#im actually so happy with how this turned out !!!!! eek
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lunaloos · 2 years ago
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been playing spiritfarer. they hurt me
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gojo-mochi · 1 year ago
EEK IM SCREAMING FROM UR WRITINGS- and ur October event?! If u may a request of werewolf!ace please 😭 aksjwksjwkzj and maybe with any dark themes u have in mind 👀
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CW: Reader is called “Little Red”, Attempted assault and kidnapping by a stranger (not ace), a bit of blood, creampie, breeding, Oral F!Recieving, Noncon, Ace is a bit toxic and yandere in this. Part of my Kinktover event!  (now closed)
Words: 5.3K (im gagging idk what happened don't look at me ok, it my inner werewolf phase coming out at the end) 
A/N: Sorry it took so long wahhhh and if the ending ended weirdly OTL
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You pulled down on your red hood and tugged at your too-short of a skirt. Sighing out, you lean back on the wall, wondering how your friend not only roped you into coming to this Halloween party but also into wearing a skimpy Red Riding Hood costume. You were supposed to be matching with her, but she decided to go as a slutty bunny, stating, “Wasn’t there a bunny in the story too? No? Oh well, there was a wolf, so a bunny fits anyway!” It did not fit, but you were too tired to argue with her, trying your best to sink into the wall and disappear. 
Unfortunately, your friend decided that being a wallflower for the entire party was not in the stars for you. “Come oooooooon! At least dance with me for one song!” Your friend whined as she dragged you by the wrist to the open dancefloor. The heavy, thumping bass drops seem to shake the dancefloor, or perhaps that was just the masses of people grinding and bumping into each other. Your friend dragged you right into the middle of the pit, and with no chance of escape, you sigh heavily, trying to act like the music wasn’t affecting you. 
Your friend starts to pull out dance moves, using them on you as she pretends to circle a lasso around you and pull you in. You rolled your eyes at her display and went along with it with a small giggle. Slowly bobbing your head to the rhythm of the music and shuffling your feet, letting your body succumb to the music and the vibes. Getting more comfortable by the time the next song comes on. Swaying your hips and even moving your arms now, getting so lost in the melody that you didn’t notice that your friend left you and was replaced by someone else. 
The deep, booming bass of the song made you more energized, shaking your ass and swinging your hips and body in tune with the bass. Your eyes closed so you could let your ears and body fully enjoy the music, thinking that you were still dancing with your friend you didn’t mind when you felt hands on you. Moving down your sides to settle on your hip as their chest slides up to your back. You played along, as you were used to your friend’s antics by now. 
Only when you slyly bumped your ass back to grind on her, did you notice that your friend either got extremely buff in the last few minutes or you were actually grinding on a guy this whole time. Your questions were answered when the guy leaned his head down to whisper in your ear. “Damn.. you have some nice moves there, Little Red.” A slightly husky voice rasps out, his hands still on your hips, squeezing them, his fingers digging into your plushness. 
You gasp out, twisting your body away from him, and turning around. In the neon flashing lights of the dancefloor, your eyes settled on the large frame in front of you. Your eyes immediately flickered to the furry ears on top of his head, black and fluffy like his hair. You look further down landing on his bare toned chest and totally not staring at his happy trail in the middle of his abs or anything like that. You catch a glimpse of his tail swishing behind him as he leans down once again to speak to you.
“Woah, hey! Sorry, was that too much?” He rubs the back of his hair with an awkward grin. Another flash of the neon lights from above passes by on the both of you, you studied his face a bit more as it does. Noticing the small patches of freckles across the bridge of his nose and his very sharp canines poking out. He places his hands in front calmly as a sign of goodwill. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything!” His voice rings out again, almost muffled by the booming bass from the speakers. The music dropped once more and everyone in the crowd was getting hyped for it, causing everyone to start swarming around the middle. 
You got shoved right in the stranger’s direction, his arms came out swiftly to catch you before you fell face first on the ground. Firms arms wrapped around your waist to steady you, your face lands on his chest right above his happy trail. You inhale his scent, an intoxicating blend of musk, woods, and spices that starts off heavy and overwhelming but goes down smooth like a shot of liquor. You unconsciously curl up closer to his chest to breathe in more of this arousing aroma. 
Letting the furry stranger easily manhandle you out of the dance pit and off the side. “Hey….hey……Hey there!” The stranger shakes your shoulder a bit, bringing you out of your stupor. A fierce blush heats up your face as you realize how you were still nuzzling your cheek on his chest. You backed away, almost stumbling on your feet, causing the stranger to once again catch you in his broad arms. “I know I’m gorgeous, but falling for me twice in a row? Haha, you’re really cute, you know that, Little Red?” You felt another rush of heat come up as you sputtered out a response. 
I-I was just-! I mean-!” The stranger’s tail swished around happily as he threw his head back in a roaring laugh. Causing some of the other guests to turn their heads and look your way. Your ears burn as they stare at the two of you, you bring up your red hood and tighten the sting, covering your face. He eventually calms down once he sees you trying to leave the scene, with a hand placed on your shoulder to stop your escape. 
His ears flopped down on his head and he gave you the saddest kicked puppy look you've ever seen in your life. “Hey, wait! I didn’t mean to upset you..” He pouts out his lips and you almost folded at this point. “I think we got off on the wrong foot, here, let me introduce myself.” He straightens up his back, extending to his full height, and puffing out his chest. “The name’s Ace! It’s nice to meet cha!” You just noticed now that his voice has a slight tinge of an accent behind it, but you couldn’t place your finger on where or what it sounded like. 
Ace flung his hand out towards you, a wide smile on his face that emitted sunshine and warmth, only to be darkened by his menacingly large and seemingly real canines. You chuckled nervously as you grabbed his hand and shook it. “Wo-wow, Ace… those are some um-very big teeth you have there. Must have been quite the expensive buy. You really go all out for Halloween, huh?” He squeezed your hand tightly as you said that. 
His fingers linger on your wrist before he lets go with the same smile still placed on his face, however, something was a bit off about it this time. “Hehe, yeah! I mean, Halloween is like the one night that I can truly be myself, you know!” He runs his hand through his hair, pushing back his ears as they spring back into place. ‘Wow he really must have dropped a lot of cash on his costume, everything looks so… realistic.’ You mused to yourself quietly as Ace stuck out his elbow for you to grab. “Wanna see how many hotdogs I can scarf down outside?” You raised an eyebrow at him but looped your arm with his either way.
“I bet you won’t go over ten.” You lightly teased him, bumping your elbow into his side, causing his tail to wag rapidly behind him. “Let’s make it a bet then!” He retorted back as you idly wondered how he was controlling his tail like that, you both headed out to the backyard. The “backyard” per se, was actually just the vast land in the back that opens up into a forest. Tables, chairs, lights, and a whole bar-be-que set were all set up for the party. Including a hot-dog eating contest on the side, Ace led you right to it, his stomach rumbling quite loudly as the smokey and savory aroma invaded your nose. 
Ace was practically drooling by the time you both reached the table. A shirtless guy with a chainsaw for a head was taking in contestants. “Yo, my man! Let me join in too!” They dapped each other up in greeting. “You lookin’ to suck down some schlongs? You came to the right place, sign up right here and the contest starts in about 5 minutes!” Chainsaw guy gave Ace a clipboard with the sign-up sheet, and he started yelling for the other contestants to gather up. 
Ace gives you a wink, unhooking his arm from you and going to sit down at the table. “Make sure to root for me, alright, Little Red?” You roll your eyes but smile softly at him, feeling a warmth start to bloom in your chest. The other contestants all sit down as well, getting ready to feast as piles of hotdogs are placed in front of them. Chainsaw guy counted down from five and blew his whistle, signaling the contestants to start chowing down. Ace quickly grabbed a hotdog in each hand and shoved them in his mouth, the wienerwursts disappearing in the blackhole of his stomach one after the other. Ace’s pile of hotdogs was gone in minutes. 
He even started taking hotdogs from the other contestant’s pile, only to get reprimanded by the Chainsaw guy. You belly laughed at the display, watching the people sitting next to Ace give up and push their piles to the wolf man anyway. Later on, it was less of a competition and more of the crowd just cheering on Ace as he kept on wolfing down dog after dog. Some watched in awe and some watched in disgust, you were a mixture of both, the ringing of a bell signals the contest’s end. 
People cheered and one even puked on the grass, Ace threw his arms up in the air and started flexing, sending winks and heart signs your way. “That was all for you, Little Red!” He ends his declaration with a loud howl, other party goers got affected by his enthusiasm and joined in as well and you could swear that actual wolves in the forest were howling along in the back. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end as the howls began to die down, something about the way Ace’s voice timbered out from deep in his chest made you wary and scared….
You push down those uneasy feelings when Ace saunters up to you, his hand on his hips as he bows down with a lopsided grin on his face. His fangs glint under the light of the moon, his voice lightly rasps out; “So, what’cha think? I definitely ate more than ten, am I right?” You snort, pushing at his broad chest softly; “I think you ate enough to feed a whole country.” Ace’s grin only got wider at your comment, his tail sweeping the ground behind him; “So that means I won the bet, right?” He slung his arm around your shoulder and one on your hip pulling you in close, putting his lips right next to the shell of your ear. 
Even making his voice a pitch deeper as it rumbles down straight to your core; “Cause, I think I want you as my prize for winning the contest and the bet, Little Red.” This time, you couldn’t suppress the shiver that came up your spine, just now taking notice of how big Ace’s hands were, and they were even equipped with pointed nails painted black to look like claws. They point into your sides, sharp but not painful like a warning of what he could do if he added just a bit more pressure. 
Your breath gets caught in your throat as you try to quip back with a sarcastic retort, as Ace lowers his head down on your shoulder, taking in a deep breath of your scent, his nose poking at the fabric of your red hood, you could feel his fangs come out a bit as they start to dig in, making you yelp loudly. You push Ace away much harsher this time, your heartbeat going a mile a minute, your face flushed as red as your hood, Ace stumbles back from the impact, his head facing downwards so you couldn't see his expression. You could only hear a heavy growl arising from Ace’s throat when he looked back up at you. 
His pupils turned into slits as they appeared to almost glow from the angle he was leering at you from. You took a couple of steps back, your voice coming out in a small whisper; “A-ace?”. But that was enough for Ace to snap back from whatever was happening to him. Shaking his head and slapping his own cheeks roughly twice, his eyes went back to normal when they landed on you once more. He reaches out a hand towards you, but upon seeing you flinch back away from him, his ears fall down, pressing flatly against his head. 
His tail also hangs limp, tucked between his legs. “Little Red, I am so so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I swear!” He pressed his hands down flat on his sides, noticing how you were warily eyeing them, his shoulders hunching down and his head droop down as well. Trying his best to make himself seem as harmless and small as possible. “Little Red, are you still-” “I think I should go-” You both spoke at the same time; “Ah, Sorry you go first-” “No, you should-” You both cut off each other once again, you began to speak once more, not finding the courage to look at Ace directly while you spoke. 
“I-I’m gonna go get a drink. By myself!” You added the last sentence in a hurry when you saw Ace take a step forward to follow you. Tugging on your hood’s strings nervously, eyes flicking over to Ace’s form to gauge his reaction, Ace only lets out a pitiful whine at your words. Stopping his trek towards you either way, you didn’t wait for him to start speaking again as you quickly turned around and sprinted across the other side of the backyard. 
Your heart pounding in your chest, recalling the predatory look on Ace’s face, the abnormally deep growl he made, and the feeling that you were caught in the maw's of a great beast. You jogged all the way up to the mini bar stationed in the backyard, the bartender gives you a worried look; “Hey, you feeling alright there?” When you went to reply with a “I’m fine.” what came out instead was a painful wheeze. You kneel over, coughing out your poor lungs in front of the bartender, who came over to pat you on the back and offer you some water. 
You felt the stares of some onlookers, but they were quickly shooed away by the bartender. When you finally felt like you had coughed up everything your body had to offer, he helped you up back on your feet. You swayed a bit and crashed into his side, he was quick to steady you though. Wrapping an arm around your waist and letting you lean on him, “Woah there, just lean on me, alright? And, drink this too.” He pushed the cup of water near your face, letting you dip your head down so you could take a few sips. The cold crisp water hitting your suffering lungs, made things a little bit better. You gulped down until the cup was empty and gave a huge relieved sigh. 
Your heart rate calmed down by this point, you felt like you could breathe normally again. The bartender still held on to your side, smiling gently at you; “Finally some color back in those cute cheeks of yours, haha. I think I’m gonna have to cut you off from any more drinks tonight, miss.” His tone light and teasing, your heart didn’t flutter like it did with Ace though. You managed to give him a smile back, hoping it didn’t show your true emotions. 
You shrug off his arm from your waist, giving him another small thanks, however the bartender grabbed onto your arm to stop you from leaving. “Hey, you’re just gonna leave just like that?” He frowned, his grip on your arm tighten up; “I think it my duty as a bartender, to look after drunk girls like you, you know..” You felt bile rise up when he licked his lips at you, you pulled on your captured arm. “Let go of me!” You yelled, looking around to see if there was anyone who would come to help, but the crowd got denser and drunker as the night moved on and the music was deafening. 
A hand was placed over your mouth when you tried to scream for help again, you felt yourself getting pulled away from the crowd, you struggled and kicked behind you but the anxiety and exhaustion from before caught up with you. His hand moved a bit downward as he was trying to keep you still, you took this opportunity to bite down on it. He screamed and let you go for a moment but swiftly yanked you back by grabbing on to your red hood. 
Tears fell down your cheeks as the collar of the hood started to choke you a bit from how hard he was pulling back on it. Your vision got blurry from all the tears and lack of air, so you didn’t get to see Ace land a dropkick on the bartender, sending him crashing through some tables. As you were gasping for air once more and trying to get your vision to clear, all you heard was grunting and growling. Your eyes cleared up and you got back on your feet to find a small pack of people crowding around something. 
You stood on your toes to look over someone’s shoulders to find Ace beating the absolute shit out of the bartender. Blow after blow was dealt, you heard someone leave to puke, you almost puked yourself hearing a sickening crunch of bones being broken. Ace’s hands were bloodied and the guy beneath him stopped moving a while ago it seemed, but everyone watching was too afraid to try to stop Ace. His hair and fur on his tail were frenzied and wild, he stopped beating on the guy and stood up, wiping the blood on his bare chest, taking in a deep breath of air and immediately swinging his head around to meet with your eyes. 
You couldn’t hear him from this distance but you could see his lips move to say “Little Red…” and your heart froze up, fortunately your legs did not freeze as they turned and ran as they could. Right in the vast thicket of the forest, you did not care how tired you were, you just wanted to get away from everyone, from the stupid party you got dragged to, from that creepy guy, and from Ace. He wasn’t normal, no, from everything that you saw from him tonight, your mind concluded that he was either on a lot of drugs or wasn’t human. 
The moonlight helped illuminate your path forward, deeper and deeper into the forest. You were sure the forest wasn’t this big before, but your plan of cutting through the forest back home is starting to seem like a bad idea now. You stopped for a quick breath, looking at your surroundings for any sign of a landmark. Only to find the same amount of trees on either side, you weren’t even sure which way the party was now. Silently cursing to yourself, you pulled out your phone to see if there was at least a signal to call for help. 
Your head whipped around trying to find the source of the noise, trembling slightly as you voiced out in the darkness. “He-hello? Who’s there?” ... Nothing answered back; only the sound of more leaves and branches crunching and cracking was heard as you strained your ears to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. As a figure began to emerge from the darkness and into the moonlight, you decided that waiting to see who it was was a dumb idea, so you quickly ran again.
Your legs and chest were screaming at you; your muscles were sore, but you kept pressing on. The adrenaline and fear coursing through your veins help you run just a little bit further each time you think you are going to pass out. Your ears picked up on noises coming directly behind you—the sounds of branches being broken, someone tramping down on the dirt, and a strange low huffing—all invaded your senses as you kept on running. 
 You didn’t dare look behind you, not caring where you were heading; you just needed to get away from whatever was chasing you. Yet fate decided to have some fun with you, making you trip on the soft dirt, landing directly on your face. You scrambled to get back on your feet, only to be pushed down by someone much larger than you. Their hot breath ghosted over the scuff of your neck, and their hands gripped tightly on your waist as you felt them press their body right up against your back.
“Little Red…” 
Your blood ran cold, and a numbing chill went up your spine, freezing your entire body. You know that nickname, that voice... “Ace…?” You get a guttural growl in response, and Ace’s dips down to press his lips on the back of your neck. His claws dig into your plushness when you yelp and try to squirm away from his searing kisses. Each press of his lips on your bare skin burns straight down to your core. His fangs graze over the fabric of your cheap costume, and another growl comes out, more annoyed that the cloth was keeping him away from your sweet flesh. 
 One hand lets go of your waist to tear at your clothes with his claws, easily ripping the fabric apart with one finger. The chilling night air hits your skin, causing goosebumps to run down your spine. Only to get replaced by the fervent heat of Ace’s tongue licking down your back. A shameless groan came from Ace as he continued to nip and slobber on your skin: “Fuck… Little Red, you taste so good.. So good..” Ace’s head was swimming; all rational thoughts left the window when he saw you get manhandled by that shitty bartender. 
 Then the chase through the woods? Oh, Ace thought it was so fun, he could have easily caught you when you passed the first thicket of trees, but his instincts enjoyed the hunt, the wait, and the stalking. Seeing you so helpless, sweat pouring down your skin, your scent emitting an enticing mixture of fear and lust. Of course, that's what Ace thought anyway: that this chase was all part of the game and that you wanted him just as badly as he wanted you. That's why you were shaking so much, right? In excitement? 
