#im sure the symbolism in here doesnt mean anything
cookiesnpaste · 29 days
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wow! its almost like this dude has lore or smtn idk
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imustbenuts · 3 months
theres a few ??? thing going on in trigun stampede that's explicitly japanese/sino-ish in culture but im entirely not sure what to make of it. 3 things.
Knives' birthname being settled as Kni/Nai,
JuLai's emblem symbolism,
and the Buddha Thread??? thing in ep 11 10
Knives' birthname is Kni and hm! ...無い?
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this is specifically a stampede thing. nightow didnt give him this Kni name in his work, so i can only chalk this up to the stampede staff's deliberate decision. if you render it into japanese, it'd be Nai, and the immediate word i can think of is... 無い. meaning, Nothing, or Without.
it fits rather well considering stampede has officially placed an emphasis on his obsessive love towards his brother on his bio on their official site:
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my TL:
Vash's twin brother. Possesses a cold and merciless personality. Filled with a hatred for humans, he masterminds an organization with a plan to massacre the entire human species. With abilities beyond human understanding, he has the power to destroy entire planets. He greatly loves his only younger twin brother, Vash to an obsessive degree.
interestingly, the word used for the obsessive love here specifically is 執着 shuuchaku, which has roots/association with the word Abhinivesha. from what i understand it is a mental state, a fear of death, and a desperation to cling onto life so much one becomes ignorant and causes their own suffering. and ignorance is another big core of what makes Knives' character tick.
so i feel like this has some pointers towards Knives, or even child Kni being nothing without his younger brother. (or it could just be a simpler play on the word naive lmao)
meanwhile for Vash there's not really anything japanese that jumps out at me, but some have pointed out his name sounds like the french word Vashe, used for female cattle. extremely passive and born for consumption and theres a lot to dissect in that direction but im not going there! his name is Knife and his brother is a cattle there's catholicism may your brain go brr.
theres more to the nothingness concept in buddhism that doesnt put it squarely in a negative category but lets talk about buddhism later. next:
JuLai's emblem
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stared at this for a few seconds and yelled fuck me. this represents the twins, AND its the broken yin yang symbol:
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:). hey look at that female thing popping up again--
Knives is evidently the light Yang, and Vash is the dark Yin. ngl this daoist thing is somewhat sexist but lets brush that over 2 thousand year old aspect aside for this post. for stampede's case we can clearly see what theming is going on especially for those in the know of the original work.
Knives is hella assertive to the point of echoing fascist eugenics nonsense, and Vash has that nurturing instinct that seems to pop in whenever there's a human child or people who needs help.
interestingly the planet No Man's Land has too much fugging sun and is too hostile for human life. to survive people have to live in the shade and turn to plants for counters to the harsh, hot celestial sun. so here if Knives is being the sun, hes also being hostile to human life, and meanwhile the feminine looking plants and Vash's personality plus actions are the only thing giving these people at chance at life. (also vash has the power of Dark Matter or something)
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obviously, just like JuLai's broken symbol, the balance is completely and utterly out of whack. in daoism a broken balance is thought to cause a lot of suffering. in the finale, Vash doesnt have a single speck of white on him, and Knives doesn't have a single speck of black. this means there isn't a balance and they cant come to an agreement at all.
im gonna also point out here that vash's idea of co-existence even if accepted wouldnt be a permanent solution due to the dependents having limited lifespan. so through this lens, stampede seems to be saying that neither twin's ideas are really effective long term solution, tho Knives is completely unacceptable due to obvious genocidal reasons.
Buddha Thread
studio orange whaaat are you guys cooking over there... ok so. in ep 11, Knives drops Vash into the uhhh The Hell Pool, and Vash tries to get out of it with his wire and hangs for a bit. then we get a scene like this:
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Knives proceeds to cut Vash's thread and he drops into The Hell Pool. and then the metaphorical SA scene happens.
i call it Buddha Thread but this can also be known as The Spider's Thread. there exists a story of The Spider's Thread that's very Japanese-Buddhist and well known over there.
the gist of this story is that Buddha lowers a single spider thread to a sinner in the deepest hell as a lifeline to get out, bc this heavy sinner had done a singular good deed of saving a spider he was about to crush with his foot. however, the thread is broken as a result of the sinner's selfishness yelling for the other sinners below him to let go, claiming this thread was his and his alone. the sinner having climbed halfway upwards the thread after great effort plunges back into the pits of hell. buddha having watched all of this reacts with sadness, and the days in paradise carry on as per usual.
and. digest that for a second. and then refer back to Knives and The Fall and this scene that plays later, when Vash's mind wipe begins proper:
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fuck. me. knives is framed as a self proclaimed god in the loudest ways on multiple levels.
while these 3 aspect i just broke down explaining do not exist at least overtly in the original trigun, i thought it would be interesting to chew on in light of the overwhelming catholicism existing in the story.
there's some themes im also picking up from the original trigun that might be rooted in either buddhsim or japanese culture such as: the undeniable truth that yearning and hunger is part of the human living experience and to deny it is to deny living. but im not sure what to make of it bc A) not explicitly framed or explored as a buddhsim/japanese idea thing and B) catholicsm obv is the overwhelming theme of the entire work
idk what the heck studio orange is cooking exactly but. hm.
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sassykinzonline · 4 months
sometimes its actually alarming HOW uncritically the naruto fandom looks at the text like because something isnt "shown" in canon/on-screen (it usually is, but just implicitly) people think it means it couldnt have happened and therefore making sweeping statements about the character like "theyre just weak" or "they make no sense"
as usual im going to focus on naruto (😌) heres an example but it applies to many others (itachi, gaara, neji, hinata,...me)
here are some things we know about naruto:
he is inexplicably talented at taijutsu despite having no mentor
he created sexy jutsu for attention from older men (he craves a father figure)
he is rather repulsed by affection aside from certain people
he relies on shadow clones to outnumber his enemies and protect him from damage, as well as acting like diversions (he only later on seems to learn to use them practically as well, and he doesnt use them as an actual team iirc)
he represses his memories and life severely if they cause him distress or negative emotion, and when he doesnt do that it causes him to lose complete control of himself in anger
some of these things are basic signs of a child who has been abused in multiple ways (particularly verbally, physically, and sexually), but also just logically how is it possible that naruto became proficient at taijutsu when he didnt train with anyone and had no teacher to correct him? why would it be important to naruto to have, what are essentially, human shields? why does naruto freely tolerate physical abuse he receives while others openly complain about it? why would that lead to naruto eventually wanting to defend/protect everyone in tandom with ANOTHER orphan who feels the same? why would WE not be able to have a clear directly depicted answer to this as a reader?
idk to me personally there are a lot of things people say are "headcanons" are just things they logically put together based on subtext, and theres a reason why a vast majority of people who read the same text come to the same conclusion. it seems like this is a lot less common in manga form (i dont read manga so i wouldnt know, i understand different mediums have different communication norms but some things are just literary basics), so its the first time ive encountered this "why does everyone believe in [some idea not said in plain english]? it's never said anywhere!" logic...it doesnt need to be. there are certain clues and patterns youre supposed to be able to draw conclusions for based on common life experiences (archetypes/universal symbols).
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if you can do these above steps and come to a conclusion, and a plurality of people come to the same conclusion, it was probably intentional on the author's part. if the author explicitly states its not intentional, then sure, but that doesnt take away from how/why the story is impactful because the author may not even realize theyre doing it. an easy example i can think of is tsunade's fear of blood, where its meant to symbolize death, but in her case also ends up symbolizing love wrt her relationships with naruto and jiraiya. and thanks to blood gaining this symbolism through tsunade, when you see uchiha tears of blood, you instantly make those same connections. then you think back to gaara screaming about having never seen his blood (coming from his forehead where that tattoo of his is......), then the eventual resolution of that being an inversion of the symbolism the manga establishes when he battles his father during the war.
more than anything though i find it kind of concerning that adults sit around laughing at obviously what is meant to be traumatic. as if there arent people in your life who sit around with these same experiences and signs, with something they havent told you about because theyre afraid youll laugh at them.
