#connor x gwen
sobbingstars · 1 month
I thunk a thought. Usually that’s a bad sign but HEAR ME OUT!
Merlin reboot, except…
Arthur: Kit Conner/ Nick Nelson
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Merlin: Joe Locke/Charlie Spring
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Gwen: Yasmin Finney/Elle Argent
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Morgana: Rhea Norwood/Imogen Heaney
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Lancelot: William Gao/Tao Xu
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Gwaine: Kizzy Edgel/Darcy Olsson
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Percival: Corinna Brown/Tara Jones
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Leon: Tobie Donovan/Issac Henderson
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Let me know if you think of any others, I didn’t really know who to put for Mordred, since my opinions on him are so divided. I thought abt Sebastian Croft/Ben Hope bc Sebastian’s a great guy and Ben SUCKS so it would perfect! But alas, I am unsure.
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nubimera · 1 year
I kinda need a DbH x Spider-Man au in my life right now
Can I have Connor as Peter Parker? Because let's be honest, that would suit him so well
Just please
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cadhla182 · 6 months
Hey I got question how do you feel about asexual representions in comics? Both Marvel and DC. Do you think they did it well?
Yes and no.
Connor Hawke and Gwenpool had beautiful stories that touched on experiences unique to asexual people, both taking different approaches to the unique loneliness and dehumanization that comes with being asexual in a society that prioritizes sex above all else, as well as the desire to be loved and accepted in different ways. Connor's was a bit more upbeat about it but Gwen's pain does have another side to it so the hurt came with a reward.
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Both stories had all ace teams and it shows, both were beautifully done and Conner has been appearing in Green Arrow ever since.
But that leads to the other issue. Gwen has had one other pride story* and it's looking like Marvel's not doing a full Pride anthology this year so I don't think she's getting another. Nadia van Dyne came out (on twitter and the fans called her ace so hard that marvel put her) in the Pride anthology last year and hasn't appeared since. Tremor said she was asexual in 2012 and has barely appeared since. There's a couple more X-men who were in a story I didn't read not long ago but they went into the background where all X-men teens go eventually, never to be heard from again.
And then there's Yelena. Arguably the first. I argue that she is the first but it was the 90s so the rep was as bad as everything else in the 90s, it rubs some other people the wrong way and they don't think she should count because it wasn't handled well and the writer throwing us under the bus to appease MCU shippers hasn't helped. What matters in this moment though is nobody's done anything with it since. She hasn't appeared in a Pride anthology. She's been in stories and not addressed it. She's a whole blank space and likely will be until the MCU crashes.
So there's potential. There's been beauty in the last couple years, I can say they have done well before. But we need more. It sill kind of feels like we're an afterthought in the grand scheme of things.
*As a point of clarity I don't mean to snub the effort of the writers on this pride story, I haven't read it yet so I can't say much. Couldn't afford the anthology last year and keep forgetting to go back to it.
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stinkysam · 10 months
Peter Parker - I wasn't here.
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Warning : canon death
Genre : Angst
Synopsis : “Tasm!peter Parker x male reader who’s basically like Superman, basically them being childhood friends and eventually becoming heroes and telling one another but maybe during a patrol they get into a fight and have a falling off. fluff to angst” - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You grew up with Peter, he wasn't your only friend but over the years he had been your only constant. The one who stayed despite all odds.
You were here at his parents’ death, giving him your support even though you were barely 6.
Even when you weren't in the same school he would still visit your house after class to do homework with you, even if you didn't have the same ones.
As you developed your powers, you told him about it. Both experiencing what you could do and couldn't. It constantly evolved, gaining new powers over time. He was the only one who knew about it, except your parents who had told you what would happen during your teenage years.
He never repeated it to anyone and you felt thankful. Not even when you began your vigilante activities after a few years.
Fighting villains and helping people whenever you could. Peter envied you, he wanted to do the same. He even was your guy in a chair for a time before gaining his own super powers, but he didn't tell you about them.
You were here again at the death of his uncle, but it's only later he told you about everything. His powers, his tracking of his uncle's murderer, and why he really died.
He explained how he got bitten by a spider in the Oscorp building he sneaked in. And how troublesome it was to get back home, making you laugh loudly as he was retelling the events of how he ripped that poor lady's shirt off.
“It's not funny !”
“It is ! You would've laughed if it had happened to me !”
“I wouldn't !”
“Liar !”
“It was embarrassing ! I looked like a total pervert !” He complained, planting his face in his hands, making you laugh again.
Like he had helped you with yours, you helped him with his powers. Helping him fabricate his suit and go after the guy who killed his uncle, without much success, finding the courage to climb high buildings as well.
Slowly his masked activities broadened, he wasn't looking anymore just for his uncle's murderer, but for anyone the police couldn't help.
And it's naturally you two went on patrol together. He even carried out his first big mission alone ; stopping Curt Connors from turning the whole of New York into giant lizards. Everything turned out fine, if not for the loss of George Stacy's life, Gwen's father.
“You're gonna make enemies. People will get hurt. Sometimes the people closest to you. So I want you to promise me something, okay ? Leave Gwen out of it. Promise me that. You promise me.” Were his last words to Peter, unable to utter a word, nodding only.
So he did as promised, he had broken up with her, or more accurately avoided her completely. He told you about it and you patted his back, telling him he was doing the right thing.
But time passed and they got back together, before breaking up again, and so on.
Everything was going fine until you began to talk about Gwen. His love that he couldn't drop.
You had stated your disagreement with his relationship, believing it was dangerous for Gwen to be around you or Peter as she didn't have powers to protect herself.
“I know you love her man, but you should leave her alone.”
“That's what I'm doing, [Name]. We broke up.”
“Really ? For real this time ? Or for a couple days ?” You didn't mean to sound this harsh, but you got tired of it. Tired to see your friend's guilty feelings eat him alive and make him act irrationally.
He frowned, not liking your insinuation.
“Yeah. For real.”
“Peter, you really should leave her alone, even if she comes to you. You know her father is right.”
“I know ! I don't need you to repeat what I know already ! Don't act like you're my conscience or something.”
“I'm not trying to act like I'm your conscience, but you clearly need me to be it since you keep seeing her. Do you think you're slick ? Stalking her ?”
“What ?” He laughed nervously. " I'm not stalking her !”
“Liar. If I could see it, what if a villain saw it too ? And connected the dots ? Thinking ‘oh Spider-Man likes her so I must kill her to hurt him’.”
“I'm being careful.”
“We're heroes. We're literally in the face of danger, we're not careful. Careful is to run away when in front of it.”
“I'm not alone, there's you, we can protect her with the two of us.” He smiled. Sometimes, he trusted your abilities too much.
“Do you think I have the time to constantly watch one person when there's all of New York to take care of ?”
“When you can't I will !”
“Peter, do you hear yourself ? This is not healthy !”
He took a step back, biting his own tongue.
“I have it under control.”
“You don't. You break up with her because you feel guilty. And when you can ignore her father you date her again. Then you feel guilty once more and you break up, again. This isn't healthy for any of you. How long are you going to keep hurting her ?”
“That's why this is the last time. I broke up with her for good.”
“Yeah ? Once again for how long ? A month ? Two ?”
“Stop it.”
“No ! You're gonna get her killed. Or drop the suit if you want her that much. Spiderman or Gwen ? Pick one, you can't have both !”
He said nothing for a moment, taking in your words.
“You're wrong, I can protect her.” He says quietly, hurt by your words.
You huffed, tired.
“I don't think you can. Why do you think you're the only friend I have now ? Because I know you can protect yourself, the others can't. It's too dangerous. You should know that.”
He remained silent for a moment.
“You should trust your powers more. You're literally a copy of Superman, when I'm just a crawly spider.”
