#danny runner and the ghost crown
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23th lineart for this year's @green-with-envy-phandom-event!
Looking yourself in the eye, admitting that you haven't done your best, that your enormous potential is untapped... it takes courage, to admit that you can be stronger, to hold your own hands and do a dance turn. The strange thing, though, is when this isn't a metaphor, but you find yourself in the room with an alternate version of yourself that is much stronger than you.
A little crossover between the one who was originally created as "Monarch Vlad" (and who is now an alternate multiversal version of Vlad Masters, named Vladislav Korolkrovi) and the original Vlad. One of the two has put on the crown and the ring, and this, trust me, can make all the difference in the world.
This is a collaboration: Lines by @trinoxtrinox, sketch (but only of the characters! The room was drawn by Trinox) and color by Furia again (because this year the artist duo Furiarossa&Mimma is split in half! We'll be competing against each other, in two different teams... but still, all the stuff will be posted on the same Tumblr account, or Patreon, or wherever you follow us)
And here's a new feature! Since we're working on a card game, and we want to give all the other participants (and spectators of this event) a fun "demo", we've decided that each of the completed illustrations will be used to make a "Let's Play! Overlord" (more details in the future) card.
All the cards will then be collected at the end in a pdf file and will be freely available to everyone, becoming a print-to-play game that we hope will be fun, and that will include easter eggs and other little treats, but will also be perfectly playable within the main game.
So here is the 23th card of this special promo set: A dance with your ego.
[Oh, and a lot more of our Danny Phantom fanarts: Here’s our tag]
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#greenwithenvy2025#green-with-envy#danny phantom#vlad plasmius#monarch vlad#vladislav korolkrovi#crossover#project regis irae#danny runner and the ghost crown#collaboration digital art#colored work#art#my art#fanart#my fanart#let's play!overlord#card game#card#demo#2025#trinox
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Here's my piece for the first day of Phantasy Phest- Fantasy Eldritch AU @phantasycentral
Danny stares up at the building. It's nondescript, just some random office building in Chicago.
Or, so one would think.
He takes the last few steps to the door, raises his hand, and knocks.
Truth be told, some random, nondescript office building in uptown Chicago wasn't exactly what he was imagining when he agreed to go to the Conclave.
He sticks his hands in his pockets and stares up at the door, waiting to be let in.
Becoming the King of Ghosts wasn't something that he had planned on. Finish middle school, go to high school, go to college for something STEM related and get his master's degree or go to one of the NASA pilot schools, and be an astronaut. That had been the plan.
And then... zap, and ghosts were real and also his problem.
Danny sighs and knocks again.
"You know, if you don't let me in I'll just phase through the door," he calls.
He's in his human form right now, which is probably why they're ignoring him. Though, it is his first time at the Conclave, and the first time a ghost has been to one in a very long time.
The door opens soundlessly; no one stands there. Alright, he can appreciate the creepy aesthetic.
He strides in through the door, head held high. As he crosses the boundary, he lets his transformation wash over him. His steps lighten as his hair does, gravity and color both bleeding from him. The faint chill and weight of his crown settles over his head and his shoulders become just a tad bit heavier as his cloak manifests out of the aether, the fabric-but-not flaring out behind him as he walks.
The inside of the building is nothing like the outside. The plain, ordinary facade outside is carried over for about seven or eight steps before he comes upon a shimmering barrier. Stepping through it feels like walking through a cool mist, faint popping spreading over his skin from the magic in it.
Past that point, the interior design matches up better to his imagination of the locale of the Conclave. It looks like the inside of an old castle, the dingy grey linoleum switching to a warm, wooden floor covered in a blood red carpet. The walls are stone instead of the off-white painted drywall, stretching high up to thick, wooden beams that bracket the tall, arched ceiling. Torches are positioned at regular intervals on the walls, burning with a pale purple flame; heavy and dark metal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, that same pale purple flame burning there instead of any candles.
He continues to walk down the red carpet—ha—to the massive, sweeping staircase at the end of the hall. The thing is made out of what looks like the same stone as the walls and the carpet continues up the stairs to the large, arched double doors.
Honestly, if it wasn't for his innate sense of space, he'd think that the magic barrier was a teleportation spell. As it was, it was only thanks to just that that he knew this was a sort of pocket dimension. He was in the same general area relative to where the building was, but slightly... to the left? Tilted. A little liminal, which he liked. He wasn't too familiar with the living's magic, but even he could tell that this was an impressive feat.
Danny finishes his ascent, finally standing in front of the double doors. They're similar to the chandeliers in that they're made out of that same dark metal. It couldn't be iron, though.
He opens the doors with a push of his telekinesis and strides through. A massive, circular table seating eleven greets him, the marble covered by a black runner and topped with more of those silver light candles in an intricate candle holder.
"Hello," he greets the assorted eleven mildly. "You have me at a disadvantage. My name is Danny Phantom. You all are...?"
Oh, some of them bristle at that. He can taste their irritation and incredulity. If he came back to another Conclave, they'd get to know very fast that he wasn't one to be respectful unless it was earned. Yes, these people were the rulers of their respective species. No, Danny didn't give a shit.
Surprisingly, one's threshold for respect and the like tended to shift after getting into fistfights with gods at the tender age of fourteen.
The woman at the head of the table speaks up first, raising her chin. "I am Queen Adelaide of the Witches. We tend to the this hall that hosts the Conclave, and bid you welcome to our table."
Her purple eyes flick over to look to the man next to her. He's thin-boned and almost waifish, reminding Danny of a hummingbird. His ears are also long and come to a point, but the feathers that sprout from his brows and wrap around his temples to mix into his hair strike out elf.
"I am King Ashok of the Avians."
Danny inclines his head to him. Just as before, though, the next person starts to talk almost immediately afterwards. He's tall, even sitting, with broad shoulders. His face is long, and his thick, bushy sideburns stretch down to his chin.
"King Bedwyr of the Werecreatures. I represent all the Were tribes."
It makes sense, since his eyes are also an inhuman amber gold. A werewolf, perhaps? Or a werebear? Danny dips his head once more. He's not too well-versed in were politics, since the Dead tribes are fiercely independent and territorial. Wulf was a bit of an outlier in that regard.
