signal? Some sign that she wasn’t as ready as she had said?
She sniffed against his neck. “Just give me a minute.” Her voice rang a little more clearly than before. Slightly sturdier. It was a small relief. Meniscal.
So, Az gave her the time she needed, running one hand up and down her back, the other rubbing small circles along her skull. He peppered kisses on her temple, the side of her head, anywhere he could reach with his mouth hoping to provide her whatever comfort she needed.
Finally, she moved against him, pushing herself up onto his chest to look down at him. It wasn’t regret that he saw there, but relief.
Elain smiled, choking on a joyful laugh. “Sorry,” she murmured, dropping a kiss on his lips.
He cupped her cheek, thumb brushing under her eye. “Don’t apologize, love,” Az told her earnestly. “Tell me what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours,” he worried.
“I just—a small part of me has always been apprehensive that I would never get to this point with anybody again. That I would never be able to have a relationship. But you have been so patient with me. So kind and considerate. You’ve taken care of me. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
Another swipe of his thumb. “And the tears?”
“All those emotions seemed to hit me at once and it was just a little overwhelming.”
“Ah.” He understood it now. Relief washed over him like another orgasm. “How are you feeling now?”
She snuggled into his chest. “Getting there, but content to just lay here for a bit longer.”
Azriel kissed her forehead. “I think that sounds perfect, but I should really pull out of you first.” His hands swept down her body to her hips. “Take a breath for me.”
Elain did, wincing as he gently tugged himself out, their combined releases spilling out onto his lower abdomen.
“Easy, love,” he murmured into her hair, pressing his lips to the crown of her head. His fingers trailed down her spine. They laid like for a while; simply enjoying each other’s company in silence.
Elain had her face buried into his neck where she lightly placed kisses on his pulse point. “We should go eat dinner soon,” she finally whispered almost as if she were afraid to break the closeness that had settled over them.
He pecked her forehead, hand running over the back of her skull. “Bath first, then dinner. We need to get cleaned up and you still need to use the restroom.”
“So concerned over my bathroom habits,” she teased, nipping at his skin.
Az pinched at her behind. “More like, I’d prefer not to let my girlfriend get an infection the first time we had sex.”
She laughed, a beautiful, joyful sound that, gods, he wanted to bottle up and keep on his bedside table forever. “I suppose you make a fair point there.”
Sitting up, Azriel grabbed her under her thighs and hoisted her into his arms as he clambered off the bed. Elain yelped, clutching his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his waist, making him chuckle. “You can pee while I get the bath started.”
“Absolutely not.”
Ignoring her, he carried her into the bathroom and very nearly set her directly on the toilet when she locked herself around him.
“I swear to god if you put me on that damn porcelain throne, we’re breaking up.”
Az huffed, setting her on her feet, gripping her by the elbow when she swayed. “You’re literally about to fall over.”
Elain scrunched her face up. “Well, whose fault is that for fucking me until my legs turned to jelly!”
A smirk spread over his face. “Baby, if you think that was fucking you the way I have planned to, then we really need to build up your stamina.” Her eyes widened from both shock and heat. He laughed at the look, leaning forward to kiss her and letting his tongue slip between her lips.
“Go to the bathroom,” he said onto her mouth feeling her smile against him. “I’ll start the bath when you’re finished.”
Less than ten minutes later, they were cuddled in his, as Elain so kindly put it, “atrociously huge” bathtub. “Our,” he corrected her. She was slotted between his legs, back pressed into his chest. He’d already washed her down with a cloth, taking care to clean up the mess between her thighs and then massage out her extremities. Her head was tucked on his shoulder; golden-brown hair tied up into a knot.
“This is nice,” she breathed running her hands over his forearms that were wrapped around her. Her fingers traced over the scars that traveled up from his hands, not even slightly bothered by their grotesqueness.