“If you're just a crawly spider, then drop Gwen because you can't protect her forever.”
“But together we can !”
“No. Peter.”
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“But I really broke up with her.”
“And did you stop stalking her ? Are you really trying to move on ? Are you sure you won't go to her once you feel like it's fine ?”
He huffed, growing more annoyed by the second.
“Peter, I know it's hard but if you want her alive, leave her alone. Or drop the suit.”
He looked at you with tears in his eyes.
“I can't…”
You sighed.
“Leave New York to me ! If I'm so strong, I can handle it by myself just fine, like before ! And go with her. It's not that hard. Drop the suit.”
He smiled apologetically.
“I can't…”
“Well, you don't have a choice. Pick one or life will make you pick one real quick.” You said, taking a few steps before putting on your mask and flying away.
The next day you went to your usual spot and Peter wasn't here. You called him and immediately your call was rejected. You sighed and abandoned, thinking he was still mad at your words and that it'll get better tomorrow.
But tomorrow was the same, and the days after too. Only hearing about Spider-Man on the news. If he wanted to be petty, you could be petty too, refusing to pay him or aunt May a visit to know how they were doing.
It went like this for months, and you missed him. You wondered if he missed you too.
Your pride was wounded too.
He couldn't drop a girl he's met a couple years ago but dropped you easily, even after all the years together. As if your friendship didn't mean anything against Gwen. You had nothing against her, she's a sweet girl but you were annoyed by the power she had over him.
Then you heard of something you hoped wouldn't happen, something that proved you and her father right, Gwen's death.
Your heart broke for Peter at the news. You tried to call him, to give him your support, but once again, he didn't answer.
You felt bad.
It was obvious he didn't want to hear from you, especially after what you said. He didn't want to hear “I told you so” from you, as if you'd ever tell him that.
Fuck. You regretted what you said. You should've agreed to keep watch on her, as unhealthy and morbid as it was. Maybe you could've helped avoid her death.
Maybe things would've been different with your help. If Spider-Man couldn't keep her alive, maybe you could've helped change that. Or was it too presumptuous to think so ?
God. Fuck. Was this your fault ?
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zedreh · 6 months
Okay, time for another opinion.
Now, before I begin, I would just like to say a few things, just so no one gets the wrong idea of me.
I have no real problem with Tim Drake being made bisexual, even if most people who worked on the character probably did not intend on him being so. I feel that the only real problem with changing a pre-established character's sexuality is that you're retconning what came before. If it's done well, then I'm pretty much fine with it.
Also, while I'm not a fan of it, I'm cool with people shipping Tim Drake and Connor Kent.
Now, with that out of the way, I would just like to say... I can not stand Tim with Bernard. Bernard is such a flat and boring character. He feels like pre-death, non-revisionist Gwen Stacy, and I can never understand how people were actually upset with that woman being killed off. But at least she had some personality, unlike Bernard ever since they started having him and Tim go out. Granted, all Gwen really had going for her was being kinda mean at times, a daddy's girl, and hating Spider-Man after her dad died, but still, at least it was something. Sorry to those who like Tim with Bernard, but I, for the life of me, just can not bring myself to like these two together.
Also, to clarify, if anyone reading this hasn't seen my last post, this isn't a timsteph thing. I think Tim and Steph are fine, but I'm honestly not that big a fan of them. I don't hate or dislike them like some people do, and while sometimes, the two can be written as pretty toxic, I think when they aren't, they're great. It's just that for whatever reason, they just don't quite click with me. At least I like Steph as a character. She's great, and I wish she was in more adaptations so that more casual fans could see that, too. It's just that while I like her and Tim together, I guess I just don't, for lack of better term, love her and Tim together.
Ok, with all that said, I noticed that somehow, looking at Tim's current relationship and then also his longest reoccurring one, I find myself carrying less about them, and more about his short-lived romance with a member of the X-Men that admittedly, could have used a little more time for development... so maybe I'm just weird.
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heliads · 1 year
Andrew!Peter x male reader, Peter and reader being childhood friends and when Peter gets bit by the spider he grows distant with reader and reader starts to see him hanging around gwen more and gets jealous and mad, maybe a fight in the hallway of the school and reader just walking away, maybe fluff or angst whatever your really feeling tbh
ooh i love a chance for angst
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Peter Parker tells you about the spider bite, and that is the last thing of note that he says to you. The silence that follows that one grave pronouncement is deep, lasting, unfathomably painful; it refuses to let you be, even for a second, but the worst thing about it by far was that it came from him, from Peter. Your Peter. Peter, formerly yours, but yours no longer.
Before that, though, there was the friendship, and in between, the one final conversation. You didn’t expect the spider story to be the last thing you shared with Peter, and no doubt he felt the same way, but life has a habit of tearing people apart. It’s always easier to drift than keep in touch, to leave than make the effort of continually seeking each other out. One moment, you had him all to yourself, and then there was nothing at all.
He had come in with the rain that night, crouched and shivering on the threshold of your window after he crawled up your fire escape for the billionth time in your life. You’ve been friends with Peter Parker since the two of you were kids, and had long since reached the point where it was stranger for Peter not to be at your window than it ever was to see him creeping inside your room late at night.
He memorized the pattern of creaking floorboards in your room a long time ago, where to step and which piles of stuff to avoid so as to not alert your parents to his presence. All this you’ve done many times before, both to hear out his troubles and to share your own, but you have never seen him this afraid before. It doesn’t suit him, the panic, the dread. It makes you uneasy, which in turn makes him worse.
You were still awake at that point, only just beginning to ponder the possibility of sleep, so he didn’t have to disturb you. Peter always said he felt bad whenever he woke you up by accident, but not enough to stop coming. Never enough to stop coming, until now.
He sat in the corner of your room for a while, legs pulled up to his chest, sweating and shaking but not saying much. You’d try to ask him what the matter was, but you got the idea that Peter would speak when he was ready, and he certainly wasn’t ready then.
The story came out in bits and pieces. Peter had managed to con his way into an internship at Oscorp in an attempt to find out more about his father. Instead, he’d run into Gwen Stacy, and subsequently Dr. Curt Connors and his experiments. During a secret reconnaissance venture into the Oscorp labs, he’d managed to find one truly terrible experiment:  spiders, dozens of them, all collected for one mysterious purpose. 
It sounds gross to you, but Peter had apparently been fascinated by the setup. So much so, in fact, that he didn’t notice when one of them bit him. He shows you the bite mark on the back of his neck, which is about as unsettling as one would expect, then tells you more. He’s stronger than he used to be, and by such a massive margin that it’s genuinely alarming. He sticks to things better than glue. He can jump high and withstand force and do a lot of incredible things that no human being should ever be able to do.
All of this he tells you in one great rush, like if he was interrupted once in the process of saying it Peter would never be able to get everything out again. Once he’s done with his story, he leans back and sits there, panting, waiting for your judgment.
You don’t know what reaction he wanted, but you must not have given it to him. It’s the only thing that explains why Peter picked himself up off the floor not much longer after that, leaving your room just as quickly as he entered it. That would be why his presence slackened and dropped off, why you saw him less and less and then not at all. Somehow, you must have disappointed him, and done it enough that he would want no more of you.
It’s not like Peter totally dropped out of society. You were the only one he avoided. You watched from the sidelines as Peter picked fights with Flash, how he started approaching Gwen Stacy with increasing frequency.
He’d told you about Gwen before you know, his little crush. You get it, she’s pretty and smart and very capable, but you were always protected by the fact that she was totally out of his league. Now that Peter is suddenly in top physical shape and doused by a fabulous dose of confidence, though? You’ve seen them on dates, talking by each other’s locker, everything Peter used to dream about.
