#curious sootball
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officialgleamstar · 3 months ago
Hi! For the ask game - I'd love to see you break down Garnet and Lug ^_^ have a nice day!
ask game
hi sootball! :D yippee, another day of being weird about oxventure characters XD <3
How I feel about this character
ough i absolutely ADORE garnet. my thoughts on her are pretty simple. i just like her. but they are all positive ehehehe shes so COOL, i love when a female character dresses in traditionally masculine clothes, especially in historical settings. and she's a lesbian. to me <3
All the people I ship romantically with this character
as with every other deadlands character XD just edie! deadlands, in my head, is truly a polycule with edie in the center
My non-romantic OTP for this character
SILAS <33333 qpr of all time
My unpopular opinion about this character
i dont know that i really have one? tbh i think garnet, as a whole, is very hard to characterize. i dont tend to love other people's depiction of her in fan works, but i also do not like my depiction of her lmaooo ill go back through her episodes and take some notes on characterization mayhaps
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i would love for garnet to, in character, confirm that she was raised by a single dad! no real preference on what happened with her mom, just. single dad. girldad. i just think that would be neat :] (has this happened, actually. am i just forgetting something. head in hands. i need to rewatch deadlands before the new season comes out)
How I feel about this character
lug has a special place in my heart... for being the only mike PC who does not have a special place in my heart XD that being said, i think he's fantastic, even if he doesnt grab me the way that eggy and silas and barney do. i love mike playing a more serious character while still having that goofy edge, i LOVE the concept of a passive aggressive barbarian, and he's fun to draw <333
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i really like him with happen, and i really like him with willowfine :] i could be swayed with other ships as well im sure
My non-romantic OTP for this character
once again. willowfine LOL i think they could be besties
My unpopular opinion about this character
i dont think i particularly have one! i generally agree with what other people say about him. so instead, i will give a headcanon that i brainstormed with my dear spouses dora and hop - i think lug is pretty short for a firbolg, so he doesn't see himself as big as he is. cressida or happen make some joke or complaint about being short and he tries to join in and cressida gets so mad XD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
speaking of lug being small for a firbolg - i wanna see other firbolgs!! i wanna see lug interact with another firbolg!!!!!!!! i think its so interesting that hes so isolated, and i want to know if thats common for firbolgs or if thats a lug specific deal
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dimorphodon-x · 2 years ago
Happy birthday :D
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year ago
i answer your asks vol... 6?
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This one made me actually consider how they balance the humours beyond just a simply "they scour it out". Because sometimes a holy beast gets 'sick' and it's not necessarily related to any sort of tissue growth, it's more often a mechanical fault and because the beast is considered to be alive, he is then therefore 'sick'. So how do we deal with this? An enginesmith will make the necessary repairs, but sometimes the sickness is related to environmental conditions. The four humours are arranged on a scale like this:
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A mechanical fault associated with being too hot and dry could be something like a lack of lubrication on moving machine parts. So this would be considered the reason for a production of yellow bile (excess of yellow bile, btw, was what Pantera was diagnosed with on his last outing). Whether or not the bile is literal or more symbolic depends on the case. Anyway this was the reason Pantera is associated with fire (originally, when I was designing them all) and Leun, diametrically opposite, is associated with phlegm, water, acid, etc.
But anyway, the way to fix these imbalances in hot/cold/wet/dry is to simply reduce whichever one is excessive. In practice, keeping holy beasts maintained even when they're not out on a crusade is a full time job for an army of workers, where the atmospheric conditions need to be as neutral as possible. Too wet and you've got rust, too dry and the metal fatigues, to hot and it might warp and break, too cold and the joints won't fit properly, etc etc. Although the enginesmiths view this through a lens of The Four Humours, it's also just good practice to try to keep things balanced.
