#including a radio
ohnoitsz1m · 2 months
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Furry combine mask designs,, miiight play with the elite design more but im rly happy with the civil protection design
+ a little breakdown of how the CP mask goes on :]
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I realized these are kinda like.. a shitty inside out fursuit head so I proceeded with that in mind and it worked out i think👍
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pseudospectre · 1 year
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symbolishplant · 1 year
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puppyeared · 7 months
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littlest furth shop
#i think i had a little too much fun with this lol#i also wanted to draw road boy and other characters but maybe when they actually get introduced#i do have a sketch of him with a lil chainsaw.. im not gonna be normal when he gets introduced man he looks so sillygoofy#if you squint laika's eye marking is a clover yue's is a crescent moon and mars' is a star ^_^#i wanted to give laika an accessory too but i couldnt think of anything.. maybe a stack of pancakes??#im curious to see the apocalypse side of the story too.. like so far we have an idea of the comet fucking everything up#and im assuming that lead to a ripple effect causing the apocalypse but exactly how bad?? i cant wait to find out#rn im kinda piecing stuff together.. larkspur delivers mail in a beat up van so that might mean all transportation is grounded#the buildings we've seen so far are intact like the observatory and turnip's house but idk if thats the same for big cities#laikas playlist only includes songs downloaded on yue's computer and there hasnt been internet in 20 years.. but radio signals might#still work.. if yue grows his own food we can assume that mass production and distribution also isnt a thing anymore#sorry im a sucker for worldbuilding.. and the furth puns are fun to me. i like to think toronto would be clawronto.. and vancouver wld#be nyancouver.. barktic circle.. mewfoundland and labrador.. canyada....#christ i have so many drawing ideas. willow if youre reading this im so sorry youre probably gonna expect to see a lot of drawings frm me#like. i wanna draw laika in the akira bike pose so sosososo bad. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOMECOOL. ill teach myself to draw bikes if i have to#i also wanted to animate laika leekspin.. man#my art#myart#fanart#laika's comet#laikas comet#laika#mars#yue#furry art#fur#littlest pet shop#lps
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grandkhan221b · 7 months
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But what if they were all redeemed tho ?
This was a fun exercice, as heaven's colour palette isn't really one I'm used to x)
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
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allastoredeer · 7 months
I don’t know why but I think it would be hilarious to see how Alastor and Lucifer would react to a reporter asking about their relationship in ur fic, since they would need to keep their facade and such.
Lucifer probably teaching Alastor how to act, since he has ‘more experience’ in romance, while Alastor reminds him that he has been dumped two times and doesn’t trust a single thing. That mental image is so priceless 😆😆
Also imagine a reporter going like “everyone in hell want to know who tops in bed?”, and lucifer almost proud goes “ofc it’s me”, meanwhile Alastor ace ass is confused as hell, cause he isn’t familiar with the term, but feels offended nonetheless lmao
Meanwhile vox is crying and eating ice cream in bed
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Yes, Vox is watching this and he is crying, sobbing, on the floor.
Hehehehe Lucifer is going to have his work cut out for him in the fic, though. He's got more experience than Alastor does, and knows how to at least come off as being in a typical, allosexual relationship.
Alastor is sitting there, zoning out, because hhhhhhhhhh why does this require more effort than he thought it would.
Alastor: Let's pretend to be in a relationship
Alastor when he actually has to pretend to be in a relationship:
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mizgnomer · 5 months
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SFX Covers featuring David Tennant click for high res
The regular/non-subscriber versions of some of the ones above:
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...and some special editions:
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ftm-radio · 10 months
I love testosterone 🥰
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doubling the image so it doesn't take up your entire dash lol ur welcome
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lizzardson · 5 months
recommend me an underrated audio drama please please please please please
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mostlyghostly42 · 3 months
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my face when the soc is pens
Silly little drawing of the enamoring being @socpens
also an excuse to get funky with typography and accidentally make an album cover looking thing
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
For hazbin hotel au: what if alastor arrives at young age? Let say an incident which both he and his ma die at same time but because of his heritage, he got sent to hell, forced to survive in the streets until he meet Charlie and the rest of the hotel residents. How do you think will happen if he meet Lucifer?
Oh, so an AU of the AU? Sounds fun! Let me think...
Well, my first thought is that Alastor's demon form would be fairly different, since it's so closely tied into the manner in which he died. Buuuuut... I really like him as a deer demon, so I'm going to handwave that away. I'm also going to have him keep his powers associated with radio, despite him not yet having become a radio host, with the justification that listening to the radio shows together with Nicaise and making her laugh by perfectly imitating the radio man's accent were such fond memories for him they carried over to his demon form.