Your tears were probably just for show, not that he cared either way. Something about seeing your face covered in tears, your cute lips quivering into a pout. He wanted to make a blubbering mess out of you, the idea made his pants all the tighter. He rutted against you, his bulge rubbing right on your ass. Grunting as he pushes up your flimsy skirt, growling when the wind keeps pushing it back down again, he decided to just tear it to shreds anyway. 
With one hand pushing down your back, he moves his other hand to move your legs apart enough for his hand to rub on your panties, his forefingers going right in the middle, teasing your clit and digging in with his claws just enough to make you worry. You tried to squirm away, knees grating on the dig, your hands trying to grab on, whether it was for a weapon or for balance—you didn't know at this point. Your mind just screamed at you to get away, but Ace wasn’t going to let that happen. Even if the chase was fun, he was getting impatient at this point; he needed you badly. 
 He easily dragged you back by the thighs, pushing your ass back right on his face. You squealed, feeling his tongue trace the outline of your folds, pushing your panties in as far as it could. You let out a high-pitched and embarrassed whine when Ace takes a huge inhale, his nose right in the middle of your wet panties, practically breathing in your scent into his veins. Getting even drunker from his actions, you scramble as hard as you can, your nails digging in the soft dirt, your legs shaking, but Ace's grip on you was tight, and he wasn’t going to give you even an inch of freedom. 
Using his sharp teeth, Ace gently bit down on the edge of your panties, making sure not to hurt you even in his frenzied stage. He pulled back on it, tearing a small hole in your underwear. He repeated this action until your pussy was exposed to him. “Ace.. do-don’t.” Your quiet and pathetic pleads fell on deaf ears, as Ace immediately dove in, his tongue lapping up all your sweet arousal. Loud groans bubbled up from his throat, his tongue slobbering all over your folds, drool flying out from how fast his tongue was lapping on you.
You squeaked out moans of your own; it was sloppy, but Ace had a large, hot tongue that hit in all the right places. Anytime his tongue sloppily hits your clit, your body gives a little shake, and your hands clenched into fists as you try to fight off the feeling of pleasure from this action. The vulgar slurping noises coming from this were deafening to you in the quiet night air. “Fu-fuck!” Your eyes almost rolled back when Ace shoved his tongue inside of you, the wet muscle working its way to a sweet spot. 
It was thick and long enough to almost fill you up like a cock would; it only succeeded in making you crave something bigger to fill you up, even though you might deny that at the moment. You felt your stomach start to get tight, and your thighs shook and shook as Ace was unrelenting in tongue-fucking you. You could only squeeze your eyes shut as your body gave up and released all over Ace’s face. Your juices cover his cheek and chin, as he happily slurps up all the rest coming from you. 
 He pulls back with a satisfied hum, standing back on his knees so he can pull down his pants and wring out his hard cock. You were panting and trying to recover from that orgasm when you felt his tip rub against your folds. Your mind went into fight mode again, kicking and screaming at him, but it was no use. Ace leaned back down over you, his chest covering your entire frame and his mouth placed directly next to your ear as he grabbed his cock and slowly began to push it inside. Just the tip was enough to stretch you out; “Shush… It’s ok, just trust me, Little Red.” He grunts into a soft growl, finally feeling his cock get engulfed by your tight hole. “I know you wanted this too… I’ll give it to you, don’t worry. I-nghh-I’ll mark you tonight and you’ll be-hahhh-my mate forever.” 
You barely register his words and their meaning when he completely thrusts his cock into you, his hips slapping harshly on your ass. Taking a moment to enjoy how your pussy was already trying to milk him dry, so tight, wet, and inviting. He moved his head down so his lips went on your pulse point on your neck, angling his hips back slowly, starting a slow thrust. Each time his cock fully went in, it made you choke on air from how it was completely filling you up. You barely had time to adjust to his length before Ace went at a faster pace. 
Any inhabitants of the forest were subjected to listening to the lewd sounds of your moans, the slapping of skin on skin, and Ace’s deep growls and grunts. Your cute moans soon turned into a scream as Ace bit down on your neck, marking you and drawing blood, his hand clawing at the front of your shirt, ripping that apart as so he could grope at your chest. The stinging pain combined with the overwhelming pleasure made your brain short-circuit. Another orgasm was building up, as Ace let go of your neck and lapped up the blood, feeling you get even tighter, he started going faster. 
 “That’s it, Little Red. So fucking tight, I’m gonna breed this tight pussy. Hahhhh. You’re gonna look so good filled up with my pups.” 
Wait, does that mean he was going to cum inside of you?! You tried to stop him but all that fell from your lips with a soft whimper, with a particularly hard thrust, you came once more, on his cock this time. Ace let your pussy squeeze him for all he’s worth, releasing his cum inside of you. The hot seed covered your walls and spilled out, Ace let out a tender whine, feeling his cock almost empty from this. But he wasn't done yet; no, he needed to make sure that you were going to take everything tonight.
He gradually pulls out his cock, whining at the loss of heat but quickly works as he flips you on your back. Now you were facing him for the first time since you entered the woods. The feral look in Ace’s eyes made him seem like an entirely different person. He almost seemed a lot bigger than before. There was no time to think about that though, as he rammed his cock back inside you, causing more of his cum to spill out, but that’s ok, he was gonna fill up you again and again. 
He folded your legs to your chest so he could hit at the right angles and made sure your pussy could hold all she could. Plap after plap of his hips hitting against yours, your body was just a toy for Ace to breed and use at this point, but he was anything but a selfish lover, gently rubbing at your swollen clit with the pad of his thumb, being extra careful not to use his claw. Giving you heated kisses on the side of your neck and praising you with every breath you take. You quickly came again, the sheer feeling of being overpowered like this, you were his now. No question about it, that what your mind told you at least, giving up and letting Ace do what he wants with your body. 
“Hahhh-Fuck-Take it, take it all, Little Red.” 
“I’ll take good care of you, you’ll be the perfect mate for me, our puppies-nghhh-are going to look so fu-fuckin cute, I swear.” 
Letting the pleasure overtake you, as he cream inside your pussy once more, this time he didn’t stop fucking you, the spillage of your own arosual and his cum made the squelching noise all the much louder. His cum overflowed onto your thighs, you were sure at this point that your pussy couldn’t hold that much anymore but Ace was determined to change that fact. Fucking into you deeper and deeper with every orgasm, you were stuck in this position… and did I forget to mention, that a fullmoon was happening tonight as well? Looks like you’re in for a long night.
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joviepog · 1 year ago
EEE HI JOVIE again i love love your writing and im so glad youve been enjoying my stuff!! anyway, sweet and simple request-- wilbur and reader having an at home dinner night :)) (if u wanna make it silly tommy could be their "waiter" LMAO)
much love !!
Lovely night
Who: Wilbur x f!reader
Warnings: i dont think there is anything but if there is just let me know!
Pronouns: She / they
Word count: I have no clue
Requests: @poraphia
Anything’s else: I actually liked how this turned out! thanks for the idea lovely requester!
This story is NOT proofread
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Listen to this while you read! <3
Both you and Wilbur aren’t the richest people around. For you, this was absolutely fine. But for Wilbur?
Well, Wilbur is just a bit disappointed about not being able to spoil you as much as he wants. Since you both have met, he’s been obsessed with getting you little gifts and taking you to cute dates. But what he really wants to do is to be able to take you to the fancy restaurant down the street from your guy’s apartment.
He’s told you about this little problem of his and you cant help but giggle every time he mentions it. The conversation always ends with a kiss on the cheek and the same six words. “Wil, i dont need all that!” But lately he wont stop talking about it. He’s been daydreaming about you in a fancy dress and him in a fancy tux. Not the old cheep one he has for all those dumb occasions. No, he wants to be able to give you a bouquet of roses and a ring that means forever. But most of all, he wants to make you happy.
You’ve noticed that this was starting to get to him. Every time you got home he would give you a kiss and a hug -per usual- then he would start talking about this dress he saw on twitter and how beautiful it would look on you. “And that dress would be perfect for that restaurant!” And every time you say that you dont need all that, he looks like a kid being rejected of a puppy.
And so, you set up a plan. While he was gone on tour, you saved up, took cooking classes, and learned how to do your best makeup possible. You called him up one night, “Hi Wil! Are you busy?” There was a slight pause and he spoke quietly, “No, i just have to be quiet.” You gave a soft laugh and spoke quietly. “I just wanted to make sure i have the right day for when your coming back.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Why?” You pouted, “Why? What, I can’t miss my boyfriend?”
He apologized at least 100 times before he woke Joe up. You said hi to Joe and hung up. “I love you Wil. See you soon?” You asked with a smile. “See you soon.” You hung up and silence fell on the room. You had 1 more week. You bought the dress he had mentioned 1,000 times, you made sure Tommy was free, and you made sure the house was clean. You were ready.
“I’m two hours away.” he spoke and you could hear the boys in the back teasing him.
you fake sighed, “I guess i’ll just wait here. all alone, and sad, and-“
he stopped you, “Yeah i’ll try to hurry up.”
“No take your time, darling.”
he sighed, “All i want to do is get home and hug you.”
“Aweeee.” you put another fake eyelash on, “I miss you too baby.”
“Wilbur! The taxy is here!”
you laughed and he scoffed, “I’ll see you soon darling.”
“See you soon.” you hung up and looked at yourself in the mirror. you looked amazing. you hair was fixed, and the dress fit nicely just like wilbur said it would. everything was perfect.
2 hours: Tommy got there with a suit and a tie that was ties badly
1 hour 30 minutes: You and tommy set the table and clean the house. you fail to figure out how to tie tommy’s tie
1 hour: you start dinner and Tommy calls phil to help him tie his tie.
30 mins: you finish up dinner and you get out wilbur’s favorite wine
20 mins: you double check everything for 10 minutes
10 mins: you wake up Tommy from his nap and cehck to make sure you look good.
5 mins: you triple check that you look okay and you serve the food.
1 minute: You light the candles
0 mins: You hear a knock.
“Is that him?!?” you say with a cheerful smile. Tommy smiles, “No it’s the mailman.” he jokes. you roll your eyes and open the door. Wilbur has the biggest smile on his face and he’s holding flowers. You close the door behind you, not wanting to ruin the surprise, and jump into his arms. he gives you small kisses all around your face and neck; your giggling at his touch. he finally lets you go and you were so excited to see his reaction.
His eyes widen at the sight of you in the dress and he begins to ask questions. “YN? Where did you-“ you stopped him and grabbed his arm, interlocking your arm in his. you yelled out to tommy, “Ready!” tommy opens the door and the smell of delicious food swept through the door.
The sight of warm lighting and wine glasses were shows on the small table. Warm jazz music was playing and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Wilbur. His mouth was agape and his eyes completely widened. He turned to look at Tommy, who had his hair slicked back and a napkin on his arm (still holding the door open he cleared his throat.) “Welcome Mr. Gold and Ms. LN. I have your table ready right over there. He nudged his head towards the table and you and Wilbur walked in. Tommy quickly close the door and pulled out the chairs for both you and Wilbur.
Wilbur sat down, still in shock, and looked at his plate. Tommy spoke up, “You see, we already served you food because your girlfriend here, preordered. Wilbur laughed and Tommy grabbed the wine glass. “Tell me when to stop.” He started to pour the wine and Wilbur told him to stop about halfway, you did the same.
“Anything else?” Tommy asked.
“That’ll be all. Thank you.” Tommy winked at you and nodded his head. As he walked away you turned back to Wilbur. “So?” His mouth is still slightly open but soon enough, his cheeky smile appeared back on his face.
“Well, i feel like I’m a bit underdressed.” You both laughed and spent the rest of the night talking while Tommy took photos of both of you.
What a lovely night.
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narwhalandchill · 8 months ago
(soo ignition teaser thoughts ig)
hmmmm im ngl the trailer itself as a like prelude to what is coming in 5.0 intrigue and plot wise is like. compared to the region teasers that came before w lazzo and overture. its just. its kinda bad im sorry KWKJKWDJKWDJK like okay cool seeing the new cast and production value is high as always (+ music) but its such a middling teaser for the story itself?? it feels like a powerpoint presentation of the cast more than anything narratively coherent with an inherent draw and mystery
like theres mavuika speaking to the flame thingy (xbalanque that u? "one entombed in the primal fire" perhaps????) with some intrigue i suppose as well as her brief thing w capitano. ororon also appearing to be working together or aligned with capitano given theyre standing together there which could make for an interesting plot thread but beyond that its very.... eh. its not giving us a lot to grip onto ya know???? and thats rly a shame especially since i also felt that way abt the teaser in the 4.8 livestream. i wish we got more
and sure theres a tournament wahoo but like. its really Not helping to hype up that thing when half the introduced cast isnt being like "OMG the tournament!!!!1!1 this is HUGE!!!1" (or even. "oh no this is BAD!!!1" to set up basic conflict. like why would they dread it?) but instead just. "oh right... the tournament 🙄🙄" like who thought that was a good idea 😭😭 if the PEOPLE of natlan dgaf abt the big plot event happening then how am i as the viewer supposed to feel majorly invested in it . wow theyre tossing a ball around . wow nobody wants it guess ur tournament is having a bit of a PR issue in the making mavuika lmao
anyway i wouldnt even call myself a true capitano glazer despite being a fatuiHQ enjoyer on the side but like. that hmph still carried welcome capHIMpeaktano truly o7 JWDJWDJKDWJK also did yall see the. anemo-ish turquoise flare when mavuika is confronting (?) him? wonder if thats a thing with her flames or is it implying cap as anemo or sth.... i think itd fit him decent enough but ya. looking forward to HIM for sure
(+ congrats to him for losing the goofy timbs from arles animated short lmao like his design looks so fucking sick now)
character design wise uhhhh. well theres the obvious huge fucking issue here and while id say that hoyo p much already showed their true colors on the matter with sumeru that doesnt rly. make it any less disappointing and egregious wrt all the cultures and peoples theyre So willing to gather inspiration from in all possible aspects Other than the diversity of the people themselves. like its just... bad and such a shame but also not very surprising unfortunately.
(and really it just. looks especially bad given they clearly Can put melanin on people its just... enemy mobs only.)
beyond that i kind of dont have anyone that super catches my eye rn??? mainly because . well leaks moment eek but its basically official info now so basically. xilonens existence as a geo and a 5* (which like . u dont need leaks to guess she will be im sorry jdwjdw) was leaked a bit ago as well as the patch she should appear meaning. im actually in chiori rerun savings mode since its very high chance that she will be back w xilonen if anyone. so thats my plan for now kjdwjkdwjkdwjk
in terms of the actual cast i do like kinich and ororons designs v much, the design motifs of the latter especially are interesting bc those eye-like patterns are almost giving quantum symbol (= black hole imagery) to me???? and thats V interesting especially if hes actually working w capitano and the fatui. now him being a cat boy or whatever animals ears those turn out to be isnt like sth thats huge for Me personally but i do think hes valid and also W for anyone whos into that, congrats guys im happy for u ! but like fr itd be such an insane twist if hoyos Finally introducing the void quantum abyss whatever element w him (and maybe cap too.) bc that symbol Rly is looking Curious. or then hes just electro lol. for kinich its like. yeah fair he might be xiao-tighnari-gaming from minecraft ill admit that but. i do like the color scheme and his outfit a lot JKWJKDJKDWJKD so like i forgive it
w the girlies i overall find them all like. quite nice but so far without any personality + lore known its hard to settle my complete thoughts on them just yet. tho citlali being pink is super refreshing for genshin since we do have a shocking absence of it so like shes definitely one im drawn to, chasca looks interesting and like she could play a bigger part plot wise (maybe?) so that might be neat. both her and citlali being cryo is kinda surprising?? but cool. maybe ill get to unbench my shenhe and play some cryo teams again lmao freeze has been dead in abyss for so long now....
xilonen again w the kemomimi isnt sth im particularly into or not into but she looks cool, depending on personality and how her kit synergies turn out (+ assuming the chiori rerun, the fate of those pulls too), i might try for her as well? theres an Energy to her i like it. if she has proper Attitude and flair thats gonna be a massive bonus for me
mualani i think is rather bland to me, sth about her outfit and design just doesnt click for me even if the shark thing from the teaser before is neat and everything. the chibis are never sth im actively drawn to but like both do look okay, im kinda hoping kachina could be a lynette moment for 5.x and end up a free 4* since her exploration roomba looks p fun
anyway then theres. mavuika and i. well at least the design wasnt. That concept art one (ThoseWhoKnow...) . so instant massive W improvement solely on that basis holy fucking shit but ehhhhh im sorry i still dont know how to feel abt the very modern like. biker bodysuit thingy. im not a huge fan of the bodysuit type designs anyway so its not that surprising but still. her eyes + hair is absolutely stunning tho like not a question at all.
tbh in a way i kinda feel like having too many Thoughts on her design is kinda just unnecessary bc like. shes the archon. of Course the kit is going to be insane so i will get her anyway (UNLESS a pyro onfielder JKWJKJKWJKWJKWFKJ like god please no). and in terms of like is her design and energy from what this vid is giving us good enough that i wont like. Actively resent having to get her for meta and strong teams??? Absolutely. so in that sense ig its all cool lmao
but yeah. idk i just think as a teaser for the upcoming story its rly a shame how weak this felt for me???? like sure overture ended up being a bit of a misleading teaser since it gave the impression of arle as this mastermind of the fontaine AQ which didnt rly happen but it still served as a source of hype and intrigue. and yes lazzo is sth that can Never rly be beat in terms of how out of nowhere it was and how fucking insane the whole harbinger reveal went (+ elogia cinerosa existing) for lore and long term hype but its just. unfortunately those 2 are the regional teasers this natlan one is supposedly meant to parallel and it just didnt deliver anything comparable to those for me
like still looking forward to natlan and seeing the rest of its cast (like im fairly convinced the flame thingy might be xbalanque and hes gonna be a big deal ultimately or sth) and where it goes and all its environments but this trailer didnt rly. grip me the way i wouldve expected it to. which is unfortunate kdjkdwjkwjkdwj but yea thats all
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lwwife · 1 year ago
There not just one person though. At least 3 different people have said it now. Just admit that you’re a shit writer and move on
you can tell this is all one person but okay. i don’t know why you have to do this, i’ve done nothing to offend you. what you’re doing is actually really hurtful. even though this is just a small piece of writing on an app it’s something that i’m creating, and you calling me shit and constantly insulting me effects a lot of things, and someone’s belief in themself. you don’t know anything about me, or how your words can affect other people. i seriously cannot comprehend why someone would be so awful over me using the word eek. it’s just insane to me. the fact you continue to remain anonymous is just even worse.
i started writing about 4 days ago and have turned out around 7 fics in that time. i felt motivated and happy writing and you’ve made me lose so much motivation. now when im writing i’m scanning over every word and deleting things all the time, constantly thinking everything i write is shit. even with all the support i’ve received it’s the nasty things that get to you. this entire situation is absolutely ridiculous. you seriously need to grow up. stop pressing the anonymous button and show yourself. block me, i don’t care but just please leave me alone, i don’t understand why you have such a problem with me, i’ve done nothing to you. please leave me alone!
