#illyria meta
kataraavatara · 3 months
the nc’s main army from illyria being so poor cassian is handing out blankets while the the rich merchant class in velaris doesn’t have to provide any soldiers is good class commentary until you remember rhysand is supposed to be the good guy and also it’s sarah j maas
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elains · 8 months
Azriel's association with Enalius, what it means for his arc and Illyria
This is something me and my friends have talked about off tumblr, but I wanted to write my own post about it and gather my thoughts. But here, I'll discuss a bit Azriel's character and how the revelations we witness in House of Flame and Shadow will be important to his character. (+ a little bit of Emerie).
What do we know about Enalius? From ACOSF, Emerie provides us with a little exposition when they are in the Rite, when the Pass of Enalius is brought up:
Long ago—so long ago they don’t even have a precise date for it—a great war was fought between the Fae and the ancient beings who oppressed them. One of its key battles was here, in these mountains. Our forces were battered and outnumbered, and for some reason, the enemy was desperate to reach the stone at the top of Ramiel. We were never taught the reason why; I think it’s been forgotten. But a young Illyrian warrior named Enalius held the line against the enemy soldiers for days.
Now, from the Crescent City crossover, we learned that Truth-teller and Gwydion are twin blades. They are a pair. According to the Silene History Lesson, the dagger used to belong to her father's (Fionn's) dear friend, slain during the war. A bit later, when they find Vesperus, she confirms that this friend was Enalius:
The Asteri’s eyes flared with recognition at the long blade. “Did Fionn send you, then? To slay me in my sleep? Or was it that traitor Enalius? I see that you bear his dagger—as his emissary? Or his assassin?”
Immediately before that, she also confirms that the Asteri crafted (which can either mean created, shaped forged, but we are going with created) the Illyrians:
The Asteri’s blue eyes lowered to the dagger. “You dare draw a weapon before me? Against those who crafted you, soldier, from night and pain?”
From everything, we can conclude this: Enalius was the original wielder of Truth-teller before Fionn and Theia, a dear friend to Fionn, and someone who pulled the ultimate sacrifice to keep the Asteri/Daglan from reaching the top of Ramiel. He was a traitor to the Asteri, a rebel against his masters and everything they stood for.
Enalius is the hero most Illyrians strive to mimic, the legendary figure who they all hope to one day surpass. He's a symbol of their people, even if so much about him has been forgotten — the fact that he had a dagger, Fionn's friendship, what the battle was for, maybe even how he was as a person. Brave, for sure. Willing to die for the cause.
And it's Azriel who bears his dagger. Azriel, who has such a complicated relationship with his Illyrian heritage and loaths it - and by extension, himself - is the one with this enormous legacy right at this hand. And this matters.
Still in ACOSF, we have Rhys talking with Cassian and wanting him to play Courtier, the following exchange then follows:
“What, we’re doing some role reversal? Az gets to lead the Illyrians now?” “Don’t play stupid,” Rhys said coolly. Cassian rolled his eyes. But they both knew Azriel would sooner disband and destroy Illyria than help it. Convincing their brother that the Illyrians were a people worth saving was still a battle amongst the three of them.
Azriel hates the Illyrians for what happened to him and his mother and his dislike for them is, to a degree, understandable. The thing is that Azriel, no matter how much he loaths it, is Illyrian. Maybe he's more than that (as it's pointed that Az is different in a lot of ways and Bryce wonders if he is Starborn), but at heart, he's Illyrian. Siphons, leathers, fighting, being Carynthian, his wings, his scabbard and the dagger it holds.
It was healthy, perhaps, for Az to sometimes remember where he'd come from. He still wore the Illyrian leathers. Had not tried to get the tattoos removed. Some part of him was Illyrian still. Always would be. Even if he wished to forget it.
Being Illyrian is part of who he is and his deep hatred for them only fuel his self-loathing. He would like to set himself apart, but he is not.
We can actually draw a direct parallel between Azriel and Bryce with how they regard the Fae vs the Illyrians. Bryce loathes the Fae and for most of HoFaS, she believes they are evil, corrupt, power-hungry and quite generally, not worth saving. She would leave them all to burn. Sound familiar?
And Bryce is wrong. Sathia challenges her notion, pointing out that she's laying judgement to all fae and that is hardly fair. What the one who don't deserve it? Herself, yes, but Flynn, Declan, and Ruhn himself? Do they deserve to burn too? Bryce herself acknowledges this:
Urd had sent her there to see, even in the small fraction of their world that she’d witnessed, that Fae existed who were kind and brave. She might have had to betray Nesta and Azriel, trick them … but she knew that at their cores, they were good people. The Fae of Midgard were capable of more. Ruhn proved it. Flynn and Dec proved it. Even Sathia proved it, in the short time Bryce had known her.
And this part here sums up quite neatly:
Fire met starlight met shadows, and Bryce loosed herself on the world. It ended today. Here. Now. This had nothing to do with the Asteri, or Midgard. The Fae had festered under leaders like these males, but her people could be so much more.
There are Illyrians who are kind and brave and break the mold. We see this with Emerie, who is also a woman. We see that with Balthazar, Cassian. The main point stands, though, that you cannot judge or condemn an entire race for the bad apples.
Azriel is wrong, just as Bryce was wrong, and his journey will be also to realise that his people are worth saving. They were created of night and pain (words that Azriel embodies, being a master of shadows and a torturer), but that is not everything they need to be. They can be more than soldiers. They can thrive.
And I believe this was something Enalius himself came to the believe, long ago. His people deserved more than to be slaves to the Asteri, forced to give them their power when need be, bred to live and die for them. They could be more. And Enalius died to free his people from their chains.
Is Azriel Enalius's blooded descendant? I'm not sure, but he doesn't need to be. Azriel is Enalius successor because he will finish what was started. He'll uncover the secrets of the past, what his people were in truth, what Enalius rebelled for, what he stood for, what the Blood Rite truly means - which he only got a glimpse of.
And this is where I think Emerie will also come in. She's s one of ACOSF most relevant characters and the first female Illyrian to be Carynthian. I think Emerie will also become an inspirational figure to the Illyrian women, another of these what they coud be. What they can be. And more importantly and that is just a theory, what they were.
Orestes was a warrior. What if so was Carynth and she was woman? The name always struck me as similar to Carina, which is the name of a constellation and commonly used by women. It would be ironic and another shaking revelation to the Illyrians that Carynth, for whom their greatest warriors are named after, was a woman.
Does that mean all Illyrian women must become Valkyries? No, but some might wish to follow this path whilst their society takes its time to catch up. They already shook the status quo and with Nesta poised to have a big role (andthe Valkyries along her), they will continue to do so.
Azriel will uncovered the lost history of Vesperus offered him all the clues he needed to start looking. His journey to find out this secrets will lead to him facing his own demons, confronting his loathing for his people and, in doing so, he will make peace with himself.
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blackcur-rants · 1 month
Okay, so we all know Charles Dickens was a huge Shakespeare fan and a theatre guy in general. Like, he did so many theatrical productions alongside Wilkie Collins and loved himself some dramatic readings of his own prose.
What I’m saying is that I kind of feel that “A Tale of Two Cities” lifts quite a lot from Shakespeare. For example, in both ATOTC and “Romeo and Juliet”, we have a story about two factions (the two countries of England and France in Dickens’ novel and the two noble houses of Montague and Capulet in Shakespeare’s play) who have been at each other’s throats for so long they don’t even quite remember why they’re at each other’s throats in the first place and what happens when two members of these respective factions (Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay in “A Tale of Two Cities” and Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet in “Romeo and Juliet”) meet and become close to each other. And of course, both stories end with a desperate person sacrificing themselves for the one that they love with said sacrifice being less a noble and definitive ending to the story and more an act of desperation in the face of impending death (Carton takes Darnay’s place on the guillotine in a desperate attempt to buy Darnay, Lucie, and their daughter time to escape back to London while Juliet commits suicide in what is very likely a desperate attempt to escape from what she still sees as her impending arranged marriage to Count Paris). There’s also a strong parallel between the main character trio in “A Tale of Two Cities” and the main character trio in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, I.E…
•Both Viola and Charles Darnay are sweet, sensitive young nobles who find themselves living in a new land and assume new names in order to avoid suspicion and end up in a relationship they didn’t expect with the second character of the main trio.
•Both Olivia and Lucie Manette are smart, pious young women living in mourning for a dead or at least severely traumatised loved one and end up falling in love with the disguised protagonist while fending off the attentions of an annoying suitor (Malvolio for Olivia and Stryver for Lucie).
•Orsino and Sydney Carton are both the depressed young men uncertain of their purpose in life who become acquainted with Viola/Darnay while also being in love with Olivia/Lucie.
Where am I going with all this, by the way? Well basically, I’m kind of suggesting that there being queer subtext between Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay might actually have been intentional on Dickens’ part. However, because queerness was so verboten and punishable by prison or death in the 1850s, Dickens had to cloak all of this in ambiguity and subtext, using these allusions to classic Shakespeare plays as a way of coding/broadcasting his true intent to the audience who would know what he was doing.
@cynicalclassicist @eleftherian @secretmellowblog @dachi-chan25 @uncleasriel
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illyriacoded · 11 months
started angel s5 again and 🤪🔫🫡
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wingedblooms · 8 months
Heart of the Night Court
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This meta is a continuation of theories in forbidden secrets, blooming dreams, and bright as the dawn, as it narrows in on Illyria, Ramiel, and their connection to Wyrd. Please avoid if you do not want to read hofas spoilers. 
Facing Ramiel
The northern region of the Night Court is where Ramiel, one of the three sacred sister peaks, is located. It is considered the heart of Illyria and the Night Court. 
Ramiel. The sacred mountain.  The heart of not only Illyria, but the entirety of the Night Court.  None were permitted on its barren, rocky slopes—save for the Illyrians, and only once a year at that. During the Blood Rite.  Cassian soared toward it, unable to resist Ramiel’s ancient summons. Different—the mountain was so different from the barren, terrible presence of the lone peak in the center of Prythian. Ramiel had always felt alive, somehow. Awake and watchful. (acofas) [...] Ramiel rose higher still, a shard of stone piercing the gray sky. Beautiful and lonely. Eternal and ageless. (acofas)
Cassian describes Ramiel as alive, awake, and watchful, and so very beautiful as she rises from the earth. Likewise, Feyre emphasizes that Elain is alive and somehow infinitely more beautiful as she rises from the ground after she is Made in the Cauldron. Her legs are even bare, which remind me of the barren terrain, and her sheer nightgown might even be a hint for thin places, as @offtorivendell observed. Elain’s strength has also always been different than her sisters, just like Ramiel among her sacred sister peaks.   
