aro-aura · 4 months
List of Arospec Identities [1]
(And their flags as bottlecaps)
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Under the cut is a list of microlabels and aro identities that is kinda alphabetically arranged.
Check out Part 2
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Aromantic, often shortened to aro, describes people who do not experience romantic attraction, or experience little-to-no romantic attraction. [source]
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Abroromantic individuals experience their romantic orientation as fluid and/or changing over time. [source]
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Aromantic allosexual (shortened to aroallo or alloaro) describes individuals who are aromantic or aro-spec and also allosexual. They experience sexual attraction but do not experience romantic attraction (or experience limited romantic attraction). [source]
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Alicoromantic or Agnoromantic is defined as someone who knows they are somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, but their romantic orientation does not fit in any aromantic spectrum label. [source]
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Aegoromantic or anegoromantic, previously known as autochorisromantic, is a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum that describes those who enjoy the concept of romance but have a disconnection between themself and the subject of romantic fantasies. [source]
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Amicusromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is a subset of demiromantic, where one only experiences romantic attraction to those who they have formed a platonic relationship with. [source]
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Apothiromantic is a micro-label on the aromantic spectrum. It is another word for romance repulsed. For some apothiromantics, they are repulsed at the idea of engaging in romance themselves, but are fine with romance that does not involve them. Others may be repulsed by the idea of romance in general. Those who are apothiromantic typically do not seek out romantic relationships and many dislike romantically coded actions such as kissing, or cuddling. [source]
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Arofluid is when one is fluid between aro-spec orientations. For example, one might be recipromantic one moment but demiromantic another. It is different from aroflux as it is fluid between different identities instead of fluctuating. One who is arofluid may feel alloromantic at some times. [source]
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Aroflux is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates. [source]
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Aromantic asexual, often shortened to aroace or aro ace, is a term that refers to a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec. Aroace can be used for any individual who identifies with both spectrums. [source]
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The Aromantic Spectrum or Aromantic Umbrella is a group of romantic orientations that all fall under the umbrella term of aromantic. Individuals on the aromantic spectrum may lack romantic attraction or feel it so little that they relate more to the aromantic experience. The common link between those on the aromantic spectrum is that they do not feel the "standard" amount of romantic attraction or they don't feel it in the "standard" way, that alloromantic individuals do. [source]
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Arospike is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as someone who usually feels no romantic attraction, but occasionally has rare and sudden spikes of romantic attraction for an amount of time that can vary from a day to a couple of months before returning to one's normal amounts of aromanticism. [source]
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Autoromantic is a term describing one experiences romantic attraction, exclusive or not, towards oneself. [source]
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Bellusromantic is a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum defined as having interest in traditionally romantic things, such as kissing or cuddling, but not feeling romantic attraction, and not wanting a romantic relationship. [source]
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Caedromantic (or caedoromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum, defined as someone who feels that they were alloromantic at one point, but that has been taken or “cut away” from them due to past trauma. [source]
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Cupioromantic, previously known as kalosromantic, is a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum. Cupioromantic is defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction but still desires a romantic relationship. [source]
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Demiromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. [source]
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Check out Part 2
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alluralater · 8 months
You can unwrap me with your teeth as long as you promise to bite me too 😌
Any colour preference on the wrapping? I was thinking purple to match your hair but now I'm curious what colour your nails are.
I've sent a few asks now so I thought I'd secure an emoji! I'm a 5'5, 25y/o, bisexual, sub-leaning switch. I use she/her pronouns and have dark brown eyes (that finally feel appreciated)! I didn't see ♠️ as a taken emoji but just wanted to confirm I could use it!
that's a sure given, don't you worry about that <3 let's pair the wrapping to my nails. black. i'd venture a guess that you wouldn't mind my pretty black nails digging into your hips while i work my tongue over that clit. gorgeous dark brown eyes watching every stroke of my tongue. mmm so lovely
the tag is all yours <3
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postvampirism · 1 year
Help a recovering addict out!!!
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Hey everyone, those who follow know some of my story. I’m Bat, queer autistic Latina who became addicted to fentanyl. The family member I used with turned abusive so I was forced to become homeless and quit my job (due to them being my supervisor) at the end of April. Couch crashed for a month then went into treatment end of May. My insurance fortunately covered my entire stay here so I had a roof over my head and food to eat but obviously have not been able to work while in treatment. I will be completing my 90 day residential program and transitioning to a sober living facility soon to continue treatment. I have tried to have ebt set up already but due to policy I don’t qualify till I actually go into sober living (in which I will have to provide my own meals) so I would have to go without food until my benefits actually could kick in 🙃 please help me out, this whole thing has been stressful bc I do not have any money rn… so if you truly want to help out an addict of color out this is my info
🔵: @FrewtBat
🟢: $FrewtBat
(Msg/send an ask for PayPal or zelle. Heads up my phone time is limited while I’m still in residential)
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this is my lil fanmade regretevator boss fight oc!! i don't have much info about it other than that it goes by it/its pronouns :) hope y'all like it!
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psychics4unet · 1 month
🌈✨ Curious about your future? Pick a color and see what the universe might be revealing! ✨🌈
🔴 Red 🟡 Yellow 🔵 Blue 🟣 Purple 🟢 Green 🟠 Orange ⚫️ Black 🤍 White
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🔮 Red: Passion and energy are driving you. Expect exciting changes and new opportunities to light up your path. 🔥
💛 Yellow: Joy and positivity are on the horizon. Prepare for a period of growth and abundance, both emotionally and financially. 🌟
💙 Blue: Calm and clarity will be your guides. Embrace tranquility and find solutions to any challenges with a clear mind. 🌊
💜 Purple: Spiritual growth and deep insights are coming your way. Be open to new wisdom and transformative experiences. 🌌
🟢 Green: Healing and renewal are on the agenda. Focus on self-care and expect positive shifts in your personal and professional life. 🌿
🧡 Orange: Creativity and adventure are calling! Get ready for a burst of inspiration and thrilling new experiences. 🎨
⚫️ Black: Transformation and change are ahead. Embrace the unknown and trust in the process of renewal. 🌑
🤍 White: Clarity and new beginnings are on the way. A fresh start or a new opportunity could be right around the corner. 🌟
Which color resonates with you today? Comment below and let’s explore what the future might hold! 🌟✨
For a deeper dive into your future, my paid readings offer personalized insights and guidance just for you. Feel free to check out my Tumblr blog for more info and to book a session – I’d love to help you uncover the mysteries of your life's journey! 🌠🔮
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okchijt · 1 year
Hey can you do eddsworld the main 4 with a s/o romantic head cannons
Author's Note: Thank you so much Anon for the request! So sorry it took so long in advance, I just finished my finals so I was really excited about this one and had a lot of fun with it! Hope you'll like it and that I didn't portray anyone OOC😅 And lastly, go ahead and check out my masterlist if you like what you just read and if you want to request anything yourself, thank you, and enjoy!❤
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🟢 Edd would be the type of boyfriend that just wants to chill out and hang out with his partner. He's a very casual guy in every sense of the word, and so would be the relationship with him, with some physical contact and romantic gestures sprinkled in occasionally.
🟢 One of the most defining traits of your relationship is humor! You'd share inside jokes together and create made-up words only you two would understand, making the people Tom around you go insane over the nonsense you tell each other while laughing.
"How did the Coca-Cola can feel after being steamrolled?"
"It was soda pressed!"
"I fucking hate both of you"
Basically, Edd would do anything just to make you smile/laugh, no matter how stupid it might be, if he knows you find it amusing he'll say/do anything just to see your expression!