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jils-things · 1 year ago
skips in hello hi jil i'd love to talk abt them im so sorryy i've been thinking abt them too much teehee ty soso much for letting me gush abt my loves eek ♡ random bit of lore but ? marianne moves and when she's getting her trainer card changed over at the lab sina mentions they've been studying fairy types and since it's a ' new phenomena ' marianne goes ' what ? ' - she has . . no clue what that is months later when marianne's having catchup w augustine abt data on mega n stuff she mentions she loves flowers and has a flower press handed down from her grandma from galar but hasn't had a chance to go out and do anything yet since she came to kalos - kind of like a side note - and he goes ' oh i'm actually double checking this field work sina and dexio did out on route 4 - bunch of flowers there do you want to come ? ' and she's super shy but says sure , i wanna see what fairy types are anyway i still don't really know ? ( she's not a dex holder so she has like no way of . . . being that knowledgable ? ) they go there and she's like v nervous because he's just going over notes and looking through his tablet or whatever but encourages her to go ( vulnerability ? huge lore theme ) and she starts collecting flowers and opens her press and he's like ' oh so this is what you do ? ' and she's so nervous and is like ' yeah . . v_v ' and he's basically completely forgotten abt what he's there for bc he's just v interested in people anyway and his main focus / passion is mega not typing matchups so starts asking her abt flowers and she's so so happy to talk abt flower language and turns out he knows it too ( he loves lavender it turns out since - although its different in kalos ( ' french ' lavender ) it reminds him of home + he also has fond memories of floaroma back in sinnoh so he really really likes flowers ) and they sit there talking about ' i think a persons favourite flower reveals a lot abt them ' and it's one of their first like , one on one moments thats not at a cafe or at the lab and she has this cute interaction w the flabebe obv bc they ride on flowers ? she's totally smitten w them and he's like ' oh yeah fairy type ! look - it's a bit like you ' ok thank you thank you so sorry this was super long forgive mee . . i should be asleep hehe ; bye bye + niniii ! ( priv or not up to you ! )
CHARM HEWWO... omg dude im so... i just learned the deeper meaning of marianne and her flowers this is so.... homaGAD.... NONO IM SO SPEECHLESS IN A WAY THAT IM JUST AMAZED HOW IT PLAYED OUT.... what was supposed to be a little visit to see the fairy types ended up being sycamore slowly learning more about this kind lady and her little interest with flowers... and given how he's reminded of the flowers in sinnoh OHHGFO IT JUST PIECES TOGETHER NICELY IM SOOO EEEEEE 💚💚💚 he even FORGOT what were they here for (silly man.. silly silly)
i appreciate people who are more fascinated in the person they're talking to its just shows they're super attentive and im sure this little flower fact will come in handy for him when he wants to... dare i say, impress her??? 🤭 egads... do you think at one point in their relationship she makes a pressed flower plate or something for him??? or maybe the other way around???? 😳 me brain wanderin oopsie....
UEUEUEUE I LOVE FLABEBES SO MUCH (i had one in my xy gameplay and im. very overprotective of it) I LOVE SEEIN THEM INCORPORATED IN THEIR WIDDLE LOVE STORY EHRHRHHEHRD sycamore would absolutely just... watch her with a flabebe in silence and realize how similar they are... in beauty and gentleness wiwiwiw (also now it just hits harder for me cuz i remember one of the sycamari comms you shared had flabebes in it im hrujrururr 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
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misqnon · 1 year ago
HI im the anon who sent in that ask about one piece the other day and!!! AGHH. im too shy and socially anxious to send a message so sorry for communicating through asks but !!
THANK UU for responding to me !! it makes me so happy when people seem excited to talk to me, and i love hearing about peoples interests, so. i was very happy reading ur reply!!!! also this is probably an even longer message 😭 i cant help it i love to ramble
my history with one piece is long and complicated LMAO so i wont rant about it, but i started watching anime when i was 7 and one piece caught my attention when i was 10 i think, so ive had a lot of time to experience it tbh. but i was never that into it until i read the manga!! if im recommending one piece, i usually recommend the manga because its so much easier to get through imo.
honestly now that im caught up im like.. so afraid for the end of one piece. i never want it to end. i keep hearing that this is the final saga, and that one piece is ending soon, and my brain just. cannot comprehend it. i dont know if its just denial or what but i fully believe it won't end for another 5 years.. i havent experienced enough of the one piece world!!! i need more!! tell me everything about everyone in one piece PLEASE . it cant end . and those thoughts have been plaguing my mind since i restarted it LOL
looking at old forums to see peoples opinions from when each chapter dropped is genius??? i might have to do that.. i want to see their theories. i want to say "you have no idea whats in store...." or admire how smart they are for guessing things correctly
i find it funny that u like sanji cuz i have such complicated feelings around him. like he was my absolute favorite upon first introduction. i loved his kindness, i loved his interactions with gin, and i thought he was cool as hell. he was definitely a positive role model for my very damaged child brain. but i think the pervert joke and him treating women differently has pretty much ruined him for me. when i was younger a part of me felt like it was only right that he treat women better, but im pretty sure i just felt that way bc i hated the experience of being born female so much that the only way i could cope was by taking every and any advantage i could get. and then i figured out i was non binary.. and hes been turned into the most cartoonishly disgusting pervert .. and i see his potential and it just.. UGH!! you could have been so good. anyways all my feelings around him make it a lot more interesting to see u talk about him!! usually i just headcanon him as transfem and that satiates my burning rage and hatred towards him. but seeing sanji likers talk about liking sanji makes me actually like sanji more!! at this rate i might turn back into a sanji fan
im not in any one piece fan spaces but i AM consuming one piece content as often as possible (so all day. i dont have. a job. or school.). i know this is most likely a passing hyperfixation for me but im loving it anyways. i will definitely keep an eye on ur blog bc im sooo excited for when u catch up. im having so much fun theorizing about the end of the story and . and i hope u will too!! eek rant over thanks for listening (metaphorically)
HI ANON!! once again putting this under cut bc i will once again be freely speaking my way too many thoughts about the silly pirate manga. (fair warning. this. this is 2K words. anon im.....so sorry)
you don't have to worry about communicating through asks btw i literally do not care do whatever makes u comfortable my dude <3 and 1. thank YOU for sending a message :^) 2. i am loving the joyous atmosphere we have created ranting at each other back and forth HAHAHA it makes me happy to talk about interests like this as well!! (looks at length of my last reply and this one) clearly. we can think of this as like. electronic pen pals 👍bc i do be basically writing letters here LMAO
yea as u can tell its a little complicated for me too lmao ( i mean. the damn thing has been going on longer than i've been alive, so. it's touched many people in many ways. and it's complicated in its OWN right which. i'll get to. but holy shit 7 is younger than i expected! thats still a pretty long history (though i cant talk bc at age 4 i had a crush on goku even tho i had no idea what was happening half the time i was watching the dbz reruns on tv </3) and YEA. YEA THE MANGA IS. SO MUCH MORE STREAMLINED AND WELL PACED. EVEN THO I MISS THE COLOR AND MOVEMENT AND VOICE ACTING OF THE ANIME it was just takin too long. and i really like oda's art, so...reading the manga lets me look at it better. and there's more care put into the frames. but overall ur right the manga is chefs kiss in comparison to other versions (WHICH ARENT BAD!! JUST...SLOW. and though i think the live action wasnt really NEEDED i did. like it. and it is what got me back into op + got me caught up through east blue a lot faster HAHA)
tbh hearing that its in its last saga made me feel like i got into one piece at a really good time bc if i plan it right i can catch up and then follow along with the release for only a little while until its done. also the live action s2 and the "The One Piece" reanimated anime will be coming soon too. the content saturation is everywhere 👍(showering in it) THOUGH I DO FEEL A BIT PRESSURED LIKE. WHAT IF ONE PIECE FINISHES BEFORE I CATCH UP . which is insane bc im almost to wano (even though i hear wano is really long). and also...i think its been called the final "saga" but idk if that means final ARC you know...kinda like how water 7 and enies lobby kinda blend into one. or impel down and marineford are lumped together. idk i feel like we got a bit more. i just feel like there's so much we havent got answered yet and i dont think oda would just leave that stuff hanging. i know there;s a list out there of things that one piece needs to adress/come back to before it finishes but i havent looked at it bc im afraid of spoilers. however, just in my own mind theres a LOT i know has to happen that we need plenty of time for!! so. i wouldnt be surprised if it WAS 5 more years. i mean like...shanks needs to happen. i think zoro and sanji are gonna have a battle at some point (based on stuff ive seen from wano. im assuming) they gotta see laboon again. gotta revisit shirahoshi's situation. gotta see the dreams come true of each crewmate. tie off loose ends of side characters like tashigi and koby and the warlords. yanno
the "you have no idea what's in store.." is literally my exact emotions . i havent done it for this fandom YET but i plan to go to forums reading over ppl's theories like this
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slash seeing how they react and getting giddy about it bc i like seeing how people react to shit. esp if they're shocked or enthusiastic about it like i usually am
about sanji. okay. listen. listen here. i. hate sanji. JNFNVFKDNL
no but actually no matter how complicated someone's feelings are towards sanji i promise you for sanji likers they are probably 100x more complicated unless they're weird dudebros who think he's cool (which he is but only like 10% of the time and not when he's being a chauvinistic ass)
one thing about me is that i. hate doing things that are distasteful or offensive in any capacity and that extends to the media i consume in that i dont like consuming media that is excessively problematic. i understand nuance so like OBVIOUSLY nothing is perfect and everything has problematic elements - but for a lot of shows there's one too many things on one side of the scale and i just dont like having that guilt on my shoulders consuming it. one piece fits that category but it's also SO BIG and SO LONG and its been going on for a WHILE and is such a phenomenon that i can let SOME stuff "slide"...and also realize "bitch one piece is so popular and near its end at this point that you, a single tumblr user, liking it or not liking it is not going to make a difference" and i'm (still) trying to make peace with that. things like oda's passive racism, The Entirety of Kamabakka Kingdom (literally don't even get me started), his blatant sexism in universe and his own opinions in the SBS...i've just come to realize i need to consume my media critically but still let myself have fun. im going through a rough period in life and this happens to be what my brain hyperfixated on and i cant change that so might as well have this outlet. ive made a lot of friends and am really enjoying the story for its good parts (found family, anti government and anti authoritarianism, importance of dreams and ambition and self love, the importance of mental health and trauma and how your past doesnt define you...etc)
i extend a lot of this thinking to sanji, too. to be fair i dont remember why he became my favorite. i think he was my fav when i watched it all those years ago but he wasnt a BIG FAV or anything. watching film red and the opla i think i went into it remembering he was my fav and he just stayed that way, but then i watched more and really started to like him for reasons like 1. im weak to flirtatious characters in general 2. im also weak to blonde men 😔 3. he's an asshole with a kind heart and i love a good juxtaposition 4. he just has some really cool badass moments tbh 5. and he's a LOT. i love characters that are a lot. he's loud and messy and overreactive and prissy and insecure and self sacrificing and also just SECRETLY ONE OF THE KINDEST MOST COMPASSIONATE MEMBERS OF THE CREW? notice how none of these have to do with his pervert shtick lmao
i do actually like his woman thing to an extent, i think its cute when its just him having heart eyes at every woman he sees and being weak to literally any woman who looks at him- cause that's still putting women on a pedestal, but its a fairly harmless character flaw for a fictional character to have. pre-timeskip sanji is a gift for all these reasons. and like, thats when everyone fell in love w his character i think. i MIGHT even forgive his whole "i wont hit a woman" thing bc its not like he doesnt think women shouldnt be hit in general to such an extent (i dont think he ever opposes to anyone else doing it on the crew, HE just doesnt like doing it PERSONALLY bc its his own moral principle he wont break just like the whole wont fight with his hands thing) even if the whole thing stems from the sexist belief women are lesser/weaker (esp after his backstory reveals some stuff)
but the pervert shtick? and the WRITING HIM AS TRANSPHOBIC/HOMOPHOBIC THING?? yea i literally hate that part of his character so much and wish it wasnt added. like i see how it relates to the character oda has decided sanji is but i still dont think it was needed. or okay. lol. i dont think any sanji fan actually likes this part of him. somedays i look at myself in the mirror and i'm like "am i fangirling over a more conventionally attractive bnha mineta rn" and i put on my clown makeup
but he's more than that. for all the reasons i listed above. and the BIGGEST thing that keeps me sane as a Sanji Liker (tm) is the fact that i 100% see half of his shitty character traits as something that are a product of Oda, the author, influencing his own work. im not gonna lie that canonly he still gave sanji those traits so yea like as a trans (? still working on that) GNC bisexual woman my favorite character atm is this weird little guy who's kinda chauvinistic and also canonly a homophobe (...at least, to an extent, bc apparently he has a really good relationship with iva? again, i could write an essay on just the queer rep as well) and thats a little embarrassing but. alas. i already fell in love with the character. and if you consider the writing is done by a dude who's got his own issues and just take the character for what he is...i do still rlly enjoy the idiot. and TRUST ME, i will headcanon him as a repressed bisexual who's probably GNC or a little trans or AT LEAST likes to do drag bc c'mon now. oda PUT ALL THAT IN CANON...AND EXPECTS US NOT TO PLAY WITH IT? you could make a compelling argument that he's 1000% straight and cis and kamabakka was a fluke that he resents but i think you could just as easily interpret it the other way. or just say fuck word of god i'm gonna enjoy this character the way i want (draws sanji in a dress for the millionth time bc i can and it makes me feel better. and once again HE WORE ONE IN CANON...AND WAS SMILING ABOUT IT, FOR A WHILE. IDK IDK CALL ME CRAZY) tldr; sanji is fucked but the worst parts are a product of oda himself and i like the character for other reasons and purposely try to consume him very critically for those reasons bc i do still really like him. like. hes my #1 fav character atm unfortunately. but he's nice in a lot of other ways 🥲
SORRY FOR THAT I TALKED WAYYY TOO MUCH!!!! but i enjoyed it so thanks for the opportunity :') im glad ur vibing with op and we're both enjoying this silly little show. tbh half the reason im trying to read it so fast (and why i read WCI early) is bc i was scared my hyperfixation wouldnt last long enough to finish the series BWAHAHA. here's to hoping we both get to see it end and enjoy the journey that comes with that!
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 4 years ago
Chapter Thirty-Three: Deus Ex Machine, episode reaction.
Is that an angel?
Nick, you're a student at Greendale High?
Sabrina's reaction is relatable.
Ha! Faustus is so bitter, but Prudence and Ambrose are better than he is so again HA!
Lilith looks exhausted, I want to hug her!
Hilda calling her darling. 😭🙂❤️
Hilda ignoring Lilith's protests of entering the room.
Lilith is such a protective mom. With good reason!
Hilda when Lilith tells her her plans to remain in the bedroom until Adam is 16. ☠️😂
Nick telling Sabrina they couldn't fully commit, and her pointing out that it was him who couldn't, and then her pointing out he was a sex addict. ☠️
Sabrina calling him Ariel. 😭😂
That's not alarming in the slightest that a bunch of spikey rocks have started breaking through random places.
Can I punch Caliban in the face for what he attempted to do to Lilith? Please?
Awkward date alert.
Hilda. 😂
The giggling is really creepy.
I kinda like Moth, sassy.
Poor Ambrose. 😂
There's something wrong in Greendale, read the signs!
Eek, maggots.
Judith and Judas, what have you done?
This is why you can't co exist with yourself dduplicate self
Ambrose is on the verge of a mental breakdown, and is so shocked that Sabrina is actually taking responsibility for something she's done.