That leaves you where you are now, cut off from the friend you used to value above all else, unable to do anything but watch him steadily improve in every way without you. After all, this is it. This is Peter’s comeuppance moment, his chance to finally get the life he’s always dreamed of, the girl, the popularity from defeating Flash. This is everything he’s ever wanted, and for once, it does not include you.
So; we have started at the end, we have worked our way back, and now it is time to peer, frightened, at the future. You had Peter and subsequently lost him, the only thing left to do is to learn how to live without him by your side. It is something you thought you wouldn’t have to experience in your entire life. It is the only thing you can count on now.
It makes you angry, even furious. He was your best friend, and he drops you in a flash the second a spider bites him? You could expose him, you think, totally destroy him by just mentioning the fact that he’d been exploring the laboratories at Oscorp when he shouldn’t have. The thought of betraying him like that makes your stomach turn with shame, but also deepens your rage. Peter knows that you could turn him in, and it still wasn’t a good enough reason to stay with you. What a friend indeed.
It comes to a head soon enough. You and Peter are walking down a hallway, starting from opposite sides. You should have just passed by without a single word, but he stumbles and brushes shoulders with you. It was probably an accident, but to you, it was the icing on the cake for Peter’s terrible behavior.
You might not have handled it as you should. You might have muttered a few choice swears under your breath just loud enough that he would hear you, and Peter did. He stopped walking abruptly, face twisting in indignation.
“Well, excuse me,” he says, syllables dripping with irritation.
You stop too, turning around to face him. The anger swooping through your veins makes your entire body hum with satisfaction; this is the fight you’ve wanted for a very long time, a chance to rehash all your grievances now that he’s forced to acknowledge you again.
“Oh, my bad,” you say, “I didn’t think you were aware of what I was saying or doing anymore. My mistake.”
Surprise flashes across Peter’s face, and is replaced with annoyance just as quickly. “Jeez, Y/N, it’s not a big deal. We barely knocked into each other, it’s not like you died or something.”
You scoff. “That’s probably for your own good. I doubt you’d even show up to the funeral.”
Hurt replaces anger in Peter’s eyes. “What are you talking about?”
God, he’s so full of it. Doesn’t know what you’re talking about. He probably doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong. “I’m talking about the fact that you’ve been avoiding me for weeks now. What, figured you’d dump me the second you could upgrade? Tell Gwen she can keep you, I don’t want to be associated with someone like you anymore.”
Peter starts asking you what you mean by ‘someone like him,’ but you’ve already turned back around and have continued on your path down the hall, footsteps loud and indignant. Peter is soon swallowed up by the crowd of students still trying to get to class, and you’re able to storm away like you’ve won that little argument.
Have you, though? You were hoping for a fight ever since he started dropping you. You were certain that a chance to yell at him and tell him he was wrong would be just what you’ve been wanting all along, but instead of victorious, all you feel is sick and weak. Every verbal blow hurt you just as much as it hurt Peter.
It doesn’t feel good, to be honest. You feel restless the rest of the day, shifting in your seat and unable to concentrate. You hurry home the second the bell rings, and the next day, and the next. You are unhappy, missing every day that you’d had Peter’s friendship, that you hadn’t even thought that you could lose it.
Maybe that’s why you stop being as careful as you usually are. Maybe that’s why you end up walking through the city late at night when you always know better, why you don’t notice the men following you until it’s too late, until two of them are holding up guns to your head and telling you to give them everything.
You freeze, which is stupid, of course, but it doesn’t even occur to you that something like this could possibly happen. They shout at you to get moving, which breaks you from your trance and you start rifling through your pockets for your phone and wallet.
The increase in volume also attracts attention, as it turns out. Before you can hand over a single dollar, someone swoops in from above, knocking out the robbers in a matter of seconds. He turns to you, and when the moon shines on his mask from above you realize you recognize the suit after all. This is Spider-Man, New York’s favorite vigilante.
You’re not so distracted by meeting a superhero in the flesh that you don’t miss his sharp intake of breath. He should have no idea who you are, but– he stops in his tracks anyway, stumbles over his words, asks you frankly what you’re doing out here in a way utterly uncommon to the usually smooth Spider-guy.
Instead of making you pleased that someone’s finally looking out for you, though, you just feel a rush of annoyance. Everyone seems fit to decide what you should and shouldn’t do, don’t they?
You fold your arms over your chest. “Yeah, I know I shouldn’t have been out here. My bad for almost getting robbed.”
Spider-Man raises his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, hey. I’m not trying to victim-blame. Just trying to watch out for you, alright?” A pause, then, “Are you alright, though? Outside of the robbery?”
You should shake your head, plaster on a smile, tell him otherwise. It’s what he expects, what he wants so he can swing away, job well done, and go save someone else.
You crack. God, it feels like it’s been so long since someone actually cared, that even though this guy has no idea who you are and he doesn’t care, not really, even the illusion of it is enough for you to answer him honestly.
“No,” you force out, “I’m miserable. My best friend abandoned me without a care. Nothing makes sense.”
You swear you can sense Spider-Man’s eyes widening behind his suit. “What? No, he wouldn’t have abandoned you. You’re a good person, he wouldn’t do that, Y/N, I wouldn’t– he wouldn’t–”
Your blood runs cold the second you catch his mistake, and you cut off his rambles mid sentence. “How do you know who I am? I never told you my name.”
Spider-Man stumbles backwards slightly, even though you never pushed him. “I– you told me. You did.”
“No,” you insist, “I didn’t. You knew it. You know who I am.”
You narrow your eyes, trying to think about why something about Spider-Man’s voice sounds familiar, and then– “Shit, Peter?”
If Peter had been fidgeting before, moving around slightly to alternate his weight from foot to foot, he goes absolutely stock still now. That’s how you know you’re right. You press a hand to your mouth as if you can force the words back into your throat. “What the hell are you doing, Peter?”
Silence. Then:  “I was saving you.”
You laugh, low in your throat. “What, so you can ignore me in school tomorrow? Great job, I feel very saved indeed.”
You try to push past him, but Peter blocks your path, pulling off his mask in one jerky movement so you’re forced to stare at him. Him, his blown pupils, his mouth forming your name in helpless loops of syllables until it doesn’t sound your name at all but meaningless noise.
“I didn’t want to,” he says quietly, “I didn’t want to leave you, but the things I do– you would have gotten hurt, Y/N, and it would have been my fault, and–”
You’re not willing to let go of your anger quite yet. “You should have told me, then. I would have watched out for both of us.”
“I tried to tell you,” Peter says desperately, “I came to your room the night after I was bit, remember? I told you everything.”
It isn’t enough. Probably never will be. “You could have trusted me enough to keep me around,” you breathe, “You didn’t have to use the bite as an excuse to leave me.”
“It wasn’t an excuse,” he pleads, but you’re not listening anymore.
It may not have been at the start, but it’s how he used it anyway. To leave you. To get Gwen. To get everything he wanted at the cost of your friendship. “I deserve more than this,” you say.
“I know,” he says, “I know.”
He doesn’t. If he did, he never would have left. Peter might still be whispering those same nothings and empty promises even now, hours later. You wouldn’t know; you left him standing there, the wind tearing at his hair. He didn’t try to stop you, and you didn’t try to stay. Maybe he’s lying awake now just like you are, running your brain on endless courses of what could have been and what might still be.
Instead, you’ll be the one avoiding eye contact in the halls, and he’ll be the one driving himself insane to figure out why. You know the truth at last, and the whole affair is finally out of your hands. It does not make you happy to remember all the times you’d been closer than brothers, how you have nothing left anymore, how Gwen has replaced you in every sense than a person can be replaced. It’s okay, though. The unhappy ones stay alive. You’ll be alright. You have to be.
marvel tag list: @mayfieldss, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie-moved, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @fadedver, @alex-1967s-blog, @crazyhearttragedy
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kaydens-agere · 29 days
Characters I Headcanon as Age Regressors!