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kewpidity · 2 months
posting my loz au here cause its like the third time ive lost it and had to recall and retype my thoughts about it, dont mind me or the terrible typos if you read it i was on mobile lol
okay so firstly, this is not a completely solid idea yet, the way i have the triforce divvied up is subject to change and also i realize there actually isnt that much emphasis on the swamp anyway, moreso im swapping their settings around but for now the vague idea is zelda - power, ganondorf - courage, and link - wisdom (this also reflects a bit more in their personalities, so we get a wilier zelda and a calmer link for example)
zelda is a young shepardess living in a nowhere hamlet in hyrule, feeling she's wasting away on the farm and hoping for a great big somewhere else, you know Hero Stuff. she lives with her two aunts (gotta get in that old lesbian rep) who are sheikah women that are also literally not related to her, who are set on keeping zelda on the farm, insisting that the world is dangerous and onlyl fools go out of their way to find it- in fact one would think that they were keeping her hidden away on purpose.
meanwhile, ganondorf is a diplomat from the gerudo nation, and a powerful wizard besides that. a strange and terrible sickness that seems to be magic based has ravaged his people, and desperate for a cure he didnt have the knowledge to make, he sets on into the world to search for anything that could point him in the right direction, in particular places of great age and magic, old temples, castle ruins, etc. all the while trying to keep ignore the gnawing feeling that he might somehow be the cause of the sickness because of a darkness thats been building inside of him the past year, right before things got bad. he doesnt know what it is but it scares him.
and then there's link, who lives deep deep in a forest (probably the lost woods). he was raised by fairies in some old hylian ruins choked with vines and impossible to reach without his assistance. he doesnt get much interaction with the outside world, and locals from the nearest town sometimes tell stories about a ghost that lives there that might help you out or might lead you further astray, so most people are smart enough to steer clear. he's lonely. he doesnt know where he actually came from, and it mostly doesnt bother him, but sometimes he feels a pull in the back of his mind when he looks at the words painted on carved on the temple ruin walls that the fairies never taught him to read, he always feels a bit like he's forgotten something and its Just out of his reach
now the catalyst for all of them meeting is ganondorf traveling through hyrule and stopping at the village zelda lived nearby, and when she heard that a powerful wizard from a distant land was visiting, she snuck out in the middle of the night to meet him at the inn, demanding that he take her with him. he was absolutely gonna say Hell No, but he notices the triforce symbol on her hand (i'll likely have them be a kind blobby birthmark that isnt super obvious immediately what you're looking at) thats v similar to his own, and that pesky darkness welling up in him has a v weird and strong reaction to her presence, and he isnt sure its a good thing, but its Something that must mean Something so he agrees to it
their travels lead them to the forest that link is living in, and they get horribly terribly lost and tbqh link considers just leaving them to stay lost forever, but he also feels that weird pull to the travelers that he does from the temple walls, and figures its worth helping them out because obviously he's curious about the feeling, and v much longing for companionship, like mentioned earlier
the overall plot is basically them going to the various temples, etc that ganondorf travels too (he's kind of in change in the au, since he's the oldest and Obviously most well traveled)
if it wasnt already clear, the darkness he's dealing with is actually the demon demise literally starting to take hold of him so he's got to push on for his people despite it (courage)
zelda is going on a more typical hero's journey sort of thing, where her resolve and overall goodness is tested through the adventure, and she has to find the balance of being righteous and Self righteous (balancing power)
link is kind of unknowingly a vessel for a lot of ancient knowledge that he doesnt know how to unlock, and is literally illiterate, so his journey is a little more vague but basically when he's the key to knowing what exactly to do about demise, maybe the language of the temple is a dead one because thats how ancient it is, and he can unlock the knowledge with some spiritual exploration (so wisdom)
zelda and link are the keys to getting rid of demise here, but none of them realize it
also ganondorf and link fall in love Obviously
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
(soo ignition teaser thoughts ig)
hmmmm im ngl the trailer itself as a like prelude to what is coming in 5.0 intrigue and plot wise is like. compared to the region teasers that came before w lazzo and overture. its just. its kinda bad im sorry KWKJKWDJKWDJK like okay cool seeing the new cast and production value is high as always (+ music) but its such a middling teaser for the story itself?? it feels like a powerpoint presentation of the cast more than anything narratively coherent with an inherent draw and mystery
like theres mavuika speaking to the flame thingy (xbalanque that u? "one entombed in the primal fire" perhaps????) with some intrigue i suppose as well as her brief thing w capitano. ororon also appearing to be working together or aligned with capitano given theyre standing together there which could make for an interesting plot thread but beyond that its very.... eh. its not giving us a lot to grip onto ya know???? and thats rly a shame especially since i also felt that way abt the teaser in the 4.8 livestream. i wish we got more
and sure theres a tournament wahoo but like. its really Not helping to hype up that thing when half the introduced cast isnt being like "OMG the tournament!!!!1!1 this is HUGE!!!1" (or even. "oh no this is BAD!!!1" to set up basic conflict. like why would they dread it?) but instead just. "oh right... the tournament 🙄🙄" like who thought that was a good idea 😭😭 if the PEOPLE of natlan dgaf abt the big plot event happening then how am i as the viewer supposed to feel majorly invested in it . wow theyre tossing a ball around . wow nobody wants it guess ur tournament is having a bit of a PR issue in the making mavuika lmao
anyway i wouldnt even call myself a true capitano glazer despite being a fatuiHQ enjoyer on the side but like. that hmph still carried welcome capHIMpeaktano truly o7 JWDJWDJKDWJK also did yall see the. anemo-ish turquoise flare when mavuika is confronting (?) him? wonder if thats a thing with her flames or is it implying cap as anemo or sth.... i think itd fit him decent enough but ya. looking forward to HIM for sure
(+ congrats to him for losing the goofy timbs from arles animated short lmao like his design looks so fucking sick now)
character design wise uhhhh. well theres the obvious huge fucking issue here and while id say that hoyo p much already showed their true colors on the matter with sumeru that doesnt rly. make it any less disappointing and egregious wrt all the cultures and peoples theyre So willing to gather inspiration from in all possible aspects Other than the diversity of the people themselves. like its just... bad and such a shame but also not very surprising unfortunately.
(and really it just. looks especially bad given they clearly Can put melanin on people its just... enemy mobs only.)
beyond that i kind of dont have anyone that super catches my eye rn??? mainly because . well leaks moment eek but its basically official info now so basically. xilonens existence as a geo and a 5* (which like . u dont need leaks to guess she will be im sorry jdwjdw) was leaked a bit ago as well as the patch she should appear meaning. im actually in chiori rerun savings mode since its very high chance that she will be back w xilonen if anyone. so thats my plan for now kjdwjkdwjkdwjk
in terms of the actual cast i do like kinich and ororons designs v much, the design motifs of the latter especially are interesting bc those eye-like patterns are almost giving quantum symbol (= black hole imagery) to me???? and thats V interesting especially if hes actually working w capitano and the fatui. now him being a cat boy or whatever animals ears those turn out to be isnt like sth thats huge for Me personally but i do think hes valid and also W for anyone whos into that, congrats guys im happy for u ! but like fr itd be such an insane twist if hoyos Finally introducing the void quantum abyss whatever element w him (and maybe cap too.) bc that symbol Rly is looking Curious. or then hes just electro lol. for kinich its like. yeah fair he might be xiao-tighnari-gaming from minecraft ill admit that but. i do like the color scheme and his outfit a lot JKWJKDJKDWJKD so like i forgive it
w the girlies i overall find them all like. quite nice but so far without any personality + lore known its hard to settle my complete thoughts on them just yet. tho citlali being pink is super refreshing for genshin since we do have a shocking absence of it so like shes definitely one im drawn to, chasca looks interesting and like she could play a bigger part plot wise (maybe?) so that might be neat. both her and citlali being cryo is kinda surprising?? but cool. maybe ill get to unbench my shenhe and play some cryo teams again lmao freeze has been dead in abyss for so long now....
