#in case i wanna look back at it idk why i would tho
2036sator · 5 months
hiiii :3 what r ur opinions on the characters in the cgvl and lha? Character wise, design wise, etc... (including freedom guy 🤭) I'm just really curious :3
[[ AA dude i’m gonna go so in depth w/ this !!!! this is personally from what I recently discovered from these characters so , i am kinda new to LHA and CGVL ,, not freedom guy tho lolol ]]
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[[ Let’s start with LHA ^_^ ]]
> FREEDOM GUY - design wise … absolutely cool i can’t really explain how much i enjoy doodling him no matter what design he has , always loved the old design !! Red scarf is iconic to him and made him stand out even if its a bit plain… but other than the old design, new design kitt recently has made im ssooooooo inlove with how he became so …. HE LOOKS SASSY AT ONE POINT LOOOKING AT HIM FOR HOURS . his old design with his iconic hands on his hips pose already made me think he was all shiny sassy star that everyone praises of lllolololol 7_7 character wise by personality is great overall , he’s a code yet he is so , humane that being the therapist plus saviour is tiring even for a code sobbbb ilove gushing about freedom guy if u can’t tell
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> FROST - design wise ? Love it . I would say that I love drawing Frost as well as much as I love to draw Freedom Guy :3 Character wise … very kewl…. I need to see more of frost stuff ………
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> TANGERINE - DESIGN WISE AAHHHH OHMYGOD I have something for orange sticks idk why but she looks so cool i never actually noticed she even had like scars until i went thru deep into the LHA bloggers just to noticed she has like two or three scars like WHAT !!! Character wise , If she went to my school I would wanna be her friend tbh she seems fun to be around ^_^
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> CION - Design wise is just… chefs kiss , I love drawing her marble head and drawing her in my design where she has like kind of maybe water ish? Or fire ish blob around it just bc I can’t see her with hair so instead I just made blobs that made to look like she has hair el o el ,,,overallll!! Super cool I love cloaks … Character wise is yes , just yes . Ilove the looks can be deceived like how Cion and Tangerine is the same just different fonts
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> LUCKY - hhhahah lucky block…. I made Lucky’s head more not circular bc srsly I would totally believe lucky if xe told me xe was birthed from a lucky block. So it’s more geometrical? Character wise ilove xem ilove hackers and I don’t know much of Lucky ,,,still xe’s super cool either way
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> SCRIBBLES - from what ive seen im surprised this is actually and technically the leader of cgvl and its just , a little scribble stick ( in a positive way not insulting ) , probably my favourite... ( i cant decide with scribs and rose ) ,,, character wise!!! ive seen a little bit of scribbles story and im cheering so hard scribs is so cool and with the programmer lore and everything going on is super interesting and all overall really cool character , easy to doodle when im bored in school
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> VIX - oh jeez . can we get vix neutered . / LIGHTHEARTED JOKE ... Unique creature , i love the head design even though it sometimes confuses me when i try to doodle the back of vix :9 ., character wise .. freaky .... you a freak girl!!! also!!! I LOVE cannibal characters when they're all actually attached to a person then they soemtimes can't get over the thought of eating them ( filling them with guilt ) i love when cannibals feel bad for what they are ( technically its a parasite for vix's case but still!!! )
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>ROSE - ohhhhhhhhh i almost tripped when i saw rose , pink characters save me ... shes so pretty by the design wise category .. made me jealous of her gender smhhhh.... character wise , mischievous thief and i would let her steal my whole house if she wanted to
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> GEO - i wanna squeeze geo but i cant :( character wise by what ive seen from like interactions(?) and lore , its really interesting and really cool ( reminds me of another interest i have but who cares ) still i understand how frost would baby geo
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> ENTI & BUG ( NO IMAGE NOOOOOO MY LIMIT NOOOOOO ) - big guys so cool they would absolutely obliterate me . i dont know them much but i wanna know more about them .... i need itt...
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krystaldeath · 6 months
Cotl Auuuuu
It’s modern time babeyyyy
* This au does take place in modern day but it technically “starts” in the late 90s bc it’s a Narinder and Lamb were childhood best friends au :))
* I honestly have the most ideas for when they’re in high school but I’ll get to that in a bit (also should say this was inspired by that one prom post from redcrowncafe where Lamb talks about their prom date who was an asshole and wishes they knew Narinder then so they could’ve gone with each other. Saw that and thought “okay but what if they did” and that spiraled out of control)
* I’ve yet to say that my personal headcanon for Lamb’s family is that they had two moms, and three younger siblings (a sister about 12 years younger, and 18 years younger twins; one male one amab gender-fluid). The twins don’t show up till Lamb is, well, 18 tho so they won’t come up much yet
* The Bishops (Bishop is just their last name here) are all foster siblings who have shitty foster parents. Shamura stays even a bit into their early 20s because of this since they don’t want to leave their younger siblings alone with those two. The foster parents’ were abusive in multiple ways, and they also kept any money the Bishop’s respective parents might’ve left for their offspring to themselves (spoiler: Shamura’s in particular were LOADED and so when the Bishops are finally away from these two they’re pretty much set for life). It’s after a particularly scary night where a two year old Leshy and a six year old Heket are threatened while Shamura and the parents are arguing that something in Shamura snaps and they begin to plan to murder their foster parents. Yay!
* I don’t have the details but they in fact /do/ kill them. Thing is they’re super smart about it and hardly any evidence can be traced back to them. It is a small town though so there aren’t too many suspects and overall the one who would have the motive and probable method would be Shamura (unless they wanna try and pin it of 13 year old Kallamar or 8 year old Narinder). Thing is, their foster parents? No one liked them. So no one’s gonna point fingers. The police try and press people to give a suspect but no one does. So the case goes cold. But, even though no one liked the two, murder is still frowned upon by most so the siblings move away.
* But BEFORE all that let me explain a bit about Nari and Lamb��s friendship: they met in kindergarten (idk why they’re in the same grade when I hc Lamb to be a year older but shhh) and while Narinder tried to act “cool” and “aloof” Lamb was having none of it and dragged him along on little kid adventures like playing in the mud and pretending to be power rangers. Also almost from the get go Nari had a little crush on Lamb lol. Since Nari and his sibs move away when he’s 8, these two knew each other for 3 years. Idk what all happens in that time. Like I said most of what I’ve thought up for this au (mainly about Narilamb) happens in their high school years. It is thanks to their play dates at each others houses that Lamb figures out that being nonbinary is a thing from Shamura and is like “Wait… Me too???”
* After the move, Nari and Lamb stay connected through letters and phone calls. They also send pictures of all kinds of things, mainly of themselves so the other “won’t forget what I look like!” Neither make many lasting friends, at least, not ones around the same age as them (Lamb befriends Ratau and his buddies. Narinder befriends kind library assistant Forneus and her two twin sons).
* Lamb is loud and proud about who they are, which unfortunately makes them targeted for bullying, though it’s not just for their gender, it’s also because of their - Idk a better word than quirky Sorry - personality and the rumors about their long distance best friend; there’s multiple rumors, like that he doesn’t exist (this comes from those who don’t know much about the whole Bishop family scandal) or that he’s a murderer, just like his older sibling (this comes from those that /do/ know, ofc)
* Btw over the course of these years they’ve been apart Nari’s crush has only grown and Lamb has also gained a crush on Nari themself
* OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY TIME FOR THE BIT I HAVE THE MOST OF AN IDEA FOR GET READY (it’s super cheesy and corny and honestly feels like a Disney channel original movie but this fandom could use a little more of that imo so let me live)
* So, I know some schools would let Juniors have their own prom. Let’s say Lamb’s school does that. They had been asked by some guy to be his prom date and figured “why not?” and accepted. Thing is the guy asked if they could buy his ticket, and being the nice person (yet to decide if this is also a human au or if they’re still all animals) they are they do so. The guy then just takes the ticket and tells them to get lost. Lamb didn’t like the guy but it still hurt to have their kindness taken advantage of. They tell Narinder all about it and admit they probably won’t even go to the prom, even though they already bought a ticket and outfit. Nari, who Lamb can’t see bc it’s just a phone call, is absolutely SEETHING.
* Now Narinder has a mission: Get a tux, flowers, and other gifts. Convince Shamura to let him go in his truck (yeah he drives a truck in this au, idk it’s just the car I imagined when I thought it up lol) and be away from home for a few of days (it would take about a day to drive there, then he’d want to stay for at least one or two, then another to drive back). Shamura is reluctant (that town holds a lot of bad memories and him being so far away when he’s only 16 is scary), but seeing the determination in his eyes makes them relent.
* He calls Lamb’s moms and lets them know his plan, but wants it to be a surprise. They both agree to convince them to go to prom even if they will be going alone, without letting it slip that they will have a prom date after all.
* Prom night comes around, and Lamb, who is dressed in a tux-dress combo, is confused as to why their moms, who were so insistent that they go, aren’t ready to take them? (Projecting my reluctance to learn to drive onto them here, so that’s why they can’t drive themself). Then the doorbell rings. They answer and see Narinder (who is now like a foot taller wow couldn’t tell that in the photos he sent) in a tuxedo holding a bouquet and corsage. He’s got a nervous smile on his face as he says “I know it’s a little last minute, but will you allow me to accompany you to prom?”