Ultimately, this version of Alastor still becomes the Radio Demon. But unlike the Alastor who died as an adult, nobody knows what the Radio Demon looks like. He's a mystery, known only for his radio broadcasts and striking down Overlords from the shadows. So when this little red kid with deer ears shows up on Charlie's doorstep introducing himself as the Radio Demon, she and Vaggie are understandably skeptical.
That skepticism dies when he blasts Sir Pentious's airship right out of the sky.
Alastor still brings in Niffty and Husk - two of the only people who know who the Radio Demon really is - still fixes up the building, and still acts as the facility manager. But everyone involved in the hotel keeps his identity a secret, at his request.
When Lucifer arrives at the hotel, he's in sheer disbelief that the hotel's manager is this tiny kid. Never mind Alastor frequently pointing out that he's around a hundred years old now. That doesn't really clarify anything for Lucifer who's several millennia old. He's less of a condescending jerkass to Alastor at first, seeing him as a kid, but Alastor doesn't take kindly to being treated like a child. So Alastor does what Alastor does and prods under Lucifer's armor. He starts throwing himself at Charlie, hanging off her arm, acting like a precocious kid and interrupting Lucifer's attempts to bond with her while shooting the King of Hell smug looks.
Charlie finds it a bit weird given Alastor usually acts more like an adult, but she does think it's kind of cute so she allows it. Lucifer is furious. He frequently refers to Alastor as, 'that damn brat,' and casually picks him up and teleports him to other rooms of the hotel for 'a time out' and generally treats Alastor like he's a nuisance, not a member of the hotel staff.
And then... Alastor's parentage comes out.
Lucifer is just as awkward with the childlike version of Alastor as he is with the version who died as an adult. That awkwardness just manifests differently. He keeps trying to make amends by treating Alastor as though he's an actual kid, lavishing him with gifts, inviting him on trips, so on and so forth. Alastor really doesn't think he should have to decline a trip to Lu Lu World more than once. Charlie tries to step in on his behalf, but she's not so great at dealing with Lucifer's awkwardness either.
One of the most insulting gifts is a pet, similar to Razzle and Dazzle, who is supposed to keep Alastor safe.
Alastor explodes.
He died when he was ten and he's been keeping himself safe ever since then, thank you very much! He was strong enough and clever enough to become one of the most feared Overlords in the Pentagram, all without ever showing his face once! And it's been over a hundred years since then! If Lucifer wanted to be his dad, he's about a century too late!
Unfortunately, one of the downsides of being stuck in a child's body is that sometimes his adult emotions are too big for it. All the anger and frustration comes out as tears, which only makes Alastor that much angrier. Lucifer tries to offer comfort, to pull Alastor into a hug, but Alastor melts into the shadows before Lucifer can even touch him.
#ask#anonymous#Hazbin Hotel#the Devil's Bastard AU#kid Alastor AU#the poll results are in!#although this is a spinoff AU...#I started writing out the whole history of kiddo Alastor waking up in Hell and rising to become the Radio Demon#including him making a deal with someone who HATES Lucifer#then I realized I was going off topic#but some other changes that come with Alastor dying as a kid:#he never met Mimzy when she was alive. they might have crossed paths in Hell but she doesn't come running to him for protection#since she doesn't know Alastor IS the Radio Demon#Vox still has his obsession with the Radio Demon#but since they never met face to face and never became friends it's more of a straightforward rivalry#Vox has no clue who Alastor is and doesn't care#kid Alastor is friends with Rosie still#she doesn't know how powerful he is but she has some guesses#she treats him a bit like a stray cat who swings by her shop every so often stays a few days begs for treats then dips#Rosie has offered to let Alastor live with her permanently but he refused#since Alastor didn't attend the Overlord meeting in person he didn't learn about the exorcist's death the same way#his shadow attended and reported to him later#and he went to investigate Carmilla himself later on#his relationship with Niffty is mostly the same#Husk doesn't like kiddo Alastor drinking and keeps trying to stop him#with no success#They're relationship is pretty similar to canon but Husk is the tiniest bit sympathetic#since Husk can just look at the age that Alastor died at and know how badly that must have fucked him up
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Husk: How was your day?
Angel: Good.
Husk: Really?
Angel: Don't make me lie twice.
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sillentless · 11 months
Aled, Dani and Frances at the bonfire with starry sky
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Aled, Frances, Daniel and the skyscraper radio
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"Before I write a song, there’s a black hole and then I get my guitar or piano and fill it in. The notion that there is a gap to fill is no less honourable a basis for an inspiration than a bolt of lightning coming down out of the sky. One way or another, it’s a miracle. I sit down and there’s a blackness. There’s nothing in this hole. Maybe I start conjuring and at the end of three hours I have a rabbit to pull out of what had looked like a hole but was actually a top hat. Or, at the end of the session there’s not a black hole any more but a coloured landscape."
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wickedwendigo · 6 months
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*Insert dad joke*
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