I'm willing to bet Zelda is going to be beyond angry.
Shit, Caliban is in the same building as Lilith.
And Lucifer.
This is very bad. Very bad indeed.
I love that Hilda loved The Parent Trap.
Poor Ambrose.
Zelda is beyond angry.
Robin's likely leaving?
I'm getting LOTR vibes.
Wait, Theo can come too?
The Morningstar's interacting with Nick, awkward.
I feel like if Lucifer finds Lilith, he may take Adam from her and not allow her any contact with her child.
I really hope that doesn't happen.
Nick has a 1% chance of Sabrina forgiving him.
Roz getting nauseated and leaving Prudence to torture Blackwood in peace.
Everyone praying to their respective power sources makes me laugh because of how awkward it must be.
Theo's staying and so is Robin!
Hali is not a good sign.
Pearling is really not good.
The False God, fun.
A Sabrina has to die, fitting.
Merging is a good idea.
A better one.
Sabrina trying to get another day when the world is going to shit, and getting told no is probably the best thing.
Lilith giving Hilda Adam to safe keep must have been so difficult, because she doesn't really trust anyone and yet she in entrusting Hilda with quite possibly the most precious thing she has.
A son does need his mother when his father is satan!
Turn around bright eyes!
No but I'm fast forwarding through this whole scene because I don't really want or need to see Sabrina's Spellman having sex with Nick.
Lilith won't let her son be taken, and my heart hurts.
I'm miffed at Moth but I kinda agree with her. Also, I love her hair.
"Once was not enough" is he talking about the sex or is he talking about lifetimes? Either way, blah.
Metatron is me.
The merge sounds the same as the merge in the Vampire Diaries universe.
Metatron is a jerk and knew that both Sabrinas are likely to die.
Did they really have to kill Metatron in that way? Yuck.
Zelda and Lucifer ready to sacrifice Sabrina Morningstar to the other earth and both Sabrinas being offended is great.
But not as great as Sabrinas deciding which of them will go by playing rock, paper, scissors.
Aw Morningstar lost.
The child! *Mind immediately goes to baby Yoda*
Aw, Theo. My poor baby.
This other universe, I bet that's the one with the Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda from Sabrina the teenage witch.
No turning back now.
Oh my god I was right!
No not Adam! Nooooooo!
Oh my heart no!
No she's human!
I don't think she faked Adam's death.
And now I feel sick.
After the events of that day I would not see a falling star as a good sign.
They should have titled this episode Sabrina Through The Looking Glass.
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hypnotixstorm · 5 years ago
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* to do list *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Normal Text = Have NOT started working on the request
Bold and Pink Text = I am CURRENTLY working on the request
Once I have completed a request it will be REMOVED from this list
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Can I get an imagine of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho? Maybe an AU hundreds of years ago where he ends up caring for a human woman and teaching her how to defend herself. If you don't like that one, anything you think of.
Character: Kanda from DGM NSFW Prompt: "Make me." Love youuuuuu 😘
How about a NSFW scenario of Kakashi coming home to his sweet little naughty civilian S/O? 😜 A bit of role play where they call him sensei while he's doing them on the kitchen table?
Thanks for the Soi Bean Post! This gonna be my last Soi Fon request. Sorry for being quite a Soi Queen freak. For my request can you Soi after shower decides to wear s/o clothes. S/O tries to take picture of her. Then she tells that she has falling in love with you. You have changed let me take care of you. You can be very very very sluff on this one. Thanks!
ok ok so i have a few requests 🥺🥺 so! first could you maybe do an “I missed you.” with Rukia? 🥺💗 just fluff for my baby girl aaaa
Ichigo kissing his s/o in the rain 😆😆😆 Headcanons or scenario is up to you! 💙
ANYTHING SHIKAMARU. Deadass anything
Hey! I was wondering if I could request some Rukia x fem!reader relationship headcannons? Only if you're able to! Tysm! 💖
I hope requests are open but I was wondering if you could do something with byakuya and his s/o being like a very intimidating couple but his s/o is actually very sweet to everyone?
Kakashi x reader and instead of team 7 its now y/n tryna see whats under the mask and eventually she just asks and he actually reveals it adfhsjjs
Can I please get rat dad Ging being seduced by a younger woman who refuses to take “no” for an answer until he finally gives her what she wants? NSFW please! 💖
ok so please don't feel pressured to write this birthday imagine 🥺 i know u have a lot of requests rn ah. but! if you're able to i really would love another toshiro one bc i'm a sucker for him 😭 maybe one where he's really overworking himself so the reader helps him relax and it just ends in cuddles 🥺💓 only if you're able to! ilysm 💓💖💓💖💓💘💓💘💓
ok i swear this is the last one i feel bad requesting sm 😭 but maybe a “Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?” with toshiro bc he really is best boy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY SO ANOTHER ONE WITH SABURO WITH UHHHH GOING ON A FIRST DATE WITH HIS S/O ICIXHAJGSSHSSUSKSU he'll probs driving his van around with the music blasting out 👀👀
honestly i would kinda die if u wrote some renji smut 😳😳 literally in any situation, i'm just needy rn 😭
ok ok i'm here hehe. how about, the reader gets really injured during a battle and shiro's kinda blaming himself for it. kindaaa angst into a super fluffy ending if that's ok hhh 🥺
Hi 🥰 Can I get a headcanon for Kakashi with a really seductive s/o, like she likes to tease him in public and whispers dirty things in his ear and calls him daddy? Nsfw pls? 😊😁
“make me” and hisoka??? thank you
hehe this is for the 🦋🦋 event! congrats on 200 bb!! so, i saw attack on titan on your list and i'm experiencing a severe lack of my best boy marco 🥺🥺 if you don't write for him that's fine hehe, but if you do, could i please maybe get a lil scenario where marco helps the reader out with her training and then they accidentally confess their feelings and it's just rlly fluffy and cute? 🥺 i need marco being happy in my life rn sbdjdhdjr 💓💓
“If you keep biting your lip like that, I’m holding you accountable for my actions.” for Kakashi please! I love him 🤤
If your requests are still open, can i ask for some domestic kakashi fluff? Ty
Hi mommas❤️❤️ CAN I PWEASE request some Guren (seraph of the end) relationship headcanons ? Not nsfw but maybe a little steamy 🥺🥰 I LOVE UU -🍒
Hi Chloe 🥰 Can I have some spicy nsfw headcanons for Yami where his s/o is acting really bratty during sex and he puts her in her place? 😪😂😊
Kageyama wirh Oikawas sister reader? there just chillin Nd stuff and toru comes over and picks y/n up and they hug and kageyama is like “eXcuSe mE???” forgive my spelling im on mobile lmao
Hiii❤️❤️ Can I request an imagine where you live in a small town and work at a cafe and Bakugou is your cliche small town boyfriend? Or headcanons! The idea is so cute and I love your writing 😊
okay so uHHHHH you can just go for Mephisto sharing some food with his s/o owo;; take your time on it too because i know it's gonna be really great either way!
A reader insert saved by vampire! main YYH crew from a pack of werewolves
Since you said requests are open maybe.. suga subbing for you? Idk he's just always appeared like someone who would love to please you in anyway possible.
V A M P I R E LAVI!!! DO IT GIRL!! 👌👌♥️♥️♥️
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
hello ✨💕 it’s me, ryn 😘 if it’s okay, can i request a nishinoya x female!reader? perhaps a first date at the boardwalk with like the rides and carnival stuff? then at the end of the date he kisses her and it turns out the karasuno squad was following them the whole night hehe?
Hi! Can I request a prompt of some soft Kakashi, maybe some cuddles, perhaps it gets a little heated... a lil' Nsfw never hurt nobody👀👅 Thank you so muuch!~😍❤️
If I had kakashi in front of me I would tell him “aren’t you tired of being the most handsome man here?”
Hi! I saw that requests were open for the Haikyuu!! boys so here I am! I was wondering if I could request a Tsukki x reader where Tsukki has a crush on the reader but doesn't know how to express his feelings other then throwing insults. it can be angsty or fluffy I just really love Tsukki as a tsundere lol. (also btw I LOVE your theme and blog aesthetic its very pretty!)
Hey wifey😚 so Ichigo has stolen my heartttt can I get the strawberry boy with an S/O who gets super shy with with physical contact? Tyy💗💗
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
NSFW Vampire Squall (FF8) for very obvious reasons because UUUUUUGH
Hello there miss, my name is kandaxxx. Nice to meet you since I have definitely never requested from you before and this is definitely my first time and i am definitely not taking advantage of your bomb writing skills to ask you to write a “Choke me, daddy.” for Seymour from FF (love you forever and always!!!!!!)
hey butterfly 🥺 can you please write a story where the reader and (any character) are fighting and it turns out it was just about something stupid? like chicken nuggets? thank you 🥺💗
Eek! DGM! I was wondering if you would do a request for a general Allen Walker relationship HC? I don’t see him on the character list, but I’m just curious *bows* Thankyou senpai!
Spin The Bottle with any of the DGM characters that you're comfortable writing????? (but like obviously when Kanda spins the bottle it has to land on the reader [me] because YOU KNOW WHY OK????????) ilysm!!! 😍
I’m thinking a smut scenario of some kind that uses the prompts “Perhaps I need to remind you of your place.” and “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.” I feel like those are very Nozel Silva things to say. 😈 -bakubabes-hatake
Omfg HI mommy, Can i request really fluffy and soft itachi after he comes back from a mission? Non-massacre AU and you’re on the same team as sasuke lolol thirsty for them age gaps ❤️ thank youuuu ily -🍒
Can I get a fake dating with Kand--Roy Mustang (hahahaha) 👉👈🥺
Is this okay to ask for? Egor taking care of s/o who has period cramps... Ty!
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
Hello! Can I please request some headcanons for Kiba with a S/O with a praise kink? And for Shikamaru with a S/O with a choking kink? Thank you so much.
Wow. Here is me putting in a request. Shocker, right?? 😂 I want some Greed, baby 😈 as for the prompt, it's not in your list, but could you maybe do something based off of "Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?" ???? 👉👈
It's a shame u only have one ling request, so could I request some Ling x Reader where they're both absolutely oblivious until Lan Fan or Ed or someone finally just tells them for them? Sorry if I didn't make any sense ❤️❤️
ok idk if you write threesomes but 😳😳 if you could write one with daichi and suga n maybe some dp, i'd probably die 🥺💓 only if you're comfortable with that tho ♡
Tyki flirting with his crush in his native language of Portuguese? I really love your work and please have some candy 🍬🍭🍫
hi butterfly! 🥰 i hope you're doing well! you already know what i'm going to ask you for — a request! i just feel really down in the dumps lately. can i request headcanons for an s/o that takes graduation pictures on their grandmother's 3 year death anniversary with kenma, nishinoya & kuroo? i hope you can do my request! you don't have to do it if you don't want to!
hehehe kuroo, tsukki and kageyama headcanons of their s/o sending them a nude while they at training and them making an excuse to get home and fUcK yOu SeNsELeSs - 🌊
Hello may I request itachi x reader. People learned the truth and he can finally return to his wife and children in the village 🥺 and they don’t have to be in secret anymore
holy shit,, i am starved for the squall content,,, if you don't mind, catching you wearing their clothes?
S/O walking in on kakashi masturbating? 👉👈 💕
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lesbiansforboromir · 6 years ago
im sorry but im a shameless aragorn/denethor shipper. do you have any thoughts about how shit would have played out if both denethor and boromir had lived in a universe with past denethor/aragorn? would the old flame rekindle despite the animosity that aragorn claiming the throne would cause? would boromir ever find out that his father had a fling with aragorn, and how would he react if he did find out?
Migraines give me the time to finally sit down and reply to all my inbox but they don’t give me the skill so bare with me but FUCK I’m glad to know there are more Denethor/Aragorn shippers. ANyway, getting to it-
I’m iffy on how much of a relationship Denethor and Thorongil had all those years ago. Denethor’s married to Finduilas early on in that whole timeline, there isn’t much space for anything but a VERY hot and heavy and quick affair. But that definitely does suit them I suppose. 
I think I might go for a sort of… they’ve been dancing around each other for a few years and perhaps there’s a very sudden and surprising moment where Aragorn kisses Denethor- man perhaps… just before that last siege on Umbar. They’re both miles and miles from home… this whole intense thing between them is much starker after spending all this close knit and dramatic time together, and Thorongil knows he’s going to be leaving after this, essentially abandoning Denethor. 
It all gets too heavy, there’s an illicit kiss in the Captain’s quarters of Denethor’s ship, it lasts too long, they both come out of it knowing for a fact that the other feels the same way. Aragorn’s purpose is achieved, Denethor knows he loves him, and Aragorn knows he’s loved in return. But Denethor is married and this is not something he can do- it’s not even something he can explore! Think about! Despite how important Aragorn has become in his life, how oddly vital his company is, how strangely he’s stepped into this role of a confidante that understands him in a very specific way- Finduilas is also all those things, and she deserves so much better from him. They part ways, it’s more of a goodbye than anything that happens later.
Which makes a meeting between them after the siege at Minas Tirith all the more intense. In this kind of timeline it works best if Boromir was just saved at Parth Galen and followed the three hunters (meaning Denethor never even thinks Boromir’s dead), so you can also add in a juicy little nugget of ‘Aragorn actually did get there in time to save Boromir and took a few arrows for him to boot because it’s Denethor’s son of course he will! He has too!’ So now you have a great deal of emotions to get your teeth into. 
Denethor’s suspicious of Aragorn first, but that gets conflicted with tales his son tells of Aragorn saving his life later. And then Aragorn goes and saves Faramir too, it makes it difficult. Aragorn hasn’t changed at all, he even looks like Denethor remembers him. Which adds another knot of discolour to this picture, Denethor does not, Denethor looks ragged, rough edged, powerful but battered and old, despite only being 2 years older than Aragorn. I think there’s a little guilt to it for Aragorn, Denethor’s given up so much of himself just in the defense of Gondor, a kind of sacrifice that Aragorn hasn’t known. Aragorn hadn’t overestimated him precisely, but he’d underestimated how much of a toll it would all take. Perhaps… he should have been here, could he have? Could he have helped? Somehow? He’s not used to doubting himself overmuch, but this… 
So they start off with confusion that Denethor decides to deal with by not dealing with it. First they have to make plans for the battle at the Black Gate, which Denethor comes to by the way, ‘At the end of the world, I care little for the will of Kings’ he says. Looking Aragorn in the eye. As he shucks his robes of state and reveals the chain mail he still wears every day. And then there’s a beat where they fight and lead and battle together. Again. It’s like he never left, which is infuriating and uplifting and heartbreaking for the both of them. All this lost time. Yet they still know each other this well. Dreadful!
But it all feeds into that slow break down of barriers for them to finally start talking to each other. They have to discuss the whole kingship thing next, which is just so much time spent together and they’re arguing so much, it’s almost WORRYING, they sound like they’d get to fists at any moment but it never gets there. And Imrahil is never worried, ‘no they were always like that, it’s just how they communicate’ and he’s right, there’s more being said in these fights about policy than either of them want to admit. 
So… yes I do think eventually there’s some… ‘emoting’, as much as Denethor hates it. There’s some… hurt. There’s some tenderness. There’s a little hurdling over the inherent heteronormativity. There’s even some… ‘you were missed’ (I missed you) OH it’s so slow. OH it takes so long, way into Aragorn’s kingship and their partnership as King and Steward. Long enough for Arwen to go from curious to confused to shocked to confused again to bored to frustrated and then she falls for Denethor as well to boot. But in the end it settles out, and Denethor eventually decides he’s old enough to allow the wound to his pride of being a ‘secret lover’. Though he’d never admit it. 
As for Boromir’s reaction. Hm. I think it would be a shock for Denethor to realise how insightful Boromir is about him. He’ll be trying to hide the relationship, it’s his very personal life, no one needs to know and he doesn’t want them too. Not to mention he has no idea how Boromir would react. Despite the somewhat tolerant period they’re experiencing, it’s not easy, even he struggled with it. Even he’d had prejudices to reject. 
But Boromir, who developed his ability to read his father as almost a survival mechanism, can tell something has changed in his life and in his relationship with the king and queen. He wouldn’t pry, but it would be on his mind, it would confuse him, and Denethor would be aware of that. And I do think probably… he would come to realise that the extent of Boromir’s loyalty to him and all the things he carried for him, this very strange relationship they fell into where the war effort was their priority to the exclusion of all else- There’s a realisation that they both know each other too much and yet not at all. Boromir knows exactly what Denethor would advise, how to support him, how to win his wars, but they don’t know how to talk about the things that matter to each other. Denethor has no idea about either of his son’s passions, Boromir least of all since Faramir does tend to be loud about what he feels. It’s wrong. And he wants to resolve it. 
So I think in the end he does actually just… tell him. Submit to this mortifying ordeal in order to try and signal that he wants things to change between them. He’s aware it’s a risk, but if he wants Boromir to be open about the risky things, then this is what he has to do. 
And oh BOY what a doozey of a conversation for the both of them huh? It’s made an addendum to the end of one of their debriefs, a situation they’re both very comfortable in, even if it means Boromir’s standing before Denethor’s desk in his study when he speaks. Denethor just gets it out in his clear and decisive way that doesn’t brook interruption, but Boromir is in no position to do that anyway. And despite Denethor’s apparent confidence, he begins to worry with how long Boromir has to just stand there, hands clasped behind his back, expression neutral as usual, but obviously struggling with something if his prolonged silence and micro expressions are anything to go by. 