* Almost a full minute passes in silence, making Nari sweat and begin to regret doing all of this. Then he gets jumped by Lamb into a hug that topples them both to the ground as they scream “YES!!!”. Thankfully they aren’t hurt and their formal wear is alright, though they wouldn’t notice otherwise, their focuses only on each other’s laughter and presence.
* When he opens the passenger door for them there’s a basket of treats, jewelry and a black cat plushie. “Ohh, Narinderrrr! You’re making me feel like I’m royalty!” “You are, to me.” *pause as they look at each other in flustered silence* “A-ANYWAYS WERE SHOULD GET GOING RIGHT?” “OH YEAH YOURE RIGHT. Uh, help me up?” He helps them climb into their seat, close the door, and silently screams about how dumb that was (while Lamb is inside internally screams about how sweet that was and oh no they think they’re falling for him)
* They get there (Yeah I realized Nari doesn’t have a ticket but let’s say somehow there was enough for him to buy one at the entrance) and they’re having a good time (only barely noticing the looks they’re getting and the whispers of “Isn’t that one of the Bishop siblings? Figures Lamb would have to settle for a murderer to be their date.”), dancing, eating and drinking the possibly spiked punch. I’m sorry to say some hurt is about to happen
* They have a run in with the guy who tricked Lamb and Nari almost breaks the guys nose before Lamb pulls him away saying it’s not worth it. He’s about to disagree and say something embarrassing again like “maybe /he’s/ not worth it but /you/ are and he hurt you so he deserves to be punched” when a girl “accidentally” spills her whole cup of punch onto Lamb’s outfit. Everyone around them laughs and Lamb, barely blinking back tears, runs out of the building. Narinder growls at them all and runs after Lamb.
* He finds them curled up by a tree outside, and sits down next to them. He tries to comfort them but they sob out “Just take me back home.” He agrees to do so, but tells them to go wash up a bit in the bathroom while he gets something. As they’re washing up he knocks on the door and asks to come in. They let him and see he’s holding a box. He tells them he planned on giving it to them later after Prom for something else he had planned but figured they’d just go now since Lamb didn’t want to stay anymore. He hands it to them and says he’ll be waiting outside.
* Surprise! It’s another outfit :)) It’s a bit more cozy than what they were wearing before, but still fit for “royalty”. And a black crown with a big red jewel inlaid in the middle-front
* They get dressed and marvel in the mirror before going back out. Narinder’s heart skips a beat when he sees them.
* Idk what to put in between so let’s skip ahead to when they’ve arrived at a spot out in the open wilderness where it’s easier to star gaze. He sets up the trunk bed to be comfy and reveals he had a cooler and basket of food for them to have a night picnic under the stars.
* After they’ve eaten some, one thing leads to another, and then Lamb pulls Narinder into a kiss. They both confess and spend the rest of their time cuddling (until Lamb gets a phone call from their very nervous moms because of how late it’s getting and they’re not home yet lol)
* I have more ideas but to sum them up for now: The rest of this AU is just Narilamb long distance relationship angst & fluff. Eventually the Bishops move back to the small town and then it’s not long distance narilamb (and eventual leshycat and whatever else).
* I will say this: Another murder will happen, this time it’s Lamb who commits it. That’s all I’m giving y’all ;))c
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phantomram-b00 · 11 months
Imma use my hottake post to explain it since I felt I should give more context with this take to explain myself why I have this opinion on the topic of this.
For those who don’t know or don’t wanna look back with the link, it basically that my hottake is that I don’t like the theory of what Crowley’s angel name was/could’ve been. I know this might be a bit controversial since I think everyone in this fandom (not to assume ofc), and whilst I get the curiously since Crowley almost never talk about his time over at heaven, mostly for valid reason that I’ll get to. Before I get into this, I know it been month but I wanna still give that this haunted blog/post does contain heavy spoilers so if your planning to watch good omens or haven’t seen season two yet go watch it and come back here, or you can still read— what can I say, I’m only a phantom that have lot to say about good omens and making it everyone else’s problem. But still spoiler warning ahead! So without further or do,
let get into it and talk about our favorite snake demon and a good old fashion lover boy/girl/enby—
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So, okay, seeing Angel Crowley, that’s cool and honestly wholesome— despite the poor trauma he’s going to endure and will sauntered vaguely downward for. I remember hearing the theory about how his name could be Raphael, seen some AO3 tags of Crowley used to be Raphael or just people buzzing what his name could’ve been (even some saying it could be Castiel or Cassiel). And while the curiously of it all is cool, for a while I couldn’t really pin it at first as to why I personally didn’t like it. And Idk if that make be boring or a bitch for not wanting to know, it just to me, I felt why does it matter if Crowley himself don’t even want to remember about his time at heaven?
Sure season 2 when he didn’t even say it might have been what spiked it, but i think the whole point about him is the fact that he clearly moved on from it. Does he still hold resentment? Of course, why wouldn’t he be? And from unfair circumstances too:
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But, as we’ve seen from most of the flashback, he moved on from it. He using hell as long as he can (lonely? Yep, which is a perfect parallel to how Aziraphale following heaven—), he doesn’t want to remember the angel he is before, he even said it to Aziraphale when he tried to stop him from killing Job’s kids. But I think of how he’s dealt with is how his trauma grew seeing how he doesn’t want to be considered nice or kind; I feel it goes deeper than just because he’s a demon now, I believe (and this is just my observation), he rather not remember the kinder side he was once before because of how the “light” casted him away and how heaven runs things. So why would he want to be associated with those word when it remind him of his time, he rather not remember it (or in a case run away from heaven as much as he can), he rather associate himself from being mean or remember himself as a demon now rather than an angel he once was. (Even though, he is very kind and I wish to hug him. Don’t start-).
Plus, he more comfortable with his new name now, that’s why he even changed it back at the flashback of the crucifixion of Jesus as his named used to be Crawly (which honestly real.) and changed it to Crowley (now technically he changed it again to Anthony J Crowley, but we hardly heart anyone even Aziraphale say it outside from the blitz flashback, so I kinda wanna count it but I’mma not just incase, but I like the name tho-), and since then, he’ve wore that name proudly and never look back, and Aziraphale an ally he is suppose him and call him by his prefer name. That is him saying “I’m not whoever I was before, so I’m going to change my name to move on from my past”, and honestly I stand, I love the fact he want to move on from his time as an angel/move away from his deadname to be the person he is today, proud of the wily serpent ^v^
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“But phantom, that still doesn’t explain why you dislike it?”
You’re right, it still doesn’t so imma explain it a bit more, I just feel it shouldn’t matter what his name was, it really up to his (or Neil’s but this is Crowley we’re talking about) own terms, it him that should be able to say his deadname. And if it never reveal, I wouldn’t care since Good Omens from both season shown, Crowley moved on from his angelic past even if he have the grudges he have now after 6000 years he rather accepts his life now and hopefully with the Angel that have supported him and stood by him. And I know the finally is making it seem like Azirapahel want to change him, but like I said here that I don’t think that the case, I don’t think he would ever want him to revert back to the person he was once before, he could never ask Crowley to do such a thing knowing the progress he made. Like I said and will say again, I think this was Azirapahle (in a poor way given the situation and that their communication is the equivalent of a ghost (invisible as fuck)) to give Crowley a change to fix the broken and toxic system heaven been running on since the dawn of time, to give Crowley the chance to fix what need to be fixed with Aziraphale, and Crowley said no, and I think rightly so in his point of view, heaven did treated everyone especially Crowley poorly and is the main source of his trauma, so I’m happy he said no, it not his place to fix the one thing that in his eyes was broken and have always been. So good jobs Crowley for standing your grounds.
But I’m getting ahead of myself, my point is that, Crowley have moved on and it shouldn’t matter what his deadname was, I think we should all respect that when it come to not just his but everyone’s deadname. Crowley clearly doesn’t have to remember his time on heaven, and I gotta respect that. Because if I was in his shoes, I wouldn’t neither if I was a bit braver than he was.
“But phantom what if it was revealed anyway?”
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Again I wouldn’t care, like the commenter said (I don’t know how they feel about tagging so I won’t just to be respectful) and I do agree, if it had to be revealed it should be on his own terms. And I do agree, it is up to Crowley, he should be able to say it as it could garner the impactful moment, especially if he does say like “I’m not *this name* anymore” or whatever he’ll say in season 3, (which please let it be greenlit, I’m begging atp).
And honestly, I don’t doubt it really, it seem it might be revealed, which, fine, this is Neil’s work so gotta respect. Just I hope it on his term, and that no one else say it, I don’t even want aziraphale to say it. Just him. He deserve it.