"Welcome, Phantom," the next woman says with a smile. It's sharp, though, and the lack of a title before his name is quite telling. "I am Myrto, Queen of the Sirens."
Ahh, alright.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," he returns, just as mildly as his greeting. "I've always enjoyed talking with Queen Peisinoe when visiting her domain in the Realms. She's told me many stories about her time amongst the living. She and Lady Pandora are some of my dearest friends."
It becomes a little difficult to hold onto his mild smile as her eyes widen slightly and her face twists like she's bitten into a lemon, though.
He might be young, but he's been dealing with ghost politics for a while now. He can recognize the snub and return fire just as well as any of these people.
Peisinoe had told him how bratty the current Siren Queen was, though, so he's not too surprised.
"'ello!" The next woman, a chubby and red-cheeked lady with long, brown hair and a fur coat smiles at him. "I'm the Queen of the Selkies. Just call me Boann, though, King Phantom."
"Call me Danny, then," he returns, smile growing and morphing into something a little more genuine.
"I am King Celal of the mer. I represent all from under the water. It is a pleasure to meet the keeper of the Below Deeps."
Right. In the mers' religion, that's their afterlife. It's a pretty cool area, even if Danny doesn't often go. He makes the water too cold for some of the people living there.
"Well met, King Phantom." The next man looks similar to King [Avian], but without the feathers and with longer ears. His hair's long and thin and his skin is almost unhealthily pale. "I am the Erlkönig, the Elf King. You may call me Eadric."
"Well met."
"I'm Enitan, King Under the Mountains. Nice to meet ya!" The dwarf king is taller than Danny would've imagined, but the impressive, braided strawberry blond beard he's sporting fits right in.
The next person starts to talk even as Danny's still nodding at the Dwarf King.
"I am Verner, King of the Dragons." The man's eyes are like liquid gold and slitted like a cat's. Faint golden scales trail across his pronounced cheekbones up to and across his forehead, though it's harder to see them there thanks to the King's blond bangs.
"I am Doroteia, Queen of the Nymphs," the final woman says. She wouldn't look out of place in the Realms with her green skin and plant matter hair, vines and leaves cascading down her back.
"And finally, I am Ciprian, King of the Vampires." The last man says. He sits next to the Witch Queen, on the side opposite to the Avian King. They almost look like siblings, with the same pale skin—though Adelaide's was paler—and long dark hair. The only other distinguishing mark between them was the Vampire King's blood red eyes and more angular features.
"Thank you all for the welcome," Danny says, nodding to everyone in general.
He floats forward from the doors to the table, not putting on the pretense of walking. There's one open space there, but no chair.
Danny stops a short distance from the table. The others' chairs look standard and not like they'd brought or made them, so it wasn't a test of any kind.
Hm. Well...
"Queen Adelaide, you bid me welcome to your table. Was that merely a platitude?" He asks, perfectly and unnaturally still.
Tsk, tsk. Offering hospitality and then not being hospitable was quite the dangerous business—she of all people would know, keeping an elf in her council.
"Phantom," Adelaide starts, a pretty smile gracing her face despite the snub she just dealt, "You are the first of your kind in centuries to grace our halls. Please forgive us, of course, for being..." she trails off slightly, a tilting head cascading dark hair off her shoulder. "Hesitant."
"Oh?" Danny fishes.
"You wear an oversized crown, child," Verner butts in, chin high and draconic pride very clearly showing through. "More to that, you look human. What proof is there that you are whom you say you are?"
Ah. Ah.
Danny takes a breath. Then, he... relaxes. The boundaries between living and dead, thin that they already are in him, dissolve down to the merest atom, a whisper of a breath on knife's edge. Power whips about him with enough force to tousle his hair and toss the ends of his cloak about even as it shifts, lengthens, the night sky growing from his shoulders. His form unspools from his remnants of mortality, growing and bathing the space in him. Nebulae dance around the edges of the room, a starlight glow emanating from his form. The chill of deep space is contained easily enough, massing with the inexorable pull of gravity that makes up the dark of his chest and limbs. His crown floats over his head, burning the cold blue of ice planets, spikes of the stuff climbing in delicate spires. Small satellites orbit his crown—four of them, all different colors.
For all that Danny was starstuff, his eyes always were of the Realms. Green, green like the air and the earth and the everything that made up the Realms. Pure ectoplasmic green burns in his eyes, bright enough to be supernovae in their own right.
"Is this what you imagined? Am I properly monstrous now?" Danny asks, voice echoing throughout the room. He watches the Were King's fur raise, the Avian King's feathers ruffle. "I maintain a visage of humanity by my own liking, but I am so much more than just that."
He lets his form drift just a little more, his chest and arms whisping out like his legs until he's more or less a star-studded amorphous mass with a head on top. Even that, though, is... Other. His mouth is too large, he knows, and his eyes too deep and too many, all contained within his sockets, irises many and varied as stars in the sky.
His crown burns cold over his head, hanging in the air.
"I am the Shield of the After, Protector of the Beyond. I am the One Between, the Balance, the Shepard, and the Guiding Star. The Tyrant-Killer. Deathless and Lifeless. I am the High King of the Infinite Realms."
As much as he had raged against taking the crown—all he was trying to do was protect his town, after all—he couldn't help but admit to himself that he... kinda liked it. Not the power, of course. That he could do without. All that paperwork? The bowing and scraping? Nah.
But the fact that he was able to do these things, to be these things... to help the dead as much as the living... it soothed something in him, fulfilled him in a way that being the protector of Amity did.
"I accepted the invitation to this Conclave with the hope of improving relations between the Living and the Dead. I did not come to be ridiculed and doubted, especially by mere mortals such as yourselves."
He can see the various Rulers' breaths misting in the air, the temperature dropping father by the second. Space was cold, after all. Danny very graciously doesn't allow the oxygen and atmosphere to vacate as it would in actual space.
He doesn't want to kill them, after all, just... give them a little scare.
The edges of the room waver, the witches' spellwork trembling under his presence. He extends what may have once been a hand but now resembled more of a tendril, or perhaps a bit of a galactic swirl, towards the nearest surface.
It happens to be the table.
