#bisexual duke orsino
dozecoin · 3 months
happy pride month to duke orsino my favorite sad bisexual
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Duke Orsino from She’s The Man is bisexual!!
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"I just think it would be such a fun dynamic to explore. Violacesario definitely has potential for romantic relationships with both Olivia (Olivia explicitly is in love with Violacesario, the famously beautiful willow cabin speech, plus I love their banter) and Orsino (are explicitly in love with each other, shares a lot of intimate moments like the Come Away, Death scene, and in most productions spends a lot of the play sitting in his lap). Orsino’s arc in the play is about accepting that romance isn’t cut-and-dry like he expects it to be, and that love can happen outside of social norms/expectations. Olivia’s arc is about falling in love after isolating herself from the world but also trying to escape the often restrictive nature of marriage. Violacesario’s story revolves around grief but also identity, with Orsino and Olivia’s houses representing The Two Genders. Now picture this: Crazy gnc af nonbinary bisexual polyamory. I think it would make a lot of sense!!! Furthermore, I just think their dynamic would be soooo fascinating. Especially because for the whole play Orsino pursues Olivia relentlessly, I would LOOOOVE to see their dynamic as metamours. How would they deal with inter-marrying in the era the story takes place in? Would Olivia still marry Sebastian? How would him and his relationship (or lack thereof) with Antonio play into that? Would Olivia end up marrying Orsino? Would they all move in together? Would it fix them? Would it make them worse? Can they even make this relationship work with the way some of them are at the each other’s throats in the text? I DONT KNOW!!!! But I am soooo fascinated by the concept and YOU SHOULD BE TOO!!!!! And besides, we’ve all seen That Picture." - Anonymous
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fingerprint-insurance · 4 months
seeing pictures of eddie redmayne in twelfth night as viola and now crafting a like minds twelfth night AU where alex is forced to join the school play (twelfth night) by his dad or sumn and what do you know, he's viola, nigel's playing duke orsino and susan's playing Olivia (bisexuality strikes again) updates will come soon on whether this will just be an art piece or whether or not I'll make an accompanying fic see ya soon
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jupitercl0uds · 8 months
duke orsino really did be bisexual eat hot chip and lie
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decaf-nosebleed · 7 months
duke orsino, bisexual icon
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So I think for the mc I’m going with Sivaun, I just really like the way that name sounds and it’s so distinctly elven that I’m in love with it
In the play, Viola and Sebastian are identical twins even though they’re both afab and amab respectively, so just for the simplicity of things and in order to draw on the genderqueer elements more, I’m making them both amab
Anyway, all that to say I want Sivaun’s brother’s name to sound similar to theirs, but no pressure if you can’t think of anything!!!
I’m thinking Korhina or Korrin or something that has that CORE sound at the beginning yk for Sivaun’s love interest, a duke in the fae courts
I’m already obsessed with him bc he’s such a bisexual disaster, just like Orsino is in twelfth night nennendbbebeb
Okay so this is going to take me a bit to do-
But I’m up for the challenge? First things first, I love the mc’s name, so awesome and it’s a good starting point for me-
So for Sivaun’s brother I’m thinking:
For the love interest based on Orsino:
I hope you enjoy these!!!
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allottavabassa · 9 months
Duke Orsino got bisexual by default since he can't form sentences that aren't grandiose declarations of love
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doingpushupsindrag · 11 months
guys do u think my literature teachers will finally realise I’m not straight after I hand in an essay solely talking about how Duke Orsino is a bisexual who prefers guys
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mispelled · 3 years
I'd quite like a Twelfth Night production where Viola is nonbinary/genderfluid, everyone is bi, and at the end, BOTH Orsino and Olivia and up with Vi. Sebastian is aroace
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dozecoin · 3 months
duke orsino is bisexual and i can prove it because when i was in twelfth night i played him and had a huge crush on our viola who was a masc presenting girl (who i fully thought was a guy at first) who was the funniest and awesomest person ever and i was like fuck yeah and that's the energy that i like to think orsino has
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visa0003 · 6 years
I want a she's the man remake...but this time it has to be GAY
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Duke Orsino is bi and I have no time for anyone who says otherwise
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okapirose · 2 years
Like a lot of people on this site, when you get fixated on an actor or actress, you try to go through their whole filmography for your thirst lol
My current fixation is everything Toby Stephens. Saw him first in Black Sails years ago, then Lost in Space and with a rewatch of Black Sails, decided to delve into all the things.