But that’s my take on it. That’s my spew on this. Might be boring or lame to not be curious, but honestly like I said, he’ve going down a path away from heaven and accepted what happen to him. May not be in a healthiest way but regardless I love this demon and I am happy he moved on and I can’t wait to see him again in season 3, David Tennant a perfect Crowley and I wouldn’t have it any other way ^v^
But I hope you enjoy my yet another insane ramble of this show, frankly this show is becoming my life atp and I don’t hate it. I love this show, it my comfort, I’m happy to have this show; if you want to ask me any other questions you can in the AMA box or comments, but also tell me what do you guys think of this theory? Do you love it? Have qualms with it? Or anything? Tell me in the comments or reblog. As always this is phantom, imma go haunt somewhere else.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
Have noticed there's a huuuuuuuuuuge fecking divide between older queers and younger queers. Old vs young is a bit nebulous, it's not really age bc some younger may still be with the older queer media, and some older are more with the new media. So old vs young is more like "Old queer media and icons" vs "New queer media and icons."
It ends with two sides where even tho there's overlap, icons, literature and experiences just don't mash and ppl from each side dunno much abt each others ongoin queer culture. Yeah there's like some big names that hang between, but you see like a lot of "New media queers" not liking and even being like "Fuck old queer media bc it's not what we want, so this old stuff was always bad." While old queers maybe don't care or find new queer media too, Idk positive? Too whitewashed? while they defend old queer media more, and in some cases maybe more questionable ones looking back. Idk. But old queer media was/is still queer even if it's not the kind that was good or always queer positive, or maybe even has a lot of sad things happening, especially death, homophobia, and traumas.
Btw what I mean with "sanitized" and "whitewashed" is that some new queer culture people have big issues with negative experiences being shared even if they were real. They don't really wanna see tragic gay deaths, or physical violence against queer people, sexual assault to fix gayness, and so on. I've seen some new queer media ppl ask why so many old queer media always are so tragic and end in tragedies, and hating it for it, but that was just the reality, and it's still a thing with old queer culture people reflecting that past, and sadly the present, in and of queer history.
I'm not sure it's really old vs. new. There's newer queer media like Knife+Heart, which would have been right at home at an arthouse theater in the 90s.
It's more that the Good Representation stuff for teens wasn't possible to get published/made in the past. It's about mainstream art, often aimed at younger audiences, vs. freaky counterculture stuff that defines itself as such.
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Chapter 11 cheffff
i’ll try to keep the quotes a bit shorter this time to not kill people’s feed
“Respect him, Chef.” - it’s so over
“He’s bein’ a fuckin’ creep.” - RICHIE I LOVE YOU SO
“N’ what the fuck are you?” - . . . this fully broke me. this is just so- poor richie omg🥺😭
“Cause I’ll fuckin’ tell you” - I beg you don’t. this has actually hurt me more than anything
I bet since she forgets the note it’s actually going to be something kinda nice (like him being hppy with the dish cause duh why wouldn’t he), well sweeps was bothered but maybe he didn’t read it. idk i’m holding out hope!! or it’s super important and now they’re fucked … either way we trot along!
there will also be some things i won’t comment on cause i’m sure people will react to them. i’m trying to not make you repeat too many things aye?
“You’re excused.” - oh this would have me swinging. well not really cause i’m a wuss but
“Say what you wanna say, Carmen.” - she’s so much stronger than me fr i would be crying
“you failed Mikey” - oh. yeah idk if they can come back from this tbh. it was nice while it lasted. we gave it a good run.
His middle name is Anthony. Tony. - okay this is actually hilarious tho. and the contrast to what else is happening disjjs. only you author, i swear
Gone. Devoid. - 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
i mean yeah he’s sorry but looking in his eyes and seeing that won’t make anything go away. like idk sometimes there’s a limit to how mean someone can be even if they don’t mean what they say yk?? like control your emotions a bit and that
“How could you fuckin’ say that shit to Chippy—” - richie i love you i love you i love you
“To Richie.” - she’s so- the nicest ever wow
yeah i figured the invoice thing when she said it was complicated. but dang that’s still-
At least get him a star, if he has to hate you. - i’ll cry
“I’d still love you, even if you weren’t helpful. By the by.” - this man is everything
“Man… You were here.” - they’re crying, i’m crying, we’re all crying
“You wanna see a Taylor Swift concert wit’ me?” - SHUT UP HE IS SO CUTE. i’d do anything with him (friend stuff)
He kisses the crown of your head. Richie must be a good dad. - most definitely. i love these two so much rah. my fave duo
“We can only hope.” - LMAO SJFJJD i needed that to help ease the angst
Never know when you’re going to need a fire. - ayo?? i’ve actually considered multiple times to carry one just in case someone needs it
Entirely forgot, about the wedding gig - ME TOO SHEHDJEJ oh my we’re not away from the drama yet i see
so you don’t get second hand smoke. - he’s so cute and this is everything to me because second hand smoke is like the worst thing i know and last week i was trapped between so many smokers and it was the worst
“You gotta get your star, Squid.” - so cute. squid getting her star(fish)
“Bitch—” “Heard.” - LMAO best call and response
“Heard, Chip.” “Heard, Ink.” - CUTEST
“I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother.” - OH SHITTTTTT. shut down the mikeychip allegations, as you should 😌😌 also mikey knewwww. really doing it all from beyond
Listen listen, I do the apologizing for both of us for destroying feeds YOU do it all you want, ALWAYS!!
IT'S SO OVERKDFG-- I don't remember exactly when I wrote 'Respect Him Chef' but I do remember going YEAAGGGHHH I COOKED I'M COOKIN WITH THIS ONEEE
I knew if we were gonna get into the Freezer Fight, I had to be brutal, what the fuck are you? was like, KEY hurtfulness. It immediately throws off what was a jovial vibe into something very cruel and painful--- Bah, Fuck you Carmen Bro
HEY BRIGHT SIDE-- BRIGHT SIDE HE LIKED THE DISH? SO. SO WE HAVE THAT. Sweeps wrote the note ALA the Ever's server method of passing Vibe check notes, which is why he needed that fucking smoke break. Having to play messenger for that skeeve,,,, yeuch.
no one says things the same way someone else says things !! you can always spam, love ya thoughts, always will. Anyways anyways, YOU'RE EXCUSEDBRRROOOOOO I'd get . violent.
Again, there was such a universe where Tony got violent. Like. Listen. She is a Chicago born and bred babe, she was an EMT, she's been a bartender-- Bro can prove she's a fuckin' problem alright? She can fucking swing. The 'Say what you wanna say' was very much like, the lead of line given before someone gets there shit rocked. Alas , she like,,, likes him or whatever,,,, so we couldn't,,,, sad
No one's ever commented on Carmen's Middle Name being Tony and I had to note it before someone else made fun of me for it. But I have also always loved ,,, fuck my Directing Prof is gonna be mad at me. It's somewhere in my notes, but essentially, there's this idea of Dramatic Contrast (not the actual term) but It's like, the ear scene in Reservoir Dogs, or that trumpet over the boxing match in I think,,, Raging Bull? Where basically, a very jaunty or pop like tune plays over something genuinely horrifying, basically.
I really enjoy that concept, in my own short films and writing, so Carmen going from saying like, the worst thing he's ever said, to like, oh I need to transfer outside my body-- You go funny immediately, and I think it makes everything both so much funnier and so much more painful? Just turns up the volume, on both sides. Or at least to me it does.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Bro will need to grovel. Bro will also need to get socked. Chippy why did you have to stop Rich c'mon man
Apologize to Richie really gets me, because it's 100% her being nice and having her boy's back, but it's also like.... She doesn't feel she deserves an apology-- And that. Man. I'm gonna. I'm gonna just take a 45 minute nap to process that fuck. At least get him a star, if he has to hate you. FUCK BRO. WHAT THE FUCK!!! I did that, who am I yelling at.
Rich and Chips whole convo was very cathartic to write-- It had been another scene that i'd imagined for a while and morphed bit by bit as i got a better and better idea of their history. And I think as more and more is uncovered in future chapters, coming back to reread this chapter will like,,, mean a lot more, in a lot of ways. I also enjoy the way it repeats that 'I was Here' from Richie in Zero Pulse. I just like,,, rah. They're so... They're just very good. And they're going to have to see Taylor Swift.
IT'S IMPORTANT TO KEEP A LIGHTER YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YA NEED A FIRE!!! And fuckin being with a crowd of smokers is awful. I am lucky all my friends that are on that fuckin NIC blow that shit far from me. They're very sweet.
Fun fact: One Black Plate was the original original original chapter title, back when I started cooking it up in my brain, around chapter 3. But once I got to Other Shoe and realized the devious period thing I could do, I had to go with Just Dropped. HAD TO. But One Black Plate was really good. I'll miss her.
THE ALLEGATIONSD LMAOSJOFJ I do really respect the Mikey/Chip ship, because reasonably, I could see them working. And listen. Maybe they did. WHOS TO SAY. Mikey's ghost is to say. BUT WHOS TO SAYYY
Anyways, for this lovely wonderful wrap sheet from you, and whoever braved the storm of reading this, let's see if i can find anythin worth showing you from the draft that isnt getting cut, that also isn't too spoilery
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erraticalart · 1 year
Heavy and Medic Switch
Basically, how I view Heavy and Medic’s intimate relationship in a nutshell.
