#quetzalli answers
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amerricanartwork · 5 months ago
I’m curious, what’s NSH’s reaction to chubby Moon?
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He certainly doesn't mind. If anything, having a big chubby girlfriend is an all-around win in his book!
Oh, and funny story, I actually drew a different version of this image first as another opportunity to test out a new sketching style for painting. I definitely think it shows promise, but for now I've decided to keep the thin line sketching style I've been using for asks to express my more comic-type ideas, hence this version above. Let me know if you like the bottom style too, though!
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years ago
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Her ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ 💕
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cimmerian1275 · 11 days ago
-materializes in front of you-
(When you think about it, we aren’t mortal or immortal until we die. Or don’t. Like Schrödinger’s Cat. Schrödinger’s… whatever you and I are. Human beings? Nah, that’s boring and unoriginal. There’s like, eight billion of them already, and I’m allergic to going with the default. I’m a bird. Chirpity chirp. Bread or dead. And yes, I am indeed rambling! Show of hands; anyone surprised by that? No? Me neither!)
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The Critters have come to check your happiness level. The one with wings is Toast, and the other is Beans.
Nobody is entirely sure what they are, but they’re freaking adorable.
Now, to business-
I don’t know if you’ve seen my ‘In a Mug’ series, but may I have your permission to draw Jr in a silly mug?
(Also I saw the first spring birds outside my house today. Not relevant, but I’m making a point of telling everybody I know about it because B I R D S. They were three Red-Shouldered Blackbirds, [Agelaius assimilis, family Iteridae, alternatively known as Red-Winged Blackbirds]. One mature male, three mature females, and two first-year males. I saw them for approximately 45 seconds.)
-waves away the smoke from your appearance- helloooo fellow questionable being, i live in my head and in my head im just some spectator to whatever this meat suit does <3 but im probably just some slightly deranged furry blue dragon.
Hi Beans, hi Toast, i just introduced my uneducated friend (whos been living under a rock and has rarely ever seen a movie) both of the spiderverse movies and i feel bad for destroying their emotional state after the second ones cliffhanger ending...... hehehhh
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BIRRRRRRDS!! Actually love them, i sometimes take photos of em cuz we got some big parrots that frequent the bird feeder! And theres a lake nearby that ive visited. Im not that experienced with photography yet, but heres some of my fav shots :D (kingfishers, cockatiels, budgies and conures are my fav)
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years ago
whats ur fave megop fic uve written?
I'm not sure honestly 😔 I'm one of those people that hates rereading my own writing, and even though I will sometimes reread my own stuff and go "wow, past me was so smart and cool and clever for writing that," I'm not sure I enjoy any fic in particular? It's not just a matter of self-esteem either.
When I write a story it's sort of like me exorcising a set of thoughts from my brain, and once the story is finished I more or less stop thinking about it because when I finished writing the story and posted it, that act allowed me to say everything I had to say and resolve all the thoughts that prompted me to write the story to begin with.
I guess Pay Unto Evil is probably my favorite fic mostly because of how proud I am about it being such a long project (178k words I think) that took me a year and a half to finish, but it's literally the first novel length project I've ever completed. That being said, I'm not really proud of the earlier chapters of PUE (like... 1-4 or 1-5) because I feel like even though they're good, I didn't have as firm of a grasp on the characters back then as I did around chapter 6/7 and onwards. So it's a mixed bag honestly.
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nebuladreamz · 1 year ago
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opalofoctober · 2 years ago
1 for Quetzalli, 25 & 26 for Francisco
Do they have any crafting hobbies?
I can see Quetzalli getting into bracelet making, specifically woven bracelets. The weaving would be a good way for her to de-stress after a long day at work, and she'd make a personalized one for everyone at the Kingdom Animalia agency.
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
Francisco's morning routine is a fairly simple but well-structured one:
Wake up and eat breakfast
Exercise and shower
Suit up for work
As for the evenings, if he isn't running a night patrol, it's similar to his morning routine
26. Have they met any of their heroes? Did they regret it?
Meeting Chargeman was the best day of Francisco's life, and working with him was a dream come true.
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itswrenly · 3 months ago
I saw this at GameStop and I know you like Star Trek so I thought I’d take a picture
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changingplumbob · 1 month ago
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Sorting Ceremony - Part One
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At long last all contestants have been met and it is time to score and group them. Me, Deanna, our parents, my younger brother and younger sister arrive on set for today's unenviable task.
