#in like the weirdest worst way it’s so perfect
sprooknooky · 15 days
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Omg why do they look like that <3
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
Like A Virgin -
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Alessia is a lesbian, but she’s scared to come out. She’s desperate to find the courage to have sex with a women, but isn’t sure how to go take those first steps. So she asks her team mate, Lucy Bronze to teach her, but Alessia is more confident than she thinks.
word count 16k
Warnings - smut, fingering, strap, cunnilingus, first time, shame of sexuality
Her hand was shaken as she rang the door bell, the nerves getting to her once again. It wasn’t the first time she’d been at the defenders house.
She had been here twice before, the first time was a party for the lionesses after the euros win. The second time was for Lucy’s 30th, the brunette had a massive house party, probably one of the drunkest nights the striker had ever had. And one of the funnest.
And here she was, staring at the black door, feeling her skin prick with goosebumps. She couldn’t believe she was doing this.
Since Alessia was an early teen she knew she liked girls, but she had never really admitted it to herself. It scared her beyond belief, she hid hid it from her friends, she would pretend to her school friends that she had crushes on whoever was the latest boy band that was trending.
She just wanted to fit in, she pushed it so far down that she even forced herself to have sex with a boy when she was 18.
It was awful, he was nice enough, he didn’t force her into doing anything she didn’t want  to do, but it wasn’t what she wanted. It was just something she made herself do, to try and see if she could feel something for the opposite sex, but it only confirmed it for her, that there was no way she liked men.
Years had passed, and she had never had sex with another man, or even a woman, she hadn’t even kissed a girl.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, she didn’t shy away from pleasuring herself, her hands were a regular visitor between her legs. She had all the urges her body wanted her to do, but Alessia was shy, scared, and felt completely lost with doing the real thing.
It definitely didn’t help that she wasn’t out.
She kept her sexuality to herself, hoping one day that she would finally find the courage to do something about it. But it was hard.
She knew some of the girls on her team were out, and she wanted that so badly for herself. She just didn’t know how to go about it.
Well she had one idea.
But how do you ask one of your teammates to have sex with you because you’re too scared to go out and find someone yourself?
It wasn’t the worst idea, she trusted the girls, she knew some of them were lesbians or bi so it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing.
Another reason she wanted to ask someone she knew was because of the fame that had blown up for them. She was worried of sleeping with a stranger and they ended up selling a story or it got online somewhere. That was the absolute last thing she wanted, so another football player made the most sense.
She looked around the room wondering who she could ask, her best friend Ella was a no go, she was as straight as they came. Jess was in a relationship, so she was a no. She wondered about Rachel, but she was worried she might let her secret slip. She also wanted to ask someone she found attractive, and there was one person that had always caught her eye.
She looked over at the brunette, changing into her kit, her abs looked extra hard where they had just had gym workouts. Alessia had always admired Lucy’s godlike body, she had muscles for days, her body was the peak of physical perfection. Lucy was a quiet member of the team. She had her loud moments but in general she was quiet, a lot like Alessia.
When she first joined the squad she was most nervous to meet Lucy, she had looked up to the girl for years and still did to this day. Lucy had always been nice to the blonde, she had helped her a lot when she was new to the team, making her feel welcome. She’d always be there if she had any questions, never making her feel stupid for asking them.
They didn’t speak much with each other, as their friend groups were different, but they was always friendly when they did speak. Alessia wanted to ask Lucy. She was trustworthy, she was kind. She was older, so she felt like she wouldn’t be judged like maybe some others would judge her. And Alessia was physically attracted to her. Very attracted.
But how do you go about asking Lucy Bronze to sleep with you?
She waited until after practice, she knew Lucy was always one of the last ones to leave. So she took her time getting ready, glancing every so often at the brunette. Once she noticed Lucy was about to leave she hurried over to her.
The brunette picked up her gym bag, a bit shocked that Alessia was now in front of her. “Alright Less?”
“Ye-yeah. Practice was good today?”
“Yeah, our team won, so that’s always good.”
Alessia could tell Lucy was confused, they never spoke like this, it was a weird interaction for the pair to be having. It was now or never.
“Can I ask you a favour? Well, not a favour a question?”
Lucy was now very confused, she looked around the room, wondering why Alessia was asking her a favour and not someone like Ella.
Her deep northern accent sounded extra thick. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Alessia looked at her feet wondering if this was the right thing to do? Was she really about to ask this? “I - I wanted to ask if…..if you would. Would you recommend your boots? Mind have felt a bit weird lately.” She felt her shoulders drop in annoyance with herself. She bottled it.
Lucy looked at the younger girl with a face Alessia could have laughed at if it wasn’t for the circumstance, she was confused with a capital C. The brunette looked once more around the changing rooms, she was wondering if the younger girl was trying to pull a prank on her. She was certain someone was about to jump out recording the interaction.
She cleared her throat. “Erm, yeah mine are good, no weirdness. Just good old boots.”
The younger girl nodded, not really bringing her eyes to Lucy’s, she felt stupid.
Lucy pulled her bag up on her shoulder. Alessia realised she was probably waisting the girls time and probably getting on her nerves.
“Oh great, thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Lucy looked at the girl, she could see she seemed sad but she wasn’t sure why. But she wasn’t one for prying. “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”
Lucy walked out the changing rooms, Alessia heard her steps disappear into the corridor. She grabbed her own bits and slowly started to make her way out, feeling completely deflated.
She made her way to her car when she heard a horn, she looked up to see Lucy’s car was still in the car park. She then noticed Lucy waved for her to come over. She felt her stomach drop.
But she walked to the car, trying to build up the confidence she used for games, she was going to need it.
She opened the passenger door, she smiled nervously at Lucy.
“Get in.”
Alessia did what she was told.
“What’s up Less? You looked like you were going to cry in there. Are you okay?”
Alessia felt a weird wave of many different emotions take over her, she could feel her eyes start to water. But she never let them fall. She then felt a warm sensation on her thigh, it was Lucy’s strong hand on her, a gesture that you wouldn’t see the brunette do often.
“Hey, talk to me.” Lucy’s voice was soft.
She let out a long sigh. Tears finally slipping at the corner of her eyes. “It’s going to sounds so stupid, and possibly rude. And I can’t believe I was even going to ask you. I just don’t know what else to do, and I’m just scared.”
“What is it? You can ask me.”
It’s now or never.
“I was going to ask if you would have sex with me.”
Lucy. wasn’t sure if she should ask the girl to repeat herself. Did she hear that right? Lucy definitely thought she was being pranked now, she half waited for a camera to come out or some party poppers. But they never came. I mean it wasn’t like she hadn’t ever thought about it, the girl was beautiful. Lucy had always thought she had a rare, cute innocence to her, but still held so much sex appeal without forcing it. You’d have to be an idiot to say no. But why was she so upset?
Alessia held her breath, the car felt like it had no oxygen, she felt like she was drowning, why did she do this? Just die a lesbian virgin and be done with it.
“Erm, I mean yeah, but why?”
What? Did she just say yes? Did she say she would have sex with her?
Alessia took a long breath, this was going to sound ridiculous. “I’m a lesbian.” It was the first time she had said those words out loud, let alone to someone else.
She continued, taking a long breath. “I haven’t had sex with a woman yet, and I really want to but I’m scared, and I want to be with someone who’ll talk me through it. I want to have sex with someone I trust.” Her voice was small and cracking, but she carried on. “I’m a lesbian, but I’m just so scared.”
Lucy felt her heart drop, she had never seen Alessia, the 5.9 ft girl ever look so small and vulnerable. She took in what she said, she understood where she was coming from. She knew first hand, coming out when she was younger was hard, it’s like jumping into a lake of cold water, and you’re not sure if you’ll ever come up for air. She knows it’s hard, and she understands, but she couldn’t help but be confused why she’d asked her and not someone else.
“I get it Less, I know it’s hard but you have nothing to be afraid or ashamed of, I know it’s got to be in your own time, but trust me when I say it’s the best feeling, being yourself.”
Alessia smiled at the brunette, she knew she was right, and she knew she’d get there one day. “Thank you, Luce.”
They both smiled at each other, a few minutes of silence filling the car.
“Also please don’t feel like you need to say yes, it’s absolutely fine to say no, I know it’s weird thing to ask someone.”
Lucy chuckled. “I’m actually flattered, but I can’t help but wonder, why me?”
Alessia suddenly became shy, considering she just asked Lucy to have sex with her. “Well, I feel like I could trust you with my secret and with the actual sex itself. I want someone who will teach me and show me what to do and not make me feel stupid for it. And I also find you really attractive.” Alessia took a quick glance at the older girl, she found her green eyes on her.
Lucy smiled a playful smile at the blonde. She felt her ego grow but not just in a sex way but the fact that Alessia trusted her enough with something so important to her. Something she was clearly struggling with. “Well, I can’t say I’m not shocked, but I’m very flattered. I think we should talk about it though, why don’t we go for some drinks, and we can talk it through?”
Alessia felt the breath she was holding slip through her lips. “Yeah, that sounds good. Please can we keep this between us?”
Lucy screwed up her face. “Of course.”
The blondes eyes were wet with soft tears. “Thank you.”
Lucy smiled softly at the blonde, her Bambi blue eyes looked like they was holding in so much pain. She felt something stir in her, she felt like she needed to protect Alessia at all costs. “No worries. I promise it’s get better Less.”
She smiled at the older girl, even if they didn’t end up having sex she felt lighter having told someone finally about her secret. “Are you free to meet up tomorrow?”
The brunette nodded. “Yeah. Do you wanna meet at Lemon? We can talk there?”
Alessia smiled her brilliant toothy smile, she was feeling a little better with each minute that passed. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll text you.”
The brunette smiled. “Good. Do you need a lift home?”
“No I’ve got my car, thank you though.”
Just as she pulled opened the car door she turned back to the brunette. “Thank you, Lucy.”
“Don’t stress. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lucy smiled warmly at the blonde.
Alessia smiled and closed the door, she made her way to her car, getting in and starting the engine. The brunette watched her the whole way, happy to start her own engine once Alessia had started to drive off.
The brunettes mind was scrambled, she wasn’t sure if what just happened was real. The idea wasn’t the craziest thing she ever heard, she understood where Alessia was coming from. She knew a few of her friends that had sex with someone they knew first out of fear.
She didn’t think it was the strangest thing, but she was still shocked to be the one asked. She started her engine and drove off, the blonde was the only thing on her mind that night.
They had arranged to meet at ‘Lemon’ a bar they had been to with a few of the girls before. Alessia was waiting in a booth at the back, it was as discreet as she could find, she wasn’t keen on having anyone ease drop on their conversation.
She wore a simple outfit, a black crop top and loose jeans. She went for light make up, with her hair flowing over her shoulders. Finished with a pair of adidas. It was simple but she looked cute.
As she sat she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Lucy smiling down at her. She felt a warm sensation go through her belly. She was actually here. They hugged in a tight embrace, Alessia’s senses were flooded with Lucy’s usual woody, but sweet perfume.
Lucy sat across from her in their booth, she looked as good as ever. She was wearing a cream cardigan, with a white crop top and burgundy trousers. Her hair in a low bun, also wearing light make up. Wearing the latest Nike trainers as always, Alessia saw her in a new pair every time she saw her.
The older girl smiled at the blonde. “Hey, you okay?”
Alessia smiled, relaxing instantly. “Yeah, I’m good, thank you. You?” Her voice held a shakiness to it, the brunette heard it straight away.
“Hey you know we’re just talking right now, we don’t even have to go through with it. We can talk about anything you want. We can just have a night out if that’s what you want.”
Alessia’s eyes widened in panic. Thats is not what she wanted. “No, no. I definitely want to, I’m just a bit nervous, but I definitely want to. But if you don’t want to that’s absolutely fine as well.”
Lucy smiled softly at the blonde. She would do whatever Alessia wanted or felt comfortable with. “Let’s get a drink.”
The girls ordered their drinks, they spoke about the next game they had coming up. They spoke about training and how the competition was looking.
Lucy didn’t want to go straight into the sex conversation, she wanted to get Alessia to relax and make sure if this is really what she wanted. It was working, Alessia was feeling more relaxed, her racing heart had calmed down immensely. This was another reason why she had asked the brunette, the girl had a way of making you feel calm in her presence, intimidating, but calm.
The intimidated part wasn’t what the brunette was going for, it was just a natural aura she possessed. People were intimidated by her, even people that had known her few years, she radiated self confidence, she also was an aloof character.
Alessia looked at the older woman in front of her, it sunk in that she would potentially be having sex with her. It made her stomach flutter and even further down south. “So, where shall we start?” Alessia gave a shy smirk.
The brunette smiled playfully at the girl across from her. “Well, I guess what you want, what you don’t want. Toys, rules, giving, receiving. How rough you like, not rough at all. Safe words”
Alessia felt her belly go again, more of a nervous feeling. “Well, I’ve watched a lot of porn, and read a lot of erotic novels. And I’d really like you to use a strap on, on me.”
Lucy had to hold back the shiver that went up her neck, she instantly wondered what Alessia would sound like if she was fucking her with a strap. The brunette couldn’t help it, she had always thought the blonde was hot. She had eyes, she could still respect the girl during all of this but she was human, her mind would wonder. They were planning on having sex after all.
“Yeah, that’s no problem. I can do that.”
“I also would like to use it on you, but it’s okay if not.”
“Yeah, that’s okay, I’m good with that.”
“I also want to erm….to go down on you, and you go down on me.”
Lucy closed her eyes quickly. Trying to hold down the hot sensation going through her body. “Y-yeah. That’s good with me.” Lucy took a sip of her drink.
Alessia nodded, glad this was going as well as it was. Not noticing the effects she was having on the older girl. “I kind of just want the usual lesbian sex, I want to do a lot with you. Maybe just do what you would normally do with a girl, and I can learn. Again if you’re okay with that.”
“Yeah, I get what you mean. I’m happy with that. I’ll show you the ropes. If you’re into ropes.” Lucy winked, giving her best her flirty smile.
Alessia felt her heart speed up. This was the other reason she had asked Lucy, she was confident in herself and her sex appeal was overwhelming. “I think I’d like that.” She gave Lucy a flirty smile of her own.
She continued. “I can book us a hotel, if you’re happy with that? I’m still flat sharing at the moment.”
Lucy drank her drink and shook her head. “We can do it at mine, I don’t mind. I mean we can do the hotel if you want. But I feel like it would be more comfortable in a space we know. But again I don’t mind.”
Alessia nodded her head. She agreed, she would have liked to have done it at hers, but she wasn’t guaranteed her privacy there, and it was even better to have Lucy’s own house, with no one to walk in on you. She nodded. “I would much rather that. I did feel a bit sleazy at the thought of it to be honest.”
Lucy chuckled. “You may be a few things but sleazy is not one of them Less.”
Alessia giggled, once again feeling completely at ease with the brunette.
The girls talked more about the rules and what Alessia wanted to explore. They spoke about the fact that this wasn’t an emotional thing, just something Lucy was helping Alessia with. Both girls were more than happy with it all. The girls were in Soho, so luckily there were several sex shops near by, they felt it would be good to pick up some supplies.
The blonde finished her third drink, the brunette shortly behind her. They visited the first shop they saw, Alessia followed Lucy’s lead, it seemed she’d been here before, knowing what was on what aisle. They explored the dildos and strap on section, Alessia was shocked at all different types to choose from.
She saw a 12 inch jet black dildo that made her eyes pop. She wondered how on earth someone could fit that in any hole. It made her think to tell Lucy she probably would need to go slow at first, as it had been a while.
“Erm Luce, just so you know, it’s been a while for me.”
Lucy smiled at the blonde, with a calm expression. “That’s okay, we can go as slow as you like, and as big or small.” The older girl wondered though. “How long is a while?”
“Couple years.”
“Oh. Like two? Three?”
“Six. It was my first and last time with a boy.”
“Oh. Okay. That’s good to know.”
The blonde felt insecure, Lucy probably thought she was a weirdo now. Lucy sensed the way Alessia clammed up. She was instantly by the girls side. “Hey, it’s okay. It doesn’t matter, I just want to know exactly where you’re at. I want to make sure you’re completely comfortable.”
Alessia smiled at the brunette, she really did make the blonde feel comfortable, her calm aura was easy to take on. Lucy looked into the big blue innocent eyes of the younger girl, she could see a mix of emotions swirling around. She gently grabbed the girls face and brought her lips to her four head, kissing her gently.
She felt Alessia’s body relax under her hands.
“Thank you, Luce. Thank you for this.”
“It’s okay. Remember we go at your pace.” Lucy continued. “Do you want to look at the at BDSM section?” She chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but Alessia’s face was eager. “Oh, I was joking but we can?”
“I just want to look.” Alessia already started walking to the red light section, Lucy right behind her.
The girls looked around the whole shop twice over. They brought the essentials and more. They shared an Uber back, luckily the blonde was only a 10 minute drive away from Lucy. Alessia turned to Lucy in the car, smiling at her, the brunette was looking at the busy streets of London.
They made it to Lucy’s place first. The brunette squeezed Alessia’s hand, as a comfort move. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Remember it’s your day, it’s your pace.”
The blonde smiled warmly at the brunette. “Yeah, I’ll see you then. Thank you Luce.”
Lucy nodded, she took the toys Alessia had brought so they were ready at Lucy’s.
And that’s how she found herself at Lucy’s door.
She let out a big breath as she waited for the older girl. Lucy opened the door to a nervous looking Alessia. Although she looked nervous she also looked excited. “Hey, come in.” Lucy opened her door wider.
Alessia smiled  as she walked in the familiar house, it didn’t seem much different since she was last here. Lucy was right to suggest doing this somewhere they knew.
“Can I get you a drink?”
Alessia wanted to be sober for the occasion but she also wanted a bit of courage. “Please, what have you got?”
Lucy popped a bottle of Prosecco, pouring both girls a glass. She handed Alessia her drink. “Erm, I might only have the one, I want to be able to show you everything with a sober head.”
Alessia smiled. “Yeah me too, I want to remember everything we do.”
They spoke about a TV show that they’d both been watching, once again Lucy was trying her best to keep the atmosphere calm, and chill. They had both finished their first glass. Alessia looked at Lucy, a small smirk on her face. “You ready?”
Lucy felt excitement rush through her body, as much as she wanted the night to go smooth and make Alessia feel as good as possible, she couldn’t help but feel a little giddy.
The girl had so many other girls to ask, but she asked Lucy, she couldn’t help that her ego grew for many different reasons. “Yeah, I am. Are you?”
Alessia nodded.
“Use your words Less, remember what we spoke about.”
“I’m ready. Sorry.”
“Don’t be. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
Lucy put her hand out for Alessia to take, and the blonde didn’t hesitate to take it. She brought her hand up to her lips, kissing her hand softly. Alessia felt warmth in her stomach, she watched as the brunettes lips lingered on her skin.
“Come, let’s go to my room.” The girls made their way to Lucy’s room. Alessia’s hand never leaving Lucy’s.
The brunettes room was dimly lit, a vanilla scent consumed Alessia’s nose. The room was lit by a bunch of candles on Lucy’s dresser side, it made Alessia smile, the girl was going out of her way to make this night special for her. Lucy brought Alessia into the middle of the room. She held her hand smiling at the younger girl.