He loved that about her—Elain saw every brutal and scarred piece of him and loved him for it. Loved him despite it. Az kissed her bare shoulder. “Mhm,” he mumbled into her soft skin. The jets hummed sending the lavender aroma he’d added to the water up into the air around them. He peppered kisses to the purple bruise on the junction of her neck and shoulder. “I’m sorry for marking you.” He had gotten her good—the contusion a mix of violet and blue was a stark contrast to her pale, creamy skin.
The tips of her fingers touched the mark and she twisted her head to kiss his jaw. “It’s fine. I was very much turned on by receiving it.”
A boyish smile tugged on his lips. “Yeah?”
She let out a breathy laugh from the look on his face. “Mhmm. While covering it with makeup isn’t ideal. I can make it work. So, no need to apologize. I like being covered in your bites, Az. I like being marked and claimed by you.”
He growled, running his large hands up the front of her body to squeeze her gorgeous tits. Water sloshed from the sudden movement, lapping over the side of the tub. “You keep saying things like that and we’re going to end up having another round, baby girl.” Az rolled her nipples between his thumb and index fingers causing her to arch her back.
Elain moaned quietly, one hand gripping the edge of the porcelain tub, the other planted firmly on his muscled thigh. “Az,” she whined when he tugged on her breasts.
“Yes, doctor?” he answered huskily, sliding one hand down the planes of her torso. Azriel would’ve continued, had her stomach not rumbled in hunger—and not the kind he was providing her. He laughed. “Food first, then?”
Her face heated. “Why does it always do that?” she grumbled, settling back against him.
“Because you need to eat,” he reminded her with a kiss on her cheek. “Food, then we’ll come back to bed if you’re feeling up to it. How’s that sound?”
Elain turned her head, reaching up to bring his mouth down to hers. She kissed him again slowly. Sensually. “That sounds perfect.”
Gods, he loved her so damn much and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her.
Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
I’m not doing a tag list anymore because they’re really more trouble than they’re worth. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
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cillspropertea · 3 years ago
No Fucking Way (New Cillian Murphy Fic)
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Chapter 1: Waking up
Warnings: Mentions of an accident.
Y/N finds herself in a unique situation where her heart wants to believe everything but her mind wants her to repress herself to prevent heartbreak. The love of her life is miraculously close enough to touch but everything stops with the question, “Is any of this real?”
 Authors note: I apologize beforehand to how medically incompatible this story will be, as I am not a professional doctor, just a fanfic writer with an idea she cannot contain in her head anymore. So, please, bear with me.😇😉
Looking forward to your feedback.✨✨
Word count: 2112
     It was dark and my eyelids felt heavy. I felt so comfortable and cozy in my bed cocooned under my blanket, reading my favorite smutty Cillian Murphy fan-fiction on Tumblr. I’d had a long and tiring day at work. But no matter what, I always made time to read about Cillian and stay updated about all the latest news and info on him. I’d joined multiple accounts and pages on Facebook, Instagram and twitter to do so. God! He was so sexy, ‘I would give anything to be his woman! Anything!’ I thought. But he was happily married to the love of his life, who was a bombshell. Multiple media sources had actually called her a mixture of Catherine Zeta jones and Sofia Vergara ‘Pfft! They needed glasses. She isn’t THAT beautiful!’ but she was. I didn’t hate her, no sir-oo! But one shouldn’t be blamed to envy the world’s luckiest woman right? She had everything, a successful career, and a baby on the way and Cillian as her husband! God really has his favorites, doesn’t he!? There was no chance for me, ‘Not in this life at least!’ I’d chuckled silently. I looked at his ‘Thomas Shelby’ picture with my favorite quote on the wall for the last time before giving in to the inescapable slumber.
