#im still iffy about this storyline
ranbling · 4 months
Sending this anonymously bc i don’t wanna get the b/t stans attacking me for saying my observation, but this is in regards to your post about tommy not being enthusiastic about buck
for starters i completely agree w everything you said so this is just my own blurb i wanted to add
this plays into my theory of tommy paralleling abby in s1 who was never looking for anything serious w buck, but saw him as a younger man who could be used as a play-thing meanwhile buck jumps in head first only to learn a lesson about what love actually is along the way after being hurt…. and ik a bunch of people are like “i don’t want buck to get hurt by another relationship” but i genuinely think he needs to be burned a few more times because he obviously still doesn’t realize that his own interests should be celebrated by his partner and not put down— buck hasn’t had something BIG happen to him since the coming out arc and that was a mostly positive arc, aside from the gaslighting from tommy but whatever… it’s time for him to go through another hurdle, not as a side player in someone else’s arc [bobby’s injury/eddie’s breakdown] but as his own arc in which he realizes he is worth more than just being a pretty boy who is only valuable when he’s being kissed. I hope that bobby and eddie’s storylines will show him that in the finale and we can end this whole buck/tommy fiasco before s8, but im scared they will drag it out further into s8 and we will get either retconning from the writers, or we will get the fandom backlashing against tommy being used for his original intended purpose which was to be a PLOT DEVICE…..
we also have seen buck’s interests and excited demeanor subdued and looked down on by taylor often during their relationship. i already have iffy feelings on how the writers handled her character and her relationship arc with buck but aside from the treasure hunt, we never really saw her propping up buck’s interests and often tried to subdue his “golden retriever” personality (something the buckley parents also did)
(this is also interesting bc Taylor Kelly and Tommy Kinard…. T-K and T-K, idk it feels very hmmm to me on top of Tommy kind of repping all of Buck’s past major relationships into s ball)
and i feel like the diaz parents and possibly whatever happens with the will could be that catalyst for him to finally be like “oh… i am worth more thsn just being a side piece” which would hopefully lead to a b/t breakup
bc think about it, who IS the only one (besides bobby/maddie) who is always trying to tell buck he is worth more than just what he is at face value? DING DING DING it’s eddie… and if we get that feelings realization of “oh this is what i need from a relationship and i get that from eddie” we can open the door to buck facing the “im in love with my straight best friend who is going through shit” crisis while eddie could have his own “i am projecting my feelings towards buck onto my dead wife because he is what i want and she is who i thought i was supposed to want”
also for eddie’s side of things, it could also be a sense of realizing that he’s projecting and this further idea of “i’m broken” and then realizing who has been there to help him patch things up in the past as he realizes that everything he has looked for in a partner (mainly someone to be a second parental unit for chris) he already has with buck.
anyway i am so sorry for the long ask i just wanted to put this out there and say that i fully agree w you and share my thoughts that coincide with yours
Hi anon!
I love long asks and I agree with every point you made! Buck is still very obviously stuck in the hamster wheel (but only this time with a guy) and the whole "I don't want him to get hurt" is such a weird thing to say. Like except for Abby, Buck wasn't really upset by his breakups and rn his relationship with Tommy is not deep with a lots of buildup, it's just some dates (one of them failed) and two kiss so not a situation that will cause him a lots of heartache
And Eddie is the one who really matches Buck's energy and not only always hypes him up, but he's just as ready to get into the those situations
The pining arc for them is gonna be soo good, but I really hope they won't make it too long, I think a half season for it is more than enough (but I am an impatient girlie and we had enough slowburn now), I just want them to be domestic
I honestly believe we'll either have bt breakup in the next episode or in the first episode of s8. They did nothing to develop their relationship past e6, but introduced many points that could he grounds for a breakup (all coming back to Tommy's behaviour).
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dontcryminecraft · 1 year
dream /neg
i saw this posted and got so mad i ranted but didn't want to reblog someone's post like that so i decided to just make my own-
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quackity made qsmp because of his experiences as a bilingual creator and his want to bring his two worlds together. He wanted to help break down language and culture barriers, which he LITERALLY DID ON THE FIRST DAY THROUGH THE WALL. I can't imagine a reason dream has for this other than...attention? idk. Everything about this screams that he just wants to do what quackity is doing but "bigger and better" and that misses the point of qsmp and, even if I'm wrong about his intentions, makes dream look kinda like a dick.
Oh, first-ever bilingual server? well here's the first MULTI-LINGUAL SERVER, which hinges on the technicality that 'multi' here means 3+, not 2+, even though multiple just means 'more than one'. But that technicality is bullshit!!! So, no, actually, QSMP is the first Multilingual server. Fuck off!!!!!
The addition of 'live translation' is iffy to me, I checked out his video on the mod just to make sure I know what I'm talking about and... yeah it's iffy at best. It's technologically cool, and I will give him credit for making a mod for this. However, that's not that much praise all things considered. Practically, you'll have to constantly be looking at other people's character's ALL THE TIME in order to have a conversation with them, which isn't feasible in a natural way. I'm honestly not going to say much about the translations themselves because I'm only fluent in English. However, I still highly doubt that his mod will pick up on any nuances and slang in a different language
Basically, it would have been better to not do this to not bother with a mod, and to encourage others to learn different languages LIKE QUACKITY DID.
Large servers with 60+ people and 6 leaders...so like they all get grouped together? What is this a shitty model un? And with the leaderboard, I want to laugh at the idea that this is a very very bad take on Minecraft Olympics. What will they score, achievements? How many kills someone can get in a tournament-style bracket? How many blocks mined? What on earth is 'language ranking'???? This is a server that already had multiple languages set on the premises of uniting there isn't a need for another gimmick? TBH im so baffled on this that I'm curious enough to not seriously talk shit on that part but that doesn't count for the next thing I'll rant about-
"with equal say in decision making"- First of all FUCK OFF /SRS. The biggest issue people had with the dsmp was that smaller streamers weren't listened to. They constantly tried to stream with others to get their storylines going, and yet nothing. It was also heavily implied that the main person ignoring everyone and not communicating well behind the scenes was FUCKING DREAM. First of all, as the main server admin, owner, and Guy In Charge, that's horrible management. Yet he's never spoken about it as far as I'm aware. He's never given a reason he's so unreachable. So, if I'm correct, that makes THIS COMMENT the first time he's mentioned the dsmp's shit communication issues and it's done in such a backhanded way I want to scream like YOU WERE THE ISSUE DREAM. It's just tacky, imo.
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time for Thoughts™️
I will always rant about every member of the disaster lineage but I just got very very especially sad about Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
how did I not realise how late he left the Order??? I always thought it was idk, some time earlier than the Phantom Menace but this is just. they really went for the peak angst potential didn’t they
we now know what happened to Yaddle, but at what cost…
As always, fuck Sheev. look what he did. he took a bunch of perfectly good light-siders and fucked them up is what he did.
I feel like Anakin really does Not know how to Handle Child at the time of that first training montage. he does his best to be a good teacher and train her the best he can but I definitely got scary chills watching him say “again” so many times in a progressively darker tone
I’m fine I’m just crying over how all that training, no matter Anakin’s downfalls, saved Ahsoka’s life in the end
my first reaction to Rex mentioning Jesse was basically just “oh hey it’s my dude!!!” and then I realised that Anakin and Jesse both trained Ahsoka in ways that she then used to survive their attempts of trying to kill her and now I’m not okay
that handful of Obi-Wan scenes was a nice bonus
Caleb getting all excited about Ahsoka doing the droid training exercise he’s so precious-
The funeral.
no because the fact that Ahsoka would have been chased down and possibly killed by the Empire if they found out she was still alive but she went to Padmé’s funeral anyway to pay her respects because Padmé was so important to her-
“She was my friend” feelings. so many feelings. i cried here.