“I know I’ve said it already but please let me know if you’re uncomfortable or want to stop at any point.”
“I will.”
Lucy nodded. “How do you want to start?” The brunette brought Alessia’s hand to her mouth again, kissing her knuckles softly.
“I want to kiss you.”
“Okay.” Lucy stepped slowly into Alessia’s space, her familiar perfume melted into the younger girls nose, filling her senses with everything that was Lucy. She placed her hands onto Alessia’s face, guiding her slowly to her mouth, bringing their lips together.
Alessia had just found what she had been looking for, and that was women. Lucy’s lips were perfect, it was nothing like kissing a man, it had never felt like this, this finally felt right. Lucys lips were soft and gentle, she kissed her with perfect pressure, she never wanted to stop.
Alessia had one of the softest pair of lips Lucy had ever kissed. She was about to pull herself back but felt Alessia tug her back in with her own hands. They stayed like this for a few minutes, just feeling each other’s mouths. Lucy could feel Alessia getting more comfortable, her body relaxing under her touch.
Alessia could have stayed like this all day.
Lucy chuckled gently at Alessia’s eagerness. She pulled back again, Alessia didn’t stop her this time. Lucy looked at Alessia’s face, she looked dazed.
“That was amazing.” The blonde whispered.
Lucy smiled from ear to ear, she couldn’t help but feel a little cocky but still wanted to check in with the younger girl. “Are you doing okay?”
Alessia smiled, she appreciated that the brunette was checking in, but now she wanted nothing more than to keep kissing her. “I’m good, thank you. I’ll promise I’ll let you know if I’m not.”
Lucy nodded, bringing her mouth back to Alessia’s.
This time Alessia took more of a charge, she kissed Lucy with determination, wanting to feel her mouth on hers again. But it was Lucy who slipped her tongue across Alessia’s mouth, causing the girl to let out the cutest whimper, a noise Lucy knew she’d definitely want to hear again.
Lucy still had her hands on Alessia’s face, she slowly slipped her hands into her blonde hair, deepening the kiss. She licked at the younger girls soft lips again. Alessia whimpered, allowing Lucy to gently slip her tongue in.
The moan that came from the blonde was erotic. Lucy felt Alessia inhale sharply through her nose. Lucy was doing things to Alessia’s head, she felt dizzy, her body felt intoxicated by the older girl.
Their kisses got more heated, the blonde even felt confident enough to slip her own tongue into the mix. Lucy was more than happy to finally feel the blonde gain some courage.
Alessia mirrored the older girl, slipping her hands around the back of her neck, she pushed further into the brunettes mouth. Her tongue roamed around the new space, being spurred on by the moaning coming from Lucy. She couldn’t help but feel proud to make the one and only Lucy Bronze moan from her kisses.
And Lucy wouldn’t deny it, Alessia could kiss. It was as if she knew exactly what Lucy liked, she used her lips and tongue perfectly. So perfectly, she was feeling dizzy herself. Lucy pulled back, she couldn’t help but smile at the blondes kissed swollen lips. She hadn’t noticed until now, how naturally full Alessia’s lips were, even noticing the unique beautiful Cupid bow shape of her lips.
Alessia wanted to keep things moving. “Can we get undressed now?”
Lucy nodded. Alessia started to pull Lucy’s T shirt over her head, revealing her beautiful six pack. The blonde had seen Lucy’s six pack countless times before and was always amazed at the sight. But now she was allowed to touch those beautiful abs, she couldn’t help but run her hands over her stomach, she loved the way Lucy shivered from her touch.
Lucy pulled Alessia’s t shirt over her head, her eyes roamed the blonde stunning body, noticing the hot flush on her neck. “You look beautiful Less, you really are stunning.”
She brought her mouth to Alessia’s neck, kissing the girl gently. She held her hips bringing her body closer to her own. She mindlessly ran her hands slowly up Alessia’s arms, down her back and on her own abs, as she continued her kissing.
The younger girls eyes fluttered shut, her mouth gapped open, her skin flared up in goosebumps. Lucy’s mouth on her neck felt incredible, her touches were soft and gentle. She let out a small moan once she felt Lucy’s tongue come into the mix.
“Oh my god, that feels so good.” She couldn’t believe this was finally happening, her body felt like it was on fire.
Lucy started to unbutton Alessia’s jeans, she wanted to ask if it was okay but she didn’t want to keep bugging the girl, she trusted that she would let her know. She started to kiss down the blonde girls gorgeous body, sucking the flesh at her breast. She wanted to kiss every inch of Alessia’s skin, wanting to make the girl feel adored.
Alessia put her hands on Lucy’s shoulders, needing something to hold on too. As her body was being worshiped. “Luce, your mouth is amazing.” She half whispered her words.
Lucy had to stop her cocky self from saying something like, ‘she hadn’t felt nothing yet.’ She kept it to herself, but still had to say something. “I can’t wait to use it on you.”
Alessia had already felt her wetness in her knickers but Lucy’s words had definitely just ruined them. She felt a shiver of excitement run through her body.
Lucy knelt on her knees, never stopping her kissing on the beautiful body in front of her. She began to pull the younger girls jeans down, revealing long, firm legs that never stopped. Lucy continued on kissing until she got to the top of Alessia’s thighs.
Alessia was finding it hard to breathe with Lucy’s mouth all over her skin, she could feel herself getting more and more wet. She could feel the wetness flooding her underwear inbetween her lips, she knew Lucy was going to see it for her herself.
And she did, she saw the dark wet patch on Alessia’s pink thongs, it made her chest swell with pride. She guided her long legs out of her jeans. “Is someone getting excited?” Lucy’s breath ghosted the younger girls sensitive skin, making her shiver.
Alessia had said yes to dirty talk in the bedroom, she was hoping it would be something she would like. She was beyond grateful Lucy had asked because it instantly turned her on more. “Yea-yeah. I am.”
Lucy smiled as she came back up, she wanted to kiss those perfect full lips again. Alessia would let Lucy do anything to her at this point, she was putty in her hands, and they had only gotten started. She kissed the blonde softly, slipping her tongue into her pretty mouth. Once again earning a moan from the girl.
Lucy would be lying if she wouldn’t say she was turned on just as much as the younger girl. Alessia’s moans alone was doing it for her, everything Alessia was doing was turning her on. She was about to take off her own jeans when Alessia stopped her.
“Do you mind if I do it?”
Lucy nodded.
Alessia undid the brunettes jeans, never taking her blue eyes off of her green ones, it may have been the first time Alessia had made the girl nervous. And she wasn’t wrong, Lucy did feel nervous under the blondes gaze, and she didn’t hate it.
Alessia copied the brunette, she started to kiss her neck, sucking at points on her skin, causing the brunettes breathing to quicken. She began her trail of kisses down to the brunettes chest, but she wanted to see more. She snaked her hands around Lucy’s back, her hands lingered on the bras clasp, once again looking at Lucy’s eyes. Lucy nodded.
She undid her bra, impressing herself that she was able to undo the clothing without looking. Even the brunette looked surprised. She dropped the bra to the floor, her breath hitched in her throat at the sight. Lucy’s breast was perfect. Alessia licked her lips wanting to run her tongue all over the rose bud coloured perks.
She lowered her head to Lucy’s right nipple, slowly kissing the erect bud. She eagerly opened her wet mouth taking in Lucy’s nipple. She was shocked at the reaction she got from the brunette.
A small whimper escaped Lucy’s mouth, she could feel her pussy flutter from the girls soft mouth on her sensitive flesh. She swirled her tongue over Lucy’s perfect tight bud, loving the noises she was pulling from the older girl.
Lucy’s hand slowly moved into the blondes hair, gently stroking her fingers along the blondes scalp, making Alessia shiver. “Fuck, Alessia.” Lucy looked down at Alessia, her long, dark lashes just barely touching her olive skin. The girl was truly beautiful.
Alessia kept up her assault on the older girls chest, she slowly lifted her other hand to cup Lucy’s left breast. She didn’t know what she was doing, she was going off of porn and natural instinct.
Lucy felt her legs shake, she couldn’t believe how skilful Alessia’s mouth was. For someone who had never done this before, she felt like a sex goddess.
Alessia let go of the bud with a loud pop of her plumed lips, looking up at Lucy. For the first time tonight the brunettes face was dazed, Alessia was more than happy with that. She could feel her confidence growing, more and more. She did the same as Lucy did and dropped to her knees.
Lucy looked down at Alessia, and it was a beautiful sight to see, her piercing blue eyes were looking up at her with so much adoration, it nearly took Lucy’s breath away. She began to kiss Lucy’s stomach, closing her eyes as she felt the hard muscles against her lips.
Her confidence started to peak again. “Do you know how many girls want you Luce? I hear it all the time, so many of the football girls want to sleep with you.”
Lucy smirked, she couldn’t believe Alessia was already going for the bedroom talk. She kept surprising the girl with how much of a natural she was. “Yeah? What do they say?” She stroked the blondes hair back.
The blonde looked up at the brunette, gliding her tongue from her boxer line to the bottom of her belly button.
Lucys eyes snapped shut, her head tilted back, trying to hold in a moan. Wasn’t it meant to be her doing this to Alessia? How was she already so confident?
“They say how sexy you are, how powerful you are on the pitch. They talk about your abs constantly.”
“And what do you say when the girls are talking about me?” Lucy wanted to build her up.
“I say they’re right, you are one of the most talented.” Kiss. “Sexist.” Kiss. “Beautiful.” Kiss. “Players out there, and now I get to sleep with her.”
Lucy bit her lip hard, Alessia was on fire, she was making her ego grow. She pulled Lucy’s trousers down, helping the brunette out of them.
Lucy motioned the girl up. The blonde did what she was told. Lucy kissed the blonde gently, pushing her hair behind her ear. “Firstly, wow. Are you sure you’ve never done this before? You’re completely a natural at this.”
The blonde couldn’t hold back the shy smile, Lucys words made her feel on top of the world. “I’ve got a good teacher.”
“No, this is all you. Really, you’re just… wow.”
The blonde smiled in that very cute way that she did, it made Lucy’s heart flutter. She felt proud of her. She continued. “Also, are you doing okay? Is there anything you want to ask? Or anything going too fast?”
“I’m so good, genuinely. I’m so glad you said yes to this. I can’t thank you enough. Are you having fun?”
“Its not a problem, I’m glad I could be of help. Yeah, I’m having a lot of fun.” She smiled playfully at the blonde. She continued.
“What do you wanna do now?”
Alessia wanted to eat Lucy out but she thought it might be better if Lucy maybe did it first, she could maybe learn a thing or two. She felt shy saying it. She bit her lip, looking at Lucy adorably. A 360 from being on her knees a few seconds ago.
“Can you go down on me? I wanted to do it to you first but I want to see how it feels.”
Lucy felt her pussy flutter, once again her own wetness was evident between her legs. She nodded. A playful smirk on her face, she couldn’t hide that she was excited. She moved close to Alessia, she cupped her chin, looking into her blue eyes. “Of course I can. I can’t wait to taste you.” Lucy’s voice was low.
Alessia’s pupils were already blown but now they nearly took over the blue in her eyes. She felt her clit throbbing, it was nearly painful.
Lucy took the blonde by her hands, guiding her to the king size bed. They crawled on the bed, Lucy watched Alessia’s face for any doubt, but she didn’t show any. They laid next to each other smiling, Lucy placed a hand on the younger girls hip, stroking her skin. She shuffled close so they were inches from each other’s faces.
She gently kissed the girl, her lips were doing things to Alessia, they were addicting to kiss. Her hand snaked behind Alessia’s back, undoing her bra with one hand, in one go.
Alessia giggled. “Show off.”
Lucy chuckled. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
She removed the blondes bra, releasing a perfect pair of breast. She had to hold in the groan that nearly escaped her. She was still trying to be as slow as she could. They carried on kissing, at first it was slow and gentle but it soon became desperate and loud. Lucy could feel Alessia exploring her mouth with her tongue, making the older girl groan in pleasure.
She was embarrassed by how turned on the blonde was making her, she was meant to be the teacher here, the one with some self control but the younger girl was making it hard.
Alessia felt Lucy push her gently on her back, never letting their kissing come to an end.
Lucy pulled back, smiling down into Alessia’s face, the girl looked wrecked, her breathing was hard, her eyes nearly black. It was when she bit her beautiful pink swollen lips that Lucy nearly lost it.
Lucy once again felt a groan in her throat but this time she couldn’t hold it back. “You look amazing Less.”
The blonde was becoming a little ragged, she desperately wanted to feel Lucy’s mouth on her. She needed some kind of release. “Luce, please can you go down. Please.”
Fuck. Alessia begging was something she knew she’d be keeping in her own wank bank, she would have liked to have gotten her to beg a little more but she could tell she was desperate. Lucy gave the younger girl a sultry gaze. She didn’t need to be told twice. “Of course. I’ll take care of you.”
She kissed Alessia’s lips one last time, before she began to snake down her long body. But she had to stop off quickly. She took Alessia’s painfully perked nipple into her mouth, sucking gently.
“Fuck, oh my god. Lucyyy.”
Lucy was shocked when she heard the curse fall from the blondes mouth. She almost stopped her actions, thinking she had hurt the girl, until she felt her hips rolls. She had never heard the younger girl swear in all her years of knowing her, but she was definitely a fan of it.
She brought her hand up to Alessia’s other nipple, gently teasing it with her dexterous fingers. She switched sides, giving the other nipple the attention it deserved. Alessia was panting hard, as the brunette licked and sucked at her perked flesh.
She slowly started to proceed downwards, kissing Alessia’s own strong abs, and what a beautiful site it was. She sucked at her skin, leaving small red marks behind.
Alessia was loosing it, she felt like she was going to come just from Lucy’s kissing alone, like a horny teenage boy who had no control. Lucy sat up between Alessia’s long firm legs, looking down at the mess of a girl. She was truly frazzled.
Lucy began to pull the blondes thongs off, she could feel how wet she was, as the clothing stuck to the blondes lips from her own sticky substance. She pulled the now ruined underwear down her thighs and onto the floor. And Lucy once again had to hold back her moan.
Alessia was panting hard, she could feel her heart in her throat, she was shaking with excitement. She watched as Lucy was admiring her body, she looked at her with so much care. Even though she was the one going slow with her, it felt like she was just as excited and turned on as Alessia.
She didn’t feel shy from being naked in front of Lucy, they were naked all the time in the locker room, but even now, in this situation, she felt completely comfortable.
“You’re beautiful Less. I hope you know it.”
The younger girl giggled, she was suddenly shy.
Fuck, how could she be cute right now? She was about to devour the girl.
“Thank you Luce, so are you. I hope you know it.”
Lucy smiled her beautiful smile, as she lowered herself down between Alessia’s legs. She felt her own mouth water as she looked at the blondes very wet lips. Like Lucy, Alessia had no hair at all, she was waxed completely clean of hair. Lucy didn’t mind, as long as she could get to her destination she was happy.
She kissed the blondes thighs, but not teasingly, she just wanted to kiss the legs that scored that glorious goal in the euros. She kissed Alessia’s pussy lips, a small appreciative moan hummed through Lucy’s throat.
She then took her first gentle lick of the blondes pussy. A loud groan came from both the girls. She was delicious, Lucy’s mouth began to water as she began to lick gently on her velvety folds.
The sharp breath Alessia took in was almost painful, this was a whole new feeling, it didn’t feel real. It felt like she was having an out of body experience. Alessia held her breath, this was nothing like her bullet. She could feel every inch of the brunettes very talented tongue on her. Feeling the way it explored every inch of her.
The nerves on her soft flesh were screaming in pleasure, she couldn’t believe the feeling, it was what she imagined but a thousand times more. She could even hear how wet she was from Lucy’s tongue, it only made her wetter.
Lucy kept up the pace with her tongue, taking in everything that was Alessia. She kept her eyes on the girl, her facial expression was a beautiful site. She watched her body take in this new feeling, she watched as her hips rolled with her tongue.
She began to suck gently on her very sensitive clit. Alessia’s blue eyes popped open, a high pitched whimper began to fall out of her mouth. Her hips began to buck, she was already so close.
Lucy had to hold her hips down to stay in place, the girl was stronger than she looked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Lucy.”
Once again Lucy felt her clit throb, hearing the blonde swear, it was erotic. She felt like it was something she wasn’t meant to hear, and it only made it hotter. She didn’t think it could be something that could turn her on, but the juices between her legs would beg to differ.
“Lucy, I’m…. I-I-I’m…fuuuck!”
And that’s when she felt it, she came, and she came quick. Her stomach tightened, her back started to arch off the mattress. Her muscles in her legs began to shake, she felt her climax spread over her body. It was all over so quickly.
Lucy was shocked at how quick she came, she had been between her legs just over a minute. The blonde couldn’t believe it, she covered her face in embarrassment. She could tell she was red, but she wasn’t sure if it was the shame or the way her body just exploded. She once again felt like a horny teen that couldn’t control herself. Jizzing at the first touch.
“Oh my god Lucy, I’m sorry. I-I couldn’t control it. It’s never felt like that before. I, god, I’m so embarr- ah god, Lucy!”
Lucy kissed the blondes clit, trying to distract her. She didn’t want the girl to be embarrassed, even if she did look very cute and frazzled. “Don’t be sorry, it was your first time, we can go again when you’re ready.” Lucy’s voice was husky and low.
Alessia appreciated her words but she was frustrated with her body. Lucy kissed the girls thighs, making her way up to her face, she went to kiss her but stopped herself, she wasn’t sure if Alessia was into tasting her own juices.
The blonde noticed the older girl hesitated, she wasn’t sure why. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I was going to kiss you but wasn’t sure if you would want that, with your wetness on my mouth. Not everyone’s in to that.”
Alessia couldn’t believe how thoughtful Lucy was being, but there was no way she wasn’t going to have Lucy not kiss her. She pulled Lucy close to her face. “Thank you for asking, but I couldn’t think of anything sexier then tasting me on your tongue ”
She attached her lips to the brunettes, humming in pleasure from tasting herself. She was feeling more and more confident, she was shocked even in herself how quick she was adapting to it all, but she had Lucy to thank. “Can I do it to you?”
Lucy nodded, a small smile on her face. “But stop if you need to stop at any point.”
“I will.” But she knew she wouldn’t, there was no way. She wanted to make Lucy feel as good as she made her, well, try to.
They swapped positions, Alessia kissed down the brunettes olive body, her heart beating hard in her chest. She smirked hearing the small groans coming from Lucy above her. As she pulled Lucy’s black thongs down, her mouth dropped open in shock.
She was hoping that she had made Lucy wet, even if only a little wet, but when she saw just how wet the brunette actually was she had to hold back the groan. Lucys lips were dripping in her own juices. She couldn’t help but feel proud that she so had done this. She even felt a little cocky.
“Is this all for me?” She parted Lucy’s legs, watching her juices glisten.
Lucy smiled, a hint of shyness to her face. “Yeah, I told you Less, you’re so good at this.”
