#inferences and all that
transingthoseformers · 4 months
Okay, cause see, now I have QUESTIONS.
Does Cybertron have schools, or high schools? Do they have societal norms? Do they have popular kids, bigoted people? Does homophobia even exist there? Do they think there's Cybertron versions of traditional people that would probably call Mirage or Bumblebee their own version of slurs for having human partners??
And while we're on this topic, does anyone ever question if Cybertron has their own versions of mental health disorders we have on Earth? How do they treat them?? Do they even treat them????? Or is it just non-existent because they're robots? But they have the compacity to feel love and shit like that, but there's no such thing as Depression, Anxiety or BPD over there?
Like what are the societal norms over there? What are the class types over there? Because we all know Mirage was definitely some rich kid but what about Bumblebee?? And Optimus? And my girl Arcee?? Like what were their lives before all of this??
You also have to account for the war and how badly that's fucked everything up
From everything I've seen in various continuities:
There are academies and stuff
Bigoted people do seem to exist on Cybertron, though often in unfamiliar ways
Homophobia does not seem to exist in say IDW, (iicr), can't say much for other continuities but I personally like to think homophobia would be rare to nonexistent on Cybertron
(though, in IDW it seems to be rare to marry and considering idw Sentinel there might be a Thing against other bots having life partners in general. Or sentinel might just be the dick in the room and it's rare rare to hate on others having romantic relationships on Cybertron)
I don't think they'd have existing slurs for organic x mech relationships as it's just That Plain Old Unfamiliar, but I can see mecha getting nasty about it. Especially given how common anti organic sentiments are in various continuities
Cybertronians 200% have mental health conditions, we see it in a decent amount of continuities (whether it's meant to be a ✨character quirk✨ or they actually want to talk about mental health or if it's The Latest Haha Joke; Please Laugh™️ /s)
How they treat them seems to vary across continuity because I think they just... Don't in some continuities, and that never goes down well. At least in IDW we can tell there's a focus in psychology and these guys have at least one competent therapist. But in IDW there are Many Horrors and it's very willing to show us them.
We know in Aligned there was a caste system before the war, which went not well. We see in IDW there's Functionism which dictates social class by altmode. In tfa there's Whatever The Fuck Is Going On with civilian frames v Warframes. The role of Prime is usually a big deal (though it's superseded by Magnus in tfa) (the matrix of leadership is often involved, but not always). Though everything usually goes to shit once the war starts
We don't know enough about Knightverse to fully place Optimus's origins (iicr), but he just seems a lot younger and less big of a deal than some other iterations of him so I have a few ideas what he Wasn't
I can definitely consult tfwiki for more specifics on Knightverse lore
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chickenchirps27 · 9 days
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hello denizens of tumblr i come with humble offerings
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they wish to romance you
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starmocha · 7 months
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Their reaction to wearing a school uniform is very on brand of them. 👌
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mediapen · 2 months
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↳ CS55 ++ 'a short poem about records' by max lavergne
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mars-ipan · 3 days
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so we all saw @dr2-hell's updated bunnymaeda design right. because i sure as hell did
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I am seeing some of the WORST takes about tdp season 4. Sweet, sweet tumblr users. This season was a lot of set up, not everything was supposed to be explained or resolved, or even "should" have been. Season 4 had to do the heavy leg work of re-establishing characters and arcs and the plot moving foreword. It just needs a little time to be able to act on everything it's now established. It did a good job building off of arc 1, and now we are fully indoctrinated into arc 2!
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himebushou · 2 years
One of my favourite things about Buddy Daddies is the fact that Miri is incredibly well-written.
In Episode 8, Miri asks more about Rei's father — her grandpa. She's excited at first, but when she finds out that it won't be possible to meet Suwa Shigeki, she asks, "So is Grandpapa mad at Papa Rei?"
She continues:
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We don't know how Miri frames the argument in her four-year-old mind, but I wouldn't be surprised if she imagined the pair fighting over the last cookie, or something.
Kazuki, however, somewhat forgets that he's talking to a tiny pop and starts telling Miri about the complicated family dynamic:
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Watching this part, I felt pretty sceptical — how was Miri going to understand concepts like 'special circumstances', overbearing expectations, family businesses and so on? It would have been pretty ridiculous if she'd followed everything Kazuki said and responded like an adult.
But Miri, darling Miri, zeroes in on one particular part of Kazuki's dialogue:
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The bit that really matters to a four-year-old child! The bit that she can understand!
Kazuki corrects Miri. The conversation concludes with Miri coming back on track; she simplifies the situation, no doubt relating it to her own experiences at daycare:
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And that's another reason why the writing for Unasaka Miri is fantastic.
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cantdealwiththisnow · 6 months
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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pseudophan · 1 month
i'm so extremely irrationally annoyed by people not knowing what various terms mean and using them incorrectly like i feel like that's such an asshole thing to care about but oh my god stop
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skellseerwriting · 21 days
Am I the only one who thinks James Hook is dead?
like, pre-descendants movies I think he had died
the only VK parents you actually see (other than core 4) is Ursula (tentacle, technically)
When Descendants 2 introduces the SeaThree, Uma says who they’re each the child of; mentioning Hook and Gaston
I always imagined Gaston was lazing around house with his 3 wifeys
But what about Hook?
Well, Harry is always carrying around his father’s hook with an attached hilt. Why would he have that if he was still alive to be wearing it? Unless he got a new one on their dumpster isle
and then of course you have his attachment to it. In the boat fight between Jay and Harry, Jay threatens to drop the hook into the ocean. Harry immediately throws down his sword and turns serious, going “give it back” with his hand.