It takes laughably little energy to shore up the witches' spellwork, the space growing more defined in an instant.
Pettily, he also adds a chair to the weave. It's just barely bigger than the others' chairs, made from ice and upholstered in neon green fabric.
He positions his form above the chair and beings the annoying process of reeling himself back into something manageable and humanoid, gravity increasing and compounding until the black of his body folds onto itself, defined edges forming once more. He reels the stars back into himself, tucking plenty inside his cloak. The chill, however, doesn't completely disappear.
Danny's head is the last thing to come back to normal, growing smaller and less mindbendingly awful and settling in its proper position on his neck. His eyes don't quite go back to normal either, though. He keeps the depth and the multiplicity, since he's been complimented on their fear-inducing properties many a time.
"Now, may we begin?" Danny asks politely, voice merely ethereal instead of booming and all-encompassing.
Pale, the Witch Queen just nods.
"So, how was it?" Sam asks him later, fastballing a chocolate chip muffin directly at his forehead as he walks in through the door.
"Did the vampires sparkle?" Tucker yells his question from further into their shared home.
Danny snorts, snatching the muffin from where he'd instinctively made it bob in the air, held inches away from his skin. "The vampire didn't sparkle, Tuck. And it was pretty fun! I got to go full abomination!"
"Hell yeah." Sam holds her hand up and he returns the high five. "Whatever they did, they deserved it."
Danny laughs as he drops onto their couch. "Yeah, they're not going to make that mistake again any time soon."
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Best of Marvel: Week of October 2nd, 2019
Runner Up: Ghost Rider #1 (Legacy #237) - Ed Brisson, Aaron Kuder, Jason Keith and Joe Caramagna

The Riders roar again!
After months of teasing and anticipation, we finally have a new series centered around Danny Ketch, Johnny Blaze and their constant conflict with the forces that stand against them in Hell.
With Mephisto locked away in his Las Vegas prison (which also makes his appearances in other recent stories very confusing), Johnny Blaze has been crowned the new King of Hell and has inherited all that comes with the position. He's required to torture souls, oversee the operations in Hell and ensure that demons never escape which seems to be the most common occurrence as some do NOT respect Blaze.

One such breakout results in Blaze having to leave Hell for a bit to hunt down the escaped demons and to do that, he tries to enlist the help of his brother, Danny Ketch. Ketch, having gone through the ringer while watching another Rider get murdered by Carnage, has decided to do his best to stay away from the horrid life of being a Rider unless the urge for Vengeance becomes too powerful for him to take. One such evening brings him back to help his brother defeat a wandering demon, but declining his offer to hunt them down.
Danny laments becoming the Rider at his mother's funeral, the lack of stable relationships he's been able to maintain and the life of death and destruction he'll never escape. He visits his mother's grave and, of course, his mother's spirit comes with a warning about Johnny Blaze. As it turns out, the once semi-noble Blaze has let hell corrupt his soul and only Danny (and to a lesser extent Robbie Reyes in the Avengers) can stop him.
Aaron Kuder has been a hit or miss artist to me in the past, so I'm glad to say that his art was a stellar hit on this first awesome issue. While a lot of backgrounds lacked the gory details that other depictions of hell have had this far, that's more than made up for by the detail on characters like Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch as well as the various demons they encounter through the issue.

Johnny and Danny look very similar as Riders, but they do have some things that differentiate themselves from the other. Johnny is shown to have fiery horns above his head, symbolizing his crown as King of Hell, silver gauntlets and a grey outline for a chest plate(?), similar to the rectangle that used to adorn his leather jacket. Danny, of course, still maintains a spiked leather jacket and spiked gauntlets in Rider form.
The fight visuals are something else entirely, consisting of stylish motorcycle combat with flames shooting out of the back of Danny’s bike as well as his chain waving through the air as if it had a life of its own. Jason Keith on the colors was an amazing choice as the entire story feels like it came out of the mid 90s grunge era. There are badass dark reds, bright oranges and yellows as well as very dark inks to show just how dark the Ghost Rider story is. Kuder does his best to bring the cool back to Ghost Rider, though did it ever really leave?
There’s also this slight feeling of dread as a new villain emerges and with Mephisto musing of change on the horizon and the final page stinger, there’s this feeling that something big is coming for the Ghost Riders. In much the same way we had a revival for Venom post Space Knight, this series is likely to be that amazing set up for bigger and badder things.