This is a forever ongoing list! It will change depending on the franchises and fandoms I interact with and my opinions on certain characters :)
Keep in mind I haven't interacted with some of these characters/franchises in a while so I can't come up with exact headcanons for some of them, the ones that are underlined have links to their headcanons/moodboards and the emojis next to them are oneshots/drabbles I've done for them ^^ Also if you'd like to request please check my fandom list, thank you!!
Characters are below the cut!!
Lab Rats Chase Davenport -🧪- Marcus Davenport
Mighty Med Oliver Horace Diaz
Henry Danger Henry Hart/Kid Danger Ray Manchester/Captain Man
Spider-Man Peter Parker/Spider-Man -🕷️- Miles Morales/Spider-Man Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman Pavitr Prabhakar/Spider-Man Hobie Brown/Spider-Man
Marvel Wade Wilson/Deadpool Logan Howlett/Wolverine Charles Xavier/Professor X Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto James "Bucky" Barnes/The Winter Soldier Steve Rogers/Captain America
The Outsiders Ponyboy Curtis Sodapop Curtis Darrell "Darry" Curtis Johnny Cade Dallas "Dally" Winston Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews Steve Randle (yeah basically all the gang leave me alone </3)
Detroit: Become Human/Evolution/Reawakening Connor/RK800 Nines/RK900
Life Is Strange Chloe Price Rachel Amber
Random one of characters Truman Burbank (The Truman Show) Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's) Rusty-James (RumbleFish) Simon (Dinner In America)
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The Contestants
Cherik (Professor X/Magneto) - X-Men
Fuffy (Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Megop (Optimus Prime/Megatron) - Transformers
Curtwen (Curt Mega/Owen Carvour) - Spies are Forever
Thoschei (The Doctor/The Master) - Doctor Who
Perryshmirtz (Perry the Platypus/Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) - Phineas and Ferb
Catradora (Adora/Catra) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Soukoku (Osamu Dazai/Chuuya Nakahara) - Bungo Stray Dogs
c!TnTDuo (c!Quackity/c!Wilbur Soot) - Dream SMP
Spy/Supervillain - Genghis Khan by Miike Snow
Batman/Joker - Lego Batman
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth) - Ace Attorney
Batjokes (Batman/Joker) - Batman
Lawlight (L/Light Yagami) - Death Note
Bowiugi (Bowser/Luigi) - Mario
Stanarrator (Narrator/Stanley) - The Stanley Parable
Kidlaw (Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law) - One Piece
Shuake (Goro Akechi/Akira Kurusu) - Persona 5
Cuttletavio (Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio) - Splatoon
Gethan (Rupert Giles/Ethan Rayne) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Zosan (Roronoa Zoro/Sanji) - One Piece
ChellDOS (Chell/GLaDOS) - Portal
Jesus Christ/Judas Iscariot - The New Testament
Gwensuzie (Gwen Cooper/Suzie Costello) - Torchwood
Krisnix (Phoenix Wright/Kristoph Gavin) - Ace Attorney
Griffguts (Guts/Griffith) - Berserk
Hannigram (Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter) - Hannibal
Ghiralink (Ghirahim/Link) - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Valvert (Javert/Jean Valjean) - Les Miserables
Abestache (Detective Abe Lincoln/Wilford Warfstache) - Markiplier Cinematic Universe
Sasunaru (Naruto/Sasuke) - Naruto
Jedediah/Octavius - Night at the Museum
Nami/Kalifa - One Piece
Gabv1el (V1/Gabriel) - Ultrakill
Kazumaji (Kazuma Kiryu/Goro Majima) - Yakuza
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka) - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley) - Good Omens
Billford (Bill Cipher/Stanford Pines) - Gravity Falls
Evelyn Deavor/Elastigirl - Incredibles 2
Jennifer Check/Needy Lesnicki - Jennifer’s Body
Kigo (Kim Possible/Shego) - Kim Possible
Sportarobbie (Sportacus/Robbie Rotten) - Lazy Town
Swan Queen (Emma Swan/Regina Mills) - Once Upon a Time
Hardenshipping (Magma Leader Maxie/Aqua Leader Archie) -Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire
Westley/Inigo Montoya - Princess Bride
Sonadow (Sonic/Shadow) - Sonic the Hedgehog
Plabs (Plankton/Mr. Krabs) - SpongeBob SquarePants
Kylux (General Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren) - Star Wars
Johnchurch (Merle Highchurch/John Hunger) - The Adventure Zone: Balance
Basigan (Professor Ratigan/Basil of Baker Street) - The Great Mouse Detective
LonelyEyes (Elias Buchard/Peter Lukas) - The Magnus Archives
Johnjack (Jack Harkness/John Hart) - Torchwood
Blicy (Bloom/Icy) - Winx Club
Riddlebat (Batman/The Riddler) - Batman comics
Shin Soukoku (Atsushi Nakajima/Ryuunosuke Akutagawa) - Bungo Stray Dogs
Snowbaz (Baz Pitch/Simon Snow) - Carry On
Komahina (Nagito Komaeda/Hajime Hinata) - Danganronpa
Wonder Woman/Cheetah - DC
Spamvil (Jevil/Spamton) - Deltarune
Rk1000 (Connor/Markus) - Detroit: Become Human
John McClane/Hans Gruber - Die Hard
Fenders (Fenris/Anders) - Dragon Age 2
Vegekaka (Goku/Vegeta) - Dragon Ball Z
Rapple (Apple White/Raven Queen) - Ever After High
Billdip (Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines) - Gravity Falls
Radiostatic (Vox/Alastor) - Hazbin Hotel
Sirdust (Angel Dust/Sir Pretious) - Hazbin Hotel
Fengqing (Feng Xin/Mu Qing) - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Blitzer (Blitzø/Striker) - Helluva Boss
Martha May Whovier/Betty Lou Who - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
ZaDr (Zim/Dib) - Invader Zim
Sarumi (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) - K Project
Metadede (King Dedede/Meta Knight) - Kirby
Gandalf/Sauron - Lord of the Rings
Island Husbands (Ben Linus/John Locke) - Lost
Metromind (Megamind/Metro Man) - Megamind
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty) - Moriarty the Patriot
Bujeet (Buford/Bajeet) - Phineas and Ferb
Grovyle/Dusknoir - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
Shassie (Shawn Spencer/Carlton “Lassie” Lassiter) - Psych
Rayaari (Raya/Namaari) - Raya and the Last Dragon
Tycutio (Mercutio/Tybalt) - Romeo and Juliet
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes/James Moriarty) - Sherlock
Obikin (Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi) - Star Wars
Obimaul (Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul) - Star Wars
Oncelax (The Onceler/The Lorax) - The Lorax
Owen Harper/Mark Lynch - Torchwood
Lord Hater/Wander - Wander Over Yonder
Gelphie (Elphaba/Galinda) - Wicked
Cruellanita (Cruella de Vil/Anita) - 101 Dalmations
Angelo Lagusa/Nero Vanetti - 91 Days
Discotrain (The Conductor/DJ Grooves) - A Hat in Time
Klapollo (Klavier Gavin/Apollo Justice) - Ace Attorney
Wrightdot (Godot/Phoenix Wright) - Ace Attorney
Kaneda/Tetsuo - Akira
Sydney Bristow/Lauren Reed - Alias
Ellen Ripley/The Xenomorph - Alien
Zadison (Zoe Benson/Madison Montgomery) - American Horror Story: Coven
Sterling Archer/Barry Dylan - Archer
Y’all (The Poll Takers)/Me (The Poll Maker) - askeletonwar
Just Walk Out!/Papyrus - askeletonwar
Londo Mollari/G’kar - Babylon 5
Rampage/Depth Charge - Beast Wars: Transformers
Pinariz (Riz/Pina) - Beastars
Kunieda Aoi/Hildegarde - Beezlebub
Sebagrell (Grell/Sebastian) - Black Butler
Gus Fring/Walter White - Breaking Bad
Spangel (Spike/Angel) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spuffy (Spike/Buffy) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Winteriron (Tony Stark/The Winter Soldier) - Captain America: Civil War
Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Carulia (Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent) - Carmen Sandiego
Macavity/Munkustrap - Cats (1998)
Caius Marcius Coriolanus/Tullus Aufidius - Coriolanus
Dean Pelton/Dean Spreck - Community