🟢 Edd likes to draw you a lot, you could be sitting, washing the dishes, playing with Ringo, reading, playing a game, etc, whatever you're doing, he will draw it! He just can't help himself, you look adorable to him no matter what you're doing so he just can't resist himself! Most of the time he'll try to be sneaky about it so you wouldn't notice so he can capture you on paper perfectly, smiling the whole time because you're his favorite thing to draw! Sometimes if he feels happy enough with the finished product, he'd present it to you shyly, hoping you'd like it.
🟢 Be grateful, because you're the only one that Edd allows to go anywhere his cola and even drink it! Being with him gives you the privilege of doing so without asking, normally if anyone else would even lay a hand on his favorite drink they'd have a rabid Edd to fight off, but with you, it's like he doesn't even notice! Which by itself says a lot about how much he loves you!
🟢 Edd might not seem like a great listener, which is true, but when it comes to you, it's a different story. Whether you just want to talk about your day or info dump him about your new hyper fixation, he'll listen to it all with a smile on his face, commenting on the things you said or asking questions. When you vent, he makes sure that you know his full attention is on you and you only. He'll listen to everything you have to say while rubbing your shoulder and once you're done, he'll hug you and try to give you some kind of advice or reassurance, even though he isn't the best at this type of stuff, he'll still try his best though. Because he can't stand to see you hurt.
🟢 Edds love language includes quality time and gift giving! He just loves spending time with you no matter what you're doing! If you're working and can't give him any attention, he'll just sit next to you or position himself where he's touching you in some type of way and just occupy himself with drawing while you do your thing. Whenever you're in a situation where you can't spend time with him, just simply letting him sit nearby and do his thing is enough for him to call it "spending time with you", cause honestly just being in the same room as you is enough for him.
🟢 As we established before, Edd likes to draw you. So logically gift giving for him is giving you drawings he made of you, you two together, or things that you like, like a favorite character or animal. He also takes requests from you whenever he doesn't have any idea of what to draw, and whatever you ask him to draw he will. When Edd has enough money, he'll spend it on some kind of gift for you that he knows you'll like. And he'll give it to you without expecting anything in return, all he needs is that excited expression of yours and a kiss on the cheek/lips and he knows spending the money was worth it.
🟢 PDA isn't one of Edd's main love languages, but he still does it to a casual degree. He's not overly clingy, but he's not distant either, he's more casual with the way he expresses his physical love to you. Like when you sit together on the couch he puts his arm around you or when you're walking on the street he holds your hand. Edd prefers to shower you with more bold PDA behind closed doors though, that's when he's the most romantic as well. He'll give you lots of cuddles and kisses, praising you and telling you how much he loves you as well. It's not that Edd is embarrassed to show this side of himself in front of others, he just feels like sharing those moments between the two of you makes it have more meaning behind it.
🟢 Edd is really opportunistic when it comes to kissing, and by that I mean he'll only do it if he feels like the moment is right or is in the mood to do so. Maybe you do something adorable, and he just can't help but kiss you wherever he can reach you first. Edd's kisses are sweet and gentle, he likes to hold you whenever he does so too. Outside of your lips, Edd likes to kiss you on the cheek the most, he finds it comforting and likes to think of it as teasing that instead of kissing you on the lips, he kisses the place closest to it, he likes feeling like a little shit sometimes, what can I say?
🟢 Will cuddle with you a lot, especially if it's a lazy day for him or he's feeling down. Edd likes to be the big and the little spoon when cuddling, it just depends on how he's feeling. As the big spoon, he'll press you to his chest while laying his head on top of yours. But as a little spoon, it's the opposite, he'll bury his head in your chest, giving you easy access to his hair. When I tell you this guy will immediately melt as soon as you start tangling your hands into his hair, you swear you can hear him purr sometimes as you play with it. Edd is honestly the best cuddling option you can get, he's extremely soft and during winter he will warm you up with no problem, and during summer he somehow is still great to cuddle with because his temperature changes with the climate you can say. Cuddling Edd is like hugging a giant soft teddy bear. Best feeling ever, I tell you!
🟢 Edd isn't clingy, but boy does he get jealous of you when he feels threatened by others sometimes! He doesn't really think much of other people interacting with you, if they're just being friendly and don't try to pull any moves on you he might even join in on the conversation or just let you have your fun while vaguely paying attention. But that all changes once he hears the other person starting to flirt with you and being a little bit too touchy for his liking. He'll pay closer attention to both of you as his expression changes from a neutral one to an irritated one, waiting for the right moment to step in as he forces himself to tolerate what's happening until he gets a clear sign from you that he should step in. As soon as he sees a sign of you getting uncomfortable he's already next to you as he puts his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them with reassurance as he gives the person a threatening smile as he says: "My partner and I need to go, goodbye!" And with that, Edd immediately pulls you away from the person and begins to drag you home. The whole way back, Edd would be uncharacteristically very touchy with you, he'd press you against him hard and hold your waist tightly as he grumbles under his breath over what happened. Jealous Edd is a rare sight for you, but when he is jealous he deals with the situation quickly and swiftly to avoid confrontation, his goal only being to get you out of the situation as fast as possible.
🟢 Dates with Edd range from casual to exciting ones! They both really depend on your/his mood, to be honest. He'd take you to a cat cafe and go crazy over the cats with you while drinking and eating delicious desserts. He loves taking you to arcades! It's an excuse for both of you to have fun while calling it a date simultaneously. Edd would just take you to places he knows you'll like or are located in the town you two live in. Though when an occasional theme park comes along, you bet Edd is dragging you there right away no questions asked! If it's a special day of yours or just an anniversary, Edd will try to be a little bit fancier and take you out somewhere nice, like a restaurant or to a movie that is extremely romantic/dramatic that he thinks you'll like or fit the "fancy" category he made up in his head.
🟢 Edd is the most basic type of boyfriend out there I tell ya! All he wants is to be with or near you all day and every day and that's all he needs! He doesn't need to have an especially romantic life with you, but he isn't neglectful either, he's just somewhere in the middle. He'll change on a whim though if you tell him to show one of his sides more often because he just wants to make you happy! He's the type of guy to shower his love on you in private while in public some people aren't even sure if you two are dating or not because of how casual he is. I think Edd in a way is near-perfect boyfriend material for does that find his specific traits attractive, and as one of those people I say he would make a great boyfriend!
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🟣 Matt would be the type of boyfriend that wants to spend every single moment with you and to love you to no end type of guy. He's probably the most romantic out of the four of them, so he'd make sure all the moments you spend together show that.
🟣 It comes to everyone's surprise that someone like Matt would fall in love with someone who isn't him and even love them on the same level as he does, but here we are! To him, you are the most incredible thing in the world, someone he feels can even compete with his handsome face! He makes sure to remind you of that fact every day, because why wouldn't he? Your looks and personality are everything to him, so much so that he forgets about his narcissistic views sometimes.
🟣 In fact, Matt will do anything when it comes to helping you feel better about your appearance! Say you wanna try out a new haircut or wanna change your style, Matt is right there with you through all of it, even participating in the changes himself. He'd do your makeup, nails, hair, even skincare routine, whatever it is, Matt wants to be there and be a part of it, he calls it bonding time!
🟣 Matt doesn't usually care if other people appreciate his beauty like he does, to him only his opinion matters. But once you come into the picture, your opinion means the world to him! Anytime you compliment him, call him your: "Handsome man", or anything of that sort, this man is dying on the floor because of the amount of love and affection he's feeling because of you. No one else's opinion matters about his face or anything related to him, but yours and he makes sure you and everybody around you know that just by his reactions alone.
