#in a fanfic phase again
okay, 44 days ago, life was going great.... wow a lot can change in a little bit of time....
I started moving in with my best friend.
we were doing really well actually. then September 4th(ish) came around and everything went to shit.
Our friends were helping us clean the house because it was her 22 year old brothers house but he went to jail. so were living there til he gets out in 6 months.
he left it in such an utter disarray that it took 2 weeks to clean it.
on top of that, I've had the worst month of my life so far, and here's how it's gone.
on the 7th I paid for my tags on my new car and spent $270 on that.
I paid my half of rent for this month and I had a little extra to get a TV because I didn't have one before moving out.
On the 8th, I had a meeting with my job and I didn't think anything of it. I should've... they opened an investigation against me because I had 3 incident reports written towards me.
I left that meeting and cried in my car, and was stupid and decided to drive before I was fully ready....
I ran a red and totaled my car...
my car that I still owed over $9600....
the car I bought tags for the day before. I hadn't even had time to put on the new tags.
we were both okay, but now I never wanna live another September 8th again.
anyways I told my job I wouldn't be in and then they told me I was suspended for 3 days
I got called back in Tuesday after not going to work Monday either because I was still in pain from the accident, and they had fired me. so now I'm insuranceless again. I'm jobless, I'm car less, and I'm moving out of my mom's house.
oh that's the other thing. my friends brother was so behind on his bills, his mom had to work almost double what she usually does to be able to pay for all his bills he let lapse.... we had a 3 day eviction notice because of him.
we still have no utilities, but, we're thinking about selling his stuff to make money.
oh, and then my friends family got into stuff so bad cops were almost called and now she has to give her car back to her dad and take her brother's beat to shit car that won't even make it across town....
so it's been a month..... and the month is not over yet....
oh and I'm in a major Harry Potter kick again
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merlucide · 9 months
You CANNOT tell me akaashi wouldn’t write you love letters. Pls I can just see him slipping a letter in your school bag in pretty handwriting ‘ Y/N ❤︎ ‘. He would write you the most romantic poems, signed at the bottom ‘ Keiji Akaashi ‘ .
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coryosbaby · 1 year
Okay so I’ve wrote about Ethan x y2k bimbo! Reader —
But I have something even better .
Ethan x goth bimbo! Reader 🤭🤭🤭🤭🩷
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conqueenror · 3 months
I've decided to read a fic that I kept avoiding because it didn't sound up to my standards at first, but holy shit?? It's so good??? The grammar is excellent, events are written clearly and as if it actually could've happened in canon, and, the thing I don't see often in the fandom – the characters, especially the main cast, ARE IN CHARACTER??? NOT OOC??? I have learned a valuable lesson today people
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oveliagirlhaditright · 9 months
I'm sure people have said this a million times, but...
We really should have gotten some Angel and Anya interactions.
Angel just being completely baffled that Anya can talk about some of her former vengeance days so gleefully, when he, of course, feels so guilty about all of the things he's done.
And him also not understanding how a part of Anya longs to go back to being a vengeance demon/immortal, when he would give anything to turn human again.
They'd have some interesting conversations.
Boom has the two of them as friends--and, I mean, I do think if these two got to interact, they'd become friends, of course, because they do have a lot in common--but Boom did it wrong. Like Boom so often handles the Buffyverse wrong, imo.
Like, the one panel I saw was Anya being excited to see Angel again after so long, and saying how they'd reminisce on some of the people they killed together, and she'd give him this tea he liked.
And like I said above: Angel felt guilty about the stuff he did as Angelus! There would be no happy reminiscing on his part And if Anya knew Angel well--like this comic was trying to imply, I think--she wouldn't be saying this to him. And Angel didn't like human food (save for coffee). And they could have changed this about him for this comic AU, I suppose. Or had this be one of the few human foods he liked, or something. But it just seems like an example of how Boom can't write him right. At all.
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Ingo and Emmet Pokémon Teams
When it comes to what Pokémon Ingo and Emmet have in their individual possession, I feel it’s not always consistent between people about who has what. So I thought  that I would throw my hat into the ring and explain who I think owns what generally, even if they maybe sometimes share for battles on the Subway.