   They did several tests on me, the reports of which weren’t due till the next day. The Doctor even tickled my feet with his pen “To check the movement…” I was sure he'd left inky lines on my soles. “Now, Y/N, My name is Doctor Benjamin.” The older Doc began once again. “I am handling your case. I would like to inform you that you’d had an accident. Things were critical for some time, but all seems to be okay now. How are you feeling dear?” He raised his eyebrows. “Okay I guess. I have a massive headache and my body feels, heavy. Other than that I feel fine.” I replied, subconsciously moving my hands and feet, opening and closing my fists. “That’s completely normal. You would be feeling like your old self in no time. You did give us a scare there young lady! You certainly took your time.” He waved a finger at me as if talking to a child. “But I don’t understand…” my fingers touched my pounding temple. “Understand what?” Doctor Benjamin picked up my file and started writing something on it. “I don’t remember having an accident. I just remember going to bed after a long day of work…” This caught his attention, he handed over the file to the nurse standing beside him. An expression of worry crossed his face for a moment but he recovered quickly. “Ahaan. So the last thing you remember…” I completed, “… is me sleeping in my bed.” He took out the small light from his pocket and once again checked my eyes. Opening them with his thumb. “It’s okay dear. You have been in a coma for two years. Things can get a little jumbled up and believe me when I say this, they’ll sort out on their own too…” he asked the nurse softly to call Doctor Sophia immediately. “Two years? No way no fucking way!” I started to panic, pushing away the sheet to get up. I winced when the IV got pulled because of my sudden movements. But when I tried to put my weight on my legs, they wobbled and I found myself on the floor. The Doctor very politely helped me back up on the bed, “Easy Y/N, easy. It will take time for your body to adjust to movement. After all you have been on this bed for the past two years!” I tried to calm my breathing and the nurse helped me, signaling me to take deeper breaths and lie back down on the bed. I was glad that she’d covered me with the blanket again as I was just in a hospital gown, tied scantily from the back, with nothing at all underneath. “Better?” the nurse asked smiling sympathetically. I nodded, “What year is it?” I suddenly asked the Doctor who looked like he was solving big number multiplications in his head while staring at me. “It’s 2024. Today its November 3rd, 2024.” My eyes widened as my fingers once again tried to massage my temple, “Fuck!” I mumbled. “Your family has been informed. They’ll probably be on their way right now. All will be fine now. Just take one day at a time dear, one day at a time.” The doctor tapped my shoulder reassuringly before leaving with the nurse. But I could see the Doctor was a bit worried too. God! Why couldn’t I remember anything about the accident? I closed my eyes sighing heavily.
    Waking up I could hear people around with a continuous beeping sound. My eyelids felt too heavy as I fluttered them open, trying to see what was going on. “She’s awake! Doctor, we need to call the doctor!” I heard a female voice panic. I was covered in tubes and drips and when I tried to move my limbs, they felt heavy and sore as if I’d been traveling for days, on foot. I opened my mouth to say something but my throat constricted with thirst. It felt like I hadn’t had a single sip of water for days. “Water! Please…” I croaked, to nobody in particular. Then suddenly I felt someone force open my eyes, one at a time, and point a light directly in to them. “Her vitals seem fine.” The doctor said to the nurse next to him. I asked for water again and this time the nurse helped me sip some, my consciousness gradually coming back as my eyes started to focus a bit. “What’s happening? Where am I?” I questioned, panicking. The beeping sound on the machine increased its pace, “Now now… let’s not get too worried there. I assure you Y/N you’ll get answers to all of your questions. But first just let us examine you okay?” The doctor was older than my father. His grey side burns reminded me of him. His tone and words instantly calmed me down as I leaned back and cooperated with the medical staff.
I was in a hospital room, which did not look like a hospital room at all. It looked more like a luxurious hotel room. The blinds were letting in sunlight and giving the room a very dreamy look. The whole room was set up in shades of grey, brown and beige.  