#marvel comics#marvel horror#marvel#ghost rider#danny ketch#johnny blaze#ed brisson#aaron kuder#jason keith
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200-1:My best of the best
This is it. The last of the best of the best from my top 1000 personal list basing it on so many factors which I will not reveal right now
200 Lindsay Ell - Worth The Wait 199 Jason Aldean - She's Country 198 Temperance - Save Me 197 Cimorelli - Oceans [cover] 196 Danny Gokey - Rise 195 Joe Nichols - Sunny & 75 194 Dream - When I Get There 193 Martina McBride - Just Around The Corner 192 Nemesea - Forever 191 3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time 190 Cimorelli - Reckless Love [cover] 189 Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out Of Touch 188 Christina Perri - Arms 187 Rachael Fahim - What I Don't Know 186 Kira Isabella - Shake It If Ya Got It 185 Cimorelli - I Can Only Imagine / What A Beautiful Name [cover] 184 Baylor Wilson - Daddy's Girl 183 Koralyst - Run Away 182 Runner Runner - So Obvious 181 Cimorelli - Never Let Me Fall 180 Oblivious Signal - Crash 179 April Kry - While We're Young 178 Kerrie Roberts - Come Back to Life 177 Lindsay Pagano - Everything U R 176 Cimorelli - Easy To Forget Me 175 Luke Bryan - I Don't Want This Night To End 174 Skillet - Hero 173 Third Eye Blind - Never Let You Go 172 Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment 171 Five Finger Death Punch - I Apologize 170 Walk In Darkness - A Way To The Stars 169 Zac Brown Band - My Old Man 168 Cimorelli - Pretty Pink 167 Chris Young - Who I Am With You 166 Kobra & The Lotus - Light Me Up 165 Ashentide - Homelands 164 Lindsey Carrier - I Would 163 Britney Spears - Stronger 162 Aaron Shust - My Hope Is In You 161 Kenny Chesney - Rich & Miserable 160 Abi Ann - Future Ex-Boyfriend 159 Atlantis Bound - It Was My Fault For Waiting 158 LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live 157 Shinedown - If You Only Knew 156 All That Remains - The Thunder Rolls 155 Cimorelli - One More Night 154 Matt Moore - Fading 153 Of Mice & Men - Feels Like Forever 152 Delta Goodrem - Believe Again 151 Matthew West - The Motions 150 Signum Regis - Come And Take It 149 Temperance - Of Jupiter And Moons 148 Unwritten Law - Seein' Red 147 Cimorelli - Fight Song [cover] 146 Ashley Tisdale - He Said She Said 145 Eclipses For Eyes - DeadWeight 144 M2M - Everything 143 Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway 142 Elferya - Fairytale 141 Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles 140 12 Stones - Broken 139 David Cook - Light On 138 Joanna Beasley - Energy 137 Adley Stump - Stay At Home Soldier 136 Carmen Justice - Flaming Arrows 135 Cimorelli - Hearts On Fire 134 Hollow Haze - An Ancient Story 133 Veracity - Back To Life 132 Against Myself - Through The End Of Times 131 Cassie Steele - Bluebird 130 Chris Young / Cassadee Pope - Think Of You 129 Cimorelli - I Got You 128 Sleeping Romance - Where The Light Is Bleeding 127 Starset - Carnivore 126 Tim McGraw - Humble And Kind 125 Helion Prime - Life Finds A Way 124 Cimorelli - Fall Back 123 Play - Us Against The World 122 The Ones You Forgot - Here Forever 121 Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn 120 Sirenia - Dim Days Of Dolor 119 Belinda - See A Little Light 118 Kelsea Ballerini - Peter Pan 117 Scene 23 - I Really Don't Think So 116 Within Silence - Heroes Must Return 115 Adora - Save Yourself 114 Christie Lamb - Judgment Day 113 Don Henley - The Boys Of Summer 112 Paula DeAnda / The Dey - Walk Away (Remember Me) 111 Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift & Keith Urban - Highway Don't Care 110 Roxette - Listen To Your Heart 109 Maggie Baugh - Catch Me 108 Hilary Duff - So Yesterday 107 Hinder - Better Than Me 106 Searching Alaska - Abandoner 105 Touchstone - Contact 104 Blameshift - Secrets 103 The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright 102 Trivium - Strife 101 Weezer - Pork And Beans 100 Zoe Ann - Better Than Revenge 99 Cimorelli - Hope For It 98 Love & The Outcome - King Of My Heart 97 Silversyde - Circus Circus 96 The Dirty Youth - Alive 95 Stone Sour - Bother 94 Lost In Atlantis - Hypnotic 93 Britt Nicole - Believe 92 Caroline Kole - If He'd Ever Look Up 91 Cellar Darling - Avalanche 90 Michelle Branch - All You Wanted 89 Seduce The Heaven - Reflection 88 No Secrets - That's What Girls Do 87 Cimorelli - Before October's Gone 86 Natalie - Goin' Crazy 85 Willa Ford - I Wanna Be Bad 84 April Kry - Perfectly Imperfect 83 Victoria Avenue - Knock Knock 82 Skillet - Rebirthing 81 Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box 80 3 Doors Down - Here Without You 79 Abi Ann - Matches 78 Stacie Orrico - I Promise 77 N Sync - Tearin' Up My Heart 76 Divine Ascension - Answers 75 Halflives - Crown 74 Lonestar - Amazed 73 Elisa - Come Speak To Me 72 All That Remains - What If I Was Nothing 71 Lights - Second Go 70 Tight Leash - Closer To God 69 Starset - Halo 68 Shiny Toy Guns - You Are The One 67 Melissa O'Neil - Speechless 66 Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful Of Sunshine 65 Skarlett Riot - The Wounded 64 Cimorelli - Alive 63 Joanna Beasley - Rooftops 62 Ashley Tisdale - It's Alright, It's OK 61 Bad Pollyanna - Hollow 60 Jump5 - Beautiful World 59 Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun 58 Rachael Fahim - Brake Lights 57 Krystal Meyers - The Beauty of Grace 56 Sleeping Romance - The Promise Inside 55 Crossfade - Cold 54 Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want 53 Lillix - It's About Time 52 P.O.D. - Alive 51 Fools For Rowan - Dead 50 Cimorelli - Good Enough 49 Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield 48 April Kry - Beauty Queen 47 Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody 46 Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World 45 Pia Ashley - Dream 44 Goo Goo Dolls - Here Is Gone 43 Bryan Adams - Heaven 42 Lastwatch - The Countdown 41 The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight 40 Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars 39 Mixi - I Miss Those Days (Ghost) 38 Britney Spears - Born To Make You Happy 37 Kerrie Roberts - Outcast 36 1GN - While We're Young 35 M2M - Don't Say You Love Me 34 Cimorelli - Worth The Fight 33 Savvy & Mandy - Comin' Back As A Cowboy 32 Amaranthe - Hunger 31 Tori Darke - Disposable 30 Belinda & Finley - Your Hero 29 Hearts Under Fire - Knots 28 Eden's Crush - Get Over Yourself 27 Delain - Stardust 26 Stephanie McIntosh - So Do I Say Sorry First 25 'Song Suffragettes' Crew - Female [cover] 24 Caitlyn Shadbolt - Running In Circles 23 KSM - Read Between The Lines 22 Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing 21 Kaylens Rain - Is That All There Is 20 Natalie Grant - I Will Not Be Moved 19 Victoria Avenue - Quit You 18 Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me 17 Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer 16 Three Days Grace - Never Too Late 15 R.E.M. - Losing My Religion 14 Icon For Hire - Get Well 13 Dream - He Loves U Not 12 Pearl Jam - Jeremy 11 Megan & Liz - Simple Life 10 Within Temptation / Tarja - Paradise (What About Us?) 9 Creed - With Arms Wide Open 8 Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dying 7 Fuel - Hemorrhage (In My Hands) 6 Aly & AJ - Rush 5 Gary Allan - Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain) 4 Linkin Park - One Step Closer 3 Scorpions - Wind Of Change 2 Carrie Underwood - Blown Away 1 Cimorelli - You're Worth It
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Just a little black ballpoint pen sketch for "Danny Runner and the Ghost Crown (you can read it here on Wattpad and A03). Not quite a scene, this time, but more of a... vibe.