Rex sticking with Ahsoka until after the funeral makes me have a lot of emotions and a lot of thoughts; iirc we don’t actually know how long they were together after the Tribunal crash before they split ways
*insert that one textpost that was like [me every second Bail Organa was on screen] ‘that’s Bail Organa’*
anyone else feel a little iffy about the whole “we have a duty thing” he was saying to Ahsoka? maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, but it felt a little to me like he meant she had to/was obligated to join the Rebellion. it doesn’t seem very in sync with Bail in general, but if someone has a different interpretation that makes more sense, please share with me.
the only other thing is I’m just confused and a little irritated about the section with the farmers and the Inquisitor. like, when in the timeline exactly did that whole encounter take place? and if they wanted to show a storyline like that, why didn’t they just animate some key moments from the Ahsoka novel? I feel like it sort of gives it more weight in a way to have Ahsoka’s big return to the good fight and the Rebellion set two years after the end of the war, and given how similar the setups are, I have to say I would have much rather had at least some scenes from the book in animation than a whole new separate thing that kind of replaces it.
me when the girl’s brother went to tattle to the Empire: every town’s got a Timm 😔
ngl I really thought she might be Kaeden at first but it wasn’t too bad I suppose.
especially since I will never, and I mean never, get sick of watching Ahsoka kick Inquisitor ass
all I want to do is wrap all my faves up in a blanket and hug them very tight yk
in conclusion: I am just screaming. so hard right now.
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entropy-sea-system · 2 years
BPD Grumpy Bear
Reformatting this post from a previous post I made!
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I've watched only the recent care bears(unlock the magic) and I found it relateable that Grumpy had moments where he snapped at people he cared about or had his anger be more intense than he found manageable. As someone who has experienced similar things as a trauma response and still sometimes needs to be left alone when really angry so I don't inadvertantly hurt people, I related that to being similar to an aspect of my bpd.
more under the cut!
And grumpy's anger gets represented as a thundercloud due to his belly badge power which sometimes functions as an indicator of emotion. I sort of relate to not exactly knowing how you feel until it becomes visible or obvious, due to my alexithymia. Also he has one arc where because he was working on something that was important to him(Rain, Rain, Go Away), he didn't realise until later that he was frustrated and taking it out on others, which he then apologises for.
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He also appears to split on another character whos kind of like his friend/kid(?), (basically a young whiffle who joined the group and gravitated towards Grumpy) alternating between getting along with her and feeling very positive about her and then having times where due to frustration he wants to be left alone or gets upset at her(If it's Broke, Fix It).
He also shows similar emotions about the other characters he's close to and has a few taking accountability for the effects of his anger and doing his best to manage it type of arcs I suppose(Rain, Rain, Go Away and Sorry not Sorry). The latter episode also shows him to have difficulties with apologies which I relate to though thats due my aspd and npd rather than bpd.
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Also its not very noticeable but he has this thing where he feels the need to be alone usually due to being introvertedish or needing to work on something or due to intense emotions, but at the same time misses others when alone and seems to have doubts about himself. Sort of makes me think of the emptiness and possibly abandonment issues associated w bpd.
And in one episode he is shown to be likely the most suspicious of newcomers out of the care bears(Things That Go Plunk), and this suspicion towards others is something I relate to my bpd and trauma, more so the latter, as a hypervigilance type of thing.
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In one episode where his anger-formed thundercloud causes rain (Rain, Rain, Go Away) , the whiffles in the meadow where it rained(which as a result became messy and muddy and the plants got washed away), including Dibble(the one whos joined the care bears group), are upset at him.
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As a result, he thinks the best solution is pretending to always be happy and not prone to anger or frustration, basically the opposite of his usual personality, to the extent that his sense of self is eclipsed by his need to avoid anger. Its even physically shown by him sticking a sticky note with a smiley face on it over his belly badge and asking to be called Mr. Happyface.
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This I felt reminded me of bpd masking and having an unstable/variable sense of self. The storyline that results felt kind of iffy in that the other care bears try to make him angry so that it rains in an arid field in addition to telling him to be and accept himself. It felt like they were just trying to get him to make the raincloud at some points.
But at the end of the episode he also learns that its best to be himself and accept his emotions rather than pretend to be someone he's not which I feel can be similar to someone realising they're pwbpd and not feeling like they have to mask their bpd traits all the time. I guess I personally have been masking less since I realised Im pwbpd but also prefer to be left alone when some of the traits like intense anger show up due to that not always being safe for me to show around others.
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I will also definitely be making an addition here of the IDW comics arc he has because that felt very much like I related to it as someone with BPD. However when I made the initial post, I had not read the IDW utm comics (and in fact may not even have made my way through the entirety of season 1 at that time)
Okay, so, remember how Grumpy's cloud powers get more rain and storm like when he's frustrated or angry(and more unpredictable due to being in the silver lining)? I noticed a detail here in the comics where he's lifting cans with a cloud (as far as I remember he does not lift things with his clouds other than perhaps the entire cloudseeker, in the show) and as his mood changes the cloud turns gray and rainy.
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(for reference he starts off pretty burnt out already from fixing things in this issue. He just really needs a break.)
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There is a plot point here where Bluster, Robbie, and the bad crowd are messing with these mirrors that are supposed to show one's ideal self to make the mirrors show their worst self. They dress up as the worst possible selves of Grumpy, Cheer, Goodluck, and Funshine (as they are the ones who enter the 'funhouse' with the messed up mirrors).
Each bear has an arc where they overcome the negative perceptions of their worst reflection. Grumpy's 'reflection' shows up the earliest and he did not look at the normal mirrors which show ones ideal self first like the others did.
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Cheer, Goodluck, and Funshine all see past the illusion but realise Grumpy's still in the maze. At this point Cheer goes in to find him.
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I do very much connect this to having an unstable sense of self (which I experience due to my bpd and other neurodivergences). It also really shows how much he cares for his invention (The Cloudseeker) and Dibble. (Also side note huh. They can get oil from rainbowson mountains??? Interesting. )
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At this point, Cheer reassures Grumpy that the crew knows he's not turned to the bad crowd like Bluster and Robbie try to convince them (and him) he is. She also reminds him that they know he cares and I think it's really cool how her leadership skills are shown in this arc!
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And at this point Grumpy breaks through the illusion with the help of Cheer. I find it to be a similar arc to Rain, Rain, Go Away in the acceptance of having grumpiness as an emotion though this is also Grumpy realising he matters to the people he cares about. And I think its nice that this arc is portrayed.
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At the end, Cheer also gives him this piece of glass from the funhouse for his souvenir hat to remind him of his true self, and that was another way Cheer's leadership skills and ability to reassure others was displayed.
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Finally, the arc ends with Grumpy seeing his ideal self in the nearby mirrors. I feel the comics mostly spoke for themselves thus I don't have all that much to add on here.
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samsspambox · 1 year
SAM ARTEM IS STRESSING ME OUT main story beat me to a pull mainly it was rough seeing artem take on heavy cases all by himself seeing as this is main story and personal cards don’t happen which is tragic becasue i think this is such a callback to day and night!!! i think that card rly forced him to develop as a person in the sense that he learns it’s okay to depend on others, trust other ppl to guide to where you want to be but here he’s facing things alone AND NOR JUST ALONE he just put himself against rosa which we all know must be killing him :(( at times like these i rly wish he wasn’t such a good actor because i’m sure being even the slightest bit of mean is eating him up seeinf he reacted so badly to the time in day and night where he pretended to be a villan…..the point is artem don’t do this again :)
another thing is i keep going back to the last thing he said before his switch which was that phone all he had with rosa where he said i believe you can handle this well (something like that) and it makes me wonder did he know this was going to end with him opposing rosa? if so does he want her to win the case and he’s nurse harper’s defendant for some larger reason? so many questions here
I APOLOGIZE FOR THE RAMBLE just needed an outlet :,)
HI NONNIE!!! no need to apologize for the ramble! anyone who wants to talk about chapter 9 spoilers is open to do so! That being said, spoilers ahead! :D
honestly, this chapter does have callback to day and night (or if you're like me and forget the names of the cards, artem's 2nd birthday card lolol) in terms of acting! we do see that contrast of a MC-less artem versus one that has a relationship with them: mc pushing him to rely on people.
it's one of the things he works on throughout his card storylines (the biggest one pre-anni was his rrg card, he kiterally started getting sick bc he tried to hide the work he was doing from mc.
zak mentioned that main story was a universe where personal stories don't actually happen, and im inclined to agree with the added thought that personal story 4 for all the boys don't happen, just up to 3 (still iffy on that honestly. I know for sure that personal 1 and 2 happen based off of mc's comment in the case with the painter, revealing that she and marius had been hunting for an impersonator of z)
((as a joke, i said what if mc rejected all of them? that would explain why they're all so hostile LMAOOO))
i think main story is gonna be great to see the distinctions of what they would become had they not had mc with them!!
also artem 'i would've gone to drama school if i hadn't gotten into law school' wing cOMING BACK HOLY SHIT!!! honestly of artem took up a career in acting i wouldn't blame him lolol. (though, that does beg to question if he knew what was going to happen, that he would represent the nurse in the end? will we have to go up against artem in a court case? yk how some games have you purposefully lose in order to move on, will it be like that?)
this entire story was filled with so much good food and new characterizations im fROTHING AT THE MOUTH!! i need to do another read-through tbh, it feels like we're missing a lot of things. maybe a readthrough the entire thing? i need to take notes!!! and work on the timeline again lolol
thanks for dropping by nonnie!! :D
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luckiezs · 2 years
Mind giving me a bit of a run down on FE?