xilonen again w the kemomimi isnt sth im particularly into or not into but she looks cool, depending on personality and how her kit synergies turn out (+ assuming the chiori rerun, the fate of those pulls too), i might try for her as well? theres an Energy to her i like it. if she has proper Attitude and flair thats gonna be a massive bonus for me
mualani i think is rather bland to me, sth about her outfit and design just doesnt click for me even if the shark thing from the teaser before is neat and everything. the chibis are never sth im actively drawn to but like both do look okay, im kinda hoping kachina could be a lynette moment for 5.x and end up a free 4* since her exploration roomba looks p fun
anyway then theres. mavuika and i. well at least the design wasnt. That concept art one (ThoseWhoKnow...) . so instant massive W improvement solely on that basis holy fucking shit but ehhhhh im sorry i still dont know how to feel abt the very modern like. biker bodysuit thingy. im not a huge fan of the bodysuit type designs anyway so its not that surprising but still. her eyes + hair is absolutely stunning tho like not a question at all.
tbh in a way i kinda feel like having too many Thoughts on her design is kinda just unnecessary bc like. shes the archon. of Course the kit is going to be insane so i will get her anyway (UNLESS a pyro onfielder JKWJKJKWJKWJKWFKJ like god please no). and in terms of like is her design and energy from what this vid is giving us good enough that i wont like. Actively resent having to get her for meta and strong teams??? Absolutely. so in that sense ig its all cool lmao
but yeah. idk i just think as a teaser for the upcoming story its rly a shame how weak this felt for me???? like sure overture ended up being a bit of a misleading teaser since it gave the impression of arle as this mastermind of the fontaine AQ which didnt rly happen but it still served as a source of hype and intrigue. and yes lazzo is sth that can Never rly be beat in terms of how out of nowhere it was and how fucking insane the whole harbinger reveal went (+ elogia cinerosa existing) for lore and long term hype but its just. unfortunately those 2 are the regional teasers this natlan one is supposedly meant to parallel and it just didnt deliver anything comparable to those for me
like still looking forward to natlan and seeing the rest of its cast (like im fairly convinced the flame thingy might be xbalanque and hes gonna be a big deal ultimately or sth) and where it goes and all its environments but this trailer didnt rly. grip me the way i wouldve expected it to. which is unfortunate kdjkdwjkwjkdwj but yea thats all
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
hey new draft making
i keep putting this off, but it today arrives! a ramble about ryan selucreh to fill tghe tag for once
so who even is ryan selucreh? well, hes a football jock and a big oaf, the stereotypical strong dumb athlete kid. however, theres more to ryan that we're diving into, years after the oneshot ended!
one thing to note on ryan is how his powers were gotten in a mix of ways aster and connor did. aster was born with them (assumed cause goddess mother), connor got them from a book (recieved from searching, wasnt born with it), ryan got his powers from squats. silly, sure, but like i said, its like the inbetween of the two. he has the power himself and doesnt need a book for them or anything, but he wasnt born with them either. i also wanna note how asters powers are like life (plants and the sun, both can symbolize life) and connors powers are like death (decay and disintegrating, both are related back to death), but ryans powers cant be "like" anything. its not something super showy, hes just super strong (strong enough to rip a mountainin half im pretty sure was confirmed).
lwts get into those comments ryan made, and how its reflected across the 3 episodes. yeah, the comments on faking his personality around people and how he doesnt know who he is anymore.
first showing of this is with the j crew. charlie gave a good idea (he was nicknamed jyan), but condi says he told them that. granted, it was probably to be funny, but theres other options to that. ryan missaid his name out of nervousness, the j crew misheard him, he wrote his name really wrong, so many different options that also are pretty comedic. yet, ryan told them he was jyan to join their team.
on the floatball jersey he wears, they didnt even have a 10 for him, simply a jersey with a 1 and a "poorly painted 0". did someone else use the 10? why didnt they have one? another way ryan changed for people symbolically, wearing one number but being another.
ryan joins in with the omnious curse speech despite it not being planned. an attempt to keep fitting in with his group there.
hell, ryan even was an ass to connor before when he was with the j crew, yet wasnt when he was with connor and aster alone.
he even goes out of his way to try and save asters dad, an act of carrying for her and her father. hes such a friendly and caring dude that hes trying to fit in with them all to keep up their friendships.
thats what makes the whole "i dont have a real personality" line mean so much. because he really doesnt. all that can be seen as his personality is simply to appeal to another person.
HELL IM FUCKING CONNECTING IN THE FACT THAR RYAN WAS A HISTORY MAJOR TO THIS! WHO EXPECTS THE JOCK TO LIKE HISTORY? NOT ME, I THOUGHT THAT WAS CONNOR, AND THATS WHY ITS SO INTERESTING, CAUSS NOTHING LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE RYANS INTERESTED IN THAT SHIT!!! ryan barely talks about his past or anything, minus the memory (but that was only to save professor aeliana), BUT HE DIDNT FUCKING BRING IT UP. kinda ironic, the character whos past is pretty unknown is in classes learning about our past.
oh yeah did i ever mention his parents are dead? cause they are (confirmed by condi a while back)
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maybe thats why he tries to be so appealing to everyone, to make up for that missing link. i mean, its not like that event wouldnt have some impact on you (also no jrwi pc has gone to therapy from what i know so safe to assume he has no coping skills PLUS ITS A CONDI PC YPU THINK HES MENTALLY STABLE??).
another thing i learned: ryans last name is a backwards hercules. fun call back to the name, yeah, but the actual story may have some weight here...
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the screenshot doesnt give the full story, of course, so i will. the picture leaves out how the reason he went through hardships was because he was driven to madness. according to research, hera was mad at hercules being born (for he was the product of zeus and a mortal woman), so she made him go crazy and slaughter his family. to make up for it, he was given 12 impossible tasks to do.
am i saying the full story applys? hell fucking no! i dont think ryan killed his parents or anything, but i think the jist can apply. a man trying to be forgiven by people for wrongdoings that wouldnt have happened if said people didnt make those wrongdoings happen. ryan trying to get the validation of his friends and acquaintances by pretending to be someone hes not, which wouldnt be needed if he could see friends accept people as themselves. given impossible missions (be someone else) to appease those who he looks to (whether its to the side or up to).
another thing to note is theres no episode cover with only ryan on it. cover 1 has all 3, cover 2 has background faceless frat members and connor, and cover 3 has only aster.
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it could be from how there was only 3 episodes of mythborne, yet this could be solved by having all 3 in a cover at once. while it would have been a lot, they had all 3 in the first and a total of 4 characyers in thr second cover. this of course was a purposeful choice, and it shows in a way who the focus is meant to be on in that ep (all of them, connor, aster).
so why coupdnt ryan have been focused on in episode 1? yeah he was directly related to the chaos (j crew being first vicitms and shit), yet that clearly had a more general showing. its because ryan isnt a character who can be focused on. he crutches to his friends like a team relys to eachother, thats how he has purpose, thats how hes even a person.
i woulsnt even doubt the stupid bit being an act! to play in a sport, you actually do need good grades (in my school experience, above a C+ in all classes), and ryans been on this team since he started college (infered from dialoge with j crew member), probably since kindergarten even (has known j cre since kindergarten). he learnt it from them, and found it to be a possibly appealing trait of himself to others, everyone likes the lovable idiot! sure, what he does to play an act can be extreme, but if this is really thr coping mechanism i think it is, its not too much for him (also wanna note how of all characters ryan is the biggest stereotype caharacyer).
the 3rd episode btw seemed a lot from the cover and namr and all like the whole world was a fake (for me atleast), and isnt it fitting that ryan was the first to fall off the stage? the man, who had an identity crisis outloud for once after it seemed like one friendgroupd was about to learn his secrets, the first to exit stage down (stage direction jokes). hes been playong a play himself for what feels like his whole life by now, he doesnt need a script.
i came in here to talk about ryan, put him under a microscope, see who he is. really, ryans a shell of a person, a muscle soulless being pretending to be a person someone can love and care about. maybe he too thinks about how connor had changed inside to save him. whatever it is, i think ive not learnt from this who ryan selucreh is, and maybe if he gets aomething like this, he can learn himself who ryan selucreh is.