🟣 Since you two are dating, you are bound to get dragged by Matt to buy or find something to add to his novelty collection. You'd go on your own set of adventures for the sole purpose of expanding his collection. Matt really appreciates you going with him, it just shows to him how much you are willing to put up with for him. For some, his hobby just seems like something that doesn't matter or an inconvenience, but you don't, and he truly loves that about you. Matt 100% has a will written down somewhere that says: "If anything happens to me, give all of my novelty collection to (Y/N)''.
🟣 Matt's love language includes words of affirmation and quality time! Matt's main go-to to showing how much he loves you is showering you with praise any chance he gets! You could be looking like a hobo or a supermodel, but that man will still call you the most attractive person in the universe! Any accomplishment, whether large or small is immediately met with him congratulating you like you just won an Oscar! Not to mention whenever you feel insecure or just down, Matt will make does feelings go away in a matter of seconds because of how innocent his love for you is, he knows every right word to use to show you how much you mean to him. And he'll remind you of that fact every day no matter who you are or what you do.
🟣 You'd think Matt's second love language would be physical touch, but nope! It's quality time, baby! But I think you know that based on the examples above. The point is, anything you wanna do, Matt has to be there doing that thing with you too! No matter if it's work or something boring, he needs to be there with you! If you're busy he'll sit with you in a way where he's basically touching you and as soon as you show any discomfort or mutter that you need something, Matt is on the way to get it! Even if you didn't technically ask him to do so. He's basically like a lost puppy just following you around everywhere without a care in the world.
🟣 Matt loves PDA, he adores it! Both giving and receiving affection are one of his favorite things about being in a relationship with you! The only reason why it's not his main love language is because he finds the other two more intimate, but this easily takes third place! Unlike Edd, Matt isn't afraid to go all the way out with his affection towards you, private or in public he is all over you to some degree. Kisses, hugs, holding hands, cuddles, he will grab any chance he gets to touch you in some way. If he could Matt would glue himself to you so that he can always be with you, that's how clingy he is with his love for you.
🟣 Kisses with Matt are literally the most purest and innocent thing in the world! He holds you against him as you kiss as if you were glass, that's how gentle he is with you! Expect a lot of muffled giggles and pleased sighs whenever you two kiss, he's just so happy to have you in his life like this that he just can't help himself! Outside of your lips, Matt adores giving you kisses on the nose! He just finds it charming and adorable in a way, especially when you give him a reaction in the process, he finds them precious. It may be childish, but he's a childish man so that adds up, plus nose kisses are the best!
🟣 Cuddles with Matt are a must in a relationship with him! No occasion is needed for him to just wrap you in his arms and lay with you comfortably for hours at an end. Matt is both big and little spoon, mostly leaning towards little spoon though. When he's the one holding you, and not squeezing the living daylights out of you. Matt would be laying on his back while you lay on top of him, with your head on his chest as he kisses the top of your head every now and then as his arms are tightly but comfortably wrapped around your upper back. But as a little spoon, Matt crawls himself into a ball as he buries himself into your chest, wanting to make it easier for you to hold him. He basically feels like a giant teddy bear! Though I won't recommend cuddling with Matt during winter without a blanket, man is always cold! But during summer, it's a different story, he's basically a cooler during the warm seasons, so literally perfect!
🟣 As established, Matt is clingy af so there's no surprise that the man will act super threatened as soon as he sees others laying their dirty hands on you in a flirty way. Until Matt senses a disturbance in the force, he'll tolerate the person interacting with you if it's just in a friendly way and if you clearly don't mind them talking with you as well. But as soon as the person enters the danger zone where they start to get flirty with you, Matt will glare daggers at them as a silent threat to get them to back off. Alongside that, he'll tug at your clothes gently and whine to you that you need to go with him as he stares at you with puppy eyes. If all of that fails and the rando will try to put his hands on you, Matt immediately jumps into action! Clinging to your back like a possessive koala as he smacks the person's hand away and screams: "NO! This gem is mine! Go find yours somewhere else!'' And with that, he picks you up by the waist with his arms wrapped around it and shuffles away like an awkward penguin while holding you with a big pout on his face. He'll only put you down once he calms down a bit or you protest hard enough, and once he does you better give him lots of kisses and reassurances as you let him cling to you in any way he can as you two head back home with a still slightly upset Matt.
🟣 Matt takes his dates seriously, that's why he always puts in the effort to make them super romantic! He'd take you to places any partner would on a typical date, movies, dinner, picnic in the park, star gazing, etc. With Matt, there is no such thing as a normal date, only the best of the best for his beloved! He'll dress up super fancy and always have some kind of gift with him to give you every time. Though Matt would be happy to comply with any date idea you have, elegant/traditional dates are always his go-to because of the romantic meaning behind them by society's and his standards.
🟣 Matt is the most loving and clingiest boyfriend out there, your existence alone makes him swoon so he doesn't need much outside of his novelty collection to be happy! He's utterly devoted to you and makes sure to show you that each and every day of your relationship, so much so that everybody around you two already knows you two are together without being told so. Matt would be the perfect boyfriend for those that want to feel loved to the extreme and feel appreciated by someone, and you'd feel all of that every day with him! Top-tier boyfriend material, I tell you! No complaints here!
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🔵 Tom would be the type of boyfriend that isn't really great when it comes to relationships, but for you, he tries his very best to at least be decent. He'd purposefully try to go out of his comfort zone just to prove his love for you, wanting to show you that he actually cares even when he isn't the best at showing so sometimes, but he tries!
🔵 First of all, this mad lad broke up with his bass: Susan for you so that better show just how much he cares and loves you if he picked you over his most beloved bass! Speaking of Susan, Tom often makes up songs that he plays on his bass about/for you. To which you'd always have to beg him to play you some cause he's super embarrassed about them, but with enough reassurance, he'd play you some! And if you reward him with compliments or a kiss, he may just be inclined to show you more, gaining confidence each time.
🔵 And while on the subject of music! You two would always share/recommend each other's music taste! Tom really likes listening to the same music as you whether it's yours or his, he really enjoys the moment because it's just so intimate to him. You'd share headphones, you having one bud in your ear while Tom has the other, forcing each other to stay close, which Tom secretly enjoys very much as he can't help himself but relax each time you two do that.
🔵 We all know Tom's alcohol problem, especially with his favorite: Smirnoff, which he drinks any time he can. But when you two get into a relationship, Tom tries to step back from his alcoholism for your sake. Sure, he'd gladly drink with you if you'd like, but he'd actually pay attention to the amount he's drinking and stop once enough is enough. To be honest, your existence and the relationship make him want to be better for you, and that means acknowledging his problem and overcoming it step by step.
🔵 Whether you are someone that loves Christmas or hates it, depending on which, Tom will try his best to not ruin it for you and match your energy! If you're a Christmas lover, Tom wouldn't exactly act happy about the holiday with you, but you can tell he's really trying to hold back any negative comments about the holiday for your sake. Tom may hate Christmas, but he loves you enough to try his best to not ruin the holiday for you better reward him with affection afterwards cause boy does he need it! But if you're a Christmas hater, then you already know Tom is ruining the holiday with you while calling it a date!
🔵 Tom's love language includes acts of service and physical touch! Out of everything, Tom finds it easiest to express his love for you by doing things for you whether you asked him or not. It's because he can do it without overthinking whether what you're doing is okay or not because doing something for someone else naturally makes that person happy! You could have cooked something for you two and only stepped away for a second, only to come back and see Tom already doing the dishes and insisting that he's got it covered and that you go rest. Maybe you have a pet that needs to be let out or fed and you can't get out of bed to do so, you don't even need to ask and Tom is already on it and doing it for you with no complaints, not even expecting anything in return while doing so.