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  How was I here? The room looked too luxurious. There was no way Mother could have afforded it. Maybe a lot changed in the two years I was unconscious for. I hadn’t realized when I’d fallen asleep but the sound of the door opening and closing had woken me up. It was my mother and sister. I sat up, “Oh my God Y/N!” my mother rushed towards me, hugging me so hard that my ribs hurt. She was crying, “Mom I’m fine. I’m okay. Calm down before my BP gets disturbed!” I joked, rubbing her back reassuringly. She moved back, holding my face in her hands, watching me intently, “you’re okay right? You are fine?” She was still worried. “I am fine mom. Seriously, I’m okay!” I repeated. My sister, Marie had just been standing near the door, crying silently. “C’mere!” I called her opening my arms for her and she walked right into them. Holding my hand she kissed it and then smacked my shoulder, “Ow!” I exclaimed. “This is for being a fucking drama queen! Waving in between life and death like that…” she sniffled, “I mean either fucking die or come back! Worrying us like that…” I smiled, knowing her so danm well, she was trying to hide her worry. I had always been closer to my sister than my mother. After my father’s death Mom had changed, a lot. She would say and do stuff she never meant, but it had started hurting and damaging me emotionally. My sister had noticed and taken over the role of my mother as well. But she wasn’t good with showing emotions. “I had to come back. Who would be the third wheel on your dates with Ashton huh?” I nudged her shoulder. She suddenly looked at mother, trying not to look at my eyes. “What?” I looked between them. “We got married last year.” She muttered looking down. My mouth opened and closed. What was I supposed to say to that? We both had been so close, had dreamed of each other’s big days almost all of our lives. She was older so we’d both known she would get married first. “Wow”, it had hurt. “I am so sor… I… I just… we didn’t know if…” I completed her words, “… If I’d make it. Right?” I looked down, mostly because I didn’t want her to see the tears in my eyes. “I am sorry Y/N. I wish I would have waited. Ashton’s mother had gotten sick and she had started all this drama…” I put a hand on her shoulder, “It’s okay. It’s fine. You have the video right?” she nodded enthusiastically, “Great! We’ll watch it first thing after I get out of here.” And with that I hugged her rocking her side to side. “Besides, I’m still single so we still have time to attend mine together right!?” I’d laughed. Marie got back, watching my face with confusion and then looking at Mom with the same look too. “What?” they both exchanged a look I couldn’t place and then laughed. ‘They are being so weird’ I thought. Abruptly they both stood up, “I think we should go and talk to the Doctor. Ask when you can leave yeah?” They nodded at me and then nodded at each other before hurriedly leaving the room.
     “Hi” he breathed, taking a step inside. “Hi” I answered grinning like an idiot and adjusting my sheet over my chest, ‘Get a grip Y/N!’ I was about to ask who exactly was he looking for but before I could form the words he’d gingerly crossed the floor and clasped me in his arms hugging me, resting his chin on my shoulder. My hands stood awkwardly in the air not knowing what to do before he said, “I’ve missed you Mrs. Murphy, I’ve missed you so fucking much!”  
    Just after moments, the nurse had come with my lunch. It was chicken and vegetable soup with bread and apple juice. She advised to take it slow with the food as my body would take time to get used to solid food again, since it had been living on an IV for so long. I’d nodded and as soon as she’d left the room I’d attacked the food. It felt like it was sent from heaven, I was starving. A spoonful had dropped on my gown as well but I didn’t care. I was hungry and there was food to be devoured. My mouth was full of bread dipped in soup when the door had opened. Gulping it down and wiping my mouth in a very unladylike manner, I watched as he entered. My mouth was on my lap, literally. No way, no fucking way. It was him. It was Cillian Fucking Murphy.
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He was just standing there, with one hand still on the door handle. The lighting of the room perfectly shading his perfect cheeckbones and face. He was wearing a maroon-ish jumper with his hair ruffled and casual. Just the way he liked, I remembered from one of the articles I’d read online. Suddenly I became more than aware of my disarrayed hair and lack of cloths and regretted not eating with caution. I cursed inwardly, ‘This is the day God grants me my wish to meet this guy in flesh and here I am almost naked and filthy with soup on my gown’ I wanted the floor to swallow me up. Running my hands through my hair I thought about what I should do. This was the guy I had been dreaming about to meet one day, catch a glimpse of somewhere, or just get a signed autograph even. Every magazine his face had ever graced the cover of, was in my room, in plastic protective covers. And he was here! HE WAS HERE! Standing in front of me!!! Would asking for an autograph in a hospital be too rude? God, no! It would be inappropriate. I wonder who he’s come to see here. Maybe one of his parents or his wife? I made a mental note to ask for my phone as soon as my sister returned and check the social media. It had to be on there!