I'm obsessed with this new story. Obsessed. And can't wait for y'all to understand WHY. I get it, for now it's a "normal" story. But... * bites lip * okay, I can't tell a word, for now. I can't and I won't.
Look at this creepy Danny instead.
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#danny runner#danny runner and the ghost crown#project regis irae#multiversal project#traditional art#danny phantom#art#my art#black and white#ballpoint pen#black ballpoint pen#2024#the way of legends#human#humanoid
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Fleetwood Mac 1969 to 1974 [Box Set] 2020 Rhino ————————————————— Tracks CD One: Then Play On 01. Coming Your Way 02. Closing My Eyes 03. Fighting for Madge 04. When You Say 05. Show Biz Blues 06. Underway 07. One Sunny Day 08. Although the Sun Is Shining 09. Rattlesnake Shake 10. Without You 11. Searching for Madge 12. My Dream 13. Like Crying 14. Before the Beginning 15. Oh Well 16. The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown) 17. World in Harmony
Tracks CD Two: Kiln House 01. This Is the Rock 02. Station Man 03. Blood on the Floor 04. Hi Ho Silver 05. Jewel Eyed Judy 06. Buddy’s Son 07. Earl Gray 08. One Together 09. Tell Me All the Things You Do 10. Mission Bell 11. Dragonfly 12. Purple Dancer 13. Jewel Eyed Judy [single version] 14. Station Man [single version]
Tracks CD Three: Future Games 01. Woman of 1000 Years 02. Morning Rain 03. What a Shame 04. Future Games 05. Sands of Time 06. Sometimes 07. Lay It All Down 08. Show Me a Smile 09. Sands of Time [single version] 10. Sometimes [alternate version] 11. Lay It All Down [alternate version] 12. Stone 12. Show Me a Smile [alternate version] 13. What a Shame [unedited]
Tracks CD Four: Bare Trees 01. Child of Mine 02. The Ghost 03. Homeward Bound 04. Sunny Side of Heaven 05. Bare Trees 06. Sentimental Lady 07. Danny’s Chant 08. Spare Me a Little of Your Love 09. Dust 10. Thoughts on a Grey Day 11. Trinity 12. Sentimental Lady [single version]
Tracks CD Five: Penguin 01. Remember Me 02. Bright Fire 03. Dissatisfied 04. (I’m a) Road Runner 05. The Derelict 06. Revelation 07. Hand in Hand 08. Night Watch 09. Caught in the Rain
Tracks CD Six: Mystery to Me 01. Emerald Eyes 02. Believe Me 03. Just Crazy Love 04. Hypnotized 05. Forever 06. Keep on Going 07. The City 08. Miles Away 09. Somebody 10. The Way I Feel 11. For Your Love 12. Why 13. For Your Love 14. Good Things (Come to Those Who Wait)
Tracks CD Seven: Heroes Are Hard to Find 01. Heroes Are Hard to Find 02. Coming Home 03. Angel 04. Bermuda Triangle 05. Come a Little Bit Closer 06. She’s Changing Me 07. Bad Loser 08. Silver Heels 09. Prove Your Love 10. Born Enchanter 11. Safe Harbour 12. Heroes Are Hard to Find [single version]
Tracks CD Eight: Live from the Record Plant 12-15-74 01. The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown) 02. Angel 03. Spare Me a Little of Your Love 04. Sentimental Lady 05. Future Games 06. Bermuda Triangle 07. Why 08. Believe Me 09. Black Magic Woman • Oh Well 10. Rattlesnake Shake 11. Hypnotized —————————————————
* Long Live Rock Archive
#FleetwoodMac#Mick Fleetwood#Peter Green#Danny Kirwan#Christine McVie#John McVie#Jeremy Spencer#Bob Welch#Bob Weston#1969 to 1974#Compilation#Fleetwood Mac#Box Set#Blues#2020
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List of NES Games
10 Yard Fight 1942 1943 3-D Worldrunner 720 degrees 8 Eyes A Nightmare on Elm Street Abadox The Addams Family The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Dragonstrike Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Heroes of the Lance Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Hillsfar Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's: Pool of Radiance Adventure Island Adventure Island II Adventure Island III Adventures in the Magic Kingdom The Adventures of Bayou Billy The Adventures of Dino Riki The Adventures of Gilligan's Island The Adventures of Lolo The Adventures of Lolo II The Adventures of Lolo III The Adventures of Rad Gravity The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Air Fortress Airwolf Al Unser Jr.s Turbo Racing Alfred Chicken Alien 3 Alien Syndrome All Pro Basketball Alpha Mission Amagon American Gladiators Anticipation Arch Rivals: A Basket Brawl! Archon Arkanoid Arkistas Ring Astyanax Athena Athletic World Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Baby Boomers Back to the Future Back to the Future II & III Bad Dudes Bad News Baseball Bad Street Brawler Ballon Fight Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Bandit King's of Ancient China Barbie Bard's Tale Barker Bill's Trick Shooting Base Wars - Cyber Stadium Series Baseball Baseball Simulator 1.000 Baseball Stars Baseball Stars II Bases Loaded Bases Loaded II: Second Season Bases Loaded III Bases Loaded IV Batman Batman Returns Batman: Return of the Joker Battle Chess The Battle of Olympus Battle Tank Battleship Battletoads Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Beetlejuice Best of the Best: Championship Karate Bigfoot Bill and Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge Bionic Commando Black Bass Blades of Steel Blaster Master Blue Marlin The Blue's Brothers Bo Jackson Baseball Bomberman Bomberman II Bonk's Adventure Boulder Dash A Boy and His Blob Bram Stoker's Dracula Break Time: The National Pool Tour Breakthru Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble: Part 2 Bucky Ohare The Bug's Bunny Birthday Blowout The Bug's Bunny Crazy Castle Bump N Jump Burai Fighter Burgertime Cabal Caesars Palace California Games Captain America and the Avengers Captain Planet Captain Skyhawk Casino Kid Casino Kid 2 Castelian Castle of Dragon Castlequest Castlevania Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Caveman Games Championship Bowling Championship Pool The Chessmaster Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 Chubby Cherub Circus Caper City Connection Clash at Demonhead Classic Concentration Cliffhanger Clu Clu Land Cobra Command Cobra Triangle Code Name: Viper Color a Dinosaur Commando