🔵 One wouldn't expect that one of the main two love languages Tom has is physical touch, but here we are! Tom is actually extremely touch-starved, but won't allow himself to be touched or touch someone else until he feels 100% safe with them. At the beginning of the relationship it took a while for Tom to open himself up to such affections, but the way you took things slow and steady for him really helped and he allowed himself to feel vulnerable with you. Tom loves to give you hugs from behind, you'll be doing something while standing and all of a sudden two arms wrap around you and you can feel his head burry itself in the crock of your neck. At that point he can't live without touching you, you're his rock and he needs you to feel stable and safe. He's always touching you in some way, no matter what you're doing or what position you are in.
🔵 PDA and physical touch are basically the same things, right? Anyways, while out in public Tom is way more reserved with you because he doesn't appreciate strangers staring at the two of you, he'd still be okay with hand-holding or a kiss on his favored spot every now and then, but in private? Tom goes crazy in private, (not as crazy as Matt or Tord but still!) Basically, any opportunity he gets to show you his love for you in a physical manner he takes it. It doesn't matter what you're doing, he is touching you in one way or another. Like I said, you are his rock, his safe haven, and without you near him he'd go crazy, so holding you, kissing, hugs, hand-holding, and everything else in between is what he'll shower you daily with! Please hold him too every once in a while, Lord knows he needs it and may even have a mental breakdown from the affection alone, but he loves it I promise.
🔵 In the beginning Tom was very awkward when it came to kissing, but he eventually got the hang of it and became more comfortable! They were also very unsure and timid at the beginning, forcing you to take the lead, but with each kiss, Tom became more confident, and now he likes to kiss you with slow passion, savoring the intimate closeness with you. Besides your lips, Tom's other favorite spot to kiss you is your forehead. It's just so sweet, gentle, and innocent to him that he sometimes finds it even more intimate than a kiss on the lips. He usually kisses your forehead when you do something that he just really appreciates whether you meant it or not. Maybe you fixed the broken string in his bass for him and he'll just give you the most loving gaze and that gentle smile as he grabs your face and gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead as a thanks. He just finds forehead kisses soothing, what can I say?
🔵 Cuddles=physical touch, so Tom enjoys if not loves them a lot! Tom has a preference for being the big spoon over the little spoon. As the big spoon, it literally feels as if Tom is trying to fuse with you by how hard, he's pressing you against him. You both would be lying at your sides as Tom has his arms wrapped tightly around your lower back and his head buried in your hair as he lets the scent of your shampoo ease him. Though Tom has a stronger preference for being the big spoon, he won't complain if you're the one who wants to hold him, especially if he's feeling vulnerable that day. You'd be lying at your sides again, but he'd have his back turned to you as you hug him from behind and run your hands up and down his arms/hands to soothe him, as he feels too embarrassed to face you when he's in his low state. Again, I'm sorry but just like Matt, Tom is always cold and you'd need a blanket with you whenever you two cuddle, except for summer though, cuddling with Tom during summer feels like heaven!
🔵 As said before, Tom loves physical affection and he views you as his safe heaven basically, so he isn't much of a fan when other people touch you, but if it's a friend or you allow the action yourself, there isn't much he can do but to tolerate it. But if it's someone that's trying to get with you, that's a different story! Tom makes it plainly obvious that he hates the person just by looking at them with that huge grimace and annoyed expression on his face as soon he can tell that they are flirting with you. Unlike Edd, Tom won't wait for a sign from you or anything like that, as soon as his feelings of feeling threatened are made correct by the actions of the person flirting with you he is right by your side, hugging you from behind possessively as he puts his head on your shoulder and says: "Hey babe, is this guy bothering you?" And just from his words and actions alone, the rando gets the hint you're already taken and leaves immediately with an apology. Apology or not, that does not stop Tom from glaring daggers at the person as you drag him away back home, having to soothe him with words of affection as he grumbles under his breath about wanting to choke the person.
🔵 Tom is very awkward with dates and finds them super complicated to arrange, man doesn't have much experience with dating and wants the best for you, so he tries his best to make the dates the best they can be! Tom would never admit it, but he'd be looking up advice online on where to take his partner on a date and go based on that, which means Tom doesn't really have a specific type of date he goes on with you, it's mainly whatever the best thing he can find online, he goes with. You ain't complaining though, cause those dates range from romantic dinners to the aquarium to a musical, to a picnic! No matter what it is or where you go, your boyfriend always makes sure you're having fun.
🔵 Tom is the most awkward boyfriend that doesn't know what he's doing but tries his best anyway just to make the relationship work. He may not always understand what he's supposed to do as a boyfriend or how to do it because he is always internally freaking out if what's he doing actually works, but he'd never once make you feel like he doesn't love you. He'd remind you of that fact every day in any way he can, whether large or small. Your existence keeps him sane and happy, so he'll do anything he can just to keep you at his side, even if he doesn't always know what he's doing.
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🔴 Tord would be the type of boyfriend that thinks he knows what he's doing while being a huge show off while doing so, but in reality, he has no idea how being in love and dating works. Still, he sure acts like he does cause he feels insanely confident in a relationship because he thinks it's easy and he knows what he's doing (it isn't and he doesn't) But he rarely makes you suspect that over how nice a relationship with him is!
🔴 Tord is very open with his love for guns, especially when he pulls one out of nowhere before shooting something. Even though Tord doesn't mind showing you off his shooting skills, in fact, he loves it, but he will not allow you to touch his weapon at all! No amount of reassurance will make him trust you or himself enough to give you such a weapon. He just fears something might go wrong, if there's anyone else's safety he's more worried about it than his, it's yours and he will never put your life in danger willingly no matter what.
🔴 He'd show you his little inventions like the couch one or something like that and gets giddy when you show interest in them and praise him for them. He'd never show you his dangerous inventions though, like his giant robot out of fear of losing you, but if you have an invention request for him, Tord is more than happy to make it come true! Any nondangerous gadget is at your disposal any time you want and is free to use without asking, which means something because very few people have this sort of privilege from him.
🔴 So we all know Tord likes to smoke his cigars, well, similar to Tom with his alcohol problem, he will try to smoke less if not stop entirely at one point just for your sake. Whether you made a comment about his smoking habit or not, he's sure his smoke breath just after he finished his cigar doesn't feel really good when you two kiss. So he'd try his best to lessen doing it, or at least not smoke before he gets to spend time with you just so that he doesn't smell too bad.
🔴 Tord would be the type of boyfriend to lend you his clothes but on purpose! You won't need to ask for his hoodie or anything before he one day walks up to you with his hoodie and gives it to you without a word before walking away. If you comply and wear his clothes, expect to have his eyes always on you with a flirty smirk to match. He just can't help himself but feel oddly satisfied and honored for you to wear his clothes that are always too big for you, he finds it adorable and a way of marking you by having something of him with you, but he'd never tell you that of course.
🔴 Tord's love language is unsurprisingly physical touch and words of affirmation! Out of the main four, it was given that Tord would love physical touch a ton! Tord normally isn't a touchy person at all, he avoids having physical contact with most people like the plague, but with you? It's the opposite! The second you get together he's all over you in any way and every day he can! He saves the special affection for people that mean the most to him, and you just happened to be his entire world so he makes sure you receive the attention you deserve! Sitting on the couch with his arms wrapped around you? Check. Eating together with your knees touching? Check. Driving and sitting next to each other with his hand on your thigh? Check. Just any scenario with him having his hands on you in some way is always possible with Tord. He just feels safe and comfortable being this close to you, he doesn't show it, but Tord deals with a lot of anxiety and paranoia over the things he hides from you and his friends. It can get a lot sometimes, and the only way for him to let it all out is through physical contact with you.