In the end Denethor has to just ask if Boromir has some issue with this. Which breaks through his knotted thicket at least, and he answers no, honestly, and yet there’s something… else… Denethor can feel behind it all. Boromir’s ability to simply withstand and rebuff Denethor’s prying has only gotten better with age but there’s still something. Boromir seems somewhat lost, things he wants to say but obviously doesn’t know how to say them to his father specifically. He wants to… comfort him, help him somehow, but there’s something else too. Which again clearly pushes home the realisation that they lost touch somewhere, they stopped knowing each other. Boromir is struggling with something and Denethor couldn’t even begin to tell you what it is. Although later, as he’s considering it, some logical answers come to mind, answers that could change a lot of how he views his son, things that are hard to see him as. 
Boromir’s going through the same thing but at a different angle. He’s only surprised at Denethor’s reclamation of a romantic life, and that surprise turns to a strange kind of gladness quickly. He never imagined Denethor would ever be able to live this way again and it does change his view of Aragorn rather dramatically, but he can reconcile to all that especially if his father is actually… happy. 
What’s more difficult is reconciling the father’s he’s known all these years, who’s said this and decided that, with this man he’s presented with now, in a relationship with a man, a relationship he told him about too. Quite apart from Gondor’s strict cultural disapproval of digging into people’s private romantic life, the concept of telling his father of his own relationships had never even come to mind. Boromir’d assumed he’d be dead before this would ever be in question. 
BUT after a long protracted period of time where everything appears the same but there’s some frisson to Boromir and Denethor’s conversations that literally drives Faramir up the goDDAMN wall. He knows it’s there, he can’t explain it, he has no idea what it could be and he HATES it so much. 
After that, Boromir does tell his dad. Surprisingly he chooses a not-professional setting, they’re just talking in Boromir’s quarters after a rare family dinner together. But woof it has to be eeked out of him still. He starts them off with just the clear acknowledgement that he’s been strange since Denethor’s revelation. And then tries to word ‘it was a shock to know we had this in common, that you were like me, though perhaps not entirely’ in as infuriatingly neutral a way as possible. But he still doesn’t look at Denethor as he says it. And the silence then isn’t so long, just a pause for a ‘ah, so I was right’ kind of sigh from Denethor. A little longer for him to let the big perspective shift start in his head. He starts running the numbers- how long had Boromir kept this secret, what was his life like because of it, what else did Denethor not know? Denethor’s mind is an analysis machine, he can’t help it.
And when he takes his shoulder and Boromir looks at him in just a little surprise at the affectionate gesture, he notices the slight tug down of Boromir’s ear lobes, where he’d used to wear the stately earrings common among young unattached noble men of wealth, but that Boromir had forsaken. Long ago, Denethor realises, when he thinks back. And he wears the more austere tunics and sashes and regalia that are usually reserved for older men, no, married men. Denethor and Gondor as a whole had assumed the slow change in style had been another mark of Boromir’s dedication to Gondor’s defense above all else, but it happened long after he’d made that commitment. Suddenly it all has a thoroughly different and more poignant meaning. Suddenly Boromir is standing there, a man with a life and a past and a family that Denethor had never even considered before. Suddenly there’s a stranger before him. 
And that… is painful… it’s a painful moment, an angry moment too, Sauron’s long dead but Denethor is still finding the corpses of things that creature took from him. But then Boromir returns the touch, his wide hand gripping Denethor’s shoulder in return, quiet but meaningful and holding his gaze with some quiet kind of understanding. Yes, the war took a great deal from all of them, but they have time now, and most importantly, they are both willing to build this relationship back up again. 
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oh-theatre · 6 years ago
Sycamore High: Opening Night (Chapter 31)
A/N: You get some angst! And you get some angst! Everybody gets some angst! Also ALSO ALSO... I love Emma just knowing all the flowers?? like how cute is that? Also I'm slowly sneaking back in some comedic Ted cause I missed him. God every time I try to write a well-developed chapter I just go NOPE and suddenly its just Tommy and Ted, im so sorry
summary: It's opening night! Everyone got thoughts!
words: 3,407
warnings: swearing, kissing, negative thoughts, violence, threatening 
Ao3 Link
“So you're in the play?” Peggy asks, Bill nods as he follows her into the library. He decided instead of spending lunch surrounded by his extremely nervous friends, he would try out the book club. “Fascinating, is it fun?” She inquires, they make their way a little further into the library reaching a cozy corner Bill had never seen. It was tucked in the back, the shelves were lined with books, all new from what Bill could tell. There were no windows, it felt very old-timey, in the middle were comfortable chairs with a table in the middle. The table was filled with delectable snacks and beverages. He felt like he was going in for a meeting, a rich people one. He was tired, he didn't know how to describe it.
“It is enjoyable, and this is…” Bill marvels, Peggy nods satisfied and gestures for him to take on of the chairs next to her. He did so still examining the room, he could get used to it. “Where has this been?” He asks his eyes glazed over.
“The librarian gave me exclusive permission to use it” She explains, opening her book bag. “I remember the first time I came here, I had the same expression you now possess” She laughs, Bill nods turning back to her. “The others should be here soon, we are choosing a new book today”
“So the perfect time to join?” Bill says, She smiles
“Perfect time” She affirms, and as if on cue, other students entered. It wasn't a big group but they made up for that with the pure excitement buzzing from them. Once everyone settles down Peggy calls attention to herself, clearly something she's used to. “Hello everyone, welcome back, I hope you're all excited for today's meeting. First, however, I'd like to introduce a new member of our club.” She turns to Bill, everyone's eyes fall on him. He waves awkwardly. “This is Bill Dorris, he's going to be joining us from now on” He nods “let's introduce ourselves shall we?”
“I'm Fiona!” A small voice chirps to the other side of Bill. The rest of the group go around and introduce themselves, Bill smiles and greets each one. A small part of him misses his friends, wondering what the group is up to but another part is happy to sit, and read, and talk about books with people who want to.
“I miss Bill” Ted pouts, Tommy chuckles softly. Paul points his fork nodding at Ted in agreement.
“I know you do,” Tommy says, he stands kissing Ted on the cheek before going to dispose of his trash. Paul and Emma converse separately leaving Ted alone with his thoughts. Charlotte joins the group soon enough followed by Jackie. They sit where they typically would and greet the group.
“Hey! Hope it's alright I brought Jackie” Charlotte says before any of them can answer Jackie interrupts.
“It better be, I make all of your costumes” She jokes, the group laughs as Tommy rejoins, something had shifted. He gave Jackie a polite smile but remained quiet. Ted eyes him but he doesn't say anything.
“We love having you here Jackie” Emma assures, they continue politely until the bell rings. Ted says his farewells to the group walking hand in hand with Tommy, the boys have another free period and decide to head out for a little but want to stop by Henry's class first.
“You alright?” Ted nudges, whispering softly. Tommy hums as they push through crowds, people eyeing them but they are used to it.
“M’fine” He mutters, Ted stops pulling them into a more secluded area. “What” Tommy whines, he buries his head into Ted's chest not wishing to speak. Ted chuckles embracing his boyfriend, kissing Tommy's head lightly.
“Gumdrop?” He whispers softly, Tommy groans “Ok...got it” Ted laughs. He ruffles Tommy's hair, playing with it. “Tommy? Are you gonna be ok?” He pulls away, interlacing his hands with Teds. He dances back and forth with them, fidgeting.
“I don't know” Tommy finally answers, He swings their arms. “My parents texted me at lunch, they can't make any of the shows” He confesses, Teds heart sinks. Tommy spots his expression waving him off “I'll be fine, let's just go” He tries to walk away but Ted takes his arm pulling him back kissing him. Tommy feels a blush rise in his face, he wraps his arms around Ted's neck kissing him back. “I'll be ok Ted”
“I know, just wanted to kiss you” He shrugs, Tommy laughs as they walk back into the hall. Ted pulls out his phone secretly texting the group chat. 
Everyone in this family is Gay ~
Ted: Hey I need you to buy flowers for the show
Dad: Ted, we already got you some
Ted paused, he hadn't even crossed his own mind. Flowers? For me? Why? He shook his head, focusing himself.
Ted: No, I need you to buy some for Tommy, please? I'll pay you back!
Pops: Aw kiddo! That won't be necessary, of course, we will get some for Tommy :)
He sighs content and continues walking.
“Alright everyone, in 30 minutes audiences will be gathering and you will be opening the show” Chad announces, the cast and crew are standing in a circle holding each other's very sweaty hands. They buzz nervous but excited. It's happening, they open the show tonight. “I'm so incredibly proud of everyone in this room and I can not wait to see how this goes. So break a leg, and namaste” He finishes
“Namaste” They respond in unison. He leaves the green room where the cast is gathered. They all jump together. They all look towards Ted expectantly, hoping he’ll say something. He looks frantically towards his friends, Tommy nudges him forward smiling encouragingly.
“Uh..” He looks back at Tommy helplessly “Do good?” He says the groups laugh before splitting up and preparing for the show. The group gathers in their corner.
“Eek! I can't believe we are actually doing this! I'm so excited!” Charlotte exclaims Tommy nods enthusiastically. “I love you guys so much!!” She hugs them tightly, Sam grunts joining them. Sam eyes Ted down before gesturing for him to follow. Ted looks at Tommy who just shrugs then proceeds to follow Sam into the hallway. Sam makes sure the area is clear before unexpectedly pushing Ted against the locker, cornering him. Ted, in his own defense, was much taller than Sam. He was caught off guard by the sudden move and struggled.
“You try and pull anything, and I mean anything, on Charlotte” Sam warns, “I will kill you, understand?” Ted's eyes widen, is he serious? Is this a joke?
“If you want me to answer...you're going to have to let me go” Ted wheezes through Sams's arms up against him. He glares before releasing Ted, he massages his throat before facing Sam “I won't do anything… I swear” he's much too exhausted to fight right now. Sam nods, dusting himself off disappearing back into the room. After a moment Tommy approaches, Ted wraps his arms around his waist smiling down at him. “Hi,” He says, Tommy smiles back.
“Hi you,” Tommy responds placing a soft kiss on Ted's lips  “Are you, excited dearest?” Ted ponders before nodding. “You're going to do amazing”
“I. Am. So. Excited” Ted replies kissing Tommy back in between each kiss. Tommy blushes furiously. “Uno reverse card, by the way, you're going to do amazing” Ted says pulling out a literally Uno reverse card. 
“Do you just keep that with you?” Tommy questions, Ted goes to answer but is quickly interrupted. 
“Oh my god, get a room” Emma teases as she walks out followed by Paul, Ted examines watching Paul holding Emma's hand.
“Seems like that's what you were just about to do” Ted smirks back. Emma's face falls, as Paul turns away. Tommy purses his lips, stifling a laugh. Ted unwraps himself, taking Tommy's hand. “We are going to go and be the obviously better couple,” He says, leading Tommy back into the green room meeting up with Charlotte, Jackie, and Bill.
“The nerve” Emma scoffs, Paul chuckles awkwardly. Emma turns to him cupping his face “You're going to do amazing tonight” He smiles, he pulls her into a kiss, wrapping his arms around her. It was hard to maneuver around her dress but he manages.
“I love you” He mumbles, suddenly freezing. Emma pulls away tilting her head. He stumbles over himself, “I..I...love yoooouUUuu are really doing something to me Miss Perkins” Nice save dumbass, He can practically hear Ted's voice. He awaits her response but she just stares, and nods and then walks away. Leaving Paul to stand awkwardly in the middle of the hall. What a wonderful way to open the play. And it was when later on stage…
Paul finishes his dance pulling Emma into an embrace, she clutches tight to him.
“I love you too” She whispers, Paul smirks before they continue the show. Let's just say Nigel and Portia stood out that night, people complimenting their chemistry left and right.
Bill was the first to finish getting out of costume, he wasn't rushing towards anything but he had quite a simple costume and wanted to get out of it. Besides the ensemble, it looked like he would be first out of the curtain separating the audience and the actors. He pushed through, not expecting anyone besides possibly his father to call his name.
“Bill” A voice called, Bill turned and smiled seeing Peggy and a few of the other members of the book club. He made his way over to them. “Your performance was very well done” She complimented, handing him a bouquet of flowers. The rest of the group chirped agreements.
“What are you...doing here?” He asked he didn't mean to sound so defensive. Peggy smiled.
“We are here to support you in your endeavors, that's what we do” She explained, Bill tried to hide a smile, this was all very neat. “I hope you like the flowers, we picked them up right after school” She informed, Bill took one look at the colorful bunch.
“I love them,” He said honestly, they nodded before continuing on with their conversation until finally, Bill found his dad. “Dad!” He waved, Corey smiled wide running up towards his son. He picked up in a tight embrace. “Crushing...windpipe” Bill wheezed, Corey, laughs letting him loose.
“You were incredible Bill!” He exclaimed Bill, felt his cheeks get hot. He began nervously fidgeting with the bouquet in his hands. “You really were, I'm proud of you” Bill smiled in response, he waved goodbye to the parting book club members before continuing his conversation with his father.
“Those are irises” Emma points out coming from behind, Bill looks at his flowers then back at her “Good job today Bill” She compliments, giving him a quick hug and disappearing herself.
“Irises...pretty” Bill mumbled.
“Paul! Hurry up! I wanna go see everyone” Emma yelled through the dressing room door, she heard a chorus of snickers from the boys and smirked. Charlotte laughs interlacing her arms with Emmas. “You did amazing Lottie” Emma assures, Charlotte giggles hugging her friend tight. The door swings open to reveal Pail standing very annoyed.
“Alright I'm here let's go” He sighs, Charlotte blows Emma a kiss before the couple makes their way out of the curtain. A sudden cheer erupts as they surface, Emma clutches tight to Paul. “Hey, this is for you” He whispers, she huffs in disbelief. Some people come up, complementing the pair, people they don't even know. Some people decide to flirt with Paul, much to Emma's amusement.
“Alright, alright, he's my brother back off,” Alice says pushing the hoards of girls out of her way. Paul mouths a quick ‘thank you’ before being pulled into a hug. “You were awesome loser” She whispers, he laughs pulling away. She nudges him as Marley comes up to them pulling the couple into a tight hug.
“You two were absolutely amazing!” She squeals, she looks at Emma “You have the voice of an angel dear” Emma blushes, and hard.
“She does, I have no idea where she got it from” Grace says joining the group. Emma bounces seeing her parents, they hand her a giant bouquet of flowers. “You were amazing sunshine,” her mother says kissing her on the cheek.
“Orchids” Emma mumbles, she looks to the bouquet that Paul now holds “Sunflowers” She points, Grace chuckles softly. Paul eyes her curiously “What? I like flowers” he kisses her on the cheek smiling.
“Thank you guys, we should go meet up with our friends though” Paul informs, the families nod as the pair walk away searching for their friends. They hear another cheer and turn towards the curtain to reveal Charlotte, blushing bright red, standing next to Sam as they emerge. “Yeah Charlotte!” Paul calls, Emma laughs but soon joins in. She waves to them before making her way over to her own family. They hand her a bouquet, she smiles striking a quick conversation and a round of hugs before joining Emma and Paul. Emma bites her lip eyeing the flowers, Charlotte rolls her eyes.
“Go ahead,” Charlotte says, pushing the flowers forwards
“Daisies with a mix of daffodils!” She squeals, they laugh before looking for the rest of the group.
“Tommy! Come on!” Ted groans, he sits outside the dressing room listening to the cheers as each cast member leaves through the curtain. Tommy wanted to help clean up, being the angel he was, however, it means that he was just now changing.
“Dearest, just go without me! I've got nobody waiting, you can just meet me back here” Tommy responds. Though sad, it wasn't a bad idea except that Tommy was wrong. He had made sure people were there, and he needed Tommy to hurry but he couldn't tell him why. He waits a while longer before the door opens and Tommy pops out. He spots Ted sitting and helps him up. “I told you to go without me,” He says, Ted, leans in kissing his cheek.
“But I didn't want to,” He says “And I don't like to listen to other people so..” He shrugs, Tommy chuckles before following him out into the crowd.  Ted will say one thing, he was NOT expecting the cheers and shouts and applause when he stepped out of the curtain. Now it was his turn to blush as he stood frozen staring out into the audience. They clapped and cheered, he spotted his friends doing the same. “Oh my god…” Ted mumbled, Tommy chuckles nudging him forward.
“Come on.,” he says, Ted looks helplessly around at his options. His friends, random people, classmates, but then his eyes fall onto two particular people that stand out. Chad and Henry stand a little ways away, holding two bouquets, as requested, smiling widely at them. Ted turns to Tommy who seems to be peeking over the crowd, he looks hopeful, Ted feels his heart sink. He leads him towards the pair who instantly gather them into a hug.
“You were amazing!” Chad squeals, as they pull away to face each other. Henry chuckles, putting a calming hand on his husband's arm. “Oh! Tommy, these are for you” He perks up, handing a very confused Tommy a bouquet of flowers. He looks down on them as his face falls, then back at the professors, then finally to Ted. Who just smirks.
“T-thank you” He tries to keep composed, but his chest feels like it might explode. “You didn't have to…” He whispers the last part, aweing at the colorful flowers. Henry smiles before handing Ted his, he takes them less excited but still appreciates the gesture.
“I kill everything I touch but thanks..” He informs them, they laugh but Ted keeps a serious face turning to Tommy “No I'm not kidding, I'm like fucking Phil Lester with this shit” He tries again but Tommy simply nods. Henry and Chad watch the two, almost reminiscing.