I really like the pieces of fanart you reblog from it, got me curious
OH MAN sorry this is so late, i remember seeing this right as i was about to be thrown in the ER again a few days ago LOL but now that im mostly doing better i think I have the mental clarity to answer this. Somewhat
GOD WHERE DO I EVEN START fire emblem is. A massive series with a stupid amount of games. With just a metric fuckton of characters. I got into the series when i was about? 15ish? My first fe game was Fates LOL which is just. An absolute dogshit game but if you learn to do what i do and basically take all of the characters and put them in YOUR BETTER VERSION of the story. Its enjoyable haha 😭 Its tactics and rpg and YES INDEED romance bullshit all rolled into one. At least most of the games r like that idk theres a few weird spinoffs. The series has a long history of having some real. Iffy storylines and characters but like i said if you kinda pick it all apart youll find some real gold. Ive played through a few of the games, mainly Awakening and everything after it, but also like sacred stones and blazing blade and shit. The gameplay always scratches a good itch in my brain, I loooove grinding out levels and getting characters to promote into new classes and having them learn new abilities, if you like The Grind in most rpgs then fe is DEFO for you!! Theres a reason i have like. Around 400 hours in FE3H LOL cause i loooove just sitting there and grinding exp on extra maps…OH and a good thing to note is that like. The fe timeline is VERY WEIRD and all disconnected, most games are their own like standalone thing that still lightly conmect to the Overall Story, like you can play Fates before or after say Sacred Stones cause they dont connect at all, but then some of them DO, like Blazing Blade being a prequel to Binding Blade, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn should be played together, etc. i always liked how fe gets funky w stuff like that, and how the Actual Fire Emblem like. Physically changes between games, like its the Binding Shield, but then its the Crest of Flames, or the Omega Yato, etc. SO YEAH lots of fun to be had w the series as long as you mind like. Trigger warnings and go into it all knowing Theres Gonna Be Some Bullshit, some of my favorite characters of all time are frm this series! Stan edelgard btw
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cr4yolaas · 15 days
fic authors self rec! ♡ when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. let’s spread the self-love ♡
HI NESS !! I LOVE U SO SO SO MUCH MORE !!!! ty for sending me this <3
melody of the moon — viktor (arcane)
this is suuuper old but this is my magnum opus. took me ~1 month to finish it and get it to a state that i wanted it at, but even now i’m still kinda iffy about it (as always). i remember rewriting the entire thing like 3 times and ranting about it to my friends who were very much not into viktor as much as i was at the time LOL. such a strenuous process but my favorite concept and storyline ever, even if i still cringe at it today
for lovers who hesitate — tsukishima kei
this one had all my favorite tropes (meeting each other again by chance/fate, academic rivals, and coworkers) and was a spur of the moment idea that i worked on over a super long and dreadful trip. it was so fun to work on though !! i’d definitely want to go more in depth on their story (imo it’d be soo good as an smau) but i have too many other things to work on 😖
blue spring — kageyama tobio
who would i be if blue spring wasn’t on here. my literal baby. the loml. i love blue spring sm and i loved working on it. i definitely wish i had as much inspiration as i did while making this bc literally nothinf was scripted — the tutoring was a last minute part (hence why i barely went into depth on it LOL) and so many of the scenes were random decisions that thankfully worked out !! (i hope). i love blue spring with all my heart and im so glad it received the love it did
the weight of words — alhaitham
another one that still kinda makes me cringe to look at, but i’m still proud of it. this was a very very rushed fic but i loved the idea of having alhaitham interact with someone who shares an affinity for quietude, but in a sense that they have to enjoy quietude (i hope that made sense). i’m probably not writing for genshin anymore, but this fic is seriously one of my favorites that i produced during that time <3
mezzo forte — iwaizumi hajime
this one is very very begrudgingly placed on here. i have a very very strained relationship with mezzo forte, mostly because i just lost inspiration for the story after i got to the plot point that motivated me to write the entire thing. however, i will say i love the vibes of mezzo forte more than anything <3 i’ll get to writing the ending sometime soon LOL
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mcgnuficentia · 6 years
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modern edward is a bit more laid back than canon edward. we’re social and cultural beings, which means that we are subject to change if our culture does. this is what happens with modern edward. 
compared to the victorian era, we’re in another times. things that society used to see as immoral or inappropiated are now in the spectrum of normal ( they always were normal though ) but the point is that our society today is a bit more accepting than it used to be. that means that edward’s belifs are going to adapt to the modern era. 
we know edward is very traditional, so to keep that in him and not changing completely his character, instead of bothering all women for showing legs, he is gonna be petty about the tomboy culture. like yeah, he respects it “but it’s not very feminine is it?” yikes, edward. hopefully modern nina is gonna shut your little mouth again.
i like to think he is still very devoted to the queen. i’m not really aware of the actual situation in UK, but investigating a little i noticed that there are modern knights but they can also be whatever they want ( i mean, the princess is an actress! ) that’s why, for some ridiculous change of events, edward ended up being... a singer. let’s say, he owned a favor to his young cousin, and knowing the little shit ciel is his answer was “become an artist”. of course not! that would be outrageous because he doesnt have social skills, someone so bland like him wouldn’t be able to be famous. yet lizzie was so chaaaarmed with the idea of her older brother being a singer in the sensational multi-ethnic boyband Phantom / Funtom Five that he couldn’t say no. the surprise there, was realizing his old comrate herman greenhill was also in the scene and lol what even happened to his hair? being competitive he thought if greenhill could, he could do it too. besides, this way he could still work alongside with the queen, because every time there’s a political stunt, the entertaintment business casually acts as a cover up. why would it be? 
edward is not a bad singer, not at all. but he wishes to become a lawyer. totally the opposite, huh? at least, he can still go to college and fulfill his sister’s dreams of seeing him as an idol. “oh brother, all my friends talk about you, aren’t you a popular one?” not really, lizzie. because edward is someone else on stage, when he is not singing he is just an awkward normal boy who is very good at fencing. he likes to dance, actually he likes electronic music but his mother doesn’t let him go out much, and she actually hates the fact edward is on stage moving his butt to charm people, how disgusting edward. what have you become? 
he is still a noble, but just situate a modern marquess in 2019. 
this is my modern verse, on hand with it i have the actual funtom five edward. but the modern knight verse is let’s say, the backstage edward, the normal boy edward, the edward who wants to be a lawyer yet still a noble. stole your heart verse? edward is the heart breaker we see on stage and he is pretty different than what he actually see in his daily life. 
funtom five is not very famous though, lucky edward. 
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solanospetra · 6 years
There's a missing link between Petra and JR, and the blackmailer has it. SO MAYBE. MAYBE, after being around Rose so fucking much, some of that mentality stick in Luisa. And she's smart as fuck. So, maybe she made this whole plan on how to get revenge on Anezka and Petra. Thats why the balcony had the screws loose. And she knows JR because she used to be her lawyer and had some dirt on her and maybe she wanted revenge too (we dont know much about jr's past)... so that's how she contacted her.
(2/2) i love luisa, she’s my baby lesbian and i love her so much but… maybe, after being around rose so much. after being around rafael so much. after schemes and alcohol and all that shit and after being PUT AND KEPT in a mental institution more than necessary, she concluded the origin of all of her problems were petra and petra’s family. So she tried to get rid of it. So the whole “im a countryside chill bitch”’ thing was a facade.. it was… too easy, too calm for luisa, too simple!
Luisa is also on my list of people who might have been the blackmailer but it’s hard for me to picture it being her. She’s never been the murderous type and when we’ve seen her at her “worst” all she wanted to do was fuck Rafael and Petra over financially. But I also can’t completely discount her, like you said Luisa is smart as fuck. 
