#in said comic one of the koopalings (do not know which one) was at an unspecified parade
hana-bobo-finch · 7 days
found the first pikmin fanfic I ever wrote lmao it was back in may and it was while I was at the dentist in the waiting room 🫡🫡
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Princess Peach's Character
So recently with Peach's portrayal in the movie and the announcement of Princess Peach Showtime a certain brand of individuals have had problems with her portrayal in this year 2023. While you have basic reactionary outrage content farmers in all this, some of which have probably never even picked up a controller in their life like a certain knight obsessed one. There is still a certain amount of people in the Mario fandom that have been taking issue with her recent portrayal, believing anything between "Nintendo is changing Peach" to "Nintendo has ruined Peach's character."
However, I am going to go against this notion and not only point out that her character hasn't been ruined but she has always meant to be this way.
To start off I would like to bring up the fact this not the first time Peach has been depicted this way, looking back to the non canon Super Show and Adventures Comics Peach is depicted very similar manner to what we see in this movie. It could be argued even more so in her comic depiction as she chases down Bowser herself without either of the Bros. She manages to escape the grasp of the Koopalings by outsmarting them and even goes back to rescue Mario in his failed attempt rescue her only finally being put out of commission through magic. This depiction her character has been considered by many fans to be one of her greatest portrayals.
Moving on to the games the Princess has joined in on Adventures as well such as Super Mario Bros. 2 USA yes it did happen, BS Super Mario USA, Super Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario 3D World, while non canon Mario+Rabbids, and Super Princess Peach keep a pin on that one.
However, some people may say they don't care about her being playable and say she is no longer "bubbly like she used to be," and that she is "too masculine" or stealing Daisy's character. This doesn't make sense, Peach and still is bubbly and does stereotypically feminine things and can still do what is considered stereotypically masculine things or act in such manner. In fact she is always a playable character in every sports game since the start, and we can't forget how sports is often seen as a masculine thing. Mario Strikers stands out the most having her depicted as sassy and competitive. Her Mario Party description has her described as brave which is also noteworthy, and we can't forget she is a Princess and by extension a leader. The few people demanding she and Daisy fit into boxes as characters only brings down both characters, and for certain ones I dare say it's misogynistic on how they want these 2 characters to only act in specific stereotypical ways. A character like Peach doesn't have just to act in what is considered a feminine way she can still act in a way that is considered masculine as well, and vice versa for Daisy.
Finally you have those people who just want her to only be the damsel in distress, and just no. Many of us fans were sick of her always being kidnapped in the 2D games, and have been wanting for so long for her to playable character in 2d game again and not just a Macguffin. So with Super Mario Wonder being announced, us fans especially us female gamers, are all glad that we can finally play as not just Peach but Daisy as well in a 2D game once again. Especially after Peachette, and the kinda stale formula of Princess gets kidnapped.
Now with the Princess Peach Showtime on it's way giving us another solo Peach game I would like to rewind the clock to share a little piece of Peach's character that not everyone knows about, which will serve as the nail in the coffin Peach not being changed/ruined. In 2005 with Super Princess Peach being the first solo Peach game by Nintendo, and it being the 20th Anniversary of Mario Miyamoto was interviewed by Nintendo Online Monthly. In this interview Miyamoto said the following about Princess Peach, "she has never seen herself as 'protected' by Mario. Our image of her is one of strength. Many of the developers came from homes where the Mother wears the boots, you know. (laughs) We hope to keep using Peach in different games in the future."
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
Hang In There, Weegee!: bowser x luigi (CH 2)
based on THIS comic by @dibujos-de-la-orilla​ + some of my replies on that post
bowser and luigi's version from the other side of the door + luigi POV near the end
story under the read more
Hang In There, Weegee! (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
“Mwuah! Mwuah! Mwuah!”
Bowser snickered as his boyfriend peppered kisses all over his face, mustache tickling his muzzle each time.
Important papers that should’ve been on his office desk currently lay every which way after Luigi had jumped onto it earlier. He’d since then moved to sit on Bowser’s lap to make it easier to reach the other’s face.
Calloused hands brought him out of his thoughts, fingers scritch scratching in just the right place under his jaw to make him purr and wag his tail.
Luigi chuckled at the other’s hazy response, watching as the king struggled to keep his eyes open and uncrossed as the scritches continued. Deciding to grant him mercy, the plumber stopped for a second and stepped back so they could see each other better.