Alessia smiled, she got comfortable between Lucy’s legs. “Let me know if I’m doing it wrong or you want me to do something different.”
“I will.”
The blonde looked at Lucy’s dripping pussy, she did what Lucy did and kissed her lips, getting her first taste of pussy. She licked her lips, tasting Lucy for the first time, the taste was different to anything she had ever tasted. It was sweet, it was sour, it was everything and more, and she knew she would always want more.
She took a bold lick into Lucy’s lips, she closed her eyes in concentration. Loving the juices that washed over her senses, she moaned at the sensation, feeling her own pussy throb. She wanted to try and do this right, she thought about what she liked when touching herself.
She dipped her tongue into Lucy’s folds, licking upwards, hitting Lucy’s sensitive bud. Lucy groaned, her head tilting back. She was sat up on her elbows, she watched Alessia as she looked as focused as she did when on the pitch. She couldn’t take her eyes off the girl, she looked like a natural between her legs.
She flicked her tongue some more over Lucy’s clit, she could feel the brunette getting wetter on her tongue. She kept up her pace, loving the brunettes moans from her moves.
Lucy couldn’t hold herself up, she dropped back, her chest heaving. “Less, fuck. Your mouth is amazing. How have you never done this before?”
The younger girl smiled internally, there was no way she was going to stop her actions to talk. She carried on taking quick, pointed licks on Lucy’s now very stiff clit.
Lucy would normally hold the girls head or grip her hair, to have someone control, when she could feel her climax grow. But she wasn’t going to do to that to Alessia, not for her first time.
The brunette felt her orgasm speeding up to be released but she needed Alessia to change her movements. “Less. Can you suck? Please. I need your lips on my clit.”
Alessia’s Bambi like eyes looked up at the brunette, she had been concentrating so hard it was the first time that she had looked at her.
And she could have kicked herself for not looking sooner, the site was something she would never forget. Lucy’s face looked stunning, a face she had never seen the brunette make before, a face she’d definitely try to remember for later on.
The younger girl hummed in response, earning her a jolt from the body above. She pulled back for a second to see Lucy’s pussy. Wanting to make sure she was sucking on her right.
“Just suck? Hard? Or soft?” The younger girls lips were wet with Lucy’s juices.
Lucy breathed out hard, she looked at the blonde, who looked devastatingly gorgeous, Lucy could see her wetness all over her mouth and chin. But the girl also looked impossibly cute, her head tilted like a puppy in question, her innocent eyes wide with wonder.
Lucy stroked Alessia’s hair out of her face in a gentle motion. The blonde felt a wave of warm pleasure shoot through her body at the touch. “Suck it softly, I just need more pressure on my clit.” Her voice was raspy. “You feel so good Less, so fucking good.”
She smiled shyly and nodded, determined to please the girl. She wrapped her plumped pink lips around Lucy’s swollen pink clit, sucking softly like the brunette asked. The noise she heard from Lucy was delicious, she felt Lucy start to rock gently into her mouth, loving the feeling of the brunettes movements.
She watched Lucy’s hands grip at the sheets. Not wanting to waste them there, she guided them into her blonde hair. Lucy felt the touch, then the hair between her fingers, she looked down to see Alessia looking at her, a mischievous look in her eyes. She gripped at her hair softly, she smoothed it back into a loose ponytail, not pulling, just holding.
Lucy couldn’t believe what Alessia was doing to her, this girl must have lied to her, because how could someone be this confident, this quick?
The blonde continued to suck gently around her sensitive clit, as her tongue also worked at the bud of nerves. She could feel Lucy gently push her head a little deeper, as her hips began to rock.
Lucy moaned as she felt her legs start to shake, her orgasm was building quick. She rocked her hips gently into Alessia’s mouth, earning her a small moan. “Fuck Less, the noises you make are so good, so good on my clit.”
Alessia did it again, but this time louder and rougher. That was all she needed, the noise vibrated through Lucy’s nerves, pushing her to her climax. “Don’t stop Less, I’m coming.” Her northern accent thick again.
She felt her juices flowing out into Alessia’s mouth, she gripped the blonde hair in her hands pushing her head down to keep her tongue in place. Her body shook, her muscles tightened, her eyes closed hard. Heat radiated down her body as that sweet release settled over her worn muscles, slowly bringing her hips to a stop.
She felt Lucy’s juices gushing into her mouth, she swallowed what she could. Alessia felt Lucy’s body relax, she looked up at the brunette, she was sure she came but wasn’t confident.
Lucy breathed hard, bringing her arm over her face. “Fuck. Less….fuck.” She left out a raspy laugh. A little out of disbelief.
Alessia smiled shyly. “Did you come?”
Lucy let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah. I came.”
Alessia felt her pride explode, she actually did it. She was able to make Lucy come on her first time. Maybe she was a natural.
Lucy looked down at Alessia, her face was dripping from her juices, her hair a little messy. She looked beautiful. She was smiling like she had just won the World Cup.
She scrambled up to the brunettes face, ready to kiss her, but she stopped like Lucy did for her. “Can I kiss you?”
Lucy smirked. “Please, do.”
Alessia kissed Lucy with so much passion it nearly took her breath away. Alessia was on cloud nine, she knew she was going to enjoy tonight, but every second of it felt perfect, even if she did have the quickest orgasm of all time.
Lucy was making her feel amazing, every touch and kiss made her body vibrate. Not once was she regretting that she had asked for this.
“How do you feel?” The brunette stroked Alessia’s face.
“So good. I can’t believe I made you come. I’m buzzing. I want to do it so much more, I definitely want to do it again to you.”
Lucy chuckled softly. “We got all night, I won’t be saying no to that. You felt so good Less.”
The blonde reached out and kissed Lucy’s lips. Her self confidence was soaring. “Can we use the strap on?”
Lucy was a little nervous about this part, she didn’t want to hurt Alessia, or make her anymore scared about sex. She was going to take it as slow as she could. “Yeah, of course we can. We can go nice and slow.”
Alessia nodded bitting her lip in that sexy but cute way that she did. Making Lucy’s pussy wake up again.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy Less.” She kissed the girl swiping her tongue in her mouth, she needed to feel her lips. Those little whimpers she did every time made Lucy’s cunt spasm. “Right, let’s choose the right strap to use.”
Lucy had charged and cleaned all the toys so they were ready to use. They had bought a 6 inch dildo, and an 8 inch dildo. Both pink, as that was Alessia’s favourite colour. “I think we should go small.” Lucy bit her finger nails.
“Yeah, I think so. Do you need help putting it on?”
Lucy didn’t need help, she had done this many times before, but she wanted Alessia to feel involved, and she was learning after all. “Yeah, let’s do it together.”
The girls got the harness on quickly, the pink plastic appendage was sitting between Lucy’s strong legs. Alessia felt her nerves creep back up, she remembered the first time she had sex it had hurt. It didn’t help that she was wasn’t attracted to the boy and was dry like the Sahara. But she trusted Lucy, she knew she’d be able to tell her if she was uncomfortable.
The blonde crawled on the bed, with Lucy following behind, lying next to each other.
“Okay, please let me know if you want to stop at any point okay?”
The blonde smiled softly. “I will.”
Lucy started kissing her neck, working the girl back up, and of course it was working. Alessia was addicted to Lucy’s lips, they seemed to be able to make her wet instantly.
She kissed higher up her neck, gently biting the skin behind her ear, her breath tickling the younger girl. She whispered in her ear. “You’re going to take my fingers first. Then I’ll let you have my dick.”
Alessia’s whole body shivered, goosebumps took over every inch of her skin. Lucy talking to her like that made her cunt ache. Lucy noticed straight away.
She bit her lip nodding at the older girl.
“Good.” Lucy smirked.
Lucy snaked her hand down between Alessia’s legs, the smile that crept on her face was a little cocky, because once again the girl was soaking wet for her. “Open your legs.” Lucy’s voice was soft.
Alessia did what she was told.
She slid her fingers up and down Alessia’s velvety folds, her fingers were coated in wetness. It was the first time she had Lucy touch her like this and she couldn’t stop the groans slipping out of her mouth. It felt incredibly intimate, even more than when she was eating her out.
Lucy looked at Alessia ice blue eyes, trying to gage the girl, she slowly dipped her fingers lower to her cunt. “You ready?”
Lucy gently dipped one finger in Alessia, she had no resistance, the girl bucked straight away, letting out a small moan. Lucy slowly pumped her finger, in and out, taking her time.
After a couple of minutes she added another finger, earning her a low moan. She felt the younger girl squeeze her bicep, she let out whimper as Lucys fingers stretched her. She was tighter this time, Lucy pumped slowly, pushing Alessia’s soft walls. The girl was taking her so well.
“Luce, you fe-feel so good.” Alessia squeezed on Lucy’s bicep again, she could feel her muscle moving under every stroke of her hand.
Lucy hummed. “Fuck Less, you’re doing so well.” She kissed Alessia’s forehead. She was able to go a little faster, feeling the blondes body getting used to her fingers.
She carried on like this for a couple more minutes, the younger girls small moans were making her pussy throb. The small wet squelching sounds coming from between Alessia’s legs were erotic. Lucy’s mouth was watering hearing the wet noises.
“I’m ready Luce”
“You sure Less? I can keep going if you want?”
“No, I’m so ready.” Her words came out in short breaths.
Lucy nodded and gently removed her very wet fingers. She couldn’t resist putting her fingers in her mouth, wanting to show off for the younger girl. And it worked.
Alessia’s mouth gapped open, she felt her pussy pulsate. Lucy started to shuffle her body over Alessia’s. She grabbed the lube on the side, smothering the pink dildo.
Alessia’s eyes were wide, watching Lucy kneel in between her legs. She glided the dildo along the younger girls lips, nudging her clit every so often. Each time Alessia’s hips jolted at the touch.
The brunette leaned on her arms above Alessia. She began to shuffle, lining up the plastic to Alessia’s cunt. She held the dildo in her hand, slowly, she started to push the head in, watching the blondes face like a hawk.
Alessia’s eyes were closed, she was breathing hard, she moaned as the head was slowly pushed in. She felt a slight pain but not enough to want to stop Lucy.
Lucy kept going slow. She kissed Alessia lips, wanting to distract her. She kept pushing her hips, the deeper she went the more tighter it got. “You okay Less?” Lucy’s thick northern accent was showing.
“Y- yeah, it’s a lot. But I’m good.” Her breath was shakey.
“I know, you’re doing so well though. You’re taking it so well.”
Alessia’s head spun, it was one thing to be told you’re doing something well from Lucy on the pitch, but to be told you’re doing well, because you’re taking Lucy Bronze’s fake dick so well, was a whole other level of ridiculous.
Once again, Lucy noticed her words effecting the blonde. Lucy felt like she was in deep enough, she stayed still, just letting the younger girl get used to the feeling. She kissed her neck, tasting the sweat on her hot skin.
Alessia’s breathing slowed, Lucy could feel her body relaxing underneath her. She started to pump her hips slowly, the blondes hands grabbed her waist needing to feel something.
Alessia was whimpering, feeling the plastic dick gliding in and out of her, she could feel a slight pain of stretching but it also added to the pleasure.
“You’re being so good Less, look how good you are. You’re being so good for me.”
Alessia groaned, she couldn’t talk, not when Lucy was talking to her like this, fucking her so sweetly.
Lucy knew Alessia liked to be told she was ‘good’ she’d noticed it years back on the pitch. She clearly had a little praise kink in her mitts, something Lucy loved. “Thats it baby. Look at you, taking me so well.”
Lucy pumped her hips slightly faster, pushing her hips in a little deeper. Alessia started to really moan then, her grip on Lucy’s waist tightened.
“Fuck, Less, the noises you make. They make me so wet, do you know how fucking sexy you are?” Lucy went a little faster, the noises between them were loud and wet.
Lucy sucked on the blondes neck, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride that she was doing this to the girl, like she was almost taking her virginity again.
Alessia’s eyes were closed, Lucy’s words were driving her crazy, she could feel her cunt pulsate every time she spoke, every time she was praised. Her whole body was covered in sweat, taking the whole new sensation. She felt like she was floating, Lucy’s hips were hitting spots she didn’t know existed.
Lucy would have been able to keep this up for a while, but she also didn’t want to hurt the girl, she’d definitely be soar later on. “Touch yourself Less, I want to see your pretty face come for me.”
Alessia felt dizzy, Lucy’s hips were driving her into a whole new wave of pleasure. She heard what she said, she knew Lucy would want some kind of words back. She stumbled her words, her eyes half closed, just taking the grinding of Lucy’s hips.
“Y-ye…..yeah. Yes.”
“Good girl Less.” Lucy smiled proudly at the girl beneath her. It only made Alessia more wet. The younger girl snaked her arm down in between them, Lucy had given her enough space to move around.
She hissed when she first felt her clit, it felt hot to touch, her body was taking so much and it felt so good. She circled her clit, the way she always did, but she could feel the pleasure had heightened.
Lucy looked down their bodies, watching Alessia touch herself. Her face scrunched up in a cute, sexy expression. How did she do that?
“That’s it Less, just like that, I bet that feels so good.”
Alessia nodded her head, not daring to open her eyes, she wanted to have some control, she was scared if she’d look at Lucy right now it would probably push her over the edge. And she didn’t want that again.
Lucy snaked her hips like a pro, changing her pace to slow and deep, not wanting to over stimulate the girl. It also felt a lot more intimate this way, like she was actually making love, and not just fucking her senseless.
Alessia could feel the spark light in her belly, she felt the slow build of her orgasm rising up. She opened her eyes, meeting Lucy’s face, it was full of lust and pleasure. “Lucy. Lucy….you feel so good.”
Lucy smiled lustfully at the girl, she looked so good. Her voice was low and raspy, she loved the way her name was falling out of her mouth, there was so much want and need from it.
“Hmmm, you look so good, taking me so well. You’ve been so fucking good all night. You been such a good girl for me, haven’t you?”
Alessia nodded, looking up at Lucy with her Bambi like eyes,
Lucy kept up her thrust, she lowered her face kissing the girl hard, making her groan. Alessia was getting closer, Lucy’s words were pushing her closer to her peak, but she wanted more. “More, Luce.”
Lucy smirked deviously, at the girl beneath her. “More baby? You want me to tell you how good you are? How good you are at sucking my clit?”
Alessia’s legs started to shake.
“Or what about how good you are on the pitch?” She pushed her hers hips deeper. “You’re one of the best strikers I’ve even known. Every time I watch you, I’m amazed.” Her breathing was rough.
Alessia bit her lip, trying to hold her orgasm at bay, it was a move she also noticed Lucy liked, watching her green eyes dart to her mouth.
She kept her fingers working, she felt her orgasm rising.
“That’s it Less. Just like that, you listen so well, don’t you?”
“Look at you, fuck you look so good Less. I think you deserve to come, don’t you?”
Her lip was being squeezed hard between her teeth, she had never felt this turned on before, she could feel her own juices dripping down her cunt. Lucy was pushing her to a whole new level, a whole different sensation for her body.
She nodded again, her eyes half closed, feeling her body working itself up. Her mouth slightly open, small groans escaping her lips.
Lucy went close to her ear. “Come for me Less, you’ve been so good, come for me. Let me see your pretty face.”
That was it. Her words pushed her over, her hips pushed her over, everything about Lucy pushed her over. “I’m com- I’m coming. Lu- Lucyyy!”
She let out a high pitched scream, her pussy pulsated hard around the dick. She kept her finger on her clit, pushing herself to a new high. Her back arched, trying to take as much as she could. A warm sensation trickled through her body, her muscles felt soft and heavy.
Watching Alessia come inches away from her face was a new bucket list tick, it was just added, but it was ticked. Lucy was in heaven, she had never seen anything as beautiful as this, no view, no sunset could beat this, ever. She caught Alessia’s lips, wanting to swallow her moans, wanting to taste her.
Lucy kept her movements deep and slow, wanting the younger girl to ride out her orgasm as hard as she could. She had to stop herself from pushing for more.
Alessia was in total bliss, she had never felt any of her orgasms hit her like that did. Considering it was still her that touched herself it felt completely different, it felt like her body had a whole new experience. She opened her eyes to see Lucy looking down at her, she looked as proud as she did when she scored a last minute goal, maybe even prouder.
“I cant even describe how good I feel.” Alessia’s voice was raspy.
Lucy smiled gently at the younger girl. “I’m glad to hear it. I cant describe how good you looked.” She let out a gentle laugh as she watched Alessia blush at her words. “I’m going to pull out okay.”
The blonde nodded. “Okay.” She let out a small squeak at the loss, she suddenly felt empty, her pussy was throbbing.
Lucy removed the harness, she watched the girl breathing hard on her bed. “Hey, you okay?” She walked over sitting next to Alessia, pushing her hair out of her face.
Alessia faced the brunette, she looked worried. Once again Lucy was being so caring and thoughtful, checking in with the younger girl as much as she could.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m just so happy. I’m so glad I asked you to do this Lucy. I could cry.”
Lucy smiled, she felt so bad for Alessia, the fact that she still felt too scared to come out was heartbreaking.
“It’s all good cry’s though, don’t worry.” Alessia’s sat up kissing Lucy softly.
“I get it Less, you know I’m always here if you want to talk, I’ve been there. No matter the time or day I’m there. Whenever you’re ready.”
The blonde smiled, she felt her eyes water, but she didn’t want any sad moments tonight. She just wanted to enjoy herself, enjoy her company.
“I’m going to grab some water, I’ll be right back.” Lucy kissed Alessia on her four head as she got up.
A couple minutes later, the brunette returned with two bottles of water. She found Alessia lying on her front, her peachy arse looking perfect. She passed a bottle to Alessia. “Here, drink some.”
The girls casually spoke about everyday things, just relaxing in each other’s company. It was nice, everything was relaxed and peaceful, nothing forced or awkward.
“So, am I allowed to use the strap on you?”
Lucy playfully smiled at the blonde. A soft chuckle left her mouth. “You are, but don’t feel pressured.”
The blonde smiled shyly at the brunette. “I want to fuck you from behind.”
Lucy choked loudly on her water. “Ye- ahem. Sorry.” She tried to clear her throat. “Yeah, that’s, that’s fine.”
Alessia couldn’t hide the excitement, she bounced off the bed, grabbing the harness Lucy had worn. They decided to go for the bigger dildo for Lucy.
The brunette helped Alessia with putting on the harness but tried to let her work it out alone. She had to help a few times but she got the gist of it.
Once it was on, Alessia felt a surge of confidence run through her. She looked at the pink dildo bouncing between her legs. She looked at Lucy standing in front of her. she had a small smirk on her face.
“What’s funny? Don’t you like my pink dick?” Alessia giggled.
Lucy laughed loudly. “I wouldn’t say pinks my favourite colour.”
“Good thing you won’t be seeing it then.”
Once again both girls were shocked by Alessia’s confidence. Lucy had to keep it up, she loved seeing her like this. “Oh is that so?”
“Yeah, my pink dick will be going in your pink pussy.”
Lucy felt her cunt flutter. She wasn’t normally the one in this position but she did enjoy herself when she was. Most girls assumed she didn’t like to be topped so she would normally be the more dominant role. But Alessia clearly wanted that role tonight.