I’ve always thought the attempt to kill Petra and the blackmailer were two different events. Magda and Anezka are on one side and the blackmailer on the other. The blackmailer probably already been planning to go after Petra with something else but they saw a chance and took it. My theory is the blackmailer wants or needs something from the hotel which is why they’ve been trying to force Petra out. 
There’s also no way Luisa dug up dirt on JR and Krishna so quickly. It’s not even a one day turn around, it’s hours, which leads me to believe someone had already gathered up dirt way before Petra killed Anezka and saw the opportunity and seized it. Which makes me think it was someone who had an in with the cops like Milos or Rose. 
As for JR I still don’t know where she fits in. Why her, Like aside from being a love interest for Petra, why her specifically? They could have used any other lawyer and simply paid them hella money to put Petra away. That tells me JR was poking around somewhere and someone wanted her gone because if there’s one thing we know is that she had a great relationship with the DA. Maybe Luisa is the link maybe not. 
Yeah, I definitely don’t want it to be Luisa, not after everything she’s been through. And you know JTV doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to Luisa. They could have easily woven her into storyline back in season two or even at the beginning of season four but they pulled the same bullshit they’ve always done with Luisa. But I do agree her being at peace was almost too easy. Or maybe it’s just lazy writing. We’ll see next season since Jennie Urman still isn’t going to drop the Rose/Luisa storyline. 
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lesbiangiratina · 2 years
The writing on female characters of Guilty Gear is... quite decent? Hell, it is good for a fighting game... even more when such fighting game has... whatever the plot of Guilty Gear is.
I think the thing with Guilty Gear is that threads on the lines where they could fall on tropes but never go for it but you see the stuff and says: "I am wary cuz this would have gone to misogyny or worse in any other thing."
May having a crush on Johnny? Literally would keep me awake at night if not for it being Guilty Gear (even if I will never settle until Johnny and Testament get together.)
Millia and Zato still interacting? On literally anything else it would be about Zato becoming better and Millia forgiving him which would end on them ending up together... GG choose to have Millia grow her own life meanwhile Zato little by little was left alone by her and Venom.
Aria/Justice/Jack-O?! On God that it would give me anxiety how the plot of the series is a big: "I miss my wife." with Jack-O just being a replacement for Aria to give to Sol... but she is her own character and she rebels on her own. Also how Justice was the original villain... glad that they never gave overtly weird shit with her and Sol.
I-No?! I could absolutely get nightmares thinking of any other thing where one if not the biggest antagonist of the series is a woman which is also romantically involved (kinda) with one of the main male characters... I was literally expecting for everything about I-No to be about Axl back when I got into the series but nope... Axl's destiny revolves around her.
The only character who like... is iffy, to me, is Dizzy since... she kinda just exists to be for male characters... she kinda only exists to be Sol's daughter, Ky's wife and Sin's mother... which with how Testament was seen as a male character guess she was also there for them... even if I enjoy's Dizzy's storyline of growth and exploring the world.
LITERALLY JOHNNY SCARED ME SO BAD like oh god heres this like, womanizer guy, and hes got a whole pack of young girls, but no he explicitly views them as family and its quite sweet and i put down the huge rock i was holding like Phew hes just a dilf. Im a little bit obsessed with i-no too. I like it when women just kinda suck. Unpleasant to be around. But in a cool way. And i think i agree with you about dizzy too, as much as i like her… she still has a pretty nice story though. I really like her design in the strive credits, but im not sure if that was new? Actually im kinda surprised they brought back testament before her… fingers crossed.
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
Would I Date This Character?: MeChat Edition [2]
Here's the first post for a better explanation of what this is. All images belong to the creators of MeChat. Also- I'm very sorry if I get any pronouns wrong :( They don't tell you the characters' pronouns until you go on a first date and so when I wrote these last night, I misgendered one of them 😅 But don't worry! I fixed it.
So if any pronouns in this post are wrong, I sincerely apologize. I'll fix it if I notice. But I'm pretty sure all of them are correct since I've done the first date with all of these characters on this post.
❤ - Would Date Them
💔 - Wouldn't Date Them
❓ - Unsure
1.) Scott McNamara
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- I'm really iffy on this one. Like- he's attractive and he has money.. But he literally accuses MC of eavesdropping and treats them like an inconvience ON THE FIRST DATE. LIKE BRO- IT'S A GLASS DOOR AND I'M AUTISTIC, I STARE AT MOVEMENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I COULD HEAR ANYTHING YOU DUMB BITCH. Scott does seem sweet and at least he can admit his mistakes. I'm just not gonna take that. ❓
2.) William Black
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- If you want to live like Anatasia Steel and date a great value Christian Gray wannabe, here you go. The walmart version is here. I'm not into BDSM, or any sort of dominance shit. I know Lucifer is my favorite OM character, but I won't get on my knees for any man 🙄 Especially this ugly ass 💔
3.) Case Harper
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- I haven't done much of his story, but Case seems like such an interesting character. The story is exciting and seems to have some good action going. Case also seems to be a genuinely caring guy ❤
4.) Erik Larsen
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- I'm very much in between on this guy. I love me a pretty artist, mad respect that he's a painter because all I can paint is simple ass watercolor landscapes. Not sure if I'm into the drama tho❓
5.) Damon Hemlock
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- I LOVE THEM??? Their entire look is absolutely gorgeous and I love someone with confidence 😉 They're also a drag queen so mad respect there. After all, I'm all about living how you want to and doing what makes you happy. Damon also gives me gender envy. Like, I want to have their confidence and look like them as a trans non binary person ❤
6.) Seong On
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- Seong is kind of a pain in the ass but in a good way? Like, he's a pretty troublemaker type. And the type to seduce you into sex on the first date apparently. I can't say much about his personality right now, but he does seem really sweet ❤
7.) Zander Delgado
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- HIS STORY IS SO INTRIGUING SO FAR?? LIKE OMG- Zander is a nerdy one, he likes books and knitting. But there's actually something darker going on beneath. Zander has amnesia and absolutely no clue as to what happened to him. And I'll be honest, I think its cute whenever he gets excited about getting to experience things as if its the first time, and rediscovering his previous passions. I'm loving him so far ❤
8.) Diego Garza
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- I can respect a man who knows his own worth. Not one who does shit just to make their ex jealous. I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna be a tool to get your ex back. I have some self worth, you know? 💔
9.) Tomas Ward
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- Love a guy who's wild and adventrous in more ways than one 😉 It's hilarious when he complains about his job as a bodyguard being boring, especially since some celebrities are total dumbasses. I originally wrote here that he doesn't seem to move too quick. But then I was proven wrong by him kissing MC on the first date. Im still enjoying his storyline ❤
10.) Akio Fujimori
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- I can respect an artist, but Akio is a bit... too much for me. He seems a bit like a workaholic, like the type to be invested in his work that he'll bail on you without warning. Like he's in a relationship with his job instead of you. And I'm just not into that 💔
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itssideria · 2 years
🚫 - is lore crit good and fun? drops this in your inbox like one would a live bomb
dream smp lore discourse: is lore crit good and fun?
ha Ha. im sure you sent this in with no ulterior motive or knowledge of how i talk about lore crit in dms! im sure you dont want me to get my ass beat on tumblr dot com!! i would Never assume anything bad of ren zrenia! what an innocent ask this is!!!
okay but to answer the actual question—no. just. unequivocally, no.
once upon a time i would have said yes. lore crit around this time last year accounted for the cc's writing inexperience, hectic schedules, and general formatting and style of the dream smp. it usually manifested as a dislike of retcons, or people being tired of waiting for promised lore, or anger at dropped storylines and drastically altered characterisations. but that was good! it was fair! it was given with the exact reasons the critic didn't like the lore, and often with suggested improvements. it was done in good faith. the people doing it genuinely seemed to love the dream smp story!! i LOVED that shit and reblogged it all the time.
now though? yeah, no. it's become a shitshow lmfao. from people just INSTANTLY assuming bad faith from the cc's—assuming they don't respect their audience, or value their own storylines (ccs like michaelmcchill, who often say... iffy things are SOMETIMES exceptions to this, though)—to ignoring the intended format of the dream smp (never forget how fucking pissed i was when ctommy was called the main character by Every big blog around) to DEMANDING certain storylines and interactions between certain characters (looking at you, dash after the wilbur eret lore stream. what the fuck was that) it's just. not fun anymore. it's not how it used to be.
