#eminem kinktober
therealcocoshady · 3 days
Kinktober- Day 2 - Public Humiliation
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Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
A/N : here is the post for the second day of Kinktober 👀. The prompt is Public Humiliation. I honestly couldn’t picture Em being into public humiliation but hey maybe I’m wrong so I decided to write about him giving it a try… for the sake of his kinky girlfriend 🙊
CW : Public humiliation - Dirty Talk - Embarrassment - Fingering - Fluff
You were almost embarrassed when you had approached Marshall, weeks ago. You’d been together for a little while and everything was going great, but confessing kinks didn’t come too easily to you, even though you trusted him. When you told him you had a thing for public humiliation, he was taken aback at first, almost hesitant. He didn’t judge you, but it wasn’t in his nature to be cruel. Sure, he’d been mean to partners in the past, cruel, even, but he was a changed man. Plus, he absolutely adored you, so being mean to you did not make any sense. He had always treated you like royalty and he hated the idea of belittling you, even if you asked for it. However, you assured him it was something you wanted, that made you feel alive I ways you could not quite explain. You’d tried to put words on it, explaining that there was something intimate, that it was all about trust and that he was, in fact, the person you trusted the most. He didn’t necessarily get it, but after some careful consideration, he agreed to give it a try, during a dinner party he hosted at his place. For obvious reasons, he could not indulge you in a very public setting, in a room full of strangers that might record the thing or talk to the press. So the safest bet was to do it in private, at his place, with people he knew and was comfortable around. You had both agreed to keep it light, but the perspective was enough for you to find it titillating. 
You knew everyone that would be present, just a few of his friends for a casual dinner party. You got along with everyone and you happily spent the day in the kitchen. You weren’t a chef but you enjoyed cooking and knowing your amazing boyfriend had agreed to indulge your kink definitely put you in a good mood. The table was set, and their guests were mingling, sipping drinks and chatting casually as Marshall sat at the head of the table, watching you move around the kitchen, plating the final dish. His heart pounded, knowing what was coming. You had agreed on what would happen and you had done everything you could to make him as comfortable as possible, even agreeing on some safe word and signal if either one of you found things to be overwhelming at some point. You both trusted each other, and he knew he could pull back at any point. He was a little stressed out, though. He’d been an asshole to partners before, sometimes even in public. Back then, drug addiction helping, he hadn’t cared too much about the consequences. But you were his queen, he revered you like some sort of deity and he was apprehensive at the thought of hurting you, breaking something about the precious relationship you shared. Also, as someone who had evolved, he was a little wary as to how people would perceive him. A decade and a half ago, he might not have cared, but now he did. He knew he would have to find some sort of balance : be enough of an asshole to titillate you, but stay on the safe side so that it wouldn’t embarrass his guests. Of course, it would have been easier in a room full of strangers he’d never have to see again, there wouldn’t have been so much at stake… But being one of the most famous rappers in the world made it virtually impossible. He couldn’t help but pick on the cruel irony that he was a public figure whose significant other had a kink for being humiliated in public. He wasn’t particularly kinky but it would probably have been easier for him to indulge you if you’d had a thing for golden showers or anything that could be done in private. As for you, you seemed blissfully unaware of what was going on in his brain, humming as you brought the dish on the table. 
Dinner began, and everything seemed normal at first. He waited for the right moment, feeling his stomach twist as he prepared for what he was about to do. « Everything alright with the cooking, babe ? », he asked. You smiled at him, your good mood apparent « All good, I think. You tell me. », you replied softly. He took a bite and looked at you, something sharp in his eyes. « You know, I would have thought but impossible to mess a dish as simple as this but… You managed, I guess. Maybe it’s a talent. », he said. A few of his friends laughed awkwardly, unsure if he was serious. After all, they were used to his dry humor. You met his gaze from across the table, your eyes shining, a glint of excitement hidden behind the feigned hurt in your expression. « Oh. I’m sorry. I did my best… », you said softly as you refrained yourself from smiling too much. « I’m sure », he shot back. « Maybe next time I’ll hire a cook. Someone who knows what they’re doing. ». 
The tension in the room thickened. You could see a couple of people share nervous glances, but Marshall didn’t stop. He knew this was what you wanted. You had asked for it, almost begged him for it in the privacy of his bedroom, but now, with all eyes on him, it felt very real. Almost too real. Yet, he continued. « Speaking of knowing what you’re doing… How’s that pet project going on for you ? », he asked with disdain. « You mean my new job ? », you asked innocently.  « Whatever you want to call it, I guess. Though an actual job would… you know… pay actual money », he shrugged. « Well, I just started doing freelance so… I’m still… um, working on it », you said as your voice got lower. The whole thing was demeaning and embarrassing. The way he looked at you with contempt, the tone he used, the way his words stung, the look on people’s faces… It was embarrassing. Humiliating. And you absolutely loved it. Marshall could see it by the way you gripped your cutlery and the flush on your face, which the guests probably mistook for embarrassment. « Right. ‘Working on it’. Though I hope you mean you’re working harder than when you’re ‘working’ in the gym. Like, if you’re going to talk about it so much, you should at least show some results. »  
The silence in the room was deafening now. Marshall’s heart raced. He hated every word coming out of his mouth, but your eyes told him to keep going. « You’re lucky you’re pretty. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have a lot going on for you. », he added. Some people in the room looked absolutely mortified. As for you, you were looking down, face flushed with humiliation and something else - something only Marshall knew about. You were sitting in your chair, staring at him, feeling soaking wet. He was good at it. So good. The way he belittled you, demeaned you… It did things to you. It was even better than what you had anticipated.  As the dinner went on, he made a few more biting remarks, cutting into your cooking, your career aspirations, and even your body in ways that made his skin crawl. You played your part perfectly, responding with a mix of hurt and feigned disappointment, but every so often, you’d give him that look—the one that reassured him you were enjoying every second of it. Finally, as the evening came to an end and the guests filed out, offering awkward goodbyes and sideways glances, the house fell silent. The moment the door clicked shut, Marshall turned to you, his face pale with regret. « Babe, I- », he began but you cut him out by kissing him lovingly. « You were perfect », you said earnestly. « It was amazing ! ». He cupped your face and stared at you for a couple of seconds, his face full of disbelief. Eventually, he pulled you in for a warm hug. « I hated it », he said. « I don’t know how you- I don’t know », he sighed. You smiled and placed a kiss on his pec. « It was exactly what I wanted », you said. « Thank you ». 