Alessia reached out to Lucy, she took her hand and walked them to the bed, just like Lucy did to her. She kissed the brunette hard, feeling her soft lips on her mouth was needed.
“Let me know if I’m doing it wrong or you’re not comfortable.”
Lucy nodded. “I will.”
“Get on your knees for me. Please.”
Lucy smiled, bitting her lip, it was cute watching Alessia find the balance for her dominating side. Lucy did what she was she was told, she climbed on her hands and knees on the bed.
Alessia’s mouth watered at the sight.
Lucy Bronze, on her hands and knees for her, waiting to be fucked. She glided her hand down Lucy’s back, feeling her spine under her fingers, making the girl shiver.
She brought the tips of her fingers back up to Lucy’s cheeks, gliding them down her strong thighs. “Fuck Lucy, you have such a beautiful arse.”
Lucy laughed. “Thank y-you oh my god.”
Alessia took one strong lick through Lucy’s pussy lips, then another, and another, until she was fully lapping at her folds.
“Fuck, Less. Fuuuuck!”
Alessia once again feeling completely in her zone, she licked through Lucys wet folds, working the girl up.
She felt Alessia’s tongue all over her lips, all over her clit, making her more wet with each stroke. Lucy let out a low groan, deep from her throat as Alessia began to fuck Lucy with her tongue, pushing as deep as she could.
Lucy couldn’t stop the moaning, she couldn’t believe the way Alessia had her whimpering, how she had her body for her own.
She dipped her tongue in and out of Lucy’s pussy, her cunt squeezing around her tongue. She loved the position she had Lucy in, like she was all hers to have. Maybe Alessia was more of a top than she thought. She removed her tongue, and began to suck on Lucy’s very swollen clit, the girl was dripping, Alessia could see her wetness running down her thighs.
The high pitched moan that came out of Lucy’s mouth was loud, she couldn’t hold it in. Alessia’s lips on the her clit like this was driving her crazy but the glorious feeling stopped suddenly.
Alessia stood to her feet grabbing the lube from the side, like Lucy, she smothered the dick generously.
Lucy was making small whimpering sounds, upset that she had lost Alessia’s tongue.
Alessia stroked Lucy’s back, in a comforting gesture. “Awww don’t be sad Luce, I’m going to fuck you now.”
“Fuck, Less.” Lucy was lost for words.
“Tell me if I hurt you or you’re not comfortable.” Alessia stroked her fingers through Lucy’s wet folds, coating her fingers in her juice. Loving the way Lucy’s body reacted to her.
She slowly dipped two fingers in to Lucy’s heat, only feeling a small amount of resistance. Lucy groaned at the stretch, loving the feeling of Alessia’s presence inside her.
Alessia slowly pushed in and out, watching her fingers being swallowed by Lucy’s cunt. She could feel her own pussy becoming wet again. She stayed like this for a couple of minutes, she was trying to do everything Lucy did to her, but as she knew Lucy had done this before and was more used to it.
“You feel so good Luce.”
“So do you Less, you feel amazing.”
“I’m going to use it now, are you ready?”
“Yeah.” Lucy moaned at a sweet spot Alessia hit.
The blonde pulled her fingers out, amazed at how wet Lucy was. Her fingers were coated in Lucy’s juices, she greedily sucked them, not wanting to waste a drop. Alessia looked at Lucy’s swollen pussy, dripping in her wetness, she wanted to clean her up, but that could wait.
She lined up the dildo, she watched Lucy’s body as she started to push the head into Lucy. “Not that hole!”
Alessia suddenly stoped, moving away from Lucy in a panic. “Sorry! Oh my god. I’m sorry Lucy.”
Lucy laughed. “It’s okay, it happens.”
Alessia felt a little embarrassed but pushed on, she watched the head of the dildo this time, lining it right up to Lucy’s cunt. She pushed gently, watching Lucy take the pink strap inch by inch. Alessia didn’t stop until her thighs were touching Lucy’s cheeks.
“Fuck Lucy.”
Lucy let out a rough moan. the younger girl moved her hips slowly. The noises Lucy made was encouragement enough to move her hips faster.
She held on to Lucy’s hips, keeping a steady pace, she watched her dick go in and out of Lucy’s pussy. She loved the noises she was pulling from the girl, she seemed to be doing the right thing with her hips, so she pushed further.
She moved her hips quicker, holding onto Lucy tighter, she watched as Lucy’s cheeks bounced with each thrust. She groaned at the view, Lucy looked so good like this, letting Alessia take her so openly.
“You take it so well Luce.” A sudden urge ran through Alessia, wanting to rail Lucy like she was her own personal sex toy, she wanted to make Lucy forget her own name.
Alessia was naturally a gentle and calm person, but right now seeing Lucy in this position, making those beautiful noises was driving her crazy. She drove her hips harder, her fingers dug into Lucy’s skin, she was definitely going to leave bruises but she didn’t care, she wanted to fuck Lucy like she owned her. And she did.
Lucy fell forward, her head hitting the mattress, finding it difficult to use her arms as she lost all self control.
The brunette couldn’t hold back the moans, Alessia was fucking her like there was no tomorrow and she didn’t mind it one bit. She had to hold on to the bed sheets, trying to gain some control, her whole body was being rocked from the taller girl. Once again the girl was stronger than she looked.
“Yeah baby? What’s wrong?”
Lucy was sweating, she had to take what Alessia was giving her, she didn’t have much say, and once again she didn’t mind. “Touch me Less, please.”
Alessia reached down to Lucy’s swollen clit, rubbing hard on the sensitive nub. She pushed her hand on Lucy’s back, giving herself leverage to please the girl.
Lucy hissed at the touch, her body was going into overdrive, her pussy was clenching at every quick thrust Alessia was giving to her. She couldn’t concentrate on anything but the heat going through her body, she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.
Alessia continued to circle at Lucy’s sensitive clit, she pumped her hips in and out as fast as she could, watching the girl unfold.
The brunette could feel her orgasm coming, her stomach tightened, her thighs began to shake, her pussy clenching hard. Alessia’s skilful fingers were on Lucy’s clit like it was her own hand, touching her with perfect precision. “Fuck, fuck. Less, don’t stop, please.”
“I won’t. I’m here, I’m here.”
Lucy felt her orgasm hit her, her whole body became stiff, a loud moan fell from her lips as her body jolted. She could feel her pussy pulsate around the dildo, that was still pumping slowly into her.
She felt her wetness dripping down her thighs, she closed her eyes trying to catch her breath. She felt Alessia stroke her back, with gentle touches, it made her melt even further into the bed. “I’m going to pull out.”
Lucy just nodded, she wasn’t able to talk, she had been wrecked by the younger girl. For the 100th times tonight the blonde had shocked her with her confidence.
She groaned at the loss, she felt Alessia dip off the bed, removing the harness. Lucy felt her breathing calm, finally able to take a normal breath again. She felt Alessia stroke her back, the touch was soothing, making her smile in the mattress.
“That was so fucking hot Luce. I wasn’t too rough was I?”
“Not at all, I enjoyed it, a lot .”
The blonde smiled, she looked at the brunette who was still lying on her front. She began to kiss up Lucy’s back, watching her muscles twitch from the touch. Lucy looked completely relaxed, a look Alessia had never seen on the older girl, it was nice.
Lucy smiled, feeling Alessia lips on her back,  she let out a small whimper when Alessia hit a sensitive patch.
“Hmm does someone like back kisses?” Alessia’s voice was low and sultry. She continued kissing Lucy’s back.
Lucy groaned, her eyes fluttering shut. She did indeed like back kisses, she was in heaven right now. They stayed like this for a while, Alessia was happy enough to just worship Lucy in this way. She watched as the girl squirmed and groaned as her lips touched certain points on her body.
Lucy could feel herself getting wet again, she couldn’t help it, her back was her sweet spot. But she wanted to be the one pleasing the other girl. “Hmmm your turn. Lay down.”
Alessia laid on her front like Lucy had. Lucy shifted so she could start kissing Alessia’s back. She looked down at the sight before her, Alessia had one of the nicest and cutest arses she’d ever seen. She dipped her head, kissing one cheek at a time.
She heard Alessia giggle from above, she carried on kissing her cheeks until was positive she had kissed every inch of her skin. She took a quick bite of the flesh, making Alessia squeak.
“Lucyy!” Alessia belly laughed.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” Lucy’s smiled to herself.
She started making her way up Alessia’s back, sucking and kissing her skin. She could hear Alessia’s breathing pick up, she clearly liked the back kisses too. Once again she kissed every inch of Alessia’s back, watching the girl squirm under her touch, getting wet just from Alessia’s small whimpers.
She reached the blondes neck, her familiar perfume flooding her senses. She kissed her neck, sucking on her skin, causing the blonde to moan. She noticed Alessia’s hips grind against the mattress.
She glided her lips along the side of her throat. She breathed into Alessia neck, causing the girl to shiver, a small moan escaped her lips. She whispered in her ear.
“I’m going to fuck you with my fingers, then I’m going to eat you out, until you’re screaming my name. Is that okay?”
Alessia’s skin was covered in goosebumps from the brunettes words. She felt her hips grind into the mattress again, she was ready for anything Lucy wanted to give her.
She nodded her head. “Please, Lucy.” Her voice was dripping with want.
Within seconds she felt Lucy’s hand between her legs, causing her to jump at the touch. She whimpered as she felt Lucy slide her fingers up and down her wet lips, purring into her ear as she did.
“You’re so wet Less. Is this all for me?”
“Ye- yeah.”
“God, you’re so good Less. You’re always so good for me.”
“Yeah?” Her eyes were closed tightly.
“Yeah baby. You wanna be my good girl don’t you?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Good. I don’t want you to come until I say you can okay? I want you to last this time.” Lucy’s voice had a hint of a tease to it.
Alessia’s was soaking the mattress beneath her, this was definitely her favourite type of fourplay.
Alessia’s nodded her head, her eyes still closed. “Yeah, I-I ca-can do that.”
“Good.” Without warning, Lucy sunk a finger into Alessia, pumping quicker than she had before.
Alessia let out a moan of pleasure, she could already tell this was going to be hard.
Lucy pumped away, she leaned her top half on Alessia’s back, leaning closer to her ear. “Good girl Less, can you take another one?”
Alessia nodded. Lucy pushed in a second finger. The moan Alessia let out was breathtaking. “Fuuuck.” The blonde groaned out in pleasure,
“Do you know how hot it is when you swear? You make me so wet, it’s ridiculous.”
Alessia moaned in response, she wasn’t able to form a sentence right now.
From this angle Alessia felt tighter, but Lucy knew she would tell her to stop if she needed to. She pumped away kissing on Alessia neck and shoulders, listening to the girl moan from her relentless pumping.
Lucy picked up her pace, fucking Alessia hard and fast. She watched as Alessia took her fingers, her arse cheeks bouncing from her thrusts, she could hear how wet the blonde was, making Lucy groan in her own pleasure. She picked up her pace again, the room started to drown in Alessia’s moans. The sounds of wet skin and wet cunt was deafening.
Alessia was barely coherent, Lucy was working her body hard, her constant fingers pumping in and out was making her vision blurry. Then she felt a pressure she hadn’t felt before, but before she could think too hard about it, her body did something.
She was squirting, all over Lucy’s hand and wrist, she thought she’d wet herself, she’d never squirted before. “Lucy? I - I don’t -“
Lucy felt Alessia gushing on her hand, she watched as the warm liquid splashed out from her lips. The sheets underneath were soaking in her wetness.
“Fuck.” Lucy half gasped, feeling her own cunt clench at the site. “You’re a squirter.” Lucy sounded over the moon, she had slowed her movements but not stopped. She kissed Alessia’s back, clearly feeling the confusion from the girl. “It’s okay Less, you just squirted, it was fucking hot.”
Alessia relaxed a little at Lucy’s words, she could tell Lucy was being honest. She didn’t have long to think about it as her pleasure took back over her senses, Lucy’s fingers had picked back up.
Lucy’s mouth watered at the thought of Alessia squirting, she wanted to try and make her squirt again. She pulled out of Alessia gently, as much as she wanted to be rough with the blonde this was still all new. “Turn over Less.”
The blonde noticed how rough Lucy’s voice was, her northern accent sounding thick and heavy. She rolled on her back, just like Lucy asked, trying to move out of the wet spot on the mattress. She looked at the brunette, her pupils had blown three times the size, she looked almost desperate to get on Alessia.
Lucy didn’t waste anytime, she dipped her head in between Alessia’s long legs, taking a long stroke from the bottom of her cunt, right to the top of her clit. Wrapping her lips around her clit.
Alessia let out a high pitch moan, grabbing the bed sheets, once again her body was on fire. Lucy wasn’t going slow either, she was licking on Alessia’s folds like her life depended on it.
She was holding the girls long legs open, like she was hers to have, like she owned Alessia. Lucy knows she’s good at everything sex, and she knows exactly how to use her talented tongue.
She lowered herself to the blondes entry, dipping her tongue deep, she flicked her tongue as hard as she could, feeling the soft muscles inside. Tasting her sweet juices, dripping down her folds, Lucy was lost in Alessia, she wanted nothing else then to eat the girl out.
Alessia’s voice was turning horse from her groans, she watched as Lucy’s head bobbed up and down between her legs. She was driving the younger girl crazy, she would suck at her clit then move down the fuck her with her mouth as soon as she felt her legs shake.
Alessia’s hips would grind but Lucy would hold her down, she wanted the girl to last as long as she could, she didn’t want to give her any control. She wanted the girl to squirt again, she wanted to hear her scream her name.
“Lucyyy.” Alessia whined.
Lucy stopped her movements with her mouth. Giving the girl a very quick break. The smile on her face was devilish, her chin dripping with Alessia’s juices. “Yeah Less?”
“I can’t take anymore. I need to come.”
“Hmm I thought you was my good girl? I want you to squirt for me.”
Alessia bit her lip. Fuck, Lucy words were her weakness. Her chest was heaving hard, trying to find the strength. “I am.”
Without warning Lucy pushed a finger into Alessia. She let out a deep moan, Lucy pumped only a few times before she pushed in a second finger. She didn’t give her any warning before she started to pump hard, never rough, just deep and precise.
Alessia let out a deep moan, music to Lucy’s ears. She watched as the girl took her fingers. “That’s it Less, fuck you’re amazing. You take me so well.”
She wrapped her lips around Alessia’s swollen clit, she wanted the girl to come as much as she did. But she wanted to see her squirt one more time, she pushed deeper into her pussy, the wet sounds they made were loud and dirty.
She felt it again, like she did before, it felt like she was going to wet herself. She tried to squirm away but Lucy’s strong hands held her in place. “Thats it Less, good girl, squirt for me.”
And she did, she squirted harder than before. She felt Lucy’s mouth back on her, lapping her up, drinking her in. “Oh my god, Lucy.” Her blue eyes were wide. She realised Lucy was trying to swallow her juices. Fuck.
“You’re so good for me. So fucking good.”
“It’s okay Less, let me take care of you.”
She looked up at Alessia’s face, she looked wrecked but she still needed to make her come. She started to lick Alessia’s very swollen clit, gently taking her nub between her lips and sucking.
Alessia nearly screamed, she started to grind her hips into Lucy’s mouth, the girl finally let her move her hips this time. She snaked her hands down into Lucy’s dark hair, grinding into her mouth.
Lucy kept her fingers going, deep and slow into the blonde, she could feel her pussy pulling her in, she could tell she was getting close.
Alessia felt like she was going to pass out, she was sweating like she had just done a hit work out. She could feel Lucy’s tongue working her up, she was eating her out like it was her last night on earth. She could hear how wet she was, Lucy practically slurping at her pussy.
She felt that beautiful feeling, the tightening of her stomach started to stir, she grounded her hips harder into the brunettes mouth, chasing her climax. Her long legs started to shake, her abs clenched hard. Her mouth formed an o shape as she felt her muscles tighten.
She whimpered looking down at Lucy, her green eyes on her. Lucy stopped her movements only for a second. “Good girl, Less, come for me.” She quickly reattached her lips to her clit.
And she did, she came hard. Harder than she ever had before. She came, screaming Lucy’s name. “Lucyyyy.” Her voice was hoarse.
She grounded her hips hard into Lucys mouth, holding her in place, feeling her juices flow onto the girls awaiting tongue.
Her body finally slowed down, her breathing was ragged. She felt like she nearly lost consciousness with how hard her body had just worked. She breathed out a heavy breath, as she felt Lucy pull her fingers out. She looker down at the brunette. She couldn’t hold back the tired smile as she looked at Lucy.
Lucy kissed her thigh as she climbed up her body, she carried on kissing her skin as she got to her face. She smiled down at Alessia, her wetness smeared all over her face. “Wow.” Lucy’s smile was playful.
“Yeah. Wow! I can’t feel any part of my body.”
Lucy kissed her lips gently. “Was that okay? Nothing was too rough?”
“No, no not at all. I’ve never came like that before. That was, wow.” She giggled, her bright blue eyes had a beautiful spark to them, a spark Lucy hadn’t seen before.
Lucy smirked, feeling very cocky. “Never came like that before? So, that was the best orga- ahh.”
Alessia’s hand was in between Lucy’s legs, straight on her clit. Stroking her gently, she was dripping.
“You was so good Luce.” She bit her lip, her dark lashes fluttering as she felt Lucys hips move with her hand.
Alessia had a feeling Lucy liked to be told she was ‘good.’ Because Lucy liked to know she was good at doings things, that she was the best at everything she did.
She quickened her movements, hoping this was going to go the way she hopped. “You fucked me so good. No one else will be able to fuck me like you did.” Her voice was low, and lustful.
Lucy moaned, Alessia’s words were driving her crazy, she loved being told she was the best at anything she did, let alone sex. She groaned, pushing down on the blondes hips, getting the friction she needed.
“You’re the best Lucy, everything you did was amazing, everything you do is perfect.” She could tell Lucy liked it, so she carried on. “I’m going to be picturing you every time I touch myself. I’ll be imagining your face. I’ll be screaming your name.”
Lucy was getting close.
“You were so good to me tonight. So gentle, so kind.” Her other hand reached the back of her neck, pulling her in for a kiss.
Lucy moaned, she felt the warmth travel through her body, Alessia’s fingers and words were driving her to her peak. She grounded her hips harder. “Yeah? I made you feel good?”
“So good Luce. I’m going to be thinking about this night every time I have sex with someone. You’ve ruined it for everyone else.”
“Fuck. Less, fuuuuck.” She came hard. Her hips grounding forcefully into Alessia’s hand, she collapsed onto the blonde, breathing hard into her neck.
Both girls laid there, breathing hard. A mess of wet limbs.
Alessia was stroking Lucy’s back, smiling to herself. She couldn’t believe how natural everything felt, how easy it was, the confidence she had with it all. She felt on top of the world. And she had Lucy to thank for it all.
She felt her eyes close, just feeling Lucy’s skin under her fingers. Lucy’s breath tickling her neck. The girls fell asleep, both in each others embrace.
The next morning Lucy made them breakfast, once again making the whole situation feel normal. There was no strings attached, no feelings involved, just their own personal love for each other.
