#in an effort to emotionally stabilize herself
juney-blues · 13 days
that it is possible for the human brain, which inherently craves novelty, to get an anxiety disorder concerning primarily new things, is perhaps proof that we live in hell.
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blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
How They Worship You
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Aegon: He prioritizes quality time together, whether it's through shared meals, adventures, or quiet moments together. He prioritizes physical intimacy and expresses affection in ways that make you feel cared for and desired. He prioritizes your well-being, from emotional support to practical assistance. He plans special surprises and gestures to show you how much he cares. He prioritizes your opinions and feelings and works to build a healthy and equal partnership based on mutual respect.
Aemond: He expresses his support and loyalty to his partner through small and big gestures, such as making you your favorite meal, planning outings and adventures together, or simply holding your hand and reassuring you of his love and devotion. He works hard to build a stable and secure relationship by being a reliable presence in your life, and by consistently showing up for you in all aspects of life, whether it's career, personal life, or the bedroom. He always strives to make you feel safe, heard, and loved, and to be the best version of himself for you.
Jacaerys: He worships his partner by prioritizing your happiness, needs, and desires. He makes sure you feel loved and appreciated by demonstrating kindness, respect, and affection. He is present and engaged when you speak, and he makes an effort to listen with his whole being. He supports your goals and dreams, and he is open to exploring new experiences with you. He prioritizes communication, honesty, and understanding, and works to build trust and deepen connection. He takes time to express his love and admiration and cherish every moment spent together.
Lucerys: He worships his partner by doing small acts of kindness, such as offering a warm cup of tea, giving a massage, or writing you a heartfelt letter. He makes an effort to be thoughtful and proactive, remembering important dates and occasions, and surprises you with unexpected gestures. He takes time to learn your love languages and adapt his behavior to make you feel loved in the ways that resonate most deeply with you.
Rhaenyra: She strives to be a safe and reliable partner, someone you can trust and depend on. She shows up for you through action, not just words, and follows through on her commitments. She is open and honest, and communicates clearly, respectfully, and openly with you. She is willing to compromise and find mutual solutions to problems, and she approaches conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to listen and learn. She works to strengthen your connection and build a partnership based on mutual respect and equality.
Daemon: He worships his partner by making time to spend together, whether it's going on dates, having intimate moments, or simply enjoying each other's company. He prioritizes your comfort, security, and stability, and works to create a safe and supportive environment. He is willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship, and he tries to be forgiving and understanding when mistakes or conflicts arise. He prioritizes physical touch and makes sure to express his desire through physical connection.
Alicent: She honors your boundaries and respects your space, understanding that you need time to yourself and independence like anyone else. She expresses her love and appreciation through both words and actions, such as planning dates and leaving notes to let you know you are on her mind. She prioritizes your well-being, offering support and assistance whenever she can. She is committed to personal growth, both for herself and for the betterment of your relationship. She is always open and communicating, not only to listen but also to be vulnerable and express her feelings.
Helena: Her devotion to her partner goes beyond anything simple. She ensures that you feel safe with her, both physically and emotionally, and she works to create a secure and stable foundation for your relationship. She is dependable and consistent, following through on her words and actions. She shows respect for your autonomy and individuality, allowing you the space and freedom to be yourself. She takes an interest in your hobbies, passions, and pursuits, and she celebrates your successes. She makes an effort to maintain intimacy and connection, both physically and emotionally, and she prioritizes spending quality time together.
Harwin: He surprises you with small gestures of affection like buying your favorite snacks or leaving love notes. He plans fun date nights and makes sure you feel pampered and prioritized. He also makes an effort to spend quality time with you, engaging in activities you enjoy and actively listening to your thoughts and feelings.
Cregan: He expresses his love through small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, such as getting your favorite dish, giving you a comforting hug, or surprising you with a small gift. Additionally, he makes an effort to prioritize your emotional and physical well-being. He helps with housework and other tasks and makes sure you have adequate rest and time to relax. He is supportive and understanding during challenges and setbacks and offers comfort and assurance when you need it. Overall, he makes it his priority to make you feel loved, valued, and respected at all times.
Criston: He expresses his love through acts of service, like making you your favorite meal or doing small gestures to make your life easier. He surprises you with unexpected gifts or experiences that reflect your interests and bring joy. He makes an effort to learn about your love language and communicate in a way that resonates with you. He prioritizes quality time together, whether it's a romantic date night or simply cuddling on the couch. He shows vulnerability and a willingness to grow and learn with you, and he makes it a priority to be a safe and supportive space for you.
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astrow0rldx · 6 days
PAC TAROT: Shadow Work
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Piles read left to right. Really use your intuition for which one calls to you to read. This Reading will be a little different, because it's ai generated. But hear me out, it's extremely accurate. I pull the tarot cards, and questions and it makes a story using automatic creative writing skills. In the story format it should help understand better.
Pile One
You present yourself as someone grounded and nurturing, someone who has it all together—capable, reliable, and a provider of stability. You wear this mask of self-sufficiency with grace, offering support and care to those around you. There’s a warmth to how you handle life, as if you’re always the one others can lean on. Yet, beneath this persona, there’s a quiet dissatisfaction, an emotional numbness that you don’t let others see. You feel disconnected, like something essential is missing, but you avoid acknowledging it, preferring to maintain the image of having everything under control.
Deep down, there’s a fear of rejection and abandonment that colors how you see yourself and your place in the world. This fear stems from past experiences where you felt left out or unworthy, perhaps from moments when you reached out for support and were met with coldness or lack. That sense of being shut out has led you to withdraw emotionally, burying your desires and vulnerabilities under layers of self-protection. However, this hidden wound shapes how you move through the world—it keeps you from fully expressing the vibrant, fiery side of yourself, the part of you that is bold, passionate, and fearless. While you project strength, this shadow lingers in the background, holding you back from fully owning your power.
Your shadow comes to the surface when you’re confronted by people or situations that reflect confidence and control, especially when they embody traits you’ve repressed. These encounters stir something inside you, triggering internal conflict as your shadow self clashes with the persona you’ve carefully built. The lesson in this struggle is to reconnect with your emotional core, to allow yourself to feel deeply and openly once again. Healing comes through embracing the tension, acknowledging that inner battles are a part of your growth. By working through this, you’ll move toward a more patient and nurturing relationship with yourself, where you invest in long-term growth and understand that healing is a process—one that requires steady effort and care.
Pile Two
She finds herself in a state of suspension, caught between holding onto control and surrendering to the unknown. Outwardly, she appears strong, composed, and authoritative, someone who takes charge with ease and thrives in an orderly world. She presents herself as the one in control, the one who always knows what to do. However, beneath this confident exterior, she’s struggling with uncertainty. She feels stuck, as if the answers she’s searching for are just out of reach, and in order to find them, she knows she must let go of the rigid expectations she’s placed on herself. She wears the mask of authority, but behind it, she is deeply uncertain, torn between what she knows and what she longs to discover.
At her core, she craves connection—a relationship where she can feel deeply understood and loved. There's a romantic within her, yearning for a bond that feels effortless and sincere, as if she’s waiting for that perfect emotional partnership. But she’s haunted by past disappointments, memories of love that didn’t turn out the way she hoped. This loss lingers, making her cautious about trusting her heart again. She often revisits those past moments of grief, wondering what went wrong and fearing that opening herself up to love again will lead to more heartbreak. As much as she wants love, the weight of her emotional past makes her guard her feelings, holding back from diving fully into new connections.
Her fears and vulnerabilities surface when emotions become overwhelming, or when she’s faced with situations that push her to move too fast. In those moments, she becomes protective, holding onto her feelings and resources tightly, afraid of losing control or being vulnerable. Her instinct is to cling to what she knows, but there’s also a deeper truth: her dreams and fantasies about what could be are not just idle thoughts. They reflect her true desires, the part of her that longs to break free from her hesitation and embrace all the possibilities that life offers. To heal, she needs to release the fear of losing control, to trust that even if things are uncertain, the journey ahead is rich with opportunities—ones she’s fully capable of seizing, if only she lets go.
Pile Three
She is moving through a period of transition, quietly distancing herself from past conflicts and emotional turbulence. Her journey, both literal and metaphorical, is one of seeking peace and clarity after enduring a storm. On the outside, she may seem calm, as though she’s finally found her direction, but the waters behind her are still unsettled. Internally, she is recovering from struggles, possibly with others or even within herself. The tension and discord she’s left behind still echo in her thoughts, making it difficult for her to fully let go. While she appears to be progressing, there is a quiet battle inside her, as if she’s constantly bracing for the next challenge.
