Where my Insanity hides... here be Voices
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syntia13treeman · 7 hours ago
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Abolish Tesla.
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syntia13treeman · 15 hours ago
We call this “Kraken Enrichment” 🐙🚤
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syntia13treeman · 20 hours ago
reblog if you think sign language should be taught as a language in schools.
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syntia13treeman · 2 days ago
Thank you for your service. 🫡
Hey happy season 2 to the Magnus Protocols,
Ep1 spoilers below, also alchemical ramblings based on ONE SINGULAR line of dialogue
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anyone else’s alchemy brainworms doing work from this part alone?
Freddy discards everything, everything except Sulphur. In alchemy, Sulphur is part of what is known as the Tria Prima (or three prime) alongside two other chemicals, Salt and Mercury. Note that these three do not refer to their literal physical concepts, rather they are conceptual:
Salt is immutable matter, unchanging, the physical body of a person, the ash left behind from an experiment, the salt that remains from boiling seawater.
Mercury is a transitive contradiction, being beyond the traditional boundaries of liquid and solid, life and death. Mercury is the spirit of life or living energy, as well as the potential to combine contents together, a solvent so to speak.
Sulphur is a combustable element. Salt was the stagnant, Mercury was transitive, able to combine two into one, Sulphur was aggressive, the process of changing, the fire and the immutable soul of humanity.
A burning log exemplifies these traits: The fire itself is Sulphur, the combustive changing element, Mercury is the smoke, the wood that has shifted from solid to fluid (gas), The Salt is remnant ashes and charcoal, the immutable and remnant matter of the wood.
In humans, the Salt was the body, Corpus, Mercury to the spirit, Spiritus, (imagination, conscious thought, ego presence, all higher thought, morals. Both the ego and superego), and Sulphur the Soul, the Anima/Animus (innate desires, the id, shadow and subconscious processes. The source of emotions)
Freddy ate Colin's soul
That’s all from your local alchemy nerd for now at least
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syntia13treeman · 2 days ago
(scheduled until everyone hears it) (tmagp 31 spoilers)
i want you all to know that FR3D1 discarded every one of colin's elements EXCEPT for sulfur, which it uploaded
sulfur, in alchemy, represents the soul
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syntia13treeman · 2 days ago
Here are a couple of folders that have already been completed!🤗 19 more to go💪😭
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syntia13treeman · 2 days ago
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syntia13treeman · 2 days ago
Just started episode 31, and damn...
... it sounds a lot like colin has been a cyborg all along?
Extension, privilege revoked? What?
... oh, never mind, those were definitely components of an organic, living being.
Freddie dear, you're being veeeeery creepy now, even for a man eating computer.
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syntia13treeman · 4 days ago
dr who’s on first, doctor strange is on second and doctor house is on third. theres no way theyre getting through a single inning
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syntia13treeman · 4 days ago
Happiness Will Come To You.
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syntia13treeman · 9 days ago
I think that most people didn't read the transcripts, therefore they didn't know the canon spelling, and therefore went with logical shortening of Jonathan, which is Jon.
Hey so does anyone who was in the fandom before me know why we all insist on calling the Archivist "Jon" when Jonny says it's spelled "John"?
Like, it's very funny that we've all collectively decided to ignore him, but it there a reason for it? Or is it just coz it's funny?
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syntia13treeman · 9 days ago
My brain is so annoying.
In many ways, but in this particular instance, it's about how it creates my OCs, in particular assymetrical ones.
There's this guy, you see, who's missing an eye. And when I think about him doing stuff and seeing the world from his POV, he is missing the left eye.
But when I'm thinking about what he looks like, the image in my mind is of what I'd see if I was missing left eye and looking in the mirror.
So effectively what I (and what other OCs) see, is a guy who is missing his right eye. And then I think about him walking side by side with a friend, the friend is on his blind side, so on the left, but then I switch POV to the friend and suddenly either he is on the right, or Cziszi's working eye is on the other side, and wait, which eye is he supposed to be missing anyway? I get confused and spend several minutes trying to figure out the directions and forget what they were actually doing or talking about.
So annoyoing.
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syntia13treeman · 12 days ago
I think they realized sth was up when tape recorders kept appearing out of thin air and Georgie and Melanie kept smashing them with extreme prejudice.
so people in the original universe know that the tapes are bad news :0 do yall think basira, melanie, n georgie all together told them or was it somethin else? :3
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syntia13treeman · 12 days ago
In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.
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P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
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syntia13treeman · 13 days ago
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Hundreds of people marched in Minneapolis on Friday to honor missing and murdered Indigenous relatives. Between 27 and 54 American Indian women and girls in Minnesota were missing in any given month from 2012 to 2020, according to the Minnesota Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Office.
Star Tribune, Photos by Leila Navidi.
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syntia13treeman · 14 days ago
That fucker, that reprehensible little cockroach, that loud-mouthed shit-stain, my poor little meow-meow.
you should listen to red valley podcast. there’s a clive shill in there
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syntia13treeman · 15 days ago
As per request, attempted breakdown under cut.
One thing to keep in mind about Malevolent is that it is based on RPG "Call of Cthulhu", so possibly it is easier to follow for people familiar with mythos of that. Also because it is based on a game, sometimes the author will throw in a side-quest that seems to be unrelated to the main plot and this can be confusing. Also also - the author lets his audience on Patreon make most of important decisions that Arthur has to make (roughly 4 times per episode), so if it feels like Arthur is a little bit unhinged, that's part of the reason why.
So. The first episode starts kind of in the middle of the story; the protagonist, Arthur, wakes up unable to see and not remembering much of what happened before. He has to do some investigating to piece it together.
Disclaimer:I don't quite recall when each part of the following was revealed, so it might be a bit spoilery for early episodes, but:
We are in America in 1920s, and at some point in recent past a group of cultists tried to summon some dark god from another dimension. A different entity, I'll call it 'demon' for now, took that opportunity to escape said other dimension, but something went wrong and instead of running free it got stuck in a magic book the cultists had.
Sometime later, two detectives - Arthur Lester and Peter 'Parker' Yang - found the book while searching for a missing girl, Emily. (Emily was found dead by the police in the meantime). Arthur and Peter took the book to their office with them, then Arthur tried to read it. In doing so, he accidentally released the trapped demon. The demon became bound to Arthur, can speak to him in his head, and also controls Arthur's eyes, leaving Arthur blind. The first thing the demon does when released from the book is kill the first person he sees - detective Peter. This is where episode 1 starts. 
Arthur tries to figure out what happened to him and his partner; he visits several locations that seem relevant to situation: a bookstore, an abandoned house, a library. Along the way he has a run-in with a cultist wearing a pale mask, he finds a place where the ritual took place, and has a fight with Eddie (building supervisor). During that fight the demon gains control over Arthur's left hand and kills Eddie with it.
So now Arthur has no eyes, only one hand, and two dead bodies to worry about.
Instead of dealing with any of that he decides to try to find another missing girl, Amanda. On the way to the town she's supposed to be in Arthur stops to investigate an abandoned car, and has a whole sidequest about rescuing a random kidnapped baby, first from the kidnapper and then from a wraith.
Things like this will continue to happen. :)
Arthur and his demon will continue to fight and argue and swear a lot while running from horrible creatures, cultists, and the police.
So I started actaully listening to Malevolent, and I have no fucking idea what's going on. I sorta got what episode 3 was, but it took me like 2 months to get to that episode and now I'm just confused??? I'm just seriously not used to this format of episodes and the length of the episodes. 😞😞
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