Alessia got ready to leave, Lucy walked her to her door.
“I genuinely can’t thank you enough Luce, this has meant so much to me.”
Lucy smiled with her beautiful toothy smile. “It was my pleasure, if you ever need me again, I’m here. And not just for sex, but if you ever need to talk about it all.” She looked at Alessia with her serious face.
Alessia nodded, her cute smile appearing on her face. “Thank you Lucy.”
“But definitely here for more sex too.” The brunette chuckled.
Alessia laughed, she hugged Lucy hard, they stayed like this for a couple of minutes. Just holding one another.
Alessia made her way to her car, she looked back at Lucy waving, she smiled and waved back.
“See you Monday Less.”
“See you Luce, thanks for ruining any future sex for me.”
Lucy laughed hard. “Sorry, not sorry.”
The blonde smirked. “Maybe you could tie me up next time.”
Lucy’s mouth gapped open in shock. Alessia loved that she got the last laugh. Leaving a horny looking Lucy in the door way.
Alessia got in her car, making her way home, with a new bounce of confidence.
She couldn’t help but wonder what lucy would look like tied up.
Maybe a second ‘lesson’ was needed.
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sescoups · 4 months
Joshua + breeding kink thoughts
pairing: joshua x f!reader
wc: 555
a/n: tbh I never know wtf is going on in my brain when I write these. I just thought about shua and my brain went "HORNY" so. here you go.
18+ mdni!!! smut warnings under the cut <3
warnings: pure filth, breeding kink, cum mention, fingering (f. rec), absolutely disgusting fluff, pregnancy mention, pregnancy kink, lmk if i missed anything
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Telling Joshua that he doesn’t need to wear a condom would make him go absolutely feral, and you can’t change my mind. Like this man definitely has a breeding kink, and even if you’re on birth control, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from absolutely destroying you.
As soon as he feels your warm, wet walls around his bare dick? It’s over for him. He is fucking into you with reckless abandon, so fast you can barely breathe, but he can’t stop himself. He can’t stop thinking about filling you up, about making you his in a way that is so primal, so filthy, something that no one else will ever be allowed to do.
It really doesn’t help if you talk to him throughout it all. If you remind him that he is going to be filling you up without a barrier even once, he’s done for. Say something, anything at all, about him being the father of your future children? He’s cumming early, and he can’t even feel sorry about it.
And really, it doesn’t even matter, because he will somehow be hard again one minute later, ready to fuck you and fill you up all over again. Trust and believe, you would not be allowed to breathe for a single second, this man would be staking his claim on you while driving any and all thoughts out of your pretty little head.
The worst part is how fucking sweet he would be about it all. Like he would be calling you his pretty girl, his perfect baby, his beautiful darling, the love of his life. He would be whispering how much he loves you, sprinkled with the filthiest shit you’ve ever heard in your life the entire time.
He’d never really be done, either; as soon as he pulls out and sees his release dripping from your puffy pussy, he would be going feral again. If he isn’t ready to fuck you just yet, he’s using his fingers to fuck it all back into you, whispering about how you can’t waste a single drop, how you need to be sure it will take.
And afterwards? He gives the best aftercare. He would apologize profusely for being so rough before pressing kisses all over your body and face while whispering about how much he loves you. And after you’re all cleaned up and cuddling in bed, he would be telling you about how he can’t wait to, one day, when you’re both ready for it, see you round and pregnant with his children, how he wants to be the best dad and partner for you.
Please he would be so excited, he would be writing out lists of baby names on his phone and asking you the weirdest questions about your future.
“Babe, do you think we should teach the baby both English and Korean from the beginning?”
“Do you think the first one will be a girl, or the second one?”
“I wonder what weird cravings you’re going to have. I will get all of them for you, of course.”
And then he would promptly turn you over and start playing with your poor pussy again, because the thought of you pregnant with his child makes his soul shine brighter than the fucking sun and he needs an outlet for that.
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a/n: if you enjoyed this post, please remember to like and reblog! <3
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Hi If you still do recuest's for twst
Can I recuest's the dorm leaders x GN!reader that is like the mad hatter?
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Madhatter Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You’re wild and wacky with a love for tea and making hats. You’re never in one place long mentally and physically. Your suitors are often left to question everything when you seem to tip and top off the thin line of sanity:
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Malleus Draconia
“Hi Hi Horns have you burped towards the roses today?”
“Roses? Do you mean the ones in Heartslaybul? And would that be polite? To burp on them?”
He’s the perfect accessory to your insanity
He’s plenty gullible to listen to you
even when your requests border that morale of good and evil 
He’s usually picking you
His eccentric little lover
There’s never a dull moment with you by his side
He starts having a problem though when there are others sitting in on your tea parties
His rainstorms don’t necessarily mean the absolute end when it comes to you
But they usually do for your unsuspecting participants
You’re so wonderful for him
He can’t let anyone enjoy his human as much as he does
“My child of man, may we do my head fitting? I’d love to feel you soft pads against my scalp.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“What are you doing (Y/n)-chan?”
“I am stretching for the annual beetle festival.”
“Beetle festival? Can I join?”
“You may but you have to eat a lady-bug first.”
You guys are like kids in a candy shop 
For Kalim, he never thinks to question your sanity
You're just an exciting person
He soon finds himself supplying whatever you need to fulfill your shenanigans
And something nasty creeps up when someone (Jamil) tells you to stop
“I can make it so we can finish our tea party….by ourselves this time.”
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Idia Shroud
“Come on Fireplace! Drink this tea!”
“B-but you b-brewed that in your hat…!”
“Yes that’s how you’ll know it’s sanitary!”
“Y-you’re weird.”
“Why thank you!”
He just thinks you’re the weirdest person he’s ever met
At first, he thinks its really just fascination 
With the way, you randomly dance in the direction of the cameras that were supposed to be secret
That you were different just like him
And he thought just being allies was good enough
But now he’s plotting the demise of the normie that decides to dance along with you
“There aren’t many who can handle people like us! That’s why I can’t let anyone else have you.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“Let the unbirthday party begin!”
“(Y/n), hands should be out. Elbows off the table.”
“Whoopie did you see this dessert!”
“I did now sit in your seat.”
He has a weird ability to govern you 
No one understands it 
He barely understands it 
But you two mostly get along 
He often knows how to speak your language 
Something that many seem to struggle with
But he’s the go-to person to reign you in
That’s just the way he likes it+
“Come (Y/n) you’re a good hatter. I need one for our teaparty this evening. Make it.” 
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Vil Schoenheit
“You’re sense of style is certainly unique.”
“Thanks the cobwebs were my latest addition!”
“What!? Cobwebs that can’t be healthy!”
“Oooh a hat made of cake!”
He thinks you're cute but he worries your lack of sanity leads you to make bad decisions
Like having hats with holes for nonexistent limbs
As well as your affinity for drinking tea for a meal 
And probably worst of all being friends with potatoes who can’t handle you 
Which is why Vil’s here
“Didn’t you read the schedule? We’re having tea, tonight so leave those potatoes behind.”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Its time for the puppy hat party!”
“...Will you stop, I’m trying to sleep!”
“But it’s time for the party!!!!”
“I’m going to kill you.”
He thinks you're so cute 
But he loves it most when you card your hands through his hair while fitting his head for a hat
But part of your insanity has you being quite energetic
Which clashes with his love for sleep 
So he might meddle a little with the tea you seem addicted to it
So he might slip something in 
To make sure he gets his snuggly hatter in his bed
“Come on Herbivore you seem exhausted. If you’re not that tired you can fit me for a hat.”
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modelbus · 1 year
Hello!! I LOVE your writing, like I’m obsessed! So, I can’t tell if your requests are open, buttt if they are, I would DIE for some fluff turned to angst of a fem!reader who is in a group with cc!Ranboo, cc!Tubbo, cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy nicknamed the chaos squad by the fandom, where she is the least popular in the group and a rumour spread that shes only in it for the popularity, so they slowly stoped inviting her to streams and vlogs and ghosting her.
it could start with like three two sentence stories about the group (or something), how it was formed just fluffy moments, and then be like “but it didn’t stay like that for long..” and explain why she was subtly kicked from the group before a scene where shes streaming and gets asked about why shes not been in any videos anymore.
PHEW that was ALOT, if its to long you can obviously shorten it or just not do it- but if requests are open and you like the idea, I would love to see something like this!! <3
PS. You are super cool, keep up the amazing work!! (When you want to ofc)
-✨🌌🌙 Anon
Thank you so much! I tried my best to include everything :D This literally took me out of my writing slump
Part 2 :)
Pairing(s): cc!Ranboo, cc!Tubbo, cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Cut Chaos
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The feeling of belonging was something nearly everyone chased after. After all, being out of place was simply… lonely. And, somehow, you found yourself slotting into the weirdest place in the world.
A handful of stupid friends.
You always found yourself drawn to dumbasses, in the most affectionate way. Like looks for like, you suppose. And shit, did you find some people that could make you cry laughing even on the worst days.
Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur, Tommy. Four people that made the sun rise every day, that dragged you out of bed for the stupidest vlogs to ever exist. Fans adored the five of you together so much that you got a group name for the first time in your career: the Chaos Squad.
Truly, it was a fitting name. The things that the five of you got up to, you’re certain no normal sane person would do. But, well, your job as a streamer already set you apart from the category of “normal” a long time ago, so you definitely didn’t mind the messes you got into with them.
From Tommy dragging the group to an abandoned island, saying it’d be fun to try to escape (you fell out of a tree and Wilbur sprained his ankle), to screaming along at Lovejoy concerts, it felt like the five of you were unstoppable.
And God, did you love them. It didn’t matter how many times Ranboo hit his head on things, you’d still laugh. It didn’t matter that you literally passed out from laughing so hard once, you were still happy. Pure, unfiltered love.
The five of you against the world, forever. You could see it, in those sunny days where you grinned so hard your cheeks hurt (they were the first ones to make you do that—the realization only made you grin harder). The perfect idea of happiness.
Was it any wonder things didn’t stay that way, that perfect, for long?
A rumor.
It always seemed to start with one of those, nowadays. A simple murmur among fans that grew and grew, until you were closing out of twitter at 2, 4, 5 AM, debating if you should just delete the app and put your status on “Do Not Disturb.”
You accepted the fact that being a female content creator was going to be a struggle a long time ago. It was a fact, something you knew you couldn’t avoid, especially in gaming. Having rumors about you online wasn’t new. It would never be new, not as long as you were yourself.
But you thought you’d be past caring about them by now. You thought the tight panic that gripped your heart, made it hard to breathe, was a thing of the past. So stupid.
One private account turned into multiple threads, turned into trends on the trending tab.
Everyone thought you were using your friends, the chaos squad as a whole, just to boost your career. To leech off anyone’s subscribers, just for some money in your pocket.
The idea made you sick to your core.
How dare they? How dare they ever think you didn’t genuinely care for the four? That they were anything less than the lightness in your heart, the freedom on your mind?
You ignored them. Even the thought of addressing them made you feel pissed off like you’ve never been before. It was such an absurd idea! At the very least, you knew your friends would see past the hateful people.
It starts with an unanswered message in the group chat.
Unanswered messages weren’t new. A stray comment tended to get lost in the general mess that the group chat was, so you weren’t concerned. Just laughed to yourself quietly; it wasn’t important anyways, just a photo of a cat you saw.
Until it happened again. And again. Until more of your messages went ignored than responded to, until the group chat had less and less messages each day.
When the first vlog comes out, the process repeats. It’s on Tommy’s channel, of course. Him, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Wilbur. The chaos squad, just without you. It surprised you, because you never even realized they filmed a video, and normally all of you share upcoming videos.
All the warning signs were obvious, and you were too much of a damn fool.
You filmed one vlog with them after that, exploring a supposedly haunted house, before you woke up a month later and realized you hadn’t talked to them in a week.
One week turns into two, two into three, until you’ve realized what’s happened. You were gone, out of the picture. Happiness had slipped through your fingers faster than you could’ve ever comprehended, and now you were in a dark room—literally.
But what could you do? If they didn’t want you, there was nothing you could do to stop the unraveling of your universe.
So you did the same thing you did before them, defaulting back to what was safe: streaming alone.
Today, it’s just a mindless game. Yesterday was the same, and fuck, this isn’t the same anymore. Not when you don’t have Tubbo in the chat sending messages, or Wilbur using Text-To-Speech.
But you’re here, still streaming. Still going, no matter how tempting it is to just shut off your computer and pretend the last months of your life never happened.
There’s always fans though, and if anything cheers you up, it’s them. So your donations are on, allowing them to be read aloud while you play the silly little unpacking game.
“Where am I putting the diploma guys? Where does this go?” You ask, mouse hovering over the virtual object. “Maybe I’ll just put it under the pillow…”
“StarEmojis donated $15! If up is down and yes is no, how many sides does a triangle have?”
“Thank you, but… uh...” You narrow your eyes at the message. “None, it’s a circle?”
Shrugging, you drag the diploma in the game to under the pillow. The riddle sounds familiar, but not one you know the answer to. It sounds like something Wilbur would send in the group chat at 2 in the morning, honestly.
With that thought in mind, your eyes flicker over the user that donated it. StarEmojis. Not Wilbur.
You’re so stupid for hoping. For the jump in your heart, for the frantic searching.
“StarStarMoon donated $20! Why aren’t you in any Chaos Squad videos anymore? Love you!”
Air catches in your lungs, dread swelling in your chest as your hands still on the mouse and keyboard. That shouldn’t have gotten past the moderators, but it did.
And now you have to answer it.
It wasn’t like you could tell the truth: that you weren’t good enough. That even your best friends didn’t believe you over rumors from strangers online.
Any lie would have a chance of getting back to them though. Not that you can imagine them caring, not anymore.
You swallow past the lump in your throat that’s killing you, taking a breath in before answering. One chance to get the fans to move on, one chance to find the impossible balance between the agony inside of you and cool indifference.
“We’re all just busy.” You say, forcing a smile on your face.
It’s true, at least. Everyone is busy. Everyone except you, that’s it.
“Just scheduling problems. Wil- Wilbur has Lovejoy practices and performances.” You stumble over his name. Did you even have the right to call him Wil anymore? “And Tommy is just always busy. He’s the busiest person, I swear.”
Is that true anymore? You don’t know. He used to be, but you used to help force him to take breaks. Was he taking breaks? You’ll never know.
With another forced smile, you give a half-hearted shrug. “So yeah, just busy, don’t worry guys.”
It’s with baited breath that you wait, eyes scanning chat to see if they bought it. From what you’re seeing, they have.
“Now we need to reorganize these clothes, because they’re killing me like this—“
Your discord pings quietly on another monitor, and you scramble to open it. Just your mods apologizing for letting the donation go through. You send a quick message back to them before pushing the donation to the back of your head just like everything relating to the group you’re no longer part of.
What could you do, anyways?
This was out of your control.
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strawb3rrysweetheart · 3 months
Lucifer Morningstar x reader (that guy has had me on a chokehold since I watched the show)
Basically, Lucifer has a crush on her (fallen angel or sinner) and he decided to try a few pickup lines as they are alone together in the hotel lobby. (Courting?) Something cheesy like "Ow, I scraped my knee, falling for you". But reader interprets it wrong and thinks he actually scrapped his knee. After managing to calm down her panic, get tries again with a cheesy pickup line, like, "I can't breathe, you're so breathtaking"(something like that😭?) And she once again freaks out and pushes him onto the chair to perform 'CPR'. He tries to object but before he could, she straddles him to get a better angle to do the CPR. His face turns red and she thinks that he's choking so she tries mouth to mouth. (Plot twist, she doesn't know how to do CPR and just basically kisssed him in her attempt.) Somehow she can't pull away when this CPR turns into a make out session? Smut? Thanks! Once again, love your work! ❤❤❤
AHAHAHAHAHHHH OKAY! I'M SO HONORED TO BE YOUR FIRST REQUEST, SORRY FOR GETTING TO YOU LATE</3 (totally not procastating writting part two of the angel dust fic bc it already got no likes to begin with noo..)
CW: the worst pick up lines, I'm sorry he doesn't know what he's doing. Reader was a nurse in her past life, but she still doesn't know how to do cpr. Very heavily implied smut (Im sorry I didn't wanna write it)
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Lucifer started visiting the hotel more frequently. He would swear it was to visit to Charlie, and well sure it might've started that way, but it was obvious. Lucifer had a massive crush on you. Everyone saw it.. Well execpt you. He had even started using pickup lines! Yet you weren't getting it.. Maybe you just didn't like him?? Well.. he had to try. As he walked over to where you sat in the hotel. He notices you were very distracted... perfect. Lucifer walks over to you, and fake trips. "Oops, I just fell for you~" Lucifer thought it was perfect, you were bound to jump into his arms, or at least his pride said so, he looks into your eyes.. why do you look so concerned..?? "Oh!? Are you okay?!" You ask in a panicked tone, looking at his knee which was slightly scrapped. What.. Lucifer looks very confused. Is this rejection? Its the weirdest way you could've done it if it is.. "Oh darling I'm fine.. that was.. well.. y'know what forget it I'm fine" He chuckles, sitting down next to you. "Y'know I must be going blind from your beauty~" He grins, this one has to get you. "Oh?! Oh my satan!? Let me check your eyes!" You ask in a panicked tone. You grab his face and hold his eye open, to lucifers dismay. "What.. are you doing..?" He asks as you clutch his chin with one hand, the other holding his eye open. "Making sure you aren't going blind! Duh!" You say, still checking his eye. "I'm fine dollface I swear.." Lucifer chimes into your panic. Were you really this dense or was this how you showcased not being intrested??. He has yet to find out. "You sure?" You ask suspiciously. "I swear on ducks" Lucifer chuckles. Once you finally let him go, you and him start having a conversation, Lucifer isn't really sure about what.. He zoned out and just started nodding along five minutes into the conversation. Now he's just staring at you, god you're divine in his eyes. "I can't breath, for your beauty has taken my breath away~" He says in a moment of silence. He sees your look of panic. "Lucifer?! Its okay I'm a nurse! I'll do cpr!" You shriek, very worried. Before lucifer can protest you smash your lips into his... This is when lucifer finds out you don't know how to do cpr.. so this just ends up being your first kiss. Lucifer ends up leaning into the kiss, which you take as a sign he can breathe again.. but I mean, kissing him is kind of nice. Lucifer grabs you by your hips and picks you up, carrying you into a seprate room outside of the hotel lobby. He sets you down on the bed. Lucifer pulls away softly. "I love you .. I always have" He smiles, and you smile back. "I love you too.." You grin. "What??? Why would you never return my flirting then??" Lucifer is very confused. What??. "What?! You flirted with me?? When" You question. "Uh.. like everyday??" He seems extremely confused. "Oh.." You slowly get hit with a wave of realization. That was flirting.. not lucifer just having bad health. "Its fine darling.. but you do gotta finish what you started~" He grins, before kissing you again, and you kiss him back. Eventually you feel his hands sneak down to the zipper of your dress. He pulls away from your lips. "May I~?"He asks, messing with the zipper.
