#softy kinktober
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EEK IM SCREAMING FROM UR WRITINGS- and ur October event?! If u may a request of werewolf!ace please 😭 aksjwksjwkzj and maybe with any dark themes u have in mind 👀
CW: Reader is called “Little Red”, Attempted assault and kidnapping by a stranger (not ace), a bit of blood, creampie, breeding, Oral F!Recieving, Noncon, Ace is a bit toxic and yandere in this. Part of my Kinktover event! (now closed)
Words: 5.3K (im gagging idk what happened don't look at me ok, it my inner werewolf phase coming out at the end)
A/N: Sorry it took so long wahhhh and if the ending ended weirdly OTL
You pulled down on your red hood and tugged at your too-short of a skirt. Sighing out, you lean back on the wall, wondering how your friend not only roped you into coming to this Halloween party but also into wearing a skimpy Red Riding Hood costume. You were supposed to be matching with her, but she decided to go as a slutty bunny, stating, “Wasn’t there a bunny in the story too? No? Oh well, there was a wolf, so a bunny fits anyway!” It did not fit, but you were too tired to argue with her, trying your best to sink into the wall and disappear.
Unfortunately, your friend decided that being a wallflower for the entire party was not in the stars for you. “Come oooooooon! At least dance with me for one song!” Your friend whined as she dragged you by the wrist to the open dancefloor. The heavy, thumping bass drops seem to shake the dancefloor, or perhaps that was just the masses of people grinding and bumping into each other. Your friend dragged you right into the middle of the pit, and with no chance of escape, you sigh heavily, trying to act like the music wasn’t affecting you.
Your friend starts to pull out dance moves, using them on you as she pretends to circle a lasso around you and pull you in. You rolled your eyes at her display and went along with it with a small giggle. Slowly bobbing your head to the rhythm of the music and shuffling your feet, letting your body succumb to the music and the vibes. Getting more comfortable by the time the next song comes on. Swaying your hips and even moving your arms now, getting so lost in the melody that you didn’t notice that your friend left you and was replaced by someone else.
The deep, booming bass of the song made you more energized, shaking your ass and swinging your hips and body in tune with the bass. Your eyes closed so you could let your ears and body fully enjoy the music, thinking that you were still dancing with your friend you didn’t mind when you felt hands on you. Moving down your sides to settle on your hip as their chest slides up to your back. You played along, as you were used to your friend’s antics by now.
Only when you slyly bumped your ass back to grind on her, did you notice that your friend either got extremely buff in the last few minutes or you were actually grinding on a guy this whole time. Your questions were answered when the guy leaned his head down to whisper in your ear. “Damn.. you have some nice moves there, Little Red.” A slightly husky voice rasps out, his hands still on your hips, squeezing them, his fingers digging into your plushness.
You gasp out, twisting your body away from him, and turning around. In the neon flashing lights of the dancefloor, your eyes settled on the large frame in front of you. Your eyes immediately flickered to the furry ears on top of his head, black and fluffy like his hair. You look further down landing on his bare toned chest and totally not staring at his happy trail in the middle of his abs or anything like that. You catch a glimpse of his tail swishing behind him as he leans down once again to speak to you.
“Woah, hey! Sorry, was that too much?” He rubs the back of his hair with an awkward grin. Another flash of the neon lights from above passes by on the both of you, you studied his face a bit more as it does. Noticing the small patches of freckles across the bridge of his nose and his very sharp canines poking out. He places his hands in front calmly as a sign of goodwill. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything!” His voice rings out again, almost muffled by the booming bass from the speakers. The music dropped once more and everyone in the crowd was getting hyped for it, causing everyone to start swarming around the middle.
You got shoved right in the stranger’s direction, his arms came out swiftly to catch you before you fell face first on the ground. Firms arms wrapped around your waist to steady you, your face lands on his chest right above his happy trail. You inhale his scent, an intoxicating blend of musk, woods, and spices that starts off heavy and overwhelming but goes down smooth like a shot of liquor. You unconsciously curl up closer to his chest to breathe in more of this arousing aroma.
Letting the furry stranger easily manhandle you out of the dance pit and off the side. “Hey….hey……Hey there!” The stranger shakes your shoulder a bit, bringing you out of your stupor. A fierce blush heats up your face as you realize how you were still nuzzling your cheek on his chest. You backed away, almost stumbling on your feet, causing the stranger to once again catch you in his broad arms. “I know I’m gorgeous, but falling for me twice in a row? Haha, you’re really cute, you know that, Little Red?” You felt another rush of heat come up as you sputtered out a response.
I-I was just-! I mean-!” The stranger’s tail swished around happily as he threw his head back in a roaring laugh. Causing some of the other guests to turn their heads and look your way. Your ears burn as they stare at the two of you, you bring up your red hood and tighten the sting, covering your face. He eventually calms down once he sees you trying to leave the scene, with a hand placed on your shoulder to stop your escape.
His ears flopped down on his head and he gave you the saddest kicked puppy look you've ever seen in your life. “Hey, wait! I didn’t mean to upset you..” He pouts out his lips and you almost folded at this point. “I think we got off on the wrong foot, here, let me introduce myself.” He straightens up his back, extending to his full height, and puffing out his chest. “The name’s Ace! It’s nice to meet cha!” You just noticed now that his voice has a slight tinge of an accent behind it, but you couldn’t place your finger on where or what it sounded like.
Ace flung his hand out towards you, a wide smile on his face that emitted sunshine and warmth, only to be darkened by his menacingly large and seemingly real canines. You chuckled nervously as you grabbed his hand and shook it. “Wo-wow, Ace… those are some um-very big teeth you have there. Must have been quite the expensive buy. You really go all out for Halloween, huh?” He squeezed your hand tightly as you said that.
His fingers linger on your wrist before he lets go with the same smile still placed on his face, however, something was a bit off about it this time. “Hehe, yeah! I mean, Halloween is like the one night that I can truly be myself, you know!” He runs his hand through his hair, pushing back his ears as they spring back into place. ‘Wow he really must have dropped a lot of cash on his costume, everything looks so… realistic.’ You mused to yourself quietly as Ace stuck out his elbow for you to grab. “Wanna see how many hotdogs I can scarf down outside?” You raised an eyebrow at him but looped your arm with his either way.
“I bet you won’t go over ten.” You lightly teased him, bumping your elbow into his side, causing his tail to wag rapidly behind him. “Let’s make it a bet then!” He retorted back as you idly wondered how he was controlling his tail like that, you both headed out to the backyard. The “backyard” per se, was actually just the vast land in the back that opens up into a forest. Tables, chairs, lights, and a whole bar-be-que set were all set up for the party. Including a hot-dog eating contest on the side, Ace led you right to it, his stomach rumbling quite loudly as the smokey and savory aroma invaded your nose.
Ace was practically drooling by the time you both reached the table. A shirtless guy with a chainsaw for a head was taking in contestants. “Yo, my man! Let me join in too!” They dapped each other up in greeting. “You lookin’ to suck down some schlongs? You came to the right place, sign up right here and the contest starts in about 5 minutes!” Chainsaw guy gave Ace a clipboard with the sign-up sheet, and he started yelling for the other contestants to gather up.
Ace gives you a wink, unhooking his arm from you and going to sit down at the table. “Make sure to root for me, alright, Little Red?” You roll your eyes but smile softly at him, feeling a warmth start to bloom in your chest. The other contestants all sit down as well, getting ready to feast as piles of hotdogs are placed in front of them. Chainsaw guy counted down from five and blew his whistle, signaling the contestants to start chowing down. Ace quickly grabbed a hotdog in each hand and shoved them in his mouth, the wienerwursts disappearing in the blackhole of his stomach one after the other. Ace’s pile of hotdogs was gone in minutes.
He even started taking hotdogs from the other contestant’s pile, only to get reprimanded by the Chainsaw guy. You belly laughed at the display, watching the people sitting next to Ace give up and push their piles to the wolf man anyway. Later on, it was less of a competition and more of the crowd just cheering on Ace as he kept on wolfing down dog after dog. Some watched in awe and some watched in disgust, you were a mixture of both, the ringing of a bell signals the contest’s end.
People cheered and one even puked on the grass, Ace threw his arms up in the air and started flexing, sending winks and heart signs your way. “That was all for you, Little Red!” He ends his declaration with a loud howl, other party goers got affected by his enthusiasm and joined in as well and you could swear that actual wolves in the forest were howling along in the back. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end as the howls began to die down, something about the way Ace’s voice timbered out from deep in his chest made you wary and scared….
You push down those uneasy feelings when Ace saunters up to you, his hand on his hips as he bows down with a lopsided grin on his face. His fangs glint under the light of the moon, his voice lightly rasps out; “So, what’cha think? I definitely ate more than ten, am I right?” You snort, pushing at his broad chest softly; “I think you ate enough to feed a whole country.” Ace’s grin only got wider at your comment, his tail sweeping the ground behind him; “So that means I won the bet, right?” He slung his arm around your shoulder and one on your hip pulling you in close, putting his lips right next to the shell of your ear.
Even making his voice a pitch deeper as it rumbles down straight to your core; “Cause, I think I want you as my prize for winning the contest and the bet, Little Red.” This time, you couldn’t suppress the shiver that came up your spine, just now taking notice of how big Ace’s hands were, and they were even equipped with pointed nails painted black to look like claws. They point into your sides, sharp but not painful like a warning of what he could do if he added just a bit more pressure.
Your breath gets caught in your throat as you try to quip back with a sarcastic retort, as Ace lowers his head down on your shoulder, taking in a deep breath of your scent, his nose poking at the fabric of your red hood, you could feel his fangs come out a bit as they start to dig in, making you yelp loudly. You push Ace away much harsher this time, your heartbeat going a mile a minute, your face flushed as red as your hood, Ace stumbles back from the impact, his head facing downwards so you couldn't see his expression. You could only hear a heavy growl arising from Ace’s throat when he looked back up at you.
His pupils turned into slits as they appeared to almost glow from the angle he was leering at you from. You took a couple of steps back, your voice coming out in a small whisper; “A-ace?”. But that was enough for Ace to snap back from whatever was happening to him. Shaking his head and slapping his own cheeks roughly twice, his eyes went back to normal when they landed on you once more. He reaches out a hand towards you, but upon seeing you flinch back away from him, his ears fall down, pressing flatly against his head.
His tail also hangs limp, tucked between his legs. “Little Red, I am so so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I swear!” He pressed his hands down flat on his sides, noticing how you were warily eyeing them, his shoulders hunching down and his head droop down as well. Trying his best to make himself seem as harmless and small as possible. “Little Red, are you still-” “I think I should go-” You both spoke at the same time; “Ah, Sorry you go first-” “No, you should-” You both cut off each other once again, you began to speak once more, not finding the courage to look at Ace directly while you spoke.
“I-I’m gonna go get a drink. By myself!” You added the last sentence in a hurry when you saw Ace take a step forward to follow you. Tugging on your hood’s strings nervously, eyes flicking over to Ace’s form to gauge his reaction, Ace only lets out a pitiful whine at your words. Stopping his trek towards you either way, you didn’t wait for him to start speaking again as you quickly turned around and sprinted across the other side of the backyard.
Your heart pounding in your chest, recalling the predatory look on Ace’s face, the abnormally deep growl he made, and the feeling that you were caught in the maw's of a great beast. You jogged all the way up to the mini bar stationed in the backyard, the bartender gives you a worried look; “Hey, you feeling alright there?” When you went to reply with a “I’m fine.” what came out instead was a painful wheeze. You kneel over, coughing out your poor lungs in front of the bartender, who came over to pat you on the back and offer you some water.
You felt the stares of some onlookers, but they were quickly shooed away by the bartender. When you finally felt like you had coughed up everything your body had to offer, he helped you up back on your feet. You swayed a bit and crashed into his side, he was quick to steady you though. Wrapping an arm around your waist and letting you lean on him, “Woah there, just lean on me, alright? And, drink this too.” He pushed the cup of water near your face, letting you dip your head down so you could take a few sips. The cold crisp water hitting your suffering lungs, made things a little bit better. You gulped down until the cup was empty and gave a huge relieved sigh.
Your heart rate calmed down by this point, you felt like you could breathe normally again. The bartender still held on to your side, smiling gently at you; “Finally some color back in those cute cheeks of yours, haha. I think I’m gonna have to cut you off from any more drinks tonight, miss.” His tone light and teasing, your heart didn’t flutter like it did with Ace though. You managed to give him a smile back, hoping it didn’t show your true emotions.
You shrug off his arm from your waist, giving him another small thanks, however the bartender grabbed onto your arm to stop you from leaving. “Hey, you’re just gonna leave just like that?” He frowned, his grip on your arm tighten up; “I think it my duty as a bartender, to look after drunk girls like you, you know..” You felt bile rise up when he licked his lips at you, you pulled on your captured arm. “Let go of me!” You yelled, looking around to see if there was anyone who would come to help, but the crowd got denser and drunker as the night moved on and the music was deafening.
A hand was placed over your mouth when you tried to scream for help again, you felt yourself getting pulled away from the crowd, you struggled and kicked behind you but the anxiety and exhaustion from before caught up with you. His hand moved a bit downward as he was trying to keep you still, you took this opportunity to bite down on it. He screamed and let you go for a moment but swiftly yanked you back by grabbing on to your red hood.
Tears fell down your cheeks as the collar of the hood started to choke you a bit from how hard he was pulling back on it. Your vision got blurry from all the tears and lack of air, so you didn’t get to see Ace land a dropkick on the bartender, sending him crashing through some tables. As you were gasping for air once more and trying to get your vision to clear, all you heard was grunting and growling. Your eyes cleared up and you got back on your feet to find a small pack of people crowding around something.
You stood on your toes to look over someone’s shoulders to find Ace beating the absolute shit out of the bartender. Blow after blow was dealt, you heard someone leave to puke, you almost puked yourself hearing a sickening crunch of bones being broken. Ace’s hands were bloodied and the guy beneath him stopped moving a while ago it seemed, but everyone watching was too afraid to try to stop Ace. His hair and fur on his tail were frenzied and wild, he stopped beating on the guy and stood up, wiping the blood on his bare chest, taking in a deep breath of air and immediately swinging his head around to meet with your eyes.
You couldn’t hear him from this distance but you could see his lips move to say “Little Red…” and your heart froze up, fortunately your legs did not freeze as they turned and ran as they could. Right in the vast thicket of the forest, you did not care how tired you were, you just wanted to get away from everyone, from the stupid party you got dragged to, from that creepy guy, and from Ace. He wasn’t normal, no, from everything that you saw from him tonight, your mind concluded that he was either on a lot of drugs or wasn’t human.
The moonlight helped illuminate your path forward, deeper and deeper into the forest. You were sure the forest wasn’t this big before, but your plan of cutting through the forest back home is starting to seem like a bad idea now. You stopped for a quick breath, looking at your surroundings for any sign of a landmark. Only to find the same amount of trees on either side, you weren’t even sure which way the party was now. Silently cursing to yourself, you pulled out your phone to see if there was at least a signal to call for help.
Your head whipped around trying to find the source of the noise, trembling slightly as you voiced out in the darkness. “He-hello? Who’s there?” ... Nothing answered back; only the sound of more leaves and branches crunching and cracking was heard as you strained your ears to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. As a figure began to emerge from the darkness and into the moonlight, you decided that waiting to see who it was was a dumb idea, so you quickly ran again.
Your legs and chest were screaming at you; your muscles were sore, but you kept pressing on. The adrenaline and fear coursing through your veins help you run just a little bit further each time you think you are going to pass out. Your ears picked up on noises coming directly behind you—the sounds of branches being broken, someone tramping down on the dirt, and a strange low huffing—all invaded your senses as you kept on running.
You didn’t dare look behind you, not caring where you were heading; you just needed to get away from whatever was chasing you. Yet fate decided to have some fun with you, making you trip on the soft dirt, landing directly on your face. You scrambled to get back on your feet, only to be pushed down by someone much larger than you. Their hot breath ghosted over the scuff of your neck, and their hands gripped tightly on your waist as you felt them press their body right up against your back.
“Little Red…”
Your blood ran cold, and a numbing chill went up your spine, freezing your entire body. You know that nickname, that voice... “Ace…?” You get a guttural growl in response, and Ace’s dips down to press his lips on the back of your neck. His claws dig into your plushness when you yelp and try to squirm away from his searing kisses. Each press of his lips on your bare skin burns straight down to your core. His fangs graze over the fabric of your cheap costume, and another growl comes out, more annoyed that the cloth was keeping him away from your sweet flesh.
One hand lets go of your waist to tear at your clothes with his claws, easily ripping the fabric apart with one finger. The chilling night air hits your skin, causing goosebumps to run down your spine. Only to get replaced by the fervent heat of Ace’s tongue licking down your back. A shameless groan came from Ace as he continued to nip and slobber on your skin: “Fuck… Little Red, you taste so good.. So good..” Ace’s head was swimming; all rational thoughts left the window when he saw you get manhandled by that shitty bartender.
Then the chase through the woods? Oh, Ace thought it was so fun, he could have easily caught you when you passed the first thicket of trees, but his instincts enjoyed the hunt, the wait, and the stalking. Seeing you so helpless, sweat pouring down your skin, your scent emitting an enticing mixture of fear and lust. Of course, that's what Ace thought anyway: that this chase was all part of the game and that you wanted him just as badly as he wanted you. That's why you were shaking so much, right? In excitement?