He looked at you again, an undecipherable expression on his face. He didn’t get it. Some kinks, he could get the appeal, even though he wasn’t particularly interested. But this, this was beyond him. « You’re insane, do you know that ? », he asked with furrowed eyebrows. You let out a giggle before replying with a grin « I know ». He sighed and gently cupped your face. « I love you, Y/N », he said in a low voice. « But I don’t know if I can do that again. Being mean to you? It’s like... it’s the opposite of everything I feel about you ». You nodded with understanding before placing a soft kiss on his lips. « I know. That’s why it means so much that you did it for me tonight ». He hummed and kissed you again, not letting go. As if he wanted to make sure that you were ok, that the love you shared remained intact and wasn’t tainted by the events of the night. In truth, you felt the opposite. This brought you closer. The frown on his face started to worry you, though. You’d had a great time and you were more than grateful that he indulged you, but you didn’t want it to be an awful experience for him. « Are you upset ? », you asked carefully. « No, I- I just don’t get it, you know ? I don’t get how you can be into… that ». You smiled and tilted your head, amusement playing on your lips. « Into what ? ». He sighed and gestured vaguely. « This. This whole humiliation thing. I just spent the entire dinner ripping you apart in front of everyone, saying things I don’t even believe, and you were just sitting there—loving it. ». Your smile grew wider, a twinkle of excitement visible in your eyes. « Oh, I was more than loving it », you said. Marshall shook his head, torn between disbelief and something deeper—something that, despite everything, made him want to understand you. « What’s wrong with you? » he asked, half-joking, half-serious. « You’ve got this... kink for being humiliated. You like being talked down to, like I’m supposed to just tear into you and you’re gonna walk away with a smile on your face? That’s messed up. ». Your eyes flickered with that unmistakable glint—the one you got when he pushed your buttons just right. You bit your lip, enjoying the way his frustration was manifesting, the way his words stung but also ignited something within you. « Maybe it’s what I need. Maybe I like being messed up. Maybe I like it when you’re mean to me. Maybe it turns me on to have you rip into me and make me feel small. ». The excitement was palpable in your voice. It was sultry, full of lust. Marshall stared at you, his jaw tightening as he tried to reconcile the conflict brewing inside him. « ou really want me to make you feel worthless? You really want me to tear you apart like that? » he asked. 
« Yes », you whispered, your voice low. « I want you to tear me apart. I want you to call me pathetic, to tell me I’m not good enough. I want you to say all those things because it’s you saying them, and I know you don’t mean it. ». He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair, trying to make sense of what you were saying. « So, what—you want me to sit here and tell you how messed up you are? You want me to go off on how crazy it is that my girlfriend has a kink for being humiliated? ». The edge in his voice had returned, and you could feel the energy between you shift. You nodded, your heart racing as his words cut deeper, but it wasn’t the hurt you craved—it was the rawness, the vulnerability that came with it. « Yeah » you breathed as you felt your pulse quickening. « I want you to tell me just how weird I am. How messed up it is that I get off on you being cruel to me. Tell me everything you think but are too afraid to say ». Your boyfriend’s jaw clenched as he stared at you, the conflict swirling inside him like a storm. He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as he leaned down, his voice dropping to a low, almost dangerous tone. « You want me to say it? Fine. ». His words were sharp now, cutting like the verses he spit on stage, but this time, there was no crowd, no mic—just the two of you, locked in a twisted, shared understanding. « You’re twisted » he hissed as his eyes locked on to you. « You get off on this? On being told you’re not good enough? On me making you feel small in front of everyone? That’s messed up. Who even thinks like that? ». Your breath caught in your throat as he continued, his words hitting you like a drug. « You love it, don’t you? » he continued, his voice gaining momentum. « ou love it when I point out all your flaws, like how you can never seem to finish anything you start, or how you act all confident, but deep down, you’re just looking for someone to knock you down a peg. ». 
You shivered under his words, your pulse racing as his insults landed perfectly, pushing all the right buttons. You could barely hold back the way her body responded, your lips parting in anticipation for more, your nipples hardening, goosebumps appearing on your skin. And the wetness in your panties, it was criminal. « And the cooking? » he continued, his voice still laced with venom, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of something softer, something only you would catch. « You think making a dinner for a few friends means anything when half the time, you barely know what you’re doing in the kitchen? That’s what you’re proud of? Please. ». Your skin flushed, and you felt a warmth spread through your body as he kept going. You knew this wasn’t easy for him—that it was taking everything in him to keep up the facade. But that’s what made it so perfect. « You’re insane, » he muttered, his voice growing quieter, though no less intense. « You’re absolutely insane for liking this. You know that, right? It’s messed up that you want this from me. » And then, as if to punctuate the moment, he stepped even closer, his lips almost brushing against your ear as he whispered, « But you love it, don’t you? ».  A shudder ran through you as his words hung in the air, your chest heaving with the intensity of what had just transpired. You looked up at him, eyes shining with everything you felt but couldn’t put into words. « I love it, » you whispered back, your voice trembling but sure. « I love it because it’s you. ». 