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You cuddle against lucifers chest, his shirt thrown somewhere across the floor, and you were just in your bra. "Love you luci" You smile, you both are sweaty but neither of you want to get up. You will in a few moments, but whatever, now you just want to enjoy eachothers company<3
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
I liked OFMD and I'm sad it's not getting renewed, but I agree that the fandom was especially toxic, even by the standards of currently popular slash-heavy fandoms. I wanted to read fic after s1 ended the way it did, and I read a little bit, but along with it having all the tropes that I can't stand in a lot of what is currently big with the MSF crowd (and that I'd been happy to have a reprieve from in my current main M/M fandom), the toxicity of the online fandom discourse made me quickly realize it was one that I was going to discuss among my current-friends-from-other-fandoms who also watched it, and my sister who watches it, and pretty much ignore the rest of the Internet. It was such a perfect storm of everything awful, from people who are overly invested in it to an unhealthy degree (I think I realized I wasn't gonna be active in the larger fandom around a month or so before the s2 renewal announcement, when I saw earnest PSA tweets telling people to "stop threatening suicide in HBO's replies if they don't renew OFMD"), to bombarding and parasocial obsessions with the creators and actors, to all the classic "anti" and purity police crap that plagues anything that gets popular on here.
The fandom it reminds me the most of, honestly, is Yuri on Ice fandom at its peak in early-mid 2017. Again, a show I love, but a fandom I absolutely do not miss. In some ways they are kind of similar shows: ones with canon M/M romances where they were not billed as that, and they were hinted from early on but people didn't trust it due to years of dealing with queerbaiting, where that sort of thing slowly crept up on people and then became the defining feature of how it was discussed everywhere. I wonder if there's a particular level of insanity that that type of thing breeds in its fans - or maybe, more broadly, "canon M/M with a large female fanbase." Like, you don't see this kind of thing in canon M/M stuff that's mostly watched by queer men rather than women, but there are shades of the insanity I also remember from Glee fandom (I was more active on the F/F side of things there, which had its own unhinged drama, but the Klaine vs. anti-Klaine stuff was so explosive that it was hard not to notice it if you were anywhere in that fandom, like a mushroom cloud in the distance). But YOI and OFMD do seem very... singular in the particular kind of obsession that they generate.
And I really wish people would shape the fuck up, because if they're going to act like this over and over again, that's just going to de-incentivize showrunners to make shows like this for that audience.
Driving Con O'Neill off Twitter was one of the worst parts of it, too. There was something so refreshingly earnest about how much he embraced the fandom, even the weirdest parts - saying with regard to NSFW fanart that "art is art" and retweeting stuff like his character in a crop-top that said "babygirl." It was so nice to see an actor who didn't usually have that kind of following embrace it wholeheartedly rather than steering clear. ....And then people had to be awful and creepy and obsessive and he left Twitter. I bet he's going to be a lot more skeptical of dealing with fans in the future!
It's not just the canon m/m aspect: it's the wholesomeness.
Yes, yes, they're all evil pirates, I agree, but watching S1 did give me the feeling of something that was supposed to be very progressive and light-hearted in particular ways. I don't think that's bad, but it does tend to attract some very over-sensitive fans with some very rigid expectations.
It's sadly par for the course that one of the random side character actors is the fun one and people are jackasses and desperately want the leads they ship to be the fandomy ones and/or just start creeping on any actor they can get a reaction from.
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itsharleystuff · 11 months
⸻ 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘰
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‘ necio porque no eres mía, mi fruta prohibida ‘
— 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Javier Peña x afab!fem reader (implied hispanic/latina)
— 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.1k
— 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Javier can’t stay away from you, even if that means being your sneaky link.
— 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ content (minors dni!), sex, p in v sex, porn with barely any plot, unrealistic car sex, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of cheating, feelings (left unsaid), fingering, hair pulling, praising, lots of kissing, pet names (cariño, sweetheart, hermosa), phrases in Spanish (no translations, sorry), mentions of reader wearing a cross necklace (not a rosary or any religious reference, but adding it here in case anyone might be bothered by it), no use of y/n. I think that’s all.
a/n: been listening to lots of romeo santos lately and now we have bad bunny’s new album so expect some nasty works from me (as soon as I get a break from uni cause damn). This os is a bit rushed due to my lack of time, but I really wanted to post something, please excuse my mistakes<3
‘ Is it better to feel everything with great depth in comparison to feeling nothing at all? ’
Occasionally, you think it’ll be easier if you could simply turn your emotions off and walk away. But no matter how many times you tell yourself that you won't go back to him, somehow —every so often in the weirdest ways— he always ends up between your legs. On and off, like one torturous, yet perfect loop that keeps bringing you back together.
Although, you were never actually together.
Technicalities, right?
Things were said and done once you started frequenting each other's beds. Above all else, Javier had clearly specified that he didn't want any feelings involved in the matter (primarily due to his job, plus the dangers that came with it) and you had stupidly agreed to that condition. Because honestly, the main reason why you got involved with him in the first place was the way he made your heart flutter, how he could make your skin tingle just with a simple touch and get your knees weak solely by surrounding your personal space.
It was all in vain, nonetheless. He had it for you, too. Badly. Though his realization came hard and late. You stormed into his life and swiped away any thoughts of having an emotionless relationship; your innocent curiosity, the softness of your touch and the brightness in your eyes whenever you'd stare into his soul while being tangled with him all night, all of it somehow carved your way into his heart.
Even if you were already seeing someone else, trying to move on, he'd still be all over you; chasing after you as if having all your attention was some sort of personal whim of his. The worst part? You'd give in every single time, surrendering yourself to him after putting up little to none resistance.
"Javier, this needs to stop..." were your words actually meaningful if you uttered them between kisses?
His hands coast up your thighs, delicately rubbing the flesh as his lips roamed along your jawline. "Why?" he sighed, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
"Why?" you mimic him, propping your weight up with both palms to his chest, slightly pushing him back. "You fucking know why."
The agent straightens his posture on the backseat of his jeep, forcing you to readjust your position on top of him. He takes a deep gulp of air whilst staring up at you with low, darkened eyes.
One thing was crystal clear: he had you right where he wanted you. His aviator sunglasses rested on top of his head, crowning his messy hair; the black shirt was ruffled from you tugging at it, a couple of buttons loose. His unsteady breathing and plump lips almost made him appear needy, if it weren't for the firm grip he had on your upper legs and the wide hunger his gaze reflected. Your yellow sundress had ranked up your thighs and the denim material of his jeans felt a tad uncomfortable beneath you. All that could be heard inside the car –parked somewhere next to an incautious road– was the storm happening outside and a song they were playing on the radio.
"Oh, yeah..." he chuckled sardonically. "I forgot I'm now your boy toy."
There was a bittersweet note on his voice despite the joking tone. "Shut up, asshole. It's not like I was ever anything different to you."
He muffled a laugh, his fingertips lingering on your feverish skin. The air inside the car was cold, contrasting with the warm heat of your bodies. Javier couldn't help but think about the irony of the situation; about how you couldn't believe that you meant anything more than a sweet time to him, when in reality, the few moments you spent together were the only ones where he could feel genuine joy. His hand comes up to cup your face, gently stroking your cheekbone with his thumb.
"You think very low of me, preciosa." Oh, if only he knew.
"I wish I did. That would surely make things easier." He shakes his head, holding back laughter.
"Does he know?" your brows knit together in confusion, shocked by the sudden question and the mention of the other guy.
"Know what?" you asked with a quizzical expression.
His big palm lowers to your neck, the other one sneaking under the hem of your dress, all the way up to your hip and setting on your lower back. "About me."
You tsked, rearranging the collar of his shirt, "I'm not sure there's anything he needs to know about you, Peña."
He smirks, charming as ever. "How about the reason why you keep coming back to me?" The pads of his fingers rub soothing circles along your spine, all the while his eyes swallow you whole. "I don't mind being second in line as long as your frontman knows how to treat you properly."
"You're talking nonsense," you run your hands through his locks, brushing the hair out of his face. "You think you're any better?"
"Oh, cariño. I know I am." If it weren't for the confidence in his voice –as if he spoke freely and unquestionably–, you'd probably be laughing. "I'm sure everyone knows." His index and middle fingers trace your collarbones in light, feathery touches and slowly slide down your chest, avoiding the chain around your throat. "And if he doesn't, be sure to tell him."
A shiver runs throughout your body when his thumb sweeps across your sensitive nipple over the flimsy fabric of your dress. The hand on your lower back moves to press you firmly against him, grinding your lower body on top of his and pulling a surprised gasp from your parted lips.
"Javi..." you can't muster up the words nor the courage to push him away before he's kissing all over your neck and shoulders. "God, you're insufferable."
He chuckles, and the sound is not only attractive but contagious, plastering a smile on your face. The thin straps of your dress slide down your arms, making your boobs nearly spill out the front, though neither of you actually care. Both his hands squeeze your ass as he buries his face between your breasts, sucking a mark on the sensitive skin. That, he thought, was something you probably wouldn't want the other guy to see.
You unconsciously started searching for friction, moving your hips in tandem to relieve some of the increasing ache that settled between your thighs. You sighed when his mouth started peppering kisses all over your exposed tits, giving special attention to your hardened nipples. He knew exactly what you liked and how you liked it, your favorite spots and positions; all he needed to do to have you trembling, screaming and begging for more... He knew everything and he boasted on it.
"Oh, you really love me," he mumbles, voice strained with lust as you keep rubbing yourself against him, using him just like he enjoyed best. "Don't you, corazón?"
You pull his hair harshly, forcing him to look at you in the eye, the chain of your necklace colliding against his chin. The gruffly groan that leaves his lips goes straight to your core. Javier loved it when you were a little mean and bossy; it amused him.
"I like you better when you're quiet," you hiss, kissing all over his jaw and licking a long stripe along his throat, taking your time on his Addams' apple and the spot between his neck and shoulder. That, added to the constant, leisured movement of your body against his crotch, had him panting and grunting in seconds.
The sight of pleasure contorting his features as he completely loses himself and starts bucking his hips upwards has you dripping and clenching around nothing. "Fucking lier," he spits out, "you love it when I'm noisy."
He was right, as per usual. But you decided to ignore it. "I'd like you more if you weren't such a cocky bastard. Tal vez así no tendría que buscarme a otro."
A wolfish grin purses his lips and his eyes gleam smugly, "Necia y mentirosa. You're every man's dream."
You lean forward to kiss the crook of his nose, feeling his strong arms enveloping you, guiding your movements just as you both liked best. Your lungs fill with air and you grasp the back of the seat, feeling a certain tension building in the pit of your stomach each time the right amount of pressure was applied to your clit. Javier relished on the way he could make a complete mess of you without even having you naked, his cock twitching in his pants with the mewls that left you; having you all hot and bothered prompted his own excitement.
"Everyone's..." your breath fanned across his cheek as you ducked down towards him, lips so close to each other’s that he could already feel the ghost of their touch on his mouth. "But yours."
If you really believed that, then you were ragingly clueless, for he knew deep down that he'd go to wit's end and back just for you to be happy.
"Especially mine, sweetheart." He doesn't let you reply, swiftly catching your lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
It ignited something within you that could only grow bigger and stronger, like a forest fire. An intense feeling that settled in your loins and expanded throughout your body with every touch and every single kiss. It was melting your bones and fogging your brain deliciously. His hand rested on the nape of your neck to hold you close as his mouth explored yours in depth, meanwhile the other slid between your bodies to palm your clothed sex, wet with your arousal.
"Fuck..." he gasps amidst, gliding his index and middle fingers across the soaked fabric, spurring you on.
Despite the fact that he'd done this a dozen times before, the way you'd easily give in to him would always do it for Javier. Your sweet whimpers and ragged breaths were his own sort of addiction, the moans that escaped your lips when moving your panties aside made all his blood rush towards his lower body.
His fingers gather the slick around your entrance and then brings them back to your clit, teasing it with slow, circular motions. He takes his time to play with you, refusing to thrust his fingers in your core and only managing to get you wetter and more desperate by the second, toying with your patience. The moment you try to wriggle, his grip becomes stronger to keep you still, digging his fingertips so strongly that it'll definitely bruise afterwards. At this point you can feel your own arousal smearing on your inner thighs and dripping down his jeans.
"Don't be mean, Peña..." you mumble in complain, your hands wandering over his chest, struggling to keep your mind on track.
"Beg for it," he whispers in your ear. "Be nice and I'll do as you say."
You bite your lower lip to hold back your noises while his fingers drift across your slit. "Please..." you kiss the soft spot behind his ear, raising goosebumps on his skin. "Javi, por favor..."
He hums lowly, pressing his middle and index fingers to your entrance at the same time as he shushes your moans with a kiss. His mouth is all over yours, his tongue running along your lower lip before going past your teeth. You can barely breathe, the feeling of his digits inside you and the sloppy kiss had your head spinning. You're certain that if it wasn't for the rain or the music in the radio you'd definitely be able to hear the sopping sounds of him working on your pussy. Javier curses when your head draws back, not wanting to part from you, the sweet aftertaste of the kiss still lingering on his tongue.
The leather material of the seats cracked each time you moved, and the crystals were starting to mist up from the shock of temperatures. Despite the windows being polarized, the blue, kind of grayish light of today's twilight shone beautifully on your glowing skin, leaving him absolutely mesmerized.
"Do you ever show him this side of you?" he mutters hoarsely, watching you from below as you shut your eyes and claw at his shirt, feeling his thick fingers curling inside, stretching you open. "Does he touch you like I do?" He's quick to find your weak spot and hit it repeatedly, slow and steady at first, bringing back his wet digits to your swollen bud. "Can he fuck you like I do? Please you like I do?"
You shake your head in denial, panting and unable to form any coherent sentences. The warmth between your legs started spreading throughout your belly, thighs quivering and waves of pleasure washing over you.
"Use your words," he coaxes, burying his face on your neck to inhale your perfume, the one that's all over him, his clothes and sheets; like you were marking him as yours. The familiar tickle of his mustache on your sensitive skin, added to the heat and the well-known thickness of his dick underneath you doesn't fail to make your body waver.
"N-no..." you stumble upon your words, "he can't. No one else can... Sólo tú."
"Mhm," Javier kisses your jaw lovingly, the feeling of his chest flushed to yours pushing you over the edge. In that moment, he just knows you're close by the way your cheeks heat up and your brows furrow, as well as how you start squeezing his fingers. "You can come now."
And he didn't need to tell you twice, for you were already falling apart, tugging at his hair and struggling to catch your breath. His hand leaves the apex of your thighs and starts caressing the smooth skin of your back, giving you chills from the dampness of his fingertips. You lay your forehead against his, and with your eyelids hanging low you press a soft kiss to his temple. For a while, you just stay like that in silence, feeling his strong arms wrapped around your waist and listening to a bolero song playing through the car speakers.
Javier's heart thumps against his ribs whilst the beat reverberates through you in a constant tempo. His natural musk dazes your mind; a mix of cigarettes, fresh soap and manly cologne. The intimacy of everything suddenly sinks in and your lungs swell with all the contained love you had for him, crushing you under its weight. You can't let it crawl back to you, knowing you have to keep it well buried within your bones. 
"Javi..." you purr, lips grazing his ear. "I need you."
"Yeah?" his coarse voice makes you shudder. "I'll take care of you, cariño."
You reluctantly break apart form his embrace and, with a playful smile, you decide to take his sunglasses off, carefully tossing them to the passenger's seat. He appeared invested in your game, his prying eyes following your every move. Then, you suddenly grabbed the hem of your sundress with both hands and took it off in a quick move, discarding it somewhere on the floor and leaving you solely in your tiny, ruined underwear and golden necklace. The man in front of you couldn't be any more swoon over your naked body, his brown eyes now blackened with desire.
"Mi niña hermosa," he coed.
Your smile widened as his palm covered the curve of your waist. It's almost as if he's never seen you like this; though the image of your bare skin is something he could never tire of, your beauty being something he'd describe as ethereal, if he were the artistic or poetic type— which he wasn't.
"You're staring," you say, feeling his free hand coming to grope your breast.
"I'm admiring," Javier replies with a grin, thumb brushing over your peaked nipple. "You're a menace, d'you know that? This body and that face of yours... Engañarían a cualquiera." The cool metal of his watch gave you chills when you grabbed his wrist, guiding his hand to your lips. "No one would believe that you let me fuck you senseless in the back of my car."
You giggle at his words, starting to spread kisses on his knuckles, "People would think you've corrupted me."
The pads of his fingers gently pull your lower lip, the same two digits that were previously inside you. He doesn't need to vocalize what he wants you to do, since you immediately pick up on it. Your mouth opens up steadily, allowing him to press both fingers to your tongue. With no hesitation, you eagerly begin to suck and lick at them without breaking eye contact, his heavy gaze looking at you fixedly.
"Perhaps I have," he murmurs rasps out, brushing the hair away from your face with an uncharacteristic delicate demeanor.
Frankly, you are incapable of conceiving how can he have so much power over you, your actions and thoughts. The way he peers at you with close scrutiny and sincere devotion makes you feel like a woman, in all sense of the word. He's aware of it and is not afraid to demonstrate it, to be at your mercy. And it only made you want him more.
You desperately tug at his belt while he drags his fingers from your lips to your chin and neck, letting you do all the hard work. There's an arrogant attitude to him as he merely 'admires' but doesn't go anywhere near as to putting any effort into it; he wants you to work for it, have your fun with him as you please and then let him show you why no other man can reach his level. He’s very aware of the fact that he's the only man whose dick you'd beg to have inside and he wallows in that knowledge, like a bragging child.
"Shit, Javier..." you fumble with his fly, silently pleading for his help while he absentmindedly kneads at your flesh, enjoying the show you're putting on for him. "Work with me, please."
"Anxious, aren't we?" he scoffs, taking your wrist to place your hand on his crotch. "What do you want, cariño?"
"A ti, Javi," the feeling of his cock throbbing at your confirmation only reaffirms how much he loves it when you verbally express your desires. "I want you."
Both his palms rest on your shoulder blades and his face gets closer to yours before talks again, "Then fucking take me."
His voice gave you butterflies and the way he spoke went straight to your core. A muffled moan vibrates in your chest when you reach for the base of his neck and pull him in for an aggressive, frenetic kiss. It's a blur of actions, a clash of tongues and teeth that happens at the same time as your hand sinks to his lower abdomen, swaying over the trail of hair that runs down his mound, with a touch so light that it makes his knees feel like jelly. The warmth and softness of your palm against his length pulls a groan deep from his throat, finally getting to release some of his pent-up tension and get the attention he's been craving from you.
You swipe your thumb across his swollen tip, surprised by the amount of precome that is dribbling and how easy it becomes to stroke him. Javier gasps at the contact, shutting his eyes and allowing himself to breathe. Just like him, you know exactly what he finds most pleasurable. You know his body as well as you know his mind; his pet-peeves and favorites. So freaking close, and yet— so, so incredibly far from his grasp.
"Cariño," he calls out your name in a languid drawl, clutching to your waist, "don't tease."
"Mhm," you're accustomed to the thickness of him, how heavy and long he is. However, it's always nice to feel how easily riled up he gets because you. "Not so fun when it's done to you, is it?" you purposely trace the vein on the underside of his dick and he snarls through gritted teeth, an unrestrained sound that makes you throb.