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mutifandom-fandoms · 2 years ago
Okay so inky mystery is like a rewrite or Au of the story but it’s it’s own story can be kind of the same but there can be there very small or very big differences.
The stoy goes more in depth about a lot of things with the characters explains it a lot more and also it’s also still being updated.
With babqftim it very different There’s not really a lot of information and the creators is problematic so I don’t support the creator. .(if you were talking about the original and not a rewrite or au)
For inky mystery the story itself is very different. It is own story. It has its own lore and yes it can be overwhelming but as long as you take the time to maybe read a couple chapters, the chapters are very long, and I do suggest reading the warnings, but inky mystery is beautifully written.
I personally love the story and how it’s going it goes to different POV‘s and how they interact with the world in their own struggles and this is just my opinion but inky mystery is a very good start to go into the quest fandom. And here’s the link to the Fanfic.
And I will do you want to preface this by saying that the chapters are very long, so it might take a while to read all of the chapters.
Have a lovely day or night.
Ok. I’m a little confused. This may seem like a weird question, but is the difference between the inky mystery and babqftim? They mostly have the same characters and the plot of s basically the same (at least from what I’ve seen.) and all it does is add in Alice and some other girl. So, can someone explain it to me please? Or maybe just give me a start to where I can read the beginning of the story? Mkay bye! 💨
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brainyrot · 11 months ago
Fanfic Update? 🙃
I think I'm gonna start preparing the fic on ao3
He underestimated those finger guns, sure it didn't hurt but the impact. Oh, the impact.
Managed to destroy his hand, obviously he can always..get it back. It's ink, who cares. But, it's impressive. Surely not impressive and big enough to destroy or even kill him, but it is something that should be taken off right now. He can't just have these people walk around with such a weapon.
whines and curses of pain of a cup, now running away with a slowly, slowly falling apart limp.
He didn't rip it off in time, but you're gonna need super glue to fix that crack for sure. At least he knows it's not functional anymore.
he just needs to get the other one.
"that was NOT bendy!" She screamed, mostly to herself. "It couldn't be! Have you seen that thing?! if- it just couldn't be! And it talked. It talked!" she was frantic, who knew what was going on in her head.
"whoever that was..we need to keep as far as we can of distance from it."
"Have you seen what he has done to your arm Cuphead? It nearly broke it. We gotta look at the wound now." rather have a brother with two arms and a functioning finger gun than a brother with one arm and no finger gun.
"Let's just get somewhere safe and then we can look at it, 'kay mugs?" the cat suggested. But what if it was really bendy? it couldn't be. it was too..it didn't feel like bendy.
The way it talked, it's mannerisms, it's nothing like Bendy's. But at the same time, bendy never acted like himself whenever he had these.. moments.
but how could they help bendy? He was a threat now and approaching was a no go, Cuphead was injured and stuck in an unknown place.
ugh..reminds him of the labyrinth, except that now the main threat was bendy, and not that Sarah kid.
But..was it.. actually him? It's just hard to think it is! maybe it's really some labyrinth situation, just instead of memories it's ink.. mimicking people?
Who knows.
he's thinking of the worst right now.
They don't know where they are going, and the more they go deep in this place, the more ink slowly creeps in until it's nothing but that.
Could it be that the ink is sentient? A parasitic being that slowly consumes everything and everyone? Could explain why those people seemed or..were made of ink. Maybe..maybe bendy is also a victim?
it's possible, a parasitic being, the ink, that takes over your mind. It's a thing between insects, it's possible with this too.
It explains the ink people, the ink that somehow is always here, around, and the aggressiveness.
it makes the person aggressive and submissive to the control of the ink until it consumes them and die.