🔴 Tord lives for giving you physical affection, but words of affirmation are exactly on the same level for him! Tord is a natural flirt that can come up with a pick-up line on the fly without trying, that's how good he is! But flirting isn't the only way he'll verbalize his love for you, a simple thought-out compliment or praise is what you'll hear from him a lot as well. Maybe you're working on something and are getting tired of it but you have to push through when you suddenly get interrupted by Tord appearing out of nowhere as he rubs your back reassuringly and tells you how great you're doing and to remember to take breaks etc. Just like with Matt, whatever you do, and no matter what the outcome of it was, or no matter how insecure you are, you will always be met with praise from him as he kisses you all over your face. Overall, just imagine yourself in any scenario just like the one before and Tord will find an excuse to flirt/compliment/praise you.
🔴 PDA and Tord are like best friends, why would he stop showering you with love in public when you clearly deserve all of the attention you can get? He's the same as Matt honestly, there is just no stopping him from kissing, hugging, hand-holding, etc, no matter where you two are. His love for you both in public and in private is the exact same, he just wants the whole world to know who you belong to and just wants to show your relationship off! Plus Tord doesn't feel any need to tone down the affection out in public, why should he? He barely pays attention to the random people on the street anyway because all of his attention is on you, everything else just doesn't matter when he's with you so he acts like it with his affections.
🔴 Kisses with Tord happen literally almost every minute and yet he always manages to find a way to make the next one more amazing than the last. He wants you to love and remember every moment of it as he slowly but sensually moves his lips against yours with that stupid smirk on his face and half-lid eyes that scan you with satisfaction. Tord is always confident when kissing you, so there's no hesitation coming from him before his lips are on yours while holding you so close you can barely move. And all of that is what I just described how kissing with Tord looks and feels like all the time. Outside of the lips though, Tord's other favorite spot to kiss you is to no one's surprise, your neck! It doesn't even need to be sexual, he just loves to kiss you there! The reactions you give him as you stiff at his sudden touch to the neck before you slowly relax and maybe let your voice out once in a while if Tord feels like teasing you a bit with his cheeky kisses. He is a pervert after all, so you can imagine he enjoys the show you give him sometimes immensely.
🔴 Same as with Tom and Matt, Tord lives for cuddles with you! Sorry, to say but Tord is always the big spoon, under no circumstance would he willingly put himself in a vulnerable position that we call the "little spoon". The only way for that to happen is you'd walk in on him in an uncharacteristically vulnerable moment, you both know he won't reveal what made him so upset so the only thing you can think of is to lay down and hug him from behind, pressing yourself against him tightly as you whisper reassuring words into his ear. Tord would never admit it, but he really appreciated the gesture, but you won't catch him asking to be a little spoon after that, it's just not his thing. What his thing is being the big spoon though! He is literally wrapped around you like a koala the whole cuddle session, you'd be pressed against his chest with his arms wrapped around your waist and his legs entangled with yours as he lays his head on top of yours. Unlike the two before him, Tord is always warm, so cuddling during the summer is always a pain, especially because Tord can't go a single day without multiple cuddles. But during winter you cannot be more glad than to have a literal fireplace as a boyfriend!
🔴 Tord feels like everyone is a threat to your relationship with a few exceptions constantly, even if the person in question is just a friend or someone that truly means no harm Tord will always feel like he's competing over you with them. As soon as he realizes the person's intentions with you he'd glare daggers at them with an almost silent animalistic growl coming from him as crossed arms almost rip the fabric of his hoodie from how tightly he's holding the fabric. As soon as the person's hands start to move towards you in an attempt to touch you, in a blink of an eye Tord is right behind you as he grabs your shoulders and possesivly presses your back against his chest. ''Get lost before I make you" If looks could kill the rando would have been already on the floor dead from the terrifying threat and expression Tord had on his face. Before you realize what's happening the person is already bolting in the opposite direction, you only snap out of it once you feel Tord's grip on you loosen as he looks at you with a satisfied smile before grabbing your hand and walking back home. It's almost as if the situation is already forgotten by him altogether, but it isn't, in fact, he'll have that memory of you getting hit on for a while before he gets over it. He just chooses not to show you how much the situation has impacted him for your sake, though he would really appreciate a kiss or two with some reassurance as you two head home, it'll make him feel better faster.
🔴 Tord legit has no idea what he's doing when it comes to dates. Just like Tom, he'd look up advice online on how to make "the perfect date" for you. The dates he'd typically settle on are the ones he knows you'd love to go to, he'd pay special attention in conversations where you mention a specific place you'd love to go to and immediately write it down as one of the places he should take you to. Literally, anything you want he will make it happen, restaurant, theme park, cinema, arcade, etc, just name it and you're going there! Tord already knows you're enjoying yourself because he purposefully took you somewhere you wanted to go, but he'd always try to make the date even more fun with various shenanigans he does to make you laugh, making dates more memorable than they would've originally been.
🔴 Tord is the embodiment of a boyfriend that wants nothing more but to make you the center of his world if not the universe. If someone like him could get with someone like you then it's only right he makes you feel like the most special person in the world! And just like Matt, he's perfect for those that need/want to be reminded of that fact every day, whether you want it or not Tord is basically worshiping you and he'll make sure you don't forget that fact either! Honestly, you're the only reason why he hasn't taken over the world yet, you'll never know that fact personally, but it's true!
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💙Future Leonardo Guide🐢
(updated 06.04.2023 - release!)
A guide to my future Leonardo desktop ghost! You can learn more get this boy on your computer here!
This post is for people who want to learn more about how Leonardo works. You can jump in and experience it all yourself, but if you feel like things are not going anywhere, this will be a kind-of-a-walkthrough to unlock all of the content you can for him
Such as that, ⚠this post contains spoilers for Leonardo Ghost's features⚠ I recommend playing around with him a few times yourself before diving into this
💙Info under the cut💙
Leonardo's mood resets every time you boot him up, and increases and decreases depending on your actions.
You can see his current mood in your stats list
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His mood actually slightly raises with every minute he's booted, and there's only a few ways to bring it down. So, you don't have to really worry about it.
🟢You can bring Leo's mood up by (in order from the most to least):
Asking him questions about himself, Michelangelo, April or Casey Jr for the first time since you booted him (essentially asking how they've been doing) (big boost)
Giving him things (big boost)
Giving him a compliment, or ask about puns, Casey Jr, Michelangelo or April (a bit)
Ask him about himself, the past, his powers and the other people (slightly)
🔴And his mood decreases if you:
Ask him about how he lost his arm (a lot)
Ask him about Raphael, Donatello or Splinter (quite a bit)
Ask him about the invasion, resistance, (slightly)
◾If you ask about Splinter and Leo replies with a random Lou Jitsu movie, you can say 'what a classic' and it will cancel out mood decrease
There is also a couple of events where Leo will feel distressed, and his mood will automatically go down.
Leo having a bad mood will impact your ability to ask him questions, give him things, and his idle and patting dialogue. Good mood will unlock more idle dialogue.
The more you interact with Leo, the more he grows to trust you. The more he trusts you, the more dialogue options unlock.
You can see the current state of it in your stats list
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🟢You can improve your friendship level by (no particular order):
Asking about himself, puns, the past, Michelangelo, April and Casey Jr
Petting his head
Give him compliments and things
Calling Lou Jitsu movie a classic if you asked him about Splinter
🔴There's not a lot of way to disappoint him (for now, anywa), but it will decreases if you:
Ask about Raphael, Donatello or Splinter before a certain point of trust
Ask how he lost his arm (not simply about his arm)
🎇Friendship unlockables🎇
Most of the things are unlockable with your friendship level, and here's a more straightforward list for those who want to see what you unlock with each level described in the status menu:
◾'He's getting a read on you' - new line if you ask him about yourself
◾'He think you are alright' - when you ask about his arm you might get an option to ask what happened to it. You can certainly try.