Shadowghast (Caleb Widogast/Essek Thelyss) - Critical Role
Blumentrio (Caleb Widogast/Eadwulf Grieve/Astrid Becke) -Critical Role
Theopin (Lapin Cadbury/Sir Theobald Gumbar) - D20: A Crown of Candy
Hero/Villain - dannyphantom.exe
Clex (Superman/Lex Luthor) - DC
Babsquinn (Batgirl/Harley Quinn) - DC
Seavil (Jevil/Seam) - Deltarune
Rengoku Kyoujurou/Akaza - Demon Slayer
Mal/Uma - Descendants
Reed800 (Connor/Gavin Reed) - Detroit: Become Human
Ryokira (Akira/Ryo) - Devilman
Maxwil (Maxwell/Wilson) - Don't Starve
Nikki/Mackenzie - Dork Diaries
Gell/Frisky - Dot X
Dr. Horrible/Captain Hammer - Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Count Dracula/Jonathan Harker - Dracula
Joan Watson/Jamie Moriarty - Elementary
Zerxus Ilerez/Asmodeus - Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
Gratsu (Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster) - Fairy Tail
Gary/John - Faith
Peter Griffin/The Chicken - Family Guy
John Crichton/Scorpius - Farscape
Emiya Archer/Cu Chulainn - Fate Stay Night
Angeal Hewley/Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
Cidnero (Nero tol Scaeva/Cid Garlond) - Final Fantasy XIV
Willry (Henry Emily/William Afton) - Five Nights at Freddy’s
Victor Frankenstein/The Monster - Frankenstein
Cure Peach/Eas - Fresh Pretty Cure!
Haikaveh (Alhaitham/Kaveh) - Genshin Impact
Sugio (Sugimoto/Ogata) - Golden Kamuy
Nygmobblepot (Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot) - Gotham
Mabifica (Mabel Pines/Pacifica Northwest) - Gravity Falls
Kagehina (Hinata/Kageyama) - Haikyuu!
155 notes · View notes
notrandtumblin · 9 months
Welcome back (or welcome for the first time) to our mutual statistical endeavor to learn who the best Marvel casting choice is.
This poll is dedicated to the Raimi Spiderman movies. We’ve covered most of the MCU, the X-Men, various other Fox properties. Next up in the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movie - then we will move on to the most anticipated poll of the Morbius characters.
Stick around and help in this journey.
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the-milk-monarch · 11 months
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[ Milk | it/he/they | 18 ] this blog will age like fine milk
I love milk, and you can call me Milk.
I have an autistic curse that makes me gay for most cartoon or video game characters I hyperfixate on.
I write only for fun and when I want to, so the quality may vary, although I try my best to write long posts and fics.
I'm an adult, there might be some spicy things on this blog that will be properly tagged and spoilered under a line. Minors don't interact with a post tagged 🔞.
You can talk to me about Total Drama / DBH / Inside Job if u want
no beta we die like men (stoned or sleep deprived)
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[ ☣︎ 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜: 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 ]
⚠ | My requests are always open, however due to the amount of asks, the writing might be a bit slow. I will eventually answer them all tho. Don't be scared to submit yours.
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𝚃𝙾𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙰 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Mike, Mal, Scott, Brick, Noah, Gwen ] 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 𝙹𝙾𝙱 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Andre Lee ] 𝙳𝙴𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙸𝚃: 𝙱𝙴𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝙷𝚄𝙼𝙰𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Connor, Ralph ]
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☢︎ x gn!reader (but can do other) ☢︎ romance ☢︎ fluff ☢︎ nsfw/smut (aged up) ☢︎ potentially angst/comfort-hurt with happy ending
☢︎ character x character ☢︎ OCs ☢︎ incest, pedophilia n all that bad jazz
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crush on masc!reader [ Cody 50% ] villain S/O [ idk who yet ] reader at Playa De Losers with their crush [ Noah 0% ] [ Mike 20% ] [ Mal 5% ] [ Vito 30%] [ Scott 0% ] [ Cody 0% ] [ Gwen 0% ] fluff alphabet [ Mike 15% ] fluff alphabet [ Mal | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] platonic immortal!reader [ Inside Job Gang | 10% ] [ASK] bookworm!reader [ Ralph | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] S/O who likes black humor [ Duncan | Scott | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] s/o with noise sensitivity & verbal shutdowns [ Mike & alters (w/o Chester) | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] electrokinetic!reader [ Dawn | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] strategist!reader [ Brick | Lightning | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] 🔞 nsfw alphabet [ Duncan | 30% ] [ASK] 🔞 nsfw / sfw bimbo!fem!reader [ Duncan | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] smoking weed for the first time with reader [ Connor | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] hook, line and screamer au [ Courtney | Jo | Heather | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] male true crime fan reader [ Heather | Izzy | Courtney | Anne-Marie | 30% ]
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27 notes · View notes
theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
Marvel x Stardew Valley Crossover?
The Farmer being the spider-person of their universe, except their world already has monsters and magic and the like—with the means to defend themselves. While the Adventurer’s guild is run by two people base-game. Surely, there are more guilds out there that go off to fight monsters across the regions. So. What’s an (accidentally) enhanced individual who spent most of their time acting normal to do? Did the spider bite happen before they started working at Jojacorp or after?
Something from the mines? A radioactive spider from some of Joja’s potential waste dumps?
Being out in the country is both better and worse for their enhanced senses. Less people mindlessly milling about, but so many freaking animals!
Maru could be the Gwen Stacy/MJ to their Peter Parker. Morris is that reality’s Norman Osborne? Sam is it’s Flash (Flash went off to be a soldier in the original comics) but less bullying. Harvey is the Curt Connors? Who’s experimenting with monster DNA/materials to try to make new medicine?
It’s an idea.
I have. A thing. That makes me feel like an asshole. But I,,, how do I put this?
I’m very picky about crossovers/au’s like that? Like, in my head, for some reason, some roles can be taken over, like it makes perfect sense to me to imagine the reverse of that where Peter Parker is actually taking over the role of the Farmer and is moving to Pelican Town after Aunt May’s death to cope with everything and he’s struggling with farming and all these attractive singles in the area (Miles has everything covered in New York while he grieves don’t worry about it)
But when it comes to characters who don’t already exist in the marvel universe, I can’t see them take over as a spiderperson. To me, that’s not a role that’s available to crossovers
(And it sucks because having different characters have au’s where they’re Spiderman is surprisingly popular 😭)
And there’s a lot of different media like that for me where I’m like “that crossover character can take your role, but you can’t take their role”
You have a fun idea!! It just hits a specific nerve I have 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry
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worst-t4t-couple · 1 year
ALL Pairings are out! Long post, so look under the cut!
