#im just gonna reblog some curious drawings .....
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cantgetworsethanthistbh · 28 days ago
If no one asked yet, why is it hard to enjoy Relat//ivi//ty F//alls content? Is it just the premise?
I am genuinely curious so if you want to rant feel free to do so!
Okay anon so im gonna say there are 2 main reasons why i find it so hard to enjoy r*lativity f*lls fan work even tho i LOVE the premise of the au. one of them is incredibly petty and the other i think is more reasonable
reason 1 and the really really petty one... i really, really do not fucking like how popular fiddleford is as a character IN GENERAL
which isnt to say he doesnt deserve it, god knows out of the important side characters (him, gideon, pacifica and robbie) he's by far the best written of the bunch and has so many funny as hell gags. and i do absolutely really like his character!! hes really interesting and funny and his backstory is tragic and fuck i love his character!!
i absolutely despise the fandom obsession with him LMFAO i hate "m*stery trio" ideas so god damn much (ik this exists with the younger twins + pacifica too but this isnt about that and i give this more leeway because mabel and dipper arent highly codependent like the stan twins are) because there ISNT a m*stery trio. theres a reason why soos says "so youre like mystery twins." why dipper said "mystery twins?" mabel: "i thought you hated that" dipper: "its growing on me". why the cryptogram at the end of Not What He Seems emphasizes that stan and ford are the ORIGINAL mystery twins.
i cannot stress enough how much it annoys me when people try to shove another person into stan and ford's dynamic (anyone who isnt bill who serves as an antagonistic force), as both someone who loves both the platonic and the incestious interpretations of their relationships— and 99% of the time its going to be fiddleford. when i talk about soostanwich or rickstanwich i mostly keep it in the bounds of it being a sex thing or an ot3 where theres a very clear divide between the twins and their 3rd, some kind of awareness that dissappears wheni look at anything involving fiddleford instead
and this extends to SO many aus. believe it or not r*lativity f*lls fiddleford is probably the least offensive for me, hes mostly just a friend of the twins, and is essentially like wendy and pacifica combined in one (ford has a crush on him, anyone who actually respects stan as a character will at least portray him as being kind of antagonistic towards him like that one art i reblogged). r*lativity f*lls is on the better end of their use of him. you do NOT want me ranting about other ford centered aus ive seen where i see fiddleford utilized WAY more than STAN is— stan who is fords brother!!! and the person ford loves the most!!! the character who ford was literally created for!!
like im sorry i feel bad for being so petty because its completely harmless and its not like people are wrong for liking his character and wanting him involved especially since most ship him w either ford or stan, but sometimes i just feel like theres a certain kind of irony in how in a show that emphasizes that theres no one stan and ford need other than each other, theres just this guy being crammed in. and ive mentioned sm times before i love f*ddauth*r and cant stand the popular interpretation of f*ddlest*n but thats kinda irrelevant to my feelings on this imo
im literally just being bitter for no reason but hey anon you gave me the go ahead to rant so i might as well— plus it leads me to my 2nd and way more reasonable point:
i dont think people really know what to do these characters when it comes to this au 😭
and i have to clarify: thats fine!! this is mostly for fun, and if people just want to draw older D and M and younger stans, then you know! go hog wild. that being said, i feel like theres just SO MUCH missed potential in this au and i feel like the most common interpretations can be fun, they only really utilize just very few characters. and swap aus are supposed to be entirely designed around the swapped around cast (one of the best swap aus imo is undersw*p, an undertle swap au that flips around its main cast perfectly). RF, since its more of a community au, has sm different versions that also unfortunately feel kinda the samey?
like i mentioned earlier, outside of the pines twins, the most common swap youre gonna see is of pacifica and fiddleford. and i actually kinda like that— put fiddleford as someone who is in close proximity to the twins then literally who else than the girl dipper and mabel are both frequently shipped with, make tate be a bad dad to him. and pacifica, despite being a beach blonde valley girl stereotype, isnt ever implied to be stupid and is said by dipper (lost legends) that shes smart. if you wanna push the idea that a rich girl like her can be super smart, be an inventor, i say go for it. shes got the genes of an inventor in her anyway (TBOB) and like, yeah i like that.
and the other most common swap is... absolutely none. that is literally it💀 does anyone know where soos is?? wendy??? gideon?? like should i even ask where robbie is, because all ik is he got NOTHING here (and mind you i dont even care about him THAT much, i include him because hes in the zodiac which is my base for the cast). you can tell me to look hard for them, but thats emblematic of one of the reasons its hard to enjoy the most common interpretations of the au then imo
i feel bad for saying this but i think the main reason why sm RF fails is because its not about swapping characters who you see fit to swap, its about filling certain roles in the plot and in fandom cultute. you see sm of the F and P swap not because anyone actually thinks this is an interesting way of putting them in each others positions, but because fiddleford and pacifica are the most commonly shipped with the stan twins and d/m twins respectively. and hey im a sucker for d*pcif*ca as f*ddauth*r, being cute nerds together fucking slaps and i love them, but i think people just resort to these cus its EASY. and i feel like it sucks that soos, someone who is SO important to the Pines family gets kinda erased in the narrative from what ive seen. wendy, well she was already done dirty in canon so i cant blame the fandom for not gaf about her, but yeah you hardly see her too. gideon was the MAIN ANTAGONIST of s1 man, youd think he would have some kind of noteworthy role in a swap AU where he gets to be an adult. but ig its kind of the price of him not being a blurbo like fiddleford and pacifica. mind you i love pacifica to pieces and im happy she gets sm love but yeah its kinda odd i think
i think the best RF pacificas ive seen is her being swapped w lazy susan actually, considering her actual conclusion is her working in the greasy diner after all (plus dipper being a deadbeat dbdudhdu). GIGANTIC fan of that, because its not about her having to be involved in portal work the way fiddleford was but still clearly involved in some kind of personal drama w the twins.
anyway at the end it doesnt actually matter that i feel this way. most people who are doing these aus are doing it for themselves and their own satisfaction and thats great. im not satisfied because im not them and im not th e target audience, the people who make the art/fic are their own audience and i respect it. i just personally cant enjoy it much, hence why its hard to enjoy popular interpretations of the au for me. i think im just HELLA picky when it comes to this (and sm aus... god knows r*verse p*rtal aus also kinda peeve me off on how ford is characterized), and maybe one day ill just draw/write my own RF version thats all catered exactly for me <3
also if anyone is asking who soos should be swapped with jts obviously fiddleford. like mcgucket is an inventor and soos is the handyman, i think this is actually incredibly obvious shbsusbshs
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jamiesgotchu · 7 months ago
Just curious, do you think you’d ever make some Gravity Falls tickle art? I adore your style and it would be so cute! No pressure if just curious 💖
THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!! I've actually been dying for some lee dipper and ler stanford/Stanley..... IM GONNA DRAW THEM SOON. I'll reblog this post with the art when I do!!
