#ink is such a powerful medium
peasant-player · 1 month
Listen I'm gonna post old art here that i stole back from deviant art.(my own art!)
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I made that when I was 16 and I was such a huge fan of bleach omg.
And in my ink era.
That was the time when I could use a big scanner and boyy do I miss that.
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letsatomicbanana · 11 months
Ink!Sans Cultural Character Coding
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art by @/sakuramochi64 on twitter
This post is meant to present and analyse obvious and obscure East Asian (Jpn-Chi) ethnic and cultural influences on Ink!Sans character. If any of the material in this essay is incorrect and/or considered morally offensive, please contact me!
Ink!Sans by @comyet
/Despite the fact that Ink is a non-human monster skeleton character, he is often portrayed with human-like traits and characteristics that range between a bunch of topics. One of them that's portrayed as very predominat to his character is his etchnic cultural background/inspiration. Again, this post is meant to analyse and to discuss such inspirations and how it affects his character./
According to Ink's creator, Comyet, the concept of Ink!Sans was conceived by a Japanese and Chinese ink calligraphy brush. These are known as Fude brushes (筆) and Xuan brushes (宣笔 Xuān bǐ) respectively. This ultimately inspired his ink abilities and powers, just like his concept of being an 'artist' (In simple words, it inspired Ink as a whole).
'The history of ink brushes and the ink material is a long and complicated journey to cover, but it's important to know that these were invented in ancient China around 300 B.C (traditional Chinese: 毛筆; simplified Chinese: 毛笔; pinyin: máo bǐ) and are used in a vast variety of East and Southeast Asian countries, like Korea; Vietnam and Japan.
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example of the brush Ink!Sans was inspired by.
At glance, ink (the material) is an enduring medium that still surrounds society till this day and it's used in multiple cultures across the world.
Writing with ink calligraphy brushes are common in the Europe and the Middle East as well, but the material was crafted of iron salt and oak galls. When written, ink is often a dark color but fades to brown tones of rust'. Such phenomenon was detectable in the Middle Eastern Bible manuscripts and even ancient European literature as an example.
Ink!Sans was based of the ink material created in East Asia, most commonly made with carbon-base black substance, which preserverd the dark coloration even after hundred of years.
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↑ Example of an ancient Japanese painting, such arts are called 'Sumi-e' (Japanese, 墨絵) or ' Shuimohua' (traditional Chinese,水墨畫).
Unlike iron gall ink, carbon based inks are still very common to this day.
'Throughout the long history of East Asia, writing with ink was a very important ability to have. The Materials were made with precision, long traditions of training in calligraphic skills were developed, and writing and literacy were often wrapped up in questions of social status and class.
Although the development of major Chinese calligraphic scripts was completed by the fourth century, the art of calligraphy continued to evolve over the millennia. Master calligraphers with years of training and dedicated practice were recognized for their personal styles, and later generations of artists often adapted brushstrokes and designs to their own style. This stylistic evolution of scripts continues to enliven Chinese calligraphy to the present day.
Calligraphy was an important mark of personal learning and aesthetic sensibility in Japan. Portable, lacquered wood boxes were designed to hold an inkstone and water dropper in the base, with trays to hold writing brushes and solid ink sticks. Inkstone boxes (硯箱,suzuribako 'ink stone box' ) could be easily carried to a pleasant location, even outdoors in fine weather, to write correspondence, diary entries, or poetry.'
Fun fact: Ink's font 'Note This' is inspired by such ancient writing.
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Example of Ink's canon speaking font and Japanese calligraphy (書道, calligraphy)
'However, when it comes to the subject of painting with the material, different schools of painting existed in China, the scholar-painters of Song-dynasty China generally preferred ink-based paintings over the more colorful, pigment-filled paintings produced historically and at the painting academy. Chinese painting manuals and commentaries from the Song (Sung) and Yuan dynasties (rarely mention pigments, possibly because it was assumed a painter’s skill shouldn’t depend on the use of colors.
Japanese artists are known for using media appropriate for the subject matter. Images depicting traditional Japanese narrative tales were typically rendered in opaque colors with outlines created in ink and later obscured by color overlay. Ink monochrome was closely associated with Chinese styles, particularly those transported to Japan via Zen Buddhism. Ink-based forms created with modulated strokes and layered washes suggested introspection and spiritual exploration.'
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Ancient Japanese paintings that uses dull colors and ink outlines.
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Exhaustive examples of ancient Ink paintings. Dragons and Clouds 雲龍図屏風 (左隻)and Seitei kachō gafu 省亭花鳥画譜
Also clarified in an ask on her main blog, Comyet describes that traditional Japanese clothing inspired Ink's 2020 outift redesing, such inspirations are very obvious in first and second analysis.
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Ink!sans reference sheets for the 2020 design, which can be found in Ink's official F.A.Q
Starting off, the pants.
Ink's pants were inspired by Hakama pants (袴), a traditional Japanese garment designed as a skirt-like pants often worn over any type of kimono. His pants seems to be inspired by umanori (馬乗り)Hakamas, whose had a division in the middle and often used in horse-riding activities.
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Example of a Hakama.
The Hakama is a wide pleated pants (seven pleats, five in front and two behind), with a rigid backrest (腰 板,koshi ita) placed at the level of the lumbar region. It is tightened with four straps, on the left and on the right, as well in front as behind.
Historically, the origins of the Hakama dates back to the Sui and Tan dynasty were this garment was worn by the Chinese imperial court. Later, the Hakama exported itself to Japan during the Kamakura period (1185 to 1332) and became a traditional garment for the upper classes of Japanese society as well as for samurai warriors who wore it over a kimono (Hakama-shita).
During the history of Japan, the Hakama took on different styles and was mainly made for men, although in the beginning it was a unisex garment. During the Asuka and Nara era (6th to 8th century), the Hakama came in two versions. The first one was open on the front and was tied on each side of the waist with two straps. The second one was open on the left side and closed on one side only.
During the Edo period, the Hakama was worn by the nobles as a complement to the outfits of the time such as the noshi and the kariginu (狩衣; a sleeveless jacket with very pronounced shoulders). Very functional, these pants were also adopted by samurai warriors who usually wore them as Kamishimo (上下/裃). It is a combination of kimono, Hakama and kataginu. When the warrior visited the shōgun, he wore a Hakama called naga-bakama which greatly restricted his movements.
Edit:Currently, hakamas are both worn by men and women.