Round 1 1/4
Sweep, cap’n, k_k VS Jay Walker, Nya
Vee, Marsha VS Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle
Cherry Blossom Joe VS Doofinsmerch, His Ex-Wife
Percy jackson, Annabeth Chase VS Jack O Valentine, Sol Badguy
Josuke Higashikata, Yasuho Hirose VS Lug, Anode
leorio, kurapika VS Nepeta Leijon, Equius Zahhak
Luz Noceda, Marcy Wu VS Varian, Hugo
Swap, Neo VS Queen Roger and Fly Minetti
Daffy, Bugs VS Vash, Wolfwood
Ren Amamiya and Goro Akechi VS Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson
Sam, Max VS Hunter, Willow
Stepan trofimovich, Varvara Petrovnad VS Rex Salazar, Noah Nixon
nellie lovett, sweeney todd VS Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd
bubby, dr coomer VS Neku, Beat
Dave Miller, Jack Kennedy VS Kermit, Mrs. Piggy
Cleo, Etho VS Zelda, Link (Rip)
Chip, Gillion VS X, Zero
kagayama shigeo, hanazawa teruki VS Kris, Berdly 
Caranthir, Haleth VS Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood
Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg VS Miyamoto Uran, Sapphire
Texas, Church VS Solid Snake, Otacon
Gundham Tanaka, Sonia Nevermind VS Phillip Carlyle,Anne Wheeler
Soos, Melody VS Red, Blue
Jungleberry Cookie, Royal Berry Cookie VS Blaze, Sonic
LDshadowlady, Smallishbeans VS Mr. Neighbor, Wegg
clark kent, lois lane VS Popeye, Olive Oyl
Round 1 2/4
Brandon Quark,  Doctor Robotnik VS Elrond, Celebrian
Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja VS stanford pines, fiddleford mcgucket
Pepa & Félix Madrigal VS Duskie & Hibiscus
Emu Otori, Rui Kamishiro VS momoe and kaoru
C!fundy and c!hbomb VS Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu
Agent 3 and Agent 8 VS c!schlatt & c!connor
Zoro Roronoa and Sanji Vinsmoke (Black leg Sanji) VS Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy
Herbert West & Daniel Cain VS Snorkmaiden & Mymble Jr 
charles "trip" tucker and t'pol VS Mytho & Princess Tutu (NOT duck; just her princess form)
Gregory House and James Wilson VS luz and amity
Paintbrush and Lightbulb VS Vriska Serket & June Egbert
geordi and data VS peter sqloint and rumi sqloint
Q!ElMariana and Q!Slimecicle VS Poor Boy and Love Interest
Scar and Grian VS Jolyne/Anasui
Kian Stone, Rolan Deep and Timothy Rand VS Dr. Boris Habit and Kamal Bora
red guy and duck VS MK & Red Son
jonathan harker and mina murray harker VS Zagreus/Thanatos/Megaera
Crowley and Aziraphale VS Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro
Tuor and Idril Celebrindal VS Snorpy and Chadlo
jack harkness x the tardis VS Mizuki akiyama and mafuyu
Jackieboyman and Marvin the Magnificent VS Arashi Narukami and Mika Kagehara
Barbie, Ken VS ron and desiree delite
Steven Universe & Connie Maheswaran VS Magnus Burnsides and Julia Burnsides
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla VS castiel and dean winchester 
Eda and Luz’s mom VS Jadzia Dax & Kira Nerys
c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo VS Rex Salazar & Circe 
Round 1 3/4
Pixal + Zane VS Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin 
The Monarch and Dr. Ms Monarch VS Juno Steel and Peter Nureyev
Kaito and Meiko VS Kamille Bidan & Fa Yuiry
Sun Wukong and Six-Eared Macaque VS Skwydd & Cricket
Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello VS Wade Ripple & Ember
Byakuren Hiijri and Toyosatomimi no Miko VS Cosmo, Wanda
Roboky and Venom VS Cellbit and Roier
Numerous BFDI ships VS Hiccup, Astrid
Beatrix and Casey VS anakin skywalker and captain rex
Raven and Beast Boy VS Neo and Trinity
Mario, Princess Peach VS Rashmi Jamil and Amelie Maçon
Denji, Asa Mitaka VS Vivi Yukino and Lewis Pepper
Benrey and Gordon VS Lace and Hornet
Beren and Luthien VS neku sakuraba, joshua kiryu
Shin and Noi VS Morticia and Gomez Addams
Paul Matthews and Emma Perkins VS Moomin, Snufkin
james t kirk + s'chnn t'gai spock VS  Nico Robin and Franky
Dave Strider and John/June Egbert VS Moominmamma & Moominpappa
Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot VS shaun riley and liz
louis and lestat VS Spamton, Jevil
fox mulder and dana scully VS will t riker + deanna troi [+ worf rozhenko]
Amy Rose, Metal Sonic VS Quackity and Slimecicle
Diego Brando & Hot Pants VS Elrond and Celebrian and Gil-Galad
mia fey & diego armando/godot VS Luigi and Prince Peasly
C!Quackity, C!Karl, and C!Sapnap VS Sonic, Shadow
Drey Ferin and Finn Tidestrider VS Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell
Round 1 4/4
Shaggy and velma VS Surge the Tenrec and Amy Rose
Yamato/Portgas D. Ace VS audrey & seymour
Randy Jade and Oliver Swift VS Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi
Lup and Barry Bluejeans VS Reimu and Marissa
Mizuki Akiyama & Rui Kamishiro VS Jimmy The Robot and Mc Bat Commander
C!Quackity and C!wilbur VS Espresso cookie and Eclair cookie
Junpei, Akane Kurashiki VS Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze
Raine Whispers and Eda Clawthorne VS Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsen
Maxwell 'William' Carter and Charlie W. VS Mothwing and Leafpool
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke VS Baxter Stockman and The Alien Computer 
Keith Kogane and Lance McClain VS Wood Man and Robbie Rotten
Scott and Barda Free (Mister Miracle and Big Barda) VS John Notwoodman + Nick Lushwood
Caranthir and Haleth VS Susie and Noelle
orpheus and eurydice VS The doctor, Rose
luke skywalker and mara jade VS Princess Daisy and Luigi 
time and malon VS Simon (Scissor) and Spoon
Dave strider, Karkat Vantas VS Miles “moles,” Edgar, and Madeline
Mary Anta and Reginald Tetra VS Koichi Haimawari and Kazuho Haneyama
Yoshi and Birdo VS lazlo & nadia
Celebrimbor and Annatar VS Rendog and DocM77
Jesse + Jane VS Adira Tal and Gray Tal
Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson VS Dazai Osamu and Nakahara
Jessie and James VS jeff and britta
Anji Mito and Baiken VS Shiver and Frye
ALL of MLP* VS ALL of TF2*
*Minus any familial relationships
35 notes · View notes
selfsabotaqe · 11 months
hi everyone! it's been a while & finally i'm making my comeback. work has finally left me some room to breathe so i'll be reappearing on your dash and hopefully getting back into the swing of replies. down below there's a full list of everything currently in my drafts. please let me know whether you'd like to continue or drop these threads. whichever scenario is completely fine and understandable (it's been a hot sec after all), just let me know. if you'd prefer to start something new, we can also do that. feel free to message me or reply to this post anytime. there's no rush at all to make up your mind, but just to start off i'll start with replies for threads people do actively express interest in. so if anything from this list is something you're still excited about, let me know and i'll prioritize. we can always waitlist the other stuff while we feel it out. anyway, let me know, come chat, let me love u down and can't wait to continue writing together. love u all! 💗🥹
with @persephonyed. carlos x lorenzo marley x camille
with @silvrmoon. nadiye x milo axel x kadri zehra x sierra
with @lilacwiine. drew x felice amara x maya
with @invcntions. alec x lucas mateo x saxon devrim x leo beau x koa emre x noah luca x jaiden (smth new?) jesse x finn peyton x vance soren x lincoln
with @horrorphase. dominic x percy milan x kendall
with @slumpcd. max x theo kendall x nolan jinny x gwen
with @gcldcnhour. eden x mathias rhys x bodie isabel x tate alina x priya zoe x knox ethan x violet marisol x miriam
with @temptedfates. emmett x aydin noor x solana
with @spectraled. maddie x rory tbd x dallas (thought abt replying if u would like replies <3)
with @vacationeyes. marco x conrad julian x callum emre x frankie xavier x tyson jude x forest
with @lovecharged. jonas x antonio aleksei x drake bridie x quilo tbd x amie jonas x antonio (part two) julian x zayn felix x robin nadiye x rasim tatum x uziah carlos x gabriel
with @fruitpoem. ambar x joel
with @inkiidreams. aera x selin davika x esra carlos x mallory merve x yaritza robin x aurelia lais x nova casper x knox lachlan x olivia
with @wutheringdevotion. lachlan x oliver rowan x ginny connor x evan meera x monique carlos x gabriel gwen x jonah margot x adrian
with @gardenwalls. meera x paloma alec x mack naiyana x nadine daniel x minako laura x andrea fabien x mei li nazli x rhys
with @felteverywhere. alina x rowan
with @sunstvne. santiago x constantin
with @gvngsigns. gabriela x lucas kai x mateo florence x liam tobias x zuri andrea x cruz ricardo x vincent
with @scbrvght. all of our formula one threads (don't think i owe u the replies but let me know if you'd like to continue them <3) lale x finley soren x everly
mAYBE im missing things. if there's anything i owe you that isn't on this list, feel free to point it out to me! and also vice versa, if you owe me something & you want to discuss continuing or dropping it, just come message me and we can chat about it!
