#Orsino Twelfth Night
twelfthsnights · 5 months
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duke orsino - twelfth night 1996
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dozecoin · 3 months
duke orsino is bisexual and i can prove it because when i was in twelfth night i played him and had a huge crush on our viola who was a masc presenting girl (who i fully thought was a guy at first) who was the funniest and awesomest person ever and i was like fuck yeah and that's the energy that i like to think orsino has
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blackcur-rants · 25 days
Okay, so we all know Charles Dickens was a huge Shakespeare fan and a theatre guy in general. Like, he did so many theatrical productions alongside Wilkie Collins and loved himself some dramatic readings of his own prose.
What I’m saying is that I kind of feel that “A Tale of Two Cities” lifts quite a lot from Shakespeare. For example, in both ATOTC and “Romeo and Juliet”, we have a story about two factions (the two countries of England and France in Dickens’ novel and the two noble houses of Montague and Capulet in Shakespeare’s play) who have been at each other’s throats for so long they don’t even quite remember why they’re at each other’s throats in the first place and what happens when two members of these respective factions (Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay in “A Tale of Two Cities” and Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet in “Romeo and Juliet”) meet and become close to each other. And of course, both stories end with a desperate person sacrificing themselves for the one that they love with said sacrifice being less a noble and definitive ending to the story and more an act of desperation in the face of impending death (Carton takes Darnay’s place on the guillotine in a desperate attempt to buy Darnay, Lucie, and their daughter time to escape back to London while Juliet commits suicide in what is very likely a desperate attempt to escape from what she still sees as her impending arranged marriage to Count Paris). There’s also a strong parallel between the main character trio in “A Tale of Two Cities” and the main character trio in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, I.E…
•Both Viola and Charles Darnay are sweet, sensitive young nobles who find themselves living in a new land and assume new names in order to avoid suspicion and end up in a relationship they didn’t expect with the second character of the main trio.
•Both Olivia and Lucie Manette are smart, pious young women living in mourning for a dead or at least severely traumatised loved one and end up falling in love with the disguised protagonist while fending off the attentions of an annoying suitor (Malvolio for Olivia and Stryver for Lucie).
•Orsino and Sydney Carton are both the depressed young men uncertain of their purpose in life who become acquainted with Viola/Darnay while also being in love with Olivia/Lucie.
Where am I going with all this, by the way? Well basically, I’m kind of suggesting that there being queer subtext between Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay might actually have been intentional on Dickens’ part. However, because queerness was so verboten and punishable by prison or death in the 1850s, Dickens had to cloak all of this in ambiguity and subtext, using these allusions to classic Shakespeare plays as a way of coding/broadcasting his true intent to the audience who would know what he was doing.
@cynicalclassicist @eleftherian @secretmellowblog @dachi-chan25 @uncleasriel
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Twelfth Night Designs: Orsino
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I’ve decided to just start putting out my TW character designs (even if not all of them are finished) and Imma put the full set in a separate post. But for now, I’ll also put them out their by themselves. Besides, it gives me opportunity to explain some stuff if necessary.
So this is Orsino. It took forever to figure out how to draw his stupid fucking shirt. I have a whole ass mood board worth of stuff trying to explain what will be his signature outfit. Not to mention the other outfits I have for him to wear throughout the play. He changes a lot. I might end up posting this outfit mood board. I’m probably gonna bullshit the ruffles in all my other drawing of him, because that stuff’s hard.