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supercimi · 8 months ago
Okay so I don't know what exactly I should be putting here, but! This guide I'm reading about making master-lists for tumb says I can organize it however I want.
Essentially, I just wanna make it easier to fish out my writing dribbles so I might or might not add or edit this post every now and then.
currently worked on Wip:
its a piece for a writing challenge and i haven't posted any info abt it yet but here's the link to the challenge post if you want more info on it
Other works in progress:
this sci fi idea that i posted my thoughts on and currently working on and off on making it into an actual story
this is a short 2 chapter piece that i only wrote one chap from then forgot about it cuz life stuff, don't really know if i will ever complete it might actually absorb it into another story or something or make a story from it but its here if anyone's curious
this is also another story idea that i only posted one chap from it's on the back burner for now but I'm hoping to work on it more hopefully
(those aren't actual works just things i wrote for one reason or another)
my first drabble chappy
my second drabble chappo inspired by the reblogged drawing from @zandrapaints (i was awestruck while doom scrolling and couldn't not write for it ><)
My third drabble chap was inspired by the reblogged drawing by @sk00pa
Guess this counts as my oldest drabble chapter so far? Cuz i probably wrote this in my pre tumbler era, I dont quite remember 🤔 it was fun to read again after all these years might come back to it later but for now a drabble it stays right here
well i guess this is it for now? i've got more works somewhere else but they aren't getting their place in this list until i fix them so that's it for actually posted stuff (probably)
This is smth I got inspired to write by a prompt I don't recall the blogs name but you'll see it if you click the link here
i'm probably gonna add more to this masterpost as i find more stuff i wrote and forgot abt but meh it's good enough for a list so far, gotta get some sleep now im sleepy ;<
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nezz-cringe-crib · 1 month ago
I am not okay!!!!
Your hockey boys are SO GOOD! UGH! THE APPEAL! THE EXPRESSIONS! THE DRAMA! Ugh, literally like obsessed with it as a piece of art OUTSIDE of being hockey AU art it’s so fun and pretty and the splash of colour on Light’s cheeks and the gradients under their helmets I AM VERY NORMAL ABOUT IT.
Beautiful. 10/10. Do not know how I am supposed to sleep after this!!!
I shall ask you now what your favourite version of DN is and why (because this is an ask box after all, if I have to yap, so do YOU) and your top 3 fave ships b/c im curious
Okay BYE 💕✨
AAAAAUG DUDE I SAW YOUR SPAM TAG REBLOG AND HAVE BEEN INTERNALLY FREAKING OUT YOU HAVE ZERO CLUE HOW INSANE I AM ABOUT YOUR HOCKEY GUYS I WAS QUITE LITERALLY JUST RAMBLING ABOUT IT TO MY BOYFRIEND TO CONVINCE HIM TO READ IT (seriously though my autism is feral over this fic. i had plans today and canceled them solely because i wanted to reread + draw the chapters and then spin them around in my head for a few more hours. i have never touched hockey in my life but at this point i'm considering committing to the bit and just watching some games atp.)
IM HONOURED YOU LIKE IT!!! THEYRE SO FUN TO DRAW (and i have now learned the art of helmets those things are so wacky)!!!!! also im sorry in advance for how much im gonna be spamming your comment sections man i am not normal about them.
ANYWAYS i'll stop screaming and answer these silly questions YYAAYY!!!!
my favorite version of death note has to be the musical. the jdrama probably comes in a very close second. i adore all the other versions just as much honestly, i like viewing them all as their own separate stories because each of them are just so good in their own rights. the musical wins though because i've listened to that damn soundtrack too many times, i'm a threatre kid, it was the first version of death note i watched, and also because oh my god they're so doomed yaoi it hurts.
the score is so damn thought-out it actually hurts. each actor i've seen portray the silly guys does it so well and OOUGGG THE VOICES OUGGGGH,,, also its ending is my favorite out of them all. (spoilers for this next sentence if you havent seen it) i love the idea of them dying together-- i know it was most likely done because it's a musical and it'd be difficult to pull off a second part but god it's perfect to me nothing beats that amount of "different sides of the same coin" doomed yaoi to me.
only downside is now jeremy jordan has followed me into four different fandoms and that terrifies me.
lawlight clearly if that wasn't obvious enough.
lawmane because lawliet is a bisexual pervert and i just think they're neat
anndd lawmassacre!!! again because bisexual whore!!!! and also i just generally adore their dynamic, i really want to see it explored more.
honestly any ship with L is a ship that intrigues me (also all the other ships too since i love seeing the different dynamics but i have a bias for emos). honorable mention is L x soichiro because i think light deserves it.
thank you for letting me yap with you this has been the most therapeutic experience of my life. chucking m&ms at you, have a wonderful day hockey lad.
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king-crawler · 1 year ago
Y'know it's weird sometimes when I curious about my fav childhood that has fandom that I didn't know. As soon it's all went quiet like I'm visiting an abandoned place (more likely I'm the one being who always the curiosity person)
Well I'm glad I found this blog to see some artists old art you reblogs :)
So ummm, here's some random art as a gift-
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Yeah probably put a caption meme if ya want, now im gonna go back and tryna write some lore *coughs* Wondergotten *coughs*
YEAH ITS SO INTERESTING looking back on this fandom it’s like all the 2010s internet culture is Preserved . And seeing all the deactivated/inactive accounts after 8-10 years gives off the feel it’s just abandoned lol.
AND THANK YOU FOR THIS DRAWING HEHE he looks so pissed ❤️🩵
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a-libra-writes · 2 years ago
hi! I hope this is okay to ask, if not that’s okay too^^
I’m a (fanfic) writer also! I love writing but I often struggle with coming up with ideas. I dont have a big following on tumblr (I dont publish my works here), which makes it difficult because I can’t really take reader requests.
I was wondering if you have any tips for coming up with writing topics when you’re stumped? Thank you, I really look up to your work.
Oh this is a fun message!! Ok sorry if i ramble, but i love talking about writing and craft! Im also gonna reblog a specific post of writing advice and encouragement that i adore.
