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bbcnewsfail · 22 days ago
I know this is a very minor criticism compared to the racism, transphobia, genocide apologism, legitimising of fascist violence etc but something else I've noticed about the BBC recently is they just do not bother putting any effort into any article relating to the railways
So many use outdated images, muddle simple details, and often outright just act as a platform for opponents to any rail project - see this one for example in which the 'analysis' from the BBC completely derails the focus of the article to talk about roads instead https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2mnz9xejyo - as a transport advocate it pisses me off no end
Look ofc there are bigger and smaller issues but those are features of subpar journalism! the news that peddles itself as peak journalism and objective fact to keep people informed invested in its representation of issues should not be muddling details or using misleading images! I don't have the knowledge of rails or transportation infrastructure generally to add much to this but I welcome any details.
The aforementioned "analysis" on an article headlined "Railway sorely in need of investment, study finds" is below for the curious.
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spicyraeman · 1 year ago
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its just their vibe
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giftofgabber · 2 months ago
Blog until you enter the trance state.
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alicornze7 · 4 months ago
Silly guys goin' on silly adventures:]
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@rorydrawsandwrites's puppeteer au but the only difference is that jax gives consent
My contribution to this wonderful au has been long overdue:')
Rambling in tags ehe (cw: ribbun:p)
Well maybe it's not the only difference
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slabime · 7 months ago
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Tonic Immobility.
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katamari-of-luv · 2 months ago
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Cob bless us every one
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down4acount · 1 year ago
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As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every thrill is gone, wasn’t too much fun at all - but I’ll be there for you - As the world falls down 🫶
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homo-house · 2 years ago
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someone told him his look wasn't dress code appropriate and he put wilson's coat on. based on this
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apple-cores · 7 months ago
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literal last minute artfight hylics attacks!! I DID IT I DID IT!!! OUGH
Muugrasmul for dredgen / melioror Waynesizzle for chiptid / @khiptid
and thank u dearly everyone who attacked me this year!!!
i forgot to keep my character info up to date on the off season so some guys were missing, but im gonna work hard on that when i can, cus its fun. i realized way too late i could add my instar and my neopets to art fight and kinda scrambled, only getting a few up.
at least now i can take my time with instar because there is so much to cover. and many more neopets as boy has it been a nice occasional creative outlet
flipside dev is schmooving a bit again and soon i think i wont have much left, and i can do more personal work and job stuff
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pho-noodles · 3 months ago
i feel like every so often, (occuring more post-book), Darry just dissociates. It doesn’t last long, and it happens almost randomly. He’d be washing dishes than suddenly staring off into space and his ears are ringing up a storm. I feel like it’s mostly when he thinks about his parents or Johnny/Dally, and then slowly starts to overthink and spiral.
Sodapop and Ponyboy both recognize this and have to wake him up from his trance, but I’d like to imagine the first time it happens in front of anyone in the gang they’d freak out and have to call for one of the other curtis brothers to help. After sometime though I feel like they’d have their own unqiue ways of waking him up.
Pony would ground Darry and try to keep him occupied with questions or trivia, whileas Soda would probably gently shake him and do breathing exercises with him.
Two-Bit would probably put ice in his hands to wake him up (which probably ended up with ice being lodged at him on multiple occasions), and I feel like Steve would snap or wave in Darry’s face ‘till he woke up 😭😭 he’s trying his best but otherwise leaves it to Soda or Ponyboy.
If Johnny and Dally were alive, Johnny would be super gentle and try to sit Darry down so he doesn’t fall over or something. He probably also takes care of whatever Darry was doing before he started to dissociate.
Dally would take a while to get comfortable with doing it himself, like I’d imagine with Steve, but I feel like he’d shake him and or (softly) slap his face with a cocky remark like “wakey wakey, Superman!”. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he’s trying, and he’d be too afraid to do anything too caring I fear </3
I like to imagine all of the gang all have their own quirks and troubles (pre-book and post-book) that the others learn to help them out with. maybe I’ll talk about everyone else’s if yall want to hear about any
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thegodwhocums · 1 month ago
Hi! Do you have any reading recs about trance/ritual altered states/etc? Specifically, I'm trying to get sober this year and I think dipping a toe into this stuff (cautiously) might help me strengthen some aspects of my worship that I have been using alcohol for in a way that was not healthy, but I don't just want to throw myself at a thing without proper preparation. I'm happy to come off anon if you'd prefer (we're mutuals, I'm just shy abt the sobriety thing on here).
anon i respect that so much. understand the shyness, happy to talk more but I bet you are not the only person wondering this (esp in January when many people consider their relationships with alcohol), so let me see what I can recommend in general.
check out @arlechinav-blog for really nice detailed write-ups of ritual styles within mediterranean trance tradition - there's a lot of specifics and information that clearly comes from experience.