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This was sort of based on a post that I heavenly agreed on but I also wanted to put my two cents in here. This is gonna be a long post about my journey with this couple.
Let me explain: 
There has been a silly little debate about what activities Heavy and Medic do behind closed doors, especially their roles/positions. 
On one hand, there’s Team Heavy: he’s big, strong, and intimidating. He can rock your world (as well as your bed). On the other hand, there’s Team Medic: he’s professional, insane, and sadistic. He can take your breath away (as well as your virginity). 
Team Heavy has been there since the very beginning since he’s viewed and portrayed as the more “masculine” and “dominating” man. He may know a thing or two about sex (or not since Heavy spent most of his life in the Gulag, idk). 
Throughout the years, Team Medic has been sprinkled in from time to time since he may have more experience in this field (or not since he may be focused on his experiments, idk). He’s got a few tricks up his sleeves and may be skilled with techniques. 
Anyways, I’ve seen and heard from both sides, so I’ll tell you a thing or two from my experience.
When I first got into TF2 and was interested in HeavyMedic, I assumed that Heavy was like the oldest merc just because of his voice, height, and strength. (I’m stupid to think that’s what it means to be old and how they should be.) I was then wrong to find out that it may be either Spy or Medic (idk which tho). But I thought that it was a pretty interesting dynamic to have a serious, tall younger man and a crazy, shorter older man in a relationship and I think that’s pretty cute. 
Now when it came to same-sex relationships in smut art or fanfics, most people prefer the older masculine man to top since it’s more hotter, I guess. Back then, I enjoyed it but whenever I see or read a fanfic where it’s the opposite, I love it even more and I wasn’t sure why. Is it because the dominant one gets a taste of his own medicine or is it because I enjoy the reactions he gives or even both? I thought it was because the younger one finally gets to have a go at it. And ever since then, I clinged on to it and preferred it even more than the norm or majority.
And like I said, when I got into HeavyMedic, I was Team Medic, because I thought that Heavy is older and I wanted Medic to top (until I realized I was stupid). Ok, Heavy is younger and topping Medic so that means I enjoy it, right? Well... yes and no. Yes, because it was interesting to read and I enjoyed reading it, and no, because... well... I hate to say this but... 
It just gets repetitive.
I then ask myself, “What’s wrong? Why don’t I enjoy it as much as I used to anymore?” Is it because Heavy is bigger? Stronger? More masculine? Just what is it? Or is it because Medic is my main and my favorite character (Heavy’s my second favorite character, btw so aww) and I want him to have a piece of Heavy’s cake for once? Or maybe I’m just biased, I guess, idk. That could be the case until I read some fanfics that contains Medic and another person (let’s say Engie since I like the pairing tho not as much as HeavyMedic) and I noticed something different. Sometimes Medic tops and sometimes he bottoms (tho it depends on the person he’s paired with so results may vary). Now tbh, I never read a fanfic where someone else is paired with Heavy since I didn’t know who else was perfect for him so please prove me wrong when I say this but...
What are the chances/percentages that Heavy bottoms?
Most of the time, it’s pretty rare and look, I get it, I completely understand. He’s an impressive specimen. Who wouldn’t want Heavy to fuck them? Hell, I would too, tbh. But see that’s the thing. We all want Heavy to do something for us but we never considered doing something for him.
I read some Bottom Heavy fanfics where Heavy even expresses this issue and I sympathized with him for it. So whenever Medic (in this case) is there for him and does the deed, it leaves me in a good mood. And because of that, I was Team Medic (also like I said before, I just want to see Heavy’s reactions and eat it up as much as possible and, well, Medic is hot when he’s dominating him). Also, “Heavy and Medic Get It On” is an old-time classic and I love it.
Also, just because Medic is shorter or less muscular, that doesn’t mean that he should be portrayed as the more weaker or submissive one. The same goes for Heavy, just because Heavy is taller and more muscular, that doesn’t mean that he should be portrayed as the more stronger or dominant one. Let them both have a fair share of fun.
I then realized that a majority of my favorite HeavyMedic smut fics were Bottom Heavy based and again I ask myself, “Why do I enjoy it more than the majority of fanfics? Just what is it?” Until I realized something, I put all the pieces together. “Dominant one bottoming” “Majority” “Repetitive” “Chance/Percentages of bottoming” I soon came to this conclusion.
The reason I love Bottom Heavy so much is because it stands out more than other smut fanfics.
It just made so much sense to me now. And not just Heavy but other fanfics where the top bottoms. It was a breath of fresh air for me. And I don’t want to diss top Heavy but as I said before, it just gets repetitive to the point where that’s the norm and it gets a little boring. When I read it, I know what’s coming up so I know what to expect from it. So when I read one where Heavy bottoms all of a sudden, it just catches me off guard, leaving me surprised and yet impressed by it. And it leaves me wanting more.
And like I said before, I like Top Medic since it’s nice for a change and while there have been Top Medic fics sprinkled throughout the years I noticed that it’s slowly increasing in popularity and I’m happy that other people seem to like it as well.
However, just because I would love to see an increase of Top Medic fics, that doesn’t mean that I want Top Heavy to stop, slow, or die out. I’m not saying I hate it, don’t get it the wrong way or anything. I still love Top Heavy and I love how they interact especially their reactions (mostly Medic’s). I just want Medic to get a piece of that action, y’know? He may be old but that doesn’t mean he has no spark of energy in him anymore. He could become a beast if he wanted to. Let the old man have a go at it.
Also, because it’s just a silly little debate, I don’t want people to fight over who tops and who bottoms. That’s the last thing I want to cause. Besides, there are people who don’t like reading smut fics with them in it and that’s also fine. Not everything needs to be related to sex in a relationship especially theirs. It’s called having a normal life and enjoying it. I love reading fluff fics where there’s a strangers-to-friends, slow burn, friends-to-lovers, confession, dating, one bed/ sharing a bed, acting like a couple, being a couple, marriage proposal, wedding, couple life with or without a kid, and sadly even death/afterlife whether it takes place during or after the Gravel Wars. And of course, I LOVE reading stories where Heavy and Medic are just chatting and laughing in the infirmary during surgery (with Archimedes there, of course). This post is just focusing on when they’re in the bedroom. We are all different people with different headcanons. You got yours, I got mines. I don’t have to agree with yours and you don’t have to agree with mines. Alright? But I found out a little solution that may or may not solve this little problem and it’s much rarer than Top Medic/Bottom Heavy (just know that this isn’t the ultimate solution, but rather a small suggestion).
What is this and what does this mean? Please correct me if I’m wrong or make a mistake. These two words may mean the same thing but just like how top/bottom and dominant/submissive compare, it’s different. Switch means you can either be dominant or submissive depending on the mood and versatile means you like to top and bottom. Most of the time when I forget, I just simplify both to switch to make it easy to understand.
I’ve read at least 3 smut fanfics where Heavy and Medic tend to switch roles and positions in the same chapter or story and tbh, I really liked them. Not as much as Top Medic but I really enjoyed reading them and just like Bottom Heavy it was a breath of fresh air, became some of my favorite HeavyMedic smut fics, and I would love to see an increase of it too.
Let’s wrap things up now. 
At the end of the day, if you were to ask me which team I’d prefer, I’d still say Team Medic, BUT I’m starting to lean more towards HeavyMedic switches. This is a copy-paste to when I replied to a random HeavyMedic post, but here’s why I love it.
“I see Heavy and Medic as good 'ol switches since they see each other as equal whether on or off the battlefield. HeavyMedic switches are also very rare in smut fics. In the beginning, Heavy says, "Get behind me, Doktor!" and ever since MvM, Medic also says, "Get behind me!" They fight together, help each other, heal each other, and make each other laugh so technically they should also please each other in bed.”
Also, it’s fun to read about what kind of whacky adventures they do together. They are both different beings who do different jobs and hobbies. One’s a heavy-lifter and one’s a doctor. Think of the many kinds of possibilities they could do to each other depending on the variety of settings to have full-on make-out sessions. It’s fun to get creative.
Technically if you really want to think about it, which team am I in?
Well, it’s a lovely, beautiful, sweet, short, simple answer that really means a lot to me that really brings it all together in the end.
I’m Team HeavyMedic.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far in the end. I didn’t think I would write this much so I apologize if this post is long. If there’s anything you need to say like an opinion or statement, make sure to reply down below. Just remember to not start a fight, please. We all have different opinions. 
Also, while we’re at it, someone once asked me if I have any Bottom Heavy fanfic suggestions and I in fact do! But it’s gonna take me a while to make a list of it and there are probably some fics that I missed so it would really mean a lot to me if you can help me by linking suggestions. It doesn’t have to be just Bottom Heavy, you can also include HeavyMedic switches. (Also, if you’re an author or writer, you can tag top/bottom/switches Heavy/Medic so some people can read based on what they want to see since people have different headcanons, but you also don’t have to so you can surprise the readers and I quite like the idea of it, but of course the choice is yours). And the links can be from any fanfic site. I found most on AO3 (I may have missed some so please help me) and I recently found some here on Tumblr so the possibilities are endless. Once I have everything I need, I’ll post it and I’ll probably pin it for some time. If I miss anything, be sure to message me or reply so that I can update the list.