Btw while they do cure an excess of blood by bleeding the holy beast, they don't make leeches big enough :'(
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There are illustrated representations of dragons that are pretty traditionally dragony (typically a winged serpent with many tails representing the stinging tendrils). These are added to drawings and art as a catch-all symbol for a conscious and targeted Evil. The laity, which is very devout, is unlikely to associate dragons with resistance - dragons cause a lot of damage too, and those stinging barbs will kill you just from the trauma of the impalement before the venom even has a chance to (unless you just get grazed, in which case.. the venom will paralyse you. then kill you)
So active rebellions/civil wars/wars of succession have occurred many times. The subjugated Midaean nation/territory (depending on who you ask) rallies around their beloved Saint Lycaon, a wolf. Flags and signs depicting a wolf devouring a crocodile/a lion/whatever holy beast currently tops the hierarchy of the church would be more likely. Rebellion itself is rarely black and white and as neat as picking a symbol the church hates. It is more likely people would pick a symbol that they love. Outside of Midea, the Mezian empire might not be at its peak but it also has not given its own citizens and laity a reason to take up arms against it.
at the start of the story, at least
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awesome questions thank you @curious-sootball !
So the nerve cords inside the vertebrae are artificial, but they still perform the same physiological function as a real spinal column. They interface with a knight's dialogue. This produces an incredible amount of heat - this is why the spines are often exposed, even though that might be a point of vulnerability. The spinous processes in particular are very effective heat sinks.
But the tail? In most cases we don't need the tail, really. The spinal column ends at the base of the pelvis. The tail is cropped for most beasts on purpose - we don't need this thing dangling around and becoming entangled, and it has no machinery around it to act as replacement muscles so it couldn't move even if they wanted it to. Krokodilos's tail is the exception and it's just extremely heavy for not much pay off. That's a lot of additional engines we gotta maintain.
So the tail tends to be abandoned. The bones are kept of course but not mounted on the chassis where they're not needed. With no nerve cord running through them they don't run hot either so they won't disperse heat all that well.
Now for replacing bones... they don't. The bones that exist in the chassis are the bare minimum needed to perform the required functions - basic movement. They don't have ribs, they often don't have phalanges. A skull is there to complete the nerve cord - but all you need of that skull is the occipital bone. Nothing more.
If they break a leg, it might be repaired using screw and plate fixation. The bone may deign to knit together (enginesmiths swear that they don't allow tissue growth ever.. but sometimes you need some periosteum. Don't tell the bishops). But if it gets crushed? That's the holy beast done, scrap heap time. The majority of all holy beasts that have ever existed have already broken down and been decommissioned at the start of this story - we only have seven left (eight if you count krokodilos). Krokodilos is an unusual case because he is not dead, so they can't just hold a state funeral and add his heart engine block to the big hall of old hearts in the cathedral. He's sleeping.
But he's the exception. Take Saint Guinefort - dead as a doornail. He had a full funeral, his heart was put in the hall and his body was [redacted] like they do with all dead holy beasts. And then he was [redacted] and now our pal "Sir Victory" with the metal arm uses him as Nosewyse. Circle of life.
I think sidecar motorcycle is a pretty apt way of looking at him lmao. You don't wanna know how many people he's cooked.
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Hey there! So I know I've mentioned they are similar to pterosaurs but they are not related to them at all. In fact they are cetaceans :) Later art I did of them plays up the mammal traits a bit more. Check out these nipples
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However it is a fact that they are not closely related to modern cetaceans - as in, they did not evolve from modern whales and dolphins, but belong to a side branch that diverged relatively early, around the same time dragons were leaving the water for the skies. That art is quite old too, from before I kind of nailed it all down, so if I drew them now I would remove the more derived traits (i.e the single blowhole, the tail flukes, etc) and tidy it up a little. They diverged from the lineage that would become modern whales before the pelvic limbs were lost. I originally depict them having the crowbar-like claws on their feet to lever skin parasites off the dragon, but i think they are more likely to not use their feet much at all, and are more likely to use their single huge beak-like tooth to do the job instead. They cannot walk on flat surfaces.