And as if it had been tipped by invisible hands, the Cauldron turned on its side. More water than seemed possible dumped out in a cascade. Black, smoke-coated water.  And Elain, as if she’d been thrown by a wave, washed onto the stones facedown.  Her legs were so pale—so delicate. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen them bare.  The queens pushed forward. Alive, she had to be alive, had to have wanted to live– Elain sucked in a breath, her fine-boned back rising, her wet nightgown nearly sheer. And as she rose from the ground onto her elbows, the gag in place, as she twisted to look at me— Nesta began roaring again.  Pale skin started to glow. Her face had somehow become more beautiful—infinitely beautiful, and her ears … Elain’s ears were now pointed beneath her sodden hair. (acomaf)
As each spring dawns on the world, Ramiel is crowned with three stars, and the Illyrians—who we learned may have been the Asteri’s soldiers and therefore may carry on rituals that would have benefited them—honor bloodshed on her land rather than new life. 
No wonder that first ruler of the Night Court had made this his insignia. Along with the three stars that only appeared for a brief window each year, framing the uppermost peak of Ramiel like a crown. It was during that window when the Rite occurred. Which had come first: the insignia or the Rite, Cassian didn’t know. Had never really cared to find out.  The conifer forests and ravines that dotted the landscape flowing to Ramiel’s foot gleamed under the fresh snow. Empty and clean. No sign of the bloodshed that would occur come the start of spring. (acofas) 
Some even seem to take great pleasure in the killing that is permitted during this rite, and Ramiel, which we know is alive and watching, is forced to witness it every year. Azriel calls it a week of pointless bloodshed, but we know now that is likely untrue. @silverlinedeyes, @offtorivendell and I believe the Asteri may have created or warped an existing rite to suit their needs. @silverlinedeyes pointed out that this spring rite reminds her of the Great Rite, and that made something click for me: perhaps the Blood Rite is the Night Court's Great Rite. Is the secondlight from slain warriors absorbed by the land? And do those few who reach the stone, which I suspect might be the Maiden in this rite, provide firstlight to the cache hidden in Ramiel’s heart? Is it any wonder the winds around her howl, and her land is often frozen and inhospitable?
The mountain neared, mighty and endless, so wide that he might as well have been a mayfly in the wind. Cassian soared toward Ramiel’s southern face, rising high enough to catch a glimpse of the shining black stone jutting from its top.  Who had put that stone atop the peak, he didn’t know, either. Legend said it had existed before the Night Court formed, before the Illyrians migrated from the Myrmidons, before humans even walked the earth. Even with the fresh snow crusting Ramiel, none had touched the pillar of stone. (acofas)
The shining black stone on Ramiel’s face is able to heal and transport those who touch it. In acosf, it knew where Nesta’s friends were needed most and sent them to the River House. It is also on the southern face of the mountain, which in the northern hemisphere, is the part of the mountain that receives the most sunlight. Cassian tells us that he doesn’t know who put it there, but legend says it was before humans even walked the earth. While it is very likely that the Asteri warped it (into a tool to sustain them, like the gates in Lunathion as @merymoonbeam so cleverly pointed out), I believe it may have also originally been linked to the Cauldron. 
In hofas, we discover that Ramiel used to bear the Cauldron on her land:
“The Cauldron,” Nesta said hours later, pointing to yet another carving on the wall. It indeed showed a giant cauldron, perched atop what seemed to be a barren mountain peak with three stars above it. Azriel halted, angling his head. “That’s Ramiel.” At Bryce’s questioning look, he explained, “A mountain sacred to the Illyrians.”  Bryce nodded to the carving. “What’s the big deal about a cauldron?” [...]  “All life came and comes from it,” Azriel said with something like reverence. “The Mother poured it into this world, and from it, life blossomed.” (hofas) […] The snows around Ramiel parted, revealing a massive bowl of iron at the foot of the monolith. Even through the vision, its presence leaked into the world, a heavy, ominous thing. “The Cauldron,” Nesta said, dread lacing her voice. […] “The Cauldron was of our world, our heritage. But upon arriving here, the Daglan captured it and used their powers to warp it. To turn it from what it had been into something deadlier. No longer just a tool of creation, but of destruction. And the horrors it produced…those, too, my parents would turn to their advantage.” (hofas) 
I wonder if long ago, before the Asteri desecrated them, the stone and Cauldron together resembled this depiction of Wyrd: 
The Under-King lounged on a throne beneath a behemoth statue of a figure holding a black metal bowl between her upraised hands. Symbols were carved all over the bowl, continuing down her fingers, her arms, her body. Ithan could only assume it was meant to represent Urd. No other temples ever depicted the goddess, no one even dared—most people claimed that fate was impossible to portray in any one form. But it seemed that the dead, unlike the living, had a vision of her. And those symbols running from the bowl onto her skin…they were like tattoos. […] “And she,” the Under-King went on, gesturing to that unusual depiction of Urd towering above him, “was not a goddess, but a force that governed worlds. A cauldron of life, brimming with the language of creation. Urd, they call her here—a bastardized version of her true name. Wyrd, we called her in that old world.” (hofas)
This depiction is interesting because it mirrors, almost exactly, the figurine Nesta assumes is the Mother in the House of Wind: 
It was a fire. Not her father’s neck. Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn’t let herself dwell on why she’d felt the need to set the rose there. Why she hadn’t just thrown it in a drawer.  Another log cracked, and Nesta flinched. But she remained sitting there. Staring at that carved rose. (acosf) 
For some reason, she needed to set Elain’s rose, half-hidden in shadow, next to this depiction of what appears to be Wyrd. In hosab, the Under-King also described Wyrd as a mother to all, which is why I theorized that she is actually a triple goddess: Mother, Cauldron, Fate. They are three parts, or faces, of the same force. The three sacred sister peaks and three blessed Archeron sisters are intentionally linked to her. Perhaps the moon in the female’s hands isn’t just a moon, but a world too. Immediately after this scene, the House of Wind shows Nesta her heart in the lovely darkness of the mountain, which she calls the heart of the world, of existence. Of self. 
Heart racing, Nesta lifted the lantern in one hand and gazed at the darkness, untouched by the light from the library high, high above. The heart of the world, of existence. Of self.  The heart of the House.  “This…” Her fingers tightened on the lantern. “This darkness is your heart.” [...] Let the darkness sweep in. Embraced it. “I’m not afraid,” she whispered into it. “You are my friend, and my home. Thank you for sharing this with me.” (acosf)
Nesta embraces the heart of the House of Wind, which naturally makes me recall the heart of the Prison asking Bryce to open her heart to it…it might sing again. Awaken. There was a beating, vibrant heart locked away, far beneath them. We’re not sure exactly how Avallen might have affected the Prison island, and I suspect there is more to come with that plot thread. While I had always hoped the Valkyries might re-establish themselves as an intercourt army in the Middle, which does not have ties to any court in particular, I can also appreciate the possibility that they might ultimately settle on the Prison island instead. It would be incredible to see Pegasi return and for the Valkyries to learn how to fly on them. 
This plot is related to the core thread driving us forward, and it is something that can occur in a book that is centered on Elain and Azriel. Together, they have the vision and gifts needed to map the secrets of the land, starting with the sacred sister peaks, which I believe will ultimately help them restore Wyrd. This would fit all of the seeds Sarah has planted for the third sister’s arc with Azriel, Nuala, and Cerridwen. It would also be powerful for a character who has been underestimated and ridiculed for gardening to heal the land and the very source that created it. 
As I said prior to hofas, this exploration will inevitably bring them to the very heart of Ramiel. As a bearer of Wyrd, the source of life, Ramiel may even be the heart of the world, not just the Night Court. Will they discover that she was once very different? Did she change, as her sisters did, when the Asteri burrowed into her heart? Or was it because the Cauldron, Wyrd’s physical form, was warped into a tool of destruction by the Asteri and later removed from her land? Were the Illyrians created to guard the Cauldron since it was the Asteri’s most precious weapon? And is that why, as @cassianfanclub wondered, the Asteri were so desperate to reach the stone at the top, where the Cauldron was once depicted? Enalius may have prevented it from falling into their hands as he defended the Pass, which would’ve been a critical turning point in a rebellion. Unlike the rite they currently use to honor him, Enalius’s defense was in the service of life, which is what made Nesta’s sacrifice so inspiring. Her sacrifice is now depicted in the heart of the Court of Dreams, which is dedicated to building a better world.
Descending into Ramiel
We learn that Ramiel may be hiding secrets from Eris, of all characters: 
Eris shrugged, and Nesta knew Cassian monitored his every breath. “There are three of them, you know. Sister peaks. This one, the mountain called the Prison, and the one the Illyrian brutes call Ramiel. All bald, barren mountains at odds with those around them.” “We don’t know why they exist, but do you not find it strange that two out of the three have underground palaces carved into them?”  […]  Eris gave him a mocking smile, but continued, “Unsurprisingly, the Illyrians were never curious enough to see what secrets lie beneath Ramiel. If it, too, was carved up like the others by ancient hands.” “I thought Amarantha made the court Under the Mountain herself,” Nesta said.  “Oh, she decorated it and made us act like a sorry imitation of your Court of Nightmares, but the tunnels and halls were carved long before. By who, we don’t know.” (acosf)
He tells us that the three sacred peaks are sisters. Sacred is another word for blessed. And two out of three of them have been at least somewhat explored, but the third? Still mysterious. No one was curious enough to see what lied beneath her beautiful face, at her heart. This is such a lovely parallel for the three blessed sisters, and seems like a clear hint for the third one in particular. 
In hofas, we receive confirmation that these secrets might be connected to the Asteri, who are known as Daglan in Prythian lore: 
“They fought the Daglan and won, she went on. Using the Daglan’s own weapons, they destroyed them. Yet my parents did not think to learn the Daglan’s other secrets—they were too weary, too eager to leave the past behind.” (hofas) 
Vesperus backed up a half step, hissing at the gleaming weapon. “We hid pockets of our power throughout the lands, in case the vermin should cause … problems. It seems our wisdom did not fail us.” “There are no such places,” Azriel countered coldly. “Are there not?” Vesperus grinned broadly, showing all of her too-white teeth. “Have you looked beneath every sacred mountain? At their very roots? The magic draws all sorts of creatures. I can sense them even now, slithering about, gnawing on the magic. My magic. They’re as much vermin as the rest of you.” (hofas)
Bryce concludes, after Vesperus is able to draw the power from her secret cache below, that there is a firstlight core in the root, or heart, of the mountain. We see what happens in Avallen when the land is forced to contain magic where its ley lines overlap, rather than allowing it to flow as it should: it binds the magic of the land and causes it to wither like a plant with root rot. And that seems to explain why the sacred peaks are so odd: barren yet thrumming with power. 
