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s0phyy · 8 months ago
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angelsilhia · 5 days ago
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Bitten and exiled as i stand still between broken down monuments with Louis William Mathew Thomas (the dog).
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newlifeprojects · 7 months ago
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unatkozni nem fogunk, de nagyon aludni sem...
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otezer fok van, es a szunyogok meeg elo sem jottek...
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anem1ca · 4 months ago
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Você é oque você come.
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lunzaw · 1 year ago
imc 17 .. .. ..
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nicolagriffith · 2 years ago
International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2023
I loved the Leeds International Medieval Congress: warm, collegial, confusing, busy, exciting, tedious, tiring, and delightful, with all the best conversations happening in the bar.. Here's my report.
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emotionalwarmth · 2 years ago
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I finished something that gave me huge relief a few days back Tim, my Titanfall OC (blond guy) for a roleplay ^^ The red and later just brown haired woman (yea they are the same, these are not rly detailed drawings) is Bridget, the mother of his kid, sadly they parted a while back due to Bridget being done with the IMC The little girl is Raya. She is a sweetie I am curious what the DM will do to his little "family" O.O Tim is kinda drowning himself in work by the way, distracting himself from his mistakes and doubts with strong training. His personality should be pretty much my exact opposite: leader-type, organised, mostly extravert and sometimes a bit ruthless: the end justifies the means, has certain moral standards and believes IMC can make the world a better place. So far. Although Bridget has hinted a few doubts inside him.
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emilioalessioloiacono · 2 years ago
🔵 Le obesità non sono tutte uguali: qual è la differenza tra obesità di primo, secondo e terzo grado? 👉 Leggi l’articolo: https://medicinaonline.co/2017/12/30/differenza-tra-obesita-primo-secondo-e-terzo-grado/ ✅  #obesità #grasso #sovrappeso #BMI #IMC #EmilioAlessioLoiacono #MedicinaOnLine
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octarinespill · 5 months ago
Roger Olmos
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diasoluyalu2 · 1 day ago
BMI according to Dr. DIASOLUKA Luyalu
JB Dadet DIASOLUKA Luyalu Nzoyifuanga
+243 - 851278216 - 899508675 - 991239212 - 902263541 - 813572818
The latest revision of this text is available on CD.
. ! . This text is an automatic translation from French to English.
The Body Mass Index (BMI or Quetelet Index ), is a tool used to assess a person's corpulence based on their height and weight.
Dr. DIASOLUKA's Body Mass Index is called ROUNDNESS INDEX .
Why use the term of ROUNDNESS (DODUITÉ) ?
Because this formula clearly reflects better the deviations of values from normal , especially in overweight, and the anomaly becomes all the more obvious the further away we move from normal values , as we will see later.
There are two main well-known formulas for calculating body mass index (BMI) :
BMI according to Adolphe QUETELET = [ Pds / T^ 2 ]
and its improved version by Trefethen​
BMI according to Nick TREFETHEN = [ ( 1.3*weight[kg ] ) / (height[m]^2.5) ]
In the latter formula, the Nick TREFETHEN formula there is no medically obvious reason to justify dividing weight by the square of height in QUÉTELET's BMI .
Similarly there is no reason to multiply the person's weight by the SQUARE ROOT of the AVERAGE HEIGHT of the GENERAL POPULATION , and divide the whole by the height raised to the exponent 2.5 .
So, it seemed reasonable to me to propose something else that I consider medically more realistic to quantify the risk (vital and health ) linked to weight... reported at the waist.
Everyone knows that excess weight poses a health risk . But it is not the weight itself that poses a risk, but the component that causes this excess weight: fat, muscle, water, mass…
There are weight tables or curves that establish a correlation between weight and vital risk. Weight is therefore in itself an inherent factor of vital risk or simply of health .
It has been medically established that the WEIGHT/HEIGHT ratio is also a vital risk factor .
I therefore considered it entirely judicious to combine the two risk factors to amplify their influence or impact, by multiplying the P/T factor by the inherent risk Weight , which gives :
=                     IMC_dias = P^2 / T                    =
which gives for a height of 1.40 m and a weight of 49 kg :
BMI Quetelet = 25 kg/m² ,
BMI Trefethen = 27.47 kg/m² ,
Dr. Diasoluka 's BMI [raw] = 17.15 kg²/cm ,
for a height of 1.70 m and a weight of 53.465 kg :
BMI Quetelet = 18.5 kg / m² ,
BMI Trefethen = 18.45 kg/m² ,
Dr. Diasoluka 's [raw] BMI = 16.81 kg²/cm ,
QUETELET 's BMI gives values close to (almost similar to) that of TREFETHEN .
But also that mine ( Dr DIASOLUKA’s ) [gross or raw] is pinched compared to the other two. But this is only an illusion, it is like this, only for the underweights .