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prestonmonterey · 7 months
heheh it's that long or short anon message of what i think about you!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmmm okay so i do not know how close we are
i don't usually consider people my friend unless they consider me their friend first, out of like politeness, but i wanna be friends!!! we might already be friends and i don't know i think this is because of autism maybe or maybe anxiety idk idk
but anyways i think you are really interesting i do not want to overstep or be creepy or weird so its not at all like that but you are very interesting to me!!!! the version of you I my head is like there's two of them. theres.. preston.. adamandi and then the other version of you in my head you have black hair thats sort of like beatrix's if it was straight? and you're also tall to me
the way your brain works about certain things (ex: whenever we talk about the universe and whatnot :3) makes me stim, uuhm i think you're really cool and i like asking you questions and i like talking to you
we're literally vincent and preston from adamandi!!!! literally us!!!! therefore we don't like eachother /j /j
in my head it's like.. silly joking i don't actually dislike you not at all you're like the coolest ever and we barely really know eachother
I WANNA HEAR ABOUR YOUR TTS THOUGHTS TOO i love reading your posts about it heheh
if you were an animal i think you'd be some sort of horse or a pony. or maybe a bird or a lizard
if you were a planet in our solar system you'd be mercury, since it's the closest to the sun and the smallest planet (in our solar system, again)
aaand if you were a color you'd be blue.... if you were a star you'd be a red dwarf star... and you're like the random, decomposed animal bones you find in the woods on accident to me
i would love 2 know how your brain works but also im like that with everyone i wanna just crawl inside their minds and pull out the bad and the good i think i am autistic
if you were a pattern you'd be stripes. not zebra stripes or anything just plain block stripes! no specific colors. if you were a year you'd be 1835
i like associating people with things if you can't tell /silly (i ran out of explanations so I'm just telling you what you are to me)
if you were a rock you'd be limestone
if you were a household appliance you'd be that one fork in the kitchen that nobody uses to actually eat with, but the design on the handle is pretty !!!! not in a mean way that sounds rlly mean sorry
if you were a flower you'd be a daffodil; symbolizing forgiveness, unrequited love, rebirth, and eternal life. i think. i'm not headcanoning you to have unrequited love im just saying the meanings i remember off the top of my head. also it's yellow!
uummmmm yeah you reblogged this yesterday i think and i said i would so. here u go its not really that long but im also procrastinating sleep so. tired!
yayayay :D this is so sweet im actually giggling and kicking my feet rn /gen /p
i also wanna be friends!! youre v cool :3
i also totally get the like 2 versions thing i have the same thing for my online friends :D heehee im kinda tall for my age i think? like 5'5'' i really really wish i had curly hair :((( (my dad had kinda curly hair but asian genes prevailed so i have pretty thick, mostly straight hair) and i have an undercut :\ (not sure how i feel about my haircut rn. it looks kinda awful bc i have a scar on the back of my head where hair doesnt grow. bc scar tissue)
hmm for me rn you just look like vincent. but like. maybe a bit shorter idk
i also love hearing about your thoughts theyre so cool!!!
i think if you were an animal youd be maybe a mouse or raccoon?
if you were a planet i think saturn, not sure why
if you were a color i think youd be a warm, dark orange, like pumpkin pie or autumn leaves. idk you kinda remind me of fall i think
if you were an object youd be an old compass that someone found in their attic that was like passed down from their great grandparent or something
if you were a pattern you'd be honeycomb or tartan. colors would be sunflower yellow, brown and moss green
if you were a year youd be 2000 i think. last time all humans were on earth. not sure why but that fact reminds me of you
if you were a rock youd be jasper
if you were silverware youd be a teaspoon with a really long handle, if you were a general household thingy youd be those door handle/lever things with a spiraly end
idk anything about flower meanings TwT but i think youd be a black eyed susan or forget me not
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ask-charcoal-cakes · 2 years
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It’s that time of year again~
So a while back as in a few years back the missletoe thing was practically tradition im not sure if it still is a thing but i never got to participate in it back then and i’ve always wanted to. so here we are i’m now finally able to participate. not keep in mind i know missletoe is usually assosiated with romance and kissing but that isnt what this is about. this has always been a thing open for various interactions be it fun, silly, platonic, flirty or romantic. so don’t think you can’t interact because it’s a “romantic thing” its not the missletoe is just a traditional decoration that stands for love, friendship and is a symbol of good luck and love comes in all forms. So interact with this characters any way you want.
-interact however you want however respecting the characters and thier boundaries
- respond however you want can be drawing just the characters on the base image or doing your own art of them interacting
- i may respond to interactions just don’t exspect it to be garenteed
- do not being innapropriate as in dont take my drawing and make it weird or do hateful things
- if you have any questions or what to check something just ask
- you can respond via reblog that is preferred
- keep in mind that if your character does kiss mine it doesnt mean anything for the most part unless said otherwise don’t go fantasising stuff
- respect ocs sexualities 
- have fun and don’t feel restricted again feel free to do all kinds of fun things with my ocs the important thing is to be respectful and have fun
- if you need refrences for winter just message me since i don’t have him up officially yet charcoal and sharps are in the pinned post
Character info to keep in mind
Charcoal Cakes
Age: 25
Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality:   bisexual?? [includes nb folk hes still figuring out]
Winter Felts
Age: late 20s
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: who knows he’s not had time to figure out so be nice to him
Sharp Goldhorn
Age: late 40s ?
Gender: Trans male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Unlabeled [very much likes men]
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crowvert-bird · 2 months
ok im done translating these i wanna put them in a video but its gonna take me forever to make so here u go!!
rough (if there is any) and polished translations of: the symbols that appear when pebbles is fucking around with artis drone, the single line that appears when hunter revives moon, nishs message to moon (found in rivulets campaign), pebbles message to moon (also found in rivulets campaign), moon talking to spears, pebbles talking to survivor post patch, and pebbles talking to survivor pre patch (idk wat patch it is, all i know is that when i looked in the glyph documentation and went to pebbles myself like a month ago like half of the symbols were different)
artis drone (not sure if it means anything but i translated it anyways)
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translation (general): “I hope that you can learn about what you want, to care for the fact that you’re stuck in the cycle. I hope that you can manage to ascend past your chains, for your sake.”
translation (arti-centric): “I hope that you realize what you truly want. To be cared for, to be at peace. No more massacres hidden under the thin veil of revenge, it keeps you from reaching what you long for."
when hunter revives moon
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translation: “(typing) Destroy the slag and repair this superstructure.”
nishs message to moon
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rough translation:
(nish pfp) peaceful person who helps others
i saw ur situation (lack of water), i will sacrifice some things to help u
this rodent will help u get rid of ur slag
i want this rodent-
predatory rodent give the slag keys to u, moon, ur situation has driven me to find a way to help u.
(hunter pic (or info?))
this hunter will sacrifice itself for u
thats wat i want this rodent to do.
this rodent is a predator, it eats meat
i want u to know that.
im trying to find a way to get pebbles to stop
im sacrificing my resources for u
polished translation:
From: No Significant Harassment (1)
Hey, Moon, I noticed you were barely getting any water, so I’m sending over some slag keys. (2)
They are gonna be delivered by a carnivorous rodent. I’m aware of the unorthodox delivery method, but it is all I can do. (3, 4, 5)
(picture (or is it info?) of hunter)
This hunter specifically will be giving you your slag keys, look out for it. Be careful, it might eat your neuron flies!~ (6, 7, 8, 9)
I am still trying to get Pebbles to calm down though. So in the meantime, have this little care package. (10, 11)
pebbles message to moon
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rough translation:
(pebbles pfp) sacrificing parts of me
ive been thinking about ur situation
ive been thinking.
i want-
-moon to be at peace.
im giving u this rarefaction cell
this is wat i want
(rarefaction cell pic or info)
polished translation:
From: Five Pebbles (1)
Over the past cycles, I have been reflecting on how my actions have caused your collapse. (2, 3)
And I have decided that I want you to be well, Looks to the Moon. (4, 5)
Yes, this sentiment, from me to you, Moon. (6, 7)
So I am giving you my rarefaction cell. I will be alright, I want this. (8, 9)
(rarefaction cell info)
moon talking to spears
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rough: (moon doesnt know that spears is a messenger yet!!!)