Devin: How are you feeling De?
Deanna: Honestly? I was tossing and turning all night about getting it wrong and hurting people's feelings
Artemisia: They should be afraid
Calista: Nonsense Emisia, no one is going home yet
Devin: How have you decided to score them?
Deanna: Oh a bunch of ways. Our first impressions of each other and how much friendship and romance was built is the main one
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Deanna: Then also how compatible I think we are and how attractive I find them
Artemisia: You heard it here first, Deanna is shallow
Aaron: Emisia, enough or you'll be sent home
Artemisia: *sighs* Sorry pa
Devin: Sounds sensible to me
Deanna: Do I have to like, tell them individually?
Devin: Not this time
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Devin: There's 30 of them. Simply tell them in batches
Deanna: Right, batches
Joey: What about groups
Deanna: I'm assuming that comes after scores, Devin?
Devin: Yes so tell them where they stand before getting on to the names of the group in the first round and who is where
Deanna: Watcher I hope they don't all quit over group names
Joey: They should know you're robot brained, and if they have a problem with it just blame Reece since it was his idea
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The contestants file in and take seats arranged by the order in which they met my sister. Some look nervous, others confident, and a few downright sad.
Devin: Buongiorno everyone and welcome to our sorting ceremony. Please remember none of you will be sent home now. Before we get in to specifics we have some introductions to make. You have all met Deanna and Joey but we have a few more family members joining us today. On my far left is our wonderful mama Calista
Calista: Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to meeting you
Devin: The distinguished gentleman on my far right is our papa Aaron
Aaron: Hello *nods*
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Devin: And sitting right beside me on her best behaviour is our youngest sister Emisia
Artemisia: Hi! So only my family can call me Emisia. And then you can only call me Emi if you're my friend. So from all of you I expect to be addressed as Artemisia. Anyone who asks what my dead name was is immediately disqualified
Devin: Yeah that's not official rules
Deanna: Asking about people's dead name is just bad manners in general though
Devin: De, you want to tell us the scores
Deanna: Right *stands* now remember these scores do include first impressions so order will likely change as we get to know each other. Some scores are tied, so you'll be listed alphabetically if you and someone else share the same score
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Deanna: The top three got amazing scores. It was wonderful to chat with you Lara, Dee and Evelyn
Deanna: Then with still strong scores we have Cassiel, Kay B, Apolline, Isla and Kennedy. As well as Harmony, Nephinae and Callie
Deanna: Fractionally behind them we have Isabella, Mariela, Jerrica, Kristina, and Hana. Along with Kaye G, Nicola and Quetzalli
Deanna: At the other end of the scoreboard we have Alaina, Billie, Nyami and Sarah
Deanna: Last of the pack but still not out is Yasmine, Abigail, Elise, Berenice, Arista, Posy and Nathalie
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If you have a contestant in the running please answer the form below with a statement on how they feel about their progress sometime in the next week.
@abbysimsfun, @ashubii, @bakersimmer, @belsasim, @berrysims-lp, @cawthorntales, @daedriyth, @eljeebee, @ethicaltreatmentofcowplants, @fallin4fiction, @hashimasims, @igglemouse, @invisiblequeen, @jonquilyst, @lostinsixam, @matchalovertrait, @paracosmic-sims, @perolesims, @pixeldistractions, @ravingsockmonkey, @riverofjazzsims, @sanitysims, @simscici, @simstagramsomeone, @sleepyselkiesims
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puma-or-cougar · 6 months ago
OMG DOES ANYONE REMEMBER HALF SHELL HEROES? Because I do, in fact, I just watched the episodes last night. I always thought that a Pteranodon was a little small for Raph, maybe a Quetzal or a Haztego would have been a better fit for him since they are larger flying reptiles, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that I haven't fallen in love with this duo.
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Sooo cuteee
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On another note, I have a question, does anyone know if Tumblr has a problem with mild blood or gore? I would really appreciate an answer since I'm working on something that I'm really excited to post here.
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qqueenofhades · 8 months ago
Hello! I think your blog title is absolutely lovely (do flowers go down to the realm of the dead?) and I’d like to ask if that’s a quote of your own or if it’s from something else? It’s such a beautiful quote either way!