However, under the scarft, Ink also seems to use a jacket that features a collar that has striking similarities to a Mandarin collar (or Mao collar)
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Ink!sans reference sheets for the 2020 design, which can be found in Ink's official F.A.Q
Mandarin collars originated in ancient China and were worn  by Qing-era bureaucrats.
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Picture of a Chinese man in a traditional Mandarin collar (early 1900's)
These are short, stand-up collars and sometimes fasten in the center with a small hook. Such collars are still used today for both fashionable and practical reasons. One example of modern usaged of the clothing is seen in the U.S Amry combat uniform, that features a stand-up collar of Chinese origin.
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Picture of the U.S Army combat clothing
Regarding of color palette, Ink!Sans redesign uses soft but dull colors and a sinple silhouette and fabric for the outift, such design choises are similar to male kimono's dressing codes which uses dull colors (like dark blue, grey, green and occasionaly brown). Male kimonos are always more simple in design compared to female kimonos.
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Photo that shows the difference of kimonos used by men and women
Although not specified, Ink seems to wear brown thigh-high socks, also known as 'tights' under the outfit. Japan has a long-standing cultural tradition of wearing such piece of clothing, this trend is particularly popular among young people and is often associated with the "gyaru" subculture, which emphasizes fashion, beauty, and individuality. Additionally, thigh-high socks are often worn with school uniforms, and are considered a symbol of youth and innocence. Additionally, it is also considered fashionable and trendy in Japan, and you can see many young people wearing them.
In regards of physical appearance, Ink also seems to follow ancient Japanese and Chinese beauty standarts, specially one's targeted towards women.
In ancient japan, specially towards the Nara (奈良時代, Nara jidai), Heian (平安時代, Heian jidai) and Edo period (江戸時代, Edo jidai) the beauty standarts for Japanese women were of those with slim eyebrowns, flat oval face shape and narrowed eyes.
Such attributes can be observed on Ink!Sans apperance.
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Visual representation of old Japanese beauty standarts
/Keep in mind that some of such standarts presented are now out of fashion due to the westernization of asian countries. Specially regarding eye shape/
Ink!Sans has a long history of being associated with East Asian music, specially those of Japanese origin.
Themes that comyet associated with him includes, 'Code Wu- Asia River Album 江水/Asia River' ( post can be found here), 'Dullahan under the willows' and 'Futatsuiwa from Sado (二ツ岩で佐渡) both from the japanese game 'Touhou'. (post can also be found here.
He's also associated with East Asian musical instruments, something quite noticeable in Ink!Sans theme for the the web-series 'Underverse'. Such theme is called 'Brushwork'.
The theme starts with an instrument similar to a Shamisen (Japanese-三味線) and a Guzhen (Chinese-古筝) and also uses a traditional flute.
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Photo of a Guzhen and a Shamisen, respectively
On Underverse's opening for season 2, Ink!Sans can be seem between a field of Sakura trees or Cherry Blossoms (桜).
Cherry blossom trees are an icon of Japan. Some people even call the cherry blossom Japan’s informal national flower. The Japanese school year starts in April, during cherry blossom season. The flowers symbolize good luck, love, and springtime. Since they bloom for such a short time, cherry blossom trees also represent human mortality. They remind us how short and precious life is.
In the same series, Ink is also drawn in a Sumi-e inspired style for the 'Soulless Heart Instrumental' video. Such artwork features Japanese writing in black ink.
Ink's canon instrument is the flute. Although invented in ancient germany, the flute is highly associated with East Asian cultures and it's music, chinese and japanese culture are the main ones . Other than that, Comyet already made a connection to Ink's asian influence and the instrument itself.
According to research made by the University Microfilms International (UMI) affirms that the moderny performance and melody of the instruments has clear East Asian roots, mainly from Chinese and Japanese style of music.
'The flute is a particularly appropriate instrument for such a study because of its versatility of pitch and timbre, the latter being one of the most important elements in Eastern music; it is capable of 'pitch-bending' and infinite changes in tone quality which are impossible to achieve on instruments of set pitch.
The flute music selected for stud/ shows varying degrees of Eastern influence. Depending on the nature of the composition, the Eastern elements may be extremely subtle and difficult for the untrained to decipher; in other instances the composer makes clear those sounds or concepts with Eastern roots, either through accompanying explanation or within the context of the music.'
1.National Museum of asian art (materials & techniques. Ink section)
2. Asian Brushpaper (an-overview-of-chinese-ink-history)
3. Wikipedia (wiki Hakama-pants)
4. Aikido Journal (Hakama-101)
5. Wikipedia (Mandarin-collar)
6. Kirrin finch (What-is-a-mandarin-collar)
7. University Microfilms International (UMI) (east-asian-presence-in-modern-flute-music)
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mrsdesade · 4 days
Homelander and menophilia 👁️🫦👁️
Hi dear, thanks for your patience! I can happily offer some headcanons about this, I'll try to keep it sfw as possible for not being banned. These headcanons delve into a dark and disturbing aspect of Homelander's character, my fav thing ever to be honest💕
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Homelander's bloody passion headcanons
A fetish for the macabre: Homelander has a deep-seated fascination with blood, finding it both beautiful and intoxicating. This fetish often manifests in his romantic relationships. Perhaps he's drawn to the raw, primal nature of blood, seeing it as a symbol of life and death.
Blood-related gifts: He might give his love interest gifts that are related to blood, such as dark red roses, ruby jewelry, or even vials of his own blood.
Blood-written love letters: He might write love letters to his partner, using blood of his enemies as ink. The contrast between the romantic words and the macabre medium would create a disturbingly beautiful effect.
Blood-infused perfumes: He might create a custom perfume using his partner's blood as a key ingredient. The scent would be a constant reminder of them, even when they're not physically present.
Dark fantasies: Homelander has dark fantasies involving blood and dominance. These fantasies often revolve around his partner, and he might subtly hint at them during intimate moments. His fantasies often involve him as a dominant figure, controlling the situation. Blood might symbolize this power dynamic, with him being the one who inflicts and controls the pain.
Bloodplay during intimacy: Physical intimacy with his partner often involves some form of bloodplay, whether it's a small cut or a deeper wound. He finds the sight and smell of blood incredibly arousing. He might engage in more elaborate bloodplay, like using blood as a lubricant. These acts are not just about physical pleasure but about a twisted form of bonding. Blood bath are more than welcomed. As well he might believe that blood has aphrodisiac properties, enhancing his sexual desire and pleasure.
A Perversion of love: For Homelander, love and violence might be intertwined. He might believe that the more extreme his actions, the deeper his love for his partner.