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Only insects and, specifically, winged insects :) I know it would be really cool to have various other giant arthropods but milennia ago, when they crossed into Thera for the first time, insects were the only fliers. And there is no other way to get over the mountain range quickly enough for it not to kill you. The mountain range in which the endless city sits is completely and 100% devoid of life. A journey on foot for a tiny bug would be next to impossible - they are more likely to starve or simply turn around and go back to where the food is.
The winged insects, otoh, can cross the range in a day or less, if the breeze is flowing right. And they would find plants already there in Thera - also solely wind-dispersed species from the previous time the mountains arrived and linked the world with Earth. The insects didn't really come by choice, sometimes the wind just blows the wrong way, but they definitely got lucky.
There are wingless insects in Thera today but only because they lost that trait over time (like ants or larviform female beetles). They have managed to colonise every reasonable habitat, including the sea (though the sea is not very salty) and have developed into a lot of very strange forms which might be unrecognisable to us. But a lot of them just got bigger and smarter.
This time round, in the period of time the story is set (early 1900s on earth), the mountains appeared and new animals crossed over who were not insects. Birds have become invasive in Thera, happily taking advantage of the smaller insect species who are completely unprepared for this new threat. There are also some wind-dispersed spiders hanging out now.
EDIT: oh i forgor the parasites on the flying insects that first colonised thera... yes they would have mites and horsehair worms and things of that nature
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 2 years ago
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req'd by @curious-sootball
actually you know what fair
text: The one food you're not supposed to eat is FISH! I said *nothing* about ASS!
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carpe-aurore · 1 year ago
Making little signatures based off of the vibe your blog theme gives me
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cirilee · 3 years ago
uh, hey, i hate to pull you into this in case it turns out to be Drama but I think curious sootball just blocked me? idk if they found something hideously offensive in the mulan post they had just reblogged from me minutes earlier, or what, but I’m very confused... if it’s not too much trouble would you mind asking them if that was accidental because from my perspective they just vanished from existence and that’s. upsetting
i’m trying to check my own blocklist to see if I blocked THEM by accident but uh, either Tumblr screwed up again or I’m stupid or both bc I can’t find it, I don‘t use it often enough to know for sure if I’m just looking in the wrong place 😂
Ahhh, so @sztefa001 and me both checked, and even outside of our account it seems as if @curious-sootball's account has been deleted?
if anyone knows what happened to them, or knows where else to find them, we would really appreciate it ;_; ! (unless they dont wanna be found and deleted their blog on purpose of course)
if their blogs' just been wrongfully deleted or something i hope they can get it back .....
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carpe-aurore · 2 years ago
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the-warrior-dreams · 4 years ago
Oof, Markoth...that sounds like an image problem /concerned noises/
Also, Elder Hu, how do you feel now? (I felt like Elder Hu is kind of... forgotten)
Markoth: *he actually picks up Shelby to hug her better*
Shelby: You’re like the dad that wasn’t ashamed of me. This feels so nice.
Hu: I’m quite fine, thank you for your concern.
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 1 month ago
oh this is fun!! mine is a pun coming from the saying "life isn't always rainbows and butterflies" which means that you have to go through hardships sometimes. and yeah my whump blog has quite a few characters going through hardships!! but also what's a blog url without a silly whump pun, so rainbows and whumperflies it is. I did that when I was thirteen and thought I was so funny that I started going by rainbow and using rainbow for my whole tagging system and now I'm in too deep to change it
no pressure tags: @intotheautumnsky @i-eat-worlds @curious-sootball @whumperofworlds @fourwingedwriter
Tag game🎉
Tag your moots and ask them where they got the idea for their tumblr accounts name!
For my name it was a nickname I was giving back in middleschool! One of our teacher had a system where we worked with 'wifi' eachtime we talked in class we lost a bar of the "wifi" (was a weird joke and we never held count on that) All the kids usually joked if they needed 'wifi' , they would borrow mine if they wanted to talk more. (I was incredibly shy in middle school, I only talked to like 3 people at school;^;)
They called me Ms. Wifi because of that. I just thought it would be funny if I put 'miss' instead of 'ms' because of my terrible actual wifi connection I have at home lol.