It's actually a quote from a late-medieval (15th century) Aztec philosopher-king named Nezahualcoyotl. As I first encountered it:
"Truly do we live on Earth?" asked a poem or song attributed to Nezahualcoyotl (1402-72), a founding figure in Mesoamerican thought and the tlatoani of Texcoco, one of the other two members of the Triple Alliance. His lyric, among the most famous in the Nahuatl canon, answers its own question: Not forever on earth; only a little while here. Be it jade, it shatters. Be it gold, it breaks. Be it a quetzal feather, it tears apart. Not forever on earth; only a little while here. In another verse assigned to Nezahualcoyotl this theme emerged even more baldly: Like a painting, we will be erased. Like a flower, we will dry up here on earth. Like plumed vestments of the precious bird, That precious bird with the agile neck, We will come to an end. Contemplating mortality, thinkers in many cultures have drawn solace from the prospect of life after death. This consolation was denied to the Mexica [Aztec], who were agonizingly uncertain about what happened to the soul. "Do flowers go to the region of the dead?" Nezahualcoyotl asked. "In the Beyond, are we still dead or do we live?" Many if not most tlamantine saw existence as Nabokov feared: "a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness." -- Charles Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (New York: Vintage Books, 2011), p. 138.
This quote hit me in the heart the first time I read it, as a lovely and achingly poignant question on the nature of eternity, especially since it came from a member of a world and a culture scoured totally out of existence by the conquering, colonizing Spaniards. It is a timeless impulse to wonder whether loved ones are ever truly gone, if beautiful things survive after we have lost them, if they go on existing somewhere, even when we can no longer see or touch them. Astute and/or comprehensive readers may know that this quote is directly referenced in both a Sandman and a Shadow and Bone fic of mine, so yes.
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amerricanartwork · 5 months ago
ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?? (positive, of course) YOUR MOON ART IS SO FUCKING CUTE AND IM SO SAD I CANT KISS HER LIL FACE!!! i can’t describe my emotions in words so imma just. this is how i feel when you post thicc moon:
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also your understanding of volume and shapes is so good btw
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Ah, yes. Of course my chubby Moon escapades would quickly summon Dib, the ultra Looks to the Moon simp (that's a joke by the way). Athough, perhaps to help satisfy your urges, you might want to consider taking up Sig's offer...
Also, thanks for the compliment! I feel like I've really improved at capturing volume, at least in my lines and construction (lighting/shading is still a bit of a work-in-progress). Glad you appreciate the effort I put into it!
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years ago
If you would be interested in talking about it I would love to know- how do you think IDW1 OP feels about the way Shockwave surgically altered him to carry the Matrix? It's such a wild note to me (both in what it implies about the Matrix and the whole idea of the "chosen leader" being something everyone in power understands you have to artificially construct, and in the sense of how OP understands his duty as a Prime because of it).
I'm always interested in talking about this disaster of a man, thank you.
This ended very long, I went on many tangents and for that I'm sorry, but I hope it does answer your question. Since this is about how I read OP I focused more on his character in the comics as a whole rather than what the authors were thinking.
First, I personally don't think that being altered to have a Matrix compartment really makes any difference on whether one can actually carry the Matrix. It makes it easier, but the Matrix still has a morality lock that a frame modification is not gonna pass. But then again, the morality lock doesn't end up mattering and it doesn't make the Primacy any less of a construct, but we'll get back to that.
Now, we can guess that despite having multiple Prime candidates, Orion was Shockwave's favorite. Shockwave calls him his brightest hope and entrusts him to Zeta in case anything happens to Shockwave. Yet there's a lot Shockwave didn't tell Orion, he didn't tell him about Zeta, he didn't tell him about the other candidates. He did the noncon body modification and is overall an extremely shady dude. But Orion has no distrust of him. Shockwave sort of acts like he expects Orion to rise up to do what Shockwave needs when he asks for it and Orion is perfectly willing to do it (as Roller calls out).
This makes sense, OP is a character who very badly wants to believe in Goodness, Hope, Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice, more than he actually believes in it. In a way, he's playing fake it till you make it with reality and he reacts very intensely whenever the world disappoints him. This leads to him being either very trustful or very cynical depending on the person and situation.