Ingo: Chandelure, Excadrill, Accelgor, Klinklang, Haxorus, Garbodor, Conkeldurr
My Reasoning: Chandelure, Excadrill, and Accelgor are all canonically confirmed to be Ingo’s Pokémon through either dialogue, the anime, or Pokémon Masters. While Haxorus and Klinklang are also used by Emmet whenever he’s battled alone, Ingo is the one who uses the two of them both when battled alone and when you battle the brothers together, which I feel makes a good case for those two in particular to be his. While Ingo uses Crustle in battle when fought alongside Emmet and only uses Garbodor when alone, I feel that Garbodor is a better fit for him in order to make him the one with more type diversity amongst his team of Pokémon in contrast to Emmet. Conkeldurr is an added seventh member that I just like the idea of him having after seeing art of it once.
Emmet: Eelektross, Archeops, Escavalier, Galvantula, Durant, Crustle, Gigalith
My Reasoning: Again, Eelektross, Archeops, and Escavalier are all canonically confirmed to be Emmet’s Pokémon through the same forms of media that are applicable to Ingo. In the games, Emmet is the only one to ever use Galvantula and Durant in battle, which I feel solidly cements them as his as well. While Emmet does use Garbodor and Crustle when battled alone but not when alongside Ingo, I feel that keeping Crustle with him suits him and keeping up a pattern of him having a team of similarly typed Pokémon in contrast to Ingo. Gigalith is an added seventh member that I just like the idea of him having after seeing it in art.
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yyoon5 · 23 days
Can't believe we're going to be submitting our poetry to be published next week...I really can't believe a xiaowang poem is making it out into the world.
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ariminiria · 9 months
Nine would've said I love you
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bluelolblue · 5 months
Will you be posting that fic? Cuz I kinda wanna read it ngl💀😭
-news anon
It's cringe and has grammer mistakes 😭💀
Like... back then I thought I ate with it 💀 like those were peak santino type of fanfics
HOWEVER, I can tell you like... what happened in it :)
Basically, you (since it was written as y/n) worked in a coffee shop and then Santino showed up and there was immediately a connection. And then he saved you from someone who tried to hurt you and then took you to his place. He took care of you, you opened up to him (it was me talking about some stuff I went through HSHSH) and he was all cute and comforting... the classic. And um... then the spicy happened. Idk just started kissing and then sexy time. Then there's a part where he takes you to a restaurant and he fucking gets the most expensive food and wine and pays for it. And... my favorite part... he buys you A CAR like you can't get more y/n classic then this LMAOO. BUT WAIT there's more! You two try out the car, go for a ride... and then stop somewhere and have sexy time in the car. Then we cut to like... him being shot? And then you take care of him and all that stuff. Then ANOTHER sexy time happened bc why not. And he was kinda submissive. Later on more venting to Santino and just... yeah that. And then he proposed. Got married to him and yeah. It was nice 😭
That's all for now bc idk how to even explain it BAHAHAH but yeah long story short 💀
Maybe... MAYBE I can rewrite it one day bc I just found it and I'm cringing at it 😭🔫
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
had a dream that stiefvater wrote a gansey novel and i was sooo smug abt it. alas. also he was apparently having ? a villain arc ? and i was happy about that too which seems uh odd now. but whatever
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inkoustem · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
—2022: all the things we've said.
[id: a compilation of chat bubble screenshots, put together to make a blackout poem transcribed below:
i'm so happy i understand your handwriting because i want to read [your] words and the way our minds able to [connect], i'm pretty sure a void exist inside of me just for me to scream to it how much i love you i wanna take you there but you're so far breaking hearts in every country and said: i'll be back someday that is genuinely upsetting but like in a sexy way if that's even possible weren't you the one who let me think that's ok to [say] miss [you] i promise [you] it's worth it one day i'll be looking back to this day and think "that's the start of it all" do you do it every time[?] is it saved somewhere? yes in our hearts, is it there for a limited time or forever[?] babe i have a feeling i can do more all the way to the end we say it too often. i'm glad [you] exist [though, just saying] how coincidental, i'm glad you exist too
/end id]
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aceaphs · 2 years
tell me why i’m writing a whole ein post that is like 5% coherent and i decided to write it despite not rewatching any of the series’ in years and would anyone try to understand where i’m coming from
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unclefungusthegoat · 2 years
*sigh* I am right back on the Rochefort hype train
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edsiecap · 3 months
Animation practice(?)
Chat I unironically simp for Sans Undertale
God I love this pile of bones
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
Hmmmmmmm spent the last roughly 24 hours either reading Yuki/Kakeru fanfiction or full on. blacked out sitting in place, unmoving, vividly imagining them interacting.
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experiment-000 · 7 months
Really back on my bullshit rn.
Been burned by my special interest and feel like I can't be involved in it rn. So falling back on all my teen comfort fandoms because they're all I know.
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