Her internal struggle centers on patience and the need to balance her desires with the reality of what she’s building. She has invested time and energy into something—perhaps a relationship, a career, or personal growth—and now she waits, unsure of the outcome. There's a restlessness beneath her calm exterior, a feeling of competition, either with herself or with others. She yearns for stability and celebration, for a moment when she can finally relax and feel secure, but she is deeply aware that the foundation she’s working on still needs time to solidify. Emotionally, she is tied to the idea of love and partnership, but her past battles have made her wary. Love feels both close and distant, like something she craves but is cautious about fully embracing.
Her emotional depth runs deep, though she doesn’t always show it. She is someone who feels intensely, yet she’s learned to control and temper her feelings. When her emotions rise, they are powerful, but she channels them carefully, maintaining a composed exterior. Her greatest strength lies in her intuition. She often knows more than she lets on, reading situations and people with a subtle, almost mystical understanding. But this also makes her guarded, as if she’s protecting herself from being hurt again. She’s been through many trials, and though she’s weary, she remains resilient. Her journey is far from over, and while the battles she’s faced have left her cautious, they have also made her wiser. She stands ready to move forward, but she knows the path ahead will require both patience and strength.
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mr888sworld · 11 months
The lunar moon through natal houses (1-12)
how do you process your emotions?/mental health & how our mother’s show up to us emotionally
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The moon in astrology rules over our emotions/habits/the maternal energy around us
Our psychic abilities/our intuition
Our instincts/ mood
Our mother
Our shadow self/subconscious mind
Moon in the first house 🏠🧘🏾‍♂️
Your mother could be a pioneer/self-made 💰
Your mother could influence your appearance or you could look exactly like her
You could potentially change moods quickly (cardinal energy ♈️) be wary of angry outburst
You are a good judge of character
You can could read a room easily
You move on quickly
You are an optimist
Never hung up over anything for too long
Could potentially wear your heart on your sleeve
There could be an heavy focus on your appearance
Good skin
Naturally nurturing
Strong values
Subconsciously you want to be appreciated for your efforts/drive
Strong emotions
Moon in the second house 🏠 💰
Your mother could have a major influence on your finances/resources
Strong emotions towards stability
Self made
Strong intuition involving money
Lucky individual
Could be born into wealth/or will gain wealth through a maternal figure
Slow to anger
Extremely hard worker 💰
Slow to emotionally change
Your mood could be in constant stabilization
Subconsciously you want to be stable & comfortable financially.
Love for cooking 🥘/or love for food
Appreciates the nice things in life
Extremely good at manifesting.
Moon in the third house 🏠 💭
Excellent communicator
Your mother could be well known in your short term community.
Your mother is very analytical/intelligent
You have a thirst for knowledge
Prone to mood swings (Gemini energy)
You Could be the motherly sibling
Most likely to have sisters
Great at researching
Can sense bullshit a mile away
Could see through people like glass
Logical individual
Wants to try everything
Gains emotional satisfaction through learning.
Needs stimulation
Excellent at multitasking
Prone to boredom
Needs constant change
Subconsciously you want to study & share everything you learn 🧠
Moon in the fourth house 🏠 🌊
Moon is in domicile in the 4th house (due to cancer ruling the moon) strong emotions
Your mother/family could have been very protective over you
You were smothered with love & affection
Passion for cooking 🍳
Very psychic
You could read a room like no other
You feel everything!/too much at times
Extremely sensitive
You could have an amazing relationship with your family
You are an empath
You have genuine love to give
You are very emotionally intelligent
Prone to mood swings as well (easier for you to control)
Very connected to the moon 🌙
The moon phases affect you the most ( similar to cancer moon)
Enjoys comfort
Your mother could be extremely emotional over you. You are a mommas boy or girl.
Crabby at times
Subconsciously you want to live comfortably & share your gifts/intuition with the ones you love
Moon in the fifth house 🏠 ⭐️
Your mother could be prideful/full of herself
Could potentially have a narcissistic mother
Your mother could be very creative
You are attracted to art
You want to be seen & validated for how you feel
Potential for fame/extremely creative
Could be a singer ⭐️
Has an eye for the aesthetics
Dramatic emotional outbursts
Very reactive
Could be stubborn
Could be selfish at times
Extremely Outgoing
You Have a Strong sense of character
Gain’s attention easily
Great at establishing friendships
Could potentially have children early
Extremely good with kids
Subconsciously you want to be recognized for the achievements/accomplishments you make/have
Moon in the sixth house 🏠🏥
Your mother could be a huge influence on your health/routine.
Your mother could be a nurse/doctor
Great relationship with your pets
Extremely attracted to nature
Could be judgmental
Very analytical
Could have excellent health
Prone to have OCD
Extremely good at organizing how you feel
Excellent communicator
Strict with your routine
Most likely got the covid shot 😂
You could be to Hard on yourself at times
Could be a gym rat
Most likely the manager at work
Your mother/ siblings could be your co-workers
Subconsciously you just want routine & perfection
Moon in the seventh house 🏠 ⚖️
Your mother could have prioritized her relationships before you or the other way around
Prone to loving the idea of love.
Attracted to beauty
Your mother could have always been dating someone.
You could have married young
Could gain comfort & security through a partner
Craves people
Extremely sociable
Great at flirting
Could have an obsession with the law/balance
Horrible at making emotional decisions
Could be delusional at times
Very noble
Could be prone to cheating 😂
Prone to moodswings ( Libra energy)
Subconsciously you just want to love & be loved in return
Moon in the eighth house 🏠 🪦
Your mother could be obsessive/toxic or extremely transformative
Very emotional
Extremely psychic
Attracted to the occult
You read energy like no other
Attracted to tarot/astrology/numerology
You crave intimacy/intensity
Could have a love/hate relationship with your mother
Could have a mother who invades your privacy/space
Extremely private
Great at reading into situations
Extremely emotionally transformative
Attracted to death/sex
Could be bi-sexual
Has an innate thirst for the truth
Mistrustful of others
Subconsciously you just want someone who you could share your soul/body & mind with authentically
Moon in the ninth house 🏠 🪐
Your mother could be extremely lucky/she could have traveled a lot
Needs innate change/freedom
Natural optimist
Does not get hung up over the small things
Extremely independent
Attracted to anything foreign
Loves to travel
Very truthful
Prone to being religious/spiritual
Lucky individual
You have a strong sense of faith like no other
Very attracted to spirituality
Great at establishing friendships
Has a larger than life personality
Prone to escapism
No boundaries at times emotionally
Subconsciously you want freedom to explore the unknown.
Moon in the tenth house 🏠 🦾
Mother could be a boss/extremely hardworking
Could gain status or fame through a mother figure
Your mother has a respectable reputation
Strong sense of practicality
Very logical
Cold at times
Very smart
You always have a way to make income
Strong desire for success
Attracted to business people
Accomplishing your goals solidifies your emotional satisfaction
Prone to depression at times
Strong desire for recognition
Potential for fame
Well-known mother figure
Well respected individual
Subconsciously you just want to become successful with a respectable reputation
Moon in the eleventh house 🏠🕹️
Mother could have been very social/or attended social activities/events/groups commonly
Your mother could be very analytical as well
You are an amazing friend
Craves connection
Thrives in social settings
Very independent
Extremely quirky
Rebellious emotionally
Loner at times
Unpredictable emotionally
Could potentially be emotionally unstable/unavailable
Attracted to anything taboo
Mother could be a humanitarian
Mother could have been emotionally unavailable
Great at manifesting
Subconsciously you want to help humanity on a global scale
Moon in the twelfth house 🏠🕉️
Mother could suffer from mental illness/or she could be locked up in an institution/or you could have a very spiritual relationship with your mother
Naturally psychic !
You absorb emotions like a sponge
Your the generational curse breaker
Attracted to the afterlife
Your dreams reveal the future
Can be delusional at times
Your mother could be attracted to the taboo
You could be into tarot/meditation
Your karma’s child
Prone to astral projection.
Strong empath
Extremely caring
Extremely emotionally
Prone to escapism
Could have spiritual siblings
Could become a successful astrologer
Attracted to art
Strong ability to produce your manifestations
Most likely into spell work
Subconsciously you want a spiritual/out of the box life experience
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That’s all folks 🙏🏾 hope you enjoyed your moon being dissected . Lmk if you feel like this resonates with you. & if not lmk too.
Thank you guys for the follows/likes & reblogs I never thought my work would be so appreciated
I appreciate it 🙏🏾. I am in no way a professional astrologer.
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moonspirit · 4 months
Mr Leonhart opinions and Annie and his relationship post cannon headcannons?
(Ik u fic is dealing with him atm so u dont have to make it related of u don’t want to)
Like (if he lives long enough as my friend thinks he will die before this will happen) do u think he will be a good grandfather? Will Annie let her kid see him?
Will he walk Annie down the aisle or will someone else do it?!? I wish we got more on their relationship
Hi Hello!!