it's not constructive. lots of blogs talk about this story like they just want it to 'fucking end, already, why are we still here,' and seem to forget that they're allowed to just leave the fandom. they attack ccs that don't interact perfectly well with their favorite characters (wilburians and inniters, this is some of you) and seem to forget that this lore, especially when wilbur is involved, is cowritten by many and mutually agreed on prior to streaming. they assume that cc's are uncaring and hateful toward their fans and are abuse apologists. they get mad when certain concerns go unaddressed. it's not even crit anymore—a lot of it is just straight up hate, with no clear indication of what would make the lore better in their eyes. blogs doompost every three weeks. dream proves he's working on fixing dsmp and people immediately assume he's stupid and doing things wrong. i've unfollowed DOZENS of people who just spew angry things on the dash these last few months, because it was depressing. and it bothered me a lot, because i really used to like reading their thoughts!! until lore crit goes back to being light-hearted and in good faith, chances are i won't engage with it again—i'm here to have fun, yknow? also i hope this post doesn't get me killed
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Longest Tag: 90 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
time for Thoughts™️
I will always rant about every member of the disaster lineage but I just got very very especially sad about Dooku and Qui-Gon. 
how did I not realise how late he left the Order??? I always thought it was idk, some time earlier than the Phantom Menace but this is just. they really went for the peak angst potential didn’t they
we now know what happened to Yaddle, but at what cost…
As always, fuck Sheev. look what he did. he took a bunch of perfectly good light-siders and fucked them up is what he did.
I feel like Anakin really does Not know how to Handle Child at the time of that first training montage. he does his best to be a good teacher and train her the best he can but I definitely got scary chills watching him say “again” so many times in a progressively darker tone
I’m fine I’m just crying over how all that training, no matter Anakin’s downfalls, saved Ahsoka’s life in the end
my first reaction to Rex mentioning Jesse was basically just “oh hey it’s my dude!!!” and then I realised that Anakin and Jesse both trained Ahsoka in ways that she then used to survive their attempts of trying to kill her and now I’m not okay
that handful of Obi-Wan scenes was a nice bonus
Caleb getting all excited about Ahsoka doing the droid training exercise he’s so precious-
The funeral.
no because the fact that Ahsoka would have been chased down and possibly killed by the Empire if they found out she was still alive but she went to Padmé’s funeral anyway to pay her respects because Padmé was so important to her-
“She was my friend” feelings. so many feelings. i cried here.
Rex sticking with Ahsoka until after the funeral makes me have a lot of emotions and a lot of thoughts; iirc we don’t actually know how long they were together after the Tribunal crash before they split ways
*insert that one textpost that was like [me every second Bail Organa was on screen] ‘that’s Bail Organa’*
anyone else feel a little iffy about the whole “we have a duty thing” he was saying to Ahsoka? maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, but it felt a little to me like he meant she had to/was obligated to join the Rebellion. it doesn’t seem very in sync with Bail in general, but if someone has a different interpretation that makes more sense, please share with me.
the only other thing is I’m just confused and a little irritated about the section with the farmers and the Inquisitor. like, when in the timeline exactly did that whole encounter take place? and if they wanted to show a storyline like that, why didn’t they just animate some key moments from the Ahsoka novel? I feel like it sort of gives it more weight in a way to have Ahsoka’s big return to the good fight and the Rebellion set two years after the end of the war, and given how similar the setups are, I have to say I would have much rather had at least some scenes from the book in animation than a whole new separate thing that kind of replaces it.
me when the girl’s brother went to tattle to the Empire: every town’s got a Timm 😔
ngl I really thought she might be Kaeden at first but it wasn’t too bad I suppose.
especially since I will never, and I mean never, get sick of watching Ahsoka kick Inquisitor ass
all I want to do is wrap all my faves up in a blanket and hug them very tight yk
in conclusion: I am just screaming. so hard right now.
128 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Fennec: We’re gonna feed you to our rancor mwahahahahaha >)
assassin dude: plsss nooooo D:
Fennec: PFFT we don’t have a rancor lmao it died
That one rat: hi :3
247 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Cad Bane: You’re getting soft in your old age
Boba: You are literally. Twenty plus years older than me.
1,094 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Fans will be like ‘this is my comfort show’ and it’s the most depressing show ever
1,293 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Peli: there’s someone here to see you
Din: oh it’s my son
5,210 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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siswritesyanderes · 3 years
This is a series of asks bc, while I do LIKE all the charas of Fantastic Beasts individually, much of the romantic pairings dont sit well with me. By that mean the messy love polygon w Newt & I think I finally figured out why & I'd like another's opinion on it. For starters, Newt's attraction with Tina is too fast for me considering he was friends w Leta, got expelled out of Hogwarts for Leta, carried Leta's photo in his case, & basically loved her for YEARS. But this is all undone by a [1]
jaunt in NY having met a woman, who he admittedly went on a huge adventure w, over the course of maybe a few weeks. He's so taken w her she replaces Leta's photo w her own &, after refusing to go to Paris for Dumbledore, leaves immediately once he finds out she's there. I just find this unbelievable. I can rationalize it from Newt's perspective where Tina is a fresh breeze sweeping into his life on (percieved) unrequited pining, but this is my conjecture based on my understanding of Newt. [2]
The audience shouldnt be left to rationalize endgame couple of the mc on their own. & the whole thing w Leta is so messily handled I dont think they can save it even if they bring her back in FB3. How she feels for Newt vs Theseus & unresolved lingering affection, etc. She & Newt were SO important to each other & we SEE that & they dont HAVE to get together, but they need proper resolution bc they have actual history between them. God Leta in general deserved so much better. [3]
But my main gripe is that this love polygon serves no purpose to what I believe is the main selling point of FB: the world. HP having love stories makes sense bc we're following the story of a boy as he goes through adolescence & his journey through that via school is part of that, which is why the romance feels fitting. It's a very personal story. FB on the otherhand is the best peak we have at the wider wizarding world beyond school. HP introduces the world of magic, but FB rlly expands it [4]
To that end Jakob & Queenie's relationship is the only one I find myself liking, bc it's deeply tied to the world setting, the series' biggest selling point (in my opinion, should have said this earlier). It underscores the attitudes of the period & the conflict they face feels suitably substantial & not like filler. There's a moral question between them of are they worth it? And how far should they go to be together?
Imma be real hear & say FB2 was rlly Queenie's movie & they should have been ballsy & just make Queenie the mc for FB2, bc her story was actually considerably more important to the overall development of the story than Newt's, which mostly came off as a rushed & a tad clichè soap drama. & making it about Queenie I think builds more room for good conflict & independent narrative for Tina that would serve her chara better. [5? 6?]
If I bad to be REAL ballsy, I'd say my big issue w/ the relationships in the FB series & how it enhances or impedes the main story & what I believe to be it's biggest attracter (the setting) could have been solved if they made Newt's romantic interest a muggle. It attaches a deeper meaning & relevance to them & the story so it felt more deeply that they truly moved WITH the narrative rather than beside it but I guess Im just picky. Thx for putting up w this! [Final]
(My response below the cut.)
Yeah, pretty much all of this is right.
Regarding the Tina thing, it was definitely rushed, especially since there was literally nothing romantic between them in the whole first movie, except maybe the end part where they're stumbling over their words. Despite knowing how movies work and knowing that they were the male and female lead, I still found that completely out of left field, because they don't really share any interests and I didn't feel like they felt anything in particular for each other before that. She really wants to be an auror and feels really intensely about it; he just wants to travel the world and write about magical creatures and take care of them. I don't see a lot of compatibility there, and the movie didn't really do anything to reconcile that gap.
Jacob and Queenie made sense, because they actually sowed some seeds for it. It's not even about the fact that they both like to cook; they showed an interest in each other throughout. They noticeably like each other. Newt and Tina never really had that, to me, so it was bizarre for her to become his primary motivation in the second movie.