Your tears were probably just for show, not that he cared either way. Something about seeing your face covered in tears, your cute lips quivering into a pout. He wanted to make a blubbering mess out of you, the idea made his pants all the tighter. He rutted against you, his bulge rubbing right on your ass. Grunting as he pushes up your flimsy skirt, growling when the wind keeps pushing it back down again, he decided to just tear it to shreds anyway.
With one hand pushing down your back, he moves his other hand to move your legs apart enough for his hand to rub on your panties, his forefingers going right in the middle, teasing your clit and digging in with his claws just enough to make you worry. You tried to squirm away, knees grating on the dig, your hands trying to grab on, whether it was for a weapon or for balance—you didn't know at this point. Your mind just screamed at you to get away, but Ace wasn’t going to let that happen. Even if the chase was fun, he was getting impatient at this point; he needed you badly.
He easily dragged you back by the thighs, pushing your ass back right on his face. You squealed, feeling his tongue trace the outline of your folds, pushing your panties in as far as it could. You let out a high-pitched and embarrassed whine when Ace takes a huge inhale, his nose right in the middle of your wet panties, practically breathing in your scent into his veins. Getting even drunker from his actions, you scramble as hard as you can, your nails digging in the soft dirt, your legs shaking, but Ace's grip on you was tight, and he wasn’t going to give you even an inch of freedom.
Using his sharp teeth, Ace gently bit down on the edge of your panties, making sure not to hurt you even in his frenzied stage. He pulled back on it, tearing a small hole in your underwear. He repeated this action until your pussy was exposed to him. “Ace.. do-don’t.” Your quiet and pathetic pleads fell on deaf ears, as Ace immediately dove in, his tongue lapping up all your sweet arousal. Loud groans bubbled up from his throat, his tongue slobbering all over your folds, drool flying out from how fast his tongue was lapping on you.
You squeaked out moans of your own; it was sloppy, but Ace had a large, hot tongue that hit in all the right places. Anytime his tongue sloppily hits your clit, your body gives a little shake, and your hands clenched into fists as you try to fight off the feeling of pleasure from this action. The vulgar slurping noises coming from this were deafening to you in the quiet night air. “Fu-fuck!” Your eyes almost rolled back when Ace shoved his tongue inside of you, the wet muscle working its way to a sweet spot.
It was thick and long enough to almost fill you up like a cock would; it only succeeded in making you crave something bigger to fill you up, even though you might deny that at the moment. You felt your stomach start to get tight, and your thighs shook and shook as Ace was unrelenting in tongue-fucking you. You could only squeeze your eyes shut as your body gave up and released all over Ace’s face. Your juices cover his cheek and chin, as he happily slurps up all the rest coming from you.
He pulls back with a satisfied hum, standing back on his knees so he can pull down his pants and wring out his hard cock. You were panting and trying to recover from that orgasm when you felt his tip rub against your folds. Your mind went into fight mode again, kicking and screaming at him, but it was no use. Ace leaned back down over you, his chest covering your entire frame and his mouth placed directly next to your ear as he grabbed his cock and slowly began to push it inside. Just the tip was enough to stretch you out; “Shush… It’s ok, just trust me, Little Red.” He grunts into a soft growl, finally feeling his cock get engulfed by your tight hole. “I know you wanted this too… I’ll give it to you, don’t worry. I-nghh-I’ll mark you tonight and you’ll be-hahhh-my mate forever.”
You barely register his words and their meaning when he completely thrusts his cock into you, his hips slapping harshly on your ass. Taking a moment to enjoy how your pussy was already trying to milk him dry, so tight, wet, and inviting. He moved his head down so his lips went on your pulse point on your neck, angling his hips back slowly, starting a slow thrust. Each time his cock fully went in, it made you choke on air from how it was completely filling you up. You barely had time to adjust to his length before Ace went at a faster pace.
Any inhabitants of the forest were subjected to listening to the lewd sounds of your moans, the slapping of skin on skin, and Ace’s deep growls and grunts. Your cute moans soon turned into a scream as Ace bit down on your neck, marking you and drawing blood, his hand clawing at the front of your shirt, ripping that apart as so he could grope at your chest. The stinging pain combined with the overwhelming pleasure made your brain short-circuit. Another orgasm was building up, as Ace let go of your neck and lapped up the blood, feeling you get even tighter, he started going faster.
“That’s it, Little Red. So fucking tight, I’m gonna breed this tight pussy. Hahhhh. You’re gonna look so good filled up with my pups.”
Wait, does that mean he was going to cum inside of you?! You tried to stop him but all that fell from your lips with a soft whimper, with a particularly hard thrust, you came once more, on his cock this time. Ace let your pussy squeeze him for all he’s worth, releasing his cum inside of you. The hot seed covered your walls and spilled out, Ace let out a tender whine, feeling his cock almost empty from this. But he wasn't done yet; no, he needed to make sure that you were going to take everything tonight.
He gradually pulls out his cock, whining at the loss of heat but quickly works as he flips you on your back. Now you were facing him for the first time since you entered the woods. The feral look in Ace’s eyes made him seem like an entirely different person. He almost seemed a lot bigger than before. There was no time to think about that though, as he rammed his cock back inside you, causing more of his cum to spill out, but that’s ok, he was gonna fill up you again and again.
He folded your legs to your chest so he could hit at the right angles and made sure your pussy could hold all she could. Plap after plap of his hips hitting against yours, your body was just a toy for Ace to breed and use at this point, but he was anything but a selfish lover, gently rubbing at your swollen clit with the pad of his thumb, being extra careful not to use his claw. Giving you heated kisses on the side of your neck and praising you with every breath you take. You quickly came again, the sheer feeling of being overpowered like this, you were his now. No question about it, that what your mind told you at least, giving up and letting Ace do what he wants with your body.
“Hahhh-Fuck-Take it, take it all, Little Red.”
“I’ll take good care of you, you’ll be the perfect mate for me, our puppies-nghhh-are going to look so fu-fuckin cute, I swear.”
Letting the pleasure overtake you, as he cream inside your pussy once more, this time he didn’t stop fucking you, the spillage of your own arosual and his cum made the squelching noise all the much louder. His cum overflowed onto your thighs, you were sure at this point that your pussy couldn’t hold that much anymore but Ace was determined to change that fact. Fucking into you deeper and deeper with every orgasm, you were stuck in this position… and did I forget to mention, that a fullmoon was happening tonight as well? Looks like you’re in for a long night.
#ace x reader#ace smut#one piece smut#one piece x reader#softy write#softy kinktober#tw noncon#₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ softy writes#kinktober 2023
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@folieadeuxserver Kinktober 2023
Prompt: Dacryphilia
It's been quite a while since I last draw Margot and Alana, so I thought this would be an apt occassion for them to make an appearance.
#fadserver#nbc hannibal#hannibal#alana bloom#margot verger#marlana#hannibal fanart#amip's art#It turned out to be sweet and tender rather than kinky#but I'm a softie at heart so I couldn't help it#kinktober 2023
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I actually wrote this fic in August if my draft revisions are to be believed. Either way, this is longer than the other fics this month because of that. Then I never got around to posting it for whatever reason, I kept editing it and putting it off until we got here.
Written for Kinktober Day 18: Size Difference (Again)
Rating: E for Egregiously Explicit
Category: F/F
Ship: trans!Karlach/Shadowheart
Tags and Summary under the break.
Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Trans Female Character, Trans Karlach, Size Difference, Telepathic Dirty Talk, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Girl Penis, Blow Jobs, Come Swallowing
It started with an errant thought, one that Karlach wouldn't have heard without the stupid tadpoles in their skulls. It ended with them both a sweaty, literally steaming mess.
#bg3#bg3 fanfiction#shadowheart#karlach#shadowheart x karlach#karlach x shadowheart#kinktober 2023#kinktober#anotheropti's kinktober 2023#big softie who doesn't hide it + small softie who does = good times#this and yesterday's fic are accidentally similar oops not oops#this whole thing's probably a mess because it's been edited like 9 times#also this was before I saw the light#before I knew that my fics for this ship would be t4t#which they will be going forward#and hopefully not ALL of them will be smut#so bear with me here#and!#if you're this far down in tags you deserve to get a lil treat#spoiler for one of the free days: more t4t karlach/shadowheart is coming#opti's fics
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Kinktober Day 7

starring: simon "ghost" riley x male reader
request: Simon Riley breeding male reader over and over till you're filled with his delicious cum
warnings: smut, overstimulation, mention of male pregnancy, rough sex, breeding, stomach bulge, cumfilation, simon being a softy, big dick!simon, dub con if you kinda squint, butt plug, aftercare
simon had been fucking you for hours at this point, dumping load after load into your still tight hole, and it didn't seem like he was going to stop anytime soon, you were just so addicting and seeing you at the teams dinner tonight with that handsome suit on made him want you so much more than he already did.
but for you it was becoming unbearable every passing minute, your ass bruised and sore from the rough plaps of skin on skin contact making you more and more sensitive and you cock now gone limp after simon fucked each load out of you, face littered with tears and sweat from over stimulation.
no matter how hard you tried to push him off of you he pulled himself back into you and continued his assault on you plump ass "please simon just give me a break" you plead feeling you mind melt by the second "i promise this is the last one pup" he huffed gripping your thighs tighter against his chest as he stared down at you with hazy vision.
"you said that hours ago" you retort trying to push him off but he just keeps going, not even a little bothered by your attempt to stop him, he just wanted to fill up your tummy nice and big with his cum like you were pregnant with his babies that he always dream of you having.
"this is the last time okay love i fuckin' swear on my life" he groaned throwing his head back as he fucked you on his cock like a toy, did you believe that this was gonna be his last time? no but hopefully it was because it felt like one to many more loads and you were going to pop.
"y'know i love you so much right lovie, so fucking much, i wanna start a family with you and move to the middle of the woods where you can moan my name as loud as you want" simon cooed running his hand up and down your inflated cum filled stomach while occasionally squeezing your bruised hips from his over bearing grip.
but this usually did happen when simon would fuck you for hours on end, his thoughts running crazy as he feels this tightness of your hole he'll start spewing his thoughts about how he wants to make you a baby daddy and give you triplets, he knows you can't have babies but who says he can't challenge the laws of human anatomy and you know damn well he would if it came to you.
"mhm si i want all you babies, pump this pussy full of your cum" you moaned out leading to his doing one more deep thrust before cumming in you, his cum pushing out your belly even more making you whine at the sight and feel of his cock pulsing in you.
when he pulls out it's a fucking mess dripping out of you, cum pushing out like a fountain but how could you get pregnant if it doesn't all stay in to ferment into a little baby so he plugs you up with his favorite pretty butt plug before crawling into the bed to cuddle next to you.
for you the room was spinning and you were to tired to do anything but you still cuddled into his warm chest "i love you y/n" simon deeply spoke rubbing your back to comfort you and before you could speak you were fast asleep after being tuckered out with his cock.
#simon riley#simon ghost riley#simon riley x male reader#x male reader#gay smut#x male smut#x male y/n#x male#bottom male reader#gay#male reader#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#simon riley x y/n#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost x reader#cod ghost#ghost cod#cod#call of duty ghost#kinktober
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save a horse ride a?

warnings: best friend dynamic, innocent bambi!reader, experienced!matt, flirting, kissing, thigh riding, corruption in a way, not proof read as always
a/n: first day of kinktober baby! i really hope you guys enjoy the whole month of fics! this is just a small of what big things are coming all puns intended. as always i🤍u
summary: reader is starting to obsessed over the farm life especially cowboys. what happens when matt takes her to the country and dresses the part?
i sat happy in front of matt as he showed me an air bnb he rented for the two of us on the country side. “matt i didn’t think you would actually book the trip” i spoke softly. “of course anything for you but go pack your bags we leave tomorrow morning” he replied back. i sat up almost skipping to my bedroom to pack up my stuff.
once i was done grabbing all of my things it was around 8pm and matt said he had ordered food so i walked downstairs to meet him. “love hurry the foods gonna get cold” he slightly raised his voice. “i’m here calm down” i giggled. i sat with him as i put on a show while matt go the food ready.
as soon as we were done eating i was wiped out an ready for bed. “matt come onn im tired” i grabbed his hand dragging him up the steps.
the next morning..
me and matt are sitting in the car his hand on my thigh as he drove. “we’re here i’ll help you get your stuff just go unlock the door the code is 5555” matt spoke lightly as he got up. “on it” i smiled as i got up to the door.
all of our stuff was now unpacked and matt had planned horse riding for us so i started to get ready. i chose a red and white plaid dress and some brown cowgirl boots. “love! are you almost ready we have to leave soon” matt yelled from down the steps. “yeah i’m about to be done” i yelled back.
i walked down the steps to meet a very hot matt with a red and black plaid button up with a black cowboy hat. i felt a werid feeling in my body as a wet patch started to grow in my underwear. “so how do i look?” matt ask softy. “really good you know i gotta thing for cowboys” i whispered back. matt smirked as he grabbed his keys and waved his hand to follow him outside.
we arrived to farm as i saw all the pretty horses. “i want that one” i said as i pointed to white one. “i want this one” matt replied to the black one ironically standing next to the white one. i giggled as the instructor helped us get each of the horses.
i already knew how to ride a horse but seeing matt struggle was the best part. as the horse picked up the saddle rubbed in the right spot as i gasped out. matt came next to me on his horse “you okay” he asked “yeah just fine” i replied as i blushed.
matt was now infront of me and god did he look good. this unfamiliar feeling rose in my body again and i felt like i had an itch that i couldn’t scratch. when we were done i make sure to get a picture of matt and us with the horses.
as we got back to the air bnb i had to ask matt about what i was feeling was bothering me so bad i felt like i was gonna burst. “matt.. can you please come here” i called out from the bedroom. i could hear footsteps getting closer. “yeah what’s wrong love?” he said coming into the room.
“i feel something very weird and i think i might need help” i spoke softly. “what’s it that you’re feeling” he questioned. “it’s like an urge down there and i have no idea what to do like it almost hurts” i said embarrassed. matt seem to understand and wasn’t confused at all “come here baby” he patted his thigh.
i got up and sat up on his thigh and wrapped my hands around his neck. “can you help me?” i questioned desperately. “i got you, just be patient” he whispered. he grabbed my waist as he slowly rocked my hip back and forth on his jeans. i threw my head back as i felt some relief.
“feels really good matt” he took my face in his palm an connected our lips. i groaned into his mouth as my hips started to move on their own. he disconnected our lips to lift me up to my feet to reach his hands under my dress to slide off my panties.
“sit back down baby” he spoke a little more demanding. i sat back down on his thigh as i felt a new type of feeling. he pushed on my waist to add pressure as i rocked my now bare pussy against him. “fuck..” i moaned out.
matt took his flannel off and threw it on the floor leaving him with a black tank on. his lips started to leave kisses along my neck and his hands started to kneed my boobs through my dress. my hips bucked onto his thigh not knowing how this could feel so good. “matt i need to feel your touch.. please” i whined out.
“like this baby” his thumb started to rub my clit as my eyes rolled back and my back arched. “yes! fuck that feels amazing” i almost screamed out.
i felt the pressure build up in my stomach as i put my head in his neck as my hand slide up to his cowboy head and gripped my fingers around it. “that’s it love keep going you’re doing so good” matt spoke into my ear.
i picked up my paste as i felt the wetness spread onto his pants. “matt i think im gonna!…” before i could finished i was cumming all over matt’s leg as i gripped on his shirt and my legs started to shake. “good girl you feel better now?” matt said rubbing my back.
“so much better matt but i’m so tired” i spoke cuddling my head into his neck. “it’s okay baby we’ll go get a bath” he picked me up and took me to the bathroom as he sat me on the counter and started the bath. he started to take my clothes off and his and he picked me up once again and sitting us in the bathtub.
“if you ever have the feeling when you’re with me tell me you know i’ll always help my baby” he whispered. i rolled my head back onto his chest. “of course who else would i be so comfortable with asking” i said slowly closing my eyes to relax.

liked by matthew.sturniolo, christophersturniolo, madisonbeer and 1,275,529 others.
yn.yln: how does it go.. save a horse ride a? @/ matthew.sturniolo
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liked by yn.yln, christophersturniolo, nicolassturniolo, and 1,100.637 others.
mathewsturniolo: maybe the farm life isn’t that bad @/ yn.yln
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a/n: i’m sorry this took me forever to get out today but trust everything will be posted everyday just takes time. i hope you enjoyed the little insta post at the end as well trying some new things! also some tags aren’t working so bare with me! i🤍u
taglist! @mattsbitchh @st7rnioioss @sweetlikesug4rvenom @ivysturnss @lormyaaa @slut4m4tt @sarahlovesyoualot @ilovemattsturniolo35 @melspam @daisy011 @matts-myloverboy @tsturniolo4 @mattsturnswife
#sturniolo triplets#sturniolos#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#laughoutloud#sturniolo triplets smut#christopher sturniolo#chris sturniolo smut#sturniolo#matt sturniolo smut#kinktober#sturniolosangel
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✩₊˚.⋆ CALL ME BACK ! - suna rintarou / 10.01 / kinktober

CW: phone sex, suna being a softie, mutual masturbation, fingering, female anatomy, petnames, "shower sex" sort of, and voyeurism.