As it’s his birthday as of posting this, thought it’d be appropriate to share C:
These are not in any particular order, and I’ll keep spoilers out for those who want to watch for yourselves. Overall, Stephens has a lot of variety in his acting, and there’s actually quite a handful of LGBTA+ roles, either out (Black Sails) or ambiguously (Mangal Pandey). Whether he’s irl bisexual or otherwise (he’s married 20+ years to Anna-Louise Plowman) I don’t know and far as I know he’s never said anything, but if you’re looking for more of him in LGBTA rep beyond Black Sails, he does have it.
There’s several more I’d like to see like the new “And Then There Were None”, and “Summer of Rockets” but might be awhile as I haven’t found free versions of either. He’s also going to be doing something related to Oscar Wilde but have yet to see any further news on when that’s coming out.
Anyway here we go...
Twelfth Night - I enjoy Shakespeare though I have some trouble keeping up with the language, fun nonetheless and a great adaptation. Pretty sure this was his first movie where he played a lead and he did so wonderfully as Duke Orsino. Photographing Fairies - Based on the Cottingley Fairies hoax, its an interesting mix of fantasy and also a bit...unsettling? I guess? (not horror though). He plays a photographer who lost his wife in an accident and is approached to look into a photo of a woman’s daughter who is allegedly holding a fairy.  Mangal Pandey: The Rising - Based on the events that started the Indian Rebellion of 1857, he plays Captain Gordon, Mangal’s closest friend. This is a Bollywood and its such great fun, beautifully shot with great costumes, and probably one of my new faves. There is a free version on YT but the subtitles are out of sync, so you’re better off finding it to rent, unless you can understand Hindi, which is spoken throughout most of the film, even by Stephens who learned to speak it fluently.  The Machine - If you’re looking for Stephens in horror, this is it. Robots and those with robotic implants are being used to fight a war with China, Stephens plays a scientist who is in charge of creating said robots-or rather perfecting the AI-but is secretly also trying to find help for his daughter. I cried for sure. Hunter Killer - A sort of cross between The Hunt for Red October and The Sum of All Fears. He plays an irritable US Seal who has to help the Russian president, so if you’re looking for Stephens angy and yelling, here you go lol  Vexed - This is an 9 episode (2 seasons) comedy drama. Super tiny series where if you want to see Stephens at some of his funniest, definitely worth a watch. It does have that House MD feel where the character he plays, Jack Armstrong, is an absolute shit of a person who's great at his job. First season is far more funny imo, but in the second season you get to hear him sing. Agatha Christie's Poirot: Five Little Pigs - Classic Christie’s Poirot, great murder mystery about an artist, and Stephens plays the artist’s closest friend. Jane Eyre - A very pretty Mr. Rochester. That is all lmao BBC Robin Hood - Stephens doesn’t show up until the 3rd season, and plays Prince John. The show itself is mediocre in writing, nothing exciting. They tried to keep it generally light with the whole “oh those merry men, they fooled the sheriff again!” vibe, but the first 2 seasons of it was sorta a slog. Honestly the only thing that kept me going was Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne. When he finally shows up, Stephens absolutely steals every scene as Prince John but his screentime is sadly short lived and he’s only in a handful of eps. Watch it for Richard in order to watch it for Toby lol
The Best Man - If you want to see Stephens be an Unsettling Presence, check this 2-part series out. Stephens plays an over-protective friend, Peter, to the main character, Michael, who ends up in rehab, and finds love and eventually a wife. Peter stalks the pair, jealous or perhaps looking out for his friend? hmm Have to watch it and see! lol The whole thing is on YT but the quality is sorta shit so might be better off renting it. Private Lives - A perfect example of why theatre should always be recorded and made available to all. Stephens is terrifically hilarious, playing a character who bumps into his ex-wife while on the honeymoon of his new one.