The koopa tried to move closer again, the motion stopped by the other’s hand on his chest. “Greeniiieee,” he whined, trying his best to replicate the koopaling’s puppy dog eyes.
Luig just raised a brow and looked at him as if to say ‘Really?’
Tch, fine. Totally not pouting, Bowser chuffed at his boyfriend, the warm air almost knocking his hat off. “Hey!”
Readjusting his hat with one hand, the plumber leaned forward to grasp at the spiked collar around the other’s neck. “Bowser~,” he tried again, tugging the collar so Bowser had to lean over him. “Wanna try-a something I think you’ll like?”
Brows raised, the koopa king found his gaze laser focused on what Luigi’d do next. “Oh?” He smirked, leaning even further into the others space until they were sitting on the edge of the desk. “And what would that be?”
“Take off-a the collar and find out,” the plumber cheekily smiled back. Intrigued, Bowser backed off enough to undo the spiked collar, tossing it onto the desk.
“Now what?”
“Now,” Luigi said, taking a red shroom power up from his pocket and using it. “We see if this is-a enough to help-a me give you a hickey.”
‘Aw shell,’ Bowser thought. ‘Really hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me later.
                                               - Some Time Later -
“Who is trespassing on royal property!?!”
The two jolted at the office door slamming open; Bowser scrambling to put his collar back on and Luigi throwing himself behind the other in a last ditch effort to hide.
The plumber felt him shift a bit and glanced up to see smoke. He must have been trying to convince his advisor he was angry instead of embarrassed.
“King Bowser?!”
“You just gonna stand there or what? I’m still busy doing all this paperwork, ya know.”
Luigi would’ve laughed if he wasn’t desperately trying to keep hold of Bowser’s spikes. They were just so damn smooth!
He inched his sweaty hands closer around the one he was hanging from as papers flew by, locking his fingers together and wishing Kamek would leave soon.
Getting caught canoodling by his boyfriend’s wizard dad was already embarrassing; getting caught while still teeechnically an enemy of the Koopa Kingdom was a whole other can of worms.
“Many apologies, Your Industriousness; I thought I heard...” 
Oh no.
“Well? Out with it!”
No no no no, he was slipping!!
Bowser shifted again, the plumber’s shoes almost slipping off the lower spike he was standing on.
“A-ah, it was nothing, Sire. Sorry to have disturbed your paperwork, I’ll be going now.”
Luigi sighed and dropped to the floor. “I almost-a thought he caught us!”
Bowser groaned, rubbing a paw over his eyes and turning to look at the other. Taking the offered paw, the green brother was pulled into a hug.
They’d have to tell someone about their relationship soon, making a mental tally (wow they were kinda piling up) of how many times they’d almost been caught just this month was exhausting. Luigi wasn’t sure how much more his heart could take, and he was sure Bowser felt the same.
‘Maybe next time,’ He thought, already trying to get the king to let him make more hickeys.
Definitely next time.
if it wasn't clear, luigi is standing (not sitting) on bowser's lap
luigi eats a red mushroom to see if it's enough force to leave a hickey since bowser's scales/ skin is pretty strong
tesoro = treasure
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carlzy-berryz · 1 month
I decided to split the post into two and focus on Hazel here an the koopalings on the next one!
This is mostly lore about Hazel and a bit of info about her family!!
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So in a post before, I mentioned how she was really good at fire breathing and I think Bowser would be really impressed by it because koopas who aren't royalty usually aren't that good at it!!This is also a reason why Bowser wanted her on his side, I guess he saw some potential.. he doesn't do that often...
...but on the other hand.... she's not great at using magic, especially since she's just starting out with it.. I'd like to imagine that Kamek is her teacher (he also taught the koopalings) but he can be pretty harsh sometimes.. Which is why she'd rather practice with Lud as he's more calm in situations like that..
I'll put the rest under the cut, so it's not too long!! And to not bore people XD
I also wanted to explain how her pendant works since it's kinda a main part of her character design..
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So like I said in the pic, its main gimmick is that it glows when she's in danger.. this happens a lot in my au (and in a comic I've been planning for a while hmmm?) But yeah, she's always thought it was pretty when it glows.. ig she also wonders why bad things always happen after..XD
It's also made of a special type of ruby (it's magical) one shard was given to each of her ancestors (her mothers side) and its been passed down for generations...
