#in terms of rain
alexsiple · 2 years
I just read through In Terms of Rain and I found it exceedingly beautiful in illustration AND writing (tf how do you do that). It really captured what I like in a lot of Death Note fan creations, which is some abstractness and ideas left up for interpretation. That being said, I would really love some insight and analysis on your end of certain choices you made while creating it. Just any meanings from certain pages or your general thoughts would be incredible for my plebeian mind <3
ohhhh anon thank you so much. this is so kind of you- thank you for reading it and enjoying it. and thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk at length about this thing i've made HAHAHAHA i'm rubbing my hands together like a little creature (i'm putting this under a cut)
listen i think about death note too much. like, too much for what it is. it's one of my favorite things ever but i'm hyper-aware of its flaws. that said, i think a lot about L and light and how the creators managed to make this really crazy story about being known and what we hide from others. it's so romantically tragic to me. it's so romantically violent to me. i wrote about this more on my substack but i'll keep going with some more specific death-note-lore sort of analysis (i guess i'm a person who links their substack unprompted. great).
L is like, one of my favorite characters of all time? i read a lot of death note fanfiction (i know ok) and my favorite hobby is analyzing people's interpretations of him. literally a year or so ago i was reading so much fanfic and it was kind of rotting my brain and i had this sudden wave of inspiration/wrote the whole script of this comic in one sitting. i kept starting this comic since then and the visual style never felt right until i managed to land on this one.
L makes me very sad. i both relate to him and watch him from afar as an omniscient observer. i wanted to capture all these feelings he gives me at once; it's a really L-centric comic. the tragedy of living a life in so much isolation. the tragedy of living life not exactly for beliefs or morals or justice, really, but because it's your job, and all you have, and you're good at it, so you do it. whatever. shrug, shrug. you do it. if you die, you die. apparently i also for some reason fixated on the thing about L being adopted by wammy and being raised to be this child prodigy. a gifted kid narrative, etc. that makes me sad. i think L and light have this parallel going on where they both feel misunderstood by most people because of their own making, maybe, but also because of how they were raised and because of their ""intellect"" and their superiority complexes. light's complex coming more from privilege, of course, and being more analyzed in the source material. both of them jaded by and cynical of the world and its extreme violence.
i wanted to hone in on that loneliness. L and light are very lonely characters. they are very internal and thoughtful and weird and express this in opposite ways (but they're the same! of course!) hm. i like thinking that L was raised in a church. dropped off in that movie-orphan way as a baby during a snowstorm or something. how did wammy find him at eight years old and adopt him like that. what does a child have to see and do to become a "detective prodigy" at age eight. canonically, the whole wammy's house thing is fucked up. canonically, L is the first and best. what does a child have to see and do to become the First and Best. does intelligence make a child more mature, more able to "handle" anything thrown in their line of view? some people seem to think so. i think it's creating a sort of ghost that haunts you when you're old enough to look back and see it behind you.
also i wanted to explore religious [catholic] imagery. albeit in a more earnest way than the source material but yeah- i imagine L grew up around catholicism. wammy's house with its big cross on it! i think sometimes when you've been lonely for a long time, or your whole life, and you have never felt truly seen, there's this euphoria that arrives with the person who finally Sees you. you know? sometimes that feels like religion. sometimes being known feels holy. sometimes it feels like being loved. shrug, shrug. sometimes it feels like dying.
i've always really loved that L likes that light could be kira. is. i think it's so insane and endearing and personal to me. light hates that L knows him, has never been known before, translates this feeling into violence. L is like, i get this guy completely, he's a mirror, but somehow he's like no one else i've met before and it's still exciting! i'm laughing at him (i'm crying.) i like that light hides all strong emotions deep within and that L occasionally releases strong emotions with, like, a detached acceptance. he's not exactly afraid to be vulnerable but more picks and chooses what to let people see. plays off of something real, sometimes. is willing to play a character for fun. light just doesn't show anything real at all. is very uncomfortable with any vulnerability. is also very afraid of death. in some ways i feel that L seems to halfway accept his death. he's like, yeah, i'm dying now. this is where my life has led me. i lost but it's out of my control anyway. with in terms of rain i wanted it to feel like this foggy reflection on a life from a ghost, i guess? hence all the references to specific years or cases/the opening part. lol. won't explain the one hundred years of solitude reference but i feel as if the stars aligned with that one.
hopefully this is interesting to SOMEONE? LMAO?
and as for certain pages, the only ones i think i want to point out are these two, which are references to B and A respectively because i actually love the los angeles bb murder case novel with like. a fervor. even though i don't think it's actually good but i also think they really nail something with it. i just think about beyond birthday a lot. ugh. DEATH NOTE. I USED TO LAUGH AT BEYOND BIRTHDAY AND NOW IT'S SERIOUS TO ME
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thx bye.
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copepods · 3 months
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divine madness
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siryyeet · 4 months
"the definition of bread is a linguistic difference. What non-german speaking parts of the world see as bread is simply because of language. Just because german is so strict with the definition and I go crazy seeing various non-bread baked goods (by german definition) get called bread, doesn't that mean it isn't bread by other languages definition." <- me talking to myself whenever I see a 'bread' poll
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zenith-ii · 2 months
a lil nervous to post art on here but that’s literally what i made this blog for so. doing it scared etc etc. have this Rain i doodled some time last year lol
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everyone has that one comfort plush that has been through hell, right?