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chatalyst · 4 years
I feel like I need to preface this story with a story
In high school I performed Twelfth Night which is about a girl who gets shipwrecked and has to pretend to be a boy to get work on this new island. while there she’s working for the Duke, Orsino, and falls in love with him but UH OH he likes this lady who hates him. Viola (protagonist) falls in love with Orsino because he’s a dumb idiot who makes her laugh with his antics, Olivia (the lady) falls in love with Viola (while she thinks shes a boy) because Viola actually listens to Olivia’s problems and offers advice and validates her, and Orsino is in “love” with Olivia because shes beautiful and he thinks she’d make a good wife (ew but he learns so he’s okay). I played Viola in this show.
During the play you can play it up to be VERY GAY (one could argue that Olivia is pansexual because she meets Viola’s identical twin brother and goes “wow he’s exactly the same but he’s interested and I feel exactly the same about him as I do her I’m down” and Orsino is very bisexual because he likes Viola before he knows she’s a girl and starts preferring her company over Olivia’s) but because I was in white Mormon hetero town they did NOT WANT TO DO THAT.
Going so far as asking me to act incredulous over the idea the Olivia could like Viola when Olivia confesses her love to who she assumes is a boy. (ME!! Asked ME to act incredulous over the idea of a girl liking a girl... maam they call me an actor for a reason I suppose) and asked the boy playing Orsino to wait to act like he was in love with Viola until AFTER Viola reveals she’s a girl.
Anyway the guy playing the Orsino was a bitch irl so I didn’t care what his thoughts were on this and mostly blocked out his dumbass remarks. So, back to present times, I came out to the rest of the people I know on Instagram and Facebook the other day by posting that I was disgusted that many people seem to think saying “I just don’t agree with the lifestyle” somehow makes them better than the assholes straight up spitting on lgbt+ people when, actually, they’re a more dangerous, sneakier breed of these types of people. And I received nothing but support and a couple people even let me know that they are part of the lgbt+ community and it was a grand old gay time.
But then... I just received a notification on facebook from this BITCH who played Orsino.
And he wanted me to join
A Mormon prayer group for sinners
Anyway all this to say that Viola should have ended up with Olivia all along. These two stories have no correlation at all but I wish it would’ve ended up that way just to piss his ugly ass off
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williamvapespeare · 5 years
Good luck with travelling! I'm going to ask you a question related to your URL: Who is the queerest Shakespeare character and why
This is an amazing question, thank you so much! (and sorry for the rambles lol)
Ok so while there are many cool gay characters in Shakespeare (like, the whole thing with the Antonios, like every character in As You Like It, Duke "if music be the food of love play on" pining idiot Orsino who is literally a dramatic bisexual Oscar Wilde, Helena and Hermia "we have with our needles threaded both one flower," etc) I think my favourite character to think about the queer coding of is Mercutio.
Mercutio is very much canonically hanging on by a thread. He's too hot, he's too angry, he's got the Spleen you know? Lol and I think all of his actions take on this heartbreaking manic quality if you see them as done our of love for Romeo. Mercutio spends so much time bashing Romeo's pining for women (which yes can definitely be played like he's a fuckboi too but it also is a sad cover up of his own unrequited love).
The Queen Mab speech is one of the only moments where Mercutio shows any real hint of the turmoil he's feeling and it's also the first time he actually loses control and the person who brings him back from it is Romeo: "peace Mercutio peace thou talkst of nothing" and then he responds "true I talk of dreams" like that's fucking Sad!! he's staring into all of Romeo's gentleness and saying look I'm the opposite of gentle, here's the inside of my mind.
And I don't know if any of that makes sense or if it makes him the queerest character but it makes him a Heartbreaking and amazing one when you consider his queerness I think?
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