Marshall's thumb lingered on your cheek as his breathing slowed, the intensity between you still thick in the air. He stared into your eyes, seeing the raw vulnerability, the excitement, the love you had for him—despite everything he had just said. There was no question now; you were thriving in the energy you had created. But now, all he could think about was how much he wanted to close the gap between you. Your lips parted slightly as you leaned closer, your eyes flicking to his mouth. The anticipation hung between you like a live wire, and Marshall couldn't hold back anymore. He lowered his face to your, his lips capturing yours in a sudden, desperate kiss. It started slow, tentative, as if he was afraid you might still be hurt by what he'd said earlier, but you responded immediately. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matched his own. He could feel your body pressing into him, the heat of the shared tension spilling over into something else entirely—something you both needed. Marshall's hands slid down your back, pulling you even tighter against him as the kisses grew more heated, more frantic. He felt the familiar rush, the way your lips moved against his, soft but demanding. Every ounce of guilt he had felt moments earlier dissolved as you kissed him back, as if you were trying to tell him with every touch that this was exactly what you wanted, that he was exactly what you needed. You couldn’t help but moan softly into his mouth, fingers tangling in his hair, and it drove him wild. He kissed you harder, his lips moving with more urgency now, tasting the sweetness of your desire, the intensity of everything that had built up tonight. Your body responded to every movement, pressing against him, and he could feel your heart racing in time with his own. Marshall pulled away for just a second, breathless, his forehead resting against your. « You’re crazy, you know that? » he muttered, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke.,You grinned, breath ragged as you pulled him back into another kiss. « I know, » you whispered against his mouth before your lips met again, the heat undeniable. He pushed you against the nearest wall as you kept on making out, one of his hands wasting no time going under your dress to go and check If what he suspected was true. As soon as his had cupped your pussy over the lacy fabric of your underwear, he knew he was right. You weren’t wet. You were absolutely soaked, almost dripping. He looked at you, his stare a mix of shock and lust. « Fucking twisted », he muttered before resuming the kissing. You hummed into the kiss, his hands on you driving you absolutely wild. He pushed your panties aside, inserting a finger, immediately earning a moan. « Look at you. All wet because I’m telling you the truth - how fucking deranged you are. It’s pitiful ». You whimpered and he added as second finger, immediately starting to thrust. As his hand worked his magic between your legs, he kept on whispering in your ear, choosing the right words to drive you crazy. You looked at him with pleading eyes, praying that he’d keep going. You had never been so turned on, ever, ad he could tell. He spent the night using it to his advantage, taking you for round after round. As twisted as the whole thing was, he get off on seeing you get off, and the orgasmic bliss made the whole agony of the dinner absolutely worth it. 
The next day, you woke up to the sound of Marshall walking into the room, placing a tray on the bed. « Good morning princess » he said lovingly. You’d had a good sleep and the memories of the night had you smiling from ear to ear. « Morning my love » you cooed. « I thought you’d enjoy breakfast in bed », he said softly. « There’s pancakes, coffee, juice, and I even had croissants delivered, from that bakery you like ». You gave him a smile full of gratitude and kissed him lovingly as he sat next to you. « You’re the best », you said. « Anything for you, love », he replied earnestly before kissing your temple. « So, this is what? You’re going to give me the royal treatment because you called me out on my cooking? » you giggled. « Exactly, » he said, his face serious, as if he had rehearsed the whole thing. « I need to make sure you know you’re my everything. I don’t care if you loved the whole humiliation thing—I’m still gonna treat you like you deserve. ». The sincerity in his voice was almost too much. You loved him for it, even if it made you laugh. « Marsh, » you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck, « I don’t think you understand. I really enjoyed it. You don’t have to keep doing all of this ». « Yeah, but I want to, » he cut in, leaning down to kiss your forehead. « I don’t care if you liked it. I’m not letting you think that’s who I really am, though. I don’t ever want you to feel less than amazing. ». You let out a soft laugh, your heart swelling with affection for this man. He could be stubborn as hell, but that was one of the reasons you loved him so much. Even when you were perfectly fine with the way things were, he went out of his way to make sure you knew just how much you meant to him. « Fine, » you said, still smiling. “If you insist on treating me like a princess, I guess I’ll just have to enjoy it.” He grinned. « Good. Because I’m not stopping. »
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frankenkyle19 · 11 months
Hi, I love your writing, not sure if you have time to do this since it’s kinktober and you’re probably busy so no pressure!!
I’m 5’6, female. hourglass figure, slim/athletic build. wavy dark hair, brown eyes, full lips, fair skin, heart shaped face. permanent resting b!tch face. I dress casually, mostly t-shirts, hoodies, flannel, jeans, converse.
I’m extremely sarcastic and blunt, im academically gifted, very competitive and a perfectionist. I like horror/psychological thriller movies, music (MCR, Måneskin, P!atd, Lana del rey, Eminem), jogging and reading (favorite authors are Stephen King and Neil Gaiman ). Knows a lot of random facts. My favorite season is winter, I play the piano, an ambivert, likes to play Nintendo and chess.
My love language would be acts of service, not a big fan of physical touch overall (but tolerant)
If you find the time to do mine, thank you in advance! If not, it is completely understandable and i look forward to your other kinktober works! 🖤
ooo I had a hard time picking for this one!
but I ended up going with Jimmy Darling!
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Loves you. All of you, even your resting grumpy face. He finds it endearing. Always tries to get you to smile though by poking fun at it.
