#felix the cat
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lost-st4rs · 18 hours ago
I do dabble in a bit of osix every now and then
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mini-golden · 2 days ago
Some of my Inky Mystery Headcanons! (A lot of future ones)
• Oswald has a thing for black cats that he will never admit. Everyone in the circus crew knows, Donald is the only one that makes snarky comments about it though.
• Felix only realised his queerness in his early 30s and is now plagued with recognising the feelings he had for men in the past that he brushed off at the time as jealousy or just really really wanted to be friends. Oswald on the other hand just kinda knew from the beginning, it wasn't really talked about but his siblings and friends all knew early on that he swings both ways. I think they both experimented with guys before in their 20s. Oswald under the guise of a "joke", figuring out what guys he did and didn't like. Felix still honestly believing he was only into woman had a couple drunken flings with men in university, he was the one of the "Alcohol-Induced Bisexuality" guys.
• Felix sees Holly as a niece to him. Holly has always seen Felix as a fatherly figure but as soon as someone mistaken them for an uncle and niece everything clicked for her and she began treating Felix completely like an uncle. Even slipping up on it and calling him uncle Felix on accident.
• Holly loves bothering Felix about meaningless drama and gossip and will consider her mission a success if she can get a genuine uncontrolled reaction out of him, like a face of outrage or disgust or laughing at an inappropriate or mean joke.
• Bendy brings out a completely different side of Holly in school. While Holly has always been quiet and a model student, with Bendy she will get in trouble for laughing or talking too much in classes she has with him. It freaks out her old classmates.
• Bendy and Holly become really close friends over their years at uni together and consider each other best friends. They are insufferable and can often be seen together or in their little trio or quad with Cuphead and Alice.
• Cuphead will bring both Bendy and Holly coffee and sweets on their lunch times or study breaks as an excuse to bug and spend time with them. No one knows how he got in. He knows Holly's and Bendy's uni schedules to a t it's actually concerning.
• Holly completes her major at the top of her class with many outstanding awards for her contribution to the understanding of Micco culture.
• Bendy majors in mechanical engineering and minors in anthropology mostly due to Felix and Holly. He wishes he had the anthropology class before he had to study demon history as it would of made it so much easier to follow. Holly gets really excited when she finds out she has like one class with Bendy. He discovers he likes to figure out the way things work, that being either mechanics or people.
• Out of the circus crew Goofy is actually the best at comforting Oswald about his late wife and with the struggle of being a single father in general.
• Both Oswald and Felix being used to being romantic gentlemen to their girlfriends will often laugh about doing the same thing such as both bringing each other roses at the same time or offering to open doors or pull up chairs for each other. It takes them awhile to figure out what's comfortable for each other without the heteronormative expectations of what they should be doing for each other.
• That post about Anzu finding Felix attractive was just too good to not make some headcanons about. Anzu lightly flirts with Felix to get a rise out of Bendy. Felix is clueless and thinks he is using flattery to use him to do something for him later down the line. Felix politely takes the compliments but doesn't engage further than that. Bendy HATES this and rants to Holly about it. Holly also hates it and they both keep a close eye on Anzu when he's around Felix.
• Felix is very shy about his and Oswald's relationship (dating) at first but becomes the one to fluster Oswald more often further into their relationship. He has the rabbit completely wrapped around his finger. Dominant Felix! I will die on this hill. Hear me out PLEASE. WE ALL SAW THE WAY HE TEASED OSWALD IN THAT SCENE IN OSWALD'S BEDROOM.
• On that note, Felix is a MASSIVE tease even when they are alone. A quick flick under Oswald's chin with his tail. A steamy makeout session just for Felix to go be busy with a task. A raunchy joke or comment said in public that only Oswald can hear. This drives Oswald NUTS since he really doesn't do all that much romantic teasing, he loves attention and is not patient about getting it.