Word Count: 2.4k
Author's Note: here's day one of kinktober. i hope you guys enjoy reading! ily all smmm. leave a note or reblog to show support!
“i’m about to take a shower, angel,” suna murmured softly as he stood up from the bed. his hands sifted through his suitcase, pulling out fresh clothes to sleep in. it had only been three days since he last saw y/n, but it already felt like an eternity. work had taken him across the city, and he wasn’t allowed to bring anyone along—not even her, the one person he needed most.
he had told her about this trip months ago, yet when the day arrived, the reality hit hard.
y/n’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice wavering as they embraced tightly.
“it’s just one week. it’ll pass in no time, i promise,” suna reassured her, pressing her against his chest. his hands traced soothing patterns along her lower back, slipping beneath the fabric of his oversized t-shirt she wore. despite his calm words, he wasn’t any better off. being away from y/n gnawed at him in ways he couldn’t put into words.
every day without her felt unbearable, like a slow unraveling of his mind. but for her sake, he stayed composed, trying to mask the frustration and longing that built up inside. he couldn’t let her see how much it hurt him too. after all, the last thing he wanted was to make this harder for her than it already was.
“are you going to hang up?” she asked, her voice thick with sleep. it was well past midnight, and amidst his whirlwind of a day, this was the only moment he truly had to talk to her, to catch up. she had been staying awake for this very reason, but when she heard suna’s words, her eyes snapped open. she didn’t want the call to end, not yet. though it had already been an hour, it felt like mere minutes had passed.
“maybe. do you not want me to?” his question was laced with a playful tease, but the faint frown on her lips tugged at his conscience. guilt stirred as he propped his phone on the bathroom counter, turning on the water in the shower. “okay, okay. i won’t,” he smiled.
“can you bring me in the shower with you?” she smiled softly, the sight of him soothing her enough to joke. “fine, but if i get water damage, i’m blaming you,” he replied, reappearing in the frame. she hummed in response, content in the quiet, watching as he tugged off his hoodie, then his shirt, his toned abdomen flexing as he moved.
he turned away to neatly drape the clothing over the bathroom pole that held decorative towels, and her gaze lingered on the way his back muscles shifted with each motion. when he turned back, her eyes traced every detail, caught in a quiet admiration until he reached for the phone, bringing his face into view.
“miss me that much?” he grinned, setting the phone down, though now all she could see was the bathroom ceiling. “rin, set me back up,” she groaned, his laughter the only response. “so you can eye-fuck me?”
suna hummed, amused, as he propped the phone back up. he removed his sweats, leaving him in only his breifs that were low on his hips. "are you not tired?" he questioned, pulling them off as well. the phone's frame was just above his v line, leaving his lower half a mystery to y/n. "a little bit. gonna wait for you to finish up." he hummed and he picked up his phone, walking over to the shower before searching for somewhere to place the device. he resided on the faucet that was aligned directly infront of his midsection.
he adjusted the shower head, the heated water meeting his skin. a silence fell over them and suna continued on with his routine like usual. "rin?" y/n called.
"so you know how you've been gone for three days now?" she asked, voice a bit quiter. "i'm aware, yeah." he let out a small laugh. "everything alright, sweetheart?" he questioned after she remained quiet. she nodded, eyes widening slightly when suna took a step back that gave her a small glance of the familiar sight. she wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but she could've sworn that maybe suna was getting the same thoughts as her at the moment.
"have you thought about me?"
"what kind of question is that? duh." he snorted, leaning down a bit so give y/n a confused expression. "no..i mean," she huffed, slightly moving out of frame.
"have you thought about me?
he was silent after a moment before the phone was picked up. he flipped the camera and angled it to show y/n his current situation. "this answer your question?" he asked. she was right. he was having the same thoughts as her. she tried not to show how flustered she got, making her roll her eyes in false annoyance. "why didn't you say anything before?" she huffed, sitting up properly on their bed.
"you're tired. i don't wanna keep you up longer than i have to." he placed his phone back up, but despite not seeing anything anymore, she couldn’t help but be hyper-aware of just whats below the camera's frame.
"rin," she breathed out, her voice a bit more urgent now, "i'm not that tired."
suna raised an eyebrow, his smirk deepening as he adjusted the water, letting it cascade down his back. he didn't respond immediately, letting the quiet tension build between them. he knew exactly what she meant, but he was going to make her ask for it. he loved teasing her, and despite her annoyance sometimes, he knew that she secretly enjoyed it.
"not tired, huh?" he finally mused, his tone playful but low. the steam from the shower was fogging up the camera slightly, adding a hazy filter to their conversation. "then what do you want, sweetheart?"
y/n glanced around the room, feeling the familiar warmth creep up her neck. she shifted under the covers, feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment wash over her. "you know what i want, rin."
his chuckle was soft but dark, the kind that sent a shiver down her spine. "yeah? keep talking, then." his voice was encouraging yet challenging, daring her to push the boundaries of their conversation further.
her breath hitched for a moment as she tried to gather her thoughts. "i... i miss you," she started, her voice softer now, vulnerable, but laced with the desire she'd been suppressing since the moment he left. "i miss how you feel. i miss your hands on me, your mouth..."
suna's eyes lowered slightly, his own breath deepening as her words hit him. "y/n..." he let out a barely audible moan at his growing problem. "you're playing a dangerous game, angel," he sighed, his voice low and rough. her legs pressed tighter against eachother as she sat up properly on the bed while suna turned the water off to hear her better. he stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist, but it hung dangerously low. "i want to see you." he said, noticing how she kept shuffling.
she was out of frame, but suna caught how she shrugged and shook her head. "no way. that's embarrassing." she muttered. it was already embarrassing enough that she couldn’t help but feel this way in the first place. "I've seen your body countless of times, sweetheart. what makes it so different this time?"
she huffed since once again, his words made sense. y/n placed a pillow at the end on the bed before sitting up with her back against the headboard. he smiled at the sight of his girlfriend as the ache in his erection felt more prominent. "hey, pretty angle. i wish i could touch you right now—taste you. make you feel good."
a small sound left her lips and she pulled her legs up to her chest. she wore one of suna's shirts and her bottom half seemed bare, but suna got a small glance of her panties that were beginning to form a dampened circle. he let out a sigh at the site, brushing a hand over his covered erection.
the room was dim, her only source of light being a bedside lamp that casted a warm hue over the room. "i only going to watch you touch yourself. tell me if you need help." her legs closed tighter to one another and suna shook his head in dissaprovement. "mhn-mhn. i need to see what you're doing, n/n." he took a seat on the edge of the hotel bed. "spread your legs for me." he finally said.
y/n followed his words but not before removing her panties. the evident shine of her arousal could be seen and suna glanced away from the screen to let out a quiet groan. it's just been three days, and he's been pushing through his thoughts, but the sight of what he could've had seemed to have been driving him insane.
"go ahead, pretty. pretend its me touching you."
with a circular motion against her bud, y/n let out a shaky sigh. suna couldn't help but palm his growing erection underneath his towel. she let out a small whine and suna knew that it wasn't one of pleasure. "what's wrong, n/n?" he grew concerned almost immediately. "it dosen't feel as good as you, rin."
"i know, i know. you've gotta try though." he muttered, glancing down at his lap. "here let's try this instead." he unwrapped the towel from his waist and used it to prop his phone up next to him. y/n got a side view of his body and he gripped his length in a fist. despite his shower not even ten minutes ago, beads of his arousal settled at the tip of his erection, some slowly dripping down to trail down the back of his fist.
he glanced at the screen, pumping his length once as he let out a small moan. "keep touching yourself, pretty. it'll start to feel good soon, i promise." he kept his eyes on the screen, watching how y/n's fingers massaged her bud, a shaky moan falling past her lips. the way suna used slow motions basically left her in a trance. every time he would drag his fist up, all of his arousal would pool on top of his fist and then drip down his length when he'd drag it back down.
"god, you make it ten times harder to have any kind of self control when you sound like that." he groaned, tilting his head back slightly as his gaze lazily cut to the side to admire y/n's motions. he'd swell in his hand with every movement he made and y/n noticed that. "s-slide your finger in, sweetheart." he let out a strained moan.
she was hesitant, but gathered her own arousal and did so. she let out a moan that heightened in volume when she gradually inserted her middle finger. "one more, pretty." he huffed, quickening his movements. "i can't, rin."
"yes you can. we both know you can." he said, trying to force down a moan. "if you can take me, two fingers is nothing. close your eyes and just listen to my voice instead, okay?"
"mhm." she hummed, resting her head against the head board. she began to insert the second finger and suna felt a wave of pleasure wash over him. "mhm, just like i do. there you go." he huffed, taking the corner of his botom lip between his teeth. a grin came onto his mouth when he notice how y/n began to move her fingers in and out without him telling her. her moans also started to settle and become smoother, showing that this was definitely more enjoyable for her.
while suna was desperate for his own release, he also knew how much harder its been on y/n since she's been busy with her classes and staying up late to talk to him. she never really had time for herself and when she did, nothing compared to her moments with him. he would call her spoiled, but to be fair, he probably had everything to do with that.
"go a little faster, sweetheart. i want you to feel good so you can get some rest." his movements quicked, going the same pace as her. she used her free hand to grip the fabric of the comforter. another moan followed and she continued on this as suna would mumble soft praises. his voice alone helped her tune out the reality of their situation. her eyes squeezed shut even tighter and suna caught on to those familiar sounding moans.
"you're close, huh?" his voice was rough from his strained moans and y/n nodded to his words. the lewd sounds traveled through the speaker of y/n's phone and suna focused on them as he began to bring himself to his own climax of pleasure. "can't believe you're so messy, sweetheart."
"shut up.." she whined, her voice just barely over a whisper. he propped himself up on one elbow and relased his length from his fist. he brought his phone closer to himself as he held it in his hand, wanting to get a better view at y/n's actions. "keep going, n/n." he said, his chest rising and falling in a quickened pace as he watched her movements get sloppier. her palm grazed her bud with every motion and with a few lewd encouragements from her boyfriend, y/n drew out a long whine as her body shivered and her legs wrapped around her wrist.
suna watched as her arousal dripped down her sex and began to pool on the fabric of the bed. he would've warned her to put down a towel if he knew it would've gotten to this point, but it wasn’t something to fret over. "feel better, n/n?" he questioned, gripping his length in his hand once again. still in a daze she nodded, her hips jolting as she circled her bud with her own arousal to ride out her high. suna watched with a heavy gaze, coming to his own high in just seconds at the sight of y/n.
spurts of his arousal fell onto his lower abdomen and he let out a long and breathy moan that was laced into a swear. y/n couldn’t pull her eyes from him and she watched as his low-lidded gaze closed completely. she smiled at him before she stood up, breaths still heavy. she went to the bathroom to tidy up, and suna sighed.
"what, rin?" y/n asked.
"can't believe all of that's going to waste."
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Assist (Dean Winchester x female reader, Sam Winchester x female reader)
Sam wants to see you and Dean together.
Read it on AO3
My 2024 Kinktober series
Rated E. 1.8k words. Cucking. Dean doing it like an animal. Sam being a softie.
Sam watches his brother fuck you and he knows picking Dean was the right choice.
It was surprising how little convincing it took when Sam first asked, Dean raising his eyebrows, looking away, maybe imagining you, picturing you, and Sam was about to tell him to take his time, think about it, and then Dean was already saying yes.
For a second, Sam wonders if he should have been offended, the fact that his brother has obviously thought about having sex with his girlfriend maybe a little too out in the open. But then he remembers that he was the one who wanted this – although you weren’t exactly lacking in enthusiasm.
It started with dirty talk, the way all good ideas do. Sam and you liked to pretend that someone was going to walk in on you, that Dean might walk in on you. The first time Sam said something like that, he was worried you’d get up, slap him and leave. But you were into it, your moans of pleasure loud and uncontrolled, almost as if you were willing what Sam had just said to become reality. You came hard, body stretched long and your inner walls contracting so hard that Sam nearly pulled out from surprise.
So of course he did it again.
Dean and you get along, and you definitely flirt, but never to the point where Sam thought you were being serious. At least until he started thinking about what it would mean if it was serious, and to his shock, didn’t hate it. Quite the opposite.
Sam’s cerebral enough to not judge himself for what others might consider sexual perversions. He knows the way he grew up is unconventional, and he knows the relationship with and the closeness to his brother, is unusual. More than one girlfriend, either his or Dean’s, have suggested involving the other brother in a threesome, but that’s never been something Sam was really interested in. It’s not what he craves when he thinks about Dean joining you and him.
So here you are. Dean and you are both naked, while Sam is fully clothed. You’re on your back at the edge of the bed, Dean over you, one knee on the mattress, the other foot on the floor to give him the necessary steadiness, your legs slung around him while he fucks you fast and hard.
Dean’s torso is glistening with sweat as he snaps forwards and backwards, the amulet he got as a present from Sam when they were kids swinging back and forth and he’s grunting, spewing shit so filthy it nearly makes Sam blush.
"Fucking nice and tight," Dean grunts, "such a good little slut."
You are under him, back slightly arched, eyes closed in blissful ecstasy, arms slung out over your head as you let Dean take you like he’s a fucking caveman.
That’s the thing. Sam’s sure, knows, he satisfies you sexually, but he gets so damn lost in his own head sometimes. He’s an overthinker, through and through, and the animalistic fervor he knows Dean possesses, and has long suspected in you, is something he’s not sure he wants to, or can, find in himself.
But he loves seeing it. Loves watching it.
His erection is straining his jeans so hard that it’s painful, but he wants to wait, draw it out. If he shifted a little and rubbed hard enough against the fabric of his pants, that would probably be enough to make him come with how insanely turned on he is, so he sits still, legs spread wide while he watches his brother ruin you.
You're moaning on every one of Dean's thrusts, your breasts being shaken by the impact. Dean seems to notice the same second Sam does, and reaches down, squeezes one in his hand. You moan, arch your back into his hold. Sam knows what that feels like, exactly what Dean is feeling, and he experiences a strange second where he's sure he can feel your soft breast in his hand, your pussy wrapped around him. It's gone a moment later, but it makes a pleasant shiver run down his spine.
Suddenly you reach your hand out, press it against Dean’s chest. With a quiet understanding that Sam could get very jealous of if he so chose, Dean pulls out of you and you turn around on shaky legs, shaky from how hard you’re being fucked. You get on all fours, and Sam nearly comes then and there, because the fact that you want Dean like that is mind-numbingly hot. Dean pushes himself up, and then he slaps your ass.
“Want me to keep fucking your sweet, little pussy?” he asks, burying his fingers into the round, perfect globes of your ass. You look over your shoulder, face needy and pleading.
“Dean, fucking keep going,” you say with a shaky voice and Dean grins, slaps your ass again, making you moan.
Sam could never do that, could never slap you, he’d be too scared of hurting you, but watching it being done now, seeing how much you enjoy it, makes him absentmindedly start touching the bulge in his jeans.
Fuck, you’re gorgeous like this, like you’re cooked down, reduced to only your most basic needs. Sam’s heart swells with love almost as much as his cock swells with blood. Who knew watching his brother rail the woman he loves would turn him into such a poet.
Dean pulls your ass back roughly and enters you again, and you buck like you’re a horse he’s trying to break. The sound coming from you is a mix of frustration and arousal, and Dean seems to not be moving fast enough for your liking, because you start fucking yourself back against him. Instead of being driven to action, Dean stills, leans back a little and just watches you work, watches where his cock disappears into you, a lewd grin on his face.
You’re desperate, Sam sees as your eyes fall closed and you try to concentrate on the feeling Dean’s cock is igniting in you, absolutely needy. Sam never lets you get to that point, always makes you come as quickly as possible, but the build-up of this, now, the look on your face like you’re about to burst into tears both from overstimulation from how intensely Dean has been fucking you, as well as the overwhelming need to come, is something Sam thinks must be akin to heaven.
You’re still thrusting back against Dean, who runs a hand over your ass, over where the skin is red and agitated from his slaps.
“I can see what you like about her, Sammy,” he says, just as you add a rolling to your hip to make Dean bump into the right parts of you, the feeling making your eyelids flutter. “She’s a fucking keeper.”
With that, Dean grabs hold of your hips and starts pumping into you. The sound of skin slapping against skin is obscene and Sam can see that little frown build on your face, the one that tells him you’re nearing your climax. Dean hasn’t so much as looked at your clit, and Sam can’t believe you’re going to come just from this.
Suddenly your upper body is dropping forward and before Sam knows what’s happening, Dean’s grabbed one of your wrists, pins it to your back.
“Fucking take it,” he grunts and you do. The way the hold twists your upper body towards Sam allows him to see more of you, see your expression that’s hovering somewhere between pain and pleasure, and finally he can’t take it anymore. He opens his jeans in record time, and then his hand is around his dick, and he’s pumping, hard, rough, too quickly but he can't stop himself. Through your haze you blink your eyes open, and when you see what he is doing, you watch him.
“So fucking good, Sammy,” you almost whisper, and Sam feels himself twitch. Dean might be the one fucking you but Sam is the one who instrumented this, made it happen. He’s the one giving you all that pleasure, in a way.
You add that roll of your hip again, and then your eyebrows are drawn together, needy moans leaving you on every thrust and then you’re squeezing your eyes shut.