Orion was a very privileged kind of naive. He thought the world was fundamentally good, that all you have to do to stop bad things is to stop the wrongdoers and that everything can be solved through the right channels. His encounter with Megatron shatters this image and makes him realize that he actually doesn't know how the world works.
To this Shockwave presents himself, he genuinely wants to help Cybertron, he understands that which Orion doesn't (Orion directly compares him to Megatron on this) and Shockwave has the idea that to fix the planet they just have to put the right person in power, Shockwave is still working with the system. The last point means that change can come peacefully, which is perfect as Orion wants to avoid a violent revolution (he has ideas on who's allowed to use violence). Shockwave presents himself as the solution to Orion's firts major moral crisis, so it's really no wonder that Orion clings to him so badly.
(Side note, but Shockwave seems to be winging his whole plan. It's unclear if he found out Nominus' Matrix was a fake before Sentiel and Proteus, but he didn't bring that up in CT. So if he ever thought it was real, was his plan to kill Nominus and shove the Matrix in OP's chest hoping it would take? Was that why he had multiple candidates? After he found out he was fake, was he planning on finding the real Matrix or also use a fake? Probably whichever was more viable)
Orion himself never shows any interest in becoming Prime, never even talks about the possibility. He seems just willing to go along with it because he's willing to go along with whatever Shockwave says. He insists to Roller that he's not with Shockwave because he singled him out (tho, I think he certainly likes Shockwave's attention). And after Shockwave dies in spirit, and someone else he trusted shows up to take the Primacy, Orion is happy to go along and serve under him.
(There is a version of events where OP ends up being Shockwave's puppet Prime which makes me insane to think about)
That's right! It's time to talk about IDW1's most important character!! This was a trap!!
Zeta fills in the gap Shockwave left in Orion's life, and he even actually ends functionism!!! (officially that is), so he seems like the right person to put all his hopes in. Despite this, he isn't Shockwave, Orion is not as taken by him and does bring up the fact that this Matrix and Primacy thing is made up to him.
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What I want to highlight here is that Zeta not only admits to Orion that the matrix and the primacy are symbols to be used for control, but he also calls Orion himself a symbol, even before he becomes Optimus (but in a way, progressing the path Shockwave put him in by trying to make him a Prime). Zeta jumpstarts OP's mythification by using his image for propaganda.
Orion at first doesn't think that this is very cash money, but on top of being desperate to believe in someone, this questioning happens at the same time that he loses his faith in the Decepticon due to the other stuff happening. So out of good options (at least form his POV), he decided that hey, maybe Zeta has a point. Maybe we can use the symbols for good, since things are such chaos otherwise. And even tho he would later disown Zeta, I think he still learned to wrong lesson from him.
So, Zeta turns out to suck massively, he aids in killing him, Megatron shoots him in the back and he finds the real Matrix. After things didn't work out with the 3 dudes Orion had put his hopes in, it seems that now Optimus has to embody his own values himself. But out of those 3 Shockwave didn't let him down willingly, I think Optimus still wants to pay respect to his memory and their dream. And besides, because OP is prone to question all his life choices and will spent the rest of his life struggling to give up control, I think he does wonder that maybe things wouldn't have gone so far if, instead of blindly trusting Zeta, he had become Prime from the beginning as Shockwave wanted.
Now we know from the end of Mtmte that the Matrix' morality lock reacts to your own feeling. Someone like Rodimus who wanted to prove himself felt good bonding with the Matrix because that's what he expected. Optimus feels pain, he feels the fear of war in all Cybertronians, he calls him a warning about responsibility. This all reflects what Optimus himself thinks of responsibility: that is a burden.