He’d always offer you his clothes to wear because you have similar styles and seeing you in his clothes does things to the boy. He’ll always be throwing flannels and his t-shirts at you, practically begging you to wear them.
enjoys your sarcasm. Sometimes it’s hard to find someone you can actually joke around with so he’d be super happy to be able to do so with you.
he’d probably try to break the perfectionist in you or at least make it ‘better’ but if he didn’t succeed in it he’d just try and do things right the first time to not stress you out. Never judges you.
might have a hard time with horror movies just because of what he went through but as long as theirs no nuns or asylums he’ll be alright.
Would love to go on walks with you and listen to all your favorites artists together. Music is the way to Kit’s old soul. Loves loves loves music more than life itself.
would always love when you come up to him to tell him another random fact. He literally wouldn’t even care what it was, it could be the dumbest thing ever and he’d still be so happy that you taught him something new.
would beg you to play piano for him. He would literally melt when he hears it. Would buy you a super nice piano just to have and play whenever you want.
his love language is either acts of service or gift giving. He likes physical touch but shows his love in other ways most of the time.
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whinesandwhimpers · 1 year
eminem or wtvr; can the kinktober writer thats 17 days behind schedule please stand up?
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therealcocoshady · 2 days
Kinktober - Day 3 - Pet Play (Part 1)
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Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
A/N : Hey guys ! I'm a couple of hours late for Kinktober Day 3 but here it is ! The prompt is pet play. I actually got really inspired by it and as it turns out, I got somewhat ambitious and it is a long one. I'm not done with it so I will be releasing it in two parts. That way, you can still have something to enjoy on the day of 🤭. Please mind that this is my personal take on pet play, which is informed by reading that I have done on the subject. This kink can look different depending on people's dynamic ! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it ❤️
CW : pet play, implied d/s dynamic, soft domination, vanilla
« Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being someone’s pet ». Little did you know these joking words would be the end of you. 
You’d known Marshall for a little while. You had quite a few friends in common and, in spite of your age difference, you had become quite close. You namely shared a love for music and a questionable humor, as well as a knack for pushing the jokes a little too far. Everyone you knew said that the two of you had a chaotic duo energy but they had to admit that it was very distracting. It was all dark humor and banter. You always made fun of each other and you were never short on jokes that capitalized on his status as a lonely, single fifty something man with an hermit reputation. The age thing and relationship status were true. However, he was far from being lonely, or an hermit. Still, you enjoyed teasing him. You were spending the afternoon at his place, just the two of you, browsing through his cassette collection and discussing the latest hip-hop drama, when he made a snarky comment in passing about your recent breakup. Something about your relationships never lasting too long because of you being impossible. « That’s a lot of nerve for someone who’s been single for what ? Four, five years ? At least I’m putting myself out there. You should try that sometimes. », you clapped back. « I didn’t- I mean… You know. I’m just saying you don’t know how to pick guys that can actually handle you. », he tentatively clarified. « I’m not impossible », you argued. « For these dudes, you are », he hummed. « Whatever », you sighed. « Why don’t we focus on you, huh ? You talk as if you were such a big relationship expert buy you’re the lonely, single one. I still have a bunch of options. You, on the other hand…». He stared at you with an amused look on his face. « I’m all good, thank you for your concern, Y/N », he said calmly. You chortled and mumbled something inaudible, causing him to sigh. « To be fair, I’d rather be alone than have to deal with the whole relationship thing », he stated. « So… You don’t miss dating ? Like… You’re ok with the possibility of ending up alone ? » you asked with a raised eyebrow. 
«Yeah I wouldn’t mind some company but I don’t care about it that much », he shrugged. « Besides… Just because I’m not dating doesn’t mean I’m lonely. ». You hummed. Ultimately, Marshall’s dating life was none of your business. But as his friend, even though you sometimes joked about it, you didn’t want him to be alone. You knew him enough to know that, even though his family and friends kept his social life fulfilled, he could easily get into his own head. In truth, you were concerned. « How about a pet ? » you suggested with a smile. « I wouldn’t be a good pet owner, especially now that it’s just me at home » he chuckled. « I work too much. And I’m not sure it’d be too happy here ». You let out a giggle and looked around you. He had this massive mansion all to himself and you could definitely imagine a couple of cats or dogs living their best life. « Yeah, you’re right. Huge houses usually don’t make great spaces for pets » you said sarcastically. He shook his head and smiled. « Here’s the issue : if I want some live-in company, I’d need something as independent as a human being but as easy and docile as a pet » he chuckled. You hummed in understanding, thinking to yourself that this man was definitely too complicated. You already knew it but sometimes, it showed more. « Too bad it doesn’t exist. Maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with you being all cranky if it did » you joked. « I mean, it does. It’s just hard to find the right match » he shrugged evasively. « Huh ? » you asked with a raised eyebrow. « I mean, you know. Like… Different kinds of pets » he hummed. You still didn’t get it. You stared intently, waiting for him to elaborate. But he didn’t. « Like… robots ? » you asked. The question made him laugh, as if you had said some sort of joke. « I know you’re younger, but I didn’t think you’d be so innocent » he chortled. « Like what ? I really don’t get it ! » you defended yourself. « Like pet play, Y/N. That’s what I’m saying. Like… Real people being pets, it’s a thing». You ket out a giggle. « You mean people dressing up in the bedroom for some kinky shit ? » you asked jokingly. « I mean, yeah, that exists. But some people go kind of deeper than that. Even in non-sexual ways. They just have that relationship with someone, where they let go of tension, responsibilities, and they let the other person direct them and care for them ». You hummed, understanding a little better. In truth, you hadn’t really heard of that before. « So they’re treated… like an animal ? Like, they’re fine with being treated like a dog ? » you asked with your eyebrows furrowed. « Some people actually enjoy that. But it’s not so much about feeling like an animal. It’s just letting go, trusting someone to be responsible for your wellbeing. Like, they have rules, boundaries, and they can unwind ». You nodded, finding that it actually made some sense. « You seem to know a lot about this, old man », you teased. He shook his head and gave you an enigmatic smile. « I’m 51. I know a lot about a lot of things. ». You hummed again and chuckled. « That doesn’t seem so terrible. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being someone’s pet. Maybe it’d help with the constant noise in my head. ». He stared at you intently and chortled. « Right. You. A pet. » he said mockingly. « What’s that ? You don’t believe me ? What are you saying exactly ? » you asked, falsely offended. 