I'd start with what's your favorite sort if fic to write - is it classic multi-chapter fics, oneshots, head canons? Which ones really stood out to you - what were their tropes, tags, the characters? Now, which of those you kind of liked, but something felt off? Was it the prompt, something in the plot, something in the characterization? And which ones peeved you so much you just had to click off - what about those annoyed you?
This will help you visualize what you look for in fanfic, and what sort of scenarios and characterization click with you. If you're writing a single character, that's much easier to work with than say, 10 (or 30~40 .... word to aspiring and new writing blogs ....... maybe give yourself a character limit orz........)
You'll find some characters come naturally to you, wether because they're your favorite or a character archtype you just "get". Some you'll love but still struggle with - I remember being so worried with writing Roose and Tywin from ASOIAF, because they're subtle and more complex. And honestly, I don't like my early work with them ... but I kept at it. You gotta keep at it. Now I'm pretty confident in writing them; it took a while to get there!
((Also I think all writers in general should consider what their strengths and flaws are - this can be hard to pin down objectively, especially after staring at your own work for hours! Think what your favorite parts of writing are. Which parts in your story are giving you that rush of excitement, and why? Which parts are you dreading to work on?))
I think some topics/scenes will jump at you and beg to be written, but it's annoying when you want to write your fav and you're drawing a blank. While requests can be great for this - I've gotten so many delightful ones - you also need to draw from your own creative well. So, how?
Reading other fic is a great inspiration. Don't be afraid to say someone directly inspired you - link to them and mention them! - and build off that. As I said earlier, what if you read a fic that had a great plot or scenario, buuuut you would've done something different? "What if" is a great starter. If you're writing reader insert stuff like this blog, draw from your own experiences in life. Or maybe there was something in the show/book/movie/etc that you really wanted to see, but it didn't happen. What if this character didn't die? What if this major event went differently? "What if" is the basis of all fanfic - besides smooching, that is.
(You can also take a prompt you read in one fandom fic and apply it to another! "Oh i love this reader insert story from Show A, how would my blorbos from Movie B respond in the same situation?")
And on that note, sometimes it's fun to write what personally comforts you and what's your personal fantasy. Requests revolving around family life and kids are easy because I love that shit, and it's something I'd think up on my own without prompting. Lists are great for this - what do you like to write best? What scenarios or characters are you curious about exploring? Brainstorm and make notes! Daydream! Discuss with other fandom friends! You don't have to sit down and chunk out a complete 2.5k+ word fic for every idea. Sometimes just the notes and brainstorming is enough, sometimes you'll wanna explore further.
I feel like most writers will understand that feeling when an idea just grabs them and they have to pursue it. Requests and suggestions are all well and good, but at the end of the day, write what grabs you. That's what you'll put your heart into and feel proud of. It may stay a 300 word drabble or sprawl into multiple chapters of madness, or fall somewhere in between - it's your fic!
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goodnightwindy · 2 years ago
omg ok uve talked abt it sm i wanna hear abt all ur ocs. im curious now
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKOKOK
this accidentally got very LONG so its all under the cut
SO. theres a lot going on w my characters LMAO but ill start w someone whos sort of easy to explain .
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skylar !!!! my main guy. he's my current favourite oc and the one i inflict the most trauma on <333
so basically umm. skylar is transmasc and he realized this when he was likeee. ten yrs old. so after a while of mulling over the idea he came out to his parents. who responded by. Kicking him out of the house .
so when that happened he didnt have any friends he could stay with so he decided his best option was to go live in the FOREST. ALONE. A TEN YEAR OLD LIVING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST ALONE ???? what was he thinking. smh
he was doing TERRIBLY at first. like for at least a year he had NO idea how to fucking survive in the wild. but at some point he found a wilderness survival book in a library so he took that and memorized EVERYTHING in it. honestly he should not be alive today but somehow he is
ANYWAY fast forward to like four years later. this guy has been living in the forest ON HIS OWN for YEARS and no one has EVER discovered him so hes just kinda vibing.
but ONE NIGHT while hes DRAWING he starts getting the WORST BACK PAIN ANYONE HAS EVER FELT
turns out hes been an ANGEL this WHOLE TIME ? and that back pain was his wings coming in.
he is STRESSED the FUCK OUT because he has NO CLUE WHAT TO DO and he had no idea this could even HAPPEN
so naturally he does the first thing anyone would do in that situation. he just. wraps the newly sprouted wings in stretchy fabric bandages and goes to sleep
but while hes asleep he has a straaange dreeaaam. basically its a dream where this older angel woman is speaking to him and saying like " there are others like you. do not be afraid to seek them out "
then when he wakes up hes like. What the hell.
so he spends a few days wondering what the FUCK that MEANS and then eventually he just gives up thinking abt it and goes out to literally search for other angels nearby
LUCKILY he eventually finds this CHURCH in the MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN FOREST
he gets curious and goes inside and LO AND BEHOLD. OTHER ANGELS !!!!!YIPPEE
so thats where the other guys come in BUT im afraid im gonna reach a character limit of some sort so ill talk abt them in a reblog :3
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quodekash · 2 years ago
this is me putting all the thoughts i had while watching star in my mind for the first time into one post, because originally i reblogged the same post over and over again adding new thoughts and it takes a million years to scroll past, so yeah. here they all are, in one place, and i can finally delete all of those posts. 
also, if you’re curious about the timeline, this was all posted on the 5th of march within 8 hours. and i had like a solid three, maybe four hours in the middle there where i didn’t have my laptop to watch it. so... yeah. 
anyway, press the keep reading if you dare, good luck. 
finally binging star in my mind, wish me luck
#technically i can only watch a bit of it cos im going out in a little over an hour#but im starting it and i might get super invested and finish it tonight
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*asdf voice* hEy! you two should kiss! 
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i already know im gonna cry watching this
gosh darnnit
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#he hasnt even had any lines yet but im ready for him to become my favourite character
(this is future me here and, yes, past me, he did in fact become your favourite character) 
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no wait am i gonna get attached to these two
#i didnt ask for a side couple#low-key hoping they aren't actually a ship just for the sake of my mental health
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at least one of them is a lesbian. surely.
#if theyre not canonically then they are in my mind because women
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#something about it is just so funny to me#funny in the same way that all the msp actors' names#you've got awesome names like gemini and ford and satang and captain#and then theres just. mark.