Annie and her dad huh. To be honest I never really felt much in either like or dislike towards Mr.Leonhardt, instead I always just went 😟😟 when we got Annie's backstory in full. He was a bad father, but then seeing a few takes on why he was a Trash Dad, I thought "Oh yeah that makes sense." I'm fully on board the Trash Dad Camp now.
In that regard, my personal take is that the relationship between Annie and her dad never really "goes" anywhere, post canon. There is too much abuse in her childhood, abuse that he inflicted on her for entirely selfish reasons. He didn't see an orphaned baby but a tool he could sharpen into a blade for himself. Annie's the way she is emotionally because of how he "raised her". So I find it very hard to see them having a very normal & cheerful father and daughter relationship, post canon.
Because he cried and hugged her before she left, Annie was touched (and haha she was touched by the half iota of affection there because he deprived her of any at all lmao) and made it her life mission to reunite with him. But to me, that doesn't seem enough to repair a whole decade of abuse and how he used her. Initial relief and happiness aside (like the hug in Fort Salta), I don't see them being chummy. Her father knows nothing about her. What Annie likes or dislikes, food wise, people wise, anything wise. She made her first friends in the 104th, she trashed her mission for a boy, she went back to the battle for the alliance members she obviously cared for - this is Annie. This is the real Annie, not what her father knew in those 10 years when she likely didn't know herself either.
So, honestly and if anything, their relationship post canon is functional. Functional in the respect that they talk, they share meals, they spend some time together, but it never progresses beyond that. It doesn't heal. It isn't repaired. They don't get close. Instead it's something that exists, with some stability - and I think Annie needs that stability.
(anything more on that and I'll spoil VBEOW, sorry xD)
As for the headcanons you asked... For me they all work off the above perspective I have. Mr. Leonhardt being a good grandfather? I honestly like to think he wouldn't know the first thing about being a good parent, let alone a grandfather. Simply being remorseful of your past actions doesn't transform you into a radically different human being without any serious effort put in. We don't know how he "truly changed" (if at all) during the years Annie was away. He may not be an angry violent man anymore but it's still not enough to be a good parent figure. Caring for someone is a whole different thing, after all.
Will Annie let her child close to him? Sure. I think that's part of having a functional and stable relationship with her father, she won't ban her child from interaction. But there will not be any "closeness" or "warmth", and the child may not spend too much time with Mr. Leonhardt anyway.
Now, god, will he walk Annie down the aisle? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm gonna be emotional and angry and say: his leg is probably much worse, so Annie has the luck of getting Jean or Reiner or Connie doing it instead. Much better.
Thank you for asking :3
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neuroprincess · 2 years
Do you write for Elle?
If so, maybe like the reader is married to Elle and on the team after Elle leaves, when they met is up to you, and nobody really knows or cares that the reader is married to Elle until the reader gets injured on a case and Elle has to say something along the lines of “that’s my wife, let me see my wife!” in a fit of anger
Hi, darling! Yes, I do! Here it is, sorry for the delay, I've been in a big writer's block. I hope the one shot meets your expectations, good reading ^^
Hope - Elle Greenaway/Female Reader
Elle Greenaway/Female Reader
Classification: Angst with a happy ending
Warnings: Swearing, violence and torture
Word count: +3700
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When you met her Elle was still working with the BAU, a lively rookie agent with a promising career with the legendary bureau, you were also new to another FBI bureau. After many smiles exchanged in the elevator and trivial conversations in the parking lot she finally asked you out on a date, it was a nice dinner in an Italian restaurant, Elle smiled, flirted and made a few jokes, but you realized that no matter how hard she tried to hide it, something was wrong. The weight of the work seemed to fall on her back, tormenting and making her emotionally exhausted after so many difficult cases to assimilate, she was overwhelmed with pain, frustration and a sense of injustice. Two days later another case comes up, of a serial rapist, and then the news of William Lee's death at the hands of the agent spread like wildfire, reaching you before the team returns to city. She didn't contact you for days and was about to disappear for good, when, in an act of courage and desperation, you stopped and kissed her, declaring your love, saying that you understand and begging her to stay. After that you started dating officially, eight months later you moved into an apartment together in Virginia, where she was able to stabilize herself in a position similar to the one she had in Seattle, after two years of relationship she asked you to marry her, turning you into Y/N Greenaway at the end of the same year, around Christmas. And that's when the first couple ordeal emerged, the BAU wanted you with them, regardless of your relationship with the former agent. The director was impressed by the articles and advanced studies on psychology attached to your name, in addition to the remarkable contributions in cases. Contrary to what you imagined, she was the person who most encouraged you to accept the job offer, proud of your intelligence and efforts that got you a guaranteed spot in the elite FBI, honorably invited just as she once was. Elle always believed in you and all the potential as an agent, knowing how strong and professional can be to face what awaits you.
- Okay, I'll take care of myself, baby. Oh, and don't forget to water the plants. - you whisper into the phone waiting for the rest of the team to get on the jet to take off - Love you, El.
- Text me as soon as you can. Love you more, sweetie. - She hung up the phone and you let out a tired sigh, the last case was exhausting, you barely had time to unpack when Hotchner called, the team was sent to Minnesota to track down a serial killer, he has been acting out of control for weeks, killing young women in the state capital.
- Even tired, always the first. - JJ comments, passing by your seat and sitting down in front of you, followed by Emily - Did you at least get some sleep?
- No, I was waiting for my wife to get home from work so we could enjoy the day together, in the end I didn't even see her. - you comment without much thought, which causes an almost awkward silence.
Creating a relationship with your co-workers was very difficult, practically nonexistent at first, because as soon as the admission was made official they immediately knew about your spouse, she had advised you to omit this part of the file with a special request, but you made sure to continue with the married last name and a transparent life, taking the principle that relationships are not built that way. Hotchner didn't trust you, expecting that you would have a bad moment and act irrationally, which didn't happen during your one year on the team. You passed the main test. The rest just decided to ignore the name of your emergency contact and try to act as if you had no relationship, trying to separate Elle's personality from yours, not having much difficulty when you are agents of different styles and specialties. It helped that you were an unusual couple, hard to imagine, easy to ignore bonding. In short, they don't mind that you are married to Elle and carry the last name Greenaway as long as your personal life doesn't affect your professional life, which means going unaccompanied to events and bars with the work staff, rarely mentioning her name, especially around the Chief. Morgan and Reid are the least awkward around it, having been the closest to her previously. It's as if you live a double life with both sides knowing of each other's existence and feigning ignorance.
- Let's take off soon, there is a new lead. - Hotch announces as he walks past you to his usual seat.
Two days have passed, the fresh lead they had reported was nothing more than a false one, leading the team to take unusual measures when a new victim is found, it happened right under your noses, as if he knows every next move, always one step ahead in covering up evidence and redirecting the team. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. The team has managed to trace a profile of victims, young girls just out of their teens, who frequent bars in the wealthy area of the city, almost always using false identity, which makes identification difficult for the local police, in appearance similar... to you. Appearing to be younger than you really are made you a perfect bait. That's what Hotch said to convince you to interpret the role. Few hours in a high-class bar strategically chosen by Reid, a tall, muscular man starts to misfortune you, he is confident, flirtatious and even makes jokes, the opposite of what had been profiled. You dismissed him and gave your attention to someone who fit in, an antisocial man indicated by Hotchner by the hotspot in your ear. There was a trap waiting for him at the back door, you tried to do your part, luring him to the back exit, and it worked to a point, he fell as you squinted, but a pair of large, strong hands made you disappear into the gloom as the team cornered him.
When you wake up there is only darkness, something rough squeezing your wrists and a male voice humming, he doesn't seem to mind as he notices your consciousness, just ignores it and continues whatever he was doing. That man at the bar, who introduced himself as Nate and the first one to approach you, smiles as he takes a sip of water and keeps his eyes fixed on the neckline of your shirt.
- My little dove, I was just waiting for you to wake up for the fun. - he abruptly stands up and flashes a psychotic smile. - You're different from the others, you were with them, weren't you?! Those shits got my brother, poor Noah, he really thought someone would be interested in him, but you guys did me a favor, the kid was getting on my nerves. - Typical narcissism, you concluded when you saw the obvious admiration for himself and disdain even for the blood of his own blood.
- I don't know what you're talking about. - you decided to try to stay in character, clinging to a thread of hope to buy time until the team could locate you.
- Don't lie to me! - he shouts and strides over to you, kneeling in front of you, his face scarlet with anger. - Don't make me ruin your pretty face.
