#imaginary lyrics
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givreencres · 3 months ago
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aardwolfpack · 11 months ago
"Ding dong, the witch is dead! Wh-which old witch? The wicked! Ding dong, the witch is dead, the Wicked Witch of the West!"
"Kidnap the Sandy Claws so we can have a party! Kidnap the Sandy Claws so we can spit in his face!"
"Bring back the buckyball before I have to kill you..."
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sunflowerrboyy · 6 days ago
ok after listening to the evolution of ajr i think what they managed to finally grasp that made them sound solid is harnessing the balance between broadway and pop. some of their earlier stuff is too much broadway and not enough pop and some is too much pop with not enough broadway to counteract it. i think some of the pre-living room could definitely work for other artists that lean into pop/rap more with some minor (and a few major) adjustments. and on the flip side, the broadway sounding ones that are cheesy would 100% work for a stage show because broadway sounds a bit cheesy, it's dramatic.
it's impressive the brothers could put out music that is listenable (idk if thats a word) but also somewhat catchy at such a young age. i think ryan mentioned in an interview or a masterclass or something that for the first years even into living room, the band was trying to emulate other artists and genres, and he's right. baby ajr totally understood the structure of what makes a pop song sound like a pop song, what makes an r&b song sound like an r&b song, what makes broadway sound broadway, etc. etc. it was a formula, and they were able to follow it, but that was all. there was no added ajr "sound" to it yet; it wasn't distinguishable to an outside (or inside) audience yet.
when it finally clicked and the balance was found is what makes ajr sound like ajr. they were able to take that musical ability of finding the formulas for genres and melody making and create their own twist on the music with a signature sound. i could go on about this but for example: spokestep, orchestra, choir, etc. etc. (the beginning of spokestep sort of peeking through in pre living room songs but not quite developed yet.)
finding that balance of the genres is what made ajr's music finally work and sound GOOD. too much of one thing per song, especially if the album/ep is switching from genre to genre from song to song, did not work in their favor. taking the little elements from various music, slapping down a great contrasting beat, and throwing in a bit of wiggly noises is what finally made the band's music work.
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paxcallow · 3 months ago
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it's okay, i know nothing's wrong. noth-ing...
this cover got me uncommonly motivated to draw about THELMA. im not doing the whole thing though.
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3v3ry0n3z-fav3-al13n-x3 · 1 year ago
2 b0yfr3nz w1th 0pp0s1t3 styl3z, fav mus1c and.. 3v3ryth1ng 3ls3 xDD
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0pp0s1t3z attract 3ach0th3r <3333
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astridkolch · 2 months ago
But most importantly, sleep 😴
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hauxicrook · 4 months ago
She makes me so nervous, probably on purpose
She's just so perfect, I just can't help it
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steakrogers · 11 months ago
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i know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge --
the nightmare i built my own world to escape
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asurrogateblog · 7 months ago
not to be insensitive but tbh I don’t really feel bad for jim morrison’s death mythologizing him as a martyr to rock because in the last few weeks I have read a significant amount of the fucked up esoteric philosophy that inspired the doors and I am now 100% certain that jim was perfectly self-aware of the consequences of how he cultivated his public image and knew exactly what would happen if his choices led to an untimely end. I’m not saying that’s why he died but I am saying he saw the writing on the wall so I’m not gonna do him the disrespect of pitying him for purposefully embodying the tragic poet
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kindlythevoid · 1 year ago
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Edgar Allen Poe // Pinterest // When the Mind Sleeps by Mariusz Lewandowski // Dark Matter by Robert Hunter Jones // Trillium by Louise Gluck // Carina Nebula (C92) pic from NASA // Promptuarium // Introduction to Quantum Theory by Franny Choi // Miracle of Creation by Mariusz Lewandowski // Rainer Maria Rilke, from Where Silence Reigns: Selected Prose; "An Experience," // Pinterest // Carl Sagan, Symphony of Science // Nebula Sharpless 2-106 pic from NASA // Twitter User @tsaritsasimp06 // chasingdaises // The Old Astronomer to His Pupil by Sarah Williams // Pinterest // Pinterest // Galaxy Hercules A pic from NASA // Imaginary Heroes (2004) dir. Dan Harris // Spacetime Fairytale by Regina Spektor // 30 Doradus Nebula pic from NASA // Stormy End by Sunrise Avenue // Dumbbell Nebula (M27) pic from NASA
This one was titled: Finding Comfort in the Enormity of the Universe When Your Problems Feel Too Big.
Yeah, I was *thisclose* to an existential crisis (aren't we all at some point?) and was learning about the stars, and isn't there something comforting about there being this wide expanse out there? All that beauty and chaos and light and dark and it's billions and millions of light years away, so far that you measure it in light, and you can't even use yourself as a metric when measuring up against nebulae and supergiants and blackholes. And it makes you feel kinda small, and maybe a little scared, but suddenly those problems aren't so big, are they? We're just little people on a little rock next to a little star with our own little moon. We really won the lottery on chances, didn't we? And doesn't that make you want to look at the stars, take a breath, and make it to the next day?