“Fuck, yes, yes, don’t stop,” you moan, voice cracking, as you press your face into the mattress under you, and Dean doesn’t stop, but drives you into an orgasm that has your thighs twitching and your back arching. You’re mewling, Dean’s continued thrusting prolonging your release.
Dean’s thrusts go slower but harder and then he holds himself deep, throws his head back with eyes squeezed shut, and Sam feels the tug in his own balls, and even though he doesn’t want to stop looking at the two of you, he has to lean his head back from how good this feels, from how hard his orgasm rips through him.
The room seems shockingly silent without the grunting and slapping and moaning, just the three of you breathing hard. Dean, very unceremoniously, pulls out of you, just as Sam’s head falls forwards again. His eyelids are dropping and he feels buzzy.
Dean sniffs, walks towards the bathroom with not an inkling of shame. Sam can hear what he thinks is the condom being pulled off, tossed. Meanwhile he grabs for the box of tissues he’s position on the small table next to him, quickly cleans himself up as he watches you slump to the side, eyes closed, breathing hard.
As soon as Sam has gotten himself somewhat clean, he gets up and walks over to you where you are on the bed. He gets in with you, and you move just enough to where you can tug yourself against him, bury your face against his chest. You make the most satisfied little sound and Sam can’t help himself but kiss the top of your head.
Dean walks out of the bathroom and grabs his clothes, starts dressing. He’s quick but not rushing, and he doesn’t even look the way of you and Sam, not until he’s dressed. He takes a deep breath and exhales.
“That was fun,” he says and Sam huffs.
“Yeah,” he says.
“Let me know if you wanna do this again,” Dean adds and then he’s walking out of the room, back to his own, Sam assumes.
You don’t seem to care. You’re snuggled into Sam’s hold, already half-asleep. He really wants to get out of his clothes, feel your skin against his, but right now, he doesn’t want to move. Just look down at you, at your blissful face, listen to your slow breathing.
He notices the goofy smile on his face and nearly chides himself, but then he thinks why? It worked, whatever strangle little construct he built here and as you wiggle a little to get closer to him, Sam Winchester thinks he might be the luckiest man in the world.
#supernatural#spn#fanfiction#fanfic#dean winchester#spn fanfic#sam winchester#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x you#sam winchester x reader#sam winchester x you x dean winchester#sam winchester x you#sam winchester x reader x dean winchester
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Kinktober Day 7 - Cream Pie

Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
A/N : first post of 2025 !!! And I felt like sharing a little something I wrote a while ago and got to finalizing recently ! 😉❤️. I hope you enjoy it !
CW : Creampie
Marshall just loves to give you a cream pie. As soon as things got remotely serious between the two of you, he almost begged for a « no condom » policy. « We’re exclusive and our test results came back clean», he argued. As for you, you were pretty indifferent. If anything, you found condoms to be quite practical. They didn’t bother you and, as an added bonus, they spared you the awful side effects of the various contraception methods you’d tried over the years. Therefore, you weren’t exactly thrilled when he suggested getting rid of them. « Does that make that much of a difference ? », you’d asked. Of course, the man proceeded to explain to you that, yes, it did made a whole lot of a difference. And when you argued that some rubber brands promise that their products feel like nothing’s there and that your ex never complained, he was forced to admit to you that he had a cream pie kink. « Isn’t that just a weird way of saying you enjoy cumming inside ? » you asked said with a raised eyebrow. He let out an awkward chuckle. He seemed kind of nervous to talk about it but he cleared his throat and proceeded to explain with more details. « It’s not really about that. I mean, yeah, it is, but there’s more. With a condom sex still feels good but there’s this thing between us, you know ? I don’t want to have a barrier. I don’t know, it’s feel like a… deeper connection. » he said. You smiled and placed a tender kiss on his jaw. « Careful, handsome, I’m going to think you’re actually a softie », you teased playfully. He huffed and gave you a smirk. « Soft, huh ? » he mused. « Well, yeah », you shrugged. « Getting all romantic, wanting to be all close to me ». He hummed and cupped your jaw before inching just a little closer to you. « You should hold that thought for when I have my way with you without holding back and I claim all your holes as mine. We’ll see how romantic you find it then. ». Your eyes widened as he spoke, causing him to smirk even more. You stayed silent for a second, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. « All my holes ? » you asked with a soft grin. Clearly, the man knew who he was dealing with. You had not done anal with him yet, but you had mentioned enjoying it and, clearly, he remembered. « All of them », he repeated with a promising smile. « And… No holding back ? » you quizzed. « Nope ». Of course, that did the trick convincing you. He knew you liked it rough, and the perspective of him getting territorial and feral, claiming ownership over you was much too enticing. You’d even go so far as to say it was absolutely worth the six additional pounds you gained in a couple weeks after going on the pill.
Safe to say Marshall did not disappoint. As soon as the two of you were positive there was no risk of pregnancy, he went absolutely feral. You’d had sex before - great sex, you’d say, probably the best you’d ever had - but allowing him to hit it raw seemed to change everything. For one, he became demonically horny. You had figured he already had a high sex drive but, boy, were you wrong. It started as soon as the words left your lips. « Yeah, it’s safe to do it without -». He didn’t even let you finish. You saw the immediate change of shade in his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips. You could literally feel him radiate heat. He immediately closed the distance between the two of you, his tattooed arms bracketing you against the wall with an undeniable presence. You felt the strength in his body as he pressed your back, the coolness of the wall contrasting with the warmth that emanated from him. His blue eyes locked onto yours for a brief moment, searching, before his lips descended on yours with a fervor that made your breath hitch. The kiss was deep, his beard grazing your skin, adding an extra layer of sensation. His hands, rough but confident, slid along your sides, gripping your waist as he pulled you closer, pressing every inch of his body against yours. The kiss quickly grew more urgent, more insistent, as he tilted your head back with one hand, deepening the connection, savoring the taste of you. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, desperate to ground yourself as his mouth trailed from your lips to your jaw, then to the sensitive skin of your neck. Your breathing became ragged, mingling in the heated space between you. He was pressed against you and the gray sweatpants he was wearing did nothing to prevent you from feeling his excitement. His lips trailed from your jaw to your neck, where he planted lust-filled open-mouth kisses that sent shivers down your spine. His hands were holding you firmly, possessively, fingers digging in your hips. You hummed in please, unable to focus on anything but his grounding presence. You arched into him, your body responding instinctively, seeking more of the heat and pressure he offered. His mouth moved lower, brushing along your collarbone, tasting, teasing, before returning to your lips with renewed urgency. This time, the kiss felt hungrier, more demanding, as if he was trying to draw every ounce of you into him. One of his hands tangled in your hair, tilting your head back just the way he wanted it, while the other glided down your spine, anchoring you to him. He pressed closer, letting you feel the hard lines of his body, the weight of him pinning you firmly against the wall. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, a gentle nip that sent a shiver racing through you, followed by a soothing sweep of his tongue that left you breathless.You melted against him, hands exploring the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles flex and shift under your touch. He growled softly against your lips, a low, rough sound that vibrates through you, stirring something deep and primal. Every touch, every kiss, felt like a claim, an unspoken promise of more to come, and as he drew back just enough to meet your gaze, his eyes dark with desire, full of unspoken words that made your heart skip a beat.
It didn’t take long for your clothes to lay forgotten in a corner of the bedroom, Marshall practically ripping them off your body, as if he couldn’t stand any barrier between your body and his hands. And when he finally held you, you could feel his fingers digging in your skin. Throughout your relationship, he’d always shown appreciation for your body. But he seemed to be on another level, practically worshipping you, muttering words of ownership, promising to make you his. And when you finally felt him - just him - inside of you, the room filled with sighs of satisfaction. It was, quite literally, raw and primal. As promised, he didn’t hold back, encouraged by every gasp, moan and whimper you let out, every scratch of your nails in his back. You felt your eyes roll back, amazed that you’d waited this long to try this. You were on the edge of climax when you warned him. « Marshall, I-I’m gonna- » you moaned, almost pleading for him to take you there. He usually liked to keep you on the edge, sometimes denying you but, this time, none of you felt like beating around the bush. Especially not with the words that fell from your lips. « Fill me. Please »you almost whispered. It didn’t take much more for him to get absolutely unhinged with his thrusts. He tightened his hold around you and you could feel him - actually feel him - fill you to the hilt while you repeated his name like a prayer. When his hips finally stilled, the two of you stayed like that for a moment, catching your breaths. Your face was buried in his neck and none of you moved, as if the world had stopped turning. You could practically hear your own heart pounding. When he rolled to the side, you winced and immediately felt the mess he had made between your legs.
You stayed like this, looking g as if your soul had left your body, while he looked at you with a shit-eating grin. « You alright, babe? » he asked with feigned innocence. You turned to him and nodded, still catching your breath. « You really weren’t kidding » you hummed, to which he chuckled. « Told you I’d claim this pussy as mine » he added with a wink. « And I’m not done with you yet ».
#eminem fanfiction#eminem x reader#marshall mathers imagine#marshall mathers x reader#eminem imagine#eminem kinktober#eminem smut
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sudden desire [K.Bishop + Y.Belova]

pairing: dom!yelena belova x sub!reader x switch!kate bishop
summary: after yelena dissapears on an unknown mission for a month, kate decides to take things into her own hands and encourage her to come home. things don't go exactly as planned for her on the blonde's return.
warnings: SMUT, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! -> dom/sub dynamics; implied pet play {collars, yelena using 'pet' and 'kotenok'}; orgasm denial; bondage; fingering; oral; sex toys; a dash of overstimulation; praise + degredation; kate's a brat and proud of it; yelena's mean but a secret softie; a SEVERE lack of proof-reading!
wordcount: 4.8k
a/n: SURPRISE! kinktober may be over but i got too attached to this idea and had to finish it. i have so many thoughts and feelings about this fic but i will save them and let you guys read it and form your own opinions about this dynamic. personally, i am OBSESSED with them and i would love to expand this little universe a little more. despite this being mostly shameless smut, there are quite a few feelings involved, especially regarding yelena and how being in this dynamic helps her unwind in a way without things being strictly sexual. so yeah, there's a lot but i really hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
It doesn't take a genius to figure out Yelena has been acting off for the past few weeks.
It isn't unusual for her to be a little distant. Still a little rough around the edges, thanks to the unbelievable amounts of trauma she keeps hidden inside herself. Things are different this time, though.
It's been days since she's shown up at the apartment, even longer since she's returned one of your calls. She never goes more than a few days without letting you know where she is, that she's okay and simply busy on whatever mission has taken her attention this time.
Kate tells you not to worry, that the Russian is probably just caught up in whatever mess she's discovered. You know better than that.
Unfortunately for the archer, you learned what the constant furrowing of her eyebrows means a long time ago.
Unfortunately for you, she's far too good at distracting you, always knowing exactly what to do, exactly what to say to steal all your thoughts away.
She can't fully erase your worry, though. Not that she'd even try, considering she feels the same way. Underneath all her stupid jokes, there's an edge of uncertainty she can't quite hide. It weighs her down more than anything else.
You both know Yelena could disappear in an instant if she wanted to. She could throw it all to the wind and never be heard from again if she so pleased.
She'd promised she wouldn't do it, though. Reassured you and Kate that after spending so long without a stable place to call home, she wanted to stay with you two. She wanted to be with you two.
It had taken very little to convince Kate to agree. Despite their rocky beginning, the chemistry they shared was obvious to even the most oblivious. Instead of being jealous about it like you maybe should have, you were intrigued and maybe more than a little attracted to it.
To them and the borderline overwhelming confidence they seem to exude together.
You've never been one for liking simple things, though, and the challenge of keeping them from going at each other's throats acts like an aphrodisiac most nights.
For all their bickering, they're surprisingly easy to manage. Except when it comes to the intricate play sessions Yelena enjoys setting up.
The details of what your relationship had turned into were mostly lost on you. All you knew was that whatever the Russian says goes...and Kate was bound to get punished for not doing as she was told.
As much as Yelena loves to complain about it, you all know she secretly loves it. Loves the thrill that comes with being in charge. That safe rush that takes over her mind and allows her to act without thinking. To command respect in a way she'd never experienced before.
It was a change of pace from what you were used to with Kate, that was for sure. Despite the uncharted territory, you'd gotten used to it far faster than you would have ever imagined. They both made it easy and there was something about the submission Yelena expected from you that made your heart race.
You'd never experienced anything like it before, but you couldn't deny how much you liked it. How much you craved it when she was gone.
Kate does what she can to make the time without the blonde more bearable. You're thankful for her, for the way she knows what you need without even having to ask, but it's not the same. A part of you feels guilty about it. Like there's something wrong with you for wanting to have both of your girlfriends with you.
The archer doesn't seem to mind, though. You know she feels the exact same way you do. As incredible as being with each other is, Yelena brings something different to your relationship. Something extra that you both thrive off of.
Maybe that's what makes Kate employ such...interesting persuasion tactics.
Once the days turn into weeks which turn into a month, the archer's patience wears thin. Just because you both know Yelena's silence must be due to a dangerous mission doesn't mean you're okay with the lack of communication.
Your impatience starts blending with Kate's and before you know it, you're caught in the middle of one of her "incredible" plans.
"Come on, babe," she says, her lips pulling into that all-familiar smirk. "Maybe all Yelena needs is a good incentive. Don't you want her to see what a good girl you're being for me?"
Her words do a good job convincing you, but they're not enough. You know all too well how cruel the Russian can be when she feels she's been disrespected. And the archer playing with you without permission is definitely off-limits.
It's hard to deny Kate when she's looking at you like that, though. With those sparkling eyes and that suggestive smirk.
"I don't know, Katie, it feels like a bad idea," you reply, ignoring the way she keeps leaning closer and closer to you.
"Maybe but bad ideas are the most fun, aren't they?"
You can't exactly argue with that, considering the many stupid things you've done together that have led to incredible pleasure. Although, truth be told, the archer is usually the one who has to bear the burden of whatever punishment comes after. You wish you could say you feel bad about that but...she is the one who comes up with most ideas.
You're in the middle of trying to form a response when Kate leans in to capture your lips in a heated kiss. It's impossible to stop yourself from kissing her back, your hands moving up to tangle in her messy hair.
You pull her closer to you until she's straddling your lap, practically trapping you between her and the couch. You'd love to complain, but she feels far too good against you for you to even try.
Her kisses make your mind spin until nothing remains except her. She knows this, of course, because she knows you so damn well.
When she pulls away, she's breathless yet somehow still smiling like you put the stars in the sky. "I think you're coming around to my idea."
She's not wrong but the smugness in her tone pisses you off a little. "I still think it's stupid."
"I never said it wasn't." Kate rolls her hips, tantalizingly grinding down against you. "But I promise you'll have a good time."
You groan as your head leans back against the couch with a soft thump. "You're gonna get us in so much trouble."
"Yelena loves her little troublemakers, though."
"Oh my God, please stop talking."
"Not until you agree." Her lips find their way onto your jaw, pressing soft kisses and teasing bites to your skin. "...please."
It's a low blow and he knows it, but it's impossible to deny the archer when she asks for things so nicely. "Ugh, fine, just don't tie the ropes so tight this time."
Kate agrees and before you know it, you're naked and tied up with the purple rope the archer loves to use on you. To top everything off, she wrapped her collar around your neck, something that was bound to get a reaction out of the Russian.
You and Kate were her pets and while she allowed the archer to stake some claims of dominance over you, this one was off-limits. Not that Kate cared much. She was usually a lot better at doing things behind the blonde's back, though.
What Yelena didn't know didn't hurt her, but now, she was about to be dragged into something she wasn't going to be very happy to see.
Sending her pictures of the evidence is one thing, but Kate wants more. She always does.
So, she brings out more toys, stuffing your cunt with a thick dildo and pressing a relentless vibrator to your puffy clit. The pleasure is more than enough to drown out your thoughts and objections which means you barely flinch when Kate takes her phone out again. She records the way you squirm for her, the way you moan her name like a prayer, and then, to top it all off, she sends the videos to a very pissed off Russian.
It takes a while for the consequences of the archer's actions to catch up to you.
Since Yelena's obviously busy, it takes her a few days to come back. You're not home when she arrives, having gone out to run a quick errand, but Kate is.
Which means you're met with quite the situation on your return.
The second you close the apartment door behind you, you're slammed against it, a gentle yet firm hand wrapping itself around your throat. You freak out for about a second until your senses catch up to reality and the smoky scent of Yelena's cologne hits your nose.
Almost instantly, you relax into her hold and meet her dark green eyes. There are so many words on the tip of your tongue, but you can tell she's not in the mood for it. Her mind is completely set on the scene she already started without you.
"Hi, detka. Did you miss me?"
You do your best to nod despite how difficult her grip on your throat makes it.
"Yes? Well, that is not what Kate Bishop told me a few days ago. She said you were being a naughty slut for her."
Her words make your heart drop into your stomach. You knew Kate's plan was stupid, but you didn't think she would throw you under the bus like that. What a cheeky little traitor.
"Do not worry, kotenok, Kate and I already worked things out. Would you like to see?"
Without waiting for a response, she moves her hand from your throat to your hand, gently tugging on it to lead you toward the living room. You go with her and your eyes are instantly drawn to Kate's figure on the couch, tied up in a pattern strikingly similar to the one she'd used on you mere days ago.