For more than two hours you have struggled against the clock and this man's countless tortures, he has plunged you at least ten times into the freezing water, keeping you there for seconds or minutes depending on his mood regarding your answers to all his baseless questions, a mind game. He wants to break you, he wants you to suffer before he finally does what he so desperately wants to do, impaling an ice stake through your chest, thus satisfying the pleasure, he feels is like the climax of the whole act. You shudder, knowing exactly what the end of this story will be if the team doesn't arrive in time. You're strong, but it's still hard to stay sane after hours of torture and swearing, Nate wants a confession, so giving it to the man might make him tired of you.
- Come on, Jessica! - he shouts your cover name in frustration and forces your head into the pool of water, the contact with the ice instantly burning your already bruised skin.
- Please, I'm telling you the truth. - you manage to whisper after being pulled back to the surface, exhausted both mentally and physically. - It was a coincidence...
- You are a liar. - the man throws you to the ground, then huffs, increasingly frustrated and annoyed with your persistence in staying in character, he rushes to get your belongings, raising a golden necklace that you wear under clothes during work, in the small round circle E is delicately engraved, a delicate accessory that you as wives wear symbolically instead of the ring - Emma? Elise? Evelyn? Elle? Oh...
Hearing your wife's name among the list of guesses caused an instinctive reaction even in your state of confusion and drowsiness, it brought you the reality of what is happening and that if something happens you will not see that smile again, nor the brown eyes full of affection or receive soft kisses that make you forget how sick the world is. The criminal realizes this, a sick smile growing on his lips as he comes to the erroneous conclusion that this is your name and now he can finally have you as a trophy. Nate jumps for joy like a child who just got his Christmas present, catching a glimpse of a dagger stuck in the waistband of his jeans, and it's fucking scary, especially when he comes inches away, grabbing you awkwardly to get you to stand up, face to face.
- Elle suits you. It's going to look so beautiful on my wall... C'mon, dove! - he pulls you to a brighter corner, completely empty, the only thing you see is a strong flash against your face, he registers the miserable state you are in and smiles staring at the small square that is revealed in a few minutes. You also stare at the picture as he practically forces you, your skin is pale, hair is sticking to your face and your extremities are purple, as are your lips. - Fun fact, you are the one who has endured the most. A record.
Nate throws you against a kind of surgical table, equally cold to the rest of the room, it's painful, frightening, but at the same time calm when you lie down, exhaustion has taken over and you're tired of fighting him, accepting your fate, too tired and abused to keep trying to fight back. Not even verbally, you have practically lost your voice after so many cries of pain, begging him to believe in you. There is a light above, strong enough to blind you and it almost makes you want to laugh, it looks like the light at the end of the shift that those who experience death and return describe. Your eyes close after seconds, surrendering to the cold embrace, your mind struggles to sketch in the uncomfortable clarity that woman you love so much, Elle is the last image you want to keep before you go. This comforts you as the disgusting man rips the shirt you wear, the thin point of the scissors makes a fine line from the foot of your stomach or breast valley, where the sharp part stops and presses.
- Not yet, dove! - he laughs sickeningly and pulls the utensil away from your skin - You know, I really enjoyed our little game. Maybe I'll do it again soon. And that's why I'll always remember you, Elle.
Another sharp thing is placed against your chest, exactly between your breasts, it's more painful and real, Nate is relating what he is doing and will do, always with a smile on his face for seeing you like this, destroyed. That's what the serial killer wanted from the beginning, but you fought back and no one has ever done that before, he easily subdued them, played mind games to find out something about them and then killed the hope he gave them by impaling each one with ice stakes. It's all about power, he had the power over his brother Noah playing him as his partner, over the police who had been hunting him for more than a month, over the women he hunted down and killed with his bare hands. You didn't give that to him right away, like a spoiled child he got angry and weakened you to breaking point. And he succeeded.
You squeeze your eyes shut and prepare for your fate, trying to materialize Elle, all the moments you spent together. The smiles she gave you in the elevator, that first slightly awkward date, the first kiss after the storm of her leaving the FBI, when you decided to move in together, every space you created together, the dream wedding and her face in pure admiration watching you walk down the altar. All the memories you have created for yourselves. And all the ones you haven't finished yet. The pain of being away from her is unimaginable, there are tears flowing as you wait for the undeniable destination, but nothing comes. You feel that you can finally crack when, as you open your blurred weeping eyes, you find Morgan, Reid, and Prentiss running up to you. Nate is on the ground, bleeding and being handcuffed by Hotchner. The flame of hope rekindles.
The screams in the hallway are heard throughout the entire wing, there is a commotion at the reception and a group of people in suits trying to hold a woman down, Morgan is trying to get Elle to stop squirming in his arms as she tries to reach Hotchner to choke him with her bare hands. Every time you go out on a mission she worries herself to death about every hour without news and as much as she understands the weight of being an agent she can't let go of these invasive thoughts, she can't stop thinking about the possibility of one of those psychopaths hurting you, just like one day one of them hurt her, always terrified of losing you. When she received a call in the middle of the afternoon after going almost a day without replies by text, she knew, something had happened. With sweaty hands and trembling, the police answered, not the least bit relieved to hear Derek on the other end of the line. He got right to the point, something she was grateful for because she felt she might faint imagining the worst, halfway through the call she was already in the car on her way to the airport, praying for last minute tickets to Minnesota. She flew out with nothing but documents and body clothes, in two hours she walked through the doors ready to kill the chief, she knew about the cover, you spoke before the mission, and for Elle there is no one to blame but him for putting you in this position knowing the danger. There was not enough information, an uncertain and dangerous terrain that he risked with her wife's life.
- You can let me go, Morgan. He's not worth it. - she stops moving and is finally put on the ground, the two of them face each other before she tries to get past him, being stopped by the same arms that were holding her before - Let me go now, I'm going to see my wife.
- Greenaway, you better calm down...
- Calm down, Hotch? Fuck you! You shouldn't have sent her in this shitty disguise just out of desperation, as if her life wasn't important too. - she starts, trying not to get worked up again.
- Don't you understand...
- Don't I understand? You don't care about her. - Elle backs away and puts her hands over face, sighing trying to control her breathing, pure frustration - Besides, why the hell did you call me after twelve hours? I could have been here hours ago. Damn it! I'm going to go see her, now.
- Elle...
- Derek, I need to...
- You need to calm down.
- No, I don't need to. You put her in danger, then acted like I wasn't her family and didn't even call me at the time she was hospitalized, nor did you have that compassion. I know how indifferent you treat her because she is married to me, how great and mature a team can be around that. You should just be ashamed of yourselves. Y/N is so different from me and has proven this in so many ways, she has shown how amazing she is as a person and agent, worthy of all of your trust. - as soon as she says this the agents bow their heads, not knowing what to say or how to defend what there is no defense for, feeling that they have failed as teammates, even though it is a necessary risky mission there should be someone to trim her down, someone who knows her beyond what is in the file.
- Still, you should wait. - Hotchner insists, crossing his arms.
- I've already waited long enough. - she tries to run towards the corridor and ends up being held by the tall man by the arm, they stare at each other, then Elle does something no one would imagine, she screams at the top of her lungs in his face - That's my wife, let me see my wife! Stop holding me back, I'll see her, whether you like it or not... - the anger taking over again.
- Hotch, let her go... - JJ intervenes and he finally releases her, letting her go.
Elle runs in search of the room you have been assigned, slipping on her boots when she finally finds the right number, all the anxiety she has built up all the way to Minessota manifesting itself in tears. She can't believe her eyes, she has imagined a similar scenario many times and usually in nightmares, but nothing compares to the real feeling of it actually happening. The tightness in her heart to see the person she loves hospitalized is too much for the woman, you are still pale, skin marked by bruises in several places, frostbite, a cut lip and a bandage in the middle of your chest. That image would not leave her mind so quickly. Elle takes a deep breath, trying to control her emotions and herself, trying to become the support you need right now, to be the wife you need. Before entering the room she wipes her tears and tries to open a smile, which turns out to be melancholic.
- El...
- Sweetie... - you speak at the same time - Sorry for the delay, I wanted to be here before, I swear. - the tears that she held so tightly return with more force and emotion, wetting your hospital clothes when Elle hugs you, gently, afraid of hurting you more than already - Did it hurt? Did I hurt you?
- No, maybe a little, my muscles still hurt... Actually, I'm a little better, before I was miserable. - You're secretly thankful that she didn't see you like that, it would have traumatized your wife forever and it's a sight you don't want her to see. - The doctor said it was a miracle, I could have had acute pneumonia, severe hypothermia, coma or even a heart attack. Think on the bright side.
- I can't think on the bright side when I almost lost you forever.... - she straightens up on the edge of the hospital bed, looking straight into your eyes, showing all her feelings and frailties - I was afraid, I still am, very afraid.
- I was too, El. The thought that I wouldn't see you anymore hurt me more than any of these physical injuries. - the woman approaches and strokes your face, both of you allowing the tears to take over in this post-storm moment - Were you at work?