Maybe it's different with demons? bendy seemed also made of ink but more.. covered. You could see his..eerie smile, part of the bone of his horns and hooves.
could it be that the ink illness is messing with it? Instead of turning into an inky being he's slowly melting? The way the bones, teeth and hooves were showing it seemed like melting.
or..maybe this is all the ink illness. it makes sense, because everyone here at least has some ink on them but it's just stains. Whole for bendy and whoever the rest was, it was like it took over completely.
Maybe only who is ill is affected by this?
"..guys! I think I got it!" the feline stopped.
"Got what? That my hand is gone?" The red cup huffed, sarcastically commenting on his wound.
"No, not yet. Sit down on one of those chairs and we'll fix that. But, I think I figured out something for this place."
"How to get out?" Mugman asked, kind of a stupid question but hey, who doesn't wanna get out.
"No, but,,what if all of this is just the ink illness doing?"
"..what." ridiculous, he thought. Is there a cigarette around?
"Hear me out! the ink seems so alive! Gave you not see it create people from mere puddles?! And the ink people! And bendy! What if these are all ink illness victims that not only have an incurable illness-"
"Yet." Hope, holly may, hope.
"-but now are controlled by this sentient ink making them aggressive like those guys earlier and bendy! We saw him before, he was docile a minute ago and now he's hunting us."
"but it doesn't make any sen-"
"The ink machine!" Mugman thought. "The ink machine was here! what if it's really the ink machine doing? what if it's malfunctioning and that's why instead of curing everyone it's doing..that to them? What if the ink is from the ink machine and whoever is infected is now victim of this weird..mind control in ink Felix says."
"The ink machine is here?"
"it explains a few things..but how do we fix it?"
"I don't know yet but.. let's try and fix that hand of your first."
"I did the best I could but .. it's like if you badly glued something together and it's not holding together at all."
"welp..I guess I'll have to learn how to write with my left hand."
"Don't say that! Holly is gonna fix it!..maybe just, bandaging it tight? Once we're out of here we can find that cream that helps us with the cracks."
"Oh that weird thing? Maybe I can make it."
"Why doesn't the cat gets it out of his silly bag?" cup pointed out.
The feline shrugged. "Honestly I doubt I'll get it out of here, this bag isn't too cooperative."
"Look we'll just bandage it, don't use your hand until we find another way. And..I think we should start finding food and a big enough room to even sit down and relax."
"Yeah, we're just standing around in the open."
"c'mon then, let's go. finish with those bandages."
"I'm doing it,, I'm doing it,, okay, I'm do-"
A hum, a song, a beautiful voice that seemed to belong to an angel.
"we need to hide!"
"I-i-i don't know- uh-"
A few footsteps, the voice humming was probably wearing heels. It's getting closer.
"...I think I know that vo-" "in here!" a random room, a closet he thinks. There's an axe here, it can be useful.
The voice is getting louder. The humming is getting more addictive as it goes on, he wants to know who is it. He wants to know why does she sounds so familiar.
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luciel-anciel · 3 years ago
'Masochism' (Tang x Macaque) (Inkypages)
Updated A/N: One of the chapters of my Oneshot Fanfic 'Infatuation'
I, remember laughing because I wasn't aware, the ship name is 'InkyPages' and the contents is coincidentally, about Ink and Pages.
TW: Toxic Mindset, Toxic Relationship, Unhealthy Obsession, Force Work, Angst and Dark Themes, such as messed up interpretation of what love is.
Word Count: 666
"All those who love are masochist at heart...."
The end of his pure white feathered quil was dabbed into the dark inky substance, two hues that clearly contrasted each other in terms, of colour spectrum and in definitions, but at the same time, blended well together that it was pleasing to the eye.
As if, the two we're meant to be together.
The written work, he'd pour all his sanity out was a 'masterpiece' in his melancholy eyes, but the perspective of an outsider would disagree.