Conan: The Mysteries of Time Conflict Conquest of The Crystal Palace Contra Contra Force Cool World Cowboy Kid Crash N the Boy's: Street Challenge Crystalis Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine Dance Aerobics Danny SulIvans Indy Heat Darkman Darkwing Duck Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum Day Dreamin Davey Day's of Thunder Deadly Tower's Defender II Defender of the Crown Defenders of Dynatron City Deja Vu Demon Sword Desert Commander Destination Earth Star Destiny of an Emperor Dick Tracy Die Hard Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City Dirty Harry: The War Against Drugs Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong Classics Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong Jr. Math Double Dare Double Dragon Double Dragon II: The Revenge Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stone Double Dribble Dr. Chaos Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Mario Dragon Fighter Dragon Power Dragon Spirit: The New Legend Dragon Warrior Dragon Warrior II Dragon Warrior III Dragon Warrior IV Dragon's Lair Duck Hunt Duck Tales Duck Tales II Dungeon Magic Dusty Diamonds All-Star Softball Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus Elevator Action Eliminator Boat Duel The Empire Strikes Back Evert and Lendl Top Player's Tennis Excitebike F-117A Stealth Fighter F-15 Strike Eagle Family Feud Faria: A World of Mystery and Danger Faxanadu Felix the Cat Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge Fester's Quest Final Fantasy Fire N Ice Fisher Price: Firehouse Rescue Fisher Price: I Can Remember Fisher Price: Perfect Fit Fist of the North Star Flight of the Intruder The Flintstones The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll Flying Warrior's Formula 1: Built to Win Frankenstein: The Monster Returns Freedom Force Friday the 13th Fun House G.I. Joe G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor Galaga Galaxy 5000 Gargoyles Quest II Gauntlet Gauntlet II Guardian Legend Gemfire Genghis Khan George Foreman's KO Boxing Ghostbusters Ghostbusters II Ghost's N Goblins Ghoul School Goal! Goal! Two Gold Medal Challenge 92 Golf Golf Grand Slam Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode The Goonies II Gotcha! Gradius The Great Waldo Search Greg Norman's Golf Power Gremlins 2: The New Batch The Guardian Legend Guerilla War Gumshoe Gun Nac Gunsmoke Gyromite Gyross Harlem Globetrotters Hatris Heavy Barrel Heavy Shreddin High Speed Hogan's Alley Hollywood Squares Home Alone Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Hook Hoop's Hudson Hawk The Hunt for Red October Hydlide Ice Climber Ice Hockey Ikari Warriors Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue Image Fight The Immortal The Incredible Crash Dummies Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Infiltrator Iron Tak Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors II Isolated Warrior "Ivan ""Iron Man"" Stewarts Super Off-Road" Jack Nicklaus Major Championship Golf Jackal Jackie Chans Action Kung Fu James Bond Jr. Jaws Jeopardy! Jeopardy! 25th Silver Anniversary Edition Jeopardy! Jr. Edition The Jetsons: Cogswells Caper Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Joe and Mac John Elways Quarterback Jordan VS. Bird: One-On-One Journey to Silius Joust The Jungle Book Jurassic Park Kabuki: Quantum Fighter Karate Champ Karate Kid Karnov Kick Master Kickle Cubicle Kid Icarus Kid Klown in Night Mayor World Kid Kool Kid Niki King's Knight King's of the Beach King's Quest V Kirby's Adventure Kiwi Kraze Klashball Knight Rider The Krion Conquest Krusty's Funhouse Kong Fu Kung Fu Heroes Laser Invasion Last Action Hero Last Ninja The Last Starfighter Lee Trevinos Fighting Golf The Legacy of the Wizard Legend of Ghost Lion The Legend of Kage The Legend of Zelda Legendary Wing's Legend's of the Diamond Lemmings Lempereur Lethal Weapon Life Force Little League Baseball: Championship Series The Little Mermaid Litle Nemo: The Dream Master Litle Ninja Brothers Little Samson Lode Runner The Lone Ranger Loopz Low G-Man Lunar Pool M.C. Kids M.U.L.E. M.U.S.C.L.E. Mach Rider Mad Max The Mafat Conspiracy: Golgo 13 II Magic Dart's Magic Johnson's Fast Break Magic of Scheherazade Magician Magmax Major League Baseball Maniac Mansion Mappyland Marble Madness Mario Bros.. Mario is Missing Mario's Time Machine Marvels X-Men Mechanized Attack Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Mendel Palace Metal Gear Metal Mech Metal Storm Metroid Michael Andrettis World Grand Prix Mickey Mousecapades Mickey's Adventures in Numberland Mickey's Safari in Letterland Might and Magic: Secret of the Innner Sanctum Mighty Bomb Jack Mighty Final Fight Millipede Milon's Secret Castle Mission Cobra Mission: Impossible Monopoly Monster in My Pocket Monster Party Monster Truck Rally Motor City Patrol Ms. Pac Man Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival The Mutant Virus Mystery Quest Narc NES Open Tournament Golf NES Play Action Football NFL Football Nigel Mansells World Championship Racing Nightshade Ninja Crusader Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom Ninja Kid Nintendo World Cup Soccer Nobunagas Ambition Nobunagas Ambition II North and South Operation Wolf Orb-3D Othelo Overlord P.O.W.: Prisoners of War Pac Man Pac-Mania Palamedes Panic Restaurant Paper Boy Paper Boy 2 Peter Pan and the Pirates Phantom Fighter Pictionary Pinball Pinball Quest Pinbot Pipe Dream Pirates! Platoon Popeye Power Blade Power Blade 2 Power Punch II Predator Prince of Persia Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom Pro Sport Hockey Pro Wrestling (Mike Tyson's) Punch-Out The Punisher Puss N Boot's: Peros Great Adventure Pzznic Q*Bert Qix R.C. Pro-Am Racing R.C. Pro-Am II Racket Attack Rad Racer Rad Racer II Raid on Bungeling Bay Rainbow Islands Rally Bike Rambo Rampage Rampart Remote Control The Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Renegade Rescue: The Embassy Mission Ring King River City Ransom Roadblasters Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Robocop