◾'He thinks you are cool' - unlocks new dialogue when you ask about April, new idle dialogue, new line if you ask him about yourself
◾'He calls you his friend' - unlocks new Raphael, Donatello and Splinter dialogue (and it doesn't negatively impact your friendship level anymore). Halfway through this level you also unlock the possibility of Leo opening up about Splinter
◾'He completely trusts you' - unlocks new dialogue when you ask about Michelangelo, as well as the possibility of Leo opening up about what happened to Raphael and, a bit more into the level, Donatello
◼ There's a few bonus lines sprinkled around that unlock at the high friendship level
One for when you ask about Raphael post-reveal, Donatello post-reveal, Michelangelo, April,
Three when you ask about Casey Jr
✨Raphael, Donatello, Splinter✨
So... you wish to know what happened to Raph, Donnie and Splinter. And Leo can tell you. And I'll tell you how.
◾ You need to reach a certain friend level. You can find out which one in the above section
◾ After you reach the 'he calls you his friend' level, you need to ask about them at least five times (if you want to know about Raph, you ask about him five times, at any point after you reached that level. Same thing for others)
◾If you met the requirements above, you can ask Leo for idle dialogue, or it will come up by its own if you don't have his talk rate turned to not talking. At some point he should get sad, and you get the prompt where you can ask him if he's doing alright. If you ask him, the reveal should start
◼ You can unlock those separately - earliest being what happened to Splinter.
◼ You don't have to do them in order of unlockability, so if you meet requirements for more than one reveal he will tell them in a random order
◼ If you don't ask him if he's alright when the prompt comes up, or he doesn't finish the whole story after the event triggers, it will trigger again later from the beginning
🎇Post-reveal unlockables🎇
After you find out what happened to the character, Leo will actually answer your questions when you ask about them! Woo! His mood still goes down when you do so, but not by much.
◾ For Splinter, when asking about him you can get the option to ask Leo to stop telling you Lou Jitsu movie names. No matter what you choose, the option to turn it on or off will be added to the stats menu
Leo is not very excited about being pet on the head like a kid by someone he just met, but, as the time goes on, he can warm up to it. Tired old man do be craving affection...
You can unlock new petting dialogue:
After first 20 pets - less surprised, but still on edge
After 100 pets - accepts his fate. And the pets.
◾ If he's in a bad mood, he will get way more snappy about them.
◾ There's one special pet he just says 'Nice' to. Guess which one.
◾ Certain number of pets unlock new idle dialogue
✨Other things✨
A couple of other unlockable things that did not fit in the sections above
◽ Things like giving Leo a pizza or asking about his day for the first time actually don't reset daily. They reset with each time you boot him up. Well, for all you know, it's been a whole day for him in the time it took for you to close and open SSP again!
◽Most of the lines in 'ask about yourself' are unlock with the things I've mentioned above, but I didn't mention them there because there's quite a few of them, and they unlock with different things - mood, friendship level or number of pets.
◽If you've not been good about entering your name... Leo will know. And he will remember. There is a couple of lines that unlock if you do so, but... do you want him to judge you?
◽ He has different dialogue if you close Leo after he's been on your screen for less than 5 minutes, but you may not want to see what it is
✨And that's about it! If you still have any questions, want to report a bug or a mistake, have a suggestion or want to share an opinion, my ask box is open here, or over at my main blog @venelona! Thank you for checking my boy, I worked quite hard on this and would appreciate a word 💖
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
๋࣭ ⭑⚝❤️🧡💛Sys Name💚💙💜•ू♡
🍒Other Names:
🍓Nick names:
💋Collective Prns:
🎸Collective Gender:
🌹Collective Orient:
🎀Body Age:
🍷Head Count:
💄System Tag:
🫐Suspected Disorders:
🪻Flirt /p:
👒:Flirt /r:
🌷Pet names:
🧼Friend Req:
🧶Front Req:
༘⋆₊ ⊹★SERAPHIM-COINZ🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
Rainbow template :)
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alithographica · 1 year
Re: Redbubble & Alternatives
Redbubble is doing some nonsense and I've deleted my account. I barely bothered with it anyway, was mostly there for people who've asked for specific images as posters.
Anyway in doing that I sacrificed the $4.35 that was still sitting in my earnings. They only let you cash out at $20, so rather than drum up sales and therefore make Redbubble more money, I'm gonna do what I feel is $4.35 in anti-publicity for them. 🥳
tl;dr there are new fees that hurt artist income at all sales levels. Redbubble is either looking to cut costs and raise profits for funsies, or is in serious financial trouble.
About the new fees:
Redbubble offers their services to artists by allowing artists to control their profit margin above a certain baseline manufacturing fee. This was pretty cool! There's now an additional fee that will be charged starting May 1, 2023. It is not an upfront fee that requires you to pay out of pocket, but it does directly cut your profit margin. How badly? Well...
By Redbubble's own example, if in one month you sell $300 in products that you had set at a 25% margin, you'd previously earn $75. Under the new structure, that earnings level means you pay a $28 fee, so you will now be paid $47. That $28 represents a 37% cut off what you were supposed to earn.
There's a full fee table in that link, but other highlights include a $1 fee if you earned $2 (aka 50%!) and big sellers who'd expect to take home $400 will now receive $320 (an $80 fee, 20%).
It also puts you in a weird spot that earning $1 more in a month may bump you to the next tier, causing you to actually take home less money. Make $1 more, end up losing $11. Make it make sense. 🤨
About the new tiers:
Each shop is evaluated and labeled Standard, Premium, or Pro. Premium and Pro shops are not subject to the new fees, but there's no clarity on how to move from one tier to another. Redbubble says it's under your control but it's clearly not. Many artists are reporting that they have accounts with next to no sales that have been labeled Pro, and accounts with thousands of annual sales that are labeled Standard.
Action items:
Look, I'm not gonna tell other artists that they have to close their shops, or tell buyers not to buy from Redbubble if your favorite artists have chosen to stay. What you do with the above info is up to you.
What I will say is that many artists are leaving because the new pay structure sucks. I encourage people who buy from Redbubble to expand their support to other sites.
Attrition is arguably their goal here—they know people will leave over this, and that'll probably lower their costs and lower competition for the remaining accounts. But goodwill is lost easily and they're playing a dangerous game on betting how many stay vs. leave. I'm out.
Feel free to leave your feedback on Redbubble's feedback form here, but it feels slightly like yelling into the void.
tbh I don't have a good read on things. If you do know of any recommended (or unrecommended) print-on-demand sites, speak up!
I will say that as of now (April 2023), based on my research:
🟢 INPRNT sounds like a winner if your game is art prints and stickers. Does not have any wearable products like t-shirts.
🟡 Etsy + Printify/Printful might be viable? Etsy always had higher profit margins than POD marketplaces, but it's a bit more work and they also do weird things occasionally. Also has a listing fee so if you're the type to upload a ton of designs, pricey.
🔴 Teepublic is owned by Redbubble. Doesn't have the tier/new fee structure as of now but might be imminent. Have also heard their customer service sucks.
🔴 Society6 is going to charge artists shipping costs, and there's going to be a (mandatory?) subscription service launched in the fall, so that's not a winner anymore either.
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crows-templets · 6 months
⭐️ ♪ ✯✩✮✯✩✮ ♪ ⭐️
╏🖍️ name:
╏🧩 age:
╏🐾 pronouns:
╏🎨 gender:
╏🖍️ role:
╏🧩 signoff:
╏🐾 subsys/group:
╏🎨 source:
╏🖍️ sourcemates:
╏🧩 sourcetalk:
╏🐾 nicknames:
╏🎨 petnames:
╏🖍️ touch:
╏🧩 family:
╏🐾 other info:
⭐️ ♪ ✯✩✮✯✩✮ ♪ ⭐️
||template by crows-templets on tumblr||
Rainbow regression themed template!