my superstructures slag, slag wants to hurt me, my superstructure wants me to do something about it
(telling spearmaster to stop moving) ur making me uncomfortable
looking to fix (or prevent damage to) superstructure
im hurting, im working to get pebbles to stop taking my water
pebbles learn to realize that my superstructure is damaged, pebbles learn to stop hurting me
send message from my resources, i and my superstructure care about message
my message is about the state of my superstructure
im trying to figure out why hes not responding to me-
-to my message
(superstructure error message):
(“parasite” (in this context, in regular conversation its ”hunter”) flashing all over the screen)
im a creature tasked with looking for whats hurting moon
wats hurting moon is also hurting the superstructure, please figure out y and fix it
wats hurting the superstructure is an unknown material
polished translation:
The slag in my superstructure is causing damage to my structural integrity, to the point where I’m constantly getting told to fix the buildup. (1)
(if spearmaster moves too much) Please stop moving, it’s making me uncomfortable. (2)
So I’ve been trying to tell my neighbor to stop taking all of the groundwater by sending him messages about my current state. He hasn’t been responding to me though, and I’m not sure why. (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
(superstructure error message):
(flashing all over the screen) Parasite (its actually hunter, it just means parasite in this specific situation)
Problem diagnosis: (10)
Damage caused by an unknown material is not limited to the puppet, it’s affecting the entire superstructure. Please fix this problem. (12, 13)
pebbles talking to survivor (post-patch, also the canon one imo)
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rough translation:
a materialistic creature, u want to be free from this oscillating claustrophobia in ur chest, to find a way out
know that my entire superstructure relates to this feeling
other beings, experienced the same feeling, the same want, so they made me
im exploring this feeling, a way for me to ascend, others want  to solve the big problem
i give people that peace-
-but that keeps me attached to this world, it prevents me and my entire superstructure from getting a relief from this pain
an iterator i wont name who wanted to ascend was the sole discoverer of a tool to ascend, i aspire to ascend like she did
theres a problem with my tools being tied to this material plane, one caused by the passing of cycles
i will give you something that can destroy your material body (void fluid)
i will give you information from my superstructure
explore my territory and find how to sever ur attachments and disintegrate your material body, listen to my instructions
the mark will help u, know that it will help u ascend, know that it will help u
i want ur kind-
-to please fuck off and leave me and moon alone
polished translation:
A materialistic creature who wants to be freed from this oscillating claustrophobia in their chest, to find a way out. (1)
Know that you are not special. Every living thing experiences this same feeling, from the dull bugs that make up my superstructure, to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison.
The good news first. The ancients who craved the same freedom you desire have created me and my kind to, as our very purpose, satiate that want. However, it came with the cost of keeping us attached to this world. I have been trying to achieve that freedom. Meanwhile, the others are toiling away, working on a solution. (2, 3, (look man it just isnt complete without pebbles describing himself as godlike), 4, 5, 6, (5 and 6 can just be smooshed in here with very little consequence ITS FINE!!!))
The bad news. Someone, who I aspire to be like, has discovered a solution but has not publicized it. And as the cycles pass, my equipment erodes into further stages of decay. (7, 8)
However, there is another way out, one that is achieved through the destruction of your material body. Listen to my instructions. Explore my territory in search of a highly corrosive liquid, then bathe in it to sever your attachment to this world. The Mark I gave you will help you find it. (9, 10, 11, 12)
In return I ask that you tell your kind, through whatever noises and dances you communicate with, to leave me and my neighbor alone. (13, 14)
pebbles talking to survivor (pre-patch, the not (or less) canon one)
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creature still attached to this world, want to find a way out
creature learn that u relate to my superstructure
other beings that cared about this attachment, learnt about it and tried to find a way to be at peace
i and my kind were affected by their pursuit of existential peace, i study my material body, others dedicated themselves to their work on solving the big problem
my very being is to explore-
-to find peace for my superstructure
tool was made, from a lone discoverer that a way to ascend exists, i aspire to ascend like she did
i learned that the tools i used to hopefully ascend, have a problem rooted in material life
i will give what others have learnt about materialism, they care about your attachment
i will give The Mark from my resources
u can sever ur attachments, have no more need for peace(???), know that The Mark cares about ur materialism
cares about ur ascension, cares about u, cares about ur ascension from this material plane, will help
u and ur kind are bothering me-
-scratching ur way through my and my neighbors superstructures
A materialistic creature bound by their chains to this world, who wants to find a way out. (1)
Know that you are not special. This oscillating claustrophobia in your chest is something that every living thing experiences, from the dull bugs that make up my superstructure, to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison. The good news first. The ancients who were deeply troubled by their own chains have studied it extensively in order to find a solution, and have created my kind to help perform that job for them. However, I have instead decided to study my own attachments. Meanwhile, the others have dedicated themselves to their work on solving the Big Problem. (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
The bad news. Someone, who I aspire to be like, has discovered the solution but has not publicized it. And the equipment I use in my studies is eroding into further stages of decay. (7, 8)
However, there is another way out, one through the path the ancients took. You can sever your attachments and leave behind your need for peace. The Mark of Communication that I gave you will help you follow in their footsteps. (9, 10, 11, 12)
In return I ask that you tell your kind to stop scratching your way through me and my neighbor’s superstructures in an attempt to disturb me. (13, 14)
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kaguya-muneuji · 1 year
Dtgtghtggtgjteeg hi um I give you both Aira and Hiiro
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Struggled with the hair
Didn't feel like line art but it probably would've been faster
Anyways demigod Aira was in my head after seeing you talk about it
Aira gets winged shoes and Hiiro gets a hat that makes him invisible
(Am recalling Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus where Annabeth has that hat)
And like when Aira and Hiiro encounter some kinda monster, Hiiro puts the hat on Aira and the winged shoes sense danger so they immediately fly Aira away
And Hiiro is left alone to fight the monster (Aira wanted to stay but Hiiro insisted he could fight alone)
As for the shoes, they originally just have a heart but as Aira meets the rest of Alkaloid, he sews patches of the symbols that represent them onto the shoes
Ok that's all. Giving you all the strength to complete your art project hiiai woo
im so sorry this took so long to answer i was sleeping and then i. i had to doodle for this. i cant stop thinking about it now. anyway this is going under a cut im going to. ramble. a lot now.
i think when aira first gets his winged shoes he immediately trips over himself- im not sure how hed get it, maybe he found them while cleaning out his closet or smth? they wouldnt have the wings then but after a couple of days BAM theyd have wings. these shoes be blessed by hermes! (or a god of travel / wind from different mythologies. im going greek just to make it easier on myself ajskdfkj) and then aira trips as the shoes try to fly off LMAO
i also think that. each shoe has one wing to make a pair of wings when together, so hed have to wear both shoes to be able to get the hang of it. idk i just always thought that itd be more interesting to have the shoes kinda imbalanced? idk what im getting at here. help
as for this au i think they wont necessarily be born demigods but more along the lines of "the gods blessed them and now they have slight powers / they have magical items that allow them to do things" so !! (this makes it easier on myself again)
okok!! hiiro time!! yes, the classic invis hat from percy jackson and the olympians <3 i love that book series so much... gahh!!! anyway i love the idea of him having an invis hat (i could not think of anything else ok. i am unoriginal) and hoenstly? he would be able to take a fight with a monster (hes canonically rly strong and im pretty sure he. also is in the karate(?) club with tetora) i dont think he'd use it much? i dunno. hmm does this mean he has been blessed by athena?