• Pre-Labyrinth Felix used to brew extra of whatever tea or coffee he was making for Cuphead and Mugman to put in their heads. Felix would always add some type of crema or sugar to Cuphead's brew, 1) because he found out Cup injoys sweet things and 2) in hopes of "sweetening" up his personality (this was unsuccessful). Holly began to create a list of how different beverages affected the cupbros when she noticed what Felix was doing. It also gave the cupbros a scene of Felix' mood that mourning, the same double shot expresso for 3 days in a row? Felix was stress researching. Cuphead would never admit how upset he was when Felix stopped doing this. Both Dishes barely change out their drinks Post-Labyrinth.
• Despite Felix' importance on accommodating Boris' wolf requirements, as an adult he ended up with cat mannerisms. It wasn't just the fact that Felix raised him but also Bendy having cat-like traits already just for them to be extremely amped up since meeting Felix. People think Boris is weird for his cat mannerisms and he was a little embarrassed of them at first but just sees them as a connection to his family as an adult.
• Alice and Bendy had kids pretty quickly once they settled down. Watching Bendy with Oswald's kids gave Alice baby fever while dating, to the point she would sometimes have to remove herself from the scene. Being angel-demon hybrids some of their children with shape-shifting abilities took on physical traits of Boris and Felix. This was a pleasant surprise to all of them, Bendy just about cried when he found out, Alice was so happy they could have physical traits from both sides of their families. Now people that know genuinely that Bendy, Boris and Felix are biologically related. The three have fun with these claims.
• Blending Oswald and Felix' families together turned out to be easier than either of them thought. Felix was extremely nervous at first with Oswald's kids but most of them handled Felix' more parental role very positively. It wasn't an overnight thing, Oswald and Felix had a lot of conversations about subtle changes as not to overwhelm them. The children calling Felix their second mum stopped pretty quickly after Felix started to take on an actual parental role, opting instead to refer to him as just Felix or going by Bendy and Boris' system of pops - Oswald, dad - Felix. Surprisingly Bendy was the first to start thinking of Oswald as a second dad figure, even before Felix and Oswald were official. Boris was confused on Oswald and Felix' relationship before he learned that gay people exist, after that he was thrilled to have Oswald as a step-father. Mickey was arguably the most excited when he's told about Felix and Oswald's relationship, he goes all out and has an entire "welcome to the family" party for Felix, Bendy and Boris. Both Oswald and Felix are deeply embarrassed by this while Bendy, Boris and the bunny kids are having the time of their lives.
• Mickey may be a sweetheart but he's still a little brother so as payback for Minnie, Mickey teases Oswald like crazy for his crush on Felix. He even makes comments to Felix about how he would be an amazing brother in law when Felix helps out around the circus. This leads Oswald to often shoo Mickey away whenever Felix is over. Donald finds all this hilarious and calls out how childish the two are being with it.
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mr-pgeon · 2 days ago
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geareduptom · 3 days ago
A bit of spolies below the line for a banner I've made <3
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Gotta figure out dimensions but otherwise I've gots to color it all uwu
Thanks @driftfall for helping me with the Rise Turtles cause their heads and my hands didn't agree~
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skiplo-wave · 1 year ago
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See THIS is what I want dude!
I’m glad everyone just going hog wild with ideas of using Mickey in both good and the bad
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fluttytheflutt · 1 year ago
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old man yaoi
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emilyaillustrates · 1 month ago
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Shoutout to all the new followers who were hoping for more aquatic life art and get Cat Girls instead
I guess y’all got *CATFISHED*
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fedoraspooky · 7 months ago
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"Black cat bring good luck, not bad luck!
I have black cat- see, him face- and I am not dead today!
Good luck!"
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poppingmary · 8 months ago
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Clara Bow and Felix The Cat ca. 1928
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josephmcdingle · 1 month ago
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team ink
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d00dlen00dles · 1 year ago
Happy public domain!! 💖🏳️‍🌈
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redraws of the old comic… [shudders]
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school is almost out, bear with me u guys
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queenly-owl · 10 months ago
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toons hangin out
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qftim-c · 4 months ago
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Something something Ivan the Terrible reference
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angelleplaytoonbeary · 5 months ago
🎃 Happy Halloween 2024!! 🎃
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The toons have cosplayed!!! Can ya guess?? ✨✨✨ :O
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