When OP finds the Matrix he was feeling guilty over having followed Zeta, over having let things get this bad. But OP's idea of making amends is to take on more responsibility. Every time he tries to step down he ends up coming back because he feels that's what he has to do. So it's really not so much that because the Matrix choose him that he has to become Prime, but rather that because he can use this power he has to. He morally obliged to do so because what's happening is his fault. Besides, he was already the leader of the Autobot forces going into battle against Megatron (even tho in Autocracy he also acts like a regular cop, this is a mess, but let's roll with it) so this is still his duty. And what's he gonna do? Not try to stop Megatron? (Optimus is someone cannot stay still, but his repertoire of solutions is lacking). He not only chooses to use the literal and symbolic power of the Matrix, but he also chooses to become a symbol himself, one that's supposed to embody all the good in the world. (And this is also part of why he always comes back, he made himself too big on an idea to be able to just fade)
But it is a choice, even if Optimus doesn't think he has a right to refuse. OP always frames everything he does as a choice (at least in retrospective, he can go "you leave me no choice" in the moment). So if it's something that Shockwave wanted him to do, he still did it willingly. This sense of hyperresponsability also has OP never consider himself a victim, he doesn't tend to emphasize the ways in which he has been hurt, he never ever talks about how Zeta used him and lied to him (he has no right, he hurted people). So this aspect of him is why I think he doesn't acknowledge Shockwave violated his bodily autonomy. Shockwave saved him from the Senate, repaired him and made the modifications for the greater good. So really, OP was harmed and is fine.
Anyway, even tho, OP was indeed technically "chosen" by the Matrix, he still sees the whole thing as much of a construct as Zeta's Primacy. He has respect for the Matrix, he knows it can create life, it saved him from death, it gave him a vision and there's all the powers he would use later. Still, he doesn't think it's actually divine or that bonding with it makes him that special. During the course of the war he has made far more use of the Matrix' symbolic power than of its practical uses. (Including saying that the Matrix is giving him a vision to get out of situations dhasgdkjashdas I love that)
(And he's not wrong about the Matrix not making you special. Mtmte shows us that anyone can open it under the right mindset. And even if Zeta, Sentinel and Nominus never carried the real thing, Nova did, so I wouldn't argue it is a good judge of character)
Optimus doesn't feel super comfortable using the idea of the Matrix this way, but this is far from the only and/or worse morally dubious strategy he pulls out for the greater good. He kinda goes back and forth between paying lip serive to the idea that he's Just A Dude, and using the Matrix as an ID card. Until we get to Combiner Wars and onwards where OP is fully, shamelessly cashing on the religious clout of being Prime. But he also seems so struggle managing this internally in that he tries to not buy his own hype but it does get to his head sometimes.
Also, there's something funny going on in that Optimus' Autobots don't seem to have any formally institutionalized religion. I mean, Optimus had authority before the Matrix and I don't recall any official statemen in the Autobot code or anything that the Matrix means one is Primus' chosen and that's who the leader is (Bee could be voted into position, and Optimus stll considered Bee the leader when he got it the matrix back even if he did undermine him). Now the idea certainly exists and I don't doubt it what used for propaganda, but Autobots seem to be left to their own devices in matters of faith and everyone has their own beliefs.
But even if not everyone thinks that Optimus' is Primus' chosen exactly, the idea that the Matrix is... something and that it choosing Optimus means he is special is certainly the prevalent notion. In this sense, the Matrix becomes part of Optimus' mythos rather than the other way around. Optimus idealization is so real it causes people to develop delusions. And Optimus himself doesn't do much to avoid this. Sure, this kind of thing is often beyond one's hands, especially when you're one of the few people who can go toe-to-toe with Megatron (who also mythicized himself), but even if he denies being special when asked directly (which is usually to his closer friends who already idealize him less than the average bot), I doubt he has ever gone on official record like "My fellow Autobots, the Matrix doesn't mean shit". On the most charitable of takes, this kind of thing serves for morale, which would be needed when battling a figure like Megatron.
So Optimus is always under the shadow of himself. An idea he created from the dregs of a rotten legacy that he has to live up to because it's his duty to do so, because he can't not do anything and this is what he knows what do to. And this all ties back to Barber's broader themes of symbols, stories and Optimus as an idea as well as a person. And as we know, the ultimate conclusion Optimus reaches is that yeah, no, the Primacy cannot be salvaged, no one should have that much power regarldess of intentions, it needs to die so Cybertronians can move on, so he takes it to the grave with him.
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toastedclownery · 1 month ago
The cats as Tecuciztecatl and Nanahuatzin
Now, there are different versions for the role of the fifth sun. There are two characters who are attributed this, Huitzilopochtli and Tonatiuh. But technically there is a third, counting Nanahuatzin.
This is because technically Nanahuatzin and Tonatiuh are the same person. Nanahuatzin became the god Tonatiuh when he sacrificed himself to become the fifth sun. There are a couple of versions of this myth, but the most detailed is in Book 7 of the Florentine Codex. I unfortunately could not find a good summary of it in English so I wrote one with the elements I need. The full thing is here.