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did you just fracture your skull? :DD
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#gosh darnnit im already invested in these two#at least the soundwin brainworms will have some company
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“just when he appears to be drowning, the waves wash him to shore. he survives for a brief moment before the waves sweep him back into the ocean. no matter how hard he tries, he’ll never be able to swim well. he cant even resist these little waves. he just never can...”
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what the flip does that mean
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hEy! you two should kiss!
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hEy! you two should kiss!
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“have you been my boyfriend before? how do you know im a sh***y boyfriend?”
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is this an indirect kiss i see
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hey man you’re on the wrong bed
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(gaydar coming in clutch)
#side note: satang's dimple means literally everything to me
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friends, enemies, and everything in between, we have found our captain
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he knows what hes doing and i love him so much for it
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let the man ship in peace
also you’re wrong btw
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(hi, future me here again, im deeply ashamed with what ive said here, im pretty sure all of us were initially under the impression that fah was some kind of romantic interest. i didnt have the slightest inkling of knowledge that they were brothers, and knowing that now, id just like to apologise for, uh. this.) 
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he’s never backing down
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this is such a mood
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and sean pretending he didnt see anything is pure gold omg i love him
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also welcome to part 9768 of Mothers I Would Like To Adopt Me Please
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also i love her
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#maybe if i say it enough times itll come true
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this show is as bad as merlin
every single character in merlin has had a crush on merlin, gwen, or both
every single character in this show has had a crush on nuea, kluen, or both
#mostly nuea but still
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ive just realised, we’ve reached the obligatory beach episode!
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okay so ive finished the show now
final thoughts:
theyre so happy and fluffy and sweet and cute and good vibes and ghfghgfbhf i love them
i cant wait to binge fah and prince’s show soon
conclusion: that was a good show and i would probably rewatch it if i needed a short one to take up my time on a boring day, but it wasn’t quite as good as bbs or msp (but honestly what is?)
i did like it tho and im excited to consume fan content over the next couple of days
#its not gonna take over my life tho#not nearly as bad as msp or bbs in terms of brainworms#but i did enjoy the episode#im gonna go to bed now
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wELL. that was exhausting. 
i managed to keep the tumblr spamming to a low as i got through the last few episodes, but thats only because i was spamming my friends. 
im glad ive done this, its been bugging me for a while 
okay buh-bye now, have a good day, if anyone actually read through this, uh. wow. i want to give you a hug for suffering through all that, jeez 
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rinhaler · 11 months ago
ANGEL BABY UR GONNA BE OKAY!!!! but I totally understand I get nervous before appts too :/ but everything’s gonna be alright!!!
UGHHHHH LUXE PLEASEEEEEE U GET ME!!! he’s….hes so fine and so tough i just wanna *car crash noises* i just started watching it recently and haven’t read the manga yet but good lord that’s a whole daddy right there if he doesn’t get me pregnant I’m gonna get HIM pregnant s2g!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
now I got some questions for u young lady I’m curious!! How tall are u?!? And I remember u said ur picky so what’s ur fav food? Least fav? Ive been a vegetarian since I was 13 so I guess I also qualify as picky heh. And when did you get into writing and art?
I literally think ur so cool pls indulge me ❤️❤️❤️🧋
omg how far into it are you? I gotta watch the newer stuff still but I used to be OBSESSEDDDDD I probably will be again when I get back into it hehehe
I'm 5'6/5'7ish
FAV FOOD I always love a greasy pizza takeaway with some cheesy chips, elite food <333 i hate stinky food so im not a big fan of things like onions or tuna, if it stinky i probably don't like it sadfghgfds
I think I've always been into art since I was super young!! My nana and parents were always buying me little paint sets and my first ever memory is handing a rly ugly drawing to my mam of me and her 😭 but yeah I've always been into art but only recently started taking it seriously and trying to find my style. I studied it in college and then uni and I have a masters in (i cant remember if it's fine art or art and design but i have an art masters degree)
and writing!! i think ive always loved writing too bc i remember rly enjoying writing little stories for my friends based on them and their crushes in high school and i remember when i was in my last year i wrote an entire novel (it's awful). but it was when dystopian stuff was super popular so i used to be SO excited to get home and write it.
I only started getting into fanfic like four years ago? when i started getting into anime i was like oh my god i need to consume as much content as i can i need somewhere to find fan art and memes and blah blah so i made a brand new tumblr dedicated to it. and to be honest i didnt even know fanfics were still a thing??
i remember it being a really cringe and weird thing for people to be into while i was in school so i was soooo shocked when i came across TONS of them when i made my account and i just got hooked and started binge reading so many and i was like omg i have an idea for a story im gonna write it!!
and i was rly infrequent with posting i just did like two or three and focused on my fan art and meme reblogs but then i joined a discord server and i just fell in love with writing and the community and the vibes, it was amazing.
and four years later here we are hehehe
sorry for talking so much i am a rambler <3333
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kstarsarts · 11 months ago
Huh? What would i do if all of us suddenly just poof then seeing each other in person???
Would it be natural if this was my reaction? 😭:
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I'm probably the tired adult of the group lol
i'm thankful that i'm in this tiny but warm fandom i'm in, like i found a tiny worn down house in the middle of the forest but it's full of love and warmth with flowers around it that i wont hesitate to live inside hehe.
i'm grateful of that 1% chance of the algorithm showing me a pic of that Wish concept art in IG and i was never the same again. if that 1% didn't showed up then im probably wouldn't be here, having fun with drawing and reading everyone's reimagines/rewrites/AUs, and struggling with navigating around tumblr's tools and reblogging system
anyways, after demanding everyone to introduce themselves of who's who after being spawned in another place, i'd join the group hug but is the one who's going to start suffocating /jk
i'm pretty sure some of y'all—or at least few— already knew each other longer than i am so basically i'm the gnarpy 👽 in the corner because im someone who lives in the other side of the world and just spawned suddenly lololol. just my natural reaction as someone who haven't seen foreigners close in person.
Ah yes, I don't mind the language barrier, rather I'd try to learn your languages and your culture instead. gonna learn more as possible as a future educator, amirght?