Blood rituals: If you share this interest with him, he might engage in private blood rituals, involving your blood. These rituals could range from simple bloodletting to more complex, almost sacrificial acts.
Blood-Related Nicknames: He might give his partner blood-related nicknames, such as "my crimson queen" or "my scarlet rose.''
Blood-stained keepsakes: Homelander might collect items that have been stained with his partner's blood as a way to keep them close, even when they are apart.
Blood as a bond: He might believe that sharing blood with you creates an unbreakable bond, a connection that goes beyond the physical. This could be a particular way for him to feel loved and accepted. A sick promise of eternal loyalty and devotion.
Thanks again for the request, enjoy! Kisses kisses! 💕
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Hermit-a-Day May, Day 15: FalseSymmetry. Today's style/medium is She-Ra and the Princesses of Power! My thought process for this matchup wasn't particularly profound--I knew I wanted to do someone in She-Ra style, because I adore the show, and the queen of hearts, heads, and body parts seemed fitting for a series about a bunch of strong, terrifying women, one of whom wields a frick-off giant magic sword. Details and references under the read more!
So... I don't really have specific references I can point to, because I just turned on season 1 of She-Ra and watched almost to the end of season 3 by the time I was done with the drawing. Any time I needed to check a style thing, I would just...let the current episode play until I saw an example of the way the animators drew that specific thing. That being said, False's face was primarily referenced from Adora, her knees from Glimmer, and her hands from Entrapta because Entrapta was the first person to have a good shot of their hands while I was looking. Here's a couple pictures of the general style, if you want to judge for yourself how I did at emulating it:
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Additional references include False's Minecraft skin (of course) and several pictures of myself doing the pose, complete with sword.
She-Ra's style is very smooth and relatively simple, with broad stretches of plain colors. Shading is rare and usually only for temporary lighting effects, so I left my drawing unshaded. Everything is just so clean, because...it's an animated show and animating fiddly details sucks. I really enjoy She-Ra's character design and art style, so it was a ton of fun to get to try it out for myself.
I had to pay extra attention to the eyes and ears, two of the most distinctive She-Ra style hallmarks in my opinion--as well as the iconic solid shaded blush across the cheeks and nose, but that part was easy. I also had to use a smoother inking brush than my normal toothy ink pen, which meant that inking/lining took forever. That is why this is nearly two hours late. Don't look at me.
Fun fact if you read this far: Catra is around 72% of the reason I finally realized/admitted I was bi at the tender age of like.... 17. She was just too pretty for me to stay in denial.
I feel like I'm forgetting something but it's 3am so I'm just gonna hit post. Cheers!
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furiarossa · 14 days
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A couple of early studies for the "Plasmius" version of the Mentor, done with ballpoint pen.
Yes, he dresses like a knight templar, normally XD
In both human and ghost form, Mentor displays the discolored patterns of piebaldism, as well as the typical white streak in his hair, starting from the center of his forehead. In ghost form, Mentor has a pair of medium-large, lightning-shaped horns that appear to be covered in thick, sharp plates. An interesting thing to note is that his entire body (except for his face, hands, and feet) is covered in tattoos of magical sigils and spells, effectively turning him into a living grimoire, even more powerful than a common magical book, since ink on skin makes spells more powerful (and is one of the reasons why parchment grimoires are so sought after). Mentor does not like to be seen without clothes, not only because it would reveal one of his secret weapons to others, but also because the tattoos were not an aesthetic choice, but rather one of necessity.
We're gonna slowly post the story here:
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blushblushbear · 3 months
ok so i just got 3 new tattoos and like 4 more piercings YKNOW WHAT THAT MEANS more punk s/o headcanons (if ur up for it ofc <3) maybe with Volks, Anon, Logan and Haru? (i need haru so bad mans is so F'ING FINE)
hell yeah
really likes how much you like to stand out
low key jealous of your tattoos
okay medium key
high key
he's high key jealous
he wants a tattoo so bad but he's so indecisive about what to get and where to put it
you might need to peer pressure him into finally biting the bullet
peer pressure with his permission of course-- you have his okay to bully him a little
every now and then catches a glimpse of you and keeps thinking 'my s/o is so cool...' along with an internal swoon
he doesn't know the music scene that well but he's really down for you to show him
he's also down for the anti-establishment message
fight the power
you look hot
another member of the really digs that you're a rebel squad
he's a little more quiet about his riots
also a lot more digital
but still
also he's the king of helping you make sure shit heals properly
never will your colors run nor shall you be infected with him around
has loads of gloves for you too use when handling anything fresh
thinks the ink and piercings look sick as fuck
knows he could never
his germaphobic ass agreeing to bleed somewhere outside his spotless apartment???
or at all ever????
yeah no
he's gonna leave that to you
can't tell if he'd be cool to talk bands with or super annoying--- he def knows some underground shit
might turn into a battle of the more obscure bands
take from that what you will
honestly his world is not one that normally has piercings like that
having too much metal touching flesh isn't the best idea for someone in his line of work
but damn if he doesn't think it looks cool on you
it's actually a little like--- a contradicting appeal to him
you look so wild
but he knows you're so sweet
seeing those bright eyes and warm smile surrounded by metal that gleams like starlight???
yeah, it does it for him
you're so cool
and cute
and you probably think he's a square
mostly cause he calls himself things like 'a square' unironically
but he's glad you like him anyway
also def would enlist your help in figuring out a future tattoo
another member of the not sure what to get squad
also another member of the making sure your shit heals properly squad
out of all the dudes here who think you're crazy hot for how you present yourself
he's at the top of the list
he loves a unique beauty
and a wild spirit
dead ass your whole vibe really does it for him
he doesn't know much about the punk movement but he can really get behind it
especially the anti-war/tear down of ruling powers part
but yeah, he's bad giving you side eye all the time
as in he's staring at you
and smiling
like that smirky smile where you are not even pretending to not check someone out
tells you your hot at random basically all the time
asks you to pick out his next tattoo but low key he's just looking for an excuse to have you feel his bicep and he's not even shy about that
god you're hot
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blacktabbygames · 10 months
Just curious, but what equipment do you use for your work? I’ve read that you hand-draw and line all the sprites and backgrounds for scarlet hollow and I would love to know what pencils/liners/paper/erasers you use? Sorry if this is an odd question but all your work is so clean and polished and gorgeous I just had to ask :-)
Aw, thank you so much! And I'm always happy to share stuff about the process~
I use standard mechanical pencils for my sketchy work, like Slay the Princess, and for inks I use microns on smooth bristol paper. Though for sprites in particular I use 25-pound tracing paper (the poundage is pretty important with tracing paper, as you can wind up with some really flimsy stuff!) It's a semi-transparent paper that's useful for things like sprite sets where I have to be able to draw new poses over the existing sprite art. It's also used for animation, so it's really nice to have around when you're working in a dynamic medium like games!