That’s all I have to say. Thank you and goodbye!
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kachawo · 2 years
YilingWei Sect AU: Head Disciple
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Click here for previous YilingWei Sect posts.
Meet Mo Xuanyu, YilingWei’s beloved and trusty Head disciple.
Him and his mother, Mo Fan, left the family village at a young age, with only the clothes on their back and a pouch of coins. Originally, they planned to travel north from Gusu, where Lanling stood, but an unfortunate encounter with bandits lead them to run into the forests, injured and bloodied.
Wei Wuxian founds them at the border of Jiangling, starved and close to death, and decided to bring them to Yiling, where he helped them build a home and start a new life. Mo Fan thrived with her surroundings, people appreciated and supported her. She taught the children of Yiling to write and read, and later would be a teacher in the BM when the sect is still fresh and new.
While Mo Xuanyu, who showed skill in leadership and the ability to teach just like his mother, was appointed to be the first ever Head Disciple of the YilingWei. (He’s not the first ever disciple, tho.)
He wielded a fan as if it were a dagger, moved liked the wind with a deadly sword, and was adept in all studies of talisman and arrays. Wei Wuxian couldn’t be more proud.
Mo Xuanyu specializes is talisman and rituals, and is the first one to master “Espy”
When Xue Yang comes along, they oddly get along very well. If Mo Xuanyu has WWX’s looks, then Xue Yang has his insanity. Mxy has learned the arts of keeping him in a tight leash.
He’s very good with children, that’s one of the reasons why he’s HD, but also he’s often had the responsibility of entertaining a-Yuan when he was a child, along with other youngs kids WWX picked up from the streets. They all call him “Yu-gege.” A-Yuan though, calls him “Pretty-gege.” And Mxy denied crying the first time.
Idk what signature color to give him! Frankly speaking, the disciples all wear black, gray, and red, the only difference in color are their swords. I always saw Mxy as the red and black guy, just the same as WWX! So it was hard to think of anything else.
I thought of gold because technically he was a Jin, but then his sword would look like Suibian. Then I just started fucking around to find out and thought orange looked pretty actually.
The acupuncture needle was crafted by Wen Qing as a preventive measure in case someone was attacked by resentful energy. The needle was made specifically to purge energy out of the body, when inserted into the right junctions and meridans, it can force the resentment out of the body and into the needle itself. (And can be purged in the same needle as well.)
It’s made with black quartz, which in this au, is a great medium for yin energy.
Also, the white markings on the inside of the bow (the circles) are indicators of symbol.
4 marks for the sect leader, 3 marks for the chiefs, and 2 marks for the senior disciples. Though really, it’s not that important, just an aesthetic choice.
Wwx has his in his belt but never wears it, he doesn’t like the idea of being identified by your status. He sees everyone equally and as family and doesn’t see the need to flaunt it.
It makes him feel a bit detached from the others, and he doesn’t like that feeling.
Hehe, thanks for reading! I think I’ll continue with these YilingWei Sect ideas. I wanna know if you guys want to know more about this AU!
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asmoteeth · 2 years
¡Hey Asmo! How are you doing? I hope that you have been fine (idk from which part of Argentina are you (and it's not my business to know), but I hope that you are not suffering the heatwave as much as I'm XD)....
That last wedge fanart was simply sooo good Asmo...the look of shock, but also betrayal/slash anger, was spot on *chef kiss* idk about you, but with all the fluff present, some angst too would do really nicely (this is so perfect)
My personal hc: even as an established couple, HS still feels awful for his attitude towards Wedge when he found out he was an ex-con; it's really obvious when he's in that state, because he looks like a kicked puppy and exudes misery when around Wedge. How do you think he would fix this? Mandatory cuddle time? Wedge will turn HS into a burrito when he refuses to cuddle? Kinda like this?:
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*I bet he also does it when HS tries to do something stupid or when he's sleepy but doesn't want to recharge* Bonus: if you are into completing ship charts, would you be interested in doing this one? Only if you wanna ofc... You can ignore the horny level part, though (cause I know your opinion on that matter)
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Anyway, ¡sending you good wishes Asmo!
THE FIRST LINES WERE A WHISPLASH DO YOU MEAN LIKE-- YOU LIVE IN ARGENTINA TOO????? THAT'S SO COOL IF THAT'S THE CASE JSNWKABSIWKWBEIQJQ WHUAAAA The heatwaves have been painful, my clasroom is a forsaken OVEN and I almost threw up from the heat today, thank you for asking (´-﹏-`;)
THANK YOU SO MUCH <333 Honestly the expression was the first thing I drew in the whole piece, I just had an idea of anger+shock+fear+sadness and had to put it down to drawing QUICKLY and then I kept going, I didn't even expect to finish it today, I'm very proud of the lighting and blurry parts doing their job at giving the drawing profundity.
I DEFINITELY FEEL LIKE HOTSHOT COULD GET THOSE GUILT TRIPPING MOMENTS, even if he changed his whole view on deceptions he was probably raised with AS SOON AS HE DISCOVERED WEDGE WAS ONE I feel the things he said ("decepticons don't count as anyone" for example, ouch) might crawl on his back from time to time, what if he needs to overcompensate for that night?
What if he makes a day FULL of silly activities Wedge enjoys? Idk, weight lifting? THEIR DUO DRAG RACE STUNT, etc.
But Hotshot keeps getting guilt trips and it shows so at some point Wedge shakes him by the shoulders like WHAT'S WRONG WHY AREN'T U HAVING FUN
Hotshot is cornered and has no other way than to explain what's bothering him, Wedge is a little mad, but over the fact that he didn't tell him in the first place, specially when it was related to him and the fact that it was eating him from the inside this much.
They decide this day should be more soft, so they just head back inside, SOMEHOW GET A BLANKET LONG ENOUGH FOR THEM (sewing???) And YES, THEY CUDDLE YOU ARE SO RIGHT (tho honestly for me their "cuddling" is napping sprawled on the conversation pit, Hotshot is def a spider hugger when sleeping I accept 0 criticism)
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I love the slider thingie so much omg
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neighboringheart · 9 months
I'm an absolute simp for Bumblebee so any ship with him as the prey is perfect in my eyes.
The 3 ships that comes to mind immediately are BlitzBee, StarBee and MegaBee.
The Megabee scenario about a concerned Megatron worrying that Bee is distrustful of him while in reality the autobot is having the most insane thoughts were really funny lol.
So I'm curious in how you would go about the other two ships, if in all cases Bee is already into the idea and find it hot or if it's a life or death scenario as he is being hunted down by various deceptions ?
I'm rambling here, but all Im saying is that I need to hear more from you about this specific Predator/Prey dynamic bc I CRAVE MORE.