For now this what I'd do if i warm up yo y'all, had to shorten my words as possible:
me to @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @gracebethartacc :
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y'all's rewrites/AUs and those arts fanarts are so fun to look at, i want to inject those in my veins
me, to @annymation :
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I'd gosh about your fic and will mention that id lick my phone screen on your fic and your Aster with an innocent smile on my face
me to @uva124 and @emillyverse :
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The first time i saw @uva124's design of KOW! Aster, i was like:
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and artworks and your style is tasty (beautiful) and will eat it! 👹👹👹
ah yes, i'm happy to help you with anatomy stuffs, so get ready to draw shaved naked homo-sapiens
and then @emillyverse 's drawings made me interested and looking forward to seeing more of their arts! 😄
but then dropped the shirtless ver and i was like:
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Lastly, about my Wish AU/Reimagined, to those who are curious about it, yes! i'm still workhopping it! However, i do hope you'll understand when i say that i'm someone who only presents things when they're truly done and polished—not a fan of showing W.I.Ps! You can see my artworks are more on final product. I've already visualized my reimagine, Once Upon A Wish is only series of illustrations and it is up to the audience to truly understand the story through artworks! Sorry i don't have much time to be able to produce a written story
on a brighter side, i'm planning on posting it once it's finished
@annymation and @signed-sapphire you have to wait or else I'll do this to both of you:
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But you can ask me about my Wish AU/Reimagined, my OCs, my artworks and how i birth my artworks, etc.
I'm having one of those moments where I come up with random questions instead of focusing on doing my thing, so I came up with this question for the wish fandom:
(@annymation @emillyverse @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @gracebethartacc @kstarsarts ) What would you do if we met in person? something like, we all go on with our normal lives and poof! we're in the same place face to face (i know it's a weird question but tumblr is one of those places where i can say my random ideas lmao)
In my case, among the many things I would do (including hug everyone and panic for about 10 minutes) I would ask @kstarsarts she could teach me anatomy, it would be something like:
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(you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, this is just something random that came to mind lol)
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cirilee · 3 years ago
uh, hey, i hate to pull you into this in case it turns out to be Drama but I think curious sootball just blocked me? idk if they found something hideously offensive in the mulan post they had just reblogged from me minutes earlier, or what, but I’m very confused... if it’s not too much trouble would you mind asking them if that was accidental because from my perspective they just vanished from existence and that’s. upsetting
i’m trying to check my own blocklist to see if I blocked THEM by accident but uh, either Tumblr screwed up again or I’m stupid or both bc I can’t find it, I don‘t use it often enough to know for sure if I’m just looking in the wrong place 😂
Ahhh, so @sztefa001 and me both checked, and even outside of our account it seems as if @curious-sootball's account has been deleted?
if anyone knows what happened to them, or knows where else to find them, we would really appreciate it ;_; ! (unless they dont wanna be found and deleted their blog on purpose of course)
if their blogs' just been wrongfully deleted or something i hope they can get it back .....
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just-antithings · 2 years ago
can you make sure im anonymous and also post this as a screenshot so it doesnt show up as a screenshot? if you wanna post the id you can put it as a reblog so it doesnt show up in the search results, i dont wanna censor anything
so regarding post/706853389938688001its crazy seeing that this situation has reached tumblr. there really is no tldr and right now i really dont want to link anything to the victims mentions, which is why this ask is not gonna contain any names
this is more abt the person who posted the callout. mod nba mentions they didnt write the post but they did help edit it, and she did post it on her critical(?) side blog, so they play apart in its spreading
theyre very clearly critical of everything and think everything is problematic and looking up anything sex related, and especially considering that infamous hades and dream daddy post, i (the anon) is gonna assume theyre kink-critical
essentially, it is hilarious that she's posting that while in an alternate timeline theyre posting a warning about how much of a freaks they are bc one of them does side job as a furry porn artists drawing some extreme stuff
(and i am not naming anything for their privacy and if youre curious: right now its not the time, please dont look them up for the sake of their privacy and also bc its some extreme stuff. like, i thought i was kinky but some of this stuff is.... just wow. like good for him honestly! hes very talented but just WOW)
which is why the situation is so transparent whoever wrote that callout clearly just wanted to use them as anti-gg talking points (and if anyones curious i have never seen a gg episode in my life) THEY LITERALLY LINK THEIR OWN BLOG 5 TIMES AS SOURCES, WHO DOES THAT???? 'yeah heres why dream daddy sucks, anyways someone got doxxed i guess, but back to why arin (is that his name) sucks!'
so what if my tldr: never trust people who spend a sustainable about of time telling why a piece of media sucks based on morality and not on personal taste, or tries to label everything they dislike as 'problematic'
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cybersoldier82 · 3 years ago
Decided to man up and make a pinned post, so here we go. Please read before you follow, and if you have any questions, my DMs are always open.
Artist Description: Heya, names Cyber. I'm an 19 year old artist that's trying his best to improve, damnit. I am also on the autism spectrum so please keep that in mind if you ever wanna hit up my DMs. I am a Demisexual/Demiromantic, polyamorous, omnisexual/omniromantic, he/him and he/they male that is pro Choice, BLM, and pro LGBTQ+. I don't post art that often but I'm trying to remedy that so bare with me here. I am a walking shit post that is always trying to make everyone laugh as often as possible. I consider myself a nice person so if you ever wanna chat or RP my DMs are always open, and will welcome you with open arms.
What I do here: Now about my content... I am an oc/alien artist. HOWEVER, my content does contain some things that some ppl may not enjoy, I will tag anything that falls under that category accordingly.
Here's what I will Draw/Discuss: Gt/general size content, Aliens and Sci Fi in general, Anime, Random facts about animals, game lore and autism, furry/scalie content, and vore. Bare in mind i am NOT a vore or gt/giantess artist/account, I am an oc blog, but my content does, can, and will contain those things, and I am a proud member of said communities so please be advised. Again, just so we're clear here I am NOT a vore blog, I am an oc/alien blog. I just draw, reblog, discuss, and am a proud member of aforementioned communities. If you find any of these uncomfortable or it just ain't your cup of tea that's fine, I will and have tagged those things, and will put up content warnings as a heads up.
Fandoms and Franchises I'm part of/will discuss: Dragon ball(kinda), Steven Universe, Halo, Resident evil, Warhammer 40K(kinda), Mass effect, Transformers, Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk edgerunners, Cyberpunk Red, Star Wars and Star Trek, Starship Troopers, Helldivers, Starfield, Signalis, subnautica, Ratchet and Clank, Voices of the void, MouthWashing, Trigun/Trigun Stampede, Cowboy Bebop, Alien/Predator, Red bs Blue, Fallout New Vegas(kinda), Half life, Portal, gt/aize difference in general, vore, and the furry/scalie communities, respectfully.
And in reference to the vore and gt bit... For those of you to whom are curious, I see vore (specifically size difference vore) gt as a means of comfort, story telling devices, and possible meme/shit post fuel. So please keep those things in mind.