As for erasers, I've been loyal to Staedtler erasers since high school. I usually just ink over the pencils and erase the lines before refining the inks, which is why I've stuck with microns my whole artistic career-- they stand up to erasing the best. But I had to switch it up when working with tracing paper, since it has a tendency to tear and wrinkle if you erase too vigorously, and the micron doesn't have as much staying power. So I ink on a fresh piece of paper, which goes through more sheets, but gives you nice clean lineart with less effort!
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cosmicjoz · 2 months
the unsaved text field is an ether, a void space where ideas can rest until the poster is satisfied with its collaboration with the universe, at which point they will post it to the wall of a trillion posters for the vortex to suck it under its wings. it is not a blank canvas, for the act of painting is a permanent adornment. you could argue that a stroke of blue on a canvas could be layered over with brighter colors to erase the hint that the act ever occurred, however, the blue still lies buried in the story of the piece. the canvas is propped up on the mother's nightstand, for her heart to swell as she turns the lights off. it is unlike a sheet of paper to be penciled in, there is no evidence of erasure or mistakes, no surface area to run out of, no ink to run dry. the paper lies crumpled in the trash bin. with the blue light of a blank space, the keys are fleeting, the backspace is POWER! the artist is granted the gift of transporting back in space, back in time! this is a medium ground, untethered to rules, decisions, consequences. the impermanence of these concepts remain fractals of ones imagination until they are pieced together, and posted. ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌
• by cosmicjoz 🤍
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I’m planning to run a shadowfell arc with my long running campaign, and I’m planning to play with the theme of memories, memory loss, items and books absorbing memories and the like. There’s this mansion with an evil shadowy figure collecting/stealing peoples memories etc etc, and I would be super intrigued to see what your take on an adventure/arc like this would be?
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Dungeon: In Memoriam
At the end of it all, we are all just stories
On the edge of the tidelands there is a grand and forgotten estate. Not forgotten in that it is abandoned, but forgotten in that a lapse of memory hangs about it like a fog. Even most who live in the nearby village can recall its existence while looking right at it, and only then a few paltry details about how it has affected their lives or the history of their home.
The source of this amnesia is the work of a shadowcaster by the name of ██████ ██████, who has taken the estate as his own while perfecting the art of stealing stories. Like other shadowcasters, ██████ wields the powers of remnant and entropy inherent to the shadowfell and has a particular fascination with how the memory and narrative surrounding a thing can survive independently of that thing's destruction. Originally presenting himself a medium and exorcist, ██████ was hired by the estate's original owners to deal with a lingering ghost problem, only to discover that there was a rift to the shadowfell in a root filled room in a corner of the greathouse's basements.... a room that no one seemed able to remember.
Taking advantage of such close proximity to the upside down, ██████ began experimenting, eventually creating an umbral ink that would steal away facts and moments of time when placed on the page, allowing him to make ghosts of people and places without even needing them to die. For now ██████ is content to tinker, but it's only so long until stumble upon the conspicuous absence he's shrouded his activities under, or the lives he's disrupted in the process.
Within the party's bag of holding or the pack of their most rougish member the heroes discover a bound together stack of pages, which detail their encounter with a man named ██████ while out on the road earlier in the campaign, described as an innocuous scholar with inkstains on his cuffs, always seeming to be writing in his travel journal. He offered insight on their adventures then seemed to disappear. Should the party destroy or damage the pages, they'll suddenly remember this encounter, them managing to steal these pages, and the fact that the man's shadow more often resembled a tree than that of a human
The party visits a seaside village, and while most things seem normal, there's a woman clearly in distress that the locals are keeping well away from. She claims she's lived in the village all her life but most seem to think she's a stranger, those few who do remember her thought she ran away when she was just a lass (about the age that she started working at the manor). Like many of the servants, ██████ worked some magic to keep her on thinking he was the master of the estate, forgotten by her neighbours, but forgot to fully edit her story to prevent her from visiting her parents grave on the anniversary of their deaths some decades past.
██████'s ink comes from a great unnatural tree that grows up through the foundations of the manor from the shadowfell below. Adapted to eat away at the memories of ghosts, the shadowcaster gorges this tree on the stories of the living, creating an ever deepening wellspring of power and a never ending supply of umbral ink. Drunk on power and the possibilities of playing blackout poetry with people's lives, ██████ does not realize that the tree is literally undermining him, threatening to drag the whole estate down into the land of the dead, erasing whole swaths of the countryside as the manor's library is drowned in amnesiac gloom.
Art 1
Art 2
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nczaversnick · 2 months
Project Gemini: Worldbuilding
Let me just take a moment to shout out my amazing writing partner Rachelle for being so meticulously anal about some of this. I wouldn’t have this information if it weren’t for her googling shit at 3 am
You can follow her on instagram @panda.panduh
Setting: Cyberpunk adjacent. Definitely advance technology in a city
Country: Utristan
Capital city: Eltrax in Aurora District
Caspian’s home city: Dreake in Titania District
Seols - fully digital currency only accessed through PINs and SERiALs
Utristan uses Seol currency (§XX UTS)
Because of the incredibly high inflation, 5.8k Seol (§5800 UTS) is worth 1 US dollars ($1 USD) during Caspian’s generation
Any living costs and salaries will be based off of Illinois and doubled–
Minimum hourly wage [legally allowed]: $24 USD
(Nursing assistant wage: $28 - $52 USD)
Monthly rent: $1138 USD
Monthly phone: $50 USD until $1200 USD [first gen phone]; $70 USD until $1600 USD [upgrade]
Clothing style:
The general public does not lean so hard into true cyberpunk fashion but you can see traces of it there.
Military and Medical uniforms are strictly regulated.
The [Rebel Group Name] have the closest to cyber punk style, having more liberties to express themselves as such
the cyberpunk aesthetic combines 40s film noir fashion, gothic styles of the 90s, military uniforms, and gear, and more experimental and futuristic cybernetic details. While the cyberpunk look might seem incredibly unique, its essence is composed of many incredibly varied sources.