- Yes, I rushed here as soon as I got the notice. - and it was clear to you, she is still wearing the shirt you helped her pick out by video call the day before - Before you ask, I asked my cousin to feed Reba. - she guessed what your question would be next, always concerned about your pet kitten, a two-year-old Siamese cat who is extremely attached to you. - Oh, I picked this up at the airport for you. - From her pants pocket she pulls out a small pink teddy bear with a heart on it, with a cute little bow on top.
- Aw that's very sweet. - You give her a chaste kiss, taking the little gift in hand, smelling a sweet perfume of vanilla and freshly washed things.
- What can I do for you? - Elle asks, standing up, ready to do anything you want. - I know you hate hospital food, so do you want me to get you something from a restaurant? Clothes? Snacks? Board games? Derek says you're going to be in observation for a few days.
- El, I just want you.
- What?
- You. I want you to lie with me until sleep. - she approaches uncertainly and ends up being pulled by you to lie down together, careful not to hurt you in any way - I'm not made of glass.
- I know, I'm sorry. - You arrange yourselves on the small bed, she becomes the bigger spoon hugging you tenderly, distributing small affectionate kisses on your neck and back, making declarations of love and thanking you for being alive - I love you very, very much, sweetie.
- I love you more, El.
And so you fall asleep in the arms of the woman you love, no matter how physically injured, emotionally traumatized and exhausted you are, Elle seems to momentarily heal all your pain with love. After all, it was worth every effort in keeping hope, just to see her again.
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hwnglx · 1 year
can i please ask how sunghoon and wonyoung think of each other? i also really enjoy scrolling through your account and catching up on all the readings i’ve missed. they’re so interesting ☺️🩵
ty so much love! ಇ btw, these two have such nice energy.
what do sunghoon + wonyoung think about each other?
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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what does sunghoon think about wonyoung? queofc&8ofp, 7ofp, magic, judg&7ofw
thinks she's a beautiful, emotionally intelligent, gentle and extremely hardworking girl. getting a lot of respect for her work-ethic. he believes she puts a lot of effort into her craft, also has this very sweet and patient character that's very pleasant to be around. also, believes she's a charming, capable and skilled person who's good at what she does.
the judgement and 7 of wands was very interesting. he seems to think wonyoung is judged way too harshly and unfairly. honestly, she gives me such soft and sweet vibes. sunghoon thinks people really don't know her true character. but he also thinks she's good at standing her ground and staying strong. she doesn't let it stand in her way.
what does wonyoung think about sunghoon? 6ofp&aceofp, justice, star&8ofw
thinks he's a very supportive, generous and giving person. someone who's grounded and humble, not the arrogant type at all. also very fair-minded and rational, with a good head on his shoulders.
i really get this vibe he was a great source of support for wonyoung, his existence gives her some sort of stability. she seems to feel very comfortable around him. also enjoys talking to him. there seemed to have been some instances in which their conversations helped her heal and believe in herself more, gave her a boost in confidence. she seems to appreciate his calm and collected character a lot.
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ambeauty · 1 year
Dick & Kory’s Love Languages
So I did a little mini meta on Twitter about what I think Dick and Kory’s love languages are so why not share it with my folks!
Kory is emotionally intelligent and she can really hit all five languages depending on who she is with but her personal languages are physical touch and acts of service.
In s1 Kory immediately goes into protector mode when she rescues Rachel. She not only uses physical touch to show affection but also her physical power. The duality of her physical whether to heal or to harm is displayed throughout the season.
Although it wasn’t her intention to sleep with Dick that night, he used physical touch as avoidance while she used it in hopes that it would open him up emotionally.
After the physical trauma of being experimented on in the asylum, she turns to the physical touch of someone she trusts to combat the feelings of being violated.
In s2 she used her physical powers to heal Conner and her AOS Language came fully into play when she left her own problems behind to help the titans and Dick.
In s3 She’s now fully comfortable with her new family and uses touch a lot to comfort Gar. She hugs Hank immediately when she sees him. She also uses her physicality to show Conner her frustration. She also heals Dick by stitching up his wounds. (This was the only time they interacted physically 🙃) And steps in front of him to protect him from Gar’s anger.
In s4 her tendency for physical touch is highly utilized. Now she’s completely cemented her position as co-head of the family. She’s comfortable. She’s touching Dick whenever she can. To flirt, to calm him down, to stabilize herself. She’s hugging everyone all the time.
Whereas Dick’s love language is firmly placed in acts of service. It took until s4 for him to even be emotionally available enough to delve into the other placements but that’s fine because one thing you can count on is Dick showing up for you to give or get you what you need.
In s1 he drops everything to protect and help Rachel once she re-enters his life. He tries to find better help for her than him but realizes it’s ultimately best for him and Kory to do it. He uses all of his abilities and connections to do this.
This continues in s2 when he feels like he can’t protect his friends any longer he makes the decision to go to jail. He is the person they need protection from, therefore he will remove himself from the situation no matter how bad it hurts him.
In s3 he tries to do everything in his power, including to continue to sacrifice himself to save Jason, protect his family, and Gotham. Kory and Gar remind him that sacrificing hisself is not the way to go about it and it takes him dying for that to really sink in because he’s crazy. But yes.
In s4 he does everything he can and uses ALL of his resources to help everyone to fight this prophecy and their destiny. His efforts are a bit futile because his lesson was to learn to trust. Trust that Kory knows how to defeat this evil, that Rachel can control her darkness, that Gar has control over his abilities, that Conner will ultimately do good, that Tim can stand on his own. By providing them the tools he was able to help and not just be the tool. He also explored quality time with the road-trip plan in general which is Gar’s love language.
The thing to remember about love languages is to love the other person in theirs and not yours. Dick and Kory learned this overtime together. Kory gives the ultimate act of service in sacrificing her life for Dick everyone. Which is a language he can completely understand.
Dick shows up physically for Kory everywhere. Being her literally shoulder to lean on when she’s feeling weak. Now he could’ve done a bit more with this emotionally but well let him cook for now. And finally once he realizes what he could’ve lost shows her exactly how he feels in that final kiss. He’s no longer using affection to deflect or escape but to express.
So what do we think their languages are? Feel free to add on. I’m going to add the other team members as well!
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horizon-verizon · 6 months
Any thoughts in particular about Alyssa V and her motherhood and political decisions? I think she, Rhaena and Visenya are really fascinating characters in this era of the Targ. Her husband dead, her son was usurped and murdered, her daughter, her granddaughter, her other son, and she and her two youngest children are hostages. Finally she got the allies they didn't have but that came at a high price. They win by her decisions and However, be sidelined and lose her political and personal agency.
So I talk about Rhaena, her relationship with Alyssa and Rhaena's perspective of her relationship with Alyssa both in TikTok (devoteeofwhimsy) and HERE on Tumblr. But I haven't really talked about Alyssa and her perspective in great detail. And this post won't either, bc I'm a bit too tired as of yet.
In short, I feel for her and wish I can be black and white about her for Rhaena's sake...but again, she went through it, had to consider her children's lives often above her own even when (one, guess who) they didn't consider her issues when it was needed. So basically, I just agree with you.
It is fascinating to juxtapose Rhaena v Visenya; Visenya, in supporting Maegor to usurp Rhaena's brother Aegon, had perpetuated and enacted much of the catastrophe Rhaena suffered. Visenya was also the one to suggest a marriage b/t her and Maegor so the dynasty itself doesn't split (thus we may think Rhaena would be safer) and have less chance of a later civil conflict but also to have Maegor that much closer to the throne. On the other hand, Aenys refused to name Rhaena, his eldest child, his heir to keep the peace with the Faith and greater Andal patriarchy in the mind to stabilize and ensure the Targ monarchy/Westerosi unity. And Rhaena---understandably--does not push for her own advance bco f these considerations, knowing her family wouldn't really go for it, and she herself felt she wouldn't be a good fit, practically, to be a Queen regnant/leader. So she supports her brother's claim over her own (before and when she's 18, she was very young)...she later sees how all this victimizes her and her kids so she becomes more determined to ensure her own safety & those she feels she can save through the Queen Dowager title AND that royal claim of the throne. Yet this woman also says to Jaehaerys, point blank, that she is the "Visenya" to Alysanne's "Rhaenys", after Elissa steals the dragon eggs.