« You’re an agent of chaos, that’s what I’m saying », he chuckled softly. « I’ve been friends with you long enough to know you’d suck as a pet. You just don’t have what it takes ». You crossed your arms, almost vexed by his comment. You couldn’t exactly deny being rather skilled as an agent of chaos, but there was no way in hell you would let him say you weren’t good enough. « You think you know me that well, huh ? », you challenged him. « Maybe I’m not the problem, you know ». He raised an eyebrow. « Meaning ? », he asked, as if to make sure he understood the implication quite right. « You heard me », you said defiantly. « You’re would suck as a pet but, really, you’re the one who wouldn’t have what it takes ». His eyes opened a little wider and he scoffed, shifting to an assured stance. « Is that right ? », he asked. « Oh yeah », you teased.  « You wouldn’t be up to the challenge ». There. You had said them. The magic words that, you knew, flipped a switch inside of his brain. In the few years you’d known him, you had come to learn that Marshall didn’t deal well with people doubting him. And, petty as you were, you didn’t shy away from using that against him from time to time. « You know what ? Let’s settle this. I’ll show you », he challenged. You froze for a second because laughing. « Show me what ? » you asked. « That I’m up to the challenge », he replied. « I’ll prove to you that I’d be quite skilled as a master. You’re the one who would not last a day ». Now, you were the one being provoked. You crossed your arms and tilted your head, gesturing for him to elaborate. « You try being my pet for 24 hours. We’ll see who lasts longer. You or me. Then, you’ll now if you’re terrible as a pet or if I suck as a master. Deal ? ». You stared Ito his baby blue eyes. 
« What’s at stake ? » you inquired with a raised eyebrow. « Honor », he simply shrugged. « That’s the answer of someone who knows he’s going to eat his words », you teased. He looked at you and let out a sardonic chuckle. « Alright, smart-ass, what do you want ? » he asked, seemingly dubious. « Amazing Fantasy #15 » you immediately replied. He let out a laugh and shook his head, as if you had just made a joke. You stared at him with your arms crossed, standing on business. « Do you even know how much this thing costs ? » he challenged. Only you did know how much it cost. That comic book was a rarity, a holy grail. One he kept somewhere in a safe and had always refused to let you borrow, arguing that you were way too clumsy to be trusted with the diamond of his collection. « Last one that was auctioned was sold for over three million. I know. », you answered matter-of-factly. « Though rumor has it that you paid a third of that price for yours», you added. « We’re not betting a million dollar-worth comic book over some stupid pet play joke », he warned. « Relax, grandpa. I’m not suggesting you hand it over. I just want custody of it for a week. », you said. « Two hours. With gloves and supervision. », he counter-offered. « Two days. Here. No supervision. I’ll agree to the gloves. Besides… I thought you were confident. Are you backing down, old man ? », you grinned. « Put some respect on your owner’s name, pet » he grinned as he extended his hand. « You got yourself a deal. But if I win, I want your imperial star destroyer ». You stared into defiantly into his eyes and shook his hand, determined to make him eat his words and win your bet. Not only were you a sore loser and you really wanted to read that comic book, but now that the most precious item of your Lego collection was at stake, you absolutely refused to let him win. « You’re not my owner », you said. « Not until next weekend, that is », he replied with a grin. 
The two of you had agreed that the bet would start on Friday evening at 8PM and that you’d have to be a docile pet for a whole 24 hours. You’d spend the weekend at his place, which wouldn’t be the first time, since he often had people over. You hung out with him often and you’d stayed over in the past. His huge mansion was the perfect place for entertaining people and he tended to take advantage of that. In the preceding days, you had done research on the pet play dynamic, trying to figure out what you should expect. It appeared to be quite a spectrum, with various roles and possibilities. You had agreed to leave the details to Marshall and, although you inherently trusted him, you sort of counted on him to be an asshole to some extent. That being said, you’d previously had a conversation regarding limits, so you knew he was aware of things you absolutely wouldn’t agree to. He was one of your closest friends and he knew you pretty well anyway. That being said, you were a little curious as to what he had planned. Knowing him and his knack for making fun of you, you almost expected pranks. You wouldn’t put it past him to have dress you in some silly outfit and have you eat from a dog bowl.