Normals/Non-Deviants/etc: those who were born without elemental powers
Deviants: those who were born with elemental powers
The Zodiacs: those who were created within the Operation Crimson Army (OCA) program
PIN (Particle Infused Nanochip):
available as a unique combination of numbers and letters for non-electronic access. Infants are instantly chipped and tested for elemental identification
Who has them: Humans and Deviants
When is it introduced in the story: Book 1
Public knowledge about them: only about the functions, except GPS tracking and power suppression
Properties: a small, square device that has been surgically implanted within the dermis layer of the right or left wrist, depending on the dominant hand the user uses.
Its embedded, replicate copper oxide particles improve the skin's well-being and since it is not made of real metal, will not be likely to cause any allergic reactions. If it detects an abnormal amount of carbon dioxide (either due to intentionally cutting out the chip or CO2 poisoning), the chip will release a silent alarm that will alert the authorities.
Normal adult concentrations: 23 - 30 mmol/L
Atmospheric CO2: 21,050 mmol/L
Alert ranges: 35 - 21,050 mmol/L
Functions: access to all modes of transportation, monetary funds, and certain buildings, GPS tracking, power suppression [in later books]
SERiAL (Serial Etched Reference in Anterior Limbs):
Who has them: Civilian and military personnel Deviants, the Zodiacs
When is it introduced in the story: in the later books
Public knowledge about them: only about the properties, but not about the Zodiacs
Properties: a medium-sized tattoo etched into either the inner forearms or napes of necks.
The ink is made with a substance known as xylothane, a fire- and scratch-resistant ink that penetrates the dermis layer of skin.
Civilian and military personnel Deviants have the SERiAL printed on their inner forearms
All Zodiacs have the SERiAL and their zodiac symbol printed on the back of their necks
Functions: identification, access to criminal records
ROB (Radical Operational Bots): those who can afford small animatronic assistants have access to them.
Properties: most basic forms of androids and come as a 2x2-inch boxes
Function: entertainment, reminders of events, basic web search
Features: reforming personalities depending on who owns them, will perform basic commands, GPS tracking device
The [Rebel Group Name]: Quinn has officially renamed the ROB acronym to Radical Operational Buddies. These assistants have been torn apart and reconstructed without the GPS tracking device and made to look like animals, personalities reformed to match their owners’, will perform more advanced commands, and are personally customized to the needs of their owner
Adrian: dragon with a dog-like personality, programmed with PTSD and de-escalating training
Iris: bison with a stern and stable personality, creates blueprints and diagrams of buildings it's scanned and projects images
Aurelia: snake with a sneaky personality, often hides amongst the plants and dispenses water to help with watering
Athena: gecko with a sneaky personality, can blend into the background and often acts as a “fly on the wall” with advanced listening capabilities
Mason: rabbit with a grumpy, protective personality, has non-lethal lasers. Quinn put them there as a joke/convinced Iris to help him do that
Quinn: standard cube with a smiley face [if a cube could be high this cube is it], helps with programming
Caspian: small bird with a bubbly personality, able to record and playback music and recordings
Tablets (HSP Tab: Holographic Screen Projector): those who can afford tablets have access to them.
Depending on the region will depend on the type of tablet one might have. Can range from the most basic to the most advanced.
Basic form (HSP Tab BF1-4 and S): palm-sized, touch screen with a frame
Function: basic web search, call and text with 2-D images, fragile glass surface
Advanced form (HSP Tab AF5-9 and S): standard magazine-size, glass screen with a frame and holographic imaging
Function: advanced web search, call and text with 3-D imaging projection, indestructible glass surface
Monorails (MPA: Magnetically-Propelled Antiquitrain): hovers in the air by magnets. Lack of friction achieves fast speeds.
Publicly accessed and publicly owned by the government
Taxis (PEP: Particle-Effused Pulsecar): hovers in the air by the high magnetic field in the area. The effusion rate of the particles needs time to create a short burst of propelling, kinetic energy to move.
Publicly accessed and can be publicly or privately owned
Jets (SSCJ: Supersonic Stratospheric Concealment Jetstream)
Privately owned by the military
Scientific background:
Humans have 4 bases for DNA: guanine, adenine, cytosine, and thymine. Deviants have 4 bases and 4 extra bases that determine their element: ignisine (fire), aquanine (water), terranine (earth), ventinine (wind). Certain combinations of the 8 bases will determine the Deviant’s elements:
Aquanine: Water
Water/Water: Cyclone
Water/Earth: Plant
Water/Air: Weather
Water/Fire: [Invalid]
Terranine: Earth
Earth/Water: Crystal
Earth/Earth: Earthquake
Earth/Air [Invalid]
Earth/Fire: Metal
Ventinine: Air
Air/Water: Fog
Air/Earth [Invalid]
Air/Air: Aero-Telekineses
Air/Fire: Light
Ignisine: Fire
Fire/Water: [Invalid]
Fire/Earth: Lava
Fire/Air: Electrity
Fire/Fire: Inferno
Although opposing Deviants are able to mate like Humans, their offspring will only inherit and express one gene of either element from the mother or the father.
Rarely there will be offspring that express both genes from both parents due to mutation, but these often die in the early onset of pregnancy.
Those who survive express one element and have one “silent” element [meaning they will only be able to control one element] and are taken by the [Government Program] for further experiments.
Male babies will inherit their father’s genes, and female babies will inherit their mother’s.
Every baby that is born undergoes genetic testing to see which genes are expressed.
The Government
Utristan is held in a military state, with military members making up all branches of government and law enforcement. Those within the military are part of a group known as the Emissaries of Utristan.
Military consists of multiple other branches similar to: Army (combat), Air Force (air), Navy (water), Seals (secret ops) in early books
Military will crumble and become one giant branch: Army (everything) in later books
Army Ranks:
Class 1: lower-class military; doesn’t know aything about anything (grub work)
Private (Athena, Caspian and Aurelia)
Everyone who has ever graduated high school is a private since it’s a requirement to do at least 2 years of military service in Utristan
Corporeal (Iris)
Master Sergeant (Quinn)
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army (steps up when General of the Army goes down)
Class 2: upper-class military; works closely with Zodiacs and OCA in general
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Captain (Mason)
Colonel (Adrian)
Major General
General (Lucia)
General of the Army
Operation Crimson Army (OCA)
Purpose: to weaponize the Deviants in order to have a one-up in any future wars
Deviants will develop normally and cannot be distinguished from Humans. Deviants that have been experimented on to have 2 or more expressed elements will develop more body mutations.
In the beginning, the OCA tried creating test tube babies that were genetically engineered to have 2 or more expressed elements, but since the DNA was not set like in older birthed babies, the DNA would often unravel and reject non-compatible bases.