After the destruction of the fourth sun, the gods gathered at Teotihuacan to discuss who would be next in charge of illuminating the world.
One named Tecuciztecatl proudly volunteered.
The gods then asked again if anybody else was willing to offer themselves for the task, but nobody answered. They were all scared and gave excuses. But there was one that everybody ignored, who was covered in blisters, called Nanahuatzin. He didn’t speak*, only listened to what the other gods were saying. 
They told him “You do it, little scabby one”
He willingly accepted. “You gods have been good to me. So I will”
And then the two of them started a four day penance, while the other gods lit a sacrificial bonfire.
Everything Tecuciztecatl offered was precious. Valuable quetzal feathers, balls coated in gold, thorns of precious stones, and red coral. 
Nanahuatzin, on the other hand, all he offered were green reeds, balls of hay, and maguey thorns that he would smear with his own blood.
When the four days were over, the gods gathered in Teotihuacan once more. The sacred bonfire had been lit for the last four days. Tecuciztecatl was dressed in a feather headdress and a cloth jacket, while Nanahuatzin was dressed in a humble paper headdress and paper loincloth. The pair stood in front of the fire, ready to begin their tasks. They were supposed to leap into the flames and offer their bodies to become the sun.
The gods called Tecuciztecatl to jump into the fire first. He charged to jump in, but when he felt the intense heat of the flames, fear overtook him and he backed away. He tried once more, but he stopped in his tracks again, he wouldn’t dare jump. He tried four times in total, and four times he failed.
A rule was set that no more than four attempts were allowed, so the gods then called Nanahuatzin next. Nanahuatzin closed his eyes, gathered his courage, ran and leapt into the fire. When Tecuciztecatl saw that the other had jumped, he followed him and jumped as well.
After they both burned, the gods proceeded to sit down to wait and see from which direction the sun would appear. Some guessed it would come from the north, others opted for the south. Finally, the ones who guessed east would be right.
Two suns rose into the sky in the same order that the two gods entered the flames. But both shone with the same intensity. The rest of the gods considered that it was unbearable. So one of them went and hit Tecuciztecatl’s face with a rabbit. It darkened his face and dimmed down his light. He became the moon. This was the explanation on why there is a figure of a rabbit visible on the moon.
Tecuciztecatl (or Tecciztecatl), “Lord of the Conch Shell” is the god of the moon and the night sky. He’s considered proud and arrogant, and as we can see from the myth above, he doesn’t keep his promises and he’s a bit of a coward. So far we can check all of these boxes for Scratch
Tecciztecatl is also wealthy, and whereas Scratch isn’t, he likes to act like he is. He likes to have expensive things (or act like he does), especially to show them off to other people and brag about how better off he is
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Nanahuatzin, “Full of sores”, is a humble, sickly god that became the fifth and current sun. From the myth above, we know that he is quiet and doesn’t get noticed often. Scritch does have his moments where he's visibly sassy or annoyed with Scratch (he is his older brother after all), but it's really the fact that they're paired together and they have very contrasting attitudes that makes me think of them.
*As for the part where it says that Nanahuatzin “doesn’t speak”, he does. He has a line of dialogue right after this, he’s not incapable of speaking like Scritch is. He just wasn’t speaking at that very moment. But just in case I decided to look up how it is phrased in the Florentine Codex, the original text. And in the Spanish column, that’s what it says
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I have the suspicion that they might have taken this little piece of the text and decided to make it literal, so they made him mute
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We can also see that Scritch is a quiet character, and not just because he’s mute. We have another character that doesn’t speak, Kara, and she has a very different personality than him. He usually doesn’t try to get others’ attention, and when he’s calling Beebs in ep3, he’s polite about it
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Additionally, just like Nanahuatzin was sickly and wasn’t fit for the job of being the Sun but did it anyway, Scritch isn’t capable of doing much with the Agari situation (he’s just a little guy…) but he tries his best to help… Unlike Scratch
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The myth of Tecciztecatl and Nanahuatzin in the Florentine Codex is one where the characters’ personalities are the most clear and distinct, in comparison to other legends. That’s why despite not having a lot of obvious iconography to them, they can still be identifiable with their personalities
As for iconography however:
Tecciztecatl means “Lord of the Conch Shell”, his iconography includes conch shells either on his head or on his back
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In mesoamerica, holes were made into these conch shells and they would blow on them, using them as musical instruments, like trumpets. And I’m not just calling them trumpets, if you look them up (aztec conch shell/“tecciztli”), they are called and compared to trumpets.