I have theorized that the caches of power may need to be released leading up to the restoration of Wyrd, and I suspect there may be clues—especially within Ramiel—about how the Asteri warped and bound her to the land. If Elain is as tied to the land as we suspect, this could also strengthen whatever magic she possesses. 
In the cavern illustrations Bryce views in hofas, we see what might lie beneath Ramiel, maybe even the entire Night Court:
Scenes of a blessed land, a thriving civilization. One relief had been so similar to the frieze of the Fae male forging the sword at the Crescent City Ballet that Bryce had nearly gasped. The last carving before the river had been one of transition: a Fae King and Queen seated on thrones, a mountain—different from the one with the palace atop it—behind them with three stars rising above it. A different kingdom, then. Some ancient High Lord and Lady, Nesta had suggested before approaching the river.  She hadn’t commented on the lower half of the carving, which depicted a Helscape beneath their thrones, some kind of underworld. Humanoid figures writhed in pain amid what looked like icicles and snapping, scaly beasts—either past enemies conquered or an indication of what failure to bow to the rulers would bring upon the defiant.  The suffering stretched throughout, lingering even underneath that archipelago and its mountaintop palace. Even here, in paradise, death and evil remained. A common motif in Midgardian art, too, usually with the caption: Et in Avallen ego.  Even in Avallen, there am I. A whispered promise from Death. Another version of memento mori. A reminder that death was always, always waiting. Even in the blessed Fae isle of Avallen. (hofas) 
This might merely be a hint for the Asteri secrets that remain buried in the earth. But I agree with others (including @offtorivendell, @ladynightcourt3, @cassianfanclub, and @silverlinedeyes) who have wondered if this Helscape is in fact a hint that Prythian, and the Night Court in particular, is tied to Hel. We learned that the worlds in the Maasverse are tied together through ley lines, and the veil between worlds is thin where these ley lines overlap—like the lines in a star. 
That may be the true meaning of star symbols throughout the Maasverse, and the one specifically found in the Prison that is connected to the Starborn: as I theorized pre-hosab, it is a compass rose, and it seems to be linked to other places in the grander tapestry of the universe. There is power in the space where the lines meet; these lines represent ley lines. Certain people (Asteri, Starborn, etc.) are able to use that power to travel, communicate, or even light up entire worlds. Depending on how those lines are woven in certain areas, they might even be able to draw you to one place more than another. That may explain why the Prison seems more connected to Midgard. So, could Ramiel be more connected to Hel, and the Middle to…Erilea?
I wonder if Elain, Azriel, Nuala, and Cerridwen’s exploration in the heart of Ramiel might lead them to Wyrd’s Temple in Hel, except @silverlinedeyes, @offtorivendell, and I think she goes by yet another name there: Chaos. It’s possible they could use black salt or another substance to achieve this, as @offtorivendell and @cassianfanclub have discussed, especially with Elain’s sight. I am personally hoping for a physical trip to Hel and Ramiel might possess a doorway, or rift, as @offtorivendell has theorized. 
The black boat that Aidas led Bryce and Hunt into was a cross between the one that had brought them into Avallen and the ones that carried bodies to the Bone Quarter. But in lieu of a stag’s head, it was a stag’s skull at the prow, greenish flame dancing in its eyes as it sailed through the cave. The eerie green light illuminated black rock carved into pillars and buildings, walkways and temples. Ancient. And empty. Bryce had never seen a place so void of life. So … still. Even the Bone Quarter had a sense of being lived in, albeit by the dead. But here, nothing stirred. […] “It’s like a city of the dead,” Hunt murmured, draping a wing around Bryce. Aidas turned from where he stood at the prow, holding in his hands a long pole that he’d used to guide them. “That’s because it is.” He gestured with a pale hand to the buildings and temples and avenues. “This is where our beloved dead come to rest, with all the comforts of life around them.” […] Before Aidas could answer, the boat approached a small quay leading to what appeared to be a temple. A figure emerged from between the pillars of the temple and descended its front steps. Golden-haired, golden-skinned. […] “The Temple of Chaos is a sacred place,” Apollion said sharply. “We shall never defile it with violence.” The words rumbled like thunder again.
This sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It sounds an awful lot like other beliefs in the Maasverse:
Bryce asked, because some small part of her had to know after what she’d seen of the Mask, “When you die, where do your souls go?” Did they even believe in the concept of a soul? Maybe she should have led with that.  But Azriel said softly, “They return to the Mother, where they rest in joy within her heart until she finds another purpose for us. Another life or world to live in.” (hofas)
“We’ll collect the dead tomorrow,” Manon said, her voice low. “And burn them at moonrise.” As both Crochans and Ironteeth did. A full moon tomorrow—the Mother’s Womb. A good moon to be burned. To be returned to the Three-Faced Goddess, and reborn within that womb. (koa)
Wyrd (Chaos) is the heart of the world, of existence. Of self. And that is where people rest in joy until they are reborn. Could this be where the spirits are migrating on Starfall?
We know the Princes of Hel are intergalactic helpers, so a trip to Hel or an encounter with a Prince (Bryaxis? Thanatos? Even Balthazar, if he isn’t Elain? 😉 still my favorite crack theory) might give us insight into their role in Prythian. It could also involve Azriel’s peculiar magic that makes him, like Ramiel, so different from even his Illyrian brothers. Let's be honest, he’s always had a Prince of Hel vibe—down to his reverence for Wyrd (Mother, Cauldron, Fate/Chaos)—that I would love to see come to fruition. 
Beyond Azriel himself, I also think we will learn the origins of the Illyrians in the heart of Ramiel. Were they connected to Hel before the Asteri made them their soldiers, like @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell theorized? Or were they an experiment like the blessed sisters? Did the Asteri put humans (hence the ears) into the Cauldron after it was imbued with their void magic and create beings of night and pain who could combat enemies, including demons? This might be another reason why the three most powerful Illyrians are a match in power for the three blessed sisters. 
Together, they balance opposing forces as @silverlinedeyes previously theorized. They seem to represent the forces of Void and Chaos, and their power can be combined in the space between to achieve impossible feats (eg, physically healing the Cauldron and the rip in the world). All three sisters seem to be chosen bearers, or conduits, for Wyrd (Chaos), so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see another example of this in a different way for Azriel and Elain, and/or a scene where they are all linked magically.  
My lips tugged toward a smile. But Rhys stared at all of us, somehow assembled here in the sun-drenched open grasses without being given the order. Our family—our court. The Court of Dreams.  […] He surveyed them all again—and held out his hand to Cassian. Cassian took it, and held out his other hand for Mor. Then Mor extended her other to Azriel. Azriel to Amren. Amren to Nesta. Nesta to Elain. And Elain to me. Until we were all linked, all bound together. (acowar)
Since Ramiel is connected to Wyrd (Chaos), and there may be a doorway to her temple in Hel, this journey will likely also uncover secrets about her. Will her story come from illustrations in stone, members of Hel, or…my personal favorite, Wyrd herself? I believe that is one of the many reasons she gifted Elain with such powers, including sight: so she could tell her story to someone who could see differently. Someone who could see the creator within the darkness, just as Elain saw the dark cottage as a shelter rather than a prison. This gift may provide them the information they need to uncover the Asteri’s secrets and unravel their magic from the sacred peaks and Wyrd, which could lead them to at least two other places: (1) Midgard, where the Book of Breathings is now kept by Bryce, and (2) Cretea, where the Cauldron is currently hidden. Could Azriel even pay back Bryce for stealing his precious dagger? It would only be fitting. 
Ramiel Springs Eternal 
I was so cold I might never be warm again. Even during winter in the mortal realm, I’d managed to find some kernel of heat, but after nearly emptying my cache of magic that afternoon, even roaring heart fire couldn’t thaw the chill around my bones. Did spring ever come to this blasted place? (acomaf)
Illyria is known for being bitterly cold, to the point where Feyre wonders if spring would ever arrive there. Sarah has consistently described Elain as blooming life amid death and winter, and this imagery starts to become really apparent in Illyria: 
Mor let out a snort that made the Illyrians stiffen. But she shifted, revealing Elain behind her. Elain was just blinking, wide-eyed, at the camp. The army.  Devlon let out a grunt at the sight of her. But Elain wrapped her own blue cloak around herself, averting her eyes from all those towering, muscled warriors, the army camp bustling toward the horizon…She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses. (acowar) 
Compared to Nesta, a newly forged sword, Elain is a blooming flower even in an Illyrian army camp, which is essentially saying she is a bloom of life and color in the middle of winter. This imagery is so fitting because she commits her time to creating and restoring gardens wherever she goes. She brings life and joy and beauty into the world. Even her scent is a promise of spring: 
Her sister’s delicate scent of jasmine and honey lingered in the red-stoned hall like a promise of spring, a sparkling river that she followed to the open doors of the chamber. […] Her sister turned toward her, glowing with health. Elain’s smile was as bright as the setting sun beyond the windows. (acosf)
We also know she is also capable of hearing sound, specifically hearts, through stone. In their conversation about heartbeats, Lucien even wonders if she is speaking to him: 
She looked away—toward the windows. “I can hear your heart,” she said quietly. He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he said nothing, and drained his tea, even as it burned his mouth. “When I sleep,” she murmured, “I can hear your heart beating through the stone.” She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer. “Can you hear mine?” He wasn’t sure if she truly meant to address him, but he said, “No, lady. I cannot.”  Her too-thin shoulders seemed to curve inward. “No one ever does. No one ever looked—not really.” A bramble of words. (acowar)
Was Elain actually speaking to one of the sister peaks, or even Wyrd, during some of this conversation? Her response to Lucien even seems to echo the song of the land: no one had ever truly looked, not really. No one knew what secrets they carried in their heart. This is such a lonely existence. As Elain and Azriel heal the land, I believe they will also heal their own wounds. Feel seen and heard. Understood. 