Over time, those who survived having two expressed elements underwent “gene activation” in which 2 or more elements would be expressed, however, they would be more susceptible to developing physical mutation.
The ‘Zodiacs’
Physical mutations:
When genetically modified Deviants are created, depending on which elements are expressed, will undergo physical mutations such as:
glowing windpipes and coughing up cinders for fire elements
cold to the touch with skin feeling like cracking ice for water elements,
bones cracking and swiveling unnaturally with deformed skeletal structures and crystals growing in their pores for earth elements,
ghostly skin with shifting voices from whispering to booming roars for wind elements
Adrian is colder to the touch compared to other fire Deviants, which forces him to bundle up more than others. He would be extremely cold like other water Deviants, but since he hasn’t used his water powers as much, he’s not as affected. Because he’s used his fire powers so much in the past, his throat has started to become affected to where he prefers staying quiet and talks only when necessary.
The Zodiacs and their elements:
Amped Electric
[Solider Group of 5+]
Prophecy [Failed/Will Fail?]
Amped Lava
[Small Group 2-3]
Stone Skin
Amped up Inferno [Failed]
[Small Group]
Oblivion [Failed]
The [Rebel Group Name]
Purpose: to gather the Deviants together to overthrow the government
🚧This section will eventually contain links to individual character posts🚧
Caspian Álvarez
Adrian Harlowe
Athena Álvarez
Aurelia Harlowe
Iris Dagon
Quinn Russo
Mason Hayes
Lucia Atore
Tags for Project Gemini in general; as usual, comment to be +/- from this list
@honeybewrites @the-letterbox-archives @the-golden-comet @the-ellia-west @yourpenpaldee
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syntia13treeman · 8 months
Case files 02.01
what I think happened in:
Case 02.01, the case of "Portrait of Daria Gray" or "The artist becomes the canvas."
Daria's story is pretty straightforward. What we know about Daria: she's a struggling left-handed artist who used to wear a lot of hand-me-down clothes from her sister, and she doesn't like the way she looks. At some point she decides to get a bit of a makeover and, among more mundane things, she starts shopping for a new tattoo. She finds a deal too good to be true (it is) offered by one 'Ink5oul'.
Ink5oul is sketchy as hell, and definitely has something supernatural going on. The tattoo they gives Daria (with no input from her, WTF! - paintbrush, floral patterns and glittering symbols) hurts much more than it should, but also heals almost instantly.
Looking at the tattoo (which is 'perfect') fills Daria with sudden desire to paint an autoportrait (which comes out 'perfect'). And once that is done, looking at it again makes her realize she can adjust herself (and make herself perfect).
So she takes her painting tools, most notably a pallet knife, right to her own face (and soon pretty much every other body part) and gives herself an impromptu plastic surgery. Which goes on uninterrupted for several days (???!?!!?!) until her room-mate Sarah comes home. Poor Sarah walks in on Daria while she has a knife stuck in her jaw, understandably freaks out and punches Daria, at which point half of Daria's face collapses under her hand like putty.
Having no idea that her room-mate has been touched by the spooky, Sarah comes up with the only rational explanation she can think of, which is that Daria poured some acid on her own face (which is very comic-book logic, but maybe Sarah paid more attention to Batman than chemistry and biology class as a teen).
So now Daria has severely disfigured face, and also is officially considered suicidal and a danger to herself and must go to therapy. (Honestly, she needs therapy).
There are two things, aside from the obvious, that grabbed my attention here:
The voice. Narration in the first case was that of a pretty normal email - a little bit rambly, a little bit disjointed, referencing things that the recipient would know about that we can only infer. The second case had a perfectly average forum thread. This case... also starts out with pretty realistic voice - right until the moment Daria stats talking about the tattoo. Then suddenly this story gets ridiculously verbose. The way she describes the studio, the tattooing process, the tattoo itself, the painting process and finally the 'adjustments' - the details, the wording - there's no way a regular person talks that way. Not in real time, not about a traumatic event that they very much don't want to talk about at all. So where is this coming from? I think it's the ink. Until proven otherwise, I'm going to assume that Ink5soul's tattoo somehow infused Daria with power to 'express herself' perfectly in whatever medium she's using - be it words, paint, or her own flesh.
Invasion of privacy issues all over the place. First Daria's tattooing session is streamed for who knows how many Ink5oul's fans without her say-so, and then her be-damned therapy session gets intercepted by some weird basement government branch. Daria glosses over the former and doesn't know about the latter, but they are there. And there was that private email in case of 'Not-Arthur' too. I wonder how present this theme will be in rest of the show. One thing I can bet on: if one of the cases doesn't deal with a conspiracy theorist yelling about government spying on them, I'm gonna eat my hat. (And the poor paranoid guy will be 100% right, just not in the way they think).
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whatsinmypen · 2 years
Starter Fountain Pens 
(that aren’t the Pilot Metro or Lamy Safari) 
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(So you never have to ask me for recs again)
New to fountain pens? Long-time enthusiast? No matter, you’re probably sick of hearing about the Lamy Safari and the Pilot Metropolitan (or Pilot MR in certain markets) and their respective merits as beginner fountain pens. It feels like every other day someone asks for suggestions for their first fountain pen, and inevitably the recommendations for either of those two come flooding in.  
It’s not without reason. I’m guilty too—the Lamy Safari is still one of my favourite pens of all time (and I will still recommend it), and the Metropolitan is just about the safest bet you can make on a fountain pen when you’re just getting started.  
That being said, there are a ton of other pens out there, and I feel like newbies sometimes miss out on pens they might like better. So, to help further our collective horizons, here are 22 OTHER fountain pens for absolute beginners.  With links!
All under $30.  
1. Pilot Varsity ($3.30 or $21.25 for assorted 7-pack)
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Afraid of commitment? Looking to dip your toes before diving in? No problem--just try out a disposable fountain pen! For a pen designed to be disposable, the Pilot Varsity writes pretty well and comes in 7 fun colours. Just mind the paper you're using--it can bleed through pretty easily, as it is one-size nib only (and that size is medium).
2. Platinum Preppy ($6.00)
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Not quite as "disposable" as the Pilot Varsity, the Preppy has a few advantages: multiple nib sizes (though they're all pretty fine), a wide assortment of colours, and can even take a (proprietary) converter if you so choose. They do crack pretty easily, especially at the cap and grip section, but they're still a solid choice for a fountain pen newbie.