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
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i love doing those
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amerricanartwork · 3 months
Every time I see your art I want to crunch it like hard candy/pos
Thank you! I put lots of effort into making appealing art! In fact I often don't accept anything less!
Also I interpreted "hard candy" as rock candy initially (I guess my brain forgot that suckers and peppermints and jawbreakers and whatnot exist) so, uh... I made this little sketch based on it!
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Here's some more art to crunch on!
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nin-jay-go · 6 months
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ironraven · 8 months
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udon in the moss
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sslowdeathh · 7 months
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✦ Chaperone ;
Not requested, coined for a headmate. I couldn't find a flag for this specific thing, though please tell me if there is one.
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✦✦✦ definition ;
A chaperone is a headmate that doesn't exactly care for littles, but they are always near / in front when littles front. A chaperone may also supervise headmates that age (or pet)-regress.
A chaperone will NOT interfere with whatever the little is doing unless it is dangerous, or otherwise harmful. The chaperone will only watch from a distance until something goes wrong. If everything is okay, then they just chill.
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[PT: Chaperone.
Not requested, coined for a headmate. I couldn't find a flag for this specific thing, though please tell me if there is one.
A chaperone is a headmate that doesn't exactly care for littles, but they are always near / in front when littles front. A chaperone may also supervise headmates that age (or pet)-regress.
A chaperone will not interfere with whatever the little is doing unless it is dangerous, or otherwise harmful. The chaperone will only watch from a distance until something goes wrong. If everything is okay, then they just chill. /PT END]
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ryuubff · 8 months
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comic about sebastian, the farmer and frogs ☔️🐸
this comic is just mainly like. the start of sebjia’s pining yearning phase lol 🤓 when i first started playing i thought maybe you could catch frogs when it was raining (cuz of sebastian’s dialogue) so imagine my dissapointment when i found out all they do was run away from u …
im goad that sebastian’s 14 heart event allows u to keep them but still!!!
(i drew this last year so forgive the difference in style…..)
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another admin post but this one contains sneak peeks / spoilers for the little project im working on :3c
SO !! i've been working on Lots of things for sig's time off the string . his surroundings , custom creature ideas , campaign mechanics , and most importantly , custom regions
i haven't been working on them very consistently but so far i have one custom region map ( artificial cliffside ) and one map sketch concept thing ( touchdown )
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artificial cliffside is just sig's version of the exterior , and touchdown is conceptually similar to shaded citadel but more . like . outdoors idk
SO !! YEAH !! im wondering if anyone here has any experience in lediting ( or rain world modding in general ) to turn these into real regions , because i have a GRAND idea and TOO MUCH ambition and i'm quickly realizing i won't be able to do this alone UEHJFDHSA
it doesn't have to be an entire custom campaign . it can be if we all decide on doing that later , but right now i just need to be able to play in the rooms to take screenshots and such when sig goes out of his chamber ( ive already made a dms skin of him )
so if anyone wants to work with me , feel free to dm me here or on my main , or on discord if you prefer ( my user is akazautism :3c ) . i will be making the maps and any other needed artwork , i just need levels to be made out of them UHEFJHSD yeah !!!!!!!! yea
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cali · 10 months
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--runaway harpy- crops under cut
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foreverephemeral-art · 4 months
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I don't generally draw refs in this style, but Polar gets special treatment That, and I just wanted to get a bit of information about her out there
Actual ref + extra art under cut
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unluckyprime · 2 years
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can u tell I liked taylors teen fact this week
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moonsofmachinery · 2 months
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playing around with ocs :3 wanted to highlight BOMAK because i think its design is cool! It's based off of one of my pups in an artificer run. Second row is G^s (Gas/gis), Paddle, Fuckface and Rae
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kraviolis · 1 year
no one has explored the idea of darius and camila co-parenting hunter enough. like where the hell are the fics about darius calling camila asking if hunter left his derby uniform at her house or camila personally going to drop off hunter at his dad's house and sharing a cup of tea with him while she asks about hunter's grades at hexside and darius asks about hunter's sleeping habits and if she had any human alternatives to sleeping nettles that might help him sleep without the dream-enhancing side effect.
what about camila inviting darius to stay for dinner when he comes to drop off hunter at his mom's house and darius asking for the recipe and then asking the kids what ingredients he could substitute and which ones have to stay the same. or camila specifically adding three more lines to her phone plan-- one for vee, one for hunter, and one for darius so that they can keep in contact more easily. or hunter getting in trouble at school for picking a fight with boscha but when principal bump calls, darius is extremely busy with work so he calls camila and asks her to handle it.
maybe darius gets in an argument with hunter and he cant tell where he went wrong and calls camila and she listens and gives him her advice as someone whose been a parent for fourteen years vs. his own eight months. or camila opens up to darius about her own struggles with losing her husband and he opens up with his own grief over losing his mentor. or they talk on the phone for hours and gossip with each other. maybe darius comes over to hang out with camila and binge watch a new show with her while the kids are at school
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