Flicking his wrist, The man was careful not to let any splatters escape the circular containment that would make a small mess on the mahagony furniture, nor stain his circular glasses.
Ink trickled down the paper, slowly forming into coherent sentences that soon constructed into long paragraphs, each word inked with disdain, not a single turbulence, just a smooth surface, with unwrinkled paper,.
".....For subjecting themselves to such excruciating pain"
Jotting down more paragraphs that suited the grimy theme of the plot, with the intention of leaving a mark, to those unfortunate enough to lay there eyes on this godforsaken work to express such distasteful emotions and make them feel revolted.
Quite an odd mindset for an author, as why would someone want the reader to feel great revoltion?
"The pain is worth it, right?" A single phrase which was repeated over and over, in books or rather spitted out by a deranged creature's mouth, that it was simply nothing more to him, than a mere hindrance.
The phrase, was repeated over and over that it's nothing more then a mere hindrance, yet was the figure correct? He wasn't sure anymore.
Despite the different wording, It held the same or similar meaning.
Yet why the sudden hesitancy?
Was it ever correct? Doubt and uncertainty plagued the old scholar's mind.
Maybe because those words didn't come from his mouth, rather another figure that stood wearily at the door way, a strong gaze penetrated his very soul.
"Pain is pleasure"
"Writing again, this late at night?" The figures voice was laced with scorn, as it's body shifted through the darker areas, of the walls, the corners, the place where oil lamp couldn't reach it's light. The demon's voice, was more of a whisper, It was a threat to taunt the writer.
"The pain is worth it, right?"
It felt as if that phrase was directed towards the scholar rather the book itself. The paper, now with dried up ink, was stapled all over the wall, as if someone was trying to write love letters but all the poems, ended up being a failure, which resulted in a tanturm.
It, was all a blur now, everything felt more of a concept created by his mind, just waiting to be shaped, and formed by him.
"Think what you want" Tang snarled, dabbed the end of his feathered quil onto the dark substance, yet a few splatters escaped the containment and landed on the wooden table.
The black ink, dripping down the table, landing on the shadows.
The middle aged man with raven locks, wrote and scribbled away, conveying such distasteful emotions for those unfortunate enough to read, maybe due to how his only audience, was Macaque.
Gaslamp dimly lit the room, only showing the crucial facial features and that cocky grin, with their yellow-ish fangs, with dark ink, dripping down their glossy grey eyes.
The gasoline was running low yet the sound of footsteps quickened.
Before, the lamp died, It's fire almost withering away into nothing, like the concept of time.
He, was forced to write 'Love Tang' , as a way to say goodbye to the world, or was it, to his beloved friends or maybe, to himself?
The parting letter, was written in eligible cursive, Tang dropped the feathered pen being engulfed by darkness, this intruder as his only company, The feeling present, was the physical yet strangely soothing pain, of all these shadow-like hands, dragging him down the void; being held tightly by the dark apparitions.
He, felt a rough hand shift to his arm, then slowly creeped it's way, to his ebony locks of hair, stroking his head in such a sickening manner, and kept a strand of hair away from his view.
All those times, of, jotting revisions for their paragraphs to suit, the certain grimy theme of the plot, He never wanted innocent and unfortunate people to lay there eyes on this godforsaken work to express such distasteful emotions that would leave them revolted, absolutely revolted.
Such as, falling in love . (?)
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annbourbon · 2 years ago
The Useful Post
I keep this post to remember the useful things (or interesting) I need and I have found here on Tumblr nothing (or maybe a bit of it but not all) of it is mine so it shouldn't be on my master list but I like to keep it where I can see it. Mostly they're reblogs of useful things.
But first things first: «Curate your own media experience and get your head out of your ass»
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six
*Part 4 has more resources on writing
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Writing 101
Follow @givethispromptatry , @promptsforthestrugglingauthor and @creativepromptsforwriting they post often and their content is really good. I'll be updating this list with their best content plus, other people content... but that doesn't mean you shouldn't follow them<3
♡ 5 Frustrating Rules by Michael Bjork
♡ About toxic behaviors and romance in writing...