Lee Harrington and Raven Kaldera are two white trans dudes who wrote books in the late aughts about the intersections of pagan ritual and kink - I do not know your relationship with that world but their books are an option for practical techniques. there's some predictable cultural appropriation and gender shit mixed up among the good stuff so bear that in mind. (I recommend these texts for generating ideas, not as like... Perfect Guides to Follow Blindly.)
if you're interested in historical context, Yulia Ustinova's academic work about ancient mystery cults has been super useful in ritual planning for rocket and me. the flow that works has worked for centuries. she has a bunch of papers up for free on academia.edu.
I'm scraping my brain for more Literally How Do I Do This sorts of resources and am honestly coming up a bit short but I don't want to leave this response to languish in my drafts. (I have been wanting to write something up on these topics for myself anyway - perhaps I will put some effort into making a zine or something.)
the tools you will find most commonly referenced for state alteration are, generally: substances (you are avoiding this one), rhythm/music, repetitive movement, sensory deprivation, pain/endurance, sharp changes in sensory experience (dark/light, loud noise/silence), and sensory triggers (scents/sounds/garments/etc which signal to the body that it's time to drop into a trance state). there are others but these are the most common imo. you can dig into any one of them in particular via JSTOR etc if it's easier than trying to reference the umbrella topic in a broader sense.
folks with suggestions, please sound off in the replies. I'll reblog when I have more thoughts on this. 💖
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randomalistic · 1 day ago
I used to avoid watching wreck it Ralph bc turbo would make me feel new emotions that I couldn’t/refused to process
you and me brother... that's how i was for 7 years and then I let the floodgates open
> Hyperfixation trance state
> Wake up 9 months later in a parking lot
> I'm in a tracksuit covered in dirt and grass stains
> Strong urge to check my computer
> 2-hour video on my hard drive
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short-wooloo · 11 months ago
The way people hype up pre-inhibitor chips order 66 is ridiculous, especially when they deem it better and more realistic and "nuanced"
You mean to tell me that in 3 years of fighting alongside each other, none of the MILLIONS of Clones told the Jedi about the entire series of contingency orders? Especially the "kill Jedi" one? That's silly
"Well the Jedi did know never thought it would be used against them-"
Shut up
That's still stupid
A "kill Jedi on sight" command would be a red flag on principle, but beyond that, it makes no sense for the Jedi to know of it (and it's pretty much impossible for all the MILLIONS of clones to know of it and the Jedi not to know) and not be against it, the Jedi always try to avoid killing as much as they can preferring to take people alive and such, they would definitely be horrified at the idea of an execution in the spot of one of their own, even if a Jedi did betray them
Oh, and the reason people give for why all of the clones comply with the order is silly too
It's always some variation of "they were trained to follow orders"
And how is that different from mind control/brainwashing/conditioning?
And lastly, I'll say this
Just because there was mind control doesn't mean there's no nuance
Aside from the trauma the clones may experience from having their minds hijacked, there's all manner of responses they may have
Some might try to cope by ignoring it
Some might not even realize something happened, genuinely believing order 66 was their own choice
And maybe the chips don't actually cause true mind control per say, maybe they just make sure the clones can't disobey, compelling those who resist to follow orders, with those who chose to follow orders being unaffected
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icecappen · 1 year ago
fake LoM game clip I made for funsies
dialogue from s1e6 (I think)
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samuelroukin · 1 year ago
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SAMUEL ROUKIN as Captain John Simcoe in TURN: WASHINGTON'S SPIES (2014—2017) Episode 2.09 "The Prodigal"
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gumjester · 9 months ago
i keep coming on here to make a post like '5 days left in the semester and all i want to do is write rir!!!!!!!' but the process of even conceptualising this instantly reminds me that i do, in fact, have 5 days left of my entire university career and so i should absolutely not be on tumblr making posts and should in fact be doing my Fucking Work !!!!!!!!! but here i am, making an even longer one just to explain my predicament which is funny at least. .. WELL! GOODYBE AGAIN <3
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