Queenie's trajectory in movie 2 overall bothers me, so while I agree it would have been better if they'd centered it more around her, I definitely think they needed to drastically rewrite pretty much everything she did. Enchanting Jacob at the beginning never sat well with me; I usually only have to say this in the Descendants fandom, but if one half of the ship is magical and the other half isn't, we can't have the magical one enchanting the non-magical one for romantic reasons without addressing what a violation of trust that is. Like, Jacob would be justified for never trusting her again, over that. Also, the fact that she apparently holds it against people if they think bad things about her is not something I would expect from someone who has been a Legilimens as long as she has, and not a detail I like, at all. Especially since it was used to give her justification to be mad at Jacob after she enchanted him in the first place. I find it sad, because Queenie was definitely my favorite character in the first movie. (Also, joining Grindelwald was a nonsensical thing to do. I can only assume she's there to spy on him or something, because it makes literally no sense.)
As for Leta, I really don't like how that was approached. First of all, I don't like how their mention of her in the first movie was "She was a taker; you need a giver," because once we actually met the character, that only made me resent Queenie for representing her that way. Leta deserved better in pretty much every way, and they definitely shouldn't have killed her off like that. I find the whole situation really iffy from a racial standpoint. The first black character to be written three-dimensionally in all of HP lore, and they make sure to preemptively tell the audience that she's a "taker", kill her in the same movie we meet her, and manage to trivialize her death by turning it into a little "Who was she saying 'I love you' to?" mystery. I like her relationship with Newt and Theseus, and I'd definitely want to see more of it.
Yes, it definitely would have been better, thematically, if they'd made the love interest a Muggle. (I'd honestly say they should've paired Newt with Jacob, but I know they're unwilling to do that. That would be kind of cool, though, to see the movie shaping up with two male characters and two female characters and have the men end up with each other and the women just live their lives as humans.)
With the story they ended up telling, though, I don't think that is needed; since Queenie is already dealing with the wizard/Muggle storyline, Newt could have a different conflict. Maybe his love interest should be a werewolf or something, to tie in the wizarding world's unresolved dislike for "half-breeds". And if he were in a relationship with someone already regarded as a creature, the wider wizarding world might take a different view to his studies and look down on him a lot more. Idk, a thought.
And then, with Leta/Theseus and Grindelwald/Dumbledore (if they were willing to actually deal with that), they'd pretty much hit every controversial beat they've got: wizard/Muggle, wizard/"half-breed", interracial, homosexual. Credence and Nagini are both creatures, kind of, but I still like them together, so their relationship doesn't have to tie into any theme; it just has to be developed way more.
On the whole, Crimes of Grindelwald felt like they skipped a movie. It feels like they needed a middle installment to make these relationships happen, instead of jumping from "Do Newt and Tina maybe have feelings for each other?" to "Newt loves Tina and Tina is possessive enough of Newt to be outwardly upset with him when she thinks he's engaged to someone else," and creating a whole relationship between Credence and Nagini that we see none of.
The fact that Queenie and Jacob were done well in the first movie gives me a fair amount of goodwill for them, but that goodwill only offers enough cushioning from the botching that movie 2 did that I'm near-indifferent to the ship, now, instead of actively opposed. I'd like to see things improved, but as it currently stands, I'd be just as happy seeing them end up not together as together. The fact that Leta's relationships with Newt and Theseus were more interesting than any of the aforementioned makes it that much more ridiculous that they killed her. What ship am I supposed to care about how? If I can't go into the next movie delusionally hoping Newt and Leta will get some moments, or enjoying the Theseus and Leta content, then I'll just be sitting there waiting for Credence and Nagini to share a screen, and who knows when that'll happen?
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
what's your take on the foxes mbti?
oh buddy ur never gonna believe this but i wrote a foxes MBTI post YEARS ago
im also not into mbti anymore and haven't been for many years so that post is probably still more accurate and in-depth than what i could give you now. i’m just gonna copy the whole thing but i read it over and it still totally vibes w how i understand the characters, like way more than i was expecting it to. i only made one edit (it’s marked) and it was to add a detail not change anything
i hope you’re really really into mbti otherwise this’ll probably be gobbeldegook
i used to be obessively into mbti so here’s an analysis based on cognitive functions mostly.
SKIP IF YOU WANT. for anyone with no idea how it works, here’s a quick rundown: cognitive functions are about the way people think, process, and prioritize information, not necessarily how they act, though people who think the same way often act the same. the 8 letters that make up a type represent how people process and prioritize internal and external stimuli. every letter actually has an ‘internal’ and 'external’ form so there’s Thinking (internal(ti) and external(te)), Feeling (internal(fi) and external(fe)), Sensing (internal(si) and external(se)), and iNtuition(internal(ni) and external(ne)) t’s always go with a corresponding and opposite f (like ti and fe always go together), same with s’s and n’s (ex: si and ne always go together). a set of  t, f, s, and n in a specific order makes an mbti type.
neil: intp (ti ne si fe)
neil has incredible analytical ability although it’s very programmed for survival but he’s also a fast thinker and very quick to adapt to new environments. he also approaches things from original angles that other people dont consider, all that sounds like high ti/ne. the lower functions fit well too. in times of stress, he returns to old habits and falls back on what’s familiar, that’s classic low si. his emotions are also very exterior. he’s bad with other people from lack of exposure, but he’s committed to harmony between those close to him and has an impeccable ability to read the emotional states of others while being completely oblivious of his own, and his sense of self is tied to exterior things like exy, friends, keys, and legal documents (lol) that’s fe
andrew: intj (ni te fi se)
ni is really hard to describe but it has to do with being able to draw conclusions from scattered input, which fits with andrew’s uncanny ability to spot lies and obsession with finding out the truth, especially with high te, which is about spatial order and logic, think of how prioritized he is with the physical order of things: who sits where, who wears what, etc. a lot of people want to make andrew infj i bet as like a “subversive reading” but he’s definitely not. i used to be really close to an infj and they have hyper-empathy, as in she would describe not just caring about other people and being able to read their emotional states but literally feeling the things the people around her felt. this is a common result of the ni/fe combo, and the reason why andrew is definitely not infj. tertiary fi fits very well instead because andrew is deeply attuned to his own inner emotional state. he’s self-confident and doesn’t care about other people’s perception of him, but he’s also very concerned with his own feelings and understanding them, even if they’re repressed. he’s also very aware of his physical surroundings, which plays into his deductive ability, although it’s not his focus. that’s low se
kevin: estj (te si ne fi)
kevin is a classic estj. he’s controlling, demanding, and driven. he tries to control the actions of those around him and gets very distressed when things dont run smoothly, as well as having strong feelings about improving efficiency. high te people make great managers. kevin’s whole story arc is about breaking old habits, which is a very si problem. it has to do with trusting and craving memory and familiarity, and explains kevins need for endless repetition. he’s innovative, though, coming up with new strategies and drills (ne), it’s just based on what’s already familiar, and you can see him spiral into creating all possible worst-case scenarios when he’s stressed (low ne stress reaction, they like to be prepared). finally, he’s a dick, but he cares about other people and wants to improve their lives, as well as being very reliant on other people’s perceptions of him to define his own self-image (low fe)
dan: esfj (fe si ne ti)
dan’s top priority, over everything else, is her team. she wants her team to improve, she wants her team to win, she wants her team to work together. it’s all about the collective. we also see that she’s very open with others and makes a lot of effort to both make new ties and maintain old ones, that’s high fe. she’s sentimental and attached to the past too (si)  esp the photo wall, but we also see her very unwilling to let go of the past ie the monsters but eventually willing to change and grow to mend team cohesion (ne). we also see the fight in underlying logic (low ti) with her: she knows the team needs the monsters to cooperate but she cant figure out how to do it
matt: enfj (fe ni se ti)
so enfj’s experience infj hyper-empathy too, but to a slightly lesser extent (primary fe is more group cohesion, secondary fe is more understanding others), and through this we see matt’s easy-going open friendliness and ability to befriend even prickly little neil, because he has an extremely good sense of what other people are feeling and need, it also explains why he doesn’t hold a grudge against the cousins in the same way dan does, because he understands where they were coming from. se is associated with a general boisterousness for life, as it’s about experiencing the world around you, which explains matt’s happy-go-lucky disposition and puppydog behavior. the ti aspects mostly go into supporting fe/ni empathic senses
allison: entj (te ni se fi)