My don'ts and won'ts list: Permanent fatal vore is a huge nope for me (fatal with a respawn like system is fine tho.) Same thing goes for unaware vore/ unaware gt, or some wombo combo of those(again, some form of respawn must be included). Cruel gt is another nope (playful teasing and some fear play is ok tho).
Who can’t interact with this acct: porn blogs, terfs, bigots, proshippers, p basic dni you know the drill :/. KINK/FETISH BLOGS… Well. I rlly dont care who ints w my stuff atp if i block u i block u dont take it personally, while I don’t do fetish stuff here most of what i do is intended to be sfw, i may makw the odd risqué or even full on nsfw post but im not an outright porn blog if that makes any sense. “Dhdhshs but vore is a fetish” to you maybe but not to me so either you respect that or go on, general nsfw blogs yall are fine ig just plz respect that i dont see vore as a kink(mostly idk im still questioning it but so far it’s 95% an sfw interest)ok i just think it’s neat(again mostly);—;.
Who can interact: basically anyone who isn’t in the dni list, just respect my rules and we’ll be good.
Also this account is 18+ so please minors dni for my safety and yours. Still gonna be sfw i just no longer feel comfortable w anyone under 18 interacting with this blog(or at least the vore shit)sorry :(.
Commission status: closed until further notice
Popular posts(posts/amount may changer over time): Donkey got game. SILENCE
Oc/sona ref sheets for main universe(will also change over time): Kyle Uhn Kyles voice claim Kyles voice claim(armor) T82 SFX Big Iron SFX Benji Uhn Benjis Gear Kyler “Unit” Uhn Kyles Gear Mackenzie Jacobs Mackenzie’s gear ref Requis Jacobs Nata Uhn Ruhod Stahin Ti’cth Udavae Kaida Tiamat Padak Fayke Dhid Yawmid Jake Achor Halcyon Walkman Buffalo Uhn
Oc/sona/universe lore and world building
Kyle’s origin Kyles base/armor weight what is a Soldatin how the government works circa 2224 kyles undersuit currency time boys how mack and kyle met Synth blood is neat Timeline of Humanity/Soldatins Human gun lore Soldatins are bullet proof(kinda) main casts pride stuff transformers in my universe sort of(?)
Ocs not for my universe
Seris(Minecraft) MG(transformers) Slade(mersona) Cletus McMann(Alien Universe)
And that's it. Bare all the things I've said in mind and have a nice day y'all.❤️
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kpophubb · 2 years ago
hi! i saw your last reblog and thought of leaving an ask ^^
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i found this on pinterest and wanted to share it! which one is your favourite and u can match them w the enha boys!
im curious :00
heeeeellooo!! 😚🫶🏻 welcome!! Thanks for dropping by!! My fav definitely has to be the typewriter boys and the saltwater boys!🥹 suits my vibe soo soo much!! 🥰 now let’s associate enha with them!!
Heeseung: undoubtedly the pied piper boys cause now do I even have to explain how he’s got the prettiest pair of eyes of all? They sparkle like pearls and can draw anybody in from how pure and mesmerising they are! Hee always wears a watch too( that’s so attractive) and his smile is so heart melting, anybody would grow addicted. The whole thing about carrying a notebook can be so hee, you never know he might carry one and write songs in it in secret. Hee’s got an alluring aura that captivates people too. He has some characters of a type writer boy too cause I definitely see him as the romantic person who would text his lover love confessions at midnight. Would be up for domestic, silly and goofy moments with his girl that fills his soul! <3
Jay: hailstorm boys! Jay is definitely the classy reserved guy who loves this type of fashion with dark leather jackets and tall boots. The Enha members already say he’s their knowledge dictionary, and because he’s so inquisitive he loves to learn about everything around him. And finds a lot of confidence boost when people praise him for it. His eyes, oh, they definitely have a soul carving intensity in a way that he’s a deep feeler, a sensual person who can draw you inside his galaxies until you lose yourself.
Jake: the whole definition of typewriter boys is Jake. He’s warm and comforting like the sun, with a heart filled with love. Jake is obviously the type of person who will be so in love with his s/o that he’s gonna find her prettier than the moon and stars. He’s goofy, loves to go on silly little adventures holding hands with the girl he loves. He loves writing his handwritten letters for her because he thinks those contain more of his effort and love, and messy shy smiles is the definition of Jake’s smile. Late night random love confessions? Nothing could be more accurate than this. It’s his love language! He also has a bit of saltwater characteristics because as I said, he would love to be carefree and walk around barefoot on sand with his girl, give her piggy back rides and play with her on the beach water like happy little kids in love.
Sunoo: 100% saltwater boy. The playfulness and joyful nature in a relationship is so sunoo. Flip flops and endless laughter, you running your hands through his fluffy, soft hair. Is the type of person who thinks friendship is extremely valuable and will grow into best friends first. The one to appreciate nature and just lie on the roof with you at the end of the night, watching the night sky and the sunrise. Loves laughing with you at your silly little inner jokes and gives you piggy back rides only to tackle you in the sand later and find you adorable while at it. The one who falls in love with the little moments.
Niki : paintbrush boy! He’s a painter himself and he loves playing games too..but putting the name aside let’s look at the resemblance? Ni ki is the definition of a young and comforting teenage love. “Young love” where you lose yourself in feelings and find the whole world a magical place. He loves ruffling your hair, taking long and silent walks where you just bask in eachother’s presence and let it fill your souls. Touching and intertwining hands and passing on unsaid I love yous and messages of love. Mismatched socks and oversized outfits, because he was so excited to see you he couldn’t care less about what we wore. Random jokes to make you laugh, the sound that resonates to his inner core and brings him comfort. <3
Jungwon: citrus boy. Everything about jungwon and oversized hoodies is a go! Because he loves wearing oversized comfy hoodies and would love to see you wear one of his. Since he is a person who likes nature and likes to relax, I definitely see him as the type to enjoy the beauty of a morning. He likes wearing high top sneakers (esp if it’s matched with his someone) and since he’s a playful and soothing type of romantic person, I definitely see him walking on the concrete with no shoes on and just smiling from the feel of it. He has a few characters of a paintbrush boy, namely that he enjoys going on comforting long walks, the better if he gets to hold hands with his loved one and embrace her presence while at it. The type to definitely ruffle the hair of his s/o and find her so lovable.