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And look!!
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Nanahuatzin has a cross on his headdress in Codex Borgia (this is like one of the only representations of him). Scritch is the one to give Beebs his crossed patch, and it's the same color as his spacesuit
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I have also considered the hand marking on his mouth could be the white marks on the sides of his face, and his crippled hands could have been moved to his folded ears
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Tecciztecatl was thrown a rabbit at his face, and the imprint of the rabbit was forever stuck on it. Now I know this is crazy but hear me out
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Also, as the god of the night sky, Scratch is a black cat. The Aztecs illustrated the Sun with the color red and Scritch as an orange cat is the closest natural color to that.
Finally, the two gods had to sacrifice themselves by jumping into a bonfire
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And the cat's ship is on fire at the start of ep3
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unjudgmentalnoob · 25 days ago
Welcome! We're so glad you could make it! This is my main blog where I post random stuff that I like, art, and occasionally relevant stuff :) I will be occasionally editing this. Request and asks are always open unless this post says otherwise <3
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this is the Sona I use most often now but I have a couple others
Eventually there will be links and Important shit here but I'm lazy so not right now lol
!!!⬇️Important tags⬇️!!!
#moot shenanigans : basically any interaction with my moots <3
#aj answers: when I answer asks :)
#Lunaaaaaaaaaa🩷: is any interaction with my ✨bestie✨ @luna1star10 they are super awesome go check them out!!!
#<3<3<3: is really just when I rlly like something lol
I'll probably tag the rest of the fam here later but I'm kinda tired soooo 😜
Me after I accidentally unfollow someone:
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all-iridescent-birds · 11 months ago
What are the biggest and smallest iridescent birds?
Hello dear Anon! As our bird interest is a bit of a new thing, some research was in order to deduct our answer, and we're still not quite sure. However, we've given you our best attempt. For something perhaps more professional, you might want to go to a-dinosaur-a-day, who we believe is actually qualified to talk about this. We're just a guy obsessed with birds.
Now, explanation out of the way -- the smallest we can tell you with certainty. It is the bee hummingbird, a tiny, the smallest, in fact, bird in the world.
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The bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) is only 2 inches long. Females are slightly longer, but only by a small fraction, and usually lay two eggs, with them being the size of coffee beans. Let that sink in. While their iridescent feathers are not as notable as their other hummingbird relatives, they are still there, and still as shiny as ever.
Now, here's where it gets tricky. We're not sure what the biggest iridescent bird is. Taking a guess, we'd say it's the peafowl. But when you look this up, you don't get a concrete answer, which makes sense, because no offense, no one ever asks this question. But don't worry! We side with you here -- we're just as curious.
Well, we've been doing some math here. At first, we were thinking of the microraptor, wondering if a prehistoric bird would count before we remembered the peafowl exists. But we put it to the side. Then, we remembered the resplendant quetzal and its ginormous tail -- we looked around different pages and totaled the tallest possible quetzal to be around 4 foot on the higher end, but it still wasn't enough. So we looked up the peafowl.
The peafowl has 3 types -- all sharing traits but all fairly different in ways. The one we're focusing on right now is the green peafowl.
The green peafowl (Pavo muticus) is the largest peafowl of the three. As its name suggests, it is primarily green, while the indian is primarily a bluish color, and congo variants are kind of brown.
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This is the bird we're talking about here. While maybe not in height (but probably in height), it's definitely in length. Males, pictured above, can be 5 feet and 11 inches at lowest to 9 feet 10 inches at highest. And its iridescence is everywhere, from its tail to its beak, basically.
Honestly, we'll be shocked if this isn't the biggest. Wikipedia describes the green peafowl as 'perhaps, the longest extant wild bird in total beak-to-tail length', as well.
We hope this answers your and anyone else's questions, Anon!
TL;DR: It's the bee hummingbird and green peafowl. Probably!
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opalofoctober · 2 years ago
Tenshi: *exists*
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Quetzalli: I've had Tenshi for only a day and a half but if anything happens to Tenshi I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
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