(also maybe a crossover with Bee ending up in the shattered glass universe to throw in some twisted autobots into the mix too 🫡)
ough ough ough okay I am home from work and have a keyboard to properly go buckwild with and yeah there's not gonna be much punctuation happening sorry but I'm feral and I am politely grabbing you by the collar to keep you here
adding a read more bc this got a lot longer than I thought it would but I hope you enjoy my brainworms
okay so for BlitzBee it would absolutely be something that Blitzwing brought up first and you might think "oh was it Random joking about it or something?" no it was Icy looking Bee right in the eyes and just going "I want to hunt you for sport. would that interest you?" and at first Bee did not get it at all and was unsettled but he ends up getting curious which is how the first occurrence of them disappearing into the woods for a week happened
Bee would end up finding out that oh it actually is kinda hot to have all that adrenaline going kinda like right after a really tough race except the bit of fear tingling up his spine makes it interesting and then being caught and having Blitzwing roughly fuck into him with barely any prep at all hurt but still felt so so good and after waking up the next morning and thinking for a bit yeah he got it he got exactly why Blitzwing was interested in that and it ends up becoming a regular thing for the two of them where they just disappear and then show back up again like a week later Bee looking like he went through a wood chipper and his abdomen a bit bloated from all the transfluid he's been stuffed with the last week but his field brimming so brightly with a fuzzy happiness that no one wants to bring up that he needs to stop whatever he's been doing
aside from Ratchet that is lol he makes it very clear how much he dislikes having to do a full systems check on him but also does NOT want to know who he's been fucking bc he knows it would have to be a decepticon and he doesn't wanna know a damn thing about it
as for StarBee tbh I really couldn't see either of them being interested in it or bringing it up aside from like...rid15 StarBee bc rid15 Starscream is feral in a very specific way and yeah I could see him wanting to hunt Bumblebee down and then claim him once he's victorious
idk how Bee would feel about it tho I feel like he'd try it just the one time bc Starscream keeps suggesting they try something more adventurous and Bee would much rather one of them gets tied up instead of being forced to go galivanting through the woods at the behest of his—frankly deranged—boyfriend but he goes with it just to try it once and afterwards they'd discuss it and Bee didn't hate it but again he'd rather that Starscream just tie him up next time which Starscream would be happy to do so they just stick to berth activities that involve less of bee ending up facedown in the dirt...took a while to get everything out of his seams lol
and then idw StarBee it would never happen bc Starscream would be too busy trying to convince Bee to put him on a leash (which Bee is so tired of this conversation he doesn't wanna do petplay) to think about predator/prey shit lmao
and then MegaBee...oh MegaBee my beloved...this could work for so many continuities in my head but yeah earthspark would be the funniest but the extra size difference in tfa is also very sexy I would imagine in either scenario the seed would be planted in Bee's mind after either getting chased by Megatron for real at some point or in a dream and then the image just sticks there for a while
in earthspark it would be easier ofc since they're allies so eventually Bee would get the courage to bring it up to Megatron who would just be bewildered beyond all belief like "you want me to what??? why would you want that?? I've hurt you before!" and it would take a lot of convincing on Bee's part to get Megatron to agree especially bc he'd be like "but aren't you and Breakdown an item? I could have sworn he mentioned it last we spoke" and Bee would just be like "yeah we are but like you know how some humans have an agreement with their significant other about like having one other person that their partner would give them a pass about fragging? mine was you...and his was Knockout but I won't give you the details...he's got some interesting kinks that I don't have the literal claws for"
anyways Megatron would eventually relent in that scenario and agree to it bc he does find the idea of fucking Bee to be much more appealing than he'd expected and he wants to try something new but as soon as he's actually caught Bee and starts to manhandle him a bit Bee would start struggling and begging him to let him go or something and Megatron would definitely end up using their safeword he just wouldn't be able to do it
they'd have to sit down somewhere Megatron shaking a bit bc even tho he knew it was just a scene and that Bee was just playing the part the thought of him returning to how he once was terrifies him and they'd end up having a long conversation that ends with the decision that if they were to try something like that again they'd change it to be more lighthearted bc Megatron did enjoy the chase and doesn't mind getting a bit rough with his partners but even Bee pretending that he's scared and trying to get away is too much but yeah they'd figure it out and have a lot of steamy fun
tfa MegaBee would be wayyyy different tho Megatron would be so into it and Bee would be so in over his head but he'd be wobbling back to the autobot base later looking like he'd been in a ten car pile up but feeling more blissed out than he'd ever been lmao he'd think about it on and on for weeks hoping to get to do it again
as for if he ended up in shattered glass? oh primus help any poor Bumblebee who ends up in that situation and lets hope any of them would already be a little bit of a freak otherwise that would not be a fun trip for him lol
oh boy I ended up rambling a lot more than I thought I would lmao but I hope you're seeing my vision here there are so many Bumblebees and so many of them deserve to get chased through the woods and then bent over and getting their cute little valves stuffed until the only thing they can ever think about is getting to experience that thrill again
ough even just the thought of earthspark Bumblebee with his doorwings twitching and thick transfluid dribbling from his gaping valve after Megatron pulls out makes me feel so so insane I need to do unthinkable things to him
so yeah the individual scenarios would vary a lot but I feel like in most instances it wouldn't be Bumblebee who thinks of it unless there was some kind of inciting incident whether irl or some kind of strange dream but most people who get together with him end up wanting to hunt him for sport bc he's just so cute and even tho he's certainly not helpless he can play that act very well and look real cute while doing it and he's usually enough of a freak that he'd want to try it
...now that I think about it...tfa ProwlBee would also be interesting as I'm sure Prowl would love to finally shut that brat up and chasing him down to stuff him with a spike sure is one way to do it but I've prattled on long enough this post is getting wayyy too long lmao I am nothing if not a passionate man 😂
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emo-metalhead-punki · 3 months
Rant About SolarDiscomfort
⚠ TW // Gr00ming ⚠
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(idk I do wanna draw this so yea....this isn't a gift)
So SolarDiscomfort or Brooke which is her real name
She is a deviantart artist that I meet in 2018 when I was 13 yrs old (I was okay, kinda, mental health issues)
So I remember Brooke followed me and requested me to draw her OC and so I did, and she thanked me so yea
Then I followed her back, her art is...alright ig lol, but I think is cool but need some progress, and we send each other gift and all that, so it's before all the gr00m3R thing happened, so let's talk about that if I can remember
So on somewhere on 2020, Brooke has proposed her best friend named Kate who is 17 at the time, they been best friends for 4 years but later becomes a couple which I was "nice, congratulations you two" but it's not...so, I use the wayback machine and I do remember reading this but I didn't understand
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Ngl this give me a huge "WFT" moment like, what kind of state that you live in and how this is okay?... And get this, she doesn't support mapp even tho she DATED A 17 YEAR OLD WHILE BEEN A 20 YEAR OLD LIKE YOU CAN'T DO THAT BITCH
And then one year later, they fuxking broke up which is a good thing and I remember Brooke telling me to stop supporting Kate cuz she's.... too be honest, idk
All I remember that Kate is a tracer cuz she use a base without giving the artist credit but then her mutual tell her and then there the credit and more drama of Brooke did
Like, she would rant that one artist named serpy and I try to understand what's going on after reading the posts of Brooke but I feel like Brooke is taking her anger out on serpy, but I did stay away from the drama cuz is was too much and she keeps typing "crazy laughs" like...uhm...okay then...no one cares what you did man....I do really remember the drama but her account is deactivated....like every Deviantart artist do....
But if you know her, here a drawing of it, in case you recognized the art style
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The left one is Brooke and the left one is kate
And I do wanna talk about Kate, like she may be kinda of annoying (cuz she kept requesting me a lot like everyday ) but all in seriously, I do remember her dating that one Mexican dude named Max (not his real name lol but I'm gonna called him)
That I don't trust like I hate him, I don't trust him and I seeing his irl photo of him and I still don't trust him...and I do remember seeing the message from him like I got highly uncomfortable by him
(I'm a Mexican, if someone didn't know lol)
Oh btw he also made NSFW as well, while being a minor ofc, classic teenagers in 2017 are started drawing NSFW cuz that's fine...right?...
Nope...it's not...you gotta wait dude...
But I did check his bio for his age but he didn't put his age...but then I saw a post of it, it turns out his 18 (on 2020) so I assume that he was 15 or 16 while Kate was like either 12 or 13 (i can't do math right, if I'm wrong then yea...) but I do believe that Kate was also groomed by him and till this day, she didnt talk about this like she was like too busy being happy instead of talking about this like why, how you deal such a traumatic thing and then later forget it, i mean, good for her but I will like be traumatized for life and not feeling happy
But for Brooke, yea...so if she like made an account on Tumblr and then see saw this post I be like...yea man...you got exposed as a P3d0 and a groomer man like...you should have say any of these things and your so toxic to serpy that she didn't do anything to you
So your career is over lol but I'm glad you didn't groomed me and talk shit about me cuz I didn't even like you like your so toxic towards any artist like why man...you didn't do anything to you like "oh she suck ass" and "she ugly asf" and "she's dumb as hell*
I mean...I dont like serpy ship cuz it's a zoophilia ship like...she basically ship Anne from frozen with mr. Peabody (the dog) from I forgot the name like it's highly uncomfortable to look and which I should have say no to her when she requested me that shit...so yea...she still ship it till this day...and her ships are mostly crossover so...yea...(That one shipper that ships spinel with a fucking car from cars movie)
So yea...Brooke...if you reading this...
Keep your nasty behavior to yourself instead of spreading it like a disease, I use to think your cool but now, your just a toxic woman, a p3do and a groomer
Peeps, watch out for SolarDiscomfort in case she made a Tumblr account
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ghoulangerlee · 4 months
sorry i forgot to tell you guys about the wildest thing that happened at work this past week (besides the ea who is trying to??? idk??? hunt me for sport i guess??)
but someone dropped off their computer on tuesday for us to look at; they called in and told me that it just would not power on. asked what time we closed and how much we charged and what our turn around time was.
explained all of that and they were wary bc like, they didn't wanna leave it with us for long. which fine. said they'd try to "do stuff" and see if that would fix it.
brought in the computer, reiterated that it just would not turn on. so i took their info and the computer and payment. went over our turn around time again (this is v important) (its 3 to 5 business days btw)
so, after they leave, i open the computer to inspect it (for physical damage bc we have to make notes of that just in case) and uh 1) there's no screws in the bottom case of the laptop (call the cust and they say its bc they forgot to put them back in after opening it up. uh)
next thing i notice is that the computer is on. there are lights on the side lit up and the caps lock light comes on (a sign Windows has booted)
okay weird. so the scope is now, the screen doesn't display but the computer is on.
we plug it up the next day, to an external monitor and uh. it works fine. we remove the RAM to test that just in case (bc my coworker had called the customer to get the password, the customer mentioned that before the computer "died" they were getting memory errors.)