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prettylittlewrites · 9 months
Time Aligns
TASM!Peter Parker x OC
Returning back to his universe after leaving his new found brothers Peter was hopeful. But nothing changed. Gwen was still gone, Harry was still in custody, the bad guys hadn’t been fixed. Nothing had changed. But what if time was finally aligning in his universe to match the other Peters?
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It had been a week since Peter had returned home from the other universe. It had been a week since he left the other Peter’s at the Statue of Liberty after curing all of the villains. Peter had come back with the hope that it would be different now that Maxx and Dr. Connors had been cured and maybe Gwen was alive and waiting for him in his little one-bedroom apartment in Queens.
But that wasn’t the case. Everything and everyone was exactly how he left them. The only difference was he didn’t feel the weight on his chest anymore. The crushing pressure since he lost Gwen, was lighter.
It wasn’t fully gone. It never would be. Losing your first love, feeling, and hearing their heart stop, he would always carry that with him.
But he felt lighter, he had been able to save MJ. His little brother's first love. He had been able to save her in a way he hadn’t been able to save his own. He felt like he could finally move on. He finally felt closure after 8 years.
He went back to patrolling the streets. Pulling his punches as he put away criminals, his wit had come back full force and he was back to having a skip in his step whenever something good happened. He was beginning to feel normal again.
It was around 2 am when Peter stumbled into a 24/7 coffee shop. His jaw a bruising red and his knuckles slightly raw from stopping a burglary just up the street but they would heal in an hour or two.
The coffee shop was deserted besides one girl behind the bar and a cook in the back. The soft jazz music played in the background and the yellow stained lights gave the quiet shop a warm, cozy feeling. One that Peter desperately needed, as the winter storm raged on outside.
The girl behind the counter looked up, her eyes drifted to him from the textbook on the counter. Peter nodded his head as he strolled up to the cash register as the girl slid behind it on the other side.
Peter took a second to run his eyes over the girl. She was younger than him, at least by a couple of years. She was on the shorter and curvier side. She had brown almost black hair that stopped at her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She was cute, and her friendly smile caused him to smile back despite the aching of his jaw.
“Hey Honey, what can I get ya.” Her slight southern accent startled him, he was used to the distinct accent of New York and New Jersey so hearing the draw of a southerner had him blinking at the girl for a split second.
“Uh, just a, just a cup of coffee, please. Black.” Peter stuttered as he nodded his head and tapped his fingers on the counter.
“Okay. That’ll be $3.48. Can I get a” The girl trailed off abruptly. Almost like she was about to say something she shouldn’t have. Peter smiled slightly nodding his head and pulled out a crumpled $5 from the front pocket of his backpack.
“Peter” he gave her a knowing look and her cut off of her memorized check out script. “and ah, Keep the change.” His eyes flew to the name tag on her apron. “Maddison.” The girl smiled brightly at him in thanks for not making her muscle memory awkward, as she got to work on his coffee. Peter took a step back and let his eyes run over the quaint place.
The booths looked slightly lumpy but there were outlets stationed at every table, and posters for Columbia, Empire State, NYU, FIT, Juilliard, and just about every college in the state of New York hung on the walls. The coffee bar wasn’t far from NYU so Peter assumed it was a popular study spot.
Peter quickly pulled out his cracked phone from his back pocket and sent off a quick message to Aunt May letting her know he was done with his route for the night and would be back in his apartment soon.
“Peter, Your coffee is ready” Maddison called out softly pushing a red paper cup on the counter towards him. Peter quickly grabbed the cup and took a seat on one of the many bar stools that overlooked where they made the coffee. Maddison whipped up the counter before pulling her textbook over to where she was standing in front of Peter.
“What are you studying?” Peter asked as his eyes caught sight of a color-coded diagram of the human brain.
“Oh, well this is for my Child Developmental class. But I’m Majoring in Psychology, and minoring in Criminal Justice. I’m a senior at NYU.” Maddison responded, tapping her blue highlighter against her book. Secretly relieved for an excuse to not study. Peter felt his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“Well, I think you are in the right city for criminal justice,” Peter muttered as he took a sip of his coffee, allowing the scalding liquid to burn his tongue and throat.
Maddison chuckled lightly and opened up her mouth to respond when the sound of a bang startled both Peter and Maddison. Both heads whipped towards the front door and as it burst open and a baby-faced boy walked in.
“Maddison!” the boy yelled with a wide smile on his face.
“Thomas,” Maddison called back, significantly less excited. As the boy made his way over to the kitchen door disappeared, scoffing and rolling his eyes dramatically as he went.
Peter gave Maddison a look but she just rolled her eyes and shook her head. There was a loud clatter from the back followed by yelled cursing.
“Ignore him. He likes the attention, the more you give him the worse he gets. He’s a bit of a drama queen.” Maddison looked at Peter with a small smile on her lips. Peter smirked in return hearing the boy's dramatic gasp from the back before bursting through the doors.
“How dare you call me a drama Queen! I react a perfectly fine amount of drama!” He declared with an appalled look on his face. “And I’ve told you before, I don’t like my government name MJ.” He popped back into the back before sticking his head out again. “Also I’m covering for Luke btw little Addy’s first day of daycare is today.” Thomas disappeared back into the back again for good. Clocking in and beginning to work on breakfast prep.
The nickname MJ rang loud in Peter’s ears. His mind flashes back to the Younger and Older Peter. Both of them had an MJ. Was this his MJ?
“Sorry about him.” Maddison blushed slightly, looking apologetic before turning back to her book.
“MJ?” Peter finally gained the courage to question the brunette, his face had gone pale and his words sounded choked up.
“Yeah. It’s my nickname. There were like 5 Maddisons in my kindergarten class. My middle name is June. Being one of the last letters in the alphabet all the other girls got to pick the cute nicknames. I didn’t wanna be called June or my last name Walker so my teacher suggested MJ. And it’s stuck ever since then.” She explained, her eyes distant as she reminisced on her younger years. But Peter couldn’t stop his mind from running into overdrive.
Was this supposed to be his version of MJ? Or was it just a coincidence? Was he meant to be with her, all the other Peters were in love with their MJs. But there also wasn’t a 4 or 5 year age gap with them.