Elain was also wearing a blue cloak in the Illyrian camp. Could that be a hint of her future work with others who wear something similar, like the priestesses who worship Wyrd? She answered her sister’s prayer during the war rather than Wyrd and has led her own sister in prayer before. Is she more priestess—more healer—than warrior, and is that the different sort of strength needed to garden on a larger scale? @willowmeres and I were discussing this the other night: perhaps like Gwydion and TT (which I theorized singing to each other across space), Elain’s rose necklace was called to the library when the priestesses were singing about Wyrd. And because like calls to like, the necklace answered and drew Azriel to the library instead of the Palace of Thread and Jewels. Like her sisters before her, Elain might receive help from priestesses as she hones her vision and gifts. I would scream if this turns out to be true because that necklace is pure Chaos (pun definitely intended).
It’s also possible the priestesses could be helpful in unbinding Void from the Book of Breathings, a book of spells. I doubt this will be a simple matter, however. It might rival the unraveling of Erawan, which required massive raw healing magic. Will the Asteri’s void magic manifest on another plane as Elain battles it with raw healing magic, shining bright as the dawn? Could a dawn ritual help ground her during this battle? And will Azriel, the sisters, the brothers, even priestesses with their healing stones, need to create a living chain to defeat Void and fully restore Wyrd (Chaos) in the end? Will we finally get a glimpse of her, unbound? 
Maybe with the help of Azriel and others, Elain will even restore Wyrd—blossoming life—to Ramiel’s sunniest face, the heart of the world, of existence. Of self. And true spring will finally come to her sacred land.
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All tributes (With the exception of hellsite-hall-of-fame, God, Jesus, Tarlton, and Wallace) were chosen randomly, as were the pairs (Again, with the exception of 1, 18, and 32)
Information about the polls will be out a little bit before the polls themselves
Polls will open February 14th in the afternoon/evening (EST)
Second Wave will be announced sometime around 6pm EST
Tribute List under cut
@hellsite-hungergames vs. @hellsite-hall-of-fame
Vace (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist) vs. Herobrine (Minecraft)
Regulus Black (Harry Potter) vs. Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Merlin (Merlin) vs. Florida Man (American Mythology)
Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) vs. Ridley (Metroid)
Animal (Muppets) vs. Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton)
Clint (Stardew Valley) vs. Data (Star Trek)
Skunk Ape (Florida) vs. Daniel the Manager (Anon's manager)
Waluigi (Mario) vs. Timmy Turner (The Fairly OddParents)
Meta Knight (Kirby) vs. Castiel (Supernatural)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) vs. Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Katsuya Suou (Persona 2: Eternal Punishment) vs. King Arthur (Monty Python's The Holy Grail)
Squidward's Hopes and Dreams (Spongebob Squarepants) vs. Spiders Georg (Tumblr)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family) vs. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal) vs. Campbell Bain (Takin' Over the Asylum)
Jasper (Steven Universe) vs. Star Butterfly (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Tarlton (A completely real fandom) vs. Wallace (Wallace the Living Wall)
Mikhailo "Mickey" Aleksandr Milkovich (Shameless) vs. Dimitri Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) vs. Everyone from Cats the Musical (Cats the Musical)
Jay Walker (Ninjago) vs. Miles Vorkosigan (Vorkosigan Saga)
Illyria (Angel: The Series) vs. Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1)
Haymitch Abernathy (The Hunger Games) vs. Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Ronald McDonald (McDonald's) vs. Amelia Bedelia (Amelia Bedelia)
Matt (Wii Sports) vs. Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
Edward Nygma (Gotham) vs. Tumblr Anon Icon (Tumblr)
Gillion Tidestrider (Just Roll With It) vs. Jedediah (Night at the Museum)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard) vs. Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots/Shrek)
Jessie Prescott (Jessie) vs. George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Leon Scott Kennedy (The Resident Evil Franchise) vs. Han Solo (Star Wars)
God (Universe fandom/Deadbeat dads fandom) vs. Jesus (Christianity fandom)
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silverlinedeyes · 8 months
ACOTAR 5: A Frozen and Moana Retelling
By @wingedblooms and @silverlinedeyes
Note: this is mainly a joke based on @wingedblooms amazing Ramiel meta and we were cracking up at the idea, but Sarah has toddlers so I CAN SEE IT lmao
Cast of Characters
Te Fiti/Arendelle: Wyrd whose soul is in Prythian (the heart of which is in Ramiel)
Ta’ka/the eternal winter: the barren parts of Prythian
The Heart of Te Fiti: the Cauldron
Elsa/Maui: The Asteri (I think? TBD honestly)
Anna and Kristoff/Moana and Maui: Elain and Azriel
Love: well, love (or Elain’s life giving or healing powers)
A Plot Summary
A long time ago in a land far far away (Prythian) Wyrd birthed the land. To give life to the land, her spirit was entrapped in the cauldron, and that cauldron was hidden in the heart of Prythian: Ramiel.
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One day, the land was invaded by evil beings called Daglan, though we now know they were Asteri. And the Asteri stole the spirit of Wyrd for themselves and corrupted it.
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This corruption caused a plague to ripple through the land, killing mountain after mountain (like how death killed island after island in Moana—see where we’re going here?)
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This set off an eternal winter (“you kind of set off an eternal winter”) in Illyria that could only be prevented by the Blood Rite feeding life and magic back into the land to temporarily bring back spring, only for the land to fall into a deep winter again that it seemed could not be broken until the Rite was done anew.
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Never fear though! Elain and Azriel are going to go on a journey to figure out what is wrong with the land. They might even have to go to Hel or maybe the Middle (either one would be Lalotai—the land of monsters) and back to find answers.
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They will have to face whatever evil lurks within the land, leeching it of life, and whatever evil has corrupted the cauldron.
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And ultimately, they will discover that love (or maybe, you know, Elain’s lifesinging magic or healing magic) can thaw a frozen “heart” and remove the corruption from the cauldron (a la Yrene in ToD and KoA using healing powers to remove the Valg parasite?), restoring the heart of Prythian—i.e. the Caudron and Wyrd’s spirit—to the land and cause spring to bloom again.
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Oh and how could I forget—Elain and Az will discover true love (true mates?!) for each other along the way.
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#you’re welcome 🤣🤣
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Wednesday, July 26 - Thursday July 27 - Part II
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on!! Find out more here.
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: BTVS “Every Outfit” “Dirty Girls” Xx by whatshisfaceblogs (Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: BTVS “Every Outfit” “Lies My Parents Told Me” Xx by whatshisfaceblogs (Buffy, worksafe)
Vidlet: buffy & angel - first love (edit) by vu-prod (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Vidlet: moonlight - Faith (BtVS) edit by vu-prod (Faith, worksafe)
Vidlet: he go vrrrm - Spike Edit (BtVS) by vu-prod (Spike, worksafe)
Vidlet: Faith Lehane Edit (BtVS) - Cochise Pocket Rocket by vu-prod (Faith, worksafe)
Fanvid: sonia j : Buffy & Faith ✗ Bad Girl by cornflowershade (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: Accepting that these are not getting finished! by snakeliciousbaby (various, worksafe)
Artwork: I made this Buffy-themed painting for a friend... by interplanetaryartgasm (worksafe)
Moodboard: Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) by originalwitchedits (Drusilla, worksafe)
Manip: HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS ⌞ spuffy version by l0veisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: [hands] Buffy the Vampire Slayer by deadwivesclub (worksafe)
Gifset: LEGALLY BLONDE (2001) || ANGEL (1999-2004) by charmedslayer (Harmony, worksafe)
Gifset: What is love to you? How would you define love? by andremichaux [incorrect quotes] (Buffy, Scoobies, Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: the chain by spikedru (Spike/Drusilla, worksafe)
Artwork: old tara sketch by softest-butch (Tara, worksafe)
Artwork: Faith x Buffy request for the pride event ♥️ by somewillwin (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Buffy re-watch: S1E7 (part 1) by jvstheworld
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PODCAST: Lap Sweater - Angel S05E02 - Just Rewards by Pop Culture Role Call
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Giles would totally go with Buffy to Barbie and ... by angelique-of-the-volturi-guard
So if Spike is in the tub then... how does Giles do well anything in the bathroom??? by a-potato-wearing-plaid and several others
Do vampires in the Buffyverse have their own underground porn companies? by aphony-cree and multiple others
[cool and pathetic scale for main characters] by hersterical
POLL (and meta): female character fucked over the most by the narrative, specifically in ways the narrative doesn't acknowledge... by variousqueerthings
[thoughts on which season is the most depressing] by variousqueerthings
ethan rayne was the scary evil transsexual coming for your children... [sarcastic] by mag200
[Buffy and Willow comparison during Some Assembly Required] by coraniaid
Four times Buffy Summers climbs out of a grave... by coraniaid
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SoS: Olivia or Maggie in Season 4 [with Giles] by nightshade and others
Missing' Scenes/Scenes You Wished The Writers Had Included? updated by fauxindigo and thrasherpix
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Loose ends [separating Fred from Illyria] by 1KyloRen
How did I never realize this was the name of the Buffy/Angel theme? by gimmesomespace
S7 Giles vent by total-smokeshow
Theory on Crosses and Vampires by Alternative24601
Were Spike/Buffy planned from the beginning? by atlasshrugd
OMWF / The Harvest [choreography parallels] by johnnyorac
smashed / the harsh light of day parallels by atlasshrugd
How much was SMG earning from the series? Did she get residuals? by WhatIsAName88
Gunn on the picket line [J. August Richards] by singleguy79
POLL: Which character's feelings were often overlooked or not taken seriously? by Opening_Knowledge868
How often do you rewatch Buffy? by pilatessong
How would you rank all 7 finale episodes? by donoho-59
Everyones love [interest] dies by nearlyheadlessnik101
How should I watch buffy and angel? by RiverProse
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fiadorable · 2 years
100 Great Things in "All Those Who Wander" (SNW)
Star Trek Strange New Worlds season one episode nine... 🧀🧇🥓☕🥶🦖😱💀 nobody talk to me after this
Strange New Worlds | Children of the Comet | Ghosts of Illyria Part 1 & Part 2 | Memento Mori | Spock Amok | Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach | Serene Squall | The Elysian Kingdom | All Those Who Wander
Adding a cut because this is long and mostly me being verklempt and overusing the words "tension" and "growth" in unsexy ways.
I had to delete the first three things on my list because they weren't great things about this episode they were me complaining - so good job me on keeping this positive while dying on the inside 👍😊👍
I am in love with this opening shot, the slow push through the breakfast spread 😍
Love the simulation of morning in Pike's quarters. The forest background is configured to be sunrise instead of night as we usually see it. The shades are up on the windows to let in the light of whatever star they're nearby, and it looks like that's most of the lighting in there right now. It's very cozy and ambient and I could very easily forget they're on a starship.