Robocop 2 Robocop 3 Robo Warriors Rock N Bal Rocket Ranger The Rocketeer Rockin Kats Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Rollerball Rollerblade Racer Rollergames Romance of the Three Kingdon's Romance of the Three Kingdon's II Roundball: 2 on 2 Challenge Rush N Attack Rygar S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Aattack Tea Secret Scout Secret Storm Section Z Seicross Sesame Street: 123 Sesame Street: ABC Sesame Street: ABC/123 Sesame Street: Big Bird's Hide and Speak Sesame Street: Countdown Shadow of the Ninja Shadowgate Shatterhand Shingen the Ruler Shooting Range Short Order/Eggsplode Side Pocket Silent Service Silkworm Silver Surfer The Simpsons: Bart VS. The Space Mutants The Simpsons: Bart VS. The World Simpsons: Bartman Meet's Radioactive Man Skate or Die Skate or Die 2 Ski or Die Skulls and Crossbones Sky Kid Sky Shark Slalom Smash T.V. Snake Rattle N Roll Snakes Revenge: Metal Gear II Snoopy's Silly Sport's Spectacular Snow Brother's Soccer Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warship Solomon's Key Solstice Space Shuttle Project Spelunker Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six Spot Spy Hunter Spy VS. Spy Sqoon Stack Up Stadium Events Stanley and the Search for Dr. Livingston Star Force Star Soldier Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Voyager Star Wars Starship Hector Star Tropics Stealth ATF Stinger Street Cop Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight Strider Super C Super Cars Super Dodge Ball Super Glove Ball Super Jeopardy! Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Off-Road Super Pitfal Super Spike VBall Super Spike VBall/World Cup Soccer Super Spy Hunter Super Team Games Superman Swamp Thing Sword Master Sword's and Serpents Taboo: The Sixth Sense Tag Team Wrestling Tale Spin Target: Renegade Tecmo Baseball T&C Surf Design Tecmo Bowl Tecmo NBA Basketball Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo World Cup Soccer Tecmo World Wrestling Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Tennis Terminator 2: Judgment Day The Terminator Terra Cresta Tetris Tetris 2 The Three Stooges Thunder and Lightning Thunderbirds Thundercade Tiger-Heli Time Lord Time's of Lore Tiny Toon Adventure's Tiny Toon Adventure's 2: Trouble in Wackyland Tiny Toon Adventure's Cartoon Workshop To the Earth Toki Tom and Jerry Tomb's and Treasure Toobin Top Gun Top Gun: The Second Mission Total Recall Totally Rad Touchdown Fever Town and Ccountry II: Thrillas Surfari Town and Country Surf Design's Toxic Crusaders Track and Field Track and Field II Treasure Master Trog Trojan Twin Cobra Twin Eeagle Ultima: Exodus Ultima: Quest of the Avatar Ultima: Warrior's of Destiny Ultimate Air Combat Ultimate Basketball Uncharted Water's Uninvited The Untouchables Urban Champion Vegas Dream Vice: Project Doom Videomation Volleyball Wacky Races Wall Street Kid Wario's Wood's Wayne Gretsky Hockey Wayne's World Werewolf: The Last Warrior Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune: Family Edition Wheel of Fortune: Featuring Vanna White Wheel of Fortune: Jr. Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? Where's Waldo? Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Whomp Em Widget Wild Gunman Willow Win Lose or Draw Winter Games Wizardry II: Kight of Diamonds Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Wizards and Warrior's Wizards and Warrior's III Wolverine World Champ World Championship Wrestling World Class Track Meet World Game's Wrath of the Black Manta Wrecking Crew Wrestlemania Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth WWF King of the Ring WWF Wrestlemania Challenge WWF Wrestlemania: Steel Cage Challenge Xenophobe Xevious Xexyz X-Men Yo! Noid Yoshi Yoshi's Cookie The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Zanac Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Zen: Intergalactic Ninja Zodas Revenge: Star Tropics II Zombie Nation
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Luisita walks to Seniors Champ title
#PHnews: Luisita walks to Seniors Champ title
BAGUIO CITY – It was virtually a walk in the park for former champion Luisita Golf and Country Club which won by an eye popping 50 points for the premiere Fil Seniors Championship crown here on Monday.
A hero came forward by the name of Danny Cruz who broke par with 36 points to lead Luisita to a closing round of 130 and 515 total.
Chino Raymundo and the long-hitting Eddie Bagtas, heroes in the first two days, assembled 32 points each, while Benjie Sumulong had 30, and Day 2 hero Rodel Mangulabnan matched his day one production of 29 and did not count.
Bagtas also took the individual top honors with 134 points, a five-point victory over Danny Cruz.
Manila Southwoods shot its second straight 117 in the four-day tournament to finish with 465, while John Hay fired 108 and still managed to hold off erstwhile champion Megafiber which shot a closing 115.
John Hay netted 441 and three ahead of last year’s biggest upset maker Megafiber.
Luisita buried the ghost of last year’s defeat and came back stronger this year, while vowing not to repeat the same mistake last year.
From an opening lead of five, it went up to 18 then in its most dominant game yet, Luisita scored a tournament best 136 in the third to make it a 37-point cushion with a round to go.
And it was double sweet as the Am squad took the title by the hairline.
Trailing by three after the third round after a bad start at BCC, the Tarlac-based squad assembled 97 for a 425 total which was enough to win the crown with Dugong Bughaw closing out with 93 and a 424 total.
Edmund Yee paced Luisita with 29, Raffy Garcia, Chito Laureta and Demy Saclot counted with 25, 22 and 21, respectively, for the team.
Noel Marcellano, which help outshut Luisita 97-87 on day three, led Dugong Bughaw with 26, Wilfredo Princesa had a 24, while Miguel Morada and Rommie Valdez added 23 and 20 for the team.
Summit Point Golf and Country Club took third honors after finishing with 96 and 415 aggregate.