That's my story! Now moots, only if you guys want to, tell us your story.
Tags-> @slipping-lately @firequeenofficial @noagskryf @twinklstarrrr @halfbakedspuds @polterwasteist @rokushi-san @mygedagtes +anyone that sees this and wants to do this as well
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hollowknightheadcanons · 4 years ago
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This probably has been done before, but imagine Monomon doing this and Isma/Quirrel/whoever sees that freaking out a little before Monomon reassures them she's actually ok.
Those water things float around in Fog Canyon so this frequently happens.
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darkest-of-night · 5 years ago
(Oof, I hadn't rp-ed in years) Sometimes, when Darkstalker is resting or taking a break from doing something important, Zoey climbs his horns (like monkey bars). She is a really good climber and it is pretty hard to stop her
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“Despite her size she can, uh
Be a bit of a handful...”
((If he did try to stop her it might result in her getting squished. So he just tries to be cautious not to move around too much, that way she at least won’t fall lol ))
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odddrawingsandwhatnot · 3 years ago
Based on [X]
@cirilee @curious-sootball @sztefa001
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Full page:
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 2 months ago
more cool and awesome people: @toyybox @painsandconfusion @dont-touch-my-soup @maracujatangerine @pigmentedrat @curious-sootball @i-eat-worlds @whumpninja @aloafofbreadwithanxiety @digital-nova @floral-comet-whump @jay--o
Saw someone do this. Thought it would be fun!
End of year important people list (whump community edition!)
Reblog and tag all of your favorite whump creators, friends in the whump community, anyone in the whump community really, and let them know how much you care about them!
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sztefa001 · 3 years ago
Ok so regarding this post:
[click here for context]
(tagging @cirilee @im-a-mint and @curious-sootball, thank for insppiration <3)
I didn't draw people interrupting him 'cuz the doorframe was already too small and doing everything anew would be too much effort so yeah. But anyway:
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This is the best pic tbh, the further we go the less effort I put askdjfh
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Oh noes! Someone startled him!
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The books are falling! (notice how one got stuck)
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Dw, he got this!
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Orion, watch ou-!
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Welp. Dw, he's not dead, just concussed. I'd draw centaur Ratchet by his side but that's effort. Please imagine other people from the post on your own, thank <3
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jazzyishere · 2 years ago
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I posted 10,518 times in 2022
That's 10,367 more posts than 2021!
163 posts created (2%)
10,355 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,280 of my posts in 2022
#sky: children of the light - 75 posts
#sky: cotl - 73 posts
#useful information - 55 posts
#lol - 39 posts
#hermitcraft - 38 posts
#i am ascending - 20 posts
#goncharov - 20 posts
#important - 18 posts
#unreality - 17 posts
#grian - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#then it’s 9pm and dark out and you don’t know what day it is and you think you missed classes and deadlines and feel anxiety for a solid min
My Top Posts in 2022:
The rift ate Mumbo’s Jumbo
171 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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225 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
TGC’s expectations: players will make friends in our game ☺️
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242 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
And the hemitcraft charity livestream is off to a great start by smashing the goal before the event even starts
288 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This appeared in my feed today and…
It feels like a message? That he’s finally at peace after fighting cancer.
Rest In Peace Alex.
390 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wingedwhump · 3 years ago
@curious-sootball I found the one you asked about!
Idea credit: @painsandconfusion
TW: Drug mention, addiction mention, poison, vomit mention, death mention, pls let me know if I missed any
Bath salts are very much not meant for human consumption so you could make your whumpee eat them or give them water that has been infused with bath salts
Some bath salts can be addictive so you can force your whumpee to get addicted and then force them to do anything to get more or to go through withdrawal. They can also cause internal damage so you can make your whumpee extremely sick or even kill them with bath salts
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