She resents Alyssa for not putting as much effort into saving her or at least Aerea when she first runs away with Alysanne & Jaehaerys or try to bring up an army for her/Aerea and save their other brother Viserys from Maegor's torture. Is this unfair bc Alyssa had to save the kids she had access to, yes...but:
we have to remember that Rhaena had been very likely raped by Maegor after she became his "Black Bride" and multiple times and idk if people know but this plus that systematic misogyny understanding can tend make people angry and emotionally isolated or more self-concerned....bc they are pushed into the survivial corner
Alyssa did not just marry Rogar for the political benefits; he became her blindspot after he helped her and her kids that she didn't see the ambitiousness that he had (no matter how many times Gyldayn tries to make him seem "not that bad", remember this is written by a man from an anti-Targ, anti-female ruler institution and Rogar's problem was that he didn't have as much influence and power as his wife[when he certainly still had power, he just wanted more] so ofc Gyladyn would try to reduce Rogar's actions and his accountability to "he just wanted to help the realm") bc she felt he could ensure emotional security and "love" along with that political security...Rhaena probably resented that they (Alyssa and Jaehaerys) both valued his words and support over her own precisely because he, not her, provided much of that military force
Which is why I think she was slowly realizing her own wrongs towards Alyssa when we see she tried to rush to her bedside and talk to her before she died of childbirth, too late.
Anyway, this was about Alyssa. She and Aenys, the text states, seemed to be a good match because both reportedly searched for not just casual love but the approval/validation of their leadership through the traditional Andal eye. However, for Alyssa, as a woman, yeah much of her power and agency comes form how much men around her allows her to practice. We see this in how Rogar tried to insult and dismiss her at that final council when he demanded they all replace Jaehaerys with Aerea or Rhaella, and it is only by the Kingsguard and every other man at that table defending her (for Jaehaerys) that Rogar's rebuffed
("A Surfeit of Rulers"):
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A lifetime of witnessing men will defend your interests when it still ends up for the interests or elevation of another man will of course engender women with such blind spots that I truly believe every Targ woman had in same way or another, in different ways, that also came along with their genuine love for their male relatives. And she didn't even have a dragon or grow up with one to at least have that Andal-less mental connection and psychological escapism that that we see helps Targ women put thing into perspective and/or take more courage...we see how it helped Dany's sense of self; how it helped this Rhaena; how to spiritually and physically enabled Nettles' both near-death but also deification/escape from violence, etc. Dany & Nettles is a special example are special examples because they always had that je-nais-se-quois spark, but their dragon connections and constant affirming of boundaries and bonds the right way also worked to strengthen them. Dragons didn't totally protect some of these women from their material dangers or their family's sidelining...but it did prodive them something that was "just theirs"...not their children, not their husband, not their parents...just theirs alone. Something that materializes the strength they wanted and saw they could have. Alyssa didn't have that. Alyssa was stuck between a rock and hard place with little wiggle room. At the same time she wasn't suspicious enough as Rhaena was when Rogar was not on to this who went out to help out Aegon when he went to confront Maegor....despite this being the same dude who the text says wanted to come 1v1 against Maegor and "never got the chance to"
("The Year of the Three Brides"):
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("A Surfeit of Rulers"):
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Alyssa, like Rhaena, Visenya, was fallible and a victim. Who maybe some, certain HotD fans, will probably try to pose as this Virgin Mary/Eve/Madonna figure against Rhaena's Jezebel/Lilltih/Slut if HBO ever adapts this period of time and even removes Alyssa's own thirst for revenge...which they probably would with the wrong producer-writer. Even though Rhaena was more than likely sexually and romantically attracted to women. Because Alyssa is much less assertive, vocal, or willing to confront grown men with what she really feels than other women around her.
Even though there's this gem of a "tease" Alyssa made to Maegor when Rhaena bonded with a dragon before he could, this also could have been her feeling safe to do so
("Sons of the Dragon"):
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Watch these tradcaths try to say Rhaena "chose" to love women over men bc she's wants to "flaunt" her disobedience and freedom in her poor mother's face. Watch.
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dragonagitator · 7 months
What do all y'all think about headcanoning that Dr. Allison Cameron on House MD has borderline personality disorder?
It's not a perfect fit, but there's currently no good in-universe explanation as to why she behaved so inconsistently from episode to episode, including straight-up contradicting herself on numerous occasions. (The IRL explanation is that she was written inconsistently because her role in the show was to merely act as a foil for the other characters instead of being a fully developed character.)
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder, with the symptoms Cameron exhibited on the show bolded:
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Emotional instability in reaction to day-to-day events (e.g., intense episodic sadness, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
Identity disturbance with markedly or persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
Impulsive behavior in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by extremes between idealization and devaluation (also known as "splitting")
Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, threats, or self-harming behavior
Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
That's only 4 and you need 5 for a diagnosis, but we don't really know what was going on inside her head so it's entirely plausible that she could have been experiencing #1 and #9 and just never disclosed it to anyone.
I ask not because I enjoy diagnosing fictional characters for shits and giggles but because I'm writing a House MD fanfic and I have absolutely no idea how to write Cameron. How do you write consistent, believable characterization for someone who didn't even have that in canon?
I do, however, have plenty of IRL experience with friends and exes who have BPD, as well as with briefly being misdiagnosed with it myself before a more competent psychiatrist changed my diagnosis to CPTSD instead. So I've done enough reading on the topic that I'm confident I could believably write a character with BPD.
In the show, it seems like Chase was a stabilizing influence on Cameron, but they will never get together in my isekai fanfic because my author-self-insert OFC will steer Chase away from Cameron long before she has the chance to sink her claws into my precious baby boy.
So, one of the potential unintended consequences of the OFC changing canon could be that Cameron is much more emotionally unstable now. An unattached Cameron would probably also be much more relentless in her pursuit of House, which creates a nice obstacle for the House/OFC slow burn that will be the central ship of my story.
Meanwhile, one of the central themes of my story will be how quickly things can go completely off the rails when you think you can predict the future. The OFC being unpleasantly surprised to discover that the tradeoff of making Chase's and House's lives better is that Cameron's life is now significantly worse would fit into that theme well.
If you're a Cameron fan, what are your thoughts on writing her as if she has BPD? Especially if it was done purposely, instead of how she was inadvertently written that way on the show.
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mossandteeth · 2 years
Adventure Time: Links Between Real Elements, Tarot, and Personality Types
In summary, these are the relationships between each element, the real life elements they respond to, and other associations:
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Firstly, the parallels between the four elements in the show and the four elements in real life.
In the present day of the show, the candy elemental is Princess Bubblegum, a powerful and dominating but genius leader of the candy kingdom. The element air (in certain contexts) represents intellect, the mind, and the potential for great strength and power.
Fire is a simpler one, as the associations of the element in Adventure Time and the associations of the directly comparable real life element of fire are quite identical. Flame Princess, the present day fire elemental embodies concepts of passion, ambition, and energy. These themes are directly consistent with what fire represents outside the show.
Ice is a complicated element in Adventure Time. It's a very solid and strong material, shown constantly being used to create shields and protective domes over the magic users that create ice. Ice King creates his fortress out of ice for protection. This protective and stable representation of ice in the show links it to the real element of earth, which represents stability, resilience, and a foundation for growth and rebirth (especially relevant for the IK). The ice elemental around during the show is Patience St. Pim, who hardly appears compared to Ice King but still carries the same themes. She comes into the show out of a crystalised ice dome, and then returns at the end of her appearance. This is a cycle of rebirth, as well as evidence of stability and physical strength (of the ice dome). All linking back to what the element of earth represents.
Finally, slime in Adventure Time is shown in a relaxed and emotionally sensitive context. Slime Princess, the current slime elemental, is well known to be very affectionate towards the other characters and has a sensitive personality. The real element of water is associated heavily with emotion and other reflective concepts. The passive and liquid nature of the slime element itself shows other parallels to the element of water.
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Next, the tarot parallels, which links nicely with the four elements discussed above.
Candy is the element of air, which is linked with the tarot suit of swords. Swords represent power and intelligence, and how the two must maintain a balance, with the possibility of being used for good or evil. Princess Bubblegum struggles with this balance herself as a leader of a kingdom and a science genius. Those two areas dominate her personality and the candy kingdom is founded on those two concepts.
Fire is consistently the same element, and is linked with the suit of wands. Wands represent energy, creativity, ambition, and determination. This fits in with Flame Princess and how the flame kingdom functions.
Ice is the element of earth, which in tarot is linked with the suit of pentacles. The suit of pentacles concerns physical matters, such as health and finance, as well as self-image and ego. It relates to how a person can create, alter, and transform their situation. This has strong parallels to Ice King, as he is struggling with his self-image after slowly losing his memories, and his efforts are evident in the way he shapes his surroundings trying to cope with his reality.
Slime is the element of water, linked to the tarot suit of cups. Cups represent the emotional side of life, love, and connections. Slime Princess, as mentioned before, is a very affectionate character and expresses love towards other characters quite often.
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Finally, the personality parallels.