3. Jinhao 993 Shark ($3.95)
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Not only are these pens adorable and affordable, their (hooded!) nib is exceptionally good considering the low price, though medium is the only nib size you'll get. Don't feel too bad though, because this pen comes with a converter included! I honestly have zero complaints about this pen, it's an awesome, quirky buy.
4. Jinhao x450 ($9.90) & x750 ($9.99)
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Now these look like fountain pens. Pull one of these out at a meeting and you'll definitely get a couple of questions (or perhaps encounter a pen friend out in the wild!). Metal construction, medium (& somewhat gushy nibs), and a converter included? Sign me up! They might be a little heavier than what you're used to, but otherwise make for a great starter pen.
5. Paili 013 Vacuum Filler ($9.95)
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Pro: a vacuum filler pen for under $10?? Yep. Forget those cartridges and unleash the power of bottled ink with this surprisingly reliable fountain pen!
Con: If you're a newbie, you're likely unfamiliar with this filling mechanism, so it might be a little daunting. But I promise there's no mystery, and YouTube is your friend!
6. Platinum Prefounte ($11.00)
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Another Platinum, this time a little dressed up but still fun! The Prefounte comes in both fine and medium nibs and takes either proprietary Platinum cartridges or converters (sold separately, unfortunately). This pen is also pretty forgiving if you end up forgetting it in your drawer: Platinum's Slip & Seal mechanism can keep the ink from drying for quite a while (allegedly, up to a year). Keep in mind, Platinum pens tend to have a little bit more feedback (read: scratchy feel on paper), so if you don't like the feel of writing with pencil, for instance, maybe opt for a medium nib.
7. Luoshi Labyrinth ($12.95)
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If you want something striking and unique, this Luoshi might be right up your alley. The Labyrinth is an all-metal pen with a surprisingly smooth medium-fine nib. It might be a little too weighty for those not accustomed to hefty metal pens, and some people have complained that the cut out labyrinth design adds some discomfort to lengthy writing sessions, so keep that in mind!
8. Pilot Kakuno ($13.50)
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If you've heard good things about the nib on the Pilot Metropolitan but wanted something cheaper/quirkier, boy have I got good news for you! Marketed for children in Japan, the Kakuno has the same nib unit as the Metro, making for a superb writing experience at a considerably lower price point. They come in a ton of colors and take proprietary Pilot cartridges or converters. Nibs of different sizes come engraved with different smiley faces for extra fun.
9. HongDian Black Forest Series ($16.95)
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This pen is just cool. Matte, all metal finish? Check. Cool colours? Check. Converter included? Check. Matching colour nib? Check (on a couple of them, at least). Though this pen is metal, it is pretty slim and comes with a textured grip, making for a pretty comfortable writing experience (unless, of course, you don't like slim pens!)
10. Kaweco Perkeo ($17.00)
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I call this pen Kaweco's Kakuno, because... well, just look at it. Then go back up to #8 and see that I am right. Regardless, this pen is a solid choice for a beginner, with different nib options (all pretty smooth) and a great assortment of colours. It also has a triangular grip, which will help you hold the pen in the correct position--though some people find it uncomfortable, so keep that in mind!
11. Platinum Plaisir ($17.60)
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Pros: Aluminum body, several colours to choose from, different nib options (fine & medium), and Platinum's magical sealing cap to prevent your ink from drying.
Cons: Converter (proprietary) sold separately. Boo.
12. TWSBI GO ($18.99)
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This little pen (the most affordable TWSBI iirc) has quite a few things going for it. It comes in several colours and has a bunch of different nib sizes (from extra fine all the way to a 1.1mm stub). The filing mechanism (a simple spring loaded piston) is very practical and easy to use, though it may be a little unfamiliar to most beginners and will require bottled ink (so go ahead and add to cart while you're at it!).
13. ONLINE Slope ($19.00) & Switch Plus ($20.50)
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Smooth writers with ergonomic grips (i.e., triangular) to keep you in position when writing. Both the Slope and Switch Plus are made of plastic with stainless steel nibs that come in both medium and fine and write pretty smoothly. They're a great choice for a beginner, but maybe skip these two if you're not a fan of the triangular grip or if you like heavier pens.
14. Delike Mojiang Pocket Pen ($19.95)
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If you'd like to give pocket pens a try, maybe start with the Mojiang. This little pen is all-metal, which gives it a nice heft despite its small size. It only comes in fine, but writes more like a medium. Though it takes standard international converters and cartridges, watch the size--some converters might be too long to fit! Furthermore, smaller pens usually mean smaller ink capacity, so if you're writing in long sessions you may have to refill more frequently.
15. Moonman M2 Eyedropper ($21.95)
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If you want a large ink capacity and want to see it slosh around your pen as you write... well, look no further! Though this pen can take cartridges and converters, it was designed as an eye dropper pen, meaning you fill the body of the pen itself with the ink of your choice with... you guessed it, an eyedropper (included!).
16. Wancai Mini ($21.25)
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Same as the above, just. Teeny tiny!
17. Diplomat Magnum ($23.20)
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Despite its lofty name, the Diplomat Magnum is pretty slim, not to mention super light. It has a nifty little ink window so you can keep an eye on your ink level and comes Diplomat's soft touch stainless steel nib (in sizes extra-fine to medium) for a super smooth writing experience. This is another pen with a (less pronounced) triangle grip, and comes with a converter included.
18. Pilot Explorer ($23.60)
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Pilot at it again with the superb nibs. Like the Kakuno and the Metropolitan, the Explorer also features a frankly incredible stainless steel nib (in both fine and medium). It comes in several colours and Pilot even deigned to include a converter with this one (though it's a squeeze converter that 1. might be a little unfamiliar to some and 2. kind of sucks in general, so maybe stick to the Pilot cartridges with this one).
19. Faber-Castell Grip ($24.00)
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This pen is literally designed to be a beginner fountain pen, but it still looks pretty sleek, imo. It does feel a little plasticky/cheap, but that Faber-Castell nib writes super smoothly. It only comes in fine, though it writes more like a medium. No converter included with this one (boo-hoo).
20. Kaweco Sport ($25.00)
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Another German pen, and another pocket pen! I love Kaweco nibs (from EF to medium, though you can buy other Kaweco nibs separately), and the Kaweco Sport is a great introduction to pocket pens. They come in a ton of colours and are pretty reliable, though they only take short international cartridges (and a short converter, which, you guessed it, is sold separately). There are several colour and material variations, but the classic has a plastic body and stainless steel nib. Maybe skip if slim writing utensils are not comfortable!