When you arrived at his place, you greeted him with a hug, as usual. He took your bag and you went to sit on the couch. « I’m surprised you haven’t already bailed » he gently teased. « You know I’m not a quitter, Mathers. Besides… I really want to read that comic book. » you replied with a grin. He hummed and moved a little closer to you. « So, we’re doing this, huh ? » he asked. « Unless you already want to-» you began. « I’m good, pet » he cut you. « Let’s see if you can handle it for a day ». You looked at him defiantly, willing to show you were absolutely not willing to back down. « Bring it on, old man. Whatever you have planned, I can and will handle » you said. He chuckled and walked to fetch something from a drawer. « I figured you’d need something to fully get into it » he said with a grin as he handed you a collar with a little bell on it, as well as a pair of clip-on cat ears. You gave him a side-eye. You knew he would do something corny like this. Still, you weren’t one to fold, so you immediately put them on. « How do I look ? » you asked. « Pretty cute » he admitted. « So, we’ve established that I’m going to be a cat ? » you asked. He shook his head and shrugged, as it it didn’t really matter. «Pets don’t talk, now, do they ? », he asked with a playful grin. « So be a good girl and shut up unless I ask you something or allow you to speak, alright ? », he added. You pursed your lips and stared at him, tempted to run your mouth, but you ended up nodding, not without a slight eye-roll. He chuckled and cupped your jaw, stroking your cheek with his thumb. « Good girl », he softly praised. « And since I’m nice, I’ll pretend I didn’t notice you rolling your eyes ». You were used to having physical contact with Marshall. As a friend, he wasn’t one to be stingy with hugs. But this was different. It was caring and warm and intimate. You sort of liked it, though. As innocent as it was, it sent some kind of warmth through your body, the way he had gently cupped your face and asserted his dominance. He took you to the movie room, suggesting to watch a movie. You figured the weekend and that stupid bet might turn out to be enjoyable. After all, lounging in a lavish mansion, with the promise of being taken care of didn’t sound like a total nightmare. Even if that implied remaining silent and surrendering to someone else. You walked to one of the couched but, before you had the chance to sit, Marshall cleared his throat. « No pets on the couch », he hummed. You immediately gave him a side-eye, although you remained silent. You stood there, watching him. « Don’t look at me like that », he chuckled. « I’m not a monster. I’m not going to make you sit on the floor. I actually got you something ». He went to a corner of the room and brought what resembled a dog bed. Only, it was human-sized and seemed rather comfy, almost luxurious. He positioned it next to the touch and gestured to it, a smile tugging at his lips. « Did a bit of shopping, this week. Wanted to make sure my pet had everything she needs. What do you think ? », he asked. Judging by his smile, you could tell he was pretty proud of himself. Apparently, the collar and the corny cat ears were not enough and you wondered what else he’d bought. « Are you serious ? » you asked. « Are you backing down already ? » he playfully retorted. « Not at all. This looks… Fine, actually ». You kneeled and took place on the dog bed while he sat on the couch. To your surprise, it was one of the comfiest things you had ever sat on, and you almost automatically curled up on the soft fabric as Marshall stared at you with a smile. « See ? ». 
You silently hummed and he picked the movie, opting for some classic comedy, one genre he actually knew you liked. You settled, a little bit apprehensive. Calm and focus had never been your forte and, as much as you enjoyed lounging in front of a movie, knowing you had to be obedient was a little challenging. You were starting to get antsy and fidget a little and Marshall seemed to pick up on it. He gently placed a hand on the top of your head and traced small circles with his fingers. « Relax, pet. Just focus on the movie and ease up ». You hummed and tried your best to ease the tension of the past week. It had been stressful at work and you could feel it in your neck and shoulders. As soon as he saw you stretch your neck and shoulders, he placed his hands on your trapezius muscle region and gently started to massage. You closed your eyes and hummed in approval. « Better ? » he asked softly after a few minutes. « Yeah, thanks » you replied with gratitude, thinking that he wasn’t too bad when it came to caring for someone. « Good. Now just focus on the movie », he directed. You turned your head and focused on the screen. After a while, Marshall got up and left the room, only to come back after a few minutes with some snacks and water. « I know you never drink enough water or really eat when you’re working. Time to hydrate and eat. » he commanded. You looked at him with an appreciative smile and did as you were told. There was something freeing about all of this. You had thought the whole thing would be somewhat gimmicky, but he had actually anticipated your needs. He seemed kind of serious about this bet.  When you were done with the water bottle and the snacks, he gently patted your head. « Good », he gently praised. You gave him an appreciative smile and turned your attention back to the movie as his fingers kept on stroking your hair. Slowly but surely, the noise in your head started to quieten and you began to let go of all the tensions of the past week. In the back of your mind, you knew you were safe, with someone you trusted and felt safe with. When the movie ended, you were in some kind of zone, fully relaxed for the first time in ages. You knew where you were and yet, at the same time, you felt a little hazy. « All good ? » Marshall asked. You simply nodded with a soft smile, something different than usual in your eyes. You were usually in pocket rocket mode, especially around your friends. They were used to your erratic, sometimes chaotic energy, and how you never really stopped talking or fidgeting. No one was really used to seeing you calm and silent. Not even yourself. You could see Marshall smile and he extended a hand for you to get up and grab. « Time for bed, now, pet. I know you had a long day. You need to rest. ». You nodded again and followed him upstairs while he carried your bag. You expected him to drop it in the guest bedroom where you usually slept whenever you stayed over, but he seemed to have other plans in mind. He smiled as soon as he picked up on your confusion. « Pets sleep with their owners, now, don’t they ? » he said with a low voice that sent shivers down your spine. 
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therealcocoshady · 4 days
Kinktober - Day 1 - Lingerie
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A/N : here is the first post for Kinktober. The prompt is Lingerie. I kept it simple and sweet 😉. I hope you enjoy it 💕.
CW : Lingerie ; Romance ; Smut ; PinV.
It had been a whirlwind few months for « Eminem ». Marshall was halfway through his latest tour, performing night after night to sold-out arenas across the country. The energy from the crowds was electric, but when the music stopped and the curtains closed, the loneliness hit hard. No matter how many fans cheered his name, there was only one person he truly missed— you, his girlfriend.