But none of these three formulas establishes the proportion of the different components involved in weight (fat, water, muscles, bones, mass, etc.) and the level of risk.
It is therefore strongly recommended to couple this BMI parameter with other methods/means of investigation, for example IMPEDANCEMETRY , clinic, laboratory, physiology, imaging, other electronic means, etc.).
The big difficulty with my formula will be the interpretation of its figures (obtained from my formula), especially in a mass screening .
Let's try to interpret , according to the normal BMI figures according to Quetelet , the BMI figures obtained with my formula. To do this we draw up a spreadsheet:
[Ctrl-] Click this link, or Follow the following link to see the table below in big
or else, read in:
According to these (identical) spreadsheets, if we color the risk areas in red according to Quetelet 's BMI , that is to say
BMI over 25 [ for men and women { usually for women it is considered excess from 24 ; but the current trend is to go up to 35 kg/m² for both men and women }]
BMI lower to 18.5 [for men and women {some consider 19 , others 18 as the lower limit for men and women}]
In practical classical medicine , 18 and 19 are not fundamentally different .
And if we superimpose (transpose) this limitation of weight and height on the table of my BMI, we see this:
Normal upper values are not constant, but increase [diagonally from upper left to lower right ] with both weight and height.
In this respect I think that my BMI better reflects the risk linked both to weight and to height , since IT IS OBVIOUS /MANIFEST THAT AN INCREASE IN EITHER (WEIGHT OR HEIGHT) INCREASES THE VITAL RISK : the organism (the whole body) and the vital organs including the heart must take care of a greater quantity of cells.
I read this somewhere, I don't remember where:
" The risk of cancer increases by 16% for every ten centimeters you gain, perhaps because of the growth hormone which also makes cancer cells grow . .. "
If we take weights below 70 kg ( therefore healthier), the normal limits ( white zone ) of the BMI according to my formula are superimposable on those of Quetelet and those of Trefethen , if we consider that the BMI < 30 kg/m² is within the norm.
If we take weights below 65 kg ( adult norm), the normal limits of BMI according to my formula are superimposable on the rigorous limit enacted (promulgated, decreed) for BMI with the Quetelet formula and that of Trefethen , namely BMI < 25 kg/m² .
And 65 kg is the ideal limit weight that we have almost always advised not to exceed .
When has Premiumorange sets the weight limits in kg as follows:
min : 45 (-50.39% of someone who weighs 90.7 ), MINI: 60 (-33.85%), MAX: 90 (-0.77%), max: 110 (21.28%).
We take weights below 80 kg , the normal limits of BMI according to my formula are super-imposable on the absolute upper limit dictated for the BMI with the Quételet formula and that of Trefethen , namely BMI < 35 kg/ m² .
However, the current trend is to consider Quetelet’s BMIs between 25 and 35 kg/m² as normal .
Or/And 75 to 80 kg , this is the most common weight among healthy adults ( Healthy Weight ).
And from 85 kg ( never recommended as neither ideal weight nor healthy weight nor ideal weight ), the BMI according to my formula indicates figures higher than the highest limit admitted with the Quetelet formula , namely 35 kg /m² , in other words the excess weight becomes obvious /manifest/patent with my BMI formula.
But as everyone can see, the Que telet and Trefethen formulas give normal BMI values for those weights > 85 kg .
So my formula gives figures which, interpreted according to the standards of those obtained with the formulas of Quetelet and Trefethen , can serve as more sensitive indicators in the isolated evaluation of excesses of *WEIGHT* .
Below are some interpretations of weight alone according to my BMI formula .
Below 65 kg = Normal except perhaps if height > 1.95 m ( gigantism = anomaly) . We know that 65 kg is the most recommended ideal weight .
above 65 to 70 kg = Tendency to weight gain .​
over 70 to 80 kg = Overweight .
Above 80 to 100 kg = High unless perhaps muscle dominance .​
Over 100 kg = MAYBE “ NO EXCUSE ”!
Inf at ±50 kg = Azure Mystère ! Closely / intimately dependent on age, size, and of course gender, tribe, lifestyle (yogi, athlete, model, television viewer , underweight , malnutrition , cachexia ... ) .
The green area in Dr. DIASOLUKA's BMI plot in the table
indicates normal BMIs between 17.79 and 25.61 kg²/cm , projecting into the Quetelet BMI-based table of BMIs of 19.03 to 23.88 kg/m² .
The yellow zone indicates BMIs of 25.13 to 28.82 in the table according to DIASOLUKA , which is projected onto BMIs of 18.41 to 24.22 in the table based on Quetelet 's formula .
The orange zone corresponds to BMIs of 28.13 to 35.56 in the table according to the BMI of DIASOLUKA , and is projected on BMIs of 18.75 to 24.69 according to Quetelet .