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
🩷🍿 Finnie's 2k Follower Event 🍿💚
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🩷💚🩷 EVENT NOW CLOSED 🩷💚🩷 hello and welcome to my silly little cinema 🩷💚🩷💚 this time around i've got options for moodboards, mini playlists, character pairings, and as always, ficlets and headcanons!! as always my little beloveds, read my rules, & send your requests in (and include reader's gender/pronoun/genital info where needed!) i don't know how many requests i'll do (edit: i'll be doing 50 requests for this event, there are still plenty of spaces!!) and i'll try to avoid similar prompts!! (normal requests are still open just now but i won't be writing them or posting them until after the event) along with the drabbles and headcanons, i'll also do a little giveaway of sorts with some commissions, so anyone who asks off anon will be included into a little draw for a free 500 word commission, and i'll pick some winners just to express how much love i have for you all ;-;💚 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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hi welcome to the cinema!! are you ready to purchase your tickets?
i'll let my date decide [tell me a bit about yourself for a character pairing!]
yes!! [please scroll for options and prompts!]
if you're not here for a date, please choose from the options below and let me know which character you want!! (pick literally any character from my "will write" list! 1 for x reader, 2 for ships)
no more requests for btaa!scarecrow or zero year!riddler, please! their egos will explode lmao
where would you like to be seated? (pick 1 option)
right in the middle [movie soundtrack - mini playlist based on the character]
aisle seat [movie poster - i'll make a little moodboard based on the character]
front rows [short fic/drabble - scroll for the next options!]
back rows [headcanons/short form - scroll for the next options!]
which genre of movie would you like to see? (pick 1)
science-fiction [smut/pwp]
horror [dead dove/something dark]
action [hurt/comfort - physical]
drama [hurt/comfort - emotional]
romantic comedy [tooth rotting fluff]
thriller [angst]
and what would you like in your snack box? (pick up to 3, also yeah whatever my theatre serves fries and burgers!!)
🥤 soda [praise kink]
🧋 bubble tea [posessiveness]
🧃 fruit juice [touch starved, tensing up when shown affection]
🍹 cocktail [acts of care]
🍷 wine [confessing feelings]
🍺 beer ["i didn't mean it... it was an accident"]
🍕 pizza slice [dry humping]
🍔 slider [begging]
🌭 hotdog ["they'd/you'd never feel that way about me"]
🌶️ nachos [comforting through a breakup while pining]
🍟 fries [pet play]
🥓 jerky [oral sex/rimming]
🍿 sweet popcorn [sex as a tension release]
🧂 salted popcorn [watching a movie together]
🧈 butter popcorn ["look at you, you're dripping all over yourself"]
🧀 cheese popcorn [rough sex]
🥨 pretzel [roleplaying]
🍩 donut ["i think i love you"]
🍪 chocolate cookie [biting/licking/sucking]
🌈 rainbow cookie [clumsy first kisses]
🧁 cupcake [cnc/noncon/dubcon]
🍎 fruit cup ["you're going to ruin me"]
🍫 chocolate bar [voyeurism]
🍬 candy ["keep your eyes open, i want you to look at me"]
🍭 lollipop [choking]
🍧 frozen yoghurt [blushing in front of your crush, who finds it cute]
🍨 sundae [blind date]
🍦 vanilla ice cream ["that feels nice... it feels right"]
🍌 banana ice cream [sitting in their lap]
🍑 peach ice cream [spanking/impact play]
🍒 cherry ice cream [a kiss, then a slap, then a returned kiss]
🍓 strawberry ice cream ["your hands are so soft"]
🌰 trail mix [facefucking/face riding]
🥜 peanuts ["you're doing such a good job"]
🧅 grilled onions ["i want to smell myself on you"]
🥒 pickles [humiliation/degradation]
🥬 slaw [memorising the scars/marks on their body]
🔴 ketchup ["you said you'd never be caught dead doing something like this"]
🟡 mustard [piss]
🟢 ranch [feeling safe enough to fall asleep in each others' arms]
🥛 sour cream [cockwarming]
🥚 mayo ["let me show you"]
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aro-aura · 4 months
List of Arospec Identities [2]
(And their flags as bottlecaps)
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Under the cut is a list of microlabels and aro identities that is kinda alphabetically arranged.
Check out Part 1
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Desinoromantic refers to an aro-spec attraction where one does not experience full-on romantic attraction. [source]
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Frayromantic (also known as ignotaromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as when someone only experiences romantic attraction towards those that they are not deeply connected with, and lose that attraction as they get to know the individuals. [source]
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Greyromantic or greyaromantic (also spelled as grayromantic or grayaromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum which describes those who relate with aromanticism, yet feel that there are parts of their experience that aren't fully described by the word aromantic. [source]
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Idemromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is a subcategory of quoiromantic and is closely related to platoniromantic. It is described as experiencing no notable internal differences between platonic and romantic feelings, often categorizing relationships and feelings as platonic or romantic based on external factors. [source]
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Lithromantic (also called akoiromantic, akioromantic, or lithoromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Someone who is lithromantic may experience romantic attraction but does not want it reciprocated. The lithromantic individuals may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being romantically attracted to them, or they may lose their romantic feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. [source]
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Myrromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum in which one experiences multiple aro-spec identities. These identities may be static (kymenic) or they may fluctuate (amplusic). [source]
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Nebularomantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Much like platoniromantic, those who are nebularomantic are unable to distinguish the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. But in the case of nebularomantic individuals, that is due to one's status as neurodivergent. [source]
Neutral aro
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Aro Neu or Neu Aro (expanded to Neutro Aro or Aro Neutral) describes an individual on the aromantic spectrum who is neutral on allosexual and asexual. [source]
Non Split Attraction Model Aromantic
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A Non-SAM Aro is an aromantic person who does not use the split attraction model (SAM). A non-SAM aro is simply and only aromantic, and does not identify with any asexual or allosexual identity. [source]
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Orchidromantic is a micro-label on the aromantic spectrum. It can be used on it’s own or as an umbrella term. Orchidromantic is when an individual feels romantic attraction, but does not desire a romantic relationship. [source]
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Platoniromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is a subcategory of quoiromantic and is closely related to idemromantic. It describes the feeling of not being able to distinguish between platonic and romantic feelings. [source]
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Recipromantic or sometimes called Reciproromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum meaning someone who does not experience romantic attraction unless they know that the other individual is romantically attracted to them first. [source]
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Uniromantic, also known as oneromantic or unianthroromantic, refers to someone who feels romantic attraction toward one person and one person only for advanced periods of time, or perhaps one’s whole lifetime. [source]
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Quoiromantic (also called WTFromantic or Whatromantic) is a term associated with challenging one's own romantic orientation as not personally helpful. It also can include not knowing one's romantic orientation or not wanting to define one's romantic orientation. [source]
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Check out Part 1
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Everything we know about The Bad Guys 2.
A post detailing everything about the sequel of The Bad Guys, from confirmed to unconfirmed information, leaks & more. We'll update the post whenever something new comes up, so stay tuned!
🟢Confirmed info:
On March 26th 2024, DreamWorks officially announced a sequel of The Bad Guys in development, coming to theaters August 1st 2025.
Synopsis: "The Bad Guys are struggling to find trust and acceptance in their newly minted lives as Good Guys, when they are pulled out of retirement and forced to do ‘one last job' by an all-female squad of criminals."
Just like the first film, whose story was loosely based on book 1 through 4 of The Bad Guys book series, it appears the sequel will be loosely based on the events of book 5 through 10 of the book series.