Uhura's personal log is a nice beginning to the end of her season one arc - she's still questioning her place on the Enterprise, even though she has served with distinction during her time with them and the entire crew has embraced her.
Number One taps her wrist to signal Pike that it's time to wrap things up even though I haven't seen a wristwatch in Star Trek… like ever (someone prove me wrong!). Reminds me of the way I still use my thumb and pinky to mimic answering a landline telephone.
Number One is the stage manager of the Enterprise and I love her for it.
I tried so hard not to meta myself out of the story in this episode the first time around, but it's really hard with a setup like this. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WAS ANOTHER CADET HERE THIS WHOLE TIME? She's toast.
Pike looking directly at Uhura as he talks about being bonded together forever by the family that is Starfleet
Also Pike is a jerk with that intro to Duke's promotion, but I love the way everyone crowds around Duke as he puts on the new rank stripes, congratulating him. No formal ceremony or pomp and circumstance. This crew is a family and big announcements are made at the family barbecues.
Uhura hides behind protocol with Ortegas the same way Number One does with Pike sometimes. Also this scene made me a big ol' Ortegas/Uhura shipper. 😍
Ortegas gracefully extracting herself from the conversation as Pike comes over. Dad will get her straightened out.
"There will always be a place on Enterprise for Nyota Uhura" 🥹
Number One immediately extracts herself from the party to join Pike once Spock comms.
BREAKFAST TROUBLESHOOTING fangirling intensifies
I love the breakfast briefing. Everything about it. I love everyone helping wash up. I love The Look Number One gives Pike when she says (rightly) that Starfleet needs to give the mission to someone else because the K7 mission is already a Priority 1 mission. I love Grumpy La'An fresh off a counseling session coming into the briefing all prickly and slowly unwinding as she's force-fed love and caring from the command team with an assist from M'Benga. I love Pike's "I'm so proud of you" smile as La'An gives in and eats breakfast and enjoys it, doesn't just eat it, but really enjoys it (People survive. Well there's surviving and then there's living). I love Spock's self-conscious glance at La'An as Pike tosses the apron over his head. M'Benga's sass about emergency landings never being scheduled as he works through his breakfast (I imagine he's also working through some Things after last week's episode, taking advantage of the Healing Power of Pike's Food). Una knowing that La'An is stumbling around looking for more cheese. La'An's sass as she lays out her recommendation that Pike has already decided on, probably, and Pike doling out bacon like gold stars. Una's "the fuck you mean 'us' Chris, where the fuck you think you're going?" okay, you're the boss, but I got a bad feeling about this and being completely unimpressed with his little smile and nod that it will be fun little road trip for them all. (RULE #1: IT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA TO SPLIT UP THE PARTY). Pike's insane dad energy with the tongs and "do not make me turn this car around" and La'An's completely unimpressed teenager look as a response gives me life.
The mission brief is not only on the PADD La'An is holding during breakfast, it's also on the forest screen. Also, close up shot of a mission brief!
Peregrine was off grid, gathering data in uncharted sectors. Were they looking for something? General exploration? I need to know. Somebody write me a fic about the doomed mission of the Peregrine (I love the ship's name, too - what an elegant way to class up a Constitution Sombra class ship)
Splitting up the mission with the captain and first officer is an incredibly smart thing to do, although it absolutely should have been Una on the planet and Pike going to K-7, but for the particulars of this story, it needed to be done as it was. Good job not unloading the entire senior staff onto the planet.
THE ART IN THIS EPISODE IS SO GOOD omg seeing Peregrine on the planet is GORGEOUS 😍
Uhura dying in the cold as Hemmer is like "oh what a nice spring day in ice hell" is everything, and I absolutely adore the grumpy person and their sunshine friend role reversal here
I don't know much about science, but ions seem to be the next biggest threat to Starfleet after the Borg and Illyrians
Human drinking games. Where are the challenge coins?
Gaaaaah the ship looks so freaking cool I cannot get over it!
M'Benga and the time honored tradition of shaking your tech when it doesn't work
Wow, already at 25 things and we're just now to the opening credits. The title sequence is also very beautiful. I have missed it. waits impatiently for season two
Always fascinated at the ways you can gain entry to a starship from the outside
Shipwreck troubleshooting!
Peregrine's crew fought hard against the Gorn. There is blood everywhere, yes, but there are so many last ditch attempts to survive and keep others safe. I salute their crew. I mourn their loss. I am asking again, somebody write the story of the Peregrine and her crew.
Jump Scare! Love seeing Pike unnerved behind the command mask as La'An climbs into the ship. Mount does such a great job showing Pike's humanity underneath the role of the captain.
La'An bringing the captain's commbadge to Pike
"Captain's Log, Stardate… I'm not even sure" 😭
Holy shit, I mean, I have seen this episode a few times now and the part when they're listening to the captain's log is always so tense and wonderfully done. And Pike directing M'Benga and Spock to go get the others from outside always gives me Jurassic Park's Muldoon vibes.
Pike immediately turns to his security officer and asks her what she wants to do. I love it. I'm here for it. So different from Memento Mori where she had to convince him that she was right. And you can see her growth so much in this episode in everything she does, from the counseling to acknowledging that yeah she wants to kill all the gorn but she understands getting survivors off the planet is what they should focus on and then to her interactions with Oriana throughout the episode, and then eventually her leave of absence at the end. This season was La'An's journey just as much as it was Uhura's.
I LOVE THE BLUE ALIEN SO MUCH. I could not tell if he was CG or makeup at first, but I believe it's entirely makeup and costuming and it is PHENOMENAL he is my FAVORITE alien in season one.
La'An 😠: "The universal translator isn't processing it. Uhura, do something." Uhura 🤨: "That's not how linguistics works!"
Uhura taking the lead on this encounter vs trying to hide from it on the comet is beautiful. Pike and La'An both trust her at this point. Uhura is able to walk out in front of the captain and calmly, confidently get Buckley to back down. She is growing into herself as a bamf Starfleet officer whether she recognizes it or not 🥹
Chapel and Spock lamenting over Duke's inattention
The way Spock says "one does not take pride in logic" communicates the exact opposite and Chapel finds this endearing
Hemmer and Uhura having a moment together. He is such a good mentor for her. He calls her on her bullshit and sees exactly who she is and lays down some heavy, heavy advice that is good for us ALL to remember, that we are stronger in our love for one another than separated and alone and that pain is a part of life 😭😭😭 ignore me
La'An and M'Benga's traumas clashing in sickbay before everything goes to hell. I like the continuity that M'Benga is very much Not Okay after his daughter's… nebulafication? And I like that he is the one that pushes La'An to help Oriana, to reinforce the fact that La'An has changed, she has grown, and she will be able to help Oriana in a way that M'Benga or anyone else on the ship cannot.
Good god I never want to see Spock afraid again I cannot handle the tension (I do not watch horror movies often because the amount of dramatic irony in a lot of them initiates a warp core overload and melts down my dilithium matrix, and to cope I pick apart and over analyze everything which just pisses off everyone around me)
M'Benga teasing Spock about being jumpy… has everyone on board figured out that teasing Spock is hilarious?
Oh fucking hell, my favorite alien is toast as well
I might be wrong, but I think Buckley is trying to tell them he's infected with the eggs. He says that same pattern of words earlier, too.
Traumatized child running away as the alien gets more and more sick is the first sign that you should RUN THE HELL AWAY
Buckley has this little spherical amulet necklace thing with some inscriptions on it that we get to see right before the chest-bursting scene. It feels religious to me? And I love seeing the character building they put into him even though he is the delivery mechanism for the horror plot.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE GORN ARE XENOMORPHS (that's a direct quote from me on my first viewing) and they are ugly as sin freshly incubated
Also, Chia, darling, sweetheart, run. I'm begging you, ru—oh, oh no, yeah, she's, yeah… has anybody in a red shirt died this season or is it all blues and yellows golds?
Chapel freaking out as the baby gorn ransack sickbay, well done Jess Bush
Gorn vision!
Sam Kirk and M'Benga scolding and teasing Duke and Pike and Spock trying to cheer him up
Also Duke sitting in the hatch made me so nervous and I am very vindicated that this is how he meets his demise
OH SHIT those little baby gorn ripped Duke right out of Spock's hands. Also, the flip from Pike ordering them to hold Duke still so that he doesn't hit the lieutenant to firing blindly as he's dragged away because he'll either save him or give him a more merciful end (might be reading a bit much into that part, but this is my post and my head canons)
Spock looking at his hands afterward. Reminds me of: "They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? I always thought that's what they were." -Rockbiter in the Neverending Story
Chapel is in shock and La'An is surprisingly kind about it, taking over scanning for the biosignatures. Also I am curious about La'An's statement that the gorn have found a way to evade their sensors as it implies this wasn't only the case? Is she suggesting the Gorn have evolved in such a way, in such a short time, that renders them invisible to Federation scanning technologies? Uh, because shivers. I don't think that's the case, but there are a few moments from her character this episode that don't mean what the writers intend them to mean imo.
Oriana confirming that the Peregrine's crew sacrificed themselves to kill the rest of the gorn
La'An connecting with Oriana and getting her on their side, earning her trust, overcoming that PTSD flashback and focusing on Oriana, on the present in a way she struggled with during Memento Mori, using her lessons from Pike on how to get a miracle out of your crew and THEN QUOTING PIKE'S SURVIVING VS LIVING FROM EPISODE ONE AND I AM NOT OKAY 😭😭😭😭
oh shit, I just realized Hemmer and Uhura have no idea about the baby gorn at this point when they turn the power back on, presumably at the same time Duke is meeting his end
M'Benga offering to sedate Kirk 😂 and Pike gently insisting that he's fine
I admire the calm, even tone Pike has when telling everyone to get back to sickbay
The gorn falling out of the ceiling like a pile of bricks in Engineering will never not be funny to me 🤣
Hemmer pushes Uhura out of the way as the gorn starts to spit the acid egg slime. He yells, "No!" and he is so worried that Uhura will get hit by it, you can hear the way his voice trembles. He shoves her and takes the hit. He saves her life. He does it willingly and intentionally. He is the best of them. 😢😢😭😭
Watching the crew in this pressure cooker of an episode is really fascinating. Nothing bothers or flaps Hemmer. Kirk gets angry. Spock shields himself in knowledge and logic. M'Benga is quietly sarcastic. Uhura gets shaky but brilliant. Chapel gets quiet.