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unicornofthemidwest · 3 months
I love it when Viola is transmasc and I love it when Viola is bisexual and I love it when Viola is a butch repressed-sapphic cisgirl and I love it when Viola is a trans woman and I love it when it's not really clear what Viola's gender is and I love it when Twelfth Night is about genderqueerness and I love it I love it I love it when Viola is queer
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dykebarbie · 1 year
u/TheSmartTwinVi • 26 days
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AITA for accidentally getting my boss’s (m) crush (f) to fall in love with me (f posing as m) while i was supposed to be making her fall for him??
so for context i work for this guy (let’s call him o) and he’s in love with this woman we’ll call v. v is super uninterested and refuses to see him ever since her father and brother died, but my boss really likes her, so, since im his most trusted employee, he sent me to tell her how much he loves her.
here’s where the problem starts: i tell her all about how much my boss loves her, and then when i run out of prepackaged things from my boss to say, i start speaking off the cuff. v absolutely loves this and starts begging me to come back every day, even going so far as to give me a ring that isn’t even mine??? now, she’s absolutely head over heels for ME when i was supposed to be wooing her for my boss.
another wrench in the situation is that im totally in love with my boss but he won’t even consider me (i’m in disguise as a man atm — long story — so despite our deep connection, he only sees me as a friend).
so aita???
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anliafail · 1 year
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TOBY STEPHENS (Duke Orsino) and IMOGEN STUBBS (Viola) in TWELFTH NIGHT (1996) | dir. Trevor Nunn 
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wordpainterpixie · 6 months
Orsino: *pulls back the curtain while Cesario is showering*
Orsino: Hey, did you - stop screaming it’s me - did you pass that message on to Olivia?
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babymadeofbones · 2 years
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learning that raúl has this photo framed in his house made me feel things i cannot explain
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"I just think it would be such a fun dynamic to explore. Violacesario definitely has potential for romantic relationships with both Olivia (Olivia explicitly is in love with Violacesario, the famously beautiful willow cabin speech, plus I love their banter) and Orsino (are explicitly in love with each other, shares a lot of intimate moments like the Come Away, Death scene, and in most productions spends a lot of the play sitting in his lap). Orsino’s arc in the play is about accepting that romance isn’t cut-and-dry like he expects it to be, and that love can happen outside of social norms/expectations. Olivia’s arc is about falling in love after isolating herself from the world but also trying to escape the often restrictive nature of marriage. Violacesario’s story revolves around grief but also identity, with Orsino and Olivia’s houses representing The Two Genders. Now picture this: Crazy gnc af nonbinary bisexual polyamory. I think it would make a lot of sense!!! Furthermore, I just think their dynamic would be soooo fascinating. Especially because for the whole play Orsino pursues Olivia relentlessly, I would LOOOOVE to see their dynamic as metamours. How would they deal with inter-marrying in the era the story takes place in? Would Olivia still marry Sebastian? How would him and his relationship (or lack thereof) with Antonio play into that? Would Olivia end up marrying Orsino? Would they all move in together? Would it fix them? Would it make them worse? Can they even make this relationship work with the way some of them are at the each other’s throats in the text? I DONT KNOW!!!! But I am soooo fascinated by the concept and YOU SHOULD BE TOO!!!!! And besides, we’ve all seen That Picture." - Anonymous
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fluentisonus · 2 years
thinking about how fucked up it is how isolated olivia is in twelfth night. like she has all these people in her household around her all the time & none of them are actually very interested in her or her wellbeing outside of their own self interest at all. sir toby's abusing her hospitality, sir andrew's trying to marry her, maria's perfectly happy to use their connection to play a prank that ruins the functionality of the household, malvolio's deluding himself into thinking that she loves him & fantasizing what he'd do with her status, feste's inherently unreliable, and all of this is happening while she's trying to mourn her brother's death. like she has absolutely no emotional intimacy with anyone & no one to turn to & it's crushing
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twelfthsnights · 4 months
“O, it came o'er my ear like the sweet sound,
That breathes upon a bank of violets,
Stealing and giving odour!”
- Duke Orsino, Act 1 Scene 1
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dozecoin · 3 months
played orsino last year and playing king duncan this year, im just so cool and authoritative i guess (im not)
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animezinglife · 1 year
I’m so glad they made She’s the Man back in 2006 instead of now.
That movie’s still pure gold.
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greencheekconure27 · 5 months
This is so sad Feste play "Come Away Death"
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feste-de-jester · 9 months
🃏 ⤷ Twelfth Night Incorrect Quotes #67
Orsino: Viola and I are no longer dating. Viola: That’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
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