Returning cast & crew:
Pierre Perifel (director)
Damon Ross (producer)
JP Sans (co-director, was previously head of character animation)
Daniel Pemberton (composer)
Sam Rockwell - Mr. Wolf
Marc Maron - Mr. Snake
Craig Robinson - Mr. Shark
Akwafina - Ms. Tarantula
Anthony Ramos - Mr. Piranha
Zazie Beetz - Diane Foxington
Richard Ayoade - Professor Marmalade
Alex Borstein - Misty Luggins
Lilly Singh - Tiffany Fluffit
New (june 21, 2024): Gorge R. Gutierrez will make a cameo in The Bad Guys 2, it is unknown which character he's voicing.
Voice actors for the new characters have not yet been revealed. Director Pierre Perifel previously confirmed that Marmalade's real identity is indeed true to what it is in the books (no spoilers) although it is unknown if the reveal shall be made in the sequel, despite him strongly pointing towards it being the case.
New info (may 17, 2024) : In an interview with the Today Show Australia, while promoting his newest movie adaptation "Thelma the Unicorn" & talking about the final book of The Bad Guys series releasing this fall, author Aaron Blabey gave an update regarding The Bad Guys 2 currently in the works at Dreamworks.
🟡Yet to be confirmed:
According to IMDb, the budget of The Bad Guys 2 is that of $80M. The budget of the first film was $70M. It also claims that the creator & author of The Bad Guys himself (Aaron Blabey) will write the script alongside Ethan Cohen. Aaron was previously the producer on the first film, in order to ensure the characters he created are well portrayed.
New (July 13th, 2024): According to Daniel RPK (an industry insider) actress Natasha Lyonne has been cast in The Bad Guys 2. She's probably voicing one of Diane's former friends, if this is true.
On March 9th 2023, an insider known as "The V Scooper" on twitter revealed that a sequel of DreamWorks' The Bad Guys is in development. He even provided some extra plot details of the movie, which closely resembles that of the official synopsis. Although he commented that some plot points may change in the final version of the script, since that was still early on in production.
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meizze-art · 4 months
- 5 SLOTS! available per month -
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🟢WILL DRAW: fanart (any fandom), original characters (oc, mc), nsfw (any kink as long as characters look aged up), fanfic & book covers/scenes, blood, portraits and lineart colorings 🔴WON'T DRAW: heavy mecha/armour, furries
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cariocasimmer · 1 month
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✨ don lothario makeover
our favorite don juan with new looks and some new attributes, a full set of skills, a job (wow!), and defined turn-ons/turn-offs and likes/dislikes.
base game + lovestruck ONLY
sim info:
🟢 don lothario 💎 serial romantic 🧬 self-assured, romantic & non-commital 🧬➕ alluring 💼 bodybuilder | personal trainer (5)
🆔 curseforge ⏩ cariocasimmer 🆔 gallery id ⏩ cariocasimmer
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avianyuh · 11 months
***this masterlist took forever because I had to scroll through SIX YEARS worth of work. this is the most updated masterlist on my page so use this one if you need navigation :) ***
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Who I write for:
-NCT🟢 (mainly anyone that was apart of NCT 2018, but if you want WayV, I can do that!)
-Enhypen -
-Monsta X 🫡 (but I'm emotionally scarred from Wonho so idk...)
UPDATE 02/28/2024: girlies i have nothing to say about ATEEZ anymore, it's just not gonna happen so I took them out of the ML😥sorry. BUT, I will now be adding *some* second gen groups because the fics are LACKING. I already said in the past I would write for SHINee and I stand by that! I just don't have much to write for them atm. Does anyone want a BF!Minho? idk...Who wants SUJU? Well, it doesn't matter cuz I do😁 I will also add Jaejoong from TVXQ/JYJ, not the whole group for TVXQ cuz I'm really only familiar with him and Junsu. I will also start up again with EXO so keep a look out if you like those fics. Anyways, this was just a PSA I wanted to make.
UPDATE 08/2024: FUCK SUJU, no I'm just kidding but....I'm not writing for them lol. Also, I don't see Shinee happening either. HOWEVER, I am thinking of adding Enhypen to my list of groups I write for! I have only written one fic (specifically a Jungwon fic), I'm currently writing something else for Enhypen.
< >
🔍navigation help🔎
-If a group is crossed out it means I no longer write for them
-Please don't be afraid to request something. idc if it's anon or not. if you want something written, just send in a request :) it will encourage me to get to whatever group someone requested faster. as long as they're mentioned above, I'll write for them (only because I like to be familiar with the members so I can write accurate depictions of them)
< >
📢Upcoming Works🆕
🗓️ yoongi fanfic (september)
🗓️ enhypen idk yet
🗓️seventeen idk yet
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BTS reactions:
🌱requested; bts reaction to you having diabetes and not taking care of yourself
🌱requested; namjoon taking care of his chronically ill girlfriend
🌱requested;BTS getting jealous over crush giving more attention to Yeontan or Bam
🌱requested; Giving BTS flower crowns
🌱requested: BTS accusing reader of leaking sensitive info
🌱requested; BTS helping S/O with finals
🌱requested;BTS misses crush on tour but is too shy to confess
🌱request; BTS gets jealous and confesses to crush
🌱request; BTS comforts S/O who starts flunking exams
🌱request: BTS Suga, Taehyung, Jungkook and their pets
🌱requested: BTS as your brother
One Shots;
🌱Dinner Date, Jeon Jungkook
🌱Time Off; Jung Hoseok
🌱Boring | Min Yoongi Chapters; TWO THREE
NCT: *in the process of finding new picture*
NCT headcanons;
🌱a soft day with nct part one (johnny through jungwoo)
🌱a soft day with nct part two (lucas through jisung)
🌱nct as boyfriends (johnny through jungwoo)
🌱nct as boyfriens (lucas through jisung)
🌱christmas with nct (johnny through ten)
🌱requested; how nct would confess to their crush (johnny through jungwoo)
NCT reactions:
🌱nct u reaction to meeting your parents
🌱requested; nct reaction to someone touching you inappropriately (johnny through mark)
🌱requested: NCT reaction to you asking to move in together
nct reaction to you thinking you're fat: 🌱yuta
🌱jaehyun 🌱mark
🌱taeyong 🌱johnny
🌱requested;NCT 127 commenting on GFs IG post
Individual member posts;
🌱dating jaehyun
🌱requested; dating mark
🌱requested; dating haechan
🌱requested; dating johnny
🌱dating lucas
🌱dating taeyong
🌱dating yuta
🌱requested; soft dom! winwin
🌱haechan request; idol reader
🌱requested; NCT 127 MLT break up with current GF for their crush
🌱requested; NCT 127 give their ex a second chance
One Shots;
🌱making time;mark lee
🌱tattoos; Yuta Nakamoto
🌱'I'll Call You; Jaehyun' [part one] [part two] [part three] [part four]
🌱requested; Taeyong fic
🌱requested; Taeyong fic 2
🌱requested;NCT 127 group one shot
🌱deadline;Mark Lee
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EXO headcanons;
🌱Oh Sehun as a boyfriend
🌱Baekhyun as a boyfriend
🌱a soft day with EXO (hyung line)
🌱a soft day with EXO (maknae line)
One Shots;
🌱insecure; Kai
🌱baekhyun request
🌱requested;baekhyun missing his ex
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🌱Too Late; Yang Jungwon
🌱 Irresponsible | Lee Heeseung
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Kim Jaejoong:
🌱Thank You For Waiting
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Day6 headcanons;
day6 as boyfriends
One Shots;
'I Love You'-Jae Version
'I Love You'- Young K
GOT7 as boyfriends
TWICE one shots
Requested: A Trip With Jeongyeon
BlackPink headcanons;
Jennie As Your Best Friend
Root Beer Float
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