Pike yelling "Hey" when the kids start fighting in the backseat and regaining control, constantly reinforcing, like Hemmer, that they are stronger together and they will only make it out of here alive by working together.
M'Benga carries Oriana on his back and then puts her in the captain's chair 😢
Pike and M'Benga are dadding up the bridge omg
This is a positive post so I am not going to expound upon everything that is wrong and irresponsible about Pike's command codes, but just so you know it fills me with rage
Also M'Benga knows Pike's command code from way back when and I need more stories of them from way back when
"…I will do what I must to protect the lives of this crew." I don't know if he suspects what's wrong at this point or not, but Hemmer… Hemmer…. 😭
Watching everyone get ready for this plan is like watching Macauley Culkin rig the Home Alone trap, but with Alien music instead of Christmas!John Williams.
Gaaaaah the gorn is crawling sideways on the wall
Kirk yelling "We got one in the chute!" is very funny to me for some reason, but I think it's just all the tension making me a bit slap happy at this point
Kirk telling Uhura she really is good at everything and Uhura just being like "mf-er shut up I just outran a gorn let's get out of here"
Spock has Buckley's weapon! I love it so much. I want to use it in a video game. It's amazing. So much more interesting than the phasers and the compression phaser rifles Starfleet uses.
Spock releasing his anger is… intense. I get chills every time I watch it. Ethan Peck slams it right out of the park. I watched this scene so many times to write a fic and it does not lose its power on repeat viewings. And even once the gorn are trapped and fighting each other you can tell he is Not Okay.
Kirk having a moment listening to the gorn turn on each other, just as they were starting to do earlier before Pike pulled them all back
La'An literally facing her past, her fears, her trauma. La'An screaming in the face of danger and that which has controlled her life for so long. La'An remaining in control despite all of this, saving her crewmates. La'An taking back her life as she shatters the frozen gorn. La'An is doing so good. 🥹
Freeze dried gorn 🥶
jesus fuck the look on Pike's face when we cut back to the bridge and M'Benga says "It's dead, Chris" and Pike has to look at him to confirm he heard right
Hemmer locking the door so no one else can get in and try to save him. He knows he's a dead man walking. And I think he knows that La'An will be able to kill him if he's not able to get himself away quick enough. And La'An knows that, too. The trust between them in this scene is not stated at all through the dialogue, but I can feel it in the acting.
If the Enterprise wasn't at K-7, then they might have been able to save Hemmer. Maybe. But that's a stretch. Because if this season has taught us anything, it's that Starfleet medicine is not the be all end all it's portrayed to be in later Trek series, and taking chances with the gorn? I don't know. I don't know. This is a crew desperate to save their friend, though, and they would have tried hard.
The goodbyes. The… the goodbyes. Spock acknowledging the logic in Hemmer's decision. Hemmer's last advice to Uhura, to open herself to others and find joy more than sadness, and Uhura's quiet Hemmer, please, please as she cries for her friend, her mentor, and Chapel just wraps her up in a hug.
just. like. andoria.
just like andoria
Hemmer turning around to face his crew, his friends, the people he loves most. Making eye contact with La'An. Her turning away as he lets himself fall. The exterior shot of him and the ship and the planet and light. It's a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Of both good and bad things, but this is a post about good things, so thanks for the emotional throat punch, Paramount.
That wide shot of the bridge and Pike slumped in the captain's chair 💔
Enterprise towing Peregrine away also make me giggle, but that is 100% just because I am in severe emotional distress and my body can no longer process appropriate reactions at this point. Although I really do love this shot, the way Enterprise feels solemn as it tows escorts Peregrine, the way Peregrine's warp nacelle is busted to hell and the deflector dish doesn't even exist anymore. It's a very quiet, calm shot after a lot of frenetic energy in this episode, and it feels comforting. Enterprise came back. And it wasn't in time for all of them, not by a long shot, but they came back and now they are going to go home and tell everyone what they saw, what they experienced.
I love Ortegas' speech. We never got to see her and Hemmer interact, but it rings true.
Uhura's speech… Uhura's… I can't 😭😭😭😭
Uhura has literally lost every single person in the world that has meant anything to her except for her grandmother in the last five years. And instead of becoming bitter and using Hemmer's death as an excuse to continue shielding herself from the pain of living and connection she lives his purpose: to fix what is broken, by surrounding herself with people she loves. And while we do not condone fridging people for character growth... she would have gotten to this point eventually with Hemmer alive. It may have taken a little longer, but she was already on this path.
Angry Spock and Conerned Chapel. Goddamn he punches the shit out of that wall panel.
Its subtle, and I'm not sure if its supposed to be a Thing or not, but during their confrontation in the hallway, Spock has some serious five o'clock shadow verging on actual stubble going on, which is Very Unlike him. He is always very clean shaven. That is a Vulcan cry for help.
Chapel and Spock hugging in the hallway, and Spock's relief at the momentary validation of his feelings that Chapel grants him in this moment before he slams the door shut and walks away.
Pike drinks a lot in season one. He drinks liquor like Picard drinks earl gray and I really need it to be commented on because at this point it looks like he is self-medicating with it. Blah blah blah the gorn blah blah blah deserves to relax after that blah blah blah look it's a thing and can become a crutch and an addition without you even realizing it and it deserves to be acknowledged.
La'An and Pike's conversation. 😭 Pike telling La'An that however long it takes to help Oriana find her family, to come back to the Enterprise, come back to them, come home. La'An calling him Chris for the first time, thanking him for everything. Such a good scene. And if you compare it to their conversation in the first episode, it's such a great bookend for their relationship. In the first episode, they don't know each other. He is the captain, she is the security chief with a chip the size of the Federation on her shoulder. Other people are challenging for her, she says. He folds her into the flock. Mentor, mentee. And here in this conversation, there is such a great sense of time passing, the weight of their shared experiences coloring their interactions. It's quieter, more meaningful. They are more like equals than captain and subordinate. They are friends. Marvelous acting and writing here.😭
Uhura stepping onto the bridge again, filled with wonder, and, I hope, a sense that she belongs there, that she is included in that exultation of greatness and achievement represented by the Enterprise crew she spoke about in her opening personal log.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
I know that the official narrative of Season 5 is that Team Angel was losing their way at Wolfram and Hart, becoming corrupted, etc, but the writers did a very poor job of showing it.
Like, the worst you can say they did was Gunn helping an antiquity get through customs. Like, yes, that ended up being Illyria’s casket, but helping a guy make some money on illicit smuggled artifacts, all Gunn thought he was doing, in exchange for what he was able to do with the legal upgrade he was re-upping, seemed like a reasonable trade, because it *was*.
In Season 5, we see multiple times the good they could do working on the scale W&H allowed. If not for them, that one kid and his whole school would have been killed to stop the Black Tomorrow. And that bit with the cult leader who was too well-connected to go at directly... if he was too well connected for W&H to go at, do you really think AI would have been able to attack them (and successfully kill them all) without any problem? 
Or that bit where Gunn uses W&H’s resources to open the orphanage for vampire victims kids, banish the fire demons to another dimension and shut down the company dumping demon waste into the water?
The groxlar demons that ate babies? Remember how W&H was trying to get them to stop? We don’t see how the negotiation ended, but they seemed to be on a good start, and W&H has the resources to make that stick better than AI would have.
Without W&H’s resources and access they would have found out about the Smile Time demons far too late to do anything (it was only 7 kids by then)
Like, yes, the heroes made compromises, and as I’ve outlined before, if they really wanted to have the heroes try to take down or actively work to hurt in a big way Wolfram and Hart (a multinational, multidimensional law firm that goes well beyond L.A.) they had options, involving working to bring down the place within.
But it doesn’t mean they lost their way. and I object strong to the burn-down-the-system-all-compromise-is-bad core of the ‘moral’ of Season 5. Especially since it also all but asserts that throwing your life away ineffectively is heroic just because it is.
So yeah. Mutant Enemy can give me the official line on Season 5 all they want. They were wrong then, both in the big picture, and frankly, they were wrong about their own damn show.
Additional reading if someone wants to know more of my (many) thoughts on AtS Season 5:
(They’re all old posts because I don’t really write meta anymore, but I stand by pretty much all of them still)
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kataraavatara · 3 months
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back to this quote, I think I’ve cracked a major reason why training women to fight was Illyria going so abysmally other than “all Illyrian men are just The Worst” it’s like. not only are the men extremely psychologically fucked up from experiencing this insane amount of violence and abuse starting at eight there’s also going to be natural feelings of resentment that the women didn’t have to go through this and still get to be warriors and fight. they desperately need to rationalize the amount of abuse they experienced so it can mean something so now anyone who didn’t spend their formative years getting their bones broken is obviously No True Warrior. There’s an obvious misogyny element but also deeper psychological component that if they see someone like the Valkyries succeed when they started training as adults they might have to look inward and realize it was all for nothing. that they suffered so much for so many years for ultimately no reason. sunk cost fallacy yada yada
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
SNW Theory: Una is Why Pike Survives The Accident
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In Ghosts of Illyria when La’an is infected with the Light Virus, she attempts to jump into the warp core and Una stops her. But not before they both recieve severe exposure to radiation, Una’s Illyrian genetic modifications save them both.
When she held onto La’an, it provided her with chimeric antibodies that not only spare them both from the radiation but allowed Chapel & M’Benga to use the antibodies from La’an to derive a cure from her blood.
Whose to say those antibodies aren’t still present in La’an’s body?
In A Quality of Mercy, Admiral Pike says that two cadets die in the accident. Maat Al-Salah, and presumably the girl whose console explodes that Pike fails to drag out in time before becoming grievously wounded and exposed himself.
Those cadets die from that level of exposure, Spock dies from a similar level of exposure in WoK, but Pike doesn’t, why? Unless…
Una (likely out of necessity) does something similar for Chris, protecting him the way she saved La’an. If/when she saves him, similar chimeric antibodies would be in him.
It would not prevent him from being injured or prevent him from being severely irradiated, but he would survive long enough for medics to get to him and prevent it from killing him.
I think one of the many reasons Pike actively chooses to live the difficult life the accident’s aftermath leads to. Other than he’s not one to give into despair, and is acutely aware of his own worth to those who love him. It’s this:
Even if Starfleet medicine can’t do much to help his quality of life, what they learn from his survival will lead to better treatment for Delta radiation survivors like him. If Pike possesses chimeric antibodies from Una that made the difference between life and death for him. That would absolutely support that notion.