“I'll take care of them for you” Tommy assures, Ted still looks doubtful but nods nevertheless. Ted begins a conversation with the professors as Tommy zones out. He doesn't mean to but he looks around once more, hoping for anything, a sign maybe? Then he freezes, his eyes fall on someone he hadn't thought would ever make it. So much better than a sign. “Grammy!” He shouts suddenly, the old woman turns a giant grin on her face. He hands the bouquet carefully to Henry who takes it confused. He rushes towards the woman who holds out her arms embracing the bouncing boy in a hug. Ted, Henry, and Chad catch up.
“ My little Tommy” She responds, Ted examines the woman. She reminds him of Emily Gilmore, she also reminds him that he needs to find new shows. She's not as frail-looking as one would expect, her hair still has some color but is done very regally. She wears what seem to be expensive clothes, a beautiful pastel pink palette. A frilly pencil skirt, topped with a white lace blouse, finished off with an almost royal blazer. She wears short heels and holds a small purse. Ted might have mistaken her for a member of the royal family. “You were wonderful dear!” She exclaims looking her grandson up and down.
“Grammy, what are you doing here?” Tommy inquires, he’s practically buzzing with energy. Her Face falls, offended. “Not that I don't want you here, I was.. How did you…” He trails off confused, Ted watches his adorable face go through a million emotions.
“Well, your mother was telling me about her work” She starts, rolling her eyes “Boring by the way, could she get a more interesting job?” Tommy chuckles, Teds starting to like this woman. “And then I finally got a chance to ask her how you..” She coos at Tommy, cupping his chin looking at his face “Were doing, and told me about this and I quote ‘silly show’ you were doing. So I hung up the phone, booked the first flight here, and then ta-da!” She gestures, striking a pose. Tommy stifles a shriek hugging her again, she embraces him once more. She finally looks past him spotting Ted and the professors standing there. She raises her eyebrows before smiling lovingly “Oh! Hello there, I’m Raina Sweet” she holds out a hand, Ted takes it awkwardly shaking it. Raina? If this woman isn't a queen, then what was it all for, Ted thinks. Tommy would be an excellent prince…
“I'm Ted, uh.. “ he looks behind him at the polite professors, he scrunches his brows “I'm Ted Hidgens…” he says slowly, the words rolling off his tongue for the first time. It doesn't sound right. You weren't supposed to say that. What are you doing? Panic floods him until he feels a hand placed on his shoulder.
“And we are his parents, Chad Hidgens” Chad says kissing Rains hand, she blushes smiling. “And this is my husband Henry” Henry gives her a polite smile, shaking her hand. They gleam at Ted, with pride? Huh, feels weird…
“Oh, grammy! This is my boyfriend Ted!” Tommy blurts, knowing what he knows about Tommy's family Ted panics, scared for what the woman might do. He takes Tommy's hand holding him back slightly. She looks him up and down, she furrows her brows. Ted breathing hitches. She stares a while longer before clapping her hands together, grinning.
“Wonderful! Shall we eat?” Ted's face falls, Henry and Chad struggle not to laugh.
“Actually Grammy, I have to meet up with some friends-
“Why don't we go out with your grandmother, and you and Ted can go with your friends?” Henry suggests, no one opposes so they say their farewells before meeting up with the rest of the group.  
“Daisies and roses,” Emma says immediately pointing at the pairs bouquet. Paul, Charlotte, and Bill collectively groan. She smirks
“I told you its annoying” Charlotte comments, playfully sticking her tongue at Emma. Bill nods, Tommy and Ted share a confused glance but wave it off. “But I love you! Everyone ready?” She asks, they all nod making their way back through the curtain to recollect their things. A million thoughts race through their minds
Jane didn't find it annoying
I love her? And she loves me?
Dad, my dads, my parents
Silly show?
Why does he ignore me?... Jackie doesn't
I just don't think that way, I have friends isn't that enough?
And yet, they all smile
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osmw1 · 6 years ago
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 73
what would you like to read next? suggest titles for me to translate!
A handful of people ran away as soon as Veno issued his warning.
“Stay where you are! It is simply an empty threat to frighten you! The town only appears to be purified, but it is a mere trick on the eyes. And then, he will…”
Virage whistled, summoning the Bio Corpse Hydra to his side. And its back… split open? Virage then climbs inside.
“You cannot possibly touch me if I command my ultimate weapon from the inside!”
The priest’s voice came through the hydra’s mouth. It’s like he’s piloting that amalgamation as if it were a mech.
Tumblr media
‘Judging by thine memories… ‘tis rather interesting.’
Hey, don’t get distracted by anime robots. Focus on the fight, damn it.
‘‘tis without a question that I am focused. Casting spells take time, even if I am filled with Mana. I have nothing practical to do in the meantime.’
Five minutes’ time to escape… you mean you need five minutes to cast this spell. Knowing the truth just spoils it for me. And why aren’t you using any poison anyway, Mr. Poison Dragon?
‘Oh, be quiet. ‘tis the same reason I had mentioned before. If I were to use my poison, no one will survive.’ “Now, my ultimate weapon, slay the dragon who corrupted the dragonslayers!” “Sir Elfé! He is mighty and righteous! Do not waver, men!”
Controlling the hydra from within, Virage repeated spewed noxious gas onto Veno. However, Veno’s Yggdrasil completely countered it. Virage’s followers attempted to do the same to the surrounding dragonslayers and townsfolk but were ineffective due to the same reasons.
“Damn you, you evil, deceiving dragon!” “You deserve nothing but death for your sins! Hurry, Sir Elfé!” “What makes you think you can tell me what to do?! And I know that much! The dragon cannot maintain this barrier forever!”
Virage and his goons struggled and struggled. But, I know. I know that their efforts against Veno’s Yggdrasil amounted to nothing.
“This is a miracle… o Sacred Yggdrasil… we have not misplaced our faith in you.”
Celes and her comrades continued to pray to Veno. Absorbing their prayers, the already stable Yggdrasil became stronger and more resistant. Five minutes have already passed during this exchange… and the magic was ready.
“Now… I have given you five minutes’ time. Virage, receive thy punishment for thy sins! I cast the almighty spell of destruction and the divine punishment upon Sodom and Gomorrah, Fire and Brimstone!”
As soon as Veno casted his spell, the skies swirled with grey clouds. A pillar of light penetrated through, striking straight down along with the crackling and rumbling of thunder and lightning.
“This magic is nothing compared to my—”
Virage commanded the Bio Corpse Hydra to defend itself, but Veno’s spell destroyed its defenses and pierced through the monster in an instant.
“Aughhhhhhhhhh!” “Wh—” “No w—” “Im—“
Virage and his assailants didn’t have enough time to cry out. By the powers of Yggdrasil, Celes and the other dragonslayers were once again protected from the great fire that raged from the lightning strike. Within ten seconds, the monster and men had been reduced to nothing but ashes. “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…”
The elf’s voice trailed until the fire fully consumed him. What was left was but a crater in the ground.
Perhaps Veno was feeling generous after casting his spell. He used more Mana to fill in the crater and repaired the nearby buildings which had been destroyed by Bio Corpse Hydra.
“Ahh… that felt great. ‘tis very satisfying to finally unleash my powers.”
I could almost imagine Veno lighting up a cigarette after all that. It seems to me as if you’ve overdone it a little though, don’tcha think?
‘I am sure things shall be fine. I have restored the town to status quo ante bellum.’
I mean, I guess… Now then, it was time to clean up this mess. Surely, Veno could undo the magic casted on me, right? I now totally understood how it feels to be a spectator and I had had enough. Whatever it takes for you to return me to my world though.
‘Aye… then I shall… gah. It… seems that I am all out of Mana.’
You what?!
‘Perhaps we will need to… aaaaaaahhh’
Kersplash! Veno disappeared into a beam of light and I was switched back to the physical world. Then, I gently floated to the ground. Maybe it was because I was holding onto Karma Blaze. Luckily, I somehow landed safely.
“Yukihisa!” “Muuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”
Arleaf and Muu rushed over to my side.
“You did it! You too, Lord Holy Dragon!” “Muuuuu!” The world tree Veno spawned with his magic faded into the light as well.
‘Aye… however, the Mana I had been receiving from Karma Blaze stopped flowing.’ “Will Yukihisa turn into the Lord Holy Dragon again?” “Umm, y’know, me and Veno are totally separate beings, right, Arleaf?”
You don’t seriously think I’m the human form of Veno… right? We’ve already talked about this before, so she should understand.
“Oh… sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I was wondering that because the Lord Holy Dragon had spoken how he couldn’t undo Forced Possession Summoning.” ‘Aye. But…’
Veno shifted his attention to Celes who had walked up to us.
“Cohgray, you really were the dragon…” “Like I said, it’s complicated, but I’m not actually the dragon, right?” “But if you had seen it… no, you are correct.” “Do you still want to duel? Though we found out how we’ve been had already…”
Celes silently shook her head. The rest of the dragonslayers followed suit as well. Wait… when did all of the people in Lif’el gather around us? This… is bad? I mean, we really did cause quite a stir.
‘Shall we escape? Though, thou art surrounded…’
I sat down and looked around…
“You need not be on guard, Cohgray. People have not assembled because they hold resentment towards you. Rather… yes, let me offer a prayer first then let me apologize afterwards.”
As the leader of the Dragonslayer Corps, Celes led her team and about half of the townsfolk in a prayer.
“Wh-What the…” “Umm…” “Y’all have made a real ruckus here.”
Wayne and Rurika showed up to the plaza.
“Uhh… what’s happening here?” “Well, this because you turned into the Holy Dragon, created a world tree, and saved the town, I s’pose.” ‘Hmm? What is the meaning of this?’ “And so what does this mean?”
Veno and I couldn’t quite make heads and tails of this situation, but Arleaf lightly cleared her throat and stood up along with Celes.
“Many of these people have found our lord, the Holy Dragon. He had appeared and brought salvation with him, saving the town from the brink of extinction. It is very much like a god had descended from the heavens.” “The others are us followers of the Teachings of the Sacred Yggdrasil. Our scriptures tell of a miraculous spell called Yggdrasil that will clear miasma, save the fallen, and protect the people. It is said that the one who casts the spell should be worshipped as a saint as well.”
Rurika raised her index finger and quickly added to the conversation.
“And then, the third religion in town is the Church of Saint Oevarl, a harmony of the other two. The name is a reference to a certain dragon, it seems.”
Saint Oevarl… your name is Veno Yveval, right?
‘Aye… but sayeth thou it to be similar?’
Well, yeah, it’s kinda similar. It’s not identical, of course, but if it’s a mixture between the two religions… well, it wouldn’t exactly be unreasonable.
“To sum it up, the magic used and the divine punishment we witnessed today is something of legends… even if it was casted by a dragon. I am sure the people who have observed today’s battle believe that it was the return of the saint.”
Ah… so in other words, Veno’s magic and the miracle of Karma Blaze roused up a few religions.
“Let us relay news to our countrymen, telling them that the culprit behind our afflicted family members was Elfé—or rather, it was the ancient elf by the name of Virage!” “Yeah!”
The dragonslayers all cheered while they were in the middle of praying to us.
“Then, the whole killing me thing…” “What do you take us for?! If we were to slay the dragon after it had called forth the world tree… we should be the ones punished.” ‘This proves that I had made the right decision in casting my spells, does it not?’
Sure, it does, Veno. Whatever makes you happy. But you and I both know that you only casted those spells ‘cause you were aching to try them out.
“Yeah… well, I’m glad that we’re good. Actually, Celes, we should probably hurry to save your sister. There might be more of Virage’s people coming after us.” “And even now, you still worry about me… you truly are a man of good character, Cohgray.”
Oops. Celes looked a little shocked.
“It’s the second coming!” “Lord Holy Dragon!” “The legends have come true!”
Everybody seemed to be overjoyed with how things turned out. They gather around me and tossed me in the air.
“Whoa! Hey, hold on!” “Eek!”
This is crazy!
“Please, hold on!” “Muu?!” “You two are with the Lord Holy Dragon as well, right? Up you go then!”
With that, people from all religions reveled together with the whole town for today’s monumental victory. There was a ceremony in the middle of all that celebration… at least it gave me a moment to speak to Celes and the rest of them. Well, the people of the Sacred Teachings have already sealed off the curse-ridden prayer altar yesterday and are now taking care of it. Veno told me he’d look further into the issue later. Oh, and it seems like Wayne’s issue was most likely related to the infectious altar too. A few days before symptoms started hitting him, his acquaintance showed up to his home with a Teachings symbol in hand.
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contents: /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /ch005/ /ch006/ /ch007/ /ch008/ /ch009/ /ch010/ /ch011/ /ch012/ /ch013/ /ch014/ /ch015/ /ch016/ /ch017/ /ch018/ /ch019/ /ch020/ /ch021/ /ch022/ /ch023/ /ch024/ /ch025/ /ch026/ /ch027/ /ch028/ /ch029/ /ch030/ /ch031/ /ch032/ /ch033/ /ch034/ /ch035/ /ch036/ /ch037/ /ch038/ /ch039/ /ch040/ /ch041/ /ch042/ /ch043/ /ch044/ /ch045/ /ch046/ /ch047/ /ch048/ /ch049/ /ch050/ /ch051/ /ch052/ /ch053/ /ch054/ /ch055/ /ch056/ /ch057/ /ch058/ /ch059/ /ch060/ /ch061/ /ch062/ /ch063/ /ch064/ /ch065/ /ch066/ /ch067/ /ch068/ /ch069/ /ch070/ /ch071/ /ch072/ /ch073/ /next/
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askthetotallynotsquad · 6 years ago
Boardwalk bros?
Ali: ya know it's okay so sure :3
Rich: *being calm and stuff and watching egg clam close to home*
Jeremy: Rich what the hell are you doing?
Rich: *sniffles bc it's s a d and he's c r y i n g* watching egg clam close to home-
Jeremy: *sits next to the Rich and hugs him bc they’re all dating??* it’s okay dude
Rich: *hugs the dolphin back* ThE nONMySTErIOus gUy WaS sO meAn aNd nOW hE'tH nICe (not the real plot of sffh- duh)
Jeremy: Rich calm down- it’s okay, isn’t it good that he’s nice?
Rich: weLL- yeah I geuth *calms up*
Jeremy: *holds the Tich bc hes v small*
Tich: I'm v small
Rich: ew go a singular way tich
tich: *:(* okayyy... *goes a singular way*
Jeremy: I- *cuddles the RICH* (idk how to feel typing this)
Rich: *cuddles the JEREMY*
Jeremy: oh my god you are so small it’s amazing
Rich: well
Jeremy: *kisses the Rich* (THIS FEELS WEIRD TO WRITE- but uh- here Jeremy x Rich shippers-)
Rich: *kisses the Jeremy* (I could care less so um \('_')/)
Jeremy: *puts a blanket over the Rich* sleeppppp- you be been crying too much
Rich: *sleeppppps*
Jeremy: *is still holding the Rich bc that’s what people do when they’re dating??* hhh *is playing with the Rich’s hair*
Rich: *slep*
Thunder: hello y’all
Rich: *is spooked :0*
Jeremy: *falls off the couch* OW-
Rich: *becomes a caterpillar because he makes a cocoon with the blankets :))))))))) <this is clearly a CATERPILLAR not a WoRm*
Jeremy: richie, what are you doing-
Rich: I am a c a t e r p i l l a r
Jeremy: a cute one
Rich: *:0* all pillarth are cute
Jeremy: you’re the cutest one * boop*
Rich: e
Jeremy: I’ll be right back *kiss owo*
-when Jermey comes back-
Jeremy: Rich...what are you wearing-
Rich: *epically wearing a crop top*
Jeremy: *v v v red* w-why-
Rich: becauthe I feel like it
Jeremy: wait- where did you get that-
Rich: the children's place
Jeremy: oh my god Rich- *picks up the rich*
Rich: *epically is a crop top god*
Jeremy: I don’t know how Michael and Jake will feel about this Rich
Rich: *puts on some epic sunglasses that are way to big for him* I could care less what they think *finger guns*
Jeremy: wow- hey those are my sunglasses-
Rich: overly too bad for you
Jeremy: oh well *puts the Rich down on the Jerems bed??* slep
Rich: no
Jeremy: yesssss *turns off the lights and puts the fairy lights on*
Rich: where is cat *:(*
Jeremy: nononono don’t be sad b- I’ll go get him! *runs downstairs*
Rich: *:((*
Jeremy: *comes back with the cat and sits on the bed* here you go Richh
Rich: *feeds cat a goldfish* here you go babyyyy boiii *uwu pats cat*
Jeremy: aweee *puts his arm around the rich*
Rich: *asleep holding cat who is also alseep In his hands uwu*
Cat: *bein heccin ADORABLE*
Jeremy: *fell asleep like on Rich*
Later: cat the whale
Cat: *licks rich's face*
Rich: huhh- *awakens* aweeee hi catt *:3*
Cat: *uwu*
Jeremy: *asleep with his head in Rich’s lap-*
Rich: *slowly gets up and goes outside to play with cat*
Jeremy: *awaken and puts on the Jakey D’s sweatshirt bc he can and walks outside*
Rich: *playing with the epic tiny whale*
Cat: *epically happy*
Jeremy: this is too adorable *takes a picture on his Polaroid bc aesthetic*
Rich: *doot gives cat a goldfish* good boy cat!!