The biggest difference, though, is the large, purple dildo stuffed inside her cunt. Just from looking at her, you know exactly what her punishment is going to be for stepping out of line the way she did. You have to admit, though, she looks incredible like this. Gagged and wearing her purple collar with the leash attached.
"What do you think?" Yelena asks, her tone giving away how proud she is of herself.
"She looks good," you reply, earning yourself a smile from the Russian and a muffled whine from the archer.
As much as you sympathize with Kate, you can't say you didn't warn her.
A soft squeeze to your hand makes you turn to look at Yelena again. There's a familiar softness in her features as she looks at you, almost as if she's trying to read you, trying to figure out if you're on the same page as her. You know where that insecurity comes from and you're more than ready to wipe any and all doubts from her mind.
It's easier said than done, though, and the first step is always the hardest.
Thankfully, Yelena takes it for you.
It's a single word, barely a command, but the storms hidden in her green eyes don't lie. She needs this just as much as you need her.
So, even though you crave comfort more than submission right now, you do exactly what she says. You drop down onto your knees in the middle of the living room, doing your best to ignore the way Kate squirms on the couch.
Yelena steps forward, her hand reaching out to caress your face. "You look so good like this, malishka. You understand pets should be seen and not heard, right? Or do I need to teach you a lesson too?"
You shake your head, not feeling particularly enthused about receiving a punishment already. Then again, you're sure if the blonde really wanted to, she'd do it anyway, regardless of your good behavior.
It's not entirely praise, but her voice carries a twinge of affection that makes Kate whine. You don't know what happened between them, what exactly the archer did to piss off the blonde so much, but you know she's paying for it now. Which means, in some weird way, you're paying for it too.
Yelena admires you for a long moment, silently watching your reactions, watching the way you submit deeper and deeper with eveyr second that goes by. She loves Kate, she really does, but there's something about the ease with which she can control you that does things to her that she can't explain.
It's not about the pleasure. At least, not fully.
It's not even about the power she holds over you right now.
It's about the control. About being able to not worry and know you'll do exactly what she wants.
She doesn't have to guess or think too hard.
You're both on opposite ends of the same spectrum. You both need each other to stop the fears and the worries. To quiet your thoughts until nothing remains but each other...and the whiny, puppy-like switch squirming on the couch.
It's strange, but it works. You all work. And it's absolutely terrifying because none of you have ever experienced anything like this before. You've never wanted anything the way you want each other.
"What do you want from me tonight, detka?" The blonde asks, her voice still soft despite the hardness on her face. "I will give you anything you desire."
Her words carry far more weight than you want to think about right now. You want to simply focus on the scene. On the role you have to play here.
It's hard, though, when Yelena's looking at you with an adoration that rivals Kate's. It's not like the Russian doesn't love you. You know she does. She just shows it in ways that aren't super compatible with you.
Right now, though...right now, it's working for you far more than it should be. All you can think about is how much you missed her, how badly you want to be under her control once more.
You're not sure how to articulate what you're looking for. All you can do is hope the blonde can make sense of the messy thoughts in your head.
"I just want you," you reply, your words a touch too vulnerable for your liking. "Want you to take control. To touch me until I can't take it anymore."
After spending the past few weeks taking orders from rich people who pay well but don't understand what it takes to kill a person, your request sounds like music to her ears. It's almost laughable how easy it'll be to fufill your desires, to give you exactly what you want until you can't think about anything else but her.
"I can work with that," she says, the corners of her mouth curling up into a wicked smirk. "As long as you are okay without Kate Bishop?"
The question catches you a little off-guard. Not because you're particuarly in need of the stubborn archer, but because she is. Yelena's a good domme, no one can deny that, and yet she hesitates to use you without Kate breathing down her neck.
She must be really pissed off if she wants to keep her off to the side and away from the action.
"Yeah, I'm okay with that." Your words are true, but you can't deny your curiosity so you push a little more. "Is she only allowed to watch?"
"Until I decide she has learned her lesson."
Yelena's response makes Kate cry out again. All the blonde has to do is look up and glare to get her to quiet down. It's scary how angry she seems to be...and also really, really hot.
Especially when she looks back down at you and her eyes soften. "Present yourself for me, kotenok. Remind me what I have been missing."
You don't waste any time in scrambling into position. Kate's eyes seem to burn through you while you get onto your hands and knees in front of Yelena, pushing your ass back just a little.
Despite the clothes you're still wearing, you feel incredibly exposed.
That feeling only intensifies as the blonde walks around you, circling you slowly and taking in every inch of your body. You're not sure where to look, stuck between wanting to duck your head in a show of submission and keeping your eyes on Kate, watching the frustration that blooms across her beautiful features.
Thankfully, Yelena doesn't like keeping you guessing. She enjoys clear commands, leaving none of you with doubts about what she's looking for. "Keep your eyes on her, datka. You too, Kate Bishop."
You let out a hum in response while the archer in front of you huffs and squirms around in her restraints. You have to admit...the sight is incredible.
The Russian settles behind you, a callused hand reaching out to caress down your spine. It takes you a second longer to realize you feel more than just her hand. However, as soon as the thought hits you, she steals them all away with a precise slice of her trusty combat knife.
It shouldn't be surprising, and yet you still gasp, your back arching while she cuts away your clothes. "Do not worry, detka, Kate Bishop will you buy a new outfit. Isn't that right, pet?"
Kate all but glares at you. You know it's not about you. Whatever issues they're having are unfortunatly being worked out through you, but you're not the problem. Hell, maybe there isn't even a problem. Maybe they're just having fun pushing back against each other because they can.
You honestly don't know. But the uncertainty makes everything all the more pleasurable. At least for you. You're not sure the archer can say the same thing.
Yelena makes quick work of your clothes, allowing them to drop to the ground and reveal your dripping cunt. You can't see her smirk, but you feel it in the way her fingers skim over your skin. Light enough to tease but hard enough to remind you not to move. To stay nice and still while she has her fun.
"Look at you. So desperate already. You truly amaze me, kotenok. Always so ready for me to use your pretty holes."
Your walls clench around pure air, making the smirk on the blonde's face grow wider. She can't stop herself from sinking onto her knees behind you and reaching out to touch you.
Two fingers tease and prod at your entrance while she watches you shake and shudder under her touch. She spreads your lips apart just to watch the way your cunt flutters around nothing. A part of her wants to draw this out, you're sure of it, but she's missed you just as much as you've missed her. (Maybe more, but she'd never admit that out loud. Especially not with Kate around)
"You are so good for me, so perfect. All for me to use."
You open your mouth to reply, more out of instinct than a need to say something, but all that comes out is borderline pathetic moan as the blonde works her fingers into your pussy.
She sets a slow pace, almost as if she's taking her time exploring you. The slow speed does little to soothe the fire burning low in your belly but it does help ease your desperation. Not by much, of course, and you're sure the blonde knows that.
Almost as if on cue, Yelena's other hand joins the fun, thumb drawing circles on your sensitive clit. The action catches you off-guard and you barely manage to balance yourself instead of falling face-first onto the ground below you.
Your reaction makes her laugh, but what really entertains her is the struggle Kate is visibly going through.
The archer has always thrived off your pleasure. Always gotten off on your desperate sounds, on the way you lose control over your body, on the palpable desperation that stretches itself over your features. Today is no different. Except for the fact she can't get off.
Sure, her cunt is stuffed full and the dildo keeps rubbing up against her in the best way whenever she squirms around too much, but it's not nearly enough. Her clit throbs painfully, swollen and in desperate need of attention. She won't be getting anything right now, though. Not until Yelena decides she's learned her lesson...or until Kate manages to make herself cum.
"Look at her, malyshka. And here I thought you were the needy one."
You do look at Kate, more out of habit than anything else. She's a vision. Flushed, desperate, and so squirmy it's a miracle she hasn't fallen off the couch.
The sight of her makes you clench around Yelena's fingers, greedily trying to pull them in deeeper. Neither of you are surprised, but it does make the blonde a little more competitive than usual.
She suddenly increases her speed, curling her fingers just enough to have you pushing back against her in search of more. "Such a greedy little pet. You are lucky I like seeing you like this. Although..."
Her words trail off and you instantly know she's coming up with something new. Some other way of making you submit to her, of playing with both of you until Kate stops trying to be a smartass. You doubt that'll happen, but you know Yelena will try anyway.
Whatever the Russian comes up with, she doesn't say anything more, instead going right back to fucking into your cunt. She works a third finger into your walls, stretching you on the digits while she mercilessly rubs your clit.
You can feel it building. The pleasure reaching and reaching toward a fever pitch that will leave you fuzzy-headed and thoughtless. It's so close. You open your mouth, obediently getting ready to ask for permission like a good pet, when suddenly...she removes her fingers from you.
You try your hardest to hold on to some semblance of composure, but you can't. Not when you were so close and full and feeling so good.
A whine makes its way out of your throat and you promptly earn yourself a hard smack to your ass.
"Do not be a brat. You do not want to join Kate Bishop, correct?"
Your response is instantaneous. "No. I'm sorry."
"I know you are, kotenok. But I still need you to behave, okay?"
You nod and Yelena smiles at your quick change of mood. She doesn't say anything else, merely motions for you to crawl forward, toward Kate and the mess between her legs.
Your body moves before you can even comprehend what you're doing. You crawl toward the archer, coming to a stop right between her spread legs, courtesy of Yelena shifting her around until she was sitting up. You tilt your head back to look up at the blonde, waiting slightly impatiently for her command.
You have a feeling you already know what it's going to be.
Yelena takes her time, though. Pretending to be busy adjusting Kate's posture and spreading her thighs for you to see the mess she's made of herself.
Once she's satisfied, and your nose is full of the scent of the archer's arousal, she finally tells you to move. "You know what to do, detka. Make the brat scream your name."
If Kate has any objections, they're swallowed up by her moans once your tongue finds its way onto her clit. It practically pulses beneath you and you waste no time wrapping your lips around the bud and sucking. Hard.
The archer tries to squirm away from you, caught somewhere between her sensitivity and her desperate need for an orgasm. Yelena holds her steady while she keeps her eyes on you. She doesn't really need to, she already knows you know what to do.
You technically don't have permission to touch so you put all your focus into making Kate fall apart with just your mouth. The frantic bucking of her hips tells you all you need to know about how she's feeling. You've never been so jealous of a dildo before, wishing it was your fingers she was clenching around instead.
The archer doesn't seem to mind, though, head thrown back against Yelena, muffled whines leaving her gagged mouth. Whatever the blonde is saying to her is a mere whisper, a secret between them, perfectly crafted to make her fall apart.
You double your efforts, sucking her clit and dragging your tongue along the surface. Your eyes are glued to her face, to the pleasure that spreads along every inch of it, to the rapid heaving of her chest as she tries to keep herself under control. It's useless, though. You all know she's on the edge of losing her composure. Of letting her usual brattiness fade away until all that remains is Yelena's power over her.
Kate's shaking increases in intensity, giving away just how close she is to falling apart. She can't exactly ask for permission due to being gagged but then again, she doesn't need to. Yelena already knows. She always knows.
"Come on, Kate Bishop. Do not tell me you forgot the rules already. I was hoping I would be able to reward you for doing such a good job."
The archer bucks into your mouth, making you moan against her. The vibrations do little to soothe the burning in her core and it takes all her willpower to not fall apart right then and there.
All she can do, though, is let out a string of incoherent mumbles, tinged with a whiny edge that makes Yelena smirk. Those sounds are nowhere near the words she's meant to be saying, the desperate begging the blonde loves hearing from her.
"It sounds like someone does not want the reward I'm offering. What a shame..." She trails off purposely, doing it just to mess with the archer's head.
Kate bites. Of course, she does. As much as she loves to pretend, and as stubborn as she can be most days, she loves this. Loves the rush that comes with the blonde's power over her. There's pleasure in the pushback, but it's when she lets go that she truly feels the weight of it.
You don't slow down for a second. You know it makes things much harder for your girlfriend, but you can't really help it. You're intoxicated by the smell of her, by the taste of her never-ending arousal.
She continues to let out strings of mumbles and whines, each sound growing more desperate than the last. Her thighs shake uncontrollably, giving away just how much she's struggling to hold her orgasm off.
As mean as Yelena can be sometimes, she's not cruel. She only drags the moment out for a few extra seconds before her hand curls into Kate's hair, dragging her head back to expose her delicate throat. "I know, I know. Go ahead, cum for me, darling. You did good."
It's unclear which part of the Russian's words gets to the archer, but it doesn't matter, the effect is the same.
Her whole body stills for a second, a strangled cry getting caught in her throat as she comes undone.
You moan with her which helps drag out the pleasure crashing into her like waves. You work overtime to lap up her release, drinking in her essence and soothing her overwhelming sensitivity as best as you can. It doesn't seem to work considering how violent her shaking becomes, but you don't have any complaints.
Yelena's hand somehow finds its way onto your hair next and she pulls you off the whining archer. "Such a good pet for me. Good girl, kotenok. Will you help me with Kate? She is...a little out of it."
You know what she means. Mainly because you can see it but also because of the way the blonde drops off Kate's last name. You're not fully sure why she has such a fascination with using your girlfriend's full name all the time. All you know is her habit instantly dissapears when the archer's submissive side comes out.
It's not too surprising, though, considering how badly Kate craves comfort and connection in those moments.
A part of you wants to complain since you still haven't gotten your orgasm, but you know better.
You stand up on shaky legs and help Yelena untie the brunette. Leaving the collar on is a no-brainer and even though her whines are pitiful, you slide the dildo out of her.
You pepper kisses across her skin the entire time, instantly recognizing how glossy her eyes are, how far away her mind seems to be. She's as beautiful as ever, in your opinion.
In no time, the three of you are snuggled up in bed. Kate's still really floaty, you're on the edge of going totally fuzzy, and Yelena is happier than she's been in weeks.
Maybe it's weird but you really don't fucking care. Not when Kate's head is resting in your lap and you're completely relaxed lounging in between Yelena's legs.
#kate bishop x reader#yelena belova x reader#bishova x reader#bishova smut#bishova#kate bishop#yelena belova#kate bishop smut#yelena belova smut#hawkeye#black widow#avengers fanfiction#marvel fic#mcu imagine#wlw fic#writing
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Day 10: Hairpulling
A/n: Day 9 is coming, when I don't know because I have no idea what to write for food play with Axl
Warnings: Smut, soft + rough sex, hairpulling, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!

Kirk was always sweet with you. You'd been dating for a few months, he definitely wasn't against fucking you, he was just gentle.
You didn't hate it, of course not, you loved how he was with you, but that didn't stop you from being... well, you.
Kirk had your hips in his lap, hands running up and down your sides as you lay back on the, rolling his hips to meet yours in slow, deep thrusts.
"You-you're so pretty." He purred, leaning down as you reached for him. He'd already made you cum twice, now twitching inside you as he held off on his own high.
The way his fingers danced in feather-light touches over your sweat-coated skin, sensitive and achy as he teased you.
Your arms wrapped around him, holding him close. "Kirk, please, faster... need it so bad..." You trailed, breathy moan falling from your lips.
"As you wish, my love." He mused, repositioning himself so he laid between your legs which you wrapped around him, pulling him closer.
He did just that, quickening his pace for you. His grunts and groans, soft moans even, fell onto your ears as he placed gentle kisses over your jaw and down your neck.
It wasn't much different to every other time you were together like this but it was just that little kick that had heat pooling in your core.
His hands rested on either side of your head, your hands moved over the expanse of his back, lightly clawing at his shoulders and accidently tugging on a few strands of his hair.
You heard a noise you'd never heard from him; a growl. Kirk, the one and only softy who had a real weird side to him, growled.
Wanting to test it out again, you reached for him, with more purpose this time. You grabbed a small handful of hair. "What-what are you-?" He was cut off by another gruff sound as you pulled on his hair. "Fuck, why would you do that?" He asked, voice much harsher than it ever had been with you.
"I-I wanted to see..." You said, breath airy. Your eyes fluttered as he continued to fuck you, movements getting faster and harsher as you tugged on his hair again. "Fuck me, Kirk." You moaned.
"I am, if you'd just stop-!" Again he was cut off by your pulling.
"Why, does it hurt?" You asked, only a little concerned.
"No, just-" He reached for your hand, holding it above your head. You just grabbed his hair in the other hand, causing a groan to rip from him, a particularly harsh snap of his hips sending jolts through you.
"Fine, you wanna play that?" He grumbled, continuing the movement, snapping his hips into yours as many times as you'd tug on his hair until the bedframe was rocking, knocking against the wall repeatedly.
Your back arched, replacing those soft moans Kirk was used to hearing from you he heard whines and cries of his name echoing off the walls, and all you did was tug his hair.
You would definitely have to do this again.
#metallica rp#metallica fanfiction#80s metal#metallica#metal#metallica smut#metallica imagines#kinktober 2024#kinktober#kirk hammett imagines#kirk hammett smut#kirk hammett x reader#kirk hammett fluff#kirk hammett#kirk hammett x you
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Do you write Old Man Logan or just like regular Logan? Cause in case you do write Old Man Logan... considering his healing factor doesn't work as well as it used to, I was thinking maybe this prompt "“Please mark me, I want everyone to know I’m yours.”" with him. Maybe he's always wanted you to make him, show the world he's yours... but hickeys and scratches always disappeared in seconds. But now, with a faulty healing factor, he can most definitely be marked up. And we wants it, he begs for it.