"Fucking hell-" the chocolate brown in his eyes is entirely consumed by the pitch black of his dilated pupils.
You drag your index along his jawline, slightly lifting his chin to square his gaze with yours. "Come on, big boy. Lift your hips so I can do this properly."
He can't help but laugh. "What now?" he snarks, doing as you say, nonetheless. "You're gonna talk me trough it?"
The man pulls his pants down just enough to give him the sufficient mobility. You don't have the patience to reply to his mockery, though you're sure he'd love it if you did so. Instead, he pushes your panties aside as much as the fabric permits and you glide the head of his cock between your folds, coating it with your arousal and the remains of your previous orgasm. His hands are still on your hips but they're simply resting there, giving you the freedom to do as you want.
With a firm grip, you carefully guide him to your entrance and sink down his length, drawing a sharp whine from your lips and a low, depraved moan from him. The stretch he provides always manages to send your mind into oblivion, filling you up so good, to the extent that makes you believe no one ese could fit your body so perfectly. Your mouth falls agape and you clasp his shoulders in order to keep yourself grounded; beads of sweat started rolling down your neck and his temples when you rested your forehead against Javier's, eyes kept firmly shut.
"You okay, sweetheart?" he asks once you'd manage to sit every last inch of him deep inside you. "Want me to move?"
You shake your head 'no', gazing back at him to meet his preoccupied expression. "I'll do it," you stammer through the haze of rapture. "There's something I want to try."
His brows furrow in genuine confusion and a tad of concentration, but nods either way. Both his palms lay flat on your ass cheeks as you throw your head back and start moving at a leisured pace, biting your bottom lip and tangling your fingers in between his damp curls. You ride him like it's your first time doing so; grinding slowly and calculatedly, barely bouncing and more like swaying your hips rhythmically, feeling his cock nudge that particular spot that has your thighs trembling.
"Fuck-" Javier inhales heavily, using his strong hands to guide your movements without a change of cadence. "Look at you, sweetheart," he coos, his thumb grazing your clit in a very delicate manner that makes you yelp softly, "you look so pretty when you take it."
A wave of heat pools at the base of your spine, prompting you to tug at his hair. "Jesus Christ- you feel amazing..."
Your fingers slither upwards to pinch your nipple, adding to the slick between your legs. He grunts in annoyance, pushing your hand away and replacing it with his own, ducking his head down to fondle the sensitive area with his tongue. The sounds that leave your mouth have an immediate effect on him, thrusting his hips further into you involuntarily. A high-pitched moan falls from your lips as he meets your rhythm with an intensity that makes you dizzy.
"Such sweet noises you make," he praises in between shaky moans. "Oh, fuck-" is followed by a string of curses in spanish, sounding akin to a growl when you clench around him, leaking onto his shaft. "My perfect girl."
Your hands are never steady, roaming across his clothed back, chest and scalp. His on the other hand, hold onto you like his life depended on it— the fervor of it all, the way you call his name as you bear down on his cock and engulf him in your arms is borderline intoxicating. He lays his forehead on your shoulder, overwhelmed by just how good everything feels.
And that awakes something in you. Javier is not the quiet, laid-back kind of lover. Though he does let you take the lead from time to time, he's never surrendered himself to you like he is right now; panting and whimpering beneath you, murmuring adorations against your skin. And it's so hot for some unknown reason. It makes your pussy a dripping mess.
"Javi, look at me," you pull his hair with mild force and he consequently throws his head back, darting his eyes up to meet your stare. The way you keep bouncing on his length makes the dangling cross on your chain hit his chin continuously. None of you actually care. "D'you think I ever do this for him?"
He doesn't answer, but the grip on your waist tightens and his brows knit together. Then, he shakes his head faintly, "No."
Your thighs are starting to feel sore, but you pay no mind to it, still too drunk on the feeling of fullness, the ravishing sensation of his dick stretching you open and hitting all your weak spots effortlessly. "That's right," you pant, pressing your cheek to his temple. "Only you."
He rubs his nose on the side of your face and you can feel the all-too-familiar scratch of his mustache on your flush skin. You breathe him in, his soft hair smelling of sandalwood shampoo. "Only me," he echoes in a gruff, possessive note.
Suddenly, his pace starts picking up and you feel unable to keep up with him, this new sensation nearly making you cry out in euphoria. Javier moves his head enough to press a sweet kiss to your jaw and you glance down at his lips before going back to his lust-blown eyes. His calloused fingers glide to form tight, lazy circles on your bundle of nerves as he keeps steadily working on your cunt; he muffles your moans with a mere brush of lips that leaves you longing for more.
You cup his face in your hands and lean forward to connect your mouths once again. It's slow at first, filled with fluttering emotions that come bubbling up your chest. You melt in his embrace, your bodies melding together as you explore each other. It's deep and passionate but still controlled; filled with a profound earnest that expresses all that cannot be said between you, but that is throughly felt.
The sensation is positively dazzling, making your heartbeat race like you just ran a marathon. The heat gathers on your lower stomach again, starting to build your second crescendo. His cock throbs inside you when your nails scratch his scalp and the kiss becomes sloppier– wetter. But it isn't the only thing that is. Javier smirks against your lips when he can no longer just feel your slick, but rather hear it too. Each time he snaps his hips, the lewd sounds of your pussy drown any other noise around. It eggs him on.
"Mírate," he forces you to look down at where you're connected and the vision is nothing but obscene. The whole scene being a glistening, sticky mess. "I've truly ruined you for anyone else."
You don't retort, your senses beginning to cloud with every single thrust. You desperately cling to his shirt, your knuckles going numb as he keeps his relentless pace. Faster, harder, deeper. He can tell you're close by the way you wrap around him, how you can't hold back your cries and drop your lips next to his ear.
"Javi, I can't..." you stutter as he soothingly runs his fingers through your hair and your vision becomes blurry.
"It's okay, you've been so good," when he speaks, his voice sounds contorted by his own high overpowering him. "Come for me, baby. I've got you."
And that's all it takes for the coil to finally snap. Your body shivers from head to toe and you go completely limp in his embrace. Your whole world is spinning, feeling slightly lightheaded as your orgasm washes over you. Javier fucks you through it, thrown over the edge by your reaction. He feels your teeth sink mildly into the flesh of his neck and all of the sudden everything in his life comes down to this very moment; all he can perceive, all he knows and cares about right now is you.
As pleasure rushes over him, he whimpers, his hips start to falter and a couple of filthy moans scratch the bottom of his throat. You call his name softly, his head falling back as he reaches his high. He comes in warm, thick spurts inside, coating your walls and spilling from your entrance whilst he works his way through his climax. An odd sense of serendipity overcomes the satisfaction that settles within him when his lungs fill with air and his heartbeat stabilizes slowly.
He hears you murmuring sweet nothings to him, feels your warm, velvety lips spreading kisses on every inch of skin that you can reach. He feels shaky, peaceful and weirdly alive. Your image surges again in front of him, making his chest swell; that characteristic guilt beginning to creep into his system. Deep down, he knows he can't keep doing this to you— holding you back, tying you to him. Though it wasn't entirely his fault.
"¿Qué piensas?" you wonder, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck. He shakes his head, refusing to answer.
Confused, you attempt to move and give him some space, but he cradles you in his arms, keeping you close. Your feel sticky with sweat and his spend dripping down your inner thighs; yet, strangely safe at the same time, letting his cock grow soft inside you.
"I don't..." he talks gently, not directly to you. "I don't wanna let you go."
There's vulnerability in his words, in the way he holds you. "You don't have to."
That's not what I mean, he wants to say. Instead, Javier leaves a tender kiss on your forehead. Push me away. Please, push me away. But you don’t do as he prays for, to his dismay.
“I guess not,” he mutters. “But it’s getting late and I want to take you home before nightfall.”
You reluctantly roll to your side, wincing from the sense of emptiness that comes with the action. “I suppose it’s for the best. I’m going out for dinner tonight, anyway.”
He playfully cocks an eyebrow at you, “With him?” you nod distractedly, taking a box of tissues from the Jeep’s glovebox. “Shit, I might need to fuck you again. Make sure you’re really satisfied and full of my cum when you’re prancing around him.”
You smile, carefully rearranging your clothes. “Well, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
In the end, no matter how either of you feel or whatever may happen in the near future, one thing is very certain: you won’t stay apart for long.
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gavramous · 2 months
i know ghost's actor said that ghost listens to fucking classical music of all genres (idk, maybe i'm just not cool enough to understand), but in my heart of hearts he's a grunge/metalhead who has a weird relationship with being a grunge/metalhead.
there's periods of time which can last for weeks (but usually last for months) where he doesn't listen to his music at all, because the sound remind him too much of who he was and what he went through. the thought of trying to find new music to listen to seems like an irritating task, though; a task that would only leave him frustrated with himself for letting this be an issue in the first place. of course, he does understand why it is an issue: it's association. he, on his bad days, has trouble disconnecting the music from his father. but it's also music that he likes, and on his good days enjoys listening to. these oscillating moods irritate him to no end, and he doesn't see a clear conclusion for them.
- - -
ghosts and gaz are in the kitchen, sharing each other's company and the last dregs of communal sugar in their tea, and they're talking about music. gaz is explaining what makes him so passionate. it turns out to be because of his father and his zeal for music of all genres. he explains how there was always music on in his house growing up; they always had a cd or a vinyl or a casette playing, and it was always something new, something unlike what they had listened to the week before.
ghost listens intently to gaz. he enjoys hearing about his normal childhood and his positive relationship with music. he enjoys hearing about his not perfect (in gaz's words), but loving family. he asks gaz what the weirdest album his father got obsessed with was, what genres his siblings enjoyed, gaz's favourite song, and gaz answers all his questions happily.
eventually, gaz asks ghost about his relationship with music, and it's ghost's turn to open up and sour the good conversation.
ghost explains that it can be a bit... tense sometimes. his father had a huge impact on his taste, and unfortunately that means some of the time he has trouble listening to his music without sordid feelings arising. ghost tells gaz how he's unwilling to try and find anything different, as it would just overwhelm him, so he makes do. he tacks it off with "it's just music. not the end of the world." that is, in his humble opinion, an acceptably casual (but also not too undermining) way of ending his answer.
apparently not to gaz. he looks at ghost seriously for a beat, then says, "i could always recommend you some music."
ghost thinks on this for a bit. where's the harm? gaz has good music taste. the worst that could happen is a deflated ego on gaz's part if ghost happens to not enjoy his recommendations. gaz might take that as a challenge, though, and spend a lot more effort trying to find something ghost enjoys. the thought of gaz putting in so much effort for him bothers ghost, but ghost also knows that gaz wouldn't offer to do something he doesn't want to do. gaz would probably also get a huge kick out of reccomending something to ghost that he'd end up liking.
"why not," ghost says.
gaz's face lights up, and he asks, "what type of music do you wan't to try out?"
ghost furrows his brow. he hadn't thought about it in that much depth. he just knows that sometimes he wants out. he guesses that something soft would suffice. something he can put on and not have to fight to listen to; something that carries him. but not something too light and airy. something that's grounded. he tells this to gaz, slightly embarrassed with his wording, but gaz tells him that's a perfect description, and he already has an album in mind for ghost to check out. gaz sends him a text with the album linked and says he will look for some other recommendations for him. ghost thanks him, and their conversation continues, and eventually moves onto something else.
- - -
it's a week later that ghost finally has time to sit down and do nothing for more than 5 minutes. he's relaxing in his room, and he remembers the link for the album gaz sent him. the message is still sitting unseen in his inbox, and he decides that there's no better time to give it a listen.
he grabs his shitty earphones from his desk and lays on his bed, opening up the album and starting it.
it starts off slow, but it's strong and sure of itself. it's flowy, and if he's honest, ghost can't really tell when one song ends and another starts. the lyrics are there in random intervals, and they're much softer than the sound of the music itself, but the voice that sings them is strong. it's obvious the focus is on the instrumental, and ghost apprciates that. it allows him to relax fully.
this is exactly what he has wanted.
he listens to the whole album and lays there after it finishes. he sends gaz a text, thanking him and letting him know it's a wonderful recommendation.
ghost still enjoys the music he's grown up with. but gaz has helped him more than he can know. he has helped give him options for the days he struggles with, and that means so much to ghost.
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madeinwater7 · 6 months
as a multishipper it’s so weird to me seeing takes like “zolu (or sanuso) have so much in canon but zosan not really so ofc zsn shippers just see them as hot or smth but there’s nothing more” and others like it. first of all… thats a weird hill to die on. since when does canon basis makes one ship superior to the other. second of all: some people just don’t enjoy having everything already established and served on a silver plate. i love zolu with all my heart, they are wonderful and perfect in a lot of ways and interpretations. but what also clicks for me in a special way (and why i can’t let zosan go since i was 16, even tho they’re very much not a priority anymore) is thinking what would it take characters that incompatible fall in love. how would it happen. how would they behave and deal with it and be stupid but also vulnerable in a lot of ways. how would this develop and change them and their worldview. its fascinating! its cool when things are pretty much established in canon and two characters are written like each other’s half but. it’s so much fun to make it difficult and make it a journey. the conclusion is always so satisfying.
so no, zosan is not just “they hate fuck and its cool”
its being incompatible and messy and weird and angry but also trusting each other and respecting each other in so many ways. it’s “you know the worst of me but you still here and i trust you with my life” and also rethinking their view on love and
it’s not for everyone, sure, but it’s not so hard to accept other people’s taste and way of thinking instead of demeaning it or making it a weirdest competition. it’s not. (especially when it’s about literally two of the most popular ships on fandom lmao)
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animasola86 · 7 months
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1: A Special Bond (1.2k//AO3)
This is a rather unusual story about a girl (reader) who comes across a special little friend that she likes very, very much. But does she love it more than she loves her boyfriend (Sebastian)?
Notes: This might just be the weirdest smut story I've ever written (and I've written some weird stuff!) - and I mean weird if you think using a little sea creature as a sentient sex toy is weird, then it is weird. This is a 6-part-story that focuses on the reader, but Sebastian plays a vital part in it as well. In this first chapter, it's just the reader and her special little friend. Please give it a try!
Tagline: If penis-shaped, why not for pleasure?
WARNINGS: NSFW! Explicit sexual content! Teratophilia (if you consider tiny squids monsters)! Tentacles! (Additional tags on AO3!) Read at your own risk!
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A loud moan falls from your trembling lips as a deep shudder jolts through your body. Did I put up the Silencing charm? you wonder frantically, but you really don't care when another shudder makes your hips twitch off the bed.
You press your lips together and grip the bedsheets so tightly your fingers start to cramp. More moans and quiet whimpers leave your throat in rhythm with the constant throbbing pulsing through your insides. You feel your muscles tightening, contracting, clenching and unclenching, the shudders like tidal waves rippling over your body, grabbing you, pulling you with them, as your hips undulate needily, your thighs twitching as you force yourself to keep your legs spread wide apart.
All this because you want to see what's making you feel so good. Your head is blissfully empty, your nerves deliciously on edge, that tension in your gut building up more and more as you look into the mirror at the foot of your bed, giving you a perfect glance at the almost translucent thing pressed deeply into your tight bum as its eight little tentacles slither over your skin.
One is coiled around your clit, others stroking and pulling and flicking it, some gliding up and down your slick slit, and two are pushing in and out of your wet folds in a contrasting rhythm, stretching your entrance, teasing your walls.
And the last one is going deep, it's the one that's made thicker and firmer, that knows exactly where your sweet spots are, and it's determined to press against them with fervour, and each time it does, your body convulses, your moans get louder, your head is thrashed back into the pillow while your fingers claw at the bedsheets.
You are out of your mind with pleasure, ready to explode under the various kinds of stimulations, and weirdly enough, your little toy seems to feel it too. And it's got the worst sense of humour. Because it suddenly stops moving its tendrils, stops throbbing against that tight ring of muscles, stops that thicker tentacle as it's hovering right over your g-spot.
You groan and jerk your hips up, tempted to continue on your own, but you force yourself to be patient, even though your body is not, as it keeps shuddering, your muscles keep contracting, and when you whimper softly, "Come on, please, this is for you too," the motions continue abruptly, and you cry out when the stimulation is back in full force, maybe even more so, as the tentacles rub and glide and poke and prod, and the bigger one slips in and out your tight channel, thrumming against your walls, dragging over your sweet spots, while its body pulses wildly inside your bum as if it's vibrating.
You moan and buck your hips frantically, your thighs trembling, your toes curling up, your hands ready to rip the sheets you're holding onto. The tension grows with every little touch against your oversensitive flesh, and suddenly, it all erupts. Bright lights explode behind your eyelids, your body spasms uncontrollably as your muscles contract almost violently under the power of your orgasm.
A drawn-out cry of pure ecstasy leaves your throat as your eyes roll back, and you contort in the most blissful way for a moment, hips off the bed, shoulders pressed into the mattress and knees shaking under the exertion.
The thing inside you changes its pattern, rubbing harder, half of its tentacles focused on your clit, the others joining the bigger one in your warm depths, stroking your insides through your release by pushing in and out in a strange kind of rhythm.
You're a whimpering mess as you collapse onto the bed again, body still quivering, twitching uncontrollably, your breaths as erratic as they can be, and under the forceful ministrations of those tendrils, you keep riding the high, head empty, heart thundering, mouth wide open as your noises fall past dry lips.
You force your eyes open and stare at your reflection in the mirror that's shaking under the frantic movements of your overstimulated body. You watch those tentacles writhing in and out of your clenching cunt, the wet squelching sounds adding to the sensation, causing goosebumps to ripple over your skin in waves. You gasp and whimper with every inward thrust as they hit your deepest depths, teasing your sweet spots, expanding inside you, stretching your walls.
You're shaking from head to toe, and when the creature's body starts moving inside your arse, you yelp in surprise as it mimics the movements of its appendages, pushing in and out, turning and twisting its elongated body against your tight muscles, coating it with a combination of your juices and that sticky fluid that drives you insane almost literally, as it seeps into your flesh and makes everything seem even more extreme.
Your head is spinning, and you feel as if you can taste colours now. Moans and groans and grunts tumble from your open mouth, your body completely overwhelmed from all the things happening at once as it still convulses, hips bucking, thighs twitching, and you watch it out of hooded eyes until it all comes to a sudden stop as you climax again, this time with a force that shakes the mirror and in the end stains it with your juices as your release pushes out of you so forcefully, you feel as if you've been hit by an oncoming train.
You cry out and press your eyes shut, heart seemingly stopping as you gasp deeply, before everything resumes, and you fall into your cushions, completely spent, covered in sweat and your own juices and a stickiness that numbs the shudders of your body. You feel your little toy moving within your tight walls, slowly working its long body out as it pulls itself forwards by its eight arms that seem to be glued to your wet centre, some still inside, pressed to your slick flesh.
With a soft wet pop it slips out of your bum and onto the sheets, and if you would have had the strength to look into the mirror, you'd see your tight hole gaping slightly before it would resume its original state. But you're lying on your back, legs spread wide open, thighs twitching, saliva pooling in the corner of your open mouth, as the creature goes to work on your pussy now, its tendrils retreating until it lifts itself up onto them and pushes its wider head straight against your slick entrance.