Cat: *I n h a l e*
Jermey: Richie come hereeee
Micheal: *walks in the Jake bc they were being tops somewhere else 😎* Tf is Richie doing??? *confusion*
Jeremy: he’s being adorable with cat *still wearing the Jakey D’s sweatshirt*
Jake: nah b- I think you’re the adorable one right now *wraps his arm around the Micheal??? Sure??? Idk I’m not Micheal-*
Jeremy: Jake- I don’t think you’re getting this sweatshirt back anytime soon
Jake: eh- I’ll just steal Micah’s then
Micheal: why is it always my stuff!? *:(*
Jeremy: don’t be sad!! *hugs the michael*
Jake: *hugs both of them bc why not*
Jeremy: awe I love you guys
Micheal: Well what if I love you guys more?
Jake: Well what if I love you guys the most-?Richie! Come here!
Jeremy: Jake stooooop *leans on the jake*
Jake: noooooo *kisses his head?? Ok*
Jeremy: *hugs the Jake???*
Micheal: Did Richie die or something???? Richhhhhhhhhh
Jeremy: he probably took Cat on a walk, it’s okay
Rich: *teehee made a plan with cat so um yeah whispers* 3.. 2.. 1
Cat: *pretend bites rich's neck so it looks like he died*
Rich: AHHHHHHHHHhhhhh *pretend dies uwu*
Jeremy: OH JESUS CHRIST RICH *epically runs to the rich*
Rich: *even has fake blood and stuff cause he's really good at these kinds of things*
Jeremy: CAT WHAT THE HELL?? Rich come on..wake up..*actually sobbing bc hes v v v sensitive*
Rich: *gets up* YOU'VE JUST WALKED THE PRANK THIS IS A HIDDEN CAMERA SHOW THERE'S CAMERAS UH- *points to his phone* THERE!! *proud of himself :D*
Cat: *dances*
Rich: *hugs the jerem* teEhEE
Jeremy: *picks up the Rich*
Rich: ew heighth *clings onto Jeremy:0*
Jeremy: you’re only 6 feet off the ground- it’s okay babe
Rich: b u t th t i l l
Jeremy: *sits on the grass still holding le Rich* what about now?
Rich: better thank you very much
Jeremy: *le kiss* you’re welcome
Rich: so how do you feel about me being in a crop top *epic gaymer*
Jeremy: not gonna lie, it’s kinda hot
Rich: *blushy boye eek* i-i didn't expect you t-to thay that-
Ali: (bicycles- horray-?)
Jeremy: you asked me so I’m speaking the truth *kiss owo*
Rich: *kiss uwu*
Jeremy: kinky
Rich: you don't even know *;)*
Ali: (I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry)
Jeremy: *big blush boye* oh?
Rich: teahee
Jeremy: *picks up le Rich and walks inside* cuddles and movie- pleaseeee
Rich: y o th *snatches a blanket*
Jeremy: *puts le Rich down on le couch*
Rich: I mutht siat on your epic lap
Jeremy: go ahead *turns le tv on*
Rich: *sits on Jeremy's lap :0*
Jeremy: *wraps his arms around le Rich’s waist*
Rich: *epically puts on heathers but genderswap* love thith movie
Jeremy: you and your little heathers obsession
Rich: it'th a good movie okay?!
- latar -
Rich: *epically starts freaking out when jd explodes herself bc the fire and stuff*
Jeremy: you okay Rich?
Rich: mhmm *clearly not fine bc he's c r y i n g*
Jeremy: *turns le Rich around bc hes still in the jerems lap??* is it because of the fire..?
Rich: no I'm f-fine *still crying oh my orange juice*
Jeremy: *hugs le Rich* Rich, everything is okay now..
Rich: iM fINE *pushes germ (Jeremy) off him on my sticky cricket*
Jeremy: Rich, you’re crying-
Rich: no I'm n-not im fine. *turns away from Jeremy Oh my crunchy lightbulb*
Jeremy: Rich come on, we’ve all seen you cry before, we don’t like seeing you sad and you can talk to us-
Rich: *turns back to germ* WELL I DONT WANT YOU GUYTH TO THEE ME AS A CRY BB! *>:(* *runs off Oh my syrupy peacock*
Jeremy: Rich- we would never see or call you a crybaby-
Rich: *runs to his room shook door* ( he's way too dramatic and I don't care )
Jeremy: *knocks on the door* c’mon Rich..we don’t see you as a crybaby- you have emotions, it’s normal. And besides we know how fire makes you feel, it’s okay now, it’s all over, Jakes fine, Michael’s fine, I’m fine and you survived
Rich: I with I didn't-
Jeremy: Rich don’t say that..I love you..
Rich: that'th kinda gay-
Jeremy: rich just- open the door- I NEED to hug you
Rich: id rather not tho-
Jeremy: I know you’ll be looking for attention later then
Rich: try me! *>:)*
Jeremy: okay bye! *walks downstairs*
Later: eek
Rich: *walks downstairs* jeremyyyyy
Jeremy: *playing Minecraft* Rich it’s 2 in the morning what’s wrong?
Rich: I want h u g th
Jeremy: Rich what did I tell you earlier- shouldn’t you be sleeping?
Rich: n o. Altho I can't thleep with all the noitheth coming from Jake'th room
Jeremy: you can sleep in my room if you want *keeps playing Minecraft* they’re at it again, aren’t they?
Rich: I think-? I don't know. C u d d l e m e *sits down and wraps his arms around the jerem*
Jeremy: *puts his arm around le Rich* go to sleep shortie
Like 5 minutes Later: crunchy lightbulb
Rich: *asleep :0*
Jeremy: knew it *picks up le Rich and puts him in his room, down on his bed* (he put him in Jeremy’s room because he couldn’t sleep in his own)
Rich: *leeches onto a pillow* (cause that's what I do and if I'm rich then I geuss he does it too?? Idk)
Jeremy: *lays down next to le Rich bc they be dating*
Rich: *leeches onto Jeremy*
Jeremy: night Rich *le sleep*
Rich: *wakes up and makes chocolate chip pancakes cause they taste g o o d*
Jeremy: *walks into the kitchen half awake* Rich what are you doing-
Rich: making chocolate chip pancakes! *:D*
Jeremy: be carful- *yells as he’s walking upstairs* don’t hurt yourself!
Rich: *made pancakes and walks upstairs* Jeremyyyyyy I have pancakessss *:)))*
Jeremy: ooooo! I bet they taste amazing babe!
Rich: *sksksksksk gives the pan* heere
Jeremy: *v long kiss* thank youuuuu
Rich: *surfer voice* no problemo my radical dude *surfer stuff*
Jeremy: *picks up me rich* stop being so cute!!
Rich: *angeri* I'm nOT cute!!
Jeremy: I don’t want to fight with you right now- you’re adorable *kiss*
Rich: *v v v long kiss uwu*
Jeremy: wow Richie getting feisty *smirk teehee*
Rich: *red boye eek*
Jeremy: *picks him up, v v v long kiss*
Rich: *even redder boye but v v v long kiss*
Jeremy: *makes out with thy Rich oops*
Rich: *sister shook*
Jeremy: Rich- you have a um- *coughs* B O N E R
Rich: oH *voicecracks* uM *hides under a blanket* tHAth fUn-
Jeremy: wow, I never knew I was that hot
Rich: have you looked in the mirror?
Jeremy: *sits on thu bed* you’re the hot one Goranski
Rich: *sticks his head out from under the blanket* what do you mean, I'm alwayth cold- *smirks :0*
Jeremy: oh my god stop *cuddles thy Rich*
Rich: *tries to escape from thy jerem* Can i have pancaketh nowwww
Jeremy: yes shortie *smiles at thy rich*
Rich: *inhales his pancakes because why would he eat Jeremy's?* y u m
Jeremy: why don’t you eat me like that
Rich: *almost falls over* wHAT- *blushing mess*
Jeremy: *in tears laughing* YOU’RE SO RED-
Rich: wELL-!
Jeremy: *rolling on the floor* OH MY GOD RICH!!
Rich: *jwj*
Jeremy: awe I’m sowwy Richieee
Rich: pft- what wath that?!
Ava: (that was possession)
Jeremy: what was what? Did I dot something wronggggg
Rich: *kiss uwu* nope!
Jeremy: yes
Rich: whyyy
Jeremy: because I'm a bad boyfriend
Rich: why would you thay that-
Jeremy: I don't give you enough affectionnnnnnn
Rich: then give me affection-
Jeremy: *jumps on thy rich*
Rich: thith youre warm
Jeremy: why thank you
Rich: eek *$qúïřmş*
Jeremy: stop moving I want loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rich: *stops $qúïřmīñ*
Jeremy: hihihuhhdghegdb * h u g *
Rich: * g u h *
Jeremy: *:0*
Rich: *e m o r j y h t s e s s i k*
Jeremy: *kissesthyrich*
Rich: *kissesthyjeromebutitskissier*
Jeremy: are you trying to make out with me, again?
Rich: n o o o o o :o
Jeremy: lies
Rich: but do you want to make out with me again ith the quethtion
Jeremy: that's your own choice
Rich: *????*
Jeremy: you can if you want- *big blush man*
Rich: *skskskskkkskksksksks idk man*
Jeremy: wait- Rich, are you a vsco girl
Rich: ew no *makes out with thy germ*
Rich: *becomes hotter every seconday*
Jeremy: oh!-
Rich: *uwo*
Jeremy: you're a good kisser goranski *kiss owo*
Rich: *red bi* uno reverthe card *kiss uwuwu*
Jeremy: me? A good kisser? Oh please
Rich: oh reallyyyy? why would I kith you if you were a bad kither?
Jeremy: i- um- *v v v v v v red*
Rich: *;)))))))))*
Rich: *giggles* jeremy- um- you realize I'm on top of you right-?
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jaehyunavenue · 7 years ago
greek gods!nct
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taeyong as hades, god of the underworld
{ eek i’m so excited about writing this !!! this isn’t even part one, it’s more of an introduction and it’s just tae and y/n meeting but i promise it’s gonna get better soon !! i’m also planning on making this a series so, y’know.. please show some love and support if you like the idea ? i’m also planning on writing not just bullet scenarios, but actual scenarios too ,, drop by my inbox for requests maybe ?}
part two ✨
🕸ok so hear me out
🕸you were frantically running
🕸mostly cause a snow storm was supposed to hit your city later that day
🕸and like, you’re a florist !! and you grow your flowers outside !!! you’ve been pretty succesful and you have a few loyal customers already but it hasn’t been that long since you started and you’re young and
🕸...you forgot to buy tarps to cover your plants with if it rains/snows
🕸and oh boy !!!! mother nature hasn’t been happy cause it’s april and suddenly you have this snow storm situation
🕸and you cant even order them from amazon cause they’re not gonna get here in time !!
🕸you’ve already dropped by a few of ur favorite stores and they’re all out of tarps cause apparently you weren’t the only one who was like “???”
🕸so you’re heading home as the sun begins to set and the only thing you can think of are the colorful flowers in your backyard that pay your bills and make you so happy
🕸,,,that are going to die in the next 24hs
🕸you’re outside, trying to improvise a tarp out of trashbags
🕸when u hear this huge commotion from the other side of the house (you have this lil arrangement where you live in one house that’s divided into two appartments)
🕸and you share a garden so you can’t help but peak thru the glass doors of the other part of the house bcause wth?? it’s enough that your plants are gonna die ?? you don’t wanna die either
🕸so you’re trynna sneak a peek when suddenly the curtains go flying and you’re staring straight at the face of, you know
🕸probably only the most hANDSOME man you’ve ever seen in your entire life
🕸and he’s looking at you too bcause why is there a girl in my backyard two minutes after i move in ??
🕸but he figures you’re his neighbour (altho a very noisy one apparently) so he opens the huge ceiling to floor doors and steps out
🕸”hey, i’m taeyong,,, uh,, sorry if the movers were too loud,,,”
🕸and he explains to you how he was supposed to move in tmrw but he came a day early bcause of the snow storm
🕸uhh except,,, he was rlly handsome so ,,, it didnt register that he’s you’re neighbor
🕸he was staring at you intensely, probably waiting for you to introduce yourself
🕸”ah! im y/n,,” you say, realising how akward you just made this entire encounter bcause of your weird timing
🕸that’s when you notice that taeyong is looking at the four black trash bags you’re currently wrestling in your arms
🕸”uh i promise i’m not trying to get rid of a body !!! i’m just trying to make sure my flowers dont die !!” you say
🕸and you realize how weird that sounded bcause,, u’know,, theres more explainable uses for trash bags than disposing bodies
🕸but bfore you can apologize you see him crack a smile !!!
🕸looks? check
🕸macabre sense of humor? chECK
🕸”would you like some help?” he asks as he’s looking at the flowers behind you
🕸”i would appreciate that so so much, thank you taeyong-ssi”
🕸”just taeyong’s fine” he says, and it’s like he’s smiling, but his eyes are still focused on something that’s not there? oh god you’re staring again
🕸so he bends down to help but before you know it, the sky goes gray as if someone turned off a light switch and it starts snOWING
🕸you’re like “oh no !!! my flowers !” bcause you were just explaining to taeyong how you run a flower store that’s just around the corner
🕸but taeyong is looking up at the sky and his face is a mixture of half pissed and half very very sorry
🕸so he mutters a lil “i have to talk to the movers real quick, sorry” and ushers back into his apartment
🕸(taeyong was swearing so hard at demeter, the goddess of nature and seasons, bcause of cOURSE she couldn’t let go of the biggest grudge against anyone in the existance of ever)
🕸(and of coURSE, she had to ruin his friendly neighbor’s flowers)
🕸you were confused bcause why did he offer to help in the first place then??
🕸to add to your confusion, it stopped snowing ??? how do you go from full on snow storm to noTHING in 2 minutes
🕸welp, you rushed to cover your flowers as you stole glances at taeyong’s door
🕸you heard the movers leave and he wasn’t coming back so, u know, cleArly...
🕸he wasn’t too excited about having you as a neighbor
🕸well, two could play that game
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choisgirls · 7 years ago
I've never requested anything before >_
this is late and i am sorry butspook time is all the time~ I will do my best here~
(also boy oh boy im glad youmentioned rituals because i grew up witchy and alongside the normal halloweenactivities every now and again there’s the Samhain celebrations full ofdifferent rituals and spells and i am hYPE, thats the direction i’ll take sincei have another request im working on regarding the ouji so it may not be /all/ spooky,but i will throw some in there since you did ask for spoop!!! im sorry, i reallyhope thats okay;;;;; ;A; if not, i can always take this and re-write some forthose I didn’t make scary!)
WARNINGS: I did mention blood oncewithin this, but there’s nothing too big, but just in case you don’t enjoy alittle prick to the finger, please don’t keep reading!
/it’s a little long so I’ll place itunder a cut!/
“Oh cool, MC, you bought somecandles!” he called, grabbing one and getting ready to light it. Youscramble after him to get it back, explaining to him that they aren’t forburning around the house to look pretty. “Yoosung, I’m doing a ritual- theblack candle represents your life, your decisions, and your experiences in thepast year, while the white one represents the present moment and year to come!You light this black one and reflect on things that helped you become who youare today, how you’ve grown, what lessons you’ve learned, then you say goodbyeto it all and blow out the candle. Then, you light the white one and reflect onhow you can be your happiest every day, and blow out the flame holding hope inyour heart!” you went on to describe the simple ritual to him, watching ashe stared at you with eyes as big as dinner plates. To your surprise, heactually wanted to hear a little more about why you do this, and what otherthings there were to do. He wanted to join you in this one as well! He wantedto think of all the happy times he can have with you for this next year!
He came home and the house did notsmell like it normally did and he was concerned. He called out to you, hopingthat the smell was something you were doing and doing it safely. He found you standing on a chair in the center of the room,hoping some sort of… stick? Maybe? “MC! What are you doing? You could’vefallen!” he swooped you off of the chair, placing you on your feet gentlybut then suddenly started to cough over the smoke in his face- you quicklymoved it to the side. “Ah, sorry Hyun! I just wanted to banish all of theold energy from our house,” you tried to explain as you continued tosmudge the area around yourself. The look on his face said it all- he had noidea what you were talking about. You asked him to walk with you as youfinished smudging the rest of the house, explaining it was a cleansing ritual-with the herbs sage, mugwort, bay leaf, and lavender tired together with yard,you could hopefully dispel any old or bad energy, leaving the house fresh andnew! He understood after a while, but would never attempt to do it on hisown… if it made you feel better, he would absolutely let you do it.