Make me yours
A/N: Never written for old man Logan, but there’s always a first! Leave a heart, comment or reblog if you enjoyed reading 🤍
Pairing: Old man! Logan x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut. I’m a softie for him 🥺
🍁🍂 Kinktober 2024 🍂🍁
Light warm breeze that blew in through the windows came with a promise of cooler weather as the curtains of your bedroom danced to its tunes. It wouldn't be long until winter would cast her spell upon the surroundings.
With a gentle nudge to his shoulder, you rolled over to straddle Logan's legs, letting him lie back against the pillows as you took charge. Keeping your pace slow, you rolled your hips, anchoring your hands on his chest while your eyes were fixated on look of pleasure on his face.
A firm grip on your hips signaled you not to stop as Logan sat up, arms snaking around your body to pull you impossibly closer as his breath came out in erratic pants. As if it were your favourite thing to do, which it was, you brought your hand over to trace the side of his face.
Decades of a calvary-filled yet well-lived life had settled into his wrinkles, eyes that seemed perpetually tired and yet held that kindness which you loved and the salt and pepper facial hair that did less for his age and more for his sex appeal. For you, anyways.
A faint smile appeared on your lips as he leaned into your touch, craving it as your nails dug into his back, his length reaching that spot inside your wet heat that had you grip him tighter.
“Please mark me, I want everyone to know I’m yours.” Logan's lips brushed against your ears as those words travelled down your spine, leaving behind a trail of gooseflesh.
The yearning in his request was impossible to turn down, quelling the initial worry that creeped of him not healing completely. Your eyes must've held the questioned that was at the tip of your tongue because the answer was wordlessly provided to you when he sealed it with a kiss.
Your foreheads touched as you broke the kiss, letting out a soft gasp as his hips drove upwards, buried in your sopping pussy to the hilt.
Happy to oblige, you pulled him closer by his dog tags to lay open-mouthed kisses along his scraggly beard, down the warm skin of his neck before dragging your teeth along, relishing in the way his breathing hitched.
“More, please..”
Logan’s soft plea spurred you on as you expertly sucked on a spot, then another, allowing your nails to drag along his back now that he’d unlocked something primal. Your quiet murmur of ‘all mine’ pushed him past the edge as he came with a grunt, aiding you in reaching your high as well.
If you could exclaim it to world that he belonged to you and you to him, you would. Who were you to deny him what he so sweetly begged for?
A biiig thank you to the lovely anon who requested this 🌼
#old man logan#logan howlett fanfiction#logan howlett smut#logan howlett imagine#old man!logan#logan howlett x reader#logan x reader#logan wolverine#wolverine x reader#wolverine imagine#wolverine smut#logan howlett#wolverine x you#wolverine#marvel fanfiction#mostly marvel musings#kinktober 2024#kinktober
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KINKTOBER 2024 / Day Thirteen
Starring: William ‘Ironhead’ Miller x F!Reader
Summary: After making you cum multiple times and then doing the thing you thought he was joking about, Will is going to make it up to you.
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: No use of Y/N, one swear, fingering, mentions of sex and squirting, Will being a softie.
Word Count: 1.7k
Will wasn’t one to panic and it wasn’t that he was panicking, he was just concerned, deeply concerned.
He’d admit, he’d probably gone a little hard on you… scrap that he went hard. He couldn’t help himself, with all of the talks he was doing for the military, it felt like years since he’d last seen you even when you’d told him it was a month tops. All that time, he had been thinking about you day in, day out, and all the things he’d do to you when he got back.
He just didn’t think he’d do them all at once.
Date night was like any other for the pair of you. Will was his calm and collected self, you were excited to finally have him home, to be holding his broad hand as you walked down the street to the restaurant he’d booked.
The whole way through dinner when he became playful. You were practically playing footsie with him under the table and if you were distracted by anything other that wasn’t him, his fingertips would come to any piece of skin he could touch.
It was unusual but you couldn't complain.
His hands were already on you the moment you stepped through the door. He pulled your body to his, his platinum whiskers tickling your neck as he nuzzled in. The warmth of his palms sunk through your clothes, goosebumps already raising to the surface of your skin. You spun on your heels, allowing him to wrap his arms around you.
“Will,” your words were soft.
But he was immediately grabbing your ass under your skirt, boosting you onto the cabinet in the hallway. He placed you gently onto the wood before he turned rough, pressing his lips squarely into yours until you couldn’t breathe.
Your desire travelled down, your juices pooling between your thighs and it’s as if he could sense it. He pressed two fingers directly on your clit, catching the whimper that escaped in his hot mouth.
With his free hand, he yanked your knickers to one side and dipped a finger into your entrance. He worked you until you could take another and then another until your arousal spilled over his digits and your body vibrated.
He didn’t stop there.
Carrying you to the bedroom, he threw you onto the mattress and continued to bring you to orgasm over and over using his fingers, his tongue and his cock.
And that’s how you got to where you were now.
You were motionless, every limb heavy and the only way he could tell you were definitely alive was through your short shallow breathing.
The stroke on your back sent a shiver down your spine.
“You alright?”
Your groan is muffled by the soft bedding underneath your weight, each stroke of his hand making your body tingle until the aftershock came. He saw how your thighs shook and flinched back, heart twinging.
He was worried about you.
“I’m gonna get some supplies.”
He’s pretty sure you nodded.
The mattress rocked as he got off the bed, the sound of him finding some sweatpants and pulling them on before he left the room, his footsteps disappearing.
Everything he had done brought you so much pleasure, your body genuinely filled with warmth and love but fuck, were your muscles protesting. You were too scared to lift up your head, your face remaining pressed into the sheets to stop the room from spinning. Your mind was fuzzy, unable to think of anything more than him.
Yet you couldn’t be angry, he had gotten you to a state of pure, unadulterated bliss you’d never felt before. It was just unfortunate that he’d had to do the thing he thought you were joking about to get you there.
In the kitchen, he assumed you were mad, scrap that you were probably furious.
He assumed you’d have wanted something nice for your first date since he was back, instead some primal instinct consumed him and well, he didn’t think he’d shove his thumb up your asshole either.
But once he had, he didn’t quite expect you to unfurl the way you did.
Your asshole was tender, you squeezed and relaxed it a few times to solidify the discomfort you were feeling. Will had threatened to do it so much in the past, you guessed it would turn you on, just how much you never knew.
When he forced his single digit in there, you didn’t expect your walls to clench so hard, you’d thrust out his cock. Didn’t think you’d squirt all over his lower body uncontrollably, the rest of you convulsing, speaking utter gibberish as your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
He tapped his index finger on the countertop whilst the kettle boiled.
The cupboards had been raided for anything and everything and he still doesn’t think it’s enough to make this right. The tray he normally used to serve breakfast in bed was filled with snacks both good and bad for you. He had milk slowly heating on the hob, drinking chocolate in a mug, and was waiting impatiently for water to put in a hot water bottle.
You wondered if he would freak out to find you still laying here so you braved rolling over.
The chilly evening air started to reach your exposed front, the fine hairs beginning to stand, your nipples growing hard yet it was such a relief.
“Thank god, you’re alive.”
You manage to open your eyes, the ceiling holding it’s position.
“You tried to kill me,” you say breathlessly.
“Sorry, sweetheart, but I’ve brought something to make it up to you.”
Your head snaps up and he presents the tray to you.
He notices how you try to raise your arms, they only list a few centimetres but at least you have a smile on your face. Walking around the bed, you follow him, head falling from side to side to watch what he’s doing.
He kisses your forehead, “Just getting the last few things.”
You look near your right foot and gaze upon the abandoned tray, your tongue flicking over your lips. Will has cut the fruit meticulously, dealt sweet treats into little dishes and when you turn your head to the bedside table, there’s a steaming mug of hot chocolate.
Everything just out of your reach.
He reenters the room to your grunting as you struggle to move.
“D’you need some help?”
You flutter your lashes, “Please.”
He chuckles, joining you on the bed, fluffing up the pillows ready for you to rest on. Tucking his hands underneath your armpits, he lifts you up like you weigh nothing, hauling you into position with your accompanying giggle.
Climbing out of bed, he steps towards the puddle of clothes on the floor, plucking his shirt from the pile. He helps you put it on before reaching for the tray and positioning it on your lap, immediately you take a chunk of apple.
“I really am sorry,” he brushes the hair from your face. “I dunno what came over me.”
He places the hot water bottle low, the subtle heat soothing the ache between your legs.
“You don’t have to apologise, it was really good.”
Your mouth salivates as the sharpness of the fruit hits your tastebuds and you smile at him sweetly as you chew.
“Even the thumb?”
You laugh as you swallow, “Even the thumb.”
The weight falls off his shoulders as he wraps an arm over yours. He draws you closer to his frame and you sink in, finding the strength to draw your legs closer, making yourself comfy. His free hand reaches for the remote, switching on the television just for some background noise.
You pick another slice of apple and bring it to his lips, he takes a bite, your finger approaching his mouth. He sucks in the last of the fruit along with your digit, sucking the flavours from it. The temperature rises in your cheeks and you snatch your hand back before swatting him in jest.
“Don’t you start.”
He couldn’t help himself, you made it too easy.
Once you had eaten what you could and downed your hot chocolate, the heat settled into every inch of your body. Will hugged you near, his hand sliding soothingly over your waist, his chest rising and falling in a slowing rhythm.
Your eyes were getting heavier but before you fell asleep, he squeezed you.
“Let me clean this up.”
You didn’t want him to, grumbling in disapproval. You felt his smile in your hair and the he kissed your crown, easing away from you.
Collecting everything, he carried the tray to the kitchen and left it on the side like he’d planned. When he returned to you, you were sitting on your heels, playing with the hem of his shirt over your thighs.
He tipped his head to the side, not saying a word.
“Would you clean me up too?” You ask timidly.
Coming over to you, he holds out a hand. You take it, slipping off the bed and allowing him to escort you to the bathroom.
He fetches a new face towel, running it under hot water as you perch on the edge of the tub. Crouching down, he lifts up one of your legs and places your ankle on his shoulder, his soft blue eyes gazing up at you.
You spread yourself wider, presenting the mess of dried cum, small bruises decorating your inner thighs were he had once bared his teeth.
His touch was gentle, wiping from bottom to top in methodical strokes.
Once finished, he placed your foot on the floor before asking you to turn around. You do so, resting your knees on the tiles, arching your back for him to get a better look. He parts your butt cheeks apart to inspect your puckered hole.
You twitch when you feel two fingers approach, calming down as he rubs cold cream over the area. A light tap comes to your ass after you lean into his touch then came a kiss, featherlight before he got up.
He guides you back to the bed, opening up the covers for you to get in.
Climbing in on the opposite side, Will shuffled closer, his arm draping over your stomach. His hand curled under your ribcage, pulling you into his body. You form your body to fit snuggly into his shape, the heat of his breath seeping into your crown.
He grew heavy, cocooning you into a cosy sense of security, a simple reminder of why you loved having him home.
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Kinktober 2024, Day 4: Cocoon
You want Wriothesley to wrap you tightly in a blanket.
Word count: 328 words
Genre: Fluff
Reader's gender: Gender neutral
Content warnings: None
Notes: Despite being a kinktober fic, there's nothing inherently erotic about this one. Enjoy!
Read below or on AO3.
“So you want the duke of the Fortress of Meropide—often considered a prison—to… confine you?” Wriothesley looks at you with some incredulity from the other side of the bed.
You nod. “That’s one way to put it. I just like the idea of being in a cocoon of some sort. It’s like having a weighted blanket, but all around me.”
“Still though… that’s functionally confinement. I reserve confinement for the inmates in the Fortress; I don’t confine my lover.” He seems a little uncomfortable with the idea. But you look at him with the best puppy eyes you can muster. He sighs. “Alright, alright. Let’s just try it out, then.”
You smile broadly. “Thanks, Wrio. You’re a sweetheart.”
“You are too,” he says with a bashful smile as he leaves the bed. “Lie down on the edge of the blanket,” he commands. You obey and he moves over to your side of the bed. “I guess now I just… roll you over?”
You nod again. “Make it as tight as possible,” you say.
He starts rolling you in the blanket. Following your instructions, he does it quite tightly. When he’s done and you’re on Wriothesley’s side of the bed, you feel completely enclosed. You can’t move a muscle.
“How is it?” he asks.
“Comfy,” you say with a smile. “Thanks, Wrio.”
He seems to soften. “I’m glad you enjoy it.” He walks to the wardrobe and takes out another blanket. You follow him from the corner of your eye. He gets back to you and scoots you over, clearing his side of the bed, and puts the blanket over the bed. Then he gets back into bed and wraps his arms around the cocoon. His arms further tighten the blanket around you. “I suppose you’re a body pillow now. Perfect for me to squish while I doze off.”
You giggle softly. “You’re such a softie, Wrio.”
“I am,” he affirms. “I am, when I’m with you.”
#genshin impact#wriothesley#wriothesley x reader#wriothesley x you#genshin x reader#genshin x you#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact x you#kinktober#kinktober 2024#my writing#fanfiction#fanfic#gi
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— AMOUR ET FROMAGE: sanji x reader
ᥫ cw: none ᥫ wc: 1335 ★ yes, i know i keep posting sanji. yes, i know i said i'd write for valenxixines, do my reqs and maybe do a bit of kinktober. yes, i know i have like seven assignments to do. but... but sanji :( cross posted on ao3
[♡]: which wasn’t necessarily bad so much as it was confusing. like how did a mouse sneak its way to a kitchen on a ship in the middle of the ocean? sanji had no clue, but somehow it must’ve been hungry. he feeds it a slide of cheese.
SANJI’S SEEN A MOUSE IN A KITCHEN BEFORE, it wasn’t uncommon to find them there, it was natural. And every time he’s found one, he’s always fed it a bit before carefully taking it out of the kitchen. But that was in the Baratie where ships were constantly docking for customers, where staff would sail in and out for big batches of ingredients for restocking, this was a pirate ship… in the middle of the ocean… and they hadn’t stopped by an island in quite some time now. So where on earth did this little guy come from?
Sanji spotted it on the counter, sniffing around and trying to dig its little paws at whatever crumbs fell between the grout. It looked up at him, its beady eyes staring directly at him before resuming its hunt for spare food. Naturally Sanji heads to the fridge to see what he can spare for the poor thing. He grumbles as he digs through his ingredients, mulling over the fact he had just spent the last of his strawberries as a snack for the boys. While it’s not the best option, Sanji opts for cheese, a small piece he tears off the corner. When he turns to give it to the mouse, he finds that it’s come closer, sitting on the counter next to the fridge and looking at him expectantly. He chuckles, carefully handing the cheese into its little paws and watching it heartily nibble at it.
But something about this mouse is… off. Sanji can’t quite pinpoint it, but it’s surprisingly calm, it knows the kitchen too well like it’s been eating here for months and it trusts Sanji too much like it knows he wouldn’t hurt it. Because why would he? He’s first to admit he’s a big softie,
He smiles fondly at the rodent, petting it gently with his index finger. To his surprise it nuzzles against him, pressing its little rat face against the pad of his finger. It makes Sanji smile a bit wider, not only because he had always been fond of mice, but because it reminded him of you and the cute way you’d press yourself a bit harder against his palm whenever he cupped your cheek.
Come to think of it, Sanji hasn’t seen you yet today. He remembers looking for you to call you over for breakfast and lunch, and both times he was unsuccessful. He remembers asking the crew around too if any of them had seen you, to which they shake their heads and tell him to ask another one of the crew members, that and Zoro who had unintentionally led Sanji on a wild goose chase with his unhelpful recollection of the places he had seen you today (which all ended either being past memories or bits of the dream he had during his latest nap). Sanji pulls himself from his thoughts and looks down at the mouse, who squeaks gleefully and tries to climb into Sanji’s fist.
There’s a thought that passed through his head, a terribly ridiculous thought, but… not exactly entirely impossible. So he leans in, a confused pout on his face as he eyes it with some form of caution. His heart pounds as he carefully whispers your name. The mouse seems unfazed, pawing at its snout before looking up at Sanji. Typical mouse behavior, but still…
“Is that… really you, my love?” He asks, keeping his voice as low as possible because God forbid someone came into the kitchen right now and see him talking to a fucking mouse.
The mouse squeaks in response, nuzzling against his palm affectionately. He looks at it nervously, brushing his thumb against its fur, making it squeak gleefully.
“That is you right? I’m not talking to just some mouse?” He asks, a bit more confidently.
The mouse squeaks again. And Sanji is about to burst into tears.
He strokes its fur— your fur —again, more gently, more tenderly. “Oh, my love, what happened? Who did this to you?” Sanji’s voice is laden with sadness, but the shallow kind because while on one hand, there’s worry gnawing at his heart, fear that poor little you would be stuck as a little mouse forever, on the other hand, he’s trying very hard not to smile or giggle, because you look absolutely adorable staring up at him with your new beady little eyes, nose twitching as you look at him curiously. He couldn’t help it. Sanji loves mice, and Sanji loves you.
“Don’t worry, my sweet darling. I’ll take care of you.”