(i am extending this to alkaloid now) mayoi... he definitely has an item blessed (cursed?) by hades or smth. and he keeps it near / on him at all times which is partly why hes. so strange all the time. he doesnt want the effects of the item (maybe an amulet or some other small thing that he held sentimental value to?) to affect others. the other part of him being strange is. just his canon reasons. this au is literally just adding magic items to canon lmao btu STILL
tatsumi... i am thinking a pocketwatch. but imnot sure what magical properties it might have... i do NOT want it to be time related because at first tatsumi would think "i could use this to turn back time and everything would be reset and i wouldnt do the things i now regret" type of thing but when he realizes that its. not that. angst :) thats the only reason its a pocketwatch! im trying rly hard to coem up with a deity that would "fit" him but. its so hard... maybe hestia? goddess of the hearth, tatsumi being able to make a comfortable home for anyone in himself (METAPHORICALLY. PLEASE TELL ME THIS MAKES ANY SENSE AT ALL.) anyway hestia blessing would be so tatsumayo. tatsumi using pocketwatch power to at first get closer to mayoi, then feeling bad that he did that so tatsumi isolates himself from mayoi, but mayoi, not knowing what tatsumi did, is confused (but also he was also trying to push him away bc. hades blessing/curse) and now is worried that oh no, i did actually push him away this is bad!!! but its ok they reconcile with the help of hiiai!
anyway thanks for listening to me ramble too much heres some doodles as a reward <3 (i did the mayoi and tatsumi part just now so no doodles for them)
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the-ark-awaits · 2 years
Hello all you may remember me from such bangers as 'show me the proxies in marble hornets' and 'and another thing'
oday um here to talk about how we've fucking regressed as a fandom since creepypasta and marble hornets on ao3 got. presumably merged as a fandom tags bc sorting for exclude crossovers still shows creepypasta fic. in fact doing that just now to confirm this, the very first fic on the list was creepypasta.
so obviously this is a huge pain in the ass for anyone who wants marble hornets fanfic and only marble hornets fanfic. you cant even remove creepypasta fics with exclude crossover, youd have to do it manually with filtering options not everyone knows how to use. and we shouldnt have to yknow? you should be able to go in your fandom tag on ao3 and find only that fandom and crossovers (which should be easily filtered out by exclude crossovers) same as here on tumblr crosstagging is a huge issue but the worst part of it is that the continuous crosstagging in recent years has caused the fandom tags to be merged (not fully as shown by the fact that the numbers for amount of fic in each tag is different) but enough that they're considered the same universe by ao3 which is. blatantly untrue.
creepypasta is a catchall term for internet short stories made by a community, marble hornets is one single webseries online. fuck the creepypasta fandom wouldnt be what it is without huge swaths of shit stolen from marble hornets (like yknow, the pages, the operator symbol, masky and hoodie) but that doesnt mean they are marble hornets fans that doesnt mean theyre making marble hornets content. that would be like saying that since fnaf and batim are kinda similar and the fans have an overlap that means theyre the same and should be tagged the same. they arent, and shouldnt be yknow?
also apologies this isnt the best post im kinda fried rn and im stuck on mobile
that not withstanding its fucking depressing. this did not used to be an issue. thr only fics tagged with both were generally easy to ignore or a real honest to god crossover, but now i swear you look at the mh tag on ao3 and the majority of the recent fics are crosstagged crp fics with giant tag lists that tack up the whole page and tag anyone who is so much as mentioned
and maybe this is a step too far here. but i really think this is bc of tiktok. the people crosstagging posts and fics seem to be the same type to complain avout the 'ao3/tumblr algorithm' not favoring them. but there is no algorithm, just annoyed fans who have to dig for their actual content because people dont have common decency anymore. theres an etiquette you need to follow for shit like this. like how would you feel if like. i dunno. fucking... genshin (just an example of a large fandom or whatever made a character cameo out of like jeff the killer and suddenly all the crp tags were filled with genshin posts not even related to or barely mentioning the character, just ti try and get more clicks?
youd be pretty fucking annoyed having to scroll past all that to find actual creepypasta content huh?
thats the same issue happening here, and honestly i think its a huge issue. for obvious reasons but also bc its so much harder to find mh content now that im sure its incredibly disheartening to be a creator in the fandom rn and foe the past few years. you work and make content for your rather small fandom and its buried under barely related shit, its gonna feel bad yknow? especially when that content gets more clicks bc. frankly theres more creepypasta fans than mh fans just bc of what creepypasta is format wise. its collectively made shortstories. you can like one or two and bc a crp fan, its not like that for mh
this is going kinda off my starting topic but anyways if theres any ao3 tag wrangles following me or who see this.
please for the love of god i beg of you to do anything you can to unmerge those tags i will do anything ill get receipts proving they're separate things please unmerge the tags im dying here
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pandaladie · 5 months
My stupid guide to getting the stupid list of people YOU FOLLOW on tumblr
if tumblr has some way fo getting a list of usernames and urls of blogs you follow i don't know of it, if theres some script i don't know it, if theres anything. LET ME KNOW. but since i dont think there is welcome to my bruteforce method of getting a list of people you follow.
I am not a coder, i don't know how to do this with a program, and i dont know of any program that does it, no programmer thats going to or anything so im bruteforcing this in perhaps a stupid way but it works
go to your https://www.tumblr.com/following page
its just this same link, it takes you to the list of everyone you follow Then you need to load EVERY FOLLOWER by scrolling ALLL THE WAY DOWN the list, i have 2000 blogs i follow but ti doesnt take long for me to get to the end, yes you have to do this.
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rightclick and select inspect
a box will come up, this might be scary for non techy people, don't worry were just looking at the code underneath the site, nothing you change will be permanent. dont mess around here unless you know kinda what youre doing, but dont be scared for what were gonna do.
there are several tabs to this new window, we want to be in the inspector tab, and when you mouse over the text in here you can notice that it flashes certain parts of tumblr. these different lines all pertain to certain spots of the webpage so you can see what tumblr wants you to see.
we want to find where they put the followers
so were gonna hover over:
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and notice that the very center and only the center where you're followers are shown is lit up, that means inside this line somewhere is your follower list ((its not gonna be pretty)) use the little arrow on the side of this line and click it to expand the underlying code (this is really called nesting i think im not a coder, basically when there an arrow, theres stuff in there)
open the next arrow too (main something something)
keep hovering over the lines within this one and see which one lights up the center and only open that one, next one is "section something something" next class something something
now this might start to look familliar to you if you read all these "data-cell-id=" lines these are all the people you follows usernames,
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I'm sure someone who knows how to code would be able to grab this in a neat way and put it in a text document for us, but i dont know how to do that i just know i want it.
so what i do is:
right click the line whose arrow we just opened to be able to see this and select "copy, inner html" this line to be clear
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and i make a new notepad document(txt) on my computer, and i paste all that shit in there. and yes it looks like complete nonsense because everything is going everywhere with text you dont need or understand. dont worry about it. you still have all your list of following usernames in there.
now i used vs code(or visual studio code) (its a free program you can just get it if you want use google) and you dont even need to know any coding for this cleaning step. to clean this up, i open the document i created with all this shit in it in vs code and it has the capability to select every instance of a word or symbol or whatever and delete every single one, or replace it. it can also write with multiple cursors at the end of every line of text at the same time. so this way i can get rid of all this nonsense stuff to line up everyones usernames the way i'd like.
you can use google to figure out how to do this, or fuff about in vs code, but selecting a chunk and right clicking and choosing "change all occurrences" is what i used the most.