“..MC… can I ask why you’relying in the middle of the floor?” she asked, closing the door behind her.You could often be found throwing yourself across the furniture and laying onthe ground, she didn’t think too much of it until she saw your hands movingaround, then she realized you were meditating and immediately felt bad- shedidn’t interrupt, did she? She sat a few feet away from your head, waitinguntil you were finished to actually talk to you. When you sat up, you greetedher and told her not to worry, you hadn’t even noticed her come in. She seemedto be trying to peek at what was in your hand, so you opened it to reveal asmall opal laying in your palm. You explained that the stone was used as apower stone to help become a conduit of the unconscious mind. When you breathedeeply and allow any and all images, thoughts, sounds, or sensations pass by,you’ll be able to release them from your mind. You even took a handful ofassorted power stones and explained each one to her- you watched her eyes asyou noticed her make mental notes about it all so she could research it in moredepth later. She really wouldn’t be against joining you for one of thesemeditations, the poor woman needs this
“MC, I don’t understand why youwould willingly participate in doing this to yourself. All you’re going to dois scare yourself to the point you will lose sleep, or you will injure yourselfwith worry,” he said as you scrolled through multitudes of rituals youlooked up online, trying to find one you wanted to try out. “Jumin,sweetheart, it’s Halloween. The point is to try and scare yourself,” youtold him, stopping on one you wanted, turning to find him crossing his arms,shaking his head, and turning to leave the room- he muttered a soft “It’sa horrible idea” under his breath as he left the room. At midnight thatnight, you wrote your name on this piece of paper, pricking your finger to puta small drop of blood onto the paper- you light the candle and turn the rest ofthe lights off before knocking on the wooden door 22 times, all before 12:01am.You open the door, blow out the candle, then shut the door again before rushingto relight the candle and leaving the room, keeping the candle lit. You were tothink about your wish and keep close watch of the flame until 3:33am- as wellas watching for drops in temperature and faint whispers- this would mean theMidnight Man was close and you had to be very careful. You had spent so muchtime walking around, you began to get bored, but were too afraid to stop. Aftera while, you heard faint whispers behind you, and you immediately started towalk faster, being aware of the flame in front of you. You started to panic- ohno. This is real, isn’t it. Why didn’t you listen to Jumin? Why did you need totry and freak yourself out? Turning a corner, your flame went out and you werefrozen in place, your heart immediately beating in your ears. Suddenly, youhear Jumin whisper, “Well, did you get the scare you were looking for,MC?” You dropped the candle to the floor, immediately swinging your armsin front of you until you make contact with his chest, which he returned with asoft “oof” and a soft chuckle before pulling you close to hold you.
“Legend says that during thenight, a rift will open between the land of the living and the domain of thespirits,” he said in his best story telling voice- he was dressed in ablack, intimidating robe, trying to scare you the night before Halloween. Hehad a flashlight on under his chin and turned off the power to the whole house-Saeran was pissed. Yet, he stayed for Saeyoung’s story, which he continuedafter his dramatic pause. “Communication can lead to wishes being grantedand good fortune- for the living! The other side demands horrific payment fortheir services, ooooooo~” he wiggled his fingers to emphasize the spooky.You stared at him with an extremely unamused look on your face- you couldn’ttake him serious- even when he asked you to play the game with him. Between 2amand 5am on Halloween, the two of you closed yourselves in a small room, staringat a mirror that you couldn’t even clearly see in the dark.“Okay MC, whenthe rift opens, you should feel the room go cold, that’s when you put your handon the mirror and whisper, ‘I accept’. Then, we’ll see a figure in the mirror-a figure way too frightening to describe. Then you must answer all five oftheir deeply personal questions, you must answer honestly- each one you lieabout, they will take one of your five senses. Each one you get correct, youcan place a death curse on anyone you decide.” You tried to look at himlike he was an idiot but being in the dark made that hard. Suddenly, there wasa soft breeze behind your ear, you raised your elbow a little and jammed itinto his stomach hard enough to get an 'oomph’ from him. You knew he was tryingto just scare you. He chuckled a little, pulling your back closer to his chest,he started to nuzzle against your shoulder until the both of you felt the roomget extremely cold in a flash- the both of you turned stiff for a moment beforeyour adrenaline kicked in and the both of you started to push the other out ofthe way to escape the room. Saeran had to hold back a laugh from his place behind the mirror, where he had a portable air conditioner running silently.
Always willing to see differentparts of you and anything you like or believe in! So on Samhain, you wanted tohelp him with his past in any way you know how- Mandalas! You told him howmandalas are powerful because they reflect balance and wholeness- drawing oneup helps to express yourself and encourage emotional balance as well as helpingto heal yourself! He watched you practice a few, and had him join in. Drawingthe patterns in whatever colour he wanted, with no pressure to make it perfectwas calming. He turned to you, to thank you for showing him this activity, whenhe saw your page and immediately froze. He wanted to laugh but he was also kindof concerned. Your mandala was more.. in the shape of a common demon mask, andhe… he wasn’t sure what that meant- or if he should ask you about it… Hestill hung it on the fridge regardless, but it scares people when they walk by andyou act innocent, which he finds hilarious.
“MC, this is stupid, I’m notdoing this,” he stated with a huff, his arms crossed against his chest andyou tried to drag him outside at around 11:30 pm, October 30th. You found thisritualistic game online and you wanted to see if it would truly work! I mean,if you can deal with him, you could probably deal with some sorta demons thatcome out of this. You search for bare patch of ground, waiting until 11:59pm- aminute before Halloween. He watched as you drew a circle in the dirt largeenough to hold your phone- then you plopped yourself down to the ground. With asigh, he sat next to you and stared at the phone for what seemed like too long.You kept staring, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 11 minutes, the time kept increasingand the whole time he kept trying to break your gaze from the phone, but youwere dedicated to this thing and he gave up. After 15 minutes, your phone litup from a call from a private number- Saeran went to answer once he realizedyou weren’t going to- you had to shoo him away quickly. “You can’tanswer!!!! You can’t, this is supposed to happen! Now, we wait for a text, andmake sure not to take the phone from the circle. It’s supposed to be anothernumber that we can call, then we tell this man our address, and he’ll tell usthat we’ll get a package at precisely 11:59 on November 1st!” you staredat the phone explaining it all, as Saeran just looked at you with an eyebrowraised- looking up across the yard, he saw his brother hiding around the cornerof the house, raising a finger to his lips to keep him quiet. Now he knew thiswas a prank and nothing that can truly hurt you- good. He would playalong.“What’s in this package, MC?” he asked, curious as to just whatkind of story his brother planted into your head. “You find a smalltransistor radio with batteries! You can put in the batteries but youabsolutely can’t turn on the radio until 12:15am, then go to the AM channel111.1 and listen- it says the guy from tonight will be muttering and will giveus a headache but we can’t stop listening. At 12:25 am on the dot, the messagewill stop and soft music will play- and until then, so long as you keep theradio on you and turned on, you’ll experience good luck!” you kept staringat the phone, speaking quickly, trying to get the story out before that textcame in. Saeran had to hide his growing laughter, “Okay okay, so wait.This dumb ritual will give you good luck? That’s what this is about?”“Yeah, but apparently, when the radio’s batteries die, everythingdrastically changes. Like, you’ll feel someone tracking your every move, see afigure in the shadows, hear a sound you can’t place, up until it makes itselfknown and comes to claim its payment!” your voice turned high pitched nearthe end of your explanation, as you watched your phone light up from theexpected text. He sat through the rest of your ritual, watching you one momentand turning to watch his brother with a voice box and his cell phone across theway. He’d allow this to happen, only this time, because you did bring this uponyourself.
“And you want to do…. what,now?” he asked, staring at you in disbelief. You told him about this…insane idea you had to play this creepy game to see if it was real. Why you hadthis fascination with trying to do these scary things, he would never know. Infact, he started to think you hung out with Saeyoung too often- he’s rubbingoff on you. You told him about this ritual you found called the “The ThreeKings”, and you were dying to see if it was the real thing- after all, thewarning did say “do not attempt on your own”- so it had to be scary,right? You made him help you set up- three chairs, two mirrors, and a candleset in a specific position according to the chart online. You leave the roomuntouched from midnight to 3:30am, then you take your place at the King’sthrone, candle lit, as you stare straight in front of you into the darkness.Vanderwood stood, leaning against the wall, watching this all go down. Hedidn’t want you to sit alone and have something… actually happen to you-though he knew it never would. It was all fake, just something to scareyourself, and he will be here once again to reassure you that everything wasfine. You told him that until 4:34am, you must stare only straight ahead, andbe aware of if the light on the candle goes out. For almost half an hour, youstared at the spot in front of you- he got tired of it. Kept telling you howeverything was fake, nothing would be happening, and that you were just goingto scare yourself over your own imagination- when your candle flame suddenlyblew out. The girlish scream that followed definitely did not come out of yourown mouth- though you were the one who blew out the candle in the first placeto freak out your “I-Don’t-Believe-In-That-Shit” of a partner, whichyou succeeded in.
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survivormontenegro · 6 years ago
Episode 11: “Recalibrate How I’m Playing This Game” - Caeleb
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okay I'm writing a long confessional then going to bed.
Jules was robbed. I was really gonna idol them when Jones/Caeleb told me Jules was getting votes, but Jules was only getting 5, and I naively thought both that Jason wasn't going to flip and Tom wouldn't self vote AGAIN ASKDLJFAF.
I'm frustrated because I love Jules. Jules was robbed and deserved better than having to deal with Alex who like will tell Jules they made a mistake and ugh. I'm frustrated that I didn't idol Jules, even though it wouldn't have been smart and would've put me in a tough game spot, its just all super tricky sigh.
in other news, Jones/Mo/Mitch need to go. I'm super proud of Mo for doing something (like genuinely) and not playing passively, I defo underestimated him, but him and Jones have way too much sway on this tribe, tied to Mitch who is clearly able to work people.
I think a good end-group for me would be Me/Benj/Tom/Julia. I really really like Caeleb but he actually is playing super smart, so I really don't think I can have him sticking around much longer.
I think a good new bootlist is: Jones > Mitch > Mo > Jason > Caeleb
I'm just frustrated because Jules was robbed and really did not deserve that, Mo/Jones are too powerful, and now so is Mitch. I'm gonna idol one of them out, and I'm going to love doing it.
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Holy fuck what the fuck that worked. Ok so here’s what just went down, Jules said to Jason that she’d be fine voting out either me or Mitch. People were leaning towards Mitch. We had like 20 minutes left and we started discussing and I threw out to Jones, what if we get Jules out, but she kinda ignored it and carried on with the Mitch plan. Because Jules has a lot of connections I can understand why Jones would be hesitant. So then I throw the pitch rob Caeleb and Mitch throws the pitch to Jason and they’re both on board. But that would of only been five people. Meaning it most likely would of tied so we were like ok I guess we’ll just vote Mitch. BUT THEN BENJ GETS ONLINE and he’s like “Yeah I’ll vote Jules.” SO I SCRAMBLE BACK TO CAELEB LIKE WAIT VOTE JULES WE HAVE THE NUMBERS. SAME WITH JONES AND JASON. WE GET JULES OUT. Which of course is sad because she’s literally a sweetheart and she’s super funny, but she had so many people in her corner and her and Ali combined was a scary combo. BUT I MEAN I HAVE A COOL GAME MOVE IN MY POCKET NOW THAT I DID (with Mitch) BUT WOW ME.
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Whew chile!!! I must admit that vote was VERY scary and VERY hectic. I thought for a moment my game was ending. Thankfully my social relationships with people allowed me to stay and send the person who was targeting me home (Jules). Now this is GREAT for me because i trusted Jules the least on the merge tribe. The communication thing never worked out between the two of us but i still find her to be a very nice person :). In regards to the vote, Mo/Caeleb, Benj, Jason, and Jones all voted to save me. To me, I feel like this means im in a really good position because everyone likes me enough to SAVE me. Up until 5 minutes before the deadline, I thought i was done for. I gotta be careful with who I work with in the future because my threat level is rising. People in touchy subjects saw me as the one who thinks they are running the game but are not, but man is this far from the truth. I'd like to say that although I didn't know what was going on COMPLETELY, I still pretty much helped/forced the target onto the person who went home. Ian- Told Alex about how I suspected Jason and Ian of being a duo (correct assumption according to ali) and everyone ended up splitting between the two (I did not care who went). Alex- I pushed very hard for alex to go because he was so dang controlling and i found that very threatening. Jules- targeted me first but I never trusted her because of how little we spoke. When she decided to target me it was the icing on the cake. Hopefully these next few rounds are smooth sailing because we NEED easy votes for at least a little bit.
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okay so i am trying SO hard for immunity, like its not even funny. i think i have 100+ points right now, with more videos uploading and with more planned photos tomorrow. immunity would be SO sweet, because that'd guarantee me a spot in the F8, and with my idol F7.
in other news. if i haven't said it enough, it must be said again. BENJ IS SUCH A KING. like today he told me he wants to go to F4 with Julia and Tom. I truly, truly could have shed and wept real tears. That is exactly the F4 I want, like EXACTLY ,and Benj agrees, and we are going to make it HAPPEN.
He also wants to separate Mo/Jones this round... and like honestly, I'm so down. Like I think he wants to vote off Mo versus Jones which I think is a bad idea, since Jones is a better talker and more of a threat, but his argument about Jones being a shield makes some sense.
my ideal bootlist moving forwards for the season, although it requires like julia/tom to stick with me and benj pretty tightly, is:
Mo/Jones > Mitch > Jason > Mo/Jones > Caeleb > F4: Me/Tom/Benj/Julia
and also since i love doing this for no reason, this would be my ranking of those left if i was to go to jury this round:
Mitch > Jason > Jones > Benj > Caeleb > Julia > Mo > Tom
Mitch is SO savvy, and so likable, and I could see as a definite winner, having survived so much. I can't decide if Jones is a threat because she is just so likable, or if she is actually palying super well, but I have both her and Jason very high in my opinion. Benj is so smart, I feel like he probably isn't considered as such by the other threats, but I hear him talk game - he is super woke. Caeleb is actually playing a very smart game too, flipping back and forth. I definitely underestimated him in early merge, his MIND. Julia I think is super game-savvy, just her style gets in her own way sometimes. Mo I feel like definitely did stuff last vote, but I see him as Jones' shadow/goat right now so would need to see much more. Tom I'm stuck because him self-voting twice I think almost definitely excludes him from winning so its hard to tell how I'd feel about him in an FTC. the main thing is that... we shall see.
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Sending this now bc I forgot. Jason beat me in reward OOPS but I can still possibly win immunity,,,,,? Maybe?
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Eek me at jules being voted out, honestly i didnt really know what was going to happen at that tribal for the sole fact that everything started moving whilst i was asleep but im kinda shocked that it ended up being jules.... Like i personally wouldnt have made that move right now maybe in like 2 more rounds. Its quite scary the fact that mitch got so many people to turn on jules when i thought she was quite the loved player. So I've gotta keep an eye out for him he's probably playing the best game atm but i think ill try to take him out sooner rather than later
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I think I might have to recalibrate how I’m playing this game. I honestly didn't think I was all that close to Jules so her cursing me kinda surprised me. SO, that means I think a lot of people are gonna be cursing me in the upcoming rounds. Not that I am planning a lot of blindsides, I just feel a lot closer to the people actually left. Julia might be the only one that wouldn't curse me at this point, but also she might because she doesn't like me all that much. And being cursed a bunch might put a really large target on my back too.
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y'all i just found another idol im SCREECHING. and its a boujee one too, a sapphire idol. I'm so AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i know where 2/3 idols are for sure, I'm truly screaming.
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This was me an Mitch on call when we realized we had the numbers to vote out Jules
heres the thing, i prefer the selfie scavenger hunt when im on a team because that way im motivated to get stuff done out of fear of letting everyone down. where as by myself, i let myself down all the time. ali is scary good at comps and im lazy.
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And if I had any doubts (I never had) about him betraying me before I have 0 now.. u like have to really trust someone to tell them u have 2 idols LOL I could literally expose so much right now
BUT IM NOT GONNA WOO!!! BEST DUO IVE EVER HAD! Like I know it will be hard to beat him at the end but idc I want that duo story for us
Literally an idol magnet king I knew I chose the best ally on day 1
sapphire idols sound kinda annoying tho cuz u cant choose who its played on . like what if ur plan actually works and u idol the person u wanted gone LOL
lowkey would rather a normal idol ?? anyways ali went off in immunity and its final 9 idk who will go but I kinda want like mo gone (king) but we have no strategic bond so.. plus he will slip by to the end otherwise
I doubt that plan is gonna work tho cuz idk how to lead votes!! im flop sheep!
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Update on idol hunt - I'm killing johnny
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ok so Storytime
I’m talking to Tom at like 5:00-6:00 ish, and he says he hasn’t heard anything but he’d be down to vote Julia if other people were voting Julia (at this point this is the only name and it was said by Tom and that’s it)
At this point I tell Mo what Tom said (Bc tom and I were talking about Mo) and he said he wasn’t surprised Julia’s name was brought up
Talk to Mitch at like 7:00 ish and he’s apparenrly being targeted by Ali and for whatever reason I have this hero complex and I wanna save him all of a sudden?? I also feel like he’ll be a big shield down the road that everyone else would want out over me so it makes much more sense to keep him? SO I tell him about Julia.
I Run to Mo, tell him about Julia plan he’s on board. MOs talking to Caeleb, and Jason wouldn’t go behind Mitch’s back. So that’s already 5 people I think voting Julia, 6 if we include Tom and 7 if Benj also knows. Which I’ll probs tell him.
So ya??? Turned an idea into a plan!! I’m doing that y’all. Idk?? I’m proud. I don’t need need this much power after this round or else my ego will be the size of my dick but!!! Idk guys I’m proud of myself.
(Literally only 35 minutes later)
Literally having a stroke tonight laid ease
Uhm apparently Tom/Jason/Ali had an alliance and were trying to get me out and tried throwing me under the bus to Julia and tried saying shit I didn’t say,, so ya,,, :)
Tom tried twisting it like I was the one who threw Julia’s name out bc apparently she’s inactive? Which is cute,, I said jack shit about that. So ya.
Um I’m voting Tom tonight now. I’m an indecisive bitch tho so it might change but. Fuck Tom. We gotta break up this alliance apparently. Julia’s the only person that’s said shit to me this whole day about what’s happening so I’m more likely to believe her than anyone else sooo ya. Fuck Tom. Fuck these men.
0 notes