21. Pelikan Twist ($26.00)
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OK, this pen may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I had to add it. It's super funky and the nib (medium) is pretty good. All in all, it's a pretty nifty way to try out a Pelikan, and if you're into the design (and the triangular grip) it can be a fun and reliable daily writer. Converter sold separately (askjdbaklsdjb)
22. TWSBI Swipe ($26.99)
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This pen may not look like it goes over the top, but let me tell you, it does. The TWSBI Swipe boasts no less than four different ways of filling it. You can use your regular cartridge. You can use the (included!!) traditional converter. You can then swap that converter out for a piston converter (also included! what?!), and if you're not happy, you can just eyedropper the whole dang pen. It might be a little too much, too soon for complete newbies, but the learning curve is not very steep, and it's a great way to try out all of these methods on a single pen. Like the TWSBI GO, nibs (stainless steel) go from an extra-fine all the way up to a 1.1mm stub.
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deanwax · 1 year
yes hello
Gina is my name, and Dean Wax is my pseudonym. I have had my pseudonym for long enough that I am comfortable being addressed by it. I use any pronouns, and I'm in the left bit of Australia.
What do you do?
Original queer fiction under the tag #deanwaxwrites
Acrylic painting & ink drawings
VR chat pencil & MS Paint doodles
I am also passionate about watching the performing arts, video games, cooking, and organising my pantry. And eye motifs.
Writing about?
Queer relationships and gender issues
Analysing and/or subverting power dynamics
Horror and trauma
Death and the afterlife (freestyle)
High and low fantasy
Where is your writing?
Behold, my master list.
Why do you write so much M slash?
I did not have a conscious understanding of my own autism for the majority of my life, so I misinterpreted my aversion to heteronormative sexuality and gender as potentially being trans, then explored that through writing (I elaborate here). It turns out I just don't care that much about my own gender or having sex. By the time I came to this realisation, using male characters had just become a comfortable medium. Overall, I don't think it changes that much, as I once gender-swapped a previously completed work to make it F slash with little impact on the overall story (though I concede that Roksana is more interesting than Rasputin).
What do you think of any concept where people are allowed to exist and be treated with fairness?
Yes, good.
What are some important beliefs you hold?
Art makes life worth living.
Immaculate consumption of media does not exist.
Ideological purity culture is a waste of time.
I don't give a damn about conventional publishing.
Asks? Tag games?
Yes but sometimes I can't play because of wildly inconsistent energy levels - it's OK to tag me again another time if I don't respond to a tag.
Can I ask you to proofread/beta read/con-crit my work?
This is an important boundary! No, you can't. I don't accept inbound requests for this labour. If you see me helping someone out, that person didn't ask me directly, I just saw a public post and felt like responding.
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vroomian · 7 months
I don't remember if this question was answered before. Sorry if i am repeating
What are yrz's powers? Special weapon? And is he fighting differently/changes weapons between his roles? Or is it something generic, so no one suspects anything?
hoenstly i have no idea. he fights with magic like Alistor. but text is the main medium for him. ink or digital if you have something resembling a word on you yrz can peel it up and take it. I'm picturing a big fight where yrz is animating the neon signs of the city, the graffiti, the magazines, the newspapers, the shop signs, and any tattoos in sight -- anything can be a weapon for him. the pen is truly mightier than the sword lol.
yrz has nine tails, but he keeps all but one hidden when he's just being normal. so as he uses more power, more tails appear. his wings are made of book pages too.
it makes it nearly impossible to keep secrets from him. he can literally just take the words off a page.
I think yrz can eat words too, just absorb them into himself. it comes from being just a cloud of information in angle form lol.
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
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I've posted a fic on Ao3
@heartstringsduet and I decided a while ago to celebrate the hands of Tarlos in different ways - and this is the result! You can read Michelle's beautiful work here: Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too
(14.7k, E, complete fic uploaded)
Chapter 1: Grip
Chapter 2: Magic Touch
TK realizes exactly how sexy Carlos' hands are after he's injured at work and Carlos has to do everything for him. Inspired, Carlos conducts a little light research and decides to treat his man to a tantric massage, which causes them both to reflect on great sex they've had and how meaningful touch is to them. *** “Maybe I can give you a backrub later.” “I would like that,” TK says seriously, imagining the moment when Carlos’ backrubs escalate from medium-pressure to powerful. The way he’ll sit on TK’s ass and rock his hips as he pushes his thumbs into his scapula. The way TK will feel his own length draw back and forth against the sheets. A few nights back, it drove TK so wild that he flipped them as if he had super-strength from nowhere, and the relaxing, loving backrub became a wrestle. He ended up pinned to his front again with Carlos deep inside him, sucking an ink-black hickey into the side of his neck.
Read on Ao3
Thank you to beautiful @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut for the beta - I appreciate your time and care so much!
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wildfrost-memes · 2 months
Wildfrost Dashboard Simulator:
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🔶 blingbitch69 Follow
Hehehe i love my big ol bag of bling
🪓 f-f-foxtrot Follow
Would be a real shame if someone took all that bling, no?
🔶 blingbitch69 Follow
🌨️ mr-snoffel Follow
Hello. Have some snow.
🔶 blingbitch69 Follow
( 1,674 notes )
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🧊 blockiestblunk Follow
which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
🩷 pink-n-punny Follow
y- you were putting it in cold water?????
✴️ supernova123 Follow
Blunky. Answer the question Blunky.
🧊 blockiestblunk Follow
yeah??? I thought for like 5 years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process, i didn't realize there was an actual reason.
✴️ supernova123 Follow
You don't have the patience to furnace-heat water for three minutes???
🔔 occultisnt Follow
Why are you putting it in a furnace to BOIL IT???
✴️ supernova123 Follow
Do you think I have the patience to boil water by a campfire?
🔔 occultisnt Follow
✴️ supernova123 Follow
🔔 occultisnt Follow
✴️ supernova123 Follow
🎭 p00f5p00f Follow
Just stick the mug in the campfire with a medium flame and it boils in like two minutes... less than that and you use a forging stove...
✴️ supernova123 Follow
🌶️ piss-mentos Follow
Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic.
🫖 bossrooibos Follow
( 20,347 notes )
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⚔️ smackerbacker Follow
Man I love combat. Time to go beat up some stupid squids.
⚔️ smackerbacker Follow
What is this 'ink' stuff?
⚔️ smackerbacker Follow
oh no
( 127 notes )
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🦷shields-n-shades Follow
“average shademancer sacrifices 3 shades a day" factoid actualy just statistical error. average shademancer sacrifices 0 shades a day. Shades Georg, who lives in cave & sacrifices over 1,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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