Okinawa Golf Team had the luxury to take it slow on the last day with a 13-shot lead, but still managed a 105 and 409 total for an 11-point victory in Seniors Fil A.
Mamala Bay had the best flight score of 107 and 398 to overtake Hotel Bahia Subic for the runner-up honors after the latter fired 93 points for 390.
Camp John Hay also took it lightly in the last two days to still manage 89 points for 401 aggregate and 47-point victory in Seniors Am A.
B & Y Utopia rallied from third spot to second place after closing with and 84 and 354 total, a seven-shot edge over Alpha Phi Omega Golfers Club, which closed with a 74 and 347.
Teerifics had top podium in Seniors Fil B after an 89 for 356, six shots off Team McDer 1 which closed with an 88 and 350.
Fil-Am Golf of Florida took third honors with 337 after a 90. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Luisita walks to Seniors Champ title." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1088314 (accessed December 10, 2019 at 05:00AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Luisita walks to Seniors Champ title." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1088314 (archived).
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The young Danny knew how to clean anything: he could choose the perfect sponge so as not to damage the materials, and at the same time scrape away any kind of dirt, and he knew the names of the main active molecules in cleaning products almost by heart.
Little black ballpoint pen illustration for the first chapter of "Danny Runner and the Ghost Crown (you can read it here on Wattpad and A03).
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#Danny Runner#Danny Phantom AU#Danny Phantom#art#my art#fanart#my fanart#black and white#ballpoint pen#black ballpoint pen#my danny phantom#danny runner and the ghost crown#iago runner#2024#project regis irae
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"The King is naked"
A couple of early studies for the "Plasmius" version of the Monarch, done with ballpoint pen. How would he look without clothes? (And yes, his ghost form, like all the ghost forms in our stories, have no genitals... because spirits reproduce in a completely different way ;). So it would be useless to just have a delicate spot that can hurt if it gets hit in battle).
The Monarch will appear (as main villain), in our fic "Danny Runner and the Ghost Crown". We're gonna slowly post the story here:
A03: [English][Italian]
Wattpad: [English][Italian]
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#Plasmius#King#King Vladislav#traditional art#black and white#danny runner and the ghost crown#ballpoint pen#art#my art#the way of legends#2024#early studies#sketches#early design
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A couple of early studies for the "Plasmius" version of the Mentor, done with ballpoint pen.
Yes, he dresses like a knight templar, normally XD
In both human and ghost form, Mentor displays the discolored patterns of piebaldism, as well as the typical white streak in his hair, starting from the center of his forehead. In ghost form, Mentor has a pair of medium-large, lightning-shaped horns that appear to be covered in thick, sharp plates. An interesting thing to note is that his entire body (except for his face, hands, and feet) is covered in tattoos of magical sigils and spells, effectively turning him into a living grimoire, even more powerful than a common magical book, since ink on skin makes spells more powerful (and is one of the reasons why parchment grimoires are so sought after). Mentor does not like to be seen without clothes, not only because it would reveal one of his secret weapons to others, but also because the tattoos were not an aesthetic choice, but rather one of necessity.
We're gonna slowly post the story here:
A03: [English][Italian]
Wattpad: [English][Italian]
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#vlad plasmius#alternative plasmius#project regis irae#mentor#ladan xanatos#art#my art#black and white#traditional art#ballpoint pen#black ballpoint pen#the way of legends#danny runner and the ghost crown#2024#oc
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Finally finished! Design for the crowned form of Monarch.
Huge, with a head that is perpetually "bleeding" (actually it is ectoplasmic fluid) due to the Crown that has tightened around his head, and a terrible temper, after wearing the objects of power Vlad has the unrecognizable appearance of a disproportionate monster.
His hands end in claws, his spine has elongated into a draconic tail, the energy in his body is too much to reside in a small container, which has led to an exponential growth in his size and in particular of his chest, which houses the enormous luminescent core.
A little trivia: his "costume" is inspired partially by the colors and design of a Coca-Cola Zero bottle!
Did you know that Coca-Cola was originally green? ;)
The Monarch will appear in "Danny Runner and the Ghost Crown". We're gonna slowly post the story here:
A03: [English][Italian]
Wattpad: [English][Italian]
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#crowned form#ghost#project regis irae#digital art#alternative universe#plasmius#colored work#art#my art#transparent background#fantasy#danny runner and the ghost crown#2024#crowned#specter
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"He made it to the bathroom, locked himself in, turned to the sink… and met his own eyes in the mirror.
He almost threw up from fear.
His eyes were like two black pits, with bright green irises in the middle. They looked fake and monstrous. Danny moved his pupils, and his reflection did the same. They were definitely his eyes."
Another ballpoint pen sketch illustration for the fic "Danny Runner and the Ghost Crown", with little Danny seeing his ghost eyes for the first time! If you want to read it, we're slowly posting it here:
A03: [English][Italian]
Wattpad: [English][Italian]
★ Instagram|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices★
#danny runner#traditional art#black and white#ghost eyes#danny runner and the ghost crown#ballpoint pen#black ballpoint pen#illustration for fanfiction#2024
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In cui Danny scopre che non ha solo le allucinazioni e un fantasma che gli parla nella testa, ma anche (per fortuna) alcuni straordinari poteri. | In which Danny discovers that he not only has hallucinations and a ghost talking in his head, but also (thankfully) some extraordinary powers.
Discover this, and much more, in the new, very cool chapter of "Danny Runner and the Phantom Crown".
Don't miss it!
We're writing this one both on Wattpad and A03!
And both in English and Italian ;)
#danny runner#danny runner and the ghost crown#writing#wattpad#ita#project regis irea#rewriting#full danny phantom rewriting#long project#novel#2025
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Wahoo, new look for the front page of Danny Runner's site!
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A quick placeholder for the illustration that will be there, while we build this little site dedicated to the Regis Irae/Danny Runner project.
The site will be kinda cool, when it will be finished... and will include some interesting little easter eggs. Well, some stuff is already featured in it, but, we guess, it will be moaaar.
★FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
#Fanfiction#Danny Runner#Danny Runner and the Phantom Crown#project regis irae#digital art#ghost#rewriting#2024#project regis irae website
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