now if someone who actually codes could… help.. help me please.. dont let anyone else have to use this guide, there has to be a better way. thank you i love you
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bikerboyfriend · 9 months
pls share ur opinion on why pjotv sucks 👁️ and if there are any redeeming things to it, full review <3
FRIEND <3. Alright so...manee. maneee. Where do we start. I wont say everyth i didnt like i'll j focus on ep 1 & 2
i wanna say 1st and foremost that i knew they were gonna change stuff and i didnt mind however:
the first two. well. three episodes were too rushed. they didn't lay down any foundation, they didnt expand on anything it was just as if they were rushing you along and cutting out any...depth that adds to percy's character
i.e. miss dodds fight is like 0.2 seconds long and she practically falls on his sword + sally and percy barely speak like...about not the plot? if u get me? no speak of montauk in detail, no talk of sally's day really iirc...just.....Lines from the Script
and a lot of the show is just Lines from a Script rather than a believable show
smelly gabe is no longer abusive and is just...mildly annoying? maybe a bit of an asshole? sally even yells at him -- and i get it, but because of the lack of time spent at home + percy's home being damn near PRISTINE + THEY DONT EVEN GO INTO HIS ROOM, there's ZERO like. depth added to percy's character from his home life. i wouldn't mind them changing him if they like....branched it out but they just removed it and did nothing
dionysus, i personally found weird bc i perceive him to be like. ...he just acts like he doesn't care and is pretty much an asshole to percy, but he's still a God, y'know. they didn't do this at all in my opinion...he was weirdly tense the entire time. i just dont like him 😭
percy's claiming scene was 0.1 seconds long, underwhelming and rushed
they made clarisse like...? clarisse is a bully sure, but her reason for being mean to percy is because she provoked him & didn't expect him to talk back--and percy said some snarky shit in the books lmao. in the tv show they like...she doesnt believe he beat the minotaur. Which...i mean...ok
ANYW if i dont stop here i'll go on forever. but what i DID like
they gave grover more depth (i didnt like some things but for the most part, i just like that they tried)
the set design was beautiful
poseidon's claiming....symbol (yk the trident) looked good
casting for the most part is rlly good
but yeah. also keep in mind im like. Austistic. abt pjo. like its a special interest. so i'm way more....picky than i guess most normal fans would be abt shit 😭. but ya!!!
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hella1975 · 2 years
List anon <3
Finally got around to reading Tams chapter 3 so heres that.
I didnt send in a thing for chapter 2 (i cant remember why) but I think I like Lihua. Unless you want to kill her or something in that case i hate her and am determined to not grow attached.
You also might just have the perspective abandon her. But I think Id be able to cope with that.
Not necessarily something that just now occured to me but just something that my mind prompted, I like how in this Zuko is immediately taught that he was like very sheltered. And how theres this big population of people who dont have a choice but to make bad decisions just so themselves and their families to survive.
Yeah I like her. Please dont kill her Im begging you
If you dont kill her ill ko fi you like 4 dollars (pounds??? i dont feel like adjusting my terminology right now)
idk if you remember but a few months ago you were complaining that you were really sick or something and you got an ask saying that they tried to send you i think 2 dollars if you would go to the e.r but their ko fi wasnt working. That was me and i got my ko fi to work and i am NOT above bribing you. Just saying.
Lihua reminds me of a delinquet Jin.
Azulas being imprisoned. That is DEFINETLY probably not going to lead to anything interestgin
Well theres Zhao
Well she was recognized
God shes so smart I love her so much shes figurively playing dumbass Zhao like a fiddle.
"The only reason she had for leaving it was because she knew that Zuko knew she wouldn’t leave it unless something awful had happened. This was a message. People were behind this, and that could only mean one thing." Taob parrelel thing?? Like when Zuko left one of his swords for Hakoda. Not sure if this was intentional or not but its a nice touch.
"Azula had figured out a plan before Zhao had even left her cell" Of course she had. Shes amazing i love her.
Is her Fire bending still orange????? Nice
I like how Azula still resents Ursa
I think its funny that Zuko thinks Sokkas judging him because of his scar (which theres a small possiblity he doesnt know the symbolism for, I dont know i havent read that far yet) and not judging him because hes a firebender like he just exclaimed like dude OBVIOUSLY they are a tad bit distraught by firebending and bros just like "nah its because of my scar.
okay now hes catching on
Zukos so confused right now
Hes got a lot to take in take your time pal
"“Actually,” Zuko frowned, “I wasn’t talking to you.” He turned to Azula. “Well?”" Zukos attitude towards Sokka is so funny. "Its not like zukos going to be intimidated by a whelp like him", Stfu Zuko you were just unsettled by his stare like three paragraphs ago. You have a specific post I keep seeing on pinterest, (and i saw it on facebook one time, that was surreal,) (im pretty sure its you) its the one where its like enemy to lover fics are so funny because the tags are right there or something along those lines. This is giving those vibes. Like he might be unsettled by Sokka now but just wait like 15 chapters when hes REALLY going to be unsettled by him but this time the unsettledness is gay panic so.
I completely forgot about Iroh. Whats he up to nowadays?
"“Besides, Zuko just took out like ten soldiers by himself. I'm sticking with him until we get out of here.”" Im taking this as flirting you cant change my mind.
Wait is this fic even Zukka? *checks* yes it is, okay.
So Sokka is flirting, what next?
Now Azulas pov is acknowedging the difference between the real world and the palace, nice.
I cant remember if this was acknowledged in one of the other chapters or not. If so, oh well.
sOKKA Quit staring at him you dumb gay
Look at Sokka flirting. "Your not what I was expecting" Might as well tell him hes not like the other girls also you werent expecting a hot and mysterious twink in a fire nation strong hold? Be a lot weirder if he was expecting that tbh.
I like how hes asking Aangs consent to put him in a fake hostage situation.
"I'd be honored hotman" See Sokka, even aang will acknowledge that hes hot.
Aw shit Lihua might die
Okay Im done reading it.
This was such a good chapter. I loved it so much, your doing amazing.
I cant put into words how excited I am for the rest of this series.
I mentioned in one of the taob asks that Im really picky about how people write Azula, and Ive already talked about how much i love how you write Zuko, so its Azulas turn now.
First of all (of the stuff I read anyways) Azulas pov arent written enough.
And the ones there are its even more rare that she actually has like,,, a personality???
like Shes always so robotic and uncomplex in some fics and I cant put into words how refreshing it is to get a change in that. Like this is the first fic ive ever read that I dont absolutely dread Azula povs.
(I feel the need to say whenever I compare taob to other fics in these I'm never intending to put the other authors down, im just stating the differences in my specific preferences. Like im all for writers doing what they want in their fics, but the way you write align so well with what i like to read its uncanny sometimes)
Azula is such a difficult character, and you write her so well. Youre phenomenal, I love it.
Like shes by far my favorite thing about this so far.
I love her and Zukos dedication and codependancy. And also how well they ended up being able to read each other and how well they flow with each other. Its so different from their cannon relationship.
I think they should have let you write the comics.
Isnt there a new Azula comic coming out soon??????????/ They should let you write it. Your amazing with her.
You capture the complexity of their relationship so well, and like acknowledging how strained and toxic they were at the palace vs now, its so good, I love it so much.
My second favorite thing about tams, like i mentioned, is all of Sokka and Zukos interactions. They were so funny and honestly had me cackling.
I liked the whole 'Azula and Sokka are similar and so are Katara and Zuko' thing, because its true. I've always seen them as sort of parallels of each other. Its nice to see this acknowledged.
I saw that you answered some of my other ask things recently and the one where I was responding to what I think was the last chapter of Taob had me laughing because I had no idea it was that long when I sent it in. Sorry for making you read all that.
I have a process for writing these and a part of it is that I usually write it in a doc first and then copy and paste it into the ask thing and then read through it to make sure it makes sense. And sometimes when im rereading it Ill add a lot of stuff and I didnt realize how much I added with that particular ask.
I saw it and I just kept scrolling and scrolling and it was really funny to me.
I usually take screenshots when you answer them so i can remember what i have or havent talked about and that specific ask is like 14 screenshots of just the stuff I sent.
And im doing that again with this one.
Anywho im responding to some of your comments on my asks because i can.
"No you didnt send me an ask off anon but I wish you would"
never. I would rather die.
the whole your economics degree makes you feel stupid thing. theres a really popular saying thats like 'if you try to teach a fish to climb a tree it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid' or something like that. that part of your response reminded me of that.
"I want to know what your talking about with the kind thing"
Again, never. Absolutely not.
Theres another part i wanted to respond to but i cant remember now so oh well.