In one of Uncivilized Elk's youtube videos he discusses the links between the four AT elements and the four temperaments or personality types according to Hippocrates in ancient Greek texts. These four types were related to bodily fluids and how those affected temperaments. These temperaments and their associated personalities are as follows:
Sanguine (sociable, optimistic)
Choleric (excitable, impulsive)
Melancholic (thoughtful, moody)
Phlegmatic (peaceful, passive)
In reality, each person could be a combination of these or purely one type (being equally all four would be considered well balanced and healthy). Adventure Time takes these the extremes of those four temperaments and translates them into the four elements.
Candy, and the friendliness and outgoing nature of Princess Bubblegum, matches sanguine. It is considered an extroverted and stable temperament, consistent with how the candy element affects the citizens who get transformed into candy. Additionally, the four temperaments are each associated with an element, and sanguine is associated with air.
Fire is easily consistent with choleric, which is associated with impulsivity, energy, and aggression. This is clearly seen when the citizens and Flame Princess are transformed into the fire versions of themselves and are driven by the irresistible urge to fight. Choleric is an extroverted and unstable temperament, also associated with the fire element in real life.
Ice is depressing and slowed, consistent with the temperament melancholic. It is contemplative, passive, and accepting. When the citizens are transformed into ice (including Patience St. Pim in her new form), they find little resistance to a depressing acceptance of their fate. This temperament is introverted and unstable, and is associated with the element of earth.
Slime is the relaxed and content element, matching the phlegmatic temperament. Again, the transformed slime citizens are motivated by this, seeking a peaceful existence by being assimilated into Slime Princess, who embodies this passive state. Phlegmatic is an introverted and stable temperament, and is also associated with the element of water.
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Had a Fenris Ranger show ever gotten made Seven would’ve probably accepted some truths about herself and dealt with the avoidance but Picard was so focused on Starfleet and putting her in a place she’d previously said she didn’t want to be that it’s like you said, negative character development. Still, I like what we got of her in the first two seasons and wanted to see more growth and vulnerability especially through her relationship with Raffi. Because as much as I like them together you’re right in that in being so avoidant she causes Raffi a lot of pain. It came off (season two) like Raffi was just that in love but I do think that eventually she’d be less willing to accept Seven coming and going both emotionally and physically?
(In reference to this post)
Oh for sure, I agree with you and I would have liked to see some more growth and vulnerability for Seven, the ending of S2 seemed to point in that direction even if (from what I gather) the season was less than ideal about getting to that final 'resolution' between Seven and Raffi. But then we got S3 and that breakup off-screen and that awkwardness between them and like... what am I supposed to get from that, except that Seven is once again running away from the chance of finding some stability and genuine care because she can't bear the idea of being honest about what she wants? Many others have said this better than me but her joining Starfleet feels like such a copout, after so many years in the Rangers. It's like we're seeing Seven having a stupid midlife crisis and trying to evoke the time she was on Voyager/had just returned to the AQ full of hope that she could belong somewhere, and belonging has always been what she wanted the most. Don't get me wrong, I can definitely see Seven doing exactly that (it's fitting, with this theme of both avoidance and frantic searching) but obviously the show never frames it as the deeply worrying development I think it is for her. Again, I get it: Seven's life objectively sucked so hard! It makes sense for her to be so dysfunctional! But it is absolutely an accidental narrative.
Mostly I'm sorry for Raffi who's had her own fair share of terrible experiences in life and she's bound to think that the breakdown of their relationship is her fault when, knowing Seven, it's very likely not. I also agree with you that I would've liked to see Raffi not putting up with so much of Seven's crap about ~fear of commitment~ or whatever. A Black woman having to carry entirely on her back the effort of maintaining a relationship with a white partner is just a racist storyline, like there is no arguing that as far as I'm concerned, and it's doubly offensive given Seven of Nine's long history of being handed narratives that end up stifling characters of color. I wish Raffi had been given so much more space, and better storylines where she had so much more agency, even (and maybe especially) when it came to Seven. It's all really stupid because given the paragraph above, it's not like Seven got good stories on Picard either! And yet Raffi got the short end of the stick anyway.
(Seven really fucked up with Raffi, like... love the inherent messiness of their situation post-Picard canon and I think they're not over each other but if we're talking about healthy relationships then imho Raffi should probably just get as far away as possible from Seven until Seven gets her act together, if she ever does. Like many others I do want them to be happy together but I don't know how they can do that with the premises we're left with. And I do also love train wrecks, so there's that.)
The only thing that I see differently from you is that... I don't think the Rangers were that much better for Seven. I mean I also would have preferred for her to stay a pirate who's into good deeds (much more than Starfleet for sure! did they really want to make a show on the Rangers? That would've been cool). But the way I see it, she was a Ranger for so many years and it never really made her life better, either. To me Picard!Seven, even in S1, always looked like someone who is masking 100% of the time, who has a barely disguised alcohol addiction and is clearly restless and unhappy where she is, and who carries so much guilt for her past bad choices (especially in people). If being a Ranger was her true calling, why doesn't it seem to make her life any easier, or at least allow her to be true to herself a little? Something needs to change majorly for the Rangers to become a place where Seven can start growing again. But again, your perspective as someone who liked the first two seasons of Picard is totally understandable to me! I just never gelled well with this show at any time, so I'm more critical of its early choices too.
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lordofthesimps · 5 months
SFW Alphabet: Amarthiel
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Amarthiel struggles with expressing affection openly due to her guarded nature. However, she shows her affection through subtle gestures, such as lingering touches or meaningful glances. While she may not vocalize her feelings often, her actions speak volumes. Amarthiel does not like public displays of affection. Holding a high position in the military chain, showing affection toward others would affect her credibility in the eyes of her peers and superiors.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Amarthiel is fiercely loyal and fiercely protective. The friendship would likely start with a mutual respect for each other's strengths and a shared understanding of the darkness that lurks within both of them. Over time, they would come to rely on each other as confidants, sharing their deepest secrets and supporting each other through thick and thin. Her best friend would probably be someone with a life story similar to her own, with whom she could share moments of uncertainty and homesickness, without being seen or heard by other Angmar champions.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Amarthiel isn't one to seek out physical affection readily, but in moments of vulnerability, she may find solace in cuddling with her partner. Her cuddles are rare but deeply intimate, conveying a sense of longing and closeness that words cannot express.
She greatly misses the hugs of her father Laerdan.
Bonus: When she sees some stray kittens in the streets of Angmar, she stops to cuddle them. Discreetly, of course.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
While Amarthiel may yearn for stability, the domestic life is foreign to her. She lacks the practical skills necessary for cooking and cleaning, preferring to focus her energy on pursuits that require cunning and strategy. However, she may be willing to learn for the sake of her partner, though her efforts may be clumsy at first.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Amarthiel had to break up with her partner, she would do so with a heavy heart but a steely resolve. She would approach the situation with cold logic, laying out her reasons for ending the relationship without showing any outward emotion. While she may offer a semblance of closure, she would ultimately retreat into the shadows, leaving her partner to grapple with the aftermath alone.