RAM is fine. cool. we do more testing on it. and the...display? doesn't exist??? there's no integrated monitor under the device manager.
at this point we've done about an hour and a half troubleshooting on it to try and figure out how we went from will not power on to doesn't display.
call the customer back and they are not. happy. with us? somehow? why haven't we fixed it? even tho i told this customer that if we find out its a hardware issue then we'll have to order new hardware.
they were adamant it wasn't a hardware issue. okay.
anyway. its now friday at this point and they call for another update and we're like. starting to lean towards it being the upper assembly (screen + casing) but like it doesn't make sense to us bc this computer is newish (under 2 years old) and there doesn't seem to be any physical damage to it. the screen shouldn't just go out and stop working. esp if there were no other signs besides the "memory errors".
the person ends up coming in to get the computer, we talk about a screen replacement and the customer is for it. cool. they're taking the computer with them until we can get the screen ordered which is fine. i get payment for the screen so we can order it, i let the customer know that we do have to tack on an additional charge to the hours because we've spent about an hour and a half cumulatively on this--customer is not happy about it but understands. gets a bit huffy about it. says that we should have figured it out sooner etc etc etc
and then. then like. the customer hits me with.
"oh hey, so my friend closed a pen in this computer right before it stopped working. right down here where the plastic case is. yeah. do you think that might have messed up the screen?"
i am absolutely flabbergasted by this and go "oh yeah it can definitely damage the cables there. the plastic isn't very thick. we didn't see any damage when we opened it up though" and this person just
"oh yeah my friend cleaned up the broken plastic bits before we brought it by"
OH OF COURSE. how silly of me.
i am. so tired lmao. like i dont know what this person expected of us but? tell us this info? the only info (even after asking all the questions) i got was "the computer stopped working today and it worked fine yesterday" and "i opened it up and performed an ec reset just in case"
anyway. the customer is vaguely annoyed they're having to pay more for us to find out what the issue is but in my defense YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT A PEN WAS CLOSED IN IT.
you know how you're not supposed to omit info from medical professionals if you're being treated for an emergency? its sorta in that same vein. don't omit stuff from us when you bring us your computer to fix lmao
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autistic-katara · 1 year
eddie munson sucks
this one is utterly incoherent but bear with me - IF byler hadn't been planned from the start, el and mike's relationship would've worked IF hopper hadn't taken el in. hopper majorly fucked up a lot of her personal growth and her ability to function around people.
hopper should've died
the bungou stray dogs fandom is great actually
the kpop fandom is disturbing but fascinating and i want to study it
i have this insane respect for the marauders fandom cause like they built it from the ground up and if they changed the names and a little bit of the magic system it could be it's own series
yeah idk what this is sorry
THANKS FOR THE LONG ASK AAAHHH (accidentally made the reply super long srry lmao)
honestly i just dont give a shit abt him. like in a vacuum i like his character, yk he was kinda a pretty big asshole to my boy lucas and he sells drugs (idrc abt that one tho) but at the same time idk i do enjoy the idea of eddie being queer nd clocking will and/or mike nd trying to make them feel comfortable talking to him (even if that could be done just as well if not better with robin who is yk canonically queer and a way better character but idk) but all that is ignoring how fucking annoying his fans are like jesus christ why is he this fucking popular like half the fics in this godforsaken fandom r st€ddie (and look i am a shameless will-ship-smthn-based-off-of-one-small-momenter of the highest degree but i genuinely do not understand the hype for them like they literally looked at eachother twice and had eddie tell steve to get back with his ex how in the fuck is that romantic???) and yeah just he is insanely overrated in the worst possible way and the fact that this isnt even the worst case of this in this fandom just proves how much b*lly and his fans suck and yeah i did not expect to go on a huge rant abt this srry TwT
kinda agree kinda disagree. i do think it wouldve been possible for mlvn to work but i wouldnt say hopper taking el in is the problem i think ud kinda just have to rewrite alotta their interactions with some small things in the beginning but with a completely different dynamic in the later seasons (sidenote: honest to god if theyd just written hopper a bit better i would fucking love him as el’s dad like i love the found family trope and i do think they go well together but with the way he acts in s3 + the way their fight that culminates in el’s meltdown and him breaking the tv in s2 just yeah they rlly could’ve been done better)
no comment i dont rlly care (i dont hate that he survived but if he stayed dead i also wouldnt hate it)
yeah honestly while it has its problems ive been in waaaayyyyy worse fandoms and i do actually kinda like the vibe here (even if it has some of the dumbest shipping discourse i’ve seen. not the worst but the dumbest. usually surrounding my boy dazai which just bro that man is a whore ship him with whoever and no its not a proship to ship him with an 18yo bcz they have a kinda mentor/student relationship and no shipping him at 18 with a 24yo also isnt a proship bcz someone decided he was 16 or smthn which if u actually do the maths he was very much 18 and look i’m not a dazatsu shipper and odazai isnt my favourite dazai ship nor am i saying both ships r entirely unproblematic but dude this is why i dont wanna label myself an anti bcz u guys say shit like this anyways sorry that was a super long side tangent it will probably happen again)
again no comment, i know jack shit abt kpop
uhhh i hate everything related to hp so again no comment
again srry this turned out so long 😭
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cheemken · 8 months
Whenever I check the Drayton tag, it always makes me smile to see new asks on this blog. Truly fueling my thirst for Drayton stuff that's angsty or wholesome like to each their own but a lot of Drayton stuff I've seen often paint him being a bully / antagonistic to Kieran. Seeing many anons share their hcs has been so nice!
I wanna share some BB E4 hcs!
- Crispin likes to experiment with his cooking! Drayton is often his testing buddy before giving the improved versions to Lacey and Amarys. Drayton complains playfully about Crispin playing favourites
- Amarys manages the club budget so she usually checks the requests made to utilise it. She often rejects Drayton's suggestions of holding 'wild parties' under the guise of team building / bonding'.
- Lacey and Drayton have crossed paths with one another when they were kids. Clay and Drayden have brought them to party events before. For as much as Lacey gets on Drayton's case about how he dodges the administrative side of the club, she trusts him with the battling side.
- Despite his slacker status, Drayton is actually really good at handling new members who are super shy / nervous. His laid back attitude and chattiness helps ease these members, and he's also open to answering battle related questions. It still surprises his friends when he just rambles about different training methods for Dragon-types, sounding rather animated for once
Anon I'm fucking crying these are so dope cbxmbcnd ough BB E4 friendship is so really your honour it's so so real and so canon and they're really close and they remind me of the og Unova kids in my hcs hcmdbd
But also of fucking course Drayton would throw parties and say they're for team building exercises lmfaooo Amarys has to really check their budget lest someone falls for Drayton's "team building exercises" again hahaha
Also Drayton and Lacey childhood friends🥹🥹
Your honour imagine cbxnxn that'd be so cute but also since they're childhood friends they're also kinda like siblings lmfao, ofc Drayton's gonna annoy Lacey too, Iris isn't the only one who's fun to annoy. But also, not only do guys run away when Lacey mentions Clay is her dad, but imagine if Drayton is also part of the reason they run away hahah
Like they know Drayton is so chill and laid back, but they also know how protective he is of his friends, plus they're not gonna fucking challenge a champion level trainer that's actually trained by a legit champion, his Archaludon can probs sweep their teams. But it'd also be funny if Lacey is so so unaware of Drayton like, looking threatening from behind her, giving off the vibes that he will let his Archaludon attack at any guy or girl who wants to be w Lacey lmfao
But also him being like that to all his friends, like if he doesn't like someone, they would know, cause his smile is a bit too forced when talking to them
Also isn't it canon that Crispin kinda has a crush on Lacey?? Fucking imagine that convo w Drayton lmfaooo
Just "Lacey's really cute, should I ask her out??"
"if you value your life, no."
"huh? Why? Is it because of her dad?"
Your honour pls he's just a lil bit oblivious bcmxbd hahaha
Also y'know Crispin low-key gives off enby vibes, idk, it's the way he looks, idt he'd care much abt how people perceive him, all he cares abt is his friends, pkmn, and cooking
Speaking of cooking imagine if he's like, Gordon Ramsay kinda guy when he gets pissed off when someone ruins a dish tho lmfaooo imagine him yelling out cussed bc someone used the wrong technique or ingredient for a dish or even just dissed smth he made
I picture Amarys not being able to cook that well, everything she makes always gets burnt, Crispin once invited her over to teach her how to cook starting w basics but for some godforsaken reason she still managed to burn grilled cheese
"how..?? How in the Distortion World did you fuck that up??"
"that's the first time I've heard you say that word. Is it truly that bad?"
"Amarys, look at me in the eyes and take a bite outta that sandwich. Is it edible to you? Do you think it's edible? Do you think it's something people would willingly eat?"