i mean, allison’s controlling, both in that she orders other people around and in that her physical being and space are very planned and organized (her clothes, her hair, her makeup, etc) but at the same time there isn’t much sentimentality to her, like how she doesn’t care when her car was destroyed. she easily replaces things because she cares about the object’s purpose, not its history and that all smacks of high te/ni. and i mean, the se definitely contributes to her love of designer things and killer looks, because she cares about the world immediately around her, and why live if not in luxury? and fi? is there any character more aggressively self-confident than allison reynolds?? going against her parents’ wishes for her takes a really strong, independent sense of self, but we also see the problems that can come from not worrying about other people, in how she starts fights and can be abrasive and catty
renee: infp (fi ne si te)
okay this one was really hard tbh. a list of other considerations: isfp, istp, and infj. it’s very easy to read renee as high fe because she’s kind, but i think it’s a mischaracteration of why she’s kind. it’s not because it comes naturally to her, it’s because it’s a conscious choice that makes her feel better about herself. high fi people often read as fe because they’re so comfortable with themselves and in tune with their own needs that they can then go and provide for others. i associate her religion with ne, because contemplation and acceptance of the divine later in life is a very metaphysical undertaking that undoubtedly requires a lot of abstract thought. renee’s storyline also revolves a lot around using things from her past and putting a conscious effort into leaving things from her past behind (how she still uses the skills she learned from her past in new ways ie sparring with andrew and protecting the upperclassmen v/s how she held on to her knives even when she knew it was detrimental to her moving on) this sounds like si. her protective instincts also feed into the te need for order, but it’s a looser leash than say andrew, as it’s lower on her function stack but still present
nicky: esfp (se fi te ni)
godd nicky is like a prototypical esfp. i mean nicholas “sex, drugs, and parties” hemmick cant be anything but se dominant. nicky is all about living it up and living in the moment. like he’s sporadic and ive seen it lead people to think he could be enfp but he doesn’t think enough about the meaning of things to be ne dominant (like how he makes somewhat predatory jokes and such, he’s all about the here-and-now while ne is about the past and future simultaneously). also he of all characters has incredibly prominent fi, as his whole character is about living unashamedly as himself as a gay man and the immense self-awareness and inner strength it takes not only to come out to unaccepting parents but also to leave and start a new life when they rejected him. however, fi is also indicative of his communication problems with his family, as he’s unable to tell that the cousins are fundamentally different from him in their needs and boundaries, leading him to pushing them, making them uncomfortable, and being unable to help them, because he’s unable to understand them. the rest are much more hidden, but a party boy shopaholic like nicky would probably need some amount of te order in like an organized chaos fashion (and he’s often headcanoned as liking to throw parties) and you do see him become somewhat pushy, even controlling in those scenarios. ni is the hardest but could maybe be seen in how he’s attuned to the cousins reactions for all that he cant predict them/doesn’t do anything on his own part to prevent them (the way he handles andrew is like if someone poked a rattlesnake knowing damn well what it would do and then freaked out when he got bit)
aaron: istj (si te fi ne)
im a little iffy on this one and worry it might be an analysis based on his trauma instead of complimentary to it, but aaron’s arc is about breaking out of his habit of holding on to the past. he refuses to work towards moving on from his mother’s death, refuses to listen to things that contradict his preconceived notions, and refuses to make changes in his life that could improve it. that’s unhealthy si. he’s really a very unhealthy istj, and most of his traits manifest through his unhappiness with his life. take his te. that would imply that he needs control over his surroundings, but aaron is incredibly bitter and unhappy BECAUSE he doesn’t have control of his surroundings. he doesn’t get to make his own choices, he doesn’t get to control his space, and he hates it. his relationship with katelyn is also indicative of being an istj. it’s stable, not a passionate fling, but aaron is mocked for wanting that white picket fence, married with kids in the suburbs kind of life, and his relationship, which is his primary source of happiness, is built on stability, which is a very si thing to do. in terms of fi, it is aaron that ultimately forces change between himself and andrew. he may have been pushed but he ultimately came down to him knowing what made him happy and what made him miserable and acting on that. also, he’s an ornery asshole who clearly doesn’t care what other people think of him. fi. i dont really have anything to say in terms of ne, probably because he’s so unhealthy but also because he’s not too explored. heyy istj’s make great doctors
wymack: isfj (si fe ti ne)
okay this one was genuinely the hardest to decide on but ultimately i came to the conclusion that wymack, much like renee, is such a developed person that he loses many defining traits of the functions, and can be read in many different ways. so: wymack’s primary goal is the safety and betterment of other people (ie his team). he wants to help people overcome their pasts, which is a very atypical approach to si, but is si nonetheless. on a personal level, too, he’s never able to move on from people, and specifically never moved on from kayleigh,  continuing their shared dream of an exy team for abused kids long after her death. as ive said before, fe in a secondary position is about deep understanding of other people, and wymack’s ability to understand what other people are struggling through is legendary. the ti mostly serves as support to the fe, serving as the analytical backup in allowing him to understand others. as for ne: he is most definitely an innovator with unusual ideas, or the foxes wouldn’t exist
riko: estp (se ti fe ni)
riko is basically what happens when an estp goes bad down to the core. he’s obsessed with personal glory and immediate self-fulfillment (se) he has no impulse control or fear of consequences. interestingly, high se is often associated with athleticism, because high se people are intensly focused on their surroundings (exy). his ti is also super unhealthy as he gets obsessed with ideas that dont really work with objective reality, like his obsession with ownership and power dynamics despite them not actually being efficient, even backwards. the tertiary fe he uses to manipulate. he doesn’t empathize with others, but he can tell their emotional state and what’s important to them, and uses it to coerce them and destroy their sense of self, like how he knew he could get neil to the nest by threatening andrew. EDIT: /additionally, fe people especially in the lower half of the function stack tend to derive their sense of self from the perceptions of others around them, which riko very much shows in how he needs to be acknowledged as the best and won’t allow any competition for his title, as well as his desperation for acknowledgement from his family/. finally, that ni allowed him to keep multiple plans in place focused on one ultimate goal: getting kevin back. the sheer amount of schemes he sets up in order to fool and push people the way he wants is honestly kinda impressive, but he’s a toxic shithead and im glad he’s rotting. definitely not representative of all estp’s
this is honestly SO funny to read back a few years later bc HOOOOO boy was i way too into this stuff. and this was written a couple years after my Peak MBTI Obsession, which was honestly scary
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cross-d-a · 3 years
if you're doing those characters then please give me more amazing takes on princess mute 🥺💕
Also omgg thank you SOSOSO much for asking me about Princess Mute?? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE??? You know me so well, vish!! I love and adore you so much!! Thank you for giving me the chance to blabber on about the woman I love!! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾
ALSO! I’m gonna do my best to like- not spoil all my plans for whispers, haha
The rest is under the cut bc I just have a lot of FEELINGS~ about our resident zombie girl 
❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
How I feel about this character
OH BOY OK I JUST??? LOVE HER??? A LOT???? I wasn’t expecting to get quite so immediately and intensely attached to her?? But from the second I heard about her in the legend I was just gone. Completely done for. I’m generally a sucker for mythology, and there’s just SO MUCH that’s fascinating about the tale behind the Princess Mute and the South Sea King? 
Even though Princess Mute is so central to the myth, the South Sea King is deemed as the most important? I mean- duh it is his tomb, but Princess Mute is the catalyst? None of this would have happened without her? She’s main character material and yet she isn’t the main character of her own story?? She has practically no agency? It’s so? Fucking? Fascinating?? And there is so fucking much left unanswered? The myth says she turns into a goddamn monster?? Is this- figuratively? Or literally? Is she a monster for breaking gender norms and committing the ultimate taboo by killing the Emperor??? Like- holy FUCK? Like- LOOK at this pic from Ershu’s Expensive Powerpoint:
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and a close-up for good measure:
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(note the HORNS/HELMET?? the LIGHTNING STRIKE!!! 👀👀👀 how she’s dressed as a SOLDIER?? that SPEAR??? also she’s depicted as much bigger than the emperor!! which, of course, means she’s more important!!!!)
and, HELLO!! She’s called the PRINCESS MUTE. She is only known/named in association to someone else. Her name has been erased from history. It isn’t important to anyone. Which is so fucking ironic. She’s Princess Mute. Her voice has been stripped from her, just like her agency. This tale is the Mute Emperor’s and not her own. Her suffering means nothing to anyone. Her life means nothing other than for the Emperor to desire and the South Sea King to mourn over (and WOW!! ISN’T THIS JUST!! SO perfectly encapsulating Nanpai Sanshu’s female characters and their relevance to the story/male characters)
(so what is her goddamn name???? I mean, I know what I’ve named her, but sorry dudes. Again. I don’t wanna spoil too much :) )
also, WHY is the South Sea King covering her eyes when she’s sent off to sea in the origami boat?