You were the calm in his chaotic world. The two of you had been together for a few years now, and while you had learned to navigate the challenges of his life as a public figure and someone who was always on the move, it never got any easier being apart. Marshall made sure to stay connected with you as much as possible—late-night calls, FaceTime sessions, and sweet texts between rehearsals. Still, he often felt guilty for leaving you at home so often, so he tried to make up for it in other ways. Over the past few weeks, he'd arranged for little gifts to be delivered to you. One day it was your favorite flowers, the next day a gorgeous set of expensive lingerie he thought you’d look divine in. He wanted you to feel his presence, even when he was miles away.
It was late one evening, and Marshall was lying in his hotel room, winding down after a long day of interviews and rehearsal. His phone buzzed on the nightstand, and a notification popped up. Your name appeared on the screen and his heart skipped a beat as he unlocked it. It was a message, with several photos attached.
"Miss you more than words, baby," your text read. "I'm waiting for you when you’re ready to come home."
Marshall opened the photos, and his breath caught. You were getting ready for the day, wearing a stunning set of lingerie, one that he had arranged to be delivered to you in his absence, the soft lighting of your shared bedroom accentuating your graceful silhouette. You looked beautiful, confident, and radiant. Every picture was more alluring than the last, but it wasn’t just the physical appeal—he could feel the emotion behind them. You missed him. You needed him. And suddenly, the distance felt unbearable.
He leaned back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to push down the rush of emotions that came with your message. He still had a few days off before the next show. He had been planning to stay put and rest, ever so careful not to let touring take a toll on his body, but the idea of being away from you now seemed impossible. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to see you, even if it was just for a few hours.
Marshall sat up, grabbed his phone, and started making calls to Paul and Tracy. Within minutes, he had a plan. He'd fly back to Detroit tonight, surprise you, and make it back to the tour in time for his next commitment. It was crazy, spontaneous, and exactly what he wanted to do.
The next few hours were a blur—packing, booking the flight, and sneaking out of the hotel without drawing attention. By the time the plane touched down in Detroit, the sun had begun to set, casting a warm glow over the familiar cityscape. He was exhausted from the flight, but the adrenaline of seeing you for the first time in what seemed like an eternity kept him going. When he got home, Marshall let himself into the house, careful to be quiet. The familiar scent of home washed over him as he stepped inside, a sense of peace replacing the constant hum of the road. He settled on the couch, waiting, anticipation buzzing in his chest. He checked the time. You would be home from work any minute now.
Just as he started to relax, he heard the sound of keys turning in the lock. The door creaked open, and you walked in, your work bag slung over her shoulder. You hadn’t seen him yet. “Hey, baby,” Marshall said, his voice low and steady. You froze for a second, your eyes widening in surprise as you saw him sitting there on the couch. You dropped your bag, a grin spreading across your face as you ran toward him, crashing in his arms. "Marshall! What—what are you doing here?" You asked, your voice a mix of disbelief and excitement.
He stood up, closing the distance between you in a few strides. "I couldn’t wait any longer," he said, pulling you into his arms. "Those pictures… they reminded me of how much I miss you. I had to come home, even if it's just for tonight." You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You flew all the way back just for me?" You teased, though her eyes were glistening with happiness. "Of course I did," he murmured, resting his forehead against yours. "There’s nowhere else I’d rather be."
You stood there for a moment, just holding each other, the silence of the house wrapping around you like a warm blanket. It was perfect—simple and quiet, just the two of you.  « I can't believe you're here," you whispered, still smiling up at him. Marshall grinned, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "Believe it. I’ve got a few hours before I have to head back, so I’m not going anywhere for a while." You kissed him softly, your smile never fading. "Good. Because I’ve been waiting for this."
You kissed him again, more passionately this time. One of his hands cupped your face, while the other went to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. The kiss grew hungrier and, soon enough, he was removing your blouse, revealing the gorgeous bra he had gotten to admire in pictures earlier, as you had sent pictures while you were getting ready for the day. A smirk immediately appeared on his lips. Obviously, he was very satisfied with what was before his eyes. You knew there was nothing your man loved more than to see your body adorned with beautiful lingerie, lace enhancing your curves. Here, the black lace patterns decorated your skin with elegance, the garment complimenting your boobs perfectly. He licked his lips, allowing himself to stare for a few seconds before letting one of his hands cup your breasts, his thumb teasing your nipple through the bra.
« Gorgeous », he whispered. You hummed in pleasure, the intimate contact you’d been longing for making you far too happy. You had missed him more than words could ever express. You had never been apart for so long before, and to have him back, feeling his hands on you, was everything you had desired for the past weeks. « Do you like it ? » you teased. He smiled and nodded silently as he let his finger trace the lace pattern. You enjoyed that he was taking his time, giving you the opportunity to imprint the sensation in your brain for when he would inevitably have to leave again. You tugged at the hem of his shirt and he removed it, revealing his muscular chest. You lovingly placed a hand on his pec, feeling his heartbeat. He pulled you closer, so that your chest was pressed against his, before capturing your lips again, in a soft kiss that quickly grew voracious. You pushed him onto the couch and straddled his lap. « I missed you », you whispered in-between kisses, only to earn a hum that said he had missed you just as much. And if you needed further proof, his hand on your hip, making you grind against him happily provided it for you. You would have gladly enjoyed the grinding for hours, taking your sweet time, but you knew he’d have to leave soon. You got up, kicked your shoes and made your pants slide off your legs as he did the same with his sweats and boxers. He was naked, rock hard and you stood in front of him in fine lingerie, as he enjoyed the view and stared as you as if you were a work of art. He gestured for you to come back to him but, as you started to removed the bra, he stopped you.