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annyankers · 3 years
i think many people think that darla and angelus are totally emotionless killing machines incapable of love or other emotions because this is what the shows tell us, but it’s not what we actually see in their actions.
there’s not two orders of vampires-- soulless killers (darla, angelus, the master, dark willow, etc) and soulless lite (spike, drusilla). they’re all vampires, they all lack human souls. They are all demonic essences parasitically living in reanimated bodies. it’s not vampire the masquerade they’re not from different wildly bloodlines (and even if it was they’d all bE THE SAME KIND).
the difference is coming from who they were as humans before they were turned. Spike and Drusilla were both highly emotional, good hearted, sensitive people. they strove to be good and to be kind and it shows in them even as vampires. Drusilla is STILL not over the deaths of her family, she is open with her emotions and she loves to and WANTS to nurture as best she can. Spike is still a poet at heart, he’s still chasing love and beauty and wants nothing more in life to be married, he’s domestic as fuck. 
Darla and Liam were not sociopaths or anything but they weren’t like that.
Darla was a prostitute and a well off one in a time when that was even less well thought of. We don’t know much about her life or how that came to be her profession but we can extract from her turning scene that she was alone in the world. She was angry and apathetic. Her interaction with the master as a human on her deathbed is EXTREMELY telling.
The Master: Are you prepared now to renounce Satan and beg God his forgiveness? Darla: God never did anything for me. [...] The Master (to doctor): You can't save her life - perhaps I can still save her soul. Darla: My soul is well past saving. Let the devil take me if he'll have me. Either way - I die. (ATS 2x7 “Darla”)
This is the talk of someone extremely jaded. Darla had likely seen some of the worst of mankind and been associated with it willingly or not in her life. She doesn’t expect anything from anyone because she has already been disappointed and betrayed. She has emotionally closed herself off as a defense mechanism. She has a WILDLY negative world view and doesn’t give a shit about people because they don’t care about her. Then slap a demon that’s all into hedonism and violence and sadism and chaos and blam. You get the Darla we know and love from the Shows. She comes off as cold and heartless and totally willing to throw even Angelus under the bus to save her own skin but this is a lie. She’s just trampling on any and all of the “weak”, “dangerous” emotions that she always has to protect herself. She can’t be manipulated or her weaknesses exploited if she’s hidden them behind a 50ft wall.
But she takes Angelus back after he gets his soul because she still wants him, still loves him. she literally says as much to Angel when she’s revived.
Darla: See? No matter how good a boy you are - God doesn't want you!
Angel lets go of her and throws himself back away form her cross. They look at each other breathing hard.
Darla: But I still do. (ATS 2x7 “Dear Boy”)
In one flashback/story from Angel, Darla knocks Angelus the fuck out and leaves him for dead in a barn to escape Holtz but in another she rescues him from Holtz, barging in on a fucking cart with a whole fucking crew in the middle of the day to do it. Side note for an essay another day: this is why he’s into Buffy, why he’s into Cordelia. Look at Darla, how she acts, looks, talks and these kinda stunts she pulls and you can see how Angel(us)’s love map was made. You can see her in every woman he loves.
But Darla doesn’t feel love and has never felt love. She is soulless and thus totally incapable of anything we could recognize as love, affection, bonds (familial or otherwise). Okay. Sure. I’ll go tell Spike to not bother caring for Drusilla, or help save the world in season 2, or get tortured to protect Dawn. Because you know, soulless evil demon who can’t make interpersonal bonds and give a shit about people and like them. They have Angel and Darla on multiple occasions say they or the other cannot love then show us them caring for each other, obsessing over each other, understanding each other on an intimate level, being possessive of each other etc. Sure yes it’s not a human expression of love! But they are vampires. It is a vampiric expression of an intimate relationship, one that they are both deeply invested in emotionally.
Darla killed Liam because she connected with him emotionally. Yes, sure, because he was like hunky and stuff but also because of self-recognition through the other! Liam was a wastrel. He was a fuck up. He covered up mountains of fear and insecurity and self-loathing and feelings of worthlessness under bravo, drinking, fighting and charm. He was stuck in a similar place as her, if she was damned by societies expectations of women he was being crushed by societies expectations for men. I mean the first fucking thing he does is kill is his father to finally prove he’s the bigger/better man. Come on, this is classic shit.
Angel(us) loves Darla. It’s a fucked up love, sure, but he loves her. Her revival, her mortality, her death and then turning would not have effected him so deeply if he didn’t. You can see how much Angelus loves Darla in the flashbacks, if Spike is super obviously simping Drusilla in like, every fucking scene there in and Angelus and Darla just ask like the “adult” version of that then 2+2=4. I don’t know what to tell you. Angel(us) is a Darla simp. It’s textual. Shit Angelus has his own versions of protecting her from Holtz and his reaction to seeing Darla passed out after her threesome with the Immortal is IMMEDIATE CONCERN because he thinks she’s been hurt. He goes back to her post soul because he loves her and because it’s what he’s known for over 100 years.
Like look, do you REALLY think that Angelus would be SO OBSESSED with stalking and hurting Buffy if he wasn’t effected by Angel’s/his own but souled love for her? This is the man who ACTIVELY TOLD SPIKE NOT TO GET ON A SLAYER’S RADAR. Despite whatever the shows try to push (another thing for another essay: ats, “your heart is pure” and it’s campaign to macho up angel) Angel(us) is NOT a fighter. He’s an artist, a manipulator, a schemer. But Buffy has him out here falling all over himself. He knew better than to 1v1 a slayer, he did it anyway. Look, when Spike is poking holes in your schemes you know you’re fucking up. Spike’s not stupid or anything but he’s like the king of adhd “no think just do” and HE’S not impressed with Angelus’ work even just on a professional level here.
Darla and Angelus aren’t emotionless. They do feel love and affection and attachment. They’re just WILDLY emotionally damaged people who became vampires at their lowest points and view vulnerability and tenderness as a weakness and grind that shit under their heel as hard and fast as they can. Also they’re soulmates and besties and worsties and each other’s blorbo and their poor little meow meows and the only valid otp for angel i said what i SAID.
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dontwarnthetadpoles · 3 years
I’m into making lists lately, it’s fun and it simplifies the answer to the question : what to do with my thoughts when i don’t have the time and energy to write and edit an essay/meta?
So here, for a fun and light way to consider romance in the Buffyverse, a list of my romantic endgames for the still alive characters by the finals of Btvs and Ats (in no particular order) :  
Buffy x Oz: unusual pairing that nobody seems to ship (i only found one fic about them but boy was it good!), which never ceases to surprise me because they seem to be an obvious pairing based on their personality and tastes. The chemistry between SMG and Seth Green is very strong: they had very few (too little!) scenes together but each time, they shined as a duo. Oz, especially after his trip to Tibet, is everything that Buffy looks for: loyalty, stability, maturity with a dark and supernatural twist, and after being burned badly by Willow, Buffy is the ideal person to make Oz heal and trust again.There’s also the challenge to find a way to communicate and become a real emotional support for the other considering they have the similar way to not really share what they feel, but they’re aware of their limits and willing to work on them, so the reward would be really worth the effort.   
Xander x Dawn: inspired by the comics though the show suggested too, discreetly, this pairing during season 6 (maybe more often but i don’t remember). A couple by default (there’s nobody else to pair them with)  but with potential: she’s a mix of Buffy and Anya/Cordelia (i see Anya as the continuation of Cordelia), the only women he “loved”. She needs a older man who can be dedicated entirely to her because of her immaturity and spoiled nature, a man stable and who won’t freak out about her nature and that’s Xander at the end of season 7.    
Willow x Fred:  It was a very popular ship after Orpheus, mostly because the chemistry was off the chart, but i only started to support it after the Illyria arc when Whedon confirmed that Fred’s soul wasn’t destroyed and that Willow can bring her back by separating her from Illyria. They were less amazing by the end of their shows than when they were at the start (they broke the heart of my two favourite male characters so i like them a lot less), but Willow and Fred were still two impressive women that would balance each other well. They are a perfect match on the intellectual level, which is a necessity in their case because of how they take pride in their academic achievements, and have the same tendency to self centerdness so they won’t hurt each other much or be too needy. Their big transformative experience that made them temporary a big evil and left them in a in-between state: between good and evil, though they more good than bad, is the key for them to make things work and get over their insecurity. Also they lost Oz and Gunn and won’t find better guys (Willow is bi for me), so it’s time for Fred to get over men (dating Wesley was a major mistake).
Angel: single or Angel x Illyria (inspired by the comics) because considering his selfishness and lack of remorse, he doesn’t deserve happiness and that’s one thing for sure that Illyria will never give him. Based on her bond with Wesley, she’s more likely to feed him the lllusion of a relationship but i don’t think he needs more because he’s clearly still incapable at the end of season 5 of showing emotional support and commitment. He has Connor anyway, and trying to amend for what he didn’t do for him, without this time messing with other people’s life would be his first real step toward redemption.
Spike x Faith: That’s the obvious choice for Spike given his fascination for slayers. Also I can’t see him falling for a vampire now that he has a soul. This couple would work for all the reasons that Angel/Faith couldn’t work: Spike can be a friend and a lover to a woman. They are a good match because though they hold no illusion about their nature and their past, they’re not torturing themselves about redemption. They just help when they can. They won't be necessary a stable couple: i see separations and reconciliations in repeat cycles, but also a lot of fun. Their potential to become iconic is big.
Gunn x Anne: they are my ideal couple/choice for an endgame, both shows include, because they fit my favourite trope: from friends to lovers. And their also the only racial mixte couple that i can imagine in the Buffyverse (i never liked Faith with Wood and even less the idea of Faith and Gunn), after Gunn and Fred.They have always been supportive and protective of each other during their limited time onscreen. They had few scenes but i don’t doubt they revealed the entire truth about their relationship. Anne is the mature love that Gunn waited for all his life.They share the same hope, fights, values and support both the same community of homeless teens/young adults who try to survive in the streets, from which they both came from. Their communication is top: they don’t shy from asking each other help or advice. I see it as very long lasting relationship, with a lot of kids and a happy home.        
Connor x Gwen: They complete each other: he likes older women with good fighting skills and she’s still immature emotionally and inexperimented despite her dominant  attitude and her overconfidence. They remind me of Spike and Drusilla but as a less iconic and less cruel version. 