Honestly I can’t imagine being that attached to something (especially since this could impact Uma’s victory. You know, the woman he would do anything for?), but if his father is dead then of course he would give up anything for his hook
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districtunrest · 2 months
Haymitch: *has the 'oh, no, sweetheart. I know you, but you don't know me' card locked and loaded for if/when she gets too close*
meanwhile, Katniss: *demonstrates Haymitch Abernathy Clairvoyance™ whenever she gives just one iota of thought toward him*
There’s only one way Haymitch could have won, and Peeta says it just as I’m reaching this conclusion myself. “He outsmarted the others,” says Peeta.
(next book)
Haymitch makes a beeline for his cliff and has just reached the edge when she throws the ax. He collapses on the ground and it flies into the abyss. Now weaponless as well, the girl just stands there, trying to staunch the flow of blood pouring from her empty eye socket. She's thinking perhaps that she can outlast Haymitch, who's starting to convulse on the ground. But what she doesn't know, and what he does, is that the ax will return. And when it flies back over the ledge, it buries itself in her head. The cannon sounds, her body is removed, and the trumpets blow to announce Haymitch's victory.
even more impressively, without Peeta's input,
The sixteen-year-old boy who won the second Quarter Quell must have had people he loved - family, friends, a sweetheart maybe -that he fought to get back to. Where are they now? How is it that until Peeta and | were thrust upon him, there was no one at all in his life? What did Snow do to them?
(pages later)
"My mother and younger brother. My girl. They were all dead two weeks after | was crowned victor. Because of that stunt | pulled with the force field," he answers. "Snow had no one to use against me."
which is why this:
Maybe he wasn’t always a drunk. Maybe, in the beginning, he tried to help the tributes. But then it got unbearable.
is canon to me, no question.
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mummer · 9 months
would you mind sharing some of your twow predictions/hopes? i'm trying to cope with a lack of twow 🤒
oh man where would i even begin. im gonna do straight up hard predictions and not allow myself to be very self indulgent here is what i think will happen unironically
melisandre does not intentionally resurrect jon bc that makes no sense for her character. i dont think she'll be the one to do it at all but if she does it will be an accident and also a brain shattering experience for her
jon is considered king beyond the wall (not king in the north.... yet) but you already knew that
jon spends more time beyond the wall actually. i am keeping this concept vague
night lamp is definitely real and stannis takes winterfell at some point but he wont survive the book
sam's oldtown chapters become unexpected fandom sleeper faves like theon's in dance
the rosby heir is olyvar frey
dany does not come to westeros before her final chapter and never even encounters jon. slave revolt in volantis yayyyyyy!!!!!
there is still no R+L=J reveal
loras ends up fine but drastically scarred
elia sand and aegon have a forbidden romance
pyp and grenn die offpage (i predict this so that i can be pleasantly surprised when they show up)
danny flint is revealed to be coldhands shut up actually
gerris drinkwater is surprisingly important to the plot
brienne and jaime both survive the encounter with LSH and survive the whole book i saw this in my mind
barristan either dies really early on or he eventually defects to join aegon because he thinks he's the more rightful heir. the ol treason for blood
the faceless men turn out to just be another branch of the iron bank who are doing assassinations for money more than obscure religious/political reasons. this blackpills arya enough for her to return home
sansa encounters jeyne again and this is what provokes her to move against littlefinger
theon...... joins the night's watch..... question mark
there's a gay sex scene but no one likes it
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explodingquails · 5 months
MAJOR Hades 2 spoilers under the cut!
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I am so unwell about this... the way their bodies are arranged in a circle made me think they were cornered and making a last stand back-to-back when Chronos got them.
Also the fact that Nyx was frozen away from the rest implies either: 1) Chronos attacked her first to get her out of the picture; 2) She was the last one left and faced Chronos in the hallway leading to Hades' room to buy Melinoë and Hekate time to escape
In case the pic is too low quality those are the Chronos victims clockwise from the top: Achilles, Zagreus, Megaera, Dusa, Persephone, Thanatos :((
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meowburgerz · 5 months
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you look just like your mother
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fisheito · 5 months
DID HE LICK? (🐍 edition)
STORY CHP 2: ✅ (ear/abdomen) BELOVED SR: ✅ (mouth) THE OG SSR: ✅✅ (ear; mouth) WHITE DAY: ✅❌️ (mouth) IDOLKUMO: ❌️✅ (mouth/neck/ear) VAMPIREY: ✅✅ (mouth/thighs; neck) BOOKWORM: ❌️✅ (mouth) HISSHISSSS: ✅✅ (neck; calf) IT'S RAINING: ✅✅ (DICK; neck)
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charcubed · 4 months
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and what if I told you that even here Art’s repressed bisexuality is blatantly haunting/informing the narrative and everything that’s happening throughout (which of course also means that the absence of Patrick is also haunting the both of them).
how the moment where he decides to tell Tashi that he wants to retire is shown with a slow pan down his body with the open closet in frame, and then focus on his wedding ring…. then Tashi looks large in frame while he looks very small… and there’s a closeup when he says “I’m tired,” and then right after that there’s this specific shot of him framed as being in the closet as he starts saying, “I don’t want to be one of those guys who doesn’t know when to walk away, okay, it’s embarrassing to still be doing this shit when you’re 40.”
which is a conversation that happens a few hours after…
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“Well, I don’t miss playing with you, man. I’m too old for it.”
(“We’re not talking about tennis.”
“What the fuck else do i have to talk to you about?”)
((“Tell me it doesn’t matter if I win tomorrow.”))
(((“I don’t matter?”
“Not even to the most obsessive tennis fan in the world.”)))
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