Sunghoon: Aight this one is hard! Finding one criteria for sunghoon cause I feel like nth can exactly define him well here? Idk, he’s a bit of hailstorm boys, the one where he’s definitely one of those mysterious, attractive tsundere characters in a book with a smirk-slash-grin that make you swoon. He’d love making you laugh a lot like saltwater boys and enjoy long walks with you like paintbrush boy. I definitely see sunghoon as this kind of type- the kind of shy, introverted guy who seems cold from the outside, but when you get to know him you see how genuine he is and how much he’s capable of caring. Teases you playfully, tries every attempt to make you laugh, holds your hand when you’re cold and lends you his jacket, the type to show you through his actions and never words how much he cares.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years ago
The Deal Pt 2
Summary: Clark take you to august to finish the deal.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, Dub Con, BDSM, Toys
A/N: second part to @wolfieash​ ask which is here
Taglist: in reblog.
Smut below the cut.
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"NO IM NOT GOING ! AND YOU CAN FUCK OFF!" You yelled chasing Clark into the living room arms cross and lips pulled into a snarl.
He rolled his eyes at you, you'd been throwing a fit all day.
"Sweetheart, you made a deal, gave him your word... you cant go back on it" he insisted once more trying to convince you.
"Yes I can it was my word! Not yours, I can do what I want!" You huffed blowing some hair out of your face it was hard trying to be serious when your hair seemed to want to stick in your mouth.
"No poppet I'm not letting you break you word , now get dressed we leave in a hour" he said quickly spinning you around pressing you to the bedroom door.
"Fuck you, I'm not going anywhere!" You grunted pulling away from him.
"Tonight love I promise, now go get ready august is expecting us..." he said grinning almost sweetly at you.
"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm not going" you stomped a foot at him finally making his brow twitch, jaw tightening in irritation.
He stood taller and let his frame seem to devour the space on the hall making you shrink, shivering as you watched your sweet fiancé become a great predator. A loin or bear?
"Sweetheart enough! Now go get dressed...I laid out your outfit" he ground out severely finally having enough. A deal was a deal... and he wanted your ass!
"Out fit? What outfit-OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" You cried entering your room seeing the shear fabric
"That? Its a little body stocking~" Clark said leaning on the door frame arms crossed wearing a huge grin.
"Well I would if I were you because if not there will be images of your naked ass being flown about on the front pages tomorrow~" he quipped with a smirk.
"Yo-you wouldn't dare!" You said voice loosing its bite as he stared at you.
"Wouldn't I? I mean come on love anal's on the line~" he teased and moved up behind you and slapped your bottom hard enough to make you yip and jerk away.
"Now hop to it... You've got 50 minuets~" he called over his shoulder as he exited the room.
In the end Clarks threat of having you mooney metropolis was too much of a threat and you'd showered and slipped into the body stocking...
But you didn't shave! If they were gonna push through with your whole sex for silence deal then they would live with the consequences! No bare pussy for either of them!
Fuck'em.... or don't? Which was preferable
It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, it was that you did... a little more then you should have! It frightened you the way you'd enjoyed being used and fought over.
"Oh come on why the long face angel?" August hummed as he opened the glass doors on his rooftop home, the penthouse was shiny sleek and as dark as the man himself.
"Fuck off august!" you grumbled walking right passed him as soon as Clark put you down
"Oh such a foul mouth! We will have to teach you some manners~" the agent quipped as you entered the bare but masculine space, everything was harsh lines and fucked up art pieces of splotching blocky shades of black, red and deep violet.
"Yes she's very snippy today... has been all week, pouting" Clark huffed shrugging. Taking the offered crystal glass with amber liquid.
"Ah we have a brat on our hands then?" August chuckled and walked through the home quickly snagging one of your elbows and directed you to the playroom, not wasting any time.
"Yeah, she doesn't want me to fuck her ass" Clark summarized with a shrug.
"Aww Why not sweety? You loved me fucking your ass? You cried and withered moaning so beautifully~" august hummed into your ear as he pressed you over the threshold into a large windowless room, strip lighting igniting the room in a light red. The devils den so to speak.
"Sh-shut up you prick" you snarled.
Augusts reply was a tsk and he pressed you over to a padded sawhorse and looked to Clark nodding to the ankle and wrist cuffs.
Clark breezed past him quickly securing you down making you curse him, but by this point it was a formality as you had already soaked yourself through.
"Oh would you look at that? Our little brat is eager~" august said with a chuckle and a warm hand probed you lightly making you jolt and try to squirm away.
"Yes I know, she likes denying herself, its strange she knows we will win but Continues to fight?" He said coming around your side ghosting his fingers over your ribs making you shudder.
"Well lets not waste time shall we? I have a few things out ready but first lets get this fitted shall we?" August said menacingly walking around you brandishing a very large O ring gag.
"After all if she's going to throw a tantrum I don't trust her not to bite" he uttered moving towards you.
"I've never thought of using one of those before... it wont hurt her will it?"
"Only her pride Clark trust me even she needs a... dressing down every once in a while" august reassured him.
Your eyes grew wide as the agent approached with the large gag that looked both threatening and enticing, things had been kinky with august but you hadn't ever gone this far into bdsm before. You were scared and still fighting but not as hard? You were curious and being dominated by them last week had... changed you. It had been thrilling to be so out of control.
"Should we... give her a signal or something? Incase it gets to much?" Clark quizzed, he was still all for it but wanted to be mindful of you. He didn't want to hurt you.
"Trust me she's going to love it, but in the case of something going wrong" august directed his attention to you befo4e continuing.
"There is a small desk bell one the inside of the left leg on the saw horse... if thing get too much hit it three times fast and we will get you down" he said seriously.
You frowned as his gaze bored into you, for a second you believed you saw actual concern in his eyes.
It unsettled you, August couldn't really have any feelings towards you could he? I mean this was blackmail!
You nodded quickly to him letting him know you understood.
Then just like that August was haughty again and quickly fixed the gag in your mouth, setting your teeth in the small grooves that was semi comfortable.
"Shes ready when you are~" the agent hummed and stood back.
Clark darted behind you and helped himself to you and august disappeared from sight.
You moaned into the room as your fiancé roamed your folds as if exploring them for the first time.
He was rougher then usual prodding and impaling you fast and hard before slowing and drawing your own arousal over your presented ass.
You withered as Clark used you body, pressing you higher and higher making you teeter on then edge then back away letting you calm down only to work you up again.
"I thought we could... try something... a little bonus for all of us tonight~" you heard august but couldn't see him.