♡ Michael Bjork Writing Master List
Fiction writers you must follow
10 Worst ways to start a book
Comic Sans Trick
Writing Deaf Characters
Body Horror vs. Gore
Enemies to lovers #1
Pacing in your Story
Nicknames for Characters
Just write what you want
Holding each other accountable
Advice for writing relationships
Fairytale Research
Good traits gone bad
Trauma is not romantic
Writing animals
How to write emotions #1
Emotionally healthy people are quitters
Motivation (I believe it applies for fic writers but can also apply to writers)
Mythology or Religion & Lore?
In defense of Riven
Magical Girls are never attacked
Romance *master post*
Drunken Love Confessions
♡ Writerblr Glossary
♡ Nightmares & Insomnia
♡ Saying I love you Prompts
♡ Kim Possible Movie
♡ Sentimonsters
♡ Bed Sharing Scenarios
♡ Webnovel Scam
♡ BookShop as an alternative to Amazon
♡ Characters being sick
♡ Grammar ≠ Creativity
♡ Writing Assholes: Just remember Dr House 💀
♡ Writing conflict #1
♡ Nature doesn't do TWs
Pink Panther & The Simplicity of things: Why some things are timeless and enjoyable
♡ Please get a Thesaurus 💀
♡ Joss Whedon Writing Tips
♡ Religion Lore 101: How to create it for your story
♡ Fluffy Masterpost
♡ Writing Heists
♡ Write more fanfics!!
♡ Ref Recs for Whump Writers
♡Short & Impactful
♡ Bonus: Fics & Fanarts
♡ Writing Erotica
♡ Writers are often lured 😭🤣 so true...
♡ Podcasts aren't novels
♡ Likable characters are lazy AF
♡ Awful Writing Advice by Susan K. Perry
♡ Worldbuilding (Fantasy)
♡ Engaging Readers
♡ Stage Fright
♡ Tropes and Cliches
♡ Forcing Diversity
♡ Boxing the Ears while fighting (Follow this account, it's amazing!!)
♡ Horror is not the only story
♡ WTF is a Claymore Mine!?
♡ Sentient Sandwiches
♡ Vampires are not...
♡ Nanowrimo Tips
♡ Punctuation Marks
♡ Abuse Apologism is Disgusting
♡ I promise you: It's not worthless
♡ Outfit References
♡ Deconstruction of fairytales??
♡ Novum
♡ Toxic
♡ Dominant vs Domineering (Things that can help you in the art of writing erotica)
♡ Binary Star Systems
♡ Fantasy Guide to Hosting a High Society Dinner Party by @inky-duchess (please check out her blog!! it's amazing~!)
♡ An empath creates monsters
♡ Alphabet Game (Prompt Idea)
♡ You are more than what you write
♡ Filler vs Plot
♡ What is...?
♡ ✨What is...?✨
♡ Tips for dates and sizes
♡ Dialogues for "I want to kill you"
♡ Reverse Tropes
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If you want to be here, write me. I'll check on your post and see if I can make it work 😉
But feel free to promote your account in the comments and i will eventually add it to this post~♡
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ink-and-dagger · 3 years ago
Inky, I just want you to know that no other self-insert has got me by the tits quite like Drink with Me does. When I see your update, I pour myself a drink and fuck off to the quiet corner of my home and kick my feet up in front of my fireplace. Then I proceed to soak up your fic like a depraved little sponge. The way you write Silco is probably the best I’ve seen on most fanfic sites I’ve been on and I can’t get enough. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and content on this beautiful rat man. Drink with Me is easily the highlight of my week when I see an update and it never fails to send me to the damn moon. <3
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Is this it? Is this an accurate portrayal? 👀
Your words are too kind, thank you so much 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s an honour to have you entrust your tits into my silco simping clutches. 🐀👑
P.S. I’ve seen your HC ask. I dig it. I’m working on it 🖤
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