When in the red zone , it corresponds to BMI > 36.13 in the table according to DIASOLUKA , projecting onto BMIs of 21.25 to 25.00 in the table based on Quetelet .
The BMI formula according to Dr DIASOLUKA made it possible in this work to clarify the body weight standards .
It is very curious/funny that the interpretation of the BMI is done almost according to the same criteria / norms [ ¿ magical ?] whether it is the formula of Adolphe QUETELET , Nick TREFETHEN , or Dr Luyalu DIASOLUKA .
Keywords :​
Dr Diasoluka , INDEX, ROUNDNESS , DODUITÉ,  BMI, body mass index, corpulence index, overweight, Adolphe QUETELET , Nick TREFETHEN, excess weight , health risk , vital risk, WEIGHT/HEIGHT, illusion, interpretation , mass screening, BMI, Quételet, Trefethen , Adolphe, Nick, Diasoluka , Doduité , Corpulence, weight, height, obesity, overweight, thinness, malnutrition, index, fat, muscle, impedancemetry , mass, standards
Friday, November 1, 2019 ( 8:26 AM ).
Jean-Baptiste Dadet DIASOLUKA Nzoyifuanga Luyalu ,
+243 - 851278216 - 899508675 - 995624714 - 902263541 - 813572818
1. Specialist in Ophthalmology
(1980 – Clin Univ Kinshasa)
2. Doctor in Medicine, Surgery & Childbirth
(1977 – University of Zaire, Kinshasa),
CNOM: 0866 ( Rep Congo Dem )
3. Mathematician - Physicist humanities level,
(1971 – Pestalozzi College – Already all forgotten!)
4. Computer scientist, Programmer, Webmaster
5. Poor knowledge of machine and assembler languages,
6. Quite well versed in C++ (nowadays almost vanished) and JavaScript.
7. Independent, autonomous and self-financed researcher, volunteer,
without any conflict of interest or links of interest or promotional constraints with
whoever or whatever body or institution/organization
whether state, parastatal or private, industrial or commercial in relation to the subject presented.
Center for Studies and Research for
Computerization and Myopia.
Private, self-financed, non-profit institution,
Founded May 10, 1981
By …
…DIASOLUKA Nz . Luyalu
Doctor of Medicine, Surgery & Childbirth (1977),
CNOM: 0866 - Specialist in ophthalmology (1980)
Humanities studies: Scientific - Mathematics & Physics.
Computer enthusiast, Programmer and WebMaster .
Independent, autonomous and self-financed researcher , volunteer, without any conflict of interest or links of interest or promotional constraint with anyone or any body or institution / organization whatsoever, state, parastatal or private, industrial or commercial in relation to the subject presented.
WatsApp = +243 - 813572818
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nationallawreview · 1 month ago
“Don’t You Have to Look at What the Statute Says?” – IMC’s Oral Arguments
As we noted earlier on TCPAWorld, the IMC odds against the FCC might be better than initially thought due to the panel of judges from the Eleventh Circuit hearing the oral arguments. Oral argument recordings are available online. And the panel did not disappoint in pushing back on the FCC. The conversation hinged on the FCC’s power to implement regulations in furtherance of the TCPA’s statutory…
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angelsilhia · 2 days ago
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𝔏𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔞 𝔄𝔩𝔟𝔞
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akashambanifc91 · 3 months ago
भारत में 6G की तैयारी शुरू आकाश अंबानी का वादा 5G से भी ज्यादा रिकॉर्ड बनाएगा 6G, सबसे तेज और सस्ता इंटरनेट सिर्फ भारत में
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my-pdiet · 4 months ago
¡Transforma tu salud desde adentro, más allá del IMC!
🌟 Nuevo Diagnóstico de Obesidad 🌟
🔍 Nuevo enfoque: Diagnóstico basado en la grasa corporal, no solo en el IMC.
📉 IMC insuficiente: La grasa abdominal es clave para evaluar riesgos.
⚖️ Tratamientos personalizados: Nutrición, ejercicio y posibles tratamientos médicos.
👉 ¡Visita nuestra página web y transforma tu salud!
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The IMC will help you unlock your potential
Discover unparalleled growth and development opportunities with (International Mentoring Center) IMC. Our accredited mentoring programs are designed to empower individuals through expert guidance and training. Join a global network of mentors and mentees dedicated to professional excellence. Enhance your skills, achieve your goals, and become a certified master mentor with IMC's comprehensive and endorsed training programs. Start your journey to success today!
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thatonefunnyfella · 1 year ago
Here's a little video I put together a little over a year ago onto YouTube about the Pilots of Titanfall and Apex. Whilst there's obviously things I'd improve looking back on it, I'm still rather proud of how it turned out.
Thinking about remastering it some day with the editing knowledge I have now. Edit: I've done that now
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