I know i always say that im not sure if these make sense but i actually mean it this time because im really tired. so have fun interpreting this.
i also love lihua it's kinda funny how many people were suspicious of her initially bc i genuinely dont know WHY idk if it's bc people just dont trust me or we're all overly cynical but i was getting comments and asks like 'i dont trust lihua' and im here like WHY THAT'S MY BABYGIRL
bribe me. do it. (no really dont i cant believe u tried to send me money just to take care of myself 😭)
as for the taob parallel thing, that wasn't on purpose! i really cant see myself putting ANY taob references in tams just bc i want them to be separate like i dont want all of my atla works from now on to be compared to taob bc that's. not gonna end well for me LMAO
"You have a specific post I keep seeing on pinterest, (and i saw it on facebook one time, that was surreal,) (im pretty sure its you) its the one where its like enemy to lover" NOOOOOOOOOO
i love how season 1 sokka's justification for very baltantly flirting with the firebender is literally to he's not like other girlsify him. sound logic there king
"like Shes always so robotic and uncomplex in some fics and I cant put into words how refreshing it is to get a change in that. Like this is the first fic ive ever read that I dont absolutely dread Azula povs." GOD TIER COMPLIMENT IM KISSING YOU RN i love love LOVE tams azula like i love her as a character i love writing her i love how it tests me a bit just love love love her and seeing how well she's been received in general has been such a pleasant surprise <3 do not even MENTION comic azula to me im so sad for her
"Sorry for making you read all that." please never apologise for these asks they make me very happy :)
"if you try to teach a fish to climb a tree it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid' or something like that." that's actually very fitting, thank you <3
get some sleep!!!!
thank you for this ask as always my love my light my cutie patootie xx
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
Oh!! Maybe Serizawa for the character post?
How I feel about this character
I only just met him so uh! not sure... I liked his old hair better and I wish the curls would come back <3 not mustache tho ... honestly im not sure I have many thoughts about him! that's the thing w mp100 is that most of the characters just... elude me other than reigen and mob. Im sure it'll solidify more once I read the manga and finish the anime... uhh... I think him and mob should bond... I think it's really fukcing funny he addresses mob as his superior lmaooooo and uhhh I think he should come out of his shell and might be different than we expect once he's not so uptight.
his relationship with his bosses is something i'd like to explore... how he relied so heavily on toichiro, to the point where if he did not have a symbol of his approval (umbrella) he would explode. (i know it's also his room but. who ogave him that? yknow.)
and now with reigen... he's using the cards now. hm. I think it's an interesting connection and I wonder if maybe Serizawa will unheathily latch onto reigen like he did with Toichiro, just following back into that old mindset bc its what he's used to. I think it could be a good lesson for both reigen and serizawa bc ok. Reigen I think at first would enjoy serizawa being dependant on him and super polite and doing whatever he wants bc thats the kind of person reigen is, he wants to control people to an extent (like with mob. seperation arc esp. and when he went to the bar to manipulate all the weak people) but reigen has to learn that that's not good, he can't do that to anyone anymore. And Seri will have to learn to take the reigns on HIMSELF and try not to be so codependent.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
NOT MANY OPTIONS LMAOOOO reigen i GUESS but like idc really!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
... idk! mob? ive heard stuff about tome and him... sounds sweet? again, anime only here. Mob and him both going thru it is interesting to see.
My unpopular opinion about this character
that him using the business cards is not something cute, but rather could be him idolizing his superiors again. (though MOST LIKELY its just supposed to be a Cool Thing he did and doesnt mean anything)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
maybe what I talked about on the first question. uh. I want his curly hair to come back... I want him to loosen up... i want him to protect the kids w reigen too. i want... a more in depth exploration of the lingering effects of his trauma with toichiro and his self isolation.
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transfemlogan · 2 years
Instagram Feb 2023. More of my sides stuff from IG that I 4got 2 post :P
I have no spoons to copy everything word for word so I will just simplify it all.
Colour schemes:
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I didnt originally plan to make them colours of the rainbow like how the Sanders Sides +c!Thomas are, that was a very recent idea.
I am orange, Maddox/Impulse is red, Memphis/Egotism is pink, Melvin/Compassion is green, Medusa/Creativity is cyan & I recently made Mercury/Paranoia yellow. Maven/Fatigue is probably going to be purple & I don't have another side to make indigo.
[Non-coloured text: I am orange, Maddox/Impulse is red, Memphis/Egotism is pink, Melvin/Compassion is green, Medusa/Creativity is cyan & I recently made Mercury/Paranoia yellow. Maven/Fatigue is probably going to be purple & I don't have another side to make indigo.]
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My sides' logos r all over the place, instead of being on their chest like (most of) the Sanders Sides :P
Melvin's logo is two hands interlocked & it's a patch on his battle jacket. Its place on his heart.
Madds' logo is like the boom emoji (💥) or explosion. It is placed on the sides of its big combat boots.
Medusa's logo is like. An eyeball. Painbrush. This will change idk what i was thinking originally NDHSKFNFB. Kits logo is placed on the front of kits overalls pocket.
Maven's logo is a bunch of Zs like a sleeping person would be given in art (💤). It's placed on the largest pin on their beanie.
Memphis' logo is a pink, handheld mirror. It is one of the charms on her phone.
Mercs does not... have a logo design. & the logo is either on the back of Mercs' shirt or on one of Mercs' bracelets.
Relationship dynamics:
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All my sides get along relatively ok & good. If the Sanders Sides wont love each other then MINE WILL!!!
The only sides that have a somewhat rough relationship is Mel & Madds. Mel, being compassion, wants 2 hear everything 1st in any sort of conflict & tends 2 have a more unbiased view on everything. He is still incredibly supportive & kind regardless of his personal opinion. He is like... Making soup 4 everyone and wanting to help as many people as possible.
Madds, on the other hand, being impulse & a lot of my ""negative"" violent feelings, refuses 2 hear ANYONE out. It will hold a grudge til the end of the earth even if it doesnt know the whole story. As soon as some sort of conflict happens it is choosing the Worse answer imaginable regardless if it even fits the situation ("did that guy just bump into you? We have to kill them" "im sure it was an accident—" "it absolutely Was Not").
OBVIOUSLY. THEY DON'T AGREE MOST OF THE TIME DNSHDKDN. Mel is like "lets talk this out. Communication is important!" & madds is like "Everyone here is wrong except for me. Lets kill them all now."
(They still will bend over backwards for each other if needed)
Maven's trait is fatigue bcuz i have CFS/ME*, though they also represent any sort of fatigue(??) Im. Unsure how to explain. Back in middle schopl before I developed CFS/ME, it was a lot of suicidal/depressive fatigue. It can also be executive dysfunction or autistic shutdowns/meltdowns. ETC whatever u get it.
They're the like. Apathy I feel? I do not experience empathy or sympathy (most of the time) & being aro, ace, and apl, and loveless I tend to not feel Normally. I am also autistic & have alexithymia. THIS IS HARD 2 EXPLAIN BCUZ I AM LOW ON SPOONS. ASK ME LATER OF UR STILL CONFUSED. I DONT KNOW.
WHATEVER. Because Maven is fatigue/apathy/etc they don't really care abt any1 around them. That's melvin's job! They're too busy sleeping in their wheelchair or on the floor. They aren't mean or anything, they're just apathetic & sleepy.
Memphis only cares abt himself but bcuz all the sides + me r Technically Also Him he kind of has 2 care 4 evry1 else. Though, if warranted, she would literally push us off a cliff to save herself (she would also push us off a cliff 4 no rzn).
Medusa likes to cling to Memphis like a baby koala bcuz I think I am TOO talented for my own good . Hence why creativity hangs around egotism.
Mercs likes to run to Madds or Maven bcuz my delusions, obviously, make me violent & afraid & i am actually pretty apathetic & chill in regards to my hallucinations. ALSO NOT MENTIONED IN THE STORIES, Mercs also hangs around Memphis since I have delusions abt being the most popular person on the planet & being better than everyone else & ETC.
*ALL my sides have CFS/ME. They ALL are autistic, have ADHD, schizophrenia, POTS, & all my other disabilities & neurodivergencies. It doesn't make sense to me (+ makes me a little uncomfortable) to have a single side represent my disabilities/NDs. My disabilities are not One Part Of Me, they are All Of Me.
In regards to Mercury/Paranoia, all my sides experience delusions & hallucinations, Mercs just experiences Most of it. Xe also represents more than just paranoia. In regards to Maven/Fatigue, all my sides are physically disabled and have CFS/ME & POTS, Maven just experiences the most of it & represents more than just fatigue.
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