If she were to be broken up with, she would retaliate instantly, so as to heal her wounded pride. It is possible that after doing so, she would bitterly regret it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Amarthiel views commitment with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. While she craves the security that comes with marriage, she fears losing her autonomy and becoming vulnerable to betrayal. She may be hesitant to take the plunge into marriage, preferring to keep her options open until she's certain of her partner's loyalty.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Amarthiel possesses a hidden gentleness that she reserves for those she holds dear. While her exterior may be cold and unyielding, she harbors a deep well of compassion for those who earn her trust. She's careful not to reveal this vulnerability too readily, but when she does, it's a rare and precious gift.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Amarthiel isn't particularly fond of hugs, finding them to be a display of vulnerability that she's uncomfortable with. However, she may offer hugs to her partner in moments of rare vulnerability, seeking comfort in their embrace. Her hugs are hesitant at first but gradually become more genuine as she allows herself to let her guard down.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She is cautious when it comes to saying "I love you," fearing that it may make her vulnerable to rejection or betrayal. She may take her time before uttering those three words, waiting until she's certain of her partner's sincerity and commitment. When she does say it, however, she means it with every fiber of her being, despite the difficulty she may have in expressing it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Lady Amarthiel can be fiercely possessive when it comes to someone she cares about, but she's adept at masking it with an icy demeanor. Instead of overtly expressing jealousy, she'll subtly manipulate situations to ensure her desired outcome.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are intense, filled with a mixture of passion and longing. She prefers to kiss on the lips, but she also enjoys placing tender kisses on her partner's neck, igniting their senses with each touch. As for being kissed, she delights in feeling the soft brush of lips against her skin, particularly on her neck and collarbone.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Amarthiel may not have much experience with children, but she possesses a natural grace that children find intriguing. She's patient and indulgent, though her dark aura can sometimes unsettle the young ones.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Amarthiel are spent in quiet contemplation. She enjoys watching the sunrise, finding solace in the stillness of dawn. She may share a moment of intimacy with her partner before the demands of the day beckon her.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Amarthiel are filled with whispered secrets and stolen moments of passion. She relishes the tranquility of the night, finding comfort in the darkness that shrouds her surroundings. She's a creature of the shadows, and her allure only grows stronger under the moon's gaze.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Lady Amarthiel is guarded about revealing herself, preferring to keep her secrets close to her chest. She may offer glimpses of her true self over time, but she's selective about whom she chooses to trust. She reveals bits and pieces slowly, like a puzzle waiting to be solved.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
While she may appear composed on the surface, Amarthiel possesses a fiery temper that simmers beneath. She has a low tolerance for incompetence or disobedience, and those who incur her wrath will feel the full force of her icy rage.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Amarthiel has an impeccable memory and retains every detail about her partner. She listens intently to their every word, committing even the smallest details to memory. She delights in surprising her partner with her attentiveness, proving that she's always paying attention.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Her favorite moment in a relationship is the first time her partner looked into her eyes and saw past the darkness within her, seeing her for who she truly is and accepting her without judgment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Amarthiel is fiercely protective of those she cares about, willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty in the name of protecting her loved ones, and she expects the same level of loyalty in return.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Amarthiel puts considerable effort into every aspect of her relationship, from planning elaborate dates to showering her partner with thoughtful gifts. She believes in demonstrating her love through actions rather than words, striving to make every moment with her partner memorable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
One of her bad habits is her tendency to manipulate others to achieve her goals, even if it means resorting to deceit or coercion. She struggles with trusting others completely, always keeping a part of herself guarded.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Lady Amarthiel takes great pride in her appearance, meticulously grooming herself to perfection. She sees her beauty as a weapon to be wielded, using it to her advantage whenever possible.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
While she may be fiercely independent, Amarthiel finds herself drawn to her partner in a way that makes her feel complete. They are the missing piece of her puzzle, the one who sees past her darkness and loves her despite it all.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Amarthiel has a hidden talent for poetry, crafting verses that reflect the depths of her emotions. She keeps her poems locked away, viewing them as a private expression of her innermost thoughts.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Amarthiel detests weakness in herself and others, seeing it as a flaw to be eradicated. She has little patience for those who wallow in self-pity or lack the strength to stand up for themselves.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Lady Amarthiel is a light sleeper, always alert to any potential threats in her surroundings. She prefers to keep a weapon within reach, unwilling to let her guard down even in the safety of her own bed.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 6 months
Forever thinking about how casually the horrifically ingrained mindset of abuse and mistreatment is to characters like Evan and Doe. Do you they know the more outragious, egregious stuff is wrong? Absolutely. Evan KNOWS and always KNEW murder was wrong. Doe KNOWS and KNEW she didn't deserve to be hit and that the basis of her sex was no reason to isolate her physically and socially when her older brothers weren't held to the same standards.
But at the same time, these things are only a start, Evan is normalized to the verbal emotional abuse as a kind of love, he can't imagine or fathom love that doesn't come without constant criticism, it's a brainwashing. He feels it makes a person stronger EVEN THOUGH that same behavior BROKE him. Evan sees himself as weak and broken and somehow emotionally and physically malformed because he is unable emotionally, morally or physically to comply to the expectations of his father. He hates his father but he is still bound by his standards because its all he knows and more importantly, its a kind of stability and comfort.
If you grew up being thrown onto nails, removing the nails, while getting rid of the initial danger, doesn't negate the fact of what its done to your mind. The pain and the punctures will become NOSTALGIC and you will begin to crave that comforting familiarity of the rituals and the lessons. Healing is a DELIBERATE effort and sometimes its more than just breaking a habit, you're rewiring your brain and you're constantly FIGHTING for control inside yourself and reminding yourself the true depth of how abnormal what you went through is.
Likewise, it's hard to really internalize this idea of healing and changing when you're raised with this, I don't know how to call it, over-responsibility? Over accountability? Doe is a tough case when it comes to this, but Doe's understanding of her situation and what she's been through mentally belittles her own capacity. Doe thinks she's a survivor, but not a pretty one, she sees herself as a criminal (and in some cases she's not wrong) but she's not holding herself responsible for like, an action or a situation, reasonable things. Doe holds herself accountable for almost existing, like her great crime was breaking herself along the way and now she's just BAD, it's what she does. Doe can't understand and fully grasp the idea that she is a person like everyone else, that she's not some other, third-class citizen that NEEDS to be on her own and inherently punished because her presence in of itself is a crime, as are her desires. She, internally JUSTIFIES the treatment she faced, she defends it, she NEEDED to be punished, she just is, it was stupid, it was wrong (even when it wasn't) she's just... like this, she's resigned herself to this perception of being 'crazy' (quotes because she uses this term, I do not agree as a writer whatsoever) and this toxic independence that directly dictates she's not ALLOWED to be around people for herself and her own reasons, let alone ask for things like favors, cause she's already asked for enough in the forms of her friends and adoptive family's patience with her.
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theninthdoor · 2 years
hii this is just a quick question, what energy do you currently get for the members of blackpink? thank you love
i'm just gonna say this: these girls need to rest and spend some time away from the chaos of the industry! their work is being heavily affected by how they're feeling, and most of it is not too great. they need to find their way back to a place of stability, strength and fulfillment.
i'm also not being able to keep up with them and the tour right now, so if anyone knows anything that could help clarify the things i wrote, please leave me a message!
Jisoo || ten of swords + temperance rx: Exhausted, very stressed. Her body, mind and soul are begging for a good week, not night, of sleep. She's being reckless with how far she thinks she can push herself, as it might soon lead to a burnout. I do think she's aware of all of this, tho… it's just that she doesn't get the chance to properly attend to her needs.
Jennie || knight of wands rx + three of pentacles rx: Jennie is feeling a little better than Jisoo, although she's also very tired. There are too many places for her to be at in a day; a lot of work; a look of different teams to adapt to in a short period of time. She does want to do all of this, but she can't seem to stretch herself thin enough to be able to pay full attention to everything, and it's making her feel frustrated.
Rosé || king of cups rx + justice: Quite emotionally unstable and unavailable. She's almost disconnected from her reality? All she has on her mind is responsabilities; work that has to be done at all costs; paying her due. But, also, doing whatever is needed to get things in order; making big decisions exclusively with her mind, not her heart (which can be difficult for her, usually).
Lisa || strength rx + knight of pentacles rx: Lisa is feeling a little low and unmotivated, and a little bored, too. Every day is the same; there's nothing exciting about it. She wants people to give her something new to look forward to - some new challenge; a new project; whatever. She's doing her job just as she should, and with the proper effort, but it feels almost mechanical? It's not making her excited to get out there and show off (which would greatly help with her self-esteem, for sure).
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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hwnglx · 1 year
So, Kim Garam has been rumored to try debuting as an actress, how will her career go?
kim garam's acting career
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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how does she feel about her acting career? 5ofwrx, char, 8ofp, queofc
i immediately saw her still being kinda worried about the public's reception here. it seems like she's aware she needs to be a lot more careful about what she says and how she appears to everyone. she's very focused on just avoiding conflict at all cost, since she knows there could still be some people out there who might literally be waiting for her to mess up. i just keep hearing "i hope people accept me." she really wants to win the public back in her favor.
at the same time, she's incredibly determined. the chariot shows me that all she has in mind right now, is a certain goal. a lot of willpower, drive. desire to really get out there and show everyone what she's capable of.
the eight of pentacles also tells me, she's just really studying up on this field. she's making sure her skills are developed and refined, putting in consistent effort and hard work into improving her talents.
despite this slight sense of insecurity about everyone's perception, i do think she carries a lot of confidence in her. she feels good in her skin, like everything that happened to her made her more emotionally mature. she feels ready to face the public and show them a more grown and evolved version of herself. honestly, i always felt like garam is a very confident girl, and it doesn't seem like she lost that glow.
how will her acting career go? pagofw, 3ofc, judg, 7ofp, emper
so, obv she won't be a full fledged pro on her first day. she will definitely feel everything being new to her, the inexperience making her more of a student who needs to learn and grow first. but with the three of cups, i see her making a many nice connections and friends that can benefit her.
i can really see her feeling much more comfortable in the acting industry. the judgement card is proof that, this career path is much more in line with her purpose. i think, she'll be able to feel that as time goes on. the emperor in the end is a great omen, as it shows her taking charge of her work. i see her developing more belief in herself the more experience she gains. it does seem like she'll have to presevere and wait for a while, before getting to that point. but i don't see her getting impatient. she'll work hard, consistently and patiently in order to get to the place of strength and stability she's striving for. honestly, i don't see anything keeping her from doing well. everything seems to be working in her favor right now, and this path definitely seems to have been the right one.
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