He carefully carries you out of the kitchen, both hands cupping over you with care. There’s a hint of a grin on his face, a slight curve to his lips as his cheeks glow a light pink. Sanji wants to throw himself overboard, bite into the mast of the ship, bash his head against a wall; you’re just too cute.
So cute apparently because when he steps out with a little mousy you in his palms, it catches the attention of Luffy and Chopper who were playing on the deck. The captain’s eyes instantly light up with mirth, hands reaching to poke and grab you before even asking why Sanji had a mouse in his hands. Quickly, the chef pulls his hands away from Luffy’s reach and wacks him in the head with his foot on instinct.
“What do you think you’re doing!?” Sanji exclaims in panic.
Luffy grumbles and rubs his head, frowning at Sanji. “I wanna see the rat! Rats are cool!” He replies.
Sanji clicks his tongue, glaring at his captain before carefully petting you, a silent apology for moving you like that so suddenly. “It’s not a rat, it’s a mouse. And you can’t see them.”
“What? Why not?” Luffy grumbles, confused and frustrated. Chopper stands on his tiptoes, trying to peer into Sanji’s cupped hands.
“Because they’re a special little mouse, aren’t you, my darling?” He coos, nuzzling his cheek against you. Then he turns to Luffy, nose wrinkled. “And you’re not going to be careful with them.”
Chopper tilts his head. “What makes this mouse so special, Sanji?” He asks, hoof on his chin.
Sanji stiffens slightly, uncertain of whether or not he should be telling the rest of the crew something like that. Because while it might be helpful for the others to know that you had somehow turned into a cute little mouse, there would be consequences to bear with it. For one, the crew would make a big fuss out of it which might lead to panic which might lead to you getting hurt. Another is that proving the mouse was you would definitely be challenging, since Sanji’s main convincing factor is that he just knows it's you and he’ll definitely be made fun of for a bit because of it. And maybe you didn’t want people to know you turned into a little mouse, certainly it must be a bit embarrassing for you, right?
Chopper nods along, humming. “Well, he says thank you for the cheese. And that he’s sorry he’s been stealing slices of your vegetables. He’s been doing so for a week or so now, he says he was scared you’d notice.”
Sanji huffs proudly, smiling warmly. “Well, you’re welcome, my dear. Anything for— wait, what?”
The reindeer shrugs. “Yeah. He says he’s been living in the pantry since the last island and had been mostly living off of scraps. But you’re really thorough with your cooking and barely leave any over, so he’s been stealing off your cutting board whenever someone walked in the kitchen and distracted you.”
“S… So that means… Th-that… So…”
Luffy tilts his head. “Means what? That it’s not special?”
Sanji looks at the mouse in his hands, then back up at Luffy and Chopper, then down again at the mouse in his hands.
There’s a familiar giggle behind him, a very cute familiar little giggle behind him. “What’s not special?”
Sanji really might just throw himself overboard.
#ꔛ xixi writes#one piece sanji#one piece#one piece x reader#sanji x reader#op sanji#black leg sanji#sanji#dividers by cafekitsune
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Summary: An extra for Mine* and Halloween Kinktober, Freaky Fun
The one where your mafia boss boyfriend, Harry, plans out a Fall Day of Fun.
Scary movies included.
Word Count: 5.3k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, mask kink, Daddy kink, Ghostface reference, cum swapping, Harry being a little softie 😗
The narrow, empty halls of your apartment are quiet as you step through. The air cold and almost eerie, urging you forward in search of your boyfriend.
He’d left almost ten minutes ago to make some popcorn. A task that shouldn’t have taken more than a couple of minutes, but when he neglected to return, you felt your curiosity pique.
Leaving the bedroom behind, you move from door to door, glancing around each corner as you call, “Har? You about done?”
Still, the apartment is quiet. Not even a rustle or cough to guide you.
You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand to a point, bristling with unease as you make your way to the kitchen. “Har?”
However, the small space is empty. Nothing but a bowl of freshly popped popcorn to greet you. It sits on the counter almost mockingly, offering you no insight as to where Harry might have disappeared to.
You begin to frown, now whirling around in search of clues. “Harry, this isn’t funny anymore. Okay, I’m cold, and I want you to come back to bed.”
And then…a door creaks. A shrill, sharp sound that makes you flinch as you turn toward the offending noise with a glare.
But all you find is a collection of coats hanging inside the small closet by the front door.
You huff. “Harry, seriously. You got me, all right? I’m scared.”
Suddenly, you feel a large presence looming just behind you. Brushing up against your back as you gasp and spin on your heel.
You come face to face with a large, white mask. The eyes and mouth cut out in an exaggerated drip, as if mimicking a panicked scream.
And you’d be tempted to scream yourself if it weren’t for the familiar, woodsy notes of a cologne you’d recognize anywhere.
“Tell me, mama…” comes a graveled, husky voice, “…do you like scary movies?”
Playing along, you gasp quietly and begin to back away. Staring at the tall, masked man with terror until you suddenly hit something else hard and firm. Stopping you directly where you stand.
It’s another chest, somehow just as sturdy and unrelenting as the first. This stranger is masked as well, the panicked expression almost condescending as it leers down at you. “What’s the matter, sweetheart? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Smirking, you offer them both a playful glare. “Okay, all right. Very funny, you two.”
For a moment, the two hooded figures merely stare at you before the first one rips off the mask, revealing that comforting head of curly, brown hair beneath.
“Come on, sugar…we wanna hear you scream,” Harry purrs, grinning deviously as Asher removes his hood as well.
“You wanna play psycho killer?” the man beside you hums, but he’s smiling as well, making you laugh.
“God, you guys are so annoying,” you huff, teasingly shoving at Asher with your elbow. “Where the hell did you get these stupid outfits, anyway?”
Harry’s fingers outstretch for your stomach, tugging on your shirt until you’re wrangled into his arms, face squished against his neck. “Don’t worry about it,” he whispers mischievously, nuzzling his nose along your forehead until you squeal. “That’s the fun of Halloween.”
You snort. “Sure. Who were you even supposed to be, anyway?”
He begins to lean back, eyes wide and expression shocked while you blink innocently.
“Ghostface,” Asher says, stepping closer. “From Scream?”
Glancing over the masks in their hands, you shrug. “Never saw it. Wasn’t really into horror movies growing up.”
“Aww, were you scared, sweet girl?” Harry murmurs, ghosting his lips along the shell of your ear. “Scared the big, bad, bogeyman was gonna get you?”
“Well, he kind of did,” you tease, glancing over your shoulder while he grins.
“If you wanna stab him, I won’t blame you,” Asher calls, tossing his mask toward the sofa. “I’ll even hand you the knife.”
You and Harry both laugh as Harry tightens his holds on your waist and tugs you back against his chest, chin tucked just over your shoulder. “Maybe that’s what we should do tonight, hm? Stay in, bake some cookies…maybe do a little screaming of our own?”
You smile through a scoff. “Sounds romantic.”
“It could be,” he coos, mouth reattaching to your neck as Asher grins. “Could get all cuddled on the couch…keep you warm on my lap…hold you when you get scared.”
And the idea is tantalizing, made even more enticing by the sound of his voice. “Guess that does sound nice.”
“Yeah? Promise I won’t let anything hurt you,” he breathes, the soft trickle of his exhale sending shivers down your spine. “Won’t let anything scare you. Keep you safe in my arms. Always.”
“Always,” you repeat in a soft sigh, heading rolling back against his shoulder. Succumbing to his seduction.
You feel his large hand crawl up from your hip until it can rest over your chest. Cupping your tit firmly in his strong palm before kneading it tenderly. “Is that what you want, mama? Wanna stay here with me?”
You hum weakly, eyes glazing over as you look toward the second-in-command watching you by the kitchen.
Asher smiles softly, nodding once as it to reassure you.
And you do feel reassured. So endlessly content to be in their care. To be loved on by the most wonderful man in the world. Bogeyman or not.
Then, Asher clears his throat. “All right, troublemakers. You two have fun,” he says while heading for the door. “Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone, yeah?”
Confused, and slightly disappointed, you straighten up, watching as he walks down the hall. “Where…where are you going? You aren’t staying?”
He shakes his head. “The boss gave me the night off,” he tells you, tossing a smirk toward Harry. “And I figured you two could use an evening alone.”
It’s a thoughtful gesture. One you aren’t quite sure how to feel about. After all, you’re rather used to him. His face, his voice, his comforting nature. You imagine you’ll be worried about him while he’s gone, even if he’s more than all right.
“Okay,” you finally answer, smiling gently to show him you understand. “But you are coming back, right?”
He grins. “Don’t I always?”
With that, he grabs his keys, throws you both a wink, and disappears from the apartment.
Leaving you and Harry alone at last.
You turn around giddily and snake your arms around his neck. “All right, Mr. Bogeyman. What should we do first?”
He pretends to mull this over. “Hm…think I might have an idea.”
Suddenly, he’s bending down, grabbing onto your legs, and hoisting you over his shoulder.
You squeal in confusion as he traps you in his hold and carries you to the sofa. Ignoring your playful swats to the back of his head until he can drop you down onto the soft cushions and chase after you.
He slots his body between your thighs, settling his hands beside your head as he gazes down at you. And there’s something fierce and animalistic in his eyes. Reverent, almost, and it makes your stomach flutter.
“Har,” you gasp between breathless chuckles, “what the hell are you doing?”
He hums quietly before dipping down to brush his nose with yours. His soft, brown curls sweeping across your forehead. “I missed you.”
You chew on the inside of your cheek, fighting a coy grin. “How could you miss me? I didn’t go anywhere.”
He’s quiet as he reaches for your mouth, allowing his thumb to sweep across your pouted lips tentatively. “Don’t care,” he whispers. “Still missed you. Missed all of you.”
“Yeah?” Your voice betrays you. Quiet and wavering with a rush of adoration you can’t seem to tame.
“Mhm. Wanna make up for it.”
“Is that so?” You arch from the couch until your chest can knock against his. Subtly pleading with him to touch you. “How?”
He allows his finger to slip between your lips. Fitting in your mouth almost perfectly as you circle your tongue around the warm digit and hum gratefully. “You tell me.”
You take a moment to think, sucking on his thumb with fervor while he watches you with an intent focus. Seemingly enthralled by every inch of you, especially the way you become so submissive to his taste.
“Kind of like what you said earlier,” you admit quietly. “Think it’d be fun to have a movie night with you.”
“Yeah?” He begins to smile. “Thought you didn’t like scary movies.”
You shrug. “No. But I like you.”
His expression softens as he slides his finger from your mouth.
“Besides, we never get to play house,” you point out. “Might be fun, just this once. Do some baking, snuggle up on the couch. Stay in like an old married couple.”
“Yeah,” he repeats, a bit fainter this time before he sighs. “You know I’d marry you in a heartbeat, mama. Give you everything you ever wanted. The white picket fence and the little house in the suburbs. Work a 9 to 5 and have tons of babies and debt.”
You laugh, knees squeezing his hips. “I know, but you know I don’t want that. Not right now. I’m happy with how things are.”
“Really?” He doesn’t sound convinced. “You’re really okay with a life of being moved, and taken, and hidden, and threatened?”
You glance over his face, reaching up to brush at the dark hairs of his brows. “I am okay with any life…as long as I get to live it with you.”
He releases a strained breath, surging forward until he can rest his forehead against yours. “Oh, sweet girl. Always, always, always.”
And you know he means it.
You kiss him. Press your hands to his cheeks and kiss him so hard, you both feel dizzy.
You’d stay here forever, you decide. Right here, just kissing him. Give up everything; eating, breathing, sleeping…just to remain in his arms.
His heartbeat against yours.
“All right,” he finally murmurs, releasing you in an effort to return the air to your lungs. “Let’s make those cookies, hm?”
He wrestles you up and chases you to the kitchen. Retrieving the ingredients while you get the oven ready and prep your space.
You’re a good team. Even when baking, and you feel an abundance of adoration for the man handing you balls of dough.
You laugh as he flicks some flour at your cheek, and he smirks when you whip him with the edge of your hand towel.
Once the cookies have been pulled from the oven and placed onto the counter to cool, Harry takes your hand, and leads you toward the bedroom.
He pulls you down onto the bed and helps you get situated under the covers before flipping on the television. Scrolling through the horror section until he can find the one he’s looking for.
With a coy smile, he glances over. “Are you sure?”
“S’just a movie,” you say. “How bad can it be?”
He grins a bit wider and hits, “Play.”
A phone rings before the camera pans to a young Drew Barrymore. She sports a young, blonde bob and white sweater, and her voice is as bright as a ray of sunshine.
Harry is instantly enthralled, staring at the screen with wide, entertained eyes as his dimple pops free.
He mouths along with the dialogue as though he’s seen the movie at least a hundred times. And soon, you find yourself watching him more than the screen. The way he lights up with certain jump scares, or scoffs when a particular character is on screen.
It’s rare he gets this excited. In fact, the only thing he tends to show this much passion about…is you.
And he’s so happy right now. So relaxed and carefree. Content to be in this bed with you, his arm around your shoulder as you rest your head on his chest. Humming at the way you trail your fingers along the dips in his ribs.
Before you know it, you’re crawling over his thighs, and settling on his lap. Hands around the back of his neck, lips against his. Moving with a synchronicity that can’t be taught. Only felt.
The movie is long forgotten as his tongue laces with yours, fingers digging into your hips to trap you against him. Groaning softly at the way you nip his bottom lip and move your kisses down his neck.
“Sugar,” he exhales, lashes fluttering shut as he quickly puts the film on pause. “What are you doing, hm?”
“What does it look like?”
He smirks and tightens his grip. “Thought you wanted to watch the movie.”
“And now I’d rather watch you.”
“Is that so?”
He brings a hand to your hair, brushing the strands behind your ear before cupping your cheek. “And what would you like to watch, mama?”
You can think of a plethora of dirty responses. Ones that would surely make his jaw clench before he gave you everything you ever asked for.
Instead, you find yourself struck with another idea.
Your fingers slip beneath his shirt, grazing his soft, warm stomach that quivers beneath your touch. “Might have had an idea.”
You nod, kissing across the curve of his shoulder while your palms meet his chest. You linger over his pecs before squeezing them, brushing your thumbs over his nipples.
He sucks in a quiet breath, and you feel his eyes staring straight through you.
“Want you…to go back…and put on that mask,” you whisper, dragging your lips up toward his ear. “And then…I want you…to fuck me.”
His breath hitches. “Really?”
Another nod. “S’not so scary when it’s you. It’s even kind of…sexy.”
His hand returns to your hair, squeezing the back of your neck gently. “Sugar, are you sure? I don’t ever want you to associate pleasure with genuine fear. Not after everything you’ve been through.”
You lean back to catch his eye, smiling softly. “I’m sure. That’s the whole point. When I know it’s you, and I know I’m safe…it’s so much hotter.”
He studies you closely, almost as though unconvinced. “We’ll still use our system, yes? Yellow to slow down, red to stop.”
“Yes,” you agree, wiggling a bit over his lap to feel the way he hardens beneath his jeans. “Please, Har?”
His pupils grow hazy with lust – blown out and wildly addicted. But he hesitates, nonetheless. “Need you to promise me, mama. Need to know you’re gonna communicate with me the whole time.”
“I will,” you repeat eagerly. “I will, I promise. Just…just go put it on. Please?”
A moment passes as he sighs and caresses your face once more. Almost as though wanting one last bit of tenderness. “All right, sweet girl,” he murmurs, pulling you down to kiss you. “Anything you want.”
You giggle against his lips.
With a pat to your thigh, he clears his throat and nods his chin at you. “I’ll go grab it and put it on. But when I come back to this room, I want you in nothing but your panties, and sitting on the edge of the bed. Is that understood?”
You feel your body ache with a need that can’t be tamed, stomach folding in on itself as you nod and scramble off his lap. “Yes, Daddy.”
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Good girl. I’ll be right back.”
With that, he stands, and makes his way for the other room. Leaving you to obey his request.
You tug your shirt up and over your head before discarding it somewhere on the floor. Your sweatpants are next, flicked from your ankles toward the chair in the corner before you brush your hair back, and take a deep breath.
You can feel the way your thighs clench together. The damp spot already growing beneath the cotton fabric of your underwear as you crawl toward the end of the bed. Waiting almost anxiously for him to return.
You appreciate that he doesn’t judge you for your strange request. And you absolutely love him for being willing to play along. Even if it means you won’t get to see his pretty face.
You hear his footsteps echoing between the hall as he approaches. Making your heart leap into your throat before a dark shadow slips into the room.
The mask is familiar to you now. The white, ghostly expression surrounded by the black hood. You can’t see anything behind the eyes. Can’t even see his pretty, pink lips. But you know it’s him. Can tell just from the way his body moves.
You straighten up, hands in your lap as the masked man seems to study you.
His head cocks before you hear a recognizable hum. “Obeyed me very well, darling, didn’t you?”
You nod fervently and tug your lip between your teeth. “Yes, Mr. Ghostface. Always.”
You hear him chuckle, perhaps amused with the nickname. And when he doesn’t correct you or scold you, you assume he likes it. “Is this what you wanted, mama? Wanted me to fuck you…just like this?”
He’s moving closer. A slow stride as if stalking prey, and your insides feel fuzzy as you swallow. “Yes.”
Another hum before he comes to a stop just in front of you, glancing down while a gloved hand reaches out to brush along your jaw. “My sweet girl. You’re trembling. S’that how bad you need it?”