He made her redo it ten more times till she got it right hahaha
But yeah omf these are so dope anon chxmnd
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chunghasgirlfriend · 1 year
hahahaha the girl i like totally doesnt like me and i was in fact just very delusional!!! im not upset at all hahahahahaahhahaha
jokes aside im just a lil disappointed. i mean i still dont know her that well so it wasnt like i was in love with her bc i dont really know her that well but i just asked her on a date and she said no thanks. its chill (maybe idk) tho i was right i lost to fictional men :|
tho i mean im also kinda relieved. i didnt really wanna date a girl skinner than me and i wanted a tall gf so maybe her rejecting me is a good thing .
but also a part of me is relieved bc i thought about actually going out to find some girls to flirt with and talk to. and even tho between me and my crush, i thought that for a second in case she liked me I would feel so bad that i would openly move on. but also liking my crush, was limiting my options and im grown. i want to date someone
and looking back this is such a non issue for me to worry about. why am i considering her feelings towards me meeting other women? i dont owe her any loyalty so why was i so hesitant on trying to meet other women?
well now that THATS out of the way, I think im genuinely excited to meet queer women who will actually be into me and thats gotten me really excited.
im still kinda upset she rejected me, but i also think it set me free bc now i can actually go on and explore without having this crush hold me back. i only asked her on a date bc my friends convinced me and they told me that would i rather get it over with now or wait months down the line and feel even shittier? so i took my chances.
but now, im ready to finally start a chapter of my life. and while i still wish it contains her bc she is a really good friend to me, i think a part of me doesn't mind if she decides to not be part of my world anymore. Id be sad ofc but also ive met so many people and i will meet so many more, i think ive grown enough to sense that i'll be okay when shes not here with me. i have a pretty good amount of people who care for me and i have people who will check on me. I will be okay. I know it.
Im gonna be honest, idk if i felt this security before or maybe i was better used to it when i was younger. but now that im an adult, i think i can really feel it when my friends make an effort despite how busy we all are. and the people I've met have been nothing but great. idk if i'll still be their friends decades from now, but the fact that theyre here beside me is enough for me. and i feel loved.
so here's to a new chapter to me. maybe i'll be the whore ive always wanted to be and have a roster. idk i think im just excited to be grown, its been 19 years in the making
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 9 live reaction under the cut (long post)
Prapai always looks so good aaaa
What is going on with these siblings lmao
This is random af but Sky's fridge magnets >>>>>>>>
Why is Sky going grocery shopping in his boxers (and a t-shirt but still bro put some clothes on lmao)
Awwwww he didn't throw the flowers away
Sassy Sky is back ayooo
Oh shit I was not expecting trauma flashbacks uh oh
Broooooo I love Sky soooo much
"Do you wanna lose your legs?" PLEASE HE IS SUCH A SASSY BITCH
I feel like bratty bottoms are a reoccurring theme in this series
The hand slap hahahahaha
Awwww my baby's got low self esteem and thinks Prapai's compliments are lies 😭😭
P-piercings? And Sky covers his nipples? Wait a minute *goes back to ep 8 to check for nipple piercings* Sky doesn't have nipple piercings or at least he didn't when they hooked up so either he got some in the meantime or there's a nipple joke there that got lost in translation and went over my head --- and that concludes my nipple research back to the episode
Huh? He got piercings? And took them out? Then how would Prapai know about them, he didn't have them back then and he doesn't have them now??? I am confused and once again spending way too much time wondering about nipple piercings
Sky can not deal with the fact that someone is actually interested in him, he's mad because he thinks it's a joke 😭 (and because Prapai is annoyingly full of himself)
Pai: "What if I'm serious?" Sky: *panic*
Hahahaha Rain ships it soooo hard
Omg when Rain mentioned Sky's ex... SKY BABY WHAT HAPPENED
Ok the little care package from Prapai is cute tho
"I won't like anyone" WHO HURT YOU BABY IMMA BEAT EM UP
Nooooo don't throw it away
1) ohhh I see the piercing now - and maybe I did miss it in episode 8? 2) SKY WHO DID THIS TO YOU LET THEM BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY
Went back to ep 8 again because the piercing mystery would not leave my mind --- idk if they purposely filmed it that way but it was literally impossible to see if there was actually a piercing there, the nipple in question is literally covered or out of focus the entire time (you can see it briefly when he takes off his shirt but the piercing wouldn't really be visible from that angle) --- side note, that song sounds good at 0.75x speed lmao
The reason why I'm so wrapped up in the piercing thing is because HOW WOULD PRAPAI KNOW like was he in any way involved in the scenario from Sky's nightmare?? Because that would be HORRID and I hope it's not the case
Why does this couple have me playing detective all the time wtf
Awwww he's being sassy but Prapai's text actually made him smile
He's just so scared to get hurt again
He blocked him?!?!
Hahaha Prapai's little flashback to Rain's reaction
He's worried about Sky aaawww
And he brought him more food 😭❤️ he'd have my heart so fast with sunflowers and food istg
One thing that annoys me (in this series and in most bl actually) is that "no" is taken as "keep trying" --- but we can acknowledge that it's fictional and we know what consent is so yeah it's just something that should be taken with a grain of salt
He's getting Prapai's texts so he's definitely unblocked him
"Ignore the voice in your heart. Only listen to your head." NOOO SKY THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS
"I'll go piss him off again" SIG THE REAL MVP
Nooo not the nightmares again this hurts to watch
Brooo Sky looks like he's about to collapse
Called it
The fact that Rain told Pai to come to Sky's dorm not knowing that he was probably making it worse for Sky aaaa
Love to see Rain being protective of Sky ❤️❤️❤️
AWWWWW HE'S ACTUALLY LETTING PRAPAI COMFORT HIM but I'm not sure he's even conscious enough to know what's going on and who's holding his hand
The forehead touch aaaaaa
And Prapai asks!!!! And respects Sky's "no"!!!!! Even though he doesn't say "no" but just turns away!!!!!! Good boy
Soft cuddlessss
Prapai in his pj's aawwww
And respecting Sky's boundaries!!!
And doing laundry!!!!!! Hubbyyyyyyyyy
Bonus scene: he's practicing addressing Sky in a soft/friendly way why is that so cute
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doctormage · 1 year
anyway I wanna finish the show first (n we only have like 5 eps left!!) before deep diving into my Thoughts but I will say. I wish they’d given more thought to how the soul/lack thereof works with vampirism. this got rly long so have a read more
bc sometimes it’s like, no a vampire is just a human shell for a demon! (which is what they usually SAY, and what is shown most clearly w angel/angelus. especially when he has his soul and references the demon still inside him at least once that I can clearly recall - when they use that demon to kill the bad guy in that one halloween episode)
but sometimes it’s like, no it’s the same person as when they were human, they just lack humanity. (which iirc is never actually said, but imo VERY frequently implied with spike. esp now that I’ve seen the ep where he changes his mom to try and save her & she’s awful to him, and he’s viscerally disturbed by it. like, that’s still his mom to him. he still cared about her and wanted to help her. even tho he’s not william anymore, just a demon wearing his skin? make it make sense!!)
(the vampire version of his mom even SAYS he’s the same and always will be!!! like!!! is he just a special case bc he was THAT sensitive as a human lmfao help!!!)
it raises a lot of questions abt what makes a person themselves that I don’t think they quite took into consideration continuity-wise? like they SAY the demon can have the same mannerisms and memories as the person, but it’s still not the person they were. that’s a very frequently-made point when buffy is coming to terms w the fact that she’ll have to kill angelus.
so ok then, what makes the person. a functioning conscience? if the ~soul~ makes them who they are, what makes the demon NOT-them, besides that conscience? they have the same body, same memories, and (occasionally) elements of the same personality.
it just feels like fraught logic used to make the angel/angelus distinction very strict, but isn’t really applied to spike beyond the initial whiplash of seeing his human self vs who he is now. angelus couldn’t love someone but angel could, because he has a soul. so why can spike love people?? even if poorly? my first impression of him was that he was super devoted and loyal to dru!! what does it mean!!
and further! I find it really hard to believe spike did all the good things he did (as a demony vampire! sans soul!) exclusively bc of the chip. the chip prevented him from hurting people, it didn’t force him to help people. it’s rly how he is around dawn that sends this home for me bc yeah, buffy would’ve hated him if he put dawn in danger. but idk man! I don’t think a soulless demon’s hots for her inherently overrides his desire to not be tortured and killed by glory! and he continues to look after dawn even when buffy is dead!! why bother if the “reason” you’re being good isn’t even around to “reward” you for it!! idk!!! and that’s just ONE example like……please help
(I don’t want to talk about the Fuck Shit bc I was more than a little traumatized but idk. why would a soulless demon go out of his way, through much trial and torture, to get his soul back? genuinely I don’t understand how all this fits in. if humanity is something that can be learned and practiced, as it seemed to be with spike at the time, what is it about a soul that changes you so drastically? that then you innately have a conscience rather than one you have to actively choose to develop? these are not rhetorical Qs I’m truly not understanding the whole deal AND why a soulless demon would want to get his soul back. if he was so evilbad and incapable of love. which they imply is due to the soullessness. hello)
anyway I didn’t mean for this to become spike propaganda but he is unfortunately the reason I can’t rly grasp the show’s concept of the soul re: vampires. I know the real answer is that they just didn’t think it through (as a video game player and show watcher and book reader I am aware that this is USUALLY the answer) but!!! it fucking plagues me
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