"I'm listening" Clark said as he plunged his fingers back into you harder throwing off your concentration making you cry out.
"I have this" you tried seeing what August had but was too preoccupied with the maddening strokes of clark's fingers as he pounded away at your g-spot forcing you to try and rock on him chasing a high he had already cruely denied you twice.
"What even is that thing?" Cark said not paying attention to you as your body twisted and pulled trying to cum like a desperate whore.
"Here ill show you~" august said and Clarks fingers disappeared from you making you cry out and moan, your pussy tried holding him but it was to drenched to actually grip him.
Then something was pressed into you, large wide and very short.
"Oh-oh fuck?!AH!" You yelped  awkwardly around the gag as the toy settled, curved forward and down pressing on your gspot without being held. There was a large flat expanse resting outside of you to, the toy curved in a large C shape.
"Does that go up her?"
"No no, we just pop her little clit in here~ and press the button!" You jerked as august moved you, thick fingers prodding your clit and sat the engorged nub into a small round dip and pressed a button.
You squealed tensing all at once as you felt a suction on your clit and roared.
"Holy shit?" Clark said in awe watching as you keened and tried throwing you weight around on the toy that was held in place by your muscles clenching to it so tightly... It was bittersweet in a way, your own body holding the sweet torturous device on your clit.
"And it gets better, press that one" you hear a small click and arched moaning out as the egg like shape inside of you came to life vibrating against your insides.
Clark watched entranced as you withered this is what he'd been missing out on? Fuck!
August darted around you and strokes you hair watching as Clark stripped behind you unable to wait any longer as you thrashed about trying to rock into the toy.
"Shh shh thats a girl, now deep breath your wonderboy may be a little too enthusiastic if your doing all that squirming~"
You froze feeling Clark poise himself at your well lubed ass then grunted as he thrust forward splitting you open.
Clark hissed and moaned loudly as the vibrating egg not only made you quiver and tense around him already threatening to flood the place but it also rubbed his cock as he rutted you.
"Oh fuck- thats amazing! I cant- I shit babe!?" Clark didn't wait he immediately began pounding in to the tight quivering body before him.
August chuckled once more before releasing his own belt buckle. Not wanting to let your wails and monas go to waste.
They would work wonders on his cock, offering the sweetest of releases as you screamed onto his cock as he lodged it into your throat.
August was never into men, but he could develop a thing for corrupting this huge perfect man.
For now August would let you and Clark think you were in control of the deal. Let this one final night play out.
But the seed was sewn and before long he knew Superman would return wanting to explore more and more of this little sex dungeon. And then he will strike another deal.
Because August wasn't opposed to making a little compromise to get decent pussy. If he had to share with Supes so be it, it looked like he could teach the kid a thing or two and he would gladly, because he had many more toys to tease you both with~
If things went to plan he'd have not one but two desperate little subs. And he couldn't wait!
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queen0fm0nsterz · 4 years ago
Please please please I wanna see your opinions on the Lady I loved reading your tags
I don't know if you meant for the character thing I just reblogged or in general so I'm gonna use the character thing to dump my Lady thoughts on all of you JAKDKSLDKDLNAKDKSKS LETS GO
favorite thing about them: SO MANY THING UGHHSNDND. Ok lets start with the fact that her design is perfect like... milady (wlw) (gender envy) JWKEKKK No ok but going back to being serious.
I noticed that all the different Lady statues you have to find in the DLC all wear a different colors and since I'm very interested in color coded characters I got curious. Basically what I found out is that her dress is a darker shade of the Tangerine color, which is associated with Beauty, Vigilance, Strenght, Dedication and Willpower to name a few, which ... if they did that on purpose, which I'm sure they did. Well played. Clever.
I've already talked about the symbolism behind the Rascal mask so I won't get into it here, but I love that too.
I also love the fact that she floats most of the time. And that shes 2 meters tall? That's terrifying. In an irl setting I would barely reach her shoulder. Lastly, her voice - it's hauntingly beautiful.
least favorite thing about them: I was about to say the way she keeps her quarters but then I remembered these UGLY ASS DOLLS
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favorite line: I'd say her singing but you know what? I like feral Lady more.
The sound she makes when going after Six in the dark mannequin room? Masterpiece. Mwa. Perfection. Absolutely stunning.
brOTP: Well, her and all the workers on the Maw, but mostly HER👏AND👏ROGER👏 I WILL NEVER SHUT IP ABOUT THEM OMG.
The concept of a mean tall woman who's insicure about her looks and a nice short blind man being besties is literally perfect to me. I have an headcanon that she left him to take care of the children because he's the one she trusts the most.
Also look at this cute ass tapestry you can find in Roger's bedroom and the Lady's personal elevator🥺
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It looks like they're holding hands please😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im gonna cry what the fuck,,, this is supposed to be an horror game who allowed this????
ALSO THE LADY AND THE CHEFS. This is so weird to me bc I never really considered it until I realized how many paintings of them the has laying around her quarters??? Including their baby pictures.
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(I mean, I assumed those are their baby pictures. One of the chefs does have blueish skin under the mask.)
The theory that the chefs were born on the Maw is actually really funny if you think the Lady saw these babies and though "mghnnghh yes sons" and kept them. Love the concept though. NOW I THOUGHT ABOUT ONE OF THE CHEFS CALLING HER " MA' " BY ACCIDENT AUHEJSKRLSOFOPF
OTP: Her and the Thin Man💔 The drama, the pain, the untold words... and the clonwery bc can you imagine if they're not connected at all?? All of us be like 🤡 UWUSAUSJAKDKS No but they are connected. They are.
Still, I also like their individual characters. They go well together, but I appreciate them by themselves as well - which is what makes the ship interesting to me, because I'm interested in both characters as individuals.
now who wants me to drop the songs i cry to while drawing fanarts of them
NOTP: Eh, none?
unpopular opinion: I don't personally believe in the "Six is the Lady" theory, but I can see why so many do. The two are definetely deeply connected.
random headcanon: She wrote a book about her life on the Maw at some point, probably as a commercial move to have more people coming on the Maw and also to get that coin. Good for her.
This isn't even an headcanon I literally just saw a book with her mask on it in the Residence and just assumed what was inside.
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song I associate with them: TO NAME A FEW.
"Ship in a Bottle" - Steffan Argus
"Liar" - The Arcadian Wild
"Body" - Mother Mother
favorite picture of them:
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Couldn't pick between these two! I love the comics sm😩🤚
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