He’s right. You can hardly get a coherent response out as you push yourself into his touch, silently begging for more.
He releases your face and lets his leather-covered fingertips find your nipple. He tweaks it – hard. Enough to elicit a gasp and have you arching up into his palm.
The mask leers down. Offering you no other inclination as to how he’s feeling besides the obvious condescension you can hear in his voice.
“Promised to take care of you,” he murmurs, groping at your chest a moment more before releasing you. “So that’s what I’m gonna do. Take my cock out.”
To accompany his instruction, he nods down toward his hips. Encouraging your hands to travel toward his dark jeans as you begin to pry them open.
You’re nearly drooling as you slip your delicate hands into his briefs to pull him free. Instantly whimpering deep from the back of your throat as you scoot closer and slide your palm up toward his leaking tip.
You hear a subtle hiss from behind the ghostly face before he’s stepping closer. Pushing himself into you.
Then, he nods once. “Go ahead, mama.”
Without needing further instruction, you surge forward, and drag your tongue along the underside of him. Tastebuds coated with a familiar taste that reminds you of certain safety and lust.
You use the tricks you know he enjoys the most. Licking at the dark veins before moving up and forming your lips around him. Sucking just enough to tease him before trailing your mouth down the length. Making his hands flex beside him.
Then, one of those hands travels to your head. Sprawling out across the back to keep you close and offer you a bit of comfort and encouragement. Not hard enough to hurt you or take away your freedom, but enough to excite you. Make you eager for his approval.
You take him into your mouth. Simpering at the way he groans and slightly twitches against your tongue.
His gloved fingers disappear into your roots. And they tug to remind you of his appreciation as you swallow around him. Allowing him to hit the back of your throat before you draw back.
“Shit,” comes his gravely reply. Making a dark wave roll straight toward your cunt. “That’s it. S’fucking perfect, sugar.”
The praise spurs you on. Makes your head spin and your legs squeeze together. You need it – need more of it, need all of it. You need to make him proud, make him cum. Make him lose his goddamn mind because of the way you treat his body.
You go faster, suck harder. Bob your head just enough to make his entire body tense with an immeasurable type of pleasure. One that makes him moan your name before bucking himself into your mouth.
You can’t help but gag when he reaches the back, and he’s quick to pull back. Providing you a moment to breathe.
“Sorry, mama,” he hisses, moving to swipe his thumb across your lips. Collecting the bit of drool that drips from your mouth onto his glove. “M’sorry. I’ll be more gentle, I promise.”
But you shake your head. “No, I…I like it. Like that you feel good.”
And you can’t see it, but you imagine he’s smiling. “Is that right, dirty girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
He seems to groan to himself before he guides his cock back to your tongue. “Then make me feel good, darling.”
You do. Give him everything you have. Hollow your cheeks around his rather large cock and suck until you both see stars. You take as much of him as you can, almost until your nose reaches his stomach. But you can’t quite fit him all the way, and he seems amused by your efforts.
“It’s all right, mama,” he calls, squeezing your neck once. “Know it’s a lot. Already being so good for me. Don’t push yourself, okay?”
You frown, settling for keeping your focus on his tip and letting your palms brush at his balls.
When he notices your pout, he tugs on you again. “What did I say? Need you to talk to me or we stop.”
You pop off long enough to answer, “I’m okay, Mr. Ghostface. Just wish I could do more.”
But you hear a sigh before he steps closer and guides your chin up. “Believe me, sweet girl, you do more than enough. M’already close and I’m nowhere near through with you yet.”
You smile at this. “No?”
The masked face shakes. “No. You wanted me to fuck you, darling, and that’s what I plan to do.”
You drop your hands to your thighs, nails curling into the skin as if to brace yourself. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He begins to squeeze your jaw. “So why don’t you crawl back for me. And spread your legs, let me see.”
Within an instant, you’re moving toward the pillows. Settling down onto the blankets as your thighs slowly pull apart to reveal your covered cunt.
And in this moment, you wish you could see his face. The blissful expression he always seems to wear when he gets a good look at you. He loves the way you drip for him. The way your little clit gets swollen with need as your legs shake and your stomach quivers.
And he also happens to love this particular pair of panties. The tiny, pink ribbon that sits on the front. The way it taunts him and calls to him. The way it’s almost innocent in nature despite what lies beneath.
The masked man begins to follow after you. Hands and knees burying deep in the duvet as his head cocks and his attention seems to fall to your cunt.
“Pretty,” he mumbles, barely loud enough for you to hear. His hand outstretches, thumb finding the ribbon before he begins to drag it down. Pressing hard into your pussy to feel the dips and warmth leading toward your hole. “Oh, sugar. Did I get you all worked up?”
You nod weakly as you watch his finger land over the obvious wet spot along the fabric. Whimpering gently at the faux sympathy in his voice.
“Must hurt, hm?” he coos, beginning to circle the area with a bit more determination. “To be so untouched? So desperate?”
You nod quicker this time, making a louder, more pitiful noise. “Please, Daddy. Need you to make it better.”
A sadistic chuckle slips beneath the mask before he’s reaching for the lacy waistband. “All right. Gonna make it better.”
He slips the material down your legs and tosses them into the room behind him. Discarding them quickly before laying his palms against your thighs and pressing them into the bed. Keeping them open and spread exactly the way he likes.
The dark leather around his large hands makes you swallow. You quite like the feel and the sight of it. Knowing that it’s Harry behind the dark façade. And knowing exactly how much he loves you.
“Please, Mr. Ghostface,” you beg quietly – sweetly. “Need you to fuck me.”
His touch constricts, digging into the soft skin of your legs before he’s reaching for his cock. “I will, sugar. Gonna make you scream.”
He scoots forward, guiding the crown toward the weeping hole between your thighs. Prodding at it once, then twice to coat the tip and make sure you’re ready.
But you’ve become a mess of whines and pathetic gasps. His name and a string of pleas that follow before he smacks his hand down your leg to silence you.
“Patience,” he scolds, rubbing the glove over the mark he left. “Daddy’s gonna do it on his own time, understood?”
You pout again but nod. Accepting his condition as you reach for your chest to squeeze your tits in your hands.
And even without being able to see his eyes, you know he’s watching. Enthralled and mesmerized by the way you arch into your own touch and moan softly.
You pinch your nipples before groping at the flesh a time or two more. Lashes fluttering shut in blissful ecstasy while the space between your legs grows wetter.
You hear him curse before he begins to push in. Recapturing your attention and claiming your pleasure as his own.
And it’s at this moment that you wish you hadn’t asked him to put on that stupid mask. Because you want to kiss him, more than anything. Want to see his face, see his beautiful lips as he drops them open with a low groan. Want to nip at his jaw and leave marks down his neck. Want to tangle your fingers in his curls and tug until he whimpers your name.
Instead, you stare at the face of a ghost above you. Which isn’t so bad. After all, it’s still wildly arousing as he sinks into your cunt with a practiced precision.
Instantly, you toss your legs around his hips and hook your ankles near his ass. Pulling him in deeper while he sucks in a sharp breath and bottoms out.
You hold onto each other for only a moment. The cold face of the mask brushing against your cheek as you shiver and subsequently clench around him.
“Sugar,” he warns, but it’s mixed with a lewd moan. “M’not gonna last long if you keep doing that.”
“Sorry,” you gasp, although you’re anything but. “Just feel really good.”
You feel a hand on your ribcage, squeezing as though to show some sort of affection. “Good,” he murmurs before pulling back and pushing back in. “Cause it’s all for you, mama.”
You arch from the bed as he begins fucking into you, hard and slow. Hitting spots inside you that are so deep, you think you feel your stomach flip. It’s incredible the way he uses your body. The way he knows it, works it. Works himself into it. Plunging himself inside your pussy until the sounds of your arousal echo between your ears.
You glance down to watch, loving the way you can see your drip on his cock, the way it coats your thighs, coats the blanket beneath. Glistening in the soft light of the room and from the TV in the corner.
He’s grunting from the force, slamming his hips into yours while you gasp out his name.
Leather-clad fingers land on your chest. Effortlessly brushing your own hands out of the way as he takes you in his palm and harshly gropes at your sensitive breast.
It looks pretty in the glove. Dangerous, in fact. The slight sting makes your eyes roll back and your body shudders with pleasure while Harry begins to pick up the pace. Fucking into you quicker as he begins to chase his release.
Suddenly, he’s tugging on one of your legs to return it to the bed. Once again pressing it hard into the mattress at an open, spread angle to find that position he wants.
You whine as you’re manhandled, bucking up from the rush of euphoria when he finds a particularly pleasurable spot.
“Oh, sweet girl,” he exhales, drawing back almost all the way before sinking in to the hilt. “S’a lot, yeah?”
Your head moves up and down wordlessly.
“I know,” he hums, rhythm beginning to get sloppy. Uncoordinated and rushed, like he’s nearing his release. “Shit, I know, mama. M’gonna cum…and then m’gonna make you cum. All fucking night—”
You cry out at another wave of something sweet before he’s grunting in your ear and twitching inside your soft walls. “Har…Harry, please—”
“I know,” he repeats, gritting the words between clenched teeth. “I know, I’ve got you. Always got you—”
“Please, please, please—”
“M’right here. You’re okay. Won’t stop. Never gonna stop—”
“Fuck, yes. S’a good girl, keep still. Just like that—”
He cums. Suddenly and almost without much warning, and it’s strangely addictive. Spilling inside of you until you squirm almost violently at the sensation. Chasing after the need as he empties himself into you before pulling back.
You’re surprised by the abrupt shift, wondering almost sadly why he’s leaving you so quickly when he’s just barely finished.
But the answer soon comes in the form of his hand reaching up toward the mask to rip it from his face. Revealing his flushed cheeks and blown-out pupils as he tosses it aside and surges forward.
His mouth attaches to your pussy before you can even speak. Sucking and licking and drenching his chin in both of your juices.
It’s smeared across his mouth and nose and cheek like a painting. Making such a beautiful face even that much more alluring.
“Har,” you whimper, reaching for the curls now at your disposal. They’re slightly warm and sweaty from being covered, but it feels good. Almost erotic, and you pull until he moans against your cunt. “Fucking missed you—”
“Yeah?” His grin is devilish as he glances up just long enough to meet your eye. “Good.”
He nips at your clit before swirling his tongue around it and sucking it into his mouth. He presses and pulls until your head rolls back and your focus finds the ceiling. Your thighs burn from the way you thrash, and your toes are curling deep into the covers.
Nothing can stop you. Nothing can stop him. It’s everything, everywhere, all at once. A rush of endorphins and adrenaline and pleasure and lust and love and adoration.
And you cum harder than you think you ever have. You lose time. Lose almost every one of your senses. You can’t see or hear anything beyond soft murmurs of Harry’s voice, calling to you. Saying something you can’t decipher.
You scream out his name until your throat is raw. And it goes for what feels like hours. Perhaps it’s only seconds, but it feels immeasurably longer than that.
He holds you through every second. Hands on your hips to keep you against his tongue while he kitten-licks at your pussy until you’re gasping for him to stop.
He does, but only after he’s decided he’s finished. That you’ve given him all you can and that he’s cleaned up his mess.
Then, he rises up, and comes to you. Pressing his mouth to yours and kissing you harder than he has all day. You taste everything, but you mostly taste him. And the way he loves you.
He only stops once. Leaning back to catch your eye, brush his thumb across your cheek, and whisper,
“Fucking love it when you scream.”
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Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @vane28282 @lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @0nlythrowharrybeaux @hannahdressedasabanana @acesofspadess @stylesfever @caynonmoondreams @virginvirgo @pagesfalling @creativelyeva @char112244 @snwells @armystay89 @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @blackbookwhore @nellylayhoohoo @22fallenangel22 @watercolorskyy @ilovedilfs32 @nicodoesntexist @lelenikki @happypoptart @scndsofsummer @theofficialprongs
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Made For Me | Jhea (SMUT) 18+!!!

Kinktober Day #10: Bondage
"Think you were made for me, oh yeah.
You were made for me
It ain't everyday, That I get in my feelings this way." 🎶
Description: Rhea feels comfortable showing her vulnerable and more submissive side around Jey.
Warnings: Switch!Rhea only submits to Jey, Dom!Jey is a softie for his babygirl, praise, bondage, love bites, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving),
My masterlist can be found here and my kinktober schedule can be found here.
As always my fics are based in Kayfabe, not real people.
tag list - @mysticreigns2 @queeny23 @jeyusos-girl @notfancyrebelpaper @xbriexx @skyesthebomb @mzv11 @paigereeder @glitterywitchstarlight @v4mp-reads @hunnidmilly
Rhea had been exhausted. After her messy breakup with Dominik, she felt like she'd been put through the ringer emotionally. She'd never imagined that he would cheat on her with Liv Morgan, of all people. That Finn would side with him.
Other than her terror twin, Damian Priest, there had been only one other person durring that time to notice something was wrong. Jey Uso. He was Kind, caring, funny. He took care of her in a way no one ever had. Rhea Ripley was not the type of person to allow herself to be vulnerable with people. But with Jey it was different. Safe.
Jey had been nothing but patient and understanding with Rhea. He respected her boundaries and never pushed her too far, always putting her needs first. It was a completely new experience for Rhea, being treated with such tenderness and consideration.
Slowly but surely, she began to open up to him, revealing her insecurities and fears. Jey listened attentively, offering words of comfort and encouragement. It was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She didn't have to be 'Mami' all the time. She got to be Jey's babygirl.
Jey adored the fact that Rhea felt comfortable enough to let her guard down around him. He loved the way she responded to his affectionate nicknames, the way she blushed and giggled when he called her "babygirl". It made him feel like he was doing something right, taking care of her and giving her the love and attention she deserved. They both felt as if they were made for one another.
After a sweet date at Waffle House, Jey and Rhea arrived back at his place. As soon as they stepped inside, Jey turned to her with a playful grin. "You look so beautiful tonight, babygirl," he said, pulling her into his arms. "I've been thinking about this all day."
Rhea felt a shiver run down her spine as Jey spoke. She knew exactly what he meant. She could feel the heat building between them, the electricity in the air. "Jey," she whispered, her voice low and husky. "I want you. I want you to take control."
Jey's eyes darkened at her words. He loved it when she surrendered to him like this, when she trusted him enough to let him take the reins. "Good girl," he said, his voice rough with desire. "I'm going to take care of you. You just need to relax and let me do all the work."
Jey led Rhea to his bedroom, his hand on the small of her back. Once they were inside, he shut the door behind them and turned to her. "Undress for me," he said, his tone commanding yet gentle.
Rhea obeyed, first undressing and then lying down on the bed and gazing up at Jey with a mixture of trust and excitement. Jey moved to the bedside table and opened a drawer, retrieving a set of handcuffs. "These are for you," he said, holding them up for her to see. "Are you okay with this?"
Rhea nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. "Yes," she said softly. "I trust you, Jey."
Jey smiled and gently took her wrists, fastening the handcuffs around them. He attached the other end to the headboard, effectively binding her in place. "Now you're all mine," he whispered, his breath hot against her ear.
"You remember your Safeword, babygirl?" Jey asked.
"Waffle" Rhea confirmed.
"Good girl," Jey said, stroking her cheek. "Use it if you need to, okay? I want this to be enjoyable for both of us."
He leaned down and kissed her softly, his lips trailing down her neck and collarbone. He nipped at her skin, leaving small marks as he went.
Jey continued to explore her body with his mouth, leaving a trail of kisses and bites in his wake. He moved lower, his hands tracing the curves of her body as he settled between her legs. He looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire. "You're so perfect," he murmured. "So responsive."
Jey slowly ran his hands up her thighs, his fingers grazing her skin. "I can't wait to taste you," he said, his voice low and husky. He gently spread her legs wider, his eyes fixed on her core. "You're already so wet for me, aren't you?"
"Yes, Jey. Just for you." Rhea said breathlessly.
Jey chuckled at her response, clearly pleased with her reaction. "Good girl," he said again, his breath hot against her skin. "I can see how much you want this. I'm going to give you what you need."
He lowered his head and finally, finally, his mouth found her center. He licked and sucked at her with a fervor, his tongue working magic against her sensitive flesh.
Rhea let out a moan, her body arching up towards Jey's mouth, her hands tangled in his curly hair. He was driving her wild, his tongue expertly working her to the brink of ecstasy. "Jey," she gasped, her voice hoarse with pleasure. "Please don't stop."
Jey increased the pressure of his mouth, his tongue delving deeper inside her. He knew exactly how to push her buttons, how to make her come undone. He brought one hand up to tease her clit, his fingers moving in time with his tongue. "Come for me, baby," he growled.
Rhea felt the pleasure building inside her, growing stronger with each passing moment. Jey's tongue and fingers were relentless, driving her higher and higher. Finally, she reached her peak, crying out his name as her orgasm washed over her in waves.
Jey continued to work her through her climax, prolonging her pleasure until she was spent. He finally pulled away, a satisfied smile on his face. "You're so beautiful when you come," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "it's like you were made for me"
#jey uso x rhea ripley#Jhea#jhea smut#jey uso fanfiction#jey uso smut#main event jey uso#sub! Rhea Ripley#Rhea Ripley smut#sub Rhea#Spotify
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