« Keep it on », he instructed before extending a hand to you. You nodded and grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers as you straddled him again. He gently pushed the fabric of the panties to the side and guided you onto his length. The both of you whimpered as you lowered yourself on his dick, enjoying the divine reunion of your bodies. You started rocking your hips as he stared at you, still mesmerized by the vision. You didn’t need any piece of fabric to be beautiful but, in lingerie, you were nothing short of a goddess. There was something about the way it adorned you, did justice to your god-given beauty. He started moving his hips in sync, while his arms wrapped around you and pulled you close to him. You both closed your eyes and enjoyed the sensation of feeling each other close again. You buried your face in his neck, your whimpering breath sending shivers along his spine. You were here, in his arms, beautiful as ever. You were his. He had been gone for weeks but nothing had changed. You still fit perfectly against him, as if your body had been molded for this very purpose. Feeling you so close after being away for so long was delicious. The living room was filled with both of your soft moans and the sound of skin slapping against each other. It didn’t take long for you to reach climax, Marshall quickly following suit.
After a few minutes of catching your breath, you got off him and adjusted the panties. You could feel his release dripping between your legs, soaking the fabric. He admired you as you sat next to him, grabbing a soft throw that was on the couch to put over the two of you as you cuddled.
« You’re so beautiful in this lingerie » he said. « You’re irresistible. ». You let out a small laugh. You loved the fact that he loved it so much. And you loved the fact that the pictures you had sent this morning has prompted him to come home. « So irresistible you can’t help but fly home », you gently teased. He chuckled and nodded. « so irresistible I would have walked to you if I’d had to », he said with a charming smile. « If I had known all it took to make you come home to me were pictures in lingerie, I would have done it a while ago. », you mused. « it’s really hard being away from you, you know ? ». He nodded and cupped your face, looking at you lovingly. « All it takes to make me come home to you is you saying you miss me », he said with a warm smile. « But yeah, the pictures were nice », he added with a grin. « I loved the presents you sent, I wanted to do the same », you giggled softly. « Is there a chance I can have more of these if I have more lingerie delivered to you for the rest of the tour ? » he asked innocently. « If it means you’ll come home to me as soon as you can, yes », you promised. He nodded before placing a soft kiss on your lips « believe me, there’s no fucking way I’ll spend more time away than what’s necessary when I know you’re here, waiting for me in lingerie. »
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therealcocoshady · 4 days
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Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
Hey ❤️ ! I am happy to announce the Kinktober 2024 Masterlist ! It is directly inspired by the one made by @hornedqueenofhell ! For some days, I was not quite sure what prompt to choose, so… I have several planned ! 😉 I will update this Masterlist everyday and provide the links to the different posts as soon as they are uploaded on the blog !
Basically, Kinktober is just an opportunity for me to challenge my creative writing skills, get better at writing about smut and kinks and write about how Eminem would have certain kinks or react to his partner having one 👀 Not all posts will have the same format though. Some of them will be long, some will be shorts, some will be blurbs, some will be HCs… Some of them might not even be particularly smutty ! Basically… We shall see !
Also, as you can see… You are invited to send me your suggestions for the last day ! I’ll choose my favourite(s)… Have fun ! 🤩
Day 1 - Lingerie
Day 2 - Public Humiliation
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therealcocoshady · 4 days
Are you saying you‘re posting something Every day for kinktober??? I‘m so down 🥰
That’s exactly what I’m saying 🙊 or at least, that’s the goal 😉.
I hope you will enjoy it 💕
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therealcocoshady · 14 days
cocoooo 😍😍😍 that one shot was adorable!!!! loved it sm 😘😘
Awww thank you ❤️ I am so glad you're enjoying it ! I've been in a mood for fluff lately ☁️ ! That being said... I've been seeing Kinktober Masterlists, in the past few days, that have definitely put me in the mood for some filthy smut 👀. We might have interesting one-shots, HCs and blurbs coming up 🙊.
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therealcocoshady · 3 hours
Kinktober 4?? Love all ur fics btw💞
Y’all… I know I’m late for Kinktober 😭 in my defense… I had the WORST night ever. I planned on finishing + posting the pet play thing and then I got so sick I couldn’t stand up 😭.
I’ll do my best to catch up on everything quickly 💕
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therealcocoshady · 2 days
i feel bad that i want to beg for kinktober updates cuz like u got other intrests and shit u need to do, my silly obbsessed ass can wait, but like also i need content yk, but like i dont wanna add pressure or sum shit :3
Hahaha you're so sweet ❤️. I know I am a few hours late for Kinktober Day 3. I'm actually still writing. That pet play thing is going to be a LONG ONE. 🙊
I am actually considering uploading it in two parts so that you guys can have something to enjoy 🤭
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therealcocoshady · 3 days
I have two things to say (maybe-three-or-mere-idk)
Ok I love your writing, another day when I couldn't sleep I was reading Recovery and it's amazing I'm glad I found someone who wrote for Marshall here on Tumblr.
The Kinktober Day 1 it's amazing 😍😍
It's just me, or have a "little" volume in his pants in that photo that you use in The Kinktober Day 1
And the last thing is I'll be using the nickname (moony) when I sent you a ask
- Moony
Thank you so much Moony 🥹 I am glad you're enjoying the content. Hopefully, you'll like what's coming next ❤️
I absolutely did NOT notice the volume in the pants but... ahem... I sort of have to agree 🙊. It certainly draws attention 🤭
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therealcocoshady · 4 days
Hi how are you?
I was wondering if you are accepting requests?
Hi ! I am currently not accepting requests ! I have received tons of requests in the past months and I am currently doing Kinktober. Also, I have several works in progress.
That being said, I am open to suggestions for the last day of Kinktober ! Readers can submit their ideas and I will pick my favorite one(s) !
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