Giles: he should definitely stay single or maybe hook up again with Ethan if he reappears someday. He won’t be able to find love again after what he has become, though it doesn’t mean there’s isn’t someone somewhere to take pity on him, juste like Angel with Illyria. I don’t cry about him: he made his life and his choices without pressure, contrary to the young people that he had the opportunity to mentor on btvs (the scoobies) and that he failed badly.  
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Strange New Worlds Commentary/Meta
**this post is NOT spoiler-free** AND **long post!**
We’ve gotten 4 solid eps of Strange New Worlds so far. Ep5 dropped today but I haven’t seen it yet. Overall, I like the show and I also have some constructive criticism. Here are my thoughts:
Episode 1 - Strange New Worlds
This ep was fun and it was GREAT to meet the main characters, especially Uhura. She was more fully presented and developed in this one episode than she was in TOS. Overall, I enjoyed this episode. I’m a sucker for cosmetic genetic modification for away missions lol. 
What I did not love (at all) was the paternalism shown toward the citizens of the war-torn, warp incapable planet. The leader that Pike and Spock spoke with made it clear that she and her people had no intention of listening to their plea they not use warp technology as a weapon in their war efforts. Pike pushes the issue by waving the entire damn Enterprise around AND inviting himself to a meeting of the warring factions to force an Earth history lesson on them to discourage them from obliterating themselves.
On the surface, that seemed like a fine tactic on Pike’s part but scratch the surface and the persistent paternalism displayed is staggering. Pike has zero right and zero jurisdiction on an alien world. Period. Of course, if he had left it alone after the original demand that he and Spock leave, it would have been a very short episode lol. So, for entertainment purposes, it’s less concerning to me that Pike took it upon himself to (paternalistically) instruct an alien world on how to lessen their growing pains and is more concerning that no meaningful discussion of that action was supplied within the narrative. They chat for like 2 seconds about the precursor to the Prime Directive but then explain away their social and political interference with the aliens by saying that the only reason the aliens had warp technology in the first place was because of the war with Control in Discovery. 
Mind you, the Federation has no way of knowing how many other pre-warp worlds may have been negatively affected by what they saw in their night sky during that epic battle with Control (or any other space battle for that matter). Does the Federation plan to scan for ill-gotten warp-signatures in every star system where a space battle ignited the sky in inhabited systems? 
The Federation is not a “divine power” that can or should play with the destinies of worlds, which is why the Prime Directive among other regulations was established in the first place. But without some full-on, in-depth discussion within the narrative about these situations and the parameters for intervention (if any!) the show is buying into and perpetuating harmful logics that erode the agency and autonomy of worlds in the name of paternalistically-driven harm reduction. It’s...a problem LOL one that I hope they actually talk about a lot INSIDE THE NARRATIVE. We as long-time viewers of Star Trek know the basic ethical issues being alluded to in the episode but without a real exploration of those issues in the narrative (which is harder to do, but not impossible, in an episodic format) we are left only with the problematic implications of the “solutions” worked out by one Starfleet captain.
Another issue: Pike’s thinking about what his future disability will mean for him has been framed in an ableist way so far. I sincerely HOPE that framing of his thought process is on purpose so that the audience can go with him on the journey of deconstructing his ableist attitudes and changing them!! Seriously, if that doesn’t start happening in earnest soon, I’m going to have more to say about how deeply problematic his current conceptualization of his future is. *side-eye emoji*
Episode 2 - Children of the Comet
Super fun ep! Uhura, my beloved. Anyway, what I did not enjoy was the name calling (e.g. zealots), Like. How dare an alien species blend religion and science I guess??? It was an interesting choice of words for a man that regularly discussed the spiritual implications of the Red Angel while they were all figuring out exactly what was going on in s2 of Discovery. I had a lot of side-eye during the episode.
I did appreciate that at the end, Uhura (my boo!) presented scientific evidence that Ma’hanit was in fact runnin’ shit in the galaxy LOL. Just as Spock flying his shuttle mission factored into Ma’hanit’s role in seeding greater life on the planet (and Ma’hanit had foreknowledge of this), the Shepherds’ reverence and defense of Ma’hanit was important too and factored into the overall positive outcome. Arbiter of Life and Shepherds for the win!
Again, what I wanted was some engaging discussion of these issues/ prejudices/ assumptions and a visible/overt shift in crew viewpoint in light of the information Uhura shared. Preconceived notions + one scene where those preconceptions are proven wrong is nice but in 2022 it doesn’t feel sufficient imo. Within the Star Trek universe, there are a lot of lessons to be learned at this point in time in terms of the Federation’s and Starfleet’s development. I don’t know about other fans, but I want to see how the mind-changing sausage is made LOL.
Episode 3 - Ghosts of Illyria
I liked this ep too! It hit another Star Trek plot trope that I love: alien virus that makes the crew go a little cuckoobananas. Yes! Bring it! Also, we got the superhuman alien trope, my beloved. I was winning with this ep lol.
Overall the issue of genetic engineering was fun to explore. It’s been a theme throughout Trek and is hotly debated every time it comes up and I always find it fascinating. Those issues were at the center of a few eps involving Dr. Julian Bashir in DS9 and it was fun to watch. So I loved the reveal about Number One being Ilyrian. The Illyrians genetically modify themselves (instead of terraforming) in order to fit with a natural environment. They are contrasted with the Augments and I hope like hell we get more discussion of the (perceived) similarities and differences between the groups. 
Anyway, at the VERY end of the episode, Una offered FANTASTIC commentary on the consequences and problems inherent in being designated as an exception to a series of stereotypes (”one of the good ones”, a “hero”, etc.) by a person in power (Pike in this case), then the personal log entry was deleted, the ep ended, and I don’t know if they will carry it forward in BOTH small AND large ways. I mean - we will probably get a big moment in the future where Pike defends Number One to Starfleet a la TNG’s The Measure of A Man but who knows. Still, I wonder about the small ways that we’ll deal with Una’s identity among the crew and the day-to-day intraship politics of that now that it’s known. That pathway wasn’t really made clear and highlighted in the ep. We got Una’s discussion with La’an but I doubt that same level of interpersonal challenge will come through for Una ship-wide especially given Una’s rank. So where/how/to what degree will that character arc get to take us viewers on a meaningful journey?
Episode 4 - Memento Mori
Dire stakes. Mental health issues. Grief. Mind meld. Ingenuity. More backstory for La’an. Great character beats for Uhura (my love) and Hemmer. We glimpsed a possible love connection forming with M’Benga and Una. Nurse Chapel was in excellent form. Ortegas being snarky. Pike visibly feeling the weight of the captain’s seat. I was winning with this one yall. YMMV.
Ah, the Gorn. A faceless, predatory species easily glossed as “monsters”. The ep doesn’t do much to deal with that highly problematic characterization of an entire species but I think they laid the groundwork to approach that issue later in the show?
La’an noted that because of her past traumatic experience losing her entire family to the Gorn, she does not feel that empathy is possible and that they are true monsters, though not supernatural. That’s a big friggin statement and they HAVE TO come back around to that in a meaningful way. New life, new civilizations and all that. Conflict is of course a part of the mission but the demonization of one’s enemies, while very human and understandable is STILL A PROBLEM. 
Be enemies if that’s how it has to shake out because one side won’t see you as a human/person worthy of not being violently consumed but demonization feels beyond the pale (for Star Trek). Yeah yeah I know this is an way early in the ST timeline but still. They have to unpack that in the show (right???) otherwise what the hell are we even doing here???
Pro & Con of the Episodic Approach
I understand the fandom’s collective longing for the “simpler”, “easier”, episodic, exploration-driven times that defined the STU prior to Discovery. DS9 sort of started to break that mold in its final few seasons when the war with the Dominion began, but Strange New Worlds seems to be bringing back the episodic approach for the franchise. My basic point is that has a big con and a pro imo.
The big con I think is that the episodic format limits what they can really say/do AND FULLY ATTEND TO over the course of the season. We get snippets of deep/meaningful stuff but then those MAY get lost over the course of the show???
The pro is that the episodic approach is less “heavy”. We get mostly bottle episodes that exist in their own right and don’t require us to think and feel about the same/consistent cultural/social issues very deeply from week to week. Like. All four eps so far were good but they aren’t connected by anything but the characters themselves and their mission to seek out new life and new civilizations etc. 
I have theories about deeper connective elements at play across episodes but the show hasn’t been very loud about any of those yet. That’s understandable since the show is still very young, but it does make me wonder where we’re going in a deeper sense than just “the mission”. Like. What does that mission mean? How do we accomplish that mission? How, why, and to what degree must we grow and change to truly accomplish it? These are my questions and I think they are the show’s questions too? I just haven’t fully seen it on screen in SNW quite yet.
Season(s)-long narrative arcs imo allow for stronger clearer statements about key social/cultural issues presented in the narrative. Check out my post here to get more of a feel for what I mean. SNW returning to the episodic format is nice in many ways but my fear at this very early point in the show is that key character issues and larger/in-depth social commentary may not be as fully developed and explored as they would be in a season(s)-long arc format. I know some in the fandom may prefer this and I understand the various reason why but it still kinda concerns me.
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Wave One Round One
hellsite-hungergames vs. hellsite-hall-of-fame
Vace vs. Herobrine
Regulus Black vs. Edward Cullen
Merlin vs. Florida Man
Gary the Gadget Guy vs. Sunny
Benoit Blanc vs. Ridley
Animal vs. Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson
Clint vs. Data
Skunk Ape vs. Daniel the Manager
Waluigi vs. Timmy Turner
Meta Knight vs. Castiel
Death vs. Prince Caspian
Katsuya Suou vs. King Arthur
Squidward's Hopes and Dreams vs. Spiders Georg
Anya Forger vs. Katniss Everdeen
Hannibal Lecter vs. Campbell Bain
Jasper vs. Star Butterfly
Tarlton vs. Wallace
Mikhailo "Mickey" Aleksandr Milkovich vs. Dimitri Blaiddyd
Duck vs. Everyone From Cats the Musical
Jay Walker vs. Miles Vorkosigan
BLOODBATH: Illyria vs. Evan "Buck" Buckley vs. Haymitch Abernathy vs. Richard Gansey III
Ronald McDonald vs. Amelia Bedelia
Matt vs. Oswald Cobblepot
Edward Nygma vs. Tumblr Anon Icon
Gillion Tidestrider vs. Jedediah
Reigen Arataka vs. Willow Rosenberg
Alex Fierro vs. Puss in Boots
Jessie Prescott vs. George Costanza
Leon Scott Kennedy vs. Han Solo
God vs. Jesus
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