Some stuff about her parents...
Hazel's mother (Hailey) passed away when Hazel was very young (around 3-ish) her death had something to do with Bowser's troopas, but nobody ever found out what actually happened... Hazel rarely thinks about her mother, since she didn't really know her for very long, however, she does still miss her from time to time...
Her death affected Hazel's father in a very different way though... When Hailey died, he changed... he grew very overprotective of Hazel, making her promise to always be by his side.. and that was okay... until her teenage years, when she wished to be more independent, this broke him, he was terrified something would happen to her... Hazel, on the other hand, while she loved her father, she didn't like how controlling he was sometimes... (even if she knew he only did it because he didn't want to lose her too) So she began to sneak out while he was sleeping... that's when she started to love walking, she would walk for hours, it helped her forget her problems (that's how she walked into Bowsers territory that time)
But... if her father found out she was even interacting with Bowser, he would be LIVID!! (He holds a grudge against him because of what happened to Hailey....)
I also designed him too, he's pretty basic and looks similar to Hazel..
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Oh!! And his name is Burtram (Ik it's kinda silly but it's an inside joke I have with a friend XD)
Here's some common info about him..
He's kind of a snob.. he's really rich and owns a wine business, he has multiple locations back in Cloud Kingdom (where they used to live before they moved to the border of Darkland for convenience) like I said above he HATES Bowser, since he was involved with Haileys death, and idk if he'll find out about Hazel "working" for him but, God, I wouldn't want to imagine.... Anyways that's about all I have on her family for now..
I'll design her mother sometime in the future ^^
Au stuff part 1/2 ill post the next one in a bit ^^
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The Koopalings Are Not Bowser's Children
So I realize I have not made a post addressing the Koopalings and their status, only ever referring to it in passing. So as we know the Koopalings in the manuals were called Bowser's Kids, and that this led to external media such as the Super Mario Adventures comic and Super Mario Bros. 3 show depicting him as his kids.
While this was the original intention this was retconned and the Koopalings went from being Bowser's kids to his commanders. Note: There might have never been a retcon to begin with, however they still aren't his kids. I made another post going into detail on why this is. In a Gameinfomer titled Mario's Creators Answer Burning Questions About The Series interview when asked "In Super Mario Bros. 3, the Koopalings were supposed to be Bowser's children. But there's also Bowser Jr. Are they all his kids, and are they all from different mothers? Is Bowser Jr. a Koopaling?" Miyamoto responded with the following "Our current story is that the seven Koopalings are not Bowser's children. Bowser's only child is Bowser Jr., and we do not know who the mother is."
While many people have come to the conclusion that they are still his kids and they are just adopted, this isn't accurate. First off the intent is that they aren't his kids anymore, and you are still someone's kid if you are adopted.
The next part is the simple fact that they are never called his kids in any newer media. On the official website for NSMBWD they are only referred to as "leaders of Bowser's Troops." In cards they aren't called his children either.
The Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia outside of lifted text from old manuals which the Encyclopedia even notes, the Koopalings are never called his kids.
There is also the fact in game they are never called his kids, nor any implication they are adopted.
There is also the fact that they are too old to be his kids, and could even be as old as Bowser if not close to his age. In Color Splash Roy talks about attending night school or in other words he's in college. "I guess I'll just have to hope Lord Bowser can defeat you…" "Yeah, I know what irony is. BOOM. Knowledge is power, so I started going to night school."
There is the fact that the Koopalings only ever refer to Bowser by titles such as Lord Bowser and never father or stepdad, and they do the same for BJ calling him Lord Junior. They never talk about Jr being their brother, they talk about how he will be their boss one day, and they are even called his friends. "That punk will eventually be our boss!" "All right, Lord Junior.. We'll be facing off against Shy Guys in this next battle." "Well, he is Bowser's kid. There were bound to be some speed bumps." "They say that helicopter parenting doesn't work anyway. Just let 'em run wild!"
When Bowser asks them to watch over Junior they don't watch over him like older siblings, and even refer to it as being a form of parenting. They even directly refer to him as Bowser's Kid. There is also the fact Bowser beat up Iggy after making fun of Junior in front of Bowser. With all that being said, the Koopalings are not Bowser's kids but rather his underlings.
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