You feel a deep shudder when it forces its glistening body forwards, and your walls clamp around it and pull it inside. You're too weak to moan, so you just breathe a little louder as it slips into your tight channel, throbbing and humming and evidently sucking up all your juices from your wet walls. Its tendrils flap lazily about as it finds its home deep inside you, body fully sheathed, its head prodding your cervix, teasing your womb.
You shiver, your insides convulsing again, but the motion is too soft to lose your head over it. It's comforting how its thick body fills you out perfectly, nestling within as if it belongs there, and for the last month it has, though when you first found the little squid in the depths of the Black Lake, it has been much, much smaller.
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Please note that I am a smut writer and not a marine biologist or anyone who is an expert on squids. In this story, the squid in question is a magical creature shaped like this and for the purpose of this silly little story, it has the size of a big to average-sized penis, has eight arms/tentacles, can live without water, prefers wet/warm cavities, is very much sentient and also very horny. And it feeds off bodily fluids... and grows when subjected to them. This is probably not typical squid behavior. Also please do not insert these creatures into any hole you have, I bet that's not too pleasant in reality! But for the sake of this FANTASY story, think of this squid as a magical, sentient sex toy. No squids were harmed in the writing of these smutty scenes. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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disasterlia · 2 years
Drabble : Insecure + deaf Steve
Was it on twitter first ? Why yes. 
I’m jumping onto the “ Steve after too many concussion loose his hearing” and I’m adding a pinch of angst and insecurities.
_ _
It’s not a secret anymore, after too many encounters with the Upside Down, with various fists and walls, Steve can’t hear anymore. He didn’t even know it was a possibility. Getting concussed enough that you fuck up your hearing like a looser. 
Still, it was fine. He was alive. More importantly, the kids were alive. Vecna was dead. The gates were closed ( hopefully for good this time). Max recovery was a slow process, but she was alive and not alone, never alone. Eddie was out of the hospital, finally. 
What if Steve couldn’t hear anything anymore ? He was learning ASL , was learning how to get by now. And he wasn’t alone in his recovery either. 
He was slowly forgetting the kids voices. It was less fine. But Steve was stupid and confident enough to adapt, to survive. 
He would never hear Eddie’s music. He would never hear the words the other whispered against his skin in the obscurity of their rooms. It was fine. More or less. 
He wasn’t alone. He was adapting. It was fine. 
The thing is, he couldn’t hear himself anymore either. It had been fine too at first. Robin admitted his voice was a little different. She would tap her arm when he was too loud. But she never complained. 
It was fine. Until it wasn’t. 
Steve couldn’t even remember what made him laugh. But he was, so hard that his stomach was cramping, that he was feeling that sweet rush. 
“ What the hell ! Steve ! What do you laugh like that ? Steve ? It’s so weird !! Oh god you’re sound so stupid it’s perfect.” 
Steve was not the best at lip reading, especially with Dustin. ( and Mr Munson, his moustache was his worst nightmare but he would rather DIE than admit any difficulty to Eddie’s uncle.)
 But he understood. He understood enough. 
It was no voluntarily mean. Dustin was like that loud, and too franc, often rude without meaning to. It hurt. And the hurt borrowed deep. It changed him.
And no one seemed to notice. But, they rarely noticed Steve. No truly. 
He began to held back. He took the habit to hide, behind his hands, biting his lips, muffling any sound that would betray him. Ridicule him further. He spoke more with his hands than with his voice. And he never laugh. No out loud. Never again. Self-conscious. Hurt. Ashamed.
No one noticed.
It was fine, Steve was handling it. Until, Eddie. Eddie, always at his side, always touching him, bumping his shoulder, stroking the inside of his wrist to get his attention. Seeking his attention, his approval all the times. Eddie pushed, and pushed, always asking for more of him. His eyes always on him, watching, considering.
Steve felt seen. Naked.
Until, finally, head resting against his palm, Eddie asked. “ …you rarely speak anymore, Stevie, why’s that? I can’t even remember the last time I heard your voice. Hell, Erica’s joke was good, but you didn’t laugh. Why?”
At least, he waited for them to be alone to attack him. Because it felt like an assault, a personal one.
Eddie always craved more and he wanted to hear him laugh.
It was not the first time he asked. And Steve always shrugged, found a way to change the subject, to smile like it was nothing. All denial and escape.
“ I’m fine. It’s fine.”
And those dark eyes on him, always watching him, careful. “ No, no it’s not. But you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, sweetheart.”
Eddie was always watching him and recently, he was also making Steve blush way too often.
When it happens, when he relapses, Steve didn’t even notice at first. 
His cheeks were warm, his heart heavy with way too much feelings, way too much Eddie.
And Eddie was silent. Eddie who always teased, who could never let a silence stretch too laugh, wasn’t saying anything. He was only watching Steve, with the weirdest, softest smile. “ There you are, Stevie… There you are.”
And Steve startled under the brush of his hand against his smile, like a lover caress.
“…knew you could laugh. I wish you would laugh  more often, Sweetheart, you're so pretty when you laugh.”
“ What ? No, Eddie. It’s fine. Don’t be…like, that. It’s fine. I know I sound like a damn goat.” Steve could only offer an embarrassed smile, that looked more like a grimace. His cheeks were burning. “ m’ sorry you had to hear it.”
It’s a whiplash the way Eddie’s eyes darken, his mouth turned down. “ The fuck Stevie ? What the- Would told you that ?”
“ It’s fine. Really.” Steve tried to plead with his own eyes, to make Eddie understand, that really, he understood. The other man didn’t have to get all outraged for him. That it was fine.
“ No, no it’s not. That’s why you don’t…Steve. Don’t tell me you feel like you have to hide your own laugh?”
A flinch he didn’t manage to contain. His skin was on fire. If a small gate could open, at this right moment, Steve would jump in head first.  “…It’s fine.”
He watched, as Eddie worried his hair. “ Fuck, Steve…That’s not okay. Steve, listen.” He grimaced. “ Sorry.”
But Steve could never be upset with him. Especially now that his was cradling his hand between his own and watching him with the most troubling expression.
“ Look, Stevie. I love your laugh. It’s beautiful, pretty like you. You don’t have to be ashamed. It’s a little loud but fuck, that…the point ! If I knew who put this stupid idea into your heard, sweetheart, I would make him eat his words. Trust me.”
“…You…you think I’m pretty?”
And Eddie startled expression, his eyes oh so big, staring at him, as it was his turn to blush, made everything a little more okay.
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bigfan-fanfic · 16 days
Batfamily hide and seek, a tradition since Batdad and Bruce played together all those years ago as children. Bruce finds Batdad first because, just like when they were kids, he is way too giggly whenever Bruce passes his hiding spot. What order does he find the batkids, and where are they hiding? 🕵️🔎
He finds Jason first, but doesn't actually reveal that, letting Jay stay hidden. There's a safe zone you can try to reach while Bruce is seeking, but no one but Barbara is bold enough to run for it.
Dick tends to climb or hide high, using his acrobatic training. Unfortunately, Bruce has learned quickly to add verticality to his head swivel and catches him pretty early.
Jason is found pretty early, but Bruce just smiles and passes by, finding him not last, but near to it. He tries to hide in small places or behind things, like a child would.
Barbara has a bold approach and doesn't actually hide, but moves as quickly as possible to the safe zone, keeping on the move to avoid Bruce's seeking. She's about fifty-fifty on her success. She either gets found second or she is never found and makes it to the safe zone.
Carrie is terrible at hiding and he catches her at once. She's a lot like Batdad - too giggly. She's like, right under a table, and the worst part is that Bruce knows she's trying.
Tim will move furniture, utilize optical illusions, contort his body, and do whatever he can to win. He gets found too early because his hiding spaces are too perfect.
Stephanie gets hungry way too quick and tends to try to hide in the kitchen, and she leaves a crumb trail. She can totally fit herself into a cabinet.
Cassandra doesn't like to feel ignored so even though she's probably the best at hiding, she will throw the game halfway through, acting as though she made a mistake. She would rather Bruce hug her in catching her than look for her for hours. She will absolutely hide in the weirdest places. Once she camouflaged herself in a potted plant.
Damian is going to try his hardest, but he's just not used to the game of it all - it's harder to hide in place than to tail someone for an assassination or detainment. He has pretty simple hiding places, but he makes up for it with absolutely no safety - he's gonna hide in the dryer until his growth spurt prevents it.
Cullen isn't as acrobatic or flexible as the others, but makes up for it in tenacity. He's good at finding the others, and will do the gambit of hiding near one of them, knowing he's less likely to be found because Bruce is less likely to look for him in the same room.
Harper keeps on the move, trying to set up a couple backup hiding spaces. She has a great sense for when to hit the bricks, and usually gets found last.
Duke doesn't hide, he just goes and sits in Jason's old room until some time has passed and Bruce catches him trying to get to the safe zone.
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salmonight · 1 year
Free Title Ideas Pt. 1
I am always looking for new title ideas trying to find the perfect match for my meager amount of fics actually published ( I got a ton of wips mind you) so I have this little file full with title ideas I got from here and there and I thought I share them! Feel free to use them and all! I only actually used a few of them myself so theyre up for the take! Enjoy!
( I suck at categorizing mind u so take it however u want)
Low Mood:
Paint Splattered Teardrops
A Mournful Radio Song
The Quite Ivories
20 Minute Too Long… Too Late-
No Third Round Up
My Heart's An Artifice, A Decoy Soul
If These Walls Could Talk
Like Drying Paint on the Walls
Withering Memories
Bury Our Secrets Shallow
Isn't It Tragic How Far You Came?
The Best of the Worsts
Your Wings Are Failing, Icarus
Let Your Wings Carry You Away From Here
Cry For Reflection
The Scream of Winter
Much Madness in Divinest Sense
Family Doesn't End in Blood
In This Castle Of Glass
All the Same (Once a Liar, Always a Liar)
Law is Where You Buy It
Miles from Normal
Stop Screaming - It's Me
Between Two Liars…
Lost My Soul and All I Got Was this T-Shirt
Dude, Where's My Soul?
When Life Hands You Demons Make Demonade
Demon-Blend Straigh From Hell
Nothing to See Here Officer, Just a Bunch of Blobs
Hey Kid, Wanna Buy a Blob Ghost?
Gingers Have No Souls
This Little Blob of Mine
Feral Goose Hunting: A Beginner's Guide (Just Don't)
10 Ways to Connect with Your Feral Goose by Robin
A Guide on Ruining Your Life
It IS and Idea (Just NOT the Brightest)
I Am totally NOT the One to Blame for THIS
Dead Men Won't Shut Up
Cryptid Crash Course
Shakespeare Has Nothing on Me!
[insert name]'s Observation Diary of the Weirdest Boss(es)
The Devil’s Eyes and His Voice of Reason
Makeshift Chemistry
Stargazing, Coffee and the Mystery of You..
Play Love Like Killers (We All Fall)
Good Vibes:
Sunshine Riptide
Come on Baby, the Laugh Is on Me
Fair With Some Rain
Star Light, Star Bright, First Arrow I See Tonight
Bitter (?):
Ah, Lay Waste to it, then Laugh at it
Believe, We Were Never Gonna Lose Control
Die, but too Blind to See
Too Latte for Smiling (yes thats a pun there no miss typing)
And as the Scribe Said, Mark Me Up With Words
Vodka Shots in the Dark
What Lingers, What Waits
Dr.Sunshine is Dead
Swing 'em Sword, Comin' in Swarms
Droppin' Guns all on the Floor 'till it look like River Styx
Black on Black at Night
Rifles, and they're Useless in this House
Dropp the Dagger
Watch Us BURN
Leave Your Body and Soul at the Door
Dead Man's Party
'Till the Reaper Call
'cause the Hangman's Waiting
A Night in the Ice Box
Stars Fall Underground
Can't Reach the Stars from the Underworld
Dance on Your Grave in All Whites
I Will See You Down Below
A Toast to the Passing Lights
I am a Ghost, but Only If You Remember
A Forray into Thanatology
Do You Want to Build a Snow-ghost?
In the In Between
Deceased When Last Seen
They Only Murdered Him Once
Colder Than These Bones
A Ghostly Collection of Stories once Untold
Dearly Departed
City of Last Hopes
Bright Foggy Skies
This Bird Has Flown
A Bard's Tale, so Bittersweet
In the Winter, the Van Keeps Rolling
Oh Raven (Sing Me a Happy Song)
A Light to Call Home
Lost and Found
Towards the Sun
Khmm I have quite a few ghost/death and Dc related ones cuz I mostly wrote DC and DP fics so I looked for tittles for those. Those who know, know those who don't can ignore them.
Pt 2 |
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wonsprincess · 22 days
𝓤𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓒𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 . chapter 2 : 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞).
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"are you ready?" yuna said for what looked like the thousand time, stting on your couch, looking at the ceiling.
"yes." you walked out of your room, black dress hugging your perfect body in the prettiest way.
"damn." sunhye said while looking at you. karina smacked her arm and chuckled.
"you look gorgeous," karina complimented you, standing up quickly, "let's go now."
"finally," yuna rolled her eyes. "you guys took forever." she stud up and walked towards your front door.
"we didn't, you just got ready way too early, yuna," karina rolled her eyes in response of yuna's comment. opening your door and walking out.
"whatever, let's just go." you were very nervous, but how should you actually react if you're going to a party your crush and first heartbreak is hosting? you don't really know, but you don't like the way you're acting at all. hands are shaking, can't talk without stuttering, and sadly you and your friends arrived sunghoon's place. 'inhale, exhale' you thought, it shouldn't be that bad.
you kept saying that to yourself until sunghoon opened the door, looking so, so gorgeous, this is not going to end well. ─ more under the cut !!
yuna softly touched your shoulder, and that's when you realized you froze, you couldn't move.
"y'all can... y'all can go in!" sunghoon said with the fakest smile ever, you knew he didn't like this either, you understood him perfectly.
yuna looked at you with the most embarrassing look ever as you two walked in, sunhye behind you, while karina was behind her.
"that was so fucking embarrassing yn," she touched her temples, breathing heavily and closing her eyes. "please try not to salivate for sunghoon is the rest of the night."
"that's like, impossible." sunhye joked, but it wasn't quite funny for you, giving her mad look, she raised her hands as if saying "i'm innocent."
the party wasn't bad, you caught yourself staring at sunghoon sometimes, but aside from that, it was great.
You start feeling a little tipsy, and it was alredy late. "sunhye, i want to go." you touched her arm, and she looked at you.
"you look horrible." she chuckled at your looks, walking away to tell karina and yuna that you two were leaving.
and there you felt it, 'oh no', you thought. it could be at anytime, anywhere. but in sunghoon's house? never, you wouldn't vomit in his house, that sounds embarrassing.
you could only run now, and that's exactly what you did. you saw the bathroom and your speed increased. the door is closed, 'fuck'.
as you turned around, not knowing what to do, it starts going up your throat, you felt like dying, 'could this shit be any worst?' , you ask yourself.
It could, it could because just when the vomit made it's way up to your mouth, sunghoon appeared in front of you, 'fuck fuck fuck'. it wasn't going to happen.
"babes i was looking for you!" sunhye whisper-yelled, a glass of water in her hand. there it was, that would save you.
you rapidly took the glass of water and drank it, the whole glass of water. it went down, but now sunhye and sunghoon looked at you in the weirdest way possible.
"let's go." you took sunhye's hand in yours and ran out of sunghoon's house.
"explain, now." sunhye said when you both got inside yuna's car. karina and yuna were just as confused as sunhye.
"not now, maybe when i get some sleep."
"the fuck you mean 'when i get some sleep' yn? you acted really weird in there, was it because of him?" sunhye had a concerned yet mad look in her eyes.
"sun it is not the time." you closed your eyes in embarrassment, throwing your head back.
sunhye sighed, some minutes later you arrived your house, quickly saying goodbye and walking inside your house, directly to your bed, after drinking some water.
'i'm stupid, this was stupid, jake's stupid, sunghoon's stupid' and lots of other thoughts filled your head as you tried to sleep.
succeding your need, you finally slept.
It was finally the next morning, remembering the last day was not how you wanted to wake up, but something made you remeber that.
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'oh no'
𝓣𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :. @vmpivory @i03jae , @t1iqaa , @sasfransisco , @istglevi-gotmesimping , @orimuraa
a / n : i said i suck at writing 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔, it was true. but at least here we got the next uycb episode............. I wanna kms bye.
also, no way broski was gonna vomit on sunghoon 💀. i said sunghoon would find her hot in the party, he will, but that's for the lart two, which will have some parts with sunghoons p.o.v !!!!!!!!! please don't hate 😔, i'm new at this. (anyways now i'll go kms fr)
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galactic-cumslut · 2 years
double dare ya
toxic rick does things to me…after i rewatched the episode this idea popped into my brain and i had to write it down-it was too good to pass up thgh
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✰rick but worse, the usual rick warning with a cherry on top, non-con elements, oral(m)
“don’t go thinkin your pussy is something special ignorant bitch, it just happens to be convenient to me”
the disgusting green ooze burned your skin as it came in contact. it wasn’t a pleasant burn either like when you took an especially hot shower. it was the kind of burning you’d feel if you placed your palm against the stove top. what could you do though ? he had you trapped against a wall.
“you say that but it’s clear how badly you want to fuck me”.
he looked like your rick. he sounded like your rick. he even acted like your rick- all the worst parts of him that is.
and silly-naive you believed it was your rick for a short time. when he had told you it was an experiment gone wrong it made perfect sense. it wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d seen him do ,far from it in fact.
“ohhh look at you , what a snappy little come back. you think you’re tough huh”? he grabbed your face and forced you to look him in the eyes. they were cold and black, not one ray of light shone through. “let’s see if you’re still running your mouth after i stuff it”.
he wasted no time shaving you down to your knees. you yelped in pain as your knee caps met the cold concrete of the garage. that didn’t deter him though it only made his smile wider.
“this is only the beginning”.
your eyes welled with tears as his dripping green cock met your lips. the burning sensation was becoming more intolerable by the second.
“open your fucking mouth bitch, we don’t have all fucking day”. he snapped, yanking your head back so you were forced to meet his eyes. “you should be treating me as if i was your damn god. beg me for mercy and praise my name”.
this rick scared you..a lot. he didn’t seem to have the same hidden kindness your rick seemed to have. this one was too focused on himself to feel anything for anyone else.
“i-i’m so sorry sir”. you managed to say, the best thing to do was okay his game till you could find a way out. “please forgive me, as i am nothing but a mortal i don’t know of your power”.
he scoffed but loosened his grip on your locks. he was pleased with this response. “you’re just as stupid as the rest of them..let’s see if you can suck dick better than you use your brain”.
his shaft entering your mouth was enough to make you gag. not just at the size but at the taste but the texture and feeling as well. it tasted like mildew and had a slimey feeling. your entire mouth was on fire.
toxic rick could see the distaste on your face.
“oh don’t be such a baby y/n, you should be thankful i’m allowing someone like you to even get this close to me. it’s an honor”.
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