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What actually happens to her after this? The body we see of the South Sea King has long white hair so I assume he died pretty old? So why does she look so goddamn young? 
And- the million dollar question here (WHICH I HAVE A LOT OF HEADCANONS FOR BUT I DON’T WANNA SPOIL WHISPERS): What happened to her after she killed the Emperor????
ALSO!! WHY IS SHE HOLDING A DINGLAN RULER WHEN SANSHU FINDS HER IN THAT FIRST EXPEDITION?? (internet says it’s a “special ruler used for making shrines, carving wood statues and making tablets of gods. Later used in measurement of architectural scale; measuring instrument for the netherworld, wishes best for tomb owner) did she design her own father’s tomb?? is there more to her becoming a leather figurine than filial loyalty/sacrifice?? 
Why does she have a tattoo?? I go a bit into this in my fic, but from my understanding it was unusual for people (women especially!) to have tattoos during this time! (this is just from my research! if I am wrong please correct me!) 
For anyone who hasn’t read whispers, there were a a few tribes (minorities!) during this time who tattooed themselves (and to this day, they continue this tradition :) ). The Li were often attacked by invaders who assaulted the women and sold them as slaves. The women ended up tattooing their faces and bodies to make them less appealing, and it ended up becoming a tradition. When a girl came of age she’d get tattooed. Then we’ve got the Dai, who (from what I understand!) got tattoos of animals with characteristics they wished to embody, such as to show their virility and strength! So they’d tattoo tigers and dragons, etc.
So why does Princess Mute have one? Who gave it to her? WHAT ACTUALLY IS IT!!!!!! (eternal frustration that we never see a clear shot of the whole thing!!) It kinda looks like a heavily stylized fish? With some waves. But I am unsure! But it would make sense, considering the ongoing theme of snakes and fish throughout dmbj.
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Also, her scars seem very strange. Like- if someone skinned her (YIKES!) then- her scars don’t really seem like they’re a result of skinning (double yikes!!). You’d think that for a woman who was the daughter of the King, they’d take more care to preserve her face?? So why does it seem like someone has done their utter best to ruin it? Did the Emperor do it himself? Did her father? Or did someone else do it?? Did she do it herself????
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Also, I just wanna cut the bullshit with the creepy hand clam thing. A hand clam isn’t gonna wrap their fingers around Wu Xie’s hand to stop him from blowing himself up. Like. I get that it’s the censorship. I get it. But- you can’t tell me it wasn’t actually the Princess Mute who saved him. I just?? This moment is so powerful? It literally knocked the breath from my chest.
Princess Mute’s story is just so fascinating and tragic and I am just a mess over how she isn’t in control of her own story? She never is. Except for when she kills the Emperor. (AND when she saves Wu Xie) And I think that’s fucking telling. 
Of course, it felt like they had more of a storyline planned for her which never happened, but I’ll get more into that later.
Basically, I just have SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
It’s like- I dunno. Seeing a gorgeous woman flip an obnoxious man over her shoulder and slam him to the ground without breaking a sweat and watching her walk away with stars in your eyes. You barely know anything about her but you’re already half in love and you just want to know more.
I’m super Gay for her, if you couldn’t already tell.
Honestly, she just perfectly represents all the female characters and their treatment in dmbj with all the extra PIZAZZ of the mysterious supernatural/mythological elements. She just makes me go feral and I adore her with my entire heart.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
They are my two favourite (okay and my wife Su Nan!) female characters in dmbj. I think their stories parallel each other pretty beautifully? They’re both women in a powerful position, though with limited agency. They both defy gender norms and accomplish things (I’m counting killing the Emperor as Accomplishing Something) in a very male-dominated world. And- okay. I know the Princess Mute is technically dead. But she also?? is someone still doing stuff?? and pushing along the storyline?? as a zombie?? So I’m just gonna say that both of them aren’t truly killed off for the Man Pain like all the other female dmbj characters (except for Xiu Xiu, and I guess Chuchu but ChuChu’s situation is kinda....Iffy. At best.)
Also both of them are linked pretty heavily with Wu Xie? They both have an interesting relationship with him. And Princess Mute leads Wu Xie to Xiao Bai!!!
And okay this is spoiling a bit of whispers, BUT!!! Warehouse 11 was built atop the South Sea King’s temple. Isn’t that fucking important??? I stand by my headcanon that Xiao Bai is a Warehouse kid (descended from the Founders) and so she grew up there. And like- ignoring censorship bc I can AND because Reboot leaves a lot of supernatural stuff up in the air anyway- wouldn’t growing up atop an insanely powerful temple do something to you? Wouldn’t it affect you in some way?? There’s just!!! SO much potential between Princess Mute and Xiao Bai!! Plus!! I think it’d be great for Xiao Bai to form a relationship with another woman. She needs some female solidarity in her life.
And- well. I just ship Princess Mute with all the dmbj women, really. Princess Mute has two hands, why can she use them both?? I’ve got a couple Princess Mute modern au’s going and in one of them she just- sweeps A’Ning and Su Nan off their feet :)
I really can’t ship Princess Mute with any male characters, I think. There’s just- so much underlying trauma surrounding her agency and how she’s been used by the men in her life. Also, I like wlw & mlm solidarity. Let Princess Mute and Wu Xie wallow over their Stupid Crushes. Or Princess Mute & Xiao Ge. I’m not picky.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Purely bc of my own au, I am very much invested in Princess Mute & Li Cu (& spirit snake). As I mentioned before, there’s a running theme of loss of agency in their own lives and suffering the consequences of others’ actions. Plus, there’s a lot of supernatural happenings surrounding the both of them. Why wouldn’t they find a connection?
And, obviously, I adore Princess Mute & Wu Xie. Princess Mute saved Wu Xie and then Wu Xie was promptly obsessed (can’t say I blame him). They had such an interesting relationship in Reboot that was just- so fucking tragically dropped. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
SHE SHOULD BE MORE POPULAR!!!!!!!!!! She is so goddamn fascinating and gorgeous and I just!! Want!! Everyone to adore her as much as I do!!!!!!!! At least I feel a bit accomplished for swinging some readers over to her side in whispers!! That’s something!!! 
I’ve got like- a million au ideas with her. I’m going to be the creator of the content I wish to read!!!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
She just gets completely dropped after she leads Wu Xie to Warehouse 11. So once more, she is a plot device and not. And actual. Person. Her importance is tied irrevocably to the male leads. Her agency is not her own. Wu Xie cares so much about her, and okay, he’s trying to figure out a mystery and we all know how he gets when he’s trying to puzzle out a mystery-- but you can’t tell me he just- stops caring after he encounters Warehouse 11??? What happens to her after that?? Does she rot away in a box in Wushanju?? Does Ershu take her back?? I’m just?? WHAT????
I want to know her side of the story and not what everyone else has said. I want her to actually properly communicate with Wu Xie. I want her saving the day again and I want her being fucking badass and I want her and Xiao Ge being soft together and I want her and Xiao Bai to bond fall in love and I want everyone to just- fall in love with her? And care about her? And I want to to find herself caring about these fucking idiots too???? Can you imagine her and Liu Sang bonding over shitty fathers and lack of agency and Trauma?? Can you imagine Princess Mute getting her life back and the freckles returning to her slowly darkening skin and her being silly with Hei-ye bc he keeps shoving increasingly ridiculous sunglasses at her. And can you imagine her trying on jeans for the first time and picking out a cute bomber jacket and shoving a baseball cap on her head and dipping her feet back in the sea and befriending shibie bc she’s just?? that?? cool?? while Iron Triangle is off on the side fretting like she isn’t befriending some very dangerous creatures but it’s okay bc she’s a dangerous creature too and she understands fear and desire and hunger. 
I want her returning to Thunder City. I want her getting closure. I want her story to get closure. Period.
And I know it didn’t happen bc censorship and Nanpai Sanshu and just- a host of Other Things. But I want it, and she deserves it.
AAAHH VISH!!!! Thank you so much for letting me yell about Princess Mute!! Sorry I couldn’t go more in depth with headcanons but!! Like I said, I don’t want to completely spoil you for whispers, so I’ll keep those close to my chest for now 
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