Peter began to feel panic at the thought of being in another relationship. Sure it had been 8 years and he’s had a couple flings, but nothing serious. Besides Aunt May and the other Peter’s he really didn’t have anyone. Not even a best friend anymore. Not after Harry at least. He couldn’t afford to trust people like that anymore. The panic caused him to convince himself to leave abruptly.
“I like it. MJ is cool.” Peter half-smiled at the girl chugging the rest of his lukewarm coffee before standing up. “It was nice meeting you MJ. But I gotta get home. Have a nice night.”
“You too Peter!” MJ waved goodbye at the slightly older man and cleared his cup from the counter. Peter waved goodbye before stepping out into the freezing New York air. His mind stuck only on Maddison and her infamous nickname.
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stinkysam · 9 months
Peter Parker - I never lost hope.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “pt 2 of tasm!peter x reader where they're both heroes?? maybe them talking again and finally starting to get along well again” - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
A/N : Part ONE
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Even though Peter didn't respond to your messages, you continue to send him texts through the years. Mainly for new years, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passovers, birthdays and christmases. And a bit randomly at times.
Then one day you saw him at your door. He was in his spider suit, his mask off, sweaty and disheveled.
You didn't have the time to say anything that he had wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly.
Shocked, you slowly responded to the hug, your hands holding his arms.
“Peter ? What's going on ?” You said, gently pushing him off of you to make him talk.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” He started. “I should've answered your texts.”
“What ?” You shook your head, not understanding. “You're mad so-”
“No ! I mean, yes, I was mad at first, then it was just… pettiness and I didn't know what to answer so it was easier to ignore them.”
You stared at him, unsure of what to say.
“W- what happened ? Why are you here ?”
“It's… complicated.”
You frowned, not understanding.
“I went to another universe…” He started. “Saved Max and doctor Connors and a bunch of other villains from other mes, oh, and I also saved MJ, she's the love of one of mes’ life. Saving her really did something to me. Magic is real. And one of mes got stabbed but it's not his first time which is a bit worrisome-”
You stared at him, as if he's told you he went to another universe and that magic is real- oh, wait, that's what he told you ! You blinked incredulously, trying to follow his rambling, putting your hands on his shoulders to slow him down.
“What ?” He asked, almost out of breath.
“What the fuck ?” You whispered, still shocked.
“Yeah ! I know !” He nodded excitedly before continuing. “Peter 2, the other me, and Peter 1 too, actually, made me realize I didn't have to be alone and that it was worth trying to fight for the people we love and I love you, you're my best friend and I shouldn't have been mad at you for trying to look out for me and-” He froze as you hugged him, your head resting on his shoulder.
“I'm sorry… For Gwen.” You said quietly.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against him as you could finally give him your condolences face to face.
“I'm glad it's not a ‘I told you so’” He joked and you kicked his knee. “It's… okay. I've made my mourning. It wasn't your fault but mine. You tried to warn me-”
“I don't care ! I should've been there to help you protect her !”
“No, no. You said it. It's impossible to constantly watch after one person. It's paranoid and unhealthy.”
“But maybe I could've helped change that.” You said, letting go of him.
“Maybe, or maybe she still would've died. You don't know.”
“But still-”
“No ! Stop it !” He grabbed your face, stopping you from talking more. “Thank you for being there for me even if it was from afar. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. I should've answered your messages. I shoul-”
“It's okay.”
“No it's not ! I've been the worst best friend ever but I'm here to make up for it. Will you forgive me ?”
“Of course I forgive you !” You said, wrapping your arms around him once more. “You're my best friend.”
Peter smiled, hugging you again.
“Thank you for all your messages.” Even though he didn't want to admit it at the time, seeing them really helped him feel cared for and important.
You patted his back gently, before pulling away.
“Of course. I never stopped caring about you.”
“Thanks, man. It meant a lot. I promise I'll be here for you.” He said and you smiled.
“Wanna come in ? Instead of talking by the doorstep ?”
“Yeah… I'd like to.”
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madamealtruist · 1 month
ANOTHER AU!? I know what you're saying... Gwen, you're nuts. But not only are you absolutely right, I think this one might be my most ambitious one yet. As a young nerd, there were two groups. The Marvel fans and the DC fans. And while the rivalry certainly has calmed down a bit, I was almost always torn. So, earlier in the week, I decided to do the one thing that every fanfic writer has tried at least once.
A Marvel/DC crossover.
But unlike the typical realm merger, to put it in Mortal Kombat terms, this is a universe where both properties coexist. For example, picture a group of people walking to a Big Belly Burger while listening to Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson. That's just a fraction. I have an ENTIRE starting cast as well.
Welcome... to Earth-812
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Alex Organ/Edward Bosco)
Clark Kent/Superman (Talon Warburton)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Grey DeLisle)
Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk (Sean Chiplock/Lou Ferrigno)
Thor Odinson (Kyle Hebert)
Antoinette Stark/Iron Man (Erica Lindbeck/Andrew Bowen)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Roger Craig Smith)
Dick Grayson/Robin 1/Nightwing (Scott Menville)
Victor Stone/Cyborg (Khary Payton)
Kory Ander/Starfire (Kelly Rae Boyer)
Rachel Roth/Raven (Amanda Lee)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (Ben Schwartz)
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle (Miles Luna)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Nathan Sharp)
Gwen "Joyce Delaney" Stacy/Ghost Spider (Avril Lavigne)
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (Bryan Cranston)
???/Joker (Jason Marnocha)
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina)
Norman Osborn/Green Goblin (Steve Blum)
Howard Stark/Iron Monger (Jamieson Price)
Eduardo Dorrance/Bane (Danny Trejo)
Dr. Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Dr. Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (Brina Palencia)
Dr. Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Venus Terzo)
Nanaue Shei'ark/King Shark (Fred Tatasciore)
Louise Lincoln/Killer Frost (Jennifer Hale)
Edalyn Brock/Venom (Stephanie Beatriz/Lzzy Hale)
Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Addie Amick)
Johnny "Blaze" Ketch and Dani Ketch/Ghost Rider 1 and 2 (Clifford Chapin and Erica Mendez)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (James A. Janisse)
Eric Brooks/Blade (Christopher Judge)
Zod (Liam O'Brien)
Faora (Lauren Babic)
Non (Keith Ferguson)
Dr. Brian Banner/The Father (Jim Cummings)
Rick Jones/Red Hulk (Nolan North/Darin De Paul)
Emil Blonsky/Abomination (Ike Amadi)
Cletus Kassady/Carnage (Robert Englund/Jacob Craner)
Frances Barrison/Shriek (Cree Summer)
Mephisto (Alan Lee)
Professor Charles Xavier (Peter Capaldi)
James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Steve Blum)
Hannah Marie/Rogue (Meghan Black)
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (Christina Vee, but with a Cajun accent)
Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Colossus (Stefan Kapičić)
Illyana Rasputin/Magik (Anya-Taylor Joy)
Dr. Curt Connors/Lizard (Rob Zombie)
Max Dillon/Electro (Jamie Foxx)
Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Dr. Joana Crane/Scarecrow (Kathleen Barr)
Waylon Jones/Killer Croc (Ron Perlman)
Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom (Lex Lang)
Erik Lensherr/Magneto (David Sobolov)
Frank Castle/Punisher (Thomas Jane)
Jason Todd/Robin 2/Red Hood (Jensen Ackles)
Flint Marko/Sandman (John DiMaggio)
Nick Fury (Karl Urban)
L. Thompsin Lincoln/Tombstone (Keith David)
Anastasia Kravenoff/Kraven the Hunter (Mariya Aranova)
Quinten Beck/Mysterio (Bruce Campbell)
Alexsei Systevich/Rhino (Paul Giamatti)
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