Side note: I spent a good couple of hours scrolling through NASA's website and getting sidetracked (hence my earlier post on the moon landing in two years). Lowkey in love with NASA's website, ngl. So as an added treat, here are a few of my favorites that I came across!!
This will tell you when/where you can see the ISS! (idk if it works internationally, I just sort of focusing on where I was atm, ha ha!)
This lets you know about upcoming launches! (how I found out about Artemis!!)
This is a map that lets you see pictures of a bunch of cool stars/galaxies/exoplanets/nebulae! (This is where I grabbed all of the pretty space pictures!! There's so much more, too!!!)
This is a website that posts a fun picture of certain tech or something in the universe as well as an explanation below every day!! (I was shown this recently and I keeeeep checking.)
And, last but not least, this website tells you what picture the Hubble Telescope took on your birthday!! (Astrology signs are OUT, tell me what picture was taken the day of your birth!!)
There's also a (fictional) comic strip about the first woman on the moon! (I didn't get a chance to read it, but it's also found on a whole page dedicated to interactives and games which is absolutely where I found some of those other links)
Anyway, there's definitely more to find and would highly recommend just scrolling through their website to see what you can find!
We're gonna be okay, y'all. (っ´⌣`)ノ(´._.`)
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givreencres · 8 months ago
En :
There was a time when I asked you...
Will you follow me into the darkness?
Will you follow me into the meanders?
Will you follow me into the light?
Will you follow me to the edge of emotions?
Will you follow me wherever my steps lead ?
Will you follow me through the ages?
Will you follow me through the tumult of time?
You didn't answer me
I kept asking you these questions
Again and again...
In the course of discussions and the passage of time
Through the turns of our meetings and the events of our lives
We followed our own paths
Our paths always intertwined
And yet you never answered me
And yet we were always there
For each other
One with the other
Love transcending time
Love fighting against the wind
And my eternal questions...
Will you follow me through adversity?
Will you follow me through melody?
Will you follow me where peace awaits?
I never expected a gesture from you
Just a word
A word you couldn't say
A word to set me in motion
And an action I couldn't take
Too long to go without an answer
And yet we're still each other's
So tonight...
I take the world as my witness
I give up everything for you
No more waiting, no more fear
Just one sentence...
Hanging in the air for eternity...
Love You...
À une époque je t'ai demandé...
Me suivras-tu dans les ténèbres ?
Me suivras-tu dans les méandres ? 
Me suivras-tu dans la lumière ? 
Me suivras-tu à la lisière des émotions ? 
Me suivras-tu là où mes pas nous guideront ? 
Me suivras-tu à travers les époques ? 
Me suivras-tu à travers les tumulte du temps ? 
Tu ne m'as pas répondu 
J'ai continué à te poser ces questions 
Encore et encore...
Au détour de discussions et du temps qui passe 
Au détour de nos rencontres et des événements de nos vies 
Nous avons suivi nos propres voies 
Nos chemins se sont toujours entrelacés
Et pourtant tu ne m'as jamais répondu 
Et pourtant nous étions toujours là...
L'un pour l'autre 
L’un avec l'autre 
Amour transcendant le temps 
Amour luttant contre le soufflant 
Et mes éternelles questions...
Me suivras-tu dans l'adversité ? 
Me suivras-tu à travers les mélodies ? 
Me suivras-tu là où la paix nous attend ? 
Je n'ai jamais attendu un geste de ta part 
Simplement un mot 
Un mot que tu ne pouvais dire 
Un mot pour me mettre en mouvement 
Et une action que je ne pouvais entreprendre
Trop de temps à passer sans réponse 
Et pourtant nous sommes toujours l'un à l'autre 
Alors ce soir...
Je prends à témoin le monde 
J'abandonne tout pour toi 
Plus d'attente, plus de peur 
Une seule phrase...
Suspendue dans l'air pour l'éternité... 
© Givre Encres
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mikalilys · 9 days ago
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benkaben · 14 days ago
Si nos dejan, nos vamos a querer toda la vida...
(but UWMA).
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tfempetrikov · 1 month ago
Been thinking about "Shiori", a song from mygo as 0909 fluff (specifically ktbk + kanji boku).
"Is it ok if I trust you? (Of course)
Is it ok if I stay here? (Of course)
Whenever you feel that way,
receive yourself with compassion"
Like, this would be a situation where kataboku is comforting kanji boku... Maybe kanji boku doesn't totally percieve it, tough (like in his 2023 birthday timeline).
I think this line from the song also fits:
"Pain, pain, go away
To keep sadness from taking everything away
I'll be right here, with me"
I know the song is more about Tomori Takamatsu's experience with neurodivergency, but at some point of the song the pronoun "boku" is used two times in the same verse (boku wa boku no mikata de iyou yo) and it reminded me of "I will save me" from MeMe lol
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esoteric-aesthetic-lyrics · 8 months ago
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Bristol - Imaginary Future
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good--merits-accumulated · 2 months ago
the supremely fun thing about writing is that every project will evoke a different kind of emotional response in you and it's all so fulfilling in such radically different ways. it's partially why I can't really understand authors who restrict themselves to one writing style/genre - it's an infinite sandbox!!! why are you fencing YOURSELF in???? nobody did that!!!!
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